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Part 3broken World

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The story of the World

Part 3: The Broken World

This is part three of our series the story of the World.

It is a series to see how the Bible is connected from start to end as one Big Story with major themes.

And each theme answers important questions in our lives.

Part 1 was the beginning of man: and our question was from where did man come from? And what
is man’s purpose?

We learned that God is our beginning our creator and God created us with good purpose which is to
enjoy God’s gift, take care of God’s world and worship God.

But if God is good and if God created us and the world good, why is there suffering in the world?

And that was our question in Part 2 with the theme: Sin entered the world.

And we saw what sin is in man’s disobedience against God the creator and giver of his life, and the
source of all goodness.

Man rejected God by disobeying God and therefore rejects life and goodness.

And that is not the case of Adam and Eve only but of every generation after them even until today.
Man continues to reject God and suffers its consequences. And that is what we shall see today.

And we will be looking at the story from Genesis 3 – 7. We won’t read these chapters but I
encourage you to read on your own.

But what I will do is give you a summary of it.

Our story begins after Adam and Eve was casted out from the Garden of Eden.

Adam and Eve gave birth to two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain was a gardener and Abel was a herder.
One day the two men made an offering before God. Cain offered fruits and Abel offered an animal.
God accepted Abel’s offering but of Cain God did not. Cain got angry and killed Abel. Cain became a
wanderer. Adam and Eve had another son named Seth. People grew in numbers but also people
became more and more sinful. God chose Noah to call people to repentance and to build an ark to
save people and animals from God’s judgment. God sends rain for 120 days and flooded the land.
When the flood has subsided Noah made an offering and God gave him a promise.

Let us pray …

I have entitled today’s sermon: The Power of Sin and the Promise of God

There are four Relationships that are affected by sin. UPWARD, INWARD, OUTWARD, and

1. The first one that is affected by sin is the UPWARD RELATIONSHIP or the relationship
between man and God. Sin breaks our relationship with God. Sin alienates us from God.
It alienated Adam and Eve from God. Because of sin Adam and Eve were filled with guilt because of
what they have done. And so they were casted out from the garden of Eden.
therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden
พระเจ ้าพระยาห์เวห์จงึ ทรงขับไล่เขาออกจากสวนเอเดน

ปฐมกาล 3

Adam had a wonderful relationship with God in the beginning. But it was destroyed by his
disobedience. Sin ruins our relationship with God.

2. The second relationship is the INWARD RELATIONSHIP or the relationship of man with
himself. Sin breaks our relationship with ourselves. Sin distorts our understanding of self and
makes us lose our identity.

It distorted Eve’s identity when she was deceived of what she can become and when she desired to
be like God. Both Adam and Eve felt shame because of what they have become.

Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig
leaves together and made themselves loincloths.

แล ้วเขาทัง้ สองก็ตาสว่าง และตระหนักว่าตนเองเปลือยกายอยู่ จึงเอาใบมะเดือ
่ มาเย็บเป็ นเครือ
่ งปกปิ ด

ปฐมกาล 3

They were God’s creation, created in God’s image to be God’s representative and representation but
she distorted her role. They wished to become like God but instead they were ashamed of what they
have become. Sin confuses our identity.

3. The third relationship affected by sin is the OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP or relationship

between man and people. Sin breaks our relationship with other people. Sin makes us in
enmity with one another.

Adam blamed Eve.

The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.
้ ทูลว่า “หญิงทีพ
่ ระองค์ให ้อยูก
่ บ
ั ข ้าพระองค์นั่นแหละ ยืน
่ ผลจากต ้นไม ้นัน
้ ให ้แก่ข ้าพระองค์ ข ้า
พระองค์จงึ กิน”
ปฐมกาล 3

Cain murdered Abel.

Cain spoke to Abel his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother
Abel and killed him.

ฝ่ ายคาอินชวนอาแบลน ้องชายของเขาว่า “เราไปทีท ่ งุ่ นากันเถอะ” ขณะอยูด ่ ้วยกันทีน
่ ั่น คาอินก็ทำร ้าย
และฆ่าอาแบลน ้องชายของเขา
ปฐมกาล 4

Blaming between husbands and wives instead of being one flesh.

Jealousy and Murder between siblings and between neighbors instead of taking care of one another.
Sin puts us at enmity with one another.
4. And the last one is the DOWNWARD RELATIONSHIP or the relationship between man and
the world. Sin breaks man’s relationship with this world. Man’s sin causes both man and the
world to suffer.

The ground was cursed because of Adam’s sin.

cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;
thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field.
By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread,
เจ ้าจะหาเลีย
้ งชีพจากแผ่นดินด ้วยความลำบากตรากตรำ ตลอดชีวต ิ ของเจ ้า
ต ้นหนามน ้อยใหญ่จะงอกขึน ้ มาบนแผ่นดิน และเจ ้าจะกินพืชพันธุจ ์ ากท ้องทุง่
เจ ้าจะทำมาหากิน อาบเหงือ ่ ต่างน้ำ
ปฐมกาล 3

And it gets worse for Cain’s relationship with the ground.

