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1.The belief in one “right” culture; posits the individual's culture as normal and
valid. Other cultures are viewed as abnormal, inferior, or pathological, with
corresponding differential treatment.
A. Mono-culturalism 
B. Multi-culturalism
C. Culture diversity
D. Culture dimension

2._________  characterize the fact of diversity in a society; reject the ideal of the
“melting pot” in which members of minority groups are expected to assimilate into
the dominant culture
A. Multicultural
B. Intercultural
C. Mono-culturalism
D. Multi-culturalism

3.Multi-culturalism refers to a society that contains several cultural or ethnic

groups.  People live _________  one another, and each cultural group _________ 
interactions with each other.
A. alongside …….. has engaging ……….tion 1
B. alongside …….. doesn’t have ……….
C. separately from …….. has engaging ………
D. separately from …….. doesn’t have ………
4.Intercultural refers to a deep understanding and respect for all cultures, focusing
on the mutual exchange of deep _________   and cultural _________   and the
development of _________  .
A. relationships …….. norms …….. ideas
B. ideas …….. norms …….. relationships
C. norms …….. ideas …….. relationships
D. norms …….. relationship …….. ideas

5. Culture is the set of distinctive _________   features of society or a social group

that encompasses, not only art and literature, but lifestyles, ways of living together,
value systems, traditions, and beliefs.
A. spiritual and material
B. intellectual and emotional
C. material, intellectual and emotional
D. spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional

6.Which of the following statements is true of culture?

A. Languages are cultures.
B. Archaeologists dig up culture in their excavations.
C. Culture is a powerful human tool for survival.
D. All of the above
7.Culture includes _________  .
A. only material things such as cars or jewellery
B. our thoughts, our beliefs, and our possessions
C. the land we share
D. only non-material things such as values or beliefs

8.The knowledge of _________   is relevant for businesses to enter a new market
(for product, service, and talent), cross-border division of labor, and international
outsourcing relationships.
A. Individual culture
B. Organizational culture
C. National culture
D. Team culture

9.The knowledge of _________   helps you successfully address the concerns at

any level of culture.
A. Individual culture
B. Team culture
C. Organizational culture
D. National culture

10.The aspect of culture that is learned through interaction, and shared by the
people interacting is defined as _________  .
A. Big culture
B. Little culture
C. High culture
D. Common culture

11.A culture that has a high _________   index would be less democratic and more
focused on hierarchical/powerful leaders.
A. Collectivism
B. Individualism
C. Power distance
D. Tolerance

12.Beliefs, values, world view refers to _________   

A. Visible culture 
B. Invisible culture
C. Culture of common humanity
D. Culture norms

13.High culture would include things that appeal to the upper class such as the
opera or ballet.
A. T
B. F
14.Balanced market pricing with equal emphasis on a generous welfare system are
characteristics of a society with _________   and _________  .
A. low degree of power distance/ high degree of individualism
B. high degree of power distance/ low degree of individualism
C. low degree of power distance/ low degree of individualism
D. high degree of power distance/ high degree of individualism

15.Which actions below are under the effect of Individualism in American culture?
A. You are presenting about your project, and your boss interrupts to give some
B. You are a college student, still live with your parents and received a monthly
allowance. Your friends make fun of you and urge you to get a part-time job.
C. Your friend has just won the lottery, their neighbours immediately regard him as
a successful person.

16.Which actions below are under the effect of privacy in American culture?
A. You and your siblings have the same amount of allowance every month.
B. You are 22 years old and your parent urges you to move out.
C. Your wife’s doctor refuses to tell you about her disease.
D. Your parents are 80 years old and they still want to live in their own houses.

