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This chapter describes the research methodology used in conducting this

research. It is divide into research design, subject of the study, research
instrument, data collection and data analysis.

1.1 Research Design

The research design in this study is descriptive research. The researcher
describes the errors in the essay written by the students. Then, the researcher
analyses the data by identifying the errors, classifying the errors, and then
tabulating the errors. Afterward the researcher describes the findings and reports it
descriptively. Last, the researcher draws conclusions and provides some

1.2 Setting and Subject of the Study

The subjects of the study were the third semester students in English
Language Teaching study program of Universitas Negeri Malang. There are four
classes of the ELT study program. The researcher chose randomly of one class
which was used as the subject of the study.

1.3 Research Instrument

Here the researcher used document analysis to find the data. According Ary,
et al (2010) document analysis is a research method applied to written or visual
materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the material.
The materials analysed can be textbooks, newspapers, web pages, speeches,
television programs, advertisements, musical compositions, or any of a host of
other types of documents. The researcher is aimed to find out the adjective clause
errors in students’ essay writing. The third semester students have learned about
adjective clause and essay writing in this semester. The researcher gave the
students writing task in the form of writing an essay. The task could be seen in
Appendix 1.
The researcher gave the students topic about English education and social
media. Students should write an essay based on the topic given. After the writing
task was done, they should submit it by email.

1.4 Data Collection

There were some steps to collect the data. First, the researcher prepared the
topic. Second, the students asked to write an essay. Third, the researcher collected
the essays. Fourth, identifying the adjective errors made by the students. Fifth,
analysing and classifying the most common errors made by the students. Finally,
the researcher analysed and made percentage the type of error which the most
frequently occurred from students’ essay writing.

1.5 Data Analysis

In analysing the data, the researcher used the method by Corder in Ellis and
Barbuizen’s theory (2008) Corder which suggest five steps in error analysis
research which are collection of a sample of a learner language, identification of
errors, description of errors, explanation of errors, and evaluation of errors.
Therefore the in analyzing errors, the researcher use Dulay’s Surface Strategy
Taxonomy. The function of that theory is to analyze errors that concern with
identifying a language that underlies the reconstruction of the new language.
The qualitative result will be calculated and draw up in the table of
percentage which the formula as follows:
P= × 100 %
P= Percentage
F= Frequency of error occurred
N= Total Numbers of error

This chapter presents the research finding from the data that have been
analysed. In analyzing errors, the researcher use Dulay’s Surface Strategy
Taxonomy. The function of that theory is to analyze errors that concern with
identifying a language that underlies the reconstruction of the new language.
Based on Surface Strategy Taxonomy, there are four types of errors found in the
even chapters: omission, addition, misformation and misordering error.

3.1 Adjective Clause Errors in Students’ Essay Writing

The table below is the result of correct and incorrect grammatical forms of
adjective clause made by the students in their essay writing. The data were
obtained from 30 students at English Language Teaching study program of
Universitas Negeri Malang.

Table 3.1.a The amount of correct and incorrect form of adjective clause used
Amount Percentage
Correct form 235 80%
Incorrect Form 57 20%
Total 292 100%

From 30 students’ essay, the researcher found 292 forms adjective clause
used by the students. There were 235 or 80% correct forms of adjective clause and
57 or 20% of incorrect forms of adjective clause.
Subsequently, based on the result of 30 students’ essay writing, the following
is the variety of their errors.

Table 3.1.b Types of Errors found in Students’ Essay Writing

Types of Errors Number of Errors Percentage
No Verb 30 33%
No Adjective Connector 10 18%
Double Adjective Connector 2 3%
Double Subject 4 7%
Double Verb 3 5%
Wrong Adjective Connector 1 2%
Subject-Verb Agreement 5 9%
Punctuation of comma 2 3%
Total Errors 57 100%

The researcher also presents the error distribution in the form of table consisting of types
and frequency of errors. It could be seen in Appendix 3

3.1.1 No Verb Error

Adjective clause is a group of a words that contain a subject and a predicate
of its own, and does the work of an adjective. It means there are two sentences or
more that combine into one sentence or dependent clause that function as an
adjective or modifies a noun or pronoun. Here, the participant made an error by
not adding verb in the dependent clause which must be connected to an
independent clause. Beside that, based on Dulay et al. (1982:138) as cite in
Istiqamah (2012) which discuss surface strategy, this error representative of
omission. As his statement that mission errors are characteristic by the absence of
an item that must appear in a well-formed utterance, although any morpheme or
word in a sentence is a potential candidate for omission, some types or
morphemes are omitted more than other.
Example of the error:
Jesse Rothstein said in his article that social distancing may have enormous
economic consequences that (no verb) large enough to significantly slow growth.

