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Pisces Man Secrets How To Text A Pisces Man by Anna Kovach 2022 Edition

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The Difference between Texting and Sexting

Texting is probably more functional and you should use it

to let your partner know that you will be home late and so
hold dinner or put the champers on ice. Timely texting
can keep you out of trouble and avoid you dinner
landing up “in the cat” as a friend of mine used to put

Texting is also about punctuality and if you are a Scorpio

or Virgo, who cannot abide by poor time keeping that you
should be texting Pisces Man quite often to make sure he
knows what time and date and where the heck the date
is, as he may just forget one or all three.

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Pisces is scatty and so texting is a practical tool you can
use to navigate him into the right place at the right time so
the important business of dating can begin.

Now sexting is something a little different. We all know

how to text and yet Pisces Men find texting more intimate
and so they are rather open to it getting more sensual,
more suggestive and becoming a whole new arena for

“Imagination will make a man of you, imagination is

what I want from you.”

Now you know how when you read a book; the words are
there and the words are the same for every person who
reads that book and yet everyone will have a different
screenplay running in their head as they read those
words. The words stimulate imagination in a way that a

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movie does not like the images and sounds of voices are
a given and you just sit there and soak it up. Texts
stimulate the imagination as his mind will create pictures
as he reads them and you need to work on that aspect
getting him to produce sexual and wild imagery in his
mind that will drive him nuts.

Sexting and texting work so well with Pisces Man as he

has such a vivid imagination and so much of his sexual
arousal happens in his head via that imagination rather
than in reality and so you will be working with his
strongest suit as you entice him into a sexual frenzy via

Twenty years ago this book would never have been

written and no one knew what the hell text was and yet a
whole new genre of communication has evolved due to
the invention of text and it is not quite like email or
messenger or WhatsApp; they all have different unspoken

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rules and text remains the most direct, most personal and
possibly the most private.

The Language of Love

The more you get into sexting or intimate texting - it can

be more romantic than sexual - the more you will develop
a language that only you and Mr. Pisces understand as it
becomes totally personalized with a load of in-house
innuendo and code words.

This texting style becomes unique to you both and

can become a trademark of the relationships,
something quite addictive and pleasurable.

Sexting is quite random and it is often nonlinear as it can

fly off on tangents and take you wherever you want to go.
It is quite amazing what can be revealed in a sexting or

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testing session; secrets are revealed and sexual fantasies
are born. It really is an amazing intimacy enhancer, a
sexual icebreaker and a brand new way to entertain

Texting and sexting are not just for long distance

romancers; it is perfect for married couples, daters,
lovers, long-term relationship couples and of course those
of you having affairs – I don’t advocate affairs, but we are
all adults here we know they happen.

“What we really want, you know we rarely say.”

Pisces Man can be very comfortable with sexting and it

can help draw him out of himself. Pisces are affectionate
and emotional in bed, but they can be sexually repressed
and they may even have some guilt about sexual desires,
which is why sexting allows them more freedom to live

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out a sexual wild side via 26 letters and some emoji’s
without actually having the embarrassment or even
shame of suggesting something face to face and doing it

Pisces Men are generally very good sexters – they quite

enjoy the fact that during sexting you are at remote
locations and they can make suggestions which they
could later slide out of. There is somewhat of a deniability
about the text; you can put ideas out there and later
claim, it was just text banter and you were not serious
and so Pisces Man will often use this approach.

There is a time and place for sexting and you must

learn to respect those times and places when he is
not in the mood – he may be a late night texter or an
early morning one. He may enjoy sneaking off during work
to see what the next installment is or perhaps he does not
want his concentration broken.

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You will soon work out the patterns and sense when he is
in the mood. Texting sessions can often be quite long as
you both get carried away and so when you start one,
that could be it for any other good intention i.e. going to
the gym or catching up on work reading.

Safety First

Of course, you must be sure that he has access to his

phone all the time and has a password other than 1234,
the most common one other than 9999. Pisces are lazy
and often very complacent with technical security and so
make sure he sets up a password, as you do not want
anyone reading your saucy messages.

