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1 Article

2 A lab-made E-nose-MOS device for assessing the bacterial

3 growth in solid culture medium
4 Teresa Dias 1,2, Vítor S. Santos 1,2,3, Tarek Zorgani 1,2,4, Nuno Ferreiro 1,2, Ana I. Rodrigues 1,2, Khalil Zaghdoudi 4,
5 Ana C.A. Veloso 5,6,7, and António M. Peres 1,2,*

6 1 Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO), Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Santa

7 Apolónia, 5300-253 Bragança, Portugal; (T.D.); (T.Z.);
8 (V.S.S.); (N.F.); (A.I.R.);
9 (A.M.P.)
10 2 Laboratório Associado para a Sustentabilidade e Tecnologia em Região de Montanha (SusTEC), Instituto

11 Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Santa Apolónia, 5300-253 Bragança, Portugal

12 3 Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Sinop, Rua Campo

13 Grande,527, 78285-000 São José dos Quatros Marcos, Mato Grosso, Brazil;
14 4 Département Génie Chimique, Université Libre de Tunis, Avenue Khéreddine—Pacha Tunis, 30, 1002, Tu-

15 nis, Tunisia; (K.Z.)

16 5 Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, ISEC, DEQB, Rua Pedro Nunes, Quinta da Nora, 3030-199 Coimbra,

17 Portugal; (A.C.A.V.)

18 6 CEB - Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal

19 7 LABBELS –Associate Laboratory, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal

20 * Correspondence:

21 Abstract: The detection and level assessment of microorganisms is a practical quality/contamination

22 indicator of food and water samples. Conventional analytical procedures (e.g., culture methods,
23 immunological techniques, and polymerase chain reactions), while accurate and widely used, are
24 time-consuming, costly, and generate a large amount of waste. Electronic noses (E-noses), combined
25 with chemometrics, provide a direct, green and non-invasive assessment of the volatile fraction
26 without the need for sample pre-treatments. The unique olfactory fingerprint generated during each
27 microorganism’s growth can be a vehicle for its detection using gas sensors. A lab-made E-nose,
28 comprising metal oxide semiconductor sensors was applied, to analyze solid medium containing
29 Gram-positive (Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus) or Gram-negative (Escherichia coli and
30 Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacteria. The electrical resistance signals generated by the E-nose coupled
31 with linear discriminant analysis allowed discriminating the four bacteria (90% of correct classifica-
Citation: Lastname, F.; Lastname, F.;
32 tions for leave-one-out cross-validation). Furthermore, multiple linear regression models were also
Lastname, F. Title. Biosensors 2022,
12, x.
33 established allowing quantifying the number of colony forming units (CFU) (0.9428 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.9946),
34 with maximum root mean square errors lower than 4 CFU. Overall, the E-nose showed to be a pow-
Received: date
35 erful qualitative-quantitative device for bacteria preliminary analysis, being envisaged its possible
Accepted: date
36 application in solid food matrices.
Published: date

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu- Keywords: electronic nose; metal oxide semiconductor sensors; bacteria identification; Gram-posi-
tral with regard to jurisdictional tive; Gram-negative; colony-forming units; linear discriminant analysis; multiple linear regression
claims in published maps and institu-
39 models; simulated annealing algorithm
tional affiliations. 40

Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. 1. Introduction
Submitted for possible open access
42 The early and fast detection of foodstuffs’ contamination with pathogenic bacteria is
publication under the terms and con-
43 of major relevance and can be used as a quality and/or safety diagnosis tool through the
ditions of the Creative Commons At-
44 entire food chain. Conventional culture-based methods, immunological assays and poly-
tribution (CC BY) license (https://cre-
45 merase chain reaction methods are widely used as reliable, specific and sensitive standard

Biosensors 2022, 12, x.

Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 14

46 techniques despite being time-consuming, expensive, labor-intensive technicians, and be-

