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Media Assign

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Humans have been influenced greatly by modern Mass Media in the 21 st century. Such Media include
the radio, television. newspaper. magazines. billboards. internet, cable networks, mobile phones,
pamphlets, handbills among others '. They have greatly enhanced the instant or rapid transfer of
information, opinion and ideas. These have influenced man positively and negatively in all aspects of life.
ranging from physical. educational, moral, economic to spiritual and religious. Hence this write up has
been conceived to explore and highlight the role of the mass media in church development in the 21st

The mass media is very influential tn human life. This is because it enhances rapid communication of
news, information, ideas and opinions which affect and influence human life positively and negatively.
This two edged influence is also applicable in the religious life of man. The mass media has been used to
communicate and influence the growth and development of religious organizations, such as churches.
On the other hand. the media in some cases, has contributed to some problems in the church through
its abuse and misuse, such as the communication of false doctrines. propaganda and inciting members
to rebel against church authorities. This paper attempts to highlight Role of media, types of media and
the positive and negative effects of the mass media in church development.

Our God is a God who communicate?

Our God is a living God. He is a God who communicates. He spoke to Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses
and the Prophets in the old times. Then God communicated through his SonJesus Christ, and now he
communicates to us through his Holy Spirit and his Living word (The Bible). God’s Communication can be
direct or Indirect. but what is more important here is that we have a God who likes to communicate.
Just like today we have different methods of communication, our God also used different methods to
communicate to different people. These methods ways of communication are:

Face to face with Adam and Eve - Genesis 3:8

In the form of an angel for Abraham — Genesis 18:1-3

In dreams and visions for Joseph — Genesis 37:5

With a burning bush for Moses — Exodus 3:1-9

The sound ofa voice and appearance of a dove for the witnesses of Jesus’ baptism — Matthew 3:13-17

@ Tongues of fire for the Apostles — Acts 2:3-4

Similarly, in this world of technological advancement we also need to use different methods and ways to
communicate to people. Now, methods of communication require us to be trained and educated with
these devices and techniques so that we can use them effectively and that is one of the reasons why
media education is required.

Importance of Media Education

We all know that mass media has become a big part of the lives of individuals. The power of mass media
has become so strong that its undoubtedly significant role in the world today stays beyond any
questions . There is no doubt that social media have gained wider acceptability and usability and are
also becoming probably the most important communication tools among people. Churches have also
invested time and money on broadcast media such as television and radio. Sites such as Facebook.
Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp have the potential to shape the way the world
communicates. Many churches have begun utilizing social media in their ministry efforts. They publicize,
encourage, and promote events, all on social media.

Role of Media in the Church Ministry

The objective of the church is to bring people to Jesus. There are traditional methods that the church
uses to reach its members, such as church announcements and sending missionaries to the field. The
desire of the church should be for more people to be in a relationship with Jesus. Of course churches
should want more people to attend their services, participate in classes. and engage in cell groups,
because reaching a larger audience with ‘The Message" is an important aspect’. Many churches are
using media to communicate with their members, spread the gospel, preach. reach and bring in new
members. Churches do not usually get feedback from the people they reach. Churches are unaware of
the impact they have on the people they are trying to reach or the members they communicate with.
Types of Media Used in Church Ministry

Print Media

The bible is the oldest book ever written. In bible times it was merely scrolls handwritten by people who
were inspired by God. Later it was made into a book which is divided into two testaments, the old and
the new. It was written in three original languages namely: Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. Nowadays, the
bible is translated into many different languages. Along with the bible. The church has many books by
different authors, who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write about God's message. Bible
commentaries help people understand what the texts mean and how to interpret them. The church also
has many publishing companies that publish and distribute a variety of books to all the parts of the
world they can reach.

Many churches distribute books, magazines, pamphlets, CD’s/DVD’s and other printed material to their
members and visitors’.

Broadcast Media

TV and radio have helped reinforce the idea that they would quietly receive information

rather than joining in the service’.


Radio is the most inexpensive form of media distribution and one that reaches many people. People can
listen to the radio at home, in their car, on their phones. etc. It has advantages over the other mass
media such as television and magazines in terms of being handy. portable, easily accessible and cheap.
Many poor communities can only afford a radio. To have the church on the radio is a way to reach these
people. About 97 percent of the population is reached by the radio. Radio being a convenient form of
entertainment caters to a large audience

Many people today are feeling the effects of an ever-intensifying society. The television ministry reaches
millions of people. They broadcast in different languages so that everyone can hear and receive the
gospel in their own language. Hope Channel in Africa broadcasts Hope Channel International in English
and Hope Channel Novo Tempo in Portuguese for Angola and Mozambique. Hope Channel is planning to
expand their channel to accommodate indigenous languages because there are many people who do
not speak English or Portuguese in Africa.

Digital Media

Bible believing churches can effectively use social media to communicate to their members by
announcing upcoming events, sharing audience specific information, and knowing the best time to post
on these sites. It is not strange for large organizations to interact with its members and promote their
message via digital media. However, the democratic nature of digital media is allowing the church to
play a much more unusual role in such a traditional hierarchical body.

How Church Members Use Media®

- Communicating with members and to encourage others in their church.

. To point others to interesting articles related to Christianity and church life. . To share the gospel.

. To share prayer requests.

. To share activities and ministries in the church.

. Growing membership

. Fundraising.
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Importance of Media in Church Ministry’

Enabling Consistent Delivery of Content

You can take a specific subject and deliver the teaching material consistently on media over a long
period of time. Unlike on TV or radio where you have a limited amount of hours, social media is your
own broadcasting station and you can take as long as you like to deliver your teaching material. You can
pace it without any external pressure.

