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Important Safety Information..... 1 Shift Control System (SEMI-

AUTOMATIC).......................... 129
Welding Cautions .............................................. 1
Main Components ........................................ 129

Preface ......................................... 3 Function Operation ....................................... 139

Test and Maintenance of System Faults ...... 143

Usages of Special Probes .......... 4
Parking Brake and Transmission
Power-Supply System ................ 6 Clutch Cut-off System............. 154
Main components.............................................. 6 Main Components ........................................ 154

Function Operation ......................................... 25 System Fault Test and Service..................... 157

Test and Maintenance of the System faults .... 26

Lights........................................ 161
Instrument System.................... 44 Main Components ........................................ 161

Main Components ........................................... 44 Function Operation ....................................... 168

Function Operation ......................................... 52 System Fault Test and Service..................... 173

System Fault Test and Service ....................... 59

Secondary Steering System... 190
Electronic Diesel Engine System . Main Components ........................................ 190
..................................................... 86
Fault Test Steps of Secondary Steering System .
Main Components ........................................... 86 192

System Principle Summary ............................. 91

Wiper and Washer System ..... 194
Engine Fault Codes Table .............................. 95
Main Components ........................................ 194

Shift Control System (FULL- Common Fault Test ...................................... 195

AUTOMATIC).............................. 105
Main Components ......................................... 105 Sound System ......................... 199
Function Operation ....................................... 115 Main Components ........................................ 199

Test and Maintenance of System Faults....... 119 Fault Test Steps of Sound System ............... 200

Auto-Return System ............... 202 Appendix 4: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main

Receptacles Installation Positions ............... 273
Main Components ......................................... 202
Appendix 5: 50E0136-1 001 Electronic System
Function Operation ....................................... 206 Principle Drawing (available for semi-auto
CLG856III Wheel Loader)............................. 277
System fault test and service ........................ 208
Appendix 6: 50E0137-1 001 Electronic System
Principle Drawing (available for full-auto
Lubrication system ................. 219 CLG856III Wheel Loader) ............................ 278

Main Components ......................................... 219

Function Operation ....................................... 225

System Fault Test and Service ..................... 229

Horn and lighter ...................... 251

Main Components ......................................... 251

Fault check steps of the Lighter .................... 252


Main Component........................................... 254

Electrical Lift System.............. 256

Main Components ......................................... 256

Function Operation ....................................... 259

System fault test and service ........................ 260

Others ...................................... 265

Appendix 1: CLG856III Wheel Loader Pressure
Switch Paremeter Table ............................... 265

Appendix 2: CLG856III Wheel Loader Pendant

Switch Parameter Table................................ 265

Appendix 3: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main

Electronic A/C Components Installation Positions
Important Safety Information
Welding Cautions

Important Safety The content in this manual is on the basis of

information available at the time when it was
Information written. Any product can change at any time
except for this machine. These changes can
affect the operation, maintenance, service given
to the product. Obtain the complete and most
Improper operation, maintenance, and service current information from LiuGong dealers before
on this product can be dangerous and could starting any job.
result in injury or death.
All operators must read and understand the
related safty precautions and notice items.
Welding Cautions
During the operation, maintenance, and service,
please comply the safty precautions strictly listed Comply with the correct welding operation
in this manual and the machine, otherwise, procedures in order to avoid damages to the
bodily injury or death could occur to you or other electronic components and bearings. Comply
persons. with the following steps when perform welding on
the wheel loader or the diesel engine that
installed with the electronic components:
1. Parking the machine on the flat ground.
2. Turn the start switch to O position, turn off the
The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as diesel engine.
3. Pull up the parking brake solenoid valve
Attention! Be alert! Your safety is switch.
involved! 4. Close the battery disconnect switch, shut off
the connection between the battery and
The message that appears under the warning, frame.
explaining the hazard, can be either written or
pictorially presented. 5. Clamp the grounding cable of the welder and
the components to be welded. Put the
This manual also includes some NOTICE, grounded position and welding point as close
please comply them seriously otherwise great as possible. Check and confirm the circuit
damage will occur to the machine. from the grounding cable to the welded
LiuGong cannot anticipate every possible components does not pass through the
circumstance that might involve a potential following components:
hazard. The warnings in this publication and on ● Bearing
the product are therefore not all inclusive.
● Hydraulic cylinder
If a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique not specifically recommended by ● The controller or internal circuit of other
LiuGong is used, you must make sure yourself electronic components
that it is safe for you and others. You should also Damages to the following components can be
ensure that the machine will not be damaged. avoided from doing these:
● Bearing
● Hydraulic component
● Electronic component
● Other parts in machine
Important Safety Information
Welding Cautions

6. Keep the flammable articles away from the Illustration A-X1 The insert and draw methods of
welding site, protect every cable, and do not the linker X1 on ZF control unit EST-117
let the splashing spark and solders produced
by welding spatter down on them to avoid
loss and injury caused by fire.
7. Do welding operation according to the normal
safety operation procedures of welding.

During welding, the grounding contact of the

welder on the frame must near the welding
point as close as possible, and make sure the
reliable wide area grounding.

Never use the grounding contact of the

electrical components on the machine as that
of the welder!
Illustration B Receptacle position of the
When doing welding operation near the electronic spray control unit ECM
grounding contact of the electrical
component, must remove its grounding
contact, and make sure that do welding
operation only after the welding circuit of the
welder doesn't pass through the electrical
equipment. Or this electrical component
could be damaged, even fire could be

Before welding, make sure the welding circuit

disconnects with the machine that has been
installed with electronic control component
to avoid damages. Such as the ZF control Illustration C Receptacle position of electronic
unit EST-117, the electrical spray control unit instrument
ECM, the electronic LCD panel. Pull out the
nearest linker that has been connected with
the above electronic control components to
disconnect the circuit. The positions of these
linkers are showed as follows:
Welding Cautions

Preface Think over the relationships between the unit and

individual when distinguish the fault
phenomenon, which can be fast, right and simple
when deal with the electronic fault.
This manual is written according to the main
functions introduced sequence of the electronic When test by the multimeter, there may be a little
system, which is convenient to find the difference between the described value in this
corresponding section of the fault when service manual and the actual value due to the
the machine. The service person should have measurement error exits in the digital multimeter.
the special technology in order to understand the For example, when use the 200 Ω range of the
service manual although the technical multimeter to measure the object with 0
description in this manual can be understood resistance value, the red probe and the black
easily. probe should be short circuit, measure the down-
When introduce the module, firstly, introduce lead resistance value, then use the actual
module function, secondly, introduce main measuring resistance value minus the lead
components, then, introduce the main resistance value, the loop lead resistance value
components' principle, function, electronic and the receptacle contact resistance value,
system principle drawing, introduce the operation finally, contrast the resistance value with the
of module function after introducing the description resistance value in this manual. The
component, finally, introduce module fault loop lead resistance and the receptacle contact
diagnostic and test. resistance can be neglected in this manual, the
differences doesn't exceed 10 Ω between the
The principle drawing symbol of the component measuring resistance value and the actual
shows the denotation method of the component resistance value.
in the principle drawing, Most of components'
principle drawing symbols denote the actual Test the electronic system fault without
principle drawings of the component, but there introduction in this manual, comply with the
are some special symbols, which will be also following steps:
introduced in detail. It will be helpful to ● Supply voltage
distinguish the component's fault phenomenon.
● Short to ground
Introduce partial components fault test method in
● Short from probe to probe
this manual when introduce the component. The
test method only aims to component. ● Open circuit
Disassemble the component from the machine
● Function check
before test. Test the component according to
above introduction unless the component is
disassembled from the machine. Judge the
component condition refer to the fault test
method introduced after the system,
disassemble the component if it is necessary.
The module fault diagnosis and test don't contain
all faults phenomenon, so the service person
must think over and accumulate experience
during operation.
Use the color filling line to describe the current
flow direction in the electronic system principle
drawing for better expression when introduce the
electronic system principle.
Usages of Special Probes
Welding Cautions

Usages of Special Probes Illustration B Pricker inside the probe

During the inspection of electrical equipments,

sometimes, special probes are needed in
checking with electricity, and under the condition
of linker connection.
The special probe can be inserted into the wire,
contacting with the copper core of the wire.
Measure the parameter of the electrical
equipment when the power and the linker are
When check and use the probe normally, hold
The inspect steps introduced in this manual refer the end of probe by palm, then use the forefinger
to the usage of special probes, so we will and middle finger to fasten the extrusion seat,
introduce the use methods of special probes in press it toward the end of the probe, the direction
this section. is showed as the illustration. The pinhead of the
probe has been undrawn, the pricker and prick
The special probes divide into red probe and
device are exposed at this time. Put the wire in,
black probe, which are the same as the meter
the pinhead of the probe resets after releasing,
pens of the digital multimeters. During
the pricker inside the probe gets into the wire.
measurement, if the inspected object has the
See the following steps:
polarity requirement, generally, the red probe
connects with the positive terminal, and the black Illustration C Special probe usage step 1
probe connects with the negative terminal. But if
the inspected object does not have the polarity
requirement, the red and black probes can
connect with each terminal of the inspected
object at will.
Illustration A The red and black probes

Illustration D Special probe usage step 2

Pull out the pinhead of the special probe, and

then you can see the wiry pricker. During
measurement, use the pricker to impale the
insulating layer of the wire to contact the inside
copper core. The hole on the insulating layer is
very small, and it does not impact the wire
Usages of Special Probes
Welding Cautions

Illustration E Special probe usage step 3

Use the red probe and black probe to connect

with wires separately, and adjust the digital
multimeter to the appropriate position and range.
Insert the red meter pen and the black meter pen
into the inspection point of red and black probes
for inspection. The standard inspection point of
red and black probes can be connected with
other electronic measure instruments.
Illustration F The inspection point of red and
black probes
Power-Supply System
Main components

Power-Supply System P----insert the start switch key and turn it

counterclockwise to P position to supply
electricity to the radio, hazard flashers (front and
rear, left and right turn signal lights), dome light,
Function Brief Introduction rotating beacon and horn). These appliances can
work separately without turning on the other
The power supply system of CLG 856III supplies
appliances. These may happen in repairing work
power for all the electrical appliances. Battery
or in some special situations. These appliances
supplies power before starting the diesel engine;
also can work when turn the start switch to I
battery and alternator supply power together
after starting the engine.
O---position for insert and take out the start
Under normal condition, power can be supplied
switch key. All of the electrical appliances power
to all the appliances by turning on the start switch
will be cut off at this position except for others
or starting the engine.
that are not controlled by start switch. For
Under certain condition, turn start switch to P example, lift system. However, these electrical
position can supply electricity to some appliances are controlled by the disconnect
appliances, which including radio, hazard switch.
flashers (front and rear, left and right turn signal
I---the first position when turning the start switch
lights), dome light, rotating beacon and horn.
key clockwise. At this position, all of the electrical
The lift system power is not controlled by the appliances power will be turned on and supplied
start switch. by the battery.
II--- the second position when turning the start
Main components switch key clockwise. This II position is not
available on this machine.

34B0359 start switch III--- the third position when turning the start
switch key clockwise. Use to start the diesel
engine, this position can not hold automatically,
Illustration 1-1 Start switch and its principle the start switch key will return to I position after
illustration released.

CAUTION: after starting the diesel

engine, release the start switch key
immediately to let it return, or serious circuit
damage will be caused!

Turn off the start switch if it is failed to start the

engine for the first time, and start it again for
second time and third time. That is, turn the start
switch key to O position, then to I position, II
Instructions on the start switch positions
position and III position to finish a starting circle.
If the engine is failed to be started for over 15
seconds, turn off the start switch firstly and then
start it again for second and third time. Do not
start the engine continuously for 3 times,
otherwise the battery will suffer insufficiency for
energy due to too much power output.
Power-Supply System
Main components

If the engine is failed to be started after three Sometimes it is hard to start the engine which
times attempt, turn off the start switch and start it mostly happens outdoor in cold winter. The
again after 30 minutes. Check the battery and temperature may be lower than -18 ℃ . If it is
starting circuit if it is necessary to find out possible, start the engine indoors or start it in
whether any trouble affects the starting. auxiliary way.
About the start switch terminals.
Six terminals are provided for the start switch,
namely, "30" ; "58" ; "15" ; "17" ; "19" ;
"50", see the following picture:
Illustration 1-2 start switch positions

Terminals that used in this machine: Procedures for Checking Start Switch
30- for power supply
58-for P position. When start switch is at P 1. Remove all the connectors that connect to
position, terminal 30 is connected with terminal the start switch terminals to disconnect the
58. start switch from the whole circuit.
15- for turning on the power supply for whole 2. Turn the digital multimeter to Ω position for
machine. When the start switch at I position and 200 Ω .
III position, terminal 30 is connected with
terminal 15.
17-for engine starting. When the start switch is at
III position, terminal 30 is connected with
terminal 17.
Power-Supply System
Main components

3. Turn the start switch to O position. Use the Finally, we can judge that the start switch works
two probes of the multimeter to test the six normally if reading in the multimeter is identical
terminals of the start switch with two with that in the procedures after finish the above-
terminals for each time. There are 15 groups mentioned test procedures
for test, namely, [30,58] ; [30,15] ; [30,
17] ; [30, 19] ; [30, 50] ; [58, 15] ;
[58, 17] ; [58, 19] ; [58, 50] ; [15,
17], [15, 19] ; [15, 50] ; [17, 19] ;
[17,50] ; [19,50]. Reading "1" is shown in
the multimeter which indicates the resistance
between the two terminals is infinite.
4. Turn the start switch to P position. Use the
two probes of the digital multimeter to test the
six terminals of the start switch with two
terminals for each time, as the same
procedures in step 3. when testing terminal
[30, 58], the reading in the multimeter is 0,
which indicates the resistance between the
two terminals is 0, but reading of other
terminals is "1".
5. Turn the start switch to I position, use the two
probes of the multimeter to test the six
terminals of the start switch with two
terminals for each time, as the same
procedures in step 3. When testing terminal
[30, 15], the reading in the multimeter is 0,
which indicates the resistance between the
two terminals is 0, but reading of other
terminals is "1".
6. Turn the start switch to II position; use the
two probes of the multimeter to test the six
terminals of the start switch with two
terminals for each time. When testing
terminal [30, 15] ; [30, 19] ; [15, 19],
the reading in the multimeter is 0, which
indicates the resistance between those
terminals is 0, but reading of other terminals
is "1".
7. Turn the start switch to III position. The start
switch can not hold automatically at this
position. Use the two probes of the
multimeter to test the six terminals of the start
switch with two terminals for each time, as
the same procedures in step 3. when testing
terminals [30, 15] ; [30, 17], [30, 50] ;
[15,17] ; [15,50] ; [17,50],reading in
the multimeter is 0, and reading of other
terminals is 1 .
Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-3 46C1665 Control Box Principle

Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-4 46C1665 Control Box Layout

Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-5 46C1665 Control Box Fuses

Fuses are used to protect the circuit when a

short circuit or overcurrent happens.
All kinds of fuses including slice fuses and bolt
fuses are used in CLG 856III power-supply
system. The current for one kind of the bolt fuses
is 80 A, which is used for main circuit. The
current for the slice fuses is 30A, 20A, 15A,
10A, 7.5A, 5A, which is used for the branch
circuit. When the control box is energized, if a
slice fuse is melted, the relevant fuse indicator
will turn on to indicate the fuse is melted. Change
the melted fuse. Another bolt fuse is used in
electric auxiliary heating start with a current
The control box is located at the rear left side of specification of 150 A. refer to following figure for
the seat. It is composed of fuse, relay, the fuse shape, illustration and principle symbol.
breadboard, box housing and so on. All of these Search the desired fuse according to its
units are the main components of it. The power specifications.
supply for all the electrical appliances is
controlled by turning the breadboard and relay
on or off. Fuses and all the relays can be
removed or replaced respectively. A
corresponding nameplate is sticked to the control
box to show the usage for all the relevant
components. A safety clip is equipped to the
control box which makes it easier to change the
slice fuse. Refer to following introduction for
various fuses and relays function in the circuit.
Illustration 1-6 37B0298 AMG fuse holder and 37B0299 AMG fuse
Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-7 37B0352 one-way fuse holder and fuse

Illustration 1-8 37B0422 (AMI 80A) bolt fuse

Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-9 Slice Fuse CAUTION

The specification of the fuses is work out

from circuit design. Replace the melted fuse
with a new one with the same specification.
Do not change the fuse with different

If the new fuse is still melted after installing it

into the circuit, need to check the circuits that
controlled by the fuse to find out the trouble
reason and eliminate it.

Checking methods for fuse trouble

Check the fuse by using the check methods for

the melted bolt fuse.
Steps for checking the bolt fuse:
1. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range
at Ω position.
2. Connect the two probes of the multimeter to
both ends of the fuse.
3. If the reading in the multimeter is "1", which
indicates the fuse is melted and need to
change; if the reading in the multimuter is "0",
which indicates that the fuse is in normal

31B0095 (0 332 209 211) Relays

Specifications for all of the fuses are labeled on
the fuse housing, which can be checked by 14 relays are used in this machine and six for the
eyeballing easily. power-supply system to control different circuits.
The color of slice fuse is related to its These six relays including power-supply relay
specifications. See the following table for the K1, K2, K3, K4, gear/start interlock relay K11 and
color and specifications of the slice fuses, and work relay K14 for P position of start switch. The
Liugong part numbers. specification and work principle schematic is
provided on the relay housing. Pay attention to
Part No.(Liugong) specification color its general purpose when using it.
37B0359 5A Tawny
37B0360 7.5A Brown
37B0361 10A Red
37B0362 15A Light blue
37B0363 20A Yellow
37B0364 30A Green
Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-10 31B0095 outside view and principle schematic symbol of relay

The normal open contact for the rated current of

Illustration 1-11 31B0095 Relay this relay contact circuit is 30A, and the normal
closed contact is 10A.
Apply a voltage of +24 V to relay coil. Then the
electromagnetic force that produced from the
energized coil attracts the magnet inside the
relay to turn on the normal open contact and turn
off the normal closed contact.

31B0113 (JQ212D) Relay

A relay is used to control the starting circuit in

this machine. It only has one group normal open
contact without normal closed contact. It is the
K5 start relay in the principle schematic.
Specification and inner principle schematic are
provided on the relay housing.
Power-Supply System
Main components

The normal open contact for the rated current of

this relay contact circuit is 60A. Apply a voltage
of +24 V to relay coil. Then the electromagnetic
force that produced from the energized coil
attracts the magnet inside the relay to turn on the
normal open contact.
Illustration 1-12 31B0113 outside view and principle schematic symbol of relay
Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-13 31B0113 Relay 6. Connect the positive pole of the +24V power
supply to terminal "86" and the negative pole
to terminal "85"'; meanwhile, connect one
probe of the multimeter to terminal "30" of the
relay, and another one to terminal "87" , the
reading in the multimeter should be "0". Move
the probe for terminal "87" to terminal "87A",
the reading in the multimeter should be "1".
After finish the above-mentioned steps, if the
reading in the multimeter is the same with that
described in the above steps, then the relay can
be judged to be good.
As to the serious damaged normal open contact
and normal closed contact, the above-mentioned
steps are not suitable for checking.
Note: when testing relay 31B0113, it is
unnecessary to check terminal "87a".

Steps for Checking the Relay Trouble Alternator

1. Remove the relay from the relay holder. The alternator supplied for this machine is one of
2. Turn the digital multimeter to 2K Ω range at the units of CUMMINS diesel engine assembly.
Ω position. Its voltage and current is 24V/70A. It is the 24SI
series alternator of DelcoRemy Company, which
3. Connect the red probe of the multimeter to is inbuilt with electronic regulator.
terminal 86 and the black probe to terminal
85. Illustration 1-14 outside view and principle
schematic symbol of alternator
3.1 As to relay 31B0095, the reading in the
multimeter should be about "255".
3.2 As to 31B0113 relay, the reading in the
multimeter should be about "155"
4. Turn the multimeter to 200 Ω range at Ω
5. Connect one probe of the mulitimeter to
terminal "30" of the relay, and another one to
terminal "87". The reading in the multimeter
should be "1". Move the probe for terminal
"87" to terminal "87A", the reading in the
multimeter should be "0".
Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-15 head surface of alternator Illustration 1-16 Inside principle schematic of

There are 3 terminals for the alternator, namely,

Battery Positive, Ground, and Indicator Lamp.
Work principle of alternator
Alternator is the main power-supply device of the
entire machine. It converts the diesel engine The alternator is composed of rotator, stator,
energy into electrical energy for all the electrical engine belt and pulley, fan, front and rear end
appliances. caps electrical brush and so on. Generally, the
excitation winding circles on the rotator. The
Alternator and batteries compose the power-
supply system of the machine. Before starting stators are bound in " △ " shape. The rectifier is
six-pipe bridge type, rectifies in full-wave.
the diesel engine, batteries supply electricity for
the appliances; but after starting the engine, the 1. When the direct current acts on both sides of
alternator will supply electricity instead of the FIELD COIL, magnetic filed will produce from
batteries and simultaneously, it charges the the current. Under driven by the diesel
batteries. When the energy provided by the engine, the magnetic filed is rotating with the
alternator can not meet the need of appliances, rotator, that's so-called rotating magnetic
both alternator and batteries will supply power at field. Under the effect of rotating magnetic
the same time. field, the three-phrase symmetric winding of
the stator will produce three-phrase sine
electrodynamic force which has the same
frequency and amplitude, but different in
angle for 120°
Power-Supply System
Main components

2. Rectify the current by the unilateral 2. Turn on the disconnect switch of the
conduction function of the silicon diode. At machine. Do not start the diesel engine.
any moment, only the positive diode which Connect the red probe of the multimeter to
has highest potential and connects with the "B+" terminal of the alternator, the black
one-phrase winding is conducting; also, only probe to "Ground" terminal of the alternator.
the negative diode which has lowest potential Keep a record of the multimeter reading. The
and connects with one-phrase winding is normal reading should be between "24" and
conducting. On this way, the six diodes "26".
conduct in turn, and then a stable impulsive
3. Start the diesel engine. The checking
direct voltage is available at its both sides.
methods are the same with the instruction in
3. The terminal voltage of the alternator is step 2. Record the reading in the multimeter
proportional to the engine speed. Therefore, again. The reading should higher than that in
the terminal voltage will change greatly step 2. which indicates that the alternator
because the engine rotates at different works normally.
speed. Equip with a regulator because the
The above-mentioned steps should be carried
terminal voltage can not meet the
out when the machine unloads. (Unload means
requirement for constant voltage of the
all of the electrical appliances are not turned on
electrical appliances.
when turning on the start switch)
4. The regulator controls the excitation current
If reading in the multimeter does not change after
through the inner electrical circuit to stabilize
step 2 and step 3, turn off the start switch and
the alternator output voltage by controlling
check the engine again according to the
the magnetic filed.
following steps:
CAUTION: Without batteries, do not 1. Check the alternator drive belt according to
allow the engine supplies power for the the instructions in operation manual. If it is
electrical appliances only. loose, adjust it.
2. Check the connection terminals of the
During the operation of diesel engine, do not
alternator. If they are loose, tighten them with
allow any metal tools or other metal conductors
a spanner.
close to the "B+" (Battery Positive) terminal
and "Ground" terminal of the alternator to avoid If it still doesn't work after check, please consult
short circuit. A short circuit on alternator could with liugong dealers and CUMMINS service
cause a serious result! station.

Checking methods for alternator trouble

Start motor
Do not remove the alternator for checking when
checking the alternator trouble. It should be The start motor is one of the units of CUMMINS
checked on the machine, which is different from diesel engine assembly. Its specification is 24V/
the checking methods of other components. 5.8KW. It is the 38MT-HD series motor of
DelcoRemy Company; air-tight structure.
The following steps are not suitable for checking
the alternator if the electricity of batteries is
insufficient and the terminal voltage reaches 28V.
1. Turn the digital multimeter to 200 V range at
its voltage position.
Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-17 outside view and principle schematic symbol of start motor

The direct current motor inside the start motor

can convert the electrical energy into mechanical
energy. Then the inner gear drives the flywheel
to work. Last, the engine is started.

Work principle of the start motor

The start motor is composed of electromagnetic

switch, direct current motor, yoke and drive gear.
Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-18 start motor structure

(1) Electromagnetic switch (2) Big contact of start motor (3) Yoke
(4) Rotator windings of start motor (5) Stator windings of start motor
The electromagnetic switch of start motor is push the yoke on the start motor move leftwards,
controlled by the start contact. When the start to drive the drive gear of the start motor move left
switch is turned to III position (start position), the to engage with the engine flywheel. Then the
start contact starts to work. The normal open start motor drives the flywheel to rotate, the
contact is energized with the power supply of diesel engine is starting to work.
electromagnetic switch (1) to turn on the
electromagnetic switch (1). After the
electromagnetic switch (1) turns on, the inner
electromagnetic coil produces suction and
makes the iron move rightwards to push the
tactile disc running. Then the two big contacts (2)
of the starter motor are energized. Current from
the batteries goes through the two big contacts
(2) and reaches the rotator winding (4) and stator
winding (5) of the start motor. The rotator winding
(4) is energized and produces electrodynamic
force to rotate under the magnetic filed effect of
the stator winding (5). Meanwhile, the iron of the
electromagnetic switch (1) moves rightwards to
Power-Supply System
Main components

Illustration 1-19 Work schematic of the start motor






Starter Solenoid

CAUTION: Check the terminals of the Especially, keep the above-mentioned

start motor frequently for good connection. terminals away from the fuel pipes near the
Turn off the disconnect switch when start motor or other conducting material
checking. during a long period operation and running to
avoid inter-contact or conflict, otherwise the
Make sure that the start motor is shut down whole machine could be in serious start
after start the engine, otherwise the drive trouble!
gear of the start motor will be damaged and
the start motor will be burnt. Besides, the Checking methods for the start motor trouble
batteries capacity and service life is seriously
affected! Judge the start motor for normal condition from
its running noise. When the start switch is turned
After the disconnect switch is turned to I to III position (start) position, if you find that no
position, do not allow any conducting noise comes out, or the engine can not be
material to close BATTERY TERMINAL and started, then check the start motor and the
SWITCH TERMINAL. starting circuit.
Do not remove the start motor for checking.
Ensure that the start motor is equipped on the
machine and the secondary parking brake
should be engaged and the control lever is at
Neutral position when checking the start motor.
Power-Supply System
Main components

The start switch can not hold at III position for a The disconnect switch is used to control the
long time due to its auto-reposition function, connection between battery negative pole and
therefore, an assistor may be needed to help to frame of the machine. When the disconnect
check the start motor. switch is at "O" (OFF) position, the power-supply
of the machine is cut off. The electrical
1. Turn the digital multimeter to 50V range at its
appliances can not work even though the start
voltage position.
switch is turned on. When the disconnect switch
2. Turn the start switch to III (start) position until is at "I" (On) position, the negative pole of the
step 2 is finished. Connect the black probe of power-supply is energized. Then the connection
the multimeter to any metal units on the between the electrical appliances and power -
frame, the red probe to the big contact supply can be controlled by the start switch and
terminal of the start motor (see Illustration1- the engine can be started now.
19 "TO MOTOR WINDINGS" terminal in work
Illustration 1-20 Disconnect switch and principle
schematic of start motor). Reading in the
schematic symbol
multimeter should be about "24". If the start
motor has no response even though the
reading is correct, then the start motor is in
failure. If the reading is incorrect, continue to
check by following the below steps.
3. Turn the start switch to III (start) position
again; hold the start switch until step 3 is
finished. Connect the black probe of the
multimeter to any metal units on the frame,
the red probe to SWITCH TERMINAL on the
start motor. Reading in the multimeter should
be about "24". If the start motor has no
response even though the reading is correct,
then the start motor is in failure. If the reading
CAUTION: Turn off the disconnect
is incorrect, check the circuits that controlled
switch after finish each operation and
by start motor continuously.
running. Otherwise, electricity leakage could
Refer to system trouble test section for the circuit happen and results in serious damage.
trouble information.
Do not turn off the disconnect switch during
Sometimes the start motor can start when
operation of the machine, or it will result in
turning the start switch to III position, but the
serious damage to the electronic system!
engine can not run. The possible reason may be
from the abnormal engagement of the drive gear
Turn off the start switch firstly, then turn off
inside the start motor, or the injection pump of
the disconnect switch when stop the
the engine has trouble or other troubles in the
engine. Please contact with Liugong dealer and
CUMMINS service station.
Turn on the disconnect switch firstly, then
Disconnect Switch turn on the start switch when start the

Turn off the disconnect switch when

connecting the battery cables, tighten the
battery cable terminals or remove the battery
Power-Supply System
Main components

Turn off the disconnect switch when welding Illustration 1-21 Battery and principle schematic
on the machine. symbol

Checking methods of the disconnect switch

1. Remove the cables that connect to the

disconnect switch.
2. Turn the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range at
Ω position.
3. Turn the disconnect switch to I position
according to the symbol. Connect the two
probes of the multimeter respectively to the
two terminals on the back of the disconnect
switch. Reading in the multimeter should be
"0". Battery Status Judgement
4. Turn the disconnect switch to O position
Check the hydrometer of the battery under good
according to the symbol. Connect the two
condition. Judge the charge status or take
probes of the multimeter respectively to the
relevant measures according to the color of the
two terminals on the back of the disconnect
switch. Reading in the multimeter should be
"1". Hydrometer green black clear
If reading in the multimeter is the same with the color
above-mentioned value after finish all of these Status or good charge the replace
steps, then we can conclude that the disconnect measures battery
switch is at good condition.
If the inner contact (plate) of the disconnect Check the battery hydrometer periodically or
switch is abraded seriously, do not use the above under abnormal condition (especially the
checking steps machine has start trouble). If the hydrometer
appears clear, judge its status according to
"Battery-Charge" section, and change the battery
Battery immediately if it turns clear.

Charge of Batteries
Two batteries are connected in series to produce
+24V power supply in this machine. The rated
Charge the battery if the hydrometer appears
capacity of the battery is 120 Ah, and the starting
current at low temperature is 850 CCA.
As to a clear hydrometer, there may be bubbles
As reversible direct current, the battery connects
exist in the hydrometer. Remove all the
with the engine in series to supply power to all
connected cables on the battery. Shake the
the electrical appliances. It can supply high
battery slightly after the battery cools down, if the
current to motor starting in a short time to start
hydrometer is still clear, discard it.
the engine. It is also a large capacitor which can
absorb the overvoltage that could happen at any 1. Turn the disconnect switch to O position and
time in the circuit in order to protect all the turn the start switch to O position then take
electrical appliances of the machine. off the key.
Power-Supply System
Main components

2. Remove the battery from the machine. When 7. When the battery power loss is severe, the
removing the battery, disconnect the negative battery may not be charged at the initial
cable firstly and then disconnect the positive stages. The battery charge current can
cable. resume step by step along with the charge
process. It may take about 14 hours for
3. Clean the battery terminals and surface with
charging the battery.
a clean cloth. Remove the oxide on the
surface. 8. During charging, if the battery temperature
4. Under normal room temperature, connect the exceeds 45 ℃ , stop charging the battery
until the battery temperature drops down to
positive pole (+) clamp of the charger to the
room temperature, halve the current, and
position terminal (+) of the battery; the
keep charging.
negative pole (-) clamp of the charger to the
negative terminal (-) of the battery. Make sure 9. Check the hydrometer state one time per
that the battery terminals are clean and the hour during charge the battery. Stop charging
charge circuit is at good connection. if the hydrometer of the battery turns green.
5. Charge the battery with constant voltage 10. It is recommended to apply Vaseline on the
charger of 16.0 V (Max. does not exceed battery terminals to avoid electric corrosion
16.2 V) till the hydrometer of the battery turns after charging.
green. A green hydrometer indicates that the
battery is full of electricity. Notice of Charge
6. Charge the battery with constant current if it
Do not charge two batteries in series.
can not be charged with constant voltage.
Charge the battery with 12A constant current Keep ventilation when charging the battery at
till the battery hydrometer turns green. A normal temperature.
green hydrometer indicates that the battery is
Stop charging immediately to check the reason if
full of electricity.
the battery exhaust spurts acid during the
Table of charging time and battery voltage charging process.

Battery 12.45~ 12.45~ 12.35~ 12.20~ Carry out the electrification in good ventilation
Voltage 12.55V 12.35V 12.20V 12.05V area. Pay attention to safety.

Charge 2h 3h 4h 5h Do not charge the battery if the battery housing

Time cracks or leaks acid. Discard it.

Battery 12.05~ 11.95~ 11.80~ 11.65~ Do not charge the battery if its terminal cracks.
Voltage 11.95V 11.80V 11.65V 11.50V Discard it.

Charge 6h 7h 8h 9h Do not charge the battery if it is swelled by over-

charged or over-discharged. Discard it,
Battery 11.50~ 11.30~ Below If the hydrometer is still black after charging for a
while, please check the charge connection for
Voltage 11.30V 11.00V 11.00V
tightness, the connection point for cleanness and
Charge 10h 12h 14 h check whether the charge voltage reaches 16V.
Notice of operation

All operations to the battery must comply with the

warning label requirements pasted on the
surface of the battery.
Power-Supply System
Function Operation

It is not permitted to use different type or brand 4. Hold the two probes of the digital multimeter.
batteries in series, and also can not use the Turn the disconnect switch to I position. Turn
same type and brand batteries with very different on the start switch and start the engine.
terminal voltages in series.
5. The digital multimeter reading is between
Turn off the disconnect switch before assembly 20V and 24V when the start motor is at
and disassembly the battery cables. Assemble starting instant, and return to the reading
the positive cables firstly, then the negative described in step 3 after the diesel engine
cables when assembly. Disassemble the started smoothly.
negative cables firstly, then the positive cables
The battery is good if the above steps can be
when disassembly.
finished, and the engine can be started
The battery must be fixed hard in order to avoid successfully. If the above steps couldn't be
damages caused by the jounce when the finished, please continue with testing according
machine is running. to the following steps:
The jounce will cause the connection loose 1. Remove all the connection cables of
between the battery terminals and cables when batteries, two batteries connections are
operation and driving the machine. Therefore, disconnedcted completely at this time.
check the connection terminals and the
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of
grounding points of the battery cables and the
voltage function.
disconnect switch frequently. If there is
looseness, must close the disconnect switch, 3. Connect the red probe of the multimeter to
and tighten them with tools. the positive terminal of one battery, connect
the black probe to the negative terminal of
There are lagging in the battery terminals, cover
the other battery, the digital multimeter
the lagging for protection the terminals after
reading is about 12-16V.
connecting the battery or checking and servicing
the battery. 4. Check the other battery according to step 3,
the reading is the same with step 3.
Pay attention not to let the metal conductor
contacts with the positive/negative of the battery Replace the battery if the testing steps couldn't
terminals, otherwise it will cause short circuit and be finished.
damage the battery.

Fault Testing Steps of Batteries Function Operation

The machine is at parking brake state, and the The power supply system can realize the
shift control lever is at Neutral position. The color following functions:
of densimeter inside the battery is green. Doing
these testing steps need associate's help. 1-A Turn on the power supply
1. Turn the disconnect switch to O position.
The following components are needed for
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of realizing turning on the power supply:
voltage function.
Disconnect switch
3. Connect the red probe of the multimeter to
the positive terminal of one battery; connect Battery
the black probe to the negative terminal of Start switch
the other battery. Pay attention not to contact
the cable terminals. The digital multimeter All kinds of fuses
reading is between 24V and 31V. Power supply contactor
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Diode group Disconnect switch

1-B Start the diesel engine
Start switch
The following components are needed for
realizing the start of the machine:
P work relay
Electrical diesel engine ECM
Diode group
Disconnect switch
Start switch P supplies power which is used
when the machine is in maintenance or on other
Start switch special occasions. Turn the start switch left to P
position on above occasions. The workable
Start motor
electro-devices including the radio, hazard
Power supply contactor flashers (front-rear L/R turning indicators), dome
light, rotating beacon, horn. Their power supply
Start contactor
comes from the battery, therefore, can not use
Neutral/start interlock relay start switch P to supply power to above electro-
devices for a long time.
Diode group
Fuse 1-E Power supply of the electrical lift system

1-C Power supply of all the electro-devices The following components are needed for
on the machine realizing power supply of the electrical lift
The following components are needed for
Disconnect switch
realizing the power supply of all the electro-
devices on the machine after starting the diesel Battery
Disconnect switch
The electrical lift system is the only one electro-
Start switch device which can realize lift function but not
through the control of the start switch.
All kinds of fuses
Power supply contactor
Test and Maintenance of the
Diode group
System faults
The battery supplies power separately which will In this section, the description about the fault
be changed after starting the diesel engine, the diagnosis and test methods of the power supply
alternator will be the main power supply of the system is focus on the function introduced in
machine. The energy comes from the diesel Funciton Operation section. Other faults are
engine. routine.
1-D Start switch P supplies power

The following components are needed for

realizing work at start switch P.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

The function operation devices will be marked The experienced service personnel can test the
according to step A or B in the principle system faults according to the judgement steps
schematic. Sign step+No. on the operation in the flow chart
devices in the same step, for example, B1; B2;
B3 etc..
Illustration 1-22-1 Principle drawing 1-A
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Illustration 1-22-2 Principle drawing 1-A

Test and Maintenance of Faults At the same time, the voltage reaches No.87
terminal of K9 start switch P work relay.

1-A Principle description of the The voltage reaches the fuse from third branch
machine power supply way of No.100 wire → XH4 → XA4 receptacle ,
and enters into the engine system from 5A fuse
Step A: As shown in the principle schematic, of the eingine indicator through No.121 wire;
when the disconnect switch is at I position, the then enters into No.30 terminal of the start switch
voltage of batteries supplies power to No.100 from 10A fuse of the start switch through No.111
through the alternator. wire → XA5 receptacle → XY1 receptacle to
prepare for the start switch.
The voltage is divided into two ways after
passing No.100 wire → XH4 receptacle → XA4 Step B: When the operator turns on the start
receptacle → 80A fuse terminal, one way passes switch and turns it to I position, the voltage which
No.176 wire and reaches K1, K2, K3, K4 power reaches No.30 terminal is divided into 5 ways
relay, the other way passes No.177 wire → XH4 through No.15 terminal → No.120 wire → XY1
receptacle → XA4 receptacle → alternator, and receptacle → XA2 receptacle. As shown in
does excitation to the alternator. above illustration.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

One way voltage enters into the diode through One way voltage forms current loop through
No.120 wire → No.86 terminal of K14 start No.120 wire → No.86 terminal of K3 main relay
switch P work relay → the relay winding → → the relay winding → No.212 wire → ground,
No.212 wire → ground, which forms the current K3 main relay works, its NO contact closes. The
loop, the K9 start switch P work relay works, its voltage reaches K1 through No.176 wire in step
NO contact closes, NC contact opens. Voltage A, and then reaches No.187 wire and the fuse
reaches No.87 terminal of K9 start switch P work generatrix through K1 NO contact and supplies
relay in step A and supplies power to horn, radio, power to the branch way fuses. The branch way
flasher relay through NO contact of K9 → No.30 fuses controlled by K3 relay are: the backup
terminal → No.402 wire → the generatrix of fuse alarm 10A, the brake light 10A, the electric seat
and 10A fuse; And supplies power to the rotating 5A, the positioner light 10A, the front floodlight
beacon, the dome light through 5A fuse; Turn on l15A, the rearviewer 10A. K3 relay supplies
the corresponding switches for work after above power to the corresponding electro-devices by
devices realized power supply. the branch way fuses.
One way voltage forms current loop through One way voltage forms current loop through
No.120 wire → No. 86 terminal of K1 main relay No.120 wire → No.86 terminal of K4 main relay
→ the realy winding → No.212 wire → ground, → the relay winding → No.212 wire → ground,
K1 main relay works, its NO contact closes. The K4 main relay works, its NO contact closes. The
voltage reaches K1 through No.176 wire in step voltage reaches K1 through No.176 wire in step
A, and then reaches No.185 wire and the fuse A, and then reaches No.188 wire and the fuse
generatrix through K1 NO contact to supply generatrix through K1 NO contact and supplies
power to all branch ways fuses. The branch way power to the branch way fuses. The branch way
fuses controlled by K1 relay are: secondary fuses controlled by K4 relay are: the work light
steering 10A, parking brake 5A, the grid heating 20A, the rear floodlight 15A, and the defroster
relay 10A, the instrument 5A, the centralized 20A. K4 relay supplies power to the
lubrication system 10A, the shift control system corresponding electro-devices by the branch way
7.5A, the bucket positioner 5A, the boom shock fuses.
absorption 5A, the stabilized power supply 10A,
Step C: The engine can be started when the
the counterweight system 5A, start switch power
operator turns the start switch to III gear. The
supply 5A, the fan reversal solenoid 5A. K1 relay
voltage reached No.30 terminal of the start
will supply power to the corresponding electro-
devices by the branch way fuses. switch passes No.17 terminal → No.180 wire →
XY1 receptacle → XA5 receptacle → No.87
One way voltage forms current loop through terminal of K11 gear start interlock relay. As
No.120 wire → No.86 terminal of K2 main relay shown in above illustration.
→ the relay winding → No.212 wire → ground,
The shift control unit supplies power to No.584
K2 main relay works, its NO contact closes. The
wire when the shift control lever is at NEUTRAL
voltage reaches K1 through No.176 wire in step
state, the voltage forms current loop through
A, and then reaches No.186 wire and the fuse
generatrix through K1 NO contact and supplies No.584 → XA5 receptacle → No.86 terminal of
power to the branch way fuses. The branch way K11 gear start interlock relay → relay winding →
fuses controlled by K2 relay are: A/C 20A, A/C No.212 wire → ground, K11 gear start interlock
relay works, its NO contact closes.
5A, the wiper 20A, the lighter 10A. K2 relay
supplies power to the corresponding electro-
devices by the branch way fuses.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

The voltage forms current loop from No.87 1. First, make sure every cable connection of
terminal of K11 gear start interlock relay → No.30 the battery and the grounding of the
terminal of K11 gear start interlock relay → disconnect switch are good.
No.182 wire → No.86 terminal of K start relay → 2. Then, measure the voltage between the
relay winding → No.212 wire → ground, K5 start positive terminal and the negative terminal of
relay works, its NO contact closes. The voltage
the battery. The battery is deficient in power if
reached K5 through No.176 terminal in step A,
the digital multimeter reading is the same to
reaches No.183 terminal through K5 NO contact
step1; please charge the battery according to
→ XA3 receptacle → XH3 receptacle → No.50
the battery charging procedure.
terminal of start motor induction switch control
terminal → ground, forms current loop, its NO 3. Otherwise, check the disconnect switch and
contact closes, the start motor works, starting the judge whether it is damaged or not according
engine. to the test methods introduced in Main
Component section if the digital multimeter
1-A-F1 Test steps of the main electro- reading is different with step1.
devices power supply faults
Description of the fault phenomenons: Turn the Step2. Listen to the engaged sound of the
disconnect switch and the start switch to I main power supply relay
position, each instrument doesn't respond, the
● Turn the disconnect switch and the start
electro-devices on the machine (except radio
; horn ; flasher ; beacon/doom lamp) don't switch to I position.
respond ( e.g, the light doesn't work when turn ● Pay attention to the engaged sound of the
on the light switch; the wiper doesn't move when main power supply relay under the left side of
operate the wiper, etc). driver seat in cab.

Step1. Test the voltage of battery positive Conclusion:

terminal to the nearby ground.
If the result does OK, please turn to step 3.
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200v range of
voltage function. If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 6.
● Turn the disconnect switch to I position (turn Step3. Test 80A fuse for melting.
on the disconnect switch)
● Open the battery box, and undraw the ● Hold the disconnect switch and the start
lagging of the battery positive terminal. switch at I position
Connect the red probe of the digital ● Open the electronic control box under the left
multimeter to the battery positive terminal, side of driver seat in cab.
the black probe to the nearby machine
housing (grounding). ● Find two ways 80A bolt type fuse on the
electronic control box, and observe 80A bolt
Test result: type fuse for melting. If it couldn't be judged
from this, please use Ω function of the digital
The reading of the digital multimeter is between multimeter to test melting according to Main
24V and 31V. Component section instruction.

Conclusion: Conclusion:

If the result does OK, please turn to step 2. If the fuse melted, please turn to step13.
If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows: If the fuse doesn't melt, please turn to step 4.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Step4. Test No.176 wire connection voltage of Conclusion:

main relay
If the result does OK,, there is connection fault
● Hold the disconnect switch and start switch at from No.176 wire connection of main fuse in the
I position. electronic centralized control box to the main

power supply relay connection, please replace
Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of
the housing of the electronic centralized control
voltage function.
● Connect the red probe of the digital
If the result doesn't OK, there are two
multimeter to No.30 terminal of No.176 wire
probabilities. First, 80A fuse is melted if there is
on main relay, the black probe to the the
voltage in No.100 wire but not in No.176 wire,
nearby machine housing (grounding).
please replace the 80A fuse. Second, please
turn to step 9 if there isn't voltage in No.100 wire.
Test result:
Step6. Test 10A fuse of start switch for
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V.
● Hold the disconnect switch and the start
switch at I position.
If the result does OK, please turn to step14. ● Open the electronic control box, find the
electronic centralized control box and 10A
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 5.
start switch fuse according to nameplate and
pull it out.
Step5. Test the connection voltage between
No.176 wire and No.100 wire of the main fuse. ● Observe 10A fuse for melting, if it couldn't be
judged, please use Ω function of the digital
● Hold the disconnect switch and the start multimeter to test melting according to Main
switch at I position Component section instruction.
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of
voltage function. Conclusion:

● Connect the red probe of the digital If the fuse melted, please turn to step11.
multimeter to the plug terminal of No.176 wire
on main relay, the black probe to the nearby If the fuse doesn't melt, please turn to step7.
machine housing (grounding).
Step7. Test No.120 wire connection voltage of
● Connect the red probe of the digital main relay winding terminal
multimeter to the plug terminal of No.100 wire
on main relay, the black probe to the nearby ● Hold the disconnect switch and the start
machine housing (grounding). switch at I position.
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of
Test result:
voltage function.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V ● Connect the red probe of the digital
and 31V. multimeter to No.86 terminal of No.120 wire
on main relay, the black probe to the nearby
machine housing (grounding).
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Test result: Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V. and 31V.

Conclusion: Conclusion:

If the result does OK, please test the main relay If the result does OK, the line from the fuse to
according to Main Component section start switch has fault or the connector has
instruction. loosened.
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 8. If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step10.
● Step8. Test No.120 wire connection voltage
Step10. Test No.100 wire connection voltage
of start switch
of start motor
● Hold the disconnect switch and the start
switch at I position. ● Hold the disconnect switch and the start

switch at I position.
Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of
voltage function. ● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of

voltage function.
Connect the red probe of the digital
multimeter to No.120 wire connection ● Connect the red probe of the digital
terminal of start switch, the black probe to the multimeter to No.100 wire plug terminal of
nearby machine housing (grounding). main relay, the black probe to the nearby
machine housing (grounding).
Test result:
Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V. The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V.
If the result does OK, please turn to step12.
If the result does OK, there are two probabilities.
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step9.
First, the line from No.100 wire connection of
Step9. Test No.100 wire connection voltage of start motor to No.100 wire connection of fuse has
start switch fuse fault or the connector has loosened, please
check them carefully. Second, XH4 receptacle
● Hold the disconnect switch and the start has fault, please pull out and insert over again.
switch at I position. Pull the wire connecting with the XH4 receptacle
slightly by hand in order to judge whether the
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of inside connector has loosened, and replace the
voltage function. connector if it has loosened.
● Connect the red probe of the digital If the result doesn't OK, the positive cable
multimeter to No.100 wire connection connection of battery has loosened.
terminal of start switch fuse, the black probe
to the nearby machine housing (grounding). Step11. Replace 10A start switch fuse

● Hold the disconnect switch and the start

switch at I and O position.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

● Replace 10A start switch fuse. Conclusion:

● Turn the start switch to I position.
If the fuse melted, the line has short circuit fault,
test it according to 1-A-F3 test method.
If the fuse doesn't melt, there isn't fault.
If the fuse melted, the line has short circuit fault,
please test it according to 1-A-F3 test method. Step14. Test the connection terminal voltage
of fuse generatrix
If the fuse doesn't melt, there isn't fault.
● Hold the disconnect switch and the start
Step12. Test No.111 wire connection voltage
switch at I position.
of start switch
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of
● Hold the disconnect switch and the start voltage function.
switch at I position. ● Connect the red probe of the digital
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of multimeter to the connection terminal of fuse
voltage function. generatrix, the black probe to the nearby
machine housing (grounding).
● Connect the red probe of the digital
multimeter to No.111 wire connection
Test result:
terminal of start switch, the black probe to the
nearby machine housing (grounding).
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V.
Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V.
If the result does OK, the line may be open circuit
inside the centralized control box, please replace
the housing of the centralized control box.
If the result does OK, the line from No.111 wire If the result doesn't OK, test K1, K2, K3 and K4
connection of start switch to No.111 wire main relays according to Main Component
connection of start switch fuse has fault. section instruction. Replace them if they are
If the result doesn't OK, check the start switch
according to Main Component section
instruction, and replace it if it is damaged.

