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MetaGoddesses 10 2 2019 SAMSoffering

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Venus Alchemy Presents

The Meta Goddesses

a.k.a Overtones

With Cayelin K Castell and Tami Brunk

© 2018 Venus Alchemy

What’s the Venus Alchemy
Framework for the Venus Cycle?
• Different Points of View (some historical)
On Determining Your Meta Goddess

• Different Venus Cycle Start Times and ways

to Determine Venus Phases

• No right or wrong because

the World is How We Dream It

• The Importance of the Inanna Story and

adapting it to our current day understanding

• Shamanic Astrology Overtones

Venus Alchemy Meta Goddesses
© 2019 Venus Alchemy
Defining Overtone

Its a musical tone that is part of

a harmonic series above a
fundamental note often heard
with the fundamental note.
It changes the nature of the
fundamental note - in this case
the Venus Sign.
It is a subtle or subsidiary
quality, implication, or

It isn’t the leading energy or

sound but is influencing the
overall affect - adding
additional energy within the
harmonic – in this case your
natal Venus. © 2019 Venus Alchemy
This sign Venus Occupies January 17, 2014 © 2019 Venus Alchemy
when Rises in the Morning 18 Capricorn
Sky is the “Meta Goddess” January 15, 2022
or Overtone active on the 15 Capricorn
world stage for about 19

March 2017 Aries 2010 Scorpio

March 29, 2025 November 1, 2018
29 Pisces 29 Libra

June 10, 2020 August 22, 2015

10 Gemini 19 Leo
August 19, 2023
17 Leo

5 Synodic Venus cycles equals 8 years.

It takes 8 years
for Venus to
complete a
Each pentacle
point shifts
about 2 or 3
degrees earlier
through the
It takes about
1247 years for
the Pentacle to
make one full
© 2019 Venus Alchemy
First Morning Star Rise 1774 in Pisces First Morning Star Rise 1871 in Virgo
Last Morning Star Rise 1870 in Pisces Last Morning Star Rise 1967 in Virgo
Total of 13 (next one starts in 2025) Total of 13 (next one starts in 2122)

First Morning Star Rise 1878 in Aquarius First Morning Star Rise 1975 in Leo
Last Morning Star Rise 1966 in Aquarius Last Morning Star Rise 2079 in Leo
Total of 12 (next one starts in 2129) Total of 14

First Morning Star Rise 1974 in Capricorn First Morning Star Rise 1852 in Cancer
Last Morning Star Rise 2069 in Capricorn Last Morning Star Rise 1940 in Cancer
Total of 13 Total of 12 (next one starts in 2087)

First Morning Star Rise 1826 in Sagittarius First Morning Star Rise 1948 in Gemini
Last Morning Star Rise 1914 in Sagittarius Last Morning Star Rise 2052 in Gemini
Total of 14 (next one in 2077) Total of 14

First Morning Star Rise 1671 in Scorpio First Morning Star Rise 1809 in Taurus
Last Morning Star Rise 1759 in Scorpio Last Morning Star Rise 1913 in Taurus
Total of 12 (also 1922 to 2010) Total of 14 (next one in 2060)

First Morning Star Rise 1767 in Libra First Morning Star Rise 1921 in Aries (April 28)
Last Morning Star Rise 1863 in Libra Last Morning Star Rise 2017 in Aries (Mar 31)
Total of 12 (also 2018 to 2114 ) Total of 13 (next one in 2172)
© 2019 Venus Alchemy
Venus Rising into New Cycle Venus Rises
Every 19 months and returning to Every 8 years in a sign
the same season every 8 years.
12 times or 96 years
Libra - November 01, 2018 13 times or 104 years
14 times or 112 years

Gemini - June 09, 2020


Capricorn - Jan 14, 2022


Leo August - 19, 2023


Pisces - March 29, 2025


Libra - October 30, 2026

Gemini - June 07, 2028
Capricorn - January 12, 2030

Leo - August 17, 2031


Pisces - March 26, 2033

© 2019 Venus Alchemy
Venus Overtone/Meta Goddess
Phase and the Sign of Venus
© 2019 Venus Alchemy

The energy of our Venus Meta Goddess influences our

whole life. The Synthesis of the Meta Goddess, Venus Oprah Winfrey
Sign and Phases reveals an individual’s unique Venus Aries Overtone
Underworld Venus in Aquarius

