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Chapter 2 - Ecosystem New

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Book: Punjab Text Book Board (edition )

Subject: Science

Chapter No. 2. ECOSYSTEM

Fill in the blanks with correct word(s):

Part 1
1. Example of ecosystems ________________, ________________, ________________, ________________
2. Biotic and Abiotic constituents create a balance to any ________________ .
3. some ________________ thing in an ecosystem compete with each other for food and space.
4. Interpret that human actions sub urbanization, pollution and deforestation food chains in an ecosystem.
5. The ________________ consists of living and non-living components.
6. Both living and non-living components interact with each other.
7. Every living thing lives in a ________________ environments.
8. Ants live underground in ________________.
9. The ________________ and ________________ components of any environment make the ecosystem.
10. Various types of ________________ are found on our Earth.
11. Types of ecosystems found on our Earth, for example are ________________, ________________ ,
12. The largest desert of the world is ________________ located in the continent Africa.
13. The ________________ located in southern parts of Punjab is called “Cholistan”.
14. The ________________ located in Sindh is called “Thar”.
15. In the desert the days are extremely ________________ and the nights are extremely ________________.
16. Write the names of the following living things in their ecosystems: Grass ________________
17. Plant ________________ , Lotus ________________, Thick ________________ Shrubs________________,
Snake________________, penguin________________, Polar Bear________________, Camel________________,
Lion________________, Tiger________________, Elephant________________, Deer ________________ Fish,
________________ Frog________________, Antelope________________, Sheep________________,
18. There are ________________ components of an ecosystem
19. The ________________ components of an ecosystem are called abiotic components.
20. The non-living components of an ecosystem are called ________________ components.
21. and ________________
22. The ________________ components of an ecosystem are called biotic components.
23. ________________ produce food for themselves.
24. Plants produce food for animals and that is why, they are called ________________.
25. All the ________________ e.g., Herbs, climbers, shrubs and trees are producers.
26. ________________ plants (for example lotus) and algae are also producers.
27. Aquatic ________________ are a major source of food for the aquatic animals.
28. The living things which obtain ________________ from other living things are called consumers.
29. ________________ cannot make their own food.
30. Producers depend on ________________ plants or ________________ eating animals for their food.
31. All ________________ and humans are consumers.
32. ________________ break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple particles and obtain their food
from these.
33. Some bacteria and many fungi are the main ________________.
34. Some ________________ bacteria and many ________________ are the main decomposers.
35. Examples of decomposers are ________________ and ________________
36. ________________ are a part of beautiful ecosystem under the sea.
37. ________________ usually live in the form of a colony which is called coral reef.
38. Coral reef are also called rain forests of the ocean.
39. Coral reef look like stones but actually are ________________ .
40. The ________________ is the main source of energy in an ecosystem.
41. The ________________ makes food with help of sunlight, carbon dioxide and water.
42. ________________ produce oxygen during the process of food making.
43. The ________________ produced by plants is used by animals for respiration during respiration.
44. ________________ produce carbon dioxide which is used by plants to make food.
45. Animals produce ________________ which is used by plants to make food.
46. ________________ and durability ecosystem is called a balanced ecosystem.
47. self-sustaining and ________________ ecosystem is called a balanced ecosystem.
48. All the ________________ things are essential for one another.
49. ________________ things affect the lives of one another.
50. Some ________________ benefit or harm one another.
51. To obtain ________________, living things depend on one another.
52. ________________ depend on one another to obtain food
53. Living things ________________ depend on one another to obtain food
54. Plants make ________________ with the help of sunlight and water.
55. The ________________ which eat plants are called herbivores.
56. ________________, ________________, ________________ and ________________ are examples of herbivores.
57. The ________________ which eat other animals are called carnivores.
58. The animals which eat other ________________ are called carnivores.
59. The animals which eat both plants and animals are called ________________ for example man bear, birds, and crow
60. Examples of omnivores: ________________, ________________, ________________, and ________________
61. ________________ make food, which is used by herbivores.
62. Producers make food, which is used by ________________ .
63. The ________________ are eaten by carnivores.
64. Carnivore eat the ________________.
65. The ________________ may be eaten by other carnivores.
66. The series of ________________ eating and being ________________ in an ecosystem is called a food chain.
67. A simple Food chain:
68. Grasshopper eats a ________________ and is eaten by a ________________. The ________________ becomes a
prey of an ________________.
69. A ________________ consists of three links.
70. In any food chain the ________________ living thing is a producer
71. The ________________ main link in the food chain is the herbivores or omnivore
72. The ________________ main link in the food chain is a carnivore or omnivore animal for example lion, fox and
73. The animal which eats by killing another living thing is called a ________________ for example lions, tiger, shark,
and lizard.
74. Four examples of predators: _______________________________________________________
75. The ________________ which is killed and eaten by the predator is called a prey, for example zebra, deer, rat and
76. fish.
77. The living thing which is killed and eaten by the ________________ is called a prey, for example zebra, deer, rat and
78. Four examples of prey: ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________
79. If a deer is killed and eaten by a lion. The deer is ________________ and lion is ________________
80. If a goat eats grass, then goat is called ________________ and grass is ________________
81. All the organisms living in an ecosystem depend on the ________________ resources which are available in that
82. Every area can provide food and place to a limited number of living things.

83. The living things compete with each other for food and place.
84. In the ________________ all the herbivores compete for grass.
85. In the ancient ________________, human actions had little impact on the environment.
86. List of four human activities that has visible impact on environment:


87. Due to animal killing by humans most of the wild organisms have become ________________ and many others have
become ________________ .
88. ________________ have done irreversible damage to the environment
89. List some that human are taking to save the ecosystem.
90. ________________ parks have been made to save the habitats of various species.
91. ________________ plantation is being done and artificial forests are being created.
92. ________________ is celebrated around the world on 22 nd April.
93. On world Earth Day, the lights are switched OFF from 8 to 9 at night in ________________ .
94. ‘________________week’ is celebrated in August in schools across Pakistan.
95. ________________ get their food by breaking down the dead bodies.
96. The animals which eat plants are called ________________.
97. Every food chain begins at a ________________ and ends at an ________________.
98. The animal that eats by killing other organisms is called a ________________.
99. An organism that is killed and eaten by a predator is called a ________________.
100. The relationship between prey and predator is called ________________.
101. An area can provide food and place to a ________________ number of organisms.
102. Humans of the present day have great ________________ on the environment.
103. Humans have caused ________________ damage to the environment.
Part 2
On ________________, the lights are switched off from 8 to 9 at night in Pakistan.
Examples of biotic factors: ________________ ________________ ________________, ________________
Biotic and abiotic constituents create a ________________ to any ecosystem.
Some living thing in an ecosystem compete with each other for ________________ and ________________
All the living and non-living things around us are called our ________________.
The environment consists of ________________ and ________________ components.
Both ________________ and ________________ components interact with each other.
Every ________________ lives in a particular environments.
The desert located in ________________ and Bhakkar in Pakistan is called “Thal”
The desert located in ________________ parts of Punjab is called “Cholistan”.
The desert located in ________________ is called “Thar”.
There are two ________________ of an ecosystem
The living components of an ________________ are called biotic components.
Aquatic plants are a major source of ________________ for the aquatic animals.
The ________________ things which obtain food from other living things are called consumers.
All animals and ________________ are consumers.
Decomposers break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple particles and obtain their food from these.
The Sun is the main ________________ of energy in an ecosystem.
The oxygen produced by plants is used by animals for respirational during ________________.
Animals produce carbon dioxide which is used by ________________ to make food.
self-sustaining and durability ________________ is called a balanced ecosystem.
All the living ________________ are essential for one another.
In any food chain the first living thing is a producer, for example ________________ or ________________.
The second main ________________ is the herbivores or omnivore animals example rat, zebra and goat.
The Third main link in the ________________ is a carnivore or omnivore animal for example lion, fox and snake.
The ________________ which eats by killing another living thing is called a predator for example lions, tiger, shark, and
Every area can provide food and place to a ________________ number of living things.
The ________________ compete with each other for food and place.
In the ancient times, human actions had little impact on the ________________ .
Humans have done ________________ damage to the environment
Tree ________________ is being done and artificial forests are being created.
‘tree plantation week’ is celebrated in the month of ________________ in schools across Pakistan.
Decomposers get their ________________ by breaking down the dead bodies.

Part 3

Decomposers get their food by ________________ down the dead bodies.

