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Online Newspaper Distribution System

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Interscience Management Review

Volume 2 Issue 1 Article 9

January 2009


Vijayalaxmi Kadroli
Terna Engineering College,Nerul,

Vikas Khanase
Terna Engineering College,Nerul,

Jalpesh Shelar
Terna Engineering College,Nerul,

Atul Bhaisare
Terna Engineering College,Nerul,

Gauraw Pawar
Terna Engineering College,Nerul,

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Recommended Citation
Kadroli, Vijayalaxmi; Khanase, Vikas; Shelar, Jalpesh; Bhaisare, Atul; and Pawar, Gauraw (2009) "ONLINE
NEWSPAPER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM," Interscience Management Review: Vol. 2 : Iss. 1 , Article 9.
DOI: 10.47893/IMR.2009.1024
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Vijayalaxmi Kadroli
Vikas Khanase(
Jalpesh Shelar(
Atul Bhaisare(
Gauraw Pawar(
[ Terna Engineering College,Nerul, University Of Mumbai ]

Abstract: • To give comfort to customer to get information

In today’s world where we have automation in all the about various schemes in various
areas, there is one field where technology is not entered newspapers.
yet that is newspaper distribution system. Our system is • To give comfort for vendors in collection of
the Online Newspaper Distribution system for vendors and money from each customer.
customers under the administration of distributor. Online • Allotment of customers to nearest vendor by
newspaper distribution is based on technology similar to location.
that of online shopping system. Internet and use of new • Provide pdf copy of news papers to respective
technologies would enhance the newspaper distribution customers.
Nowadays newspaper vendors are used to distribute We may struggle in having the detailed knowledge of
papers manually .This manual system consisting of many each and every scheme that is available with different newspaper.
problems mentioned in further description. Due to many
Using our website all required information can be obtained with
problems of manual methods there are great chances of
ease. Vendors have to face many problems in the process of
introducing human errors and other external issues.
collection from every customer by visiting their home. Our system
Our software can resolve these problems of newspaper
uses credit card transactions for such collection and billing issues,
distribution and also of customer and will find the easiest
in case of any emergency.
way to place an order and methods of payments in case of
billing stuffs. Our software uses the existing technologies
such as online transactions via credit cards. We have also 2. Literature Survey
added few new features. The Use of Internet is increasing is getting more advanced and
efficient which has made most radical transformations in
Keywords: the newspaper system. Effective exploitation of these
Registration of customers and vendors, allotment of
changes requires adequate attention to understanding the
customers to vendors, credit card payment, services of
technology, the distribution processes and issues, customer
pdf copy of newspaper.
requirements, etc.The existing newspaper system consists
of various problems. Some of them are listed below:
FEATURES : 1. Manual system:
• Are easily reconfigurable by changes in All activities present in manual system are not reliable and
software. there is a less efficiency of having backup records.
• Can be used by anyone with credit card. It is inconvenient to update the manual records.
• Are highly interactive and adaptive. 2. Wastage of papers:
• Make use of a wide variety of schemes in As the no of customers varies, there are possibilities of
newspapers and few of online transaction systems. producing more no of newspapers than required.
• The user becomes highly immersed in the Hence lots of stationary and efforts are wasted.
computer synthesized environment and
3. Bills and payments:
experiences a lot tan in usual manual system.
The records of Bill Payments of vendors and customers
are manual
The main goal of the software is to provide
the user with following options: 4. Risk:

