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Pineal Gland Mystique

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The key takeaways are that the pineal gland is an important gland in the brain that may secrete melatonin and is connected to spirituality through concepts like the third eye. Lifestyle factors like diet can impact spiritual development and influence behavior.

The pineal gland is a small gland located in the brain that is thought to secrete the hormone melatonin and may play a role in sleep cycles. It has also been connected to concepts of spirituality through ideas like the third eye and the sixth and seventh chakras.

The pineal gland is considered the seat of spirituality and is connected to concepts like the third eye, which allows spiritual sight. It is said to control attributes like intuition, psychic abilities, and links to higher levels of consciousness. The soul is also said to exit the body through the pineal gland during sleep, dreaming, and death.

Pineal Gland Mystique -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most herbal companies do not address the pineal gland.

This gland has been a very neglected gland in the Western world, at least up until recent times, but research shows that it is the most important of all the glands of the body and the body's endocrine system. But in traditional and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra fashion, let's break things down to a basic nature for purposes of under standing, over-standing, and inner standing. Let us first learn what is the Pineal Gland. Pineal gland. A cone-shaped structure in the brain, situated between the superior colliculi, the pulvinar, and the splenium of the corpus callosum. Its precise function has not been established. It may secrete the hormone melatonin, which appears to inhibit the secretion of luteinizing hormone. SOURCE: Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 3rd ed., p. 923 The pineal gland has an almost nonexistent history in the Western medical world and community; however, the pineal gland has a rich "metaphysical" history. As metaphysics is considered occultic, this may explain why there is a near avoidance of such subject in our society pertaining to this powerful gland in the human body. The Pineal Gland, in conjunction with the adrenal glands, effects skin pigmentation, helps with potassium and sodium levels in the body, controls one's mental stability, and controls mental and sexual growth. It is often referred to as the Seat of the Soul. This gland alone links the physical body with the Other Side or unseen realm of existence. The pineal gland is the seat of the mystical 3rd eye that you hear so much about in occult and metaphysical teachings and circles. While we see physically with the two physical eyes, we see spiritually with the 3rd eye, located directly in the middle of the physical eyes. The 3rd eye is our spiritual eye and just as the physical eyes can suffer, so can our spiritual eyesight. When we hear "let him who have eyes to see, see" this is talking about one who possesses a spiritual eye to see spiritual things. The physical eyes can't see what the spiritual eyes see. This is why the Scriptures states that a worldly man can't judge a spiritual man. The worldly man is blind to spiritual life and spiritual values and therefore is unqualified to judge a spiritual man. Our spiritual eye is referred to as our 3rd eye. The 3rd eye is the site of our sixth and seventh energy centers known as chakras. Most herbal companies do not even deal with chakras but is wholistic and we deal with the entire person: mind, body, and spirit - TRUE wholistic health! The 3rd eye via the Pineal Gland controls the attributes and functions of the 6th chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit) which include: clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, telepathy, ESP (extra sensory perception), intuition, and Christ consciousness (or Cosmic consciousness). The 3rd eye via the Pineal Gland also controls the attributes and functions of the 7th chakra (called Sahasrara in Sanskrit) which include: linkage with the Higher Self, astral projection and astral travel, and ascension to the Akashic Records.

The Soul leaves the body via the 7th Chakra during death (transitioning) and dreaming (lower astral realm). The Pineal Gland is the seat of consciousness but is also, again, the exit for the Soul from the body during sleep and death (transitioning). If the Soul leaving the body via the Pineal Gland (or Crown Chakra) is temporary, you have dreaming or OBE (out-of-body experience). If the soul leaving the body via the Pineal Gland is permanent, you have what is called death. Death occurs when the soul travels too far away from the physical body (vessel) whereby the Silver Cord snaps or break. It's like what you may have seen in a space-themed or sci-fi movie where astronauts land on a body (i.e. moon) and exit the space vehicle and are connected to a cord. That cord is a certain length that prevents the astronaut from traveling too far away from the spaceship or vessel. If the astronaut goes too far the cord may snap or break and if that happens the astronaut is a Goner! Well, the same thing takes place on the invisible realm with the soul. The Silver Cord is your lifeline - your umbilical cord that keeps the Soul attached to the physical body. It's funny how some Christians tell me they are weary of metaphysical topics that I address or mention here at (which I only do to stimulate deep thought in hopes of initiating independent research into the most important realm of life: the spiritual) but which are very present in their Holy Bible, like for example, the mystical Silver Cord: "Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern; Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 16:6-7 Ecclesiastes undoubtedly speaks of the same Silver Cord spoken of by mystics, occultists, metaphysicians, and so-called New Agers. After all, is there really anything new under the Sun? Not hardly! The Bible encodes mystical and metaphysical truths that one must read with a spiritual eye. The average reverend or pastor is not going to give you're the necessary spiritual insight into Scripture so as to free you (your mind). As correctly stated in Ecclesiastes, if that Silver Cord be loosed (broken) physical death of the earthly vehicle shall result as "... the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." The Bible has a gnostic or occult interpretation to it that when understood makes sense of much in the Bible that the average reader doesn't have a clue of as far as understanding what is read. For every mundane religion, i.e. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam for example, there's an exoteric (outer) version or interpretation and an esoteric (inner) view or understanding. This is why you have regular Judaism and its mystical component or aspect called Kabbalah. The same with Christianity and Islam! Christianity has regular Christianity and its mystical component Gnostic Christianity. Much of regular Christianity doesn't make sense or add up logically, rationally, and sensibly and much of it defies Universal law when read and interpreted on the surface level or understood from a literal view. There's regular Islam and then there's its mystical component, Sufism.

