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Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 331–336

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Emotional intelligence and psychological resilience to negative life events

Andrew R. Armstrong a,⇑, Roslyn F. Galligan b, Christine R. Critchley b
AP-HP, Saint-Louis Hospital, Dept. of Clinical Research (PRO Unit), Paris, France
Swinburne University of Technology, Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Melbourne, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study investigated the relative importance of six emotional intelligence (EI) dimensions in the pre-
Received 8 June 2010 diction of psychological resilience to multiple negative life events. The strength of relations between life
Received in revised form 15 March 2011 events and distress varied markedly across three latent classes of participants, reflecting vulnerable, aver-
Accepted 17 March 2011
age and resilient profiles. Discriminant function analysis indicated that class membership varied as a
Available online 6 May 2011
function of four EI dimensions, with higher scores predicting membership to the resilient class. Across
the 414 participants, Emotional Self-Awareness, Emotional Expression, Emotional Self-Control and par-
ticularly Emotional Self-Management appeared central to psychological resilience in the aftermath of
Emotional intelligence
Psychological resilience
multiple negative life events.
Stress Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Life events

1. Introduction those who experience only mild, transient perturbations. Such per-
sons are considered resilient (Bonanno, 2004).
Major life events, including the death of loved-ones, serious ill- Emotional intelligence may well be directly connected to resil-
ness, or job loss, precede almost all types of mood disorder (Stueve, ience, such that emotionally intelligent behaviour in stressful cir-
Dohrenwend, & Skodol, 1998). Emotional intelligence (EI), or the cumstances is adaptive. Salovey, Bedell, Detweiler, and Mayer
ability to intelligently utilise emotional information, may temper (1999) theorize that persons with higher EI cope better with the
their impact on mental health (Ciarrochi, Forgas, & Mayer, 2001). emotional demands of stressful encounters because they are able
How EI might buffer the effect of aversive events is the focus of to ‘‘accurately perceive and appraise their emotions, know how
the present study. and when to express their feelings, and can effectively regulate
Stressful or negative life events have typically been construed their mood states’’ (p. 161). EI is thus postulated to buffer the ef-
as change events that precipitate movement from one set of living fects of aversive events through emotional self-awareness, expres-
conditions to another. The life transitions resulting from such sion and management.
events pose significant adaptational challenges that can strain peo- Researchers investigating these and other health-related links
ple’s ability to cope to the point of clinical distress, manifest for in- have frequently distinguished between ability-based EI models in
stance in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Moreover, which EI is assessed via intelligence-like tests (e.g. the Mayer-Salo-
the experience of multiple such events can compound distress vey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test; Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso,
(Monroe & Simons, 1991). Indeed, one stressful event can impede 2000) and trait models in which EI is measured via self-reported
coping efficacy for additional events, increasing vulnerability to emotion-related dispositions, self-perceptions or motivations (e.g.
and even the likelihood of further negative events (Kessler, the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire; Petrides, Pita, &
1997). As well, transitional recovery periods are typically quite Kokinnaki, 2007). While ability tests purport to measure ‘‘maximal
long. Research has shown that significant life events often retain performance’’, trait-models measure ‘‘typical performance’’
their impact over a two-year period (Monroe & Simons, 1991). (Petrides et al., 2007). In the current study we focus on typical per-
While such events are potentially traumatic, people are im- formance rather than episodes of peak EI performance in coping
pacted differently. Some people experience long-term trauma. with event-related distress. Moreover we take the view that emo-
Others suffer significant short-term impairment. Then there are tional intelligence is antecedent to resilience (Matthews, Zeidner,
& Roberts, 2002) rather than encompassing resilience (Bar-On,
1997), such that EI functions through its composite dimensions
to facilitate resilience.
⇑ Corresponding author. The evidence linking self-reported EI to health is considerable. A
E-mail address: (A.R. Armstrong). meta analysis of 80 studies involving 20,000 participants found the

