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DLL - Tle 6 - Q2 - W1

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School: DepEdClub.

com Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File created by Ma'am GRACESILDA A. BUSTAMANTE Learning Area: T.L.E-H.E
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 7 - 11, 2022 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in managing family resources

B. Performance Standards Manages family resources applying the principles of home management
a. Allocates budget for basic and social needs such as: and clothing
ii.shelter and education
C. Learning Competencies /
iii. social needs: social, and moral obligations
(birthdays, baptisms, etc.), family activities, school
Write the LC code for each
iv. savings/emergency budget (health, house, repair)

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Management of family resources
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning.Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-onl earning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from THE II Teacher’s Manual. 1991. THE II Teacher’s Manual.
Learning Resource Pp. 23-24 1991.pp. 23-24
Bantigue, R.M. and Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, Bantigue, R.M. and Pangilinan, Bantigue, R.M. and
Pangilinan, J.P. (2014) J.P. (2014) Growing up with J.P. (2014) Growing up with Pangilinan, J.P. (2014)
Growing up with Home Home Economics and Livelihood Home Economics and Livelihood Growing up with Home
B. Other Learning Resources Economics and Livelihood Education. FNB Educational, Inc. Education. FNB Educational, Inc. Economics and Livelihood
Education. FNB Educational, QC. QC. Education. FNB
Inc. QC. Educational, Inc. QC.
A. Reviewing previous Last week, there was a Recap of the lesson the previous Recap of the lesson the previous Recap of the lesson of the Recap of the lesson of the
lesson or presenting the new discussion on management day day previous day previous day
lesson of the family income.
Management of family As a segue, mention that the day Yesterday, we discussed the Yesterday, we learned
income means allocating it to before, the class learned the principles that need to be applied budgeting and how it can be
provide for the basic needs factors that should be considered to make family budgeting a applied to the family.
of members and for in budgeting. successful and fulfilling task.
comfortable living. Budgeting is critical because it is
Ask the class to identify some of oftentimes difficult to ensure
the priniciples. that we will be able to make
both ends meet when times are
We also identified items that were hard.
included in the family budget.
Ask the class about the For the day’s lesson, the class will Ask what items are included in How can we prudently manage
relationship between identify where the income goes or the budget. the financial resources of the
management and budgeting what the family includes in the family?
of family income. budget. Then, present the following list
culled from the book: Group the class into four (4).
Aside from the knowledge of what  Food and clothing Each group will answer the
comprises a family budget, the  Shelter and education question. “How can we make
class needs to be aware of certain  Social needs both ends meet?”
principles to be applied  social and moral obligations
effectively in order to make family  family activities Reporting per group follows.
budgeting a successful and  school affairs
fulfilling task.  Savings/emergency budget The results of the discussion will
 health be processed by the teachers.
B. Establishing a purpose According to Bantigue and  house repair Original File Submitted and
for the lesson Pangilinan (2014), the summary of Formatted by DepEd Club
the principles that should be Member - visit
applied to make family budgeting for more
a successful and fulfilling task are
as follows:
 Know the family’s income.
 List your expenses. Know
which components are fixed
and which are flexible.
 Set priorities.
 Keep records of expenses.
 Allocate an amount for

C. Presenting examples/ By means of budgeting, the Ask the class to bring out the Show photos of different Divide the class into four (4)
instances of the new family can properly allot the photos they were asked to bring. items/situations. groups.
lesson income. A family should have Group the class into 4 (four). Let
a knowledge of family the class identify where or what Ask the learners if they are Using the concepts learned
budgeting to know how much the family includes in the budget. needs or wants. yesterday, come up with an
is spent for family needs and Prioritize the items. The class will activity that will
where the income goes. be given ten minutes to complete Ask why they think it is a need demonstrate the difference
Through family budgeting, the activity. Reporting follows. or want. between needs and wants.
the members will learn to Think of activities outside
spend wisely, save regularly, the box.
participate in family matters
more actively with the
maximum benefit from the
wise use of resources, like
time, energy, and abilities.
Ask: What are the factors SHORT SKIT Mention that a family budget also The teacher writes two columns Presentation per group.
that need to be considered Using the previous group provides for the following needs: on the board. One column has
when budgeting? assignment, discuss among the Refer to the examples given by the heading NEEDS. The other
 Size of the family group the principles in making the learners. If it was already column has the heading
 Family income family budgeting a successful and mentioned, do not include in the WANTS.
 Kind of work each fullfilling task. The twist is this list.
D. Discussing new concepts family member does will be presented in a short skit. Randomly distribute metacards
and practicing new skills #1  Talents and abilities Food, shelter, clothing, education, containing a list of needs and
of each member The group will be given five (5) household operations, wants.
 Locality where the minutes to present the short maintenance/repair, utilities
family lives skit. (water, electricity, telephone, Ask the learners to post the
transportation, medical and metacards on the board.
dental care, rest and recreation,
stipend, savings. Ask the learner to
explain/defend his/her choice.
. Presentations Based on the activity that was
 Group 1 conducted ask the learners to
 Group 2 differentiate needs from wants.
 Group 3
 Group 4 A need is a requirement for
E.Discussing new concepts and survival, e.g. breathable air.
practicing new skills#2 A want is a desire. It may be the
desire for a need (e.g. a choking
person generally wants to be
able to breathe) or for
something not needed for
survival, such as chocolate or a
new car.
F. Developing mastery Let the learners cite Comments on group Show a short clip on managing Giving feedback on
(Leads to Formative Assessment examples of the factors that presentations: money: Needs versus Wants presentations.
3) need to be considered when  Group 4 will comment on Group
budgeting. 1 Analyze the movie and relate it Examples of guide questiona:
 Group 3 will comment on Group to needs versus wants. Note
2 that some of the contents of Was the group effective in
 Group 2 will comment on Group the video may be debatable e.g. emphasizing the difference
3 chocolates is needed by between needs and wants?
soldiers for endurance in the If yes, How?
 Group 1 will comment on Group
middle of a war while in a
normal situation it is a want for
Limit the comments on the What concepts in the
another individual.
contents of the presentation. presentation had an impact
Does the presentation manifests on you? Why?
the principles in making family
budgeting a successful and Do you think the
fulfilling task? presentations can further be
improved? In what way?
G. Finding practical applications Aside from what was -do- -do-
of concepts and skills in daily mentioned, can you think of
living other factors that need to be
considered when budgeting?
H. Making generalizations Today we determine the Synthesize the discussion on what There is a need to distinguish
and abstractions about the relationships between and where the family budget is between need and want . This
lesson management and budgeting allotted, as well as the principles will enable us to prioritize
of family income. We also to take into consideration to make needs over wants, hence
looked into the factors that family budgeting successful and ensuring that the budget is
need to be considered when fulfilling. enough to make both ends
budgeting. meet moreso when times are
I. Evaluating learning Ask the learners to share their .If you were to make a personal
insights on the lesson for the day budget, what would you
include? Why?
J. Additional activities for Bring photos or drawing
application or remediation where family budget is spent


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A.No. of learners who
earned80%onthe formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D.No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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