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Animal Kingdom 100 Questions Checked

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Metamerism is characteristic of
a) Platyhelminthes
b) Mollusca
c) Porifera
d) Annelida

2. Body does not slow any segmentation in

a) Frog
b) Cockroach
c) Earthworm
d) Star Fish/Hydra

3. Radial symmetry occurs in

a) Fishes
b) Molluscs
c) Star Fishes
d) Sponges

4. The property of bioluminescence is well marked in

a) Porifera
b) Ctenophora
c) Mollusca
d) Cnidaria

5. Level of organisation in sponges is

a) Cellular level
b) Acellular level
c) Tissue level
d) Organ-system level

6. Cell aggregate plan is found in

a) Cnidarians
b) Sponges
c) Roundworms
d) Flatworms

7. Level of structural organisation found in Hydra and sea anemone is

a) Cellular
b) Acellular
c) Tissue
d) Organ-system

8. Tube-within-a- Tube body plan is shown by

a) Coelenterates
b) Platyhelminthes
c) Aschelminthes
d) Porifera

9. Diploblastic animals occur in

a) Annelida
b) Ctenophora
c) Coelenterata
d) Both (b) and (c)

10. Coelom is absent in

a) Porifera
b) Coelenterata
c) Platyhelminthes
d) All the above

11. A phylum with triploblastic acoelomate animals is

a) Platyhelminthes
b) Aschelminthes
c) Annelida
d) All the above

12. Echinoderms and chordates have

a) Pseudocoelom
b) Coelom
c) Acoelom
d) Haemocoelom

13. An animals with metameric segmentation/metamerism is

a) Taenia
b) Earth worm
c) Roundworm
d) Planaria

14. In Hydra the symmetry is

a) Absent
b) Radial
c) Bilateral
d) Spherical

15. Majority of sponges are

a) Asymmetrical
b) Radially symmetrical
c) Spherically symmetrical
d) Bilaterally symmetrical

16. The largest phylum of animals kingdom is

a) Annelida
b) Echinodermata
c) Arthropoda
d) Mollusca

17. Ctenophora and Coelenterates resemble each other in being

a) Monoblastic and Radially symmetrical
b) Diploblastic and Radially symmetrical
c) Triploblastic and Bilaterally symmetrical
d) Triploblastic and Asymmetrical

18. Animal with pseudocoelom is

a) Leech
b) Liver Fluke
c) Jelly Fish
d) Hookworm

19. Coelom is cavity between alimentary canal and body wall enclosed by
a) Ectoderm and endoderm
b) Mesoderm and ectoderm
c) Ectoderm on both sides
d) Mesoderm on both sides

20. Which one is not a characteristic feature of Porifera ?

a) body supported by chitin
b) Choanocytes
c) System of pores and canal
d) Presence of spongin fibres

21. Which of the following is a member of phylum Porifera ?

a) Sycon
b) Euspongia
c) Spongilla
d) All of them

22. Select the incorrect characteristic regarding sponges.

a) Internal fertilisation
b) Gemmule formation
c) External fertilisation
d) Gametes formation

23. Most appropriate term to designate the life cycle of Obelia is

a) Neoteny
b) Metagenesis
c) Metamorphosis
d) None of these

24. Which of the following does not belong to phylum Coelenterata ?

a) Sea pen
b) Sea anemone
c) Sea cucumber
d) Sea fan

25. A coelenterate commonly known as ‘fresh water polyp’ is

a) Aurelia
b) Hydra
c) Obelia
d) Jelly fish

26. Corals belong to the phylum

a) Protozoa
b) Porifera
c) Cnidaria
d) Mollusca

27. The phylum of comb jelly is

a) Mollusca
b) Echinodermata
c) Coelenterata
d) Ctenophora

28. One of the special characters of Coelenterata only is the occurrence of

a) Hermaphroditism
b) Flame cells
c) Comb plate
d) Cnidoblasts

29. ‘Portuguese man of war’ is

a) Soldier of World War-I
b) Portuguese soldier
c) A sponge
d) A polymorphic, colonial coelenterate

30. Which of the following is never found in vertebrates ?

a) Bilateral symmetry
b) Gill slits
c) Body scales
d) Comb plates

31. In which phylum Canal System is found ?

a) Porifera
b) Coelenterata
c) Platyhelminthes
d) Nemathelminthes

32. Ctenophores have similarities with members of

a) Porifera
b) Coelenterata
c) Arthropoda
d) Annelida

33. Planaria, liver fluke and Taenia are

a) All segmented
b) All found in the gut
c) All have coelom
d) All flatworms

34. Aschelminthes are called as

a) Round worms
b) Flat worms
c) Blind worms
d) Tubeicolous worms

35. Flame cells are excretory organ of

a) Planaria
b) Hydra
c) Hydrilla
d) Cockroach

36. Locomotory organs in Taenia are called

a) Setae
b) Parapodia
c) Flagella
d) None of these

37. Triploblastic acoelomate animals are

a) Nematodes
b) Platyhelminthes
c) Some arthropods
d) Both (a) and (b)

