HUMANITIES Module 1 Part C
HUMANITIES Module 1 Part C
HUMANITIES Module 1 Part C
Semester III
• The term society is derived from the Latin word
“sociability” which mean companionship or
friendship. The term society is the most
fundamental one in sociology.
• Definitions
• Morris Ginsberg: A society is a collection of
individuals united by certain relations or mode of
behavior which mark them off from others who do
not enter into these relations or who differ from
them in behavior.
• MacIver & Page: Society is a web of social
• Prof. Giddings: Society is the union itself, the
organization and the sum of formal relations in
which associating individuals are bound together.
A society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction, or a
large social group sharing the same geographical or social territory. It could also be
sharing the same political authority and/or dominant cultural expectations.
• FAMILY – Smallest unit of society
A half-section of the 12th-century South Tang Dynasty : the painting portrays servants,
musicians, monks, children, guests, and hosts all in a single social environment.
Characteristics of Society
• 1. Society consists of people: Society is composed of people. Without people no society can exists
no relationship no social life at all.
• 2. Mutual interaction and mutual awareness: Society is a group of people have continuous
interaction with each other. It refers to the reciprocal contract between two or more persons. It is
processes where by men are interdependent on each other. An individual is a member of society
so long as he engages his relationship with other members of society.
• 4. Society depends on likeness: The principle of likeness is essential or society exists among those
who resemble each other. Likeness refers to the similarities with regard to their needs, works aims,
ideal, values and outlook towards life and so on.
Just as the "birds of the same feather flock together," men belonging to the same species called
"Homo Sapiens" have many things in common.
• 5. Society rests on difference: Society also implies difference. A
society based entirely on likeness and uniformities is bound to
be loose in socialites. If all the men are alike, their social
relationship would be very much limited. So we find differences
in the society e.g. biological differences between the people,
differ from one another in their looks, person personality, .ability,
talent, attitude, intelligence and faith and so on. People pursue
different activities because of these differences. Thus in society
we find technocrats, bureaucrat, labors, businessmen,
engineers, doctors, advocates and other working in different
capacities in different field of society. However difference
alone cannot create society. It is subordinate to likeness.
Community is a social group with some degree of "we feeling"
and living in a given area".
Kingsley Davis:
Community is the smallest territorial group that can embrace
all aspects of social life.
• 1. Locality:
• A community is a territorial group. It always occupies some
geographic area.
• Locality is the physical basis of community. Living together
facilitates people to develop social contacts given protection,
safety and security.
• 2. Community Sentiments:
• Locality alone cannot make a group or community.
• A community is essentially an area of common living with a
feeling of belonging.
• There must be the common living with its awareness of sharing a
way of life as well as the common earth.
• Community sentiments mean a feeling of belonging together.
The members must be aware of their staying together and
sharing common interest. The members develop sense of "we
Other Aspects of Community
• 1. Group of people: Community is a group of people. Whenever the
individuals live together in such a way that they share the basic
conditions of a common life. We call them forming a community.
1. Population is one of the most essential 1. Population is important but here the population is
characteristics of a community irrespective of the conditioned by a feeling of oneness. Thus conscious
consideration whether people have or do not relations are more important than the mere population
have conscious relations. for a society.
2. A community by nature is discrete as 2. By nature and character, society is abstract.
compared with society.
3. For community area or locality is very essential 3. Society is area less and shapeless and for a society
and that perhaps is the reason that the area is no consideration.
community had a definite shape.
4. A community has comparatively narrow scope 4. A society has heterogeneity and because of its wide
of community sentiments and as such it cannot scope and field can embrace people having different
have wide heterogeneity. conflicts.
5. The scope of community is narrow than that of 5. The society has much wider scope as compared with
society because community came much later the community.
than the society. Though the primitive people
might not have understood the importance of
community but they realized that of the society
and lived in it.
6. In a community every effort is made to avoid 6. In a society likeness and conflict can exist side by side
differences or conflicts and to bring likeness as and in fact the scope of society is so vast that there is
nearly as possible because cooperation and every possibility of adjustment.
conflicts cannot exist in a community.
• In human society, family is a group of people related either by consanguinity
(recognized birth) or affinity (by marriage or other relationship). The purpose of families
is to maintain the well-being of its members and of society. Ideally, families would offer
predictability, structure, and safety as members mature and participate in the
community. Additionally, as the basic unit for meeting the basic needs of its members,
it provides a sense of boundaries for performing tasks in a safe environment, ideally
builds a person into a functional adult, transmits culture, and ensures continuity of
humankind with precedents of knowledge.