Interscience Management Review (IMR), Volume 2 Issue 1


For newspaper with different schemes, the manual system ƒ Step 5: Company delivers the order.
consists of various problems for handling billing system. ƒ Step 6: Distributor distributes hardcopy to
Some of the system tried to solve the above mentioned vendors and softcopy to customer’s accounts
problem but hardly succeded. ƒ Step 7: Vendor distributes hardcopy to
Demand for Newspaper: customers.
ƒ Step 8: Payments can be made to respective
In order to check for the future demand of newspapers we had a vendors or by credit cards.
survey on past records of surveys on same topic. One of them ƒ Step 9: Daily payment is currently being made by
was indicating that there’s also more urgency to get the news first -Customer to vendor
in this group, McKinsey found, with about 40% saying they -Vendor to distributer
needed to be the first to hear breaking news. This need for - Distributor to company
immediacy is reflected in younger news consumers’ choice of The all authentication and authorization is
media: they overwhelmingly prefer to get their news from being done by distributor since he is the only
television and the Internet,” the report says [1]. administrator of the entire system.
But newspapers remain the most trusted medium, with
66% of respondents describing the paper as “informative and
confidence inspiring.” That compares with 44% for television
and just 12% for the Web.
“This suggests that newspapers have further scope to go
beyond news, to drive reader interest and advertising revenues at
the same time,” Nattermann writes [1].
And “interest” in getting news from newspapers has grown, the
survey found. Among people aged 16 to 24, interest in newspaper
news grew to 68% from 53% in a 2009 survey. In the 25-34
cohorts, interest grew to 61% from 51%.Hence we can say that
in future there will be a huge demand for newspapers. So it is
very important for us to improve the methodologies used in these
fields. Fig. 1: Sequence Diagram
The Literature survey conducted in order to gather
information for this paper has helped us gain an insight into the 4. Software Environment
challenges faced by the developers for successful implementation 1.1 VISUAL STUDIO® 2008 OVERVIEW
of any project in a new and developing field. Due to various Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 delivers on Microsoft’s
advantages networking and inline transactions, this paper would vision of smart client applications by enabling developers
have significance importance in the field of newspaper distribution. to rapidly create connected applications that deliver the
We have also solved out the problem of break of naked stack of highest quality, rich user experiences. With Visual Studio
papers [2]. The problem of number of copies of papers can 2008, organizations will find it easier than ever before to
be determined as we are using the database system for the capture and analyze information to help them make effective
storage of all records [3]. Various aspects related to the use business decisions. Visual Studio 2008 enables
of online databases and electronic publishing by newspaper organizations of every size to rapidly create more secure,
companies are outlined [4]. manageable, and reliable applications that take advantage
3. Methodologies of System Development of Windows Vista™ and the 2007 Office system.

The application of the system is to be Visual Studio 2008 delivers key advances for developers in
designed as per the needs if customer as well as three primary pillars:
vendors. The protocol for the same is given in ƒ Rapid application development
step by step format: ƒ Effective team collaboration
ƒ Step 1: Registration and authentication for
ƒ Breakthrough user experiences
Vendors and Customers.
This white paper discusses the different customer
ƒ Step 2: Selection of services and schemes.
experiences that deliver on these three pillars through
ƒ Step3: Allocation of areas and services to
the following seven technology areas.
customers and Vendors.
ƒ Developing Smart Client Applications.
ƒ Step 4: Distributor places orders to companies.