The average religious follower is kept out of the mystical aspect of his/her faith via intentional miseducation, conditioning, propaganda, and ignorance by the elite/leaders of the religion. The mystical component to truly understanding God, human existence, and the spiritual truths and values of life lies in the occult aspect which is erroneously taught to the average follower as being dark, evil, against God, of the Devil, Satan or Lucifer; or diabolical. These frightening terms above help keep the little man and woman trapped in a worldly understanding of the faith that actually doesn't make sense to him or her (who are programmed via biblical interpretation to not ask questions or to not question God, just blindly believe or walk by faith alone). For the average mundane believer of the faith, the faith doesn't have to make sense logically and rationally. It (the faith) can defy logic and Universal law based upon subjective belief which is damnable to the poor religious follower who will always be controlled by men who know the deeper, hidden occult interpretation and spiritual truths the religion contains as well as who know about, understand, and use Universal law to their advantage in life. This is why deists and Freemasons (York Riters and Scottish Riters) rule the world of man (mundane realm, the Matrix) because they understand the laws and energies that govern life and use their knowledge and understanding to manipulate, rule, control, and exploit the little man and woman (ignoramus, clueless sheeple) like they are doing right now with the U.S. economy, gas prices, national budget, etc. Religion does not run or rule the world of man. Politics does! Politicians come into religious houses for political purposes (i.e. election time) but religious leaders seldom get invited into state legislatures, city halls, and other municipal facilities. In fact, the IRS has prevented churches (which are all 501(c)3 tax exempt corporations) from endorsing political candidates though political candidates are free to speak in any church that will allow them to speak. Individual members of the church may endorse, but not churches as institutions. The Freemasons who hide behind fraternal orders or secret societies run the world including religious people. Orders such as the Knights Templars, Order of Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Roundtable, Committee of 300, Council on Foreign Affairs, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, et al are the orders who pull the strings of society (the Matrix). There's even a Black or African-American secret society called "The Boule" which independent researcher Steve Cokely has masterfully exposed that is involved in this nefarious scheme to control the little man and woman of Black American society. Binah View Public Profile Find More Posts by Binah

April 15th, 2009, 11:03 PM Binah Afro Resident Newbie Binah is offline Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 9 Thanks: 0 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

#2 (permalink)

Rep Power: 0 Credits: 176 This Black secret society does not have the power of the White male ran secret societies, but simply serves them. The 'Boule' Society operates for the Rockefellers. In fact, according to Cokely, 'Boule' means "Advisor to the King." The Rockefellers collectively is the king whom the 'Boule' advises. Many prominent Blacks, including some of your biggest and most well known Christian reverends and pastors in American society, belong to this order. The 'Boule' is not to be confused with Prince Hall masons or the Black masons, an impotent fraternal order. No disrespect intended to the Prince hall masons, but I have to keep it real and be truthful. Most Prince Hall masons work corporate 9 to 5 gigs and there isn't any power in working a 9 to 5 gig. People who work 9 to 5 gigs don't run and rule the world, much less their own lives. Hey, I'm just keeping it real here! I can't fake the funk! This mundane truth above has been exposed by the likes of such independent research luminaries such as Mae Brussel, John Judge, **** Gregory, Jordan Maxwell, Jim Marrs, Steve Cokely, Rev. Phil Valentine-El, Alex Constantine, Bobby Hemmitt, Jon Rappaport, Anthony Summers, Dr. Delbert Blair, Gary Allen, Stuart Crane, Tony Brown, and Ralph Epperson to name a few. Unfortunately, much truth is greatly disguised and written off as mere conspiracy theory and therefore the wicked men in power stay in power and keep pulling the strings of society and the little man and woman either does not know what to do (about their life and destiny in such a controlled world) and remains apathetic to life, OR, believes that Jesus (or Yahweh or Allah) will return or come and put an end to all this worldly madness, drama, and nonsense that has this planet in disarray. But until Jesus, Yahweh, or Allah comes, it's "catch hell" as usual, just like everyone else, including religious disbelievers. The charade will go on with Freemasons ruling the world of man as long as the little man and woman allow it and because the little man and woman are usually trained, indoctrinated, and inculcated in schools with curriculums established by these same men (Freemasons) who rule the world, as a metaphysician and Gnostic myself, I know that the Bible itself is a metaphysical tool book which is why I tell the anti-Bible people that the book has great value on a deeper level. You don't have to be a Christian to extract the deeper meaning of that book. I belong to no man-made religion yet I still read religious scripture including the Bible. Okay, let's get back on track here with the gist of this article. The Pineal Gland is known for its mystical hormonal secretions, most of which prevent aging or premature aging. One of these mystical secretions is a substance called melanin. Melanin. A black or dark brown pigment that occurs naturally in the hair, skin,

and in the iris and chroid of the eye. Mosby's supra, p. 738 I really don't put a lot on melanin in my teachings because I have to keep things practical; besides, melanin has already been hyped by numerous Black individuals: scholars, researchers, gurus, etc., from Suzar, Rev. Phil Valentine-El, Dr. Richard King, Denika Laurie, et al. We hear all this wonderful talk about melanin but unfortunately it can't be applied to get Black folks collectively a better position of living here in the United States. With all this powerful melanin, Black people collectively still can't climb out of this collective national rut; nor can Blacks put an end to senseless killing and violence (in Black neighborhoods and communities), high abortion rates, epidemic drive-by shootings, police brutality, black family dysfunctionality, single parent homes, high incarceration rates (especially of Black males), drug consumption and trafficking, and all the social ills that still plague the Black community like no other community here in the United States. It is true that melanin makes Black people very spiritual, but this too seems to come up short in helping Blacks to improve in life and get free from all the national ills that plague Black people collectively. What has all the Black spirituality gotten Black people since they've been in America? Yes, it helped us to survive, but survive what? And to become what? If melanin is so all that, how come Black people are dying from the same diseases as White people who don't have all this melanin as the Black race does? How do we explain this? So you see, melanin is not an answer all or panacea for all that ails Black people. It must be put into its proper perspective. Blacks are a spiritual people but unfortunately that spirituality does not impact in the most critical areas of society, like the U.S. military, the White House, the U.S. Supreme Court, corporate America, Wall Street, U.S. prison system, etc. Because most Americans in general, and Black Americans in particular, have calcified pineal glands, spirituality as well as cosmic or Christ consciousness is greatly blocked. Calcify |'kals??fi|verb ( -fies, -fied) [ trans. ] harden by deposition of or conversion into calcium insoluble calcium compounds : calcified cartilage. kal'sifik| adjective calcification |?kals?fi'ka sh Melatonin Our bodies secrete a beneficial anti-aging hormone called MELATONIN at night. Melatonin is secreted from the Pineal Gland, the gland that corresponds to the Sixth and Seventh chakras, our psychic and spiritual centers respectively. NOTE: A chakra is a spinning vortex of energy that is invisible to the naked eye. A chakra holds data or information (about your present and past lives). Melatonin is one of two hormones secreted from the Pineal Gland, the true master gland of the human body and not the Pituitary Gland as you may have been erroneously taught. Melatonin has marked diurnal rhythm. [usu. as adj. ] ( calcified) carbonate or some other DERIVATIVES calcific | ?n| noun

