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BEEA PT2 Exam-Questions

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General Math

1. George is buying souvenir items to be given to guests for his upcoming wedding.
Each piece costs ₱85 and there is an additional charge of ₱250 for the labor cost.
How much is the cost of buying 150 souvenir items?
a. ₱13 000
b. ₱12 750
c. ₱12 500
d. ₱12 250
2. What is (f ◦g)(x) if f(x) = x2 – x and g(x) = x – 3?
a. x2 – x – 6
b. x2 – x – 3
c. x2 – 7x + 12
d. x2 – 7x + 6
3. A car is traveling at a constant speed of v(x) = (x2 – 2x – 8) kph. Find the
distance d(x) traveled by the car after h(x) = (x + 2) hours. (Hint: Distance
traveled is equal to the product of speed and time.)
a. d  x   km
b. d(x) = (x – 4) km
c. d(x) = (x3 – 4x2 – 4x – 16) km
d. d(x) = (x3 – 12x – 16) km
4. Find the domain of the given rational function below.
x 1
f  x 
x2  4

a. D: {x|x є }
b. D: {x|x ≠ 4}
c. D: {x|x ≠ –2, 1, 2}
d. D: {x|x ≠ –2, 2}

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x2  4 9. Jane borrowed ₱25 000 which is payable after 1 year and 3 months with a
5. Determine the zero/s of the rational function f  x   . simple interest of 12%. Determine the maturity value of the loan.
x  3x  2

a. x = –2, 2 a. ₱3 750
b. x = –2 b. ₱3 900
c. x = 2, 1 c. ₱28 750
d. x = 2 d. ₱28 900
x 3 10. Lorna deposits ₱8 000 every end of the quarter in a savings account paying 6%
6. Find the domain of the inverse of the function f  x   .
x4 compounded quarterly. Which of the following equations represents how much
a. D: {x|x ≠ 1}
will be in her account at the end of 10 years and 9 months?
b. D: {x|x ≠ –1} 10.75
1 0.06 1
c. D: {x|x ≠ 4} a. FV 8000
d. D: {x|x ≠ –4} 10.75
1 0.015 1
2 x b. FV 8000
7. Solve the equation 9 x4
  . 0.015
 27  43
a. x = 2 1 0.06 1
c. FV 8000
b. x = –2 0.06
c. x =
5 1 0.015 1
2 d. FV 8000
d. x  
2 11. Which of the following represents ownership in a company but does not usually
come with voting rights?
8. What is the asymptote of the function y = log3(2x + 9)?
a. common stock
a. x   b. government bond
2 c. preferred stock
b. x  
9 d. corporate bond
c. x = 12. A manufacturing company declared a ₱30 125 000 dividend for a common
2 stock. If there are a total of 250 000 shares of the common stock, how much is
2 the dividend per share?
d. x =
a. ₱150
b. ₱100.42
c. ₱120.50
d. ₱120

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13. Determine the truth value of the following implication: Statistics and Probability
  (p⊕q) → ~p
16. Given the probability distribution of a discrete random variable X, solve for
i. T T P(X ≥ 2).
 0 1 2 3 4
ii. T F
P(X) 0.11 0.23 0.27 0.21 0.18

a. i. T a. P(X ≥ 2) = 0.61
ii. F
b. P(X ≥ 2) = 0.66
b. i. F
c. P(X ≥ 2) = 0.27
ii. T
d. P(X ≥ 2) = 0.73
c. i. T
ii. T 17. Given the probability distribution below, find the mean of the discrete random
variable X.
d. i. F
ii. F  P(X)
14. Illustrate the following argument and determine if it is a tautology or fallacy. 1 0.28
If a person loves Science, then he loves Chemistry. 2 0.45
Aldrin loves Chemistry. 3 0.27
Therefore, Aldrin loves Science.
a. 1.99
a. Tautology
b. 1.63
((p ⟶ q) ⋀ p) ⟶ q
c. 1.75
b. Fallacy
((p ⟶ q) ⋀ p) ⟶ q d. 2.31
c. Tautology 18. Determine the percentage of scores between the population mean and one
((p ⟶ q) ⋀ q) ⟶ p standard deviation below the mean.
d. Fallacy a. 34.13%
((p ⟶ q) ⋀ q) ⟶ p b. 95.44%
15. Identify the fallacy committed in the following categorical syllogism: c. 99.74%
“All teachers are tutors.
d. 68.26%
All Education graduates are tutors.
Therefore, all teachers are Education graduates.”
a. Fallacy of the undistributed middle
b. Fallacy of exclusive premises
c. Fallacy of illicit process
d. Fallacy of four terms

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19. Which of the following statements is true in a sampling distribution of the 23. In a study among 500 young adults, it was found out that 132 among them have
sample means? passports. Estimate the proportion of young adults who do not have passports.
a. The sampling distribution of the sample means is normally distributed a. 26.4%
regardless of the sample size. b. 73.6%
b. The sampling distribution of the sample means is approximately normal for c. 32.4%
relatively small values of n.
d. 67.6%
c. Regardless of the sample size, the sampling distribution of the sample means
is never normally distributed. 24. Determine the sample size needed to estimate the population mean µ with a
level of precision of 0.1, a standard deviation of 1, and a 95% confidence level.
d. To ensure that the sampling distribution of the sample means is
approximately normal, the sample size n must be at least 30. a. n = 384
_ b. n = 1 498
20. The corresponding z-score of a certain sample mean x is z = –0.91. Using the
z-table, the area under the normal curve to the left of z = –0.91 is 0.1814. c. n = 29
Interpret this result.
_ d. n = 39
a. The probability that the sample mean of a sample is equal to x is 18.14%.
_ 25. Which of the following situations require the use of the Finite Population
b. The probability that the sample mean of a sample is not equal to x is 18.14%. Correction Factor in estimating the population mean?
c. The probability that the sample mean drawn is less than x is 18.14%. a. A sample size of 200 is drawn from a population of 5 000 participants.
d. The probability that the sample mean drawn is greater than x is 18.14%. b. A sample size of 100 is drawn from a population of 10 000 participants.
21. Two samples were drawn from the population of Grade 9 students – the first c. A sample size of 160 is drawn from a population of 8 000 participants.
sample would serve as the experimental group and the second sample would
d. A sample size of 70 is drawn from a population of 1 000 participants.
serve as the control group. Both samples have a sample size of 30 students.
Determine the degrees of freedom to be used. 26. A phone company wants to determine if the stand-by time of their flagship
phone lasts more than 12 hours. To determine this, twenty flagship phones were
a. df = 29
tested and the average stand-by time of the phone is 10.5 hours. What is the
b. df = 58 parameter?
c. df = 59 a. average stand-by time of the flagship phones
d. df = 30 b. average number of flagship phones produced
22. Construct the 95% confidence interval for the population proportion p with a c. average stand-by time of their previous phones
sample size n = 100 and x = 20.
d. population standard deviation of the stand-by time of the flagship phones
a. 0.8 ± 0.1032
b. 0.8 ± 0.0784
c. 0.2 ± 0.0784
d. 0.2 ± 0.1032