Adding Interactivity to your Teaching Sessions

Media is all about comments, feedback and inputs flowing in both directions. Almost all the platforms
allow free flow of communication, creating a highly interactive teaching experience. Your audience can
ask questions, express their opinions and share their expertise on the subject. In a Bible context, usually
God gives different revelations to different people based on their situation and personal walk with him,
so teaching on social media enables sharing of such valuable experiences, which can strengthen the
body of Christ in unique ways.

Providing Relevance & Context to the Subject

Teaching in the media is very different compared to traditional teaching in a room. When you teach in a
particular location, the audience comes with a specific mindset. They shut out all other thoughts and
focus on the teaching, which is a good thing. But when you are able to teach while people are at work or
taking care of their everyday tasks, the teaching becomes more relevant and appealing because of the
context. Example: Suppose a person listens to your teaching on the subject of forgiveness during his
lunch break at work when he's just had a fight with his colleague. The teaching comes alive and takes on
a whole new dimension. It becomes a reality due to the context. This is possible only when we use
technology and social media as a platform for teaching.
Empowering the Audience

Today many believers face questions from their friends, family and colleagues concerning their faith. If
your congregation has easy access to teaching material or can chat with elders or pastors on mobile
devices, then they’re able to answer questions and minister to others. Example: Consider a working
professional who is serious about living a Christian life. Her colleagues know this about her, and during a
coffee break they ask her questions about the relevance of the Bible and what it says about marriage
and family. This can be a great opportunity for the Christian woman to lead her colleagues to the truth if
she has access to your teaching material on her mobile phone or if she can quickly connect with elders
or pastors in your church on social media to ask them for the answers to tough questions. She’s
empowered to minister to her colleagues during their time of need because she has the information she
needs at her fingertips. These little conversations with the right answers are the ones that make a big
difference in building the Kingdom.

Impact of Media on the Church®

We live in a world saturated with media, and technology has infiltrated every area of life. Everyday, we
use radio, cell phones. TV. and computers to search for answers, form opinions, and consume vast
amounts of information. Inevitably. the media affects our perspectives on politics, culture, and society -
and, more importantly, our approach to faith and spirituality. As the media plays an increasingly large
role in the lives of most American Christians, we must critically examine the benefits and drawbacks of
its influence. In doing so, we must ask ourselves how we can use media to enhance our spiritual lives,
further the growth of the gospel, and be instruments of "salt and light" in a fallen world.

Positive impacts of Media towards the Church Technology Gives Millions Access to the Truth of the

According to the Pew Research Center. the three major social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram. An estimated 71°o of all online adults use Facebook, and 58°e of the entire adult
population use the social network. Twitter and Instagram are also frequently-used social media
platforms, but are far more popular among young people. Additional studies show that an average
person spends close to 2 hours a day (118 minutes) on social media. The technology has also “enriched
the message of the Cross by providing more information to more people in a shorter amount of time.”
“increased the number of channels of distribution of the gospel.” “provided helps for the
encouragement, the strengthening, and edification of the saints through technology tools and
discipleship material." and allowed "Christians to administer grace to a world that is distracted and
burdened, by using tools that

people are familiar with and expect to see in everyday contexts.”

Media increasingly set the context for religion and spirituality

Media helps define their terms in contemporary life. The 2004 film The Passion of the Christ, for
example, both invoked a public debate about contemporary religious faith and presented a new set of
images and symbols through which that aspect of the Christians’ story will be understood for years to
come. The performer Madonna, through songs and music videos, presented influential interpretations
and juxtapositions of important Catholic symbols and artifacts. Because of their position in the culture,
the media are now the context within which the most widely-held discourses in national and global
culture take place, and religion and religious discourses must find their way within that larger context.

Media can help you convey your ministry vision

If God has given you a vision that can impact the society and build His kingdom, it is good for you to
share it with as many people in as many ways as possible. Media is designed to take a message and
spread it among a specific group of people. So if you can take your vision and strategically communicate
it to your audience in the media. then people may want to help you accomplish that vision. Especially,
using social media you can communicate your vision visually and interactively, making it more engaging
and interesting.

Negative impacts of Media towards the Church Allows room for secret sin

Media is a perfect breeding ground for secret sin. When used with a motive to commit sin and hide it,
social media becomes a bane, not a balm. When people use the media with an intention to do wrong.
social media can be such a bad thing. And because it's easy to be anonymous or carry a different identity
on the internet. the temptation to hide sinful activity becomes greater. Ephesians 5:13 tells us to be
transparent with our dealings. “But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for
whatever makes manifest is light."
Media Eats our Precious Time

According to a recent study. the average user spends about two hours on social media. Those two hours
could be spent on something more productive: exercise, spending time with family, studying, working,
catching some well-needed sleep. praying, Bible reading, eating, or even finding an extra source of
income. The devil's job ts to "steal, kill, and destroy.” One of the ways he does that is by luring people
into wasting their time on social media hounding after another person's life.

Media Pollutes our Mind Many posts on social media can pollute the mind. With all the kinds of things
being posted,

shared, broadcasted and spread through these avenues. the mind can only take so much. Today there's
so much filth spreading on social media. Christians, especially men, need the

courage to close the tabs on the browser and exit the page if the content is disturbing, not to mention
stimulating towards sin.


Through the help of the media the church uses an integrated marketing communication approach to
spread the gospel. Media is not just a trend that will fade away. It is an evolution that is here to stay. It
will continue to grow and influence the way we communicate with each other. Ofcourse, it has negative
impacts also, but we need to overcome those impacts. As a church and ministry, the earlier we adapt
and get on this platform, the more we will reap the rewards in future.

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