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(Original Signature of Member)

H. RES. ll

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States
must end its military and financial aid to Ukraine, and urges all combat-
ants to reach a peace agreement.


Mr. GAETZ submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the
Committee on lllllllllllllll

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that
the United States must end its military and financial
aid to Ukraine, and urges all combatants to reach a
peace agreement.

Whereas, since the war began in Ukraine, the United States

is the top contributor of military aid to Ukraine com-
pared to its counterparts;
Whereas the United States has appropriated more than
$110,000,000,000 of military, financial, and humani-
tarian aid to Ukraine;
Whereas, on February 3, 2023, the Department of Defense
announced $2,000,000,000 in additional security assist-

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ance for Ukraine, which the authorization of a Presi-
dential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to
$425,000,000, as well as $1,750,000,000 in Ukraine Se-
curity Assistance Initiative (USAI) funds;
Whereas the Presidential Drawdown is the 31st such draw-
down of equipment from Department of Defense inven-
tories for Ukraine since August 2021, and the capabili-
ties in this package include—
(1) additional ammunition for High Mobility Artil-
lery Rocket Systems (HIMARS);
(2) additional 155mm artillery rounds;
(3) additional 120mm mortar rounds;
(4) 190 heavy machine guns with thermal imagery
sights and associated ammunition to counter Unmanned
Aerial Systems;
(5) 181 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)
(6) 250 Javelin anti-armor systems;
(7) 2,000 anti-armor rockets;
(8) Claymore anti-personnel munitions;
(9) demolitions munitions; and
(10) cold weather gear, helmets, and other field
Whereas under USAI, the Department of Defense will pro-
vide Ukraine with—
(1) Two HAWK air defense firing units;
(2) anti-aircraft guns and ammunition;
(3) equipment to integrate Western air defense
launchers, missiles, and radars with Ukraine’s air defense
(4) equipment to sustain Ukraine’s existing air de-
fense capabilities;

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(5) air defense generators;
(6) Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems;
(7) four air surveillance radars;
(8) 20 counter-mortar radars;
(9) spare parts for counter-artillery radars;
(10) Puma Unmanned Aerial Systems;
(11) precision-guided rockets;
(12) secure communications equipment;
(13) medical supplies; and
(14) funding for training, maintenance, and
Whereas, on January 31, 2023, it was reported that the
United States is readying more than $2,000,000,000
worth of military aid for Ukraine that is expected to in-
clude longer-range rockets for the first time, as well as
other munitions and weapons;
Whereas, on January 25, 2023, the Department of State re-
leased a fact sheet titled ‘‘U.S. Security Cooperation with
Ukraine’’, and as of January 25, 2023, the United States
has provided Ukraine with—
(1) over 1,600 Stinger anti-aircraft systems;
(2) over 8,500 Javelin anti-armor systems;
(3) over 50,000 other anti-armor systems and muni-
(4) over 700 Switchblade Tactical Unmanned Aerial
(5) 160 155mm Howitzers and up to 1,094,000
155mm artillery rounds;
(6) over 5,800 precision-guided 155mm artillery
(7) 10,200 155mm rounds of Remote Anti-Armor
Mine (RAAM) Systems;

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(8) 100,000 rounds of 125mm tank ammunition;
(9) 45,000 152mm artillery rounds;
(10) 20,000 122mm artillery rounds;
(11) 50,000 122mm GRAD rockets;
(12) 72 105mm Howitzers and 370,000 105mm ar-
tillery rounds;
(13) 298 tactical vehicles to tow weapons;
(14) 34 tactical vehicles to recover equipment;
(15) 30 ammunition support vehicles;
(16) 38 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and
(17) 30 120mm mortar systems and approximately
166,000 120mm mortar rounds;
(18) 10 82mm mortar systems;
(19) 10 60mm mortar systems;
(20) 2,590 Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-
Guided (TOW) missiles;
(21) 545,000 rounds of 25mm ammunition;
(22) 120mm ammunition;
(23) 10 Command Post vehicles;
(24) 1 Patriot air defense battery and munitions;
(25) 8 National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile
Systems (NASAMS) and munitions;
(26) missiles for HAWK air defense systems;
(27) RIM–7 missiles for air defense;
(28) 12 Avenger air defense systems;
(29) high-speed anti-radiation missiles (HARMs);
(30) precision aerial munitions;
(31) 4,000 Zuni aircraft rockets;
(32) 20 Mi–17 helicopters;
(33) 31 Abrams tanks;
(34) 45 T–72B tanks;
(35) 109 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles;

