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Annals of African Medicine

Vol. 7, No.3; 2008:128 – 132

Page | 128
E. Etuk, 2S. A. Isezuo, 1A. Chika, 1J. Akuche and 1M. Ali
Department of Pharmacology, College of Health Sciences Usmanu DanFodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
Department of Medicine, College of Health Sciences Usmanu DanFodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
Reprint requests to: Dr E.U. Etuk, Department of Pharmacology, College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo
University, Sokoto, C/o P.O. Box 2298, Sokoto. Nigeria E-mail:, Tel.: +234-8054693770

Objective: This study examined the pattern of physicians’ prescription of antihypertensive drugs and its
possible effects on blood pressure control as well as physicians’ compliance with recommended
Methods: Records of 145 patients aged 17-91 (mean: 52.6 ± 14.6) years, with male to female ratio of
1:1.2 were randomly selected. Information on antihypertensive prescriptions was recorded. Blood
pressure control was defined as systolic and diastolic blood pressure less than 140 mm Hg and
90mmHg, respectively.
Results: Of the 145 patients studied, 20% (29) were on monotherapy and 80% (116) on combination
therapy. Of the patients on combination therapy, 61.2% (71), 33.6% (39) and 5.2% (6) were on 2, 3 and
4 drugs, respectively. Diuretic was the most frequently prescribed drug either as a single agent (44.8%)
or as combination therapy (88.8%). Mean reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressures were
more in patients on calcium channel blocker than those on diuretic monotherapy (t = 2.5 and 3.6 for
reductions in systolic and diastolic BP, respectively; P < .05 for both), and, in patients on combination
therapy than those on monotherapy (t = 3.64 and 3.27 for reductions in systolic and diastolic BP,
respectively; P < .01 for both). Blood pressure control rate was 30.5%.
Conclusion: Our results are consistent with the previously observed benefits of antihypertensive
combination therapy, and demonstrate an apparent higher efficacy of calcium channel blocker
monotherapy than diuretic monotherapy in blood pressure lowering in the study population. Major
limitations of this work include its retrospective nature and the inability to determine the actual
patients’ adherence to therapy.

Key words: Antihypertensive, prescription, blood pressure control

Objectif: Cette étude a examiné le schéma de l’ordonance médicale (prescription médicamenteuse) des
antihypertenseurs et son effet possible dans le contrôle de l’hypertension artérielle ainsi que sa
comformité aux indications recommendées.
Methode: Les données de 145 patients âgés de 17 à 91 ans, (moyenne: 52, 6+ 14, 6) avec un rapport
d’un homme pour 1, 2 femmes, ont été recueillis au hazard. Des informations sur les ordonnances des
antihypertenseurs ont été enregistrées. Moins de 140mm/hg pour systolique et 90mm/hg pour
diastolique ont été retenus comme le contrôle.
Resultats: De 145 partients études, 20% soit patients étaient sur le régime monothérapie (combinée).
Pour les patient en régime multithérapie, 61, 2% soit 71, 33, 6% soit 39 et 5, 2% soit 6 étaient sur 2, 3,
et 4 médicaments respectivement. Les diurétiques étaient plus fréquemment prescript, soit seuls (44,
Page | 129 Prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs in a tertiary institution in Nigeria. Etuk E. et al.

8%) ou en combinaison avec d’autres agents antihypertenseurs. La réduction moyenne dans les deux
cas de systolique et diastolique était plus élevée chez les patients prenant les diurétiques tout court. (=
2.5 et, 3.6 pour la réduction en systolique et diastolique respectirement; p<0.05 pour les deux cas), et
chez les patients en thérapie combinée que chez ceux en monothérapie (t = 3,64 et 3, 27 pour la
réduction en systolique et diastolique respectivement; p< 0.01) pour les deux cas_. Le taux de contrôle
était 30, 5%.
Conclusion: Nos résultats correspondent aux bénéfices déjà observés dans le régime de la thérapie
antihypertensive combinée, et montre une efficacité clairement élevée de beta-bloquants de calcium
(la chaine de bloquants de calcium) utilisés en monothérapie que les diurétiques utilisés en
monothérapie dans l’abaissement de la tension artérielle au sein de l’échantillon de l’étude.

