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Number 528 June 2016

Marine Microplastic Pollution

◼ Microplastics, plastic pieces under 5 mm in
size, are a widespread ocean contaminant.
◼ Sources of microplastic include fibres from
synthetic textiles, microbeads from
cosmetic and industrial applications and
large items of plastic debris that break
down into smaller pieces.
◼ Studies have shown the presence of
microplastics in seafood. The potential risk
Plastic pollution is accumulating rapidly in the to human health is little studied and
world’s oceans. The potential effects of remains uncertain.
microplastics on the environment and human ◼ Laboratory evidence suggests that
health are an area of active research. This microplastics and their associated additives
POSTnote summarises their sources and can be harmful to wildlife. However, not all
spread, the evidence that they present a risk and species or life stages may be affected.
possible strategies to reduce plastic pollution.

Background Sources
Plastic is an extremely versatile resource whose production It is frequently possible to identify what type of plastic
levels have increased dramatically since the 1950s.1 It can polymer (Box 1) a particular piece of ocean debris is made
be made into a wide range of products that are strong, of, regardless of its size. However, when pieces become
durable, inexpensive and lightweight. However, some of the small, fragmented and degraded they are almost impossible
properties of plastic that make it such an attractive material to trace to their original source. As a result, the relative
during use also make it problematic when it becomes waste. importance of different microplastic sources is unknown.
The primary issue is that it is highly resistant to degradation. The three largest sources are thought to be fibres from
Indiscriminate discarding and the accidental release of textiles, microbeads and large pieces of plastic debris,10
plastic into the marine environment has resulted in the rapid which will become microplastics as they fragment and
accumulation of persistent marine plastic debris in the degrade. However, a 2014 report by the Norwegian
world’s oceans. By weight, most of this consists of large Environment Agency also highlighted the potential
pieces of debris such as fishing gear, bottles and plastic importance of microplastic emissions from normal wear and
bags; but by number, the dominant type of debris in the tear of plastic products such as tyres, fishing nets, rope and
world’s oceans are small pieces that are under 5 mm in size carpets, as well as plastics in paints and varnishes.11
– these are known are microplastics.2 It has been estimated
that there were between 15 to 51 trillion microplastic
Small fibres from synthetic clothing, such as polyester and
particles floating on the surface of the world’s oceans in
nylon, are released into waste water through the process of
2014, weighing between 93 and 236 metric tons.3
washing clothes.12 Waste water treatment plants are not
Sources and Spread designed to retain microplastics, and the resulting sewage
Microplastics can either be manufactured (for example, as effluent can carry fibres out to rivers, lakes, estuaries and
microbeads for use in cosmetic scrubs, toothpastes, and the sea. Fibres are commonly the most abundant type of
cleaning products), or can result from the fragmentation of microplastic found in marine wildlife and sediments.7,13-16
larger items of plastic debris. They are ubiquitous
throughout the marine environment and have been found in
Microbeads are small spheres or fragments of plastic that
estuaries, lakes, coasts, sediments, the open ocean, deep
are used in cosmetics, household cleaning products and
seas, and arctic sea ice.4-9
industrial blasting. They include beads used in exfoliants

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA T 020 7219 2840 E
POSTnote 528 June 2016 Marine Microplastic Pollution Page 2