Step13. Replace 80A main fuse of the

electronic centralized box

● Hold the disconnect switch and the start

switch at I and O position.
● Replace 80A fuse.
● Turn the start switch to I position.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Illustration 1-23 1-A-F1 Fault test flow chart

1-A-F1 the main

have no power

1. Check the disconnect switch

Voltage of battery for damage according to
positive terminal to
component instruction。2. Judge
ground is +24V? TEST STEP1
battery for power loss。


Turn on start Is still melting

10A start Eliminate the line
switch, main power No Yes after replacing Yes
switch fuse for
supply relay has 10A start switch short circuit fault。
melting or not
Fault has sound or not TEST STEP2 TEST STEP6 fuse? TEST STEP11
eliminated No No
Fault has
No Yes

Eliminate line Yes Is still melting after No.120 wire of main

Yes 80A fuse melts Yes Check the main power
replacing 80A fuse or power supply
short circuit fault or not supply relay for damage
not voltage is +24V?
No No

No 176 wire of Check No.120 Check No.111

The relay The line fault or connector
Check the main power supply No main power wire of start Yes wire of start Yes
generatrix Yes loose from start switch to
relay for damage according to supply relay switch voltage switch voltage
voltage is main power supply relay
component instruction voltage is for +24V? TEST STEP8 for +24V?
Yes No No Start switch
is damage
Fault has eliminated
No.100 wire of
The line fault or connector
fuse generatrix Yes
loose from fuse to main
voltage is
+24V? start switch relay
Replace the centralized control TEST STEP9
box housing when 80A fuse to No.176 wire, No.100
Yes No
main power supply relay lines have wire of 80A fuse
voltage are +24V?
TEST STEP5 No.100 wire of The line fault or connector
No start motor Yes loose from start motor to fuse
voltage is
Line fault from start or XH4, XA5 receptacles fault
motor No.100 wire to +24V?
80A fuse line or No
receptacles fault
Battery positive
cable connector
loosens or line fault

1-A-F2 Test steps of some electro- The power supply used in 1-A-F1 is different
from this step. Inside the fuse, they use the
devices power supply faults different generatrixs to supply power. Therefore,
if there is electro-devices power supply fault after
Description of the fault phenomenons: Turn the turned on the start switch, need to distinguish
disconnect switch and the start switch to I what kind of power supply the electro-devices
position. Turn on the switches of radio, horn, used, and if it is the fuse generatrix power
hazard flasher, rotating beacon and dome light, supply, please refer to 1-A-F1 fault test steps.
their corresponding electro-devices don't
respond, except these electro-devices, the other Step1. Test the condition of other electro-
electro-devices on the machine can work devices.
● Turn the disconnect switch and the start
switch to I position.
● Turn on the other switches (e.g. the front rotating beacon and dome light, and judge
floodlight switch, A/C switch) except the whether the electro-devices can work.
switches of radio, horn, hazard flasher,
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Conclusion: Conclusion:

If the electro-devices can work, please turn to If the result does OK, check whether each
step2. branch way fuse is melted.
If the electro-devices couldn't work, please test If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 4.
them according to 1-A-F1 test steps.
Step4. Test No.176 wire connection voltage of
Step2. Test the condition of K9 start switch P K9 start switch P work relay contact terminal.
work relay.
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of
● Hold the disconnect switch at I position. voltage function.
● Open the electronic control box, find K9 start ● Open the electronic control box, and pull out
switch P work relay, contacting the plastic K9 start switch P work relay.
housing of the relay by hand slightly.
● Turn the disconnect switch and the start
● Turn the start switch to I position. Turn on switch to I position.
and turn off the start switch, please try to feel
● Find No.176 wire connection of K9 start
whether there is obvious vibration during the
switch P work relay contact terminal. Insert
relay contact action at that moment.
the red probe of the digital multimeter into
No.100 wire plug on the back side of the
relay base, pay attention to contact with the
inner copper. Connect the black probe to the
If the result does OK, please turn to step3.
nearby machine housing (grounding).
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step5.
Test result:
Step3. Test No.402 wire connection voltage of
K9 start switch P work relay contact terminal. The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V.
● Turn the disconnect switch and the start
switch to I position. Conclusion:
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of
If the result does OK, please check or eliminate
voltage function.
the line fault from No.176 wire connection of K9
● Open the electronic control box. start switch P work relay to that of other wiring
harness in the cab.
D.Find the fuse generatrixs of radio, horn,
flasher, rotating beacon and dome light, insert If the result doesn't OK, please check K9 start
the red probe into the generatrixs, and pay switch P work relay according to Main
attention to contact with the inner copper. Component section instruction. Replace it if it is
Connect the black probe to the nearby machine damaged.
housing (grounding).
Step5. Test the voltage between No.466 wire
Test result: and No.212 wire of K9 start switch P work
relay winding terminal.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V. ● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range of
voltage function.
● Open the electronic control box, find K9 start relay base.
switch P work relay and pull it out from the
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

● Turn the disconnect switch and the start

switch to I position.
● Insert the red probe of the digital multimeter
into No.86 terminal (No.466 wire connection)
of the relay base, and insert the black probe
into No.85 terminal (No.212 wire connection)
of the relay base.

Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.


If the result does OK, please check K9 start

switch P work relay according to Main
Component section instruction. Replace it if it is
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 6.

Step6. Test No.212 wire grounding condition

of K9 start switch P work relay.

● Turn the disconnect switch to I position. Turn

the start switch to O position.
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range.
● Open the electronic control box, find K9 start
switch P work relay, and pull it out from the
relay base. Insert one probe of the digital
multimeter into No.85 terminal (No.212 wire
connection) of the relay base, the other one
into the nearby machine housing

Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is"0" Ω .


If the result does OK, the test is finished.

If the result doesn't OK, please check the
grounding line and eliminate the grounding fault.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Illustration 1-24 1-A-F2 Fault test flow chart

1-A-F3 Test steps of the main line ● Open the control box, find 80A bolt type main
fuse, and pull it out from the centralized
short circuit fault control box. Connect one probe of the digital
multimeter to 80A main fuse connection
Description of fault phenomenons: turn the terminal of the control box, another probe to
disconnect switch and the start switch to I the nearby machine housing (grounding).
position. The main fuse or the start switch fuse
melted, the new fuse keeps melting after Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is 0 or not.
Step1. Test whether 80A main fuse
connection terminal of electronic control box Conclusion:
gets short circuit to ground?
If the result is NO, please turn to step5.
● Turn the disconnect switch to O position (turn
If the result is YES, please turn to step2.
off the disconnect switch).
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Step2. Test whether the main relay contact If the result is YES, the lines inside the alternator
terminal of the control box gets short circuit get short circuit, please replace the alternator.
to ground?
Step4. Test whether No.177 wire gets short
● A.Turn the disconnect switch to O position circuit to ground?
(turn off the disconnect switch).
● Turn the disconnect switch to O position (turn
● B.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω off the disconnect switch).
● Remove No.177 wire from B+ terminal of the
● C.Open the control box, find K1, K2, K3, K4 alternator.
main relays, and pull them out from the
centralized control box. Connect one probe ● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range.
of the digital multimeter to No.30 contact
● Connect one probe of the digital multimeter
terminal of the original main relay on the
to No.177 wire terminal, another probe to the
control box, another probe to the nearby
nearby machine housing (grounding).
machine housing (grounding).
Test result:
Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is 0 or not.
The digital multimeter reading is 0 or not.
Conclusion: Conclusion:
If the result is NO, please turn to step5.
If the result is NO, please turn to step5.
If the result is YES, the lines inside the control
If the result is YES, No.177 wire gets short circuit
box get short circuit, please replace the control
inside the wiring harness, please check whether
box housing.
the wiring harness has worn and eliminate the
Step3. Test whether B+ terminal of the short circuit fault.
alternator gets short circuit to ground?
Step5. Test whether No.111 wire of start
switch fuse gets short circuit to ground?
● Turn the disconnect switch to O position (turn
off the disconnect switch).
● Turn the disconnect switch to O position (turn
● Remove No.177 wire from B+ terminal of the off the disconnect switch).
● Pull out XA5 receptacle.
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range.
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range.
● Connect one probe of the digital multimeter
● Connect one probe of the digital multimeter
to B+ terminal of the alternator, another
to No.111 wire terminal of start switch fuse,
probe to the nearby machine housing
another probe to the nearby machine
housing (grounding).
Test result:
Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is 0 or not.
The digital multimeter reading is 0 or not.
If the result is NO, please turn to step5.
If the result is NO, please turn to setp8.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

If the result is YES, No.111 wire gets short circuit Conclusion:

inside the control box, please replace the control
box housing. If the result is NO, please turn to step8.
If the result is YES, No.120 wire gets short circuit
Step6. Test whether No.111 wire of No.14 pin
inside the wiring harness, please check whether
on XA5 receptacle plug terminal gets short
it has worn and eliminate the short circuit fault.
circuit to ground?
Step8. Test whether ther winding of K1, K2,
● Turn the disconnect switch to O position (turn
K3 and K4 main power supply relays gets
off the disconnect switch).
short circuit?
● Pull out XA5 receptacle.
● Turn the disconnect switch to O position (turn
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range. off the disconnect switch).
● Connect one probe of the digital multimeter ● Pull out K1, K2, K3, and K4 main power
to No.111 wire terminal of No.14 pin on XA5 supply relays from relay base.
receptacle plug, another probe to the nearby
machine housing (grounding). ● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range.
● Connect both probes of the digital multimeter
Test result:
separately to No.85, and No.86 terminals of
K1, K2, K3, K4 main power supply relays.
The digital multimeter reading is 0 or not.
Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is 0 or not.
If the result is NO, please turn to step8.
If the result is YES, No.111 wire gets short circuit Conclusion:
inside the wiring harness, please check whether
it has worn and eliminate the short circuit fault. If the result is NO, please turn to step9.
If the result is YES, the correspondting main
Step7. Test whether No.120 wire of No.14 pin
power supply relay is damaged, please replace
on XA2 receptacle plug terminal gets short
circuit to ground?
Step9. Test whether the contact terminals of
● Turn the disconnect switch to O position (turn
K1, K2, K3 and K4 main power supply relays
off the disconnect switch).
get short circuit to ground?
● Pull out XA2 receptacle.
● Turn the disconnect switch to O position (turn
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range. off the disconnect switch).
● Connect one probe of the digital multimeter ● Pull out K1, K2, K3, and K4 main power
to No.120 wire terminal of No.14 pin on XA2 supply relays from relay base.
receptacle plug, another probe to the nearby
machine housing (grounding). ● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range.
● Connect both probes of the digital multimeter
Test result:
separately to No.85, and No.86 terminals of
K1, K2, K3 and K4 main power supply relays.
The digital multimeter reading is 0 or not.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Test result: Conclusion:

The digital multimeter reading is 0 or not. If the result is NO, the test is finished.
If the result is YES, the line gets short circuit
inside the control box, please replace the control
box housing.
Illustration 1-25 1-A-F3 Fault test flow chart

1-A-F4 Test steps of the engine Step1. Confirm whether the fault comes from
the main electro-devices power supply
faults connection faults.

Description of fault phenomenons: turn the ● If it is the main electro-devices power supply
disconnect switch to I position, turn the start connection fault, please check the fault
switch clockwise to III position, the engine can't according to 1-A-F1 about the main electro-
start. devices power supply faults.
● If the main electro-devices power supply can
be connected, please turn to step2.

Step2. Test whether the battery electricity is


● Turn the disconnect switch to O position.

Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range. ● Turn the disconnect switch to I position.
● Connect the red probe of the digital ● Turn the start switch clockwise to III position.
multimeter to the positive terminal of the
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range.
battery, the black probe to the negative
terminal of the battery, and don't connect to ● Connect the red probe of the digital
the connection cable terminal. multimeter to No.86 terminal of original start
relay in the centralized control box, the black
Test result: probe to the nearby machine housing
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 27V or not. Test result:

Conclusion: The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 27V or not.
If the result is YES, please turn to step3.
If the result is NO, the battery electricity is not
enough, please replace the battery.
If the result is NO, please turn to step5.
Step3. Test No.183 wire voltage of start motor If the result is YES, perhaps the start relay has
terminal. inner fault, please check the start relay according
to Main component section instruction, and
● Turn the disconnect switch to I position. replace the start relay if it is damaged.
● Turn the start switch clockwise to III position.
Step5. Test No.86 terminal voltage of Neutral/
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range. start interlock relay in the centralized control
● Connect the red probe of the digital
multimeter to No.183 wire of start motor
● Pull out the Neutral/start interlock relay from
terminal, the black probe to the nearby
the centralized contro box.
machine housing (grounding).
● Turn the disconnect switch to I position.
Test result:
● Turn the start switch clockwise to I position.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V ● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range.
and 27V or not.
● Connect the red probe of the digital
Conclusion: multimeter to No.86 terminal of original
Neutral/start interlock relay in the centralized
control box, the black probe to the nearby
If the result is NO, please turn to step4.
machine housing (grounding).
If the result is YES, perhaps the start motor has
inner fault, please check the start motor Test result:
according to Main component section
instruction. The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 27V or not.
Step4. Test No.86 terminal voltage of
centralized control box start relay

● Pull out the start motor from the centralized

control box.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Conclusion: ● Connect the red probe of the digital

multimeter to No.120 wire terminal of start
If the result is NO, please check the fault switch, the black probe to the nearby
according to the shift control system service machine housing (grounding).
Test result:
If the result is YES, perhaps the Neutral/start
interlock relay has inner fault, please check the
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
fault according to Main Component section
and 27V or not.
instruction, and replace the Neutral/start interlock
relay if it is damaged.
Step6. Test No.30 terminal voltage of Neutral/
start interlock relay in the centralized control If the result is NO, the start switch has inner fault,
box. please check the start switch according to Main
Component section instruction, and replace the

start switch if it is damaged.
Pull out the Neutral/start relay from the
centralized control box. If the result is YES, the test is finished.
● Turn the disconnect switch to I position.
NOTICE: If the fault couldn't be eliminated
● Turn the start switch clockwise to III position. according to above steps, please test by refer

to Chapter 3-Electrical Engine System in this
Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range.
manual. The engine starting fault maybe the
● Connect the red probe of the digital mechanical failure, so please refer to the
multimeter to No.30 terminal of original engine system service manual if the fault still
Neutral/start interlock relay in the centralized exists after eliminating the electronic system
control box, the black probe to the nearby faults.
machine housing (grounding).

Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 27V or not.


If the result is NO, please turn to step7.

If the result is YES, the test is finished.

Step6. Test No.120 wire terminal voltage of

start switch.

● Turn the disconnect switch to I position.

● Turn the start switch clockwise to III position.
● Adjust the digital multimeter to 200V range.
Power-Supply System
Test and Maintenance of the System faults

Illustration 1-26 1-A-F4 Fault test flow chart

Instrument System
Main Components

Instrument System In addition, the instrument also has extended

function interface of alert and indicator. For
example, axle oil pressure alert, water in fuel
alert indicator. But these extended function
Function Brief Introduction interfaces are not available for all III series wheel
loader. Outer connection of above extended
The instrument fixed on the machine is electronic
functions can be obtained from electronic
combination type.
principle drawing of III series wheel loaders.
Illustration 2-1 Instrument outline
The sensor and pressure switch connected to
the instrument system will be introduced in this

Main Components

Instrument system
Illustration 2-2 Instrument system principle
drawing symbol

The instrument combination contains 3 displays.

There are 19 alarms and indicators on the left
panel. They are the left turn indicator, right turn
indicator, front floodlight high beam indicator,
clutch cut-off indicator, lubrication running
indicator, secondary steering running indicator,
steering system fault indicator, start state
indicator, parking brake low pressure alert
indicator, service brake low pressure alert
indicator, engine oil pressure alert indicator,
transmission oil pressure alert indicator,
hydraulic oil temperature alert indicator, hydraulic
oil filter alert indicator, engine coolant level alert
indicator, charge indicator, main fault alert
indicator etc.
The lubrication fault alert indicator, hydraulic oil
temperature alert indicator, hydraulic oil filter
alert indicator, engine coolant level alert indicator
are not available for CLG856III.
There are electronic diesel engine state
indicators, engine tachometer, and LCD
speedometer on the central instrument.
There are the engine coolant temperature
gauge, the torque converter oil temperature
gauge and the fuel level gauge on right side of
the instrument.
Instrument System
Main Components

The description of outer signal source will be The instrument system can be divided into micro-
introduced in detail in fault test and service controller mode, input mode and output mode
section. etc. according to the function. The control
principle drawing as follows:
Illustration 2-3 Instrument system configuration



The icons used on the instrument system comply The definition of the alert and indicator icons:
with the correlative ISO standard.
Turn left indicator
CAUTION: Pull out NO.36 core
receptacle of the instrument system before The light flashes when the machine
weld or maintain the machine. Otherwise, the turns left, the front & rear left turn
strong impacted current may burn the signal light will also flash simultaneously.
combination instrument. And connect No. 36
core receptacle after welding, or the Turn right indicator
machine won't work normally.
The light flashes when the machine
Illustration 2-4 No.36 core receptacle of turns right, the front & rear right turn
instrument system signal light will also flash simultaneously.

Main fault alert indicator

The main fault alert indicator will be lightened

when any of the parking brake low pressure alert
indicator, the service brake low pressure alert
indicator, the engine oil pressure alert indicator,
transmission oil pressure alert indicator, axle oil
pressure alert indicator, engine intake air filter
alert indicator, lubrication fault indicator,
hydraulic oil temperature alert indicator, hydraulic
oil filter alert indicator, engine coolant level alert
indicator, steering system fault indicator and start
state indicator is lightened.
Instrument System
Main Components

Secondary steering indicator CAUTION: Park the machine on a safe

and convenient place for repair when the
Turn the secondary steering button to transmission oil pressure alert indicator is
ON position, then the secondary flashing. Check the transmission and
steering motor starts and the yellow secondary transmission oil level. Never go on work or
steering indicator turns on when the engine stops run the machine before solving the problem.
Engine oil pressure alert indicator
Parking brake low pressure alert
indicator This red indicator will turn on when the
engine oil pressure is under 0.07MPa
The illumination of this red alert (at idle speed). Stop the engine to check.
indicator indicates the hydraulic oil pressure of
the parking brake is too low. Stop the machine to Engine coolant level alert indicator
When the engine coolant level
Service brake low pressure alert declines, this red indicator will turn on.
indicator Stop the machine and refill coolant.

When the braking hydraulic oil Centralized lubrication fault

pressure is too low, this lamp turns on. Stop the indicator (not available in this
machine to check unless the trouble is machine)
Hydraulic oil filter alert indicator
Steering system fault indicator (not available in this machine)

This indicator is controlled by the Engine intake air filter alert

instrument system. The indicator will indicator
turn on and the secondary motor will start when
the instrument detects a fault on the steering When the air filter is blocked to some
system. extent, this lamp will turn on. Stop the engine and
give maintenance to the air filter.
Charge indicator
Centralized lubrication indicator
This red indicator will turn off when the
engine is charging the battery and it The green indicator indicates that the
will turn on when the battery supplies electricity centralized lubrication system is
for the appliances separately. working when it turns on. (NOTE: the centralized
lubrication system is optional. Only when the
Hydraulic oil temperature alert machine is equipped with centralized lubrication
indicator (not available in this system can this indicator works)
Front floodlight high beam
Transmission oil pressure alert indicator
The blue indictor indicates the front
The red indicator will flash when floodlight is at high beam when it turns on.
transmission oil pressure is too low. Stop the
engine to check.
Instrument System
Main Components

Clutch cut-off indicator Torque converter oil temperature

The yellow indicator indicates that the
machine is at clutch cut-off state when This gauge is used to indicate the oil
it turns on. (Brake to release gear). The indicator temperature of torque converter. The indicating
indicates the machine is not at clutch cut-off state scope of the yellow area on the left side is 40 ℃
when it turns off. ~60 ℃, the indicating scope of the middle
green area is 60 ℃ ~130 ℃ and the red area on
Start state indicator the right side is 130 ℃ ~150 ℃ . The green area
is the normal working area.
The yellow indicator indicates that the
start motor is at start state when it CAUTION: When the pointer of the
turns on. torque converter oil temperature gauge
points to red area, please park the machine
CAUTION: The start indicator should be on a safe and convenient place for repair.
off when the start switch resets from III gear Check the transmission and transmission oil
to I gear during starting the engine. The level. Never go on work or run the machine
engine turns out to have a fault if the before solving the problem.
indicator continues to illuminate. Turn off the
power (turn the start switch to "0" position Fuel level gauge
then turn off the disconnect switch) to check
the engine or lines. Do not work or run the This gauge indicates the fuel level of
machine continually until the trouble is the machine. It has two areas. The
eliminated. indicating scope of the red area on the left side is
0~0.2, which indicates that the remain fuel is
The definition of instrument icons: 0~0.2 times of the fuel tank. The indicating scope
of the green area on the right side is 0.2~1,
Engine coolant temperature gauge which indicates that the fuel is 0.2 times of the
fuel tank or the fuel tank is full. 1 indicates a full
This gauge indicates the coolant fuel tank. If the gauge points to the red area
temperature of the engine without please ensure enough time for the machine to
specific value. The indicating scope of the yellow refill oil.
area on the left side is 40 ℃ ~55 ℃, the middle
green area is 55 ℃ ~100 ℃ and the red area on Engine tachometer of X100RPM
the right side is 100 ℃ ~120 ℃ . The green zone
is the normal working zone. The tachometer shows the engine's rotating
speed. After starting the engine, multiple the
CAUTION: Stop the engine when the tachometer pointer reading with 100 will produce
gauge points to red zone. Check the engine the actual rotating speed of the engine. The
fan, belts and the radiator coolant level. normal working scope is 750~2200rpm, and the
maximum torque output is 1500rpm.
WARNING: When checking the engine fan,
belt and water tank level, be extremely careful Speed meter of Km/h
to avoid injury. Keep away from the moving
parts to avoid being injured and keep away This meter shows the actual speed of the
from hot parts to avoid being burnt. machine. It is a LCD meter which has backlight
function. Turning on the meter light switch to
open backlight function if it can not be seen
under strong light.
Instrument System
Main Components

The electronic diesel engine state and fault When the main fault alert indicator flashes
indication but the buzzer doesn't beep, the machine has
fault and needs to be stopped to check, the
The following 5 icons are electronic diesel engine operator can drive the machine to the service
state and fault alert indicating icons, which will be station, finds the fault system according to
introduced in detail in electronic diesel engine the alert items in the instrument system and
section in this manual. operates the machine after eliminate the fault.

Stop indicator Temperature sensor

Illustration 2-5 Temperature sensor outline and
Warning indicator electronic principle drawing symbol

Maintenance indicator (not

available in this machine)

Wait to start indicator

Water in fuel indicator (not

available in this machine)
This machine has two temperature sensors, one
is coolant temperature sensor, and another is
torque converter oil temperature sensor.
Buzzer alert
Their exteriors look very similar, but the
The instrument system has the buzzer alert electronic parameters and installation sizes are
output, connected to the small type buzzer. The different, the part numbers are carved on the
buzzer will beep when any of the steering system copper housing for distinguish. Pay attention
fault indicator, engine oil pressure alert indicator, when use them.
parking brake low pressure alert indicator,
service brake low pressure alert indicator is Part No. Name Screw Measurement
lightened. thread range ( ℃ )
30B0065 Coolant Z1/2 55~105
NOTICE temperature
When the main fault alert indicator flashes 30B0100 Torque M14 × 1.5 60~130
and the buzzer beeps, the machine has the converter oil
severe fault and needs to be stopped to temperature
check, the operator can operate the machine sensor
after eliminating the fault. It is convenient & Temperature sensor work principle
quick to find the fault system according to
the alert items in the instrument system. The temperature sensor used in the machine is
the contact type and resistance type
thermometer of negative temperature coefficient.
Instrument System
Main Components

Keep the copper housing of the temperature Illustration 2-7 Pressure switch outline and
sensor contacting with the measured medium electronic principle drawing symbol
when use it, the resistance value of the
temperature sensitive component changes along
with the measured medium temperature variety
due to the good diathermancy of the copper, the
measured medium temperature is higher, the
resistance value of the temperature sensitive
component is lower. This character of resistance
variety will be translated into that of voltage Some pressure switches are used in this
variety along with temperature variety. The machine for each system pressure alarm, their
variational voltage signal enters into the micro- exteriors look very similar, but action values,
contoller of the instrument system, after withstand pressure values and installation sizes
calculation and disposal, exports signals and are all different. The part numbers are carved on
drives the timed motor instrument to indicate the housing of pressure switch for distinguish.
temperature. Pay attention when use them.
Illustration 2-6 Temperature sensor work The pressure switch parameter table in
principle appendix of service manual lists in detail all
pressure switches types and parameters, refer to
this table straightly if it is needed, or the unit is
the imperial standard. Hereinafter, just illuminate
the pressure switches used in this system.
Pressure alert switch of the instrument
Part No. Name Contact Action
30B0139 Parking brake NC 11.5
low pressure
alert switch
30B0292 Steering system NC 0.6
low pressure
alert switch
30B0182 Service brake NC/NO 10
low pressure
Turn off the start switch when replace the
alert switch
temperature sensor, replace it after the
30B0132 Transmission oil NC 1.45
machine cooling completely. There is liquid
pressure alert
overflow when loosen the temperature
sensor, replenish the liquid after replacing
the temperature sensor. 30B0291 Secondary NO 0.6
steering running
Pressure switch
30B0131 Engine oil NC 0.059
pressure alert
Instrument System
Main Components

See above table, NC shows there is one group Regulate the pressure switch action pressure by
contacts inside the pressure switch; the contact adjusting pole (7). The action pressure of the
condition is NC when the system isn't pressure switch has been adjusted before leave
pressurized. NO shows there is one group the factory and use red paint for sign. Do not
contacts inside the pressure switch; the contact adjust the pole optionally, otherwise which will
condition is NO when the system isn't change the action value and cause accidents.
pressurized. NC/NO shows there are two groups
contacts inside the pressure switch, one is NO, Engine oil pressure alert switch
the other one is NC.
In normal condition, the engine system doesn't
Pressure switch work principle build pressure or system pressure doesn't reach
the action value when operator turns on the start
According to the different inner configurations, switch, the contact of engine oil pressure alert
the pressure switches are divided into switch keeps NC state, the engine oil pressure
dissepiment type pressure switch and piston alert indicator of the instrument system is
type pressure switch. But they have the same lightened. The system pressure will rise until the
work principle no matter what types they are. pressure oil of action value pushing inner NC
contact of pressure switch after turn on the start
Illustration 2-8 Pressure switch work principle
switch. The engine oil pressure alert indicator of
the instrument system will go out.
When the engine system has fault, and makes
the system pressure too low, the pressure switch
contact will close newly, the engine oil pressure
alert indicator of the instrument system will
lighten for alarm.


When the engine oil pressure alert indicator

lightens, the main fault alert indicator
See above illustration, left side is the lightens and the buzzer beeps, must stop the
dissepiment type pressure switch which has one machine immediately and check the faults,
group NO contacts; right side is the piston type and operate the machine after eliminate the
switch which has one group NC contacts. Now, faults.
use the left illustration as an example to
illuminate the work principle of the pressure Transmission oil pressure alert switch
The measured medium acts on the dissepiment In normal condition, the transmission system
(2) through the pressure switch connection (1), doesn't build pressure or system pressure
the piston (4) will drive the contact disc to move if doesn't reach the action value when operator
the measured medium pressure is bigger than turns on the start switch, the transmission oil
the pre-pressure of the compression spring (3), pressure alert switch keeps NC state, the
thereby closes the circuit with contact (6). The transmission oil pressure alert indicator of the
switch will open again if the measured medium instrument system is lightened. The system
pressure degressive degree is bigger than the pressure will rise until the pressure oil of action
stagnant loop. value pushing inner NC contact of pressure
switch after turn on the start switch. The
For the pressure switch of NC contacts, the transmission oil pressure alert indicator of the
function of the contacts is opposite. instrument system will go out.
Instrument System
Main Components

When the transmission system has fault, and The operator presses the parking brake switch
makes the system pressure too low, the pressure and starts the diesel engine; the brake oil enters
switch contact will close newly, the transmission into the parking brake oil line. When the pressure
oil pressure alert indicator of the instrument reaches the stated value, the pressure oil will
system will lighten for alarm. push the NC contact of the parking brake low
pressure alert switch, and the parking brake low
NOTICE pressure alert indicator of the instrument system
will go out, which shows that the system
When the transmission oil pressure alert pressure is normal.
indicator lightens, and the main fault alert
When the parking brake system has fault and
indicator lightens, please drive the machine
makes the system pressure too low, the pressure
to the service factory for check, and operate
switch contact will close newly, the parking brake
the machine after eliminate the faults.
low pressure alert switch of the instrument
system will act newly.
Service brake low pressure alert switch
The service brake low pressure alert switch is a
switch with double contacts, but just one group
When the parking brake low pressure alert
NC contact is used in this machine. It can be
indicator lightens, the main fault alert
used as a single contact NC pressure switch.
indicator lightens and the buzzer beeps, must
The check point of service brake low pressure stop the machine immediately and check the
alert switch is connected to the battery, the faults, and operate the machine after
pressure oil will push NC contact of service eliminate the faults.
brake low pressure alert switch if the battery
pressure is normal, the service brake low Steering system low pressure alert switch
pressure alert indicator of the instrument system
will go out, which shows that the system The steering system low pressure switch is a NC
pressure is normal. contact pressure switch.
When the operator turns on the start switch, the
steering pump doesn't run, the steering oil line
doesn't build pressure, the steering system low
When the service brake low pressure alert
pressure alert switch is at close state, and the
indicator lightens, the main fault alert
steering system low pressure alert indicator of
indicator lightens and the buzzer beeps, must
the instrument system will lighten.
stop the machine immediately and check the
faults, and operate the machine after When the operator starts the engine, the steering
eliminate the faults. pump runs, the steering oil line is connected.
When the pressure reaches the stated value, the
Parking brake low pressure alert switch pressure oil will push the NC contact of steering
system low pressure alert switch, and the
The parking brake low pressure alert switch is a steering system low pressure alert indicator of
NC contact pressure switch. the instrument system will go out, which shows
that the system pressure is normal.
When operator turns on the start switch, the
parking brake oil line doesn't build pressure, the
parking brake low pressure alert switch is at
close state, and the parking brake low pressure
alert indicator of the instrument system will
Instrument System
Function Operation

When the engine goes out abnormally, the Fuel level sensor
steering system pressure descends quickly or
Illustration 2-9 Fuel level sensor outline and principle
the steering system has fault and makes the drawing symbol
system pressure too low; the pressure switch
contact will close newly, and the steering system
low pressure alert switch of the instrument
system will lighten newly. The CUP in the
instrument system will execute the secondary


When the steering system low pressure alert Work principle

indicator lightens, the main fault alert
indicator lightens and the buzzer beeps, The fuel level sensor is a capacitance type
place the machine straightly immediately sensor, which has double layer canister wall.
after start the secondary steering pump and There is a small hole at the bottom of the outer
turn off the engine. Check the faults canister wall, and the fuel can flow into inner
immediately, and operate the machine after canister wall from this hole. The middle of sensor
eliminate the faults. is empty, and the fuel also can flow into the
sensor from the big hole. The double layer
Secondary steering running switch canister walls of the sensor are equal to two
electrodes of the capacitance.
The secondary steering running switch is NO
contact pressure switch. The liquid level of two terminals of the
capacitance will be changed along with the
When the CUP in the instrument system exports variety of fuel level, then the capacitance value
order and starts the secondary steering, the will be changed, which will affect the voltage
secondary steering pump works, the secondary value to change finally. See the result by the fuel
steering oil line builds pressure and the NO level gauge.
contact of secondary steering running switch
closes. The secondary steering running indicator The voltage of the fuel level sensor signal is DC
in the instrument system will lighten. 1.5-4.5V linearity arrangement.

Function Operation
When the secondary steering running
indicator lightens, there are 60s working All kinds of sensors and pressure switches in the
hours in the secondary steering pump, place instrument system belong to inspection
the machine straightly in 60s, check the components. The sensors measure the system
faults, and operate the machine after work information and show them by gauges
eliminate the faults. when the machine works. The pressure switches
monitor the system normal work condition, they
act when the system has fault, the instrument
system gives alarm.
The instrument system is a window implement
which collects and indicates the variational work
information of the machine.
Instrument System
Function Operation

The followings are all electronic components 2-E Engine speedometer

which execute this function; in general, the
components in every function reflect the real The following electronic components are needed
condition of the system straightly. Think over the for realizing engine rev indication.
system fault that resulted in those questions ● 5A fuse
when the instrument system alert indicators give
alarm or have abnormal problem. ● Instrument system
● CUMMINS electrical diesel engine ECM
2-A Engine coolant temperature gauge
2-F Turn left indicator
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing engine coolant temperature gauge
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing turn left indication.
● 5A fuse ● 5A fuse
● Instrument system ● 10A FLASH fuse
● Coolant temperature sensor ● Instrument system
2-B Torque converter oil temperature gauge ● K15 flashing relay
● Combination switch
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing torque converter oil temperature 2-G Turn right indicator
gauge indication.
● 5A fuse The following electronic components are needed

for realizing turn right indication.
Instrument system
● 5A fuse
● Torque converter oil temperature sensor
● 10A FLASH fuse
2-C Fuel level gauge ● Instrument system
The following electronic components are needed ● K15 flashing relay
for realizing fuel level gauge indication. ● Combination switch
● 5A fuse
2-H Front floodlight high beam indicator
● Instrument system
● Fuel level sensor The following electronic components are needed
for realizing front floodlight high beam indication.
2-D Speed LCD ● 5A fuse
The following electronic components are needed ● Instrument system
for realizing speed indication. ● 10A front floodlight fuse
● 5A fuse ● Position light & front floodlight switch
● Instrument system ● Combination switch
● ZF shift control system EST control unit
Instrument System
Function Operation

2-I Clutch cut-off indicator 2-L Steering system fault indicator

There are other components have the clutch cut- The following electronic components are needed
off function, which will be introduced in detail in for realizing steering system fault indication.
chapter 6 Parking Brake and Clutch Cut-off of ● 5A fuse
this service manual.
● Instrument system
The clutch cut-off indicator in this instrument
system just shows No.600 wire state of ZF shift ● Steering system low pressure alert switch
control system, the clutch cut-off indicator will
lighten when the grounding voltage of No.600 2-M Start state indicator
wire is about +24V, the shift control system
executes the clutch cut-off function. The clutch The following electronic components are needed
cut-off indicator will go out when the grounding for realizing start state indication.
voltage of No.600 wire is 0V. The shift control ● 5A fuse
system doesn't execute the clutch cut-of
function. ● Instrument system
The following electronic components are needed ● Start motor
for realizing clutch cut-off indication.
2-N Parking brake low pressure alert
● 5A fuse
● Instrument system

The following electronic components are needed
ZF shift control system
for realizing parking brake low pressure alert
2-J Lubrication running indicator
● 5A fuse
The lubrication running indicator is the piston ● Instrument system
pump work indicator of the lubrication system.
The indicator will lighten when the piston pump ● Parking brake low pressure alert switch
runs, the indicator will go out when the piston
pump doesn't work. 2-O Service brake low pressure alert
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing lubrication system running
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing service brake low pressure alert
● 5A fuse indication.
● Instrument system ● 5A fuse
● Auto-return lubrication system ● Instrument system
● Service brake low pressure alert switch
2-K Secondary steering running indicator
2-P Engine oil pressure alert indicator
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing secondary steering running
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing engine oil pressure alert indication.
● 5A fuse
● 5A fuse
● Instrument system
● Instrument system
● Secondary steering running switch
Instrument System
Function Operation

● Engine oil pressure alert switch ● 5A fuse

● Instrument system
2-Q Transmission oil pressure alert indicator
2-V Instrument system background
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing transmission oil pressure alert
The following electronic components are needed
● 5A fuse for realizing the instrument system background

Instrument system
● 5A fuse
● Transmission oil pressure alert switch
● Instrument system
2-R Engine intake air filter alert indicator
● Position light & front floodlight switch
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing engine intake air filter alert
● 5A fuse
● Instrument system
● Engine intake air filter alert switch

2-S Alternator charge indicator

The following electronic components are needed

for realizing alternator charge indication.
● 5A fuse
● Instrument system
● Alternator
● Battery

2-T Buzzer

The following electronic components are needed

for realizing buzzer beeping indication.
● 5A fuse
● Instrument system
● Mute switch
● Buzzer

2-U Instrument system works normally

The following electronic components are needed

for realizing the instrument system works normal
Instrument System
Function Operation

Illustration 2-10 Instrument system signal source and execution components distribution drawing 1

Illustration 2-11 Instrument system signal source and execution components distribution drawing 2
Instrument System
Function Operation

When turn on the start switch but not start the But when the machine operates or runs normally,
machine, as the diesel engine hasn't been the instrument system appears alert signals,
started, the hydraulic, brake, shift control must check the faults carefully. Some possible
systems don't build pressure, most of the alert faults may occur with high frequency are listed in
indicators will flash. Start the engine, every the following tables, but which don't include all
system runs normally, these indicators will go out the faults, so please dispose the fault according
one by one. to the practical condition.
Item Sign Fault description Fault point Remark
Start The indicator Start relay fault
state doesn’t lighten Neutral/start interlock relay fault
indicator when start the ZF system fault
Start switch fault
Indicator damage
The engine Start motor fault
doesn’t go out Start relay fault
after starting
Engine Give alarm during Observe oil level condition from Read fault code from
oil operation engine oil dipstick electrical engine state
pressure Does engine oil pump run and fault indicator state,
alert normally dispose fault according
indicator CUMMIUS electrical system to CUMMUS engine
fault fault code disc if has
Engine oil pressure switch
143 fault. The engine oil
pressure switch is
damage if doesn’t
appear 143 code.
Intake air Alert Air filter blocks, replace it. The
filter alert details see operation &
indicator maintenance manual
Engine Alert Observe coolant level, fill the Read fault code from
coolant coolant if not enough. The electrical engine state
level details see operation & and fault indicator state,
alert maintenance manual. dispose fault according
indicator to CUMMUS engine
fault code disc if has
197 fault.
Transmis Give alarm during Observe transmission oil level Refer to Transmission
sion oil operation from oil dipstick, fill oil if not of service manual
pressure enough.
alert Shift control valve fault
indicator ZF system fault
Instrument System
Function Operation

Service Give alarm during Check the battery according to Refer to Brake of
brake operation Brake of service manual if the service manual
alert battery pressure is not enough.
indicator Pay attention leakage.
Check battery according to
Brake of service manual if the
brake valve has fault.
The line has fault
Parking Give alarm during Check battery according to Refer to Brake of
brake operation Brake of service manual if the service manual
alert battery pressure is not enough.
indicator Pay attention leakage.
Check battery according to
Brake of service manual if the
brake valve has fault.
The line has fault
Steering Give alarm during Engine starts abnormally
system operation Steering pump damages
fault The line has fault
Engine The indicator Engine damages
charge doesn’t lighten Line fault
indicator before starting The indicator damages
The indicators The engine damages
don’t go out after
starting engine
Seconda The indicator Control mode of instrument
ry doesn’t lighten system damages
steering when engine The indicator damages
running goes out
indicator abnormally or
steering pump
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 2-12 Instrument system principle drawing 1

Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 2-13 Instrument system principle drawing 2

This illustration just marks the related branch way and direction, other irrespective parallet connection
branch ways aren't marked.

Core instruction of the instrument system

Input signal instruction

Core No. Function Outer signal source Singal control state Wire No
2 Parking brake alet Parking brake low See signal instruction of 300
indicator pressure alert switch instrument system
3 Engine oil pressure alert Engine oil pressure alert See signal instruction of 301
indicator switch instrument system
4 Front floodlight high Combination switch See signal instruction of 403
beam indicator instrument system
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Core No. Function Outer signal source Singal control state Wire No
5 Turn right indicator Combination switch See signal instruction of 404
instrument system
6 Turn left indicator Combination switch See signal instruction of 405
instrument system
8 Lubrication running Lubrication system input See signal instruction of 411
indicator instrument system
10 Service brake alert Service brake low See signal instruction of 303
indicator pressure alert switch instrument system
11 Steering system fault Steering system low See signal instruction of 312
pressure alert switch instrument system
12 Clutch cut-off indicator Parking brake clutch cut- See signal instruction of 600
off pressure switch and instrument system
parking brake button
13 Engine water Engine water 701
temperature sensor temperature sensor
14 Intake air filter alert Intake air filter alert See signal instruction of 310
indicator switch instrument system
14 Axle oil pressure alert Axle oil pressure alert See signal instruction of 304
indicator switch instrument system
17 Lubrication system fault Lubrication system 305
alert indicator output
18 Engine coolant level alert CUMMINS electrical See signal instruction of 306
indicator ECM output instrument system
19 Warning indicator CUMMINS electrical See signal instruction of 320
ECM output instrument system
20 Torque converter oil Torque converter oil 702
temperature sensor temperature sensor
21 Transmission oil Transmission oil See signal instruction of 307
pressure alert indicator pressure alert switch instrument system
22 Hydraulic oil filter alert Hydraulic oil filter alert See signal instruction of 308
indicator switch instrument system
23 Wait to start indicator CUMMINS electrical See signal instruction of 321
ECM output instrument system
24 Engine charge indicator L terminal of engine See signal instruction of 800
output instrument system
25 Service indicator CUMMINS electrical See signal instruction of 322
ECM output instrument system
26 Fuel in water indicator CUMMINS electrical See signal instruction of 323
ECM output instrument system
27 Stop indicator CUMMINS electrical See signal instruction of 324
ECM output instrument system
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Core No. Function Outer signal source Singal control state Wire No
28 Hydraulic oil temperature Hydraulic oil temperature See signal instruction of 309
alert indicator switch instrument system
29 Start state indicator 50 terminal of start motor See signal instruction of 407
instrument system
30 Secondary steering Secondary steering See signal instruction of 408
running indicator running switch instrument system
31 Engine rev signal 704
32 Speed signal ZF shift control system 705
34 Fuel level sensor Fuel level sensor 201
earthing earthing
35 Fuel level sensor signal Fuel level sensor signal 703

Power supply signal introduction

Core No. Function Remark Power supply signal Wire No.

1 +24V IN(Electrical) +24V IN (Electrical 121
engine indicator)
7 Instrument lights Background light power +24V IN. Position light 416
of instrument power supply
9 +24V IN +24V IN power supply of 122
instrument system
15 Battery power +24V Use it when instrument +24V IN from battery 114
returns power supply
16 Ground Instrument system 200

Output signal introduction

Core No. Function Remark Outer circuit Wire No.

33 Buzzer output Buzzer 417
36 Secondary steering Secondary steering relay 409
output control
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Instrument system signal

Alert signal

Item Alert Flash or not Inout signal Inout signal Sign Remark
indicator level at level at alert
color normal state state
Turn left Green Flash Hang in the air Flash signal

Turn right Green Flash Hang in the air Flash signal


Front floodlight Blue No Hang in the air +24V

high beam
Clutch cut-off Yellow No Hang in the air +24V

Lubrication Green No Hang in the air +24V

Secondary Yellow No Hang in the air +24V
Steering Red No
system fault
Start state Yellow No Ground +24V

Parking brake Red No Hang in the air Earthing

alert indicator

Servicec brake Red No Hang in the air Earthing

alert indicator

Engine oil Red No Hang in the air Earthing

pressure alert
Transmissionoi Red No Hang in the air Earthing
l pressure alert
Engine intake Red No Hang in the air Earthing
air filter alert
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Item Alert Flash or not Inout signal Inout signal Sign Remark
indicator level at level at alert
color normal state state
Lubrication Red No Hang in the air Earthing Not
system fault available for
alert indicator this
Hydraulic oil Red No Hang in the air Earthing Not
tempertaure available for
alert indicator this
Hydraulic oil Red No Hang in the air Earthing Not
filter alert available for
indicator this
Engine coolant Red No Hang in the air Earthing
level alert
Axle oil Red No Hang in the air Earthing Not
pressure alert available for
Engnie charge Red No D+ terminal of D+ terminal of From
indicator engine engine alternator

Electrical engine indicators

Item Alert Flash or not Inout signal Inout signal Sign Remark
indicator level at level at alert
color normal state state
Stop indicator Red No Hang in the air Earthing

Warning Yellow No Hang in the air Earthling


Maintenance Blue No Hang in the air Earthing


Wait to start White No Hang in the air Earthing


Water in fuel Blue No Hang in the air Earthing

Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Instrument signal 1

Indication area Sensor

Item Yellow area Green area Red area Part No. Connection Sign
screw thread
Engine water 40-55 ℃ 55-100 ℃ 100-120 ℃ 30B0065 1/2NPTF
Torque converter 40-60 ℃ 60-130 ℃ 130-150 ℃ 30B0100 M14X1.5
oil temperature
Fuel level gauge 1-0.2 0-0.2 30B0279

Instrument signal 2

Scale indication area Signal source

Item Sign Remark
Normal area Red area Impule signal comes form
Engine 0~25 scale 25~30 CUMMINS electrical engine X100RPM
speedometer scale ECM

Instrument signal 3

LCD display area Unit Signal source

1 2 3 4 Km/h Impule signal
Speedometer Decimal individual radix 1 digit after comes form ZF
digits point radix point shift control

2-A-F Engine water temperature gauge fault Fault test steps:

Step1. Test engine water temperature gauge
Fault phenomenon definition: is damaged or not (need another person).

Test the fault of the engine water temperature a.Turn on the start switch, the engine water
gauge in the instrument system if it doesn't have temperature gauge pin should turn and indicate
indication or the indication isn't on time. the min read of yellow area. Turn off the start
switch, the read of pin drops down to limit value
from the min read. The instrument system has
damaged if the water temperature pin doesn't
b.Turn off the start switch, and disassemble the
lead copper connector of water temperature
sensor from the engine.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

c.Turn on the start switch, the lead copper (1) Check the loose condition of No.3 core of
connector of water temperature sensor contacts XK4 receptacle.
with engine metal housing or whole machine
(2) Check the condition of wiring harnesses from
metal housing (the place without paint). The pin
engine water temperature gauge receptacle
of water temperature gauge will indicate the max
to the sensor.
d.Hang the lead copper connector of water Step 3. Test water temperature sensor is
temperature sensor in the air; the pin of water damaged or not.
temperatue gauge will indicate the min read.
a.The water temperature sensor may be
Conclusion: damaged if above test doesn't have fault.
b.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
If the result does OK, please turn to step3.
watetr temperature sensor and replace it after
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step2. the engine cooling, there is coolant overflow
during replacing, replenish the coolant according
Step2. Test whether there is fault in the line to overflow coolant quantity.
from engine water temperatue gauge to the
c.Replace the instrument system if the water
temperature gauge pin indicates incorrectly
again after eliminate the fault.
a.Prepare one 10m lead, Divest insulation layer
about 10-20mm of the lead two terminals. Conclusion:
b.Disassemble the steering column assembly,
pull out the receptacle of the instrument system, The cab environment is needed to judge the
and wrap one terminal of the lead prepared in water temperature sensor parameter is correct or
step a with the lead copper connector of the not. Please replace with a new water
disassembled water temperature sensor, another temperature sensor if doubted that it has
terminal is connected to the cab. damaged. Then deliver the bad sensor back to
c.Pull slightly No.701 wire connected to No.13 the factory for test.
core of instrument system, judge the connecting
condition, use the special tool to connect newly if
it is loosened.
d.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range of WARNING: Disassemble the water
Ω function, connect one probe to the lead inside temperature sensor after the engine cooling
the cab, another probe to No.13 core of the adequately! High temperature water and oil
instrument system. will injure human body; Please wear guard
glasses and gloves if it is necessary.
Test result:
2-B-F Torque converter oil temperature gauge
The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω . fault test
Fault phenomenon definition:
If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault,
please turn to step3. Test the fault of the troque converter oil
If the result doesn't OK, the line has fault, temperature gauge in the instrument system if it
disassemble the interior decoration assembly doesn't have indication or the indication isn't on
and cup map on the left-rear side of the cab. time.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Fault test steps: c.Pull slightly No.702 wire connected to No.20

core of the instrument system, judge the
Step 1. Test the torque converter oil connecting condition, and use the special tool to
temperature guage is damaged or not (need connect newly if it is loosened.
another person).
d.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range of
Ω function, connect one probe to the lead inside
a.Turn on the start switch, the torque converter the cab, another probe to No. 20 core of the
pin should turn and point to the min read in instrument system.
Yellow area. Turn off the start switch; the pin
drops down to the limit value from the min read. Test result:
The instrument system has damaged if the
torque converter oil temperature gauge pin
The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω .
doesn't move.
b.Turn off the start switch, and disassemble the Conclusion:
lead copper connector of torque converter oil
temperature sensor. If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault,
c.Turn on the start switch, the lead copper please turn to step 3.
connector of torque converter oil temperature If the result doesn't OK, the line has fault,
sensor contacts with the whole machine metal disassemble the interior decoration assembly
housing (the place without paint). The pin of and cup map on the left-rear side of the cab.
torque converter oil temperature gauge will
(1) Check the loose condition of No.2 core of
indicate the max read.
XK4 receptacle.
d.Hang the lead copper connector of torque
converter oil temperature sensor in the air; the (2) Check the condition of wiring harnesses from
pin of torque converter oil temperatue gauge will torque converter oil temperature gauge
indicate the min read. receptacle to the sensor.

Conclusion: Step 3. Test the torque converter oil

temperature sensor is damaged ro not.
If the result does OK, please turn to step 3.
a.The torque conveter oil temperature sensor
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 2. may be damaged if above test doesn't have fault.

Step 2. Test whether there is fault in the line b.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
from torque converter oil temperature gauge torque conveter oil temperature sensor and
to the sensor. replace it after the engine cooling, there is
coolant overflow during replacing, replenish the
coolant according to overflow coolant quantity.
a.Prepare one 10m lead, Divest insulation layer
about 10-20mm of the lead two terminals. c.Replace the instrument system if the oil
temperature gauge pin indicates incorrectly
b.Disassemble the steering column assembly,
again after eliminate the fault.
pull out the receptacle of the instrument system,
and wrap one terminal of the lead prepared in
step a with the lead copper connector of the
disassembled torque converter oil temperature
sensor, another terminal is connected to the cab.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Conclusion: b.Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range of

voltage function. Connect the red probe to
The cab environment is needed to judge the No.122 copper of No.1 core of XG1 receptacle
torque converter oil temperature sensor wiring harness terminal, the black probe to
parameter is correct or not. Please replace with a No.201 copper of No.2 core. Turn on the start
new oil temperature sensor if doubted that it has switch, and observe the reading of the digital
damaged. Then deliver the bad sensor back to multimeter.
the factory for test.
Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.
Disassemble the water temperature sensor
after the engine cooling adequately! High Conclusion:
temperature water and oil will injure human
body; please wear guard glasses and gloves If the result does OK, please turn to step 5.
if it is necessary.
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 3.
2-C-F Fuel level gauge fault test
Step 3. Test whether the voltage of No.122
wire is +24V.
Fault phenomenon definition:
a.Keep the measurement in step2. Connect the
Test the fault of the fuel level gauge in the
red probe to No.122 copper of No.1 core of XG1
combination instrument if it doesn't have
receptacle wiring harness terminal, the black
indication or the indication isn't on time.
probe to the machine (the place without paint).
Step 1. Test the fuel level gauge is damaged
Test result:
or not.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
a.Turn on the start switch, the fuel level gauge
and 31V.
pin should turn and point to the min read in red
area. Turn off the start switch; the pin drops
down to the limit value from the min read.
If the result does OK, please turn to step 4.
If the result doesn't OK, if the instrument system
If the result does OK, please turn to step 2. indicators lighten, other meters or warning
indicators lighten, No.122 line has fault from the
If the result doesn't OK, the instrument system
fuse to XG1 receptacle. If the whole instrument
has damaged if the fuel level gauge pin is
system doesn't reflect, please check the
condition of 5A fuse.
Step 2. Test whether the voltage of XG1
receptacle is +24V.

a.Turn off the start switch, find XG1 receptacle at

the fuel level sensor on the diesel engine case
and pull out.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Step 4. Test the grounding resistance of Test result:

No.201 wire.
The digital multimeter reading is +1.5 to +4.5.
a.Keep the measurement in step3. Adjust the The reading will change when the fuel level
digital multimeter to 200 Ω range of Ω function. sensor is lifted.
Connect the red probe to No.201 copper of 2
core of XG1 receptacle wiring harness terminal, Conclusion:
the black probe to the machine (the place without
paint). If the result does OK, please turn to step 6.
If the result doesn't OK, the fuel level sensor is
Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω . Step 6. Test whether the voltage of the
instrument system receptacle is +1.5V-+4.5V.
a.Turn off the start switch, put the fuel level
There are two reasons which cause the No.201
sensor to original position, don't fix bolt.
wire grounding resistance value isn't 0: one is
Disassemble the steering column assembly, and
No.201 wire is open circuit, another is instrument
pull out the instrument system from the fixing
system has inner fault.
position. Prepare two pins, insert one pin into
No.703 wire copper near instrument system
Step 5. Test whether the voltage of XG1
receptacle, and make sure the pin contacts with
receptacle is +1.5V-+4.5V.
No.703 wire copper. Insert another pin into
No.201 wire near instrument system receptacle,
a.Turn off the start switch, prepare two pins, plug
and make sure the pin contacts with No.201 wire
XG1 receptacle. Insert one pin into No.703 lead
copper. Please notice that two pins can't contact
near XG1 receptacle wiring harness terminal,
with each other. Otherwise the instrument will be
make sure the pin contacts with the copper of
No.703 wire. Insert another pin into No.201 wire
near XG1 receptacle wiring harness terminal and b.Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range of
make sure the pin contacts with copper of voltage function. Turn on the start switch,
No.201 wire. Please notice that two pins can't connect the red probe of the digital multimeter to
contact with each other. Otherwise the the pin inserted into No.703 wire, connect the
instrument system will be damaged. black probe of the digital multimeter to the pin
inserted into No.201 wire, please notice that two
b.Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range of
pins can't contact with each other, observe the
voltage function. Turn on the start switch,
reading of the digital multimeter.
connect the red probe of the digital multimeter to
the pin inserted into No.703 wire, connect the c.Turn off the start switch, lift the fuel level sensor
black probe of the digital multimeter to the pin for about 100mm-200mm height, and test the
inserted into No.201 wire, please notice that two voltage between No.703 wire and No.201 wire.
pins can't contact with each other, observe the
reading of the digital multimeter. Test result:
c.Turn off the start switch, remove the fixing bolt
The digital multimeter reading is +1.5 to +4.5.
of the fuel level sensor, and lift the fuel level
The reading will change when the fuel level
sensor for about 100mm-200mm height. Turn on
sensor is lifted.
the start switch, and test the voltage between
No.703 wire and No.201 wire.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Conclusion: Fault test steps:

If the result does OK, the instrument system is Step 1. Test whether the machine can shift
damaged. successfully and run normally.
If the result doesn't OK, No.703 wire has fault.
2-D-F Speed LCD test
If the result does OK, the machine can shift
successfully and run normally which shows ZF
Do not turn on the start witch, if the speed LCD
shift control system doesn't have fault, the rev
leaks liquid, the black spot can be observed by
seonsor works normally, the signal source is
eye on the speed LCD, which shows the
instrument system is damaged.
If the result doesn't OK, please check as follows:
Observe the speed LCD when turn on the start
switch, the instrument system is damaged if the (1) Did replace the rev sensor? If it has been
speed LCD doesn't have reflection or the LCD replaced, please adjust the gap between rev
doesn't show the whole content. sensor and thransmission gear until the
whole machine can shift successfully (refer to
The rev sensor is used to check transmission
the shift control system section for details).
output gear rev when running, then let rev signal
translate into the impulse signal, input EST (2) If didn't replace the rev sensor, use the digital
electronic control unit. EST electronic control unit multimeter 2000 Ω range of Ω function, pull
exports the transmission impulse signal into the out the plug of the rev sensor, connect the
instrument system through the outer lead. CPU probes of the digital multimeter to two pins of
inside the instrument system calculates the input the rev sensor, the multimeter reading is
impulse signal number and sends to the speed 1020 ± 100 Ω . Otherwise the rev sensor is
LCD for show after converted into speed signal. damaged, please replace it.
The original signal of the speed signal comes (3) The rev sensor signal wire of ZF shift control
from the rev sensor, through EST electronic system is broken or not.
control unit and CPU of the instrument system,
reaches the speedometer finally. The special Step 2. Test the line fault
implement is needed if inspect the signal source,
but the field maintenance doesn't have the a.Prepare one 10m lead, divest the insulation
condition to inspect signal source. A new spare layer for about 10-20mm of the lead two
instrument system is needed to do the following terminals.
test steps. b.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
LCD normal work temperature is 0~50 ℃ (0~122 steering column assembly, and pull out the
°F) in the instrument system, please keep the receptacle of the instrument system.
indoor temperature at normal work temperature Disassemble the interior decoration assembly
when operate the machine in cold weather. and cup map on the left-rear side of the cab, pull
slightly No.705 wire of X5 receptacle (one plug
Falut phenomenon definition: and one socket), judge the connecting condition
between No.705 wire and copper, use the
The speed LCD doesn't show reading during special tool to connect over again if the
running, just shows 0. connection is not tight. And turn to the next step
if it is tight.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

c.Pull out X5 receptacle, and keep contacting CUMMINS engine ECM is the control centre of
one terminal of 10m lead with No.705 wire the engine system, which has self-check
copper until finish the measurement, another function. The electrical engine state indicator
terminal is connected to the instrument system. group on the instrument system will give alarm
when the engine system has fault.
d.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range of
Ω function, one probe contacts with No.32 core The engine state indicator group will give alarm
copper of the instrument system, another probe signal if the engine system has fault and makes
contacts with the copper core of the instrument the rev gauge doesn't indicate or the indication
system. value is incorrect. To the opposite, if the engine
state indicator group doesn't give alarm signal,
Test result: the signal source doesn't have fault.

