Avila - STS Activity 2
Avila - STS Activity 2
Avila - STS Activity 2
a. Describe the forest change in Davao Oriental? (Please indicate your sources)
One of the key ways that humans have altered our environment is by the
deliberate destruction of our forest. Since pre-agricultural times, the world's
forests have decreased from 5 to 4 billion hectares, or roughly one-fifth of its pre-
agricultural size. This drop is seen from the greenery to cement, buildings, and
highways. The forest in Davao Oriental continues has also the same problem
when it comes to forest change. Global Forest Watch reports that Davao Oriental
had 345kha of natural forest covering 88% of its geographical area in 2010. In
addition, it lost 2.03kha of natural forest in 2021, which is equal to 1.31Mt of CO2
emissions. Deforestation is just one of the numerous causes of this alteration in
the forest.
b. Give 3 examples of invasive species found in the country and describe how
they affect endemic species.
The ecosystem in the jungle is calm and stable, and the soil is so nutrient-
rich that plants can quickly grow there. In the jungle or forest, each plant and
animal plays a specific role or purpose that keeps their population under control.
For instance, the herbivores that eat plants keep their population in check, and in
the meantime, predators consume the herbivores to keep their population under
control. This makes the ecosystem in the forest balance, however, here comes
the invader or invading species that are not necessary which makes the
ecosystem unbalance because they do not have natural predators, hence,
allowing their reproduction to quickly increase in numbers. Below are the 3
examples of invasive species found in the country and how they affect endemic
1. Cane toads- Cane toads originally found in Southern America but it has
reached Philippines because it was transported in the country to eat pests
since there are more pests that are destroying the crops like sugar cane.
However, the existence of it in the country soon brought problem especially in
the ecosystem. Cane toad, as an invasive species, became poisonous and
detrimental to the ecosystem and in the endemic species. The animals or
endemic species may go extinct as a result of the presence of cane toads
because it competes with native species for scarce resources and finally
disrupts the habitat.
c. Discuss the importance of natural fire and its impact on the environment. (Site
an example)
Fires happen naturally, such when lightning strikes. Others could burn
spontaneously as a result of the ecosystem's dense vegetative accumulations
being compressed, degraded, producing heat. Boulders falling to the ground
could start a forest fire. Because it was crucial in the development of many
main forms of vegetation, including savannas and pine forests, as well as in
affecting how ecosystems function, fire is also vital to vegetation. Fire might
support dormant seeds in germination as well. Additionally, it can change
seedbeds to the advantage of other plant species. Additionally, it might cause
many woody and herbaceous species to produce seeds and increase
vegetative reproduction. Sanitization refers to the process of controlling
parasites, fungi, and insects in forests using fire. Additionally, it alters the
physicochemical environment of the plants and stimulates the flowering and
fruiting of many shrubs and herbs. Above all, fire might lead to more diverse
It's not necessary for the fire to be a villain; rather, a controlled fire
benefits our wild lands and is actually essential to the existence of various
species. For instance, fire clears the forest floor of detritus, low-growing
underbrush, and other plant life while also exposing it to sunshine and
nourishing the soil. Existing trees can get stronger and healthier by reducing
this competition for resources. History informs us that woods had fewer,
larger, healthier trees hundreds of years ago. Although there are more trees in
forests now than in the past, they are not as big or healthy. For nutrients and
room, mature trees must compete with undergrowth.
d. Describe the forest ecosystem change of the Philippines
The Philippines were historically covered in 97% tropical rainforests during
the time of Spanish colonization. These forests were mostly made up of the four
main forest flora types: dipterocarp, mangrove, pine, and mossy. The most
economically significant species of dipterocarp vegetation are the trees. More
than 15 million hectares of secondary and undisturbed woods made up around
70% of the entire area of forests in the 1900s. 50% of the original forest cover
was still there by the end of World War II. A total of roughly 15 million hectares of
forest were lost between 1900 and before 2000. The country currently only has 6
million hectares left. Only a little more than a million hectares of primary woods
are left today.
e. Describe the concrete actions of the Philippine government to protect our
remaining forest?
The forests of the Philippines are among the planet's most biodiverse
terrestrial ecosystems, as is well recognized and documented. The social and
economic growth that results in forest loss and degradation, such as livestock
grazing, shifting agriculture, cash crops, etc., poses a severe threat to these
forests. The Philippine government, thankfully, is cognizant of the distinctiveness
and great diversity of the nation's woods, which has prompted them to offer
specific recommendations on how to safeguard our remaining forests. The
Philippine government has taken the following specific steps to save and
conserve our surviving forests.
f. Discuss the importance of grazing animals and its effect to the environment.