‘tree plantation week’ is celebrated in August in ________________ across Pakistan.
Tree plantation is being done and ________________ forests are being created.
Humans have done irreversible ________________ to the environment
The living things ________________ with each other for food and place.
The animal which eats by ________________ another living thing is called a predator for example lions, tiger, shark, and
The Third main link in the food chain is a ________________ or ________________ for example lion, fox and snake.
The second main link is the herbivores or omnivore animals for example ________________ and ________________.
All the living things are ________________ for one another.
self-sustaining and durability ecosystem is called a ________________ ecosystem.
Animals produce carbon dioxide which is used by plants to make ________________.
The Sun is the main source of ________________ in an ecosystem.
Coral reef are also called rain forests of the ________________ .
Decomposers break down the ________________ bodies of plants and animals into simple particles and obtain their food
from these.
All animals and humans are ________________ .
Producers depend on plants or plant-eating animals for their _______________
The living things which obtain food from other ________________ things are called consumers.
Aquatic plants are a major source of food for the aquatic ________________ .
examples of abiotic factors: ________________, ________________, ________________
________________ and ________________ constituents create a misbalance to any ecosystem.
some living thing in an ________________ compete with each other for food and space.
All the ________________ and ________________ things around us are called our environment.
Both living and non-living ________________ interact with each other.
Every living thing lives in a particular ________________.
The living and non-living components of any environment make the ________________ .
The largest desert of the world is “Sahara” which is located in the continent ________________ .
The desert located in Mianwali and ________________ in Pakistan is called “Thal”
The desert located in southern parts of ________________ is called “Cholistan”.
The desert located in Sindh is called “________________ ”.
There are two components of an ________________
The living components of an ecosystem are called ________________ components.
Plants produce food for themselves and for ________________ with the help of water and sunlight.
Aquatic plants, for example ________________ and ________________ are also producers.
Aquatic plants, for example lotus and algae are also ________________ .
________________ depend on plants or plant-eating animals for their food.
Decomposers break down the dead bodies of ________________ and ________________ into simple particles and obtain
their food from these.
Corals are a part of beautiful ________________ under the sea.
Coral usually live in the form of a ________________ which is called coral reef.
Coral reef are also called ________________ forests of the ocean.
________________ look like stones but actually are animals.
The plants makes ________________ with help of sunlight, carbon dioxide and water.
Plants produce ________________ during the process of food making.
The oxygen produced by ________________ is used by animals for respiration during respiration.
self-sustaining and durability ecosystem is called a balanced ________________ .
Living things affect the ________________ of one another.
Some animals ________________ or ________________ one another.
To obtain food, living things ________________ on one another.
Living things depend on one another to obtain ________________
Plants make food with the help of ________________ sunlight and ________________.
The animals which eat ________________ are called herbivores.
The animals which eat other animals are called ________________ .
Producers make ________________, which is used by herbivores.
The herbivores are eaten by ________________.
________________ eat the herbivores.
The carnivores may be eaten by other ________________.
The series of eating and being eaten in an ________________ is called a food chain.
A food chain consists of ________________ links.
In any food chain the first ________________ is a producer
The Third main link in the food chain is a carnivore or omnivore animal for example ________________ and
Every ________________ can provide food and place to a limited number of living things.
In the grassland all the ________________ compete for grass.
In the ancient times, ________________ actions had little impact on the environment.
Wildlife parks have been made to save the ________________ of various species.
On world Earth Day, the ________________ are switched OFF from 8 to 9 at night in Pakistan.
part 4
‘tree plantation week’ is celebrated in August in schools across ________________ .
On world Earth Day, the lights are switched ________________ from 8 to 9 at night in Pakistan.
Tree plantation is being done and artificial ________________ are being created.
World Earth Day is celebrated around the world on ________________.
Wildlife parks have been made to save the habitats of various ________________ .
Humans have done irreversible damage to the ________________
In the ancient times, human actions had little ________________ on the environment.
In the grassland all the herbivores compete for ________________.
The living things compete with each other for ________________ and ________________.
Every area can provide ________________ and ________________ to a limited number of living things.
The living thing which is killed and eaten by the predator is called a ________________, for example zebra, deer, rat and
The animal which eats by killing another ________________ is called a predator for example lions, tiger, shark, and lizard.
The second main link in the food chain is the ________________ or ________________ like rat, zebra and goat.
In any food chain the first living thing is a ________________
A food chain consists of three ________________.
The series of eating and being eaten in an ecosystem is called a ________________.
The animals which eat both ________________ and ________________ are called omnivores for example man bear, birds,
and crow etc,
Examples of carnivores: ________________ , ________________, ________________, and ________________
The animals which eat plants are called ________________ .
Living thigs affect the lives of one ________________ .
All the living things are essential for one ________________ .
The oxygen produced by plants is used by animals for ________________ during respiration.
Plants They also produce oxygen during the process of ________________ making.
The plants makes food with help of ________________ , ________________ and ________________ .
The Sun is the main source of energy in an ________________.
Coral reef are also called rain ________________ of the ocean.
Coral usually live in the form of a colony which is called ________________.
Corals are a part of beautiful ecosystem under the ________________.
Decomposers break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple ________________ and obtain their
________________ from these.
Producers depend on plants or plant-eating ________________ for their food.
Producers cannot make their own ________________ .
The living things which obtain food from other living things are called ________________ .
Some living thing in an ecosystem compete with ________________ for food and space.
Both living and non-living components ________________ with each other.
________________ ants live underground in colonies.
The living and non-living components of any ________________ make the ecosystem.
The ________________ desert of the world is “Sahara” which is located in the continent Africa.
The desert located in Mianwali and Bhakkar in Pakistan is called “________________”
The desert located in southern parts of Punjab is called “________________”.
There are two components of an ecosystem: ________________ and ________________
The non-living components of an ________________ are called abiotic components.
The non-living components include ________________, ________________, ________________, ________________
The biotic components consist of three groups i.e. ________________, ________________ and ________________
Plants produce food for themselves and for animals with the help of ________________ and ________________
All the plants e.g., Herbs, climbers, shrubs and trees are ________________ .
Aquatic plants, for example ________________ and ________________ are also producers.
Aquatic plants, for example lotus and algae are also ________________ .
Coral reef look like ________________ stones but actually are animals.
The animals which eat other animals are called ________________.
Part 5
On world Earth Day, the lights are switched OFF from _____ to ____________ at night in Pakistan.
Decomposers get their food by breaking down the ________________ bodies.
The animals which eat plants and other animals are called ________________.

Fill the blanks


Matching Column

Draw Diagrams

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Short Q/A

Long Q/A

Word / problem solving

Chapter No.2


After studying this chapter, the students will be able to:

1. Recognize an ecosystem (e.g, forests, ponds, rivers, grasslands and deserts).

2. Explain biotic ( plants, animals and humans) and abiotic (ligh, temperature, soil and water)
Factors and their linkages.
3. Analyze the way these biotic and abiotic constituents create a balance to sustain any ecosystem.
4. Recognize the interactions between animals and plants and the importance of maintaining balance within an
5. Describe a few food chains and analyse their structure to understand their function.
6. Describe the role of living things at each link in a simple food chain (e.g. plants product own food; some animals eat
plants. While animals eat the animals that eat plants).
7. Identify and describe common predator their prey.
8. Recognize and explain that some living thing an ecosystem compete with each other for and space.
9. Recognize the value of a balanced ecosystem.
10. Interpret that human actions sub urbanization, pollution and deforestation food chains in an ecosystem.
11. Identify various actions and roles that human can play in preserving various ecosystems.

If we look around. We see a variety of living and non-living things. All the living and non-living things around us are
called our environment. The environment consists of living and non-living components. Both these components
interact with each other. Every living thing lives in a particular environments. Fish live in water, tigers live in forests
whereas human beings live in villages and cities. The birds make nests on the trees and the ants live underground in
colonies. Do you know other animals that live in particular environments?


The living and non-living components of any environment make the ecosystem. Various types of ecosystems are
found on our Earth for example, forests, grasslands, oceans, rivers, ponds snowy areas and deserts.

For Your information

1. The largest desert of the world is “Sahara” which is located in the continent Africa.
2. The desert located in mianwali and Bhakkar in Pakistan is called “Thal” and the desert located in southern parts
of Punjab is called “Cholistan”.
3. The desert located in sindh is called “Thar”.
Point to ponder!
In the desert the days are extremely hot and the nights are extremely cold. Why?
Write the names of the following living things in their ecosystems: Grass, Plant, Lotus, Thick Shrubs, Snake, penguin,
Polar Bear, Camel, Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Deer Fish, Frog, Antelope, Sheep, Goat.

Components of Ecosystem
There are two components of an ecosystem.
1. Abiotic Components 2. Biotic Components

Abiotic Components
The non-living components of an ecosystem are called abiotic components. These include temperature, air,
water, light and soil.
Biotic Components
The living components of an ecosystem are called biotic components.
The biotic components consist of three groups, which are given below:
1. Producer

Plants produce food for themselves and for animals with the help of water and sunlight. That is why, they are
called producers. All the the plants e.g., Herbs, climbers, shrubs and trees are producers. Aquatic plants (for
example lotus) and algae are also producers.These are a major source of food for the aquatic animals.

2. Consumer

The living things which obtain food from other living things are called consumers. They cannot make their own
food. They depend on plants or plant-eating animals for their food. All animals and humans are consumers.

3. Decomposer

The living things which break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple particles and obtain their
food from these, are called decomposers. Some bacteria and many fungi are the main decomposers.

Interesting Information

Corals are a part of beautiful ecosystem under the sea. Coral usually live in the form of a colony which is called
coral reef. They are also called rain forests of the ocean. They look like stones but actually are animals.

