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Aetaltis - Defenders of Dunbury Castle

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WRITING A Mechanical Muse Publication

Dave Gross •
COVER ART D@aetaltis E/aetaltis
Russell Marks
COVER DESIGN, LOGOS, & LAYOUT ©2021 Mechanical Muse, LLC. All rights reserved.
Shawn T. King ISBN 978-0-9905296-9-9
ILLUSTRATION First published in 2021 by Mechanical Muse, LLC.
Russell Marks, Patrick Bettag
7999 Poplar Drive, Dexter, MI 48130
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
Russell Marks, Marc Tassin,
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Dave Gross, Nathan Mangion
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CARTOGRAPHIC ELEMENTS express permission of the publisher...
Mike Schley
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Melanie Meadors, Marc Tassin
If you’re the employee of a copy business, this is the “express permission”
COPYEDITING you need to let the book owner print a copy of this book for personal use.
John Boyless
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
EDITING CONTRIBUTIONS FROM System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast,
Matthew Eberle and Shane Harsch Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb,
Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.


Dunbury Castle stands regally atop a
high cliff above the Kouros River. At its
feet sits Dunbury Village.

Art by Russell Marks


Introduction 4 chapter four

About this Book...................................................................5
The Scir of Dunbury 90
What You’ll Find Inside......................................................6 Using the Scir of Dunbury................................................91
The World of Aetaltis..........................................................6 Map of the Region.............................................................91
The Heroes of Thornwall....................................................7 Lay of the Land..................................................................92
Fifth Edition Compatibility................................................7 Common Locations............................................................93
Notable Locations..............................................................96
chapter one
Overview 8 chapter five
Welcome to Dunbury..........................................................9
People of Dunbury 132
History................................................................................10 A Reason to Fight............................................................133
Dunbury Timeline.............................................................12 Warden Oswald Balewick...............................................134
Everyday Life......................................................................13 Captain Elaris Brazewhite...............................................135
Governance.........................................................................14 Lieutenant Janny Vance...................................................136
Major Factions....................................................................18 Mother Belenne................................................................137
Chief Smith Sturrenkett..................................................139
chapter two Seamus Coalman..............................................................140
Military Life 20 Sergeant Danton Hodge..................................................140
Master Archibald Foley...................................................141
Daily Routine.....................................................................21
Apprentice Korella Stalk.................................................142
Castle Roles........................................................................22
Enlisted Life........................................................................24
Outlaws and Endrori.......................................................145
chapter three
Dunbury Castle 30 Kickstarter Backers 150
Welcome to Dunbury Castle.............................................31
Using Dunbury Castle.......................................................31
Castle Statistics..................................................................32
Map of Dunbury Castle....................................................34
Castle Location Descriptions............................................36



RIFFON SCOOTED ACROSS THE STRAW UNTIL HIS Twice the guards had brought him gruel and replaced the
back pressed against the cold stone wall, but no matter guttering torch beside the stairs. Did that mean it had been two
how far he went, there was no escaping the snores from days? It felt longer, and he still didn’t understand why he had
the opposite cell. The old man had been asleep since Griffon been arrested.
arrived. Suddenly, however, his neighbor woke with a terrific It happened in the village of Dunbury, a tiny fishing commu-
scream and slapped at the ground around his feet. nity beside the Kouros River with a massive castle looming over
“Wrong room!” cried the old man. it from its perch atop a rocky prominence. Griffon stayed at the
Puzzled, Griffon decided the man must have been shooing a inn the night he’d arrived, and all seemed well. In the morning,
rat. Whether the rodent withdrew or simply vanished from his five soldiers awaited him beneath the sign of the Three Hounds.
nightmare, the prisoner lay down again, his snores resuming. “Griffon Wye?” asked the woman in command.
Griffon himself couldn’t sleep at all, and it wasn’t just “Yes,” he said. He half expected the soldiers to offer him an
because of the snoring. Without a window, he couldn’t judge escort.
the hour. How long had he been in this Enaros forsaken place? Instead, one of them confiscated his pack, another his walk-

ABOVE | Dunbury Castle, by Russell Marks

ing stick. The other two grabbed his arms at a nod from their small, dirty man peered up.
commander, a lean and muscular woman with short red hair “Come with me, you get a chance,” he said. “Stay here, you’re
going white at the sides. dead for sure.”
“You’re under arrest.” Griffon hesitated. The dirty man cursed, grabbed him by the
“But I haven’t—” shirt, and pulled him into the hole.
“I don’t care.” Her voice carried such a weight of ambivalence
that Griffon shut his mouth. He went along without struggle, The Last Bastion of
knowing his ledger would prove his innocence. They began Civilization…
climbing the long, spiral path to the gates of Dunbury Castle.
A lone fortress sitting on the edge of the wilds, a duchy
As they neared the top, Griffon marveled at the view. The


mired in political conflict, a commander left on her own
morning mist fell like a gossamer veil from the western moun-
with her troops to hold back a rising tide of evil. Under-
tains as sunlight gilded their peaks. Forested hills dominated the
staffed, under provisioned, and tasked with an increasingly
far side of the river and stretched off to the north, where loggers
difficult and dangerous mission, the heroic soldiers that
had made camps deep in once-forbidden territory.
defend this outpost need help if they’re going to survive.
A sentry waved them in, and they crossed the first moat. In
Who will answer the call?
the outer bailey, new recruits drilled at archery while their in-
This is where you and your companions enter, coura-
structor shook his head in despair at the results. Surrounded by
geous adventurers willing to risk life and spirit for the great-
the five famous defensive towers, a two-story garrison dominat-
er good of your people. You know the powers of darkness
ed the yard. The soldiers led Griffon across another drawbridge
are growing, and the path to victory demands each and
and into the central bailey.
every person do their part. What fate awaits you? Hero?
There they entered a village in miniature, complete with
Legend? Martyr? There is only one way to find out.
vegetable plots, a pigsty, chicken coops, and a stable, which
some poor soldier was mucking out. The unmistakable ring of
hammer and anvil sounded from a smithy, and the smells of a
About this Book
latrine tower, bakehouse, and kitchen competed for dominance. An ancient castle sits atop a high cliff on the edge of the
The soldiers led him across the final drawbridge. known world, the front line in the war against the terrifying
In the inner bailey, an herb garden balanced the austere monsters that lurk beyond the borders of civilization. It’s a
severity of the chapel and keep. The soldiers conducted him staple of fantasy adventure gaming. It’s often the first castle
through the place of arms and down into the dungeons, each in the adventure and the first stop for heroes heading out