And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's
blood from your hand. 12 When you work the ground, it shall no longer yield to you its strength
 11 บัดนีเ้ จ ้าถูกสาปแช่งและขับออกจากแผ่นดินซึง่ รองรับโลหิตของน ้องชายของเจ ้าเพราะน้ำมือของเจ ้า 1

่ เจ ้าไถพรวนดิน มันจะไม่ให ้ผลผลิตแก่เจ ้าอีกต่อไป
ปฐมกาล 4

But this wasn’t the end of man’s sin. It got really worse that when God looked at the world this is
what God declared:
Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 And God saw
the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. 13 And God
said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, [c] for the earth is filled with violence
through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.  

ในขณะนัน ่ มทรามในสายพระเนตรของพระเจ ้าและเต็มไปด ้วยความโหดร ้ายทารุณ   พระเจ ้าทรง

้ โลกเสือ
เห็นว่าโลกเสือ่ มทรามมากเพราะสิง่ มีชวี ต
ิ ทัง้ ปวงล ้วนดำเนินชีวต ่ มทราม พระเจ ้าจึงตรัสกับโน
ิ อย่างเสือ
อาห์วา่ “เรากำลังจะนำจุดจบมาถึงคนทัง้ ปวง เพราะสิง่ มีชวี ต ิ ทัง้ ปวงทำให ้โลกเต็มไปด ้วยความโหดร ้าย
ทารุณ เราจะทำลายสิง่ เหล่านีแ
้ ละโลกอย่างแน่นอน 
ปฐมกาล 6:11-13

The Earth that was created good is now corrupted because of the ways of man. And it was cursed to
give man hardship. Sin causes man and the world to be full of suffering.

So those are the four relationships that were broken by sin. But we don’t only see this in the Bible,
we also see this in our world today. People having broken relationships. Broken relationships with
God, with themselves, with other people, with this world.

We see people who don’t believe in God, and people who disobeys God, and people who ungrateful
and even angry to God.

We see people who don’t know themselves, people who are full of shame, people who have no
reason to live, and people who have wrong reasons to live.

We see people who hate each other. Husband and wife blaming each other. Neighbors or even
brothers jealous over one another and even killing the other.
We see people exploiting the world. Taking advantage of the world for their selfish gain. Poisoning
air and water, murdering animals.

The power of sin in this world is great and it affects man and all its relationships.
Is there hope for this world?

Yes there is, because God is good.

At every relationship that sin has broken, God has a promise to restore.

UPWARD RELATIONSHIP: With man’s relationship with God that was first destroyed because of
Satan’s deception, God promised a savior that will destroy the works of Satan and Satan himself.

I will put enmity between you and the woman,

    and between your offspring[e] and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
    and you shall bruise his heel.
เราจะให ้เจ ้ากับหญิงนัน ้
เป็ นศัตรูกนั
ทัง้ เผ่าพันธุ[a]
์ ของเจ ้ากับของนางด ้วย
เขาจะฟาดศีรษะของเจ ้า
และเจ ้าจะฉก[b]ส ้นเท ้าของเขา”
ปฐมกาล 3

INWARD RELATIONSHIP: With Adam and Eve’s feeling of shame, the LORD has covered them as a
symbol of a covering in the future that the LORD will do to take away man’s shame.
And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them.
พระเจ ้าพระยาห์เวห์ทรงทำเครือ
่ งนุ่งห่มจากหนั งสัตว์ให ้อาดัมกับภรรยาสวม
ปฐมกาล 3

OUTWARD RELATIONSHIP: Even when Cain has murdered his brother, the LORD has put a mark on
Cain to protect him.
Then the LORD said to him, “Not so! If anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on
him sevenfold.” And the LORD put a mark on Cain, lest any who found him should attack him. 
แต่องค์พระผู ้เป็ นเจ ้าตรัสกับเขาว่า “ไม่ใช่เช่นนัน้ ถ ้าผู ้ใดฆ่าคาอิน จะถูกเอาคืนเจ็ดเท่า” แล ้วองค์พระผู ้
เป็ นเจ ้าทรงทำเครือ ่ งหมายไว ้ทีต่ วั คาอินเพือ
่ ไม่ให ้ผู ้ทีพ
่ บเข ้าฆ่าเขา

ปฐมกาล 4

DOWNWARD RELATIONSHIP: In all the wickedness of the world, even as God would destroy it, God
showed grace to a man. And made a promise to him and the world to never again destroy the world
by flood.

“Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, 10 and with every living
creature that is with you, the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you, as many as
came out of the ark; it is for every beast of the earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you, that never
again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to
destroy the earth.” 

แล ้วพระเจ ้าตรัสกับโนอาห์และบุตรของเขาว่า 9 “บัดนีเ้ ราเองเป็ นผู ้ทำพันธสัญญากับเจ ้าและกับเชือ ้ สาย
ของเจ ้า  ตลอดจนสัตว์ทก ุ ตัวทีอ ่ ยูก ั เจ ้าคือ นก สัตว์ใช ้งาน และสัตว์ป่า และสัตว์ทงั ้ ปวงทีอ
่ บ ่ อกจากเรือ
่ ี
คือสิงมีชวต ิ ทัง้ หมดในโลกนี้  เราทำพันธสัญญากับเจ ้าว่าจะไม่ให ้น้ำท่วมทำลายล ้างสิงมีชวี ต
่ ิ ทัง้ ปวงอีก
เลยและจะไม่ให ้น้ำท่วมทำลายโลกอีกต่อไป”

ปฐมกาล 9

God has given us these promises and as we continue our study, we shall see how God will
accomplish all these things. Let us hold onto Him, trust Him and wait until He makes all things
beautiful in His time.

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