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Control and Systems Engineering Department

Branch: mechatronics

Stage:the First

Study morning

Student name: Mostafa Mohamed


Electronic Voltmeter
Electronic Voltmeter
Definition: The voltmeter which uses the amplifier for increasing their sensitivity
is known as the electronic voltmeter. It is used for measuring the voltages of both
the AC and DC devices. The electronic voltmeter gives the accurate reading
because of high input resistance.
In all electronic voltmeter circuits the principle involved is that an indication on
a permanent magnet moving coil instrument (normally abbreviated as PMMC or
D’Arsonval movement) proportional to the input voltage is obtained by means of
amplification in one or more stages with a high input impedance.

Drawbacks of moving coil voltmeter(PMMC):

1. The moving coil voltmeter is not able to detect the low voltages. The
electronic voltmeter overcomes this problem. The electronic voltmeter has
high input impedance because of which it detects the signals of very weak
strength, hence gives the accurate reading.
2. A conventional voltmeter takes a non negligeable current from the circuit
during measurement. Although this current may be in microampere range.
But still this current affects the measuring voltage. A permanent magnet
moving coil instrument normally draws a current of 50 microamperes for
its full scale deflection. So, when it measures the voltage across a circuit it
takes proportionate current from the circuit. Since the instrument takes a
current from the circuit, the voltage profile of the circuit must be changed.
Although during measurement this change of voltage may be quite small.
But sometimes we need very accurate measurement of original voltage
across the circuit.
3. In moving coil voltmeter the large power is drawn from the measured
circuit because of which the error occurs in their reading. This problem is
overcome in the electronic voltmeter.In electronic voltmeter, the pointer is
deflected by taking the supply from the auxiliary amplifier circuit. The
output voltages of the amplifier circuit are similar to the voltage of the test
circuit. The extra power is not passing through the deflector because of
which the meter gives the accurate reading.
Working Principle of Electronic Voltmeter

In this type voltmeter there is always at least an amplifier. This amplifier

amplifies the very small current taken by the electronic voltmeter during
measurement. Then this amplified current is measured by a conventional PMMC
instrument. That means this voltmeter takes very small current from the circuit
but it amplifies the current to higher value so that the current can be measured
by conventional PMMC instrument. In this way an electronic voltmeter can
measure a voltage without affecting the value of the original voltage.

An electronic voltmeter does have its own power supply. So, it needs not to take
any significant current from the circuit under measurement. The amplifying
arrangement makes it possible to measure very tiny current with the help of
conventional PMMC instrument.

Advantages of Electronic Voltmeter

There are numbers of advantages of using an electronic voltmeter. Such as,

1. Its accuracy level is high.

2. A PMMC instrument can only measure direct currents. So, for measuring
AC, electronic voltmeter, must have a rectifier circuit. Because of that
this instrument can measure alternating voltage for wide range of
3. The meters are compact and portable in shape and size.
4. Also it has high sensitivity.
5. It offers very high input impedance. This is why it draws a very low
6. Since current taken by the instrument is very negligible, the loading effect
is quite low.
7. Detection of Low-level signals – The electronic voltmeter uses the
amplifier which avoids the load error. The amplifier detects the very small
signals which produce the current of approximately 50μA. The detection
of low-level signals is essential for determining the true value of the
8. Low Power Consumption – The electronic voltmeter has vacuum tubes
and the transistor which has the amplifying properties. It uses the
auxiliary source for the deflection of the pointer. The measurand voltage
controls the deflection of the sensing element. Thus, the circuit of the
electronic voltmeter consumes very less power.
9. High-Frequency Range – The working of the electronic voltmeter is free
from frequency range because of the transistor. Along with the voltage,
the signal of very high and low frequency can also be measured through

Comparison between Electronic Mechanical Voltmeter and Electronic Voltmeter

1. Power consumption in an electronic voltmeter is much lower than that of

an electromechanical voltmeter.
2. An electro mechanical type voltmeter is much robust in construction than
that of an electronic type.
3. An electronic variant of voltmeters must have at least an amplifier but a
conventional voltmeter does not have an amplifier.
4. The electronic type of voltmeter can measure much higher voltage than a
conventional type.
5. The loading effect (mentioned earlier) is much lower in an electronic
6. We can measure very low level of voltage signal by EVM which is not
possible with help of a conventional analogue voltmeter.
7. The sensitivity, frequency range and input impedance are higher in an
electronic voltmeter than that in an equivalent electro mechanical
Types of Electronic Voltmeter
There are two types of electronic voltmeters available in the market.

