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[Average Concept


Tüme Allowend: 3 hours] (Maximum Marks: 80

Gemeral Instructions:
() 15-minutes prior reading time allotted for question-paper reading
(i) The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATUR

(ii) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section A: Reading Skills (20 Marks)

I. Read the passage given below.

1. Detachment is not physically renouncing our possessions, profession, home and family as many of us think. It
is the ability to let go of al the desires, habits, emotions, thoughts, specch and behaviour patterns that are
negative or detrimental to our well-being in any way. Detachment and discrimination are interdependent;
they mutually strengthen each other and empower us. The more we are able to diseriminate, the more we
are able to segregate our harmful desires and discard them. The more mental trash we discard this way, the
more we empower our faculty of discrimination.
2. There is a simple technique we can all practise to strengthen our discrimination and detachment and get rid
of unnecessary desires, This will generate the awareness we need to control our senses and mind and make
them stop churning out desires every moment. To practise this technique, we should select a quiet place when
we have some leisure time.
3. Sit dowa with a few sheets of paper and pen or a computer and make two lists. In the first ist, understand and
write down your most important goal or agenda in this life. Then meticulously add all the other goals that
you would like to achieve. While you make this list, you shouldn't think only about yourself. Include what
you would like to contribute to the welfare of your dependents, children and their forthcoming generations
4. Once you They
complete this, set it aside and begin the second list. List all our desires here. may be
small, important or insignificant, right or wrong, demonic or divine, Just remove the lid on the Pandoras Bor
and allow them all to spill out freely. Don't try to censor or edit the list of desires at this stage. Complete the
list first. After you have made an exhaustive list, go over it to see which of these desires are truly necessury,
conducive to your meditation, helpful and favourable to you and beneficial to others.
5. If you have been serious and honest in doing this exercise, you will have long lists of goals and desires an
many of them may be selfish or detrimental to your goal of meditation, visualisation, self-realisation,pei
happiness and bliss. This exercise will help you develop frankness and honesty with yourself. You wall tou
your true feelings and bring many of your hidden ambitions and desires into the open.
Based on ur
understanding of the
(a) Why does the writer saly thnt pasinge, Ruswer the
questlona glven below.
()t helps us to physCnly detnchment is
renounce our empowering?
() It strengthens our sense of possesionn,
(i) helps get detuched
It us discriminntion.
Irom family und relations.
(r) It makes us let of our
go desires.
)Select the oplion thant docs
Detachment and discimination arecorrespond to the following relationship bekow.
) Both have symbiotic a interdependent.
(i) Both complement each relationship.
(t) Both are locked in an
(iv) It is inequitable equation.
reciprocal relationship.
(c) Select the option that
displays what the writer
Just remove the lid on the projects, with reference to the following
Pandora's Box and allow them all
()encouragement to spill out freely.
(i) provocation i) caution
(v) honesty
(d) Complete the tollowing with a word or
phrase from paragraph 1.

Isolate something
) The wriTer correlates detachment and discrimination and says that we should make serious ettorts to
strengthen them (Paragraph 2). State the
Based on your
most important outcome of this process.
) reading of the text, list 2 reasons the writer implies that human mind is full
why orI

8)What advantage does the writer says we will earn if we are meticulous in making the lists of goals we
wish to achieve in our lives?
(0)The writer asks us to pen down our personal goals in the second list and labels it the Pandora's Box.
(Para 4)
Select the point of comparison between the two.
1. both aid in survival
2. both contained all kinds of life experiences
3. both contained demonic wishes
4. both contained divine desires
1. and 2. (ii) 3. and4. (v) all of these
only 2. i)
) Supply1 point to justify the following.
Awareness puts a lid on our mind which keeps churning out desires every moment.
the completion of both the lists.
G) Evaluate the INAPPROPRIATE outcome after
() They are conducive to our meditation.
() They may be censored or edited.
(v) They contain goals that are truly necessary.
(in) They are beneficial to others.
1I. Read the passage below.
l. When we think of countries that are the major consumers of water resources we tend to think of the water used
in our homes, such as water used for bathing and lawn sprinkiers. However, studies have shown that home