1. ……. pattern of settlement: Many people living in a small area of closely

spaced houses or communities.
A. Scattered
B. Clustered
C. Linear
2. ……. pattern of settlement: A few people in a large area where resources are
A. Scattered
B. Clustered
C. Linear
3. ……. pattern of settlement: Population distribution is arranged in a narrow
A. Scattered
B. Clustered
C. Linear
4. The weather in the US is quite dramatic as it varies widely.
A. True
B. False
5. The US is a country with low natural disaster risk
A. True
B. False
6. The variety of climates affects lifestyles in the US
A. True
B. False
7. The dominant of American culture was established by immigrants who came
from southern Europe.
A. True
B. False
8. It is not possible to make generalizations about what Americans believe
because they are so different.
A. True
B. False
9. The UK has temperate climate, with …… rainfall all year around.
A. Plentiful
B. Average
C. Little
10. Human geography studies human and their cultures, communities and ……
A. Needs
B. Age structures
C. Interaction with environment
11.What are stages of population change?
A. Expanding slowly, expanding rapidly, stable, declining
B. Stable, expanding rapidly, expanding slowly, declining
C. Expanding rapidly, expanding slowly, stable, declining
D. Stable, expanding slowly, expanding rapidly, declining
12.What is the rank of USA’s population in the world?
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Forth
13.What is the same geographical characteristic between US and Vietnam?
A. Native American
B. European American
C. Africa American
D. Asian American
14.Which is the race making up the most population of USA
A. Native American
B. European American
C. Africa American
D. Asian American
15.What is the largest city in the US in terms of population?
A. New York City
B. Chicago
C. Dallas
D. Los Angeles

1. What is the famous saying about the British Empire?
A. “The sun never sets on the British empire”
B. “The moon is never full on the British empire”
C. “The stars are always shining on the British empire”
D. “The waters always flow in the British empire”
2. The loss of which colonies meant that the “first British empire” came to an
A. The West Indies
B. Trading posts in India
C. The American colonies
D. Canada
3. Which term best describes the Britain in the 18th century?
A. The world’s first industrialized nation
B. The world’s largest trading nation
C. The workshop of the world
D. Modernization of the economy
4. What is a dominion?
A. The name given to the leader of the British empire
B. The name given to a certain kind of colony given the right to start its own
C. The name given to independent countries without any ties to the British
D. The name given to the kind of naval ship used to conquer land for the
British empire.
5. After which war did most of Britain’s territories become independent?
B. The cold war
D. The Civil war
6. Which of the following directly led to the collapse of the Britis Empire?
A. Lost of naval supremacy after the Second World War
B. Decolonization after the Second World War
C. Decline in the Royal family’s prestige
D. Interference from foreign empires
7. All of the following countries were part of the British Commonwealth of
Nations in 1931 EXCEPT?
A. New Zealand
B. Australia
C. Canada
D. India
8. The declaration of Independence in US was adopted on July 4 …….
A. 1776
B. 1848
C. 1865
D. 1908
9. How many American colonies did Britain have before the American war of
A. 7
B. 13
C. 15
D. 17
10.Which state did the US purchase from Russia?
A. Oregon
B. Washington
C. Alaska
D. Arizona
11.The Mexico – America war ended with America gaining the full control
A. Alaska
B. Florida
C. Texas
D. Louisiana
12.What is the main contributor to the continental expansion in the US in 19th
A. The invention of air conditioning
B. The discovery of gold
C. The mass migration after WW II
D. The invention of railway
13.The Civil war was a bloody scar across the nation until its culmination with
the end of ……..
A. Slavery
B. Westward movement
C. Political tension
D. Gold rush
14.The period after the Civil War ended was known as…….
A. Rejuvenation
B. Rebuilding
C. Referendum
D. Reconstruction
15.Mercantile theory holds that colonies best sever their mother country by
providing what?
A. Raw materials
B. Finished good
C. Labors
D. Open market

1. Traditionally, the………..of England was associated with poverty and industry.

A. Center

B. North  
C.  South 

D. West

2. Which statement best summarizes economic conditions in the US since the end
of World War II?

A. The economy has been in a depression for most of the period.

B. The United States has had the world’s highest unemployment rate.

C. The United States has come to depend more heavily on imports to meet its
economic needs.

D. The legal minimum wage has steadily declined.

3. The stock market crashed on October 29 and the Great Depression began in

A. 1908   

B.  1929   

C.  1941   

D.  1969

4.…………….represent the majority of businesses in the United States and employ

nearly half of all private sector workers.

A. Small businesses

B. State-owned
C. Corporations

D. Multinational corporations

5. Even millions of workers in the US have lost their jobs, disposable personal
income from March to July 2020 ………………. pre-pandemic levels thanks to
stimulus payments to households such as unemployment insurance benefits.

A. Exceeded

B. Remained stable

C. Surpassed

6. Brexit results in a long-run loss of output of around …………… compared to

remaining in the European Union

A. 4%

B.  5%

C.  6%

D.  7%

7. UK employers are worried about labor shortages because immigration from
…………. countries has been reducing.

A. Non-European

B. European
8.  Since the Brexit referendum, Chinese investment across the whole of Europe
has ………….and …………in the United Kingdom.