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Truth for Truth and Lie for Lie

WARNING: If you meet a guy online or at a bar or even on

a work trip and he is very into texting you, more so than
the usual dating or phone calls and you find that he texts
mainly 9-5, late nights and not much on weekends…
BEWARE! He is probably married or has a partner as this
is typical MO for a man looking for an affair. Pisces Man
can enjoy the cloak and dagger of an affair and they often
manage to justify it in their minds by convincing
themselves that they are a victim and this is their escape.

I recall a Paul Simon song from the 70’s called “50 ways
to leave your lover,” and now with all these apps and
social media sites, I think we need an update, “500 ways
to leave your lover” or perhaps we should have, “50 Ways
to sext your lover!”

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What do Pisces want from Sexting?

1. Imagery

After reading several of my books on Pisces Man, you will

have read one word over and over again and that word is
imagination. If you can make it happen in his head then
that equates to foreplay done 100% right.

Pisces have a splendid imagination and that enables

you to stimulate him sexually remotely just as well as
you can in person, perhaps even better. You can prep
him and have him all hard when he walks in the door after
a sexting session while he travels home on the bus -
preferably not the car as we do not want any RTA's here.

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Now Pisces like to think they are the James Bond's of the
bedroom, licensed to thrill in the sack every time and yet
we all know nothing in real life is that sensational all the
time, however in sexting, it can be, It can be anything you
both want it to be.

So let us look at some examples:

He texts and says, "What are you doing now?”

He does not want to know that you are choosing a

carbonara for tonight's dinner, changing a diaper or
brushing your dog's teeth. He will regret asking and will
probably lose any mojo that was developing and so this is
what you can say.

"Funny I was just thinking of you, I must be psychic."

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This appeals to him as he will be flattered that you were
thinking of him and he will enjoy the fact you assume
there is a deeper mental connection that links you.

"I was just wandering through the lingerie section of

Macy's (it can be any department store, but make it a
preppy and glamorous one rather than something
downmarket), looking for some eye candy for you.”

His interest with being piqued.

"I was just wondering what I would look like in this


"I know you like a splash of purple.”

Now you do not want to give him the description all at

once, you want to take it nice and slow to just tease him

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with small pieces of information he can then put together
in his head.

"I may go and try this on; although there is not much of it I
admit. Won't keep me very warm in December, that will be
all down to you babe.”

He'll be wanting to know more about this outfit and if you

are really going to buy it. You have also titillated him into
thinking about you getting undressed in a changing room
(which is in a public place) and putting on this mystery
item right as you text.

"I am undressed, just looking for the catch on the

suspenders." So he knows you are almost naked and
there are suspenders involved - he will be asking for a

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“I am just picturing you undoing this little hook here and
running your hand all over my naked butt until you reach
the lacy edge of this G-string.”

“I feel so sexy right now! If only you were here. Pity the
shop assistant is only the other side of this curtain or I
could call you now.”

Now, this is where you could have got prepared

beforehand. It is highly unlikely he will text when you are
in a lingerie department, but what if you already had the
purple bra and knicker set and had taken a picture of it on
a surface or of you wearing it. You could now send him
that picture.

You can embellish now and add details, "Now if you were
here I could ask if my boobs look big in this, and they do!"

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"My DD's (OK some of us are just B's, not double D's. but
you can make up a name for your boobs) are looking
pretty in purple, all ready for our special night.”

"This G-string is so tiny, it feels like I am going


You may want to end that sexting session and let him go
cool off.

This works if you already live together, are married or are


So the lesson here is to make up a story about what

you are doing that is a tad more sensational than the
chores you may be bogged down in. I once was
chatting to a friend who lived in New York City (far from
where I am) and we were discussing plans for what we

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were going to do on New Years' Eve. She said to me,
"Anna, even if you do not do anything great, make up
something and just tell me that, I'll never get to know it
wasn't true and at least you can entertain me with the

This shows that people do not always want the truth, or

else why would we read fiction and watch fictional films,
sometimes we want to be told a lie if it helps us escape
and brings us pleasure and so this is a time when lies are
A-OK and that applies to the wonderful world of text.