The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω . Falut phenomenon definition:

Conclusion: The rev gauge doesn't have indication, and need

to test its fault.
If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault,
please turn to step 3. Fault test steps:
If the result doesn't OK, the line has open circuit,
Step 1. Test the line fault
check No.705 wire carefully, especially the
receptacle, the round place, the active place
contacts with the metal plate. a.Prepare one 10m lead, divest insulation layer
for about 10-20mm of the lead two terminals, and
Step 3. Replace the instrument system prepare one pin.
b.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the steering column assembly, and put out the plug
steering column assembly, and replace the old of the instrument system. Insert one terminal of
instrument system of the machine with a new the lead into No.31 core of receptacle wiring
one. harness of the instrument system, and make
b.Assemble the steering column, turn on the start sure the lead core connects well to No.31
switch, and operate the machine. Observe if the copper, pull another terminal from the cab to 50-
speed LCD works normally. pin receptacle. Find No.704 wire of 50-pin
receptacle, pull slightly No.704 wire by hand,
Conclusion: judge the tight condition between lead and
copper, use the special tool to connect newly if
OK the connection is not tight. Insert pin into No.704
wire if it is tight, make sure the connection
If the result doesn't OK, there is fault in the lines between the pin and No.704 wire.
of ZF system.
c.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range of
2-E-F Engine tachometer fault test Ω function, one probe contacts with the pin
(No.704 wire), another probe contacts with the
lead copper core of the engine.
The tachometer signal of the engine comes from
CUMMINS engine ECM which is impulse signal,
Test result:
the signal source of CUMMINS engine ECM
comes from crankshaft speed sensor. The
special test instrument is needed if test the signal The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω .
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Conclusion: b.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range of

Ω function, one probe contacts with No.405 wire
If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault, of the combination switch, another probe
please turn to step 2. contacts with No.5 core of the instrument system
(No.405 wire).
If the result doesn't OK, the line has open circuit,
check No.704 wire carefully, especially the
Test result:
receptacle, the round place, the active place
contacts with the metal plate.
The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω .
Step 2. Replace the instrument system
Turn off the start switch and remove the steering
If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault,
column assembly. Replace the old combination
please turn to step 2.
instrument with a new one.
If the result doesn't OK, the line has open circuit,
Install the steering column, turn on the start
check No.405 wire carefully, especially the
switch and run the machine to check whether the
receptacle, the round place, the active place
engine speedometer works normally.
contacts with the metal plate.
Step 2. Replace the instrument system.
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
If the result doesn't OK, check the engine state steering column, and replace the old
indicator for warning signal, check the fault code combination instrument with a new one.
according to the engine fault code table in the
b.Assemble the steering column, turn on the start
service manual, examine & repair the engine
switch, push the combination switch forwards to
according to the fault table.
turn left, observe whether the left turn indicator
works normally.
2-F-F Turn left indicator fault test
Falut phenomenon definition:
If the result does OK, the left turn indicator of the
The front-left turn indicator and rear-left turn
instrument system is damaged, please replace
indicator lighten normally, but the left turn
the instrument system, and send the old
indicator on the instrument system doesn't
instrument system to the factory for service. The
maintenance should be carried out in the clean
Check the lights according to lights subassembly anti-static room, do not disassemble the
section in this service manual if the front-left turn instrument system without permission.
indicator and rear-left indicator don't lighten
normally. 2-G-F Left turn indicator fault test

Fault test steps: Refer to 2-F-F right turn indicator fault test steps,
the tested lead is No.404 wire.
Step 1. Test the line fault

a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the

steering column, and pull out the receptacle of
the instrument system. Find the receptacle in the
steering column of the instrument system.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

2-H-F Front floodlight high beam indicator b.Assemble the steering column, turn on the start
fault test switch, push the combination switch forwards for
floodlight high beam, observe whether the front
Falut phenomenon definition: floodlight high beam indicator works normally.

The front floodlight high beam indicator doesn't Conclusion:

indicate when the front floodlight is on high
beam. If the result does OK, the high beam indicator
inside the instrument system is damaged, please
Check the lights according to this service manual
send the damaged instrument system back to
if the front floodlight isn't on high beam.
the factory for service. The maintenance should
Fault test steps: be carried out in the clean anti-static room, do
not disassemble the instrument system without
Step 1. Test the line fault
2-I-F Clutch cut-off indicator fault test
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
steering column, and pull out the receptacle of
Fault phenomenon definition:
the instrument system. Find the receptacle of
steering column of the instrument system.
Turn on the start switch, and pull up the parking
b.Pull slightly No.403 wire connected to No.4 brake button, but the clutch cut-off indicator
core of the instrument system; judge its loose doesn't lighten.
condition, using the special tool to connect newly
if it is loosed. The clutch cut-off indicator doesn't lighten when
the operator presses KD button.
c.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range of
Ω function, one probe contacts with No.403 wire The clutch cut-off indicator lightens or not is only
of the instrument system, another probe contacts related to No.600 wire state no matter how many
with No.4 core (No.403 wire) of the instrument components are related to clutch cut-off function,
system. the clutch cut-off indicator will lighten when the
grounding voltage of No.600 wire is +24V, the
Test result: clutch cut-off indicator will go out when the
grounding voltage of No.600 wire is 0.
The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω .
Fault test steps:
Step 1. Send clutch cut-off order to the
If the result does OK, the line has no fault, please machine, and check the grounding voltage of
turn to step 2. No.600 wire of the instrument system

If the result doesn't OK, the line has open circuit, a.Turn off the start switch, and pull out 36-pin
check No.403 wire carefully, especially the receptacle of the instrument system.
receptacle, the round place, the active place
contacts with the metal plate. b.Turn on the start switch, don't start the engine,
press down the parking brake button.
Step 2. Replace the instrument system c.Adjust the digital multimete to 50V range of
voltage function. The red probe contacts with
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the No.12 core of the instrument system, the black
steering column, and replace the old instrument probe contacts with the metal housing (the place
system with a new one. without paint) of the cab (or contacts with No.200
wire of No.16 core of the instrument system)
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Test result: c.The red probe contacts with No.170 wire

copper connector of the parking brake button,
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V the black probe contacts with the metal housing
and 31V. (the place without paint) of the cab. The digital
multimeter reading is between 24V and 31V.
If the result does OK, please turn to step 2.
(1) No.600 wire of the parking brake switch has
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 3.
voltage, please check No.600 wire circuit
carefully, especially the receptacle, the round
Step 2. Replace the instrument system.
place and the active parts contacts with the
metal plate.
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
steering column, and replace the old instrument (2) No.600 wire of the parking brake switch
system with a new one. doesn't have voltage, but No.170 wire has
b.Assemble the steering column, turn on the start voltage, which shows the parking brake is
switch, don't start the engine, pull up the parking damaged.
brake, observe the clutch cut-off indicator (3) No.600 wire and No.170 wire of the parking
lightens or not. brake switch don't have voltage, No.170 wire
has fault if ZF shift control system works
Conclusion: normally, 7.5A shift control fuse may melt if
ZF shift control system doesn't work.
If the result does OK, the high beam indicator of
the instrument system is damaged, please 2-J-F Lubrication running indicator fault test
replace it, and send the old instrument system
back to the factory for service. The maintenance Falut phenomenon definition:
should be carried out in the clean anti-static
room, do not disassemble the instrument system The lubrication running indicator doesn't lighten
without permission. when the lubrication system piston pump runs.

Step 3. Test the grounding voltage of No.600 Check the lubrication system piston pump
wire, No.170 wire in turn. according to this service manual if the piston
pump doesn't run.
a.Pull the parking brake and hold it, turn off the
Fault test steps:
start switch, disassemble the fixing bolt of the
parking brake button plate, pull up the parking
Step 1. Test the line fault
brake assembly slightly. Put the assembly on the
control box, please notice that the copper
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
connector can't contact with the metal housing of
steering column, and pull out the receptacle of
the machine.
the instrument system. Find No.411 wire
b.Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range of connected to No.8 core of the instrument system,
voltage function. Turn on the start switch, the red pull it slightly by hand to judge it is loosed or not,
probe contacts with No.600 wire copper use the special tool to connect it if it is loosed.
connector of the parking brake button, the black
b.Pull out XK7 receptacle connected to the
probe contacts with the metal housing (the place
lubrication system, find No.411 wire connecte to
without paint) of the cab. The digital multimeter
No.3 core, pull it slightly by hand to judge it is
reading is between 24V and 31V.
loosed or not, and use the special tool to connect
it if it is loosed.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

c.Prepare one 10m lead, divest insulation layer Conclusion:

for about 10-20mm of the lead two terminals, one
terminal of the lead is connected to No.8 core, If the result does OK, the lubrication running
another is connected to XK7 receptacle of the indicator of the original instrument system is
lubrication system. damaged. Send the instrument system back to
the factory for service. The maintenance should
d.Adjust the digital multemter to 200 Ω range of
be carried out in the clean anti-static room, do
Ω function, one probe contacts with 3 core of
XK7 receptacle of the lubrication system, not disassemble the instrument system without
another is connected to the lubrication system permission.
lead. Observe the multimeter reading. If the result doesn't OK, the lubrication system
has inner fault.
Test result:
2-K-F Secondary steering running indicator
The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω . fault test

Conclusion: Fault phenomenon definition:

If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault, The secondary steering indicator doesn't lighten
please turn to step 2. when the secondary steering motor runs.
If the result doesn't OK, the line has open circuit, Check the secondary steering motor according
check No.411 wire carefully, especially the to the service manual if the secondary steering
receptacle, the round place, the active place motor can't run normally.
contacts with the metal plate.
Fault test steps:
Step 2. Test the grounding voltage of No.411
wire of the instrument system. Step 1. Test whether the voltage of No.122
wire of the secondary steering pressure
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the switch is +24V.
steering column, take out the instrument system
and pull out 36-pin of the instrument system. a.Pull out two receptacles of the secondary
b.Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range of steering pressure switch.
voltage function. Turn on the start switch, and b.Turn on the start switch, and adjust the digital
press the KD button to start the piston pump. The multimeter to 50V range of voltage function. The
red probe contacts with No.8 core of the red probe contacts with No.122 wire copper
instrument system. The black probe is connected receptacle. The black probe is connected with
with the metal housing (the place without paint) the metal housing (the place without paint) of the
of the cab. cab.

Test result: Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V. and 31V.


If the result does OK, please turn to step 2.

If the result doesn't OK, please check as follows:
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

(1) Judge the instrument system has electricity If the result doesn't OK, the line has open circuit,
or not, all indicators lighten or not, 5A fuse check No.411 wire carefully, especially the
melts if the instrument system doesn't receptacle, the round place, the active place
electrify. contacts with the metal plate.
(2) No.122 wire has fault if the instrument
2-L-F Steering system fault indicator fault test
system works normally, check No.411 wire
carefully, especially the receptacle, the round
Fault phenomenon definition:
place, the active place contacts with the
metal plate.
The steering system fault indicator doesn't
lighten at all times when the secondary steering
Step 2. Judge the pressure switch is
damaged or not. pump has run.
The steering system fault indicator doesn't
a.Open the electronic control box, pull out the lighten when the secondary steering pump
secondary steering relay in order to make sure doesn't run.
not to start the secondary steering piston pump
during testing. Fault test steps:
b.Connect No.122 wire and No.408 wire, and
Step 1. The steering system fault indicator
make sure the copper has good contact.
doesn't lighten when the secondary steering
Observe the secondary steering running
pump has run. Replace the instrument
indicator lightens or not.
Please turn to step2 if the secondary steering
If the result does OK, the secondary steering pump doesn't run.
pressure switch is damaged.
Step 2. Test whether No.312, No.231 wires
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 3。 have the line fault.

Step 3. Replace the instrument system. a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
steering column, and pull out the receptacle of
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the the instrument system. Find No.312 wire
steering column, and replace the old instrument connected to No.11 core of the instrument
system with a new one.. system, pull the wire slightly by hand, judge it is
b.Assemble the steering column, turn on the start loosed or not, use the special tool to connect it if
switch, and keep No.122 wire short in step 2 it is loosed.
connecting with No.408 wire. Observe the b.Find the steering pressure alert switch on the
secondary steering indicator lightens or not. bottom of the cab, pull out its two receptacles,
push the copper connector, connect two copper
Conclusion: together in order to connect No.312 wire to
No.231 wire.
If the result does OK, the secondary steering
indicator of the original instrument system is c.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range of
Ω function, one probe contacts with 11 core of
damaged. Send the instrument system back to
the instrument system, another probe contacts
the factory for service. The maintenance should
with 16 core of the instrument system.
be carried out in the clean anti-static room, do
not disassemble the instrument system without
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Test result: Conclusion:

The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω . If the result does OK, the steering pressure alert
switch is damaged when the steering system
Conclusion: fault indicator lightens.
If the result doesn't OK, the instrument system is
If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault,
damaged when the steering system fault
please turn to step 3.
indicator doesn't lighten.
(1) If the result doesn't OK, the line has opern Illustration 2-11 Secondary steering start control
circuit. Check No.312 wire carefully,
logic sequence drawing
especially the receptacle, the round place,
and the active place contacts with the metal
(2) Check the grounding condition of No.231 FAILURE INDICATOR/ INPUT START FAILURE

wire carefully. The grounding resistance is 0

Ω or not.

Step 2. Test the steering pressure alert switch See above illustration, grounding can be
is damaged or not. considered as low level, +24V as high level. The
first line is the voltage wave shape of the power
a.Connect the receptacle of the instrument supply system. The second line is the voltage
system. wave shape of the steering pressure alert switch
b.Connect two coppers of the steering pressure namely the voltage condition of No.11 core of the
alert switch to each other in order to connect instrument system. The third line is the
No.312 wire to No.231 wire. secondary steering output control voltage
condition namely the voltage condition of No.36
c.Disassemble the interior decoration assembly
core of the instrument system.
and cup mat on the left-rear side of the cab,
observe the electronic centralized controller, find Keep monitoring the instrument system from the
K6 secondary steering relay on the electronic steering pressure alert switch signal. The
centralized controller and pull it out. steering system doesn't build voltage before turn
on the start switch, close the NC contact of the
d.Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range of
steering pressure alert switch and earthing by
voltage function. Find No.85 and No.86 terminals
outer circuit, the level is low level, as shown in
on the relay socket according to the sign on the
the second line of above illustration.
relay, they are the sockets of No.409 wire and
No.212 wire. Insert red probe into No.86 terminal Turn on the start switch, and start the engine, the
of the relay socket, the black probe into No.85 steering system pressure is built step by step,
terminal. the NC contact of the steering pressure alert
e.Turn on the start switch, observe the steering switch has been pushed open, the signal rises
system fault indicator of the instrument system from low level to high level by the resistance
lightens or not, and observe the digital action inside the instrument system.
multimeter reading.

Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

The steering pressure alert switch NC contact c.Prepare one 10m lead, divest the insulation
closes newly and earthing by outer circuit when layer for about 10-20mm of the lead two
operating and running the machine, the steering terminals, one terminal of the lead is connected
system pressure loses due to the fault, the to No.407 wire or the copper connector of
resistance action inside the instrument system is No.183 wire, another is connected to the
counteracted. The signal declines from high level receptacle of the instrument system in the cab.
to low level. The steering system fault indicator
d.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range of
lightens on the instrument system.
Ω function, one probe contacts with No.407 wire
CPU inside the instrument system collects the of the instrument system, another probe is
signal condition from the power supply system connected to the lead copper core in the cab.
and the steering pressure alert switch, when the
low level signal of the steering pressure alert Test result:
switch reaches, the secondary steering exports
+24V voltage to drive the secondary steering The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω .
control relay and then drives the steering motor.
As shown in the third line of above illustration. Conclusion:
The battery power will be consumed rapidly due
If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault,
to the big work current after the secondary
please turn to step 2.
steering motor starting to work. The work time of
the secondary steering motor is 60s which is If the result doesn't OK, The line has open circuit,
setup by CPU in the instrument system. check No.407 wire carefully, especially the
Therefore, it will stop work automatically after receptacle, the round place, the active place
working for 60s. contacts with the metal plate.

2-M-F Start state indicator fault test Step 2. Replace the instrument system.

Fault phenomenon definition: a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
steering column, and replace the old instrument
The start state indicator doesn't lighten when system with a new one.
starting the engine and running the motor. b.Assemble the steering column, turn on the start
Check the start motor according to this service switch, start the engine, observe the start state
manual if the start motor doesn't run. indicator lightens or not.

Fault test steps: Conclusion:

Step 1. Test the line fault. If the result does OK, the start state indicator of
the original instrument system is damaged. Send
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the the old instrument system back to the factory for
steering column, and pull out the receptacle of service. The maintenance should be carried out
the instrument system. Find the receptacle in the in the clean anti-static room, do not disassemble
steering column of the instrument system. the instrument system without permission.
b.Pull No.407 wire connected to No.29 core of
the instrument system slightly by hand, judge its
loose condition, and use the special tool to
connect it if it is loosed.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

2-N-F Parking brake low pressure alert c.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω , one
indicator fault test probe contacts with No.2 core of the instrument
system, another probe is connected to No.16
Falut phenomenon definition: core of the instrument sysem (grounding).

The parking brake low pressure alert indicator Test result:

doesn't lighten when press the parking brake
button. The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω .
The parking brake low pressure indicator doesn't
lighten when turn on the start switch, press the
parking brake button.
If the result doesn't OK, the line doesn't have
fault, the parking brake low pressure alert
Fault test steps:
indicator inside the original the instrument
system is damaged. Send the instrument system
Step 1. Test the parking brake pressuren alert
back to the factory for service. The maintenance
switch is damaged or not.
should be carried out in the clean anti-static
room, do not disassemble the instrument system
a.Turn off the start switch, find the parking brake
without permission.
pressure alert switch on the parking brake
cylinder, pull out its two terminals, and push out (1) If the result doesn't OK, the line has open
the copper connector inside the switch. Connect circuit. Check No.300 wire carefully,
two copper connectors in order to connect especially the receptacle, the round place,
No.300 wire to No.231 wire. and the active place contacts with the metal
b.Turn on the start switch, pull up the parking plate.
brake and observe the parking brake pressure (2) Check the grounding condition of No.231
alert indicator lightens or not. wire carefully. The grounding resistance
value is 0 Ω or not.
2-O-F Service brake low pressure alert
If the result does OK, the parking brake pressure indicator fault test
alert switch is damaged.
Falut phenomenon definition:
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 2.

Step 2. Test whether No.300, No.231 wires The service brake low pressure indicator doesn't
have line fault. lighten when the service brake system pressure
is low.
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the For the machine stops for a long time, the
steering column, and pull out the receptacle of service brake low pressure indicator doesn't
the instrument system. Find No.300 wire of No.2 lighten when turn on the start switch.
core. Pull No.300 wire connected to No.2 core of
the instrument system slightly by hand, judge it is
loosed or not, use the special tool to connect it if
it is loosed.
b.Keep connecting two coppers of the parking
brake pressure alert switch to each other in order
to connect No.312 wire to No.231 wire.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Fault test steps: Conclusion:

Step 1. Check the service brake low pressure If the result doesn't OK, the line doesn't have
alert switch is damaged or not. fault, the service brake low pressure alert
indicator inside the original instrument system is
a.Turn off the start switch, and find the service damaged. Send the instrument system back to
brake low pressure alert switch on the pedal the factory for service. The maintenance should
under the cab. Pull out two receptacles, push out be carried out in the clean anti-static room, do
the copper connector, and connect two copper not disassemble the instrument system without
connectors together in order to connect No.303 permission.
wire to No.214 wire.
(1) If the result doesn't OK, the line has open
b.Observe the service brake low pressure alert circuit. Check No.303 wire carefully,
switch lightens or not when turn on the start especially the receptacle, the round place,
switch but don't start the engine. the active place contacts with the metal plate.

Conclusion: (2) Check the grounding condition of No.214

wire carefully. The grounding resistance
If the result does OK, the service brake low value is 0 Ω or not.
pressure alert switch is damaged.
2-P-F Engine oil pressure alert indicator fault
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 2。 test

Step 2. Test whether No.303, No.214 wires Falut phenomenon definition:

have line fault.
The engine oil pressure alert indicator doesn't
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the lighten when the engine oil pressure is low.
steering column, pull out the receptacle of the
The engine oil pressure alert indicator doesn't
instrument system. Find No.303 wire of No.10
lighten when turn on the start switch but don't
core. Pull No.303 wire connected to No.10 core
start the engine.
of the instrument system slightly by hand, judge
its loose condition, and use the special tool to
Fault test steps:
connect it if it is loosed.
b.Keep connecting two copper connectors of the Step 1. Test the engine oil pressure switch is
service brake low pressure alert switch together damaged or not.
in order to\ connect No.303 wire to No.214 wire.
c.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω , one a.Turn off the start switch, and find the engine oil
probe contacts with No.10 core of the instrument pressure alert switch under the engine base
system, another probe is connected to No.16 housing, push out the copper connector.
core of the instrument sysem (grounding). Connect two copper connectors together in order
to connect No.301 wire to No.229 wire.
Test result: b.Turn on the start switch but don't start the
engine, observe the engine oil pressure alert
The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω . indicator lightens or not.


If the result does OK, the engine oil pressure

switch is damaged.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 2. The transmission oil pressure alert indicator
doesn't lighten when turn on the start switch but
Step 2. Test whether No.301, No.229 wires don't start the engine.
have line fault.
Fault test steps:
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
steering column, pull out the receptacle of the Step 1. Test transmission oil pressure alert
instrument system. Find No.301 wire of No.3 switch is damaged or not.
core. Pull No.301 wire connected to No.3 core of
the instrument system slightly by hand, judge its a.Turn off the start switch, find the transmission
loose condition, and use the special tool to oil pressure alert switch under the transmission.
connect it if it is loosed. Pull out two receptacles, push out the copper
b.Keep connecting two copper connectors of the connector, and connect two copper connectors
service brake low pressure alert switch together together in order to connect No.307 wire to
in order to connect No.301 wire to No.229 wire. No.231 wire.
b.Turn on the start switch but don't start the
c.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω , one
probe contacts with No.3 core of the instrument engine, observe the transmission oil pressure
system, another probe is connected to No.16 alert indicator lightens or not.
core of the instrument sysem (grounding).
Test result:
If the result does OK, the transmission oil
pressure alert switch is damaged.
The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω .
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 2.
Step 2. Test whether No.307, No.231 wires
If the result doesn't OK, the line doesn't have have line fault.
fault, the engine oil pressure alert indicator inside
the original instrument system is damaged. Send a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
the instrument system back to the factory for steering column, pull out the receptacle of the
service. The maintenance should be carried out instrument system. Find No.307 wire of No.21
in the clean anti-static room, do not disassemble core. Pull No.307 wire connected to No.21 core
the instrument system without permission. of the instrument system slightly by hand, judge
(1) If the result doesn't OK, the line has open its loose condition, and use the special tool to
circuit. Check No.301 wire carefully, connect it if it is loosed.
especially the receptacle, the round place, b.Keep connecting two copper connectors of the
amd the active place contacts with the metal transmission oil pressure alert switch together in
plate. order to connect No.307 wire to No.231 wire.
(2) Check the grounding condition of No.229 c.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω , one
wire carefully. The grounding resistance probe contacts with No.21 core of the instrument
value is 0 Ω or not. system, another probe is connected to No.16
core of the instrument sysem (grounding).
2-Q-F Transmission oil pressure alert
indicator fault test Test result:

The transmission oil pressure alert indicator The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω .
doesn't lighten when the transmission oil
pressure is low.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Conclusion: Conclusion:

If the result doesn't OK, the line doesn't have If the result does OK, the engine intake air filter
fault, the engine oil pressure alert indicator inside switch is damaged.
the original instrument system is damaged. Send
the instrument system back to the factory for If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 2。
service. The maintenance should be carried out
Step 2. Test whether No.310, No.229 wires
in the clean anti-static room, do not disassemble
have line fault.
the instrument system without permission.
(1) If the result doesn't OK, the line has open a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
circuit. Check No.307 wire carefully, steering column, and pull out the receptacle of
especially the receptacle, the round place, the instrument system. Find No.310 wire of
the active place contact with the metal plate. No.14 core. Pull No.310 wire connected to No.14
core of the instrument system slightly by hand,
(2) Check the grounding condition of No.231
judge its loose condition, and use the special tool
wire carefully. The grounding resistance
to connect it if it is loosed.
value is 0 Ω or not.
b.Keep connecting two copper connectors of
2-R-F Engine intake air filter alert indicator engine intake air filter alert switch together in
fault test order to connect No.310 wire to No.229 wire.
c.Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω , one
Falut phenomenon definition: probe contacts with No.14 core of the instrument
system, another probe is connected to No.16
The engine intake air filter indicator doesn't core of the instrument sysem (grounding).
lighten when the engine air filter blocks.
When operating the machine, there is serious Test result:
black smoke (not includes the instants of starting
and step on the gas), must stop the machine to The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω .
check the engine air filter, the engine intake air
filter blocks but the alert indicator doesn't lighten. Conclusion:

Fault test steps: If the result doesn't OK, the line doesn't have
fault, the engine intake air filter alert indicator
Step 1. Test the engine intake air filter alert inside the original instrument system is
switch is damaged or not. damaged. Send the instrument system back to
the factory for service. The maintenance should
a.Turn off the start switch, and find the engine be carried out in the clean anti-static room, do
intake air filter alert switch on the engine air filter. not disassemble the instrument system without
Pull out two receptacles, push out the copper permission.
connector, and connect two copper connectors (1) If the result doesn't OK, the line has open
together in order to connect No.310 wire to circuit. Check No.310 wire carefully,
No.229 wire. especially the receptacle, the round place,
b.Turn on the start switch but don't start the and the active place contacts with the metal
engine, observe the engine intake air filter alert plate.
indicator lightens or not. (2) Check the grounding condition of No.229
wire carefully. The grounding resistance
value is 0 Ω or not.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

2-S-F Engine charge indicator fault test If the result doesn't OK, No.800 wire has open
circuit, check No.800 wire carefully, especially
Fault phenomenon definition: the receptacle, the round place, the active place
contact with the metal plate.
The voltage/service meter works normally after
starting the engine, the engine charge indicator 2-T-F Buzzer fault test
doesn't lighten when the service meter works
normally. Fault phenomenon definition:
Check it according to this service manual if the
When any one of the steering system fault
service meter of voltage/service meter doesn't
indicator, engine oil pressure alert indicator,
parking brake low pressure alert indicator and
the service brake low pressure alert indicator
Fault test steps:
lightens, the mute switch is at OFF state (not
mute), the buzzer doesn't beep.
Step 1. Test the voltage of No.800 wire on the
instrument system.
Fault test steps:
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
Step 1. Test the voltage of No.417 wire of the
steering column, and pull out the receptacle of
mute switch.
instrument system. Find No.800 wire of No.24
core. Pull No.800 wire connected to No.24 core
a.Turn off the start switch, use the screwdriver to
of the instrument system slightly by hand, judge
prize the 8-joint pendant switch from the steering
its loose condition, and use the special tool to
column (disassemble the steering column if it
connect it if it is loosed.
can't be prized), find No.417 wire of mute switch
b.Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range. on the 8-joint pendant switch, the mute switch is
Insert red probe into No.24 core (No.800 wire) of at OFF state (not mute).
the instrument system, the black probe is
b.Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range.
connected to No.16 core of the instrument sysem
Insert red probe into No.417 wire hole of the
mute switch receptacle, keep contacting with
c.Turn on the start switch and start the engine. copper piece inside No.417 wire. The black
Observe the digital multimeter reading. probe contacts with the metal housing (the place
without paint) of the cab (grounding).
Test result:
c.Turn on the start switch, pull up the parking
brake button, and bserve the digital multimeter
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V.
Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
If the result doesn't OK, the line doesn't have
and 31V.
fault, the engine charge indicator inside the
original instrument system is damaged. Send the
instrument system back to the factory for service.
The maintenance should be carried out in the
If the result does OK, please turn to step 2.
clean anti-static room, do not disassemble the
instrument system without permission. If the result doesn't OK, the instrument system
has inner fault.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Step 2. Test the voltage of No.418 wire of the Test result:

mute switch.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
a.Continue with step1, insert red probe of the and 31V.
digital multimeter into No.418 wire hole of the
mute switch receptacle, keep contacting with Conclusion:
copper piece inside No.418 wire, the black probe
contacts with the metal housing (the place If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault,
without paint) of the cab (grounding). the instrument system has inner fault.
If the result doesn't OK, please check as follows:
Test result:
(1) Check 5A fuse melts or not.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
(2) Check the grounding resistance of No.200
and 31V.
wire is 0 Ω or not.
Conclusion: (3) Check No.122 wire has fault or not.

If the result does OK, the buzzer is damaged. 2-V-F Fault test when the instrument system
can't realize the background illumination
If the result doesn't OK, the mute switch is
damaged. Falut phenomenon definition:
2-U-F Fault test when the instrument system
Turn on the position light after turn on the start
can't work
switch, the instrument system background light
doesn't lighten and can not realize the
Falut phenomenon definition:
background illumination.
The guage pin doesn't return to 0, parts of Fault test steps:
indicators don't give alarm after turning on the
start switch. Step 1. Test the voltage of No.416 wire on the
instrument system.
Fault test steps:
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
Step 1. Test the voltage of No.122 wire of the
steering column, find No.416 wire of No.7 core
instrument system.
and No.200 wire of No.6 core, pull them slightly
by hand and judge their loose condition, use the
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
special tool to connect them if they are loosed.
steering column, find No.122 wire of No.9 core
and No.200 wire of No.16 core, pull them slightly b.Prepare two pins, insert one into No.416 wire
by hand and judge their loose condition, use the of No.7 core and make sure the pin contacts with
special tool to connect them if they are loosed. the copper core, insert another pin into No.200
wire of No.16 core and make sure the pin
b.Prepare two pins, insert one into No.122 wire
contacts with the copper core. Please notice that
of No.9 core and make sure the pin contacts with
two pins don't contact with each other.
the wire, insert another pin into No.200 wire of
No.16 core and make sure the pin contacts with c.Turn on the start switch and observe the digital
the copper core. Please notice that two pins don't multimeter reading.
contact with each other.
c.Turn on the start switch and observe the digital
multimeter reading.
Instrument System
System Fault Test and Service

Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.


If the result does OK, the line doesn't have fault,

the instrument system has inner fault.
If the result doesn't OK, please check as follows:
(1) Check the grounding resistance of No.200
wire is 0 Ω or not.
(2) Check No.122 wire has fault or not.
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Main Components

Electronic Diesel Engine Electronic pedal accelerator provides

parameters for ECU by the changes of travel.
System ECU controls the fuel injection quantity and the
throttle open/close degree according to the
parameters provided by the electronic pedal
accelerator to adjust speed.
Function Brief Introduction
Enter into the fault code diagnostic mode by the
The electronic fuel injection system (EFI system) electronic pedal accelerator, read the fault codes
which used electronic control unit (ECU) as the forward sequencely by depressing down and
control center to test every parameter of the releasing the pedal circularly, and read the
engine through various sensors installed on the specific code number by the stop indicator on the
different positions of the engine. This system can panel assembly. Please refer to the following
check all kinds of faults, give the users warning STOP INDICATOR instruction for the read
through the corresponding warn indicators on the methods.
panel, and display the corresponding fault code,
in order to maintain, service the machine and Electronic Diesel Engine ECU
make sure it works normally. Illustration 3-2 ECU

Main Components

23C0075 Electronic Pedal Accelerator

Illustration 3-1 Electronic pedal accelerator and
principle schematic symbol

CUP is the hard core in ECU, which has the

compute and control functions. ECU collects
every sensor signals, and computes, and then
transforms the results into control signals in
order to control the operation of the controlled
Data Diagnostic Interface
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Main Components

Illustration 3-3 Illustration 3-5

The communication mode of the data diagnostic

interface is J1939, it can communicate and
After open the cover of the data diagnostic diagnose by using the computer installed with
interface (see illustration 3-4, 3-5), the computer CUMMINS INSITE software after connected
installed with CUMIMINS INSITE software successfully.
communicates with ECU straightly by the data
Control Switches of Electronic Diesel
diagnostic interface. It can read the fault code,
the fault content, the fault analysis, also can test Engine
the various faults of the electronic diesel engine Illustration 3-6
system, and demarcate the ECU parameters at
the same time.
Illustration 3-4

(1)Diagnostic ON/OFF switch

(2)Idle/diag (diagnostic)inc /dec switch

1. Diagnostic ON/OFF switch

Electronic Diesel Engine System
Main Components

The idle/diag (diagnostic) inc /dec switch is at 2. Idle/diag (diagnostic)inc /dec switch
idle set function when the diagnostic switch is at
OFF position (see illustration 3-6). This switch is Press the idle/diag (diagnostic) inc/dec switch
a pendant switch contains self-lock, which is (this switch is reset switch) up/down to adjust the
locked at OFF position, and must pull the buckle engine idle when the diagnostic switch is at OFF
if turn it to ON position (see illustration 3-7). This position (see illustration 3-9), and the adjust
design is to prevent the false operation. When range is 600-1200rev. When the diagnostic
the diagnostic switch is at ON position (see switch is at ON position (see the illustration 3-
illustration 3-8). If the engine has fault, the fault 10), if the engine has more than two fauls, press
codes will be displayed through the warn up/down the idle/diag (diagnostic) inc /dec switch
indicator on the panel assembly. to transform the engine fault codes, and the fault
Illustration 3-7 codes will be displayed through the warn
indicator on the panel assembly.
Illustration 3-9

NOTICE: Make sure this switch is usually at

OFF position

The idle/diag (diagnostic) inc /dec switch is at

diagnostic inc/dec function when the diagnostic
switch is at ON position (see illustration 3-8).
Illustration 3-8
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Main Components

Illustration 3-10 2. Stop Indicator

The stop indicator symbol is STOP. This indicator
provides emergency information of the operator.
These informations require the operator to
respond quickly and take correct measure. The
operator needs to stop the machine and turn off
the engine to check. If the machine can not be
stopped timely, the system will force the machine
to stop automatically according to the fault
serious degree. This indicator also can be used
for the fault code flash diagnosis.
The flash mode of diagnostic code is available
through the diagnostic ON/OFF switch or
accelerator pedal. The start switch must at ON
position and the engine shut off if need to enter
the fault code flash mode. Use the diagnostic
ON/OFF switch to enter this mode, ECM will
Electronic diesel engine Indicators flash the 1st fault code automatically when the
Illustration 3-11 diagnostic ON/OFF switch is at ON position.
Press the idle/diag (diagnostic)inc /dec switch
up/down for adjusting forward or backward the
fault code. Depress and release the accelerator
1 pedal circularly in order to enter the fault code
diagnostic mode, and let accelerator oil valve
open from 0% to 100% for three times. Once
entering into the diagnostic mode, depress down
and release the accelerator pedal circularly will
find the current fault code forwards in sequence.
Stop indicator displays the fault code
Obtain No. 244 fault code.
Stop indicator displays as follows:
2 3 4 5 6 Flicker twice continuously → Stop → Flicker four
times continuously → Stop → Flicker four times
1. Engine Speedometer
Display progress of a diagnostic code (244) is
completed through the above order. Repeatly
display this code progress if there isn't choice to
STOP WARN. MAIN. WTS WIF display next code. Press the Idle/diag
(diagnostic)inc /dec switch up and down in
order to transform the engine fault codes if there
are more than two fault codes. The fault code
also will be displayed through the stop indicator.
The fault code description refers to the appendix.
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Main Components

NOTICE: If the stop indicator flashes fault

code during operating, please contact with
your dealer and provide the fault code to the
dealer for specific analysis.

3. Warn Indicator
The warn indicator symbol is WARN. The warn
indicator provides important information of the
operator, and denotes the system faults, which
require the operator to notice these informations
in time. The warn indicator also can describe the
diagnostic fault codes.
If the warn indicator flickers during operation,
please stop the machine immediately, and turn
off the start switch to shut off the engine. Then
turn on the start switch again, turn the start
switch to I position, and read the fault code
section instruction. At last, consult with the
technical service center in time to eliminate the
The warn indicator is also used as maintenance
warn indicator. The warn indicator will lighten and
the machine needs maintenance when the
service time is arrived at preset time (the default
system maintenance interval is 250 hours). It is
not the fault warning, and no fault code displayed
although the warn indicator lightens.
4. Wait to start indicator
The symbol is WTS. When the operation
temperature that the system tested inside the
machine is lower than 18 ℃ , the machine will
switch on the cold boot secondary device (the
grid heater) automatically for quicker warm-up of
the engine, and the indicator lightens at this time.
The indicator goes out means that the
temperature has reached the desired
requirement, the operator can start the engine


(1) The indicator symbol is MAIN. It is not

available for this machine.
(2) The indicator symbol is WIF. It is not
available for this machine
Electronic Diesel Engine System
System Principle Summary

Illustration 3-12 Electronic diesel engine electric system principle

System Principle Summary B.Start the start switch, and turn it to I position,
the power supply is on. Every branch fuse in the
control box has voltage, and two-way fuses are
A.Two branches of battery provide power to the related to the electronic diesel engine system
electronic diesel engine system after turning on among them.
the battery disconnect switch.
(a) The voltage arrives at No.160 wire and
(a) The voltage passes No.101 wire and No.161 wire through the electronic fuse,
arrives at 30A fuse inside the electronic and then divided into two branches. One
control box through XZ1 receptacle, then way passes through No.160 wire to the
supplies power to ECU after passing XZ1 receptacle XJ6 and arrives at 9-pin data
receptacle to No.113 wire and reaches diagnostic interface as the power supply
XH7 Deutsh 4-pin connector. of the interface. The other way passes
(b) The voltage passes No.102 wire and through No.161 wire to XH1 and Deutsh
arrives at 150A fuse inside the electronic 50-pin connector then arrives at
control box, then reaches the contact of electronic diesel engine ECU for power
K14 heater through No.103 wire. supply.
Electronic Diesel Engine System
System Principle Summary

(b) The voltage arrives at No.172 wire Illustration 3-13

through the grid heating relay 10A fuse,
and passes XH1 receptacle to No.87
terminal of the grid heating relay inside
the electronic control box. (See
illustration 3-13, 3-14 for the installation
position of electronic control box, and the
installation of the fuse inside the
electronic control box and the relay). if
the operation temperature that ECU
system tested inside the machine is lower
than 18 ℃ , ECU will give off pre-heating
signal and wait to start signal to panel
assembly indicator for clewing the users
that the machine is at WTS state.
(c) The pre-heating signal arrives at No.86
terminal of the grid heating realy through
Deutsh 50-pin connector and No.478 You can see the inner fuse and relay after open
wire. No.85 terminal of the grid heating the cover of the electronic control box, the
relay groundings and forms current loop installation position illustration shows below:
through NO.252 wire, Therefore, the Illustration 3-14
current brings magnetic field after
passing the grid heating relay winding
and then makes the relay contact 2
closed.The voltage reaches No.30 1
terminal through No.87 terminal, then
reaches the control winding terminal of
K14 heating contactor through No.489
wire, the heating contactor control
winding brings magnetic field and makes
the contact closed. No.103 wire and
No.488 wire connected, and the grid
heater starts heating when the voltage
arrives at the grid heater (see illustration 4
3-14 for the installation position of the grid
ECU stops power supply to No.487 wire
automatically after about 20s, the pre-heating is
finished. ECU gives off signal to release the
WTS WARN, the indicator goes out, and the (1)Heating relay
(2)Grid heating relay
operator can start the machine. (3)30A fuse
(4)150A fuse
Electronic Diesel Engine System
System Principle Summary

Illustration 3-15 E.ECU arrives at the diagnostic ON/OFF switch

after passing Deutsh 50-pin connector No.905
wire and XY3 receptacle, and adjusts the idle
speed by the idle/diag (diagnostic)inc /dec
switch or read the fault code by the stop alert
indicator on the panel assembly.
ECU arrives at the idle /diag inc/dec switch after
passing Deutsh 50-pin connector No.906,
No.907 wire and XY3 receptacle, and adjusts the
idle speed or read the fault code by the idle/diag
inc/dec switch.
F.ECU provides signal to the data diagnostic
interface after passing Deutsh 50-pin connector
No.750 wire and No.751 wire and XH1, XJ4
receptacle. Through the straight communication
between the data diagnostic interface and ECU,
C.ECU provides +5V voltage to the accelerator
the user can read the fault code and content.
pedal by No.756 wire and No.758 wire, and the
accelerator pedal returns the feedback voltage to G.Cooling water position switch is installed on
ECU through No.756 wire. This feedback voltage the cooling water tank of engine, see illustration
changes along with the accelerator pedal 3-16.
position. ECU controls the oil spraying quantity
The cooling water position switch closes when
accurately according to the feedback signal in
the cooling water quantity reduces, and the water
order to make the engine gets the different rev.
level is lower than desired position. The cooling
D.ECU measures various work parameters of water signal arrives at Deutsh 50-pin connector
the engine by the sensors installed on the by XH8. ECU warns and clews the users to fill
engine, then arrives at the panel assembly to the cooling water after receiving the cooling
provide the corresponding warning signal after water position switch signal.
passing Deutsh 50-pin connector,
Illustration 3-16
No.320,321,324 wire and XY3 receptacle. The
indicator will be lightened after receiving the
The corresponding warning signal of each wire
as follows:
320 Alarm signal
321 Wait to start signal
324 Stop signal
The engine rev signal ECU tested reaches the
panel assembly through No.704 wire, XY3
The speedometer displays the current engine rev
after the panel receiving ECU rev signal, the user
can observe the variety of rev straightly.
See illustration 3-11 for the speedometer
Ordinary Electronic Wire Fault Test
installation position.
Electronic Diesel Engine System
System Principle Summary

A.Accelerator fault B.Indicator fault

Fault phenomenon: the engine rev can't be Fault phenomenon: turn on the start switch, 5
increased, the engine keeps idle when indicators should flash firstly then go out in
depressing down the accelerator. normal condition, there are faults if the
indicators, especially the stop indicator, warn
Fault test steps: indicator don't lighten.
Fault test steps:
1. Check the wire connection, check No.320
Check the wiring
wire, No.321 wire, No.322 wire, No.323 wire,
1. Check the wire connection, check No.756 No.324 wire and No.704 wire connection
wire, No.757 wire, No.758 wire connection condition from the engine Deutsh 50-pin
condition from engine XH5 Deutsh 50-pin connector to XY5 receptacle of panel
connector to XL3 receptacle, Connect the assembly. Connect the wires again if they
wires again if they have loosened and make have loosened and make sure the
sure the connection reliability connection reliability
2. Test the voltage between No.756 wire and 2. Check the 5A fuse of the start switch power
No.758 wire at XL3 with the voltmeter after inside the control box in the cab, and replace
connecting the wire. The standard voltage is the corresponding fuse if the fuse has
5V. The wire may be off if there isn't voltage. melted.
Step2. 3. Check the indicators. Electrify all indicators,
the indicators are damaged if they don't
Check 5A fuse
lighten, replace the damaged indicators.
1. Check the 5A fuse of the start switch power
inside the control box in the cab, and replace C.Typical fault codes:
the corresponding fuse if the fuse has
melted. Typical fault codes are: 131, 132, 364, and 391;
Step3. 131: Accelerator position sensor circuit -HV
short circuit;
Check the accelerator
132: Accelerator position sensor circuit -LV short
1. Firstly, check whether the voltage is 5V
between No.756 wire and No.758 wire at XL3
with the voltmeter? The accelerator maybe invalid when there is
either 131 fault code or 132 fault code.
2. Secondly, check the voltage between No.757
wire and No.758 wire, the normal value 197: The engine cooling water level warning. The
should be among 0.5V-4V along with the engine cooling water level is low, please fill the
change of the accelerator position, the cooling water.
accelerator may be damaged if not.
364: CAN communication error of fuel pump
Step4. control module - abnormal update rate。
Disposal way: Replace the accelerator. Pay 391: The power supply voltage of fuel shut off
attention to the correspondence between the valve is wrong。
wire colour and number of XL3 receptacle when
See <<appendix>> for detailed table of
replacing the accelerator.
electronic diesel engine fault codes
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table

Engine Fault Codes Table


111 Red Engine Control Module Critical internal failure - Bad
intelligent Device or Component
115 Red Engine Speed/Position Sensor Circuit lost both of two signals
from the magnetic pickup sensor - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or incorrect
122 Amber Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit – Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
123 Amber Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit – Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
131 Red Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
132 Red Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
133 Red Remote Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor Circuit
– Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
134 Red Remote Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor Circuit
– Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
135 Amber Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
141 Amber Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
143 Amber Oil Pressure Low – Data Valid but Below Normal
Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
144 Amber Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit – Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
145 Amber Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit – Voltage Below
Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
146 Amber Coolant Temperature High - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
147 Red Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor Circuit –
Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period
148 Red Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor Circuit –
Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period
151 Red Coolant Temperature Low - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table


153 Amber Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
154 Amber Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
155 Red Intake Manifold Air Temperature High – Data Valid but
Above Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
187 Amber Sensor Supply Voltage #2 Circuit – Voltage Below
Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
195 Amber Coolant Level Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
196 Amber Coolant Level Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
197 Amber Coolant Level - Data Valid but Below Normal
Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
211 None Additional Auxiliary Diagnostic Codes logged - Condition
212 Amber Engine Oil Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
213 Amber Engine Oil Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
214 Red Engine Oil Temperature - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
221 Amber Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit – Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
222 Amber Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit – Voltage Below
Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
227 Amber Sensor Supply Voltage #2 Circuit – Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
231 Amber Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
232 Amber Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below
Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
233 Amber Coolant Pressure - Data Valid but Below Normal
Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
234 Red Engine Speed High - Data Valid but Above Normal
Operational Range - Most Severe Level
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table


235 Red Coolant Level Low - Data Valid but Below Normal
Operational Range - Most Severe Level
237 Amber External Speed Input (Multiple Unit Synchronization) - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
238 Amber Sensor Supply Voltage #3 Circuit – Voltage Below
Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
241 Amber Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or
242 Amber Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit tampering has been detected
– Abnormal Rate of Change
245 Amber Fan Control Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
249 Amber Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
256 Amber Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
261 Amber Engine Fuel Temperature - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
263 Amber Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
265 Amber Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
268 Amber Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or
271 Amber High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit – Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
272 Amber High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit – Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
275 Amber Fuel Pumping Element (Front) – Mechanical System
Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment
281 Amber High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve #1 – Mechanical System
Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment
284 Amber Engine Speed/Position Sensor (Crankshaft) Supply Voltage
Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
285 Amber SAE J1939 Multiplexing PGN Timeout Error - Abnormal
Update Rate
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table


286 Amber SAE J1939 Multiplexing Configuration Error – Out of
287 Red SAE J1939 Multiplexing Accelerator Pedal or Lever Sensor
System Error - Received Network Data In Error
288 Red SAE J1939 Multiplexing Remote Accelerator Pedal or
Lever Data Error - Received Network Data In Error
293 Amber Auxiliary Temperature Sensor Input # 1 Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
294 Amber Auxiliary Temperature Sensor Input # 1 Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
295 Amber Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data Erratic,
Intermittent, or Incorrect
296 red Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Input 1 - Special
297 Amber Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Input # 2 Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
298 Amber Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Input # 2 Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
319 Maint Real Time Clock Power Interrupt - Data Erratic, Intermittent,
or Incorrect
322 Amber Injector Solenoid Cylinder #1 Circuit – Current Below
Normal, or Open Circuit
323 Amber Injector Solenoid Cylinder #5 Circuit – Current Below
Normal, or Open Circuit
324 Amber Injector Solenoid Cylinder #3 Circuit – Current Below
Normal, or Open Circuit
325 Amber Injector Solenoid Cylinder #6 Circuit – Current Below
Normal, or Open Circuit
331 Amber Injector Solenoid Cylinder #2 Circuit – Current Below
Normal, or Open Circuit
332 Amber Injector Solenoid Cylinder #4 Circuit – Current Below
Normal, or Open Circuit
334 Amber Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit – Data Erratic,
Intermittent, or Incorrect
338 Amber Idle Shutdown Vehicle Accessories Relay Driver Circuit -
Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table


