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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 08 Issue: 12 | Dec 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Review Paper on Western Dedicated Freight Corridor

Kanherkar G.V1., Deshpande A.A2., Prof. Rachana Vaidya3 (HOD of Civil Department)
1-3Department of Civil Engineering, Alard College of Engineering and Management, marunji, Pune, Maharashtra,
Abstract - Designers working on railway track restoration, Howrah (Eastern) critical shipment manner tasks and to
modernization, or new construction have considered a 3D plan indicate one greater modern plan for organizing, financing,
of computerized plan documentation as a solution to the plan advancement, and motion of those corridors. [1]
in accordance with the existing relevant guidelines. Used NTC
to build new railway tracks and reduce the manpower. The In January 2006, RITES offered the Feasibility Study Report
techniques used in the study as well as their future outcomes, of each the anterooms and Cabinet upheld Task Force's
obstacles, and challenges are analyzed and interpreted. report, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) gave
However, it is worth noting that the project is ongoing and the "on a key level" making certain to the Feasibility Study
information in this study is limited to the resources available report. Thusly, RITES offered the PETS Report. [2]
at the time of the study. It has been found that government-led
operations are not only affecting the development of freight Updating of transportation innovation, expansion
corridors but also focusing on sustainability and inefficiency, and decrease in unit transportation cost are the
environmental conservation. center regions for the undertaking. The last task
documentation for the development of the rail route track
Key Words: Dedicated Freight Corridor Project1, New should be expounded in extremely top-notch handling,
Track Construction2, New rail line3. illustrations as well as programming arrangements used for
its creation. The arrangement documentation rules for
1. INTRODUCTION project documentation drawings are required as before
required models for their design and content. [3]
The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India
(DFCCIL)is a Special Purpose Vehicle installation below the 1.1 NEED FOR DFC
executive vicinity of the Ministry of Railways to devise and
domesticate Dedicated Freight Corridors, get prepared The Indian Railways have seen higher freight volumes
monetary resources, and fabricate, live conscious of, and without liberal interest in the establishment, extended turn
paintings them. The act of Indian companies from 1956 was load, a lessening of turn period of moving stock, the
used to define DFCCIL in October 2006. The idea to build diminished unit cost of transportation, legitimization of
separate freight routes across the country represents a levies bringing about progress in the portion of the overall
watershed moment in Indian Railways ‘history, as the industry and worked on functional edges. In the direction of
network has always carried mixed traffic. The dedicated the remaining 2 to a few years, the railroad shipment site
freight lines would allow Indian Railways to strengthen visitors have evolved via way of means of eight to 11%.[2]
customer orientation and satisfy market needs more
efficiently once they are completed. The construction of such 1.2 GOLDEN QUADRILATERAL FREIGHT CORRIDOR
massive rail infrastructure – unparalleled in independent (GQFC)
India– is projected to spur the development of industrial
GQFC has 6 DFCs, 2 are being met and funding for the
corridors and logistics parks along its path. [1]
additional four was converted to maintenance in January
In the primary stage, DFCCIL will assemble two corridors – 2018. This was accomplished by skipping 55% of the Indian
the Western DFC and Eastern DFC-crossing a total length of Railway loading point visitors for a total of 10,122 km (6,290
around 2800 course km. The Eastern Corridor, beginning miles). The line limit usage on the current exceptionally
from Ludhiana in Punjab will go through the provinces of soaked shared trunk courses of Howrah-Delhi on the Eastern
Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and end at Son Nagar in Bihar. The Corridor and Mumbai-Delhi on the Western Corridor
Western Corridor will cross the separation from Dadri to changes between 115%to 150%. [citation needed] The
Mumbai, going through the territories of Delhi, Haryana, flooding prerequisite for the power age requiring weighty
Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra. In April 2005, the rail coal development, blasting framework development, and
committed cargo passages, and RITES was endowed with the developing global exchange has prompted the origination of
Practicality research of each Japanese and western hallways, the GQFCs.
accompanied via way of means of the development of a
Planning Commission's Task Force to installation an
excellent paper on Delhi-Mumbai (Western) and Delhi-