A. Declined – declined

B.  Declined – increased

C.  Increased – declined

D.  Increased – increased

9. Even though international financial services firms have migrated £1.2 trillion
worth of assets from Britain to the European Union since the 2016 referendum,
The United Kingdom remains the world's ……………. net exporter of financial
services in 2019.

A. 4th biggest

B. 3rd biggest

C. 2nd biggest

D. biggest

10. The Great Depression of the 1903s greatly weakened the businessperson’s

position as the American ideal of the free individual and big business lost respect.


B. False
11. The widespread unemployment and other economic hardships of the
Depression in the US gave rise to the assumption that individuals could not be
expected to rely solely on themselves in providing their economic security.

A. True

B.  False

12. What is the name of Roosevelt's economic recovery plan to cope with The
Great Depression?

A. Reconstruction

B. Reaganomics

C. The New Deal 

13. US is the world’s …….. economy

A. Largest

B. Second-largest

C. Third-largest

14. What institution determines and implements US monetary policy?

A. Federal Reserve

B. U.S. Treasury

C. Commercial banks
15. Which city is the home of world’s largest stock exchange? 

A. Washington, D.C. 

B.  Los Angeles

C.  New York

D.  Seattle

1.In the US, Private schools have a positive reputation among parents
A. a greater diversity of other races and cultures
B.sophisticated teaching methods
C. have access to great facilities
D. more parental involvement

2.Which subject is not included in SAT test?

A. Math
B. Reading comprehension
C. Essay
D. Logics
3.What are the main parts of the UK education system?
A. Nursery, Primary education, Secondary education, Further education
B. Nursery, Primary education, Secondary education, Higher education
C. Nursery, Primary education, Secondary education, Further education and Higher

4.Which statement is NOTE true about the education system in the UK

A. Full time education is compulsory up to the middle teenage years.
B. Compulsory education is free of charge
C. There are 3 key stages in the National curriculum.
D. The school year is divided into three terms with a six week summer holiday.

5.How many stages are in the British system of education?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

6.Which of these statement is false?

A. American high school students have the choice of going to a free public school
or a private one where they must pay tuition.
B. The American education system is based on strong principles of equality of
C. After twelve years of schools, American students receive a bachelor’s degree
diploma at graduation.
7.What is NOT true about the educational voucher system/ initiatives?
are state-funded programs
A. is given to parents with school-aged children.
B. ensure more children have an equal opportunity to receive a great education
C. is applicable for state schools only

8.One pros of public school: ………………

A. More affordable to attend
B. Smaller class sizes
C. Independent from local municipality budgets
D. Higher level of flexibility regarding the curriculum

9.SAT is ____
A. The preliminary exam which students take to get into university
B. The exam which students take before leaving secondary school
C. The exam which children take in primary school
D. The entrance exam for secondary school

10.Which sport do male students at high school in the US play most?

A. Soccer
B. Football
C. Track and field
D. Basketball
11.Some wealthier Americans opposed the first public schools in the U.S.
A. They cost too much money.
B. They would weaken social-class barriers.
C. People who did not pay for their education would not value it.

12.When are students free to leave school in the UK?

A. 15
B. 16
C. 18
D. 21

13.How long are US students off school in their winter break?

A. 1 week
B. 1 month
C. 10 weeks
D. 12 weeks

14.Which of these statements about American schools is false?

A. Public schools that are mainly black or white today usually are the result of the
racial makeup neighborhood.
B. African American are the fastest growing minority in the schools today.
C. In some school districts, 100 different languages may be spoken.
15.In the US all children must go to school from _________________
A. age five to age seventeen
B. age five to age forty
C. age five to age sixteen
D. age four to age sixteen
16.Students who want to get into the university in Britain have to pass the ____
A. "A level"
B. "B level"
C. "C level"
D. "D level"

17._________________ are for children from age five to twelve in the US.
A. Kindergartens
B. Elementary schools
C. Junior high schools
D. Universities
1. In many countries, ………..and …………are matter more to national identity
A. Birthplace, language/ culture
B. Language, culture/ Birthplace
C. Birthplace, culture/ language
D. Language, Religion/ Birthplace

2. The most basic of all the American values is…………..

A. Great diversity
B. Individual freedom
C. Equality of opportunity
D. Self-reliance

3. The price that Americans pay for their individual freedom is………..
A. Self-reliance.
B. Competition.
C. Hardwork.

4. In the United States, learning to compete successfully is…………….

A. Part of growing up.
B. Not seen as healthy by most people.
C. Not necessary, because Americans believes in equality.
5.Americans see their material possessions as………..