339 Amber Idle Shutdown Vehicle Accessories Relay Driver Circuit -
Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
341 Amber Engine Control Module data lost - Data Erratic, Intermittent,
or Incorrect
342 Red Electronic Calibration Code Incompatibility - Out of
343 Amber Engine Control Module Warning internal hardware failure -
Bad Intelligent Device or Component
351 Amber Injector Power Supply - Bad Intelligent Device or
352 Amber Sensor Supply Voltage #1 Circuit – Voltage Below
Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
386 Amber Sensor Supply Voltage #1 Circuit – Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
387 Amber Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor Supply Voltage
Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
415 Red Oil Pressure Low – Data Valid but Below Normal
Operational Range - Most Severe Level
418 Maint. Water in Fuel Indicator High - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range – Least Severe Level
422 Amber Coolant Level - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
425 Amber Engine Oil Temperature - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or
428 Amber Water in Fuel Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
429 Amber Water in Fuel Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
431 Amber Accelerator Pedal or Lever Idle Validation Circuit - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
432 Red Accelerator Pedal or Lever Idle Validation Circuit - Out of
433 Amber Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
434 Amber Power Lost without Ignition Off - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or
435 Amber Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table


441 Amber Battery #1 Voltage Low - Data Valid but Below Normal
Operational Range – Moderately Severe Level
442 Amber Battery #1 Voltage High - Data Valid but Above Normal
Operational Range – Moderately Severe Level
443 Amber Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor Supply Voltage
Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
449 Red Fuel Pressure High - Data Valid but Above Normal
Operational Range – Moderately Severe Level
451 Amber Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
452 Amber Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
488 Amber Intake Manifold 1 Temperature - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
497 Amber Multiple Unit Synchronization Switch Circuit - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
523 Amber OEM Intermediate (PTO) Speed switch Validation - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
527 Amber Auxiliary Input/Output 2 Circuit - Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
528 Amber Auxiliary Alternate Torque Validation Switch - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
529 Amber Auxiliary Input/Output 3 Circuit - Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
551 Amber Accelerator Pedal or Lever Idle Validation Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
553 Amber Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure High – Data Valid but
Above Normal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
554 Amber Fuel Pressure Sensor Error - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or
559 Amber Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure Low – Data Valid but
Below Normal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
584 Amber Starter Relay Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
585 Amber Starter Relay Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
595 Amber Turbocharger #1 Speed High - Data Valid but Above Normal
Operational Range – Moderately Severe Level
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table


596 Amber Electrical Charging System Voltage High – Data Valid but
Above Normal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
597 Amber Electrical Charging System Voltage Low – Data Valid but
Below Normal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
598 Red Electrical Charging System Voltage Low – Data Valid but
Below Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
649 Maint Change Lubricating Oil and Filter – Condition Exists
687 Amber Turbocharger #1 Speed Low - Data Valid but Below Normal
Operational Range – Moderately Severe Level
689 Amber Primary Engine Speed Sensor Error – Data Erratic,
Intermittent, or Incorrect
691 Amber Turbocharger #1 Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor
Circuit – Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
692 Amber Turbocharger #1 Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor
Circuit – Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
697 Amber ECM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
698 Amber ECM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
719 Amber Extended Crankcase Blow-by Pressure Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
729 Amber Extended Crankcase Blow-by Pressure Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
731 Amber Engine Speed/Position #2 mechanical misalignment between
camshaft and crankshaft sensors - Mechanical System Not
Responding Properly or
Out of Adjustment
753 Amber Engine Speed/Position #2 Camshaft sync error - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
757 Amber Electronic Control Module data lost - Condition Exists
778 Amber Engine Speed Sensor (Camshaft) Error – Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
779 Amber Warning Auxiliary Equipment Sensor Input # 3 (OEM Switch)
- Root Cause Not Known
951 None Cylinder Power Imbalance Between Cylinders - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
1117 None Power Lost With Ignition On - Data Erratic, Intermittent, or
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table


1139 Amber Injector Cylinder #1 - Mechanical System Not
Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment
1141 Amber Injector Cylinder #2 - Mechanical System Not
Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment
1142 Amber Injector Cylinder #3 - Mechanical System Not
Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment
1143 Amber Injector Cylinder #4 - Mechanical System Not
Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment
1144 Amber Injector Cylinder #5 - Mechanical System Not
Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment
1145 Amber Injector Cylinder #6 - Mechanical System Not
Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment
1239 Amber Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor 2 Circuit -
Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
1241 Amber Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor 2 Circuit -
Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
1242 Red Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor 1 and 2 - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
1256 Amber Control Module Identification Input State Error - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
1257 Red Control Module Identification Input State Error - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
1911 Amber Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
2111 Amber Coolant Temperature 2 Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
2112 Amber Coolant Temperature 2 Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
2113 Amber Coolant Temperature 2 - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
2114 Red Coolant Temperature 2 - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
2115 Amber Coolant Pressure 2 Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
2116 Amber Coolant Pressure 2 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table


2117 Amber Coolant Pressure 2 - Data Valid but Below Normal
Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
2185 Amber Sensor Supply Voltage #4 Circuit – Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
2186 Amber Sensor Supply Voltage #4 Circuit – Voltage Below
Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
2195 Red Auxiliary Equipment Sensor Input 3 Engine Protection
Critical - Special Instructions
2215 Amber Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure - Data Valid but Below Normal
Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
2216 Amber Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure - Data Valid but Above Normal
Operational Range – Moderately Severe Level
2217 Amber ECM Program Memory (RAM) Corruption - Condition
2249 Amber Injector Metering Rail 1 Pressure - Data Valid but Below
Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level
2265 Amber Fuel Priming Pump Control Signal Circuit – Voltage
Above Normal, or Shorted to High Source
2266 Amber Fuel Priming Pump Control Signal Circuit – Voltage
Below Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
2292 Amber Fuel Inlet Meter Device - Data Valid but Above
Normal Operational Range - Moderately Severe Level
2293 Amber Fuel Inlet Meter Device flow demand lower than expected -
Data Valid but Below Normal Operational Range -
Moderately Severe Level
2311 Amber Fueling Actuator #1 Circuit Error – Condition Exists
2321 None Engine Speed / Position Sensor #1 - Data Erratic,
Intermittent, or Incorrect
2322 None Engine Speed / Position Sensor #2 - Data Erratic,
Intermittent, or Incorrect
2345 Amber Turbocharger speed invalid rate of change detected -
Abnormal Rate of Change
2346 None Turbocharger Turbine Inlet Temperature (Calculated)
- Data Valid but Above Normal Operational Range – Least
Severe Level
Electronic Diesel Engine System
Engine Fault Codes Table


2347 None Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature
(Calculated) - Data Valid but Above Normal
Operational Range – Least Severe Level
2362 Amber Engine Brake Actuator Circuit #1 – Voltage Below
Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
2363 Amber Engine Brake Actuator Circuit #2 – Voltage Below
Normal, or Shorted to Low Source
2366 Amber Engine Brake Actuator Circuit #1 – Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
2367 Amber Engine Brake Actuator Circuit #2 – Voltage Above
Normal, or Shorted to High Source
2377 Amber Fan Control Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
2384 Amber VGT Actuator Driver Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
2385 Amber VGT Actuator Driver Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
2555 Amber Intake Air Heater #1 Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
2556 Amber Intake Air Heater #1 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
2557 Amber Auxiliary PWM Driver #1 - Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
2558 Amber Auxiliary PWM Driver #1 - Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
2963 None Engine Coolant Temperature High - Data Valid but
Above Normal Operational Range - Least
Severe Level
2964 None Intake Manifold Temperature High - Data Valid but
Above Normal Operational Range - Least
Severe Level
2973 Amber Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Shift Control System Illustration 4-1 Transmission electronic control

system components

Function Brief Introduction SENSOR ALARM
CLG856III wheel loader uses ZF transmission SPEED ELECTRONIC NEUTRAL
and axle. The transmission is electro-hydraulic STARTING
4WG-200. This manual introduces electronic POWER
control component of transmission, called the
shift control system. HARNESS

The shift control system of CLG856III wheel INFORMATION

loader has two optional modes, one is fully-auto AND
shift control mode, another is manual shift control TERMINAL
mode, and they belong to the different serial
number of CLG856III. The users can select the
suitable machine mode according to their
operation habits. Main Components
This section mainly introduces the shift control
system full-automatic mode. The next section will ERGO-II gear selector
introduce the manual shift control mode.
EST-25T electronic control unit of the shift The ERGO-II gear selector is located on the pilot
control sytem receives the outer signals from the valve of right side of cab, which is integrated the
gear selector, the speed sensor, KD key, pilot control lever with shift control lever together.
disposes these signals and sends them into the In this section, just introduce shift control function
computer to calculate. CPU will judge the of ERGO-II gear selector, and its pilot control
machine running state according to contrast function will be introduced at electronic section
signals of two speed sensors and other signals (auto reset section) of service manual.
and drive the shift control valve on the
transmission for getting the desired gear by
output circuit. This gear may be lower than the
operator selecting gear but not exceeding the
operator selecting gear according to the running
The difference with the semi-automatic mode is:
the machine load condition and real speed
decide the transmission output speed but not
operator pre-selective speed.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Illustration 4-2 ERGO-II Exterior drawing and principle drawing symbol of shift control lever

The operation button's fucntion on the ERGO-II

gear selector panel shows as above illustration.

Work principle

The gear selector contains many micro-switches

The inner micro-switches run when the operator
selects the gear and direction, these variational
gears and direction signals enter into EST-25T
electronic control unit through the wiring harness
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Illustration 4-3 Gear selector inner switches action drawing

See above illustration, it is the gear selector the digital multimeter measurement, but it
inner principle drawing; the following illustration doesn't work normally due to the inner contacts
is the micro-switch action connection drawing. damage.
Use the digital multimeter to check the gear
selector fault accroding to above illustration. But
this method is not suitable for checking the
damage condition of micro-switches' contacts
inside the gear selector. It will show no fault by
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Illustration 4-4 ERGO-II gear selector inner 2. Refer to above illustration. Adjust the digital
switch connection drawing multimeter to 200 Ω range of resistance
function. Insert probe into the corresponding
core of lead combinations under the
receptacle of gear selector (the color
delegates the lead color): [RED,YELLOW]、
[RED, PINK], [RED, BROWN], the digital
multimeter reading is 0.
3. Insert one probe of multimeter into the
corresponding core of receptacle red lead,
insert another probe into the corresponding
core (measure [RED, WHITE] combination)
of white lead, the digital multimeter reading is
1. Press F button on the ERGO-II gear
selector by hand, the multimeter reading
turns to 0, but after releasing the button, the
multimeter reading turns back to 1 again.
With the same principle, measure [RED,
YELLOW] combination and press F button,
the multimeter reading changes from "0" →
"1" → "0".
4. Insert one probe of multimeter into the
corresponding core of receptacle red lead,
Generally, ERGO-II gear selector has lock insert another probe into the corresponding
function in order to prevent error operation, core (measure [RED, WHITE] combination)
unlock ERGO-II gear selector firstly when shift of white lead, the digital multimeter reading is
the machine. The unlock is setup by the 1. Press R button on the ERGO-II gear
software, sometimes press KD button long time, selector by hand, the multimeter reading
sometimes press KD button+F button (or R turns to 0, but after releasing the button, the
button) on the gear selector at the same time. multimeter reading turns back to 1 again.
There are different unlock methods for each With the same principle, measure [RED,
machine, the details refer to the machine PINK] combination and press R button, the
operation manual, CLG856III wheel loader multimeter reading changes from "0" → "1"
maybe have not gear selector lock function. → "0".
ERGO-II gear selector fault test 5. Insert one probe of multimeter into the
corresponding core of receptacle red lead,
The inner micro-switches of gear selector are all insert another probe into the corresponding
instant switches. It needs to keep connectiong core (measure [RED, BROWN]
condition manually during measurement. See the combination) of brown lead, the digital
following methods, use the resistance function of multimeter reading is 0. Press N button on
digital multimeter to measure fault, test them if the ERGO-II gear selector by hand, the
doubt that ERGO-II gear selector has fault. This multimeter reading turns to 1, but after
section will introduce the method of fault test by releasing the button, the multimeter reading
using the voltage function of digital multimeter. turns back to 0 again.

1. Turn off the start switch, open the pilot valve

control box under the ERGO-II gear selector,
pull out X2,X3 receptacles.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

6. Insert one probe of multimeter into the 8. Insert one probe of multimeter into the
corresponding core of receptacle red lead, corresponding core of receptacle red lead,
insert another probe into the corresponding insert another probe into the corresponding
core (measure [RED, BLUE] combination) core (measure [RED, PURPLE]
of blue lead, the digital multimeter reading is combination) of purple lead, the digital
1. Press "+"button on the ERGO-II gear multimeter reading is 1. Press KD button on
selector by hand, the multimeter reading the ERGO-II gear selector by hand, the
turns to 0, but after releasing the button, the multimeter reading turns to 0, but after
multimeter reading turns back to 1 again. releasing the button, the multimeter reading
turns back to 1 again.
7. Insert one probe of multimeter into the
corresponding core of receptacle red lead, Most of the ERGO-II gear selectors that passed
insert another probe into the corresponding the above tests successfully are good selectors.
core (measure [RED, ORANGE]
combination) of orange lead, the digital Display
multimeter reading is 1. Press "-" button on
the ERGO-II gear selector by hand, the The display is located on right side of the front
multimeter reading turns to 0, but after panel, which the operator can observe by eye.
releasing the button, the multimeter reading The display is used for display the select gear of
turns back to 1 again. the operator in normal driving, the real gear of
machine driving and driving direction. The
display is also used to show service information
and fault codes when the shift control system
has fault.
The display uses CAN to realize the data
Illustration 4-5 Display outline and principle drawing symbol

1. Display of the operator select gear 2.Forward driving driection 3.Display of fault codes and real gear
4. Symbol for error in the system 5.Reverse driving direction
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

In the display, Left area is composed by upwards The full-auto shift control system machine is
arrow, downwards arrow and four middle bars. assembled with two speed sensors, which are
The upwards arrow lightens, which means the used separately to test the input gear speed and
machine driving direction is forward, and vice the output gear speed of transmission. See
versa. Four middle bars show the operator pre- illustration 4-11 (solenoid and clutch action
select gear, and each bar shows one gear. For drawing) for the specific location. EST-25T
example, the operator pre-select gear is III gear electronic control unit needs these two speeds to
if there are 3 bars lightened at the same time. judge the states of the diesel engine and the real
speed, and analyze the load condition and the
Right area shows service symbols, the shift
speed condition for deciding the real machine
control system has fault when the spanner
symbol appears, which needs repair.
Illustration 4-7 Speed sensor work principle
The middle area shows the real gear of
transmission during normal machine operation.
In full-auto shift control system, the selected gear
of transmission lies on the load condition and the
real speed but not the operator pre-select gear.
N shows NEUTRAL gear in this area. NN shows
NO NEUTRAL gear. F+ number shows
FORWARD gear, No.1, 2, 3, 4 show gears. For
example, F3 shows FORWARD III gear. R+
number shows REVERSE gear, No.1, 2, 3, 4
show gears. For example, R3 shows REVERSE
III gear. The middle area shows the fault codes
when the shift control system has fault. Refer to
Function Operation in this section for details.
Work principle
Speed sensor
The speed sensor is installed on the tansmission
Illustration 4-6 Speed sensor outline and housing for testing the output gear rev of the
principle drawing symbol transmission.
The speed sensor is composed by winding,
permanent magnet, and pole. The winding is
wraped around the pole, which is connected to
permanent magnet. The magnetic force line of
magnetic field produced around the permanent
magnet passes through the air gap, the teeth of
2 SPEED SENSOR gear, and forms closed magnetic circuit.
Sometimes the magnetic field effects on teeth
gap, sometimes on teeth during the gear rotation
for changing the air gap, and the flux is changing
along with the air gap. The variational flux
induces the proportionable sine signal with rev in
the winding, which was delivered into electronic
control unit for disposal by wiring harness
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Installation of the speed sensor CAUTION: The receptacle wiring

harness connected to the speed sensor must
The installation of the speed sensor is very downward lest rain water should inflow the
important. Generally, keep L value at receptacle along with wiring harness and
0.5+0.3mm. See above illustration, if the size of corrupt the core of the receptacle and the pin
L is bigger, the effect of the magnetic field will of the speed sensor.
decrease along with the increasing distance due
to the magnetic field's limited effect, and the Measurement of the speed sensor
winding can't induce the signal. If the distance is
too close, the speed sensor will be damaged by Use the digital multimeter to test the speed
the gear in high speed rotation due to the sensor, the resistance value is 1020 ± 100 Ω .
mechanism error.
Use the resistance range of multimeter to test,
Obseve the speed sensor fixing hole by eye and remove the receptacle of the wiring harness
find the tooth top before installation in lab, use connected to the speed sensor (thread
the vernier caliper to measure the distance from connection), measure the resistance value
installation surface to tooth top, and select the between two column pins of the speed sensor,
suitable washer for the speed sensor according the value should be about 1020 Ω . Otherwise,
to the measuring value. Then install it. the speed sensor is damaged.
If replace and repair on the machine, Electronic control unit EST
disassemble the old speed sensor, clean the
fixing washer, and install it on the new speed EST-25T electronic control unit is the core
sensor. Then screw the speed sensor into its component of the shift control system. See
fixing hole. illustration 4-1, the pre-select gear signal, speed
sensor signal, KD signal, transmission clutch cut-
If the electronic control unit still can't induce the off signal are delivered into EST-25T electronic
sensor signal after installation, must install the control unit for disposal and calculation. EST-25T
speed sensor over again. The steps as follows: outputs control signals to drive solenoid group for
1. Remove the speed sensor. Align a gear tooth combination and finish each clutch switching,
directly in the center of the threaded sensor then finish transmission clutch switching finally
opening. after disposal. At the same time, EST-25T
outputs NEUTRAL signal to drive Neutral/start
2. By hand, screw the sensor into the hole until interlock relay action when ERGO-II gear
the end of the sensor just makes contact with selector is at NEUTRAL. It also output reverse
the gear tooth. warning signal to drive the reverse warning relay.
3. Turn the sensor back out 1/2 turn(180°in the
counterclockwise direction). This sets air gap
(L) to 0.5+0.3mm.
4. Measure the gap between the transmission
fixing surface and speed sensor fixing
surface, select the suitable washer,
disassemble the speed sensor, and put the
washer on it, then assemble it over again.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Illustration 4-8 EST-25T Electronic control unit Illustration 4-9 EST-25T Electronic control unit
outline and principle drawing symbol switch drawing

CAUTION: When the machine needs Solenoid

weld maintenance, must pull out X1 Illustration 4-10 Shift control valve (cutaway
receptacle of EST-25T electronic control unit, view) and principle drawing symbol
otherwise the electronic control unit may be
burnt due to the strong impulse current
caused by welding. Connect X1 receptacle
after welding, otherwise the machine couldn't
be started.

The shift control valve contains 5 solenoids, M1-

M5, their positions show as above illustration.
The solenoid group is controlled by EST-25T
electronic control unit, which gives off the
corresponding gear signals according to the
operator pre-select gear signal, KD button
condition, clutch cut-off condition, the machine
running speed and load condition, and realizes
through output the driving voltage to solenoid. In
the transmission, shift or direction change are
realized through turn on and off the oil flow to the
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Illustration 4-11 Solenoid and clutch action drawing

" ● "The corresponding solenoid works.

" ○ "The corresponding solenoid works, but the corresponding solenoid is cut off temporarily when the machine executes
clutch cut-off function.
See above illustration for each gear solenoid in the transmission at the same time.
work condition and the corresponding mating
See above illustration, two speed sensors are
clutch work condition. For example, M2, M3, M4
assembled in the full-auto shift control system
solenoids in the shift control valve work when the
machine is at F1 gear, and K1, KV clutches mate
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Illustration 4-12 Oil circulation diagram 4WG 200

Contrast illustration 4-12 oil circulation diagram The transmission clutch cut-off function is just
4WG-200 with illustration 4-11 solenoid and used at gear I& II, whatever the machine is at
clutch action drawing, through which can get the FORWARD and REVERSE gear. Their actions in
control relationship between the solenoid and the the transmission show: solenoid M3 or M1 is cut
clutch. It is basically that: solenoid M5 controls off when execute clutch cut-off order, namely KV
the clutch K4, M3 controls KV, M1 controls KR, or KR clutch is cut off. Because KV and KR
the solenoid is electrified and the clutch works. clutches are separately the Forward or Reverse
Solenoids M2 and M4 control the clutch K1, K2, clutches, therefore, the performance of the
K3 together. M4 is electrified, M2 isn't electrified, transmission clutch cut-off order is realized by
and K2 clutch works. M2 and M4 are electrified cut-off direction clutch.
together, K1 clutch works. M2 and M4 aren't
electrified, K3 clutch works. Solenoid test

The solenoids' resistances are about 90 Ω , X9

located on the shift control valve is solenoid
group receptacle. Remove X9 receptacle, and
observe A, B, C, D, E, F cores from faucet, F is
the common core of 5 solenoids.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Function Operation

Use the digital multimeter's resistance function to Illustration 5-12 Fixing positions of the
test X9 receptacle (the terminal of shift control components
valve), the resistance values of A-F、B-F、C-F、
D-F、 E-F should be about 85-100 Ω .
Otherwise, the solenoid is damaged.

Function Operation

The shift control system can complete the

following operations.
4-A Shift and change running direction
The operator selects the running direction and
gear by operating ERGO-II gear selector; these
signals are sent into EST-25T electronic control
unit, which also received the signals from the
speed sensor, KD button and transmission clutch
cut-off at the same time. The electronic control
unit disposes these signals and drives the shift
control valve on the transmission combination
action by output circuit for getting desired gear
and running direction.

1. Input speed sensor position

2. Output speed sensor
See the following illustration for the fixing machine.
positions of the shift control units on the
Display EST-25 electronic control unit
Shift control valve
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Function Operation

Display EST-25 electronic control unit Illustration 5-14 Neutral/start interlock relay and
start relay
ERGO-II gear selector
Output speed sensor and input speed sensor
(transmission is not assembled on the machine
in this illustration, input speed sensor just has
fixing position but not assembly)
The following illustration is the component
connection drawing of full-auto control function.
Illustration 4-13 Full-auto shift control system
(the components' positions are not the real fixing
positions in illustration)

The machine can be started when ERGO-II gear

selector is at NEUTRAL, which is the special
Neutral/start interlock protection function.
The following components are needed for
realizing this function:
Neutral/start interlock relay
ERGO-II gear selector
EST-25T electronic control unit
1. Output speed sensor
2. Input speed sensor Start switch
3. Shift control valve
4. EST-25T electronic control unit Start relay
5. Connection wiring harness
6. ERGO-II gear selector Fuse
7. Display
Transmission 4WG-200 fixed on the machine is 4-C Transmission clutch cut-off
4-gear transmission, which contains F1, F2, F3, function
F4 and R1, R2, R3. EST-25T electronic control The operator can select transmission clutch cut-
unit outputs R3 control signal when ERGO-II off function when the machine runs on the flat
gear selector is at R4. ground.
4-B Neutral/start interlock protection The transmission clutch cut-off unction can be
function realized by pressing the transmission clutch ON/
OFF switch inside the cab.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Function Operation

The transmission power output is cut off when Illustration 4-17 Transmission clutch ON/OFF
close the transmission clutch ON/OFF switch switch
during the machine brake, which not only can
increase the machine brake performance, but
also can protect the transmission and the power
train. Moreover, the power from the transmission
is used at the hydraulic system and improves the
work efficiency.
The transmission clutch cut-off function is
cancelled when the transmission clutch ON/OFF
switch is at OFF position, the transmission power
output is not cut off when the machine brakes.
EST-25T electronic control unit disposes the
transmission clutch cut-off order. The electronic
control unit executes the shift order by solenoid 1
on the shift control valve when the machine runs
or operates. The transmission clutch cut-off order
is sent and transmited into the electronic unit
when the machine is at F1, F2 or R1, R2, the
electronic control unit will cut off power supply of 1. Lock buckle
solenoid which controls the direction, thereby cut See illustration 4-17, the upper picture shows
off the clutch which controls the direction for that the transmission clutch ON/OFF switch is at
realizing the purpose of cut off the transmission ON position; the underside picture shows that
power output. the transmission clutch ON/OFF switch is at OFF
The transmission clutch cut-off function is just position.
used at F1, F2 or R1, R2. EST-25T electronic In general, the transmission clutch ON/OFF
control unit doesn't execute the transmission switch is at ON position. When running or
clutch cut-off order even if the transmission operating, the transmission clutch ON/OFF is at
clutch ON/OFF switch is at ON position during OFF position. According to above illustration, pull
the brake in order to pretect the running safety the lock buckle downward and press it down at
when the machine is at high speed gear. the same time in order to reach OFF position.
The transmission clutch ON/OFF switch has a
lock buckle to prevent wrong operation. In
general, the switch is locked at ON position. The
switch is at OFF position when driving or
operating the machine.

CAUTION: The transmission clutch ON/

OFF switch has the lock device, turn off the
switch according to the requirement! Force
to disconnect the switch will cause

CAUTION: The transmission clutch cut-

off function is just used at the machine F1, F2
or R1, R2. It is not used when the machine is
at high speed gear.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Function Operation

CAUTION: Do not use the transmission The machine can be started successfully when
clutch cut-off function for operator's safety the operator starts the machine at F1, F2 or R1,
when driving or operating the machine on the R2. EST-25T electronic control unit doesn't
ramp. execute this order when the start speed of the
machine is higher than gear II, but will send out
CAUTION: The transmission clutch cut- gear II starting order. The electronic control unit
off switch should be at ON position when will allow the transmission to execute the
driving or operating the machine on the flat operator's desired gear according to the
ground, otherwise it will affect the brake feedback signals of the speed sensor on the flat
performance, shortening the service life of ground.
brake system and the power train!
4-F Downshift control
The following components are needed for The downshift switch is only active when the
realizing the transmission clutch cut-off function: ERGO-II shift lever is set to second gear. Press
Fuse and release the downshift switch will make the
transmission remain in first gear until the shift
Transmission clutch ON/OFF switch lever is moved; either speed or direction is
EST-25T electronic control unit changed.

ERGO-II gear selector Release the KD function by the following steps:

● Press KD button again;
Shift control valve (transmission)
● Change the running direction;
4-D Direct forward/reverse chang
function ● Turn the lever to change gear;
ERGO-II gear selector hasn't direct forward/ ● Exceed the speed limited range.
reverse change interlock; the operator can KD function will stop automatically once turn the
execute the direct forward/reverse change lever to NEUTRAL position.
straightly. The details are as follows:
Refer to ERGO-II Gear selector outline drawing
1. In the speeds 1 and 2, direct reversing is for KD button position.
realized at any time.
4-G System self-protection function
(1F 〈=〉 1R & 2F 〈=〉 2R)
EST-25T electronic control unit executes the
2. When the operator changes the direction at
self-test operation of the shift control system
gear III or IV and the machine running speed
firstly when the operator turns on the start switch
exceeds the highest limited speed 14Km/H
but doesn't start the diesel engine. EST-25T
that allowed by EST-25T electronic control
electronic control unit doesn't send out neutral
unit, which will descend the current running
starting order if the system has faults. These
speed to the limited value and change
faults contain ERGO-II gear selector fault, the
direction, shift to the desired gear finally.
shift control valve solenoid fault, the speed
4-E Start speed limit function sensor fault, electronic control unit software and
hardware faults etc.
Start the machine at or under gear II.
In case of unrecoverable errors, the system
shuts down completely (RESET; New start only
through key switch OFF/ON).
To it belong especially output line interruption
and outside supply at lines to the speed solenoid
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

There errors CANNOT be displayed. Interruption/Foreign power supply of only less

critical outputs: 21(61*)
Another error category is leading to an
immediate RESET, whereas however, the (*): If the optional display is used, the errors can
electronics is still indicating the errors as error be issued on this one as error number. In this
number as long as a) these are still present and/ case, these error number 02, 10 and 21 are also
or b) the controller is not yet in position "Neutral" displayed if they had occurred only temporatily
(Status"Waiting for neutral"), the electronics is and disappeared again in the mean time.
starting the transmission-control program and
The value of the error number for such sporadic
clears the error display.
errors is then increased for +40, therefore to 42,
To this belong the following Error classes/Error 50 resp.61.
Still another NOTE concerning the Display:
● Invalid Controller input-line combination: 22
At a very short-time OFF/ON switching of the
● Short circuit of an output against ground: 23 power supply(key switch), wrong error messages

can be issued on the display, because after the
Defective voltage supply: 24
switching off the key switch, the microprocessor
● Error in the data field: 31 is still "hunting".
● Error in the program operation 32 If requested, the error indication on the display

can therefore be completely suppressed.
Error in the processor-RAM 33
● Invalid Controller input-line combination: 22
Test and Maintenance of
● Short circuit of an output against ground: 23
System Faults
● Defective voltage supply: 24
● Error in the data field: 31 PR-68 penetrometer is the special tool of shfit
● Error in the program operation 32 control system, which can be used to test EST-
25T electronic control box inside the shift control
● Error in the processor-RAM 33 system, DW-3 gear selector, the speed sensor,
● Invalid Controller input-line combination: 22 the shift control valve solenoid and lines rapidly&
easily and judge the faults. Assemble PR-68
● Short circuit of an output against ground: 23 penetrometer for the machine if it is possible.
● Defective voltage supply: 24 Illustration 4-18 PR-68 Penetrometer
● Error in the data field: 31
● Error in the program operation 32
● Error in the processor-RAM 33
Finally, there are still errors, which are not
directly critical. In this case, no RESET will be in-
itiated, i.e. the transmission-control program is
running on with limitations; the error will be only
displayed after the shifting to Controller-Neutral,
and are only cancelled again with the shifting
from Neutral:
● Failure of the turbine speed sensor: 02(42*)
● Failure of the output speed sensor: 10(50*)
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

PR-68 penetrometer usage is very convenient, it No. Core Signal Function

has a conversion connector. Pull out X1
receptacle which is connected to EST-25T number description
electronic control unit, and insert the connector
of PR-68 penetrometer into EST-25T electronic 170 X12-B +24V power
control unit, then insert X1 receptalce into PR-68
penetrometer. Refer to the accessory manual of
PR-68 penetrometer for other operations (need
228 X12-E - power
to order in addition, and please remark English
edition or German edition), and this manual
doesn't describe again.
Check the transmission oil level at starting 228 X12-F - power
condition according to manual requirement when
the shift control system has faults and couldn't
drive. Too high or too low oil level can result in
transmission abnormality and the machine 584 X12-C +24V Neutral/start
couldn't run. The shift control system can work output interlock signal
normally only the transmission oil level is at output
normal value. 588 X5-F +24V Backup alarm
The shift control system has faults when the output signal output
transmission oil level is normal, and there isn't 592 X5-D Digital KD button
PR-68 penetrometer, please check it according input
to the instruction in this section.
705 X5-A Impulse Rev signal output
CAUTION: The fault may be caused by output
mechanism fault if the electronic control part 600 X5-E +24V The system
of shift control system is normal after input executes
inspection. For example, the shift control transmission clutch
valve is blocked, and the shift oil line has cut-off order when
leakage, etc.. Please refer to the transmission has +24V voltage
fault test section of CLG856III service input; and doesn’t
manual. execute the order
when has 0V
X5 and X12 receptalces are very important, they voltage input.
are the electronic connection interfaces between
ZF shift control system and OEM (machine
manufacturer), and their connection relations
No. Core Signal Function
number description

170 X12-A +24V power

Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

Illustration 4-19 Shift control system principle drawing

4-A-F1 Starting fault test of the In general, EST-25T electronic unit couldn't pass
the self-test, which shows the shift control
machine system has fault. The purpose of the following
steps is to eliminate the faults of the measurable
Fault phenomenon definition components in the system through the digital
The operator turns on the start switch and turns
ERGO-II gear selector to NEUTRAL position, Fault test steps:
then starts the diesel engine when the whole
machine electrifies, but there isn't any respond in
the diesel engine. Consider whether the shift
control system has sent out the Neutral/start
interlock signal firstly.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

Step1. Test whether No.85, No.86 terminals of Conclusion:

Neutral/start interlock relay socket have
+24V? If the result does OK, the connection between
the ground wire of Neutral/start interlock relay
1. Turn off the start switch, disassemble the left- socket and the whole machine grounding
rear decoration assembly and cup mat on the terminal is not good.
left-rear side of the cab. Pull out Neutral/start
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step3.
interlock relay from the electronic control box.
2. Turn on the start switch, turn ERGO-II gear Step3. Test whether the power supply of shift
selector to NEUTRAL position, and pull out control system at X1 receptacle has +24V?
the parking brake switch, and then adjust the
digital multimeter to 50V range of voltage 1. Turn off the start switch, and plug the Neutral/
function. Insert red probe into No.86 terminal start interlock relay over again. Pull out X1
of relay socket (contrast it with Neutral/start receptacle of EST-25T electronic control unit.
interlock relay, the pin of relay is marked with
2. Turn on the start switch, measure the power
terminal number), and keep contacting with
supply of shift control system according to
the inner copper receptacle; insert black
the shift control system principle drawing and
probe into No.85 terminal of relay socket,
the following table.
and keep contacting with the inner copper
receptacle. Test power supply at X1 receptacle:


X1 1 682 X14 +24V
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
X1 2 654 X14 +24V
and 31V.
X12 A 612 X14 +24V
Conclusion: X12 B 616 X14 +24V
If the result does OK, EST-25T electronic control X1 18 666 X15 -
unit of shift control system has exported Neutral/ X1 35 678 X15 -
start interlock signal, the start fault of the diesel
engine is not related to shift control system, X12 E 632 X15 -
please check according to the power supply X12 F 636 X15 -
system section of this service manual.
See above table, it lists the function of X1
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step2. receptacle core, which comes from the right side
table of the following illustration 5-21, the
Step2. Test whether No.86 terminal of Neutral/ comprehension method is the same as the
start interlock relay socket and grounding following right talbe.
terminal have +24V?
See the following illustration, left side is the
1. Keep on test of step1, hold red probe number position of X1 receptacle core, right side
connection, insert black probe into the is the lead connection table of shift control
common grounding terminal on the left-rear system. For example, "X1 31 430 X9 A" shows
floor of the cab. that No.430 wire connects No.31 core of X1
receptacle to A core of X9 receptacle. Refer to
Test result: the principle drawing, this is the lead from EST-
25T electronic control unit to shift control valve
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V solenoid.
and 31V.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

Illustration 4-20 EST-25T electronic control unit 3. Refer to the principle drawing, X14 is "+
X1 (35-PIN) receptacle drawing and shift control "short circuit terminal of power supply, X15 is
system lead "-"short circuit terminal of power supply. All
leads that connected to the short circuit
terminals are connected. So No.1, No.2
cores of X1 receptacle are connected to A
core, B core of X12 receptacle, that is
connected to No.170 wire, which is the power
line of shift control system. Therefore, there
is +24V voltage of grounding at No.1, No.2
cores of X1 receptacle. No.18, No.35 cores
of X1 receptacle are " - " short circuit
terminals power supply of shfit control
system. Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V
range of voltage function. Measure [1, 18],
[1, 35], [2, 18], [2, 35] core
combinations of X1 receptacle separately,
Please notice that only insert red probe into
No.1, No.2 cores, black probe into No.18,
No.35 cores.

Test result:

The digital multimeter readomg is between 24V

and 31V.


If the result does OK, please turn to step4.

If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows:
1. Check the condition of 7.5A ZFshift fuse,
replace it if it is melted. If the new fuse still
melts, please check the short circuit fault.
2. Check the short circuit fault from fuse to X5
receptacle, X5 receptacle to X1 receptacle if
7.5A ZF shift fuse doesn't melt.
3. Check the grounding condition of No.666
wire, No.678 wire, No.632 wire, No.636,
No.228 wire of X5 and X1 receptacles.
Step4. Test whether ERGO-II gear
selector of shift control system has
fault? (Need another person).
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

1. Turn off the start switch, assemble the 3. Connect the black probe to the cab housing
receptacle over again. Turn on the start (grounding). Insert the red probe into B core
switch, and pull out the parking brake button. of X2 receptacle (No.512 wire), and contacts
Measure the condition of ERGO-II gear with inner copper piece. Press F button of
selector in the shift control system according ERGO-II gear selector, the digital multimeter
to the shift control system principle drawing reading is 0. Release F button, the digital
and the following table (refer to illustration 4- multimeter reading is between 24V and 31V.
3). Insert the red probe into A core (No.532 wire)
of X3 receptacle, and contacts with inner
Test ERGO-II gear selector at X2 and X3
copper piece. Press F button again, the
receptacles, " ● " shows high level, " ○ " shows digital multimeter reading is between 24V
low level:
and 31V. Release F button, the digital
VP+ F R N C-S T- T+ KD multimeter reading is 0.
504 512 520 516 532 528 524 536 4. Keep the connection between the black
RD YL PK BR WH OR BL VK probe and cab housing (grounding). Insert
red probe into C core (No.520 wire) of X2
F ● ○ ●
receptacle, and contacts with inner copper
R ● ○ ● piece. Press R button of ERGO-II gear
N ● ○ selector, the digital multimeter reading is 0.
Release R button, the digital multimeter
T+ ● ●
reading is between 24V and 31V. Hold the
T- ● ● black probe, insert red probe into A core
K ● ● (No.532 wire) of X3 receptacle, and contacts
D with the inner copper piece. Press R button
again, the digital multimeter reading is
between 24V and 31V. Release R button, the
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range of digital multimeter reading is 0.
voltage function. Connect the black probe to 5. Keep the connection between the black
the cab housing (grounding). Insert the red probe and cab housing (grounding). Insert
probe into A core of X2 receptacle (No.504 red probe into D core (No.516 wire) of X2
wire), and contacts with the copper piece in A receptacle, and contacts with inner copper
core. The digital multimeter reading is piece. Press N button of ERGO-II gear
between 24V and 31V. Hold the black probe, selector, the digital multimeter reading is 0.
and insert red probe into B core of X2 Release N button, the digital multimeter
receptacle (No.512 wire), C core (No.520 reading is between 24V and 31V.
WIRE) and D core (No.516 wire) separately,
and contacts with the copper pieces in B, C 6. Keep the connection between the black
and D cores. The digital multimeter reading is probe and cab housing (grounding). Insert
between 24V and 31V. red probe into B core (No.528 wire) of X3
receptacle, and contacts with inner copper
piece. Press T- button of ERGO-II gear
selector, the digital multimeter reading is
between 24V and 31V. Release T- button, the
digital multimeter reading is 0.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

7. Keep the connection between the black Test shift control valve solenoid at X1 receptacle:
probe and cab housing (grounding). Insert
red probe into C core (No.524 wire) of X3 X1 core Resistance Corresponding
receptacle, and contacts with inner copper X9 receptacle
piece. Press T+ button of ERGO-II gear 31-35 85~100 Ω A-F
selector, the digital multimeter reading is
between 24V and 31V. Release T+ button, 33-35 B-F
the digital multimeter reading is 0. 15-35 C-F
8. Keep the connection between the black 32-35 D-F
probe and cab housing (grounding). Insert 14-35 E-F
red probe into D core (No.536 wire) of X3
receptacle, and contacts with inner copper 2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range
piece. Press KD button of ERGO-II gear of Ω function, use the probes positive or
selector, the digital multimeter reading is negative to measure the core combinations
between 24V and 31V. Release KD button, separately in above table [31-35], [33-35],
the digital multimeter reading is 0. [15-35], [32-35], [14-35].

Conclusion: Test result:

Generally, the self-test of EST-25T electronic The digital multimeter reading is between 85 Ω
control unit couldn't check the faults of ERGO-II and 100 Ω .
gear selector completely. It just can check the
current gear of ERGO-II gear selector before Conclusion:
starting. The instruction in this step can check all
functions of ERGO-II gear selector. Therefore, it If the result does OK, please turn to step6.
is allowed to check the current gear of ERGO-II
If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows:
but not needed to check all gears when dispose
the machine's start fault. It is necessary to check 1. Check whether there is open circuit or any
ERGO-II function completely if there isn't any other fault in the line from shift control valve
fault of the gear after starting the machine. to EST-25T electronic control unit.
If the result does OK, please turn to step5. 2. The inner solenoid of shift control valve is
damaged if the line hasn't fault. The test of 5
If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows:
couples of combinations corresponds with 5
1. Check whether there is open circuit or any solenoids separately in the shift control valve.
other fault in the line from ERGO-II gear Maintain the shift control valve if the test
selector to EST-25T electronic control unit. value of any couple is not in the range of
2. Replace ERGO-II gear selector. measurement.

Step5. Test whether the shift control Step6. Test whether the speed sensor
valve solenoid has fault at X1 of shift control system has fault at X1
receptacle. receptacle.
1. Refer to shift control system principle 1. Refer to shift control system principle
drawing and illustration 4-20. Turn off the drawing and illustration 4-20.
start switch, and remove X1 receptacle.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

Test the speed sensor at X1 receptacle: Test result:

X1 core Resistance Corresponding The transmission oil level should in the normal
X10 receptacle range of oil dipstick when the machine is
17-27 920~1120 Ω 1-2 running.
9-34 920~1120 Ω 1-2 Conclusion:
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 2K Ω range of
Ω function, use the probe positive or HIGH-Drain oil
negative to measure the core combinations LOW-Fill oil
in above table [17-27] and [9-34].
If it is OK, please turn to step2.
Test result: Step2. Test ERGO-II gear selector according to
step4 introduced in 5-A-F1.
The digital multimeter reading is between 920 Ω
and 1120 Ω . Conclusion:

Conclusion: If the result does OK, please replace with new

EST-25T electronic control unit.
If the result does OK, test the machine after
replaced with new EST-25T electronic control If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows:
unit. 1. Check whether there is open circuit or any
If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows: fault in the line from ERGO-II gear selector to
EST-25T electronic control unit.
1. Check whether there is open circuit or any
other fault in the line from speed sensor to 2. Replace ERGO-II gear selector.
EST-25T electronic control unit.
2. Replace the speed sensor. 5-A-F3 Fault test of the machine
without I, II gear after starting
4-A-F2 Fault test of the machine
without any gear after starting Fault phenomenon definition:
The machine could't be started when the shift
Fault phenomenon definition: control lever is at F1/F2 or R1/R2 after starting
the diesel engine.
The machine couldn't run whatever gear the
operator turns after starting the diesel engine. Fault test steps:
Fault test steps:

Step1. Test the transmission oil level when

the machine is running.

1. Turn on the start switch, and start the diesel

engine, let the machine runs for about
10mins. Test the transmission oil level.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

Step1. Disconnect the transmission clutch If the result doesn't OK, the service brake clutch
cut-off signal (the voltage of No.600 wire is 0), cut-off switch or the transmission clutch ON/OFF
judge whether the machine has gear I, II. switch is damaged.

1. Turn the transmission clutch ON/OFF switch

Step3. Pull out the parking brake
to OFF position, remove No.600 wire button, and press down. The clutch cut-
receptacle from the parking brake clutch cut- off indicator on the panel will lighten
off switch. Turn on the start switch and turn and then go out.
ERGO-II gear selector to NEUTRAL position.
1. Turn on the start switch, don't start the diesel
Press down the parking brake button for
engine, pull out and press down the parking
releasing the parking brake. Observe
brake button.
whether the clutch cut-off indicator on the
panel is going out. 2. Insert the receptacle of parking brake clutch
cut-off switch over again.
2. Start the diesel engine at I, II gear. Judge
whether the machine can start normally.
Test result::
Test result:: Observe whether the indicator on the panel
lightens and then goes out.
The machine starts when the indicator goes out.
If the result does OK, please replace EST-25T
If the result does OK, the machine is at
electronic control unit.
transmission clutch ON position if the line has
fault, and the machine couldn't be started. If the result doesn't OK, the parking brake switch
Please turn to step2. is damaged.
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step3.
5-A-F4 Fault test of the machine
Step2. Turn the transmission clutch ON/
OFF switch to ON position, observe without III, IV gear after starting
whether the indicator on the panel is
going out. Fault phenomenon definition:
1. Turn on the start switch, don't start the diesel The machine's speed couldn't reach the desired
engine, and turn the transmission clutch ON/ gear when the shift control lever is at F3, F4 or
OFF switch to ON position. R3, R4 after starting the machine and the ground
condition is good.
2. Insert the parking brake clutch cut-off switch
receptacle over again.
Test result::
The gear III, IV have fault, if it is the line fault, the
display may not show the fault code, which need
Observe whether the indicator on the panel is
to be checked carefully. The display will show
going out.
fault code if the shift control system has fault.
Conclusion: Replace the corresponding speed sensor
according to display clue, and pay attention to
the fixing gap of the speed sensor.
If the result does OK, the parking brake clutch
cut-off switch is damaged.
Shift Control System (FULL-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

5-A-F5 Fault test of the backup Step2. Test ERGO-II gear selector according
to step4 introduced in 5-A-F1.
alarm when the shift control lever
is at R after starting the machine Conclusion:

If the result does OK, please replace EST-25T

Fault phenomenon definition: electronic control unit
The backup alarm doesn't beep when the shift
If the result doesn't OK, ERGO-II gear selector is
control lever is at R after starting the machine.
Fault test steps:
CAUTION: When execute parking brake
Step1. Test whether No.588 wire has +24V? to the machine, Start the diesel engine, and
shift to test and service, please pay attention
1. Turn off the start switch, disassemble the left- to safety. Make sure the open place and the
rear interior decoration assembly and cup efficiency of the parking brake, and ensure
mat on the left-rear side of the cab, find X5 that the machine doesn't run.
and X12 receptacles.
CAUTION: Sometimes it needs to change
2. Turn on the start switch, pull up the parking gear for operating during test the machine,
brake switch, start the diesel engine, and pull please make sure the test is carried out on
ERGO-II gear selector to R1, R2. Adjust the the flat ground and won't hurt the other
digital multimeter to 50V range of voltage people. Resume the machie complete state
function. Insert red probe into F core (No.588 after maintenance.
wire) of X5 receptacle, keep contacting with
the inner copper core of receptacle. Insert
black probe into E core or F core (No.288
wire) of X12 receptacle, keep contacting with
the inner copper of receptacle.

Test result::

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.


If the result does OK, EST-25T electronic control

unit of shift control system has exported the
backup alarm signal, the backup alarm is
damaged or its line has fault if the backup alarm
doesn't beep, please check it carefully.
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step2.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Shift Control System Illustration 5-2 DW-3 Exterior drawing and

principle drawing symbol of shift control lever

Function Brief Introduction

CLG856III wheel loader uses ZF transmission
and axle. The transmission is electro-hydraulic
4WG-200. This manual introduces electronic
control component of transmission, called the
shift control system. The shift lever is designed for the mounting on
This section mainly introduces the shift control the steering column left side. By a rotative
system semi-auto mode. The operator shifts the motion, the positions (speeds) 1 to 4 are
control lever to the scheduled gear through selected by tilting the lever, the driving direction
controlling the transmission. (Forward (F) - Neutral (N) - Reverse (R).