47 ing not suitable as point-of-use sensing devices [1-3].
48 Alternative strategies for microorganisms’ screening (e.g., fungi, bacteria, etc.) con-
49 sider the detection of specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) generated during the
50 microorganisms’ primary and secondary metabolisms, like alcohols, aldehydes, hydro-
51 carbons, acids, ethers, esters, ketones, and terpenes [3]. Thus, gas chromatography cou-
52 pled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is the standard analytical technique, allowing iden-
53 tifying and quantifying the volatiles related to each microorganism [4-9]. During their
54 growth, each microorganism emits characteristic volatile compounds, generating distinc-
55 tive odor fingerprints, which can be used for discrimination purposes [10]. The volatile
56 pattern and amounts released by each microorganism may differ with the strain, incuba-
57 tion time and growth conditions (i.e., substrate, nutrients, pH, humidity and temperature)
58 [3,11]. However, different bacteria can produce the same VOCs during their growth (am-
59 monia is emitted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus: methanol, 1-propa-
60 nol, 1-butanol, and indole are associated with Escherichia coli, and acetoin and diacetyl
61 with Enterococcus faecalis) [4-11].
62 In this sense, the use of electronic noses (E-noses), capable of encoding high-dimen-
63 sion VOCs’ patterns into a smaller-dimension pattern of sensors signals, have emerged as
64 a practical and feasible non-invasive alternative for detecting bacteria, as recently re-
65 viewed by Bonah et al. [10]. Different gas sensors have been used namely, metal oxide
66 (MOX) or metal oxide semiconductors (MOS), and polymer sensors. To extract the infor-
67 mation from the signals profiles, different chemometric tools have been applied, like prin-
68 cipal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), linear discriminant
69 analysis (LDA), uncorrelated LDA (ULDA), and/or support vector machines (SVM). E-
70 noses coupled with multivariate statistical techniques, have been successfully used for
71 bacteria detection (e.g., Bacillus cereus, E. coli, E. faecalis, Listeria innocua, P. aeruginosa, S.
72 aureus, or Salmonella spp.) in different culture media or food [10]. It should be remarked
73 that, besides this particular type of application, the use of E-noses in food analysis has
74 been widely exploited for different matrices [12-14].
75 Regarding microorganisms’ evaluation, it was possible to discriminate (predictive
76 accuracies from 84 to 97.5%) different bacteria (B. cereus, E. coli, E. faecalis, Listeria spp.,
77 and/or Salmonella spp.) grown in solid or liquid synthetic media using E-nose-MOS de-
78 vices coupled with ULDA or SVM models [1,2,17,18]. Also, it has been reported the pos-
79 sibility to discriminate viable from non-viable bacteria (E. coli and Yersinia enterocolitica)
80 using an E-nose-MOS-LDA model (predictive accuracies of 100%) grown in liquid syn-
81 thetic medium or in skimmed milk samples [15]. Other researchers also showed that an
82 E-nose-MOS coupled with discriminant function analysis or probabilistic neural network
83 could discriminate among E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Klebsiella oxytoca in water samples (pre-
84 dictive accuracy of 87% [16]. Commercial E-noses (Cyranse 320 from Cyrano Sciences; BH-
85 114, from Bloodhound; or eNOSE 4000, from Marconi Applied Technology), comprising
86 arrays of polymer sensors, allowed the correct classification (98%) of different bacteria (S.
87 aureus, Haemophilus influenza, Streptococcus pneumonia, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and Moraxella
88 catarrhalis) [19] or to differentiate control samples from those containing E. coli or P. aeru-
89 ginosa [20]. Likewise, a hybrid E-nose with organic–inorganic nanocomposite sensors plus
90 MOS sensors, was proposed to differentiate Enterobacter cloacae, S. aureus, E. coli, P. aeru-
91 ginosa, and S. enterica, grown in synthetic medium [21]. Recently, an E-nose with car-
92 bon-dots was developed allowing, in combination with PCA, to differentiate E. coli, P.
93 aeruginosa, S. aureus, and B. subtilis, also grown in synthetic medium [22]. An E-nose-MOX
94 allowed differentiating E. coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Salmonella enterica in pasteurized
95 milk samples, with a predictive classification rate of 95% [23]. Optical E-noses were also
96 applied to detect and differentiate (using PCA and/or HCA) different bacteria grown in
97 synthetic media or in drinking water samples (E. aerogenes, E. coli, E. faecalis, Klebsiella
98 pneumonia, Listeria monocytogenes, Proteus mirabilis, P. aeruginosa, Streptococcus agalactiae,
99 and/or S. aureus,) [24,25].
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 14

100 However, fewer studies reported the use of E-noses for bacteria quantification. Car-
101 rillo-Gómez et al. [23,26] verified the feasibility of using an E-nose-MOX device to semi-
102 quantitatively assess the contamination levels of milk samples [23] or drinking water [26]
103 with E. coli. Also, Tonezzer et al. [27] showed that an E-nose, with a single nanowire gas
104 sensor, could accurately assess the total viable count (TVC) during trout fish spoilage,
105 allowing estimating the decimal logarithmic of TVC with an error lower than 5%, using a
106 SVM model. Similarly, an E-nose-MOX device allowed predicting the TVC of aerobic bac-
107 teria in sardines, using partial least squares models (correlation coefficient of 0.91), which
108 accuracy was attributed to the capacity of the device to assess the emission of VOCs gen-
109 erated from the sardines’ bacterial degradation [28].
110 In this sense, the present study aims to evaluate not only the classification, but also
111 the quantification performances of a lab-made E-nose, with commercial MOS gas sensors,
112 for bacteria evaluation, grown in solid media. Four target microorganisms were selected
113 taking into account their use as quality/contamination indicators for food/water samples,
114 namely, two Gram-positive (E. faecalis and S. aureus) and two Gram-negative (E. coli and
115 P. aeruginosa) bacteria. Previously, the research team has demonstrated that a potentiom-
116 etric electronic tongue, comprising lipid polymeric sensor membranes could be used for
117 these purposes, although it required the resuspension of each bacterium dried mass in
118 water, which does not allow a direct bacteria analysis [29]. Alternatively, the E-nose-MOS
119 device, coupled with LDA or multiple linear regression models (MLRM), could be used
120 as a green, direct (i.e., not requiring any sample’s pre-treatment) and non-invasive recog-
121 nition/counting sensing platform for sniffing bacteria growth in solid media.

122 2. Materials and Methods

123 2.1. Bacterial strains and inoculum preparation

124 Two Gram positive spherical-shaped (S. aureus ATCC653 and E. faecalis ATCC29212)
125 and one Gram-negative rod-shaped (P. aeruginosa ATCC15442) bacteria were selected as
126 target food borne pathogens. E. coli ATCC29998 was also included in this study since it is
127 a hygiene/fecal indicator. As previously described [29], the inocula were prepared by mix-
128 ing 300 µL of glycerol (Sigma-Aldrich) with 700 µL of an overnight bacterial culture. The
129 growth was promoted in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) (PanReac AppliChem, ITW Reagents)
130 at 37°C, under orbital agitation at 90 rpm (Orbital incubator S1500, Stuart). Each inoculum
131 was cryopreserved at −20 ºC until being used.