treatment plants have found that the percentage of

Box 1. Types of Plastic
Plastics are made from a group of large molecules known as microplastic particles captured in sewage sludge ranges
polymers. Polymers come in numerous forms, which vary in from 24% to 100%, depending on the type of microplastic,
characteristics such as buoyancy, toxicity, and degradability. Although treatment process and methodology used in the study.20
there are thousands of types of polymers, most plastics are made However, these studies are limited in scope, and in cases
from one of six: polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl where waste water bypasses treatment no microplastics
chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polyurethane (PUR) and
may be filtered out (for instance, if it is released directly into
polyethylene terephthalate (PET).17 Plastics may also contain
additives that are designed to change the properties of the end the environment as a result of sewage overflow). Plastic
product; such as stabilisers, flame retardants and pigments. Some particles in sewage sludge that has been used as fertiliser
additives slow down the degradation rate of plastics and have the may additionally enter the sea at a later date as a result of
potential to leach out into the environment. surface water run-off from agricultural land.
Biodegradable plastics degrade more rapidly than conventional
plastics under certain environmental conditions. For a product to be Areas of High Concentrations
labelled as biodegradable, it should meet one of a number of Plastic pollution is moved around the world’s oceans by
recognised standards for the extent of degradation required under a currents and prevailing winds. Large differences in the
given time period.18 However, current standards refer to rates of number of microplastic particles reported at different
degradation that would only occur in an industrial composter, where locations suggests that their spread is uneven. Several
temperatures reach 70°C. There is no technical standard that would studies have modelled the spread of microplastics through
require biodegradable plastic to degrade fully within a relevant time
frame in the marine environment. the marine environment, but predicting these movements is
complex and limited by uncertainties, including:
◼ how the size, shape, density and fragmentation rate of
and toothpastes, as well as beads used in ‘media blasting’,
different types of plastic affect movement
where small plastics and other granules such as sand are
◼ how buoyancy is affected by the accumulation of algae
propelled onto the surfaces of buildings, machinery and
and bacteria on the plastic’s surface
boats. In the UK, emissions of microplastics into the
◼ the proportion of microplastics that are ingested by
environment have been estimated at between 16-86 tonnes
wildlife or end up in sediments (including beaches).
per annum from facial exfoliants alone.19 There are no
Models and field studies agree that buoyant plastics are
academic estimates of the number of particles that are
likely to accumulate in areas of the ocean with circular
entering the ocean as a result of media blasting.
currents that are known as sub-tropical gyres.21-24 These are
Large Plastic Debris where the five oceanic ‘garbage patches’ occur. However,
Large pieces of plastic can enter the ocean as a result of concentrations can vary by a factor of ten across very small
littering or accidental escape from waste management distances,23 and also tend to be much higher close to
systems. This can occur at sea, for example through the densely populated coastal areas.12
accidental or deliberate disposal of fishing gear, but marine
Monitoring Microplastics
litter can also originate from inland sources and enter the
Most estimates of microplastic abundance are based on
marine environment after it has travelled down rivers, or be
particles collected from plankton nets with a mesh size of
carried in by the wind. Some definitions of large plastic
330 µm (1 µm = 1 thousandth of a mm), which means that
debris also include pre-production pellets that are known as
microplastics smaller than this threshold are less likely to be
nurdles, but because they are usually around the 5 mm size
collected and counted in samples. However, several studies
mark, several studies list them as a type of microplastic.
have shown that smaller microplastic particles do exist in
They are potentially a large source of plastic pollution, 11
the ocean,25 and have the potential to become nanoplastics
though there are no robust figures estimating the rate at
measuring less than 100 nm (1 nm = 1 millionth of mm).26
which pellets are lost at sea or at processing plants.
As there is no routine sampling method for particles of this
The importance of different sources of large plastic debris size, it is likely that figures for the amount of marine
depends on whether it is the number or weight of items that microplastics in the ocean are underestimates.
is measured. For example, 891 visual surveys that counted
Current monitoring of microplastic pollution is not
the number of large plastic items on the surface of the
standardised. Studies use a range of sampling techniques
world’s oceans found that 20% of items were fishing-related
and have different definitions of how small a fragment needs
debris, 58% were non-fishing related items and 22% were
to be in order to be classed as a microplastic. The Joint
classified as miscellaneous.2 However, by weight, fishing
Programming Initiative on Oceans – an EU funded initiative
gear was the dominant form of litter observed, accounting
to pool research efforts – includes funding for a project to
for 70% of the total. Most of this (58%) was derelict fishing
standardise methods for microplastic analysis.
buoys. Just over a quarter of non-fishing gear items were
pieces of foamed polystyrene, followed by bottles (18% of Risks to Wildlife and Human Health
all non-fishing items), and plastic bags/films (10%). Data on The small size of microplastics means that they can be
the composition of plastic debris that has sunk to the bottom ingested by marine life. They have been found in a variety of
of the ocean or is suspended in the water column is limited. species including zooplankton, mussels, oysters, shrimp,
marine worms, fish, seals and whales.16,27-37 Several of
Filtering Microplastics from Waste Water
these species are of commercial importance. For example,
There is little information on how efficient waste water
a 2009 survey in the Clyde Sea found that 83% of
treatment plants are at capturing microplastics before they
Norwegian lobster (the most valuable fishery in Scotland)
enter the environment. Studies across eight European
POSTnote 528 June 2016 Marine Microplastic Pollution Page 3