Balanced Ecosystem

The Sun is the main source of energy in an ecosystem. The plants makes food with help of sunlight, carbon
dioxide and water. They also produce oxygen in this process. This oxygen is used by animals for respirational
during respiration, animals produce carbon dioxide which is used by plants to make food. Such self-sustaining
and durability ecosystem is called a balanced ecosystem.

All the living things are essential for one another. They affect the lives of one another. Some animals benefit or
harm one another.

Point to Ponder!

If the number of aquatic producers increases in a pond beyond the limit then fish and other living things die due
to lack of oxygen. Why does it happen?
Food Chain

To obtain food, living things depend on one another. Plants make food with the help of sunlight and water. The
animals which eat plants are called herbivores. Rabbit, goat, deer and cow are examples of herbivores The
animals which eat other animals are called carnivores. Lion, tiger crocodile and shark are examples of carnivores.

The animals which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores for example man bear, birds, and crow etc,

Producers make food, which is used by herbivores. The herbivores are eaten by carnivores. These carnivores
may be eaten by other carnivores. The series of eating and being in an ecosystem is called a food chain.
Grasshopper eats a plant and is eaten by a rat. The rat becomes a prey of an owl. This is an example of a food

Activity 2.4

1. Observe an ecosystem near your school and identify the following components:
i. Abiotic Components
ii. Biotic Components
iii. Producers
iv. Herbivores
v. Carnivores
2. Make a food chain using the identified components.

Links of Food Chain

A food chain consists of three links.

1. In any food chain the first living thing is a producer ( for example plant and algae).
2. The second main link is the herbivores or omnivore animals example rat, zebra and goat.
3. The Third main link is a carnivore or omnivore animal for example lion, fox and snake.

Predator-Prey Relationship

The animal which eats by killing another living thing is called a predator for example lions, tiger, shark, and lizard. The
living thing which is killed and eaten by the predator is called a prey, for example zebra, deer, rat and fish. The
relationship between example, a deer is killed and eaten by a lion.

Here, the lion is the predator and deer is its prey. Similarly, goat is a predator and grass is its prey.

Competition among Organisms

All the organisms living in an ecosystem depend on the resources which are available in that area every area can provide
food and place to a limited number of living things. Due to limited resources in an ecosystem. The living things compete
with each other for food and place. For example, in the grassland all the herbivores compete for grass.

Impacts of Human actions on Food Chain in an Ecosystem

In the ancient times, human actions had little impact on the environment.

Now a days. There are very visible impacts of human beings on the environment. After the increase in the population.
Humans established cities, For this purpose. They cut forests, built roads and made factories. These actions polluted the
environment and water resources. Human beings also started unnecessary hunting of animals. Because of all such
activates of human beings. Many wild organisms have become extent and many others have become endangered.
Role of Humans to Save the Ecosystem

Humans have done irreversible damage to the environment, but they are trying to save the ecosystem as well. Following
are some steps that are being taken to save the ecosystem.

1. Wildlife parks have been made to save the habitats of various species.
2. Tree plantation is being done and artificial forests are being created to provide natural habitat to living things.
3. Awareness is being created to save the environment and habitats of living things.

Do you know?

World Earth Day: This day is celebrated around the world on 22 nd April to demonstrate environmental
protection. On this day, in Pakistan lights are switched OFF from 8 to 9 at night.

Plantation day: Plantation day can be observed everyday but in schools across Pakistan it is celebrated in August
as ‘tree plantation week’.

Key Points
1. The abiotic and biotic components of any environment from the ecosystem.
2. The two major components of ecosystem are abiotic and biotic components.
3. The living things which prepare their own food are called produced the living things which get their food
from plants or other animals are called consumers. Decomposers get their food by breaking down the dead
4. Any activity that may affect any component of an ecosystem, must make it unbalanced.
5. The animals which eat plants are called herbivores.
6. The animals which eat other animals are called carnivores.
7. The animals which eat plants and other animals are called omnivores.
8. Every food chain begins at a producer and ends at an animal (consumer).
9. The animal that eats by killing other organisms is called a predator.
10. An organism that is killed and eaten by a predator is called a prey.
11. The relationship between prey and predator is called predation.
12. An area can provide food and place to a limited number of organisms.
13. Humans of the present day have great impact on the environment.
14. Humans have caused irreversible damage to the environment but they are also trying to save it.
15. Ecosystem is being saved by creating wildlife parks and tree plantations for the protection and conservancies
of habitats.

1. Tick the Correct Answer.
i. What is an ecosystem?

a) System of non-living thing is an environment.

b) Area having a group of living and dead things.
c) System of living things in an environment.
d) Collection of abiotic and biotic components in area.
ii. All the biotic component are:
a) Animals
b) Procurers.
c) Living things
d) Non-living Things
iii. Food Chain:
a) Beings at a producer.
b) Begins at consume
c) Beings at decomposer
d) Ends at a producer.
iv. For the Conservation of the ecosystem:
a) Forests are being cut.
b) Road are being built.
c) Tree plantation is being done.
d) Factories are being installed.
v. To control the population of insects, if insecticides are used then the population of birds
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Decrease first then will increase.
d) Increase first, then will decrease.
2. Write Short Answers.
I. Define environment.
II. Write the names of three biotic components of an ecosystem.
III. Write the names of the three abiotic components an ecosystem.
IV. Draw a simple food chain.
V. If the food resources are increases are increased, what will be the effect of the population of the
VI. Write two human activities which are affecting the ecosystem.
3. Constructed Response Questions:

What is the relationship between biodiversity and competition among living things in balanced ecosystem?

4. Investigate
Ostrich are the largest and heaviest birds, but they cannot fly. To escape from the predator, they fight
with their strong paws or run away at a speed of 70 kilometer per hour. The light brown colored female
lays eggs at night. Analyze the difference in the colour and state. Is their a relationship between the
colour of an ostrich and its environment?

5. Project: Make a model of ecosystem using abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem.

For this project, you will need at least two bottles. Cut the bottles as shown in the picture. In the first
bottle, pour water to show aquatic ecosystem. In the second bottle, to show the land ecosystem, put soil
and small plant.
ii. Now connect ecosystems of both the bottles (connect soil with water with a thick thread) so
that the plant may receive water and minerals.
iii. Observe it daily and write report of the result.

Fill the blanks


Matching Column

Draw Diagrams

Label Diagrams

Short Q/A

Long Q/A

Word / problem solving

Chapter No.2


After studying this chapter, the students will be able to:

12. Recognize an ecosystem (e.g, forests, ponds, rivers, grasslands and deserts).
13. Explain biotic ( plants, animals and humans) and abiotic (ligh, temperature, soil and water)
Factors and their linkages.
14. Analyze the way these biotic and abiotic constituents create a balance to sustain any ecosystem.
15. Recognize the interactions between animals and plants and the importance of maintaining balance within an
16. Describe a few food chains and analyse their structure to understand their function.
17. Describe the role of living things at each link in a simple food chain (e.g. plants product own food; some animals eat
plants. While animals eat the animals that eat plants).
18. Identify and describe common predator their prey.
19. Recognize and explain that some living thing an ecosystem compete with each other for and space.
20. Recognize the value of a balanced ecosystem.
21. Interpret that human actions sub urbanization, pollution and deforestation food chains in an ecosystem.
22. Identify various actions and roles that human can play in preserving various ecosystems.

If we look around. We see a variety of living and non-living things. All the living and non-living things around us are
called our environment. The environment consists of living and non-living components. Both these components
interact with each other. Every living thing lives in a particular environments. Fish live in water, tigers live in forests
whereas human beings live in villages and cities. The birds make nests on the trees and the ants live underground in
colonies. Do you know other animals that live in particular environments?


The living and non-living components of any environment make the ecosystem. Various types of ecosystems are
found on our Earth for example, forests, grasslands, oceans, rivers, ponds snowy areas and deserts.

For Your information

4. The largest desert of the world is “Sahara” which is located in the continent Africa.
5. The desert located in mianwali and Bhakkar in Pakistan is called “Thal” and the desert located in southern parts
of Punjab is called “Cholistan”.
6. The desert located in sindh is called “Thar”.
Point to ponder!
In the desert the days are extremely hot and the nights are extremely cold. Why?
Write the names of the following living things in their ecosystems: Grass, Plant, Lotus, Thick Shrubs, Snake, penguin,
Polar Bear, Camel, Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Deer Fish, Frog, Antelope, Sheep, Goat.

Components of Ecosystem
There are two components of an ecosystem.
2. Abiotic Components 2. Biotic Components

Abiotic Components
The non-living components of an ecosystem are called abiotic components. These include temperature, air,
water, light and soil.
Biotic Components
The living components of an ecosystem are called biotic components.
The biotic components consist of three groups, which are given below:
4. Producer

Plants produce food for themselves and for animals with the help of water and sunlight. That is why, they are
called producers. All the the plants e.g., Herbs, climbers, shrubs and trees are producers. Aquatic plants (for
example lotus) and algae are also producers.These are a major source of food for the aquatic animals.