132 2.2. Growth conditions

133 Each strain was inoculated aseptically in Erlenmeyer flasks (250 mL) containing 50
134 mL of BHI medium. Bacterial cultures were grown at 37°C under orbital agitation (90 rpm)
135 for 24 h until the cells’ stationary phase was reached. After that, the optical density was
136 measured, at 560 nm, in a spectrophotometer (UV-3100 PC Spectrophotometer, VWR).
137 According to preliminary assays (data not shown), sets of pre-established serial dilutions
138 were performed from overnight grown cultures, using NaCl solutions (0.9% v/v): from 10-
139 1 to 10-8 for E. faecalis; and, from 10-1 to 10-9 for P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and E. coli. Colony

140 forming units (CFU) were assessed as follows: 100 µL of each dilution was plated on BHI
141 agar, in duplicate. After overnight incubation at 37°C, CFUs were counted. Gram staining
142 was carried out to verify the nonexistence of culture contamination, as described by Smith
143 and Hussey [30].

144 2.3. HS-SPME-GC-MS evaluation of VOCs emitted by each bacteria

145 The profiles of VOCs emitted by the four bacteria studied, which were separately
146 grown, were established by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and GC-
147 MS. The volatile fraction was chromatographically evaluated by analyzing the HS of glass
148 vials (50 mL, Duran, Germany) containing 10 mL of BHI agar, previously inoculated with
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 14

149 100 L of a diluted overnight culture (10-4 dilution for E. faecalis and 10-5 for the others
150 bacterial strains). The vials were sealed with polytetrafluroethylene/silicone screw caps
151 and incubated at 37ºC for 24h. The HS of non-inoculated BHI culture medium was also
152 analyzed and used as negative control. A Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus chromatograph with a
153 mass spectrometer Shimadzu GC-MS-QP2010 SE detector was used. Each vial, inoculated
154 with a pre-established amount of one of the four bacteria, was spiked with an accurate
155 amount of 5 L of the internal standard (IS: -pinene, 98% from Sigma Aldrich) meth-
156 anolic solution, with a concentration of 0.50225 mg/mL, being the volatiles adsorbed into
157 a SPME fiber coated with divinylbenzene/carbonex/polydimethylsiloxane
158 (DVB/CAR/PDMS 50/30 m, from Supelco, Bellefonte, USA). The vials were conditioned
159 for 5 min at 37º C to allow the release of the VOCs. After this time-period, the SPME fiber
160 was exposed for 30 min, at 37º C, allowing the adsorption of the volatile compounds pre-
161 sent in the headspace. The volatile fraction of the solid medium not inoculated with any
162 of the four bacteria was also studied following the same procedure and after being spiked
163 with the same amount of IS. The procedure was repeated twice for each bacterium and
164 not inoculated medium.
165 As previously described [31], peaks’ separation was accomplished on a TRB-5MS (30
166 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm) column (Teknokroma, Spain). The injector was set at 220 ºC and
167 the manual injections were made in splitless mode. The mobile phase consisted of helium
168 (Praxair, Portugal) at a linear speed of 30 cm/s and a total flow of 24.4 mL/min. The oven
169 gradient temperature was as follows: 40 ºC/1 min; 2 ºC/min until 220 ºC (30 min). The
170 ionization source was maintained at 250 ºC with an ionization energy of 70 electronvolts
171 (eV) and an ionization current of 0.1 kilovolts (kV). All mass spectra were acquired by
172 electron ionization, being the spectra fragments identified by comparing with the mass
173 spectra’s databases of the NIST SRD-69 Library (National Institute of Standards and Tech-
174 nology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA) and with the free chemical structure/information data-
175 bases of PubChem and ChemSpider. The minimum similarity for identification purposes
176 was set equal to 85%. Furthermore, the peaks’ identification was further checked using
177 the Kovat’s retention indices. The areas of the chromatographic peaks were determined
178 by integrating the re-constructed chromatogram from the full scan chromatogram using
179 the ion base (m/z intensity 100%) for each compound. For semi-quantification purposes,
180 the amounts of the identified volatiles were calculated by the ratio of each base ion peak
181 area to the area of the internal standard base ion peak area, without considering the re-
182 sponse factors, and converted to mass equivalents based on the internal standard concen-
183 tration used.

184 2.4. E-nose setup

185 2.4.1. Apparatus
186 The lab-made E-nose used was previously described in detail by the research team
187 [32,33]. Briefly, the device included a sampling heated unit (~30ºC), where up to 4 glass
188 sampling vials (~ 25 mL) could be placed. Each vial was closed with a screw cap connected
189 to a plastic gas valve allowing, when open, to collect and deliver the gas headspace to the
190 sensing heated unit (~40 ºC) by means of a diaphragm vacuum mini pump. The vacuum
191 was monitored using a mini Dial Air Vacuum Pressure Gauge Meter Digital Manometer.
192 The sensing unit comprised 9 commercial MOS Figaro gas sensors (S1: TGS 2600 B00; S2:
193 TGS 2602; S3: TGS 2610 C00; S4: TGS 2611 C00; S5: TGS 2610 D00; S6: TGS 2610 E00; S7:
194 TGS 2612; S8: TGS 826 A00; TGS 823 C12N; specifications can be found at
195, accessed on 6 October 2022), which are
196 sensitive towards alcohols, hydrocarbons, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydro-
197 gen sulfide, among other gases.
198 2.4.2. Sampling and analysis
199 At the first use, the sensitive materials of the MOS sensors were activated during 48h,
200 allowing to reach the operating sensing temperature (> 200 ºC). In all subsequent assays,
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 14