1. Analogue Type.
2. Digital Type.

The basic circuit of one type of analog electronic voltmeter is illustrated in

figure . This particular circuit is made up of three stages: an input attenuator, an
electronic amplifier, and an electromechanical voltmeter stage

Note the large triangular graphic symbol normally used to represent an amplifier.
Also, note the small triangular symbol representing the instrument ground. The
input attenuator is simply a voltage divider that divides (or attenuates) high input
voltages to measurable levels.

The amplifier has a very high input resistance so that there is virtually no loading
effect on the attenuator resistors. It also has a low output resistance to supply the
current required by the electromechanical voltmeter stage.
The amplifier has voltage gain (or amplification) of 1, which means that a 1 V
input produces a 1 V output. So, its function is solely to offer a high input
resistance and a low output resistance. In this situation it is said to be a buffer
between the attenuator and voltage-measuring stages; thus, it is termed a buffer
A DC supply voltage (Vcc) must be provided for the amplifier, and this may be
derived from a battery or power supply contained within the instrument. The
operation of the amplifier cannot be understood until electronic devices are

Electromechanical Voltmeter Stage

The electromechanical voltage-measuring stage is typically designed to give
meter FSD for an amplifier output of 1 V. Because the amplifier has a gain of 1,
its output voltage (V0) is equal to the input (Vi) from the attenuator. Thus, meter
FSD is obtained when the attenuator produces a 1 V output.

The attenuator switch is the voltmeter range-selection switch. With the switch at
position A, an attenuator input of 1V is passed to the voltage measuring-stage to
give FSD. This (1V) is the maximum input voltage that can be measured when
the switch is at terminal A. Thus, position A of the range-selection switch is
identified at the 1V range position [see Figure 2].

Fig.2: Electronic Voltmeter Range Selection

Solid State Voltmeter :

The circuit of an electronic voltmeter using an IC opamp 741C. This is directly coupled to very
high gain amplifier. The gain of the opamp can be adjusted to any suitable lower value by
provinding appropriate resistance between its output terminal. Pin No. 6, and inverting input,
Pin No. 2, to provide a negative feedback.

The ratio R2/R1 determines the gain, i.e. 101 in this case, provided by the opamp. The 0.1 µF
capacitor across the 100 k resistance R2 is for stability under stray pick – ups. Terminals 1 and
5 are called offset null terminals. A 10 kΩ potentiometer is connected between these two offset
null terminals with its center tap connected to a 5V supply. This poentiometer is called zero set
and is used for adjusting zero output for zero input conditions.

Solid State mV voltmeter using an Op Amp

The two diodes used are for IC protection. Under normal conditions, they are nonconducting,
as the maximum voltage across them is 10 mV. If an excessive voltage, say more than 100
mV appears across them, then depending upon the polarity of the voltage, one of the diodes
conducts and protects the IC. A µA scale of 50 – 1000 µA full scale deflection can be used as
an indicator. R4 is adjusted to get maximum full scale deflection.

AC Voltmeter:

In electronic ac voltmeters input signal is firstly rectified and then supplied to the dc
amplifier, as shown in figure. Sometimes signal is firstly amplified by AC amplifier and then
rectified before supplying it to dc meter, as shown in figure. In the former case the advantage
is of economical amplifiers and the arrangement is usually used in low priced voltmeters.
" Free Online Course Materials. Physics. MIT
OpenCourseWare." Web. 28 Feb. 2012.
"Physics for Engineers and Scientists (Extended Third Edition)
[Hardcover]." (9780393926316): Hans C. Ohanian, John
T. Markert. 28 Feb. 2012.

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