NOTE: Diurnal means "1. Of or occurring in a 24-hour period; daily. 2. Occurring or active during the daytime." American Heritage Dictionary, 4th ed., p. 252 Also, blood levels are up to 10 times greater at night than during the day. Melatonin causes drowsiness. When it becomes dark (Sun sets), the Pineal Gland begins to secrete Melatonin and the Melatonin makes us drowsy so that we can fall asleep. We say "fall asleep" which is something that takes place at night because we link the word "Fall" back to the "Fall of Man" which only means man is in darkness, in ignorance; he/she is unconscious. We link darkness to death, as our 'fall' season is a time of symbolic death on the Earth, or the beginning of the symbolic death on the Earth (due to the weather getting colder in preparation for Winter). Because of the Adam and Eve story in the Bible, we link many things (phrases) to the word "fall", i.e. "fall in love", "fall down", etc. The Pineal Gland becomes CALCIFIED due to the Standard American Diet. Meat (slaughtered animal flesh; carrion), dairy products (cow snot, mucus, pus, and feces), and refined starches all break down into caustic and corrosive acids that cause calcification of the Pineal Gland. When the Pineal Gland becomes calcified and the secretory duct becomes obstructed, Melatonin cannot be secreted into the bloodstream. Nor can Serotonin. Low Serotonin levels counts for a major reason why there is so much depression in Westerners today, especially in the United States, and especially amongst Black or African-American people, and especially during the Winter season when there is shortened daylight hours. Seasonal depression (also known as SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder) due to lack of sunlight can be helped with the use of full spectrum lighting (full spectrum light bulbs) which are available at good health food stores like Whole Foods Market and health companies such as Gaia.Com. Symptoms of SAD include: limiting social contact, depression, loss of energy, decreased interest in sex, weight gain, over sleeping and withdrawal. SAD usually occurs in the winter when there is less sunlight (Ra). I personally have been using full spectrum light bulbs for more than 10 years now and they have dramatically improved my health, especially my ocular health. These bulbs cost more than regular white frosted light bulbs but last twice as long. These bulbs are so ideal because they mimic natural sunlight that have all seven spectrums of color, unlike the common two spectrum white frosted light bulbs most people use, and to their own detriment. Dracula is a play on the Pineal Gland, Melatonin, and other functions associated here. Dracula comes out at night at a time when Melatonin is secreted and blood levels are 10 times higher. Remember, Melatonin is an ANTIAGING hormone, and how old is Dracula? He's thousands of years old but doesn't look it. He has a youthful appearance (Melatonin) and very calm disposition (Serotonin). Well, this is what Melatonin and Serotonin does for you when your Pineal Gland is functioning optimally and is not calcified from consuming acid-forming so-called foods such as meat (dead slaughtered animal flesh), dairy products (cow snot, mucus, and feces), soda pop, wine, pastries, etc.

Binah View Public Profile Find More Posts by Binah

April 15th, 2009, 11:05 PM Binah Afro Resident Newbie Binah is offline Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 9 Thanks: 0 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

#3 (permalink)

Rep Power: 0 Credits: 176 Dracula operates at night when Melatonin is secreted, but he sleeps in the darkness of a coffin during daylight hours that also causes his body to produce more Melatonin. But because of the diurnal nature of the Pineal Gland, Serotonin is also secreted, but minimally. No wonder this dude called Count Dracula did not age and though he was over a thousand years old, he had the youthful appearance of a young man. He had constant amounts of Melatonin secreted because of how he functioned and operated. There is also deep significance to Dracula's blood drinking, which I won't go into here, as it deals with a true but rare disorder whereby certain individuals by necessity must drink blood cocktails. It has been reported that all blood collected from the American Red Cross or national blood banks are not for blood transfusion purposes. It is called "blood bank" for a reason. Blood is deposited into these banks and blood is also withdrawn, just like money at a regular bank. However, you don't know who is withdrawing this blood out and for what purposes. You are na?ve here pertaining to blood! You trust your masters, the Rulers; you think donating blood is a good or healthy thing, but it is not. It is highly UNNATURAL, UNSANITARY, and INSALUBRIOUS! But however, to each his own! I greatly respect free will. If you feel donating your blood is a good thing or a good cause, by all means donate your blood. The skin pigmentation disorder 'vitiligo' is also related to the pineal gland, a defect of the pineal gland. When the Pineal Gland is underactive, defects such as vitiligo can occur. Under active Pineal Gland is caused by consumption of things that contain synthetic hormones that adversely affect all glands of the endocrine system including the Pineal Gland. Consuming meat and dairy products will adversely affect the endocrine system in general, and the Pineal Gland in particular and thus impair one's spirituality and cosmic clarity (awareness). Meat and dairy products are loaded with synthetic man-made hormones. Much of the abnormal and rapid growth of sex glands with Black youth, especially Black girls, is due to the fast food/junk food diets many of them eat on a daily basis and fast food/junk food causes the Pineal Gland to become under active and an under active Pineal Gland abnormally speeds us growth of the sex glands; so with Black youth