use is only the tip of the iceberg and large majority ot the water consumed is hidden from plain view.
C Cnart showing the largest water consumingg countries or tne worid 5 thus an eye opener.
rice, wheat and sugarcane
Important eropa of Tndla
2. As India is an agrieulturnl country,
these crops are
tho most

cropa, KICe, major

the most water-connuming
I crop export, consumes about2
in India iel
lnTgcRE producer of rice in India
3,500 litresof
protuced. P'unjab which ln nind Jruc o
Water for a kilogram of grnin
for the procduction of its
n m E h TWO to thrce times
es more completely
dependent on groundwaler
n kilogrum
of rico. than
Bihar and West Bengul to produce
Most Water
Countrles that Use the

Unled Slates



England 20
France 20
Canada 19
Australia 12
100 150 200 300 350 400

Trilion gallons
3. Sugarcane is another water-guzzling crop in India, which is a very popular crop among farmers in Maharasht
because they are assured of marketing by sugar mills. The primary source of water for growing this crop is
groundwater, whereas states like Bihar which is more suitable for the production of sugarcane produces only
4% of the country's total sugar cane output.
4. Thus, measures need to be taken to ensure that crop production patterns within the country, across diferent
states, are aligned to regional water availability. Also, Agriculture policies should be put in place to limit
the export of water-intensive crops. Emphasis should also be placed on the adoption of water- etfcient
technologies, management systems, farmer education, and advisory services to improve water
In agriculture.
5. Crops in India are irigated by several methods. Some farmers take to flooding the whole field. Others resort
channelling between rows of plants
water while others resort to
watering using large sprinklers. But the
better method is to let water drop into plants using drip
Hence, India should consider
in scaling micro-irrigation
up to make India's
agriculture water-efficient. Drip irrigation is the
efficient and appropriate irrigation system. Instead of
wetting the whole field surface, water is applied only to
the plant root zone. The P.TO Government of India's "Per
Drop More Crop' component under the Pradhan
Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
the use of and drip sprinkler irrigation by farmers.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the
questions given below.
(a) Infer one reason for the
following, based on information in paragraph 1.
A large majority of the water
consumption is hidden from plain view.
(6) Select the appropriate option to fill in the blanks.
From the passage 1, we can infer that
the states of Bihar and West
less water for producing rice than Punjab because. Bengal consume two to three tuniteo
1. Punjab ************************** alld
exports more rice in comparison
2. their climatic
requirements are more suitable
they use drip irrigation
4. Punjab relies heavily on groundwater
) 1. and 3.
ur) 1. and 4. (i) 2. and 3.
(iv) 2. and 4.
the following annlogy
the follow corroctly wlth a worc/ phrane from
(C)re the etficieney in using parngapn
correct option to completo
waler-lcchnalogy, ssstsspesese.tho consumption of poun0we
the the
Select following nentence
T Indin nd gation methods or systems st
griculture WIll
Decome more water-efficient
() channels, organises
(0) aligns, channels
(ii) invests, scales-up
((o) organises, adopts
elect the chart tnat pproprateiy represcnts the countries that consume 6 times *
parison to China


Frdnc alia
B r a


Chart () Chart (i)


60 40

Kussia exic Mexico Franc

M e

Chart (i) Chart (iv)

) Fill in the blank by selecting the correct option.
The fact that Bihar which is more suitable for the
production of sugarcane produces only 4% of this
crOp in comparison to Maharashtra, can be explained by the Maharashtra government's strategy of

) better crop production patterns (i) efficient government policies

(in) advanced irrigation methods (iv) assured marketing by sugar mills
8) Substitute the word 'water-intensive' with word similar in
meaning, in the following sentence from
para 3.
AgTCulture policies should be put in
limit the export of water-intensive crops.
place to
LIst any two examples of major changes in policies across ditferent states in the country as referred
to in Para 4.
e *************
) *************************************
Invesling In
vesling n scnling

rewarehern inferination in
LEst one reawon why the

refereice to the teu,
mako Indin's
w g n

1-3 approgr oI Willer in the world

wict the option that titles parngraphs 1.