2. Before Bed

You Initiate the Sexting.

"Hi stranger, just off to bed, wanted to say goodnight.”

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This is a good way to start a text convo if he has not been
in touch for a few hours and you live separately. If he does
not reply, leave it, or else it will look like you were not off
to bed, you were just fishing or checking up on him.

He will text back, giving you an opportunity to say.

“It is such a hot night, I am laying here on top of my duvet

with a fruity ice lolly and it is literally dripping all over me,
running down my elbow and between my boobs – pity
you are not here to lick it off.”

“I love hot August nights they make me feel very sexy. It’s
really cool sleeping with no PJ’s and no sheets, with a soft
breeze from the open window caressing me as I drift off.”

“I have a new sheet and duvet set, crisp white Irish linen –
smells divine, just like an Irish coastal town in spring. You

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should be here christening them with me. The texture
against my skin is gorgeous.”

Or it may be in winter.

“Hey babe, just sitting on my couch, with my fluffy socks

and that big bulky fury blanket wrapped around my naked
body. Plenty of space for us both under here, not that we
will need that or the heater on – we’ll power up the city
this weekend.”

“I have these long, long socks that go all the way up to…
well, almost right up to the pleasure dome.”

“It is so cold I have a big pillow wrapped between my legs

- when I wake up I think for one moment it is you and I
start squeezing it so hard and calling your name.”

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Say he texts or calls and you missed the text/call by some

“I was just in the shower, sorry I missed your text. I am

standing here dripping wet. Let me grab a towel and shut
the curtain before the neighbor sees me.”

“LoL standing in a pool of water where I dripped off; let

me just comb out my hair it is all damp and tousled.”

“The towel keeps falling off, you know how those things
never defy gravity no matter how tight you wrap them.”

Now while these texts are quite specific, you should take
a few lessons from them. They are subtle, Pisces like
subtle and innocent rather than a text which says, “I am

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laying on my back with my legs wide open thinking of
you.” This is just too crass for Pisces; too obvious and
there is no romance. What you have achieved in the
above texts is introduce a great deal of sexual innuendo
or hinting i.e. licking, dripping, squeezing, nakedness in a
context that is visually alluring. Men get very turned on
by hearing you just got out of a bath or shower or are
just about to have one and so texts can chat about that
but not in such an obvious way, rather you can say:

“I got undressed and was about to run a bath and I cannot

find my towel; just rushing about the flat manically looking
for the dammed towel.”

Here you have introduced nakedness, bathing and

rushing about which can produce imagery of him that will
include chasing you about your flat.

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If you want to be more explicit.

“My shower head has various pulse actions; never knew

what a burst of water could do for me; you would be
amazed, can’t wait to demonstrate up live and personal.”

3. Hotels

Men just adore hearing from you while you are in a hotel
and so these tips are perfect for a girl who is married or in
a relationship with Pisces Man and is away on business in
a hotel.

Why hotels? The Pisces Man loves to travel, he adores

the anonymity of a hotel bedroom, he loves the ambiance
of coming and going, it is all up his street. You can create
sexts that conjure up images of a dirty weekend; lovers
having a secret meet up or a romantic getaway.

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Even if your hotel room sux or is pretty grotty, you want to
paint it as quaint or novel or ultra-modern. You should
make out your experience in this hotel has been quirky
and amusing.

“In fragrance heaven, you get so many complimentary

products here you will be able to smell me out in the
arrivals hall.”

“The walls here are paper thin; in fact, I can hear the
couple in the next room change their minds. I swear there
is just wallpaper between my room and theirs and they are
about to get intimate.”

This will appeal to Pisces Man and he will want to know

more as he is a bit of a voyeur.

