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Size of Nets

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The main principle of the gill net designing is based on the mechanism of fish capture by the

net. Since the fish is caught when it tries to swim through the meshes of the net, the size and

shape of the mesh play a significant role in the catching power of gill nets. The main

parameters to be considered while designing a gill net are:

(1) size of mesh in relation to the size of the targeted fish,

(2) diameter of the twine in relation to mesh size,

(3) hanging coefficient of the net,

(4) visibility of the net,

(5) softness of the material and the

(6) buoyancy and ballast given. The optimum fishing height of the net in relation to

the swimming layer of the fish is also important.

Mesh size

Mesh size is the most important factor to be considered in the design of a gill net. It is

proportional to the modal length (length of fish most frequently caught) of the fish caught. As

the gear is size selective for a given mesh size, catch decreases on either side of the modal

length of the fish. A net of a particular mesh size catches fish of a particular length most

efficiently and has considerably reduced catching efficiency of smaller and larger fish. The

equation of geometrical similarity is widely applied in practice. Fish of the same species but

of varying age groups are to a certain extent geometrically similar. Similarly, the meshes of

different size are similar, provided the hanging coefficient is the same. If it is known that a

gill net with mesh size m1 catches a fish of length L1 best of all and the net with mesh size

m2, catches fish of length L2 best of all, then according to geometrical similarity

L2 / L1 = m 2 / m 1 using this, the length and mesh size can be predicted.

Twine Characteristics

The diameter or thickness of twine and its visibility determines the efficiency and strength of

the net. The twine should be as thin and as soft as possible but at the same time sufficiently

strong to withstand the struggle of the fish to escape. Thinner twine is less visible and reduces

detectability by lateral line sense organs, but it cuts deeply into fish body to hold fish more

strongly and have shorter life. Increase in the diameter increases the cost as well as durability

of twine, whereas the catchability decreases. Using transparent material could reduce the

visibility. The firmness of fish body and extensibility of twine are also to be considered while

choosing the twine. These conditions are fulfilled by synthetic twines especially

monofilament. Thinner twines are recommended when fish concentration is less, and thicker

twines when high concentrations exist. The ratio of twine diameter d, to mesh size a, is of

decisive importance. The value of twine diameter should be proportional to mesh size. The

ratio d/a should be between, 0.0025, for calm waters and low catches, and 0.01, for rough

waters or bottom set. An average ratio is 0.005. Nets with 0.01 ratio have sufficient fishing

efficiency and strength.

Netting: a meshed structure of indefinite shape and size composed of one yarn or of one or

more systems of yarns interlaced or joined, or obtained by any other means, for example by

stamping or cutting from sheet material or by extrusion;

Netting yarn: all type of yarns suitable for the manufacturing of netting; the principal types of

netting yarns are twines;

Netting twine: the product of one twisting operation embracing two or more single yarns or


Cabled netting twine: the product of further twisting operations embracing two or more

netting twines;
Braided netting twine: the product of braiding or plaiting netting yarns and/or netting twines;

Mesh: a design-formed opening, surrounded by netting material;

Diamond mesh: a mesh composed of four sides of the same length;

Square mesh: a diamond mesh in which adjacent sides are at right angles;

N-direction: the direction at right angles to the general course of the netting yarn;

T-direction: the direction parallel to the general course of the netting yarn;

Three different measures are used to indicate the mesh size:

length of mesh side (bar length)

length of mesh

opening of mesh.

Diamond shaped net

heavy coded mesh
closed up diamond mesh
double diamond mesh
lightweight net

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