one cooler and damper than the last. By the time they threw into the larger world. Dunbury Castle is that place, and in
him into his cell, Griffon half expected to drown under the this book, you’ll find everything you need to bring it to life
River Kouros. in your Fifth Edition games.
Perhaps that was only a day ago, on second thought. Griffon This is the second in a series of location books created
couldn’t be sure. All he knew was he wanted to see the sky for the World of Aetaltis Fifth Edition campaign setting.
again. He wanted to feel the open air. Defenders of Dunbury Castle expands on the campaign
Suddenly he felt a thump, and the stone slab beneath him launchpad provided in the first World of Aetaltis loca-
lifted, nearly tipping him over. For a terrified instant, Griffon tion book, The Heroes of Thornwall, and offers more sites
imagined a giant rat. He pressed all his weight against the to explore, foes to defeat, and mysteries to solve as the
stone. adventurers increase their fame—or notoriety. At Dun-
“Go on,” hissed the old man from the other cell. His hands bury Castle, they will get their first taste of kingdom-wide
grasped the bars, and he peered with such alertness Griffon intrigue and will be forced to choose whether to ally
suspected his snores had been a sham. themselves with those loyal to the late duke or to back the
A muffled voice came from beneath the wobbling stone. sinister machinations of the Warden’s foresters. All the
“Hurry,” said the old man. “The guards will be back soon, while, they must contend with rising numbers of endrori
and then you’ll hang!” emerging every day from the Deeplands beneath the
Griffon began to argue that he was innocent. Embezzlement Donarzheis Mountains.
wasn’t a hanging offense anyway. But at the sound of a door
opening on the floor above, he felt more fear of the guards than
of a rat. He moved back. The stone moved aside. Beneath it, a
What You’ll Find Inside The World of Aetaltis
Defenders of Dunbury castle is divided into five chapters. Defenders of Dunbury Castle is set in the World of Aetaltis
Here is what you’ll discover inside. campaign setting. Aetaltis is a heroic fantasy world of high
adventure where bold heroes stand strong against the forces
Chapter 1: Overview of darkness for the good of all. Although this book works as
This short chapter presents an overview of the region, its a stand-alone add-on for any Fifth Edition campaign, you’ll
history, and the major factions operating within its borders. get the most value from this book when using it in conjunc-
You’ll also find an overview of everyday life in the land, how tion with the World of Aetaltis core books.
the region is governed, and some information on the laws
and how they are enforced. Adventurer’s Guide
Chapter 2: Military Life Discover Aetaltis in the World
Characters looking to stay at Dunbury Castle long-term of Aetaltis: Adventurer’s Guide,
have only to enlist as private soldiers. The pay is meagre, the same text used by hopeful
and one must submit to the orders of superiors, but the Aetaltans to prepare before
value of loyal service is the opportunity for advancement setting out to become adven-

in the ranks as well as the knowledge that one has allies at turers. It is a dragon’s hoard
the castle. This chapter details the duties and benefits of of knowledge collected by the
serving in the army and offers tips to the gamemaster for scholars at the College of New
running an effective military campaign. Erinor, along with practical
advice offered in the margins
Chapter 3: Dunbury Castle from experienced adventurers and explorers. It is a must-
Dunbury Castle is a bastion against the forces of chaos, in- read title for anyone that seeks to unlock all the secrets of
cluding monsters, endrori raiders, and outlaws. Unknown Aetaltis.
6 to all but the oldest dwarves, however, Dunbury was not
the first stronghold to stand on the promontory that tow- Player’s Guide
ers over the Kouros River. Beneath its deepest cellars lies a The World of Aetaltis: Player’s
dwarven stonehold, sealed and forgotten since the time of Guide contains all the rules

its final stand against the Dark Hordes of Endroren. you need to create a character
for a Fifth Edition compatible
Chapter 4: The Scir of Dunbury Aetaltis game. Inside you’ll
Discover the wider landscape around the castle as we find new lineages, new classes,
explore the Scir of Dunbury. You’ll find deep forests new backgrounds, rules for
haunted by giant spiders, cruel endrori, and fickle fey, fertile adding callings and culture to
farmland claimed by human, halfling, dwarf, and cheebat your character, and a unique
settlers, and a bustling river trade in lumber, fur, and crops point-based arcane magic
sent south to market. The Scir of Dunbury is not only system. It’s the must-have character creation tool, and the
full of dangers, but also people who soldiers and virtuous book you’ll want with you at the table during your World
heroes will need to protect against the forces of Endroren. of Aetaltis game.

Chapter 5: The People of Dunbury

From the famous Captain Brazewhite to the devious Ko-
rella Stalk, Castle Dunbury and its environs are full of char-
acters whom the adventurers may wish to impress, thwart,
or simply delight with games, romance, or tales of their own
achievements. This chapter describes some of the notable
NPCs and includes their Fifth Edition game statistics.

OPPOSITE | Home at Last, by Russell Marks

Gamemaster’s Guide The Heroes of Thornwall
In the World of Aetaltis: Gam- Another book you may want
emaster’s Guide you’ll discover to check out is The Heroes of
everything you need as a Thornwall, a companion book
gamemaster to craft fantastic to this one centered on the
Aetaltis adventures and run an town of Thornwall, located
extended Aetaltis campaign. just a few days northwest
Inside you’ll discover advice of the castle. The Heroes of
for designing the perfect Thornwall is a campaign
Aetaltis game, new monsters, starter and setting book that
rules for dark magic and cor- provides you with everything
ruption, and a wealth of other useful tips and tricks. Plus, a needed to launch and support your Fifth Edition campaign.
collection of gamemaster’s-eyes-only secrets about Aetaltis, It includes a fully detailed town, a classic fantasy tavern,
its gods, and its inhabitants. stats for more than 20 NPCs, and a heroic starting adven-
ture for 1st level characters. You’ll also find a host of fun
sidequests, a medieval menu for the tavern (complete with
real medieval recipes), and new Goodwill rules that help
the characters to embrace Thornwall as their home.

Fifth Edition
This book is designed for use with the
Fifth Edition of the world’s best-known
role-playing game. If you want to get the
most use out of this book, you’ll need either the free
Basic Rules, a Starter Set, the Essentials Kit, or the
Fifth Edition core rulebooks. This book also
assumes that you are familiar with the
Fifth Edition rules and know how
to play the game.