EST117 electronic control unit of the shift control The DW-3 shift lever is also available with
sytem receives the outer signals from the gear integrated KD button.
selector, the speed sensor, KD key, disposes For the protection from unintended start off, a
these signals and sends them into the computer Neutral interlock is installed:
to calculate. CPU drives the shift control valve on
the transmission for getting the desired gear by Position "N" - Controller lever blocked in this
output circuit. position

Illustration 5-1 Transmission electronic control Position "D" - Driving

system components Illustration 5-3 DW-3 Gear selector action


SPEEDMETER Work principle

The gear selector contains many micro-switches

The inner micro-switches run when the operator
Main Components selects the gear and direction, these variational
gears and direction signals enter into EST117
electronic control unit through the wiring harness
DW-3 gear selector connection.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Illustration 5-4 DW-3 Gear selector inner switches action drawing

Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

See above illustration, the upper half part is the 3. See the principle drawing, output AD3
gear selector inner principle drawing, the lower (corresponding) → black wire, AD2 → green
half part is the micro-switch action connection wire, AD1 → blue wire, AD7 → purple wire,
drawing. Use the digital multimeter to check the ED1 → red wire, AD6 → gray wire, AD4 →
gear selector fault accroding to above illustration. yellow wire, AD5 → pink wire. The red wire
But this method is not suitable for checking the and the black wire are connected. See the
damage condition of micro-switches' contacts left downside corner in above illustration, F
inside the gear selector. In general, it will show means FORWARD, N means NEUTRAL, R
no fault by the digital multimeter measurement, means REVERSE; see the right downside
but it doesn't work normally due to the inner conrner in above illustration, "1", "2", "3", "4"
contacts damage. mean gears separately. " ● "means
connection. The gear/digital combination
DW-3 gear selector fault test reflects the outer shift signal. For example,
when the operator turn the shift control lever
Using the digital multimeter to check the gear to F1 (FORWARD 1), AD4 is connected
selector fault is a very straight and convenient according to above illustration, AD1, AD3 are
method, the details show as follows: connected. Therefore, AD4, AD1 and AD3
are connected together when the shift control
1. Turn off the start switch, open the steering
lever is at F1. In addition, AD3 and ED1 are
column assembly, and pull out the X2
connected forever.
receptalce connected to DW-3 gear selector
and wiring harness. 4. AD1, AD3, AD6 ED1 outputs are connected
when DW-3 is at I gear of NEUTRAL
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range position, its inner micro-switch S4 contact is
of resistance function. Inspect the following
closed, S1 normal close contact is closed.
groups when pull one gear of DW-3 gear
The corresponding blue wire, black wire, gray
selector (the following colors show the wire
wire, red wire should be connected, the
colors): [BLACK, GREEN]、 [BLACK, resistance value between each two wires is
BLUE]、 [BLACK, PURPLE]、 [BLACK, 0. Insert two probes of the digital multimeter
RED]、 [BLACK, GRAY]、 [BLACK, separately into the corresponding color cores
YELLOW]、 [BLACK, PINK]、 [GREEN, of combination colors listed in step 2.
GRAY]、 [RED, GRAY ], the digital
PURPLE]、 [BLUE, RED]、 [BLUE, multimeter reading of the above
GRAY]、 [BLUE, YELLOW]、 [BLUE, combinations is 0, and the reading of the
PINK]、 [PURPLE, RED]、 [PURPLE、 other combinations is 1.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

5. AD3, AD6, ED1 outputs are connected 8. AD3, AD1, AD4, ED1 outputs are
when DW-3 is at gear II of NEUTRAL connected when DW-3 is at F1, its inner
position, its inner micro-switch S1 normal micro-switch S4 contact is closed, S1 normal
close contact is closed. The corresponding open contact is closed, S2 normal open
black wire, gray wire, red wire should be contact is closed. The corresponding black
connected, the resistance value between wire, blue wire, yellow wire and red wire
each two wires is 0. Insert two probes of the should be connected, the resistance value
digital multimeter separately into the between each two wires is 0. Insert two
corresponding color cores of combination probes of the digital multimeter separately
colors listed in step 2. [BLACK, GRAY]、 into the corresponding color cores of
[BLACK, RED]、 [RED, GRAY ], the digital combination colors listed in step 2. [BLACK,
multimeter reading of the above BLUE]、 [BLACK, RED]、 [BLACK,
combinations is 0, and the reading of the YELLOW]、 [BLUE, RED], [BLUE,
other combinations is 1. YELLOW], [RED, YELLOW], the digital
multimeter reading of the above
6. AD3, AD2, AD6, ED1 outputs are combinations is 0, and the reading of the
connected when DW-3 is at gear III of
other combinations is 1.
NEUTRAL position, its inner micro-switch S5
contact is closed, S1 normal close contact is 9. AD3, AD4, ED1 outputs are connected
closed. The corresponding black wire, green when DW-3 is at F2, its inner micro-switch S4
wire, gray wire and red wire should be contact is closed, S1 normal open contact is
connected, the resistance value between closed, S2 normal open contact is closed.
each two wires is 0. Insert two probes of the The corresponding black wire, yellow wire
digital multimeter separately into the and red wire should be connected, the
corresponding color cores of combination resistance value between each two wires is
colors listed in step 2. [BLACK, GREEN]、 0. Insert two probes of the digital multimeter
[BLACK, RED]、 [RED, GRAY ] 、 separately into the corresponding color cores
[GREEN, RED]、 [GREEN, GRAY]、 of combination colors listed in step 2.
[RED,GRAY], the digital multimeter reading [BLACK, RED]、 [BLACK, YELLOW]、
of the above combinations is 0, and the [RED, YELLOW], the digital multimeter
reading of the other combinations is 1. reading of the above combinations is 0, and
the reading of the other combinations is 1.
7. AD3, AD2, AD1, AD6, ED1 outputs are
connected when DW-3 is at gear IV of 10. AD3, AD2, AD4, ED1 outputs are
NEUTRAL position, its inner micro-switch S4, connected when DW-3 is at F3, its inner
S5 contact is closed. The corresponding micro-switch S5 contact is closed, S1 normal
black wire, green wire, blue wire, gray wire open contact is closed, S2 normal open
and red wire should be connected, the contact is closed. The corresponding black
resistance value between each two wires is wire, green wire, red wire and yellow wire
0. Insert two probes of the digital multimeter should be connected, the resistance value
separately into the corresponding color cores between each two wires is 0. Insert two
of combination colors listed in step 2. probes of the digital multimeter separately
[BLACK, GREEN]、 [BLACK, BLUE]、 into the corresponding color cores of
[BLACK, RED]、 [BLACK, GRAY]、 combination colors listed in step 2. [BLACK,
GRAY], [RED, GRAY], the digital YELLOW]、 [RED, YELLOW], the digital
multimeter reading of the above multimeter reading of the above
combinations is 0, and the reading of the combinations is 0, and the reading of the
other combinations is 1. other combinations is 1.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

11. AD3, AD2, AD1, AD4, ED1 outputs are 14. AD3, AD2, AD5, ED1 outputs are
connected when DW-3 is at F4, its inner connected when DW-3 is at R3, its inner
micro-switch S4, S5 contacts are closed, S1 micro-switch S5 contact is closed, S1 normal
normal open contact is closed, S2 normal open contact is closed, S3 normal open
open contact is closed. The corresponding contact is closed. The corresponding black
black wire, green wire, blue wire, yellow wire wire, green wire, red wire and pink wire
and red wire should be connected, the should be connected, the resistance value
resistance value between each two wires is between each two wires is 0. Insert two
0. Insert two probes of the digital multimeter probes of the digital multimeter separately
separately into the corresponding color cores into the corresponding color cores of
of combination colors listed in step 2. combination colors listed in step 2. [BLACK,
[GREEN, BLUE], [GREEN, RED]、 PINK]、 [RED, PINK], the digital multimeter
[GREEN, YELLOW]、 [BLUE, RED], reading of the above combinations is 0, and
[BLUE, YELLOW], [RED, YELLOW], the the reading of the other combinations is 1.
digital multimeter reading of the above
combinations is 0, and the reading of the 15. AD3, AD2, AD1, AD5, ED1 outputs are
connected when DW-3 is at R4, its inner
other combinations is 1.
micro-switch S4, S5 contacts are closed, S1
12. AD3, AD1, AD5, ED1 outputs are normal open contact is closed, S3 normal
connected when DW-3 is at R1, its inner open contact is closed. The corresponding
micro-switch S4 contact is closed, S1 normal black wire, green wire, blue wire, pink wire
open contact is closed, S3 normal open and red wire should be connected, the
contact is closed. The corresponding black resistance value between each two wires is
wire, blue wire, pink wire and red wire should 0. Insert two probes of the digital multimeter
be connected, the resistance value between separately into the corresponding color cores
each two wires is 0. Insert two probes of the of combination colors listed in step 2.
digital multimeter separately into the [BLACK, GREEN]、 [BLACK, BLUE]、
corresponding color cores of combination [BLACK, PINK]、 [BLACK, RED]、
colors listed in step 2. [BLACK, BLUE]、 [GREEN, BLUE], [GREEN, RED]、
PINK], [BLUE, RED], [PINK, RED], the RED], [RED, PINK], the digital multimeter
digital multimeter reading of the above reading of the above combinations is 0, and
combinations is 0, and the reading of the the reading of the other combinations is 1.
other combinations is 1.
13. AD3, AD5, ED1 outputs are connected
when DW-3 is at R2, its inner micro-switch
S4 contact is closed, S1 normal open contact
is closed, S3 normal open contact is closed.
The corresponding black wire, pink wire and
red wire should be connected, the resistance
value between each two wires is 0. Insert
two probes of the digital multimeter
separately into the corresponding color cores
of combination colors listed in step 2.
RED], the digital multimeter reading of the
above combinations is 0, and the reading of
the other combinations is 1.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

16. Press KD button and hold it which will DW-3 gear selector is good if it can completed
increase AD7 output connection no matter the above tests successfully.
DW-3 is at any position. For example, press
KD button and hold it when DW-3 is at R2, Solenoid group
AD3, AD5, ED1, AD7 outputs are
connected, the corresponding black wire, The shift control valve contains 5 solenoids, M1-
pink wire, red wire and purple wire should be M5, their positions show as above illustration.
connected, the resistance value between The signal from DW-3 gear selector is sent into
each two wires is 0. Insert two probes of the EST117 electronic control unit when the operator
digital multimeter separately into the selects the direction and gear signal, the
corresponding color cores of combination electronic control unit gives off the corresponding
colors listed in step 2. [BLACK, PINK]、 shift signals according the software calculation
[BLACK, RED]、 [PINK, RED]、 [BLACK, and realizes through output the driving voltage to
PURPLE]、 [PINK, PURPLE]、 [RED, solenoid. The purpose of the solenoids is to turn
PURPLE], the digital multimeter reading of on and off the oil flow to the clutches in the
the above combinations is 0, and the reading transmission and realize the transmission shift or
of the other combinations is 1. change direction.
Illustration 5-5 Shift control valve (cutaway view) and principle drawing symbol
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Illustration 5-6 Solenoid and clutch action drawing

" ● " The corresponding solenoid works.

" ○ " The corresponding solenoid works, but the corresponding solenoid will be cut off during executing transmission
clutch cut-off function.
See above illustration for each gear solenoid In above illustration, actually, the semi-auto shift
work condition and the corresponding mating control system of this machine is assembled with
clutch work condition. For example, M2, M3, M4 the output speed sensor, but without the input
solenoids in the shift control valve work when the speed sensor.
machine is at F1 gear, and K1, KV clutches mate
in the transmission at the same time.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Illustration 5-7 Oil circulation diagram 4WG-200

Contrast illustration 5-7 oil circulation diagram The transmission clutch cut-off function is just
4WG-200 with illustration 5-6 solenoid and clutch used at gear I& II, whatever the machine is at
action drawing, through which can get the control FORWARD and REVERSE gear. Their actions in
relationship between the solenoid and the clutch. the transmission show: solenoid M3 or M1 is cut
It is basically that: solenoid M5 controls the off when execute clutch cut-off order, namely KV
clutch K4, M3 controls KV, M1 controls KR, the or KR clutch is cut off. Because KV and KR
solenoid is electrified and the clutch works. clutches are separately the Forward or Reverse
Solenoids M2 and M4 control the clutch K1, K2, clutches, therefore, the performance of the
K3 together. M4 is electrified, M2 isn't electrified, transmission clutch cut-off order is realized by
and K2 clutch works. M2 and M4 are electrified cut-off direction clutch.
together, K1 clutch works. M2 and M4 aren't
electrified, K3 clutch works. Solenoid test

The solenoids' resistances are about 90 Ω , X9

located on the shift control valve is solenoid
group receptacle. Remove X9 receptacle, and
observe A, B, C, D, E, F cores from faucet, F is
the common core of 5 solenoids.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

Use the digital multimeter's resistance function to Illustration 5-9 Output speed sensor work
test X9 receptacle (the terminal of shift control principle drawing
valve), the resistance values of A-F、B-F、C-F、
D-F、E-F should be about 85-100 Ω . Otherwise
the solenoid is damaged.
Output speed sensor
Illustration 5-8 Output speed sensor outline and
principle drawing symbol

Installation of the Speed sensor

The installation of the speed sensor is very

important. Generally, keep L value at about
0.5+0.3mm. See above illustration, if the size of
L is bigger, the effect of the magnetic field will
decrease along with the increasing distance due
Work principle to the limited magnetic field effect, and the
winding can't induce the signal. If the distance is
The output speed sensor is fixed at the too close, the speed sensor will be damaged by
transmission housing for testing the output gear the gear in high speed rotation due to
rev of the transmission. mechanism error.
The speed sensor is composed by the winding, Observe the condition inside fixing hole of the
permanent magnet, the pole. The winding is speed sensor by eye before installation, use the
wraped around the pole, which is connected to vernier caliper to measure the distance from the
the permanent magnet. The magnetic force line fixing surface to the gear top, and select the
of magnetic field produced around the suitable fixing washer for the speed sensor
permanent magnet passes through the air gap, according to the measuring value, then fix it.
the teeth of gear, and forms closed magnetic
If replace and repair on the machine,
circuit. Sometimes the magnetic field effects on
disassemble the old speed sensor, clean the
teeth gap, sometimes on teeth during the gear
fixing washer and install it on the new speed
rotation for changing the air gap, and the flux is
sensor, screw the new speed sensor into its
changing along with the air gap. The variational
fixing hole.
flux induces the proportionable sine signal with
rev in the winding, which was delivered into If the electronic control unit still can't induce the
electronic control unit for disposal by wiring sensor signal after installation, must install the
harness connection. speed sensor over again. The steps as follows:
1. Remove the speed sensor. Align a gear tooth
directly in the center of the threaded sensor
2. By hand, screw the sensor into the hole until
the end of the sensor just makes contact with
the gear tooth.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Main Components

3. Turn the sensor back out 1/2 turn(180°in the Illustration 5-10 EST117 Electronic control unit
counterclockwise direction). This sets air gap outline and principle drawing symbol
(L) to 0.5+0.3mm.
4. Measure the distance between the
transmission fixing surface and the sensor
fixing surface, select the suitable washer,
disassemble the speed sensor, and put the
washer on it, then assemble it over again.

CAUTION: The receptacle X10 connected

to the speed sensor must downward lest rain
water should inflow the receptacle along with
the wiring harness and corrupt the core of
the receptacle and the pin of the speed

Measurement of the speed sensor

Use the digital multimeter to test the speed

sensor, its resistance value is 1020 ± 100 Ω .
Disassemble X10 receptacle connected to the CAUTION: When the machine needs
speed sensor and the wiring harness when use weld maintenance, must pull out X1
the resistance function of multimeter to measure receptacle of EST117 electronic control unit,
the speed sensor, measure the resistance value otherwise the electronic control unit may be
between two column pins of speed sensor, the burnt due to the strong impulse current
resistance value should be about 1020 Ω . caused by welding. Connect X1 receptacle
Otherwise, the speed sensor is damaged. after welding, otherwise the machine couldn't
be started.
Electronic control unit EST117

EST117 electronic control unit is the core

component of the shift control system. See
illustration 5-1, the gear signal, the speed sensor
signal, KD signal, transmission clutch cut-off
signal are delivered into EST117 electronic
control uint for disposal and calculation. EST117
will export the control signals to drive the
solenoid after disposal, then finish shifting finally.
At the same time, EST117 exports NEUTRAL
signal to drive Neutral/start interlock relay action
when DW-3 gear selector is at NEUTRAL.
EST117 exprots backup alarm signal to drive the
backup alarm relay.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Function Operation

Illustration 5-11 EST117 Electronic control unit

DW-3 gear selector EST117 electronic
switch drawing
control uint
Output speed sensor
Illustration 5-12 Fixing positions of the

Function Operation

The shift control system can complete the

following operations.

5-A Shift and change running


The operator selects the running direction and

gear by operating DW-3 gear selector; these
signals are sent into EST117 electronic control
unit, which also received the signals from the 1
speed sensor, KD button and transmission clutch the same time. The electronic control
unit disposes these signals and drives the shift
control valve on the transmission combination
action by output circuit for getting desired gear
and running direction.
See the following components:

DW-3 gear selector EST117 electronic

control uint 2
Shift control valve
KD button (additional)
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Function Operation

See above illustration, it is real fixing position 5-B Neutral/start interlock

drawing of shift control system components. The
following illustration is the component connection
protection function
drawing of semi-auto control function.
Illustration 5-13 Semi-auto shift control system Illustration 5-14 Neutral/start interlock relay and
(the components' positions are not the real fixing start relay
positions in illustration)

1. Shift control valve

2. KD button (additional)
3. DW-3 gear selector
4. EST117 electronic control unit The machine can be started when DW-3 gear
5. Connection wiring harness selector is at NEUTRAL, which is the special
6. Output speed sensor Neutral/start interlock protection function.
Transmission 4WG-200 fixed on the machine is The following components are needed for
4-gear transmission, which contains F1, F2, F3, realizing this function:
F4 and R1, R2, R3. EST117 electronic control
unit exports R3 control signal when DW-3 gear Neutral/start interlock relay
selector is at R4. DW-3 gear selector
EST117 electronic control unit
Start switch
Start relay

5-C Neutral/lock function

On the CLG856III wheel loader, the Neutral/lock

switch on the top of the gear selector has the
same function with the switch on the steering
column assmelby because DW-3 gear selector is
wraped inside the steering column.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Function Operation

DW-3 gear selector is locked at NEUTRAL, The transmission power output is cut off when
which can't be pushed forwards or pulled close the transmission clutch ON/OFF switch
backwards for changing the direction of the during the machine brake, which not only can
machine. increase the machine brake performance, but
also can protect the transmission and the power
Illustration 5-15 Neutral/lock switch on the
steering column (locked) train. Moreover, the power from the transmission
is used at the hydraulic system and improves the
work efficiency.
The transmission clutch cut-off function is
cancelled when the transmission clutch ON/OFF
switch is at OFF position, and the transmission
1 power output is not cut off when the machine
EST117 electronic control unit disposes the
transmission clutch cut-off order. The electronic
control unit executes the shift order by solenoid
on the shift control valve when the machine runs
1. The switch is locked or operates. The transmission clutch cut-off order
Illustration 5-16 Neutral/lock switch on the is sent and transmited into the electronic unit
steering column (unlocked) when the machine is at F1, F2 or R1, R2, the
electronic control unit will cut off power supply of
solenoid which controls the direction, thereby cut
off the clutch which controls the direction for
realizing the purpose of cut off the transmission
power output.
The transmission clutch cut-off function is just
used at F1, F2 or R1, R2. EST117 electronic
control unit doesn't execute the transmission
clutch cut-off order even if the transmission
clutch ON/OFF switch is at ON position during
the brake in order to pretect the running safety
2. The switch is unlocked when the machine is at high speed gear.
The transmission clutch ON/OFF switch has a
5-D Transmission clutch cut-off lock buckle for preventing accident operation, in
function general, the switch is locked at ON position. The
switch is at OFF position when running or
operating the machine.
The operator can select transmission clutch cut-
off function when the machine runs on the flat
The transmission clutch cut-off function can be
realized by pressing the transmission clutch ON/
OFF switch inside the cab.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Function Operation

Illustration 5-17 Transmission clutch ON/OFF CAUTION: The transmission clutch cut-
switch off switch should be at ON position when
driving or operating the machine on the flat
ground, otherwise it will affect the brake
performance, shortening the service life of
brake system and the power train!

The following components are needed for

realizing the transmission clutch cut-off function:
Transmission clutch ON/OFF switch
EST117 electronic control unit
DW-3 gear selector
1 Shift control valve (transmission)
5-E Direct forward/reverse chang
1. Lock buckle
DW-3 gear selector hasn't direction forward/
reverse change interlock; the operator can
See illustration 5-17, the upper picture shows execute the direct forward/reverse change
that the transmission clutch ON/OFF switch is at straightly. The details are as follows:
ON position, and the underside picture shows
● In the speeds 1 and 2, direct reversing is
that the transmission clutch ON/OFF switch is at
OFF position. realized at any time. (1F 〈=〉 1R & 2F
〈=〉 2R)
In general, the transmission clutch ON/OFF
switch is at ON position. When running or ● When the operator changes the direction at
operating, the transmission clutch ON/OFF is at gear III or IV and the machine running speed
OFF position. According to above illustration, pull exceeds the highest limited speed 14Km/H
the lock buckle downward and press it down at that allowed by EST117 electronic control
the same time in order to reach OFF position. unit, which will descend the current running
speed to the limited value and change
CAUTION: The transmission clutch ON/ direction, shift to the desired gear finally.
OFF switch has the lock device, turn off the
switch according to the requirement! Force
to disconnect the switch will cause 5-F Start speed limit function
Start the machine at or under gear II.
CAUTION: The transmission clutch cut-
off function is just used at the machine F1, F2
or R1, R2. It is not used when the machine is
at high speed gear.

CAUTION: Do not use the transmission

clutch cut-off function for operator's safety
when driving or operating the machine on the
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

The machine can be started successfully when 5-H System self-protection

the operator starts the machine at F1, F2 or R1,
R2. EST117 electronic control unit doesn't
execute this order when the start speed of the
machine is higher than gear II, but will send out EST117 electronic control unit executes the self-
gear II starting order. The electronic control unit test operation of the shift control system firstly
will allow the transmission to execute the when the operator turns on the start switch but
operator's desired gear according to the doesn't start the diesel engine, EST117
feedback signals of the speed sensor on the flat electronic control unit doesn't send out neutral
ground. starting order if the system has faults. These
faults contain DW-3 gear selector fault, the shift
5-G Downshift control control valve solenoid fault, the speed sensor
fault, electronic control unit software and
hardware faults etc.
The downshift switch is only active when the
EST117 electronic control unit keeps monitoring
DW-3 shift lever is set to second gear. Press and
above signals when driving and operating the
release the downshift switch will make the
machine. If the signals are abnormal, EST117
transmission remain in first gear until the shift
electronic control unit will decide to lock output or
lever is moved; either speed or direction is
not according to the fault degree. EST117 will
export the fault code if the machine is assembled
Release the KD function by the following steps: with optional LCD of shift control system, the

operators and service people will look for the
Press KD button again;
corresponding faults according to the fault
● Change the running direction; codes.
● Turn the lever to change gear;
● Exceed the speed limited range. Test and Maintenance of
KD function will stop automatically once turn the System Faults
lever to NEUTRAL position.
There are two KD button on the machine, they PR-68 penetrometer is the special tool of shfit
have the same function. control system, which can be used to test
EST117 electronic control box inside the shift
See the following illustration, KD button is control system, DW-3 gear selector, the speed
located on the pilot control lever. sensor, the shift control valve solenoid and lines
Illustration 5-18 KD button located on the pilot rapidly& easily and judge the faults. Assemble
control lever PR-68 penetrometer for the machine if it is
PR-68 penetrometer usage is very convenient, it
has a conversion connector. Pull out X1
receptacle which is connected to EST117
electronic control unit, and insert the connector
of PR-68 penetrometer into EST117 electronic
control unit, and then insert X1 receptalce into
PR-68 penetrometer. Please refer to the
accessory manual (need to order in addition) of
KD button located on the end of the shift control PR-68 penetrometer for the other operations.
lever (refer to DW-3 gear selector outline This manual doesn't describe again.
drawing for KD button position).
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

Illustration 5-19 PR-68 Penetrometer X5 receptalce is very important, which is the

electronic connection interface between ZF shift
control system and OEM (machine
manufacturer). Its connection relationship is:
No. Core signal Function description
584 2 +24V Neutral/start
output interlock signal
588 3 +24V Backup alarm signal
output output
592 4 Digital KD button
Check the transmission oil level at starting input
condition according to manual requirement when 705 1 Impulse Rev signal output
the shift control system has faults and couldn't output
drive. Too high or too low oil level can result in 600 6 +24V The system
transmission abnormality and the machine input executes
couldn't run. The shift control system can work transmission clutch
normally only the transmission oil level is at cut-off order when
normal value. has +24V voltage
The shift control system has faults when the input; the system
transmission oil level is normal, and there isn't doesn’ t execute
PR-68 penetrometer, please check it according the transmission
to the instruction in this section. clutch cut-off order
when has 0V
CAUTION: The fault may be caused by voltage input.
mechanism fault if the electronic control part 170 9 +24V power
of shift control system is normal after
170 10 +24V power
inspection. For example, the shift control
valve is blocked, and the shift oil line has 228 14 - power
leakage, etc.. Please refer to the transmission 228 15 - power
fault test section of CLG856III service
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

Illustration 5-20 Shift control system principle drawing

5-A-F1 Starting fault test of the


Fault phenomenon definition

Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

The operator turns on the start switch and turns Conclusion:

DW-3 gear selector to NEUTRAL position, then
starts the diesel engine when the whole machine If the result does OK, EST117 electronic control
electrifies, but there isn't any respond in the unit of shift control system has exported Neutral/
diesel engine. Consider whether the shift control start interlock signal, the start fault of the diesel
system has sent out the Neutral/start interlock engine is not related to shift control system,
signal firstly. please inspect it according to the power supply
system section of this service manual.
In general, EST117 electronic unit couldn't pass
the self-test, which shows the shift control If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step2.
system has fault. The purpose of the following
steps is to eliminate the faults of the measurable Step2. Test whether No.86 terminal of Neutral/
components in the system through the digital start interlock relay socket and grounding
multimeter. terminal have +24V.
Fault test steps: A.Keep on test of step1, and hold red probe
connection not changed, insert black probe into
Step1. Test whether No.85, No.86 terminals of
common grounding terminal on the left-rear floor
Neutral/start interlock relay socket have
of the cab.
Test result:
1. Turn off the start switch, disassemble the
interior left-rear decoration assembly and cup The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
mat on the left-rear of the cab. Pull out and 31V.
Neutral/start interlock relay from the
electronic control box. Conclusion:
2. Turn on the start switch, turn DW-3 gear
selector to NEUTRAL position, and pull out If the result does OK, the connection between
the parking brake switch, adjust the digital the ground wire of Neutral/start interlock relay
multimeter to 50V range of voltage function. socket and the whole machine gounding terminal
Insert red probe into No.86 terminal of relay is not good.
socket (contrast it with the relay, the pin of If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step3.
relay is marked with terminal number), and
keep contacting with the inner copper Step3. Test whether the power supply of shift
receptacle; insert black probe into No.85 control system at X1 receptacle has +24V.
terminal of relay socket, and keep contacting
with the inner copper receptacle. 1. Turn off the start switch, and plug the Neutral/
start interlock relay over again. Pull out X1
Test result:
receptacle of EST117 electronic control unit.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V 2. Turn on the start switch, measure the power
and 31V. supply of shift control system according to
the shift control system principle drawing and
the following table.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

Test power supply at X1 receptacle: Illustration 5-21 EST117 electronic control unit
X1 (35-PIN) receptacle drawing and shift control
POS PIN WIRE POS PIN system lead connection drawing
X1 1 682 X14 +24V
X1 2 654 X14 +24V
X5 9 612 X14 +24V
X5 10 616 X14 +24V
X1 18 666 X15 -
X1 35 678 X15 -
X5 14 632 X15 -
X5 15 636 X15 -
See above table, it lists the function of X1
receptacle core, which comes from the right
table of the following illustration 5-21, the
comprehension method is the same as the
following right table.
See the following illustration, left side is the
number position of X1 receptacle core, right
side is the lead connection table of shift
control system. For example, "X1 31 430 X9
A" shows that No.430 wire connects No.31
core of X1 receptacle to A core of X9
receptacle. Refer to the principle drawing,
this is the lead from EST117 electronic
control unit to shift control valve solenoid.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

3. Refer to the principle drawing, X14 is "+ Step4. Test whether DW-3 gear selector of
"short circuit terminal of power supply, X15 is shift control system has fault at X1
"-" short circuit terminal of power supply. All receptacle.
leads that connected to the short circuit
terminals are connected. So No.1, No.2 1. Turn off the start switch, measure the
cores of X1 receptacle are connected to No.9 condition of DW-3 gear selector in the shift
core, No10 core of X5 receptacle, that is control system according to the shift control
connected to No.170 wire, which is the power system principle drawing and illustration 5-
line of shift control system. Therefore, there 21.
is +24V voltage of grounding at No.1, No.2
cores of X1 receptacle. No.18, No.35 cores Check DW-3 gear selector at X1 receptacle, " ●
" shows connection:
of X1 receptacle are " - " short circuit
terminals power supply of shfit control 25 5 8 23 26 29 24 19
system. Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V N1 ● ● ● ●
range of voltage function. Measure [1, 18],
[1, 35], [2, 18], [2, 35] core
N2 ● ● ●
combinations of X1 receptacle separately. N3 ● ● ● ●
Please notice that only insert red probe into N4 ● ● ● ● ●
No.1, No.2 cores, black probe into No.18,
No.35 cores. F1 ● ● ● ●
F2 ● ● ●
Test result: F3 ● ● ● ●
The digital multimeter readomg is between 24V F4 ● ● ● ● ●
and 31V. R1 ● ● ● ●
R2 ● ● ●
R3 ● ● ● ●
If the result does OK, please turn to step4. R4 ● ● ● ● ●
If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows: KD ● ● ●

1. Check the condition of 7.5A ZFshift fuse, 2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range
replace it if it is melted. If the new fuse still of Ω function, measure the following
melts, please check the short circuit fault. combinations when pulling each gear of DW-
2. Check the short circuit fault from fuse to X5 3 gear selector, [25, 5], [25, 8], [25,
receptacle, X5 receptacle to X1 receptacle if 23], [25, 26], [25, 29], [25, 24], [25,
7.5A ZF shift fuse doesn't melt. 19], [5, 8], [5, 23], [5, 26], [5, 29],
[5, 24], [5, 19], [8, 23], [8, 26], [8,
3. Check the grounding condition of No.666 29], [8, 24], [8, 19], [23, 26], [23,
wire, No.678 wire, No.632 wire, No.636, 29], [23, 24], [23, 19], [26, 29], [26,
No.228 wire of X5 and X1 receptacles. 24], [26, 19], [29, 24], [29, 19], [24,
19], there are 28 couples of combinations.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

3. Turn DW-3 gear selector to N1, refer to 7. Turn DW-3 gear selector to F1, refer to above
above table, 25, 26, 29, 19 of X1 table, 25, 23, 26, 19 of X1 receptacle are
receptacle are connected each two at N1, connected each two at F1, use the probe
use the probe positive or negative of the positive or negative of the multimeter to
multimeter to measure the resistances of 28 measure the resistances of 28 couples
couples of combinations. [25, 26], [25, combinations. [25, 23], [25, 26], [25,
29], [25, 19], [26, 29], [26, 19], [29, 19], [23, 26], [23, 19], [26, 19], the
19], the digital multimeter reading of the digital multimeter reading of the above
above combinations is 0, and the reading of combinations is 0, and the reading of the
the other combinations is 1. other combinations is 1.
4. Turn DW-3 gear selector to N2, refer to 8. Turn DW-3 gear selector to F2, refer to above
above table, 25, 29, 19 of X1 receptacle table, 25, 23, 19 of X1 receptacle are
are connected each two at N2, use the probe connected each two at F2, use the probe
positive or negative of the multimeter to positive or negative of the multimeter to
measure the resistances of 28 couples of measure the resistances of 28 couples
combinations. [25, 29], [25, 19], [29, combinations. [[25, 23], [25, 19], [23,
19], the digital multimeter reading of the 19], the digital multimeter reading of the
above combinations is 0, and the reading of above combinations is 0, and the reading of
the other combinations is 1. the other combinations is 1.
5. Turn DW-3 gear selector to N3, refer to 9. Turn DW-3 gear selector to F3, refer to above
above table, 25,8,29,19 of X1 receptacle table, 25, 8, 23, 19 of X1 receptacle are
are connected each two at N3, use the probe connected each two at F3, use the probe
positive or negative of the multimeter to positive or negative of the multimeter to
measure the resistances of 28 couples measure the resistances of 28 couples
combinations. [25,8],[25,29],[25,19], combinations. [25,8],[25,23],[25,19],
[8, 29], [8, 19], [29, 19], the digital [8, 23], [8, 19], [23, 19], the digital
multimeter reading of the above multimeter reading of the above
combinations is 0, and the reading of the combinations is 0, and the reading of the
other combinations is 1. other combinations is 1.
6. Turn DW-3 gear selector to N4, refer to 10. Turn DW-3 gear selector to F4, refer to above
above table, 25, 8, 26, 29, 19 of X1 table, 25, 8, 23, 26, 19 of X1 receptacle
receptacle are connected each two at N4, are connected each two at F4, use the probe
use the probe positive or negative of the positive or negative of the multimeter to
multimeter to measure the resistances of 28 measure the resistances of 28 couples
couples combinations. [25, 8], [25, 26], combinations. [25,8],[25,23],[25,26],
[25, 29], [25, 19], [8, 26], [8, 29], [8, [25, 19], [8, 23], [8, 26], [8, 19], [23,
19], [26, 29], [26, 19], [29, 19], the 26], [23, 19], [26, 19], the digital
digital multimeter reading of the above multimeter reading of the above
combinations is 0, and the reading of the combinations is 0, and the reading of the
other combinations is 1. other combinations is 1.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

11. Turn DW-3 gear selector to R1, refer to 15. Press KD button of DW-3 gear selector and
above table, 25,5,26,19 of X1 receptacle hold it, refer to above table, 25, 24, 19 of
are connected each two at R1, use the probe X1 receptacle are connected each two at KD
positive or negative of the multimeter to function, use the probe positive or negative
measure the resistances of 28 couples of the multimeter to measure the resistances
combinations. [25,5],[25,26],[25,19], of 28 couples combinations. [25, 24], [25,
[5, 26], [5, 19], [26, 19], the digital 19], [24, 19], the digital multimeter reading
multimeter reading of the above of the above combinations is 0, and the
combinations is 0, and the reading of the reading of the other combinations is 1.
other combinations is 1.
12. Turn DW-3 gear selector to R2, refer to
above table, 25,5,19 of X1 receptacle are Generally, the self-test of EST117 electronic
connected each two at R2, use the probe
control unit couldn't check the faults of DW-3
positive or negative of the multimeter to
gear selector completely. It just can check the
measure the resistances of 28 couples
current gear of DW-3 gear selector before
combinations. [25, 5], [25, 19], [5, 19], starting. The instruction in this step can check all
the digital multimeter reading of the above
functions of DW-3 gear selector. Therefore, it is
combinations is 0, and the reading of the
allowed to check the current gear of DW-3 but
other combinations is 1.
not needed to check all gears when dispose the
13. Turn DW-3 gear selector to R3, refer to machine's start fault. It is necessary to check
above table, 25, 5, 8, 19 of X1 receptacle DW-3 function completely if there isn't any fault
are connected each two at R3, use the probe of the gear after starting the machine.
positive or negative of the multimeter to
If the result does OK, please turn to step5.
measure the resistances of 28 couples
combinations. [25, 5], [25, 8], [25, 19], If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows:
[5, 8], [5, 19], [8, 19], the digital 1. Check whether there is open circuit or any
multimeter reading of the above
other fault in the line from DW-3 gear selector
combinations is 0, and the reading of the
to EST117 electronic control unit.
other combinations is 1.
2. Replace DW-3 gear selector.
14. Turn DW-3 gear selector to R4, refer to
above table, 25, 5, 8, 26, 19 of X1 Step5. Test whether the shift control valve
receptacle are connected each two at R4,
solenoid has fault at X1 receptacle.
use the probe positive or negative of the
multimeter to measure the resistances of 28
1. Refer to shift control system principle
couples combinations. [25, 5], [25, 8], drawing and illustration 5-21.
[25, 26], [25, 19], [5, 8], [5, 26], [5,
19], [8, 26], [8, 19], [26, 19], the digital Test shift control valve solenoid at X1 receptacle:
multimeter reading of the above
X1 core Resistance Corresponding X9
combinations is 0, and the reading of the
other combinations is 1.
31-35 85~100 Ω A-F
33-35 B-F
15-35 C-F
32-35 D-F
14-35 E-F
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range Conclusion:

of Ω function, use the probes positive or
negative to measure the core combinations If the result does OK, test the machine after
separately in above table [31, 35], [33, replaced with new EST117 electronic control
35], [15, 35], [32, 35], [14, 35]. unit.
If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows:
Test result:
1. Check whether there is open circuit or any
The digital multimeter reading is between 85 Ω other fault in the line from speed sensor to
and 100 Ω . EST117 electronic control unit.
2. Replace the speed sensor.
5-A-F2 Fault test of the machine without
If the result does OK, please turn to step6. any gear after starting
If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows: Fault phenomenon definition:
1. Check whether there is open circuit or any The machine couldn't run whatever gear the
other fault in the line from shift control valve operator turns after starting the diesel engine.
to EST117 electronic control unit.
Fault test steps:
2. The inner solenoid of shift control valve is
damaged if the line hasn't fault. The test of 5 Step1. Test the transmission oil level when
couples of combinations corresponds with 5 the machine is running.
solenoids separately in the shift control valve.
Maintain the shift control valve if the test 1. Turn on the start switch, and start the diesel
value of any couple is not in the range of engine, let the machine runs for about
measurement. 10mins. Test the transmission oil level.
Step6. Test whether the speed sensor of shift Test result:
control system has fault at X1 receptacle.
The transmission oil level should in the normal
1. Refer to shift control system principle range of oil dipstick when the machine is
drawing and illustration 5-21. running.
Test the speed sensor at X1 receptacle:
X1 core Resistance Corresponding X9
receptacle HIGH-Drain oil
17-27 920~1120 Ω 1-2 LOW-Fill oil
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 2K Ω range of If it is OK, please turn to step2.
Ω function, use the probe positive or
negative to measure the core combinations Step2. Test DW-3 gear selector at X1
in above table [17, 27]. receptacle according to step4 introduced in
Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is between 920 Ω
and 1120 Ω . If the result does OK, please replace with new
EST117 electronic control unit.
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

If the result doesn't OK, please test as follows: Step2. Turn the transmission clutch ON/OFF
switch to ON position, observe whether the
1. Check whether there is open circuit or any
indicator on the panel is going out.
fault in the line from DW-3 gear selector to
EST117 electronic control unit.
1. Turn on the start switch, don't start the diesel
2. Replace DW-3 gear selector. engine, and turn the transmission clutch ON/
OFF switch to ON position.
5-A-F3 Fault test of the machine without
I, II gear after starting 2. Insert the parking brake clutch cut-off switch
receptacle over again.
Fault phenomenon definition:
The machine couldn't be started when the shift Test result::
control lever is at F1/F2 or R1/R2 after starting
the diesel engine. Observe whether the indicator on the panel is
going out.
Fault test steps:
Step1. Disconnect the transmission clutch
cut-off signal, judge whether the machine has If the result does OK, the parking brake clutch
gear I, II. cut-off switch is damaged.

1. Turn the transmission clutch ON/OFF switch If the result doesn't OK, the service brake clutch
to OFF position, remove No.600 wire cut-off switch or the transmission clutch ON/OFF
receptacle from the parking brake clutch cut- switch is damaged.
off switch. Turn on the start switch and turn
Step3. Pull out the parking brake button, and
DW-3 gear selector to NEUTRAL position.
press down. The clutch cut-off indicator on
Press down the parking brake switch for
the panel will lighten and then go out.
releasing the parking brake. Observe
whether the clutch cut-off indicator on the
panel is going out. 1. Turn on the start switch, don't start the diesel
engine, pull out and press down the parking
2. Start the diesel engine at I, II gear. Judge brake button.
whether the machine can start normally.
2. Insert the receptacle of parking brake clutch
cut-off switch over again.
Test result::

The machine starts when the indicator goes out. Test result::

Conclusion: Observe whether the indicator on the panel

lightens and then goes out.
If the result does OK, the machine is at
transmission clutch ON position if the line has
fault, and the machine couldn't be started.
Please turn to step2. If the result does OK, please replace EST117
electronic control unit
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step3.
If the result doesn't OK, the parking brake switch
is damaged.
5-A-F4 Fault test of the machine without
III, IV gear after starting
Shift Control System (SEMI-AUTOMATIC)
Test and Maintenance of System Faults

Fault phenomenon definition: Conclusion:

The machine's speed couldn't reach the desired If the result does OK, EST117 electronic control
gear when the shift control lever is at F3, F4 or unit of shift control system has exported the
R3, R4 after starting the machine and the ground backup alarm signal, the backup alarm is
condition is good. damaged or its line has fault if the backup alarm
doesn't beep, please check it carefully.
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step2.
Replace the speed sensor after make sure the
line hasn't fault. Pay attention to the fixing gap of Step2. Test DW-3 gear selector according to
the speed sensor when fixing. step4 introduced in 5-A-F1.

5-A-F5 Fault test of the backup alarm Conclusion:

when the shift control lever is at R after
starting the machine If the result does OK, please replace EST117
electronic control unit
Fault phenomenon definition:
If the result doesn't OK, DW-3 gear selector is
The backup alarm doesn't beep when the shift
control lever is at R after starting the machine.
Fault test steps: CAUTION: When execute parking brake
to the machine, Start the diesel engine, and
Test Step1. Test whether No.588 wire has shift to test and service, please pay attention
+24V. to safety. Make sure the open place and the
efficiency of the parking brake, and ensure
1. Turn off the start switch, disassemble the left- that the machine doesn't run.
rear interior decoration assembly and cup
mat on the left-rear side of the cab, find X5 CAUTION: Sometimes it needs to change
receptacle. gear for operating during test the machine,
please make sure the test is carried out on
2. Turn on the start switch, pull up the parking the flat ground and won't hurt the other
brake switch, start the diesel engine, and pull people. Resume the machie complete state
DW-3 gear selector to R1, R2. Adjust the after maintenance.
digital multimeter to 50V range of voltage
function. Insert red probe into No.3 core
(No.588 wire) of X5 receptacle, keep
contacting with the inner copper core of
receptacle. Insert black probe into No.14
core or No.15 core (No.288 wire) of X5
receptacle, keep contacting with the inner
copper of receptacle.

Test result::

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.
Parking Brake and Transmission Clutch Cut-off System
Main Components

Parking Brake and Illustration 6-2 Parking brake switch location

Transmission Clutch Cut-

off System

Function Brief Introduction

Use the parking brake and transmission clutch
cut-off system to control parking brake and shut
off transmission power. Realize manual brake by
the parking brake switch controlling the brake
solenoid, realize transmission clutch cut-off
protection function when the machine is running 2. Transmission clutch ON/OFF switch: it is a
by transmission clutch ON/OFF switch. pendant switch, see chapter 7 THE LIGHTS
for the configuration principle. This switch
has a self-lock button; the self-lock will be
Main Components locked at ON position after connecting the
switch, pull the self-lock button before turn off
this switch. Keep this switch at ON position
1. Parking brake switch: this switch is when the machine is running, shut off the
composed by the button and two contacts power output of the transmission gear I, and
(one is normal open, another is normal
gear Ⅱ for protecting the gear when depress
close). Pull out the button, the normal close down the brake. Turn off this switch only at
contact is on, the normal open contact is off; the special condition, such as up and down
press the button, the normal close is off, the slopes, at this time, the transmission power
normal open is on. See the illustration 6-1. output is normal when depressing down the
See the illustration 6-2 for installation brake. See illustration 6-3 for the installation
location. location.
Illustration 6-1 Parking brake switch outline Illustration 6-3 Transmission clutch ON/OFF
switch installation location
Parking Brake and Transmission Clutch Cut-off System
Main Components

3. Parking brake clutch cut-off switch: this Illustration 6-5 Service brake clutch cut-off switch
switch consists of two contacts, one is normal installation location
open, another is normal close, three
terminals, and the middle terminal is the
common terminal of these two contacts. The
normal close contact is off, the normal open
contact is on when the pressure is higher
than 11.5MPva; the normal close contact is
on, the normal open contact is off when the
pressure is lower than11.5MPva.
Illustration 6-4 Parking brake clutch ON/OFF
switch installation location

5. Parking brake solenoid: this solenoid is the

accessory of brake valve, the brake solenoid
function is: produces electromagnetism force
when the electromagnetism winding has
been electrify, so as to impulse the spool and
connect the hydraulic oil line and then
provides pressure to impulse the parking
brake cylinder. The resistance of its solenoid
winding is 40 ohm. It is normal to judge its
damage condition by measuring the
Illustration 6-6 Parking brake solenoid installation
4. Service brake clutch cut-off switch: this
switch consists of two normal open contacts.
The pressure will rise when depress down
the brake, and the normal open contact is on
when the pressure is higher than 1.5MPa,
the normal open contact is off when pressure
is lower than 1.5MPa.

System principle:
1. Turn on the start switch, 5A fuse of parking
brake electrifies and supplies power to
No.136 wire; 7.5A fuse of shift control lever
electrifies and supplies power to No.170 wire.
Parking Brake and Transmission Clutch Cut-off System
Main Components

2. Pull out the parking brake switch, No.170 NOTICE: Understand the shift control system
wire and No.600 wire are connected, 24V rules firstly, viz No.600 wire is the clutch cut-
voltage signal supplies power to No.600 wire off signal wire of shift control system. When
after passes from No.170 wire to No.11 coil of No.600 wire inputs high level to control unit
XA1 receptacle, and reaches parking brake EST-25 of shift control system, the shift
switch. No.600 wire high level signal is control lever is at 1st, 2nd gear, the
inputted to shift control unit EST-25, thereby transmission clutch comes away, no power
cut-off the power output of transmission gear output, the transmission is at NEUTRAL.
I, and gear Ⅱ . At this time, No.600 wire high
level signal is inputted into the gauge, the
clutch cut-off indicator of the gauge lightens.
3. Press the parking brake switch, No.136 wire
and No.478 wire are connected. If the
pressure of the parking brake clutch cut-off
switch is lower than 11.5Mpa, its normal
close contact is on (No.478 wire and No.600
wire are connected), 24V signal is inputted to
the control unit EST-25T through No.600 wire
at X5 receptacle, thereby cut-off the power
output of transmission gear I, and gear Ⅱ . At
this time, No.486 wire hasn't electricity, the
parking brake solenoid doesn't work, and the
machine is at parking brake state. If the
pressure of the parking brake clutch cut-off
switch is higher than 11.5Mpa, its normal
open contact is on (No.478 wire and No.486
wire are connected ), No.486 wire electrifies,
the parking brake solenoid works and the
parking brake is released; at the same time,
No.600 wire hasn't electricity and the
transmission power outputs normally.
4. The service brake clutch cut-off switch
contact is closed when depress the brake.
No.170 wire and No.602 wire are connected,
No.602 wire electrifies. At this time, No.600
wire electrifies and inputs power to control
unit by receptacle X5 if the transmission
clutch ON/OF pendant switch is closed. If the
transmission clutch ON/OFF pendant switch
is disconnected, No.600 wire hasn't
electricity and transmission power outputs
Parking Brake and Transmission Clutch Cut-off System
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 6-7 Parking brake and clutch cut-off system principle

System Fault Test and Fault test cause analysis:

Service Fault can be caused by 24V abnormal voltage at

No.600 wire when the machine runs normally.
6-A-F Fault test of the machine without This fault appears when the machine operates
normally, it may be caused by the transmission
Ⅰ , Ⅱ gear mechanical fault if the grounding voltage of
No.600 wire is 0, please consult with the
Fault phenomenon definition:
to eliminate the faults; or may be caused by the
The machine can drive forward and backward
shift control system, consult with the SHIFT
normally when the shift control lever is at Ⅲ , Ⅳ CONTROL SYSTEM section to eliminate the
gear, but can't drive forward and backward at Ⅰ , faults.
Ⅱ gear.
Fault test steps:

Step 1. Test the voltage of No.600 wire at X5


1. Turn on the start switch, and press the

parking brake button after the engine starting
for 30 seconds, use 200V voltage function of
multimeter to measure whether the
grounding voltage of No.600 wire at X5
receptacle is between 24V and 31V.
Parking Brake and Transmission Clutch Cut-off System
System Fault Test and Service

2. Please turn to step 2 if the voltage is between Step 3. Test whether the parking brake button
24V and 31V. is good.
3. If the voltage is 0, please refer to
1. Turn off the start switch, pull out the parking
transmission system service manual to
brake button, use the resistance function of
eliminate faults; or refer to shift control
multimeter to measure the resistance of the
system section to eliminate faults.
parking brake button normal open contacts
(two contacts connected to No.136 wire and
Step 2. Test whether the parking brake clutch
cut-off switch is god. No.478 wire), the resistance value should be
infinity; measure the resistance of normal
close contacts (two contacts connected to
1. Turn on the start switch, and press the
No.170 wire and No.600 wire), the resistance
parking brake button after the engine starting
value should be 0.
for 30 seconds, pull out No.600 wire from the
parking brake clutch cut-off switch. If the 2. press the parking brake button, use the
clutch cut-off indicator is still on, so the resistance function of multimeter to measure
parking brake clutch cut-off switch hasn't the resistance of parking brake button normal
problem; if the clutch cut-off indicator is off, open contact, the resistance should be 0,
please check the parking brake clutch cut-off measure the normal close contact resistance,
switch is damaged or not. the resistance value should be infinity.
2. Turn on the start switch, press the parking 3. Please turn to step 4 if the test resistance
brake button after the engine starting for 30 value meets the demand.
seconds, pull out No.600 wire and No.478
4. If the test resistance value can't meet the
wire from the parking brake clutch cut-off
demand, the parking brake button is
switch, use the resistance function of
damaged, please replace it, and finish the
multimeter to measure parking brake clutch
test; but if the fault still exists, please turn to
cut-off switch normal close contact (two
step 4.
contacts connected to No.478 wire and
No.600 wire formerly), if the resistance is 0,
Step 4. Test whether the service brake clutch
use pressure gauge to check whether the cut-off switch is good.
pressure of the parking brake clutch cut-off
switch is higher than 11.5MPa. The parking
1. Use the resistance function of multimeter to
brake clutch cut-off switch is damaged if it is,
measure the contact resistance of service
please replace the parking brake clutch cut-
brake clutch cut-off switch, the resistance
off switch, and finish checking if the fault is
value should be infinity.
repaired. Check the brake system faults if the
pressure is lower than 11.5MPa, please refer 2. If the resistance is 0, the service brake clutch
to the brake system section in the service cut-off switch is damaged, please replace it,
manual. Please turn to step 3 if the fault still stop checking if the faults are repaired; but if
exists. the fault still exists, please turn to step 5.
3. If the resistance is infinity, please turn to step

Step 5. Test whether No.600 wire is short cut-off switch, use 200V voltage function of
circuit to power supply multimeter to measure whether the
grounding voltage of No.600 wire at X5
1. Turn on the start switch, don't start the receptacle is between 24V and 26V.
engine, pull up the parking brake button, pull
out No.600 wire from parking brake clutch
Parking Brake and Transmission Clutch Cut-off System
System Fault Test and Service

2. If the voltage is between 24V and 26V, Fault test steps:

please check whether the wiring harness is
damaged, and eliminate the short circuit Step 1. Test whether 5A parking brake fuse
fault; stop checking if the faults are repaired. has damaged?
3. If the voltage is 0, please refer to
1. Check whether 5A parking brake fuse has
transmission system or shift control system
damaged. Replace the corresponding fuse if
service manual to eliminate the faults.
this fuse has burnt, and stop checking after
replacing the fuse if the fault is repaired. But
if the fault still exists, please turn to step 2.

Step 2. Test whether the parking brake

High pressure brake oil may cause injury and
solenoid electrifies.
death! Never disassemble the parking brake
clutch cut-off pendant switch and the parking
brake solenoid before without discharging 1. Turn on the start switch; remove the
the brake pressure. Please discharge the receptacle of the parking brake solenoid after
brake pressure firstly according to BRAKE the engine starting for 30 seconds, use 200V
SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL instruction if it is voltage function of multimeter to measure
necessary to replace the service brake clutch whether the voltages of No.486 wire and
cut-off switch, the parking brake clutch cut- No.214 wire are between 24V and 31V.
off switch and the parking brake solenoid 2. Please turn to step 3 if the voltage is between
during maintenace 24V and 31V.
3. Please turn to step 4 if the voltage is 0.
Wear the guard glasses and gloves when
Step 3. Test whether the parking brake
6-B-F Fault test of the machine without solenoid is good.
any gear
1. Use the resistance function of multimeter to
Fault phenomenon definition: measure the resistance of two pins of the
parking brake solenoid, the normal value is
The machine can't drive forward and backward about 40 ohm.
normally when the shift control lever is at Ⅰ , Ⅱ , 2. The parking brake solenoid is damaged if the
Ⅲ , Ⅳ gear, press down and pull up the parking resistance is infinity, replace the parking
brake button at the same time when the machine brake solenoid; stop checking if the faults are
drives normally, the parking brake cylinder repaired. Please turn to step 4 if the fault still
doesn't move up and down. exists.
Fault test cause analysis: 3. Please turn to step 4 if the resistance is about
40 ohm.
This fault appears when the machine operates
normally, it may be caused by the abnormal
electrify or damages of the parking brake
solenoid. Moreover, it may be caused by the
transmission mechanical fault. Please consult
MANUAL to eliminate the faults.
Parking Brake and Transmission Clutch Cut-off System
System Fault Test and Service

Step 4. Test whether the parking brake clutch 4. The parking brake button is damaged if the
cut-off switch is good resistance value can't meet the demand,
please replace it, and stop checking if the
1. Turn on the start switch, press the parking faults are repaired. Please turn to step 6 if the
brake button after the engine starting for 30 fault still exists.
seconds, remove No.486 wire and No.478
wire form the parking brake clutch cut-off Step 6. check whether the wiring is
switch, use the resistance function of disconnected?
multimeter to measure the normal open
contact resistance of the parking brake clutch 1. Check the resistance value of No.486 wire is
cut-off switch (two contacts connected to 0 or not by 3m lead from the parking brake
No.478 wire and No.486 wire). clutch cut-off switch to parking brake
solenoid, it is normal if the resistance value is
2. If the resistance is infinity, check whether the
0. Check No.486 wire carefully for abrasion if
pressure of the parking brake clutch cut-off
the resistance value is infinity, or check the
switch is higher than 11.5Mpa by the
connecting condition of XH2 receptacle,
pressure meter, the parking brake clutch cut-
repair the wiring.
off switch is damaged if the pressure is
higher than 11.5MPa, please replace it, and 2. Check the resistance value of No.478 wire is
stop checking if the faults are repaired. 0 or not by 3m lead from the parking brake
Please turn to step 4 if the fault still exists. clutch cut-off switch to parking brake button,
Check the brake system faults if the pressure it is normal if the resistance value is 0. Check
is lower than 11.5MPa, please refer to No.478 wire carefully for abrasion if the
BRAKE SYSTEM section service manual. resistance value is infinity, or check the
connecting condition of XH2 receptacle,
3. Please turn to step 5 if the resistance value is
repair the wiring.
3. Check the resistance value of No.136 wire is
Step 5. Test whether the parking brake clutch 0 or not by 3m lead from 5A fuse of parking
cut-off switch is good condition brake to parking brake button, it is normal if
the resistance value is 0. Check No.136 wire
1. Turn off the start switch, pull up the parking carefully for abrasion if the resistance value
brake switch, use the resistance function of is infinity, or check the connecting condition
multimeter to measure the resistance of the of XA1、 XK4 receptacle, repair the wiring.
parking brake switch normal open contacts Stop checking if the faults are repaired.
(two contacts connected to No.136 wire and
No. 478 wire), the resistance value should be
infinity; measure the resistance of the normal
close contacts (two contacts connected to
No.170 wire and No.600 wire), the resistance
value is 0.
2. Press the parking brake button, use the
resistance function of the multimeter to
measure the resistance of the parking brake
button normal open contact, the resistance
value should be 0, the resistance value of the
normal close contact should be infinity
3. Please turn to step 6 if the resistance value
meets the demand.
Main Components

Lights The work light is mainly used for operation

illumination of the machine.
The interior light is used for illumination or
reading in the cab at night.
Function Brief Introduction
The rotating beacon is used for operation
Turn on the corresponding light switch for
indication of the machine.
realizing the illumination of the whole machine.
The machine has the following lights:
Main Components
Name Qty Composing
Left-front 1 Front floodlight-left front
combination position light-left front Dome light
light turn signal light-left Illustration 7-1 Dome light and principle drawing
Right-front 1 Front floodlight-right front symbol
combination position light-right front
light turn signal light-right
Interior light 1
Work light 4
Rear 2
Rotating 1
Left-rear 1 Backup light, brake light,
combination rear position light-left,
light rear turn signal light-left
Right-rear 1 Backup light, brake light,
Bulb specification of dome light:
combination rear position light-right,
light rear turn signal light-right Function Rated Bulb Rated
voltage specification power
All kinds of lights functions brief instruction: DOME 24V Bulb T10 10W
The backup light is used for illuminating the back
The bulbs used in this machine all accord with
area of the machine when reverse it. This
SAE standard except for the dome light bulbs are
machine is fixed with the backup alarm, the
Chiese standard bulbs.
backup light and the backup alarm work at the
same time when reverse the machine. Rear combination light
The brake light is used to warn the machines
behind this machine that it is braking.
The turn signal light indicates the turning
direction and the potential danger signal of the
machine (used as the hazard flasher).
The front/rear position lights are used during
running or operation at night, which indicate the
relative position of the machine.
The front/rear floodlights are used for running or
operation illumination of the machine.
Main Components

Illustration 7-2 Rear combination light and NOTICE

principle drawing symbol
The rear combination light uses the seal
receptacle, the jacket of the receptacle
marked with receptacle core numbers.
Perform the connection according to the core
numbers in above illustration and the wire
colors if it is necessary.