5. Consumer

The living things which obtain food from other living things are called consumers. They cannot make their own
food. They depend on plants or plant-eating animals for their food. All animals and humans are consumers.

6. Decomposer

The living things which break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple particles and obtain their
food from these, are called decomposers. Some bacteria and many fungi are the main decomposers.

Interesting Information

Corals are a part of beautiful ecosystem under the sea. Coral usually live in the form of a colony which is called
coral reef. They are also called rain forests of the ocean. They look like stones but actually are animals.

Balanced Ecosystem

The Sun is the main source of energy in an ecosystem. The plants makes food with help of sunlight, carbon
dioxide and water. They also produce oxygen in this process. This oxygen is used by animals for respirational
during respiration, animals produce carbon dioxide which is used by plants to make food. Such self-sustaining
and durability ecosystem is called a balanced ecosystem.

All the living things are essential for one another. They affect the lives of one another. Some animals benefit or
harm one another.

Point to Ponder!

If the number of aquatic producers increases in a pond beyond the limit then fish and other living things die due
to lack of oxygen. Why does it happen?
Food Chain

To obtain food, living things depend on one another. Plants make food with the help of sunlight and water. The
animals which eat plants are called herbivores. Rabbit, goat, deer and cow are examples of herbivores The
animals which eat other animals are called carnivores. Lion, tiger crocodile and shark are examples of carnivores.

The animals which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores for example man bear, birds, and crow etc,

Producers make food, which is used by herbivores. The herbivores are eaten by carnivores. These carnivores
may be eaten by other carnivores. The series of eating and being in an ecosystem is called a food chain.
Grasshopper eats a plant and is eaten by a rat. The rat becomes a prey of an owl. This is an example of a food

Activity 2.4

3. Observe an ecosystem near your school and identify the following components:
vi. Abiotic Components
vii. Biotic Components
viii. Producers
ix. Herbivores
x. Carnivores
4. Make a food chain using the identified components.

Links of Food Chain

A food chain consists of three links.

4. In any food chain the first living thing is a producer ( for example plant and algae).
5. The second main link is the herbivores or omnivore animals example rat, zebra and goat.
6. The Third main link is a carnivore or omnivore animal for example lion, fox and snake.

Predator-Prey Relationship

The animal which eats by killing another living thing is called a predator for example lions, tiger, shark, and lizard. The
living thing which is killed and eaten by the predator is called a prey, for example zebra, deer, rat and fish. The
relationship between example, a deer is killed and eaten by a lion.

Here, the lion is the predator and deer is its prey. Similarly, goat is a predator and grass is its prey.

Competition among Organisms

All the organisms living in an ecosystem depend on the resources which are available in that area every area can provide
food and place to a limited number of living things. Due to limited resources in an ecosystem. The living things compete
with each other for food and place. For example, in the grassland all the herbivores compete for grass.

Impacts of Human actions on Food Chain in an Ecosystem

In the ancient times, human actions had little impact on the environment.

Now a days. There are very visible impacts of human beings on the environment. After the increase in the population.
Humans established cities, For this purpose. They cut forests, built roads and made factories. These actions polluted the
environment and water resources. Human beings also started unnecessary hunting of animals. Because of all such
activates of human beings. Many wild organisms have become extent and many others have become endangered.
Role of Humans to Save the Ecosystem

Humans have done irreversible damage to the environment, but they are trying to save the ecosystem as well. Following
are some steps that are being taken to save the ecosystem.

4. Wildlife parks have been made to save the habitats of various species.
5. Tree plantation is being done and artificial forests are being created to provide natural habitat to living things.
6. Awareness is being created to save the environment and habitats of living things.

Do you know?

World Earth Day: This day is celebrated around the world on 22 nd April to demonstrate environmental
protection. On this day, in Pakistan lights are switched OFF from 8 to 9 at night.

Plantation day: Plantation day can be observed everyday but in schools across Pakistan it is celebrated in August
as ‘tree plantation week’.

Key Points
16. The abiotic and biotic components of any environment from the ecosystem.
17. The two major components of ecosystem are abiotic and biotic components.
18. The living things which prepare their own food are called produced the living things which get their food
from plants or other animals are called consumers. Decomposers get their food by breaking down the dead
19. Any activity that may affect any component of an ecosystem, must make it unbalanced.
20. The animals which eat plants are called herbivores.
21. The animals which eat other animals are called carnivores.
22. The animals which eat plants and other animals are called omnivores.
23. Every food chain begins at a producer and ends at an animal (consumer).
24. The animal that eats by killing other organisms is called a predator.
25. An organism that is killed and eaten by a predator is called a prey.
26. The relationship between prey and predator is called predation.
27. An area can provide food and place to a limited number of organisms.
28. Humans of the present day have great impact on the environment.
29. Humans have caused irreversible damage to the environment but they are also trying to save it.
30. Ecosystem is being saved by creating wildlife parks and tree plantations for the protection and conservancies
of habitats.

6. Tick the Correct Answer.
iv. What is an ecosystem?

e) System of non-living thing is an environment.

f) Area having a group of living and dead things.
g) System of living things in an environment.
h) Collection of abiotic and biotic components in area.
vi. All the biotic component are:
e) Animals
f) Procurers.
g) Living things
h) Non-living Things
vii. Food Chain:
e) Beings at a producer.
f) Begins at consume
g) Beings at decomposer
h) Ends at a producer.
viii. For the Conservation of the ecosystem:
e) Forests are being cut.
f) Road are being built.
g) Tree plantation is being done.
h) Factories are being installed.
ix. To control the population of insects, if insecticides are used then the population of birds
e) Increase
f) Decrease
g) Decrease first then will increase.
h) Increase first, then will decrease.
7. Write Short Answers.
VII. Define environment.
VIII. Write the names of three biotic components of an ecosystem.
IX. Write the names of the three abiotic components an ecosystem.
X. Draw a simple food chain.
XI. If the food resources are increases are increased, what will be the effect of the population of the
XII. Write two human activities which are affecting the ecosystem.
8. Constructed Response Questions:

What is the relationship between biodiversity and competition among living things in balanced ecosystem?

9. Investigate
Ostrich are the largest and heaviest birds, but they cannot fly. To escape from the predator, they fight
with their strong paws or run away at a speed of 70 kilometer per hour. The light brown colored female
lays eggs at night. Analyze the difference in the colour and state. Is their a relationship between the
colour of an ostrich and its environment?

10. Project: Make a model of ecosystem using abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem.

For this project, you will need at least two bottles. Cut the bottles as shown in the picture. In the first
bottle, pour water to show aquatic ecosystem. In the second bottle, to show the land ecosystem, put soil
and small plant.
v. Now connect ecosystems of both the bottles (connect soil with water with a thick thread) so
that the plant may receive water and minerals.
vi. Observe it daily and write report of the result.

Fill the blanks


Matching Column

Draw Diagrams

Label Diagrams

Short Q/A

Long Q/A

Word / problem solving

Chapter No.2


After studying this chapter, the students will be able to:

23. Recognize an ecosystem (e.g, forests, ponds, rivers, grasslands and deserts).
24. Explain biotic ( plants, animals and humans) and abiotic (ligh, temperature, soil and water)
Factors and their linkages.
25. Analyze the way these biotic and abiotic constituents create a balance to sustain any ecosystem.
26. Recognize the interactions between animals and plants and the importance of maintaining balance within an
27. Describe a few food chains and analyse their structure to understand their function.
28. Describe the role of living things at each link in a simple food chain (e.g. plants product own food; some animals eat
plants. While animals eat the animals that eat plants).
29. Identify and describe common predator their prey.
30. Recognize and explain that some living thing an ecosystem compete with each other for and space.
31. Recognize the value of a balanced ecosystem.
32. Interpret that human actions sub urbanization, pollution and deforestation food chains in an ecosystem.
33. Identify various actions and roles that human can play in preserving various ecosystems.

If we look around. We see a variety of living and non-living things. All the living and non-living things around us are
called our environment. The environment consists of living and non-living components. Both these components
interact with each other. Every living thing lives in a particular environments. Fish live in water, tigers live in forests
whereas human beings live in villages and cities. The birds make nests on the trees and the ants live underground in
colonies. Do you know other animals that live in particular environments?


The living and non-living components of any environment make the ecosystem. Various types of ecosystems are
found on our Earth for example, forests, grasslands, oceans, rivers, ponds snowy areas and deserts.

For Your information

7. The largest desert of the world is “Sahara” which is located in the continent Africa.
8. The desert located in mianwali and Bhakkar in Pakistan is called “Thal” and the desert located in southern parts
of Punjab is called “Cholistan”.
9. The desert located in sindh is called “Thar”.
Point to ponder!
In the desert the days are extremely hot and the nights are extremely cold. Why?
Write the names of the following living things in their ecosystems: Grass, Plant, Lotus, Thick Shrubs, Snake, penguin,
Polar Bear, Camel, Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Deer Fish, Frog, Antelope, Sheep, Goat.