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27. A publishing company claims that their latest book sells 120 copies daily with a 30. Mr. Sanchez uses regression to predict the grades of his students in Basic
standard deviation of 30 copies. The sales of the book for seven days has been Calculus using their grades in Precalculus. The regression line is
observed and it was found out that on average, the book has sold 105.6 copies. Y = 1.13X – 17.72. Celine has a grade of 85 in Precalculus. What is her possible
What test statistic should be used to test the population mean? grade in Basic Calculus?
a. z-statistic; because the test has been observed for 7 days a. 91
b. t-statistic; because the test has been observed for 7 days b. 78
c. z-statistic; because the sample mean is less than the population mean c. 89
d. t-statistic; because the sample mean is less than the population mean d. 82
28. Studies claim that today’s teenagers spend eight hours a day in front of a
computer. To test this, 100 students were asked how long do they spend in front
of a computer and it was found out that they spend an average of 6.8 hours in
front of a computer with a standard deviation of 1.2 hours. The corresponding
test statistic is –10. Draw a conclusion from the given test at α = 0.05.
a. The number of hours teenagers spend in front of a computer remains the
b. The number of hours teenagers spend in front of a computer has gone higher.
c. The number of hours teenagers spend in front of a computer has gone lower.
d. The number of hours teenagers spend in front of a computer changed
29. A certain study analyzes the relationship between a student’s grade in
Mathematics and in English. The correlation coefficient is r = 0.27. Interpret the
correlation coefficient.
a. There is a moderately low correlation that suggests that getting a high grade
in Mathematics would mean getting a high grade in English as well.
b. There is a very low correlation that suggest that getting a high grade in
Mathematics would mean getting a high grade in English as well.
c. There is a very low correlation that suggests that getting a high grade in
Mathematics would mean getting a low grade in English.
d. There is a moderately low correlation that suggests that getting a high grade
in Mathematics would mean getting a low grade in English.

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Physical Sciences 34. Dalton’s atomic theory led to the proposal of the idea that if two elements form
more than one compound, the ratio of masses of one element combined with a
31. The nuclide chart below is a representative example of how elements heavier fixed mass of the second should be represented by whole numbers. Which law is
than iron are synthesized in the cosmological setting. If ⁶²Ni undergoes neutron described in the given idea?
capture and beta decay events represented by horizontal and diagonal lines, a. law of definite proportions
respectively, what are the identities of nuclides X and Y produced by the b. law of conservation of mass
c. law of constant composition
d. law of multiple proportions
35. Which is not a consequence of the polarity of water molecules and their very
strong attraction to each other?
a. Water is capable of dissolving salts.
b. Water boils at a relatively high temperature.
a. X is ⁶³Ni, Y is ⁶³Cu
c. Water forms spherical beads on a hydrophobic surface.
b. X is ⁶²Cu, Y is ⁶³Ni
d. Water is a good conductor of heat.
c. X is ⁶²Zn, Y is ⁶³Co
36. Which statement best explains, in terms of intermolecular interactions, why
d. X is ⁶³Co, Y is ⁶³Zn water has a higher boiling point than ethanol?
32. Who among the following scientists pioneered the artificial transmutation which
involved the bombardment of atmospheric nitrogen (¹⁴₇ N) with alpha particles
(⁴₂ α) to generate a proton (¹₁p) and an isotope of oxygen (¹⁷₈O)?
a. Irène Joliot-Curie
b. James Chadwick
c. Ernest Rutherford
d. Otto Hahn
33. Which is an excep�on of the properties of neutron that led scientists to its a. Water can form hydrogen bonds while ethanol cannot.
discovery? b. Water can form more hydrogen bonds than ethanol.
a. It can weigh the same as proton’s mass. c. Water is polar while ethanol is nonpolar.
b. It can be emitted by an atom as a penetrating radiation. d. Water is about 2.6 times lighter than ethanol.
c. It can knockout protons when it strikes a proton-rich substance. 37. Different lipids have different states at room temperature. While corn oil and
d. It can be influenced by magnetic and electric fields. vegetable oil are liquid at room temperature, butter and milk fat are solid in
contrast. Which statement explains this property of lipids?
a. Oils are more soluble in water than fats.
b. Oils contain less amount of fatty acids than fats.
c. Oils contain more high molecular-weight fatty acids than fats.
d. Oils are predominantly unsaturated while fats are saturated.

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38. Which statement is true about catalysts? 43. Which term is the most appropriate to use to describe the separation of visible
a. Catalysts provide an alternative pathway with higher activation energy. light into different colors as it passes through a prism?

b. Catalysts, in general, are solids with high surface areas. a. diffraction

c. Catalysts make the reactants more stable. b. interference

d. Catalysts are consumed in a step of a reaction and then produced again. c. dispersion

39. Two moles of phosphorus trichloride (PCl₃) may react with one mole of oxygen d. scattering
gas (O₂) in air to produce two moles of phosphoryl oxide (POCl₃). In which 44. You are approaching a beacon in a lighthouse while you are traveling at a speed
combination of quantities of the reactants is PCl₃ limiting? of one-third the speed of light (0.33c). Which best represents the speed of light
a. 5 moles of PCl₃ and 2 moles of O₂ from the beacon?

b. 3 moles of PCl₃ and 1 moles of O₂ a. 0.33c

c. 5 moles of PCl₃ and 3 moles of O₂ b. 0.67c

d. 4 moles of PCl₃ and 2 moles of O₂ c. 1.0c

40. Who among the following Greek philosophers was the first to give a concrete d. 1.33c
evidence that Earth is round through looking at the round-shaped shadow cast 45. Black holes are a major consequence of the postulates of General Theory of
by the earth on the moon during lunar eclipse? Relativity. Which statement about a black hole is true?
a. Aristotle a. A black hole can only be formed if the mass of the dying star is greater than
b. Eratosthenes or equal to the mass of Sun.

c. Pythagoras b. A black hole has an escape velocity that is equal to the speed of light; thus,
light vanishes as it approaches a black hole.
d. Plato
c. A black hole cannot be seen, but the effects of its gravitational fields can be
41. What wave property best explains why the speed of light changes when it passes observed.
through media of different densities?
d. A black hole forms when a low-mass star dies and its core collapses.
a. interference
b. polarization
Earth & Life Sciences
c. reflection
d. refraction 46. Planetesimal and tidal theories suggest a similar explanation as to how the solar
system started. These theories explain that a rapidly moving star pulled materials
42. Yellow, green, and violet lights have frequencies of 5.40 × 10¹⁴ Hz, 6.01 × 10¹⁴ Hz,
from the sun and later aggregated to form the planets. However, the tidal
7.31 × 10¹⁹ Hz, respectively. Which of the following is the correct ranking of the
theory was able to elaborate this concept. Which of the following concepts was
measure of the wavelengths of violet, green, and yellow light?
elaborated by the tidal theory?
a. violet = green = yellow
a. The materials pulled out from the sun were in the form of a cigar-shaped
b. yellow > green > violet filament.
c. violet > green > yellow b. The aggregated materials from the sun are called planetesimals.
d. green > yellow > violet c. The moving star was the sun’s companion star.
d. The moving celestial body was not a star, but a comet.