(especially black girls), their bodies are developing rapidly but their 'light' (3rd eye) is being rapidly put out at the same time. An under active Pineal Gland also decreases the desire for sex and causes drain of energy, so how convenient today that American youth have access to all kinds of pseudo energy beverages like Red Bull, Full Throttle, Monster, RockStar, Guru Lemonade Full On Energy Drink, Power Trip, Atomic X, Dyna Pep, Health Energy Potion, Cougar Energy Drink For Women, RedFin Energy, 180 Energy, All Day Turbo Power, Boo Koo, Big Dawg, Amp Energy, Bacchus F, Bomba, and Extreme Nos to name a few to choose from to give them a pseudo surge of energy. Why does American youth need energy? Well, simply because their bodies are depleted of nutrients due to the fast food and junk foods they consume. These fast and junk food products lack nutrition and the lack of nutrition leads to the lack of energy and at the same time causes the body to become very acidic due to extreme acidosis that leads to calcification of the Pineal Gland. Calcification of the Pineal Gland prevents secretion of certain hormones from the gland such as Melatonin. This is why Black people are aging very prematurely nowadays. Black people didn't use to age so fast back in the 1960s and beyond, but today we are doing more things that calcify the Pineal Gland and cause it to atrophy than we ever have. So this is a big part of the reason why American Black youth collectively and generally are on such a lower level of existence energy or vibration-wise and behave in such degenerate and decrepit fashion. These toxic products consumed daily eats away at their morals and ethics. So consumption of fast food (McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, etc.), junk food (Lays brand potato chips, cookies, donuts, candy bars, etc.), soda pop, cigarettes, marijuana, energy drinks, toxic television (BET), and decadent gangster rap music is the perfect recipe for destruction for American Black urban youth. And look at most of their modern day role models: Kenye West, Chris Brown, 50 Cents, Lil Kim, Foxy Brown, Jay-Z, Kobe Bryant, Allen Iverson, LeBron James, Tyra Banks, Beyonce Knowles, etc. These are not enlightened beings despite kicking a verse or two about real life reality or putting the President on spotlight (Kenye's statement that "Bush doesn't love Black people!"). Why in the hell should George W. Bush love Black people when a lot of Black people clearly don't love themselves? A calcified Pineal Gland will cause you to make such a statement. The Pineal Gland is the seat of divine/spiritual wisdom. The ancient people of Kemet (Egypt) always wore crowns that featured a snake or serpent protruding from the 3rd eye area of the crown. To the ancient people of Kemet, snakes denoted wisdom. That's why in the Bible you are admonished to "be wise as serpents." Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Jesus, Matthew 10:16 Snakes denoted wisdom and the 3rd eye (Pineal Gland) is the seat of spiritual wisdom. It is also where you see God face to face and your life is preserved. This is why Jacob in the Bible saw God face to face on the isle of Peniel (corrupt spelling of Pi-ne-al) and he did not die. "And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face,

and my life is preserved." Genesis 32:30 If you study the geographical or anatomical-biological location of the Pineal Gland in the brain, you'll discover that the gland is surrounded by brain fluid on all sides, just as an island is surrounded by water on all sides. So the Bible calls the gland an island and that island name is Pineal (or Peniel). NOTE: While the Bible does not specifically mention island, Genesis 32:23 does mention a brook (stream of water) in which Jacob sent his family members over. Western religion has purposely kept the masses away from Egypt, especially the knowledge of ancient Egypt (Kemet) because if the truth ever comes out on a mass scale, it's over with for the major Western religions. It will be exposed that all three major religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have their origins in ancient Kemet. Serotonin Serotonin, also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT, is a naturally occurring derivative of tryptophan found in platelets and in cells of the brain and the intestines. It is a neurotransmitter. In the central nervous system, Serotonin plays an important role as a neurotransmitter in the modulation of anger, aggression, body temperature, mood, sleep, human sexuality, appetite, and metabolism, as well as stimulating vomiting. Drugs, especially psychedelic drugs such as psilocin/psilocybin, DMT, mescaline, and LSD mimic the action of Serotonin primarily at 5-HT2A receptor. The empathogen MDMA (ecstasy) releases Serotonin from synaptic vesicles of neurons. Lowered Serotonin levels increase the risk of contemplating suicide and actually committing suicide. Pharmaceutical antidepressants mimic serotonin and this is why there's an association and correlation with consumption of antidepressant drugs (including Prozac and Valium) and suicidal tendencies. Drugs may make a person feel high (ecstatic) temporarily, but they end up bringing the person down which is why drug addicts go through or experience mood swings and depression, periods of being aggressive, not eating, having poor sexual function, etc. Drugs greatly adversely affect the Pineal Gland, especially of Black people or African people. Don't get me wrong! Drugs affect everybody who uses them, but due to the melanin factor and including how the body attempts to pass drugs through the blood-brain barrier because many drugs' molecules mimic the molecular structure of Melanin, Blacks get hit hardest by drugs and this was witnessed during the crack cocaine epidemic of the early 1980s that swept through Black America. Black people also get hooked to drugs faster than members of other races, ethnicities, or nationalities. The more Melanin you possess, the more you are prone to becoming addicted to drugs. Again, many drugs mimic Melanin and when drugs attempt to pass the blood-brain barrier, this is what causes people addicted to drugs to act a fool. Remember Pookie from New Jack City and Gator from Jungle Fever? Because the body attempts to use the drug as Melanin, it creates a serious defect,

especially in neurological functioning. This is why you hear that drugs fry your brain! Drugs short circuits the circuits of the brain. And because drugs can't find their way out of the body like herbs, they circulate in the blood. C.I.A. chemists in the Golden Triangle of Asia originally manufactured the illicit drug 'crack cocaine' during the early 1960s in an abandoned Pepsi Cola plant (the one that was blown up in the movie "Air America"). Bruce P. Roberts of the Gemstone File fame wrote about this in the 1970's though he doesn't explicitly mention crack cocaine. The C.I.A. didn't just look the other way and allow crack to enter Black urban America, the agency cooked up the drug nearly 20 years before it first hit South Central L.A. streets. Drugs lowers one's aura (biomagnetic sheath) and allow negative entities to attach to the aura. Many people really do become possessed of evil spirits while on drugs, especially the psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs which can open up portals into other dimensions while altering consciousness. Binah View Public Profile Find More Posts by Binah

April 15th, 2009, 11:07 PM Binah Afro Resident Newbie Binah is offline Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 9 Thanks: 0 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post Rep Power: 0 Credits: 176 DMT

#4 (permalink)

DMT (dimethyltryptamine) is produced in all human beings. However, the African or melanated individual produces large amounts of this powerful psychedelic substance than is also being manufactured synthetically. DMT is responsible for numerous mystical experiences. DMT is also secreted from the Pineal Gland. Nowadays, man has made a synthetic version of DMT so beware and be on the lookout! Monoatomic Gold Mono-atomic Gold, also known as Egyptian White Powder Gold, Fruit of the Tree of Life, Etherium Gold Powder, and Star-fire Gold of the Gods, is a mystical and alchemical substance used by the ancient people of Kemet (Egypt) to achieve super states of consciousness and mystical experiences. Mono-atomic means, "single

atom." It is non-metallic and non-toxic zero valence in nature, and can be made from 24 carat gold. Mono-atomic Gold is the result of alchemy, an ancient science practiced and mastered by the ancient people of Kemet (Khem) that dealt with changing base metals into gold.