were contaminated with plastic, mainly in the form of affected only at certain stages of their lifecycle (Box 4). Field
fibres.38 Similarly, trawls in the English Channel found studies in this area face several difficulties. Wildlife in the
microplastic contamination in 36.5% of fish caught,32 a marine environment is exposed to a wide range of other
proportion similar to that found in fish from the North Pacific pressures, including rising temperatures, ocean acidification
Central Gyre, known as the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’. and other types of pollutants such as heavy metals.
Disentangling the effects of microplastics from the effects of
Toxicity to humans and wildlife could potentially be caused these other factors will be challenging.
by the plastic polymer itself, by the additives it contains (Box
2), or by other chemicals that are known to associate with Environmental Effects
microplastics once they are in the ocean (Box 3). However, There are several concerns over the potential ecological
there are a variety of polymers that behave differently effects of microplastics that are not related to the ingestion
according to their size and shape39 and thousands of of these particles by animals or algae. Examples include:
different additives used in products. This makes it difficult to ◼ Pieces of microplastic can provide a surface on which
make general predictions about the effects of ingesting marine insects can lay their eggs. The number of marine
them. Little is known about the rate at which plastic pond skaters has been shown to increase with growing
additives leak into their surrounding environment (whether amounts of microplastics in the North Pacific.49 Such
this be the ocean or biological tissues), as well as the proliferation of species that were previously limited by the
potential levels of exposure for humans and wildlife. scarcity of places on which to lay their eggs has unknown
ecological consequences, but may allow several species
Human Health to become more abundant and expand their range.
No studies have investigated whether microplastics that are ◼ The community of microbes associated with plastic
unintentionally ingested by humans can be subsequently fragments is different to that normally found in seawater.50
transported into tissues.40 Several studies show that A study looking at the microbial communities on pieces of
microplastics are present in sea food sold for human polyethylene (the most commonly produced plastic
consumption,15,16,28,29,41 including mussels in North Sea worldwide) and polypropylene (frequently used in
mussel farms and oysters from the Atlantic. Although the gut packaging) found that of a total of 3,484 species of
wall may be an important barrier,40 there is a possibility that microbe, only 53 were shared by polypropylene,
very small particles such as nanoplastics could penetrate polyethylene and seawater, whereas 799 were unique to
gut tissues. Experiments in rats have showed that polypropylene and 413 were unique to polyethylene. The
polystyrene microspheres of 50-100 nm can be absorbed ecological consequences of this are also unknown.
into the body through the gut and transported to the liver ◼ The presence of high concentrations of microplastics in
and spleen.42 The ability of different plastics to enter tissues beach sediments can change their permeability and heat
is likely to depend on their size and chemical properties. absorbance,51 raising concerns about the effects on
Once inside, there are number of ways in which species where sex is determined by temperature (e.g.
nanoplastics could theoretically interact with biological sea turtles) and sediment-dwelling species that would be
tissues in a way that could be toxic; but these have not been at a higher risk of desiccation (including worms,
tested, and the risk to human health remains unknown.40 crustaceans, and molluscs).
Wildlife Addressing the Risks of Microplastics
Laboratory experiments have shown that plastic ingestion Three policies covering marine plastic litter are outlined in
can have detrimental effects in a range of species that have Box 5. In addition, in January 2014 the European Parliament
key roles in marine ecology, though some of these passed a resolution on plastic waste in the environment
experiments expose animals to higher concentrations of calling for single use plastics that cannot be recycled
microplastics than those that have been reported in (including microbeads) to be phased out.
sediments and the water column. The magnitude of effects
varies between species, and some animals appear to be Box 3. Plastics as Transport for Other Pollutants
The chemical and physical properties of microplastics enable them to
Box 2. Effects of Additives attract and accumulate a number of other chemicals in the oceans.
Some additives that are incorporated into plastics during the These include most persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and
manufacturing process, including bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates and persistent bioaccumulative and toxic substances.52-54 Chemicals on
brominated flame retardants, are known hormone disruptors.43-45 microplastics ingested by an organism can dissociate from plastic
Studies have found that exposure to BPA at levels found in the particles and enter body tissues. This has been demonstrated in
general population can be associated with the onset of obesity, lugworms and seabirds.52 In the latter case, contaminants were
cardiovascular disease, increases in hormonally-mediated cancers passed to the birds as a result of eating polyethylene resin pellets as
and changes in behavioural development.46 All plastics, especially well as eating fish that were exposed to contaminants in the water,
those in packaging, undergo rigorous testing to ensure that levels of suggesting that they have the potential to travel through the food
toxic chemicals are kept below defined levels; but the behaviour of chain. However, natural sediments can also attract substances such
plastics and additives in the sea and potential levels of exposure are as POPs, and there is debate over the importance of microplastics as
still being investigated. Items made from PVC and printed a transmitter of POPs and other substances into tissues compared to
polyethylene bags appear to have the highest potential to leach other subtrates. There is evidence that certain chemicals preferentially
additives into seawater.47 The risk of exposure to additives such as attach to plastic,53,54 but there are only limited data on the extent to
BPA through marine microplastics is considered low compared to which chemicals dissociate from plastic and migrate into tissues in
other sources.48 different environmental conditions and on how quickly they
accumulate in the food chain.
POSTnote 528 June 2016 Marine Microplastic Pollution Page 4

