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Submission Template - MJT

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Makara Journal of Technology


ARTICLE TITLE (title case, 14 pt, bold, centered)

(one blank single space line, 14 point font)
First Author, Second Author, and Third Author (12 pt)
(one blank single space line, 12 pt)
1. Department, Faculty, University, Address, City, Zip Code, Country (10 pt)
2. Research Group, Institution, Address, City, Zip Code, Country (10 pt)
(one blank single space line, 12 pt)
E-mail: (10 pt, italics)
(two blank single space lines, 12 pt)

Abstract (12 pt, bold)

(one blank single space line, 12 pt)
Abstract should be written in both English and bahasa Indonesia. The abstract is written with Times New Roman
font size 10, and single spacing. The abstract should summarize the content of the paper, including the aim of the
research, research method, and the results, and the conclusions of the paper. It should not contain any references
or displayed equations. The abstract should be no more than 200 words.
(one blank single space line, 12 pt)
Keywords: up to 5 keywords in English (10 pt, italics); write alphabetically in 5 words
(three blank single space lines, 12 pt, bold)

1. Introduction (12 pt, bold) Abbreviations/Terms/Notations/Symbols. The use

(one blank single space line, 8 pt) of abbreviations is permitted, but the abbreviation
The manuscript is written with Times New Roman must be written in full and complete when it is
font size 10, single-spaced, left and right alligned, on mentioned for the first time and it should be written
one-sided pages and on A4 paper (210 mm x 297 between parentheses. Terms/foreign words or
mm) with the upper margin of 3.5 cm, lower 2.5 cm, regional words should be written in italics. Notations
left and right each 2 cm. The manuscript including should be brief and clear and written according to
the graphic contents and tables should be between 4 the standardized writing style. Symbols/signs should
to 8 pages. If it far exceeds the prescribed length, it be clear and distinguishable, such as the use of
is recommended to break it into two separate number 1 and letter l (also number 0 and letter O).
manuscripts. The manuscript is written in English.
The Standard English grammar must be observed. 2. Tables (12 pt, bold)
The title of the article should be brief and (one blank single space line, 10 pt)
informative and it should not exceed 20 words. The Tables are written with Times New Roman font size
keywords are written after the abstract.
10 and single spaced below the title of the table. The
title of the table is written with font size 10
The first letter of headings is capitalized and
(boldface) above the table as prescribed in the
headings are numbered in Arabic numerals. The
format given below as example. The table is
organization of the manuscript includes
numbered in Arabic numerals. There is one single
Introduction, Methods or Experiment, Results
space line between the table and the paragraph. The
and Discussion, Conclusions and References.
table is placed immediately after it is referred to in
Acknowledgement (if any) is written after
the text. The frame of the table uses 1 font- size line.
Conclusion and before References and not
If the title in each table column is long and complex,
numbered. The use of subheadings is discouraged.
the columns are numbered and the notes are given
Between paragraphs, the distance is one space.
below the table.
(one blank single space line, 10 point font)
Table 1. Number of Testing of WFF Triple for color printing of more than 1 page. The font face
NA= 15 or NA= 8 to be used in the graphic content or graph should be
(one blank single space line, 6 pt) the one generally available in each word processor
NC and operational system such as Symbol, Times New
3 4 8 10
Roman and Arial with the font size not less than 9
3 1200 2000 2500 3000
5 2000 2200 2700 3400
8 2500 2700 16000 22000
10 3000 3400 22000 28000 4. Reaction or Mathematical Equation
(12 pt, bold)
(one blank single space line, 10 pt) NP
(one blank single space line, 10 pt)
The reaction or mathematical equation should be
3. Graphic Contents (12 pt, bold) positioned symmetrically on the column, marked by
(one blank single space line, 10 pt) sequential numbers written on the right corner
Graphic contents are placed symmetrically on the within brackets. If the writing of equation takes
page and there is one blank single space line more than one line, numbers should be written on
between the graphic content and the paragraphs. A the last line. Letters used as mathematical symbols
graphic content is placed immediately after it is in the text should be written in italics such as x.
referred to in the body of the text and is numbered in Equations in the text should be referred to as
Arabic numerals. Caption for the graphic content is abbreviations, for example Eq.(1) or Eq.(2). (one
written below it and there is one blank single space single space, 10 pt)
line between it and the graphic content. The caption