201 it was only required to heat the sampling and sensing units (~30 min) and then to clean
202 the system by pumping filtered air, before testing each sample. Also, a vacuum environ-
203 ment of 0.35 bar was set before each analysis, to remove any possible interfering com-
204 pounds that could be present in the external air flow and to promote the cleaning of the
205 sensitive materials of the sensors. After that, the gas static headspace of each vial (~ 25
206 mL) was collected by suction (vacuum pump) and delivered to the sensing unit, allowing
207 the interaction, during 2.5 min, of the VOCs with the 9 MOS sensors, generating the re-
208 spective resistive signal profiles, which were acquired each 4 s. Before pumping the sam-
209 ple’s gas headspace, each glass vial, previously inoculated with a single strain and a
210 known number of CFUs, was placed inside the sampling unit during 13 min to allow
211 reaching the desired temperature (~30 ºC). The cleaning step was promoted during the
212 samples heating time. Overall two experimental designs were conducted. In the first, in
213 order to evaluate the qualitative classification (i.e., discrimination) performance of the E-
214 nose, glass vials (25 mL) with 7 mL of BHI agar medium, were inoculated with 100 µL of
215 different diluted solutions obtained from an overnight culture of one of the four bacteria
216 under study: dilutions of 10-1 to 10-7 for E. faecalis; and, dilutions of 10-1 to 10-9 for the other
217 three bacteria. In the second kind of assays, used for evaluating the quantitative perfor-
218 mance of the E-nose to assess the number of CFUs of a single bacterium, sterile glass vials
219 (25 mL) containing 7 mL of BHI agar medium were inoculated with 100 µL of different
220 diluted solutions of an overnight grown bacteria culture with a known amount of CFUs.
221 In this way, the vials were inoculated with dilutions of 10-4 to 10- 8 for E. faecalis (from 1.2
222 to 1.2 × 106 CFUs), and from 10-5 to 10- 9 for the others bacteria (E. coli: 2.2 to 2.2 × 108 CFUs;
223 P. aeruginosa: 3.05 to 3.05 × 105 CFUs; and, S. aureus: 1.2 to 1.2 × 106 CFUs). After inocula-
224 tion, the vials were closed with screw caps and incubated at 37ºC for 24h, being only ana-
225 lyzed with the E-nose those with visible bacterial growth.
226 2.4.3. Data acquisition, feature extraction and signal treatment
227 As previously described [32], the resistance signals (in ohms) generated due to the
228 interaction between the VOCs emitted by each bacterium (E. coli, P. aeruginosa, E. faecalis
229 or S. aureus), grown in solid medium, and the nine MOS sensors, were acquired by a data
230 logger (Agilent 34970A) and then recorded by the Agilent BenchLink Data Logger soft-
231 ware. For each analysis and sensor, a total of 37–38 resistance values were recorded (sig-
232 nals acquired during 2.5 min each 4 s). In total, seven feature extraction methods [32,34]
233 were applied to obtain a representative E-nose fingerprint for the volatile profile of the
234 compounds emitted during the growth of each of the four bacteria under study: last re-
235 sponse point (LP) acquired; integral of each E-nose signal response curve (INT); maximum
236 resistance response (MAX); minimum resistance response (MIN); sum of the response
237 curve (SUM): sum of all the resistance signals recorded during the analysis time-period;
238 average of the resistance signal curve (MEAN); and, standard deviation (SD) of the re-
239 sponse curve. In this context, for each independent sample a response database compris-
240 ing 9 sensors × 7 feature extraction method, is generated, being the basis for the statistical
241 analysis.

242 2.5. Statistical analysis

243 Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) in combination with the simulated annealing
244 (SA) algorithm was implemented as a supervised classification multivariate procedure to
245 assess the E-nose predictive performance towards the discrimination of the four bacteria
246 evaluated, based on the recorded resistance signals generated by the interaction between
247 the sensors and the VOCs emitted by each bacterium, grown in solid medium. The classi-
248 fication potential was evaluated by determining the sensitivities (i.e., the correct classifi-
249 cation percentages) for the leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) variant. This CV var-
250 iant was implemented since it is recommended for evaluating chemometric models in
251 small sample sizes [35]. In total 40 independent samples (10 per type of bacterium) were
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 14

252 used for training, and then for LOO-CV, being at each validation run, one sample re-
253 moved for validation purposes and the other 39 to establish the model. Furthermore, for
254 the training set, the classification was also checked graphically, by plotting the 2D graphs
255 for the two most significant discriminant functions (DFs). Multiple linear regression
256 (MLR) models, based on feature extraction parameters selected using the SA algorithm,
257 were also developed. For this, the E-nose signals used were those generated when analyz-
258 ing vials with solid medium, inoculated with pre-established known amounts (in CFU) of
259 each of the four studied bacteria. The accuracy of the E-nose-MLRM was discussed based
260 on the determination coefficients (R2) and the root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) for the
261 training (10, 9, 6 and 7 samples for E. faecalis, E. coli, S. aureus, and P. aeruginosa, respec-
262 tively) and LOO-CV procedures. The accuracy of developed models was verified against
263 the analytical conventional counting plate technique, being evaluated if the slope and in-
264 tercept values of the regression line between the data for both approaches can be statisti-
265 cally assumed equal to those of a perfect line (i.e., 1 and 0, respectively), following the
266 methodology previously described by the research team [29]. All statistical analyses were
267 performed using the packages of the open-source statistical program R (RStudio 2021.09.0
268 Build 351), at a 5% significance level.

