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Course Pack Prof Ed. 10 Module 5

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Prof Ed.

10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Earners A
Module No. Week 9-11
and Title Module 5: Theories and Principles in the Use and Design of Technology-Driven
Lesson No. Lesson 1: Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience
and Title Lesson 2: TPACK as a Framework for Technology - Driven Teaching and
Lesson 3: The ASSURE Model
Learning At the end of the unit, the students must be able to:
Outcomes 1. Identify learning principles and theories that are applied in technology
driven teaching-learning models;
2. Use the learning principles and theories as basis in the development of the
teaching plans and selection of instructional materials; and
3. Apply the learned theories and principles in the lesson exemplars.
Introduction How teachers integrate technology in the teaching and learning process depends
very much on their beliefs on how people learn. Specifically, they need to know
who their learners are and how to approach instruction. As educators, their role is
to provide learning experiences that will help achieve the defined outcomes. In this
Module, you will be acquainted with different theories and learning principles such
as Dale’s Cone of Experience, the TPACK Framework, SAMR, and the ASSURE
Activity Activity 1: 10 points
 Write words or concepts associated with the essential elements when planing
a lesson.
 Write as many words as possible.
 Analyze the words and group them based into concepts that comprise the
essential elements to be considered when planning a lesson.
Analysis Activity2: 10 points
 As you prepare to be a teacher, how would you assess your content knowledge
of your specialization? In terms of your teaching skills, what strategies or
techniques do you know will work if you use it when teaching?

Abstraction Unit 5:
Lesson 1: Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience

Lesson Outcomes:
 Familiarize with Dale’s Cone of Experience and provide classroom
processes or practices that exemplify each Strata of the Cone of
 Provide examples of the various instructional materials appropriate for
given instructional contexts.

The Cone of Experience

“The cone is a visual analogy, and like all analogies, it does not bear an exact and
detailed relationship to the complex elements it represents.” - Edgar Dale

Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be taken
into consideration. One way of putting it is the 8M’s of teaching and each element
contributes to ensuring effective instruction.

The Eight 8 M’s of Teaching

1. Milieu - the learning environment

2. Matter - the content of learning

3. Method - teaching and learning activities

4. Material - the resources of learning

5. Media - communication system

6. Motivation - arousing and sustaining interest in learning

7. Mastery - internalization of learning

8. Measurement - evidence that learning took place

With reference to the 8 M’s of instruction, media and material are the elements of
the Cone of Experience. Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience relates will with various
instructional media which form part of the system’s approach to instruction.

The Band in Dale’s Cone of Experience

 Direct purposeful experiences - Refers to foundation of experiencing

learning. Using the senses, meaningful knowledge and understanding are
established. This is experiential learning where one learns by doing.

Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
 Contrived Experiences - Representations such as models, miniatures, or
mock ups are used in this category.
 Dramatized experiences - These are commonly used as activities that
allows students to actively participate in a reconstructed experience
through role-playing or dramatization.
 Demonstrations - It is an actual execution of a procedure or a process.
Example: A demonstration on how to bake a cake or how to execute the
dance steps.
 Study Trips/Field Trips - These are actual visits to certain location to
observe a situation or a case which may not be available inside the
 Exhibits - These are displays of models such as pictures, artifacts,
posters, among others and provide the message or information.
Sometimes, exhibits allow audience to manipulate objects which make the
learning more fun.
 Television and Motion Pictures - These technology equipment provide a
two-dimensional reconstruction of a reality. These allow learners to
experience the situation being communicated through the mediated tools.
They provide a feeling of realism as viewers try to understand the
message portrayed by actors in the films.
 Still pictures, Recordings, Radio - Still are pictures or images. Together
in this category are the audio-recorded materials or information broadcast
Through the radio
 Visual Symbols - These are more abstract representations of the concept
or the information. Examples of these are information presented through a
graph or a chart. For example, a process can be presented using a flow
 Verbal Symbols - This category appears to be the most abstract because
they may not exactly look like the concept or object they represent but are
symbols, words, codes, or formula.

In addition, Brunner’s three-tiered model of learning points out that every area of
knowledge can be presented and learned in three distinct steps:
1. Enactive - a series of action
2. Iconic - a series of illustrations or icons
3. Symbolic - a series of symbols

Activity 3: On my Own… (20 points)

1. How would you relate the Cone of Experience to the teaching-learning process
with the levels identified by Bruner’s three-tiered model of learning?
Answer. Dale’s Cone of Experience is a model that incorporates several theories related
to instructional design and learning processes in Dale's cone of Experience provides
teaching and learning models that allows teachers to understand how to increase the
retention rate of learners by involving the learner.
2. If you teach a lesson on the concept of fractions to a grader, how will you
proceed if you follow the pattern in Dale’s Cone of Experience beginning with

Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
the concrete moving toward the abstract?
Answer. The experience of reality are arranged in the coned of experience from concrete,
active actual to the least tangible one. The farthest and the most abstract are at the top of
the cone which is the verbal symbols. It only requires sense to this activity.

