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Final Requirement

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PSYCH1 | General Psychology

Facilitating a Topic: A Final Requirement

⟣ Learning Objectives:

Upon the completion of this course, the students are expected to:

● Describe and discuss early theories and theoriest on personality development

● Explore the different perspectives on personality and psychology in general
● Enhance their facilitation, presentation, and processing skills

⟣ General Guidelines:

● The final presentation shall cover topics in Chapter 11(Personality) from the
Psychology2e Reference book
● How many groups shall present in a meeting? MWF: one group, TTh(2 groups)
● The discussion shall run for 40 minutes (MAX) only. Facilitators may use two or more
tools and media(reporting/video/ppt/etc) to effectively present the topic.
● Each member should participate and contribute (either in preparation/technicals or
discussion proper).

⟣ Presentation (30 - 40 minutes)

● Introduce the learning objectives.

● Discussion Proper
● Summary: Key Points
● You may ask questions to your classmates to engage them during the short discussion.
Remember, you are not a reporter but a facilitator. :)

⟣ Visual Aids

● You have the creative freedom to explore online media tools to present your topic. You
may use Canva, Powerpoint, Projector, Prezi, Menti, etc. Get resourceful and creative :D
● You should have a .PDF version of your presentation to give to your classmates as a
study guide after the meeting. This shall be posted on our MS TEAMS.
❀ Groups - Topics ❀

Group 1 - Neo-Freudians: Adler, Erikson, Jung, and Horney

Group 2 - Learning Approaches
Group 3 - Humanistic Approaches
Group 4 - Biological Approaches
Group 5 - Trait Theorists

MWF Schedule:

November 28 - Group 1
December 2 - Group 2
December 5 - Group 3
December 7 - Group 4
December 9 - Group 5
December 12 - Long Quiz

TTh Schedule:

November 29 - Group 1 & 2

December 1 - Group 2 & 3
December 6 - Group 5 (After the presentation, the professor will administer a long quiz)

⟣ Rubrics for 6 4 2

Content: The facilitators The audience has a The audience cannot

Organization presented the topics bit of difficulty in understand the
in a logical and following the presentation because
interesting sequence presentation because there is no sequence
to which the audience the facilitators jump of information.
can easily follow. around different
topics without some
sort of organization.

Content: Subject The facilitators The facilitators The facilitators

Knowledge demonstrate an demonstrate a decent demonstrate
excellent understanding of the familiarity with the
understanding of the subject matter. subject matter.
subject matter by
significant topics &
synthesizing them.

Delivery The facilitator/s The volume is not too The volume is too
delivers the message low or too loud and low or too loud and
in a confident, poised, the rate is not too fast the rate is too fast or
enthusiastic fashion. or too slow. The too slow. The listener
The volume and rate pronunciation and is distracted by
vary to add emphasis enunciation are clear. problems in the
and interest. delivery of the
Pronunciation and message and has
enunciation are very difficulty
clear. understanding the
words in the message.

Engagement Uses all appropriate Uses at least two Does not succeed at
forms of engagement forms of engagement engaging peers or
to inspire to inspire inspire their
peer involvement. peer involvement. involvement.

Time Management The facilitators The facilitators The facilitators did

completed the hurriedly completed not finish the
discussion on time the discussion on discussion on time.
with appropriate time.

Total 30 points

⟣ Rubrics for 6 4 2
Visual Aid

Display Content The visual includes The visual presents The visual does not
all information on the the information fairly contain all of the
topic in an organized clearly and it displays relevant information.
fashion. a reason-able Information is not
Information is understanding of well organized. The
presented clearly and information. Most information contains
displays a complete information is several factual errors.
understanding of factually correct.
information. Information is
somewhat organized.
Creativity The visual is very The visual is clear The visual lacks style
creative and is and logical and and reads more like a
presented in a clear contains facts as well list of facts.
and concise manner as very few mistakes.
with a full Good & clear
understanding of the presentation.

Work Effort The work was done Work is done with Lack of effort on the
well to the best of the fair effort, but the learners' part. Work is
facilitators’ ability. quality is still not incomplete. The
Quality time and what the facilitators facilitators are
effort were put into are capable of. It is capable of doing
the presentation. evident that the work better.
was rushed or done
with a lack of effort.

Total 15 points

⟣ Criteria for Process Questions:

Question is relevant and consistent with the topic at hand - 4 points
Question is thought-proviking and garnered interesting answers - 4 points
Total: 8 points

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