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47. In 2012, a rover found out that the existence of freshwater lakes and rivers on 51. How would the foliations and crystal size in a metamorphic rock be affected as
Mars billions of years ago could have possibly supported life in the planet’s early temperature and pressure increase?
years. What is the name of this Mars rover? a. Crystal size would decrease, but coarseness of foliations would increase.
a. Mariner 4 b. Both the coarseness of foliations and crystal size would decrease.
b. Curiosity c. Crystal size would increase, but the coarseness of foliations would decrease.
c. Mars 1 d. Both the coarseness of foliations and crystal size would increase.
d. Mars 2 52. Look at the given illustration of a fault. If it is a reverse type of fault, how should
48. The term “noosphere” means “the sphere of human consciousness and reason” the fault walls move?
which describes the relationship between life and the environment. Which of the
following describes the relationship of noosphere to the environment?
a. Sustainable development of the environment is physically performed by
human activity.
b. The distribution of life forms are affected by atmospheric and geophysical
c. The environment and its components will survive even without humans.
d. Life forms on Earth co-evolve in order to survive and proliferate.
49. Which layers of Earth are the thickest and the thinnest respectively? a.
a. mantle and inner core
b. outer core and crust
c. crust and mantle
d. mantle and crust b.
50. Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence. Magma formation
is triggered by the presence of volatiles, increase in temperature, and
a. decrease in pressure
b. decrease in silica content
c. increase in pressure c.

d. increase in silica content


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53. Analyze the illustration that shows the seafloor spreading. Which statement 55. Which practice must be avoided during an earthquake?
cannot be inferred from the given illustration? a. Stay away from glass windows.
b. Duck, cover, and hold.
c. Stay calm as possible.
d. Use the stairs when going down a building.
56. Coastal erosion is the wearing away of a landmass along the coastline due to
actions of water, wind, and man-made interventions. Why is a coastal cliff that is
heavily built with houses prone to this event?
a. The cliff would become heavier; the sea waves would easily erode its
b. Earthquakes could easily damage the cliff because of the weight of the
c. Strong winds would easily break the unstable foundation on which the
houses sit.
d. The soil and rocks of the cliff would become saturated with water.
57. Which example does not show a strong correlation between the structure of an
organism and its function?
a. The lava flows record the prevailing magnetic field as new ocean floor is
a. A frog’s thin skin allows it to exchange gas through cutaneous respiration.
added at the ridge.
b. Tracheal cells have cilia that trap and push foreign particles and microbes
b. The presence of alternating stripes shows that rocks exhibit movement in
towards the throat.
relation to Earth’s magnetic field.
c. High flying birds have compact bones which allow them to stay longer in the
c. The oceanic crusts move due to the convection current in the mantle.
d. The sediments in the ocean floor become progressively older as they move
d. Most plants have thin and flat leaves which maximize the amount of sunlight
away from the ridge.
that can be captured.
54. Half-life is the time required for one-half of an unstable isotope to decay or give-
58. Which is not a product of glycolysis?
off radiation. The numerical age of a rock is identified by determining the half-life
of a radioactive isotope present in its minerals. If an unkown isotope has already a. ATP
undergone 2 half-lives, how much of the parent isotopes will be left? b. carbon dioxide
a. 0.75 c. pyruvate
b. 0.5 d. NADH
c. 1
d. 0.25

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59. A paramecium can reproduce through binary fission and conjugation. What is the
difference between the two methods of reproduction?
I. Conjugation requires a mate whereas binary fission does not.
II. Identical genetic makeup is produced in conjugation whereas binary fission
results in genetic variation.
III. Binary fission is a faster mode of reproduction than conjugation.
a. I and III
b. I and II
c. I, II, and III
d. II and III
60. Two species of protists (X and Y) were cultured in two separate flasks and the
population growth were monitored within 10 days of observation. The result
is shown in the graph below. Supposed the two species are mutualistic to one
another, what will be the resulting figure if they are to be grown together on the
same flask? The starting number of individuals is the number of species on the
10th day of the initial experiment. b.



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Media and Information Literacy 63. SM Malls opened an online shopping site for its patrons. This is due to the market
trend online, which shows that a higher percentage of shoppers nowadays prefer
61. Frank received an email from the HR Office after the performance evaluation had online shopping.
been conducted among the employees. Upon reading, Frank did not know how to What role does media serve in this situation?
react. He became nervous and panicky. a. media as a learning resource
What could have been the problem? b. media as a watchdog
c. media as advocate
d. media as channel
64. Which of the following can be considered as credible information?
a. The information was shared by a credible writer.
b. The information was shared by more than 100,000 online users.
c. The information came up first in a Google search.
d. The information was published online.
65. Ryan planned to conduct an experiment on three different classes. However, due
to the availability of the classes, the participants were reduced to one class.
Which of the following should Ryan do?
a. Ask random people to complete the experiment.
b. Revise the data gathering procedure and method.
a. The email was in English, and he could not understand. c. Create false data for the other two classes.
b. The email was too short, and he had no time to ask for details. d. Refer to previous studies with the same data.
c. The email lacked tone and facial expression, so it could be interpreted in 66. Nick Joaquin, F. Sionil Jose, and Lualhati Bautista are famous for producing which
many different ways. type of print media?
d. The email seemed too urgent, and he was too busy to comply. a. novels
62. What key aspect differentiates today’s new media from traditional media? b. newspaper
a. accessibility c. comics
b. portability d. magazines
c. interactivity 67. This type of 20th century media distributes its message “over the air,” allowing a
large number of people to receive the message simultaneously.
d. affordability
a. print media
b. broadcast media
c. video games
d. film

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68. Katherine, a writer, wants to incorporate a literary text for an online educational 72. This type of visual media creates a replica of a subject in a three-dimensional
platform. work with the use of metal, clay, wood, or even ice.
Which of the following works would be the easiest for her to incorporate? a. painting
a. Edith Tiempo’s (1919–2011) “Bonsai” b. sculpture
b. Jose Rizal’s (1861–1896) “Mi Ultimo Adios” c. comic strip
c. Gemino Abad (1939–present) “The Book Of Embraces” d. photo
d. José Garcia Villa’s (1908–1997) “Lyrics: II (17)” 73. This term describes how motion media is delivered to the viewers allowing them
69. Teleseryes like Ang Probinsyano, Kadenang Ginto, and The Better Woman have to perceive images and sounds at the same time.
content not appropriate for younger audiences. Which government agency is a. multisensory
responsible for monitoring the content of such drama series?
b. heterogeneous
c. simultaneous
d. transitory
c. OMB
74. While browsing in an online store, one can hover over an item or click it to view
d. IPOPHIL additional details. Which type of interactivity is used in this example?
70. One of the biggest challenges in media and information is fake news. Which of
the following does not refer to fake news?
a. creating a fake online celebrity for the purpose of endorsing fake content
b. flooding the comments section of online news articles
c. writing news stories with unintentional factual errors
d. sharing parody content with friends as if it is factual
71. Which design principle is ignored in this example?

a. timeline
b. slideshow
c. tab
d. interactive image
a. emphasis
75. Which of the following scenarios does not depict the use of interactive media?
b. organization
a. reading an article about Pope Francis’ visit to Thailand
c. appropriateness
b. purchasing a new bag from Lazada
d. contrast
c. playing poker online with other players around the world
d. choosing videos to watch on YouTube

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Oral Communication 77. Why is there a communication breakdown in this example?
a. The other participant took over the role of being a speaker, without allowing
76. In the transactional communication model, communication is not only presented the other to finish his or her turn first.
as a two-way process but also a ___________ activity. b. The participants started speaking at the same time.
a. singular c. The speaker continues speaking ignoring others who try to join the
b. similar discussion.
c. standard d. There is a problem in articulation.
d. simultaneous 78. Which strategy did Renee use to overcome communication breakdown?