38. The first true organ grade body organisation is developed in

a) Platyhelminthes
b) Coelenterata
c) Annelida
d) Arthropoda

39. Female Ascaris differs from the male in

a) Having pineal setae
b) Curvature of tail
c) Body length
d) None of these

40. The Wuchereria bancrofti also known as

a) Tape worm
b) Hook worm
c) Round worm
d) Filarial worm

41. Sexual dimorphism is found in

a) Ascaris
b) Amoeba
c) Pheretima
d) All of these

42. Which one of the following is not hermaphrodite animal ?

a) Leeches
b) Nereis
c) Flatworms
d) Earthworm

43. Which of the following belongs to the phylum Annelida ?

a) Octopus
b) Ant
c) Nereis
d) Crab

44. Closed blood vascular system and chitinous setae or parapodia are the
characteristic of
a) Arthropoda
b) Nematoda
c) Annelida
d) None of these

45. True coelom appeared first in the course of evolution in

a) Echinodermata
b) Annelida
c) Chordata
d) Aschelminthes

46. Cephalothorax is found in the

a) Arthropoda
b) Annelida
c) Nematoda
d) Echinodermata

47. What is common among silver fish, scorpion, prawn and honey bee ?
a) Unsegmented Body
b) Poison glands
c) Jointed legs
d) Metamorphosis

48. Insects have blood which

a) Resembles human blood in colour
b) Circulates through arteries and veins
c) Circulates through an open system
d) Has haemoglobin in the cells

49. In cockroach, the excretory organs are

a) Malpighian tubules
b) Nephridia
c) Malpighian corpuscles
d) Solenocytes (flame cells)

50. Which of the following phylum has second largest number of animals
a) Mammalia
b) Mollusca
c) Insecta
d) Reptilia

51. Animals of which set belongs to same phylum

a) Scorpion, cockroach, prawn
b) Scorpion, cockroach, and earthworm
c) Leech, oyster, scorpion
d) Earthworm, leech, coral

52. Segmented body, exoskeleton of chitinised cuticle and presence of

book lungs are the characteristics of
a) Annelida
b) Arthropoda
c) Mollusca
d) None of these

53. Which of the following called pearl oyster ?

a) Limulus
b) Pinctada
c) Aurelia
d) Squid

54. Octopus belongs to

a) Mollusca
b) Echinodermata
c) Arthropoda
d) Ctenophora

55. Molluscs are

a) Terrestrial
b) Fresh water
c) Marine
d) Can be any of these

56. Head, muscular foot, visceral hump and radula are the characters of
a) Arthropoda
b) Annelida
c) Mollusca
d) Echinodermata

57. ‘Sea lily’ also called as

a) Antedon
b) Pila
c) Echinus
d) Sepia

58. As per classification which of the following are in one phylum ?

a) Ascaris, Pheretima, Grasshopper
b) Hydra, Pteris, Leucosolenia
c) Starfish, Grasshopper, Apis
d) Pila, Dentalium, Octopus

59. In mollusca, respiration and excretion occurs through

a) Gills
b) Radula
c) Flame cell
d) Collar

60. Which one of the following is not correctly matched

a) Flame cells - Platyhelminthes
b) Sting cells - Coelenterata
c) Metameric segmentation - Mollusca
d) Gill slits - Chordata

61. Cuttle Fish is a member of

a) Mollusca
b) Echinodermata
c) Pisces
d) Amphibia

62. Star fish , sea cucumber and sea urchin belong to phylum
a) Pisces
b) Coelenterata
c) Echinodermata
d) Mollusca

63. Match the colours and choose the correct combination.

a) A-s, B-r, C-p, D-q
A Annelida P Scorpion
b) A-q, B-s, C-p, D-t
c) A-r, B-s, C-p, D-t B Fasciola q Pila

d) A-t, B-q, C-s, D-r C Arthropoda r Liver Fluke

D Mollusca s Nereis

t Star Fish

64. Water vascular system is typically found in

a) Hydra
b) Sponge
c) Earthworm
d) Star fish

65. Myxine(hagfish) are the members of class

a) Chondrichthyes
b) Asteroidea
c) Cyclostomata
d) Echinoidea

66. An animals with unsegmented coelom, their adult are radially

symmetrical and larvae are bilaterally symmetrical belongs to
a) Arthropoda
b) Mollusca
c) Echinodermata
d) Annelida

67. An animal that transforms from bilateral to radial symmetry in its life
history is
a) Brain Coral
b) Obelia
c) Sea lily
d) Sea fan

68. Match the animals list with names under Column-I with the animals listed with regular zoological name
given under Column-II choose the answer which gives the correct combination of the alphabets of the two
Column-I Column-II
(Animals with common name). (Animals with zoological name)
A) starfish p Sepia
B) Jellyfish q Asterias
C) Devilfish r Aurelia
D) Cuttlefish s Octopus
a) A = r, B = s, C = p, D = q
b) A = r, B = p, C = s, D = q
c) A = q, B = r, C = s, D = p
d) A = q, B = p, C = s, D = r

