(First Semester)
(C Scheme) (Main & Re-appear)
Before answering the question-paper candidates should ensure that they have been supplied
to correct and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this regard, will be entertained
after the examination.
Note : Attempt Four questions in all. All questions carry equal marks.
2. What is complexity analysis of algorithm ? How can you measure the complexity
of algorithm in terms of space and time ? Give suitable example to support your
3. Compare and contrast top down and bottom up approach for algorithm design.
What are the different ways to compare algorithms ?
(3)(J22)M-20AA746 1 P.T.O.
4. (a) Consider the following multidimensional array :
X(– 5 : 5, 3 : 33), Y(3 : 10, 1 : 15, 10 : 20)
Find the length of each dimension and number of elements in X and Y.
Suppose Base (Y) = 400 and w = 4. Find the effective indices E1, E2, E3 and
address of Y[5, 10, 15] when Y is stored in Row Major Order and when Y
is stored in Column Major Order.
(b) Write an algorithm to evaluate postfix expression using stack.
Evaluate the following postfix expression :
5, 9, 8, +, 46, *, +, 7, –, *
5. (a) Write an algorithm to delete an element from queue when queue is represented
using array.
(b) Write a program to perform matrix multiplication using arrays.
7. (a) Write an algorithm to delete an element with given location LOC from doubly
Linked List.
(b) Write an algorithm to insert an element into sorted Linked List.
8. (a) Define a binary search tree. Show stepwise procedure to construct a binary
search tree from the following numbers : 60, 30, 20, 70, 55, 90, 35, 45, 80,
95. Show the state of tree after deleting 55 and 35.
(b) Sort the given array using Heapsort :
58, 73, 85, 30, 91, 65, 29, 47, 39, 46, 77, 98
(3)(J22)M-20AA746 2 50