For numbers 77 to 80, read the passage below. a. other-initiated other-repair

b. self-initiated other-repair
Ryan and James were sent to the Guidance Office because they were involved in
a fist fight. Renee, the Guidance Counselor, was gathering information about who c. other-initiated self-repair
started it. d. self- initiated self-repair

(1) Renee: You both know that what you did is against school policy, right? 79. What is the purpose of the speaker in line 9?
(2) Both: Yes, ma’am. a. regulation or control
(3) Renee: Then why did you still do it? b. motivation
With heightened emotions, Ryan and James talked simultaneously, telling who c. emotional expression
did what, according to their own versions of the story. d. information
80. In line 6, what does James’ action of leaning forward mean?
(4) Renee: (stops both boys) Okay, boys. It will be impossible for me to
understand if you talk at the same time. Ryan, why don’t you go first and tell me a. He was uneasy and he kept something a secret.
what happened. b. He was preparing his rebuttal.
(5) Ryan: I was just walking down the corridor when James’ friend told me that
James and his other friends planned to beat me up when they see me outside. c. He was excited for his turn.
(6) James: (leans forward) That’s not true, Ma’am. What my friends and I d. He wanted to attack Ryan.
planned to do was to talk to him.
(7) Renee: About what?
(8) James: My friends have noticed that Ryan is arrogant and cocky despite being
a transferee. So we are planning to confront him about it, but we never planned
to beat him.
(9) Renee: Boys, I understand that all these happened because of
miscommunication. That happens sometimes. It doesn’t mean, though, that you
can go around having fist fights with anyone you’ve had miscommunication with.
A mature person would first clarify things before arriving at conclusions.

Renee went along giving her advice to both boys. She then gave them time to
think about their actions and asked them to be reconciled.

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For questions 81 to 84, read the passage below. 84. What should Sarah’s response be to Professor Richards’ question in line 7?
Sarah was taking her exam for her last class. She and her friends planned to a. She should look down.
drop by the mall after their last class to buy clothes for their upcoming Christmas b. She should look at Professor Richard cluelessly.
party. The rest of Sarah’s friends got out of class earlier than she did because
they did not have an exam. Rebekah, one of her friends, peeked into Sarah’s c. She should smile and give a peace sign.
classroom window to tell her they were waiting. d. She should smile and shake her head side to side.
85. Which type of speech context is composed of three or more participants who
(1) Professor Richards: The exam will last for one hour. You have to finish engage in a discussion often to achieve a common goal?
everything today because we will not have classes tomorrow to give way to the
preparation for the Christmas party. a. small group
b. conference
The class cheered.
c. symposium
(2) Professor Richards: If you don’t have any questions, you may start answering d. dyad
the test. 86. Francine’s teacher required her class to deliver an informative speech. The
(3) Rebekah: (waves her hand) students had to provide clear details about peculiar places in their own home
(4) Sarah: (points at Professor Richards with her lips) provinces to encourage tourists to go there.
(5) Rebekah: (shows a thumbs up)
Which type of informative speech should Francine use?
(6) Sarah: (raises her hand with her palm facing Rebekah)
(7) Professor Richards: (goes beside Sarah and whispers) Yes, Sarah. Do you have a. demonstration speech
a question? b. reportorial speech

81. In line 3, why did Rebekah wave her hand? c. description speech

a. She was trying to get Sarah’s attention. d. explanation speech

b. She was saying “hi” to Sarah. 87. Given the previous context, what type will the latter part of Francine’s speech be
according to purpose?
c. She was feeling hot.
a. expository speech
d. She was saying “no” to Sarah.
b. entertainment speech
82. In line 5, what does Rebekah’s action mean?
c. informative speech
a. She was telling Sarah she was a good friend.
d. persuasive speech
b. She was telling Sarah that she knew the professor was there.
88. Francine was chosen to deliver her speech in a tourism campaign.
c. She was telling Sarah it was fine to leave early.
Given this context, under which speech style will her delivery fall?
d. She was telling Sarah she would do well in her test.
a. intimate and casual speech style
83. Which type of speech act did the students show in response to line 1?
b. public communication speech style
a. interlocutionary
c. consultative speech style
b. perlocutionary
d. formal and frozen speech style
c. locutionary
d. illocutionary

26 Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited 27

89. During Marco’s delivery of his informative speech, he included personal stories 91. What type of discourse is this text?
to strike different points. Which strategy did Marco use? a. argumentation
a. relating with the audience b. narration
b. speaking naturally c. exposition
c. maintaining eye contact d. description
d. memorizing the script 92. Which technique is best used in organizing the information in this text?
90. When Marco started delivering his speech, his audience started to get bored a. graphic organizer
because of his monotonous and soft tone. If you were Marco’s teacher, which
principle of effective speech delivery would you coach Marco? b. topic outline
a. rapport with the audience c. sentence outline
b. stage presence d. brainstorming list
c. modulation 93. What is the claim of fact presented in this text?
d. articulation a. Wait for the queue number/name to be called for photo and signature.
b. In the Philippines, any sixteen-year old can already apply for a student’s
Reading and Writing
c. Do you still remember the thrill you felt when you first held your driver’s
For questions 91 to 94, read the passage below. license?
d. That single piece of plastic is the key for you to freely drive around without
Do you still remember the thrill you felt when you first held your driver’s license? any worries of doing the act illegally.
That single piece of plastic is the key for you to freely drive around without any
worries of doing the act illegally. In the Philippines, any sixteen-year-old can 94. In which context is the text developed?
already apply for a student’s permit. Someone who has a student’s permit can a. subtext
already drive with the guidance of a person who holds a professional driver’s
b. intratext
license. According to the Land Transportation Office (LTO) website (https://www., there are approximately 20,000 applicants for student’s permit every c. hypertext
quarter. To apply for a student’s permit, one has to personally drop by the nearest d. intertext
LTO and follow these steps:
95. Which type of pattern development recounts in time sequence what happened
to someone or to something?
1. Request for an Application for Driver’s License (ADL) form and accomplish the
same. a. narration
2. Submit accomplished ADL and all the requirements with the attached queue b. exemplification
c. description
3. Recite the Driver’s Road Safety Pledge.
4. Wait for the queue number/name to be called for photo and signature. d. definition
5. Proceed to the Cashier for payment of fees.
6. Receive Student Permit and OR.
7. Fill out log sheet.

28 Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited 29

96. Which pattern of development discusses the steps taken toward a specific end? 99. How is cohesion applied in sentences 4, 7, and 9?
a. comparison and contrast a. use of repeated words/ideas
b. process analysis b. use of simple language
c. narration c. use of reference words
d. problem-solution d. use of transitional signals
97. Someone who has a student’s permit can already drive with the guidance of a 100. What is the reason behind the main argument of the author of the text?
person who holds a professional driver’s license. a. Cell phones have altered the way we see technology and how it can affect our
What is the assertion implied in this line from the text? lives.
a. There are rules to follow in driving. b. University students seem to lack understanding about the possible addiction
b. There are restrictions for people who have student’s permit. posed by excessive cell phone use.

c. The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is accountable to student’s permit c. The researcher is interested about addiction to cell phone.
holders. d. Cell phones have made our lives easy, which is why we have become addicted
d. Persons with a student’s permit are careless. to them.