ASPING, GRIFFON CRAWLED ONTO THE PEBBLED thick enough to shelter a family of beavers.
beach. The half-closed eye of Numos cast the strand “How what?” said the man.
into ghostly contrast with the dense, wooded center of “How did you get into the dungeon? How do the guards
the tiny island in the middle of the river. His rescuer staggered not know about the water passage? How did we not drown?
to his feet, no longer filthy but sopping wet. And how did you fit through those tunnels when I nearly got
“Come on, son. I heard boats push off from the docks while stuck—?”
we were swimming.” He pulled Griffon to his feet. “They’re on The man patted his pot belly. “You calling me fat?”
to us.” “What? No, that’s not— I only—”
“But how—?” Griffon shook the water out of his ears. His The man put a hand over Griffon’s mouth. “Quiet now.
rescuer stood a full head shorter than he, though his shoulders Questions later. We got to find the boat.”
seemed twice as broad. He wasn’t a dwarf, despite the evidence “What boat?”
of whiskers that seemed to have grown twice as thick in the past “Questions later.”
hour. Thatches of black hair on his bulging forearms looked They trod along the stony shore, pausing now and then for

ABOVE | Swamp Attack, by Russell Marks

the man to search beneath a thicket or a pile of driftwood. “Don’t get caught, Dovey.” She gave him a gentle push
Somewhere near the center of the island, a trio of lights toward the boat. “They’ll kill you both.”
bobbed through the trees. Griffon felt the man’s hand on his As the man took up the oars, Griffon joined him in the boat.
shoulder. They crouched low. Lil pushed them into the river until the current drew them
“Soldiers?” whispered Griffon. away from shore.
“Much worse. Keep moving. We need to find—” From the center of the island, a shriek rose above the sound
A glint of steel flashed at the man’s throat. He raised his of the current. It faded quickly, as if the screamer had fallen
hands to show he was unarmed. into a deep abyss. Startled and confused voices followed.
Griffon’s gaze followed the long sword back to its source: a “That’ll help,” the man said to Griffon. He pulled the oars
lean, muscular man in forester greens. His neat black beard with a slow, practiced ease, barely making a sound.
encircled a dark frown. He kicked Griffon’s rescuer in the chest, The alarm on the island faded as they moved farther away.
stepped forward, and raised his weapon to skewer Griffon. Griffon didn’t like to imagine what was happening to those
The forester’s head snapped to the side with a dull, heavy men. Rather than dwell upon it, he raised an eyebrow at the
thud. His sword clattered on the ground. The man collapsed as rowing man. “Dovey?”
if every bone in his body had turned to jelly. He fell into a heap, “That’s Dove to you,” said the man. “Only those who fancy
revealing a woman behind him, blood glistening on the rock in me call me ‘Dovey.’”
her hand. Griffon smiled for the first time since his arrest. “I didn’t get

Griffon recognized her as the commander of the group the impression Lil fancies you.”
who arrested him, but she barely glanced at him. Instead, she The man grinned. “Kid, they all fancy me.”
dropped the stone and offered her hand to Griffon’s rescuer.
“You need to keep your voice down, Dovey,” she whispered. Welcome to Dunbury
The man winked at Griffon and grinned, revealing a gap In the northern reaches of Agthor lies the Scir of Dunbury.
behind one of his eyeteeth. “You said you didn’t want any part It is a land on the edge of the wilds, where tough as nails
of this, Lil.” Agthorians cling doggedly to the civilization they’ve man-
“I didn’t have much of a choice.” aged to carve out of the wilderness. It’s no easy fight, and 9
The man picked up the forester’s fallen sword. “Want me to they face a host of dangers.
deal with this one?” Smugglers, poachers, and bandits prowl the roads and
“No, it’d be too hard to explain. Better to let him think there waterways, taking advantage of the thinly stretched Ag-
were three of you, and he missed one.” thorian military’s inability to guard every path. Then there

“You sure?” he said. are the rising tensions between the Agthorians and the
She nodded. He dropped the sword beside the unconscious mysterious fey people that inhabit the deep forests, creating
forester. the potential for unrest the people can ill afford at this time.
“Don’t you want to keep it?” said Griffon. All of this is set against the backdrop of the political fight
“I like to travel light.” for control of the duchy, its ducal seat empty since the death
“But what if someone else catches us?” of Creesis Vaun five years ago.
“Then I guess I’ll take his sword, too.” Of course, this doesn’t even begin to touch on the
“You didn’t exactly take this one.” challenges the wilderness itself poses. From beasts both
“Quiet, you idiots,” hissed Lil. mundane and magical, to unforgiving mountain terrain, to
Lil led them back the way she’d come, pointing out a tiny the brutal snows of winter, Dunbury’s people must wage
dinghy hidden beneath a fishing net and fresh poplar boughs. a constant battle against nature. There are also the scars
“Except for the clever one who found you, the rest of the War- of the past, from forgotten dwarven ruins haunted by the
den’s men insisted fugitives would shelter near the center of the ghosts of the dead to places where the very essence of the
island.” world remains corrupted by the atrocities of the Age of
Griffon looked toward the distant lights, now barely visible Darkness.
through the tangle of woods. “You didn’t warn them?” The final, and perhaps greatest, threat is that of the en-
“Must have slipped my mind.” drori. For centuries the endrori existed only in dark stories
Lil helped them pull the boat to the water. She gripped the from days long past, but the ancient wards in the Donar-
man’s hand. “’All men are brothers.’” zheis Mountains that imprisoned these foul creatures in the
“’All women sisters.’ Thanks, Lil.” Deeplands are failing. Goblins, orcs, trolls, and worse prowl
the hills. The sightings were scattered at first, but each day Dwarven Age
brings new reports, suggesting this ancient evil may threat- After the Enaros diminished the power of magic on Aetaltis,
en the land in earnest once again. the influence of the fey declined. As the fey retreated, the
So why in the name of the Enaros does anyone stay? dwarves of the Donarzheis Mountains extended their king-
For the soldiers assigned to Dunbury Castle, the answer doms to the surface. During this period, they established a
is simple: duty. They must stand strong against the dark- number of outposts and strongholds, including a fortress on
ness for the good of all. They are the bulwark of the north, the promontory where Dunbury Castle stands today.
protecting the rich southern lands from the evil that lurks
in the wilds. Age of Darkness
For young nobles, it’s a chance to carve their names into When the Dark Hordes rose and spread their reign of de-
the land and forge their own destiny. The crowded, settled struction across the land, they ravaged the once-great forest
lands of the south offer little potential, but in the north one that dominated the region, although fey magic preserved
might build a legacy to pass down to their heirs. a few sites. Some of these, like the Spiderwood, are now
For merchants and entrepreneurs, it’s virgin territory. home to dangerous creatures left over from those dark days.
Untouched timberlands, forgotten gold mines, seemingly Others serve as homes to Elloriyan fey who fiercely defend
endless game for trapping and fur trading, and a populace these old growth forests and vigorously avoid contact with
in desperate need of the goods manufactured in the south. the destructive humans.
If one is willing to risk everything, it’s a chance for unparal- As for the dwarven fortress, if the fragments of ancient

leled profit. scrolls we have are accurate, it held strong against the Dark
For the common folk, the scir is a land of freedom and Hordes for more than a century. Eventually, however, like
opportunity. It’s a place where one can build a life free from nearly every stronghold in those days, it fell. The minions of
the constant meddling of nobles, where land laws are loose- darkness razed the castle, leaving behind only the jagged ru-
ly enforced, and where one may work to build their own ins of its foundations. Even these ruins were largely removed
fortune rather than fattening the purses of others. during the building of the stonehold in the Age of Shadow,
Finally, there are the adventurers. For adventurers, but bits of the old foundations remain and are visible in a
there is no end to the opportunities offered by the Scir of few places around the base of Dunbury Castle’s outer walls.
Dunbury. There are endrori to hunt, Deepland halls to
delve, and ruins filled with forgotten wonders to explore. Age of Shadows
It’s a place where everyone from the shepherd guarding his While many dwarves fled the Deeplands when the Enaros