Alchemy is the forerunner of modern day chemistry (Kemistry). While chemistry is beneficial, it is not alchemy. The youth are being taught chemistry today instead of al-khemistry (alchemy) on purpose. There is a reason why the American public fool system does not teach American youth metaphysics and ancient arts, crafts, and sciences. Knowledge of metaphysics and the ancient sciences would free the youth before they could ever be trapped in the Matrix. The people of Kemet (Khem) used to make gold cakes utilizing the white powder gold (Mono-atomic Gold). These cakes helped the Kemetic people in many of their spiritual rituals and practices. The spirituality and spiritual concepts and practices of the people of Kemet was so admired by other cultures, i.e. the Hebrews and Sumerians, that many cultures implemented these Kemetic spiritual concepts and practices into their own spiritual practices including the use of Mono-atomic Gold. Mono-atomic Gold is made by taking 99.98% gold and changing its atomic structure. The end product is a white powder consisting of trillions of single gold atoms, each one literally lighter than the element "air." Mono-atomic Gold induces and enhances states of euphoria, spiritual bliss, higher awareness (which is desperately needed on the planet); increases and enhances stamina (including sexual stamina), magnifies and sharpen insight, helps develop latent psychic ability, and produces cell realignment after usage. The substance allows subconsciously held beliefs, worries, concerns, and doubts to surface sequentially so they can be understood, over-stood, and inner-stood. Each issue (recorded in the chakras over the years and past lives) is brought to light one at a time so full attention can be given the issue for purposes of resolution and karmic cleansing. Mono-atomic Gold neutralizes all negativity held in the cells as well as protecting the cells from disease. The substance is essential in healing from any and all disease. The healing benefits of Mono-atomic Gold include strengthening the heart, toning and strengthening the pituitary gland and pineal gland, strengthening and revitalizing the thymus gland and thus boosting the immune (defense) system, enhancing the production of red blood cells (in the bone marrow), and causes all of the cells of the body to regenerate, including brain cells which you have been purposely lied to and told that they don't regenerate. How can all other cells of the body regenerate but not the cells in the brain? If the cells in the feet can regenerate so can the cells in the brain. Duuuuuhhhh! Caucasians (White People) Don't Have Pineal Glands? Some Black gurus, educators, researchers, metaphysicians, and scholars are purporting and outright teaching that Caucasians (White people, Europeans) do not have pineal glands and/or thymus glands. This is erroneous in nature! All people (human beings) have pineal and thymus glands and of course this would include Caucasian people. Personally, I believe the teachings about White people not having pineal and/or thymus glands is an attempt by these certain Blacks to explain the treatment of Blacks by Europeans over the past few hundred years. It is very true and factual

that Europeans collectively have committed the worst human atrocities imaginable, especially against so-called people of color (especially Africans), on this planet during their existence on the planet but I don't think it can be attributed to lack of certain endocrine organs and glands. Underdeveloped endocrine glands, yes, but not outright lack of these glands. White people allegedly not having pineal and thymus glands would explain why as a collective race of people or generally speaking they are not as spiritually inclined as so-called people of color (Africans, Indians, Native Americans, Asians) and why they don't show love towards so-called people of color which in turn would justify their actions against these so-called people of color on this planet, all of whom they have conquered. Again, it is erroneous in my opinion to state that Caucasians don't have pineal and/or thymus glands, especially to justify the brutality of their nature with respect to so-called people of color. If this was the case and were true, how would you explain the White people who are very spiritual and in tune with the Earth/Nature and the Universe (or Cosmos)? How would you explain the benevolent actions and deeds of the White people who show genuine love toward other races of humanity, animals, Nature, the planet? You can't lump all White people together as bad, evil, wicked, oppressive, exploitive, manipulative, and dominating no more than you can lump all Black people together as criminally inclined, lazy, thuggish, buffoonish, or athletically and physically gifted. Even if the above were the case, there would be an exception to the rule pertaining to both Blacks and Whites. White people may not secrete as much melanin or possess much melanin (in their skin pigmentation) as Black people or Africans, but they do have melanin, just not as much as Black people. They do have pineal glands and most of their pineal glands are just as calcified as Black folks in America's pineal glands are. After all, we eat the same foodstuffs! White people do have thymus glands as well and most of theirs is just as atrophied and impaired as Black folks are, after all, we go through the same life experiences for the most part here in the Matrix. I would say that White folks pineal glands and thymus glands are just as impaired as Black folks and that White folks sense of spirituality and heart-centered love, care, and compassion is just as convoluted and tainted as Black folks. After all, just look around at the actions. Black people are doing the same things as White people nowadays. There was a time when you could hear of horrible things and know that it wasn't a Black person who committed the act, but not nowadays. All is fair and Even Steven today! Black people have hit an all-time low and despite all the pyrrhic victories and social, educational, and economic advancements made. Morally and ethically, Black people are at an all-time low and Black people are a reflection of the United States which has also hit an all-time low as a nation despite surface appearances as well as all of its scientific and technological advancements. And it doesn't matter if Black folks followed the ways of White people due to integration and have now become messed up, confused, degenerate, etc. (if you happen to believe this) because after all, Blacks allowed it to happen. Their spirituality and spiritual strength failed to help them stay on the right path

once in the midst of White society. The Melanin evidently failed to protect Black people. Our spiritual light got put out! How do you explain this? How was the material world able to overcome the spiritual side of Black people if it was so strong in the first place? Did being in the midst of White folks bring out something that was already in us? I mean, nothing can come out that is not already there, right? These are questions that need to be analyzed and answered. If White people being the cause of all of Black folks woes, problems, shortcomings, etc. then that gives White people too much power, at least in my opinion. I think White people have done their share of adverse things to Black people but I also feel that Black people too have also done their share of adverse things to themselves as well, for it takes two to Tango and there are no victims on this ride called life. And if we are free today, how do you explain or justify remaining in a sub par, mediocre, decrepit, degenerate state today and not seek to remove one's self from such a state? After all, we all have free will and thus choice to do as we please, right? We don't have to watch BET! We don't have to listen to gangster rap music. Black women don't have to swing around poles in titty bars and clubs. Black males don't have to sell drugs or gang-bang. We don't have to disrespect one another. We don't have to sexually misuse and abuse our women and girls. We don't have to commit crime and fill up jails around the nation. We don't have to but we do! And yes, we can fault White people for starting the fire, but we have to fault ourselves as a collective for not putting out the fire and keeping the fire lit. Binah View Public Profile Find More Posts by Binah