Mots clés: Antihypertensif, prescription, commande de tension artérielle

Introduction medications were recorded. Prescription of a drug

with fixed dose combination was considered as
Despite the availability of a wide range of anti- monotherapy. Blood pressure control was defined as
hypertensive drugs, hypertension and its the maintenance of blood pressures values less than
complications are still important causes of adult 140/90 mm Hg during at least two successive
1, 2 4, 8
morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa . appointments. Adherence to drug regimen was
More than 50% of treated hypertensive patients have assessed in the in-patients using patients drug charts.
a blood pressure level greater than 140/90 mm Hg Patients taking at least 80% of the prescribed tablets
3, 4
(uncontrolled hypertension) . Several factors were considered adherent. In case of the out-
including, among others, poor adherence to patients, clinic adherence was determined using
3-5 4
therapeutic regimen, ignorance, and poverty have compliance with outpatient clinic appointments.
been adduced for the high prevalence of The last 4 scheduled clinic visits were assessed.
uncontrolled hypertension. Recent reports have Patients with 75% clinic attendance were regarded as
however focused on the role of health care provider clinic adherent, while patients with <75% attendance
6, 7 4
to poor adherence to antihypertensive drugs . were recorded as non-adherent. Different grades of
Consequently, compliance with standard guidelines hypertension were defined using the 1999 WHO-ISH
aiding physicians in effective prescription of anti- guidelines.
hypertensive drugs have been emphasized . This Data analysis was done using the statistical
study is aimed at determining the physicians’ program for the social sciences (SPSS) software.
prescription pattern of antihypertensive medications Continuous data are presented as mean ± standard
in a tertiary health institution in northwestern deviation, while categorical data are presented as
Nigeria. Physicians’ compliance with the existing percentages. Differences between means of two
guidelines is described. groups were compared using student’s t test, while
that between proportions were compared using 
test. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered as
Materials and Methods significant.

This is a retrospective cross-sectional study done

between 4th May and 2nd June 2006, in Usmanu Results
Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto,
Nigeria. Records of 181 patients aged between 17- The mean age of patients was 52.3 ± 14.6 years. Of
91years (mean: 52.6 ± 14.6) with a male to female the 145 patients studied, 53.8% and 46.2% were
ratio of 1:1.2 were selected by simple random females and males, respectively. The most frequent
sampling technique using table of random numbers. grade of hypertension among the patients was
Thirty six clinical records were excluded due to severe hypertension (35.9%). Mild hypertension,
incomplete data. Of the remaining 145 patients moderate hypertension, and isolated systolic
studied, 14 who died on admission from hypertension were observed in 29.0%, 29.0% and
complications of hypertension were also excluded 5.5% of the patients respectively. The patterns of
from the calculation of treatment outcomes including antihypertensive prescriptions are shown in Table 1.
blood pressure control and adherence rates. Of the 145 patients studied, 29 (20%) were on
Demographic and clinical information including monotherapy, while 116 (80%) were on combination
age, gender, documented blood pressure at the time therapy. Of the 116 patients on combination therapy,
of first clinic attendance or admission, blood pressure 71(61.2%), 39 (33.6%) and 6 (5.2%) were on 2, 3 and
at subsequent visits, and the anti-hypertensive 4 drugs, respectively. The most frequently
Prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs in a tertiary institution in Nigeria. Etuk E. et al. Page | 130

prescribed antihypertensive is diuretic either singly patients with cardiac failure, renal disease, stroke,
(44.8%) or in combination with other anti- and diabetes mellitus, respectively. Angiotensin
hypertensive drugs (88.8%). Two drug combinations converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), either singly or
appear to be the most frequent. It was prescribed in as part of combination therapy were the second most
26.8%, 38.0% and 29.6% of patients with mild, frequently prescribed drugs in hypertensive patients
moderate and severe hypertension respectively. with co-morbid conditions. It was prescribed in
Monotherapy and 3 or 4 drug combinations were 69.2%, 54.5%, 53.8%, and 14.3% of hypertensive
mainly prescribed for patients with mild (58.6%) and patients with heart failure, renal disease, diabetes
severe (68.9%) hypertension, respectively. mellitus, and stroke, respectively.
The baseline blood pressure tend to be higher as
the number of drugs prescribed increases with the
mean baseline blood pressures for patients on Table 1. Pattern of prescription of
monotherapy and combination therapy being antihypertensive drug
154.8 ± 8.3/95.5 ± 9.1 and 175.6 ± 32.8/109.5 ± 18.7
mm Hg, respectively (P < .05 for both systolic and Drug regime No (%)
diastolic blood pressures) (Table 2). Patients on (i) Monotherapy
combination therapy achieved significantly higher D 13 (44.8)
reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressures C 8 (27.6)
compared to those on monotherapy A 5 (17.2)
(15.4 ± 17.0/7.0 ± 8.2 vs. 32.6 ± 26.6/18.7 ± 14.9 mm Alpha methyldopa 3 (10.4)
Hg; P < .05 for reductions in both systolic and (ii) 2 drug Combinations
diastolic blood pressures) (Table 2). However, further A+D 28 (24.1)
use of 3 or 4 drugs was not associated with Alpha methyldopa + D 16 (13.8)
significant benefit over 2 drug combinations in terms C+D 14 (12.1)
of reduction in blood pressures (P > .05 for both A+C 6 (5.2)
systolic and diastolic blood pressure reductions). Alpha methyldopa + C 5 (4.3)
There was no significant difference in baseline Valsartan + C 1 (0.9)
blood pressures of patients on calcium channel Hydrallazine + A 1 (0.9)
blocker monotherapy and those on diuretic (iii) 3 drug combinations
monotherapy (Table 3). However, calcium channel Alpha methyldopa + A + D 20 (17.2)
blocker monotherapy significantly lowers blood A+C+D 6 (5.2)
pressures more than diuretic monotherapy Alpha methyldopa + C + D 5 (4.3)
(28.6 ± 16.8/12.9 ± 5.7 vs. 11.7 ± 7.1/4.4 ± 3.0 mm Hg; A+B+D 4 (3.4)
P < .05). Satisfactory blood pressure control was B+C+D 3 (2.6)
achieved in 40 (30.5%) patients. (iv) 4 drug combinations
The co-morbid conditions that were documented Alpha methyldopa+ A + C + D 4 (3.4)
among the study population included diabetes Alpha methyldopa + B + C + D 1 (0.9)
mellitus (26.9%), cardiac failure (17.9%), renal Hydrallazine + Alpha methyldopa 1 (0.9)
disease (15.2%) and stroke (10.0%). Diuretic, either +
alone or in combination with other A+ D
antihypertensives, was the most frequently used A: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor; B: Beta
drug in these groups of patients, the frequency of use blocker; C: Calcium channel blocker; D: Diuretic
being 100%, 91.7%, 85.7% and 61.5% of hypertensive