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Now you have a chance to text him what this imaginary
couple is doing sexually and how she is absolutely wild
for it – you can use this as your chance to bring up sexual
positions and subject you would be too embarrassed to
talk to him directly about. This will make him so horny.

Alternatively, another version of this is.

“My room has a little door which faces into a quadrant, I

can just about see into some of the rooms below and to
the left of mine. LOL, I bet some dirty old men ask for this
room on a regular basis. Someone has left the curtains
open, hold on….

Make him wait to build suspense.

“…there is a woman laying out clothing on the bed. She

has just a t-shirt and her knickers on. She seems to be

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getting her business clothes ready for the next day. Ok,
she is coming to the window, maybe she is going to pull
the curtains, hope she does not see me and think I am
some kind of weirdo. No, she is looking out at the
gardens, has not seen me at all. Now she is taking off her
t-shirt, wow, she has nice boobs, wonder if they are real.
Can’t believe she is so nonchalant, mind you hotel is quite
empty, she probably does not expect anyone to be
looking. Oooh! She has a man with her. He just sidled up
behind her and clasped those boobs, more than a handful
I can tell you…..

Pause, make him wait.

“Those knickers hit the floor fast. He is riding her from

behind. She has her hands on that window sill like it is a
white-knuckle…how is she not screaming out?
Phew, my heart is beating like a drum on her behalf.”

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“I’m not looking anymore, I am on the bed sating myself,

that was so exciting. That could be us, babe, we could so
rock that!”

OK, I am giving you some ideas here, you really have to

make them your own, but you can see how you can use
scenarios to build sexual tension and titillate Mr. Pisces.

4. Music and Memory

Let’s bring back some romance as the last chapter was

much about sex. Let us assume you are either at a
luncheon, at a hotel for a meeting or in another town.
There is music playing, probably on a loop from a USB
stick as these days few venues have a live pianist or
singer, but you are going to make that part up, right! So,

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you say you are waiting in the foyer or sitting alone in the
restaurant waiting for colleagues or friends and you text

“There is this charming young (man or women – you can

choose) playing a grand piano (yes, with Pisces it must be
a grand piano) and he/she is sensational. I was just
looking at the photo of us taken on holiday when suddenly
guess what he starts playing…this is where you insert the
name of a song you both like and which has meaning for


“Made me well up a little. Cannot wait to get home and

show you just how much you mean to me in every way.”

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This really works with Pisces as it encompasses music,
memory, and sentimentality. This is bound to reach him
on an emotional level and get him both moved and

Now, this next tip was something a Pisces Man use to do

with me. We both enjoyed a radio station locally called
Smooth FM. Now of course if we were both driving or it
was an evening we may have been listening at the same
time. He drove a lot for a living and I work from home and
so it was quite often that we would be listening at the
same time.

He would text me and say ‘Smooth now!” The idea was

that he had heard a song that he felt was especially
relevant or applicable to us. So, if I was listening it was
uber romantic and if I was not listening I had to rush to
get to the radio or he would make me guess what it was.
You could do the same if you know what radio station he

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likes. It is fun and very spontaneous and of course, you
can choose a song that says what you want to say.

You can also use lines from famous songs as a text – this
helps when you run dry and it also appeals to his love or
poetry and his innate musicality. This should be used like
Cayenne Pepper, a pinch here and there, do not overuse

5. Shoes and Feet

The erogenous zone for Pisces is the feet and they find
shoes very sexy.

So you can text him about those gorgeous, high and

sparkly new stilettos you purchased. Now the terrific thing
about shoes is that even if you do not feel that body
confident, even if you have put on weight, or are

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pregnant, it is pretty easy to don a pair of stockings or
paint your toenails and slip on a pair of exotic or
tantalizing shoes.

“I am just sitting here admiring this new pair of black

stilettos, I purchased for you.”

“In fact, I like them so much I don’t need to wear anything

else with them.”

“I am looking at myself in the mirror from behind; the

stilettos make my legs look so long, the boy would you be
looking me up and down.”

“I may pop on my feather boa and pose for a few selfies

for you later.”