0191-8869/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
332 A.R. Armstrong et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 331–336

average strength of relationship between EI and mental health to 1.5. Emotional management of self
be around r = .36, r = .33 for psychosomatic health, and r = .27 for
physical health criteria (Martins, Ramalho, & Morin, 2010). Other Persons able to self-induce positive moods are happier in both
studies have shown that self-reported EI can moderate the psycho- positive and negative circumstances (Ciarrochi, Chan, & Caputi,
logical impact of experimentally induced-stress (Mikolajczak, 2000), and tend to be more physically and mentally healthy
Petrides, Coumans, & Luminet, 2009), academic exam stress (Extremera & Fernandez-Berrocal, 2002). They engage more fre-
(Mikolajczak, Luminet, & Mendil, 2006) and emotional labour in quently in active coping behaviours such as problem-solving,
the workplace (Mikolajczak, Mendil, & Luminet, 2007). Two studies self-pep talks and physical exercise (Salovey, Stroud, Woolery, &
have also examined the buffering hypothesis in the context of mul- Epel, 2002).
tiple stressful life events (Ciarrochi, Deane, & Anderson, 2002; Day,
Therrien, & Carroll, 2005), but despite positive associations be-
tween EI and mental health, neither study found substantive 1.6. Emotional management of others
evidence of buffering.
In the current study, we examine the relative value of six EI Persons able to induce positive moods in others often have
dimensions that constitute the Swinburne University Emotional greater access to social supports (Ciarrochi, Chan, & Bajgar,
Intelligence Test (SUEIT; Palmer & Stough, 2002) in moderating 2001). They are more willing to seek help when feeling over-
the ongoing psychological impact of multiple negative life events whelmed, and to benefit (Ciarrochi & Deane, 2001).
that occurred in the preceding 2 years. The SUEIT was chosen for Evidently, there are a variety of ways in which EI can potentially
its robust psychometric properties, well-defined scales, rigorous buffer individuals against life event distress. Why then did
testing history (Gignac, 2005, 2010) and alignment with Salovey Ciarrochi et al. (2002), and Day et al. (2005) fail to find substantive
et al.’s (1999) theoretical postulate. The six EI dimensions concern: support for this position? One possible answer stems from the fact
(1) awareness of emotions in self, and (2) others, (3) emotional that moderator effects are notoriously difficult to detect in
expression, (4) emotional self-control, (5) emotional management observational field studies, using traditional moderated multiple
of self, and (6) others. Research in related fields highlights the po- regression procedures. The measurement error typical of non-
tential buffering effects of the six EI dimensions. experimental variables creates levels of noise that make reliable
effects hard to detect. Compounding this, measurement error is
1.1. Emotional self-awareness exacerbated when independent variables are multiplied together
to form moderator variables (McClelland & Judd, 1993). This makes
Research focused on alexithymia, a condition characterized by moderator effects even harder to detect.
poor emotional self-awareness, indicates that persons afflicted In light of this, we used a different approach to explore the
typically fail to respond to rising stress levels until distress is question of whether persons with higher EI scores are more
fully-blown (Martin & Pihl, 1986). They often experience more se- resilient to the effects of multiple events. We performed a series
vere symptoms and longer periods of recovery in the aftermath of of latent class regression analyses to determine whether the rela-
stressful events than more perceptive persons, who deploy per- tionship between the frequency of negative events experienced
sonal coping resources earlier and more effectively (Naatanen, in the past two years and psychological distress was relatively
Ryynanen, & Keltikangas-Jarvinen, 1999). homogenous across all participants in the study, or, whether the
strength of this effect differed across participants to the extent that
latent classes of participants better represented the data. (i.e.
1.2. Emotional awareness of others
whether there were distinct clusters of participants who varied
according to their event-distress regression scores).
Perspective taking is an important tool in developing quality so-
In line with previous research, it was expected that there would
cial relationships (Soenens, Duriez, Vansteenkiste, & Goossens,
be a latent class (i.e. cluster) of participants who would demon-
2007), which are a well established source of psychological support
strate a significantly stronger association between life events and
(Kessler, 1997). Propensity to anticipate and account for the feel-
distress (a vulnerable group). Conversely, it was expected that
ings of others may therefore play a role in facilitating greater
there would be at least a second latent class that would demon-
personal psychological resilience.
strate a non-significant or weaker life events – distress relationship
(i.e., a resilient group). Moreover it was expected that EI would dis-
1.3. Emotional expression criminate between these two classes in that the vulnerable group
would have lower EI scores, whereas the resilient group would
Emotional expression through overt channels, such as voice and have higher EI scores.
musculature, has been found to result in attenuation of physiolog-
ical reactivity and associated psychological symptoms. On the
other hand, inhibition results in retention of physiological arousal 2. Method
and psychological agitation, which over time manifests in physical
illness (Franz, Schaefer, & Schneider, 2003), and mental health 2.1. Participants and procedure
symptoms (Wastell, 2002).
Members from 56, life event focused, online discussion forums
1.4. Emotional self-control (e.g.;; were
invited to complete an online survey. Of 1156 persons who an-
Persons with poor emotional control are more likely to respond swered the first survey question, 414 (48.5%) completed the survey
to personal distress with anti-social behaviours (Roger & Najarian, and were of the age of adult consent. Participants were mostly wo-
1989), driving supportive persons away (Benotsch, Christensen, & men (76%), aged between 24 and 58 (M = 36.7, SD = 12.4), who had
McKelvey, 1997). Moreover, impulsive behaviour often translates completed a university degree (60%). Most were in paid employ-
into unhealthy coping behaviours such as substance use (Salovey, ment (42% full-time, 17% part-time). A smaller number were full-
2001) Consequently, higher levels of distress are experienced when time students (19%) or performed home duties (10%). Citizens of
faced with stressful situations (Roger & Najarian, 1989). the USA comprised the largest proportion of participants (45%), fol-
A.R. Armstrong et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 331–336 333