Oprah Winfrey on the world stage is bold and pioneering

shining a light on issues such as racism and sexism and
raising the consciousness of the collective thus rapidly
evolving the culture.
Rachel Carson on the world stage revealed the shadow Rachel Carson
dimension of the chemicals industry when she wrote Scorpio Overtone
Evening Star Venus in Taurus
Silent Spring. She was a wise woman fueled by her
passionate love of our beautiful Earth.
Meryl Streep on the world stage as a multifaceted
actress embodies the Shapeshifter and Divine
Comedienne. She also expresses the nurturing and wise Meryl Streep
woman in many of her roles, taking on issues that Gemini Overtone
concern the community as in the movie Silkwood. Evening Star Venus in Cancer
Overtone Shifts - New Meta Goddesses
Jul 24, 1948 Cancer to Gemini
Jan 29, 1974 Aquarius to Capricorn
Sep 03, 1975 Virgo to Leo
Nov 01, 2018 Scorpio to Libra
Mar 29, 2025 Aries to Pisces

Theoretically you have fully integrated the teachings

of the Meta-Goddess of the Venus Overtone Active
at your birth, and are currently in training with the
Meta Goddess of your New Overtone.

Our research indicates life themes, particularly those

at play during Venus Returns, shift with the

© 2019 Venus Alchemy

Changing Overtones or Meta Goddess since 1948
Cancer/Gemini Overtone
(Changed in 1948)
Having integrated the qualities of
emotional care and nurturing the intent now
is to channel the Gemini qualities of
playfulness and inspired communication into
your work to restore a culture
where it is safe to be vulnerable,
and to be in contact with the inner child.
Scorpio/Libra Overtone (Changes in 2025)
(Changes in 2018) While actively engaging the noble
Previous priorities and life view have been cause or mission you are
deeply informed by your passion and committed to furthering, the
intensity for magnifying personal life force. Pisces Meta Goddess asks you to
Your intent now is to find alive and include love and compassion in
collaborative ways to increase life force your desire to restore the cosmic
through partnership with others. balance.
© 2019 Venus Alchemy
Scorpio Meta Goddess
Mistress of Magic and Life Force
The Scorpio Meta Goddess is:
• Often feared and suppressed
• Is a catalyst and shadow magnet
• A powerful Mistress of Magic and Manifestation
• Is passionate and relentless when excited and turned on
• Pursues the experience of powerful enlivening life force
• Knows and honors the mysteries of the Life/Death/Life
Cycle welcoming death and the inevitable rebirth

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:

• Experience events that help us to master the mysteries
of Death, Rebirth and Surrender
• Experience All that Enlivens US
• Liberate the infinite source of Life Force energy still bound by fear
• Master Life Force Energy - Manifesting our Desires in alignment with Divine Will
• Discover Powerful Expressions of Tantra and Shamanism
• Accept that we are a Catalyst – a conduit for bringing the Shadow to Light so it is
transformed and transformational
© 2019 Venus Alchemy
Libra Meta Goddess Invocation
Oh Radiant and Shining Sorceress of Love and Magic
Guide us to Source Vibrant, Harmonious Relationships
Inspired by Your Brilliant, Uplifting Love Light
Guide Us In Understanding Who we Really Are
Through our Interaction with Others
Help us to discover the Gifts of experiencing
Happy, Healthy, Co-Creative Relationships
Helps us to know and personally experience
The wonder of Cooperation and Collaboration
Magically Crafting a Loving, Joy Filled,
Harmonious World
Bless Us With Your Guidance and Wisdom,
in transforming any remaining limiting beliefs around the challenges of Hierarchical Relating
So even when we are in roles of either teaching or being taught, of guiding or being guided,
of helping or being helped, of initiating or being initiated, of inspiring or being inspired
We know our value is never more or less than anyone else

Help us to See that every relationship we encounter - no matter how brief or challenging or
wonderful - is a mirror reflecting what is within us.
Help us to know and experience the magic of seeing who we are through the eyes of another
So that we live in relational peace and balance from the inside out © 2019 Venus Alchemy
Libra Meta Goddess Rising
The Libra Meta Goddess re-emerged on the world
stage November 1, 2018 having been
off the world stage for 155 years.
Libra stays on the world stage until 2114 or 96
Last Time Libra was on the World Stage
First Morning Star Rise 1767 in Libra
Last Morning Star Rise 1863 in Libra
Total of 12 times over 96 years
The Libra Meta Goddess was
the Meta Goddess on the
world stage in 1776 when
the United States became a
country with Venus in Cancer
in the Underworld Phase
of her Journey…