Components of Ecosystem
There are two components of an ecosystem.
3. Abiotic Components 2. Biotic Components

Abiotic Components
The non-living components of an ecosystem are called abiotic components. These include temperature, air,
water, light and soil.
Biotic Components
The living components of an ecosystem are called biotic components.
The biotic components consist of three groups, which are given below:
7. Producer

Plants produce food for themselves and for animals with the help of water and sunlight. That is why, they are
called producers. All the the plants e.g., Herbs, climbers, shrubs and trees are producers. Aquatic plants (for
example lotus) and algae are also producers.These are a major source of food for the aquatic animals.

8. Consumer

The living things which obtain food from other living things are called consumers. They cannot make their own
food. They depend on plants or plant-eating animals for their food. All animals and humans are consumers.

9. Decomposer

The living things which break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple particles and obtain their
food from these, are called decomposers. Some bacteria and many fungi are the main decomposers.

Interesting Information

Corals are a part of beautiful ecosystem under the sea. Coral usually live in the form of a colony which is called
coral reef. They are also called rain forests of the ocean. They look like stones but actually are animals.

Balanced Ecosystem

The Sun is the main source of energy in an ecosystem. The plants makes food with help of sunlight, carbon
dioxide and water. They also produce oxygen in this process. This oxygen is used by animals for respirational
during respiration, animals produce carbon dioxide which is used by plants to make food. Such self-sustaining
and durability ecosystem is called a balanced ecosystem.

All the living things are essential for one another. They affect the lives of one another. Some animals benefit or
harm one another.

Point to Ponder!

If the number of aquatic producers increases in a pond beyond the limit then fish and other living things die due
to lack of oxygen. Why does it happen?
Food Chain

To obtain food, living things depend on one another. Plants make food with the help of sunlight and water. The
animals which eat plants are called herbivores. Rabbit, goat, deer and cow are examples of herbivores The
animals which eat other animals are called carnivores. Lion, tiger crocodile and shark are examples of carnivores.

The animals which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores for example man bear, birds, and crow etc,

Producers make food, which is used by herbivores. The herbivores are eaten by carnivores. These carnivores
may be eaten by other carnivores. The series of eating and being in an ecosystem is called a food chain.
Grasshopper eats a plant and is eaten by a rat. The rat becomes a prey of an owl. This is an example of a food

Activity 2.4

5. Observe an ecosystem near your school and identify the following components:
xi. Abiotic Components
xii. Biotic Components
xiii. Producers
xiv. Herbivores
xv. Carnivores
6. Make a food chain using the identified components.

Links of Food Chain

A food chain consists of three links.

7. In any food chain the first living thing is a producer ( for example plant and algae).
8. The second main link is the herbivores or omnivore animals example rat, zebra and goat.
9. The Third main link is a carnivore or omnivore animal for example lion, fox and snake.

Predator-Prey Relationship

The animal which eats by killing another living thing is called a predator for example lions, tiger, shark, and lizard. The
living thing which is killed and eaten by the predator is called a prey, for example zebra, deer, rat and fish. The
relationship between example, a deer is killed and eaten by a lion.

Here, the lion is the predator and deer is its prey. Similarly, goat is a predator and grass is its prey.

Competition among Organisms

All the organisms living in an ecosystem depend on the resources which are available in that area every area can provide
food and place to a limited number of living things. Due to limited resources in an ecosystem. The living things compete
with each other for food and place. For example, in the grassland all the herbivores compete for grass.

Impacts of Human actions on Food Chain in an Ecosystem

In the ancient times, human actions had little impact on the environment.

Now a days. There are very visible impacts of human beings on the environment. After the increase in the population.
Humans established cities, For this purpose. They cut forests, built roads and made factories. These actions polluted the
environment and water resources. Human beings also started unnecessary hunting of animals. Because of all such
activates of human beings. Many wild organisms have become extent and many others have become endangered.
Role of Humans to Save the Ecosystem

Humans have done irreversible damage to the environment, but they are trying to save the ecosystem as well. Following
are some steps that are being taken to save the ecosystem.

7. Wildlife parks have been made to save the habitats of various species.
8. Tree plantation is being done and artificial forests are being created to provide natural habitat to living things.
9. Awareness is being created to save the environment and habitats of living things.

Do you know?

World Earth Day: This day is celebrated around the world on 22 nd April to demonstrate environmental
protection. On this day, in Pakistan lights are switched OFF from 8 to 9 at night.

Plantation day: Plantation day can be observed everyday but in schools across Pakistan it is celebrated in August
as ‘tree plantation week’.

Key Points
31. The abiotic and biotic components of any environment from the ecosystem.
32. The two major components of ecosystem are abiotic and biotic components.
33. The living things which prepare their own food are called produced the living things which get their food
from plants or other animals are called consumers. Decomposers get their food by breaking down the dead
34. Any activity that may affect any component of an ecosystem, must make it unbalanced.
35. The animals which eat plants are called herbivores.
36. The animals which eat other animals are called carnivores.
37. The animals which eat plants and other animals are called omnivores.
38. Every food chain begins at a producer and ends at an animal (consumer).
39. The animal that eats by killing other organisms is called a predator.
40. An organism that is killed and eaten by a predator is called a prey.
41. The relationship between prey and predator is called predation.
42. An area can provide food and place to a limited number of organisms.
43. Humans of the present day have great impact on the environment.
44. Humans have caused irreversible damage to the environment but they are also trying to save it.
45. Ecosystem is being saved by creating wildlife parks and tree plantations for the protection and conservancies
of habitats.

11. Tick the Correct Answer.
vii. What is an ecosystem?

i) System of non-living thing is an environment.

j) Area having a group of living and dead things.
k) System of living things in an environment.
l) Collection of abiotic and biotic components in area.
x. All the biotic component are:
i) Animals
j) Procurers.
k) Living things
l) Non-living Things
xi. Food Chain:
i) Beings at a producer.
j) Begins at consume
k) Beings at decomposer
l) Ends at a producer.
xii. For the Conservation of the ecosystem:
i) Forests are being cut.
j) Road are being built.
k) Tree plantation is being done.
l) Factories are being installed.
xiii. To control the population of insects, if insecticides are used then the population of birds
i) Increase
j) Decrease
k) Decrease first then will increase.
l) Increase first, then will decrease.
12. Write Short Answers.
XIII. Define environment.
XIV. Write the names of three biotic components of an ecosystem.
XV. Write the names of the three abiotic components an ecosystem.
XVI. Draw a simple food chain.
XVII. If the food resources are increases are increased, what will be the effect of the population of the
XVIII. Write two human activities which are affecting the ecosystem.
13. Constructed Response Questions:

What is the relationship between biodiversity and competition among living things in balanced ecosystem?

14. Investigate
Ostrich are the largest and heaviest birds, but they cannot fly. To escape from the predator, they fight
with their strong paws or run away at a speed of 70 kilometer per hour. The light brown colored female
lays eggs at night. Analyze the difference in the colour and state. Is their a relationship between the
colour of an ostrich and its environment?

15. Project: Make a model of ecosystem using abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem.

For this project, you will need at least two bottles. Cut the bottles as shown in the picture. In the first
bottle, pour water to show aquatic ecosystem. In the second bottle, to show the land ecosystem, put soil
and small plant.
viii. Now connect ecosystems of both the bottles (connect soil with water with a thick thread) so
that the plant may receive water and minerals.
ix. Observe it daily and write report of the result.

Fill the blanks


Matching Column

Draw Diagrams

Label Diagrams

Short Q/A

Long Q/A

Word / problem solving

Chapter No.2


After studying this chapter, the students will be able to:

34. Recognize an ecosystem (e.g, forests, ponds, rivers, grasslands and deserts).
35. Explain biotic ( plants, animals and humans) and abiotic (ligh, temperature, soil and water)
Factors and their linkages.
36. Analyze the way these biotic and abiotic constituents create a balance to sustain any ecosystem.
37. Recognize the interactions between animals and plants and the importance of maintaining balance within an
38. Describe a few food chains and analyse their structure to understand their function.
39. Describe the role of living things at each link in a simple food chain (e.g. plants product own food; some animals eat
plants. While animals eat the animals that eat plants).
40. Identify and describe common predator their prey.
41. Recognize and explain that some living thing an ecosystem compete with each other for and space.
42. Recognize the value of a balanced ecosystem.
43. Interpret that human actions sub urbanization, pollution and deforestation food chains in an ecosystem.
44. Identify various actions and roles that human can play in preserving various ecosystems.

If we look around. We see a variety of living and non-living things. All the living and non-living things around us are
called our environment. The environment consists of living and non-living components. Both these components
interact with each other. Every living thing lives in a particular environments. Fish live in water, tigers live in forests
whereas human beings live in villages and cities. The birds make nests on the trees and the ants live underground in
colonies. Do you know other animals that live in particular environments?


The living and non-living components of any environment make the ecosystem. Various types of ecosystems are
found on our Earth for example, forests, grasslands, oceans, rivers, ponds snowy areas and deserts.