flock to the beleaguered defenders of Dunbury Castle need imprisoned Endroren and his armies there, the dwarves of
heroes. the Donarzheis Mountains refused to surrender their sub-
terranean homes. So it was that when the gates closed and
History the wards were raised, few dwarves remained on the surface
The following history is provided for the gamemaster. It isn’t in this region. The balance of power once more shifted to
intended for the players, and much of it is unknown even to the fey courts. Their agents spread throughout the land,
the people of Aetaltis. That being said, it won’t negatively planting great oaks, restoring the forests, and establishing
impact the game if you decide to let your players discover new communities.
some or all of this information during your campaign. The remaining dwarves in the region regrouped at the
site of the old castle. There, they set to constructing a new
Age of Magic fortress, one of the legendary stoneholds. They did not build
Thousands of years ago, when the fey ruled Aetaltis, a atop the hill as their ancestors had, but rather they carved
powerful elven court controlled the land we call the Scir of the new fortress right into the living stone of the rocky prom-
Dunbury. In those days, a primeval forest as old as Aetaltis ontory. The intent was to create a stronghold that would
itself covered the entire region, unicorns roamed the forests, not only hold fast against endrori assaults, but avoid conflict
and all manner of fey creatures called the region home. entirely by having no sign of its presence on the surface. All
Little is known about this ancient court, and no significant the while they took precautions not to dig too deeply for fear
evidence of it remains. As for the primeval forest, it no of striking the monster-infested caverns below.
longer exists, although pockets of virgin woodland remain Their efforts were rewarded, for not even the elves of the
hidden in the highlands. region knew about the new dwarven stronghold. Any pass-

OPPOSITE | Dunbury in Decline, by Russell Marks

ing by would see the ruins of the old dwarven castle atop munities, but sometimes they built on the ruins of elven
the hill, but there was no sign that an entire community lay villages or old dwarven outposts. Soon the humans, along
underneath. The people of the stonehold lived in safety and with the other lineages of the Alliance and their enari allies,
security for many years. rose to dominate the region.
The stonehold’s eventual fall came not from a defeat but In this period, after the depredations of the Wolf ended
from a victory. Just a little more than a century after the but before the terror of the Cataclysm, the first stones of
stonehold’s completion, word reached the dwarves that Dunbury Castle were laid. A decade later, work on the
far to the west, in the ancient homeland of their people, a fortress finished, and Dunbury Castle became the defender
group of dwarves had founded a new country called Mala- of the north in the kingdom of Agthor. The Agthorian king
dor. All dwarves were welcome and encouraged to join in on had great plans for the region, and hoped this mighty for-
the building of a new dwarven legacy. tress would serve as the first step in a grand effort to civilize
Although a few of the dwarves stayed back, the majority the northern wilds.
of the stonehold’s population decided to head west. The
remaining dwarves could neither defend nor maintain the The Cataclysm
massive stonehold. So it was that they abandoned it and When the Cataclysm struck and the arcane world gates
moved south, seeking a new home away from the elven courts collapsed, it ended the flow of settlers, wealth, and supplies
and the painful memories of their lost Deepland halls. that had streamed into Aetaltis for a century. It also de-

stroyed the Alliance centers of power, and almost overnight
Age of Atlan military outposts like Dunbury Castle found themselves
The arrival of the otherworldly Atlan Alliance threw completely cut off from the rest of the world.
Aetaltis into chaos once again, especially for the elves of Inevitably, this power vacuum allowed unscrupulous and
this region. Most notably, the notorious Alliance general despotic individuals to seize control in the region, often
known as the Wolf, furious when an elven sorceress refused without opposition. This was the case at Dunbury Castle,
his proposal of marriage, unleashed his army on the elves where a greedy captain of the Alliance Army took control of
in the region. The violence and horrors he and his followers the castle and laid claim to the surrounding countryside. He
inflicted were nothing short of a massacre. The survivors was a brutal, vicious man, and those citizens he didn’t kill or
and their descendants retreated into the deepest, most enslave, he eventually drove from the land.
hidden parts of the forest, and they have never forgotten the As the years went on, the towns and villages emptied, and
wickedness of the first humans they encountered. the greedy captain watched his power crumble. At last, he

It was also during this age that humans first began to was killed by his own troops, who abandoned the castle and
colonize the region. Often they established their own com- headed south ahead of the oncoming winter snow.

5000 years ago–The region that includes the Scir of Dun- 105 AC–Dunbury Castle begins a two-century period of
bury is ruled by a powerful fey court. repeated abandonment and restoration.

3600 years ago–The fey court’s power wanes. 316 AC–Creesis Vaun’s father (Gryphon Vaun) is born.

3500 years ago–The dwarves rule the land that will 334 AC–A fur trapper settles the elven ruins where Thorn-
someday become the Duchy of Vaun. The fey retreat to wall sits today.
hidden villages in the deep forests. A dwarven fortress is
334 AC–Creesis Vaun’s father meets Malinar Drakewyn
constructed where Dunbury Castle stands today.
while fighting the Pendrothan warlords.
1700 years ago–The Dark Hordes invade the Donarzheis
339 AC–Creesis Vaun’s father, Gryphon, joins his army with
Mountains and surrounding lands.
Malinar Drakewyn’s.
1600 years ago–The dwarven fortress that preceded Dun-
339 AC–Drakewyn sends Vaun’s army north to secure the
bury Castle falls to the Dark Hordes.
northern border of their new country.
800 years ago–Endroren is defeated, and the Donarzheis
339 AC–Dreswyn is born to Elloridan Ulnswyn. She is a
Mountains are sealed with most of the dwarves of that
direct descendant of Elloridan Ellswyth.
kingdom still inside.

346 AC–The Duchy of Vaun is created by Malinar

750 years ago–The fey emerge from hiding. Elves work
Drakewyn and awarded to Gryphon Vaun.
to restore the forests and begin to build new settlements.
351 AC–Creesis Vaun is born.
This includes the settlement that was founded on the
town of Thornwall’s current location. 361 AC–Creesis Vaun’s father takes him on a survey of the
duchy. They visit the village of Thornwall.
750 years ago–The dwarves remaining on the surface
construct a secret stonehold inside the promontory where 376 AC–Creesis Vaun’s father dies at 60. Creesis becomes
12 Dunbury Castle sits today. duke at age 25.

600 years ago–Nearly all the dwarves residing in the 377 AC–Duke Vaun is injured during a hunting trip near
stonehold decide to leave for the newly formed dwarven Thornwall and meets Dreswyn.2
nation of Malador. The stonehold is abandoned.

