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Partono, et all | Relationships Attitudes, Role of Parents, and The Community Environment......

Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) Article history:

Vol. 4 No. 1 – January – June 2021; page 41-50 Received: February 19, 21
p-ISSN : 2655-2418; e-ISSN : 2655-7630 Revised: February 25, 21
journal homepage: Accepted: March 02, 21
DOI : 10.37430/jen.v4i1.79

Relationships Attitudes, Role of Parents, and The Community Environment

With Knowledge about HIV/AIDS in Adolescents
Partono Siswosuharjo1, H. Nur Avenzoar2, Abdul Qohar3
Information Systems Study Program-Muhammadiyah University of Banten
Health Polytechnic ‘Aisyiyah Banten
Al-Hikmah Citra Raya Foundation
e-mail :, avenzoar.hanif@gmail.com2,

Cases of STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and HIV / AIDS are quite common among
adolescents. Various types of STIs and HIV / AIDS are very influential on a person's health
level in general and reproductive health conditions in particular because in general, various
STI and HIV / AIDS infections are directly related to the human reproductive system. Even
HIV / AIDS can have an impact on death. The purpose of this study was to determine the
factors related to knowledge of HIV / AIDS in adolescents. This research is an analytical
survey research in which the research will be conducted is a research using cross sectional
research method (cross-cutting) because in this study the independent and dependent variables
will be observed at the same time. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that
the distribution of adolescent knowledge about HIV / AIDS at SMK Gema Gawita Tangerang
in 2019, namely Not Good as many as 54 respondents (58.7%) and Good as many as 38
respondents (41.3%). The distribution of adolescent knowledge about HIV / AIDS based on
gender was 46 respondents (50%) and 46 respondents (50%), based on The role of parents
were 60 respondents (65.2%) and 32 respondents (34.8%) had a role. %), based on the
Attitude of students who have negative Attitude as many as 45 respondents (48.9%) and
positive ones as many as 47 respondents (51.1%), based on the environment where there are
as many as 24 respondents (26.1%) and those who support 68 respondents (73.9%), based on
Information Technology, there were 31 respondents (33.7%) and 61 respondents (66.3%)
made use of it.

Keywords: Attitudes, Role of Parents, The Community Environment, Knowledge,

HIV/AIDS, STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections), Adolescents

Introduction aspects of life, one of which is from the

Mortality and morbidity is a big health aspect so that a healthy nation can
problem for developing countries like be created.
Indonesia today. In the 4th paragraph of Adolescence is a period of self-
the 1945 Constitution, which reads the discovery that encourages him to have a
government of the Indonesian state which high sense of curiosity, want to stand out
protects the entire Indonesian nation and and be recognized for his existence.
all Indonesian bloodshed and to promote However, on the other hand, adolescents
public welfare, educate the nation's life. In experience emotional instability so that
this case it can be interpreted that they are easily influenced by friends and
Indonesia expects welfare from various prioritize group solidarity. In adolescence,

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due to hormonal influences, physical menstrual induction is another name for