April 15th, 2009, 11:08 PM Binah Afro Resident Newbie Binah is offline Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 9 Thanks: 0 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

#5 (permalink)

Rep Power: 0 Credits: 176 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told entertainer Harry Belafonte in regards to integrating into White society that Blacks would have to become firefighters because Blacks have integrated into a burning house. It was only after integration hit (took effect) that Dr. King began to worry about what the morals of White youth would do to the morals of Black youth. Well, look around at the results of it.

Now am I blaming integration and am I anti-integration? The answer is no! I'm simply against the idea of integrating absent having a plan to properly prepare one for integration. Blacks have to be integrated socially to receive and exercise their rights, privileges, and immunities given to them under Natural law and secured by the laws of the land, and as well to get the benefit of their tax dollars. America ain't all bad and has plenty of good and to get those goods and utilize them or experience them one must have access to them. However, you don't lose or give up your soul, your identity, your culture, your values, etc. to get, utilize, or experience those goods and worse, you don't give up your soul, identity, culture, values, etc. to get, utilize, and experience the bad things and stay stuck into these bad things. You don't use free will and choice to harm yourself and stay in a permanent rut. You don't do this with a healthy and sane mind. This is why I deal with health and mental science because I help people to get back to a healthy and sane mind so as to experience the good that life has to offer, more so than experiencing the bad that life also offers. Life is full of good and bad but the goals is to experience more good than bad as good is the natural state of things. Pineal Gland Health and Care Individual herbs that help to decalcify and stimulate the Pineal Gland include Wood Betony, Gotu Kola, Parsley, Alfalfa, and Mugwort. The best herb for the maintenance and repair of the Pineal Gland hands down is Gotu Kola. compounds and creations that are beneficial for the health of the Pineal Gland include Pineal Gland Stimulator elixir, Ethereal Bliss, Brain Tuner, Magical Alchemical Elixir, Sixth Chakra Elixir, Seventh Chakra elixir, Mood Uplifter Inspirant, and Yule Time Bath Drops. Monoatomic (etherium) gold will greatly stimulate the Pineal Gland and prevent calcification. It is perhaps the best substance you can take for optimal Pineal Gland health and well-being. This substance can help to prevent and retard aging, facilitate vivid dreams and improve dream recall, make sex more spiritual and orgasmic, enhance and heighten spiritual awareness and consciousness and so many other things. And don't believe the hype that monoatomic gold is a substance promoted by the New World Order. Most people can't afford it so why would members of the New World Order attempt to cause harm in a substance most people can't afford? It doesn't add up! If anything, there are certain folks out there who don't want you to consume this product and become aware (conscious) because you will be able to see through all the bullshit that is keeping you spiritually deaf, dumb, and blind and thus enslaved.

I highly recommend our Ethereal Bliss formula as it contains monoatomic gold (which is diabolically expensive sold separately). This formula is perhaps my best ever concocted formula. Taken before bed it will cause you to have very vivid and lucid dreams and improve dream recall. It will cause you to feel calm and nonchalant but very aware, very good, very tranquil! I personally take it everyday. The best diet for a healthy body in general and the Pineal Gland in particular is

a raw foods vegan diet full of fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of vegetable juice daily! The minerals Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, and Manganese all nourish the Pineal Gland. NOTE: alcoholic beer beverages sold exclusively in Black and poor communities sell alcoholic beverages that contains inorganic manganese which has been implicated in criminal behavior and activity. Without a doubt meat and dairy products cause the Pineal Gland to calcify. Here are some things you should avoid if you want to prevent calcification and degeneration of the Pineal Gland: Meat (all kinds) Dairy products (all kinds) Refined Grains Refined Starches Eggs Sugar Synthetic sweeteners Salt Acidic beverages (soda pop) Beer/wine/alcohol Cigarettes (Tobacco) Pharmaceutical drugs Illicit drugs (crack cocaine, cocaine, heroin, etc.) Antidepressants Marijuana Energy drinks White frosted light bulbs Negative television programming, i.e. BET (Black Entertainment Television), the news, etc. The following help to open the Pineal Gland: Sacred Geometry Cards Sacred geometry is an ancient science, a scared language, and a key to understanding the way the Universe is designed. It is the study of shape and form, wave and vibration, and moving beyond third dimensional reality. It is the language of creation, which exists as the foundation of all matter, and it is the vehicle for spirit. It has been called the "blueprint for all creation," the "harmonic configuration of the Soul," the "divine rhythm which results in manifest experience." Sacred geometry has the ability to balance human energy fields, open the Pineal Gland, and it contains a complex informational system that can be used to access healing and growth in many dimensions. Look at sacred geometry cards daily (for about 10-15 minutes). Don't try to figure them out. The subconscious mind will do this for you. Sacred geometry is the key that unlocks all of the world's art, science, and architecture. Called the language of Light, its images and shapes are embedded in DNA, mandalas, pyramids, crystals, atoms, and hieroglyphs.