Interscience Management Review (IMR), Volume 2 Issue 1


Visual Studio 2008 delivers new and easy ways for ƒ Free .NET 3.5 control libraries with free sample
developers to build smart clients. It provides a programs,
comprehensive set of tools and classes that simplify ƒ You can get plenty of free video training tutorials
integrating smart clients with new or existing Web from Microsoft BDLC - Beginner Developer Learning Center
applications, and it enables local data caching for ƒ C++ games development library,
disconnected scenarios. ƒ Microsoft has provided lot of e-Books,
ƒ Creating Microsoft Office Applications. ƒ P2P library and
Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) is fully integrated ƒ Microsoft is providing Coding4Fun sample
into Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition. program kit.
Developers can now customize various Office Visual Studio Registration Discounts: If you register the
applications, such as Outlook® and PowerPoint®, to Visual Studio you get Free Control Libraries, Books, Images,
improve user productivity and simplify deployment. and Discounts.
ƒ Building Windows Vista Applications.
Developers can easily leverage new platform 1. SYSTEM DESIGN
technologies, and deliver more compelling applications Architectural design:
to their customers, by effortlessly incorporating new
Windows Presentation Foundation features into both
existing Windows Forms applications and new
ƒ Handling Data More Productively.
The introduction of Language Integrated Query
(LINQ) and other data-access improvements enable
developers to apply a consistent programmatic
approach to data handling, perform data access with
new data-design surfaces, and use built-in classes for
the occasionally connected design pattern.
ƒ Enabling New Web Experiences. Fig. 4: ARCHITECTURE-The expected overview of system
Developers can easily create efficient, interactive Web
applications with Visual Studio 2008. Seamless 6. Discussion and Conclusion
integration of the familiar ASP.NET AJAX programming 6.1 CONCLUDING REMARKS
model enables more efficient client-side execution, The Literature survey conducted in order to gather
giving end users a more responsive Web interface. information for this paper has helped us gain an insight
JavaScript IntelliSense and debugging further improve into the challenges faced by the developers for successful
the development experience. implementation of any project in a new and developing
field. Due to various advantages networking and inline
4.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 transactions, this paper would have significance importance
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management in the field of newspaper distribution. We have also solved
system (RDBMS) produced by Microsoft. Its primary query out the problem of break of naked stack of papers [1]. The
language is Transact-SQL, an implementation of the ANSI/ problem of number of copies of papers can be determined
ISO standard Structured Query Language (SQL). as we are using the database system for the storage of all
SQL (“Structured Query Language”) is an ANSI Standard records [2]. Various aspects related to the use of online
computer language commonly used to access data stored databases and electronic publishing by newspaper
in databases. SQL is a tool for managing, organizing, and companies are outlined [3].
retrieving data stored in a computer database.SQL works This paper is an attempt to produce a platform for Vendors
with relational databases which all organize data into and customers to have interactions within each other for
tables, rows, and columns which correspond to files, important purposes such as payment and subscription of
records and fields services and to find any knowledge needed by them.
4.3 Free Tools and Resources • This paper can be implemented for the same system as
People may feel that I am a promoter to Visual Studio 2008 that of milk distribution which also involves same kind of
as a salesman, but we get plenty of free resources and free problems.
tools with Visual Studio 2008. • Currently the software does not support for any issue
regarding the paper stalls as the number of copies

Interscience Management Review (IMR), Volume 2 Issue 1


may vary as per the calendar. This can be improved

upon by having the observation over the stall records
of newspaper being sold as per days or weeks.
• The software is currently meant to work only for
distributor and vendors. This can be updated in future
for stall vendors.
• We can also provide extra facilities such as SMS alert,
e papers and videos of recent news for respective


[1]. McKinsey Survey: Some Hope for Newspapers in Greater News

Consumption by Young 2010 01:58:00 PM By Mark
Fitzgerald IEEE papers

[2]. Namita, Masahide (JP) Application Number: EP19990119909

Publication Date:04/12/2000 Filing Date:10/08/1999,
Newspaper distribution method, newspaper distribution
system, and assembly type box for newspaper distributions .

[3]. Paper appears in: Education Technology and Computer,

2009. ICETC ’09. International Conference on Issue Date :
17-20 April 2009 On page(s): 339 – 343 Location: Singapore
Print ISBN: 978-0-7695-3609-5 INSPEC Accession
Number: 10798987 Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/
ICETC.2009.67 Date of Current Version : 21 July 2009,
Newspaper Vendor Sales Prediction Using Artificial Neural

[4]. Paper appears in: Large Databases in Press and Publishing:

The Present and the Future, IEE Colloquium on Issue Date :
12 Jun 1990 On page(s): 2/1 - 211 Location: London
INSPEC Accession Number: 3754659 Date of Current Version
: 06 August 2002, Customer considerations for database

Interscience Management Review (IMR), Volume 2 Issue 1


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