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Microsoft Word - AUTONOMOUS CIV SYLLABUS 2020-2021 R20 R3

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Lectures : 3 Periods/week Sessional Marks : 30

University Exam : 3 hours University Exam marks : 70
Credits :3
Course Learning Objectives:
The course will address the following:
• Outline planning and the design of water supply systems for a community/town/city
• Provide knowledge of water quality requirement for domestic usage
• Impart understanding of importance of protection of water source quality and enlightens the efforts involved in
converting raw water into clean potable water.
• Selection of valves and fixture in water distribution systems
• Impart knowledge on design of water distribution network

Course Outcomes:
After successfully studying this course, students will:
 Understand the impact of humans on environment and environment on humans

 Be able to identify and value the effect of the pollutants on the environment: atmosphere, water and soil.

 Be able to plan strategies to control, reduce and monitor pollution.

 Be able to select the most appropriate technique for the treatment of water, wastewater solid waste and

contaminated air.
 Be conversant with basic environmental legislation.

Water: -
Introduction to Water Supply Engineering - Objectives of water supply systems; water borne diseases; Role of
Environmental Engineers.
Quantity of Water - Estimating requirements; Design period; Per capita consumption; Factors affecting per capita
consumption; Fire demand; Fluctuations in demand; Prediction of population.
Sources & Intake Works Classification of sources of water supply; Choice of source; River and reservoir intakes.
Distribution System
General requirements; Classification; Methods of supply; Layouts of distribution networks. Pipe Appurtenances -
Sluice valves; Check valve; Air valve; Drain valve; Hydrants; Meter.

Quality of Water
Impurities in water; BIS Standards for drinking water. Methods of purification of water; Sequence of treatment
Plain Sedimentation and Coagulation - Theory of sedimentation; Sedimentation tanks; Coagulation; Chemicals
used for coagulation.
Filtration of Water - Theory of filtration; Slow sand and rapid sand filters; Troubles in rapid sand filters; Pressure
Disinfection Of Water - Different methods of disinfection; Chlorination; Types of chlorination.
Miscellaneous Treatment Methods - Water softening: Methods of removing temporary and permanent hardness;
Removal of colour, odour and taste from water; Defluoridation.

Sanitary Engineering :-
Sanitation; Sewerage systems, Sanitary Sewage: Factors affecting sanitary sewage; Determination of quantity of
sanitary sewage; Storm Water Sewage: Factors affecting storm water sewage; Determination of quantity of storm
water sewage.
Sewers, Sewer Appurtenances and Sewage Pumping
Types of sewers; Testing; Sewer appurtenances – Man holes, Drop man holes, Inverted siphons; Street inlets;
Catch basins; Storm water regulators; Sewage pumping; Types of pumps.
Quality and Characteristics of Sewage
Characteristics of sewage; BOD; COD; Physical and chemical analysis of sewage.


Primary Treatment of Sewage - Screens; Grit chamber; Grease traps; Skimming tanks; Sedimentation tanks,
Septic tank, soak pits, leaching Cesspools.
Secondary Treatment of Sewage - Trickling filters: Principles of action; Operational problems and remedies;
Activated sludge process; Methods of aeration: Diffused air system; Mechanical aeration; Combined system;
Activated sludge process vs Trickling filter process; Sludge bulking; Sludge volume index, Secondary Settling
Tanks, Oxidation Ponds.
Sewage Disposal - Objectives; Methods; Disposal by dilution; Disposal by irrigation; Sewage sickness.
Air Pollution
Sources and Classification of Air Pollution - Stationary and mobile sources; Primary and secondary pollutants;
Natural contaminants; Particulate matter; Aerosols; Gaseous pollutants. Global Effects: Global warming; Ozone
depletion; Acid rains, Control of Air Pollution: Settling chamber; Inertial separators; Cyclones; Filters;
Electrostatic Precipitators; Scrubbers.
Noise Pollution
Introduction; Levels of noise; Measurement of sound; Sources of noise and their noise levels; Acceptable noise
levels; Effects of noise.
Urban Solid Waste Management
Sources; Classification; Treatment methods such as compositing, incineration, sanitary landfill and pyrolysis.

1. Environmental Engineering Vol. I - Water supply engineering by S. K. Garg; Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
2. Air Pollution by M.N. Rao and H.V.N. Rao; Tata Mc Graw – Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Environmental Engineering vol. II – Sewage disposal and air pollution engineering by S. K. Garg; Khanna
Publishers, Delhi.

1. Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science by Gilbert Masters, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall,
New Jersey.
2. Introduction to Environmental Engineering by P. Aarne Vesilind, Susan M. Morgan, Thompson
/Brooks/Cole; 2nd Edition 2008.
3. Peavy, H.s, Rowe, D.R, Tchobanoglous, G. Environmental Engineering, 1st Edition, Mc-Graw -Hill
International Editions, New York 1985.



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