269 3. Results and Discussion

270 3.1. Evaluation of VOCs emitted during the bacterial growth by HS-SPME-GC-MS
271 The VOCs emitted during the bacterium growth depend on the bacterial metabolism
272 that is influenced by the culture media composition and nutrient sources. Thus, many
273 bacterial VOCs have been identified and their amounts and profiles greatly depend on the
274 culture medium, incubation time, and bacterial species and strains used, being contradic-
275 tory detection/non-detection data reported [5,6,9]. Also, background VOCs related to the
276 growth media have been reported [5].
277 Thus, as a first step, the VOCs emitted by the BHI un-inoculated medium were de-
278 termined. Globally, 15 volatiles were identified (data not shown), being 10 of them also
279 emitted by at least one of the four bacteria evaluated, namely two alcohols (1-butanol and
280 1-nonanol), three pyrazines (2-ethyl-6-methyl-pyrazine, 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazine
281 and trimethylpyrazine), three terpenes (camphene, D-limonene and β-pinene) and two
282 other compounds (2,4-thujadiene and indole). The volatiles were identified in both un-
283 inoculated and inoculated (with a 10-4 dilution for E. faecalis and 10-5 dilution for the other
284 bacterial strains) solid culture medium (i.e., BHI agar medium), after overnight incuba-
285 tion. Table 1 shows the amounts (in ng of each compound as IS equivalents) of the VOCs
286 detected during the chromatographic analysis of the volatile head-space generated during
287 the overnight growth of the two Gram-positive (E. faecalis and S. aureus) and the two
288 Gram-negative (E. coli and P. aeruginosa) bacteria, after subtracting the respective amounts
289 quantified in the head-space of the un-inoculated culture medium.
291 Table 1. Identified volatile compounds and respective average amounts (ng of compound
292 as internal standard equivalents), for the E. coli, P. aeruginosa, E. faecalis or S. aureus, grown
293 overnight in BHI solid medium after incubation with a 10 -4 dilution for E. faecalis and 10-5
294 dilution for the other bacterial strains.

Gram-negative bacteria Gram-positive bacteria

Volatile compounds
E. coli P. aeruginosa E. faecalis S. aureus
1-Butanol 33.82 nd 51.68 nd
1-Nonanol 5.42 nd nd nd
1-Pentanol 53.96 95.53 869.56 51.09
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 14

3-Chloro-2-methyl-2-pentanol nd nd nd 11.11
Ethanol nd nd 695.93 nd
Phenylethyl alcohol 15.46 nd 23.30 nd
Phenol 6.19 nd 6.87 nd
Isocetane 5.11 5.21 5.55 5.41
(E)-1,4-Undecadiene nd 70.09 nd nd
1-Undecene nd 32.00 23.71 43.71
Carboxylic acids
2-Methylbutanoic acid nd nd 13.63 nd
Acetic acid nd nd 29.40 nd
Isovaleric acid nd 43.40 37.17 nd
Undecane 9.89 11.45 16.63 7.22
Methyl valerate nd 70.17 nd 114.72
2-Tridecanone 7.92 nd nd nd
α-Phellandrene nd nd nd 6.81
2,5-Dimethylpyrazine 38.62 46.01 48.88 46.87
2-Ethyl-6-methyl-pyrazine 0.52 nd 0.79 nd
3-Ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazine 1.11 nd nd nd
Trimethylpyrazine nd nd nd 0.59
Camphene nd nd nd 1.50
D-Limonene 0.74 nd nd nd
β-Pinene 2.56 4.78 4.71 3.08
2,4-Thujadiene 0.52 nd 1.47 0.59
E-7-Dodecen-1-ol acetate nd nd 11.67 nd
Indole nd 2.97 nd 32.75
Methyl undecyl ether nd nd 19.82 nd
295 nd: not detected.
297 As can be seen from Table 1, VOCs belonging to 10 chemical classes were identified,
298 being alcohols the most abundantly emitted by E. coli, E. faecalis and P. aeruginosa during
299 their growth in BHI solid medium, while esters were the predominant volatiles produced
300 by S. aureus grown in the same culture medium. It should also be noticed that each bacte-
301 rium had a specific profile of emitted VOCs, both in number of different volatiles identi-
302 fied as in the quantified amounts. In total, 17 VOCs were emitted during the growth of E.
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 14