changes are also rapid and sudden. This abortion. For the record, the incidence of
change is shown from the development of abortion in Indonesia is quite high, namely
the sexual organs towards the perfection of 2.3 million per year. "And 20 percent of
function and the growth of the secondary them are teenagers," said the Professor of
sexual organs. This makes adolescents FK, Udayana University, Bali.
very close to sexual issues. However, the Research in Bandung in 1991 showed
limited provision of information made that of junior high school students, 10.53
teenagers still need attention and direction. percent had lip kissed, 5.6 percent had
The insensitivity of parents and deep kissing, and 3.86 percent had sex.
educators to the condition of adolescents From a medical aspect, according to Dr.
causes them to fall into socially disabled Budi Martino L., SPOG, free sex has many
activities. Coupled with the reluctance and consequences, for example, sexually
awkwardness of adolescents to ask the transmitted diseases (STDs), as well as
right person, it strengthens the reasons infection, infertility and cancer. It is not
why teenagers often behave surprising that there are more cases of
inappropriately towards their reproductive premarital pregnancy, abortion, and
organs. Data shows that from adolescents venereal and sexually transmitted diseases
aged 12-18 years, 16% get information among adolescents (including HIV-AIDS).
about sex from friends, 35% from In Denpasar, according to a professor
pornographic films, and only 5% from at the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana
parents. University, as of November 2007, 441
Adolescents in their development need women out of 4,041 people were living
an adaptive environment that creates with HIV-AIDS. Of the 441 women with
comfortable conditions for asking HIV-AIDS, 33 were injecting drug users,
questions and forms a character that is 120 sex workers and 228 people from
responsible for themselves. There is an good families. Due to the condition of
impression in adolescents that sex is fun, women with HIV-AIDS experiencing a
the peak of a sense of love, which is so decline in their immune system, it has
happy that there is no need to be afraid. caused 20 cases of HIV-AIDS to attack
Also developing opinion on sex is children and babies born to them.
something that is interesting and needs to The actions of adolescents who are
be tried (sexpectation). Moreover, when often out of control cause the length of
adolescents grow up in a mal-adaptive social problems they experience.
environment, it will encourage the creation According to WHO, worldwide, an
of immoral behavior that damages the estimated 40-60 million mothers who do
future of adolescents. The impact of not wish to become pregnant have an
promiscuity has led to deviant activities abortion every year. Each year an
such as free sex, criminal acts including estimated 500,000 women die from
abortion, drugs, and the development of pregnancy and childbirth. About 30-50%
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). of them die from complications of unsafe
Several studies have shown that young abortions and 90% occur in developing
men and women have had sex. Research in countries including Indonesia (Nurul
Jakarta in 1984 showed that 57.3 percent Muzayyanah, 2011).
of teenage girls who were pregnant before Problems related to adolescent
marriage claimed to be obedient to behavior and reproduction, such as the
worship. Research in Bali in 1989 states, increase in cases of sexually transmitted
50 percent of women who come to a clinic diseases, especially HIV-AIDS, the very
to get menstrual induction are aged 15-20 high mortality of young mothers,
years. According to Prof. Wimpie, widespread abortion practices due to

Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)

Partono, et all | Relationships Attitudes, Role of Parents, and The Community Environment......

unwanted pregnancies and the tendency of www.Wikipedia .org / wk / AIDS #

today's adolescents to have sexual noteSagar-37, downloaded on 15
intercourse before marriage. September 2010).
This premarital sex behavior is visible Sexually transmitted infections require
to the eye, but it does not happen by itself continuous early observation / detection
but is driven or motivated by internal because sexually transmitted infections
factors that cannot be observed directly (STIs) are one of the doors to facilitate
(invisible to the eye). Thus the individual HIV transmission. In particular, it has the
is moved to engage in premarital sexual aim of obtaining a picture of the
behavior. epidemiology of STIs, and the factors that
Sexual transmission (transmission) of affect the development of the disease, so
HIV occurs when there is contact between that they continuously and systematically
a person's vaginal secretions or preseminal provide epidemiological information
fluid and their partner's rectum, genitals, or support for the implementation of the
oral mucous membranes. Unprotected prevention.
receptive sexual intercourse is more risky Emergency level monitoring through
than unprotected insertive sexual analysis of morbidity if possible death.
intercourse, and the risk of anal Following the trend of incidence, risk
intercourse is greater than the risk of factors and disease CFR for early detection
casual sex and oral sex. Oral sex does not and management of outbreaks in order to
mean there is no risk because HIV can be ensure the allocation of resources to
entered through receptive or insertive oral vulnerable groups.
sex. The general objective of this study was
Sexual violence in general increases to determine the factors related to
the risk of HIV transmission because knowledge of HIV / AIDS in adolescents
protectors are generally not used and there at SMK Gema Gawita, Tangerang in 2019.
is frequent physical trauma to the vaginal
cavity which facilitates HIV transmission Method
(http// The population in this study were
Koenig33-34, downloaded 15 September students of SMK Gema Gawita,
2010). Tangerang in 2019. The total population in
The transmission of HIV depends on this study was 120 people. The sample
the level of transmission of the person and criteria are divided into two, namely
the vulnerability of sexual partners who inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.
have not been infected. The ease of Inclusion criteria are criteria by which
transmission varies at different stages of research subjects can represent in the
the disease and is not constant between research sample who qualify as the
people. An undetectable plasma viral load sample. The inclusion criteria in this study
does not necessarily imply a small viral were part of the student population of
load in semen or genital secretions. Every SMK Gema Gawita, Tangerang in 2019.
10 times the increase in the amount of While the exclusion criteria are criteria
blood plasma HIV RNA corresponds to an where the research subject cannot
81% increase in the transmission rate. represent the sample because it does not
Women are more susceptible to HIV-1 meet the requirements as the research
infection due to hormonal changes, vaginal sample. The exclusion criteria for this
microbial ecology and physiology, and a study were students of SMK Gema Gawita
greater susceptibility to sexually Tangerang who could not attend the
transmitted diseases. People infected with research. The sampling technique in this
HIV can still be infected with other, more study was using simple random sampling
virulent strains of the virus (http // method.

Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)

Partono, et all | Relationships Attitudes, Role of Parents, and The Community Environment......

3. The role of parents

Research result Table-4 Distribution of Knowledge About HIV /
Univariate Analysis AIDS among Adolescents at SMK Gema Gawita
Tangerang Based on The role of parents
Dependent Variable No. The role of Frequency %
Table-1 Distribution of Knowledge About HIV / parents
AIDS among Adolescents in SMK Gema Gawita 1. No Role 60 65,2%
Tangerang 2. Have a Role 32 34,8%
No. Knowledge Frequency % Amount 92 100%
1. Not Good 54 58,7% Based on table 4 it can be analyzed,
2. Good 38 41,3%
Amount 92 100% knowledge about HIV / AIDS according to
Based on table 1 it can be analyzed from The role of parents Amount with No Role
92 respondents, it is found that most of the is 60 respondents (65.2%), and those who
respondents have knowledge about HIV / Have a Role are 32 respondents (34.8%).
AIDS which is Not Good, namely 54 4. Living Environment
Table-5 Distribution of Knowledge About HIV /
respondents (58.7%), while respondents
AIDS in Adolescent Vocational High School Gema
who have Good knowledge about HIV / Gawita Tangerang Based on Living Environment
AIDS are 38 respondents (41 , 3%). No. Living Environment Frequency %
Independent Variable 1. Does not support 24 26,1%
1. Gender 2. Support 68 73,9%
Amount 92 100%
Table-2 Distribution of Knowledge About
HIV/AIDS among Adolescents in SMK Gema Based on table 5 it can be analyzed,
Gawita Tangerang by Gender knowledge about HIV / AIDS according to
No. Gender Frequency % the environment where you live, the
1. Woman 46 50%
2. Man 46 50%
amount that does not support is 24
Amount 92 100% respondents (26.1%), and the amount that
Based on table 2 it can be analyzed, supports is 68 respondents (73.9%).
knowledge about HIV / AIDS based on 5. Information Technology
Gender Amount Woman is 46 respondents Table-6 Distribution of Knowledge About HIV /
AIDS in Adolescent Vocational High School Gema
(50%), and Amount Man is 46 respondents Gawita Tangerang Based on Information
(50%). Technology
2. Attitude No. Information Frequency %
Table-3 Distribution of Knowledge About HIV / Technology
AIDS among Adolescents in SMK Gema Gawita 1. Not Using 31 33,7%
Tangerang Based on Attitude 2. Make Use of 61 66,3%
Amount 92 100%
No. Attitude Frequency % Based on table 6 it can be analyzed,
1. Not Good 45 48,9%
2. Good 47 51,1% knowledge about HIV/ AIDS according to
Amount 92 100% the Information Technology Amount that
is Not Using is 31 respondents (33.7%),
Based on table 3 it can be analyzed, and the Amount that Make Use of is as
knowledge about HIV / AIDS according to many as 61 respondents (66.3%).
negative Attitude Amount is 45
respondents (48.9%), and positive Amount Bivariate Analysis
is 47 respondents (51.1%). 1. Gender
Table-7 Relationship between Gender and Knowledge of HIV/AIDS in Adolescents at SMK Gema Gawita,
Tangerang in 2019
No Gender Not Good Good ∑ % P- OR
∑ % ∑ % Value 95 %CI
1. Woman 33 71,7% 13 28,3% 46 100% 0,019 3,022
2. Man 21 45,7% 25 54,3% 46 100% CI=1,272– 7,178
Total 54 58,7 % 38 41,3% 92 100 %

Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)

Partono, et all | Relationships Attitudes, Role of Parents, and The Community Environment......