For Your information

10. The largest desert of the world is “Sahara” which is located in the continent Africa.
11. The desert located in mianwali and Bhakkar in Pakistan is called “Thal” and the desert located in southern parts
of Punjab is called “Cholistan”.
12. The desert located in sindh is called “Thar”.
Point to ponder!
In the desert the days are extremely hot and the nights are extremely cold. Why?
Write the names of the following living things in their ecosystems: Grass, Plant, Lotus, Thick Shrubs, Snake, penguin,
Polar Bear, Camel, Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Deer Fish, Frog, Antelope, Sheep, Goat.

Components of Ecosystem
There are two components of an ecosystem.
4. Abiotic Components 2. Biotic Components

Abiotic Components
The non-living components of an ecosystem are called abiotic components. These include temperature, air,
water, light and soil.
Biotic Components
The living components of an ecosystem are called biotic components.
The biotic components consist of three groups, which are given below:
10. Producer

Plants produce food for themselves and for animals with the help of water and sunlight. That is why, they are
called producers. All the the plants e.g., Herbs, climbers, shrubs and trees are producers. Aquatic plants (for
example lotus) and algae are also producers.These are a major source of food for the aquatic animals.

11. Consumer

The living things which obtain food from other living things are called consumers. They cannot make their own
food. They depend on plants or plant-eating animals for their food. All animals and humans are consumers.

12. Decomposer

The living things which break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple particles and obtain their
food from these, are called decomposers. Some bacteria and many fungi are the main decomposers.

Interesting Information

Corals are a part of beautiful ecosystem under the sea. Coral usually live in the form of a colony which is called
coral reef. They are also called rain forests of the ocean. They look like stones but actually are animals.

Balanced Ecosystem

The Sun is the main source of energy in an ecosystem. The plants makes food with help of sunlight, carbon
dioxide and water. They also produce oxygen in this process. This oxygen is used by animals for respirational
during respiration, animals produce carbon dioxide which is used by plants to make food. Such self-sustaining
and durability ecosystem is called a balanced ecosystem.

All the living things are essential for one another. They affect the lives of one another. Some animals benefit or
harm one another.

Point to Ponder!

If the number of aquatic producers increases in a pond beyond the limit then fish and other living things die due
to lack of oxygen. Why does it happen?
Food Chain

To obtain food, living things depend on one another. Plants make food with the help of sunlight and water. The
animals which eat plants are called herbivores. Rabbit, goat, deer and cow are examples of herbivores The
animals which eat other animals are called carnivores. Lion, tiger crocodile and shark are examples of carnivores.

The animals which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores for example man bear, birds, and crow etc,

Producers make food, which is used by herbivores. The herbivores are eaten by carnivores. These carnivores
may be eaten by other carnivores. The series of eating and being in an ecosystem is called a food chain.
Grasshopper eats a plant and is eaten by a rat. The rat becomes a prey of an owl. This is an example of a food

Activity 2.4

7. Observe an ecosystem near your school and identify the following components:
xvi. Abiotic Components
xvii. Biotic Components
xviii. Producers
xix. Herbivores
xx. Carnivores
8. Make a food chain using the identified components.

Links of Food Chain

A food chain consists of three links.

10. In any food chain the first living thing is a producer ( for example plant and algae).
11. The second main link is the herbivores or omnivore animals example rat, zebra and goat.
12. The Third main link is a carnivore or omnivore animal for example lion, fox and snake.

Predator-Prey Relationship

The animal which eats by killing another living thing is called a predator for example lions, tiger, shark, and lizard. The
living thing which is killed and eaten by the predator is called a prey, for example zebra, deer, rat and fish. The
relationship between example, a deer is killed and eaten by a lion.

Here, the lion is the predator and deer is its prey. Similarly, goat is a predator and grass is its prey.

Competition among Organisms

All the organisms living in an ecosystem depend on the resources which are available in that area every area can provide
food and place to a limited number of living things. Due to limited resources in an ecosystem. The living things compete
with each other for food and place. For example, in the grassland all the herbivores compete for grass.

Impacts of Human actions on Food Chain in an Ecosystem

In the ancient times, human actions had little impact on the environment.

Now a days. There are very visible impacts of human beings on the environment. After the increase in the population.
Humans established cities, For this purpose. They cut forests, built roads and made factories. These actions polluted the
environment and water resources. Human beings also started unnecessary hunting of animals. Because of all such
activates of human beings. Many wild organisms have become extent and many others have become endangered.
Role of Humans to Save the Ecosystem

Humans have done irreversible damage to the environment, but they are trying to save the ecosystem as well. Following
are some steps that are being taken to save the ecosystem.

10. Wildlife parks have been made to save the habitats of various species.
11. Tree plantation is being done and artificial forests are being created to provide natural habitat to living things.
12. Awareness is being created to save the environment and habitats of living things.

Do you know?

World Earth Day: This day is celebrated around the world on 22 nd April to demonstrate environmental
protection. On this day, in Pakistan lights are switched OFF from 8 to 9 at night.

Plantation day: Plantation day can be observed everyday but in schools across Pakistan it is celebrated in August
as ‘tree plantation week’.

Key Points
46. The abiotic and biotic components of any environment from the ecosystem.
47. The two major components of ecosystem are abiotic and biotic components.
48. The living things which prepare their own food are called produced the living things which get their food
from plants or other animals are called consumers. Decomposers get their food by breaking down the dead
49. Any activity that may affect any component of an ecosystem, must make it unbalanced.
50. The animals which eat plants are called herbivores.
51. The animals which eat other animals are called carnivores.
52. The animals which eat plants and other animals are called omnivores.
53. Every food chain begins at a producer and ends at an animal (consumer).
54. The animal that eats by killing other organisms is called a predator.
55. An organism that is killed and eaten by a predator is called a prey.
56. The relationship between prey and predator is called predation.
57. An area can provide food and place to a limited number of organisms.
58. Humans of the present day have great impact on the environment.
59. Humans have caused irreversible damage to the environment but they are also trying to save it.
60. Ecosystem is being saved by creating wildlife parks and tree plantations for the protection and conservancies
of habitats.

16. Tick the Correct Answer.
x. What is an ecosystem?

m) System of non-living thing is an environment.

n) Area having a group of living and dead things.
o) System of living things in an environment.
p) Collection of abiotic and biotic components in area.
xiv. All the biotic component are:
m) Animals
n) Procurers.
o) Living things
p) Non-living Things
xv. Food Chain:
m) Beings at a producer.
n) Begins at consume
o) Beings at decomposer
p) Ends at a producer.
xvi. For the Conservation of the ecosystem:
m) Forests are being cut.
n) Road are being built.
o) Tree plantation is being done.
p) Factories are being installed.
xvii. To control the population of insects, if insecticides are used then the population of birds
m) Increase
n) Decrease
o) Decrease first then will increase.
p) Increase first, then will decrease.
17. Write Short Answers.
XIX. Define environment.
XX. Write the names of three biotic components of an ecosystem.
XXI. Write the names of the three abiotic components an ecosystem.
XXII. Draw a simple food chain.
XXIII. If the food resources are increases are increased, what will be the effect of the population of the
XXIV. Write two human activities which are affecting the ecosystem.
18. Constructed Response Questions:

What is the relationship between biodiversity and competition among living things in balanced ecosystem?

19. Investigate
Ostrich are the largest and heaviest birds, but they cannot fly. To escape from the predator, they fight
with their strong paws or run away at a speed of 70 kilometer per hour. The light brown colored female
lays eggs at night. Analyze the difference in the colour and state. Is their a relationship between the
colour of an ostrich and its environment?

20. Project: Make a model of ecosystem using abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem.

For this project, you will need at least two bottles. Cut the bottles as shown in the picture. In the first
bottle, pour water to show aquatic ecosystem. In the second bottle, to show the land ecosystem, put soil
and small plant.
xi. Now connect ecosystems of both the bottles (connect soil with water with a thick thread) so
that the plant may receive water and minerals.
xii. Observe it daily and write report of the result.

Fill the blanks


Matching Column

Draw Diagrams

Label Diagrams

Short Q/A

Long Q/A

Word / problem solving

Chapter No.2


After studying this chapter, the students will be able to:

45. Recognize an ecosystem (e.g, forests, ponds, rivers, grasslands and deserts).
46. Explain biotic ( plants, animals and humans) and abiotic (ligh, temperature, soil and water)
Factors and their linkages.
47. Analyze the way these biotic and abiotic constituents create a balance to sustain any ecosystem.
48. Recognize the interactions between animals and plants and the importance of maintaining balance within an
49. Describe a few food chains and analyse their structure to understand their function.
50. Describe the role of living things at each link in a simple food chain (e.g. plants product own food; some animals eat
plants. While animals eat the animals that eat plants).
51. Identify and describe common predator their prey.
52. Recognize and explain that some living thing an ecosystem compete with each other for and space.
53. Recognize the value of a balanced ecosystem.
54. Interpret that human actions sub urbanization, pollution and deforestation food chains in an ecosystem.
55. Identify various actions and roles that human can play in preserving various ecosystems.