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“They make me feel really fierce; I am going to call them
my Power Pumps and I am going to whip you into shape


“You should see these long patent leather boots I am

wearing, they come right up over my knees.”

“I can just imagine me wrapping my legs around you,

really tight while wearing these boots.”

Or, on the feet theme:

“I have this rich, creamy lotion…now what does it smell


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“Mmm, I guess it is a combination of jasmine, patchouli
essences with the creamy magic of Madagascar Vanilla,
so smooth and cooling as I rub it between each toe. You
are going to want to eat me up from the bottom up, I smell

“Amazing what a foot massage can do, I notice that if I

massage the bottom of my heel I feel a tingle in my

“I would love you to be here to squeeze my feet really

hard; it makes me so moist.”

6. Focus on Him

“I am in Bloomingdales Men’s Department looking at

these micro skin trunks; knowing how hot you would look

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in these is turning me on. Maybe I should buy them, you
can give me a fashion show later?”

“Just out shopping; seen something I think would look so

divine on you. May treat you, just have to decide on the
color – how dashing would you look in rust o even cerise.
Dare I make that choice?”

What you are doing here is making an excuse to text

while shopping; which in itself is a compliment as men
know that when women shop they are caught up in a
retail frenzy which is often orgasmic in itself with no male
intervention needed.

So the fact that you are thinking of him and thinking about
what he would look hot in, or just handsome in, is both
flattering and thoughtful, as well as being potentially sexy,
depending on which item you focus on.

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What about when you are at the cinema or watching a film
and you text him:

“Just watching ‘I Don’t Know How She Does It’ with

Pierce Brosnan; but I was picturing you in that role, you so
could have nailed that, much sexier than Pierce.”

Ok, you may have to change the actor and the film, but
you can see how easy it is to boost his confidence and
give him a pep up by casting him in the leading role and
stimulating his imagination – he loves movies and is
bound to want to watch this film with you and perhaps
you can both experiment with some fantasies around that

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The Placement of Mercury in His Natal Chart

As I am sure you know planet Mercury is named after the

messenger God and he rules communication. The
placement of Mercury in the chart has much to tell us
about how Pisces Man communicates and what he
enjoys or wants from communication.

Mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun and

so Mr. Pisces may have his Mercury in Aquarius, Pisces or
Aries. If you can check where his Mercury is you will have
added clues on effective and tantalizing ways to
communicate with him.

Mercury in Pisces

This is a non-aggressive placement of Mercury and he will

not enjoy anything too aggressive or explicit. He thrives

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on what is subtle and he enjoys it when you drop hints
and create alluring images with your words.

You can go right ahead and use a metaphor, poetry, song

lyrics, and vivid descriptions. Quotes from a movie well
timed and fitted into the conversation can get him very

Remember the key is imagination.

Do you know that Mercury in Pisces people can have very

successful long-distance love affairs based mainly on
exchange of email or text, just as you will have perhaps
heard your grandmother or great grandmother talk of
falling in love by writing letters to a man stationed far
away in the army?

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Indeed even today I hear of ladies who acquire a pen pal
in the army or even prison and they exchange letters and
fall in love. The written word is a much underestimated
and yet very powerful means of cultivating romance and
also a sexual attraction; especially with Mercury in Pisces.

To impress Mercury in Pisces you need a soft touch, so

be pleasing and warm. Give wholehearted responses
and let your emotion shine through. You can go easy on
details, he is probably really not caring about the specifics
of your workday i.e. the PowerPoint presentation or what
subway station was busy etc. or that your car needs a
new radiator; he does want more detail about your
perfume, your clothing, how you feel when you think of
him, what moved you on an emotional level that day, even
what may have upset you.

He quite enjoys random stories about amusing

encounters with others and he enjoys jokes and so if you

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have a quirky friend at work who tells zany jokes you may
want to mention that. It does not all have to be about sex,
it is however about influencing his mood and you can
quite easily do that via text. You can put him in a dreamy
mood, a funny haha mood or a pensive mood. However
Mercury in Pisces can be moody and if you send a cute
little message and he snaps back, just leave him for a
while, these moods usually pass and he will feel bad and
text back when he is feeling better.