I recommend that people glance at sacred geometry cards before they go to bed (to sleep), before they make love (and especially if trying to conceive), before they meditate, and while pregnant. Small children and even pre-teens and teens should be given these cards to look at so as to unlock certain codes within them. Essential Oils Essentials oils can be used to help stimulate the Pineal Gland and facilitate states of spiritual awareness, meditation, astral projection, etc. Good essential oils for Pineal Gland purposes include: Sandalwood, Frankincense, Parsley, Davana, Pine, Pink Lotus, and Mugwort (excess use has a neurotoxin effect if inhaled directly). Essential oils can be inhaled directly, burned in a diffuser or nebulizer, and added to bath water. Crystals Crystals that benefit the Pineal Gland include: Amethyst (wand), Laser Quartz (wand), Moonstone, Pietersite, Purple Sapphire, Purple Violet Tourmaline, Rhodonite, Rose Aura, and Sodalite. However, any indigo, violet, or dark purple gemstone or crystal can be used to stimulate the Pineal Gland and open/balance/align the 6th and 7th Chakras. Placed directly on the 3rd eye or brow chakra for 15-30 minutes a day or every other day will help to open/balance/align the 3rd Eye (Brow) chakra and prevent/remove calcification of the gland. The best exercise for Pineal Gland stimulation and health is to take an amethyst obelisk crystal or an amethyst wand, point it at the 3rd eye (point of the wand should touch your skin) and look up directly at the Sun with your eyes clothed. Do this everyday or whenever you feel like it for about 5-10 minutes. The Sun's rays will penetrate through the base part of the obelisk or the end part of an amethyst wand and beam directly into the Pineal Gland stimulating it. You can also use the Laser Quartz (wand) as well. Quartz crystal benefits every single chakra. When this exercise becomes a daily habit, after you perform it, you will feel very elated, serene, tranquil, etc. You will feel good! Like Curtis Mayfield sang in a song, it will be a natural high. It's best to take 3 capsules of Ethereal Bliss or a little monoatomic gold (if you can afford it) and wait an hour and then perform the Sun-amethyst exercise. This exercise along with looking at sacred geometry cards will unlock the Light code transmissions within you. You will take off in spiritual and cosmic consciousness. You will sleep better! Your sex and lovemaking will be off the chain, it will be more spiritual and more orgasmic! Binah View Public Profile Find More Posts by Binah

April 15th, 2009, 11:09 PM Binah Afro Resident Newbie Binah is offline Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 9 Thanks: 0 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post Rep Power: 0 Credits: 176 Chanting

#6 (permalink)

Chanting causes the tetrahedron bone in the nose to resonate and this resonance causes the Pineal Gland to be stimulated and when it is stimulated it secretes more beneficial hormones, and remember: these beneficial hormones keep your appearance youthful. Many Christians may be averse to chanting seeing it as a Buddhist practice, but humans have been chanting way before the Buddha was even born. The sound "OM" resonates with the Fourth Chakra, known as the Heart Center, the seat of Unconditional Love. Represented by 12 petals, the 4th or Heart Chakra (called Anahata in Sanskrit) is the chalice of both joy and sorrow, when the energy in this chakra is balanced we have a sense of connectedness. You can also use this chakra to connect with others at a higher level than with the solar plexus (3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus). This chakra has the potential of unconditional love and can help you to make a stronger connection with your soul. You can do that by calling your soul into your heart center and then chanting OM. Chanting OM opens you up to Universal and cosmic awareness. You can chant up to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or however long you desire to. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) You can stimulate many glands in the body (thymus gland, thyroid gland, etc.) by gently tapping it a few times. To stimulate the Pineal Gland using EFT, simply tap on your Pineal Gland a few times (3-5 times) each day. Color Therapy/Chromatherapy Violet is the primary color and is the highest vibration that affects the Pineal Gland and its corresponding chakra - the 7th Chakra or Crown Chakra. Solar or Sun Therapy The bare eye (without glasses of any kind) should be exposed to direct sunlight (if eyes are dominant: brown, hazel eyes) and indirect sunlight (if eyes are recessive: blue eyes) on a regular basis. Light reflected by the retina stimulates the Pineal Gland and activates a near deadened state Pineal Gland. NOTE: Europeans should be aware that looking directly into the Sun (Ra) can damage the retina of the eyes. Melatonin Supplements Beware of Melatonin supplements. Remember, your body naturally produces Melatonin,

especially if you are sleep between the hours of 12 a.m. - 4 a.m. This is why the nightlife and graveyard shift are so dangerous and insalubrious. If you do consume Melatonin, make sure the product's ingredients are plant-based and not animal based, i.e. cow (bovine) pineal gland. Animal hormones do not act the same way in human body's like they do in there's. First of all, nothing from an animal really belongs in the mouth and belly of a human being. We must remember to get out of the mindset of purchasing things in a bottle - the very same things that our wonderful bodies produce if we would only feed (nourish) it right! If you're taking Melatonin to aid you in sleep, consider some of Nature's herbs such as Kava Kava, Jatamansi, Lavender Flower, Valerian Root, Skullcap, Catnip, Wild Lettuce and/or Passionflower instead of Melatonin. There's also Nerves Formula (capsules and tea) as well that contains some of Nature's most potent nervine herbs that can facilitate sound sleep and vivid dreams. Magnets Attaching a magnet (that sticks by adhesive) to the part of your skin above your 3rd eye (located between your two physical eyes but slightly higher or slightly above the eyes) for a few hours throughout the day will also stimulate the Pineal Gland and help to decalcify it. Magnets causes the body to become alkaline, especially that part of the body where the magnet is attached. Any strength (gauss) magnet will do, from 500 gauss, 800 gauss, 1,000 gauss, 1,200 gauss or the more powerful gausses, i.e. 4,000, 5,200, 8,000, etc. Just remember to never sleep with a magnet on your head overnight! If you do you will be in so much pain your head will hurt for a few days. It will feel like a headache but worse and you will feel so bad. You don't want to experience this feeling! So NEVER sleep with a magnet attached to your head, especially one of the higher gauss magnets. So only wear magnets on the head area during waking hours. When wearing the magnet over the Pineal Gland, make sure you are wearing it in the sunlight hours of the day only. The energy from Ra (Sun) will magnify the strength of the magnet's effect on the Pineal Gland. Because magnets have two sides or poles (north and south) you must understand the dynamics of a magnet. The south side of a magnet is stimulating and the north side is healing. So if you had cancer or a tumor, you wouldn't want to place the south or stimulating side of a magnet over the spot where there is cancer or a tumor. You would however place the north side over the spot because again, the north side is conducive to healing. You wouldn't want to stimulate cancer or a tumor as that would be counterproductive. The dynamics of north and south is also played out with demographics and geography here in the United States and certain locations in the Diaspora. In many cases (not all), you will always find minorities and poor people, especially Blacks or African-Americans, situated and residing in the south part of a major city, i.e. South side Chicago, South Bronx (New York), South (or South Central) Los Angeles, etc. In many cases, the south side of a city will refer to the part of town where poor folks are and crime, poverty, and illicit activity is high and runs rampant. I saw this in a recent trip to Belize. South Belize City constituted the inner city, if