378 AC–Duke Vaun constructs his hunting lodge at Thorn-

425 years ago / 0 AC–The Atlan Alliance arrives on Aetaltis. wall. The town begins to grow.

24 AC–The ruthless Atlan explorer known as the Wolf starts 387 AC–Malinar Drakewyn II arranges a marriage between
his expedition to the Donarzheis Mountain highlands. Duke Creesis Vaun and Lady Greta Oglind.

30 AC–The Wolf discovers Thornwall and desires the 392 AC–The Duchess blackmails Duke Vaun to stop him
settlement’s leader, an elven woman named Elloridan 1 from seeing Dreswyn.
Ellswyth. She spurns him, so he sets the settlement ablaze 393 AC–Dreswyn’s mother dies. Dreswyn takes the title of
and cuts down the great oak at its center. Elloridan.
30 AC–Livid that Ellswyth rejected him, the Wolf begins a 418 AC–Duke Creesis Vaun dies at age 67.
program of extermination, hunting the fey and burning
423 AC–Present day–An earthquake shakes Thornwall,
their villages.
and goblins start attacking people in the woods a short
36 AC–The Alliance leaders receive word of the Wolf’s time later. A bold group of adventurers defeat the endrori
actions in the north and recall him to Erinor. and bring security to Thornwall.
55 AC–The Alliance begins work on Dunbury Castle.
1. Elloridan is the fey word for “matriarchal ruler.” Many Aetaltans simply
65 AC–Dunbury Castle is completed. translate this as “Queen” in the Common language, but the differences
between the roles of Queen and Elloridan make this a poor translation.
105 AC–The Cataclysm brings an end to the power of the 2. The complete story of Creesis Vaun and Dreswyn is found in The Heroes of
Atlan Alliance and traps the survivors on Aetaltis. Thornwall.
Modern History Everyday Life
Very little is known about the castle’s history after that
The region of Aetaltis where this book is set is a classic
point. It appears to have been occupied on and off over the
European medieval fantasy setting. If you’re ever in doubt
next two centuries. Now and again a powerful warlord or
about what is normal in Dunbury, you’ll never go wrong
ambitious noble would march north and occupy it, only
if you fall back on European medieval history. The pri-
to watch their fortunes fade as they realized there weren’t
mary difference is that, thanks to magic, life for the peo-
enough people to rule and, perhaps more importantly, tax.
ple of Dunbury is a bit better than the average medieval
It wasn’t until the year 339 AC that this changed. In that
townsperson could expect.
year, Gryphon Vaun joined forces with Malinar Drakewyn
in the latter’s drive to bring peace to Agthor. Malinar sent
Gryphon and his army north with the goal of establishing
Peasants and Nobles
Dunbury is part of a country called Agthor. Agthor is more
Dunbury Castle as the northern border of Drakewyn’s new
enlightened than most of the kingdoms on the Amethyst
country. Despite resistance from local warlords, Gryphon
Sea in that all citizens are afforded clear rights under the
cut a path up the Kouros River and to the castle. By the end
law, but it is still a stratified society with clearly defined eco-
of the fighting season, Gryphon himself raised Drakewyn’s
nomic classes. The noble class rules and the lower classes
banner over the castle’s highest tower.
labor. In between is the gentry, a growing class in Agthor

Soon after, Gryphon returned south with the bulk of
that consists of merchants, skilled craftspersons, spellcast-
his forces to reinforce Drakewyn in his final push to unite
ers, and rank and file religious functionaries.
Agthor, but Gryphon left a contingent of troops behind to
restore and hold the castle. The castle has been held contin-
Food and Drink
uously by Agthorian forces ever since.
Villagers produce most of their own food, but larger set-
Five years later, with the war behind him, Gryphon Vaun
tlements may have a grocer and a shop or two that provide
expressed his desire to lay down his sword. Drakewyn
bread, meat, and other food products. Villagers also travel
honored his ally by creating a new duchy in the north
to larger towns where they may trade for foodstuffs in the
of Agthor, christened it the Duchy of Vaun, and named 13
weekly markets. Taverns may also serve prepared food,
Gryphon it’s duke. The bequeathment included the city
especially in smaller settlements where it may be the settle-
of Tristanford, Dunbury Castle, and all the surrounding
ment’s only business.
In the various industrial settlements, such as lumber
Gryphon Vaun passed rulership of the duchy to his son,

camps and mines, food is usually purchased by a quarter-
Creesis, but sadly, Creesis died five years ago and left no heir.
master and shipped in to the camp. Meals are part of a
laborer’s payment, so this is a typical expense accounted
Present Day for by the noble or merchant that runs the mine. Meals are
Now it is the year 423 AC. As competing claims to the
communal and served in large dining halls.
duchy’s seat are contested in the High Lords court in New
Erinor, the needs of Dunbury Castle and Scir of Dunbury
Health and Healing
are often forgotten. For some this is a boon, especially
Spells, potions, and the presence of magical herbs in the
wrongdoers, smugglers, and bandits, but also for any who
forests around Dunbury Castle mean the average resident
prefer a bit less noble-meddling in their affairs.
of the scir is healthier than their medieval European Earth
For some, however, this lack of leadership is a burden,
counterpart. There are, however, limits to magic. Plagues and
and this is certainly the case for the defenders of Dunbury
virulent disease can overwhelm the abilities of healers. Also,
Castle. Over the past three years, sightings of and attacks by
the most powerful healing spells often require exotic or ex-
endrori have grown at a worrying pace. It is only a matter
pensive material components most people simply can’t afford.
of time before a large force of endrori find their way to the
If a person falls ill, the first stop is the local mundane
surface here, an event that will threaten not only Dunbury,
healer. A visit to the healer is often followed by a trip to the
but all of Agthor.
herbalist to acquire poultices and potions. In the case of
especially grievous injuries or deadly diseases, the injured
party is taken to a temple for the attentions of the cleric,
but for many, this means a long overland trip to Dunbury
Castle or Thornwall.
Magic and Spells won’t generate more surprise than a close encounter with a
Magic is an ever-present force in Aetaltis and is a palpable natural animal.
part of everyday life. Almost everyone has witnessed a spell- This assumes one stays within the boundaries of the
caster casting a spell, many people have seen creatures using lands designated as safe by Duke Creesis before his death.
magic-based abilities, and most have benefitted directly Travel north beyond the borders of the scir, northeast into
from magical effects. the Grimvold Forest, or into any of the uninhabited regions
Non-spellcasters in Agthor, however, are never complete- of the realm is almost certain to result in dangerous en-
ly comfortable around magic. Divine magic has many ben- counters. From endrori warbands, to wild fey, to the spirits
efits, but it cuts both ways, depending on whether you’ve of the ancient dead, there is no telling what one might face
pleased or displeased the gods. As for arcane magic, its use in these untamed and dangerous lands. Every person in
is governed purely by the will of mortals. That is enough to Dunburyscir knows this and most refuse, quite wisely, to
make many people wary of those who wield such strange enter the forbidden lands.
powers. What makes this worse, however, is that the fallen
enaros Endroren was once the Lord of Magic. He surren- Mundane Enemies
dered that title long ago, but people remain suspicious of A wide variety of mundane enemies threaten the people
arcane spellcasters, even if they desire the utility of their of the region. When traveling the roads, especially those
spells and enchantments. unguarded by the Dunbury Castle patrols, people know to
stay alert for bandits. The same holds true for the water-