Based on table 7 knowledge about HIV / this indicates that there is a significant
AIDS based on Gender with Amount relationship between gender and knowledge
Woman 46 respondents who have Not Good about HIV / AIDS in adolescents at SMK
knowledge are 33 respondents (71.7%) and Gema. Gawita, Tangerang in 2019. The
Good knowledge are 13 respondents analysis of the closeness of the relationship
(28.3%), while with Amount Man 46 between 2 variables obtained OR = 3.022
respondents who have Good knowledge as (95% CI: 1.272–7178). This means that
many as 25 respondents (54.3%) and Not respondents who are Gender Female have 3
Good as many as 21 respondents (45.7%). times the knowledge of Not Good compared
The results of the chi square statistical to respondents who are Gender Man.
test with continuity correction obtained p- 2. Attitude
value <  (p-value = 0.019 and  = 0.05),
Table-8 Relationship Between Attitude and Knowledge of HIV / AIDS in Adolescents at SMK Gema Gawita,
Tangerang in 2019
No Attitude Not Good Good ∑ % P- OR
∑ % ∑ % Value 95 %CI
1. Not Good 34 75,6% 11 24,4% 45 100% 0,003 4,173
2. Good 20 42,6% 27 57,4% 47 100% CI= 1,709– 10,187
Total 54 58,7 % 38 41,3% 92 100%

Based on table 8, knowledge about this shows that there is a significant

HIV/AIDS based on Good Attitude Amount relationship between Attitude and
as many as 47 respondents who had Good knowledge about HIV/AIDS in adolescents
knowledge were 27 respondents (57.4%) in SMK Gema Gawita, Tangerang in 2019.
and those who were Not Good were 20 The analysis of the closeness of the
respondents (42.6%), while Amount relationship between 2 variables obtained
Attitude Not Good was 45 respondents 34 OR = 4.173 (95% CI: 1.709–10.187). This
respondents (75.6%) have Not Good means that respondents who have negative
knowledge and 11 respondents (24.4%) have attitudes have 4 times the knowledge of Not
Good knowledge. Good compared to those who have positive
The results of the chi square statistical attitudes.
test with continuity correction obtained p- 3. The role of parents
value <  (p-value = 0.003 and  = 0.05),
Table-9 The Relationship Between The Role of Parents and Knowledge About HIV/AIDS among Adolescents at
SMK Gema Gawita, Tangerang, 2019
No The Role of Not Good Good ∑ % P- OR
Parents ∑ % ∑ % Value 95 %CI
1. No Role 43 71,7% 17 28,3% 60 100% 0,001 4,829
2. Have a Role 11 34,4% 21 65,6% 32 100% CI=1,923– 12,124
Total 54 58,7 % 38 41,3% 92 100%

Based on table 9, knowledge about (65.6%) and Not Good was 11 respondents
HIV/AIDS based on The role of parents (34.4%).
with Amount No Role 60 respondents who The results of the chi square statistical
have Not Good knowledge are 43 test with Continuity Correction obtained p-
respondents (71.7%) and Good knowledge value <  (p-value = 0.001 and  = 0.05),
are 17 respondents (28.3%), while Amount this indicates that there is a significant
Have a The role of 32 respondents who had relationship between The role of parents and
Good knowledge was 21 respondents

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knowledge about HIV/AIDS in teenagers at 12,124). This means that respondents who
SMK Gema Gawita, Tangerang in 2019. do not have The role of parents have 5 times
Analysis of the closeness of the the knowledge of Not Good compared to
relationship between the two variables respondents who have Have a Role parents.
obtained OR = 4,829 (95% CI: 1,923– 4. Living Environment