303 faecalis, followed by 14 VOCs for E. coli, 13 VOCs for S. aureus and only 10 VOCs for P.
304 aeruginosa. As can also be inferred, some VOCs were specifically produced by only one of
305 the four studied bacteria (E. coli: 1-nonanol, 2-tridecanone, 3-ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazine,
306 and D-limonene; P. aeruginosa: (E)-1,4-undecadiene; E. faecalis: ethanol, 2-methylbutanoic
307 acid, acetic acid, and methyl undecyl ether; S. aureus: 3-chloro-2-methyl-2-pentanol, α-
308 phellandrene, trimethylpyrazine, and camphene), while others were common to two or
309 more bacteria, although emitted, in general, in quite different amounts. These differences,
310 in the emitted VOCs profiles and respective amounts generated by each bacterium
311 growth, confirmed that VOCs can be used as bacterial identification biomarkers. How-
312 ever, it should be remarked that, for example, in this study, ethanol was only identified
313 during the growth of E. faecalis, although according to the literature this alcohol is usually
314 emitted by the four bacteria evaluated, being more abundant for E. coli and S. aureus com-
315 pared to E. faecalis and P. aeruginosa [6]. Also, indole is usually associated in the literature
316 with E. coli [4-11] but, in the present study, it was only identified for P. aeruginosa and S.
317 aureus. On the other hand, (E)-1,4-undecadiene was only identified for P. aeruginosa, in-
318 line with the literature data, according to which this alkene has been associated with Pseu-
319 domonas species, allowing its use as a biomarker for this species [36]. The observed differ-
320 ences may be tentatively attributed to the different bacterium strains, growth media
321 and/or incubation conditions (time and temperature) used in the various studies as well
322 as to the diverse chromatographic analysis conditions applied.

323 3.2. Bacterial species discrimination using the E-nose-MOS lab-made device
324 The dataset comprising the resistance signals based feature extraction data generated
325 by the E-nose sensors (9 sensors × 7 feature extraction variables, for each vial inoculated
326 with different pre-established CFU of a single bacterium) was used to evaluate the poten-
327 tial application of the lab-made E-nose for discriminating the four bacteria under study,
328 which were grown in solid agar medium (BHI agar).
329 Figure 1 shows that an E-nose-MOS-LDA-SA model could be established, based on
330 25 feature extraction parameters selected by the SA algorithm (S6_LP, S1_INT, S5_INT,
331 S8_INT, S9_INT, S1_MAX, S2_MAX, S4_MAX, S6_MAX, S2_MIN, S4_MIN, S5_MIN,
332 S6_MIN, S2_SUM, S3_SUM, S5_SUM, S6_SUM, S8_SUM, S9_SUM, S2_MEAN,
333 S5_MEAN, S1_SD, S2_SD, S3_SD, and S6_SD), which first two DFs explained 99.4% of the
334 data. The model enabled the full discrimination of the four bacteria (sensitivity and spec-
335 ificity of 100%, for the training/original grouped data). Moreover, it should be highlighted
336 that, according to the 1st DF, it was possible to successfully discriminate the two Gram-
337 positive bacteria (E. faecalis and S. aureus) from the two Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli and
338 P. aeruginosa), located in the positive and negative regions, respectively. The satisfactory
339 classification performance of each single bacterial species as well as between Gram-posi-
340 tive and Gram-negative bacteria, could be attributed to the observed differences, in num-
341 ber and respective amount, of the VOCs emitted during the bacterial growth of each spe-
342 cies (Table 1). As previously pointed out, the VOCs’ profiles established in this study by
343 HS-SPME-GC-MS clearly pointed out the existence of volatiles emitted by only one of the
344 four bacteria, which would generate different signal responses during the E-nose analysis,
345 justifying the discrimination power of this MOS sensor device. It should be highlighted
346 that, although not confirmed in the present study, other VOCs have been reported in the
347 literature, as bacterial species’ biomarkers, namely isovaleric acid, or 2-methyl-butanal for
348 S. aureus; 1-undecene, 2,4-dimethyl-1-heptane, 2-butanone, 4-methyl-quinazoline, hydro-
349 gen cyanide, or methyl thiocyanide for P. aeruginosa; and, methanol, pentanol, ethyl ace-
350 tate, or indole for E. coli [6].
351 In which concerns the predictive performance, an overall correct classification of 90%
352 was achieved for the LOO-CV procedure, with a global specificity of 91% (Table 2). As
353 can be inferred, among the four bacteria, only S. aureus was not misclassified (sensitivity
354 of 100%) but had the lowest specificity of (83%). On the contrary, one of the 10 assays with
355 E. coli was misclassified as S. aureus (sensitivity and specificity of 90%); one E. faecalis was
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 14

356 misclassified as P. aeruginosa (sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 100%); and, finally, one
357 sample of P. aeruginosa was incorrectly classified as E. coli and another as S. aureus (sensi-
358 tivity of 80% and specificity of 89%).
360 Table 2. Confusion matrix for the internal validation classification (LOO-CV) perfor-
361 mance of the E-nose-MOS-LDA-SA model concerning the discrimination of the four stud-
362 ied bacteria (E. faecalis, S. aureus, E. coli; and P. aeruginosa) grown in BHI agar medium.