is written in font size 9, boldface, and placed as in
the example. Between the graphic content with the 1 (di  t, N )  n)
body of the text there are two blank single space n, t   i 1
lines.  0 1(N ( )  n)d

A (one single space, 10 pt)

Equation (1) is obtained using a Style format as the
following: Variable: Times New Romans Italic and
B G LC Greek: Symbol Italic. Format size: Full 10 pt,
Subscript/Superscript 8 pt, Subsubscript/Sub-
C A superscript 6 pt, Symbol 11 pt and Sub-symbol 9 pt.
Elaboration of mathematical equation or formula
need not be written in detail; write only the most
D important part, the method used, and the final result.
E Citations in the text should be written using Arabic
numbers and put in order in accordance to what they
(one single space, 6 point font) refer to in the text. Numbers should be written in
Figure 1. The Labeling of I Tree is According to the square brackets such as ”... Zhang et al. [1] ”
Order of the Appearance Citations should be written one space away from the
(two single space, 10 pt) words after commas or periods and before colons (:),
semicolons (;), and question marks (?). If located at
For any graphic contents which have been published the end of a sentence, citations should be put before
by another author, the corresponding author must periods such as ”.... by several researchers [2-3].”
obtain a written permission from that other author All citations should then be written in the right order
and his/her publisher. Include one graphic content in the list of references at the end of the text, with
which is printed in good quality in a full-size page or the writing procedure as illustrated in the example.
scanned graphic content in high resolution in the
format as follows {name of file}.eps, {name of Appendices
file}.jpeg, or {name of file}.tiff. If the graphic (empty one single space, 20 pt)
content is in the form of photograph, include one Appendices are used only if really necessary,
original photograph. The photograph is printed in located before References and after Acknow-
black and white unless the photograph will appear in ledgement (if any). If there is more than one
color. The author will be charged an additional fee
Appendix, they have to be written in alphabetical Godet, G. Dalmas (Eds.), Dissipative Processes
order. in Tribology, Tribology Series, vol. 27,
References Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1994, p.223.
(empty one single space, 10 pt) [11] D. Palik (Ed.), Handbook of Optical Constants
References should be written following the order of Solids II, 3rd ed., Academic Press, New
they appear in the text, using Arabic numbers in York, 1991, p.151.
square brackets, as seen in the example. References [12] S.M. Sze, The Physics of Semiconductor
should consist of initials and writers’ names, names Devices, Wiley, New York, 1981, p.245.
of journals or titles of books, volumes, editors (if
any), publishers and their cities, years of publication, Theses, Dissertations
and pages. All writers’ names have to be mentioned. [13] R. Ramos, Ph.D Thesis, College van Dekanen,
Use the abbreviation ”Anon” if writers are University of Twente, The Netherland, 1992.
anonymous. Names of journals should be written [14] S. Badu, Undergraduate Thesis, Department of
using the commonly-used abbreviations. Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia,
Journal article 1990.
[1] A. Prociak, J. Cell. Plast. 48/6 (2012) 489.
[2] Z.S. Petrovic, W. Zhang, I. Javni, J. Polym.
Env. 10 (2012) 5.
[15] H. Yamagishi, A. Hiroe, H. Nishio, K. Miki, K.
[3] S. Auzary, K.F. Badawi, L. Bimbault, J. Rabier,
Tsuge, Y. Tawada, U.S. Patent No. 5264710, 23
R.J. Gaboriaud, P. Goudeau, J. Phys. III 7
Nov. 1993.
(1997) 35 (in French).
[4] G. Smith, Thin Solid Films (to be published).
Papers and Industrial Reports
[16] J. Cleveland, Spring Constant Update, Digital
Electronic publication, information from the internet Instruments, Santa Barbara, 1996. [if a website
[5] F. Yu, X.-S. Wu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1992) address available, it could be included in italic].
2996. hep-th/9112009. [17] R.D. Nicholson, International Structures In
[6] L. Weiss, Instruction to Authors, Elsevier Nickelbased Transitions Joints After Long Term
Publishing,, Service, Report RD/M/N1131, Central
1999. Electricity Generating Board, Marchwood,
Conference Proceeding
[7] C.H. Perry, F. Lu, F. Namavar, N.M. Special data (if written by a team or anonymously)
Kalkhoran, R.A. Soref, Material Res. Soc. [18] Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction
Symp. Proc. 256 (1991) 153. Standards, Powder Diffraction File, ASTM,
[8] J.J. Favier, D. Camel, Proceedings of the Eight Philadelphia, 1967, Card 4301027.
International Conference on Crystal Growth, [19] Anon., 19-th Annual Book of ASTM Standards
York, U.K., 1986, p.50. Part 17, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1969, p.636.