Lesson 2:
TPACK as a Framework for Technology - Driven Teaching and Learning

Lesson Outcomes:
 Familiarize oneself with TPACK and SAMR model as frameworks in
integrating technology in the practice of teaching
 Select and employ an appropriate technology (tool or application) in an
instructional plan

What is TPACK ?

TPACK is a framework that combines the teacher's three knowledge

areas: technological knowledge, content knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge.
This framework shows the interconnectedness of content knowledge with
pedagogical knowledge and the integration of technology in making integration of
technology in making teaching more engaging, relevant and effective. It looks at
how these knowledge areas intercept or work together to increase students
motivation and make the content more accessibly engaging to students. This
framework has significantly influenced practices in teaching as a result of research.

The Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge known as the

TPACK is a theoretical model describing the capability of the 21st century teacher.
To be relevant to the learners of today, the teachers should be able to blend his
knowledge and capability in the content of the discipline.

CK is content knowledge. It is the what' - understanding of the content such as

language arts, math, science, history among others. This is composed of facts,
concepts, theories or principles in a given discipline.

Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) is the 'How.' It is the expert's knowledge in the

science of teaching from educational and learning theories to individual
differences to strategies and techniques as well as assessment of learning. The
teachers need to possess the capability to handle learning through effective method
and appropriate strategies.

PCK - the intersection of the pedagogical and content areas of knowledge.

This how much competencies the teachers have in making the students learn
concepts and skills. This includes the knowledge of how to use techniques that can
meaningfully address different learning styles while supporting content with
deeper understanding. Schulman (2008) considers this teaching at its best.

Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
TK - Technological Knowledge. This is the teachers' knowledge on how to select,
use and integrate these tools in the teaching and learning context. This is not only
about the tools but also about the quality of content that students can access
through appropriate applications and sites.

TCK - Technological-Content Knowledge. When technology is used in a

specific subject area to enrich and deepen student's understating of content, this is
the intersection called TCK. For example, to deepen students' understanding of a
concept or area of study, students can gather information and collect data and
evidence using technology tools and present these information using an

TPK - Technology-Pedagogical Knowledge. It is knowing how to select, use or

develop technology to manage student learning. For example, who will use
collaborative tools that will allow students to work together and share information?
How will you use an application that will allow students to creatively share their
their well-researched project in class or to others outside of the school?

It allows student to learn content through digital tools. They can document and
record evidence and plot out a strategy using a collaborative tool where the group
can discuss their action plan while in or out of school. The drawn plan can be
presented using a productivity tool (i.e. powerpoint presentation or a digital story)
to pertinent persons for feedback. Once approved and given support, the project
can how proceed to the next level-implementation stage.

So, TPACK is about what teachers know how they teach and how technology is
used in delivery of the lesson to make it more engaging and making learning more
relevant in the 21st century. In conclusion, TPACK will start with content and then
pedagogy and layer in technology. Sometimes, you might get excited about the
technological tool an design a lesson around it. Remember, it is NOT about the
technology tool but it is the right blend of the three knowledge areas

Figure 2: TPACK Model

Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
Activity 4: (20 points)
1. What insights have you gained from the TPACK model?
My insight about the TPACK MODEL is you can select different technology tools
to use in learning for example in the middle of this pandemic the covid19 virus
teachers and students only meet in social media forms like google classroom and
messenger but in that way there is no hindrance happening that’s why point in
TPACK MODEL teach us the technology that manageable and easiest and fastest
way of communicating.

SAMR - Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Representation

SAMR - SAMR is a model designed to help educators infuse technology into

teaching and learning. Developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the model supports
and enables teachers to design, develop, and infuse digital learning experiences
that utilizes technology.

S - Substitutions
 It is literally using technology as an alternate for the regular item that is
employed in augmenting or assisting instruction. Instead of using a map or a
globe in teaching geography, teachers can use Google map or Google earth
instead. Showing a location in a map can be substituted by the use of google
map or google earth.

A - Augmentation
 In this part of technology integration, there is a functional improvement in the
use of a technology tool. With the google map, you can use the features
available such as measuring the distance from one point to another. You can
provide a task by making students utilize this.
 For example, ask them to measure the distance and get the estimate time of
travel if they start from one point to go to the next point. With this use of the
google map, you tap on certain functions that the application provides.
Instruction with technology integrated is enhanced.

M - Modification.
 In this level, technology is used to redesign a lesson. When studying
geography for example, google applications have panoramio. Using this you
can guide students to start uploading their own pictures of places they may
have visited online. A brief description of these places can also be added. If
internet connectivity is not available in the classroom, they can do the task
after class. With clear and proper instructions, students can be guided to work
on the assignment.

R - Redefinition
 Represents the idea of creating something from the regular item. Technology
allows the creation of a new concept that has not been previously

Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
conceptualized. Puentedura labels this as the transformation of learning.
 Students are given the opportunity to create an output based on what they
know and learned using a technology tool or application.
 So with the ready pictures uploaded in panoramio, students can probably write
the script for a guided tour using his available materials (i.e. pictures) using
Google Earth and start arranging these to be shared through the world wide

Figure 2: SAMR Model

Activity 5: (40 points)

Using SAMR, think of how you can integrate a technology tool for each phase
to show the transition from using it to enhance instruction leading to a
transformative use of technology. Design a task that can have a positive effect on
student’s learning outcomes.