Predicted bacterium

Actual bacterium Gram-negative Gram-positive Total Sensitivity

E. coli P. aeruginosa E. faecalis S. aureus

Gram- E. coli 9 0 0 1 10 90%
negative P. aeruginosa 1 8 0 1 10 80%
Gram- E. faecalis 0 1 9 0 10 90%
positive S. aureus 0 0 0 10 10 100%
Total 10 9 9 12 40 90%
Specificity 90% 89% 100% 83% 91% ---
364 The misclassifications observed, although in a low number (4 in 40 independent bac-
365 teria samples) can be attributed to the fact that some VOCs are emitted by different bacte-
366 rial species, which mitigate their use as unique chemical fingerprints. Indeed, the VOCs
367 profiles established in this study showed that several volatiles were emitted by two or
368 more of the four bacteria under study, although in different amounts (e.g., 1-butanol, 1-
369 pentanol, phenylethyl alcohol, phenol, isocetane, 1-undecene, isovaleric acid, undecane,
370 methyl valerate, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-6-methyl-pyrazine, β-pinene, 2,4-thujadi-
371 ene or indole). Additionally, a systematic review performed by Bos et al. [6] revealed that,
372 for example, the four bacteria produce isopentanol, formaldehyde, methyl mercaptan, and
373 trimethylamine, although not observed in the present study.
374 Nevertheless, it should be remarked that the discrimination rates (training and LOO-
375 CV) are similar to the E-nose classification performances previously reported in the liter-
376 ature, which sensitivities varied from 84 to 100%, allowing differentiating/discriminating
377 several bacterial species, including E. coli, E. faecalis, P. aeruginosa or S. aureus, among other
378 pathogenic bacteria [1,2,15-23].
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 14


380 Figure 1. E-nose-MOS-LDA-SA model’s discrimination of the four studied Gram-positive and
381 Gram-negative bacteria grown in BHI agar medium: (▲) E. faecalis; (♦) S. aureus; (■) E. coli; and, (●)
382 P. aeruginosa. Classification model based on 25 feature extraction MOS signal parameters (S6_LP,
383 S1_INT, S5_INT, S8_INT, S9_INT, S1_MAX, S2_MAX, S4_MAX, S6_MAX, S2_MIN, S4_MIN,
384 S5_MIN, S6_MIN, S2_SUM, S3_SUM, S5_SUM, S6_SUM, S8_SUM, S9_SUM, S2_MEAN, S5_MEAN,
385 S1_SD, S2_SD, S3_SD, and S6_SD).

386 3.3. Quantification of bacteria CFUs using the E-nose-MOS lab-made device
387 As previously mentioned, few studies report the use of E-noses as semi-quantitative
388 [23,26] or quantitative [27,28] tools to assess the levels of bacteria. In this sense, the present
389 study also aimed to evaluate the quantitative performance of the lab-made E-nose-MOS
390 for determining the number of each type of bacterium (i.e., CFUs) in BHI agar medium.
391 For that, MLRM were developed relating the decimal logarithmic of the CFUs (log10(CFU))
392 of each one of the four bacteria as a multiple linear function of the selected feature ex-
393 tracted parameters derived from the E-nose-MOS response towards the VOCs emitted by
394 each single bacterium grown in solid medium. The predictive models’ performances were
395 evaluated based on two goodness of fitting parameters (R2 and RMSE) for the LOO-CV
396 variant. Table 3 shows the goodness of fitting data as well as the information regarding
397 the concentration range studied and the number of parameters included in each devel-
398 oped MLRM, which were selected by the SA algorithm.
399 The satisfactory predictive (LOO-CV) values of R2 and RMSE (0.943 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.994 and
400 0.158 ≤ RMSE ≤ 0.602 log10(CFU)), which are confirmed by the visualization of Figure 2,
401 support the use of the lab-made E-nose-MOS for quantifying the number of CFU of each
402 one of the four bacteria studied. Indeed, based on the RMSE values, the number of CFUs
403 initially inoculated in BHI agar medium, could be estimated after 24 h of incubation (at 37
404 ºC) with an accuracy as low as 1 to 4 CFUs, in-line with the accuracies previously reported
405 in the literature for quantitative assessment of bacteria in food samples [27,28].
407 Table 3. Predictive performance (LOO-CV) of the MLRM developed based on selected
408 feature extraction parameters derived from the interaction of the E-nose-MOS sensors
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 14

409 with the VOCs emitted by each one of the four bacteria studied: E. coli, P. aeruginosa, E.
410 faecalis, and S. aureus (number of each bacterium, i.e., contents in log10(CFU)).

Goodness of fitting pa-

Selected extracted feature parame- rametersc
Microorganism range
tersb RMSE
(log10(CFU))a R2
Gram- E. coli [0.342, 8.342] S4_LP; S6_SUM; S9_MEAN 0.978 0.436
negative P. aeruginosa [0.079, 6.079] S8_MAX; S9_MAX; S9_SD 0.995 0.174
Gram- E. faecalis [0.079, 8.079] S9_INT; S9_MIN; S8_MEAN; S5_SD 0.943 0.602
positive S. aureus [0.484, 5.484] S5_INT; S4_SUM; S4_MEAN 0.994 0.158
411 aExperimental concentration range in log10(CFU): 9 independent levels for E. coli; 7 independent levels for P.
412 aeruginosa; 10 independent levels for E. faecalis; and, 6 independent levels for S. aureus. bFeature extracted param-
413 eters from the E-nose-MOS response, selected by the SA algorithm and included in each MLRM. bR2: determina-
414 tion coefficient; RMSE: root mean square error.