2. g r u r i a n ceonomny
in the ol mugarcane

of water
1. 3. melhods
Indian agricultural exports conservation

loreign investments
mprving Wafer consuniption
5. culling for
Set ()
S. lrigaton methONs
Set () onsumpton
ol waler in the world
2. cropping seasons
in the
Consumption of water popularity
of sugarcane

1. its crops
4. crop-8rowing patterns
2. India and
rice and
s4.Improving agricultural policies 5. PM
Krishi Sinchayce Yojana
Set (v)
S. changes

(10 Marks)
Section B: Grammar

TEN of the following the blank.
Attempt ANY option to complete
choosing the
correct ot the language as idea
Fill in the blank by the conceptions
(a) . .

in India
. . .

The story of English

as an object to date.
ii) had toggled
(v) togeles
(i) have toggled
by reporting the dialogue.
)will togele and his nephew. Complete
the sentence
between a man
(6) Read the conversation weekend.
and see the Great Apollo Circus
Uncle: Letus go cards yesterday.
the games in
because you lost all
Nephew: The ticket ís on you
Circus coming
weekend but the nephew
reminded him since
to see the Great Apollo
Uncle invited his nephew o n . On nim.
* * * *

short story.
* * *

the given line, froma

to fill in the blank for
(C) Select the correct option not rise, exhausted by the strange exercise.
hunger and
. .

tired and weak with


But he was
(in)1need (iv) dare
(i) would
() could news report
correction for the following line, froma
that identifies the error and supplies the
(d) Select the option clashes was Ostensibly tension after an
India-Pakistan match.
cause of the Leicester
The proximate
Option no. Error Correction


(i) was has been

tension tensions
(iv) An the
e) Complete
the given
Darrativo, hy Thang in
tho blank with the correct
n the letter,
the stucdent hux written
that he ...
him with curc a , ll he complnina, ritsMuISIGESPnby MOme seniar sudents wuo threutened

is being bullied
(ii) wus bulying () haa been bullied
in t the blank by usng tne currect form ((v) will have bullied
of the word in the
Dear Sir bracket, for the given portion ol a ee
Iwould like bring to your notice the

(tie) in heaps cverywhere.

unsanitary conditions in our colony. Rubbish and
wad soseetastesruse
ort the dialogue belween a student
) Report and a
Student: I m so Stressed belore tencher, by completing the blanks in the sentence gven
my board exan De
Tacher: Dont worny, we nave
arrangcd counselling sessions to de-stress you.
Mhen a student admitted that he was
quite stresscd before his board
because the School . exams, his teacher told him..
sessenat se sant"
(h) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a
pect the
I expect authoritics to take action on newspaper report and supply the correction.
this issue at the carliest or we would
Use the given 1ormat tor your have to raise it on social m
a Fill up the blank to
complete the sentence with
the correct
1ary oren..
Rosemary onen
s TO work
by bus, but she . to work
got, went .

by taxi yesteruay.
u) went, went
(im) gets, got
Fill in the blank by choosing the correct (v) has becn going, reached
option, to
complete the slogan.
we .. sus

o. 1ght against injustice.

(i) shall
(i) will
(v) would
(k) Select the correct option to complete the narration
of the
A: Do you enjoy having a cup of tea in the dialogue between two people.
B: No, my preference for a cup of strong filtered coffee has remained rock-solid for
A man 'A' asked his friend B if he years.
enjoyed having his morning tea. His friend B' admitted that
) her
preference for cup of strong filtered coffee has remained rock-solid for
i) their preference for a cup of
strong filtered coffee have remained rock-solid for
(i) his preference for a cup of strong filtered coffee has remained rock-solid for
(iv) their preference for cup of strong filtered coffee will remain rock-solid for
) Identify the traffic signboard and
error on a
supply the correction, for the following instruction.
Over speed is a knife that cut a life.
Use the given format for your
Error Correction
Creatlve Writlng Skllls (10 Marka)
i Sectlon B:
Resemblance, Y any, la purely colncldental.
Al the names and addrsss Aed in the questionS
ae fictitinAs,
1.Attempt ANY ONE from A and H glven
in colony are causing multiple discases.
a letter in 100-120
(A) The insanitary conditlons your to his notice and requcst him to take urgent to
the Municipal
Commissioner brínging the problem NewDelhi,
sction ia
of C' 2/8, Ankur Enclave,
the matter. You are Deepak/Deepn
a letter from you
(B) You are Rajesh/Rajni Roy of 105 C, Chaterjee Lane,
Kolkata. You
have received your
Public School, Darjeeling, stating that he is beine e
in the hostel of Shakti Mandir bullie
who is staying who threatened
students him with díre consequences, 1" ne complains,. Write alette
etler in
by some senior him to take urgent action.
I0-120 words to the Hostel Warden requesting
2 Attempt ANY ONE rom A and B given below.