Religion and the Divine ways, where river pirates prowl looking for prey. To this
Most people in Agthor worship a pantheon of deities end, most folks arm themselves when traveling and are al-
known as the Enaros. The most notable exceptions are the ways ready for trouble. These threats also make them more
dwarves and the newardin. Newardin acknowledge that than happy to share the road with honorable adventurers,
the Enaros are extremely powerful, but most do not revere and they’ll go out of their way to reward adventurers willing
them as gods. On the other hand, the dwarves still blame to travel alongside them.
14 the Enaros for the loss of their Deepland homes, and thus
they have renounced them. Governance
The Agthorian duchies are divided into governmental dis-
Adventurers tricts called scirs (pronounced skeer). Scirs are further sub-
Many, but not all, people in Dunbury have met an adven-

divided into ridings, each of which is roughly 20-40 miles

turer at some point in their lives. The residents of Dunbury across, or roughly the distance a person can ride in a day.
Castle are more likely to have met folks on heroic quests, and It’s worth noting that while every piece of land in a duchy
Dunbury’s familiarity with noble visitors means its people are is part of a scir, not every piece of land in a scir is part of
slightly less impressed by adventurers than your typical out- a riding. Ridings are created as necessary, usually when a
land townsfolk. That said, in these difficult times, with Dun- settlement in the area grows large enough to warrant the
bury Castle’s soldiery stretched thin, adventurers that live up additional subdivision.
to their heroic reputations can expect a warm welcome. Dunbury Castle is part of the aptly named the Scir of
Dunbury and sits in the Riding of Stonehill. Dunbury is a
Monsters relatively large scir compared to others in Agthor, although
The people of Dunburyscir (a common name used by a large portion of it is untamed wilderness. It includes not
the locals when referring to their home) are no strangers only the castle but a number of towns and villages as well,
to monsters. The sparsely populated highlands are home including the town of Thornwall. Although we will touch
to all manner of strange creatures, from corrupted forms on the duchy briefly, in this book we focus on Dunbury
of natural animals to strange beasts touched by magic. Castle and the Scir of Dunbury.
Typically, encounters are brief, and consist of a shepherd or
hunter stumbling across some solitary monster wandering Duchy of Vaun
in the forest. Most townsfolk treat encounters like these the Vaun was created and ceded to Gryphon Vaun by Lord
same way one might treat an encounter with a wolf or bear. Malinar Drakewyn 77 years ago in the year 346 AC. There
It isn’t common, and it’s not something you want to happen have only been two Dukes of Vaun in that time: Gryphon
to you, but when you tell the story back at the tavern, it Vaun and his son Creesis. Five years ago, in 418 AC, Duke
Creesis Vaun died without an heir. At the time in which mayors and bailiffs
this book is set, the year 423 AC, Lord Valinar Drakewyn The duty of mayors and bailiffs is to see that the lord’s or
has not appointed a new duke. The ducal seat remains lady’s wishes, which in most cases match those of the Duke
hotly contested, and there are a number of equally ranked of Vaun, are carried out in the town, village, or settlement
petitioners for the title. Of particular note is Warden Os- they control. In addition, they are to ensure the settlement
wald Balewick, who claims the Duke promised him control is administered according to the duke’s desires. Mayors and
of the Duchy—in unrecorded private conversations, of bailiffs may also sit in judgment of legal and civil disputes.
duke’s seneschal In larger communities, the work of the mayors and bailiffs
The seneschal is the duke’s representative. He is charged is often supported by an advisory council. The council’s
with the application of justice and control of the duchy’s primary responsibility is to manage the day-to-day affairs
administration. The current seneschal, Crandell Crestle- of a settlement. This includes maintenance of public works,
ford, is quite old. Before the duke’s death, he had intended collection of taxes, and provisioning for the settlement’s
to retire. Now, he feels he has no choice but to remain at his security. The mayor or bailiff oversees the council to ensure
post until a new duke is named and they can appoint a new, their actions are in line with the desires of the lord or lady.
younger seneschal. The number of members on a council varies, but typically

Crestleford once traveled extensively around the duchy to they consist of six representatives from the community.
inspect the duke’s holdings, but due to his advanced age and Although the seats are initially filled by lot from a pool
deteriorating health, he no longer leaves Tristanford. of likely candidates, once filled, the seats are often passed
down to a chosen successor. As long as the council con-
tinues to manage the settlement effectively, most citizens
Oswald Balewick is the Warden of Vaun. The warden
have no issue with this process, but on a few occasions a
is charged with managing the duchy’s forests and wood-
councilmember who failed in their responsibilities has been
lands. He ensures the land is used properly and the duke’s
ousted by the mayor, the bailiff, the other council members,
laws are followed. His will is carried out by the foresters 15
or even the general populace.
charged with enforcing the law. Normally, a warden visits
each forester once or twice each year. Since the death of the chief constable
duke, however, Warden Balewick has been in New Erinor, Many larger settlements have a chief constable. The chief
vying for the ducal seat. Additional details about Warden