417 Figure 2. E-nose-MOS-MLR-SA model’s predictions (leave-one-out cross-validation) of the decimal

418 logarithmic of the colony forming units (CFU), i.e., number of microorganisms, for the studied
419 Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria grown in BHI agar medium. (A) E. faecalis: model based
420 on 4 feature extraction MOS signal parameters (S9_INT; S9_MIN; S8_MEAN and S5_SD); (B) S. au-
421 reus: model based on 3 feature extraction MOS signal parameters (S5_INT, S4_SUM and S4_MEAN);
422 (C) E. coli: model based on 3 feature extraction MOS signal parameters (S4_LP, S6_SUM and
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 14

423 S9_MEAN); and (D) P. aeruginosa: model based on 3 feature extraction MOS signal parameters
424 (S8_MAX; S9_MAX and S9_SD).
426 The possibility of using the E-nose-MOS as an alternative routine tool for estimating
427 the number of CFU grown in a solid medium, was further checked following the method-
428 ology previously described by the research team [29], which is based on the XPT 90-210
429 French standard. For each bacterium, the decimal logarithmic of the CFU, predicted by
430 the E-nose-MOS-MLRM were plotted versus the decimal logarithmic of the experimental
431 number of CFU, determined by counting plate technique, and the respective parameters
432 (slope and intercept values) of the single regression trend line were calculated. The regres-
433 sion analysis allowed to verify if the slope and intercept values were statistically equal to
434 one and zero, respectively, which would correspond to a perfect linear fit. Table 4 shows
435 the parameters of the single linear regressions (R2, slope and intercept values and the re-
436 spective 95% confidence intervals, CI) for the LOO-CV procedure. The results clearly
437 demonstrate that, at 5% significance level, the slope and intercept values were statistically
438 equal to the expected theoretic values (i.e., the slope CI included the value 1; and, the
439 intercept CI contained the value zero). Thus, it was confirmed that the lab-made E-nose-
440 MOS device combined with MLRMs could be implemented as a fast, green and non-inva-
441 sive tool to estimate the number of CFUs of each of the four bacteria studied inoculated
442 separately in BHI agar medium, based on the sensors’ response towards the VOCs emitted
443 by each individual strain during a 24h growing-period in a solid synthetic medium.
445 Table 4. Parameters of the single linear regressions established between decimal logarith-
446 mic of the CFU predicted (LOO-CV) by the E-nose-MOS-MLM and the decimal logarith-
447 mic of the CFU experimentally determined by the conventional plate counting technique:
448 coefficient of determination (R2); slopes, intercept values and respective confidence inter-
449 vals (CI) at 95%.

Intercept Intercept CI
Microorganism R2 Slope Slope CI
(log10(CFU)) (log10(CFU))
Gram- E. coli 0.978 0.990 [0.857, 1.124] -0.016 [-0.690, 0.658]
negative P. aeruginosa 0.995 0.943 [0.863, 1.022] 0.082 [-0.211, 0.375]
Gram- E. faecalis 0.943 1.044 [0.834, 1.254] 0.167 [-1.060, 0.726]
positive S. aureus 0.994 0.998 [0.893, 1.103] 0.004 [-0.358, 0.366]

450 4. Conclusions
451 The study carried out highlighted the feasibility of applying a self-built electronic
452 nose prototype, comprising metal oxide semiconductor sensors, as a qualitative-quantita-
453 tive tool for identification and monitoring four different bacteria. The designed device
454 allowed the discrimination of the odors emitted by Gram-negative (E. coli and P. aeru-
455 ginosa) and Gram-positive (E. faecalis and S. aureus) bacteria, grown overnight in solid cul-
456 ture medium. However, it should be highlighted that the satisfactory predictive classifi-
457 cation performance (sensitivities ranging from 80 to 100% and specificities varying be-
458 tween 83 to 100%) was achieved for the leave-one-out cross-validation variant, which
459 could be slightly overoptimistic, being required an external validation in the future. More-
460 over, the olfactory-sensor device allowed assessing the number of colony-forming units,
461 (i.e., the number of microorganisms) of each of the four bacteria studied, grown separately
462 in BHI solid culture medium, with respective root mean square errors as low as 1 to 4
463 colonies. Once again, this accuracy was obtained for the leave-one –out cross-validation
464 variant and thus, the satisfactory quantitative results should be considered with caution.
465 Nevertheless, the performed study can be seen as a proof-of-concept that the electronic
Biosensors 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 14

466 nose is a fast, non-invasive and green alternative/complementary strategy to the conven-
467 tional analytical approaches. Finally, the promising and reliable classification and quanti-
468 tative performances achieved with the electronic nose strengthen the hypothesis of apply-
469 ing the proposed sensing-chemometric approach to the bacterial growth analysis in solid
470 food samples, although the influence of environmental conditions and the impact arisen
471 from the complexity and diversity of real samples matrices must be considered.
473 Author Contributions: Conceptualization, T.D., K.Z., A.C.A.V. and A.M.P.; methodology, T.D. and
474 A.M.P..; validation, V.S.S., T.Z., and N.F.; formal analysis, T.D., K.Z., A.C.A.V. and A.M.P.; investi-
475 gation, V.S.S., T.Z., N.F. and A.I.R.; resources, T.D., A.C.A.V. and A.M.P.; data curation, V.S.S., T.Z.,
476 N.F. and A.I.R.; writing—original draft preparation, T.D. and A.M.P.; writing—review and editing,
477 V.S.S., T.Z., N.F., A.I.R., T.D., K.Z., A.C.A.V. and A.M.P.; funding acquisition, T.D., A.C.A.V. and
478 A.M.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
479 Funding: This research was funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal),
480 through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC), to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020),
481 to CEB (UIDB/04469/2020) and to the Associate Laboratory SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2020).
482 Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
483 Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
484 Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
485 corresponding author.
486 Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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