Table 1
Intercorrelations among EI dimensions, distress and negative life events.

M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Emotional self-awareness 7.56 1.42 (.74)
2. Emotional expression 15.87 3.97 0.44c (.82)
3. Emotional awareness of others 63.93 8.43 0.43c 0.31c (.89)
4. Emotional self-control 11.87 3.00 0.24c 0.30c 0.32c (.77)
5. Emotional self-management 29.60 6.52 0.36c 0.36c 0.35c 0.62c (.86)
6. Emotional management of others 20.27 3.56 0.38c 0.39c 0.58c 0.31c 0.42c (.74)
7. Distress 36.57 28.59 0.24c 0.36c 0.09 0.38c 0.61c 0.17c (.95)
8. Negative life events 4.83 3.34 0.10a 0.16b 0.04 0.13a 0.36c 0.08 0.46c

N = 414.
Cronbach’s alphas are located on the diagonal in parentheses.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.
p < 0.001.

lowed by Australia (24%), the UK (15%) and Canada (9%). The indicated whether they had experienced each event within the past
remainder were citizens of European, Asian or African countries. two years and whether the event continued to have a positive or
negative effect on their wellbeing. The frequency of events contin-
2.2. Measures uing to have a negative effect was summed for a total out of 59 for
each participant.
2.2.1. Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence was measured using a revised 44-item 3. Results
version of the SUEIT. This version was derived from extensive fac-
tor analytic investigation involving data from 1503 participants Table 1 presents descriptive statistics and correlations among
(Gignac, 2005). It is the predecessor to the newly published the variables. On average, the sample remained negatively affected
70-item Genos EI, factorially validated on some 4700 participants by five events that had occurred in the past 2 years, and reported
(Gignac, 2010), with which it shares the same dimensional distress symptoms consistent with mild depression, anxiety and
structure and 44 items (Palmer, Stough, Harmer, & Gignac, 2009). stress. EI levels were comparable to those reported by Gignac
Participants responded to statements on a five-point Likert scale (2005). All six dimensions were positively interrelated, and most
from 1 = ‘almost never’ to 5 = ‘almost always’. Scores were calcu- were negatively related to life events and distress.
lated separately for six subscales: (1) Emotional Self-Awareness
and (2) Emotional Awareness of Others concern perceiving and
3.1. Latent class regression analysis: negative life events and distress
understanding one’s own and others’ emotions respectively; (3)
Emotional Expression concerns expressing one’s emotions effec-
A series of latent class regression (LCR) analyses were per-
tively; (4) Emotional Self-Control concerns controlling one’s strong
formed using Latent Gold (Version 4) to determine whether the ef-
emotions; (5) Emotional Management of Self and (6) Emotional Man-
fect of negative life events on distress was homogenous across all
agement of Others concern managing one’s own and others’ emo-
participants, or whether the strength of this effect differed across
tions respectively. A seventh and final subscale concerned with
participants to the extent that latent classes of participants better
‘Emotional Reasoning’ in decision-making, was not included in the
represented the data. Unlike traditional regression techniques,
current study due to weak factorial validity, an issue common to
which assume that a similar regression coefficient holds true for
all such factors across EI inventories (Gignac, 2010).
all cases in a given sample, LCR detects and extracts distinct latent
classes of participants who share similar regression coefficients on
2.2.2. Psychological distress a set of predictor-outcome variables (Magidson & Vermunt, 2004).
Distress was assessed using the short version of the Depression As recommended by Vermunt and Magidson (2000), a 1-class
Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995), which model was initially estimated using maximum likelihood (ML), fol-
contains 21 items distributed across depression, anxiety, and stress lowed by additional models which successively incremented the
subscales. Participants rate the extent to which they had experi- number of classes by one, until the simplest model with the small-
enced each of the items over the past month on a 4-point sever- est Baysian Information Criterion (BIC) value was found. The de-
ity/frequency scale ranging from 0 = ‘did not apply to me at all’ fault Latent Gold LCR setting of 10 random starts was retained
to 3 = ‘applied to me very much’. In the present study, the full scale for each model.
score was used. As shown in Table 2, similar BIC values occurred for the 3 and
4-class models. However, classification error was notably larger for
2.2.3. Negative life events the 4-class model, and parameters were fewer for the 3-class mod-
Life events were sampled from a revised Social Readjustment el. The 3-class model was thus considered better fitting and more
Rating Scale (SRRS; 43 items; Scully, Tosi, & Banning, 2000), the parsimonious. Eighty percent of variation in distress was explained
original being devised by Holmes and Rahe (1967) and cited in by negative life events in the 3-class model.
over 4000 publications (Hobson et al., 1998). As with the original, Latent class regression statistics for the 3-class model are
events range from minor (e.g. change in dietary habits) to major shown in Table 3. The unstandardized beta values indicate that
(e.g. death of a loved one). In the present study, events referring for each class, higher numbers of negative life events predicted
to a change in circumstances were re-itemized to reflect improve- higher distress levels. However, Wald statistics for events indicated
ment or worsening of the situation (e.g. dietary habits worsened). that the strength of this relationship was significantly different be-
The number of events subsequently expanded to 591. Participants tween classes.
Regression lines depicting the relationship between accumu-
Expanded scale available from first author lated events and distress for each latent class are plotted in
334 A.R. Armstrong et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 331–336

Table 2 Distress
Latent class regression model fit statistics: negative life events regressed on distress.
Range %ile
Model LL BIC AIC NP Class. Error R2
1-Class 1926.53 3871.14 3859.06 3 0 .21 98
2-Class 1873.62 3789.43 3761.24 7 .16 .71
3-Class 1855.97 3778.23 3733.94 11 .24 .80 Severe
4-Class 1844.22 3778.84 3718.44 15 .29 .92
95 Class 2 (Vulnerable)
Note. N = 414
LL, log-likelihood; AIC, akaike information criterion; NP, number of parameters; Moderate
Class. Error, Classification error.
Minimum BIC value.
Mild 78 Class 1 (Average)
Table 3
Latent class regression statistics for the best fitting 3-class model for negative life
Normal Class 3 (Resilient)
events regressed on distress.
Low Average High
3-Class Model Wald (1.49) (4.83) (8.17)
statistics Number of Negative Life Events
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Between
(n = 184) (n = 120) (n = 110) class Fig. 1. Distress regressed on negative life events by latent class.
R2 .44 .26 .20 –
Distress intercept 15.05b (2.28) 37.40b (6.72) 6.01b (1.54) 24.40b
Negative life 2.78b (0.32) 4.59b (0.88) .90a (0.29) 26.18b
events B tween negative life events and distress varied as a function of four
intrapersonal EI dimensions. The life event-distress relationship
Note. N = 414.
SE in parentheses.
was weaker for participants with higher levels of Emotional Self-
p < 0.01. Awareness, Emotional Expression, Emotional Self-Control and par-
p < 0.001. ticularly, Emotional Self-Management.