98. Which is not part of the process in identifying and formulating assertions? 101. How did the author present the idea of critical reading as looking for other ways
of thinking?
a. Ensure that sources are not older than ten years.
a. The author cited data from other researchers.
b. Cite the actual statements.
b. The author examined how cell phones become a source of addiction.
c. Explain your assertions.
c. The author explained other uses of cell phones.
d. State your assertions.
d. The author identified that cell phone addicts are aware of their addiction.
For questions 99 to 103, read the passage below. 102. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text?
(1) The use of cell phones has played a vital role in the lives of every individual a. The author wants to inform his or her readers about possible cell phone
across the globe as a potent means of communication. (2) The advent of the addiction.
smartphone brought about significant changes on how a cell phone user sees b. The author wants to inform his or her readers that there are studies about
and uses this gadget. (3) This leads cell phone users to spend more time with it cell phone addiction.
since most of the things needed are already in the palm of their hands—social
interaction, internet connection, business, shopping, etc. (4) The downside of c. The author wants to persuade his or her readers to be watchful of their cell
this excessive use, however, is possible addiction. (5) In her 2014 study entitled phone use.
Students’ Cell Phone Addiction and Their Opinions, researcher Tessa Jones of Elon d. The author wants to persuade his or her readers to stop using cell phones.
University examined university students’ behavior while walking around campus, 103. How did the author’s purpose guide the writing of this text?
along with an online survey. (6) She found out that students seem to be addicted
to their cell phones, with 64 percent of students observed on campus interacting a. It validates the author’s reason for presenting his or her ideas.
with their device one way or another. (7) Nevertheless, a survey of students found b. It supported the author in defending his or her argument.
that they believe that the need of self-gratification achieved through excessive cell
c. It guided the author on how to explain the research relevant to his or her
phone use has negative psychological effects on them. (8) This study proves that
cell phone users are aware of the addiction it poses. (9) Furthermore, they also
have the ability to ascertain the reason behind their addiction. d. It helped the author identify what information to include in the text.

30 Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited 31

104. Feric is currently enrolled as a senior high school student under the Accountancy, Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Filipino
Business, and Management strand. As part of his graduation requirement, he has
to set up a small-scale business. The initial task is to write a paper about it. 106. Basahin ang pahayag.
Which type of paper should Feric write? Sa isang episode ng State of the Nation, itinampok dito ang “Midnight Collective”
a. research report na isang grupo ng mga kabataan na kilala sa “spoken word poetry.” Isa sila sa
b. project proposal mga itinuturing na bagong manunulang Pilipino.
Alin sa sumusunod ang hindi nila layunin sa pagtutula nito?
c. literature review
a. Gusto nilang imulat ang ilan sa realidad ng lipunan.
d. position paper
b. Ibig nilang ipahayag ang kanilang saloobin hinggil sa buhay at pag-ibig.
105. Shiela saw an online advertisement from a prospective supplier for her jewelry
business. She wanted to find out whether they have the designs she had in mind. c. Layunin nilang hikayatin ang mga kabataan na baguhin ang porma ng
Which type of business letter should Shiela write? panitikan.

a. cover letter d. Nais nilang pagyamanin ang wikang Filipino sa paraang pasulat at pasalita.

b. complaint letter 107. Paano uuriin ang barayti ng wika sa pagtula sa pamamagitan ng “spoken word
c. order letter
a. register
d. inquiry letter
b. idyolek
c. dayalek
d. sosyolek
108. Anong wika ang ginagamit sa mga teleserye na napapanood sa telebisyon?
a. kaswal na wika
b. pormal na wika
c. panlalawigan
d. pambansa
109. Alin sa mga pangungusap ang nagpapakita ng anapora bilang kohesyong
gramatikal nito?
a. Kinapanayam si Carlos Yulo, isang gymnast, sapagkat nagwagi siya ng gintong
medalya sa SEA Games 2019.
b. Nakamamangha ang ipinamalas niya sapagkat napakahusay ng mga galaw ni
Agatha Wong sa Wushu.
c. Pinili siya upang lumahok sa patimpalak sa skateboarding na kung saan ay
nagwagi si Margielyn Didal ng unang karangalan.
d. Nagsanay siya nang lubusan kaya si Hidilyn Diaz na naman ang nagwagi sa
weightlifting ng mga kababaihan.

32 Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited 33

110. Bakit nakasalalay sa Surian ng Wikang Pambansa ang pagbuo ng pasiyang Para sa bilang 113, 114, at 115, basahin ang teksto na nasa ibaba.
Maraming pagbabago sa paggamit ng wikang Filipino. Isa na rito ang paggamit ng
a. Umiiral ang tanggapan alinsunod sa konstitusyong nilikha. mga salitang jejemon sa pagte-text. Mayroon din gay lingo na marami rin sa mga
b. Pinatutunayan nila na ang Filipino ay buhay na wika. kabataan ang gumagamit.
c. Pinayayaman nila ang katutubong wika.
Sa pag-usad ng panahon, ang mga pagbabagong ito sa wika ay tila hindi lahat ay
d. Nananaig ang tanggapan upang paghusayan at paunlarin ang wika. nakasasabay. Aminado ang ilang mamamayan na nahihirapan silang intindihin ang
ilan sa mga pagbabago ito sa wika.
111. Basahin ang pahayag.

Inilabas ang Artikulo 15 Seksiyon 2 at 3 sa 1973 Konstitusyon na nagsasaad na ang Ayon sa isang panayam kay National Artist for Literature at chairman din ng National
Batasang Pambansa ay magsasagawa ng mga hakbang tungo sa pagpapaunlad at Commission for Culture and the Arts na si Virgilio Almario ay wala naman siyang
pormal na paggamit ng pambansang wikang Pilipino. Hangga’t hindi binabago ang nakikitang masama sa pagbabago sa wika. Aminado siya na noon ay nahirapan
batas, ang Ingles at Pilipino ang mananatiling mga wikang opisyal ng Pilipinas. din siya sa text language ng mga millennials. Dagdag pa niya na baka lalong hindi
maintindihan ng mga susunod na henerasyon kung mananatiling makaluma ang
Alin sa sumusunod ang hindi nagpapakita ng mga hakbang na ginawa ng paggamit sa wika. Giit pa ni Almario na nagbabago araw-araw ang wika at ang mga
pamahalaan upang ipalaganap ito? pagbabagong ito ang katotohanang kailangan tanggapin ng maraming Pilipino.

a. Isinilang ang wikang pambansa na tinawag na Filipino. 113. Ano ang pangunahing paksa ng teksto?
b. Isinalin ang Saligang Batas sa lahat ng wikang sinasalita. a. ang paggamit ng wika ng mga kabataan ngayon
c. Payabungin din ang ibang umiiral na wika sa bansa. b. ang iba’t ibang pananaw hinggil sa pagbabago sa wika
d. Gumawa ng mga hakbang tungo sa pag-aampon ng isang pangkaraniwang c. ang pagbabago sa wikang Filipino
pambansang wika.
d. ang kahirapan sa paggamit ng wika
112. Kung gagawa ng isang sanaysay tungkol sa isang yugto ng wikang pambansa,
saang hakbang sa pagsulat ng sanaysay dapat gawin ang pangangalap ng mga 114. Alin sa sumusunod na pahayag ang hindi nagpapakita ng sitwasyon ng wika sa
datos o impormasyon? larangan ng text batay sa teksto?
a. pagbabalangkas a. ganern
b. pre-writing b. BTW
c. aktuwal na pagsulat c. d2 na me, asan na u
d. pagrerebisa d. on the way
115. Alin sa sumusunod na pahayag ang nagpapakita ng metalingual na gamit ng
a. Ang salitang “ganern” na ginagamit sa halip na “ganu’n” o “ganoon.”
b. Bakit hindi na lamang Hapon kung Hapon, at Ingles kung Ingles?
c. Sa pag-usad ng panahon, may bahagyang pagbabago sa paggamit ng wikang
Filipino at tila hirap ang ilan na makisabay rito.
d. Tama ba ang mga pagbabago sa wikang Filipino?