Monograph, edited book, book Unpublished reports(refered only if necessary)

[9] M.J. Carr, C.E. Lymar, J.M. Cowley, In: J.M. [20] R. Stumpf, X. Gonze, M. Scheffler, Fritz-
Cowley (Ed.), Electron Diffraction Technique, Haber Institute Research Report, 1990,
vol. 1, International Union of Crystallography/ unpublished.
Oxford University Press, New York, 1992, [21] A. Roberts, S.M. Lanoix, unpublished.
p.122. [22] D.H. Smith, Physics Departement, Chicago
[10] M.J. Adams, B.J. Briscoe, S.K. Sinha, in: D. University, Chicago, U.S.A., private
Dowson, C.M. Taylor, T.H.C. Childs, M. communication, 1986.
Submission of Manuscript

All manuscripts submitted should the original scientific author is required to make some revisions (if necessary)
works by authors which have not been published to the manuscript and to submit the revised manuscript,
previously or simultaneously under consideration for or (3) the manuscript is rejected. Any changes made on
publication by other media. For communication the revised manuscript should be put on a list. Only
convenience, the author should provide his/her postal minor changes may be made since major revision
address, e-mail address, telephone number, and should not take place in the manuscript.
facsimile number.
The author should carefully examine the sentence
The electronic submissions at Makara Journal of structure, the completeness and accuracy of the text,
Technology will be accepted only through the web site tables, and graphic contents in the revised manuscript.
and paper submitted via e-mail attachments will be Any manuscript with a lot of typing errors will be
rejected. The size of the file should not be bigger than 2 returned to the author for retyping. A manuscript which
MB. The manuscript should be written in accordance has been accepted but it is not written according to the
with the Guidelines for Author by Makara Journal of guidelines will be returned to the author for format
Technology. The length of the manuscript should be adjustment.
between 4 (four) to 8 (eight) pages of A4 paper. The
Board of Editors reserves the right to make some
adjustment to the format for uniformity. Five copies of the reprint will be given free of charge to
the author. The author will be charged for order of
additional copies. A reprint order form stating the price
All of the manuscripts submitted to Makara Journal of quotation will be sent to the author along with the
Technology will be peer-reviewed and subject to review notification of receipt of the revised manuscript.
by the Editors. All manuscripts are subject to double-
blind reviews. The Editor will give the final decision
about which manuscripts are accepted for publication. The author should send the original form of copyright
transfer for distribution which has been signed to the
Editor after the manuscript is accepted for publication.
The author will receive a notification from the Editor if
(1) the manuscript is accepted for publication, (2) the

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