Table-10 Relationship Between Living Environment and Knowledge of HIV/AIDS in Adolescents at SMK
Gema Gawita, Tangerang in 2019
No Living Not Good Good ∑ % P- OR
Environment ∑ % ∑ % Value 95 %CI
1. Does not support 13 54,2% 11 45,8% 24 100% 0,777 0,778
2. Support 41 60,3% 27 39,7% 68 100% CI= 0,304–
Total 54 58,7 % 38 41,3% 92 100 % 1,989

Based on table 10 knowledge about HIV The results of the chi square statistical
/ AIDS based on Environment with Amount test with Continuity Correction showed that
that Does not support 68 respondents who the value of p – value >  (p - value = 0.777
have Not Good knowledge as many as 41 and  = 0.05), this indicates that there is no
respondents (60.3%) and those who are significant relationship between the
Good are 27 respondents (39.7%) while environment where you live and knowledge
Amount Support is 24 respondents who 13 about HIV / AIDS in adolescents. at SMK
respondents (54.2%) have Not Good Gema Gawita, Tangerang in 2019.
knowledge and 11 respondents (45.8%) have 5. Information Technology
Good knowledge.

Table-11 Relationship between Information Technology and Knowledge of HIV / AIDS in Adolescents at SMK
Gema Gawita, Tangerang in 2019
No Information Not Good Good ∑ % P- OR
Disclosure ∑ % ∑ % Value 95 %CI
1. Not Using 24 77,4% 7 22,6% 31 100% 0,017 3,543
2. Make Use of 30 49,2% 31 50,8% 61 100% CI= 1,329–
Total 54 58,7 % 38 41,3% 92 100% 9,442
Based on table 11 knowledge about Analysis of the closeness of the
HIV / AIDS based on Information relationship between the two variables
Technology Amount which is Not Using 61 obtained OR = 3.543 (95% CI: 1.329-
respondents who have Good knowledge as 9.442). This means that respondents who are
many as 31 respondents (50.8%) and not exposed have 4 times the knowledge of
knowledge of Not Good as many as 30 Not Good compared to respondents who are
respondents (49.2%), while Amount is not exposed.
exposed 31 24 respondents (77.4%) had Not
Good knowledge and 7 respondents (22.6%) Discussion
had Good knowledge. Knowledge
The results of the chi square Based on the results of the study of 92
statistical test with continuity correction respondents, it was found that those who
obtained p-value <  (p-value = 0.017 and  had Not Good knowledge about HIV/AIDS
= 0.05), this indicates that there is a were 54 respondents (58.7%) and 38
significant relationship between Information respondents who had Good knowledge
Technology and knowledge about (41.3%).
HIV/AIDS in adolescents in SMK Gema This premarital sex behavior is visible to
Gawita, Tangerang in 2019. the eye, but it does not happen by itself but

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is driven or motivated by internal factors attraction then progresses to a more serious