69. What is the basis of classification of protochordata ?

a) Gut
b) Brain
c) Gills
d) Notochord

70. Balanoglossus belongs to

a) Hemichoradata
b) Cephalochordata
c) Urochordatra
d) Cyclostomata

71. In which of the following Jaws are found ?

a) Salpa
b) Fish
c) Petromyzon
d) Amphixous

72. The animal who possesses notochord through life is

a) Fish
b) Amphioxus
c) Bird
d) Snake

73. Branchiostoma belongs to

a) Urochordata
b) Hemichordata
c) Cephalochordata
d) Protochordata

74. Agnatha includes

a) Hag fishes
b) Fishes
c) Jelly fishes
d) Flying fishes

75. Notochord is restricted to tail region only in

a) Hemichordata
b) Cephalochordata
c) Tunicata
d) none of these

76. Cold blooded animals are those having

a) Cold blood
b) Variable body temperature according to the temperature of atmosphere
c) Always constant temperature
d) Blood, which can flow even below 4 C

77. Chordates are distinguished from non-chordates by the presence of

a) Ventral nerve cord
b) nerve cord
c) Ventral hollow nerve cord
d) Dorsal hollow nerve cord

78. Animals having a built-in thermostat to maintain constant body

temperature are known as
a) Biothermic
b) Poikilothermic
c) Oligothermic
d) Homoiothermic

79. Which of the following is a Class ?

a) Mammalia
b) Diptera
c) Primata
d) Muscidae

80. Which of the following sets of animals belongs to class Cyclostomata

a) Herdmania and petromyzon
b) Petromyzone and Myxine
c) Amphioxus and balanglossus
d) Herdmania and Myxine

81. The electric organ is found is

a) Ascidia
b) Torpedo
c) Starfish
d) Acorn worm

82. Vertebral column is derived from

a) Notochord
b) Dorsal nerve cord
c) Ventral nerve cord
d) Outgrowth of cranium

83. Match items on column I with those give in column II

Column I Column II
a) (A) - (i), (B) - (ii), (C) - (iii), (D) - (iv), (E) - (v)
b) (A) - (ii), (B) - (i), (C) - (iii), (D) - (iv), (E) - (v) (A) Limbless reptile (i) Lamprey

c) (A) - (iii), (B) - (i), (C) - (ii), (D) - (iv), (E) - (v)
(B) Jawless Vertebrate (ii) Salamander
d) (A) - (v), (B) - (ii), (C) - (iii), (D) - (iv), (E) - (I)
(C) Amphibian (iii) Snake

(D) Cartilaginous fish (iv) Shark

(E) Flightless bird (v) Ostrich

84. Which one of the following is a cartilaginous fish ?

a) Silver fish
b) Dog fish
c) Cuttle fish
d) Star fish

85. Air bladder are found in

a) Sharks
b) Scoliodon
c) Rohu
d) Rays(Torpedo)

86. A fish is characterised by the presence of

a) Dermal scales
b) Paired fins
c) Pharyngeal gills
d) All the above

87. Which one of the following is not an amphibian ?

a) Frog
b) Tortoise
c) Salamander
d) Toad

88. Salamander belongs to the class

a) Reptilia
b) Amphibia
c) Aves
d) Mammalia

89. Tree frog is another name for

a) calotes
b) Hyla
c) Bufo
d) Icthiophis

90. Amphibians breed

a) In crevices
b) In water
c) On tress
d) In soil

91. In amphibians , alimentary canal, urinary and reproductive tracts open

into a common chamber called
a) Air bladder
b) Crop
c) Cloaca
d) Cyclostome

92. In Aves which limbs are modified into wings ?

a) Fore limbs
b) hind limbs
c) Lower limbs
d) both (a) and (b)

93. The highly advanced character in crocodile (reptilia) is the presence of

a) Tympanum
b) Shelled eggs
c) Scales on body
d) Four chambered heart

94. Reptiles differ from birds in

a) Having an endoskeleton
b) laying eggs
c) having a crawling mode of locomotion
d) being homoiothermous

95. Which is a poisonous snake

a) Naja
b) Bangers
c) Vipera
d) All of the Above

96. Which animals have a beak with jaws but no teeth ?

a) Aves
b) Snakes
c) Mammals
d) All the above

97. Characteristic feature of Aves is

a) Hair on skin
b) Air sacs
c) Air bladder
d) All the above

98. Which of the following group of animals maintain high and constant
body temperature ?
a) Reptiles
b) Amphibians
c) Birds
d) Fishes

99. In which Order Humans are placed ?

a) Carnivora
b) Rodentia
c) Primata
d) None of the above

100. Egg-laying mammals are

a) Pteropus
b) Platypus
c) Kangaroo
d) Delphinus

101. External ears are characteristics of

a) Birds
b) Mammals
c) Birds and mammals
d) Mammals and reptiles

102. Which of these is a living fossil ?

a) Corvus
b) Limulus
c) Scoliodon
d) All of these

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