Work light and rear floodlight

Illustration 7-4 Work light and rear floodlight and
principle drawing symbol

See above illustration, the rear combination light

is the left-rear combination light, and the right-
rear combination light appears after mirrior
image in above illustration.
Bulb specification of rear combination light:
Rated Bulb Rated Chimney
voltage spec. power Color
24V P21W 21W White
UP Light
Bulb specification of work light and rear
SIGNAL 24V P21W 21W Orange
BRAKE Rated Bulb Rated
AND voltage Spec. power
24V P21/5W 21/5W Red
Brake light and position light use the chimney, LIGHT
inside of which is double filament bulb. Front combination light
Illustration 7-3 Function illustration of rear Bulb specifications of front combination light:
combination light
Function Rated Bulb Rated
voltage spec. power
See the following illustration, the front
combination light is the left-front combination
light, the right-rear combination light appears
after mirrior image in the following illustration.
Main Components

Illustration 7-5 Front combiantion light and Combination switch

pricipal drawing symbol
Illustration 7-7 Combination switch and principal
drawing symbol

The combination switch can realize the following

NOTCIE (Refer to the Operation manual along with the
machine for more details)
The rear combination light uses the seal ● Left turn signal
receptacle, the jacket of the receptacle
marked with the receptacle core numbers. ● Right turn signal
Perform the connection according to the ● Front floodlight low/high beam switch
receptacle core numbers in above illustration
and the wire color if it is necessary. ● Horn
● Front window washer
Rotating beacon
● Front wiper I
Illustration 7-6 Rotating beacon and principal
● Front wiper II
drawing symbol

The combination switch realizes the linkage

with the exterior operation through the
cooperative action between the inside
minitype and jiggle switchs and the
mechanism. So the current that the inner
contacts withstood is relative small, needs to
connect the outer relay for realizing the
function control except for the left turn
Bulb specification of rotating beacon: signal, right turn signal, front floodlight high
Rated Bulb Rated beam and the front floodlight low beam.
voltage Spec power
Main Components

The combination light fault test steps (a) When the wiper is at O, use a probe of
the digital multimeter to connect the
The combination switch is composed by the corresponding copper of BR/WH wire,
inner separate switches, so can use the another probe connected to the
multimeter resistance function to check the corresponding copper of RD/BK wire, the
combination switch. This method is not available digital multimeter reading is 0. use two
for the switch with some damaged contacts, this probes to contact the corresponding
kind of switches look like normal but can't use coppers of the following each wire colour
when connecting to the circuit. This section won't group separately [BU, BK], [BU, BR/
introduce this question due to its low occurrence WH], [RD/BK,BK], [GN, BK], [GN, BR/
frequency, please replace it with a new WH], the multimeter reading is 1.
combination switch if it has such faults. This
(b) Turn the wiper to J, use a probe of the
section will just introduce the general test
multimeter to contact GN wire, another
probe contacts with BK wire, the
Replace with a new combination switch multimeter reading is 0. Then contact a
assembly when the combination switch is probe with the corresponding copper of
damaged, Liugong doesn't approve to repair the RR/WH wire, another probe contacts with
combination switch because the assembly of the the corresponding copper of RD/BK wire,
combination switch needs the special technics the multimeter reading is 0. Use two
guarantee. probes to contact the corresponding
coppers of the following each wire colour
Judgement steps of whether the combination
switch is damaged: group separately [BU, BK], [BU, BR/
WH], [RD/BK, BK], [GN, BR/WH], the
1. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω range multimeter reading is 1.
of Ω function. (c) Turn the wiper to I, use a probe of the
2. Open the steering column assembly, and multimeter to contact RD/BK wire,
disassemble the combination switch from the another probe contacts with BK wire, the
steering column and pull out its receptacle multimeter reading is 0. Use two probes
from the wiring harness. Use either the to contact the corresponding coppers of
positive or negative terminal of the probe, the the following each wire colour group
measure position of the digital multimeter is separately [BU, BK], [BU, BR/WH],
the copper terminal of the combination switch [RD/BK,BR/WH],[GN,BK],[GN,BR/
receptacle. Distinguish from the wiring color WH], the multimeter reading is 1.
because there isn't definition about the
(d) Turn the wiper to II, use a probe of the
receptacle core numbers of the combination
multimeter to contact BU wire, another
switch on the combinantion switch principle
probe contacts with BK wire, the
multimeter reading is 0, use two probes
3. Wiper function measurement: to contact the corresponding coppers of
the following each wire colour group
separately [BU,BR/WH],[RD/BK,BK],
WH], the multimeter reading is 1. Turn the
wiper to O position after measuring.
Main Components

4. Horn function measurement: press the horn 7. Front floodlight function measurement: use
and hold it. The horn switch is a reposition the probes of the digital multimeter to contact
switch, it will reposition after releasing. Keep the corresponding coppers of the following
this switch at PRESS position when wire colour groups [WH/BK, YL] or [WH/
measuring, can't let it reposition, which needs BK, WH], the multimeter reading of one
another person to help. Use a probe of the group is 0, the other group is 1. Pull the
digital multimeter to contact the switch one time along with the installation
corresponding copper of BK wire, the direction of the combination switch, the
multimeter reading is 0, but its reading is 1 multimeter reading changes from 0 to 1 or
after releasing. changes from 1 to 0.
5. Front window washer function measurement: The combination switch is good if it can complete
see the instruction, push the front window above steps. In addition, it is not necessary to
washer and hold it, refer to step 4, this switch operate according to above steps when check,
is a reposition switch. Keep it at washing check the corresponding functions firstly if doubt
position when measuring. Use a probe of the that some functions have problems.
digital multimeter to contact the
corresponding copper of GY wire, another
Brake light switch
probe contacts with the corresponding Illustration 7-8 Brake light swigch and principle
copper of BK wire, the multimeter reading is drawing symbol
0, and the reading is 1 after releasing.
Replenish washing liquid in time after
6. Turn signal measurement:
(a) Push the combination switch handle
forwards. Use a probe of the digital
multimeter to contact the corresponding The brake switch is a pressure switch, which is
copper of BL/WH wire, another probe fixed inside the brake valve, the brake oil line
contacts with the corresponding copper of filling oil when the operator depressing down the
BK/WH/GN wire, the multimeter reading pedal, the oil pressure increases. When the
is 0, and its reading is 1 when turn the pressure reaches the action pressure of the
combination switch to NUEUTRAL pressure switch, the normal open contacts of the
position. pressure switch will close and connect the circuit
(b) Push the combination switch handle of the contacts.
backwards. Use a probe of the digital The brake light switch operation value is 0.5MPa,
multimeter to contact the corresponding and the contact state is ON.
copper of BK/BR wire, another probe
contacts with the corresponding copper of NOTICE
BK/WH/GN wire, the multimeter reading
is 0, and its reading is 1 when turn the Make sure the cleanness of the screw thread
combination switch to NEUTRAL hole before install the pressure switch.
Main Components

Brake light switch falut test method Illustration 7-9 Backup alarm and principle
drawing symbol
The brake switch is a pressure switch, the switch
can operate only connecting it into the medium
loop and let the medium pressure reach the
operation pressure, so it is not available to judge
the pressure switch condition according to the
usual measurement by the resistance.
The brake light doesn't lighten when the operator
depresses down the brake pedal. If the brake
switch has fault, it is not necessary to
disassemble the brake switch from the barke
valve, just need to simulate its action state. The
details as follows: The backup alarm is an intermittent beep buzzer,
1. Turn DW-3 gear selector to NEUTRAL it works together with the backup light when the
position, pull the parking brake button, and operator reverses the machine.
disassemble two receptacles of the brake
light from the swich, connect their coppers Backup alarm fault test method
together. Simulate the open operation of the
brake light switch. The backup alarm is a buzzer, this buzzer is
controlled by the inner electrical wire, so can't
2. Turn on the start switch, the brake switch is use the digital multimeter simply to measure the
damaged if the brake light is lightened, the outer characteristic from the receptacle of the
brake light line doesn't has fault. If the brake backup alarm.
light still not be lightened, the loop of the
brake light has fault, which is not related to The backup light lights but the backup alarm
the brake light switch. doesn't sound when turn the shift control lever to
REVERSE gear, the general test methods as
CAUTION: The above operation is only follows:
for the test of the diesel engine at close state. 1. Turn DW-3 gear selector to NEUTRAL
Resume rapidly once finishing the test. Never position, pull up the parking brake button,
do these operations when the machine is turn on the start switch and start the diesel
running or working, otherwise it will threat engine, turn the shift control lever to R1 gear.
the machine operation safety.
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage
Backup alarm function (50V). Open the left-rear position
light- chimney, and pull out the backup alarm
receptacle XI4. Use two probes of the digital
multimeter to measure the voltage between
two coppers of the receptacle of the harness
terminal (not the backup alarm terminal), the
multimeter reading is between 24V and 31V.
The backup alarm is damaged if the multimeter
reading is the same to step 2, and need to
replace the backup alarm. If the multimeter
reading is not in this range, please check the
backup alarm lines for other problems.
Main Components

Flash relay Illustration 7-11 Pendant switch and principle

drawing symbol
Illustration 7-10 Flash relay and principle drawing symbol

The flash relay rated load is 40-130W, the See above illustration, work light switch, rear
flashing frequency is 60-120 time/min; when the floodlight switch, hazard flasher switch are the
load changes (decreases), the flashing same with the pendant switch. The work light
frequency increases but doesn't exceed 140time/ and the rear floodlight switch use the principle in
min. illustration 1. The hazard flasher switch uses the
principle in illustration 2. They all are the double-
The flash relay determines the flashing position switches, and hold at ON position.
frequency of the turn signal light, when the main
turn signal light has fault, the flashing frequency If the back light inside the pendant switch is
of other turn signal lights will increase due to the damaged, disassemble it from the pendant
ralay's effect. switch and replace it, shown as below:
Illustration 7-12 Pendant switch assembly
Flash relay fault test method

The turn signal light and turn signal indicator

don't lighten or flash when steering or parking the
machine, if 10A fuse doesn't melt, the flasher has
fault. The disposal method as follows:
Open the electrical control box, replace the flash
relay with a new one, the flash relay is damaged
if the turn signal gets right. If the turn signal still
doesn't get right after replacement, please check
the turn signal lines for other problems.
Pendant swtich Pendant switch fault test steps

The pendant switch is usually centralized

assembled at the compositive switch groove and
forms the different join number. The
subassembly installed with 8 pendant switches
named 7-join pendant switch. The work light,
rear floodlight switch, hazard flasher switch,
position light&front floodlight switch involved in
this section are all installed at 8-join switch
located on the steering column.
Function Operation

1. Take out the pendant switch group from the The position light & front floodlight switch is 3-
switch hole, and don't damage the buckle of position pendant switch, which hold at ON
the compositive switch groove. Pull out WH position.
8-core receptacle on the back of the pendant
switch, and let the copper on the back of the Position light & front floodlight switch fault
switch expose. test steps
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function 1. Take out the 8-joijn pendant switch group
(200 Ω ). from the switch hole, and don't damage the
3. Hold the pendant switch at OFF position, use buckle of the compositive switch groove. Pull
either the positive or negative of the probe of out WH 8-core receptacle on the back of the
the digital multimeter to measure [1, 5] pendant switch, and let the copper on back of
copper combination on the back of the the switch expose.
pendant switch, and need to measure [2, 6]
copper combination if measure the hazard 2. Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function
flasher switch. The digital multimeter reading (200 Ω ).
is 1. 3. Hold the pendant switch at OFF position, use
either the positive or negative of the probe of
4. Hold the pendant switch at ON position, use
either the positive or negative of the probe of the digital multimeter to measure [1,3],[2,
6], [2, 8] copper combinations on the back
the digital multimeter to measure [1, 5] of the pendant switch. The digital multimeter
copper combination on the back of the
reading is 1.
pendant switch, and need to measure [2, 6]
copper combination if measure the hazard 4. Hold the pendant switch at ON position, use
flasher switch. The digital multimeter reading either the positive or negative of the probe of
is 0. the digital multimeter to measure [2,6],[2,
The pendant switch is normal if it can complete 8], [1, 3] copper combinations on the back
of the pendant switch. The digital multimeter
above testing, otherwise the pendant switch is
damaged. reading of [2, 6], [2, 8] combinations is 0.
The digital multimeter reading of [1, 3]
Position light & front floodlight switch combination is 1.
Illustration 7-13 Position light & front floodlight 5. Hold the pendant switch at ON position, use
switch and principle drawing symbol either the positive or negative of the probe of
the digital multimeter to measure [2,6],[2,
8], [1, 3] copper combinations on the back
of the pendant switch. The digital multimeter
reading is 0.
The position light & front floodlight switch is
normal if it can complete above testing,
otherwise the position light & front floodlight
switch is damaged.

Function Operation

7-A Dome light operation

The following electronic components are needed

for realizing dome light illumination.
Function Operation

● Fuse Illustration 7-15 Front floodlight switch position

(the demonstration machine is CLG856III with 8-
● Dome light
bar front frame)
Illustration 7-14 Dome light fixing positon

(1) Dome light switch

7-B Front floodlight operation

The following electronic components are needed

for realizing front floodlight operation.
● Fuse
● High beam indicator
● Left-front combination light
● Right-front combination light

Operation steps:

1. Press the front floodlight button of position

light & front floodlight switch.
2. The floodlight of the front combination light 7-C Turn signal light and hazard flasher
can lighten. operation
3. Pull the front floodlight low/high beam switch
to change the light. The high beam indicator The following electronic components are needed
will lighten when the switch is at high beam, for realizing steering.
which shows the front light is at high beam ● Fuse
● Left-front combination light
● Right-front combination light
● Left-rear combination light
● Right-rear combination light
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing the hazard flasher operation.
● Fuse
Function Operation

● Hazard flasher switch Illustration 7-16 Turn signal light component

position (the demonstration machine is
● Left-front combination light
CLG856III with 8-bar front frame)
● Right-front combination light
● Left-rear combination light
● Right-rear combination light

Operation steps:

1. Press the turn signal light switch forwards

when the machine turns left, the left turn
signal light of the left-front combination light
and the left-rear combination light will lighten;
the left turn signal indicator on the central
function panel will lighten at the same time.
2. Press the turn signal light switch backwards
when the machine turns right, the right turn
signal light of the right-front combination light
and the right-rear combination light will
lighten; the right turn signal indicator on the
central function panel will lighten at the same
3. Park the machine beside the road when the
emergency happens to the machine. Open
the hazard flasher switch, the left-front turn
signal light, right-front turn signal light, left- 7-D Position light operation
rear turn signal light, right-rear turn signal
light, left turn signal indicator and right turn The following electronic components are needed
signal indicator located on the panel will for realizing the position light operation.
lighten at the same time, which warns other ● Fuse
vehicles that this machine is at hazard state.
● Position light & front floodlight switch
● Left-front combination light
● Right-front combination light
● Left-rear combination light
● Right-rear combination light
● Central instrument panel
● Each pendant switch

Operation steps:

1. Press the position light switch of the position

light & front floodlight switch.
Function Operation

2. The front position light of the front Operation steps:

combination light will lighten. The rear
position light of the rear combination light will 1. Press the position light & front floodlight
lighten. switch to position light position or front
floodlight position.
3. The indicator on the central instrument panel
will lighten for realizing background 2. Press the work light switch.
3. The work light relay works, four work lights
4. Every pendant switch indicator lightens for on the top of the cab realize illumination
realizing background illumination. together.
Illustration 7-17 Position light component position Illustration 7-18 Work light component position
(the demonstration machine is CLG856III with 8- (the demonstration machine is CLG856III with 8-
bar front frame) bar front frame)

7-E Work light operation

The following electronic components are needed 7-F Rear floodlight operation
for realizing the work light operation.
● Fuse The following electronic components are needed
for realizing the work light operation.
● Position light & front flood light switch
● Fuse
● Work light switch
● Position light & front flood light switch
● Work light
● Read flood light switch
● K9 work light relay
● K7 read flood relay
Function Operation

● Read flood relay Operation steps:

Operation steps: The rotating beacon starts working when press

the rotating beacon switch.
1. Press the position light & front floodlight Illustration 7-20 Rotating beacon component
switch to position light position or front position (the demonstration machine is
floodlight position. CLG856III with 8-bar front frame)
2. Press the rear floodlight switch.
3. The rear floodlight relay works for realizing
Illustration 7-19 Rear floodlight component
positon (the demonstration machine is CLG856III
with 8-bar front frame)

7-H Brake light operation

The following electronic components are needed

when the brake light lightens.
● Fuse
● Service brake pedal
● Brake valve (BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH)
● K10 brake light relay
● Brake light

Operation steps:

The brake light will lighten when the operator

7-G Rotating beacon operation depresses down the brake pedal during
operating the machine.
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing the rotating beacon operation.
● Fuse
● Rotating beacon switch
● Rotating beacon
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 7-21 Brake light component position Illustration 7-22 Backup light component position
(the demonstration machine is CLG856III with 8- (the demonstration machine is CLG856III of
bar front frame) semi-auto control)

7-I Backup light operation

The following electronic components are needed

when the backup light lightens.
● Fuse
● Shift control lever
● EST117 or EST-25 electronic control unit
● K12 Backup relay
● Backup light
● Backup alarm

Operation steps:

Push the shift control lever to REVERSE gear

when reverse the machine, the reverse signal
enters into ZF electronic control unit through
wiring harness at this time. Then the electronic
control unit exports the backup signal to backup
relay after processing the data at MPU, the System Fault Test and
backup relay drives the backup light and the
backup alarm sounds.

In this section, the description about the

lights'fault diagnosis and test method surrounds
mainly the function of FUNCTION OPERATION.
System Fault Test and Service

The professional service personnel can test Step 1. Test whether 10A dome light fuse
according to the judgement steps in the flow melts.
chart (if has).
a.Open the electronic control box, find the dome
7-A-F Dome light fault test light fuse according to its nameplate indication
and check its melting condition.
Illustration 7-23 principle drawing 7-A

If the fuse melts, open the dome light switch

newly after replacing 10A fuse, if the fuse melts
continuously, please turn to step 6. If the fuse
doesn't melt, and the dome light lightens, the
fault is eliminated.
If the fuse doesn't melt, please turn to step 2.

See above illustration, it is dome light line Step 2. Test the dome light bulbs.
principle drawing. The dome light switch is
located on the dome light. When turn on the a.Open the dome light chimney, and notice that
dome light, it doesn't lighten, please test it the dome light has two bulbs, left/right each.
according to the test steps and the flow chart. Check the dome light bulb is damaged or not.
Illustration 7-24 Dome light fault test flow chart 7- Conclusion:
The bulb has fault, please replace the bulb.
The bulb is good, please turn to step 3.

Step 3. Test the voltage of dome light.

a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function

(50V range).
b.Turn the disconnect switch and start switch to I
gear (turn on the start switch).
c.Disassemble the fixing bolt of the dome light,
pull out XD8 receptacle.
d.Use the digital multimeter to measure the
voltage of No.1 core and No.2 core in XD8
receptacle of wiring harness.

Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.
System Fault Test and Service

Conclusion: Conclusion:

If the result does OK, replace the dome light If the result doesn't OK, please eliminate the
assembly or open it for service. relative line fault.
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 4.
Step 6. Test the dome light line
Step 4. Test the ground wire of dome light for
fastness a.Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function (200
Ω range).
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function (200 b.Turn the disconnect switch and the start switch
Ω range). to 0 gear.
b.Turn the disconnect switch and start switch to I c.Disconnect XD8, XE4, XK5 receptacles in turn
gear (turn on the start switch). according to the incidental receptacle position
distributing drawing of this manual.
c.Check the groungind resistance of XE2-5 core,
XK6-1 core, and XE3-1 core according to the d.Check the grounding resistance of No.1 core
incidental receptacle position distributing drawing and No.2 core of XD8 receptacle, XE4-4 core,
of this manual. XK5-3 core, and XA1-13 core.

Test result: Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is 0 Ω . The digital multimeter reading is 1

Conclusion: Conclusion:

If the result does OK, please turn to step 5. If the result does OK, please replace the dome
light or eliminate the short circuit fault inside the
If the result doesn't OK, please eliminate the
dome light.
ground wire fault.
If the result doesn't OK, please eliminate the
Step 5. Test the dome light line short circuit fault of relative lines.

a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function

(50V range).
b.Turn the disconnect switch and start switch to I
gear (turn on the start switch).
c.Check the grounding voltage of XE4-4core,
XK6-1 core, No.139 wire of 10A dome light
according to the incidental receptacle position
distributing drawing of this manual.

Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.
System Fault Test and Service

7-B-F Front floodlight fault test

Illustration 7-25 Front floodlight, turn light, position light, work light, rear floodlight principle drawing1
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 7-25 Front floodlight, turn light, position light, work light, rear floodlight principle drawing2

The red line is front floodlight current access, the The fault test methods of each light in the light
green line is work light current access, the blue group are very similar. This section will describe
line is rear floodlight current access, the yellow the principles of various lights in detail, and list
line is position light is position light current the flow chart as the reference to fault test, but
access, the purple line is turn light current not describe the fault test steps again. The
access, the ground line that current passed specific test steps are similar to those introduced
through doesn't mark any sign. in dome light section, please refer to that section.
System Fault Test and Service

7-B-F Front floodlight work principle Illustration 7-26 Front floodlight fault test flow
description chart 7-B-F

1. See the red line in the pinciple drawing, press

the position light & front floodlight switch to
front floodlight position, No.125 wire of front
floodlight power supply from 15A fuse
passing XA5 and XY1 receptacles to the
inner contacts of the position light & front
floodlight switch and connecting with No.413
2. No.413 wire is the front floodlight power line
of the steerig column switch, connected to
No.56 terminal, No.56 terminal connects to
No.56a terminal when the steering column
switch is at original position, and then No.403
wire connects No.413 wire, +24V supplies
power to front floodlight high beam filament
after passing through No.403 wire and XY2
→ XQ8 → XQ1 and XQ6 receptacles, then to
the ground by the filament for realizing the
front floodlight high beam illumination.
Another way passes the panel system, and
the high beam indicator on the panel lightens
indicating the front floodlight is at high beam
3. Pull the steering column switch upwards, the
No.56 terminal and No.56a terminal are 7-C-F Turn light fault test
disconnected, No.57b terminal is connected,
No.406 wire and No.413 wire are also 7-C-F Turn light work principle description
connected, +24V supplies power to front
floodlight low beam filament after passing 1. See the purple line in the principle drawing,
through No.406 wire and XY2 → XQ8 → No.128 wire of the turn light power supply is
XQ1 receptacles, then to the ground by the educed from 10A fuse and enters into the
filament for realizing the low beam flash relay for realizing the flashing, bring
illumination. No.428 wire → XA5 receptacle → XY2
receptacle from the flash relay to the steering
The front floodlight can't be lightened when turn column switch, final to the hazard flasher
on the front floodlight switch, please check the switch.
fault according to the flow chart.
2. When turn the machine left, push the steering through XY4 → XI7 receptacles and final
column swich forwards, No.428 wire passes the filament to the ground, the left-
connects No.405 wire by inner contacts of fornt turn light and the left-rear turn light
the steering column switch, +24V supplies lighten. At the same time, another way enters
power to the left-front turn light filament after into the panel system, and the left turn signal
passing through No.405 wire and XY2 → indicator on the panel will lighten. The
XQ8 → XQ7 receptacles, then to the ground machine is turning left.
by the filament; the other way reaches the
left-rear turn light filament after passing
System Fault Test and Service

3. Push the steering column swich backwards, Illustration 7-27 Turn light fault test flow chart 7-
No.428 wire connects No.404 wire by inner C-F1
contacts of the steering column switch when
turn the machine right, +24V supplies power
to the right-front turn light filament after
passing through No.404 wire and XY2 →
XQ8 → XQ2 receptacles, then to ground by
the filament; the other way reaches te right-
rear turn light filament after passing through
XY4 → XI3 receptacles and final passes the
filament to ground, the right-fornt turn light
and the right-rear turn light lighten. At the
same time, another way enters into the panel
system, the right turn signal indicator on the
panel will lighten. The machine is turning
4. The operator will turn on the parking light
switch when the machine needs emergency
parking, No.428 wire connects No.404 wire
and No.405 wire together by the inner
contacts of the parking brake switch, +24V
supplies power to the left-front turn light, the
left-rear turn light and the left turn signal
indicator on the panel by No.405 wire; also
supplies power to the right-front turn light, the
right-rear turn light and the right turn signal
indicator on the panel by No.404 wire. The
above lights are all lightened.
The turn light can't be lightened when turn on the
turn light switch or hazard flasher switch, please
check the fault according to the flow chart.
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 7-28 hazard flasher fault test flow 3. +24V power supply is divided into 6 ways
chart 7-C-F2 after No.416 wire electrifies, one way passing
XY2 → XQ8 to XQ1 and XQ6, the front
position light of left/right front combination
light will lighten. One way passing XY4 to XI2
and XI6, the rear position light of left/right
rear combination light will lighten. One way
enters into instrument system and supplies
the background illumination to instrument.
One way supplies power to the backboard
diode of each pendant switch for realizing
background illumination of the pendant
switch. One way enters into work light switch
and becomes the switch power supply. One
way enters into the rear floodlight switch and
becomes the switch power supply.
Press the position light &front floodlight switch to
position light position, the position light can't be
lightened, please check the fault according to the
flow chart.

7-D-F Position light fault test

7-D-F Position light work principle


1. See the yellow line in the principle drawing,

No.126 wire of the position light power supply
is educed from 10A fuse passing XA5
receptacle → XY1 receptacle to position light
& front floodlight switch
2. Press the position light& front floodlight
switch to position light position. At this time,
No.126 wire passes inner contacts of the
switch and connects with No.416 wire.
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 7-29 Position light fault test flow chart 2. Press the work light switch, No.416 Wire
7-D-F Connects No.415 Wire, +24V power supply
passing No.415 wire → XY2 → XA5 → work
light relay, the relay works, its normal open
contacts close. No.131 power supply wire
from 20A fuse passing the close contacts of
the work light relay and connects with No.482
wire, then reaches XD1, XD2, XD3, XD4 by
XA5, XK6 XE3 receptacles. Four work lights
on the top of the cab electrify and realize
The work light can't be lightened when turn on
the work light switch, please check the fault
according to the flow chart.

7-E-F Work light fault test

7-E-F Work light work principle description

1. See the green line in the principle drawing,

press the position light & front floodlight
switch to position light position. No.416 wire
from the position light & front floodlight switch
turns into the work light power supply line.
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 7-30 Work light fault test flow chart 7- 7-F-F Rear floodlight fault test
7-F-F Rear floodlight work principle

1. See the blue line in the principle drawing,

press the position light & front floodlight
switch to position light position. No.416 wire
from the position light & front floodlight switch
becomes the rear floodlight switch
background power supply line.
2. Press the rear floodlight switch, No.416 wire
connects No.419 wire, +24V power supply
passing No.419 wire → XY2 → XA5 → rear
floodlight relay, rear floodlight relay works, its
normal open contacts close, No.127 power
supply wire from 15A fuse passing the rear
floodlight relay close contacts and connects
with No.418 wire, then passing XA5, XK5,
XE4 receptacles to XD5, XD6. Two rear
floodlights on the top of the cab electrify and
realize illumination.
The rear floodlight can't be lightened when turn
on the rear floodlight switch, please check the
fault according to the flow chart.
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 7-31 Rear floodlight fault test flow 7-G-F Rotating beacon fault test
chart 7-F-F
Illustration 7-32 Principle drawing 7-G

7-G-F Rotating beacon work principle


1. See the principle drawing, the rotating

beacon power supply is brought out from 10A
fuse by No.152 wire, passing XA2 receptacle
→ XJ1 receptacle to rotating beacon switch.
2. Press the rotating beacon, No.152 wire
connects No.472 wire, +24V power passing
XJ1 → XK5 → XE4 → rotating beacon, then
to ground through the filament, the rotating
beacon gives off the frequency flashing
signal and realizes warning.
3. The rotating beacon can't be lightened when
turn on the rotating beacon switch, please
check the fault according to the flow chart.
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 7-33 Rotating beacon fault test flow

chart 7-G-F
System Fault Test and Service

7-H-F Brake light fault test

Illustration 7-34 Principle drawing 7-H-F

7-H-F Brake light work principle description 3. The normal open contacts of the brake light
close, No.155 wire connects No.481 wire,
1. See the principle drawing, the blue line is supplies power to the brake light relay by
brake light control loop, the red line is brake XA5 receptacle, the brake light relay works,
light loop. its normal open contacts close, No.155 wire
connects No.479 wire. +24V power supply
2. No.155 wire of the brake light power supply
provides power to two brake lights after
wire reaches the brake light relay contact
terminal from 10A fuse, passing XA2 passing through No.479 wire → XA5 → XH2
and reaches XI2 and XI6. The left/right brake
receptacle to brake light switch. The brake
lights are lightened at the same time.
light switch is installed on the brake valve,
the brake light normal open contacts close The brake light can't be lightened when the
when the operator depresses down the brake operator depresses down the brake pedal,
pedal. please check the fault according to the flow
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 7-35 Brake light fault test flow chart 7-H-F

CAUTION: The short connection operation of the brake light switch receptacle is only for the
test of the diesel engine at close state. Resume rapidly once finishing the test. Never do these
operations when the machine is running or working, otherwise it will threat the machine
operation safety.
System Fault Test and Service

7-I-F Backup light fault test

Illustration 7-36 Principle drawing 7-I

7-I-F Backup light work principle description into XJ3 voltage/service meter and
instrument assembly as L terminal of the
1. See the purple line in the principle drawing, alternator The positive of the charging
No.171 wire exports +24V power supply from indicator in the instrument assembly
10A fuse after turn on the start switch, connects with the power supply of the
passing the backup alarm control relay and instrument assembly, the negative connects
No.800 wire → XA5 receptacle → XH2 with the ground by No.800 wire, then the
receptacle → L terminal of the alternator then indicator is lightened.
to ground by inner circuit of the alternator.
The backup alarm control relay works, its
normal close contacts is disconnected, cut-
off the connection between No.350 wire and
No.212 wire. At this time, No.800 wire enters
System Fault Test and Service

2. L terminal potential of the alternator is bulit

after starting the diesel engine to drive the
alternator for running and the alternator
obtains the desired rev. No.800 wire builds
+24V potential, at this time, two terminals of
the backup alarm control relay winding have
the equal potential, the relay never works, its
normal close contacts close newly, No.350
wire connects No.212 wire and grounding.
The charging indicator loop in the instrument
assembly is cut off after No.800 wire has built
the voltage, and the charging indicator goes
out, which indicates the machine is at
charging state. The service meter starts
timing since No.800 wire has built the
voltage, which indicats the accumulative total
work time of the machine.
3. See the bule line in the principle drawing,
operator drives the machine for reverse
operation, the reverse signal is exported from
gear controller to EST electronic control unit
of ZF shift control system, EST control unit
exports the backup signal by No.588 wire.
The backup relay works, its normal open
contacts close when No.588 wire reaches the
backup relay, such as No.350 wire grounding
in No.2 description of this section.
4. See the red line in the principle drawing, the
backup relay works, No.156 wire connects
No.480 wire, +24V power supply is educed
from No.156 wire of 10A fuse → backup relay
contact → XA5 receptacle → XH2 receptacle
→ XI2, XI4, XI6, receptacles, then reaches
the backup light and the backup alarm then
to the ground through them. The backup light
is lightened, the backup alarm beeps
5. The backup light and the backup alarm just
work after starting the diesel engine. If turn
on the start switch, but not start the diesel
engine, they can't work when shift to reverse
gear. The service hour meter calculates the
work hour of the diesel engine not the hour of
machine electrifying power supply.
The backup light and backup alarm can't work
when operate machine at reverse gear, please
check the fault according to the flow chart.
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 7-37 Backup light fault test flow chart 7-I-F

Secondary Steering System
Main Components

Secondary Steering Secondary steering running indicator, steering

system fault indicator
System Illustration 8-3 Secondary steering running
indicator, steering system fault indicator

Function Brief Introduction

1 2
The secondary steering system is exactly a
safety protection measurement. When the
normal steering system pressure is too low or
there isn't pressure to turn, the secondary
steering system will start automatically for
protecting, it also can be started by manual

Main Components
1. Secondary steering running indicator
2. Steering system fault indicator
Secondary steering Motor 30B0291 Secondary steering running
Illustration 8-1 Secondary steering motor switch
Illustration 8-4 Secondary steering running

Secondary steering switch

Illustration 8-2 Secondary steering switch
30B0292 Steering system low pressure
alert switch
Secondary Steering System
Main Components

Illustration 8-5 Steering system low pressure The steering system low pressure alert
alert switch indicator turns on (see illustration 8-5) when
the system pressure is under 0.6Mp → No.
312 wire electrifies → the steering system
fault indicator lights (see illustration 8-3) →
the gauge No.36 pin outputs +24V ~ 32V
voltage (the time is 40 sec) → No 409 wire
electrifies → the secondary steering relay
works → No 465 wire electrifies → the
secondary steering motor works → the
secondary steering motor drives the
secondary steering pump and supplies the
power output to steering system →
secondary steering running switch turns on
Secondary steering system principle: → No 408 wire connected to the grounding
wire → the secondary steering running
1. Manual operation indicator lights
Turn on the start switch, and press the
secondary steering switch (see illustration 8-
No.409 wire electrifies → the secondary
steering relay works (in the wiring control
box) → No.465 wire electrifies → the
secondary steering motor works → the
secondary steering motor drives the
secondary steering pump and supplies the
power output to steering system → the
secondary steering running switch (see
illustration 8-4) turns on → No.408 wire
connected to the grounding wire → the
secondary steering running indicator lights
(see illustration 8-3).
2. Automatic operation
Secondary Steering System
Fault Test Steps of Secondary Steering System

Illustration 8-6 Secondary steering system principle drawing

Fault Test Steps of Secondary Yes: please replace the secondary steering
system fuse
Steering System
No: please turn to 1-B

1. Secondary steering motor manual no 1-B Press the secondary steering switch when
work the start switch is OFF, use the resistance
function of the multimeter to measure whether
1-A Test whether 10A secondary steering system No.1 pin and No. 5 pin of the secondary steering
fuse has melted? switch are connected?
Yes: please turn to 1-C
Secondary Steering System
Fault Test Steps of Secondary Steering System

No: the secondary steering switch is damaged, Yes: please turn to 2-D
please replace the switch.
No: the steering system low pressure alert switch
1-C Test whether the secondary steering relay (in is damaged; please replace the steering system
the control box) is damaged? low pressure alert switch.
Yes: please replace the secondary steering relay. 2-D Turn on the start switch, use the DC voltage
function of the multimeter to measure whether
No: please turn to 1-D
the grounding voltage of the gauge receptacle
1-D Turn on the start switch, press the secondary No.36 pin (No.409 wire) is between 24V and
steering switch, use the DC voltage function of 32V?
the multimeter to measure whether the
Yes: please turn to 1-C
grounding voltage of No. 465 wire on the
secondary steering motor is between 24V and No: the gauge has fault, please replace it.
3. The secondary steering motor can work
Yes: please turn to 1-E
normally but can't turn
No: please turn to 1-F
Test the fault of the hydraulic system.
1-E Test whether the secondary steering motor is
Yes: please replace the secondary steering
No: please turn to 1-F
1-F Test the receptacle condition according to
the system principle.

2. When the pressure of the steering system

is too low or there isn't pressure, the steering
system can not turn and the secondary
steering motor doesn't work automatically.

2-A Observe whether the steering system fault

indicator lights?
Yes: please turn to 2-D
No: please turn to 2-B
2-B Test whether 10A secondary steering system
fuse has melted?
Yes: please replace the secondary steering
system fuse.
No: please turn to 2-C
2-C Turn on the start switch, check the steering
system low pressure alert switch, use DC voltage
function of the multimeter to measure whether
the grounding voltage of No. 408 wire on the
alert switch is between 24V and 32V?
Wiper and Washer System
Main Components

Wiper and Washer System Illustration 9-3 Wiper

Function Brief Introduction

The front, rear wiper motors of this machine are
permanent magnet motors and negative
controlled. The wiper motor drives the wiper to

Main Components

Combination switches Rear wiper and washer switches

Illustration 9-1 Combination switches Illustration 9-4 Rear wiper and washer switches

1 2

1 2

1. Front wiper switch 1. Rear wiper switch

2. Front washer switch 2. Rear washer switch

Illustration 9-2 Wiper motor Kettle with washer motor

Illustration 9-5 Kettle with washer motor

Front wiper I、 II and washer relays
Wiper and Washer System
Common Fault Test

Illustration 9-6 Front wiper I、 II and washer 1. Front wiper I relay

2. Front wiper II relay
relays 3. Washer relay

2 1 3

Illustration 9-7 Wiper and washer system principle drawing

Common Fault Test The wiper motor drives the wiper to work (see
illustration 9-2). The front, rear wiper motors of
the machine are magnet motors and negative
Wiper principle: controlled.
Wiper and Washer System
Common Fault Test

There are 5 wires connected outward to the front There are 5 wires connected outward to the rear
wiper motor, the red is power supply wire (the wiper motor, the red is power supply wire (the
common brush leads of high gear armature and common brush leads of high gear armature and
low gear armature connected to No. 129 wire), low gear armature connected to No. 129 wire),
the black is negative wire (connected to the the black is negative wire (connected to the
ground by the motor housing, connected to No. ground by the motor housing, connected to No.
213 wire), the blue is another brush lead of high 205 wire), the blue is another brush lead of high
gear armature (connected to No. 330 wire), the gear armature (connected to No. 337 wire), the
green is another brush lead of low gear armature green is another brush lead of low gear armature
(connected to No. 331 wire), the white is reset (connected to No. 338 wire), the white is reset
wire (connected to No. 329 wire). wire (connected to No. 339 wire).
No. 129 wire electrifies (+24V) after starting the No. 129 wire electrifies (+24V) after starting the
start switch. When the combination lever wiper start switch. When the rear wiper switch (see
switch (see illustration 9-1) is at I gear, No. 328 illustration 9-5) is at 1st gear, No. 3 pin is
wire is connected to No. 202 grounding wire, connected to No.5 pin, and the motor runs at low
which makes the wiper motor 1st gear relay K7 gear.
(see illustration 9-6) works, that is the motor runs
When the rear wiper switch is at 2nd gear, No.3
at low gear when No. 331 wire is connected to
pin is connected to No.1 pin, and the motor runs
No. 213 grounding wire.
at high gear.
When the combination lever wiper switch is at II
If turn off the wiper switch (that is turn the switch
gear, No. 327 wire is connected to No. 202 wire,
to O gear from 1st or 2nd gear), No.5 pin and No.
which makes the wiper 2th gear relay K8 works,
7 are connected. At the moment of turn off the
that is the motor runs at high gear when No. 330
switch, the wiper doesn't stop at the first position,
wire is connected to No. 213 grounding wire.
the current passes by No. 129 lead-low gear
If turn off the wiper switch (that is turn the switch armature-wiper switch No.5 pin-wiper switch
from I gear or II gear to O gear through J gear), No.7 pin-white reset wire-ground (illustration:
when turn the switch to J gear, if the wiper there is a auto reset device in the motor, make
doesn't stop at the first position, the current sure the wiper can always stop at the first
passes by No. 129 lead-No. 328 lead of low gear position, the reset wire is connected to the power
armature-wiper switch-white reset No. 329 lead- supply wire when the wiper is at the first position,
ground (illustration: there is a reset device in the otherwise the reset wire is connected to the
motor, make sure the wiper brush can always negative wire) the motor runs continuously.
stop at the first position, the reset wire is
The reset wire is connected with the power
connected to the power supply wire when the
supply wire when the wiper runs to the first
wiper is at the first position, otherwise the reset
position, the wiper motor' low gear armature gets
wire is connected to the negative wire), the motor
short circuit, the motor keeps running under the
runs continuously.
inertia action and generates electricity, then
The reset wire is connected to the power supply produces the electromagnetism brake torque
wire when the wiper runs to the first position, the and stops running immediately, the wiper stops
wiper motor' low gear armature gets short circuit, working when it runs to O gear.
the motor keeps running under the inertia action
and generates electricity, then produces the
The measuring methods of wiper motor
electromagnetism brake torque and stops in short circuit and open circuit:
running immediately, the wiper stops working
when it runs to O gear.
Wiper and Washer System
Common Fault Test

Disconnect the connection between the wiper No: please turn to 1-E
motor and the whole machine wiring, and use the
1-E Turn on the start switch, turn the combination
resistance function of the multimeter to measure
switch to I gear, use the voltage function of the
the wiper motor resistance between red wire and
multimeter to measure whether the voltage
blue wire or green wire. If the resistance is
between No.1 pin (No.129 wire) and No.4 pin
infinity, it is open circuit. Use the resistance
(No.331 wire) of XJ2 receptacle is between 24V
function of multimeter to measure the resistance
between the red wire and any other wire; if the and 32V?
resistance is limited, it is short circuit. Yes: please turn to 1-F
Washer principle: No: please turn to 1-G
Turn on the start switch, 20A wiper fuse 1-F Test whether the front wiper motor gets short
electrifies (+24V), the front washer switch (see circuit or open circuit?
illustration 9-1) and the rear washer switch (see Yes: please replace the front wiper assembly.
illustration 9-4) are connected, the front washer
relay K13 (see illustration 9-6) works, the front, No: please turn to 1-G
rear washer motors (see illustration 9-5) work by 1-G Test whether the receptacles have loosened
No.420. 421 wires, water in the kettle is taken out and the wiring harnesses have worn according to
to the nozzle (installed under the front, rear the principle of the wiper and washer systems.
windows) and spray to the windshield.
Fault Test Steps of the Wiper and 2. Front wiper II gear doesn't work
Washer Systems:
2-A Turn on the start switch, the front wiper I
1. Front wiper I gear doesn't work gear works normally?
Yes: please turn to 2-C
1-A Turn on the start switch, the front wiper II
No: please turn to 1-B
gear works normally?
2-B Test whether 20A fuses of the wiper and the
Yes: please turn to 1-C
washer systems have melted?
No: please turn to 1-B
Yes: please replace the fuse.
1-B Test whether 20A fuses of wiper and washer
No: please turn to 2-C
systems have melted?
2-C Turn off the start switch, turn the
Yes: please replace the fuse
combination switch to II gear, pull out No.327
No: please turn to 1-C wire on the wiper II gear relay, use the resistance
function of the multimeter to measure whether
1-C Turn off the start switch, turn the
No.328 wire is connected to the ground?
combination switch to I gear, pull out No.328 wire
on the wiper I gear relay, use the resistance Yes: please turn to 2-D
function of the multimeter to measure whether
No: the front wiper switch is damaged, please
No.328 wire is connected to the ground?
replace the combination switch.
Yes: please turn to 1-D
2-D Test whether the front wiper II gear relay is
No: the front wiper switch is damaged, please damaged?
replace the combination switch.
Yes: please replace the front wiper II gear relay.
1-D Test whether the front wiper I gear relay is
No: please turn to 2-E
Yes: please replace the front wiper I gear relay.
Wiper and Washer System
Common Fault Test

2-E Turn on the start switch, turn the combination Yes: please replace the rear wiper assembly.
switch to II gear, use the DC voltage function of
No: Test whether the receptacles have loosened
the multimeter to measure whether the voltage
and the wiring harnesses have worn according to
between No.1 pin (No.129 wire) and No.3 pin
the principle of the wiper and washer systems.
(No.330 wire) of XJ2 receptacle is between 24V
and 32V? 4. Rear wiper II gear doesn't work
Yes: please turn to 1-F
4-A Turn on the start switch, the rear wiper I gear
No: Test whether the receptacles have loosened
works normally?
and the wiring harnesses have worn according to
the principle of the wiper and washer systems Yes: please turn to 4-C
No: please turn to 4-B
3. Rear wiper I gear doesn't work
4-B Test whether 20A fuses of the wiper and
3-A Turn on the start switch, the rear wiper II washer systems have melted?
gear works normally?
Yes: please replace the fuses
Yes: please turn to 3-C
No: please turn to 4-C
No: please turn to 3-B
4-C Turn off the start switch, turn the rear wiper
3-B Test whether 20A fuses of the wiper and switch to II gear, use the resistance function of
washer systems have melted? the multimeter to measure whether No.3 pin and
No.1 pin of rear wiper switch are connected?
Yes: please replace the fuse.
Yes: please turn to 4-D
No: please turn to 3-C
No: the rear wiper switch is damaged; please
3-C Turn off the start switch, turn the
replace the rear wiper switch.
combination switch to I gear, use the resistance
function of the multimeter to measure whether 4-D Turn on the start switch, turn the rear wiper
the voltage between No.1 pin (No.129 wire) and switch to II gear, use the DC voltage of the
No.3 pin (No.330 wire) of XJ2 receptacle is multimeter to measure whether the voltage
between 24V and 32V? between No.1 pin (No.129 wire) and No.3 pin
(No.337 wire) of XJ8 receptacle is between 24V
Yes: please turn to 3-D
and 32V?
No: the rear wiper is damaged; please replace
Yes: please turn to 3-E
the rear wiper switch.
No: Test whether the receptacles have loosend
3-D Turn on the start switch, turn the rear wiper
and the wiring harnesses have worn according to
switch to I gear, use the DC voltage function of
the principle drawing of the wiper and washer
multimeter to measure whether the voltage
between No.1 pin (No.129 wire) and No.4 pin
(No.338 wire) of XJ8 receptacle is between 24V
5. The washer nozzle doesn't work
and 32V?
Yes: please turn to 3-E 5-A Observe whether the motor runs and sprays
No: Test whether the receptacle have loosened
and the wiring harnesses have worn according to 5-B Test the water line has disconnected or not
the principle of the wiper and washer systems. (water hose has disconnected or is bundled too
3-E Test whether the front, rear wiper motor gets
short circuit or open circuit? 5-C Test the nozzle is jammed or not.
Sound System
Main Components

Sound System Main Components

37B0242 Radio
Function Brief Introduction
Turn on the power supply can play the radio or
the tape.
Illustration 10-1 Radio

Radio Instruction
① Preselected Key1 ② Preselected key2 ③ Preselected Key3 ④ Preselected Key4 ⑤ Preselected Key5
⑥ Preselected Key6 ⑦ Switch ⑧ Sound Mode Key ⑨ Volume Key ⑩ Radio Key
⑾ Auto-memory ⑿ FM/AM Switch ⒀ LCD
Sound System
Fault Test Steps of Sound System

Illustration 10-2 Radio location Illustration 10-5 Antenna

Illustration 10-6 Sound System principle

Notice:Refer to the sound instruction for the

operation details of the radio.

38B0047 Speaker
Illustration 10-3 Speaker

Fault Test Steps of Sound

Illustration 10-4 Speaker location

1. The main control panel displays normally,

but there isn't sound or the sound is too low.

(1) Make sure the system is in receiving or

playing condition of the radio, check whether
the positive/negative pole of the speaker has
voltage. Check the speaker if it has voltage.
Judge the speaker condition by checking the
resistance value of the speaker's positive/
negative pole. The methods as follows:

37B0243 Antenna
Sound System
Fault Test Steps of Sound System

Unplug XD9 and XE1 receptacles, test their (1) Check and make sure the tape is in good
resistance values. The values should be (or condition. The tape ungirds may damage the
close to) the nominal values. If the resistance sound system and tape. Use a pencil or other
value is zero or the circuit is open, the tools to tighten the tape.
speaker is damaged. If the positive/negative
pole of the speaker hasn't voltage, please 7. The speaker volume reduces
check the condition of the receptacles and automatically
the wiring harnesses.
(1) The safety circuit inside will prevent the
2. Check the left/right balance set of the
sound system interior temperature from
exceeding the stated value.
3. Check the antenna and connector.
(2) Increase the volume when the temperature is
2. Start the sound, the LCD doesn't display.