that cannot be observed directly (invisible to pattern of dating as well as choosing dates
the eye). Thus the individual is moved to and courtship to establish as life partners.
engage in premarital sexual behavior. Whereas in moral life, along with the
Motivation is a behavior driver. The operation of the gonads, conflicts often arise
relationship between these two constructs is in adolescents. The problem that arises is
quite complex, among others it can be seen that sex drive and moral considerations often
as follows: The same motivation can drive conflict. When the sex drive is too large,
different behaviors, likewise the same causing a strong conflict, it tends to be won
behavior can be directed by different over by various excuses as self-justification.
motivations. Certain motivations will The influence of the development of
encourage someone to do certain behaviors sexual organs on the social life of
as well. In a teenager, premarital sex adolescents can make new friends, make
behavior can be motivated by affection and love affairs with the opposite sex. This love
love, dominated by feelings of closeness and affair no longer shows excessive worship of
high passion for their partners, without any the opposite sex and “monkey love” is no
clear commitment (according to Sternberg longer visible. They are completely attached
this is called romantic love); or because of to someone of the opposite sex, so that they
group influence (conformity), in which the are bound by the rope of love.
teenager wants to be part of the group by Gender
following the norms that have been adopted The univariate research results show that
by the group, in this case the group has Amount Woman is 46 respondents (50%)
performed premarital sexual behavior. and Man is 46 respondents (50%). This is in
Another factor that can influence a accordance with the results of a study
teenager to have premarital sex is that he is conducted by the Indonesian Adolescent
driven by a great curiosity to try all Reproductive Health Survey (2006), where
unknown things. This is a characteristic of the level of knowledge of male adolescents
teenagers in general, they want to know was higher than adolescent women, although
many things that can only be satisfied and not too striking.
realized through their own experience, Based on the results of the bivariate
"Learning by doing". research, it was obtained a p-value of 0.019,
This is where a problem often arises in this indicates that there is a relationship
the lives of teenagers because they want to between gender and knowledge of HIV /
try everything, including those related to AIDS in adolescents. This is in accordance
bodily functions which also involve their with research which shows that Man has
partners. But behind it all, the internal factor better knowledge than Woman with a p-
that most influences adolescent sexual value of 0.030.
behavior that leads to premarital sexual The role of parents
behavior in adolescents is the development Based on the univariate research results,
of sexual organs. It is said that the gonads it can be seen that the Amount of parents
(sex glands) that continue to work (primary who have No Role is 60 respondents
sex) not only have an effect on the (65.2%) and those who have a Role are 32
perfection of the body (especially those respondents (34.8%). This is in accordance
related to secondary sex characteristics), but with the results of the study which states
also have a profound influence on that parents as educators at home are
psychological, moral, and social life. expected to be able to provide knowledge
In the psychological life of adolescents, from one generation to the next and also
the development of sexual organs has a states that there is a relationship between
strong influence on adolescent interest in the The role of parents and knowledge of
opposite gender. This type of mutual adolescents, with the results of parents who

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are No Role, namely 80 respondents ( high education. This can be explained that
56.2%) and 34 respondents (33.8%) have a psychologically, sexual behavior before
role. marriage also brings the perpetrators to
And the results of the bivariate research experience various changes. The study of
on the respondent The role of parents Billy et al. (1988), for example, show that
obtained a p-value of 0.001, indicating that perpetrators of premarital sex experience
there is a relationship between The role of some sort of decline in aspirations. This
parents and knowledge of HIV/AIDS among aspiration further reduces the motivation to
adolescents. This is in accordance with learn. It is therefore not surprising that many
research which shows there is a relationship of them have experienced a decline in
between The role of parents and adolescents' academic achievement. Of course there are
knowledge of HIV/AIDS with a p-value of other psychological effects.
0.043. Several studies conducted in America
Living Environment (Bankcroft and Reinisch, 1990; Hofferth et
Based on the results of the univariate al., 1987), Brazil (Morris et al., 1988),
research, it can be seen that the Amount Jamaica (Warren, et al., 1988), and other
Environment that is not at risk is 68 countries (see Faturochman, 1992) shows
respondents (73.9%) and those at risk are 24 that Attitude and sexual behavior before
respondents (26.1%). This is in accordance marriage are more prominent in men than
with previous research, from 53 respondents women. This phenomenon is partly due to
whose environment is in the Support the fact that the double standard of pre-
category, only 7.5% of their knowledge marital sex is still in effect, namely different
level is in the Good category, and 92.5% demands on Man and Woman in terms of
whose level of knowledge is in the poor sex (Reis, 1967; Siedlecky, 1979). Women
category. are required to behave more carefully, while
Based on the results of the study of the men are more free to have sex.
bivariate environment of the place of Information Technology
residence, the p-value of 0.777 shows that Based on the results of univariate
there is no relationship between the research, it can be seen that the Amount
environment in which they live and Information Technology that is Not Using is
knowledge of HIV / AIDS in adolescents. 31 respondents (33.7%) and those who
Premarital sex is not only not accepted Make Use of 61 respondents (66.3%). This
by society but also creates other problems. is in accordance with the results of previous
Pregnancy outside of marriage is one of the research on 100 adolescent respondents
problems that arise due to sexual relations showing that there is a relationship between
before marriage. This pregnancy does not adolescents in reproductive problems, Not
only cause social problems, but also health Using with results (72%) and Make Use of
problems for the person concerned, (28%).
especially if those who experience it are Based on the results of the bivariate
young adolescents. Pregnancy at a young Information Disclosure study, it was found
age in terms of health carries a high risk, that the p-value of 0.017 showed that there
both during pregnancy and during was a relationship between Information
childbirth. The high risk referred to is not Technology and knowledge about
only the risk of illness in the pregnant and HIV/AIDS in adolescents. This is also in
unborn child, but also the risk of death. accordance with the results of previous
The statistical test shows that there is a research, from 53 respondents (83%) whose
significant relationship between unsafe sex information factor is Not Using and (17%)
behavior and education, adolescents with are in the Make Use of category with a p-
low education have a tendency to behave in value of 0,000.
unsafe sex compared to adolescents with