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1031
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 12 | Dec 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

1.3 SELECTION OF ROUTE Sub-Total excluding 8.90 13.50

The traffic on the Western Corridor generally remembers Total excluding Containers 10.90 16.60
ISO compartments from JNPT and Mumbai Port for
Maharashtra and ports of Pipavav, Mundra, and Kandla in Total Containers (in 3.80 5.30
Gujarat bound for ICDs situated in northern India. Especially million TEUs)
at Tughlakabad, Dadri, and Dandharikalan. Other than Rites Report: of Western Corridor PETS Report
Containers, various products proceeding with the Western
DFC are POL, Fertilizers, Food grains, Salt, Coal, Iron &amp,
Steel, and Cement. Further, attributable to its quicker 1.4 Salient Features
development when contrasted with different products, the
portion of holder traffic is relied upon to dynamically Committed Freight Corridors are proposed to take on elite
increment and arrive at a degree of around 80% by 2021-22. and best-in-class innovation. Critical improvement is
The rail portion of holder traffic on this hall is scheduled to proposed to be made in the current conveying limit by
increment from 0.69 million TEUs in 2005-06 to 6.2 million adjusting fundamental plan highlights. The long-lasting way
TEUs in 2021-22. [3] will be developed with an altogether higher plan includes
that will empower it to withstand heavier burdens at higher
It proposed to set logistics parks in the Mumbai area, Vapi in paces. All the while, to enhance useful utilization of the
southern Gujarat, Ahmedabad area in Gujarat, Gandhidham option to proceed, aspects of the moving stock are proposed
in the Kutch locale of Gujarat, Jaipur region in Rajasthan. The to be augmented. Both these upgrades will permit longer and
arrangement has been by and large kept corresponding to heavier trains to handle on the Dedicated Freight Corridors.
existing lines aside from the arrangement of diversion at
Diva, Surat, Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Vadodara, Anand, The accompanying tables give near data of the current
Ahmedabad, Palanpur, Phulera, and Rewari. [3] norms on Indian Railways and the proposed standard for
NCR of Delhi These areas have been chosen on the premise
that they have a decent centralization of assorted ventures
and establish significant creation/utilization focuses. These
are likewise very much associated with rail and street
frameworks for advantageous development in various ways.
These parks are proposed to be made on Public-Private
Partnership (PPP) model by making a sub-SPV for the same.
DFCCIL proposes to provide rail openness to such stops and
private game enthusiasts might be moved toward make and
give the cream of the crop system as a run-of-the-mill
customer office. [2]

Table -A: Traffic Projection on Western DFC (in million


Direction/Commodity 20016-17 2021-22

UP Direction
Food grains, Fertiliser 1.20 1.80
POL 0.30 0.50 Fig -1: Upgraded Dimension of DFC
Cement, Salt, 0.40 0.80
Containers (in million 1.90 2.70
Sub- Total excluding 1.90 3.10

DN Direction
Coal, Cement, Iron 6.30 9.40
Fertilizer, Food grains, Salt 1.60 2.60
POL 1.00 1.50
Containers (in million 1.90 2.60

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1032
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 12 | Dec 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fully mechanical track linking methods have been deployed

for track linking of DFCs using new track construction (NTC)
machines. The DFC project is a super framework project
interfacing around 7000 km of track. [2]

Laying tracks for new trains is always arduous and it usually

takes 500-600 man-days to add one km of track. This huge
task is not possible using the traditional method of tracking
and hence the choice of NTC machine. [2]

1.6 Methodology

NTC Machine will be used to construct the new railway track

in the DFC project.

