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ISSN 2394-3777 (Print)

ISSN 2394-3785 (Online)

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International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 4, Special Issue 10, March 2017

PLC Based Home Appliances control System

S.Manikandan1, N.Kathiravan2,R.Suresh kannan3,S.Rahumath Beevi4
IV BE (Electronics & Communication Engineering), PSN College of Engineering and Technology,

IV BE (Electronics & Communication Engineering), PSN College of Engineering and Technology,

IV BE (Electronics & Communication Engineering), PSN College of Engineering and Technology,
Asst. Professor, Department of ECE, PSN College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli.

Abstract- This paper demonstrates a live when a person will reach the entry gate of the room
implementation of the smart energy saving home and at the same time press the push button then the
using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). PLC is door is opened or closed using motors with the help
of PLC ladder language.In this room IR(Infrared)
one of the mostly used controllers as it is easy to sensors and LDR(Light Dependent Resister)are
operate and controls task according to the program placed in one side and at the same time IR(Infrared)
which is already fixed. So here is a room where sensor and temperature sensor are placed in other
there’s no need to operate the appliances through side. IR sensor is used to produced the IR beam and
switches. The fans operate automatically according to the beam is mainly used to detect the object.LDR is
temperature and lights get turned ON according to based on the principle of Photo conductivity.If the
light intensity is incresed then the light gets turn
the intensity of light signal and the door operate
OFF.If the light intensity is decresed,then the light
automatically according to push button and water is gets turn ON. If the room is too hot,then the sensor
filled in the tank according to float switch will sense the temperature and passes the information
to the PLC controler.Then the PLC operate the fan
Keywords- PLC, Relay (DPDT), SMPS, Infra- automatically depending on the room
Red through Beam Sensors, LED Indicator, temperature.The main condition of the light system
Temperature Sensor, Light Intensity is,when the person will reach the IR beam then the IR
Sensor,pushbutton,float switch. sensor is set the logical condition [1]and at the same
time, if the light intensity is incresed then the LDR is
I. INTRODUCTION set the logical condition[0].so finally resultant
In this project we have automatically control boolean function is [0](AND operation[If Either one
a room with the help of PLC. This is the technique states are TRUE,then the output is
which not only reduces the human effort but also FALSE]).otherwise IR sensor is activily [1] and
saves time. In this project the main aim was to reduce Light intensity is decresed, then the LDR is set the
the electricity consumption . The working is such that logical condition [1].Then the resultant output is [1]
All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJARTET
ISSN 2394-3777 (Print)
ISSN 2394-3785 (Online)
Available online at

International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 4, Special Issue 10, March 2017