Mercury in Pisces is a responsive texter who will be

interested to digest what you say and make some
good comebacks.

They are quite hard to predict, one day they are all quiet
and a little abrupt and the next they are texting and
sexting to beat the band. When they are in the mood they
can text all night and you may wind up exhausted. Not
everything he texts back will be 100% accurate as once
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he gets caught in the moment he can exaggerate and
morph into a alter ego state where it is his ego talking
more than him, but that is part of the magic of sexting and
why it should be taken for what it is, fun and not
something deadly serious. “What you say cannot and will
not be held against you,” when it comes to text.

His texts to you may often be vague and he is more at

home with fantasy talk than when you try and pin him
down or get him to make a decision. He can drive you
nuts with his sudden gear shifts and changes of mind.
He abhors detail and always leaves loose ends; even
when you are trying to be serious he may drift into
Never-Never land.

Misunderstandings are common with this placement as

he tends to read what he assumes is there rather than
what is there and so you may have to go back over texts

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sometimes and check with him in the ‘cold light of day’
that he really did understand what you meant.

Suggested texts for Mercury in Pisces:

“I am wondering what underpants you are wearing right


“What would you like me to wear to dinner on Friday?”

“When you pick me up, I am going to put your rev counter

right into the red.”

“Sweet dreams are made of you and me in harmony.”

“I am laying on the bed with your underpants and your

favorite tie and nothing else on.”

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“I’ll show you a time to end all times.”

“A time for love and a time for lust – this is the time for

“I am lying in the bath, there are bubbles everywhere,

where do you think my nontexting hand is now?”

“If our love story was a film or book, which one would it

“If I was a billionaire I would buy a time machine to relive

every time we made love.”

“Silk and satin, leather and lace, who would believe I have
such an angel face.”

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“The first time I saw, you I thought, he is so my kind!”

“No more yes and no, just in an out!”

“Now what would you like for dinner tonight? Fishnet

stockings, oysters on ice, raspberry flavor lip gloss,
aubergine G-string or rump steak tres blue et tres moi.”

Mercury in Aquarius

This is a very curious and intellectually playful placement

of Mercury. Mercury in Aquarius is good with his gadgets
and he will have the latest iPhone and probably be on
most social media platforms unless he is the type that
disses them all and goes media incognito which is
possible as this placement is all or nothing.

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He likes to play guessing games, he enjoys obscure
comments and if you hint at something or do not
elaborate he may just stay up all night wondering. In fact,
I had a boyfriend and he would tell me that he stayed
awake all night trying to work out something I said. To be
honest, most of the time what I had said was not at all
that complex or deep and he had really read way too
much into it and yet I played along, I did not want to burst
the bubble and so I pretended that there was some
cryptic meaning and he was onto it.

He thrives on innuendo and a little bit of philosophy;

he enjoys hearing obscure and arcane facts and
enjoys it when you know something he does not. He
can be a little bit of a Bindair Dundat – you know, Been
There Done That! He can also be intellectually competitive
and even play the one-upmanship game and so it is hard

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to keep one step ahead of him. He likes a challenge and
you will certainly have to up your game to challenge him.

Once you get into a sexting or texting relationship with a

Mercury in Aquarius things can really take off and if you
can play this part of the relationship right you will be way
ahead of the competition (assuming there are other
Ladies vying for his attention). This is where the battle for
love is won and lost with Mercury in Aquarius and so be
daring and bold and make sure you fry his brain with your
clever, confusing and enticing texts.

Mercury in Aquarius will like what is unconventional.

Quote Nietzsche to him and then talk about the G-Spot in
one sentence – that is like double tequila to him. He may
not be flamboyant but he enjoys to hear that you may be
doing something flamboyant; show off a little and be
gregarious with him. Challenge his viewpoints and pull his

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leg. He likes breaking rules and so be unafraid to be
unconventional in your texts to him.