(A) Children tend to become tense and nervous before the board exams. 1his may atfect their health and
pertormance in the examination. Write a paragraph in 100-120 words
on the 'Nced for
Counselling bbefore
Board Exams.


(B) Duc to Covid-19 pandemic, all the schools

and to mitigate the academic
are closed
loss, online classes are being provided by the
government and the schools. In this sítuation
the role of cell phones, once prohibited in
now has become an essential need
of the students. Write a paragraph in 100-120
words on the topic "Importance of cell
for the students during Pandemic Covid 19,"

Section C: Literature (40 Marks)

Reference to the Context
1. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given.
(A) The bus rolled on
now cutting across a base landscape, now rushing
through a tiny hamlet or past an odd wayside
shop. Sometimes the bus seemed on the point of gobbling up another vehicle that was coming towards them
pedestrian crossing the road. But lo! somehow it passed on smoothly, leaving all obstacles safely behind. Trees ora
running towards them but then stopped as the bus reached them and simply stood there came
the side helpless for a moment by
of the road before rushing away in the other direction. (Madam Rides the Bus)
(a) What makes Valli plan her first ride on the bus. Which one of the
considered? following factors are not
1. She wanted to
escape her mother's anger.
2. She was tempted by the
faces of the passengers.
She was invited for a free ride.
4. She wished to
experience the adventure.
) optionI only
i) option 2 only
ii) option I and 4 only (V) option 4 only
(6) What mado Valll onjoy tho ride and
(c) Fill in the biank wih ONE ncenery around the cliy?
WORD only.
Vallt got m no bus cnmo closo
n What accordling to tho
exirnct made Vall
to s
pedestrian on the
) Freedom from
houschold choren. enjoy her rlde?
(tü) Beautifi picturesMnue
scenery around.
(iti) The way bus pasengers were looking
() The way the drvCT sCared
utl her.
other vehicles the rond.
() Select the opion tnat
correctly captures the
line of the extract. application of the word 'gobbing as ucO n ei 3rd
() New factories were gobbling
(i) Anne was gobbling her food up the land fast.
(ii) Regiments of turkey were quickly us the bell had rung.
gobbling through the farm yard.
(iv) The idiot fell upon the grass with a sort of
gobbling cry.
B) It's not my baicony, AUsabie said with
extreme imitation. "t belongs
explanatony at
Fowler "ou see," he said, "this to the next apartment. He giancea
through that aoor room used to be part of a large unit, and the next room
now. You can get
mereused to be the
lhving room. lt had the balcony, which extends under my
oo tou jrom the
empty room wo doors down -and wina
management promiseda block it ofj. But they haven't."
somebody did,
last mon
Max glanced at Fowler, who
far from AUSabie, arna waved the gun with a
commanding gesture. "Please
standing siyj R
wait of half an hour, I think." sit down," he said.
e nave
(a) Select the option that (The Midnight Visitor)
correctly captures the usage of the word
extract. 'glanced' from 2nd ine or

() She glanced uP from her book when he entered

the room.
() 1 glanced at my watch.

(ii) Soldiers glanced

at each other
without turning their heads.
(w) He glanced at her in the mirror.
(6) Complete the analogy by selecting the suitable word from the text.
Addition: Deletion
delignt.. ****
(c) Select the option that displays the reason for speaker's description of the layout of his room.
() He had to let out the room.
(i) He was explaining the sítuation to the police about the theft
(iti) He was trying to impress Fowler
( ) He was trying to misguide Max.
() According to the extract, the speaker is relaxed despite Max's presence in the room mention the
1. Max was his old acquaintance.
2. He wanted to prove Fowler Wrong in his assumption.
3. Ausable was planning to outsmart Max.
4. Ausable was confident of his plan.
. He pretended that Max did not bother him.