© 2019 Venus Alchemy

Libra Meta Goddess
The Divine Consort
The Libra Meta Goddess is:
• All About creating collaborative, conscious, co-creative
relationships dismantling all remaining hierarchies
• About Justice for ALL not just a few
• All About Creating Cooperation rather than Competition
• Desiring to Be Loved for Who She IS and loving Others for
Who They Are
• Aware of how others mirror to us what we most need to
see in ourselves

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:


• Understand the Importance of Healthy Relationships

where everyone is equally valued for their unique contribution
• Understand healthy relationships beginning with recognizing no one is more or less
important than anyone else
• Know the value of Cooperation and Collaboration as foundational to a healthy relationship
• Know Ourselves Through What Others Reflect to US
• Be a skillful Diplomat and Peacemaker, Promoting Harmony, Balance and Personal
© 2019 Venus Alchemy
Cancer Meta Goddess
The Great Mother
This Meta-Goddess is:
• The Great Mother Goddess appearing
across all cultures and ages
• All about nurturing, caring for her
progeny or “seeds” until maturity is
• Dedicated to giving love from a place
of commitment and responsibility

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:

• Create safe spaces in our families and
communities where the vulnerable
are cared for
• Tend to the mothers in our lives and © 2019 Venus Alchemy
the mother within
• Practice self-care so our caretaking comes from a place of wellbeing and plenty
• Cultivate emotional vulnerability and encourage others to do the same
The Cancer Meta Goddess Is Off the World Stage
The Last Cancer Venus
Cycle began in 1940 and ended
in 1942. Gemini emerged onto
the world stage in 1948.
Cancer doesn’t return until 2087
or 139 years later.
How have we experienced
the absence of the Cancer
Meta Goddess on the world
stage through this period that
encompasses the center point of the “Turning of the Ages?
Is it significant that the absence of Great Mother Meta Goddess corresponds
to our devastatingly rapid destruction of Mother Earth during this period?
Is it possible the other Meta Goddesses carry “Mother Medicine” each in
their own way.
© 2019 Venus Alchemy
Gemini Meta Goddess Invocation
Oh Playful, Fun, and Creative Goddess
You Who Open the Pathways and Doorways
Into Realms of Magic and Creative Genius.
You Who Restore Our Faith in the Wonder of Life.
Show Us The Truths We Knew as a Child
Restore to Us what the Years have hidden from Us
Reveal to Us Our Genius through Dreaming, Signs,
Synchronicity, and Creative Inspiration
Reveal to US How Life is Magical
And Continuously filled with Possibility, and Delight.
Open Our ears and inner sight to the hidden language
of the Stars, the Plants, the Animals, the Stones, the
Rivers, the Mountains and the Trees.

Heal Our Minds from the Old Stories and Narratives whose Time Has Passed
Awaken within Us New Stories, New Songs, New Possibilities, New Understanding
Bringing Love, Magic, and Play Into Our World Again.
© 2019 Venus Alchemy
Gemini Meta Goddess
She Who Opens the Ways
This Meta-Goddess Is:
• All about World Bridging and Freedom,
activating within us our Multidimensional
Nature and liberating us from the bonds of
linear time, space and consensus reality
• All about embodying the Magical Child Within,
living in Kairos time and guided by
synchronicities and signs into a life of wonder,
play, and FUN FUN FUN!
• All about joyful and playful Creative Self Expression guided by the genius of our inner Divine

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:

• Awaken our Inner Magical Child so we are guided by a More Fun and Less Serious Order
of Reality
• Hear the Song of the Universe, and the language of the Stars, the Plants, the Animals, the
Spirit World
• Become a creative messenger, telling stories that entertain, enlighten and inform
• Pay attention to Synchronicity and Signs as Guideposts Leading Us to live greater Magic and
Possibility © 2019 Venus Alchemy
Aquarius Meta Goddess
Feminine Revolutionary Change Agent
© 2019 Venus Alchemy

The Aquarius Meta Goddess is:

• Unique and Revolutionary
• Freedom Oriented
• Focused on expanded states of Consciousness
• Focused on the BIG Picture/Cosmic Overview
that go beyond Middle World rules, restrictions
and concepts.