Box 4. Effects of Microplastic Ingestion in Laboratory Studies Box 5. Existing Policies

The effects of microplastics on wildlife that have been found in EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive
laboratory studies include: Microplastic is listed as a type of marine litter under the EU Marine
◼ Polystyrene microparticles reduced the number and size of eggs Strategy Framework Directive. In order to achieve good environmental
produced by oysters,55 but a separate study found no effects on status by 2020, member states need to ensure that the properties and
the development or feeding capacity of oyster larvae.56 quantities of marine litter do not cause harm to the coastal and marine
◼ Blue mussels exposed to high concentrations of high density environment. Determining these levels is difficult as the amount of
polyethylene (HDPE) grains57 and polystyrene microbeads58 microplastic pollution required to do harm is likely to be variable
absorbed them into tissues through their gills and feeding between species, and ‘harm’ itself has not been defined.
apparatus. Plastics inside tissues in the polystryrene study caused
no measurable harm, but the HDPE study found evidence of an
OSPAR (the Oslo and Paris Convention for the Protection of the
inflammatory response. It is unknown whether these effects were
Marine Environment in the North East Atlantic) has a target (2010-
caused by mechanical abrasion or a toxic effect of the plastic’s
2020) to ‘substantially reduce marine litter in the OSPAR maritime
area to levels where properties and quantities do not cause harm to
◼ Lugworms (a key food source for fish and wading birds and an
the marine environment’. Its system of monitoring plastic debris is
important animal for maintaining the ecology of the seabed)
based on three indicators: beach litter, seabed litter and plastic found
exposed to PVC had 50% lower energy reserves than worms that
in the stomachs of fulmars (a seabird species). Further indicators,
were not exposed to microplastic.59 This was probably as a result
including measuring plastic loads in a range of species, and an
of reduced feeding activity, inflammation and plastic particles being
indicator for microplastics, are under development.
retained in the gut for long periods of time.
◼ Copepods (a type of zooplankton eaten by several commercially MARPOL
important fish larvae) exposed to polystyrene microbeads produced MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
smaller eggs with reduced hatching success.60 They have also from Ships) aims to reduce marine pollution from ships. Annex 5
been shown to produce microbead-laden faecal pellets61 that can specifically deals with marine litter and prohibits the disposal at sea of
transfer up the food chain.62 These have been shown to sink at all forms of plastic.
different rates to normal pellets, which could affect the rate of
carbon accumulation in marine sediments in regions with high
widening range of plastic packaging is also being picked up
levels of microplastic contamination.62
◼ Exposure to polyethylene pre-production pellets disrupted hormone at kerbside collections. A number of NGOs are additionally
production in female Japanese medaka (a type of fish).63 calling for the implementation of a deposit return scheme
Hormone production was also disrupted in males, but in this case (DRS) in Scotland, with a feasibility study published in May
the effects were considered to be more likely a result of chemicals 2015.72 These involve consumers paying a small deposit on
that had become associated with the microplastic particles in the drinks bottles that would be refunded when they are
ocean rather than the microplastic itself.
returned to a recycling point. However, there has been no
◼ Periwinkles kept in water with microplastics collected near Calais
in France, at concentrations similar to that found on beaches, systematic policy evaluation at scale,73 and the available
altered their behavioural response to cues of the presence of crab evidence on whether they reduce littering behaviour cost-
predators, increasing the likelihood of their predation.64 effectively remains subject to debate.74