Table 2. Comparison of patients on monotherapy and combination therapy

Blood pressure Monotherapy Combination t- value p-value

(mmHg) (n = 29) therapy (n = 116)
Baseline mean SBP 154.83 ± 8.29 175.60 ± 32.79 6.09 <0.001
Baseline mean DBP 95.52 ± 9.10 109.48 ± 18.74 5.76 <0.001
Mean reduction in SBP 15.43 ± 16.98 32.64 ± 26.60 3.64 <0.001
Mean reduction in DBP 6.96 ± 8.22 18.66 ± 14.91 3.27 <0.01
SBP: Systolic blood pressure; DBP: Diastolic blood pressure
Page | 131 Prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs in a tertiary institution in Nigeria. Etuk E. et al.

Table 3. Comparison of patients on calcium channel blocker monotherapy and diuretic monotherapy

Blood pressure (mmHg) CCB monotherapy Diuretic monotherapy t- value p-value

(n = 8) (n = 13)
Baseline mean SBP 157.5 ± 7.07 154.62 ± 9.67 0.73 >0.05
Baseline mean DBP 95 ± 10.69 98.46 ± 6.89 0.76 >0.05
Mean reduction in SBP 28.57 ± 16.76 11.67 ± 7.07 2.50 <0.05
Mean reduction in DBP 12.86 ± 5.67 4.44 ± 3.00 3.56 <0.01
SBP: Systolic blood pressure; DBP: Diastolic blood pressure; CCB: Calcium channel blocker

Discussion The blood pressure (BP) control rate of 30.5% in

the current report is similar to the value of 29%
The proportion of patients on combination therapy in obtained in Ibadan and the world wide
the current report (80%) is consistent with the value epidemiological data showing fewer than /3 of the
of 73% found in Ibadan, but higher than 56% hypertensive patients achieve blood pressure
6 8 20
reported by Isezuo and Njoku in Sokoto. The high control. Non-adherence to treatment is the
prescription rate of combination therapy may be due dominant factor contributing to inadequate BP
to the high prevalence of patients with severe and control. In the current report we were unable to
moderate hypertension, and the presence of co- determine the actual drug adherence. It has been
morbid diseases, particularly diabetes mellitus. These previously observed that blood pressure control rate
findings are consistent with the recent trends is higher among clinic appointment compliant
advocating the use of combination therapy as a first patients than the non-compliant ones. Hence, low
line treatment. Our observation that patients on compliant rate with clinic appointment suggests that
combination therapy had significantly higher poor compliance to medication might have
reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressures contributed to poor blood pressure control in the
than those on monotherapy further confirm the current report. We however recognized that clinic
previously described benefits of antihypertensive attendance does not necessarily imply adherence.
combination therapy. It has also been previously observed that in spite
The choice of diuretic as the first line anti- of the benefits of combination therapy, too many
hypertensive drug is consistent with other reports drug combinations may adversely influence patients’
10, 13, 14 19
from Nigeria, and in compliance with the adherence and blood pressure control. This may
15 8
current national and JNC VII guidelines. However, explain the apparent lack of significant further blood
contrary to the traditional recommendations in most pressure reduction observed among patients on 3 or
guidelines including the report of Antihypertensive more drugs compared to those on 2 drug
and Lipid-Lowering treatment to prevent Heart combinations in the current report. In conclusion, our
Attack Trial (ALLHAT), calcium channel blocker was results show that the choices of antihypertensive
found to lower blood pressures more than diuretic drugs reasonably comply with the national and
when both were used as monotherapy. Though this international guidelines on the management of
finding is consistent with the reports of some other hypertension. The benefit of combination therapy
trials involving blacks, it needs to be confirmed in a over monotherapy as well as possible better efficacy
study involving a larger population. of calcium channel blocker over diuretic in the study
We observed low frequency of prescription of population was demonstrated. A major limitation of
ACEI or centrally acting agent such as alpha this work is its retrospective nature. Actual
methyldopa as monotherapy. Furthermore, none of adherence could not be determined.
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