(AND operation[If Both states are TRUE ,then the in the room but still he/she stay on the door(ENTRY)
output is TRUE]).The main condition of the fan as well as cut the IR beam signal.In the particular
system is when the person will reach the IR beam case,the door will automatically opened (or)
then the IR sensor is set the logical condition [1]and this is the major drawback of the
at the same time, if the temperature is incresed then system.These problems can be solved by using push
the temperature sensor is set the logical button.The process of push button is,once he/she
condition[1].so finally resultant boolean function is press the button,then the door is automatically
[1](AND operation[If Both states are TRUE,then the opened using motor with the help ladder language
output is TRUE]).otherwise IR sensor is activily [1] and again press the push button the door is
and the temperature is decresed, then the temperature automatically closed.The working of our room is in
sensor is set the logical condition [0].Then the two modes. First one is manual mode, in which all
resultant output is [0].(AND operation[If either one the appliances get turned on/off through switches.
states are TRUE ,then the output is FALSE]).In The other mode is automatic mode i.e. PLC mode. In
Water tank filling system contains three kinds of PLC mode, all the appliances of the room get turned
levels like LOW LEVEL,HIGH LEVEL, ON/OFF automatically through PLC switching.
OVERFLOW. The main condition of the Water tank There is a control panel in the room and all the
filling system is, when the float switch will reach the controls are established here. A changeover is
LOW LEVEL sensor, then the sensor is set the installed for switching between PLC mode and
logical condition [1] and at the same time the ON manual mode. There are two LED indicators present
DELAY TIMER will start to operated and also report indicating that which mode is in use. Other
to the motor gets turn ON.when the water level will controlling consists of toggle switches. These
reach the HIGH LEVEL sensor states, then the sensor switches are for presetting the appliances to control
is set the logical condition [0] and at same time the in PLC mode. Besides these features, energy is also
OFF DELAY TIMER will start to operated and also used efficiently in this project. All the appliances are
report to the motor gets turn OFF.In the particular in use only when there is a need by any user. At the
case,if the HIGH LEVEL SENSOR is not idol state, these components remain off. So energy
responsed,then the water get starts to overflow consumption reduces. We have used PLC of Intra these kinds of problem solved by using Logix L20 PLC. For converting 220V AC to 24V
buzzer system with the help of switches used to stop DC, switched mode power supply is used.
the process. Thus in this busy schedule we don’t need
to put any efforts in switching ON/OFF the lights and
fans. Thus it is saving valuable time and is II. BASIC APPROACH FOR SMART HOME
economical by saving the bill of electricity.This The main objectives of our project can be
automated room will lead to reduction of human summarized asfollows:
movement as the human does not need to move for
*To design and develop smart room which is user
switching on the appliances such as lights, fans etc.
Motivation of this project is that it’s making the friendly.
working of equipment happen automatically thus it *To understand the energy consumption associated
not only reduces the human efforts but also saves our withroom and to reduce it.
precious time. We have implemented the hardware in *To make a program, which should be easy to
the room. In this modern time PLC is also used even understand by an electrical engineer.
in our transmission system. By using PLC we can *To use the most appropriate hardware components
easily automate any device and in this project we are
that would make the room more efficient and reliable.
automating the room. Thus, this technique becomes
time efficient. In this room, there are one fan and *To develop a user friendly interface of control
light system and door and tank filling system. These panel.
all four appliances are automated.The push button is *This room is fully automated. There is no need of
very important in the door system.Forexample,If the any kind of human efforts. This is associated with
separated IR sensor is placed on the door in both user friendly environment for the users. It is energy
entry and exit side there’s some problems are occur efficient and economical. PLC is used of 8 INPUT
in particular state, that is some one person not enter
and 8 OUTPUT
All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJARTET
ISSN 2394-3777 (Print)
ISSN 2394-3785 (Online)
Available online at

International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 4, Special Issue 10, March 2017

A.PLC important advantage of a switched-mode power


C. Relay
In electrical engineering, relay is an
electrical component that can break an electrical
circuit, by interrupting the current or diverting it from
one conductor to another. The most familiar form of
relay is a manually operated electromechanical
device with one or more sets of electrical contacts,
which are connected to external circuits. Each set of
contacts can be in one of two states: either "closed"
meaning the contacts are touching and electricity can
flow between them, or "open", meaning the contacts
FIGURE.1:INTRA LOGIC L20 PLC are separated and the switch is non-conducting. Relay
we used is DPDT (double pole double throw) relay.
A programmable logic controller, PLC is a It operate on 24V DC supply which is controlled by
digital computer used for automation of typically PLC.
industrial electromechanical processessuch as
sequencing, timing control,counting,arithmetic,data
manipulation etc. It can be viewed as an industrial
computer that has a central processor unit, memory,
input output interface and a programming device.The
central processing unit provides the intelligence of
the controller. It accepts data, status information from
various sensing devices like limit switches, proximity
switches, executes the user control program stored in
the memory and gives appropriate output commands
to devices such as solenoid valves, switches etc.In FIGURE.2:CONNECTION DIAGRAM RELAY
this project we have used INTRA LOGIX L20 PLC
with 8 INPUT & 8 OUTPUT as shown in Fig. 1. In this project, 8 DPDT Relays are used to
provide switching action to the components installed.
The first 2 relays are used for the lights and fans
B. Power Supply operation in automatic i.e. PLC mode. Likewise,
We are using Switch mode power supply. other 2 relays are used for operation in manual mode
This supply converts the 220V AC into 24V DC with with the help of switches. The push button installed
the current rating of 2 Amperes. There is a regulator on the gate for entry and exit are also switched with
also, by using which we can control the output value the help ofrelays, one relay for the entry purpose and
of SMPS. SMPS transfers power from a source, like the other for exit.Like wise 2 relays used for water
mains power, to a load, such as a personal computer, tank filling system,one relay for low level detection
while converting voltage and current characteristics.
and the other for high level detection.overflow can be
Unlike a linear power supply, the pass transistor of a
switching-mode supply continually switches between indicated with the help of buzzersystem.If the tank
low-dissipation, full-on and full-off states, and get overflow,then the water filling process will be
spends very little time in the high dissipation stoped with the help of timer system.
transitions, which minimizes wasted energy. Ideally,
a switched-mode power supply dissipates no power.
This higher power conversion efficiency is an