3.1.2 No Adjective Connector

In using adjective clause, we need adjective connection to connect the
sentence between independent and dependent clauses. It is also representative
omission of surface strategy as Dulay et al.
Example of the error:
As I said before, we do social distancing to prevent the spread of the corona virus,
because I think (no adjective connector) our lives are far more important than our

3.1.3 Double Adjective Connector

In making an adjective clause with two sentences combined, we only need
one adjective connector to modify noun or pronoun. Here, the participant made an
error by putting more adjective connectors which made the independent clause do
not have a main verb. Whereas this analysed representative addition of surface
strategy taxonomy. Its appropriated by Dulay in Esmalde (2020: 787) that
addition as the opposite omission, this is characterized by the presence of an item
which must not appear in a well-formed utterance.
Example of the error:
Then, breathing exercises that we can do with the rhythm of the breath that is
determined by the count on the metronome. (double adjective connector)
Students who fail in English examination are students who do not prepare the
material well before the examination. (double adjective connector).

3.1.4 Double Subject

In modifying a person or pronoun, we do not need to put the subject again in
that sentence. It also direct on addition which are the contrary of omission, are
characterized by the presence of items that should otherwise not appear in a well-
performed utterance (Ibid in Suhono, 2016: 10).
Example of the error:
For those who do not want to use their money extravagantly they preferred to
save their money in a bank.
For people who want to make their money more useful and developed they decide
to invest their money.

3.1.5 Double Verb

In one sentence, we cannot put two verbs contiguous. It also clearly describe
the addition of surface strategy taxonomy’ error. Its also appropriated by Dulay in
Esmalde (2020: 787) that addition as the opposite omission, this is characterized
by the presence of an item which must not appear in a well-formed utterance.
Example of the error:
Some studies speculate that a human brain can only handle a friendship with a
limited number of people, about 150 people to be exact, which is could resonate
negatively with social media’s friend groups having no limits.
Transportation is the important thing which is can make people more easy to go
to another place.

3.1.6 Wrong Adjective Connector

In modifying the sentence into an adjective clause, we need relative pronouns
to modify nouns or pronouns which are who, whom, which and that. Each relative
pronoun will be depending on the noun or pronoun which is modified in a
sentence. Here, the participants made errors by putting the wrong relative
pronouns. Its error was belonging to misformation error as Dulay statement while
in omission errors them is not supplied at all, in misformation errors the students
supplies something, although it is incorrect.
Example of the error:
This breathing is often called dog panting, because the breathing is doing as dog
who is panting.

3.1.7 Subject-Verb Agreement

Here, some participants made some errors related to subject-verb agreement.
Its also appropriated by Dulay statement while in omission errors them is not
supplied at all, in misformation errors the students supplies something, although it
is incorrect.
Example of the error:
The ways that can be used to find the correct placement is to use humming.
It has new content on the card, there is barcode which set up at the right bottom.
3.1.8 Punctuation of Comma
In adjective clauses, we use commas only for proper noun such as name, city,
and etc. When we use commas if the adjective clause simply gives additional
information and is not necessary to identify the noun it modifies. Whereas this
analysed representative addition of surface strategy taxonomy. Its appropriated by
Dulay in Esmalde (2020: 787) that addition as the opposite omission, this is
characterized by the presence of an item which must not appear in a well-formed
Example of the error:
I believe that everything that we do in earnest, will get the benefits of it and
speech contest really influence for our speaking skill.
Uniquely, visitors who came on February 14, will get a free chocolate.

3.2 Types of Adjective Clause Error Mostly Occurs

From the table 3.1.b, it shows that mostly the adjective clause error made by the
third students in English Language Teaching study program of Universitas Negeri
Malang is that there was no verb in the first/second/third clause that they made.
The percentage was 52%.

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