Task for Learning Activities

Redefinition Nearpod presentation
Modification Combine audio, video and text in movie presentation
Augmentation Demonstrate understanding with explain everything
Substitution Make a keynote presentation on the ipad


Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
Benjamin Bloom is a known educationist who provided the cognitive
taxonomy which has greatly been used in education. His students, Anderson, and
Krathwohl made some revisions. This is the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy.

Bloom's taxonomy is a set of three hierarchical models used for

classification of educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and
specificity. The three lists cover the learning objectives in cognitive, affective and
psychomotor domains.


Lesson Outcomes:
1. Identify learning theories and principles applied in the use and design of
learning lessons with technology
2. Apply the ASSURE Model in crafting a lesson

The ASSURE Model

ASSURE model is a
guide in crafting an
instructional flow that can
guide the teacher in integrating
appropriate technology and
media into the instructional
process. It also refers to a
systemic approach that the
teacher can use when writing
an instructional plan.

Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
This model is composed of six essential steps in planning instruction.
Theoretically, it is a mental framework that a teacher considers.

Analyze Learners.
 With the learner as the center of the instructional process, the
consideration is to get a clear picture of the learners' learning styles, age
level, interests or preferences, background, special needs and cultural
State Objectives
 Known as the learning outcome expected of the lesson, this statement
describes what the learner would be able to perform as a result of the
Select Methods, Media, and Materials
 Selecting the appropriate way of delivering the lesson and using the
applicable media or technology can effectively make learners acquire
understanding of the lesson or gain the competence desired. The teacher
has to decide which strategy, materials or technology would be best
considering me learners and the desired learning outcomes.
Utilize Method, Media, and Materials
 Planning how to implement these entails a lot of consideration. Bearing in
mind the learning outcome of the lesson, the teacher decides which part of
the instructional flow will a particular material or technology be employed
and the manner on how it will be more effective to achieve the learning
Require Learner Participation
 Student engagement is an important element. The learners have to be
made to understand their role in taking accountability of their own
learning. Therefore, the teacher has to design sections of the lesson where
the learners are guided to participate in and perform tasks with minimal or
no supervision at all.
Evaluate Student Performance
 Assessing learners' performance can take place across phases of the
lesson. However, it is emphasized that the basic rule is that the evaluation
should be congruent to the learning outcome provided in the lesson. Some
learning outcomes can be sufficiently evaluated using a pen and paper test
but there there are other learning outcomes that can be assessed by using
rubric or having aggregated write-up through the use of a portfolio
assessment. The teacher decides which is appropriate for the intention of
the evaluative activity
 ASSURE process is really just a matter of common sense. However it is good
to follow a regimented guide to improve your teaching technique. Any
effective teacher knows that the perfection of their technique does not come
overnight, and there is always room for improvement. By following the
process, you will be sure to improve your teaching for many years to come.

Application A. Write an Essay

Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
1. What is the significance of being aware of a theoretical framework (TPACK,
SAMR, Blooms Revised Taxonomy) in preparing to become an effective teacher?
2. What have you learned from this lesson on ASSURE Model?

B. Interview (Could be face to face or Virtual interview)

Instruction: Interview a secondary teacher of any field of expertise. Ask a for a
sample lesson plan and ask the teacher regarding ASSURE Model in relation to
his/her lesson plan. Then, provide answers on the following task:

Steps Questions Answer

A Who are the learners? Teachers
S What students need to know? Educational technology
S What do teachers need to use for the
teaching-learning process?
U How to the teacher use the materials?
R How students will be engaged in the
learning process?
E What works? What doesn’t?

Assessment: Review the lessons discussed in this module and answer the questions given
through this google form link .Copy this link to your
browser to start answering.

ON REFLECTION: (This will be posted to your personal website/Online Portfolio)

A. Reflect on you learning experience on Lesson 1 in this module and construct your learning by
continuing the statements below: (should be 100-150 words per item)
In this lesson,
1. I learned that… (Knowledge)
2. I felt that… (Value/Attitude)
3. I developed that…(skill)

Timeline and Guide for Submission

TASK Deadline Submission Instruction
Activity 1-3 April 27, 2022 Submit to my messenger in PDF format
Activity 4-5 April 29, 2022 Submit to my messenger in PDF format
Application May 4, 2022 Submit to my messenger in PDF format

Prof Ed. 10: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
Earners A
Assessment May 4, 2022 Submit through this google form link:
Reflection Before the end of Post this to your Online Portfolio/Personal
the semester Website
Bilbao, P. et. al. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning 1. Lorimar Publishing. Quezon City,
TPACK in Two Minutes. Retrieved from: on April
20, 2022.
Introduction to the TPACK Model Video Common Sense Media. Retrieved from: on April 20, 2022.


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