34 Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited 35

116. Alin sa sumusunod na post mula sa mga sender ang nagpapakita ng emotive na 120. Basahin ang abstrak na nasa ibaba.
gamit ng wika?
Ang pag-aaral na ito ay nakapokus sa pagsusuri kung may tiyak na relasyon ba
a. Sinusuportahan ko ang adbokasiya ninyo. ang mga salik ng readability gaya ng (a) bilang ng mga salita (b) font (c) font
b. Sila iyong isang grande ang order sa Starbucks pero lima sa upuan. size at (d) oras sa komprehensyon o pag-unawa ng mga mag-aaral sa tekstong
c. Badtrip! Hindi gumagana ang coffee maker ko. binasa. Ang mga kalahok sa pag-aaral na ito ay mga piling mag-aaral mula sa
Baitang 5. Pipili ang mananaliksik ng dalawang seksyon mula sa nabanggit na
d. Pumogi lang naman siya. baitang. Pagbabasahin ng mananaliksik ang mga mag-aaral ng isang teksto nang
117. Alin sa sumusunod ang nagpapakita ng asimilasyong di-ganap? apat na beses. Sa unang beses, ang materyal ay may marami/kaunting bilang ng
mga salita. Sa ikalawang beses, ang materyal ay gagamitan ng kakaibang font. Sa
a. pangkaisipan
ikatlong beses, ang materyal ay gagamitan ng maliit/malaking font. Sa ikaapat na
b. pambayan beses oorasan ang mga kalahok sa kanilang pagbabasa. Gagamitin ding batayan ng
c. pamaril mananaliksik ang WIKAHON na isang kagamitan sa pagbasa para sa elementarya.
Ang pagsusuri sa readability ng teksto ay makatutulong upang matugunan ang
d. panakot pangangailangan sa kasanayan sa pagbasa ng mga mag-aaral. Matapos ang
118. Anong pagsusuri ang nakatuon sa ugnayan o relasyon sa pagitan ng estruktura ng mga isinagawang pagsusuri, lumabas sa resulta ng pag-aaral ng mananaliksik na
lipunan at ng gamit na wika? magkaiba ang komprehensyon ng dalawang seksyon na ginamitan ng magkaibang
a. sociolinguistic mga salik ng readability.

b. diskorsal Ano ang tungkulin ng siniping bahaging ito sa kabuuan ng pananaliksik?

c. textual a. Isinaad dito ang konteksto na pinagbatayan ng paksa sa pananaliksik.
d. contextual b. Inilarawan dito ang konsepto o teoryang gagamitin sa pagsusuri ng mga
119. Basahin at suriin ang pangungusap mula sa pananaliksik. impormasyon.
c. Itinala rito ang mga pakinabang sa paksa.
Ayon sa karanasan ng mananaliksik at ng ilan pang guro sa matematiks, kung
d. Ipinahayag dito ang tuon ng pananaliksik.
dumarating ang mga pagkakataong ‘di maunawaan ng mga mag-aaral ang
kanilang aralin na itinuro sa wikang Ingles, ito ay ipinaliliwanag nila sa wikang
Filipino. Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik
Paano mauuri ang paggamit ng pangatnig na kung sa pangungusap? 121. Basahin ang pangungusap.
a. Ito ay nagdaragdag pa ng mga impormasyon. Marapat na ingatan ang kasarinlang tinatamasa ng ating bansa sapagkat ang
b. Ito ay nagsasaad ng pagbabakasakali. mga bayani ay nagsumikap na makamit ang kalayaan ng bawat isa sa atin.
c. Ito ay nagbibigay ng dahilan. Ano ang kahulugan ng salitang kasarinlan?
d. Ito ay nagbibigay-linaw. a. kapanatagan
b. kalayaan
c. kaluwalhatian
d. katahimikan

36 Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited 37

122. Ang sinematograpiya naman ay nakatulong para mas mapaganda ang mga Kaya naman kung nahinto ka man sa pag-aaral at may pangangailangang pinansyal
eksena. Mahusay ang pagkaka-anggulo ng kamera dahil malinaw ang bawat ay marami pa ring mga ahensya ng gobyerno ang nagbibigay ng mga pagkakataon
eksenang naganap. para sa mga tulad mo upang makapag-aral ulit.
Mula sa pahayag, ano ang kahulugan ng sinematograpiya?
Hindi pa huli ang lahat, mag-aral ka ulit. Magsikap ka at may tutulong sayo upang
a. pagkakasunod-sunod ng pangyayari matupad mo ang iyong mga pangarap sa buhay. Bangon! Abutin na ang iyong
b. pagkaka-anggulo ng kamera tagumpay.
c. pamamaraan at diskarte ng direktor
124. Ano ang pangunahing paksa ng tekstong binasa?
d. paglalapat ng tunog
a. Edukasyon ang susi para magtagumpay sa buhay.
123. Alin sa sumusunod ang nagpapakita ng katangian ng isang tekstong deskriptibo?
b. Maraming kabataan ang naiimpluwensiyahan ng social media.
a. tekstong nagsasalaysay tungkol sa isang tao, bagay, lugar, o pangyayari
c. Madaling makahanap ng trabaho kapag nakatapos ng pag-aaral.
b. tekstong binubuo ng paksa, pangunahing ideya, at mga sumusuportang ideya
d. Maglaan ng sapat na pera para sa edukasyon.
c. tekstong nagbibigay o nagtataglay ng tiyak na impormasyon tungkol sa isang
tao, bagay, lugar, o pangyayari 125. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nagpapakita ng kaisipang iniiwan nito sa
d. tekstong naglalahad ng mga katangian ng tao, bagay, hayop, lugar, o
pangyayari a. Kailangang magpasa ng mga batas ang gobyerno para sa edukasyon.
b. Dapat suklian ang hirap ng mga magulang sa pagpapaaral.
Para sa bilang 124 at 125, basahin ang teksto na nasa ibaba.
c. Kailangang mag-aral nang mabuti upang maging matagumpay tayo sa buhay.
Madalas nating naririnig ang sinasabi ng ating mga magulang na ang edukasyon d. Ang tagumpay ng isa ay tagumpay ng lahat.
ang tanging mapapamana nila sa atin sa kanilang pagtanda. Dagdag pa nila, na
ito ang tanging bagay na kahit kailan ay hindi mananakaw sa atin. Subalit habang 126. Alin sa sumusunod ang hindi halimbawa ng isang tekstong persweysib ayon sa
tumatagal tila tumaas na ang bilang ng mga kabataang tinatamad na mag-aral. katangian nito?
At hindi na siniseryoso ang pag-aaral. Isa ka ba rito? Kung oo, isapuso ang bawat a. talumpati sa pangangampanya
mababasa mo sa tekstong ito. b. rebyu ng pelikula
Nakalulungkot isipin na dumarami sa mga kabataan natin sa kasalukuyang c. patalastas sa radyo at telebisyon
panahon ang hindi na nagiging interesado sa pag-aaral. Bawat indibidwal na ito ay d. feature article
may kaniya-kaniyang dahilan kung bakit. Maaaring ang iba ay dahil sa pinansiyal
127. Kung ikaw ay susulat ng isang tekstong persuweysib, alin sa sumusunod ang
na pangangailangan o ‘di kaya’y dahil sa impluwensya ng mga kabarkada o ‘di rin
angkop na paksa na maaaring gamitin?
kaya ay ang social media.
a. isang tekstong tumatalakay sa kaalaman tungkol sa global warming
Bakit nga ba mahalaga ang edukasyon? Marahil narinig mo ito, “Ang edukasyon b. isang tekstong inilalarawan ang pagkasira ng mundo dahil sa global warming
ang susi sa tagumpay.” Oo, tama! Matayog ang mararating mo dahil sa edukasyon.
Maaari ka makapasok sa malalaking kumpanya o ‘di kaya’y maging matagumpay c. isang tekstong nanghihikayat sa mga tao na alagaan ang kalikasan para sa
sa larangang gusto mo. Alalahanin mo na kapag nakatapos ka, magiging masaya ating kaligtasan
ang mga magulang mo. Makaiipon ka at makapupundar para sa sarili mo. d. isang tekstong nagkukuwento ng mga pangyayari na resulta ng pagkasira ng
Makakapaglaan ka ng pera para sa kinabukasan mo at ng iyong pamilya. kalikasan