constable‘s duties are to enforce the law within the settle-
Balewick are found in Chapter 5: People of Dunbury. ment’s borders (which usually extends to the town walls),
organize the town watch, and command the local militia.
Dunbury Castle In times of need, they may appoint temporary deputy
Commanding a position on a high bluff at a sharp bend constables to assist them. The chief constable is elected in
in the Kouros River stands Dunbury Castle. The castle’s an open, show-of-hands election and continues to hold the
occupants are charged with the defense of Dunburyscir. post at the town’s pleasure as long as they are deemed fit to
Dunbury Castle is a military outpost. No noble family serve. Alternatively, the constable may be appointed by the
resides there, although it’s not unusual for soldiers to bring nobleperson who rules the region in which the settlement
their families, especially the officers. A detailed description sits. The chief constable’s jurisdiction ends at the town
of Dunbury Castle and its occupants is found in Chapter walls.
3: Dunbury Castle and Chapter 5: People of Dunbury.
Information about the role of the castle and its leadership forester
in the governance of the scir is provided in Chapter 2: Where a chief constable enforces the law within a settle-
Military Life. ment’s walls, foresters enforce the law in the land surround-
ing it. In particular, it is their duty to see that the forests are
Public Servants managed in accordance with the duke’s wishes. If a person
No noble lord rules the scir. Rather, a collection of appoint- breaks the forest laws, or if a criminal from town flees
ed officers carries out the will of the duke. In addition to into the surrounding countryside, it is the forester’s duty
the military leaders stationed at the castle, the following to bring the individual to justice. The post of forester is
roles are important to the management of the scir. appointed by the duchy’s warden.
In times of need, the forester can appoint woodwards to military law vs. civil law
aid them. These are the equivalent of the chief constable’s This section focuses on civil law, the law set down and en-
deputies. The post of woodward is temporary in theory, but forced by the ruling nobility of a land. Generally, these same
in lands such as Dunburyscir, where there is a great deal of laws are followed and enforced by the country’s military, but
territory to patrol, many woodwards hold their positions there are some exceptions. Any differences between the le-
for extended periods. gal responsibilities of members of the military and common
citizens are described in Chapter 2: Military Life.
town watch
In large villages and towns, every able-bodied person is weapons and armor
expected to spend time each year as a member of the town Of particular importance to adventurers are laws govern-
watch. Most settlements have a meager supply of weapons ing the ownership and use of martial weapons and armor.
and armor used to outfit citizens when they execute their Those of noble blood may carry martial weapons as they
time on watch. will and wear whatever armor they choose. This is true
throughout Agthor. In the dangerous outlands, this law has
town militia
never held much weight. This is especially true since the in-
In times of war, it is expected that the chief constable will
creased sightings of dangerous creatures, including endrori,
organize a militia to defend the town and serve the duke.
in the wilds. It’s unlikely a forester or chief constable in the
Every able-bodied person is expected to own a bow and
settlements around Dunbury Castle will take issue with
know how to shoot it. Each person must demonstrate their

someone wearing armor or wielding war weapons.

skills bi-annually to the chief constable. Failure to pass the
It’s important to note there is a distinct difference
tests, which are relatively simple, may lead to time in the
between something being legal and its being acceptable.
stocks, imprisonment, or a sentence of service.
Although it might be legal for a person to carry a broad-
sword and wear plate armor, doing so while shopping at the
Law and Order
market or hanging out in the tavern puts people on edge
Within a settlement, the law is enforced by the mayor, the
and will negatively color the reaction of people the charac-
16 bailiff, the chief constable, the town watch, or any deputies
ter interacts with. Imagine a person from our world walked
the constable has appointed. Outside the town walls, the
into a store wearing full combat gear and carrying a loaded
law is enforced by foresters and any woodwards the forest-
assault rifle. You can probably imagine the response. The
ers appoint.
reaction in Aetaltis to a comparative show of arms in public

“do no harm” might be slightly less dramatic, but that sort of gear has one
The legal system of Agthor is relatively complex because it use: fighting to the death. That’s no way to start a friendly
is designed to protect people equally under the law regard- conversation.
less of their station. In practice, however, the difficulty of
fully understanding the laws means that in outland regions judgment
like Dunburyscir, the law is often boiled down to the simple Simple cases are tried on the spot by whatever law enforce-
adage of “do no harm.” ment official confronts the lawbreaker. Caught urinating in
public? No need for a judge. You’re off to the stocks. Fight-
ing in the street? No court case required; that’s a sentence
of service.
SIMPLIFYING THE LAW For more complicated cases, or for simple cases where
the accused resists their punishment, the mayor or bailiff
Trying to decipher complicated laws and legal codes sits in judgment. This is typically a casual affair. Everyone
isn’t what most people call “fun.” That’s the reason for shows up at the appropriate place at the appointed time.
the “do no harm” concept. As the gamemaster, you can The adjudicator hears the story from both sides and makes
make a simple judgment on whether or not you think a decision.
a player’s actions were good or bad, and how the For serious offenses, such as murder, the same process is
aggrieved parties react to those actions. followed, although in some cases the adjudicator may elect
to send the accused to Dunbury Castle or even the ducal
seat of Tristanford for judgment. This is at the discretion of
the adjudicator, not the accused.

Players will make terrible decisions. It’s inevitable. This assures them he’s not a werewolf, and politely shows
might happen because they have no real-life conse- them out with no hard feelings.
quences for their actions in-game, or because they get a
little carried away, or, more often, because they just make
When you’re dealing with someone you like and trust,
simple mistakes. It’s no fun when one of these bad deci-
you’ll often give them the benefit of the doubt (some-
sions derails the adventure, and it breaks the illusion if
times even when they don’t deserve it). Use this if the
you simply wave these things off like they didn’t happen
players get themselves into trouble in town:
When this happens in the dungeon, it’s pretty easy to
recover. A fighter got carried away and killed the goblin
The party’s rogue swipes a silver candlestick from
chief before he can question him? Ah, well. He’s a goblin.
the mantle of a noble’s home when no one is looking.
The dwarf smashes the valuable magic mirror? Too bad.
On the way out the door, the owner spots the candle-
Less loot for everyone.
stick protruding from the rogue’s coat. What happens?
It gets trickier when the mistakes take place in civilized
The noble really likes these heroes, and he knows
lands. What happens when the rogue gets caught sneak-
they wouldn’t rob him. He tells the rogue that he saw

ing into someone’s house while looking for evidence that
him admiring the candlesticks earlier, and declares
the person is a vampire? Or maybe the player decides to
that he thinks the rogue simply forgot to put it back.
try out their character’s ability to pick pockets, only to
To the noble, this is the only logical explanation; he
get caught in the act. Unless you’re ready to play an ex-
hasn’t even considered that the rogue might rob him.
tended medieval version of a police procedural or you’re
The rogue (if he’s smart) blushes, agrees, returns the
looking forward to a bloody melee that takes out half the
candlestick, and the adventure continues.
town, these types of mistakes can be problematic for the
The World of Aetaltis offers a number of systems for In real life, people are amazingly forgiving. This is particu-
dealing with these problems. Spending Goodwill is one larly true when they’re dealing with someone they know
of the primary tools available for getting a character out and trust. Use this to let minor slights slide. If nothing
of trouble. If that doesn’t work, there is also informa- else, no one wants to get on the bad side of a group of