you will, of Belize, where the citizens have it hard in life and live in substandard conditions. A lot of times Blacks migrated to the southern parts of major cities because the energy of these parts were stimulating. This is why a lot of talent (mostly physical or athletic) comes from these places or parts of town despite the high poverty, crime, illicit activity, and illiteracy rates. These are grid zones that stimulate creativity as well as activity, so there's always a lot of activity going on in these parts of a town, be it constructive activity (which you saw a lot of during the 1960s) or criminal activity, sexual activity, etc. Poor children are very creative. Give em' a create. Jump ropin' became Double Dutchin.' plainly jump roping, inner city Black youth patting hands, doing 360 degree turns, etc. jump rope and watch what they'll While little White children were were flipping, dancing, singing, while simultaneously jump roping.

They can masterfully turn boredom into something creative. Out of nothing they can create something. In the South Bronx, New York, in the early 1970s, Black youth took two turntables and started scratching old records and the next thing you know, scratching and mixing was born. The dirty dozens whereby Black youth would cap (playfully but negatively) on each other while rhyming became what is now called rap music or Hip Hop. Black male youth starting rapping to music that was scratched and mixed on turntables in abandoned and decrepit buildings and today it is a multibillion dollar industry, though unfortunately White males (record label business executives/CEOs) have found a way to control it and profit off it more than the rap artists despite a few in the game being able to greatly profit off the art and skill, a la Jay Z, Kenye West, Snoop Dogg, Master P, Russell Simmons, etc. There's always an exception to the rule. In the early 1980s, these same Black youth in South Bronx began to spin on their heads, twirl their bodies around on their fingers, palms, and knees, and moonwalk (made famous by Michael Jackson) while dancing to rap music and created a whole new fad called 'break dancing' that took the nation and world by storm and which became the theme of a few Hollywood productions (movies) such as "Wild Style", "Beat Street", and "Breakin" in the early 1980s. If the creativity does not have an outlet, then it will be repressed and seep out in the lower chakras through lower chakra activity and that's why criminal activity and excess sexual activity takes place a lot in the south side (and east side) of town or where poor people commonly reside. This is not exclusive to the south side or east side, but just more rampant than other parts of town. If the Kundalini energy cannot rise up to the higher chakras that give way to higher expressions of creativity, that Kundalini energy will stay trapped in the lower chakras and creative expression will be acted out in lower chakra activity, mainly sexual activity. That's why there's so much sexual activity with poor inner city youth. They don't have the necessary outlets for their storehouses of energy so it comes out in sexual activity (especially for the females) and criminal activity (with the males) such as gang-banging, robbing, stealing, drive-by shootings, assault and battery, car-jacking, etc. Binah

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April 15th, 2009, 11:12 PM Binah Afro Resident Newbie Binah is offline Join Date: Feb 2009 Posts: 9 Thanks: 0 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

#7 (permalink)

Rep Power: 0 Credits: 176 This country does not have rituals to help its youth properly channel energy and also to know when certain stages of life ends and new one begins. This is especially so for African-Americans who are the descendants of people who were known for their ceremonial rituals and rites of passage that helped the transition from childhood to manhood and womanhood. But the archetypal energy of these ancient rites are still present in the DNA. However, because our bodies are so filled up with chemical toxins from all the fast food, junk food, sugary treats, drugs (including marijuana), personal hygiene products, etc. the attempt to express the activity of ancient rites of passage are flawed and defective and comes out via gang-banging - having to kill an innocent person to become a member of a gang and have a sense of belonging, or having to rape some girl to become a member, or some other nefarious activity all so that you can now belong to something or a group. In addition to the sense of belonging, the sense of accomplishment is always present with us but without proper guidance and activation of the higher chakras, we will seek to accomplish anything, including insalubrious things such as the accomplishment of killing somebody, assaulting or beating up someone, going to jail, sodomizing someone and taking their manhood, raping a girl or woman, making a female perform oral sex and swallow one's sperm, penetrating a female in her rectum, stealing someone's personal property, etc. For many Black male youth, it is an esteemed accomplishment to go to jail and serve time and have a criminal record. In many Black communities across the country, the person who goes to jail gets more respect than the young man who goes to college and graduates. This is a big reason why today many inner city males chose to be thugs, criminals, pimps, hustlers and other degenerate things - simply because by being one of these things they'll get more play (respect, attention) from the ladies. These kinds of dudes were and still are rewarded with more easy and free sex from the females than the so-called nerd, bookworm, or brutha (brother) with a head on his shoulders. This is sad and unfortunate but true. Nowadays, thugs get damn near all of the play with the ladies so it's no wonder why a lot of Black male youth desire to be a thug when they can be anything including a doctor, lawyer, engineer, judge, architect, politician, professor, Congressman, assemblyman, spiritual advisor, holistic health practitioner, radio host, etc.

Okay, back on target now to close this lengthy article out! You'll commonly find Blacks, Hispanics, and other so-called minorities residing on the east side and south side of town in most major cities. And usually it's the poorer Blacks, Hispanics, other so-called minorities, and Caucasians (White people). And when we look at the north side of most major cities, these places and communities have a placid, peaceful, serene, and tranquil energy that is very conducive to healing and refined living. The citizens in these parts are predominantly Caucasian (White people), followed by the wealthy and well off of so-called minority groups, such as Jews. You'll commonly find Caucasians, Jews and even well off Black Americans residing on the north side and west side of town in most major cities. Regardless of race, nationality, or ethnicity, you'll find the wealthy and more well off of people residing in the north side and west side of town. And please understand that there are exceptions to the rule here pertaining to the foregoing. It's not really a race thing, but an energy, mindset, and consciousness thing. Thank you for reading! Pineal Gland Mystique

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