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In adolescence, his closeness to his with a p-value of 0.000 and a value of α =

peergroup is very high because in addition 0.05.
to peergroup ties replacing family ties, they Behaviors that are inconsistent with the
are also a source of affection, sympathy and task of adolescent development can
understanding, share experiences and serve generally be influenced by parents. When
as a place for adolescents to achieve parents are able to provide understanding of
autonomy and independence. sexual behavior to their children, the
So it is not surprising that adolescents children tend to control their sexual behavior
have a tendency to adopt information according to the understanding given by
received by their peers, without having a their parents.
significant information base from more This happens because basically the best
reliable sources. Information from his sex education is given by the parents
friends, in this case related to premarital sex themselves, and can also be realized through
behavior, often raises curiosity which forms the way the parents live in the family as
a series of questions in adolescents. In order husband and wife who are united in
to answer that question and at the same time marriage.
prove the truth of the information received, The difficulty that arises later is when
they tend to engage in and experience the parents' knowledge is inadequate, it
premarital sex behavior itself. causes the Attitude to be less open and tends
The influence of media and television is not to provide an understanding of child
often imitated by teenagers in their daily sexual problems. As a result, children get
behavior. For example, adolescents who unhealthy sex information. A researcher
watch teen films with western culture, concluded the results of his research as
through observational learning, see sexual follows: unhealthy or inappropriate sexual
behavior as pleasant and acceptable to the information has resulted in adolescents
environment. This is imitated by them, being involved in cases of conflict and
sometimes without thinking about mental disorders, wrong ideas and fears
differences in culture, values and norms in related to sex. In this case, the creation of
different societies' environments. conflict and mental disorders and wrong
Attitude ideas can allow a teenager to engage in
Youth attitudes about HIV/AIDS at premarital sexual behavior.
SMK Gema Gawita Tangerang obtained Based on a review of Good's literature in
univariate results of 47 respondents (51.1%) the form of research results and textbooks,
who had Good Attitude and 45 respondents Clayton and Bokemeier (1980) concluded
(48.9%). This is in accordance with the that sexual behavior before marriage is
results of the study which showed that closely related to the permissive attitude of
students' Attitude towards knowledge about sexual behavior before marriage. Attitude as
HIV/AIDS, which had a positive attitude, a predisposition of behavior will not always
were 26 respondents (31.1%) and negative manifest. According to Ajzen (1988),
attitudes were 67 respondents (68.9%). Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) and Worchel and
Based on the results of the bivariate Cooper (1983) Attitude and behavior can be
study on adolescent Attitude, the p-value consistent if Attitude and the behavior in
was 0.003, indicating that there was a question is specific and has relevance to one
relationship between Attitude and another. Because permissive Attitude
knowledge about HIV/AIDS in adolescents. towards premarital sex and sexual behavior
This is consistent with the results of the before marriage are specific and relevant to
study which showed there was a relationship one another, this Attitude can be a predictor
between HIV/AIDS knowledge and Attitude of their behavior.
in adolescents at SMA Negeri 2 Grobogan

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