Pre Bid Clarifications-1
Pre Bid Clarifications-1
Pre Bid Clarifications-1
Part 1 of 2 /
Section II / 15 of For GRP fan stack, the stack door shall be of GRP.
6 PEMC-05255 Fan stack access door in MS. Noted.
70 / 2.7.7 Kindly confirm.
Drift losses and power Drift loss value shall be indicative and not Noted.
Part 1 of 2 /
Section II / 21 of consumption shall be within the guarantee, as we shall not measure the drift loss
14 PEMC-05255
70 / 2.12.0 guaranteed limit mentioned in during performance guarantee testing of cooling
data sheets. tower. Kindly clarify.
Part 1 of 2 / FGL shall be EL 101.20
Section II / 23 of Water levels in CT basin & CW Kindly confirm the FGL for the proposed cooling
15 PEMC-05255
70 / 2.15.0 Pump sump tower, whether EL 99.70 or EL 101.20.