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:

• Liberate the Feminine from Patriarchal Conditioning
• Be a Free Electron – Choosing Our Way
• Access the Brilliance of the Feminine Mind
• Discover Our Unique Style of Revolutionary Freedom
• Find Our Unique, Cutting Edge Way of Being
• Experience Universal Love and Cultivate Egalitarian Ideals
Aquarius: Feminine Freedom
• Experiment with New Ideas
• Access Other Realms and Dimensions
Capricorn Meta Goddess
Cultural Creatrix
This Meta Goddess is:
• Wise in ALL Ways including wise use
of time, money and other resources
• A responsible community leader
• Medicine Woman
• Teacher

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:

• Encounter and Heal the Wounding of Ancestral Culture
• Engage the Reality that We Do Enough & We Are Enough
• Cultivate Healthy Boundaries to Stand Strong and Centered
• Build a Culture in Harmony with Earth and Next Generations
• Claim Your Path as a Way-Shower and Wisdom Keeper in
Your Community

© 2019 Venus Alchemy

Leo Meta Goddess
Divine Sovereign Queen
This Mega Goddess is:
• All about Shining Our Divine Light
• All About Uplifting everyone around us as
We Stand in Our Sovereignty and Self Love
• Expressing as the Charismatic, Fun, and Radiantly
Confident Goddess
• All About Awakening as a Vision Carrier and
Enlisting Others Support in Carrying Out that Vision

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:

• Show Up and Freely Shine Our Love Light In the
• Know that Shining is Natural and Easy when we
remember we are the Divine Light
• Become aware of where we are in judgment of our self or others
• Transform any and all thoughts, feelings, and experiences that do NOT support the full-on
experience of Radical Radiant Self-Love, Self-Confidence, Self-Acceptance, Self-Approval,
and Self-Respect

© 2019 Venus Alchemy

Virgo Meta Goddess
Virgin Priestess
This Meta-Goddess Is:
• Dedicated to remembering the
Sacred Ceremonies that keep
human nature in balance with the
natural seasons and cycles
• Accomplishing the Sacred Work of
Awakening humanity to Gaia Consciousness
• Bringing the Divine Feminine Presence
back into the world to make it holy again
• Dedicated to her Sacred Work as Creatrix
reweaving humanity’s thread back into the
matrix of Creation

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:

• Restore a Culture of Reverence Toward the Living Earth
• Align Human Systems to be in Harmony with Gaia
• Remember and Restore the Priestess Archetype
• Honor the Divine Feminine within the Collective
• Live Life as Ceremony and Encourage Others to Do the Same
• Know Our Sovereignty
• Know We are Whole and Holy! © 2018 Venus Alchemy
Pisces Meta Goddess
Nurturing Compassionate Healer
This Meta-Goddess Is:
• The Transpersonal Goddess of Love and
Compassion who heals all wounds
• All about understanding and valuing the gifts
of feeling the full range of grief, sorrow and joy
• Capable of merging with another so you feel
gotten and truly seen
• Carrying the Medicine of the Aries
Meta-Goddess she expresses fierce compassion
and an ability to heal herself first, so as to
naturally activate the power to heal the world.

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:

• Be a Visionary Dreamer
• Cultivate Our Connection with the Divine © 2019 Venus Alchemy
• Cultivate Compassionate Safe Space for Self and Others
• Practice Empathic Sensitive Giving
• Be Flexible, Adaptable
• Express healthy forms of Self-Less Service to Spirit, the Divine, ALL of Life
Aries Meta Goddess
Wild Warrior Woman
Restoring Cosmic Balance
This Meta Goddess is:
• All about bold adventure - climbing
mountains because they are there
• Illuminating areas of injustice, deception, falsity and untruth
• All about taking inspired action to restore cosmic justice
• Enthusiasm and eagerness to be all IN for worthy cause, a noble mission

This Meta-Goddess Guides Us to:

• Attune to Inner and Outer Power Distortions,
© 2019 Venus Alchemy
so we can Bring them Back into Balance
• Take Inspired Action to Further Our Worthy Cause
• Claim Our Passionate Life Purpose
• Return to or Find Our “All In” Commitment Again and Again
• Live From a Fierce and Full-Hearted YES to ALL of Life
• Equally embrace Ease and Struggle, Joy and Pain, Doubt and Self-Assurance
Locating Your Venus Meta Goddess
The Following
Tables will
help you
locate your
Meta Goddess.
Scroll through the
tables and look for a
date just before you
were born before
the cycle ended.
For example:
If you born in
December 1954,
April 1955 or
January 1956
the Venus Cycle that
began before you
were born was
Scorpio beginning
November 21, 1954
Another Example
If you born early
March in 1950 or
1951 the Venus
Cycle Meta Goddess
was Aquarius
having started
Feb 6, 1950.