(1) Check whether No. 153 line at XD7

receptacle has voltage;
(2) If No. 153 wire hasn't voltage (24V), check
whether 10A fuse of the radio has melted in
the electronic centralized control box, change
the fuse if it has burnt.
(3) Check the condition of XA2, XK5, XE4
receptacles if the fuse doesn't burn.
(4) Check the condition of the red lead 5A fuse if
No. 153 line has voltage at XD7 receptacle
and XD7 contact is in good condition. If the
fuse is good, the sound has fault and replace

3. Receive the wrong station

(1) Check the spread and connect condition of

the antenna.
(2) Check the negative connection condition.
(3) Adjust manually if the station signal is too

4. Display wiring harness "TAPE ERR"

(1) Check the tape

5. No alt or loss track when playing the tape

(1) Clean the tape head

6. Tape looseness
Auto-Return System
Main Components

Auto-Return System drawing symbol (available for CLG856III with

semi-auto shift control)

Function Brief Introduction

This machine auto return system consists of the
bucket positioner and the boom lift kickout. The
bool float function will be introduced in this
section since the boom float solenoid, the bucket
positioner solenoid, and the boom lift kickout
solenoid are installed in the pilot valve.
Push the control lever forward or backward for
boom lifting or lowering, the control lever will
keep at FORWARD or BACKWARD position
automatically. When the boom reaches the lifting
limit position, the control lever will return to the
middle position automatically; when the boom
lowers to the limit position, the control lever will
not return to the middle position automatically,
the operator needs to pull it to the middle
position. The pilot valve is fixed under the single handle
control lever, there are three group windings
Push the control lever left for bucket tilting back, inside, which control the boom lift kickout, the
the control lever will keep at left position until boom float and the bucket positioner functions
reaches the bucket positioner, the control lever separately.
returns to the middle position automatically.
These windings can lock the single handle
control lever at operation position when the
Main Components operator controls the lever for lifting the boom,
floating the boom and tilting the bucket. The
single handle control lever can return to the
Single handle control lever and the pilot middle position automatically when the boom lift
valve (available for CLG856III with semi- kickout and the bucket positioner are at the limit
auto shift control) position.
The single handle control lever integrates the The pilot valve solenoid electronic parameter:
boom, the bucket operation as a whole. the temperature is 25 ℃ , the winding resistance
Illustration 11-1 Single handle control lever and is 100 ± 5 Ω .
the pilot valve figuration & electronic principle
Pilot valve solenoid fault check method:

1. Open the single handle control lever side

cover, and pull out the electronic receptacle
of the pilot valve solenoid.
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω
3. Use the digital multimeter probe to connect
two probes of the pilot valve solenoid
receptacle separately.
Auto-Return System
Main Components

4. The pilot valve solenoid condition is good These windings can lock the single handle
when the digital multimeter reading is about control lever at operation position when the
100. The pilot valve solenoid has burnt off, operator controls the lever for lifting the boom,
and needs replacement when the digital floating the boom and tilting the bucket. The
multimeter reading is 0. The pilot valve single handle control lever can return to the
solenoid may be short circuit between the middle position automatically when the boom lift
coils when the digital multimeter reading is kickout and the bucket positioner are at the limit
less than 70, please replace it. position.
Single handle control lever and the pilot The pilot valve solenoid electronic parameter:
valve (available for CLG856III with full- the temperature is 25 ℃ , the winding resistance
auto shift control) is 100 ± 5 Ω .

The single handle control lever in this machine Pilot valve solenoid fault check method:
integrates the shift control, the boom and the
bucket operation as a whole. 1. Open the single handle control lever side
The single handle boom and bucket operation cover, and pull out the electronic receptacle
functions will be introduced in this section, but of the pilot valve solenoid.
the shift control function will be introduced in the 2. Adjust the digital multimeter to 200 Ω
corresponding section. function.
Illustration 11-2 Single handle control lever and 3. Use the digital multimeter probe to connect
pilot valve figuration and electronic principle two probes of the pilot valve solenoid
drawing symbol (available for CLG856III with full- receptacle separately.
auto shift control)
4. The pilot valve solenoid condition is good
when the digital multimeter reading is about
100. The pilot valve solenoid has burnt off
and needs replacement when the digital
multimeter reading is 0. The pilot valve
solenoid may be short circuit between the
coils when the digital multimeter reading is
less than 70, please replace it.
Boom Magnet
The boom magnet is welded on the boom, close
to the articulation position of the boom. It is the
boom lifting limit magnet, and provides the
magnetic field for the approach switch. The
permanent magnet is installed in the white line
The boom magnetic field intensity is at the place
13mm above the central axes of the magnet, the
magnetic field intensity is not less than
The pilot valve is fixed under the single handle
control lever, there are three group windings
inside, which control the boom kickout, the boom
float and the bucket positioner functions
Auto-Return System
Main Components

Illustration 11-3 Boom magnet exterior drawing Illustration 11-5 Boom lift kickout and bucket
positioner approach switches exterior drawing

Bucket magnet The boom lift kickout and bucket positioner

approach switches used in this machine are both
The bucket magnet is installed in the pin the magnetic field inducing sensor, which
connects the rocker and buckt tilting cylinder. It is installed with Hall switch inside.
the bucket positioner magnet, and provides the
magnetic field for the approach switch. The The boom lift kickout switch and bucket
permanent magnet is installed in the white line positioner switch look the same but use them
frame. carefully due to the different installation positions
and quantities of Hall switches.
The boom magnetic field intensity is at the place
13mm above the central axes of the magnet, the The approach switch work principle is: check the
magnetic field intensity is not less than existence condition of the even magnetic field
225G(Gauss). intensity, and send the electrical signal to control
the circuit ON/OFF by Hall switch. During
Illustration 11-4 Bucket magnet exterior drawing installation and adjustment, when the boom lift
kickout switch and the bucket positioner switch
close to the magnetic article, the magnetic field
intensity of Hall switch is located in the center of
magnetic field, in which can protect the switches
The boom lift kickout approach switch has
restriction current protection function.
Illustration 11-6 The induction relationship
between the boom lift kickout switch and the
boom magnet

Boom lift kickout approach switch

The boom lift kickout approach switch looks the
same with the bucket positioner approach
switch, but they have the different interior
configuration, so must pay attention to their
model differences during installation or
Auto-Return System
Main Components

See above illustration, the induction point 1. Turn on the start switch, observe the red
position is Hall switch position inside the boom indicator and green indicator, if there is one
lift kickout switch, the green indicator on the indicator doesn't lighten, the switch is
approach switch shows the power supply state, damaged, and please replace it. Carry out
and the red one shows the work state of the the following steps if two indicators lighten.
approach switch.
2. Lower the boom slowly and level the bucket
In above illustration, the plastic or wooden block on the ground.
layer is used to test, its thickness is 4-6mm,
3. Disassemble the boom lift kickout switch
during test, this layer is not used, keep the
from the fixing hood, observe the red
distance between the burst magnet and
indicator condition after put the boom lift
induction surface for 4-6mm.
kickout switch induction surface close to the
The red indicator and green indicator lighten at boom magnet up to 4-6mm away from it.
the same time when the switches are switched Remove the boom lift kickout switch away if
on, input +24V power to the pilot valve solenoid. the red indicator doesn't go out, and closing
Hall switch checks the magnetic field existence up the boom magnet again 2s later, observe
when the magnet is close to the inducton point of the red indicator condition, the indicator is
the switch, Hall switch exports signals to drive damaged if it doesn't go out. Remove the
the inner electrical circuit and shut off the output boom lift kickout switch away if the red
voltage of the approach switch when the indicator goes out, observe whether the red
magnetic field intensity reaches to desired value, indicator lightens again after 2s. The boom lift
the red indicator goes out at this time. The red kickout switch is damaged if it can't lighten
indicator lightens newly 1-2s later after the newly.
magnet being moved and starts next work
The above operation must be carried out under
the safety condition.
NOTICE Bucket positioner approach switch
During adjustment, when the boom lift See the boom lift kickout switch instruction for
kickout switch is close to the boom magnet, the bucket positioner switch exterior drawing and
must make the induction surface distance is principle drawing. Its outline is the same to the
4-6mm. boom lift kickout switch.
Refer to the boom lift kickout approach switch
During installation, when the boom lift work principle instruction for the bucket
kickout switch is close to the boom magnet, positioner approach switch work principle.
must make the induction surface center
Illustration 11-7 The induction relationship
corresponding to the magnet center.
between the bucket positioner switch and the
bucket magnet
Boom lift kickout switch fault test method

The switch interior wires are separate, can't test

the resistance and voltage according to the
traditional method. Test them according to the
following methods if doubt the switch has fault,
need a second to help if use this method to test.
Auto-Return System
Function Operation

See above illustration, the induction point Bucket positioner switch fault test method
position is Hall switch position inside the bucket
positioner approach switch. It is different that the The switch interior wires are separate, can't test
bucket positioner switch has two Hall switches, the resistance and voltage according to the
but the boom lift kickout switch just has one Hall traditional method. Test them according to the
switch. The gree indicator on the approach following methods if doubt the switch has fault,
switch shows the power supply state, the red need a second to help if use this method to test.
indicator shows the work state of the approach
1. Turn on the start switch, observe the red
indicator and green indicator, if there is one
See above illustration, use the plastic or wooden indicator doesn't lighten, the switch is
block layer to measure, its thickness is 4-6mm, damaged, and please replace it. Carry out
during test, this layer is not used, keep the the following steps if two indicators lighten.
distance between the burst magnet and the
2. Lower the boom slowly and level the bucket
induction surface for 4-6mm.
on the ground.
The red indicator and green indicator lighten at
3. Disassemble the boom lift kickout switch
the same time when the switches are switched
from the fixing hood (use the spare magnet to
on, input +24V power to the pilot valve solenoid.
test, note the process direction is opposite to
Hall switch exports signals to drive the inner wire
the return direction), observe the red
and cut off the switch output voltage when the
indicator condition after put the bucket
magnet is close to the right side induction point
positioner switch induction surface close to
of the approach switch from process direction → the boom magnet according to the above
left side induction point, the red indicator goes
illustration induction direction (the indicator
out at this time. The red indicator lightens newly
as the reference)-first left induction point-then
and starts next work circulation after remove
right induction point. Observe the red
away the magnet, see above illustration, closing
indicator lightens newly from goes out when
up the left side induction point of the approach
the switch is close to the magnet according to
switch from return direction → right side the above illustration induction direction-first
induction point.
right induction point-then left induction point.
The bucket positioner approach switch has (The reference is switch, the motion object is
restriction current protection function. magnet, so the direction is opposite to the
real operation process direction and return
NOTICE direction). Repeat this step for 2-3 times, the
switch which can complete the test
During adjustment, when the boom lift successfully is good.
kickout switch is close to the boom magnet,
The above operation must be carried out under
must make the induction surface distance is
the safety condition.

During installation, when the boom lift Function Operation

kickout switch is close to the boom magnet,
must make the induction surface center
corresponding to the magnet center. The system function has the boom float function,
the boom lift kickout return function, the bucket
positioner return function.
Auto-Return System
Function Operation

11-A Boom float function operation ● Boom magnet

Illustration 11-9 Main components positions (the
Push the single handle control lever forward for
demonstration machine is CLG856III with full-
lowering the boom, keep pushing it to limit
auto control)
position for floating the boom.
Realize the boom float function during bucket
loading, the bucket is generally used to scrap
operation and it will undulate along with the
ground condition; the boom will lower as quick as
possible under deadweight if using the boom
float function to lower the boom, but this
operation must be carried out under the safety
Keep the single handle control lever at float
position when do floating operation, pull the lever
to NEUTRAL position for stopping boom floating.
The following electronic components are needed
for realizing this function:
● Single handle control lever and pilot valve
● 5A fuse
Illustration 11-8 Main components positions (the (1) Boom magnet
demonstration machine is CLG856III with full- (2) Switch (with fixing hood)
auto control) (3) Indicator observe window

11-C Bucket positioner function operation

Push the single handle control lever left for

realizing bucket tilting, push it to the limit
position, the lever can keep at limit position
automatically; the lever will return to NEUTRAL
position automatically when the bucket tilts back
to the leveling position, keep pushing the lever
left, the bucket will tilt back to the limit position.
11-B Boom lift kickout function operation
The following components are needed for
Push the single handle control lever backward realizing this function:
for boom lifting, push it to limit position, the ● Single handle control lever and pilot valve
control lever can keep at the limit position
automatically, the signle handle control lever will ● 5A fuse
return to NEUTRAL position automatically when ● Bucket positioner switch
lift the boom to the limit height.
● Bucket magnet
The following components are needed for
realizing this function:
● Single handle control lever and pilot valve
● 5A fuse
● Boom lift kickout switch
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

Illustration 11-10 Main components positions (the (1) Boom magnet

demonstration machine is CLG856III with full- (2) Switch (with fixing hood)
auto control) (3) Indicator observe window

System fault test and service

Illustration 11-11 Auto-reposition system schematic

Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

System test and service b.Turn off the start switch, open the side cover of
fixing base of the pilot valve, find and unplug XK1
11-A Boom float function principle receptacle, measure XK1 receptacle terminal of
description the cab wiring harness.
c.Turn on the start switch, use red probe of the
Lower the boom when push the single handle digital multimeter to connect the corresponding
control lever forward, when push it to limit core of No.135 wire, use black probe to connect
position the lever will keep at limit position the corresponding core of No.209 wire.
automatically, realize this function by the boom
float solenoid inside the pilot valve. Test result:
When the start switch is ON, No.135 wire obtains
+24V voltage from 5A fuse, passing XA1 → XK1 The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
receptacle to the boom float solenoid then to the and 31V.
ground. The magnetic field is produced around
the solenoid when the solenoid electrifies. The Conclusion:
magnetic field produced by the solenoid
electrifying can't make the close magnetic circuit If the result does OK, please turn to step 3
due to the pilot valve's special configuration If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 2
when the single handle control lever keeps at
NEUTRAL position. The close magnetic circuit is Step 2. Test whether the boom lift kickout
produced around the pilot valve boom float position and bucket leveling position can
solenoid in order to decrease the magnetic circuit keep automatically?
spacing when the operator pushes the single
handle control lever forward to the limit position. a.Push the single handle control lever to boom
So the control lever can be kept at the limit lift position or bucket leveling position, observe
position whether the lever can keep automatically.
Pull the single handle control lever to NEUTRAL
position manually to disconnect the close Conclusion:
magnetic circuit.
If it can keep, please check as follows:
11-A-F Fault test when the control lever can't
(1) Check No.209 wire grounding condition.
be locked at boom float position
(2) Check the connecting condition between
Fault phenomenon definition: No.135 wire of XK1 and total No.135 wire.
If it can not keep, please check as follows:
The single handle control lever can't keep at float
position automatically when push it forward to (1) Check 5A fuse for melting condition.
the limit position and do floating operation. (2) Check X1 receptacle connecting condition.
Fault test steps: (3) Check No.135 wire connecting condition at
No.32 fuse.
Step 1. Test whether there is +24V voltage
between two cores of XK1 receptacle. Step 3. Test the resistance of the boom
floating solenoid
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function
(50V). a.Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function (200
Ω ).
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

b.Use the digital multimeter probes to connect Conclusion:

two pins of XK1 receptacle of the pilot valve
solenoid terminal separately. If the result does OK, the pilot valve has inner
Test result:
If the result doesn't OK, the boom float solenoid
is damaged.
The digital multimeter reading is between 90 Ω
and 100 Ω .
Illustration 11-12 The control lever can't be locked at boom floating position fault test flow chart 11-A-F

11-B Boom lift function principle description

The boom will be lift when push the control lever

backward, the lever will be kept at this position
when push it to the limit position, realize this
function through the boom lift kickout solenoid
inside the pilot valve.
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

When the start switch is ON, No.135 wire obtains Fault test steps:
+24V voltage from 5A fuse, passing XA1 → XQ8
→ XQ3 receptacle to the boom lift kickout switch Step 1. Test the red indicator of the boom lift
then to the ground. The switch exports +24V kickout switch lightens or not when electrify?
voltage to the boom lift kickout solenoid then to
the ground passing No.476 → XQ3 → XQ8 → a.Turn on the start switch, observe the red
XK2 when the red indicator and green indicator indicator lightens or not from the observe window
lighten. The magnetic field is produced around of the fixing hood on the boom kickout switch.
the solenoid when the solenoid electrifies. The b.Turn off the start switch if it doesn't lighten, pull
magnetic field produced by the solenoid out and insert XQ8 and XQ3 receptacle newly,
electrifying can't make the close magnetic circuit pull No.135 wire and No.219 wire of XQ8
due to the pilot valve's special configuration receptacle and XQ3 receptacle two terminals
when the single handle control lever keeps at slightly by hand to check their connecting
NEUTRAL position. The close magnetic circuit is condition.
produced around the pilot valve boom lift kickout
solenoid in order to decrease the magnetic circuit c.Turn on the start switch and observe the red
spacing when the operator pushes the single indicator condition if they don't loosen.
handle control lever backward to the limit
position. So the control lever can be kept at the Conclusion:
limit position. The boom magnet is close to the
boom lift kickout switch slowly when the boom If the result does OK, please turn to step 2.
reaches to the limit position, the lift kickout switch If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 5.
output is cut off, No.476 wire doesn't have
voltage output when the the switch reaches the Step 2. Test the green indicator of the boom
best position. The red indicator goes out. The lift kickout switch lightens or not when
single handle control lever returns to NEUTRAL electrify?
position automatically when the pilot valve
kickout solenoid stops working. a.Turn on the start switch, observe the green
Lower the boom by control lever reversely, indicator lightens or not from the observe window
separate the boom magnet and boom lift kickout of the fixing hood on the boom kickout switch.
switch, the switch exports +24V voltage to the This step should be carried out when the boom
boom kickout solenoid newly by No.476 wire kickout switch and the boom magnet are not at
after the switch stops output for 2s, the winding the action position.
electrifies, the red indicator lightens newly, start b.Turn off the start switch if it doesn't lighten, pull
next circulation. out and insert XQ8 and XQ3 receptacle newly,
pull No.135 wire, No.219 wire and No.476 wire of
11-B-F1 Fault test when the control lever XQ8 receptacle and XQ3 receptacle two
can't be locked at boom lifting position terminals slightly by hand to check their
connecting condition.
Fault phenomenon definition:
c.Turn on the start switch and observe the green
The single handle control lever can't keep at indicator condition if they don't loosen.
boom lifting position automatically when push the
lever backward to the limit position during boom
If the result does OK, please turn to step 3.
If the result doesn't OK, the boom kickout switch
is damaged.
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

Step 3. Test whether there is +24V voltage Step 5. Test whether the boom float position
between two cores of XK2 receptacle wiring and bucket leveling position can keep
harness. automatically?

a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function a.Push the single handle control lever to the
(50V). boom float position or bucket leveling position,
b.Remove XK2 receptacle, turn on the start observe whether the lever can keep
switch. automatically. Please to step 6 if it can keep
c.Use red probe of the digital multimeter to
connect No.476 wire corresponding core of XK2 b.If it can't keep automatically, please turn off the
receptacle, use black probe to connect another start switch, open the electronic control box
copper piece of XK2 receptacle. inside the cab, and find 5A fuse then observe its
melting condition.
Test result:
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V. If it has melted, please replace 5A fuse. If the
new fuse melts again, please eliminate the short
Conclusion: circuit fault.
If it doesn't melt, please turn to step 6.
If the result does OK, please turn to step 4
Step 6. Test whether there is +24V voltage
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 7
between two cores of XQ3 receptacle wiring
Step 4. Test the resistance of the boom harness.
kickout solenoid
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function (200
Ω ). b.Remove XQ3 receptacle, turn on the start
b.Use the probe of multimeter to connect two switch.
pins of XK2 receptacle of the pilot valve solenoid c.Use red probe of the digital multimeter to
terminal. connect No.135 wire corresponding core of
XQ32 receptacle, use black probe to connect
Test result: another copper piece of XQ3 receptacle.

The digital multimeter reading is between 90 Ω Test result:

and 100 Ω .
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
Conclusion: and 31V.

If the result does OK, the pilot valve has inner Conclusion:
If the result does OK, the boom kickout switch is
If the result doesn't OK, the boom kickout
solenoid is damaged.
If the result doesn't OK, judge the grounding
condition of No.219 wire firstly, if the grounding
condition is good, please check the line fault
between 5A fuse and XQ3 receptacle.
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

Step 7. Test whether there is open circuit in d.Use two probes of the multimeter to connect
the line between XK2 and XQ3 receptacles. separately with two copper receptacles of XK2
receptacle of the cab wiring harness.
a.Turn off the start switch, remove XQ3 and XQ2
receptacles. Test result:
b.Insert a 80mm long lead which shucks off two
sides insulation layer each 10mm into No.2 The digital multimeter reading is about 0 Ω .
(No.476 wire)and No.1 core (No.219 wire) of
XQ3 receptacle connecting with front frame
wiring harness, please pay attention to contact
the lead copper wire with the copper receptacle If the result does OK, the boom kickout switch is
of XQ3 receptacle well. damaged.
If the result doesn't OK, please check the
c.Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function (200
Ω ). grounding condition of No.210 wire, and check
the open circuit phenomenon in the lines.
Illustration 11-13 Fault test flow chart 11-B-F1 when the control lever can't be locked at boom lifting

11-B-F2 Fault test when the boom reaches at The control lever keeps at boom lifting position
lifting limit position, the control lever can't when push the lever backward to the limit
return to NEUTRAL position position during boom lifting, the lever can't return
to NEUTRAL position when the boom reaches
Fault phenomenon definition: the limit position.
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

Fault test steps: Illustration 11-14 Fault test flow chart 11-B-F2
when the boom lifts to the limit position, it can't
Step 1. Test the clearance between the boom return to NEUTRAL position automatically
kickout switch and the boom magnet.

a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the boom

kickout switch from switch receptacle. Or prepare
one spare magnet.
b.Turn on the start switch, push the single handle
control lever to the boom lifting position, the
control lever keeps at lifting position. Close up
the boom kickout switch to the boom magnet
manually or close up the spare magnet to the
switch manually. Observe the control lever
returns to NEUTRAL position or not.


If it returns, please adjust the clearance between

boom kickout switch and boom magnet over
again, and reaches 4-6mm in order to make sure
the control lever can return successfully.
11-C Bucket positioner principle description
If it doesn't return, please turn to step 2.
Operate the bucket tilting when push the single
Step 2. Connect XK2 receptacle and boom handle control lever left, the control lever will
floating position solenoid, observe the boom keep at this position automatically when push at
floating position returns or not. desired position, realize this function by the
bucket positioner solenoid inside the pilot valve.
a.Turn off the start switch, and turn the pilot valve
switch to OFF position. Remove XK2 receptacle
and XK1 receptacle and connect them across.
b.Turn on the start switch, push the single handle
control lever forward to the limit position, the
lever will keep at boom floating position, close up
the boom kickout switch to the boom magnet
manually, and close up the spare magnet to the
switch manually. Observe the control lever
returns to NEUTRAL position automatically or
c.Pull out XK2 and XK1 receptacles after


If it returns, the pilot valve has inner fault.

If it doesn't return, the boom kickout switch is
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

Turn on the start switch, No.135 wire obtains Fault test steps:
+24V voltage from 5A fuse, passing XA1 → XQ8
→ XQ1 receptacle to the bucket leveling switch Step 1. Test the red indicator of the bucket
then to the ground. The switch exports +24V positioner switch lightens or not when
voltage to the bucket leveling solenoid then to electrify?
the ground passing No.477 wire → XQ4 → XQ8
→ XK3 when the red indicator and green a.Turn on the start switch, observe the red
indicator lighten. The magnetic field is produced indicator lightens or not from the observe window
around the solenoid when the solenoid of the fixing hood on the bucket positioner
electrifies. The magnetic field produced by the switch.
solenoid electrifying can't make the close b.Turn off the start switch if it doesn't lighten, pull
magnetic circuit due to the pilot valve's special out and insert XQ8 and XQ4 receptacle newly,
configuration when the single handle control pull No.135 wire and No.219 wire of XQ8
lever keeps at NEUTRAL position. The close receptacle and XQ4 receptacle two terminals
magnetic circuit is produced around the pilot slightly by hand to check their connecting
valve bucket leveling solenoid in order to condition.
decrease the magnetic circuit spacing when the
operator pushes the single handle control lever c.Turn on the start switch and observe the
left to the limit position. So the control lever can condition of the red indicator if they don't loosen.
be kept at the limit position. The bucket magnet
is close to the bucket positioner switch slowly Conclusion:
when the bucket reaches to leveling position, the
positioner switch output is cut off, No.477 wire If the result does OK, please turn to step 2.
doesn't have voltage output when the the switch If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 5.
reaches the best position. The red indicator goes
out. The single handle control lever returns to Step 2. Test the green indicator of the bucket
NEUTRAL position automatically when the pilot positioner switch lightens or not when
valve bucket positioner switch stops working. Tilt electrify?
the bucket left, the bucket magnet closes up the
bucket positioner switch. a.Observe the green indicator lightens or not
Operate the single handle control lever reversely from the observe window of the fixing hood on
for dumping, the bucket magnet contacts with the the bucket positioner switch when turn on the
bucket positioner switch newly, the positioner start switch. This step should be carried out
switch exports +24V voltage to the bucket when the bucket positioner switch and the bucket
leveling solenoid by No.477 wire, the winding magnet are not at positioner switch action
electrifies working, the red indicator lighten position.
newly. The next circulation starts. b.Turn off the start switch if it doesn't lighten, pull
out and insert XQ8 and XQ4 receptacle newly,
11-C-F1 Fault test when the control lever pull No.135 wire and No.219 wire of XQ8
can't be locked at HOLDING position. receptacle and XQ4 receptacle two terminals
slightly by hand to check their connecting
Fault phenomenon definition: condition.

Push the control lever to the desired position, the c.Turn on the start switch and observe the
lever can't hold at this position automatically condition of the green indicator if they don't
during leveling bucket. loosen.
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

Conclusion: If the result doesn't OK, the bucket leveling

solenoid is damaged.
If the result does OK, please turn to step 3
Step 5. Test whether the boom lifting position
If the result doesn't OK, the bucket positioner
or boom floating position can keep
switch is damaged.
Step 3. Test whether there is +24V voltage
a.Observe the single handle control lever can
between two cores of XK3 receptacle wiring
harness terminal. keep automatically or not when push the control
lever to the floating position or bucket leveling
position. Please turn to step 6 if it can hold.
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function
(50V). b.Turn off the start switch, open the electronic
control box inside the cab, find 5A fuse and
b.Remove XK3 receptacle, turn on the start
observe the melting condition if it can't hold.
c.Use red probe of the digital multimeter to Conclusion:
connect No.477 wire corresponding core of XK3
receptacle, use black probe to connect another If it has melted, please replace 5A fuse, If the
copper piece of XK3 receptacle. new fuse melts again, please eliminate the short
circuit fault.
Test result:
If it doesn't melt, please turn to step 6.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
Step 6. Test whether there is +24V voltage
and 31V.
between two cores of XQ4 receptacle wiring
Conclusion: harness terminal.

If the result does OK, please turn to step 4 a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 7
b.Remove XQ4 receptacle, turn on the start
Step 4. Test the resistance of the bucket switch.
positioner solenoid c.Use the red probe of the digital multimeter to
connect No.135 wire of XQ4 receptacle
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function (200 corresponding copper piece, the black probe
Ω ). connects to another copper piece of XQ4
b.Use the probe of the digital multimeter to
connect two probes of XK3 receptacle of the pilot
Test result:
valve solenoid terminal separately.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
Test result:
and 31V.
The digital multimeter reading is between 90 Ω Conclusion:
and 100 Ω .

Conclusion: If the result does OK, the bucket positioner

switch is damaged.
If the result does OK, the pilot valve has inner
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

If the result doesn't OK, judge the grounding c.Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function (200
condition of No.219 wire firstly, and please check Ω ).
the line fault between 5A fuse and XQ4 d.Use the probe of the digital multimeter to
receptacle if the grounding condition is good. connect two copper pieces of XK3 receptacle of
the cab harness separately.
Step 7. Test the wire connecting condition
between XK3 and XQ4. Test result:
a.Turn off the start switch, remove XQ4 and XK3
The digital multimeter reading is about 0 Ω .
b.Insert a 80mm long lead which shucks off two Conclusion:
sides insulation layer each 10mm into No.2
(No.476 wire)and No.1 core (No.219 wire) of If the result does OK, the bucket positioner
XQ3 receptacle connecting with the front frame switch is damaged.
harness, please pay attention to contact the lead
If the result doesn't OK, please check the
copper wire with the copper receptacle of XQ3
grounding condition of No.211 wire, and check
receptacle well.
the open circuit among the lines.
Illustration 11-15 Fault flow chart 11-C-F1 when the control lever can't be locked at bucket leveling
Auto-Return System
System fault test and service

11-C-F2 Fault test when the bucket reaches b.Turn on the start switch, push the single handle
leveling position, the control lever can't control lever forward to the limit position, the
return to NEUTRAL position control lever will keep at boom floating position,
close up the bucket positioner switch to bucket
Fault phenomenon definition: magnet manually. Or close up the magnet to the
switch manually. Observe the control lever
Push the control lever inside and hold it at this returns or not?
position when tilt the bucket back, the control c.Pull out XK3 and XK1 receptacles after
lever can't return to NEUTRAL position when the checking, and return to the condition before test.
bucket tilts back to leveling position.
Fault test steps:
If it returns, the pilot valve has inner fault.
Step 1. Test the clearance between the
positioner switch and the bucket magnet If it doesn't return, the bucket positioner switch is
a.Turn off the start switch, disassemble the Illustration 11-16 Fault flow chart 11-C-F2 when
bucket positioner switch from the switch the control lever can't return to NEUTRAL
receptacle. Or prepare one spare magnet. position after the bucket tilting to leveling position
b.Turn on the start switch, push the single handle
control lever to the bucket tilting position, the
control lever will keep at tilting position
automatically. Close up the bucket positioner
switch to bucket magnet manually. Or prepare
one spare magnet, and close up the spare
magnet to the switch manually. Observe the
control lever returns or not?


If it returns, adjust the clearance between the Bucket positioner

bucket positioner switch and the bucket magnet switch is damaged ?

over again, and reaches 4-6mm in order to make

sure the control lever can return successfully.
If it doesn't return, please turn to step 2.

Step 2. Connect XK3 receptacle and boom

floating position, observe the boom floating
position returns or not?

a.Turn off the start switch, and turn the pilot valve
switch to OFF position. Pull out XK3 receptacle
and XK1 receptacle, and connect the pilot valve
solenoid with the receptacles across.
Lubrication system
Main Components

Lubrication system This cycle will be stopped when turn off the start
switch in the stop machine time or lubrication
time cycle, but time will be stored. The operation
will proceed from the last stored stop time when
Function Brief Introduction turn on the start switch.
This machine uses Germany VOGEL central This machine's set when leave the factory: the
lubrication device for automatic lubricating. The lubrication interval time: 1h, one lubrication
grease used in central lubrication device is 1# running time: 12min.
MOS2 or 2# grease or grease level ≤ NLG1
grade2, the oil tank capacity has 2L. The grease
choice is relative to area environmental Main Components
temperature, eg, need 1# MOS2 at 0°C (32°
F)area. Piston pump
The lubrication cycle starts after turn on the start
switch firstly, the lubrication pump motor starts, 15C0018 (KFGS1-5+924) electromotion
lubrication pump has 2L capacity tank, which has
the lubrication system works. The lubrication
inner-set controller, the pump element has
pump motor turn off automatically after the
collocated as a unit with piston pump in the
lubrication cycle time reaches the preestablished
manufactory. The controller inside the
time, stop machine time starts, the next
electromotion lubrication piston pump controls
lubrication cycle starts after stop time reaches
the electronic controlling of the lubrication
the preestablished time. All of lubrication work
will proceed according to the preestablished time
Illustration 12-1 Controller inside the piston pump
Lubrication system
Main Components

Inner set controller SET switch running mode and

The inner set controller is located inside the show mode
parameter set
piston pump, which has collocated as a unit with
DK to the next lubrication cycle
piston pump before leaving the manufactory. It
has very important function as the control core of straightly during short circuit
the whole auto-lubrication system, so introduce it interval time
as a separate component from piston pump fault reset
section. LED display instruction:
Illustration 12-2 Controller panel tPA Time mode when the pump
stops running, reading unit is
cPA Pulse count mode when the
pump stops running
tCO Time mode under the pump
running, reading unit is min
cCO Pluse count mode under the
pump running
COP Pump running monitoring set
OFF No pump running monitoring
Panel symbol instruction: CS Cycle switch test mode
FLL Lowest oil level alert indication
PAUSE Pause time FCS No pulse signal fault indication
CONTACT Pump running time Oh Work time calculagraph
CS System test with cycle switch Fh Fault time calculagraph
PS System test with pressure bLo Show fault signal when the
switch (not available for fault time exceeds 3 pump
advanced system) running cycles
FAULT Fault signal Lubrication system adjustment and setting:
open the display function
show function name and
set function parameter

Step Button Display Remark

1 Press SET longer than 2s.
000 display is flashing(code 000 is the
setting by the factory)

2 Press SET shortly (confirm code).

Automatic display of the first parameter
”tPA” pause in timer operation. The
“pause” LED is flashing.
Lubrication system
Main Components

3 Press SET shortly.

Pause time 1h (setting by factory).

4 Set new value. Example:6.8h=6 h 48


5 Press SET shortly, confirm new value.

Display of the next parameter “tCO”
pump operation time in timer operation.
The “contact” LED is flashing.
6 Press SET shortly.
Pump operation time 12 min.(setting by

7 Set new value. Example: 3min.

8 Press SET shortly, confirm new value.

9 Press SET longer than 2s.

Alterations will be written into the
memory and the display will go off.

Pump unit Illustration 12-3 Pump unit

KFGS1-5+924 piston pump device has 3
lubrication outlet, where can install 3 sets pump
units separately, connecting each pump unit and
the progressive feeder to form separately the
lubrication line.
This machine just needs to install 1 set pump unit
for the whole machine lubrication requirement. Safety valve
15C0019 (KFG1.U1)pump unit lubrication A pressure safety valve fitted to the pump
feeding quantity is 2.5ml//min. element is to safeguard the entire lubrication
system against damages that caused by
excessive system pressure.
The preset opening pressure of this valve is
300bar ± 20bar.
Lubrication system
Main Components

When system pressure exceeds 300 bar due to Each set progressive feeder consists of the first
the progressive feeder or lubrication point section, the end section and the feeder section,
blockage, the valve opens and discharges the first section and the end section has one
lubricant. each, the feeder section is not less than 3. This
machine will define the progressive feeder as
78A0034 Safety valve
VPKM-8, 8 feeder sections; VPKM-10, 10 feeder
sections; VPKM-3, 3 feeder sections according
to the middle section's quantity of the
progressive feeder.
Oil drain sequence of the progressive feeder is:
the farthest outlet away from the inlet drains oil
firstly, and the nearest outlet away form the inlet
drains oil lastly. The second feeder section can't
drain oil if the first section blocks.

Progressive feeder
The progressive feeder will divide the grease
from the pump device into several parts.
This machine has 3 sets progressive feeders, the
tab in the system principle drawing is VPKM-8
VPKM-10, VPKM-3.
Illutration 12-5 Central lubrication principle
drawing (the sample is CLG856III with 8-bar front

SEE THE DRAWING, i i=1,2,3



Lubrication system
Main Components

Illustration 12-6 Progressive feeder with 3 feeder sections

Each feeder section has the different type for Illustration 12-7 Straight male connector and
distinguishing; the different type feeder section elbow male connector
has the different parameter.
These types are marked on the feeder sections
and the central lubrication principle drawing, eg:
"2S", "2T", "0.5S" etc. The first number shows
oil drain capacity of each outlet and each cycle in
type label. The second English letter shows each
section outlet quantity, "T" means 2 outlets,
"S"means 1 outlet.
One terminal of the straight male connector
NOTICE 00A0569 (or elbow male connector 01A0255) is
connected to the control valve outlet of the
The different type feeder sections have the progressive feeder, and one terminal is
same figurations, keep the feeder section connected to oil tube.
type consistency if replace the feed section
separately, otherwise the lubrication system Illustration 12-8 Tube connection
can not work separately.

Tube accessory and connector

(1) High-pressure hose 31A0124

Lubrication system
Main Components

(2) Sleeve 00A0568 1. Disassemble the left panel from the

(3) Straight tube connector 00A0570 instrument. Push the 4-joint pendant switch
(4) Elboe tube connector 01A0256 from the switch groove, don't damage the
Manual lubrication switch fixing buckle of integration switch groove
when take out. Remove 8 white cores
The manual lubrication swich is the pendant receptacle from the rear of manual lubrication
switch with closedown device, the lock buckle is switch, and expose the copper on the back of
locked at OFF position, turn the lock buckle and the switch.
press the pendant switch to start a new
lubrication cycle when need manual lubrication. 2. Adjust the digital multimeter to function (200
The manual lubrication switch can't hold Ω ).
automatically, release the switch it will return the 3. Hold the manual lubrication switch at OFF
NEUTRAL position and lock at OFF position. position, use the digital multimeter probe
(See the operation & maintenance manual for either positive or negative to measure the
details) copper on the back of the pendant switch [1,
Illustration 12-9 Manual lubrication switch and 5], the digital multimeter reading is 1.
principle drawing symbol 4. Unlock the manual lubrication switch and
hold at ON position (need another person),
use the digital multimeter probe either
positive or negative to measure the copper
on the back of the pendant switch [1,5], the
digital multimeter reading is 0.
5. Release it after measuring, the switch resets.
The pendant switch is normal if it can complete
above test, otherwise the pendant switch may be
Lubrication system running indicator
The lubrication system running indicator is
located on the instrument system, it is actually
The manual lubrication switch is the special the pump running indicator. The lubrication
pendant switch, which has 2 characteristics, one system indicator lightens when the piston pump
is it is an instanting switch, it can't be hold at ON runs. The lubrication system indicator goes out
position, another is it has lock buckle and locked when the piston pump stops running.
at OFF position. The switch with lock buckle is
designed for preventing incorrect operation.

Manual lubrication switch fault test steps:

The manual lubrication switch is installed on 4-

joint switch group of the panel.
Illustration 12-10 Lubrication system running
Lubrication system
Function Operation

indicator Illustration 12-11 Lubrication system fault


Lubrication system fault indicator

VOGEL lubrication system fault indicator defines Function Operation

as system jam alert indicator.
The auto-lubrication system which is chosen by The auto-lubrication system has auto-lubrication
Liugong for users doesn't assemble with cycle function of the whole lubrication points.
switch or pressure switch, and the feeder section
configuration can't assemble with cycle switch or
pressure switch, but the lubrication system fault
indicator runs through the cycle switch and
pressure switch. The instrument system of
Liugong machine has been designed with the
lubrication system fault indicator as the machine
spare indicator or convenient for users' re-
installation. The lubrication system fault indicator
can not use in the machine when leaving the
factory as special instruction.
Lubrication system
Function Operation

Illustration 12-12 VOGEL centralized lubrication device configuration

1、Pump 2、High pressure hose 3、Main feeder 4、secondary feeder 5、Lubrication point
6、Pump unit 7、Wire package 8、Safety valve

12-A Auto-lubrication Function Operation The following components are needed for
realizing this function:
The auto-lubrication function doesn't need the ● Fuse
operator's special operation, the controller inside
the piston pump controls the auto-lubrication ● Instrument system (lubrication fault and work
function ON/OFF. It works once the machine indication)
powers on. ● VOGEL centralized lubrication device (with
The first lubrication cycle starts automatically controller inside the piston pump, pump unit,
after turning on the start switch first time, the progressive feeder, lubricant, straight male
lubrication pump motor starts, the lubrication connector, elbow male connector etc).
system works. The lubrication pump motor turns
off automatically after the lubrication cycle time
reaches the preestablished value-12min, stop
machine time starts, next lubrication cycle starts
after stop machine time reaches the
preestablished intervals time-1h. All subsequent
lubrication operations will proceed according to
the preestablished time program.
The machine turns off the start switch or
lubrication pump motor is turned off during stop
machine time or lubrication cycle, this cycle will
be terminated, time will be stored. Operation will
proceed from the last stored time when turn on
the start switch again.
Lubrication system
Function Operation

Illustration 12-13 Main components Illustration 12-14 Main components (tfhe sample
is CLG856III with 8-bar front frame manual shift

12-B Manual Lubrication System Operation

(1) Manual lubrication switch
Use the manual lubrication button to start a
lubrication cycle if consider that it's necessary to 12-C Filling the Lubricant
carry out a manual lubrication or service
operation requirement during auto-lubrication set Observe the lubricant quantity in the transparent
ting stop cycle. reservoir of piston pump. The system will work
The work time of manual lubrication cycle is the abnormally if not filling the lubricant in time and
same with auto-lubrication function setting cycle thereby let air enter into the lubrication line when
when start a manual lubrication. the lubricant level is less than "min" sign.

The auto-lubrication setting stop cycle resets When the lubricant level is low, please fill the
automatically after start the manual lubrication lubricant by the following methods.
cycle, the auto-lubrication stop time starts timing
newly after finished manual lubrication cycle. Fill grease with common grease gun

The following components are needed for Fill the lubricant with the common grease gun
realizing this function: through the conical head nipple on the pump.
● Fuse
● Manual lubrication switch
● Instrument system (lubrication fault and work
● VOGEL centralized lubrication device (with
controller inside the piston pump, pump unit,
progressive feeder, lubricant, straight male
connector, elbow male connector etc).
Illustration 12-15 Conical head grease nipple on
Lubrication system
Function Operation

the pump Fill grease with small type manual pump

Disassemble M20X1.5 plug, screw the filler

connector 169-000-170 (VOGEL goods number,
need to order), remove the protective cap small
type manual filler pump 169-000-171 (VOGEL
goods number, need to order) when filling oil.
Small type manual filler pump' capacity is
Illustration 12-17 Fill grease with manual pump

(1) Conical head grease nipple

(2) Closure plug

Fill grease with manual pump

Assemble the filler connector 995-000-705

(VOGEL goods number, need to order) instead
of the conical head grease nipple; install the
matching connector 995-001-500 (VOGEL 12-D System Empty Operation
goods number, need to order) on the outlet of
filling pump. Fill grease with the manual pump. The system needs empty operation after
The manual filling pump exhaust quantity is replacing or service system parts in order to
40ml/jounery, there are following types (VOGEL avoid that air exists in the system and influences
goods number, need to order) for choice. the normal running of the system.
Handcart type with 25Kg oil canister, 169-000- System empty operation steps:
Handcart type with 50Kg oil canister, 169-000- 1. Disassemble the safety valve of connection
054 pump of piston pump, hold the line
connecting with safety, turn on the start
No handcart with 25Kg oil canister, 169-000-342
switch, press the manual lubrication button
Illustration 12-16 Fill grease with manual pump once to start the piston pump. Observe the
grease until there isn't air bubble in the
grease discharged from the pump unit. Turn
off the start switch, the piston pump stops
working, connect the safety valve newly.
2. Disassemble the main line of main feeder
inlet, turn on the start switch, press the
manual lubrication button once to start the
piston pump (don't need to press the manual
lubrication button if the piston pump still runs
after turn on the start switch), observe the
removed main line until there isn't air in the
grease, turn off the start switch, connect the
main line to main feeder newly.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

3. Remove the branch line of main feeder System Fault Test and
outlet, turn on the start switch, press the
manual lubrication button once to start the Service
piston pump (don't need to press the manual
lubrication button if the piston pump still runs System work principle general
after turn on the start switch), observe the
removed branch line until there isn't air in the The exterior lines of lubrication system shown as
grease, turn off the start switch, connect the below, the exterior lines are simple.
branch line newly.
No.154 wire from 10A fuse passes XA2 → XK7
4. Empty the oil intake of the secondary feeder, receptacle and provides +24V power to the
oil outlet of the secondary feeder and every lubrication system, grounding after passes
lubrication point according to above method. No.221 wire behind XK7 receptacle. The
5. Assemble all lines after empty each electrical controller inside the lubrication system
component and lines, starts the piston pump, passing XK7 → No.411 wire exports the running
observe each lubrication point by eye until indication signal of lubrication system to
overflowing the grease which shows the instrument system as indication, indicating the
system works normally. instrument system by XK7 → No. 305 wire
output the lubrication system fault indication
The above steps are the empty operation of the signal.
whole system, it is not necessary to empty and
check each system node according to above +24V voltage from 10A fuse reaches the manual
operation if know clearly the position of lubrication switch by No.154 wire, No.154 wire
replacement components or service point or air connects No.470 wire when press the manual
bubble influence position, only empty the front/ lubrication switch, +24V voltage exports the
rear service nodes. manual lubrication indicating singal through
No.470 wire → XK7 → the controller inside the
lubrication system.
Illustration12-18 Lubrication system principle drawing
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

12-A-F1 Fault test when the piston pump Conclusion:

doesn't work
If it has melted, please replace 10A fuse, and
Fault phenomenon definition: turn to step 3.
If it doesn't melt, please check the lines between
The rotary cam mechanism of piston pump can't
10A fuse and round receptacle of piston pump in
run after the preestablished lubrication stop time
lubrication system, check XA2, XK7 receptacles
finished or the operator presses the manual
and grounding wire have fault or not.
lubrication button.
Step 3. The fuse melts or not after
Fault test steps:
Step 1. Test the round receptacle of the
a.Don't turn off the electronic control box, turn on
piston pump. (Doesn't draw in illustration 12-
the start switch newly, and hear the sound
carefully in the 10A fuse of centralized lubrication
system. Turn off the start switch after turn on it
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function
for 5 mins, pull out 10A fuse of centralized
lubrication system, observe it has melted or not
b.Pull out the round receptacle of piston pump. by eye.
Notice the draw and insert method, is there any
screw thread? Conclusion:
c.Turn on the sart switch, use the digital
multimeter red probe to contact No.2 core of If it keeps melting, there is short circuit fault in
receptacle according to the core sign of the the line or the piston pump, please eliminate the
round receptacle, the black probe contacts with short circuit falut.
No.1 core. If it doesn't keep melting, the fault has been
Test result:
Step 4. Press and hold the manual lubrication
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V button, check whether there is +24V voltage
and 31V. in pin1 and pin3 (doesn't draw in illustration
12-18) of round receptacle of piston pump or
Conclusion: not.

If the result does OK, please turn to step 4. a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 2. (50V)
b.Pull out the round receptacle of piston pump.
Step 2. Test 10A fuse of centralized Notice the draw and insert method, is there any
lubrication system has melted or not. screw thread?
c.Turn on the start switch, press the manual
a.Turn off the start switch, open the electronic
lubrication button and hold at ON position (need
controller, find the 10A fuse of centralized
another person).
lubrication system, pull it out, and observe its
melting condition by eye. d.Use the digital multimeter red probe to contact
No.3 core of receptacle according to the core
sign of the round receptacle, the black probe
contacts with No.1 core.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Test result: Conclusion:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V If the result does OK, please check the line fault
and 31V. between the manual lubrication button and the
piston pump.
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 7.
If the result does OK, please turn to step 5.
Step 7. Test whether there is +24V voltage in
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 6. No.154 wire and No.204 wire of manual
lubrication button.
Step 5. Plug the receptacle newly.
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function
a.Plug the round receptacle of piston pump (50V).
newly. b.Press the manual lubrication button and hold it
b.Draw and plug XK7 receptacle once. at ON position (need another person), use the
c.Turn on the start switch, press the manual digital multimeter red probe to contact No.154
lubrication button, and judge the piston pump wire, the black probe contacts with No.204 wire
running condition. (or metallic component in the cab).

Conclusion: Test result:

If the result does OK, the fault has been The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
eliminated. and 31V.

If the result doesn't OK, please relpace the piston Conclusion:

If the result does OK, please replace the manual
Step 6. Test whether there is +24V voltage in lubrication switch.
No.407 wire and No.204 wire of manual
lubrication button. If the result doesn't OK, please check the line
fault of No.154 wire from 10A fuse of central
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function lubrication system to manual lubrication switch.
b.Disassemble the left panel of the instrument,
and take out the 4-joint switch from the switch
c.Press the manual lubrication button and hold it
at ON position (need another person), use the
digital multimeter red probe to contact No.407
wire, the black probe contacts with No.204 wire
(or metallic component in the cab).

Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 12-19 12-A-F1 Fault flow chart when the piston pump can't work
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

12-A-F2 Safety valve oil drain fault test

(available for CLG856III with 6-bar front

Fault phenomenon definition:

Drain grease from the safety valve after starting

the piston pump, which shows the lubrication
system has fault resulting in system pressure ≥
300 bar, the safety valve opens and drains oil

Fault test steps:

Check the grease qualiity firstly, most of non-

lubrication point block faults are caused by oil
quality. The grease dirty, rigid, cold weather or
parking machine for a long time will change the
grease quality, and lead to extortionate system
pressure. The piston pump will idle and can't
drain oil if the grease quality is too rigid.
Analyze the safety valve fault of draining oil
according to occurrence probability after
eliminating the grease quality question. Firstly,
check the lubrication point block condition;
secondly, check progressive feeder block
condition; finally, check the line block condition.
Illustration 12-20 Lubrication system principle
drawing (available for CLG856III with 6-bar front
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 12-21 Lubricaiton point position 1 (available for CLG856III with 6-bar front frame)
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 12-22 Lubrication point postion 2 (available for CLG856III with 6-bar front frame)

The whole lubrication system can not lubricate Disassemble the line connecting this lubrication
once one lubrication point or fault point is point which doubt blocking, clean the oil outlet of
blocked, but piston pump still runs, the safty the safety valve, start the piston pump (by
valve drains oil. pressing the manual lubrication button), observe
the safety valve condition, the removed oil lines
One lubrication point blocks resulting in the
for grease overflow or not. The oil lines have no
safety valve oil drain fault, sometimes, some
problem, this lubrication point has been blocked
lubrication points block also resulting in the fault,
if the safety valve doesn't drain oil and the
so just need your patience when eliminate fault.
grease overflows in the removed oil lines.
Observe the overflow grease from bearing of
It has to spend some time to judge and settle the
lubrication point or mobile parts if the machine is
problem if doesn't know what causes the system
new, which shows the lubrication point is fluent; it
jam, and waster some greases and use
is difficult to judge the lubrication point fluence by
eliminating method to analyse the system fault
aspect if the machine is old or the lubrication
step by step.
point is not easy to observe. The lubrication point
will be blocked due to the mobile parts over-worn
or dirty entering. The worn will be appeared and
give off the sound if the lubricant can't enter in
some lubrication point.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Step 1. Test whether there is grease (2) The line connected to the main feeder intake
overflows from the outlet of the main feeder has grease overflow when the safety valve
or not? doesn't drain oil.

a.Turn off the start switch, and disassemble the Conclusion:

two outlet lines of the main feeder.
b.Wipe up the outlet of the safety valve, turn on The previous line or part of the main feeder block
the start switch. if the observing result is the same to the first
condition. Please turn to step 3.
c.Press the manual lubrication button, start the
piston pump (this step can be omitted if the The main feeder blocks if the observing result is
piston pump is running after starting the start the same to the second condition. Disassemble
switch). the main feeder to clean, check or replace,
assemble it after eliminating the fault, empty the
Test result: main feeder firstly after assemble it, then install
the intake and outlet of the main feeder valve
(1) Two outlets of main feeder overflow grease if after empty.
the safety valve doesn't drain oil.
Step 3. Judge the safety valve blocks or not.
(2) Two outlets of main feeder don't overflow
grease if the safety valve drains oil. a.Turn off the start switch, and disassemble the
outlet oil line of the safety valve.
b.Wipe up the outlet of the safety valve, turn on
The line is fluent from the safety valve to main the start switch.
feeder if the observing result is the same to the c.Press the manual lubrication button, start the
first condition. Please turn to step 4. piston pump (this step can be omitted if the
piston pump is running after starting the start
The system blocks if the observing result is the
same to the second condition. Please turn to
step 2.
Test result:
Step 2. Test whether there is grease
Observe the safety valve drains oil or not.
overflows from the intake of the main feeder
or not?
a.Turn off the start switch, and disassemble the
If it drains oil, please clean, check or replace the
intake of the main feeder.
safety valve, install it after eliminating the fault.
b.Wipe up the outlet of the safety valve, turn on Empty the safety valve firstly after assemble it,
the start switch. and then install the removed line after emptying.
c.Press the manual lubrication button, start the If it doesn't drain oil, please clean the lines when
piston pump (this step can be omitted if the the lines between the safety valve and the main
piston pump is running after starting the start feeder are blocked, empty the lines firstly after
switch). assemble it, and then install the removed lines
after emptying.
Test result:

(1) The line connected to the main feeder intake

doesn't have grease overflow when the
safety valve drains oil.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Step 4. Judge VPKM-8 II level feeder line or Step 6. Use elimination method to inspect
the lubrication point blocks or not. block point on VPKM-8 II level feeder line or
the lubrication point.
a.Turn off the start switch, connect one of
disassembled two lines in step1 to main feeder. a.Turn off the start switch, Mark number on
b.Clean the safety valve outlet, turn on the start VPKM-8 II level feeder oil outlet line according to
switch. lubrication system principle drawing. Then
remove all connecting lines of oil outlet.
c.Press the manual lubrication button, start the
b.Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the
piston pump (this step can be omitted if the
piston pump is running after starting the start start switch. Press the manual lubrication button,
start the piston pump (not need to press the
switch) .
manual lubrication button if the piston pump is
Test result: running after starting the start switch). Observe
the safety valve drains oil or not, grease
Observe the safety valve drains oil or not. overflows from VPKM-8 feeder outlet if the safety
valve doesn't drain oil, please turn to step d.
Conclusion: c.Turn off the start switch if the safety valve
drains oil. Disassemble the oil intake of VPKM-8
If it drains oil, VPKM-8 II level feeder line or the II feeder, clean the safety valve oil drain outlet,
lubrication point blocks, please turn to step 6. turn on the start switch and start the piston
pump, observe oil intake overflows grease or not,
If it doesn't drain oil, please turn to step 5.
the safety valve drain oil. The VPKM-8 has inner
block and clean or replace if the safety valve
Step 5. Judge VPKM-5 II level feeder line or
doesn't drain oil and the oil intake overflows
the lubrication point blocks or not.
grease. The block doesn't appear frequently due
to inner diameter of line is usuall bigger than the
a.Turn off the start switch, connect the other one
safety valve or grease line inside feeder.
of disassembled two lines in step1 to main
feeder. d.Turn off the start switch, connect lines of 22, 23
lubrication points to oil outlet of VPKM-8 II level
b.Clean the safety valve outlet, turn on the start
feeder. Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on
the start switch and start piston pump, observe
c.Press the manual lubrication button, start the the safety valve drains oil or not. Please turn to
piston pump (this step can be omitted if the step e if the safety valve drains oil. If the safety
piston pump is running after starting the start valve doesn't drain oil, please turn to step f.
switch) .