Fig -2: Upgraded Design Features of DFC Freight trains with 1.5 km (0.93 mi) length, 3,660 mm (12
toes 1⁄eight in) width, and 7,100 mm (23 ft 3 + 1⁄2 in) most
The plan boundaries of the rail route line project and the
extreme tallness, a solitary on the planet. [1]
enhanced area of this track body are firmly related. The
more troublesome states of convoluted territory or thick Super load standard-molded compartments shipped through
region (populace, objects, and modern stops), the more electric trains with following heaps of 15,000 t (14,763 long
troublesome are to fulfill the standards of boundaries for tons; 16,535 brief tons) and educate with four hundred
planning the railroad line and there is additionally a holder limits, lone withinside the world. [1] DFC approach to
decrease in driving solace (particularly on account of cut down the fee of freight delivery the usage of electric fuel,
traveler transport). [3] greater noteworthy and extra trains. This will assist the
Indian business with becoming serious on the planet trade
The outcomes acquired uncovered that the biggest rail
market. [1]
diversions and contact powers were instigated by short
wave inconsistencies. The least plan range Rmin regardless DFC will assist India with accomplishing the objectives it has
of the permitted upsides of the standard and mean to focused on in the Paris environment accord, by moving from
augment the improvement models and lessen the energy diesel-impelled cargo trains and petroleum derivative-based
power of lines in ongoing tasks. [3] street traffic to power-based rail route trains. India is an
innovator in environmentally friendly power with the greater
The track originator should likewise consider the weight
part of the country's new power age limit added through sun-
which will be moved on the track. These days, the
oriented, wind, and atomic sources. [1]
recommendations of rail tracks are just evolved in the
computerized 3D arrangement utilizing PC innovation and Fast cargo trains, for example, WAG12, run at speeds more
programming items having some expertise in rail route noteworthy than 100 km/h (62 mph). Radio correspondence
designing. The improvement of the rail line course relies and GSM-based following, everything being equal, - a first in
upon the kind of railroad track with its distinctive indicated the Indian railroad area. [1]
standard boundaries for the plan of the course of the speed
and rapid lines. [3] DFC hallway has no level intersections and utilizations quite
possibly the most developed development technique to work
1.5 NTC machine on the quality and speed of development. Indian traveller rail
line organization will actually want to run semi-fast and rapid
To expedite the track laying work, Dedicated Freight
trains in the current organization as freight traffic will
Corridor Corporation (DFCC) is deploying mechanical track
relocate to DFC. [1]
linking systems for the construction of freight corridors. The
machine has the capacity to add 1.5 km (km) of track in a day Eastern DFC can much more likely than now no longer assist
with very little manpower. [2] RoRo because it has a version of 5.1 meters (sixteen feet 8 +
3⁄4 inch) diverged from 7.1 meters (23 feet 3 + 1⁄2 inches)
For the first time in India, a fully mechanical track linking
from the Western DFC. Due to this main Western DFC might
system is being used for new lines for DFC construction.
have the option to help RoRo administrations. Konkan rail
Fully mechanical methods not only improve track linking
route is the main railroad zone in India, which has smoothed
speed but also track quality. [2]
out the RoRo administration and can save 75 million liters of
diesel fuel and related unfamiliar trade for the country. [1]

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1033
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 12 | Dec 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


While the plan work includes complex strategies, the parts of

the rail route track should conform to all plan guidelines and
guidelines as of now relevant. Interior fundamental plan
boundaries are diverse for every venture. With speeding up,
it is important to increment and secure its wellbeing during
the activity which is more costly. These days it is absurd to
expect to foster quality and precise plan documentation
without PC innovation utilizing 3D variation arrangements.

The length of trains will be extended from 700 m to 1500 m

and passing on breaking point will increase from 5000 tons
to 13,000 tons/train. Most cargo between Delhi to Mumbai
or Delhi to Kolkata, which takes a few days to arrive at its
goal currently will take under 24 hours when the DFCs come
on the web.

Further, the study gives us an idea of how the DFC would

change the freight transport scenario of our country and its
role in the logistics of India. This project will definitely be
beneficial for me, and I am grateful that I got to experience so
many things.


[3] DFCCIL, Project Status. Dedicated Freight Corridor
Corporation of India
[4] DFCCIL, Salient Features. Dedicated Freight Corridor
Corporation of India

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1034

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