The elimination of microbeads found in cosmetics has been

Preventing Microplastic Marine Pollution the central focus of a number of recent campaigns, including
There is widespread agreement that the most effective way the Marine Conservation Society’s Scrub it out! and the
to reduce microplastic pollution is to prevent plastic from North Sea Foundation and Plastic Soup Foundation’s Beat
entering the marine environment in the first place. This the Microbead (see Briefing Paper 7510). Several countries
applies to pieces that are already small enough to be have issued or are in the process of issuing bans on
classed as microplastics, but also to large pieces of debris microbeads in cosmetic products, including Canada and the
that will eventually fragment into microplastics. Solutions US. Presently, 25 UK companies are or have stated an
that aim to tackle these larger pieces will have the additional intention to become microbead-free, such as the large
benefit of reducing the negative social, economic and multinationals Unilever, Colgate-Palmolive and P&G.
ecological impacts associated with large plastic debris, such
as impacts on mental wellbeing, the entanglement of ship Removing Microplastics from the Ocean
propellers on discarded fishing gear, and the entanglement Even if the flow of plastic litter into the sea was halted
of wildlife on items like rope and six-pack rings.65-68 immediately, the amount of microplastic in the ocean would
Approaches to preventing plastic pollution include changing likely continue to increase as larger items already in the
the design of plastic products and packaging, improving ocean fragment and degrade.17 Technology to remove
plastic waste facilities and management, and changing microplastics from the ocean does not currently exist.75
plastic use and littering behaviour through education and However, the UK participates in a number of schemes that
public engagement.17 Preliminary data suggest public are helping to remove existing large debris. An example is
awareness of microplastics is low,17,69 which may be a Fishing for Litter, a voluntary scheme where participating
barrier to changing behaviours. However, there have been boats are given large bags to collect litter found in their nets
no detailed studies investigating public understanding. as part of their normal fishing activity. The bags are then
collected at participating harbours for disposal or recycling.
In 2014, the overall recovery rate for plastic waste in the UK Over 360 fishing vessels and 26 harbours across Scotland
was 59%, of which 29% was recycled and 30% was and South West England are participating.76
incinerated for energy recovery.1 The plastic bag charge led
to a 71% decrease in single-use plastic bag use in Wales Endnotes
1 Plastics Europe 2015
(2011-2014),70 and 80% in Scotland (2014-2015).71 A
2 Eriksen, M, et al. 2014, PLoS One, 9(12), e111913.
POST is an office of both Houses of Parliament, charged with providing independent and balanced analysis of policy issues that have a basis in science and technology.
POST is grateful to Ciara Stafford for researching this briefing, to NERC for funding her parliamentary fellowship, and to all contributors and reviewers. For further
information on this subject, please contact the co-author, Dr Jonathan Wentworth. Parliamentary Copyright 2016. Image copyright
POSTnote 528 June 2016 Marine Microplastic Pollution Page 5

3 van Sebille. E. et al. 2015, Environ. Res. Lett. 10 73 Nutley, S, et al, 2013, What Counts as Good Evidence? Alliance for Useful
4 Sadri, S.S. and Thompson, R.C. 2014, Mar. Pollut. Bull, 81, 55–60. Evidence
5 Eriksen, M. et al. 2013, Mar. Pollut. Bull. 77, 177–182. 74 Oosterhuis, F. et al. 2014, Ocean & Coastal Management, 102: 47-5
6 Free, C.M. et al. 2014, Mar. Pollut. Bull. 85, 156–163. 75 Law, K. L. and Thompson, R. C. 2014. Science 345, 144–145.
7 Thompson, R C. et al. 2004, Science, 304, 838-838. 76 Fishing for Litter
8 Van Cauwenberghe et al. 2013, Environ. Pollut. 182, 495–499.
9 Obbard, R W. et al. 2014, Earth’s Futur. 2, 315–320 (2014).
10 Browne, M.A. 2015, Sources and Pathways of Microplastics to Habitats. In, M.
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13 Claessens, M. et al. 2011. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 62, 2199–2204.
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