Test result:

Observe the safety valve drains oil or not.


If it drains oil, VPKM-5 II level feeder line or the

lubrication point blocks, please turn to step 7.
If it doesn't drain oil, the system is good, no
block, and can work normally.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

e.If the safety valve drains oil, the block may be Test result:
on 22, 23 lubrication points or lines, perhaps one
point block or two points all block, confirm it in The blocked lubrication point or line can be found
this step. The detais as follows: turn off the start after inspecting all lubrication points.
switch, remove the line connecting 22 lubrication
point, clean the oil outlet, then turn on the start Conclusion:
switch, start the piston pump and observe the
safety valve drains oil or not; if the safety valve Clean and service the blocked lubrication point
drains oil, the block point is on 23 lubrication or line, replace it if necessary.
point or connection line. If the safety valve
doesn't drain oil, the block point is on 22 Step 7. Use the elimination method to inspect
lubrication point or the connection line, not on 23 block point of VPKM-5 II level feeder line or
lubrication point. If the block is on 23 lubrication the lubrication point
point, also need to confirm 22 lubrication point
for block. Turn off the start switch, remove line of a.Turn off the start switch, Mark number on
23 lubrication point and assemble 22 lubrication VPKM-5 II level feeder oil outlet line according to
point, clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the lubrication system principle drawing. Then
start switch, start the piston pump, observe the remove all connecting lines of oil outlet.
safety valve drains oil or not, if the safety valve b.Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the
doesn't drain oil, 22 lubrication point doesn't start switch. Press the manual lubrication button,
block, vice visa. start the piston pump (not need to press the
f.Repeat step d, and step e, connect lines of 20 manual lubrication button if the piston pump is
lubrication point, 14 lubrication point and 21 running after starting the start switch). Observe
lubrication point, 17 lubrication point and 18 the safety valve drains oil or not, grease
lubrication point, 15 and 16 lubrication points, 13 overflows from VPKM-5 feeder outlet if doesn't
lubrication point, 11 and 12 lubrication point, 9 drain, please turn to step d.
and 10 lubrication point step by step, connect oil c.Turn off the start switch if the safety valve
outlet line of one distributary piece per time, for drains oil. Disassemble the oil intake of VPKM-5
example, 05S just connects 20 lubrication point, II feeder, clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on
this step is just as one point, 1T distributary piece the start switch and start the piston pump,
connects 14 and 20 lubrication points, ,this step observe oil intake overflows grease or not, the
has two lubrication points. safety valve oil drain. The VPKM-5 has inner
g.Judge the line or lubrication pont for block after block and clean or replace if the safety valve
finding the block lubrication point line. For doesn't drain oil and the oil intake overflows
example, find 23 lubrication point block after grease. The block doesn't appear frequently due
passing through above checks, turn off the start to inner diameter of line is usuall bigger than the
switch, disassemble the rear swing lubrication safety valve or grease line inside feeder.
point line where 23 lubrication point has reached, d.Turn off the start switch, connect lines of 7, 8
clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the start lubrication points to oil outlet of VPKM-5 II level
switch, start the piston pump, observe overflow feeder. Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on
grease of disassemble line of 23 lubrication the start switch and start piston pump, observe
point, the safety valve drains oil, the block point the safety valve drains oil or not. Please turn to
is inside 23 lubrication point if the line overflows step e if the safety valve drains oil. If the safety
grease and the safety valve doesn't drain,. 23 valve doesn't drain oil, please turn to step f.
lubrication point blocks if the safety valve drains
and line doesn't overflow grease.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

e.If the safety valve drains oil, the block may be Conclusion:
on 7, 8 lubrication points or lines, perhaps one
point block or two points all block, confirm it in Clean and service the blocked lubrication point
this step. The detais as follows: turn off the start or line, replace it if necessary.
switch, remove the line connecting 7 lubrication
point, clean the oil outlet, then turn on the start
switch, start the piston pump and observe the
safety valve drains oil or not; if the safety valve
drains oil, the block point is on 8 lubrication point
or connection line. If the safety valve doesn't
drain oil, the block point is on 7 lubrication point
or the connection line, not on 8 lubrication point.
If the block is on 8 lubrication point, also need to
confirm 7 lubrication point for block. Turn off the
start switch, remove line of 8 lubrication point
and assemble 7 lubrication point, clean the
safety valve oil outlet, turn on the start switch,
start the piston pump, observe the safety valve
drains oil or not, if the safety valve doesn't drain,
7 lubrication point doesn't block, vice visa.
f.Repeat step d, step e, connect lines of 4 and 6
lubrication points, 3 and 5 lubrication points, 2
lubrication point, 1 lubrication point step by step,
connect oil outlet line of one distributary piece
per time, for example, 3S just connects one
lubrication point, this step is just as one point, 1T
distributary piece connects two lubrication points,
this step has two lubrication points.
g.Judge the line or lubrication pont for block after
finding the block lubrication point line. For
example, find 8 lubrication point block after
passing through above checks, turn off the start
switch, disassemble the rear swing lubrication
point line where 8 lubrication point has reached,
clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the start
switch, start the piston pump, observe overflow
grease of disassemble line of 8 lubrication point,
the safety valve drain, the block point is inside 8
lubrication point if the line overflows grease and
the safety valve doesn't drain,. 8 lubrication point
blocks if the safety valve drains and line doesn't
overflow grease.

Test result:

The blocked lubrication point or line can be found

after inspecting all lubrication points.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 12-23 12-A-F3 Safety valve oil drain fault test flow chart (suitable for CLG856III with 6-bar
front frame)

12-A-F3 Safety valve oil drain fault test The lubricant drains from the safety valve after
(suitable for CLG856III with 8-bar front frame) starting the piston pump which shows the
lubrication system has block and makes the
Fault phenomenon definition: system pressure higher than 300 bar, the safety
valve drains oil automatically.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Fault test steps: Analyze the safety valve fault of draining oil
according to occurrence probability after
Check the grease qualiity firstly, most of non- eliminating the grease quality question. Firstly,
lubrication point block faults are caused by oil check the lubrication point block condition;
quality. The grease dirty, rigid, cold weather or secondly, check progressive feeder block
parking machine for a long time will change the condition; finally, check the line block condition.
grease quality, and lead to extortionate system
pressure. The piston pump will idle and can't
drain oil if the grease quality is too rigid.
Illustration 12-24 Lubrication system assembly principle drawing (suitable for CLG856III with 8-bar front
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 12-25 Lubrication point position 1 (suitable for CLG856III with 8-bar front frame)
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 12-26 Lubrication point position 2 (suitable for CLG856III with 8-bar front frame)
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

The whole lubrication system can not lubricate Test result:

once one lubrication point or fault point is
blocked, the piston pump still runs, the safety (1) Two oil outlets of main feeder overflow oil if
valve drains oil the safety valve doesn't drain oil.
One lubrication point blocks resulting in the (2) Two oil outlets of main feeder don't overflow
safety valve oil drain fault, sometimes, some grease if the main safety valve drains oil.
lubrication points block also resulting in the fault,
so just need your patience when eliminate fault. Conclusion:
Sometimes, you can see grease overflow from
The line is fluent from the safety valve to main
bearing of lubrication point or the active parts if
feeder if the result is the same to the first
the machine is new, which shows this lubrication
condition. Please turn to step 4.
point is not block, it is difficult to judge whether it
is block or not from exterior if the machine is old The system blocks, check the blocked point if the
or the lubrication point is difficult to observe. The result is the same to the second condition.
lubrication point will be blocked if the active parts Please turn to step 2.
worn out or dirty in. Some lubrication points will
sound if the lubricant can't enter in some Step 2. Test whether there is grease
lubrication point. overflows from the intake of the main feeder
or not.
Disassemble the lines, clean the safety valve oil
outlet and start the piston pump (realize for
a.Turn off the start switch, and disassemble the
pressing the manual lubrication button) if doubt
oil inlet of the main feeder.
somewhere lubrication point blocks, observe the
safety valve for drain, disassemble line for b.Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the
overflow grease. The line has no problem if the start switch.
safety valve doesn't drain oil and the c.Press the manual lubrication button , start the
disassemble line overflows grease, this piston (this step can be omitted if the piston
lubrication point blocks. pump is still running after turning on the start
It has to spend some time in judging and settling switch)
the problem and wasting some grease if doesn't
know what causes the system jam, use the Test result:
eliminating method to analyze the system fault
step by step. (1) The line connected to the oil inlet of main
feeder doesn't overflow grease when the
Step 1. Test whether there is grease safety valve drains oil.
overflows from the oil outlet of the main (2) The line connected to the oil inlet of main
feeder or not. feeder overflows grease when the safety
valve doesn't drain oil.
a.Turn off the start switch, and disassemble the
two outlet lines of the main feeder. Conclusion:
b.Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the
start switch. The previous line or part of the main feeder block
if the observing result is the same to the first
c.Press the manual lubrication button, start the
condition. Please turn to step 3.
piston pump (this step can be omitted if the
piston pump is still running after turning on the
start switch)
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

The main feeder blocks if the result is the same Test result:
to the second condition.-Disassemble the main
feeder to clean or replace, assemble it again Observe the safety valve drains oil or not.
after eliminating fault. Drain out the main feeder
firstly after assemble it, and then assemble the Conclusion:
oil outlet and intake of the main feeder after drain
out. If it drains oil, VPKM-8 II level feeder line or the
lubrication point blocks, please turn to step 6.
Step 3. Judge the safety valve blocks or not.
If it doesn't drain oil, please turn to step 5.
a.Turn off the start switch, and disassemble the
Step 5. Judge VPKM-10 II level feeder line or
outlet oil line of the safety valve. the lubrication point blocks or not.
b.Clean the oil outlet of the safety valve, turn on
the start switch. a.Turn off the start switch, connect the other one
c.Press the manual lubrication button, start the of disassembled two lines in step1 to main
piston pump (this step can be omitted if the feeder.
piston pump is still running after turning on the b.Clean the safety valve outlet, turn on the start
start switch) switch.
c.Press the manual lubrication button, start the
Test result:
piston pump (this step can be omitted if the
piston pump is running after starting the start
Observe the safety valve drains oil or not.
switch) .
Test result:
If it drains oil, please clean or replace the safety
Observe the safety valve drains oil or not.
valve, assemble it after eliminating fault. Drain
out the safety valve firstly after assemble it, fixing
the line after draining out the safety valve.
If it doesn't drain oil, please clean the line when If it drains oil, VPKM-10 II level feeder line or the
there is block in line from the safety valve to the lubrication point blocks, please turn to step 7.
main feeder, drain out the line firstly after
If it doesn't drain oil, the system is good, no
assembly, fixing the line again after draining out
block, and can work normally.
the safety valve.
Step 6. Use elimination method to inspect
Step 4. Judge VPKM-8 II level feeder line or
block point on VPKM-8 II level feeder line or
the lubrication point blocks or not.
the lubrication point.
a.Turn off the start switch, connect one of
a.Turn off the start switch, Mark number on
disassembled two lines in step1 to main feeder.
VPKM-8 II level feeder oil outlet line according to
b.Clean the safety valve outlet, turn on the start lubrication system principle drawing. Then
switch. remove all connecting lines of oil outlet.
c.Press the manual lubrication button, start the
piston pump (this step can be omitted if the
piston pump is running after starting the start
switch) .
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

b.Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the f.Repeat step d, step e, connect lines of 30 and
start switch. Press the manual lubrication button, 31 lubrication points, 29 lubrication point, 27 and
start the piston pump (not need to press the 28 lubrication points, 25 and 26 lubrication
manual lubrication button if the piston pump is points, 23 and 24 lubrication points, 21 and 22
running after starting the start switch). Observe lubrication points, 19 and 20 lubrication points
the safety valve drains or not, grease overflows step by step, connect oil outlet line of one
from VPKM-8 feeder outlet if the safety valve distributary piece per time, for example, 05S just
doesn't drain oil, please turn to step d. connects 29 lubrication point, this step is just as
c.Turn off the start switch if the safety valve one point, 2T distributary piece connects two
drains oil. Disassemble the oil intake of VPKM-8 lubrication points, this step has two lubrication
II feeder, clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on points.
the start switch and start the piston pump, g.Judge the line or lubrication pont for block after
observe oil intake overflows grease or not, the finding the block lubrication point line. For
safety valve drain oil. The VPKM-8 has inner example, find 33 lubrication point block after
block and clean or replace if the safety valve passing through above checks, turn off the start
doesn't drain oil and the oil intake overflows switch, disassemble the rear swing lubrication
grease. The block doesn't appear frequently due point line where 33 lubrication point has reached,
to inner diameter of line is usuall bigger than the clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the start
safety valve or grease line inside feeder. switch, start the piston pump, observe overflow
d.Turn off the start switch, connect lines of 22, 23 grease of disassemble line of 33 lubrication
lubrication points to oil outlet of VPKM-8 II level point, the safety valve drain, the block point is
feeder. Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on inside 33 lubrication point if the line overflows
the start switch and start piston pump, observe grease and the safety valve doesn't drain,. 33
the safety valve drains oil or not. Please turn to lubrication point blocks if the safety valve drains
step e if the safety valve drains oil. If the safety and line doesn't overflow grease.
valve doesn't drain oil, please turn to step f.
Test result:
e.If the safety valve drains oil, the block may be
on 32, 33 lubrication points or lines, perhaps one The block lubrication point or line can be found
point block or two points all block, confirm it in after inspecting all lubrication points.
this step. The detais as follows: turn off the start
switch, remove the line connecting 32 lubrication Conclusion:
point, clean the oil outlet, then turn on the start
switch, start the piston pump and observe the Clean and service the blocked lubrication point
safety valve drains oil or not; if the safety valve or line, replace it if necessary.
drains oil, the block point is on 33 lubrication
point or connection line. If the safety valve Step 7. Use the elimination method to check
doesn't drain oil, the block point is on 32 the block point of VPKM-10 II level feeder line
lubrication point or the connection line, not on 33 or the lubrication point.
lubrication point. If the block is on 33 lubrication
point, also need to confirm 32 lubrication point a.Turn off the start switch, Mark number on
for block. Turn off the start switch, remove line of VPKM-10 II level feeder oil outlet line according
33 lubrication point and assemble 32 lubrication to lubrication system principle drawing. Then
point, clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the remove all connecting lines of oil outlet.
start switch, start the piston pump, observe the
safety valve drains oil or not, if the safety valve
doesn't drain, 32 lubrication point doesn't block,
vice visa.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

b.Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the f.Repeat step d, step e, connect lines of 15 and
start switch. Press the manual lubrication button, 16 lubrication points, 13 and 14 lubrication
start the piston pump (not need to press the points, 11 and 12 lubrication points, 9 and 10
manual lubrication button if the piston pump is lubrication points, 7 and 8 lubrication points, 5
running after starting the start switch). Observe and 6 lubrication points, 3 and 4 lubrication
the safety valve drains oil or not, grease points, 2 lubrication point, 1 lubrication point step
overflows from VPKM-10 feeder outlet if the by step, connect oil outlet line of one distributary
safety valve doesn't drain oil, please turn to step piece per time, for example, 2S just connects
d. one lubrication point, this step is just as one
c.Turn off the start switch if the safety valve point, 1T distributary piece connects two
drains oil. Disassemble the oil intake of VPKM- lubrication points, this step has two lubrication
10 II feeder, clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn points.
on the start switch and start the piston pump, g.Judge the line or lubrication pont for block after
observe oil intake overflows grease or not, the finding the block lubrication point line. For
safety valve drain oil. The VPKM-10 has inner example, find 18 lubrication point block after
block and clean or replace if the safety valve passing through above checks, turn off the start
doesn't drain oil and the oil intake overflows switch, disassemble the rear swing lubrication
grease. The block doesn't appear frequently due point line where 18 lubrication point has reached,
to inner diameter of line is usuall bigger than the clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the start
safety valve or grease line inside feeder. switch, start the piston pump, observe overflow
d.Turn off the start switch, connect lines of 17, 18 grease of disassemble line of 18 lubrication
lubrication points to oil outlet of VPKM-10 II level point, the safety valve drain, the block point is
feeder. Clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on inside 18 lubrication point if the line overflows
the start switch and start piston pump, observe grease and the safety valve doesn't drain,. 18
the safety valve drains oil or not. Please turn to lubrication point blocks if the safety valve drains
step e if the safety valve drains oil. If the safety and line doesn't overflow grease.
valve doesn't drain oil, please turn to step f.
Test result:
e.If the safety valve drains oil, the block may be
on 17, 18 lubrication points or lines, perhaps one The blocked lubrication point or line can be found
point block or two points all block, confirm it in after inspecting all lubrication points.
this step. The detais as follows: turn off the start
switch, remove the line connecting 17 lubrication Conclusion:
point, clean the oil outlet, then turn on the start
switch, start the piston pump and observe the Clean and service the blocked lubrication point
safety valve drains oil or not; if the safety valve or line, replace it if necessary.
drains oil, the block point is on 18 lubrication
point or connection line. If the safety valve
doesn't drain oil, the block point is on 17
lubrication point or the connection line, not on 18
lubrication point. If the block is on 18 lubrication
point, also need to confirm 17 lubrication point
for block. Turn off the start switch, remove line of
18 lubrication point and assemble 17 lubrication
point, clean the safety valve oil outlet, turn on the
start switch, start the piston pump, observe the
safety valve drains oil or not, if the safety valve
doesn't drain, 17 lubrication point doesn't block,
vice visa.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

Illustration 12-27 12-A-F3 Safety valve oil drain test flow chart (suitable for CLG856III with 8-bar front

12-A-F4 Other faults test block after the lubrication point or line damage.
The faults of lubrication point or lubrication line
The most faults of the lubrication system are due
can be checked out by eye. So please foster the
to lubrication line damages except for above
habit to observe the lubrication point or line by
faults. The lubricant will overflow from damaged
eye after driving or operating the machine, in
point, can't reach the lubrication point, some may
order to find the faults as soon as possible.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service

12-B-F Fault test when the manual lubrication Step 2. Test whether there is +24V voltage in
function can't start the piston pump. No.470 wire of the manual lubrication switch.

Fault phenomenon definition: a.Insert red probe of the digital multimeter to the
corresponding copper piece of No.470 wire of
There is no problem of the lubrication system No.8 core on the back of the manual lubrication
normal lubrication periodic running, but the switch, black probe contacts with the machine
piston pump can't be started even if pressing the metal housing.
manual lubrication button. b.Press the manual lubrication switch and hold it.
The manual lubrication switch is installed on 4- c.Release the manual lubrication switch after
joint switch combination of the panel. Turn on the measurement.
start switch, observe the piston pump of the
lubrication system for running, if running, wait for Test result:
finishing one lubrication period, the stop running
period is coming, inspect according to the The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
following steps. and 31V.
Step 1. Test whether there is +24V grounding Conclusion:
voltage in No.154 wire of the manual
lubrication switch. If the result does OK, please turn to step 3.
a.Turn off the start switch, and disassemble the If the result doesn't OK, the manual lubrication
left panel from the instrument. Push 4-joint switch is damaged, please replace it.
pendant switch out from the socket groove, don't
damage the buckle of the integration switch Step 3. Test whether there is +24V voltage in
when take it out. No.470 wire and No.211 wire of XK7
receptacle (need another person).
b.Adjust the digital multimeter to 50V range of
voltage function. a.Turn off the start switch, pull out XK7
c.Turn on the start switch, insert red probe of the receptacle under the steering column of the cab,
digital multimeter into the corresponding copper measuring direction is from the cab harness
piece of No.154 wire of No.8 core receptacle on connecting XK7 receptacle.
the back of the manual lubrication switch, black b.Use red probe of the digital multimeter to
probe contacts with the machine metal housing. connect the corresponding No.2 core of No.470
line, and use black probe to connect the
Test result:
corresponding No.5 core of No.221 line.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V Test result:
and 31V.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V.
If the result does OK, please turn to step 2.
If the result doesn't OK, the line from 10A fuse to
No.154 wire of the manual lubrication switch has
fault. Pull & insert XJ1 receptacle newly, pull
No.154 wire of XJ1 receptacle two terminals by
hand, judge the connecting condition between
the inner piece and lead.
Lubrication system
System Fault Test and Service


If the result does OK, pull No.470 wire of XK7

receptacle connecting with main controller of
lubrication system slightly, judge the connecting
condition between the inner piece and lead. The
lines from XK7 receptacle to main controller has
fault or the main controller has fault.
If the result doesn't OK, check the line from the
manual lubrication switch to XK7 receptacle
carefully, eliminate the fault.
Illustration 12-28 12-B-F Fault test flow chart when the
manual lubrication function can't start the piston
Horn and lighter
Main Components

Horn and lighter Illustration 13-3 Horn relay

Function Brief Introduction

Turn on the start switch, and press the horn
button can make the horn work.
Turn on the start switch, press the button in the
middle of the lighter, the lighter resistance wire is
heated enough, the button will spring out
automatically and can light the cigar. The lighter
plug also can be used to 24V (10A) power supply
37B0230 Lighter
Main Components Illustration 13-4 Lighter

38B0075 Horn
Illustration 13-1 Horn

Horn button of the combination switch

Illustration 13-2 Horn button of the combination

Horn relay
Horn and lighter
Fault check steps of the Lighter

Illustration 13-5 Horn principle Fault check steps of the


1. Check the lighter fuse has melted or not,

replace the fuse if it has melted.
2. Press te lighter button, use the resistance
function of digital multimeter to measure the
resistance between No. 11 pin (No. 140 wire)
and No. 3 pin (No.237 wire) of XJ 7
receptacle, the lighter has been damaged if
the resistance is infinity, please replace it.
3. Check the receptacle contact condition and
wiring harness condition according to the
lighter principle if the lighter and its fuses
haven't damaged.

Illustration 13-6 Lighter principle

Horn and lighter
Fault check steps of the Lighter

Illustration 13-6 Horn fault test flow char

Main Component

RIDE CONTROL SYSTEM Illustration 15-3 ride control system principle

Function General Information

Start the ride control system to decrease bumpy
range for improving the driving comfortable
under the bad driving road.

Main Component

34B0340 Ride control switch

Start and close the ride control system.
Illustration 15-1 34B0340 ride control switch
The ride control system fault test steps:
Ride control system can't work normally
1-A check 5A fuse of ride control system for
Yes: replace the fuse
No: to 1-B
1-B switch off the start switch, pull out the ride
control switch receptacle, press the switch, use
the resistance function of multimeter to measure
No.1 pin and No.5 pin of switch for connecting?
Yes: to 1-C
Ride control solenoid
No: replace the ride control switch
The details see the hydraulic section. 1-C pull out XQ5 receptacle, use the resistance
Illustration 15-2 ride control solenoid function of multimeter to measure the resistance
between two pins of XQ5 receptacle for open
circuit or short circuit?
Yes: ride control solenoid winding is damage,
replace the solenoid
No: to 1-D
1-D start the start switch, pull out XQ5
receptacle, press the ride control switch, use the
DC voltage function of multimeter to measure
voltage between No.475 wire and No.219 wire
for 24 ~ 31V?
Yes: check the hydraulic system
No: to 1-E
Main Component

1-E check the receptacle for loosening and

harness for damage according to ride control
system principle
Electrical Lift System
Main Components

Electrical Lift System 6000N 200mm Trapezia 250W

The lift mechanism uses DC electromotor as
Function Brief Introduction power, through the reducer and helix lift/lower
system as beeline output, there are the overload
The electrical lift system is used for tilting clutch and manual mechanism inside the
operation of the rear hood on the machine, the reducer.
rear hood tilting function is used normally in the
machine maintenance and service. The grease nipple of the lift mechanism needs to
fill up lubrication periodically 3# lithium grease
For safety consideration, never permit person (common region), fill up 2# lithium grease at cold
stand inside the tilting radius when tilt the rear region or winter (temperature is at 0 ℃ ) to make
hood. The rear hood of the machine isn't steel sure the normal lubrication of the inner gear
configuration; therefore, it can't be used as the mechanism.
support point when climbing the machine.
The lubrication points of VOGEL lubrication
The rear hood has reached the lift limit position system using in the machine don't contain the
or the lift has exceeded the load capacity of the lubrication points of the lift mechanism, which
lift motor when tilt the rear hood and hear sound needs to fill manually in addition.
like KA, KA, KA, please stop lifting at this time.
Observe the rear hood reaches the lift limit Adjust and lubricate the lift mechanism
position or not, if it doesn't, please observe completely during assembly. It doesn't need
whether the rear hood distorts or the center of lubrication in service life (3000 times circulation),
gravity diverges. If such problems still exist after but need to fill the lubrication at two hinges of the
adjustment, please replace the rear hood lift mechanism every 30 days and check each
assembly. bolt condition periodically. Tighten them if they
have loosened. Replace the lift mechanism or
The tilting operation is not controlled by the start send it back to the manufacturer to change the
switch. The rear hood works as long as connect inner clutch if find the lift motor can't work
the disconnect switch and operate the lift switch. normally.
The lift mechanism has the special tool, which
Main Components can be used to turn the little gear mechanism
manually in order to finish the lifting when the
electrical lift operation fails.
Lift Mechanism
Illustration 16-1 Lift Mechanism outline and Lift mechanism motor fault test steps:
principle drawing symbol
1. Disassemble the connection wiring harness
of the lift mechanism motor.
2. Adjust the multimeter to Ω function (200 Ω ).
3. Use the probe of the digital multimeter to
contact two copper pieces of the lift
mechanism motor receptacle, pay attention
not to contact with each other.
4. The digital multimeter reading is about 10.
Lift motor technique parameter: The motor is damaged if the reading is not at
this range.
Load Distance Screw Motor rated
capacity length type power Notice
Electrical Lift System
Main Components

When install and use the lift mechanism, When install and use the lift mechanism, two
please keep the pivots of two hinges in the hinges need to fill up the lubrication.
same line and plumb with the fixing holes of
two pivots. Two hinges don't have blocked Hood lift controller
phenomenon after installation.
Illustration 16-2 Hood lift controller outline and principle drawing symbol





The hood lift controller is the special controller of Illustration 16-3 Breaker and principle drawing
the lift mechanism which is used to control the symbol
positive and negative journey (lift or lower). The
lift controller is composed by relays.
A 40A auto-return breaker is used in this
machine for controlling the hood lift mechanism.
The breaker will be off and then return according
to the current state when the lift system is
Electrical Lift System
Main Components

When there is overcurrent, the auto-return Fuse fault test method

breaker will disconnect firstly and then return
automatically after several seconds. The breaker Pull out the piece fuse from the fuse base, and
will disconnect automatically again after return if observe the inner fuse condition by eye, or test it
the circuit has fault. Therefore, need to eliminate by the digital multimeter.
the fault before use the hood lift system.
Fuse fault test steps:
Breaker fault test steps:
1. Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function
1. Disassemble the connection wiring harness (200 Ω )
of the breake.
2. Use the probe of the digital multimeter to
2. Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function connect two terminals of the fuse.
(200 Ω ) 3. The digital multimeter reading is 1, the fuse
3. Use two probes of the digital multimeter to has melted, please replace it; the digital
contact two plugs of the breaker separately; multimeter reading is 0, the fuse doesn't melt.
the reading on the multimeter is 0. The
breaker is damaged if the reading is 1.
Lift switch
Illustration 16-5 Lift switch outline and principle
4. The multimeter reading is 0, the breaker
drawing symbol
disconnects and returns frequently after
installed back to the machine, which is
damaged after eliminating other faults.
Single circuit fuse
Illustration 16-4 Single circuit fuse base and
inner breaker

The lift switch is a three-position instant switch.

Pull the lift switch upwards when tilting the rear
hood, the hood tilts; the lift switch returns to
NEUTRAL position when stop pulling the switch,
the rear hood stops tilting. Pull the lift switch
downwards, the rear hood tilts back, the lift
switch returns to NEUTRAL position when stop
HHR pulling the switch, the rear hood stops tilting
Lift switch fault test steps
The usage specifications of various fuses are
obtained by calculating at the circuit design 1. Open the lift control box, and pull out the
process, so use the same series and receptacle of the lift switch.
specification fuses to replace when the fuse 2. Adjust the digital multimeter to Ω function
melts. It's forbidden to replace with the (200 Ω ).
different specification fuses.

Check the line controlled by the fuse when

the new fuse melts again, eliminate the fault
firstly and replace with a new one.
Electrical Lift System
Function Operation

3. Use the digital multimeter probes to connect Illustration 16-6 Lift mechanism and lift control
the middle receptacle and another receptacle box
of the lift switch separately, move and hold
the lift switch along another receptacle
connected to the probe. The digital
multimeter reading is 0.
4. Release the lift switch, it resets automatically,
hold the probe connecting with the middle
receptacle of the lift switch, another probe
connects to another receptacle of the lift
switch, move and hold the lift switch along
reverse direction of step 3. The digital
multimeter reading is 0.
5. The lift switch which can complete these test
steps successfully is good. Otherwise it is

Function Operation

16-A Wheel loader rear hood lift function

When perform maintenance, service, check and

lubrication to the machine, open the control box
cover located on the rear right side of the
machine and find the lift control box, tilt the rear
hood or tilt back according to the nameplate on
the lift control box.

Illustration of the above pictures in sequence

Lift control box

Lift mechanism
Rear hood illustration
The following components are needed for
realizing rear hood lifting function:
● Disconnect switch
● Lift mechanism
● Lift controller
● 40A breaker
Electrical Lift System
System fault test and service

● 5A fuse Illustration 16-7 Lifting principle drawing

● Lift switch

System fault test and service

Lift work principle

The battery +24V voltage is divided into two

ways from XG8 receptacle passing No.104 wire
after close the disconnect switch, one way is
passing 40A breaker No.492 wire → lift
controller, another way is passing XZ2 receptacle
→ 5A fuse → No.493 wire → the lift switch.
The lift switch connects No.493 wire and the blue
signal wire inside the lift controller when open the
rear hood. +24V voltage is input into the lift
controller by the blue signal wire and order the lift
controller to carry out the motor positive rotating
dictate. The relay inside the lift controller exports
+24V voltage signal to the lift motor by XI1
receptacle (490+, 490-), the lift motor carries out
the positive rotating, the rear hood tilts.
The lift switch switches on No.493 wire and the 16-A-F Lift mechanism can't work
yellow signal wire inside the lift controller when
close the rear hood. +24V voltage is input into Fault phenomenon definition
the lift controller by the yellow signal wire and
order the lift controller to carry out the motor The lift mechanism doesn't carry out tilting or
reversal rotating dictate. The relay inside the lift tilting back when pull the lift switch up or down.
controller exports +24V reversal voltage signal to Or the lift mechanism stops suddenly and can't
the lift motor by XI1 receptacle (490+, 490-), the work when tilting or tilting back.
lift motor carries out the reversal rotating, the
rear hood tilts back. Fault test steps:

Step 1. 40A breaker disconnects or not due to


a.Turn on the disconnect switch, open the lift

control box cover. The lift switch is located on the
cover. Block a wedge under the cover after open
the cover, and don't let the terminal contact the
b.Operate the lift switch newly after 5s, and
observe the lift mechanism lifts or not. If 40A
breaker disconnects due to overcurrent, it will
close again automatically after 5s.
Electrical Lift System
System fault test and service

Conclusion: b.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function

The lift mechanism runs normally after 5s, which c.Use the red probe of the digital multimeter to
shows 40A breaker just disconnects temporarily contact No.104 wire of 40A breaker, the black
due to overcurrent, renews normal condition probe contacts with the grounding terminal near
after closes newly. the lift control box (need to open the rubber
The lift mechanism can't run after 5s, please turn lagging).
to step 2.
Test result:
Step 2. Test whether there is +24V voltage in
No.492 wire and No.255 wire of XG9 The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
receptacle. and 31V.

a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function Conclusion:

If the result does OK, 40A breaker is damaged,
b.Turn No.492 wire of 40A breaker slightly by
please replace it. Turn off the disconnect switch
hand, judge the wire connecting condition;
when replace the beaker.
please tighten it by the spanner if it has
loosened. If the result doesn't OK, please check the
c.Pull each lead of XG9 receptacle slightly by connecting condition of No.104 wire of battery
hand, judge the lead and inner copper receptacle terminal, and check whether there is open circuit
have separated or not. Use the special tool to or damages in the line from the battery to the lift
tighten it if there is separate phenomenon. control box.

d.Pull out XG9 receptacle, use the red probe of Step 4. Test 5A fuse has melted or not?
the digital multimeter to contact No.492 wire
corresponding receptacle of XG9 receptacle a.Open the single circuit fuse box, observe 5A
(wiring harness terminal), the black probe fuse has melted or not.
contacts with No.255 wire corresponding
receptacle of XG9 receptacle, pay attention not Conclusion:
to contact these two probes with each other.
If it has melted, please turn to step 5.
Test result:
If it doesn't melt, please turn to step 6.
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
and 31V. Step 5. Replace with new 5A fuse.

Conclusion: a.Turn off the disconnect switch, replace 5A fuse.

b.Turn on the disconnect switch newly, operate
If the result does OK, please turn to step 4. the lift switch, observe the fuse has melted or
If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 3. not.

Step 3. Test whether there is +24V grounding

voltage in No.104 wire of 40A breaker.

a.Turn No.104 wire of 40A breaker slightly by

hand, judge the connecting condition; please
tighten it by the spanner if it has loosened.
Electrical Lift System
System fault test and service

Conclusion: If the result doesn't OK, if only one actual test

result of step c and step d accords with academic
If it keeps melting, please check the line between test result, which means the lift switch is
No.493 wire and lift controller carefully if there is damaged, please replace it. If both actual test
short circuit fault in the line. Turn off the results don't accord with academic test result,
disconnect switch when check, cut each circuit please turn to step7.
node, measure the grounding voltage of No.493
wire, the grounding voltage of the lift switch and Step 7. Test whether the lift switch input has
the grounding voltage of the lift controller by the +24V voltage.
digital multimeter. There is short circuit fault if the
reading is 0, please eliminate the falut. a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function
Step 6. Test whether the lift switch output has
b.Use the red probe to connect the receptacle on
+24V voltage.
the back of the lift switch, the black probe
connects to the ground near the lift control box.
a.Adjust the digital multimeter to voltage function Observe the digital mulimeter reading.
b.Turn each terminal of the lift switch slightly by Test result:
hand, judge the connecting condition, please
tighten it if it has loosened. The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
c.Use the red probe to contact the receptacle and 31V.
loacated on the back of the lift switch, the black
probe contacts with the grounding point of the lift
control box. Pull the lift switch upwards and hold
it, observe the digital multimeter reading (need If the result does OK, the lift switch is damaged,
another person), then release it, the lift switch please replace it.
will return to NEUTRAL position. If the result doesn't OK, please turn to step 8.
d.Use the red probe of the digital mulimeter to
contact the receptacle located on the back of the Step 8. Test whether there is +24V voltage in
lift switch, hold the black probe, pull the lift switch No.104 wire of XZ2 receptacle.
downwards and hold it, observe the digital
multimeter reading (need another person), then a.Pull each lead of XZ2 receptacle slightly by
release it, the lift switch will return to NEUTRAL hand, judge the connecting condition between
position. the lead and inner receptacle, and use the
special tool to tighten it if it has loosened.
Test result: b.Pull out the XZ2 receptacle, adjust the digital
multimeter to voltage function (50V).
The digital multimeter reading is between 24V
c.Use the red probe of the digital multimeter to
and 31V.
connect No.104 wire corresponding receptacle of
XZ 2 receptacle (40A breaker terminal), the black
probe connects to the ground near the lift control
If the result does OK, please turn to step 9.
Test result:

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V.
Electrical Lift System
System fault test and service

Conclustion: Step 10. Test the resistance of XI1 receptacle

(lift mechanism terminal).
If the result does OK, please check whether the
line has loosened or open circuit from No.104 a.Adjust the digital multimeter to resistance
wire to 5A fuse to No.493 wire receptacle on the function (200 Ω ).
back of the lift switch. b.Use two probes of the digital multimeter to
If the result doesn't OK, please check the connect two copper receptacles of XI1
connecting condition of No.104 wire of battery receptacle (lift mechanism terminal) separately.
terminal, and check whether the line between the
battery and the lift control box has open circuit or Test result:
damage phenomenon.
The ditital multimeter reading is about 10 Ω .
Step 9. Test No.491 wire and No.490 wire at
XI1 receptacle (lift controller terminal) are Conclusion:
normal or not.
If the result does OK, the lift force exceeds the
a.Turn and pull each lead of XI1 receptacle by load capacity of the lift mechanism motor,
hand, judge the connecting condition between thereby start the lift mechanism motor overload
each lead and inner receptacle, use the special protection device. At this time, please check the
tool to tighten it if it has loosened. center of the hood gravity diverges or not due to
the rear hood distortion, replace the rear hood
b.Pull out XI1 receptacle, adjust the digital
assembly if it has diverged.
multimeter to voltage function (50V). Use the red
probe and black probe to connect No.491 wire If the result doesn't OK, the lift mechanism motor
and No.490 wire corresponding receptacle of XI1 is damaged.
receptacle (lift controller terminal) separately, pay
attention not to contact these two probes with 16-B-F Open or close the rear hood without
each other. using the lift switch,
c.Pull the lift switch upward and hold it, observe
the digital multimeter reading (need another When it is necessary to open or close the rear
person). hood but the lift mechanism doesn't work, please
use a spanner to turn the screw in order to drive
d.Release it, pull the lift switch downward and the inner pinion mechanism to finish the
hold it, observe the digital multimeter reading. operation. The location of screw sees the
Then release it and let it reset after observing. following illustration. This operation is just used
under the condition that the gear mechanism
Test result: doesn't have fault in the lift mechanism.

The digital multimeter reading is between 24V

and 31V in step b and it is between -24V and -
31V in step c. That is step b and step c have the
same test values, but one of the voltages is
positive, the other is negative.


If the result does OK, please turn to step 10.

If the result doesn't OK, the lift controller is
Electrical Lift System
System fault test and service

Illustration 16-8 Screw location

Appendix 1: CLG856III Wheel Loader Pressure Switch Paremeter Table


Appendix 1: CLG856III Wheel Loader Pressure Switch

Paremeter Table

Contact Action value Action value Delay

Pressure switch Thread
Part No. original (the metric (the British characteris
name connection
state system) system) tic
Parking brake clutch 30B0138 NC+NO 7Mpa 1015.2psi M12 X 1.5 Yes
cut-off switch
Parking brake low 30B0139 NC 11.5Mpa 1668psi M12 X 1.5 Yes
pressure alert swtich
Transmission oil 30B0132 NC 1.5Mpa 217.5psi M10X1T Yes
pressure alert swtich
Engine oil pressure 30B0131 NC 0.069Mpa 10psi 1/8 " NPT Yes
alert switch
Secondary steering 30B0291 NO 0.6 Mpa 87.02 psi 1/8 " NPT Yes
pressure switch
Steering system low 30B0292 NC 0.6 Mpa 87.02 psi 1/8 " NPT Yes
pressure alert switch
Brake light switch 30B0181 NO 0.5Mpa 72.5psi M12 X 1.5 Yes
Service brake clutch 30B0177 NO 1.5Mpa 217.5psi M12 X 1.5 Yes
cut-off switch
Service brake low 30B0182 NC 10MPa 1450.4psi M12 X 1.5 Yes
pressure alert switch

Appendix 2: CLG856III Wheel Loader Pendant Switch

Parameter Table

34B0350 Pendant Combination Switch

Lock Special
No. Name Instruction Reset Illustration Color
buckle instruction
1 Manual lubrication 0 Lock Green
switch I ① --- ⑤ Yes

2 Rear window 0 Green

defroster switch
I ① --- ⑤
3 Rear wiper switch 0 ⑤ --- ⑦ Green
I ③ --- ⑤
II ① --- ③
Appendix 2: CLG856III Wheel Loader Pendant Switch Parameter Table

4 Alert indicator 0 Red

switch I ① --- ⑤

5 Cover
6 Rear window 0 Green
washer I ① --- ⑤ Yes

34B0482 Pendant Combination Switch

Lock Special
No. Name Instruction Reset Illustration Color
buckle instruction
1 Quick coupler 0 Lock Red
unlock switch I ① --- ⑤

2 Ride control 0 Blue

switch I ① --- ⑤

3 Cover
4 0 Yellow
I ① --- ⑤ Lock
② --- ⑥
Pendant Combination Switch
Lock Special
No. Name Instruction Reset Illustration Color
buckle instruction
1 Diagnostic ON/ 0 Lock Green
OFF switch I ① --- ⑤ DIAG
2 Idle/diag I ① --- ③ Yes ID L E Green
(diagnostic)inc / 0 D IA G
dec switch II ③ --- ⑦ Yes
3 Rear floodlight 0 Blue
switch I ① --- ⑤

4 Hazard flasher 0 Red ⑤ --- ⑦ is

switch I ① --- ③ auxiliary
contact, the
② --- ④
⑤ --- ⑦ current is
5 Work light switch 0 Green
I ① --- ⑤
Appendix 2: CLG856III Wheel Loader Pendant Switch Parameter Table

6 Position light & 0 Green

floodlight switch I ② --- ⑥
② --- ⑧
II ① --- ③
② --- ⑥
② --- ⑧
7 Secondary 0 Yellow
steering switch I ① --- ⑤ Yes
8 Buzzer mute 0 Green
switch I ① --- ⑤
Appendix 3: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Electronic A/C Components Installation Positions

Appendix 3: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Electronic A/C

Components Installation Positions

Position code Component Name Part No. Remark

1 Dome light 32B0066
2 Work light 32B0140 Work light, rear
3 Nameplage light 32B0154
4 Rotating Beacon 32B0080
5 Rear right position light GP 32B0138
6 Front right combination light 32B0136
7 Rear left position light GP 32B0139
8 Front left combination light 32B0137
9 Backup alarm 38B0042
10 Shift control lever 46C0253 ZF fittings
11 Control unit 37B0428 EST117 ZF
12 Speed sensor 30B0032 ZF fittings
13 Lift control box 40A fuse 34B0348
Knob switch 34B0126
Single circuit 37B0352
Lift control box 31B0075
14 Battery 37B0108
15 Disconnect switch 34B0297
16 Rear wiper assembly 46C0641
17 Front wiper assembly 46C1017
18 Double motor kettle 46C1455
19 Torque converter oil temperature 30B0100
20 Electronic AMG fuse 37B0299
control box AMG fuse 37B0298
assembly receptalce
Single circuit 37B0352
Relay 31B0042
Control relay 31B0059
21 Water level sensor 30B0319
22 Water temperature sensor 30B0065
23 Parking brake clutch cut-off switch 30B0138
24 Parking brake low pressure alert 30B0139
25 Transmission oil pressure alert 30B0132
26 Engine oil pressure alert switch 30B0131
Appendix 3: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Electronic A/C Components Installation Positions

27 Secondary steering pressure 30B0291

28 Steering system low pressure alert 30B0292
29 Oil level sensor 30B0279
30 Diagnostic 9-pin J1939/ 36B0527
interface 1587
Guard 36B0528
31 Lighter 37B0230
32 Pendant combination switch 34B0482
33 Ice box 46C1202
34 Lighter receptacle 37B0290
35 DC-DC switcher 37B0268
36 Parking brake Brake solenoid 34B0032
button Auxiliary 34B0082
contact block
37 Electronic Relay 31B0095
centralized Relay 31B0113
control box Fuse piece 37B0359
Fuse piece 37B0360
Fuse piece 37B0361
Fuse piece 37B0362
Fuse piece 37B0363
Flasher relay 31B0099
38 Accelerator assembly 23C0075
39 Voltage/service meter 35B0118
40 Pendant combination switch 34B0350
41 Horn 38B0075
42 Radio assembly 46C1399
43 Antenna 37B0243
44 Speaker 38B0047
45 Tank receiver 47C0758
46 Control panel 46C1525
47 Condensator assembly 46C1000
48 Water intake 46C0486
49 Filter 46C1672
50 Compressor 46C0752
51 Evaporator assembly 46C1726
52 Bucket switch 34B0142
53 Boom switch 34B0141
54 Boom magnet 34C0023
55 Bucket tilting magnet 34C0026
56 Brake light switch 30B0181 Brake valve
57 Service brake low pressure alert 30B0182 Brake valve
switch fittings
58 Parking brake valve Brake valve
59 Service brake clutch fut-off switch 30B0177 Brake valve fittings
Appendix 3: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Electronic A/C Components Installation Positions

60 Shift control lever ZF fittings (auto)

61 Display 30B0330 ZF fittings (auto)
62 Speed sensor 30B0255 ZF fittings (auto)
63 Shift control lever 46C0382 ZF fittings (auto)
64 Control unit 37B0306 EST-25
65 Start motor Engine fittings
66 Alternator Engine fittings
67 Pilot valve electromagnetism Pilot valve fittings
68 Secondary steering motor 11C0255
69 Diesel Engine ECM Diesel engine fittings
70 Ride control solenoid 12C0681
71 Steering wheel and switch 46C1458
72 Panel assembly 46C1519
Appendix 3: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Electronic A/C Components Installation Positions

Appendix 3: CL856III Wheel Loader Main Electronic A/C Components

Installation Positions (6-bar)
Appendix 3: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Electronic A/C Components Installation Positions

Appendix 3: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Electronic A/C Components

Installation Positions (8-bar)
Appendix 4: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Receptacles Installation Positions

Appendix 4: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Receptacles

Installation Positions

Position code Receptaclemark Remark

1 XD1, XD2 Front left work light

2 XD3, XD4 Front right work light
3 XD5 Rear left floodlight
4 XD6 Rear right floodlight
5 XD7 Radio
6 XD8 Dome light
7 XD9 Right speaker
8 XE1 Left speaker
9 XE2 Cab harness and top cover harness interface
10 XE3, XE4 Top cover harness and overhead light harness interface
11 XK5, XK6 Overhead light harness and cab harness interface
12 XJ1 Left panel assembly interface
13 XJ2 Front wiper
14 XJ3 Voltage/service meter
15 XE7 Quick coupler solenoid
16 XJ4 A/C control unit
17 XJ6 9-pin data diagnostic interface
18 XJ7 Side plate assembly interface
19 XJ8 Rear wiper
20 XJ9 Defroser device
21 XK1 Boom float winding
22 XK2 Boom lift kickout winding
23 XK3 Bucket positioner winding
24 XK0 KD key(additional) (semi-auto)
25 XK4 Parking brake button
26 XK7 Centralized lubrication system interface
27 XK8 Counterweight system
28 XK9 Counterweight system
29 XQ2, XQ1 Front right combination light
30 XQ8 Horn
31 XQ3 Boom lift kickout switch
Appendix 4: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Receptacles Installation Positions

Position code Receptaclemark Remark

32 XQ4 Bucket positioner switch

33 XQ5 Ride control soleniod
34 XQ6, XQ7 Front left combination light
35 XQ8 Front frame harness and cab harness interface
36 XL3, XL4 Throttle assemble
37 XL5 Parking brake solenoid
38 XA1, XA2, XA3, Electronic centralized control box and cab harness interface
XA4, XA5
39 XL1 Seat
40 XL2 +12V 8A DC-DC
41 XH1, XH2, XH3, Rear frame harness and cab harness interface
42 X5 ZF harness and cab harness interface
43 XY1, XY2 Steering column assembly and cab harness interface
44 XY3, XY4 Steering column assembly and rear frame harness interface
45 XH5, XH7 Electronic engine and rear frame harness interface
46 XZ1 Electronic control box 30A fuse interface
47 XH9 Engine interface
48 XG8, XZ2, XG9 Lift control box interface
49 XI1 Lift motor interface
50 XH8 Diesel engine coolant level switch
51 XG1 Oil level sensor
52 XG3, XG4 Double motor kettle
53 XG5 Condenser blower motor
54 XG6 Compressor clutch
55 XG7 A/C pressure protection switch
56 XI2, XI3 Rear right position GP
57 XI4 Backup alarm
58 XI5 Nameplate light
59 XI6, XI7 Rear left position GP
Appendix 4: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Receptacles Installation Positions

Appendix 4: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Receptacles Installation

Positions (6-bar)
Appendix 4: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Receptacles Installation Positions

Appendix 4: CLG856III Wheel Loader Main Receptacles Installation

Positions (8-bar)
Appendix 5: 50E0136-1 001 Electronic System Principle Drawing (available for semi-auto CLG856III Wheel

Appendix 5: 50E0136-1 001 Electronic System Principle

Drawing (available for semi-auto CLG856III Wheel Loader)
Appendix 6: 50E0137-1 001 Electronic System Principle Drawing (available for full-auto CLG856III Wheel

Appendix 6: 50E0137-1 001 Electronic System Principle

Drawing (available for full-auto CLG856III Wheel Loader)
Appendix 6: 50E0137-1 001 Electronic System Principle Drawing (available for full-auto CLG856III Wheel

Appendix 7: 50E0137-2 001 Electronic System Principle Drawing

(available for full-auto CLG856III Wheel Loader)

50E0136-2 001 Electronic System Principle Drawing (available for semi-

auto CLG856 III Wheel Loader)
Appendix 6: 50E0137-1 001 Electronic System Principle Drawing (available for full-auto CLG856III Wheel

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