He may needle you at times; Mercury in Aquarius is never

intentionally hurtful and yet they have a knack of saying
things that you will take personally – you have to learn to
brush this off.

They can swap sides several times in a debate or

argument, just to ensure that they are on the winning side
– learn to make you both laugh about this. They are quick
and alert and his observation of the subtle things about
you is strong – he knows you very well which is almost
psychic, scarily so. Never over explain yourself to him –
keep him guessing and make sure there are always
more questions than answers.

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“I feel like having some strawberries and cream tonight,
with you or on you or on me.”

“They just said on the radio there is a risk of an earthquake

tonight…yes, that is what they said…who says we don’t
get earthquakes in Florida…you and I are going to get the
Richter Scale rising!”

“To live is to suffer, to make love is to find meaning in that

suffering.” I have adapted a Nietzsche quote here as

“There is always some madness in love but there is often

some reason in madness and that babe is why I love the
way you make me mad.”

“They say a true man wants danger and play and that is
why he lusts after women, the most dangerous plaything

➡ Discover More Secrets About The Pisces Man |

known to man – so do you want danger or play tonight,
that is the question?”

“How would you like me served tonight, Sir? In my jacket,

sunny side up or with a frothy top?”

“I will be waiting tied up on the bed and you can take me


“Don’t make any plans for tonight as I am going to have

my way with you-you are clay on my pottery wheel and I
don’t mind if my hands get dirty.”

“Let’s do something that we are going to feel so guilty

about tonight.”

“I am just sucking on a Magnum.”

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“I am sitting here in my white stockings with my white lace
bra and knicker set, my hair cascading down my bare
back, my index finger against my lips wondering what on
earth you and I are going to do tonight?”

Mercury in Aries

Mercury in Aries gets bored fast and so you have to cut to

the chase. Texting sessions with them are fast and furious
and they are less patient about setting the scene than the
other two Mercury placements discussed.

Aries Mercury loves speed, loves fast spitfire dialogue,

straight talking, honesty, and a little aggression. You
can indeed be pushier and daring with Mercury in Aries,
no need to pussyfoot about or tread on eggshells.

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You can litter your texts with car analogies or images to
do with racing and speed.

Mercury in Aries is driven by instant gratification and so

text sessions can reach climactic point fast. He loves the
speed of texts and so do not type long messages, keep
them short and keep them coming. Stick to the point and
drive it home.

In the heat of the moment, he will not always think

everything he says over and so, do not take anything to
heart, out it all down to a heated text session.

His texts may be a little cruder and less romantic than

that of Mercury in Pisces and Aquarius, he is less into
games and innuendo and more into action. He adores
being surprised and shocked and so you can get away
with some wild suggestions.

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Mercury in Aries is angry when he is frustrated and so you
(much more so than with Mercury in Pisces and Aquarius)
have to be prepared to act on much of what you say. If
you have him really hot, then you had better be ready in
your negligee waiting with that whip or indeed whipped
cream when he gets home. Never just tease or lead on a
Mercury in Aries as that is playing a dangerous game.

There is something more naïve and childish about

Mercury in Aries, he is not as sophisticated as the
Aquarius and Pisces Mercury, yet he is more
practically perceptive and he can suss out a lie from a
mile off. He hates exaggeration.

He is sensitive and yet also definite, he will tell you right

away what did not work for him. You need not tarry over
the details, focus on color (i.e. red, black and dark violet),

➡ Discover More Secrets About The Pisces Man |

on heat (i.e. your own soaring temperature) and on

Always use charm; there is an innocent side to Mercury in

Aries and the simple things are often the best way in –
you can later get more imaginative. Compliments make
them a little shy, but they love it. You should always
mention the aspects of their masculinity that turn you on
as they are most proud of those.

He can be quite traditional about roles i.e. male and

female and so even if you are a proud feminist, playing
the submissive housewife role in terms of text role play
can work. Be bossy and let him know that you want to
be in control sexually.

