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Initial Public Offering Process

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Initial public offering process

A. Preparation
In this preparation step all of the requirements that the companies need to go public are:
1. Making general meeting for member of shareholders to make an agreement. The
management of the company should make a clear statement for the reason to raise fund by
going public.
2. After accepting the agreement, the company should use capital market experts’ institution
for example underwriter, notary public, legal consultant, and appraisal company. Supporting
institution for example trustee, guarantor, securities administrator bureau, and custodian.
3. Prepare all the documents required for public offering

B. Registration
After administrative step the company do the following steps :
1. Confirm that OJK has received the registration document
2. OJK will check all of the documents that consist of :
a. A cover letter
b. Prospectus
Prospectus is a document that consist of the information about the company within last 3
years in summary. Prospectus inform :
 The function of the fund from go public
 Risk of the business
 Analysis and discussion from management
 Company profile
 Financial statement of the company
Every statement and all of supporting documents will be checked by OJK. In general in this step all
of companies register their companies to OJK with documents to supporting their statement to go
public until OJK confirmed that the registration is effective. If there is no answer from OJK within
30 days, the company automatically effective.
C. Offering
After the registration statement submitted to OJK is declared effective, the stock has already
sale in public. Sales occur through initial public offering. This is the main step because this is the
step where the company starting offering their stock to the society. Sale of stock through IPO
mechanism is also known as Sales in primary market. Not all of The companies that do the IPO
steps will be known as public company (tbk). After IPO the companies can directly listing their
stock in Indonesia Stock Exchange but should do the following steps and the rules.

Cost of capital
adalah merupakan topik yang amat penting untuk dipelajaridalam manajemen keuangan
karena beberapa alasan : Pertama, bahwacapital budgeting decision mempunyai
pengaruh yang besar pada perusahaan dancapital budgeting
yang baik akan memerlukan ramalanakan
cost of capital
yang tepat.
, bahwa
capital structure
dapat mempengaruhi baik besar dan risk daripada pendapatan perusahaan dan
selanjutnya adalah juga pada
“ value of the firm “
.Pengetahuan daripada
cost of capital
, dan bagaimana ia dipengaruhi oleh
financial leverage
adalah sangat bermanfaat dalam mengambil keputusan atas
capital structure
yang diambil. Akhirnya, hampir semua keputusan, termasuk didalamnya adalah
pembayaran kembali atas debt
kebijaksanaan modal kerja
, memerlukan pengetahuan dan estimasi atas
cost of capital
.Pada awal pembahasan, kita akan bicarakan mengenai arti pentingnya penggunaan
“ weighted average cost of capital “
, kemudian selanjutnya akan kita bahas mengenai cost dari komponen dalam
capital structure
, yang antara lainmeliputi :
debt, prefference share and equity dan retained earning

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