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Sills Filed Indict Summons

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FILED COMMON PLEAS counT OB JAN ST HHI: 35 JENNIE iN CLERK OF Cay GUERNSEY Co, OmO IN THE GUERNSEY COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT ‘GUERNSEY COUNTY, OHIO STATE OF Om. caseno, 23CR1Y Pini vs EXE JOSHUA MATTHEW SIL a OOOO Defendant, (On the Third Term 22 ‘THE STATE OF OHIO. ‘COUNTY OF GUERNSEY. SS: “aunt One The Jurors ofthe Grave Jury of the Stare of Oia, within an for the body of Guernsey County ‘on their oaths, inthe name ana by dhe authority of the Stae of Ohio, dof aad preset Joshua Matthow Sits, ono about the Sth day of December, 2019, inthe county of Guernsey aforesaid, did engage in sexual conduct with MM. shen Joss Mathew Sills purposely ‘compelled her to submit by force or threat of fore in violation of Ohio Revised Code {§2907.02(A)2),2997.02(B), Rape, a feloay ofthe ist degree The offense is contrary tothe form ofthe staat in such case made and provided. al against ‘he peace and digniy of the State of Oo, Count Two The Grane Jurors do farther fn ane present Joshua Matthew Sills on or about the Sth day of December, 2019, in the county of Guemnse aforesaid. did. by fece, threat, or deception, remove M.M. fom te place where she was found ‘orrestrain the liberty of her forthe purpose of facilitating the commission ofa felony. to wit Rape, O.8C. 2607.2 or fight thereafter in violation of Ohio Revised Code §2905.01(A)2), 2905.01(C)(1), Kideapping. a felony ofthe ist de The offense is contrary tothe form ofthe statue tn such case made and provided. ane against the peace and dignty of the State of Ohio, Respeiflly submited SUMMARY OF INDICTMENT CASE NO. ‘Third Term 22 Joshua Matthey Sills DOB: 1/26/1998 lndieement fr: Count 1: Rape, O.R.C. §2907.02(A)2), 2907.02(B), FI Count 2: Kidnapping. O.R.C. §2905.01(AX2, 2905.01(C)1). FI ATRUE BILL Alavigkpofp ZS - Foepecn os Ged Tay Spell rescuer OA Atay Gc ‘The State of Ohio, erasey County. | the undersigned, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in an for sad County, do hereby certify thatthe foregoing isa fll, tue and correct copy ofthe original indictment, wth the endorsements thereon, now on fle in my office, WITNESS my hand and the seal of std Court, at Guernsey County Ohio on this day of Clerk By: Deputy Clerk SUMMONS RULE (B) Court of Common Pleas, Guernsey County, Ohio ‘THE STATE OF OHIO, (Case No. Noe Entered as ced ‘SUMMONS ON INDICTMENT vs osha Matthew Si ‘To: ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ‘An indiciment,« copy of which is attached hereto, has been filed in the Guernsey County Court of Common Pleas Charging Joshua Matthew Sills with Rape ORC Seetion 2907.02 AND Kidnapping ORC Section 2905.01. ‘You are commanded fo summon, Joshua Matthew Sills, sad Defendant, to appear before ssid Court at Cambridge, Ohio on February 16, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. Seid, Jshua Matthew Sills is hereby infored that he or she may be arested ithe or she fis to appear ath time and place stated herein, ‘Special instructins to executing officer ‘Given under my band and th seal of sid Court this day of_\Jnudavi} 2023 “Jennifer Johnson, Clerk ve COURTOFCOMMONPLEAS S Guernsey County, Obto BR wv dS Deputy Clerk =" < RECEIPT OF SUMMONS BY EXECUTING AUTHORITY Fist ove Received this summons on 20_,at__o'elock_m. Oicer By Tile

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