Mercury in Aries is totally turned on by anything new and

so suggesting you have a new toy or new outfit (but not
saying what it actually is) and challenging him to get

➡ Discover More Secrets About The Pisces Man |

home 20 minutes earlier to come and try it out is a great
ploy. He likes to be dared – I dare you to do XYZ etc.

Criticism and negative feedback knock him and so try and

be constructive if you want to take him down a peg or

Sometimes even a heated text exchange about a

difference of opinion can turn him on – Aries men are not
that keen on arguing, but feistiness gets them excited.

Often he may dump your chosen direction of texting for a

whole new idea and so go with it and keep improvising.

Don’t sit on the fence and be decisive when texting

Mercury in Aries.

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“I want to you to ease your key into my ignition and feel
me roar to life.”

“I am going to make your chassis vibrate so much you will

think you are out riding on a dirt rack.”

“We are like Olympian sprinters waiting to get out of the

blocks sexually.”

“When I think of you it is like an electric current shooting

through me.”

“Let’s keep the neighbors up all night.”

“Just ate the most delicious BBQ ribs, I am still licking my

fingers. Mwah!”

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“I am going to gently toy with your gear level and drive
you crazy until you reach 605 horsepower, babe!”

“What is your favorite gun?” A good one for red states,

rather don’t use this one on the West Coats and definitely
not in the UK. “I can just see you firing off a Smith and
Weston or maybe a Parabellum.”

“If I was a sports car, which one would I be!”

“Let’s put joining the Mile High Club on our bucket list.”

“Let’s take a very long drive after work and make love in
the car in a deserted lay-by.”

“I am at the stove slaving away in my apron like a good

wife, all the vacuuming and laundry are done and I am
about to baste a chicken, why, what did you think I was

➡ Discover More Secrets About The Pisces Man |

doing you randy bastard?” Pull his leg a little if he asks
what you are doing suggesting something sexual.

“Let’s brainstorm some interesting things to do with extra

virgin olive oil, I have one in my head, can you guess what
it is? Nothing to do with virginity I assure you.”

“I get so turned on when you shift gears and step up the

pace as we shoot off down the motorway.”

“You look so dammed hot in your new car I could melt on

those swanky leather seats of yours.”

“So cowboy, are you going to ride me into the sunset

tonight or what?”

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Phew, I think we all need to do the ice bucket challenge

now to calm ourselves down! That was hot stuff.

I have furnished you with a bevy of original and racy

texts that are more imaginative and eye-opening than
many I have heard suggested and are sure to impress and
entice your Pisces Man. I have also suggested the themes
and methods that work for Pisces.

So give them a try right now and get your sexting life off
to a flyer.

We’ve gone through everything you should know about

your Pisces man when it comes to texting. As you’ve
seen, these guys are really not that complicated; they just

➡ Discover More Secrets About The Pisces Man |

need to feel loved and be taken care of. They love nice,
well-mannered women who are not too pushy or rude.
Although they are not big fans of texting, they will do it for
the woman they love if that is the only way to flirt and
communicate with her.

Try to be patient with him. If you really want to enjoy

longer, more meaningful conversations, try to talk about
something you both like and feel passionate about. And
of course, don’t forget that texting is just the foreplay.
The real relationship happens only when you spend a lot
of time together in person, not behind the screen.

The deeper we go through this Pisces Man Secrets

series, the closer you become to mastering this
relationship by understanding your man and learning how
he thinks, communicates, and loves.

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No relationship is perfect, but the more you
understand about him, the stronger your relationship
will be.

If you’re wondering what you can do to make him feel

special or show him you care, please be sure to check out
25 Surprises to Delight Your Pisces Man. In this next
bonus book, you’ll find a well-crafted list of ideas sure to
tug at his heartstrings and show him how you feel.

I wish you all the very best in life and love! Now, get out
there and get the conversation going with your Pisces

May the stars be on your side,

Sending you love,

Your sister & relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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