A. Having nothing to do with social status.

B. The natural reward for their hard work.
C. Showing no evidence of a person’s abilities.

6.In reality, such American ideals as equality of opportunity and self-


A. Dont not exist because there is no equality in the United States.

B. Are always put into practice in the United States and truly describe
American life.
C. Are only partly carried out in real life, but are still important because people
believe in them

7.British may not behave in traditional ways, but they like symbols of …………….
and stability.

A. Tradition
B. Individualism
C. Democracy

8.In the contemporary USA, ethnic minorities are usually implicitly excluded from
the national identity compared with European Americans.
A. True
B. False
9.Because the diversity of the US population increases, the conception of the
American identity is no longer implicitly aligned with the domination of White
A. True
B. False

10.Which of the following is considered poor etiquette in the UK?

A. Arriving for dinner at someone's house 15 minutes late
B. Arriving at someone's house to say 'hello' uninvited
C. Eating lunch at your desk
D. Calling up someone in the morning.

11.What percentage of Britons do you think believe that race relations have got
worse over the past 5 years?
A. 9%
B. 18%
C. 36%
D. 47%

12.Which of the following organisations, institutions and or sectors do you think

has the lowest trust score?
A. The government
B. Banks
C. The police
D. Politicians
13.What do you think causes UK adults the most anxiety in life?
A. Family
B. Money
C. Work pressures
D. Love life

14.Which of the following organisations, institutions and or sectors do you think

has the highest trust score?
A. The police
B. The National health care system
C. Banks
D. The government
1.       Which of the following is a feature of a powerful culture?
A.     Power is decentralized to decision makers
B.     Management encourage empowerment
C.     Senior management retain tight control
D.     Emphasis is placed on customer needs

2.       Which of the following is most likely to be a good indicator of culture in a

A.     Choice of production process
B.     Pricing policy
C.     Profit margins
D.     Reward systems

3.       These are all factors which determine a business culture, except:

A.     Leadership style
B.     Recruitment policy
C.     Pricing policy
D.     Aims and objectives

4.       What trait is most valued in the U.S. workplace?

A.     Creativity and hard work
B.     Humility and downplaying your accomplishments (collectivism)
C.     Being respectful of supervisors and knowing one's place in the company
5.       What kind of success is most respected in the United States?
A.     Winning the lottery and giving the money away to people who need it in the
B.     "Rags to riches" story where someone is born into a hard financial situation
and becomes successful through hard work and dedication
C.     Inheriting money from family and maintaining the upper class status and a
good reputation for the family name

6.       Your American colleague sometimes disagrees with your manager about

strategy at meetings and offers his own ideas. What do other American colleagues
think about this?
A.     They think he is self-centered and not a team player
B.     They think he is at risk of losing his job because he challenges the boss
C.     They think he is creative and they respect his confidence and his ability to
speak his mind

7.       Which of the following is a feature of a powerful culture?

A.     Power is decentralized to decision makers
B.     Management encourage empowerment
C.     Senior management retain tight control.
D.     Emphasis is placed on customer needs.
8.       Which of the following is most likely to be a good indicator of culture in a
A.     Choice of production process
B.     Pricing policy
C.     Profit margins
D.     Reward systems

9.       These are all factors which determine a business culture, except:

A.     Leadership style
B.     Recruitment policy
C.     Pricing policy
D.     Aims and objectives

10.    Negotiations in China are best conducted on a one-on-one basis, since people

generally prefer getting to know you well. (relation-base)
A.     True
B.     False

11.    Most American businesses are directly or indirectly owned by the

A.     True
B.     False

12.    To success in American business, Americans believe that family background

and social positions are more important than anything including hard work.
A.     True
B.     False
13.    Americans believe that competition among businesses is good for the
economy but it does little to protect the freedom of the individual.
A.     True
B.     False

14.    A CEO may be admired since he/she started a successful business from
practically nothing.
A.     True
B.     False

15.    One characteristic of entrepreneurs that appeals to most Americans is their

strong dislike of……………. to higher authority.
A.     True
B.     False

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