Sclect the correct Option.

3 and 4 n ) Only 3 (iv) 2, 4 and 5
() 1 and 3 (i)
(e) The narrator uses certain words and phrases in the given extract to retlect the state of the speaker

mention any two.

* ***********
2. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts glven,
(A) He stalks in his ivd stries
the few stens of his c a
On padr of ehet quie,
In his quiet rage.
He should be snaring around houses
At the jurngle's edge
Baning his white fangs, his claws
(A Tiger in the Zoo)
Terrorising the village!
(a) Complete the sentence appropriatcly.
it is clear that Oymoron is he poetic device used jor nis quier rage.. because.
(Clue: explain how Oymoron applies here)
() The poet has used a poetic device in the given Iines. what erfect does she wish to create t

On pads of vebvet
() emphasis ) comparison ii) rhythm (iv) surprise
()State whether the is TRUE or FALSE.
following statement

The tiger is moving in his cage angriy.

(a) Sclect the appropriate option to complete the sentence, according to the extract. The idea that has
been retlected 'all the creatures and objects of nature have a right to lhve tree 1s

)natural i) scary (i) optimistic () imagnary

(e) How does the use of onomatopocia impact this extract?
) I t helps the reader to relate better.
) It simplifies the meaning
(it) It reflects a change in mood, which actually represented his entire personaity.
() Tt retlects the ferocity better.

(B) fever you should go by chance

To jungles in the east;
And if there should to you advance
A large and tawny beast,
f he roars at you as you're dyin
You'll know it is the Asian Lion. (How to Tell Wild Animal)

(a) What is the poct's tone in the extract?

1. thoughtful 2. humorous 3. reflexive 4. funny
5. argumentative
Select the appropriate option.
) 2 and 3 (i') 2 and 4 (ii) 2 and 5 () I and 5

(6) What makes the poet use the traits of animals in a humorous vein?
C) Identify the trait that would help the reader to identify the animal in the extract.
() To go to the jungles of east. (i) Large and Tawny
(i) Make you die by roaring () You may meet him by chance

(4) Complete the analogy about the trait of the animal from the extract.
Grey : Mice: Lion:
elect tlie wontenco n whlch the word "advanee '

extract, In used In the similar manner line the

() Her walary ws
pald to her in
() Soldiers had to ndvance advance.
per the orders.
(i) You need to be ndvanced in
your appronch,
(iv) Too much protein in diet
may ndvance the
ANY FOUR of the following in nbout ngeing process.
VI. Answer 40-50 words ench.
was LonOv
(a) What
opiniOn about
How did the seagull exprCss his
What does courage mean to Mandela?
excitement when he saw his mother bringing food for
C) him
d How does the poet suggest That you
identily the lion and the
(e) Hesenses first responsibility-what tiger? When can
you do
responsibility is referred to here?
according o1
VII. Answer ANY TWO orthe following In about 40-50 words each.
(a) Why could Tricki not be cured at home?
are Hari
b) What Singh's reactions to the prospect of
(c) What happened to the people who tried to help thereceiving an education? Do they change over nc
constable in catching the invisible man?
vIL. Answer ANY ONE of the tollowing in about 100-120
(A) The most important message is that all
different religion or race, doesn't meanpeople
have the right to live in freedom
that they should be treated just because people may bea
Prepare a set differently.
of dialogues that happened between Anne Frank and Nelson Mandela based on
and A Long Walk to Freedom. You Diary ofAnne irunK
may begin like this:
Anne: I detest the world when
they treat people differently on basis of their caste and creed.
Mandela: I also faced the same
discrimination in my
country. .
(B) The messageof the poem The Trees' is
that freedom and
world. If you had to use the equality should be for all the living organisms in the
message of the given quote based on The
Trees to understand the state ot the
Tiger in the Zoo, how will you elaborate it? Also, how it is relevant to both.
IX. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about
100-120 words.
(A) The message ofThe Question of Trust' is that we should
not trust anyone without
person. Analyse in detail with reference to character
of Horace in the
discovering out about that

(B) The ultimate message that one can get from "The
instead we should take a step
Midnight Visitor is that in any situation we should not
and face the situation with our
presence of mind..

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