38 Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited 39

128. Ang Noli Me Tangere at El Filibusterismo ay mga halimbawa ng tekstong 131. Basahin ang pangungusap.
naratibo. Nais kong matutuhan ang recipe ng pagluluto ng kare-kare kaya naman
Alin sa sumusunod ang nagpapatunay ng pahayag? malaking tulong ang tekstong aking nabasa tungkol dito.
a. Ang Noli Me Tangere at El Filibusterismo ay inilalarawan ang bansang Ano ang kahulugan ng salitang recipe?
Pilipinas. a. isang paraan o proseso ng pagluluto ng pagkain
b. Ang Noli Me Tangere at El Filibusterismo ay nagbibigay impormasyon tungkol b. isang lutuing kilala at madalas gawin
sa kasaysayan.
c. isang sangkap sa pagluluto
c. Ang Noli Me Tangere at El Filibusterismo ay hinihikayat ang mga Pilipino na
ipagtanggol ang bayan. d. isang paraan ng pagtatanim

d. Ang akdang Noli Me Tangere at El Filibusterismo ay isinasalaysay o 132. Alin sa sumusunod ang hindi maibibilang na tekstong prosidyural?
ikinikuwento ang mga pangyayari sa bansang Pilipinas noong panahon ng a. Resipe ng Pagluluto ng Kare-Kare
b. Paraan ng Pagbuo ng Puppet
129. Ang pananaliksik ay kinakailangang sistematiko sapagkat ang masusing
c. Paano ang Paggawa ng Brownies?
pananaliksik ay maaaring gamitin sa isang debate o pagtatalo upang maging
organisado ang iyong mga ilalahad na impormasyon at punto. d. Paglalakbay sa Puso ng Isang Bata
Anong salita mula sa pangungusap ang kahulugan ng sistematiko? 133. Basahin ang pangungusap.
a. debate Sa kabila ng dinaranas na hirap ng mga Batagueño mula nang sumabog ang
Bulkang Taal, nananatili pa rin ang mga ngiti sa kanilang mga labi pati na rin ang
b. pagtatalo
pagtutulungan ng bawat isa.
c. organisado Alin sa mga salita mula sa pangungusap ang cohesive device na ginamit sa
d. punto pagdaragdag?
130. Ano ang paksang tinatalakay sa mga tekstong prosidyural? a. pati
a. Tekstong naglalaman ng mga hakbang na kailangang sundin upang makamit b. nang
ang ninanais na resulta. c. mula
b. Tekstong naglalahad ng mga katangian ng tao, bagay, hayop, lugar, o d. sa kabila
134. Alin sa sumusunod na layunin sa pananaliksik ang maaaring tumatalakay sa pag-
c. Tekstong naglalaman ng mga argumento o pagtatalo tungkol sa isang paksa. aaral sa wika at kulturang Pilipino?
d. Tekstong nagsasalaysay tungkol sa isang tao, bagay, lugar, o pangyayari. a. Naibabahagi ang kahalagahan ng teknolohiya sa wika.
b. Nasusuri ang kasaysayan ng wika.
c. Naiuugnay ang gamit ng wika sa makabagong panahon.
d. Napahahalagahan ang kulturang masasalamin sa wikang ginagamit sa isang
partikular na lugar.

40 Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited 41

135. Anong anyo ng pananaliksik ang nakatuon sa numerikal na datos? Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
a. kwantitatibong pananaliksik
b. historikal na pananaliksik 136. How do you determine a child’s nationality in the Philippines?

c. komparatibong pananaliksik a. right of blood

d. kwalitatibong pananaliksik b. birthright citizenship

c. born in the Philippines
d. have stayed in the Philippines for five years
137. Which of the following statements is not true about individuals and society?
a. Gender is a product of how society adapted to the conditions of their social
and natural environment.
b. The wealth and prestige attached to each socioeconomic class determine an
individual’s level of influence and power in society.
c. Religion is very much important in the national platform since it assures that
every citizen will be protected, regardless of their current locations in the
d. Differences in ethnicity and religion give way to the rise of conflict among
ethnic groups and discrimination against minority groups.
138. What is a norm?
a. It is the expectation that guides the behaviors of members of the society.
b. It is one’s feeling of identity or affiliation with a group.
c. It is a culturally-defined standard that people see as good, acceptable, and
d. It is what we perceive as normal.
139. How important is the adaptive feature of culture to a society?
a. All groups within a society share the exact components of culture.
b. Culture is essential to society’s survival.
c. Culture makes one society superior to others.
d. Every group in society adapts cultural changes.
140. Which of the following is an example of natural heritage?
a. San Agustin Church
b. Hudhud
c. T’nalak
d. Banaue Rice Terraces

42 Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited Copyright © 2020 Quipper Limited 43

141. Why is the discovery of cuneiform important in understanding the economic 146. What is a non-profit corporation?
process of the Sumerians? a. a corporation whose income is taxed through the corporation itself
a. It was a tablet of laws that the Sumerians had to follow. b. a corporation taxed through its shareholders
b. It was used as a calendar for planting and harvesting crops. c. established with a purpose of serving the public rather than pursuing profits
c. It was developed for accounting income and losses during transactions. d. created to operate and to generate profit
d. It was a status symbol explaining one’s wealth. 147. Which of the following functions of formal education develops new knowledge
142. According to Merton’s Strain Theory, how does a rebellious person respond to a and technologies?
situation? a. socialization
a. drops out of the race for success b. social integration
b. acts as if he wants to succeed but does not exert much effort c. cultural innovation
c. works hard to succeed d. social placement
d. substitutes new way to achieve new goal 148. Which of the following does not describe a functionalist perspective of
143. According to Ross, what makes the informal means of control so effective? stratification?
a. resentment, hostility, sociability, and sense of justice a. Resources are competed upon by lower-class members of society.
b. hostility, sense of injustice, solitariness, resentment b. It maintains social balance.
c. sense of injustice, resentment, sympathy, and equality c. Inequality of power, influence, and wealth distribution is seen as natural
d. sympathy, sociability, sense of justice, and resentment elements in society.

144. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a primary group? d. Social desirables serve as rewards for accomplishing certain goals.

a. small in size 149. Which of the following is an example of labor abuse?

b. personal and intimate a. health benefits

c. high sense of group identity b. higher wages

d. short-term relationship c. contractualization

145. What is a welfare state? d. less work hours

a. The state and the market are closely intertwined. 150. What is an example of alternative social movement?

b. It plays an important role in the achievement and protection of the economic a. environmental movement
and social well-being of its citizens. b. family planning
c. It completely does not have any role in managing the market. c. spread of Christianity
d. It intervenes in the market and sets the direction and pace of economic d. communist movement

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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person 156. Which of the following is an act of rising above something to a superior state?
a. body as intermediary
151. Which of the following best describes a holistic point of view? b. transcendence
a. conclusions made based on considering some sides of the problem or c. spatial-temporal being
d. facticity
b. some aspects given importance when making conclusions
157. Which of the following is not an example of an environmental challenge?
c. looks at a limited number of aspects of the given problem or situation
a. soil degradation
d. looks at all aspects of the given problem or situation
b. reforestation
152. Which of the following will not happen if you will apply a holistic perspective in
philosophy in day-to-day activities and life perspectives? c. species extinction
a. enables reflective thinking d. water scarcity
b. makes better decisions 158. A prisoner released from prison is an example of what freedom or resistance?
c. acts accordingly to situations a. moral freedom
d. creates illogical conclusions b. physical freedom
153. Which of the following is true? c. physical restraint
a. A fact is undisputed. d. moral restraint
b. A truth is universal. 159. Human actions are freely chosen. What belief is being described in the
c. An opinion is a fact.
a. compatibilism
d. Fact and truth are the same.
b. hard determinism
154. Manny Pacquiao is the best Filipino boxer. What expression is being shown in the
statement? c. determinism
a. opinion d. libertarianism
b. truth 160. Which of the following statements is true?
c. fact a. Freedom is the absence of resistance.
d. fact and truth b. Moral freedom is the absence of physical restraint.
155. Which of the following limitations of the human person as an embodied spirit c. Circumstantial freedom is the liberty to accomplish an action without
refers to things in our life that are already given? interference from obstacles.
a. transcendence d. If there is no freedom, there is moral responsibility.
b. spatial-temporal being
c. facticity
d. body as intermediary

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161. Who is the principal founder of phenomenology and the father of Personal Development
a. Michael Husserl 166. Which of the following defines the actual self?
b. Michael Durke a. It is the one we want to be.
c. Edmund Burke b. It is the image we develop over time.
d. Edmund Husserl c. It is the one that you actually see.
162. What is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others? d. It is the one that you aspire to be.
a. objectivity 167. What is abstract thinking?
b. empathy a. able to separate a whole into its basic parts
c. sympathy b. able to think outside the box for ideas and innovation
d. sharing c. able to exercise careful evaluation or judgment
163. Which of the following is an example of a capitalist society? d. able to relate seemingly random things with each other
a. hunting and gathering society 168. Which of the following is not an example of abstract thinking?
b. horticultural society a. thinking out possibilities
c. industrial society b. planning ahead
d. pastoral society c. managing sexual feelings
164. Which of the following is not included in the modes of what the meaning of life d. having personal beliefs
is? 169. Which of the following is an emotional example of warning signs of stress?
a. The meaning of life is existential. a. weight loss
b. The meaning of life is always specific to a historical milieu. b. nail biting
c. The meaning of life is a one-size-fits-all definition. c. pulling hair
d. The meaning of life is contextual. d. irritability
165. Which of the following modes of meaning of life signifies objective and intrinsic 170. What preference is an example of a right-brain individual?
a. holistic thinking
a. contextual
b. facts
b. personal
c. logic
c. historical
d. linear thinking
d. existential

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171. According to World Health Organization’s World Health report, there are six 176. What are the four principles of heroic leadership?
areas that constitute mental health. Which of the following is not included? a. self-awareness, ingenuity, love, and service
a. autonomy b. service, ingenuity, love, and heroism
b. perceived self-efficacy c. self-awareness, ingenuity, love, and heroism
c. intragenerational dependence d. self-awareness, service, love, and heroism
d. subjective well-being 177. Which of the following explains peer pressure as an external factor influencing
172. According to Current Biology, what are the four basic emotions? career choices?
a. happy, sad, afraid or surprised, and angry or disgusted a. Your financial standing is a determinant of going to college.
b. sad, fear, disgust, and shame b. Your parents have some idea of what course you should take in college.
c. love, surprise, shame, and disgust c. You need to graduate from high school in order to take a college or vocational
d. happy, love, enjoyment, and surprise course.

173. Which of the following is defined as two or more persons who are related by d. Your friends exert some pressure to take up a course so you can go together
birth, marriage, or adoption and who live together as one household? in college.

a. school 178. Which of the following is a myth about career planning?

b. partnership a. If you love what you do, you will not feel like you are working.

c. friends b. Skills matter in every stream.

d. family c. You are never too old to switch careers.

174. Which of the following is not good for a healthy relationship? d. If I change careers my skills will be wasted.

a. trust one another 179. You want to become a lawyer, but then you think you do not have the
perseverance or the intelligence to become one. What is lacking for you to
b. open and honest communication pursue this career?
c. respect one another a. emotional considerations
d. one person makes all the decisions b. physical conditions
175. Some people are influenced by famous celebrities. Which variety of social c. personal preference
influence is being described?
d. self-identity
a. identification
180. According to Holland, which type of personality or interest is being described as
b. conformity interested in the problems and concerns of others, and like activities that allow
c. internalization them to teach, inform, train, develop, cure, and help others?
d. compliance a. social
b. investigative
c. realistic
d. artistic

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Humanities 186. What will happen if sustainable consumption and production is not ensured?
a. green economy
181. Which of the following religions is an example of polytheism? b. reduced prosperity
a. Judaism c. improved health
b. Islam d. efficient use of resources
c. Christianity 187. Which of the following is designed to receive various forms of information from
d. Hinduism the outside world that the network will attempt to learn about, recognize, or
182. Which of the following beatitudes means to be free of all selfish purposes and otherwise process?
self-seeking motives? a. input unit
a. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. b. showed unit
b. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. c. hidden unit
c. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. d. output unit
d. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 188. Which of the following is a formal source of power?
183. What is the basic creed of Islam that “there is no God but Allah; Muhammad is a. charisma
the messenger of Allah”? b. legitimate
a. hajj c. expert
b. salat d. referent
c. shahada 189. Which dimension of power is best described as the open face of power?
d. zakat a. agenda-setting power
184. Which of the following is not true about Hinduism and Buddhism? b. social power
a. Both religions follow the moral laws of cause and effect. c. decision-making power
b. Both religions trace their origin in India. d. ideological power
c. Both religions believe in the cycle of rebirth. 190. What type of community is called as “country”?
d. Both religions aspire to reach nirvana. a. subrural
185. Which of the following does not describe the sacred scriptures of Shintoism? b. urban
a. Kojiki and Nihongi are exclusively about Shinto. c. suburban
b. Kojiki and Nihongi are ancient myths and traditional teachings. d. rural
c. Kojiki and Nihongi explain human’s relationship with kami.
d. Kojiki and Nihongi establish the supremacy of Japan.

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191. Which of the following is described as the professional activity of helping
individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social
functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal?
a. Social Work
b. Public Health
c. Public Administration
d. Urban Planning
192. Which of the following best describes symbolic interactionism?
a. It uses quantitative methods of research.
b. It studies meaning and communication.
c. It gives primacy to objective meanings.
d. It focuses on large-scale macro social structures.
193. Men are the enemy. Which feminist approach believes in this statement?
a. liberal
b. Marxist
c. radical
d. difference
194. Which of the following is not an example of intensive farming?
a. reforestation
b. pesticide drift
c. plasticulture
d. slash and burn
195. Which of the following is defined as drawing on knowledge from different
disciplines but stays within their boundaries?
a. interdisciplinarity
b. multidisciplinarity
c. cross disciplinarity
d. transdisciplinarity

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