All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJARTET
ISSN 2394-3777 (Print)
ISSN 2394-3785 (Online)
Available online at

International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 4, Special Issue 10, March 2017

We are used 3 LED indicators in the project. H. PLC Programming
The first indicator is installed with the reset switch to
signify the user if he/she resets the system. The other
two indicators are used with the changeover on the
control box to indicate which mode he/she is using
i.e. manual mode or automatic mode.

E.Infrared Sensors
In this project, we are usingInfrared
Sensorswhich are installed at the light&fan system
sensing person entry & exit. It is a sensor able to
detect the presence of nearby objects without any
physical contact.The object being sensed is often
referred to as the sensor's target. A sensor consists of
an emitter and a receiver. An Infrared beam is
emitted by emitter and received by the receiver. If
any obstacle comes in between them, the receiver
senses obstacle and gives the signal to the PLC.
These sensors work on the supply of 24V DC. These
sensors are of NPN type.

F. Temperature Sensor
Temperature Sensor is used for sensing the
temperature in the room. The temperature is getting FIGURE.3:LADDER LANGUAGE IN
measured by sensor and the output is transferred to DOOR,LIGHT,FAN,WATER FILLING SYSTEM
the controller. Controller decides the action of output
The program is made such that when the
relay according to the temperature which is preset by
person passes through the IR sensors then only the
the user. supply will get switched ON/OFF.IR sensor is
activily [1] and Light intensity is decresed, then the
G. Light Intensity Sensor LDR is set the logical condition [1].Then the
A light dependent resistance (LDR) is used resultant output is [1] (AND operation[If Both states
for the whole set up of light intensity measurement. are TRUE ,then the output is TRUE]).The main
LDR is a light-controlled variable resistor. The condition of the fan system is when the person will
resistance of an LDR varies with increasing incident reach the IR beam then the IR sensor is set the logical
light intensity. A light dependent resistor works on condition [1]and at the same time, if the temperature
the principle of photo conductivity. Photo is incresed then the temperature sensor is set the
conductivity is an optical phenomenon in which the logical condition[1].so finally resultant Boolean
material’s conductivity gets increased when light is function is [1](AND operation[If Both states are
absorbed by the material. So the whole setup is light TRUE,then the output is TRUE]).In the door system,
dependent device.This device is associated with when the person once pressed the push button,then
measuring device and analyzes the light in the the pulse timer is activated to opened (or) closed the
room.If the light intensity is more than 30 Lux in the door in particular time period. In case, he/she passes
room then it keeps the output value (0), but as the through one sensor and step back, the preset value of
light intensity gets decreased then a proper output get timer given to the particular sensor resets it and the
produced as true (1) condition.
All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJARTET
ISSN 2394-3777 (Print)
ISSN 2394-3785 (Online)
Available online at

International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 4, Special Issue 10, March 2017

sensors come back to the initial stage resulting to less

chance of errors. Also, reset switch is provided to
initialize the whole program which includes the
resetting of the accumulator bit in timers used.









L 20



All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJARTET
ISSN 2394-3777 (Print)
ISSN 2394-3785 (Online)
Available online at

International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET)

Vol. 4, Special Issue 10, March 2017



Smart Energy Saving home system

completes the demands of Smart India very
efficiently. It provides smart work, energy
consumption control and easy at the same time. Thus
it is completely smart and fully automated energy
saving home appliances control system.


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All Rights Reserved © 2017 IJARTET

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