If we look around. We see a variety of living and non-living things. All the living and non-living things around us are
called our environment. The environment consists of living and non-living components. Both these components
interact with each other. Every living thing lives in a particular environments. Fish live in water, tigers live in forests
whereas human beings live in villages and cities. The birds make nests on the trees and the ants live underground in
colonies. Do you know other animals that live in particular environments?


The living and non-living components of any environment make the ecosystem. Various types of ecosystems are
found on our Earth for example, forests, grasslands, oceans, rivers, ponds snowy areas and deserts.

For Your information

13. The largest desert of the world is “Sahara” which is located in the continent Africa.
14. The desert located in mianwali and Bhakkar in Pakistan is called “Thal” and the desert located in southern parts
of Punjab is called “Cholistan”.
15. The desert located in sindh is called “Thar”.
Point to ponder!
In the desert the days are extremely hot and the nights are extremely cold. Why?
Write the names of the following living things in their ecosystems: Grass, Plant, Lotus, Thick Shrubs, Snake, penguin,
Polar Bear, Camel, Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Deer Fish, Frog, Antelope, Sheep, Goat.

Components of Ecosystem
There are two components of an ecosystem.
5. Abiotic Components 2. Biotic Components

Abiotic Components
The non-living components of an ecosystem are called abiotic components. These include temperature, air,
water, light and soil.
Biotic Components
The living components of an ecosystem are called biotic components.
The biotic components consist of three groups, which are given below:
13. Producer

Plants produce food for themselves and for animals with the help of water and sunlight. That is why, they are
called producers. All the the plants e.g., Herbs, climbers, shrubs and trees are producers. Aquatic plants (for
example lotus) and algae are also producers.These are a major source of food for the aquatic animals.

14. Consumer

The living things which obtain food from other living things are called consumers. They cannot make their own
food. They depend on plants or plant-eating animals for their food. All animals and humans are consumers.

15. Decomposer

The living things which break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple particles and obtain their
food from these, are called decomposers. Some bacteria and many fungi are the main decomposers.

Interesting Information

Corals are a part of beautiful ecosystem under the sea. Coral usually live in the form of a colony which is called
coral reef. They are also called rain forests of the ocean. They look like stones but actually are animals.

Balanced Ecosystem

The Sun is the main source of energy in an ecosystem. The plants makes food with help of sunlight, carbon
dioxide and water. They also produce oxygen in this process. This oxygen is used by animals for respirational
during respiration, animals produce carbon dioxide which is used by plants to make food. Such self-sustaining
and durability ecosystem is called a balanced ecosystem.

All the living things are essential for one another. They affect the lives of one another. Some animals benefit or
harm one another.

Point to Ponder!

If the number of aquatic producers increases in a pond beyond the limit then fish and other living things die due
to lack of oxygen. Why does it happen?
Food Chain

To obtain food, living things depend on one another. Plants make food with the help of sunlight and water. The
animals which eat plants are called herbivores. Rabbit, goat, deer and cow are examples of herbivores The
animals which eat other animals are called carnivores. Lion, tiger crocodile and shark are examples of carnivores.

The animals which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores for example man bear, birds, and crow etc,

Producers make food, which is used by herbivores. The herbivores are eaten by carnivores. These carnivores
may be eaten by other carnivores. The series of eating and being in an ecosystem is called a food chain.
Grasshopper eats a plant and is eaten by a rat. The rat becomes a prey of an owl. This is an example of a food

Activity 2.4

9. Observe an ecosystem near your school and identify the following components:
xxi. Abiotic Components
xxii. Biotic Components
xxiii. Producers
xxiv. Herbivores
xxv. Carnivores
10. Make a food chain using the identified components.

Links of Food Chain

A food chain consists of three links.

13. In any food chain the first living thing is a producer ( for example plant and algae).
14. The second main link is the herbivores or omnivore animals example rat, zebra and goat.
15. The Third main link is a carnivore or omnivore animal for example lion, fox and snake.

Predator-Prey Relationship

The animal which eats by killing another living thing is called a predator for example lions, tiger, shark, and lizard. The
living thing which is killed and eaten by the predator is called a prey, for example zebra, deer, rat and fish. The
relationship between example, a deer is killed and eaten by a lion.

Here, the lion is the predator and deer is its prey. Similarly, goat is a predator and grass is its prey.

Competition among Organisms

All the organisms living in an ecosystem depend on the resources which are available in that area every area can provide
food and place to a limited number of living things. Due to limited resources in an ecosystem. The living things compete
with each other for food and place. For example, in the grassland all the herbivores compete for grass.

Impacts of Human actions on Food Chain in an Ecosystem

In the ancient times, human actions had little impact on the environment.

Now a days. There are very visible impacts of human beings on the environment. After the increase in the population.
Humans established cities, For this purpose. They cut forests, built roads and made factories. These actions polluted the
environment and water resources. Human beings also started unnecessary hunting of animals. Because of all such
activates of human beings. Many wild organisms have become extent and many others have become endangered.
Role of Humans to Save the Ecosystem

Humans have done irreversible damage to the environment, but they are trying to save the ecosystem as well. Following
are some steps that are being taken to save the ecosystem.

13. Wildlife parks have been made to save the habitats of various species.
14. Tree plantation is being done and artificial forests are being created to provide natural habitat to living things.
15. Awareness is being created to save the environment and habitats of living things.

Do you know?

World Earth Day: This day is celebrated around the world on 22 nd April to demonstrate environmental
protection. On this day, in Pakistan lights are switched OFF from 8 to 9 at night.

Plantation day: Plantation day can be observed everyday but in schools across Pakistan it is celebrated in August
as ‘tree plantation week’.

Key Points
61. The abiotic and biotic components of any environment from the ecosystem.
62. The two major components of ecosystem are abiotic and biotic components.
63. The living things which prepare their own food are called produced the living things which get their food
from plants or other animals are called consumers. Decomposers get their food by breaking down the dead
64. Any activity that may affect any component of an ecosystem, must make it unbalanced.
65. The animals which eat plants are called herbivores.
66. The animals which eat other animals are called carnivores.
67. The animals which eat plants and other animals are called omnivores.
68. Every food chain begins at a producer and ends at an animal (consumer).
69. The animal that eats by killing other organisms is called a predator.
70. An organism that is killed and eaten by a predator is called a prey.
71. The relationship between prey and predator is called predation.
72. An area can provide food and place to a limited number of organisms.
73. Humans of the present day have great impact on the environment.
74. Humans have caused irreversible damage to the environment but they are also trying to save it.
75. Ecosystem is being saved by creating wildlife parks and tree plantations for the protection and conservancies
of habitats.

21. Tick the Correct Answer.
xiii. What is an ecosystem?

q) System of non-living thing is an environment.

r) Area having a group of living and dead things.
s) System of living things in an environment.
t) Collection of abiotic and biotic components in area.
xviii. All the biotic component are:
q) Animals
r) Procurers.
s) Living things
t) Non-living Things
xix. Food Chain:
q) Beings at a producer.
r) Begins at consume
s) Beings at decomposer
t) Ends at a producer.
xx. For the Conservation of the ecosystem:
q) Forests are being cut.
r) Road are being built.
s) Tree plantation is being done.
t) Factories are being installed.
xxi. To control the population of insects, if insecticides are used then the population of birds
q) Increase
r) Decrease
s) Decrease first then will increase.
t) Increase first, then will decrease.
22. Write Short Answers.
XXV. Define environment.
XXVI. Write the names of three biotic components of an ecosystem.
XXVII. Write the names of the three abiotic components an ecosystem.
XXVIII. Draw a simple food chain.
XXIX. If the food resources are increases are increased, what will be the effect of the population of the
XXX. Write two human activities which are affecting the ecosystem.
23. Constructed Response Questions:

What is the relationship between biodiversity and competition among living things in balanced ecosystem?

24. Investigate
Ostrich are the largest and heaviest birds, but they cannot fly. To escape from the predator, they fight
with their strong paws or run away at a speed of 70 kilometer per hour. The light brown colored female
lays eggs at night. Analyze the difference in the colour and state. Is their a relationship between the
colour of an ostrich and its environment?

25. Project: Make a model of ecosystem using abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem.

For this project, you will need at least two bottles. Cut the bottles as shown in the picture. In the first
bottle, pour water to show aquatic ecosystem. In the second bottle, to show the land ecosystem, put soil
and small plant.
xiv. Now connect ecosystems of both the bottles (connect soil with water with a thick thread) so
that the plant may receive water and minerals.
xv. Observe it daily and write report of the result.

Fill the blanks


Matching Column

Draw Diagrams

Label Diagrams

Short Q/A

Long Q/A

Word / problem solving

Chapter No.2


After studying this chapter, the students will be able to:

56. Recognize an ecosystem (e.g, forests, ponds, rivers, grasslands and deserts).
57. Explain biotic ( plants, animals and humans) and abiotic (ligh, temperature, soil and water)
Factors and their linkages.
58. Analyze the way these biotic and abiotic constituents create a balance to sustain any ecosystem.
59. Recognize the interactions between animals and plants and the importance of maintaining balance within an
60. Describe a few food chains and analyse their structure to understand their function.
61. Describe the role of living things at each link in a simple food chain (e.g. plants product own food; some animals eat
plants. While animals eat the animals that eat plants).
62. Identify and describe common predator their prey.
63. Recognize and explain that some living thing an ecosystem compete with each other for and space.
64. Recognize the value of a balanced ecosystem.
65. Interpret that human actions sub urbanization, pollution and deforestation food chains in an ecosystem.
66. Identify various actions and roles that human can play in preserving various ecosystems.