If you born in
anytime after
January 30 in 1974
to Sep 03 1975 the
Venus Cycle or Meta
Goddess Cycle
was Capricorn due
to the shift that
occurred with that

For those born with Aquarius Meta Goddess before 1974

you are now adding Capricorn to your Meta Goddess Inventory
Scorpio Synodic Cycle Dates
November 26, 1938 to July 03, 1940
November 24, 1946 to July 24, 1948
November 21, 1954 to June 28, 1956
November 19, 1962 to June 26, 1964
November 16, 1970 to June 24, 1972
November 14, 1978 to June 22, 1980
November 11, 1986 to June 20, 1988
November 09, 1994 to June 17, 1996
November 06, 2002 to June 14, 2004
November 04, 2010 to June 12, 2012
November 1, 2018 to June 10, 2020 Libra
October 30, 2026 to June 06, 2028 Libra

© 2019 Venus Alchemy

Cancer/Gemini Venus Synodic Cycle Dates

July 05, 1932 to February 11, 1934 (Cancer)

July 03, 1940 to February 09, 1942 (Cancer)
July 01, 1948 to February 07, 1950 (Gemini)
June 28, 1956 to February 04, 1958
June 26, 1964 to February 02, 1966
June 24, 1972 to January 30, 1974
June 21, 1980 to January 28, 1982
June 19, 1988 to January 25, 1990
June 17, 1996 to January 23, 1998
June 14, 2004 to January 20, 2006
June 12, 2012 to January 18, 2014
June 10, 2020 to January 15, 2022

© 2019 Venus Alchemy

Aquarius for the first 5 dates
Capricorn from 1975 and beyond
Venus Synodic Cycle Dates

February 11, 1939 to September 14, 1935

February 08, 1942 to September 12, 1943
February 06, 1950 to September 10, 1951
February 04, 1958 to September 08, 1959
February 01, 1966 to September 06, 1967
January 30, 1974 to September 03, 1975 Cap
January 27, 1982 to August 31, 1983
January 25, 1990 to August 28, 1991
January 22, 1998 to August 27, 1999
January 20, 2006 to August 25, 2007 © 2019 Venus Alchemy
January 17, 2014 to August 22, 2015
January 15, 2022 to August 20, 2023
First 5 Dates are Virgo
From 1975 and beyond Leo

September 14, 1935 to April 23, 1937

September 12, 1943 to April 20, 1945
September 09, 1951 to April 18, 1953
September 07, 1959 to April 16, 1961
September 05, 1967 to April 13, 1969
September 02, 1975 to April 11, 1977 LEO
August 31, 1983 to April 08, 1985
August 28, 1991 to April 06, 1993
August 26, 1999 to April 04, 2001
August 24, 2007 to April 01, 2009
August 22, 2015 to March 31, 2017
August 19, 2023 to March 29, 2025

© 2019 Venus Alchemy

Aries Venus Synodic Cycle Dates

April 24, 1937 to November 26, 1938

April 22, 1945 to November 24, 1946
April 19, 1953 to November 21, 1954
April 17, 1961 to November 19, 1962
April 14, 1969 to November 16, 1970
April 12, 1977 to November 14, 1978
April 10, 1985 to November 11, 1986
April 07, 1993 to November 09, 1994
April 05, 2001 to November 07, 2002
April 03, 2009 to November 05, 2010
March 31, 2017 to October 31, 2018
March 29, 2025 to October 30, 2026 Shifts to Pisces

© 2019 Venus Alchemy

How has YOUR Meta Goddess or
Overtone Sign shown up for you?

What insights does YOUR Meta

Goddess provide you in relationship
to your Venus sign?

© 2019 Venus Alchemy

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