4.1. The nature of relations between stressful life events and distress

Fig. 1. Anchors for negative life events comprise the mean and one Ninety-five percent of participants reported that one or more
standard deviation above and below. Anchors for distress comprise stressful events continued to exert a negative influence on their
percentile ranks and ranges sourced from Lovibond and Lovibond wellbeing up to 2 years later. On average, participants remained
(1995). Figure 1 illustrates a pattern of graduated life event distress negatively affected by around five events, while event distribution
class profiles. Class 2 were most distressed by higher numbers of data indicated that the number of such events typically ranged
life events, Class 3 were least distressed, while Class 1 fell in be- from a low one or two, to a high eight events. A greater accumula-
tween. Classes 2, 1 and 3 were thus labelled Vulnerable, Average tion of such events predicted heightened symptoms of psycholog-
and Resilient. ical distress in the preceding month.
Yet, while pervasive, the life event-distress relationship was not
3.2. Discriminant function analysis: class membership and emotional uniform across the sample. Instead, three latent classes with dis-
intelligence tinct life event-distress profiles were identified. These classes were
subsequently labelled Vulnerable, Average and Resilient. For the
A discriminant function analysis was subsequently modelled to 29% of participants classified into the Vulnerable class, the ongoing
test whether membership to the three classes varied as a function negative affect of just one or two past events corresponded with
of the six EI variables. Summary statistics for the EI variables by current distress levels within the moderate clinical symptom
class are presented in Table 4. range. Worse were those who continued to be affected by the sam-
The three classes were reliably distinguished by one discrimi- ple average of five events who reported clinical symptoms border-
nant function, which comprised four EI variables and explained ing on severe. Those who remained affected by a high eight events
35% of the variation in class membership, Wilks = .65, v2 reported symptoms well within the severe clinical range.
(12) = 174.27, p < .001. The function was very strongly correlated For the 44% of participants in the Average class, the ongoing
with Emotional Management of Self, r = .90, p < .001, strongly cor- negative affect of 1–2 events in the past 2 years corresponded with
related with Emotional Self-Control, r = .51, p < .001, and moder- normal present functioning. Five events corresponded with symp-
ately correlated with Emotional Expression, r = .44, p < .001, and toms bordering on mild distress. Moderate distress symptoms
Emotional Self-Awareness, r = .39, p < .001. Centroids for the dis- emerged for those who remained affected by a high eight events.
criminant function revealed that the Resilient class (.96) had signif- Finally, the 27% of participants that comprised the Resilient class
icantly higher EI scores than both other classes, that the Vulnerable exhibited the weakest relationship between accumulated life
class ( .94) had the lowest EI scores, and that the Average class events and distress. Although their reported distress symptoms
(.04) fell almost precisely in between. were worse when event numbers were greater, their symptoms re-
mained well within the range of normal psychological functioning
4. Discussion even when event numbers were high.

The current study sought to identify which participants were 4.2. Emotional intelligence and psychological resilience to life event
more and less successful at adapting to the emotional demands distress
of stressful events, and to identify the extent to which individual
differences in adaptation could be attributed to respective aspects EI was negatively associated with events and distress. Most
of emotional intelligence. The study found that the relationship be- persons with higher EI scores reported that fewer stressful events
A.R. Armstrong et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 51 (2011) 331–336 335

Table 4
Summary statistics and structure coefficients for emotional intelligence in the 3-class model.

Vulnerable Class (n = 120) Average Class (n = 184) Resilient Class (n = 110)

Emotional self-awareness 7.11 1.55 7.51 1.37 8.14 1.11
Emotional expression 14.20 4.08 16.07 3.74 17.35 3.56
Emotional awareness of others 63.38 9.58 63.41 8.41 65.37 6.87
Emotional self-control .75 3.02 11.64 2.75 13.49 .71
Emotional self-management 25.02 5.61 29.71 5.75 34.39 4.99
Emotional management of others 19.68 3.86 20.26 3.75 20.95 2.72

Note. N = 414.

continued to distress them. Importantly, individual differences in undergoing extremely stressful life transitions such as learning to
four EI dimensions were found to distinguish between the Vulner- live with cancer or HIV, and to those who vary more widely in EI
able, Average and Resilient latent classes: Emotional Self-Aware- traits, would further clarify the buffering effects of EI.
ness, Emotional Expression, Emotional Self-Control and
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4.2.1. Methodological and future considerations Gignac, G. (2005). Determining the dimensionality of a self-report emotional
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These are issues that future research may wish to address. Similar myth. Cambridge: MIT Press.
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personality, and as a mental ability. In R. Bar-On & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), The
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