If we look around. We see a variety of living and non-living things. All the living and non-living things around us are
called our environment. The environment consists of living and non-living components. Both these components
interact with each other. Every living thing lives in a particular environments. Fish live in water, tigers live in forests
whereas human beings live in villages and cities. The birds make nests on the trees and the ants live underground in
colonies. Do you know other animals that live in particular environments?


The living and non-living components of any environment make the ecosystem. Various types of ecosystems are
found on our Earth for example, forests, grasslands, oceans, rivers, ponds snowy areas and deserts.

For Your information

16. The largest desert of the world is “Sahara” which is located in the continent Africa.
17. The desert located in mianwali and Bhakkar in Pakistan is called “Thal” and the desert located in southern parts
of Punjab is called “Cholistan”.
18. The desert located in sindh is called “Thar”.
Point to ponder!
In the desert the days are extremely hot and the nights are extremely cold. Why?
Write the names of the following living things in their ecosystems: Grass, Plant, Lotus, Thick Shrubs, Snake, penguin,
Polar Bear, Camel, Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Deer Fish, Frog, Antelope, Sheep, Goat.

Components of Ecosystem
There are two components of an ecosystem.
6. Abiotic Components 2. Biotic Components

Abiotic Components
The non-living components of an ecosystem are called abiotic components. These include temperature, air,
water, light and soil.
Biotic Components
The living components of an ecosystem are called biotic components.
The biotic components consist of three groups, which are given below:
16. Producer

Plants produce food for themselves and for animals with the help of water and sunlight. That is why, they are
called producers. All the the plants e.g., Herbs, climbers, shrubs and trees are producers. Aquatic plants (for
example lotus) and algae are also producers.These are a major source of food for the aquatic animals.

17. Consumer

The living things which obtain food from other living things are called consumers. They cannot make their own
food. They depend on plants or plant-eating animals for their food. All animals and humans are consumers.

18. Decomposer

The living things which break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple particles and obtain their
food from these, are called decomposers. Some bacteria and many fungi are the main decomposers.

Interesting Information

Corals are a part of beautiful ecosystem under the sea. Coral usually live in the form of a colony which is called
coral reef. They are also called rain forests of the ocean. They look like stones but actually are animals.

Balanced Ecosystem

The Sun is the main source of energy in an ecosystem. The plants makes food with help of sunlight, carbon
dioxide and water. They also produce oxygen in this process. This oxygen is used by animals for respirational
during respiration, animals produce carbon dioxide which is used by plants to make food. Such self-sustaining
and durability ecosystem is called a balanced ecosystem.

All the living things are essential for one another. They affect the lives of one another. Some animals benefit or
harm one another.

Point to Ponder!

If the number of aquatic producers increases in a pond beyond the limit then fish and other living things die due
to lack of oxygen. Why does it happen?
Food Chain

To obtain food, living things depend on one another. Plants make food with the help of sunlight and water. The
animals which eat plants are called herbivores. Rabbit, goat, deer and cow are examples of herbivores The
animals which eat other animals are called carnivores. Lion, tiger crocodile and shark are examples of carnivores.

The animals which eat both plants and animals are called omnivores for example man bear, birds, and crow etc,

Producers make food, which is used by herbivores. The herbivores are eaten by carnivores. These carnivores
may be eaten by other carnivores. The series of eating and being in an ecosystem is called a food chain.
Grasshopper eats a plant and is eaten by a rat. The rat becomes a prey of an owl. This is an example of a food

Activity 2.4

11. Observe an ecosystem near your school and identify the following components:
xxvi. Abiotic Components
xxvii. Biotic Components
xxviii. Producers
xxix. Herbivores
xxx. Carnivores
12. Make a food chain using the identified components.

Links of Food Chain

A food chain consists of three links.

16. In any food chain the first living thing is a producer ( for example plant and algae).
17. The second main link is the herbivores or omnivore animals example rat, zebra and goat.
18. The Third main link is a carnivore or omnivore animal for example lion, fox and snake.

Predator-Prey Relationship

The animal which eats by killing another living thing is called a predator for example lions, tiger, shark, and lizard. The
living thing which is killed and eaten by the predator is called a prey, for example zebra, deer, rat and fish. The
relationship between example, a deer is killed and eaten by a lion.

Here, the lion is the predator and deer is its prey. Similarly, goat is a predator and grass is its prey.

Competition among Organisms

All the organisms living in an ecosystem depend on the resources which are available in that area every area can provide
food and place to a limited number of living things. Due to limited resources in an ecosystem. The living things compete
with each other for food and place. For example, in the grassland all the herbivores compete for grass.

Impacts of Human actions on Food Chain in an Ecosystem

In the ancient times, human actions had little impact on the environment.

Now a days. There are very visible impacts of human beings on the environment. After the increase in the population.
Humans established cities, For this purpose. They cut forests, built roads and made factories. These actions polluted the
environment and water resources. Human beings also started unnecessary hunting of animals. Because of all such
activates of human beings. Many wild organisms have become extent and many others have become endangered.
Role of Humans to Save the Ecosystem

Humans have done irreversible damage to the environment, but they are trying to save the ecosystem as well. Following
are some steps that are being taken to save the ecosystem.

16. Wildlife parks have been made to save the habitats of various species.
17. Tree plantation is being done and artificial forests are being created to provide natural habitat to living things.
18. Awareness is being created to save the environment and habitats of living things.

Do you know?

World Earth Day: This day is celebrated around the world on 22 nd April to demonstrate environmental
protection. On this day, in Pakistan lights are switched OFF from 8 to 9 at night.

Plantation day: Plantation day can be observed everyday but in schools across Pakistan it is celebrated in August
as ‘tree plantation week’.

Key Points
76. The abiotic and biotic components of any environment from the ecosystem.
77. The two major components of ecosystem are abiotic and biotic components.
78. The living things which prepare their own food are called produced the living things which get their food
from plants or other animals are called consumers. Decomposers get their food by breaking down the dead
79. Any activity that may affect any component of an ecosystem, must make it unbalanced.
80. The animals which eat plants are called herbivores.
81. The animals which eat other animals are called carnivores.
82. The animals which eat plants and other animals are called omnivores.
83. Every food chain begins at a producer and ends at an animal (consumer).
84. The animal that eats by killing other organisms is called a predator.
85. An organism that is killed and eaten by a predator is called a prey.
86. The relationship between prey and predator is called predation.
87. An area can provide food and place to a limited number of organisms.
88. Humans of the present day have great impact on the environment.
89. Humans have caused irreversible damage to the environment but they are also trying to save it.
90. Ecosystem is being saved by creating wildlife parks and tree plantations for the protection and conservancies
of habitats.

26. Tick the Correct Answer.
xvi. What is an ecosystem?

u) System of non-living thing is an environment.

v) Area having a group of living and dead things.
w) System of living things in an environment.
x) Collection of abiotic and biotic components in area.
xxii. All the biotic component are:
u) Animals
v) Procurers.
w) Living things
x) Non-living Things
xxiii. Food Chain:
u) Beings at a producer.
v) Begins at consume
w) Beings at decomposer
x) Ends at a producer.
xxiv. For the Conservation of the ecosystem:
u) Forests are being cut.
v) Road are being built.
w) Tree plantation is being done.
x) Factories are being installed.
xxv. To control the population of insects, if insecticides are used then the population of birds
u) Increase
v) Decrease
w) Decrease first then will increase.
x) Increase first, then will decrease.
27. Write Short Answers.
XXXI. Define environment.
XXXII. Write the names of three biotic components of an ecosystem.
XXXIII. Write the names of the three abiotic components an ecosystem.
XXXIV. Draw a simple food chain.
XXXV. If the food resources are increases are increased, what will be the effect of the population of the
XXXVI. Write two human activities which are affecting the ecosystem.
28. Constructed Response Questions:

What is the relationship between biodiversity and competition among living things in balanced ecosystem?

29. Investigate
Ostrich are the largest and heaviest birds, but they cannot fly. To escape from the predator, they fight
with their strong paws or run away at a speed of 70 kilometer per hour. The light brown colored female
lays eggs at night. Analyze the difference in the colour and state. Is their a relationship between the
colour of an ostrich and its environment?

30. Project: Make a model of ecosystem using abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem.

For this project, you will need at least two bottles. Cut the bottles as shown in the picture. In the first
bottle, pour water to show aquatic ecosystem. In the second bottle, to show the land ecosystem, put soil
and small plant.
xvii. Now connect ecosystems of both the bottles (connect soil with water with a thick thread) so
that the plant may receive water and minerals.
xviii. Observe it daily and write report of the result.
Label the Diagram

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