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(36) over 1,700 High Mobility Multipurpose
Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs);
(37) over 100 light tactical vehicles;
(38) 44 trucks and 88 trailers to transport heavy
(39) 90 Stryker Armored Personnel Carriers;
(40) 300 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers;
(41) 250 M1117 Armored Security Vehicles;
(42) 580 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles
(43) 6 armored utility trucks;
(44) mine clearing equipment and systems;
(45) over 13,000 grenade launchers and small arms;
(46) over 111,000,000 rounds of small arms ammu-
(47) over 75,000 sets of body armor and helmets;
(48) approximately 1,800 Phoenix Ghost Tactical
Unmanned Aerial Systems;
(49) laser-guided rocket systems;
(50) Puma Unmanned Aerial Systems;
(51) 15 Scan Eagle Unmanned Aerial Systems;
(52) 2 radars for Unmanned Aerial Systems;
(53) Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels;
(54) over 50 counter-artillery radars;
(55) 4 counter-mortar radars;
(56) 20 multimission radars;
(57) Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems and equip-
(58) Counter air defense capability;
(59) 10 air surveillance radars;
(60) 2 harpoon coastal defense systems;
(61) 58 coastal and riverine patrol boats;
(62) M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions;

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(63) C–4 explosives, demolition munitions, and dem-
olition equipment for obstacle clearing;
(64) obstacle emplacement equipment;
(65) tactical secure communications systems;
(66) 4 satellite communications antennas;
(67) SATCOM terminals and services;
(68) thousands of night vision devices, surveillance
systems, thermal imagery systems, optics, and laser
(69) commercial satellite imagery services;
(70) explosive ordnance disposal equipment and pro-
tective gear;
(71) chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear pro-
tective equipment;
(72) 100 armored medical treatment vehicles;
(73) over 350 generators;
(74) medical supplies to include first aid kits, ban-
dages, monitors, and other equipment;
(75) electronic jamming equipment;
(76) field equipment, cold weather gear, and spare
parts; and
(77) funding for training, maintenance, and
Whereas, on January 25, 2023, the Biden administration an-
nounced the United States will be sending 31 M1 Abrams
tanks to Ukraine;
Whereas, on January 20, 2023, the Pentagon released a fact
sheet on United States security assistance to Ukraine, in
total, the United States has provided more than
$27,400,000,000 in security assistance in Ukraine since
the beginning of the Biden administration, including

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more than $26,700,000,000 since the beginning of the
Whereas, on January 19, 2023, the Pentagon announced that
the United States will send 90 Stryker combat vehicles
and an additional 59 Bradley fighting vehicles to
Whereas, in addition to these armored vehicles, the United
States packages also include—
(1) 8 additional Avenger air defense systems;
(2) 350 Humvees;
(3) 53 mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles;
(4) thousands of anti-armor rockets; and
(5) an additional 3,000,000 rounds of small arms
Whereas United States aid to Ukraine far exceeds that from
other countries;
Whereas bilateral aid from the European Union institutions
and the top 20 donor countries as of November 20, 2022
(1) $47,990,000,000, from the United States;
(2) $30,000,000,000 from European Union institu-
(3) $7,100,000,000 from the United Kingdom;
(4) $5,460,000,000 from Germany;
(5) $3,900,000,000 from Canada;
(6) $3,000,000,000 from Poland;
(7) $1,400,000,000 from France;
(8) $1,200,000,000 from Norway;
(9) $850,200,000 from the Netherlands;
(10) $809,350,000 from Sweden;
(11) $675,000,000 from Italy;
(12) $643,290,000 from Denmark;
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(13) $608,000,000 from Japan;
(14) $588,760,000 from the Czech Republic;
(15) $582,140,000 from Austria;
(16) $383,410,000 from Spain;
(17) $336,150,000 from Estonia;
(18) $335,950,000 from Portugal;
(19) $321,560,000 from Australia;
(20) $314,600,000 from Latvia; and
(21) $306,670,000 from Finland;
Whereas, as of August 30, 2022, Pentagon officials reported
that United States munitions donated to Ukraine have
severely depleted United States stockpiles, weakening
United States readiness in the event of conflict;
Whereas, according to a January 9, 2023, report by the Cen-
ter for Strategic and International Studies, at the recent
rate of production, it will take 12 and half years to re-
plenish United States stocks of Javelins sent to Ukraine;
Whereas it was reported on November 11, 2022, that the
United States had struck a deal with South Korea to
purchase thousands of rounds of 155mm ammunition,
trying to offset the diminished domestic stockpiles after
the United States has supplied Ukraine with nearly
1,000,000,000 rounds of munitions;
Whereas, by providing assistance to Ukraine, the United
States is inadvertently contributing to civilian casualties;
Whereas, as of November 10, 2022, General Mark Milley,
chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, stat-
ed that approximately 40,000 civilians had died as a re-
sult of this conflict; and

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Whereas, as a result of the conflict, the United Nations has
recorded 7,800,000 Ukrainian refuges across Europe, in-
cluding Russia; Now, therefore be it
1 Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Rep-
2 resentatives that—
3 (1) the United States must end its military and
4 financial aid to Ukraine; and
5 (2) the House of Representatives urges all com-
6 batants to reach a peace agreement.

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