tion in the Law and Order section that talks about how skilled adventurers:
different crimes are handled and punished. There are,
however, easier ways to handle problems like these. The fighter is convinced that the sheriff is in league
TRUST with the enemy. When the sheriff walks into the tavern,
the fighter draws his sword and attacks! The towns-
In real life, people are actually pretty trusting. Keep in
people and deputies all leap to the sheriff’s defense,
mind that generally, the characters arrived as potential
and it looks like things are going to get ugly fast. The
heroes. The very fact that they are there to aid the locals
party discovers they may have made a mistake. What
will generate a certain amount of automatic trust. Once
happens next?
they start saving people, this trust will grow even more.
The sheriff calls his men off and sheathes his sword.
If the players make a mistake, have the victim behave as
He surrenders and offers to let them use spells to prove
most people do when dealing with someone they trust:
his innocence if they like. He says he understands the
pressure they are under to solve the problem, and he
The party is sneaking around inside the home
forgives them for accusing him.
of the mayor at night, looking for evidence he is the
werewolf, but the mayor catches them in the act. The These approaches will help you to avoid adventurers
party quickly explains what they’re doing there. What causing accidental derailing conflicts, and will even make
happens next? your game feel more realistic.
The mayor isn’t thrilled they’re in his home, but he
trusts these brave heroes. He expresses his displeasure,
There is an appeal process in Agthor, but to take ad- imprisonment
vantage of it, one must either wait for one of the traveling People in the settlements around Dunbury Castle are only
truth-reading priests of Toletren to come through town, imprisoned if they are too dangerous to go free, are awaiting
or move the case to a larger court. This is a lengthy process execution, or are being sent south to Dunbury Castle or
that usually involves the accused sitting in a cell somewhere Tristanford. Otherwise, the punishments described above
for a long period of time. There is no bail in Agthor. In ad- are far more likely. Dunbury Castle has dungeons, and any-
dition, it is rare such an appeal results in a positive outcome one may be imprisoned there at the discretion of the castle’s
for the accused, so the option is used sparingly. commander or by order of a high-ranking noble such as the
warden or seneschal.
No matter the crime, there are a number of tried-and-true execution
punishments favored in Dunburyscir. Execution is always an option as a punishment for crimes.
The main crimes in Dunburyscir that result in execution
are murder, banditry, and piracy. The typical method of
The guilty party is fined an amount equal to roughly double
execution is hanging until dead. Most executions are carried
the cost of their actions. The cost of their actions is deter-
out at the Crossroads (14).
mined by the adjudicator. In cases of stolen or damaged
goods, this is relatively simple to calculate. In the case of
lost work or other intangible costs, the amount of the fine is
Major Factions

at the adjudicator’s discretion. There are competing factions throughout Dunburyscir,

each with their own agendas. Some of these, such as the
time in the stocks Agthorian military and the foresters, are formally organized
The point of the stocks is to publicly humiliate a person. It’s and operate as a unified whole. Many, such as the bandits
also a way of announcing to the community that a person and the endrori, operate independently but are usefully
may need to be watched. Finally, it offers the aggrieved an categorized as a faction for game purposes.
opportunity to safely confront the guilty party.
Disturbances of the peace are typically punished with Agthorian Military
time in the stocks. Fights that don’t end in serious injury, The Agthorian military is a force for order and good in
lewd acts, or just general troublemaking are all crimes where the dangerous borderlands of Dunburyscir. Stationed at
the stocks get employed as punishment. Normally a day or Dunbury Castle and commanded by the honorable Captain

two in the stocks is considered sufficient in these cases. Elaris Brazewhite, the Agthorian soldiers are well-respected
Time in the stocks may also accompany more serious by the people of the scir. For honest folks, when the soldiers
crimes. The time is significantly longer in these cases, possi- arrive, they know things will be all right. For dishonest
bly a week or more. folks, it means the jig is up.
The problem Brazewhite faces is there are too few sol-
service diers assigned to Dunbury for the scir’s size, especially with
Some crimes may be punished with sentences of service.
the rising endrori threat. Even more troubling, Warden
The guilty party may have to repair roads, work on the
Balewick has insisted all soldiers remain assigned to the
city walls, or spend time working on other public works
rivers and roads to protect the duchy’s economic interests,
projects. Sentences may last a few days or a few months,
leaving most of the northern towns, settlements, and villag-
depending on the severity of the crime.
es to fend for themselves.
Any person who is a continued nuisance may be exiled from Bandits
the community, the riding, or even the scir. This is typical in Like any region this close to the wilds, bandits are a regular
cases where no one is at real risk of harm, but the actions of threat the people of Dunburyscir must contend with. Orga-
the person are so disruptive it is considered best to remove nized into loose gangs, they stake out territory and prey on
them from the community. In the case of exile, the person is whoever stumbles across their paths. They’re also fond of
given enough food and water for a two-day journey (if they ambushing travelers, and a few of the bolder bandit captains
can’t outfit themselves for the trip), taken to a point a few will set up a toll station, demanding payment from any who
hours outside the borders, and sent on their way. wish to pass. Although the military breaks these up, it might
be days after receiving a report before Brazewhite can send of these new foresters are competent, if corrupt, but a few of
troops. In theory, the foresters might step in to assist, but the newest are little more than bandits and thugs with a title.
lately they’ve looked the other way for a cut of the profit.
Endrori Pirates are the nautical equivalent of bandits. When a target
Every month more endrori appear, along with other mon- presents itself on the river, they deploy small, quick boats
sters from the deeps, and they are the fastest growing threat from either bank and quickly surround the target boat. If
to the people of the duchy. Their presence reinforces the the target’s pilot seems unwilling to allow them to board,
widely held belief that the ancient wards that locked the en- they soften the crew up with a few volleys from their cross-
drori in the Deeplands are systematically failing. As a ward bows. Moments later they scramble up over the side of the
fails, a passage to the surface opens, and it isn’t long before target boat, fight off any remaining resistance, and search
some endrori warband discovers it. for booty. As quickly as they came, they climb back over the
To date, the endrori have not acted in an organized sides and disappear into the fog.
fashion. Perhaps a warband of orcs sets up camp in a ruined
keep or a tribe of goblins start raiding the nearby village, Smugglers
but there is no sense that they are under the command of a The smugglers of Dunbury make their profit by avoiding
powerful leader such as a wraethdari or abomonae. If such a the taxes and shares demanded by the duchy. Poached furs

leader should arise, however, the threat of this leader assem- are a favorite trade item for smugglers, although anything
bling the scattered monsters into a Dark Horde is one that taken from the wilds against the duke’s laws are fair game.
keeps Captain Brazewhite up at night. This includes everything from dangerous animals to rare
herbs to mundane goods, such as lumber, harvested from
Fey Court forbidden woodlands.
Although the characters and the people of the region don’t Smugglers also make decent coin bringing illegal goods
know this for certain, there is at least one Elloriyan fey into the scir. From controlled martial weapons and armor to
court in Dunburyscir. It is located around 60 miles north- forbidden Zhamayen spice, they’re happy to provide goods
west of Thornwall, hidden in the depths of an ancient vir- the authorities don’t want you to have. They also help their
gin forest. Heavy use of magic hides the paths to the court buyers avoid the eyes of the authorities, say when a forest-
from outsiders, and the people of the court go out of their er wants a few dozen swords for unknown purposes and
way to avoid contact with outsiders. They will aggressively prefers Dunbury Castle not hear about it.

defend their home from discovery, and have done so on
more than one occasion. Although they have no desire to Wild Fey
reveal their presence, if a major threat to their home arises The Grimvold Forest is home to scattered communities of
or there is a threat to the region that can only be overcome Feylariyan wild fey. They live in independent tribes, but they
through cooperation of all good peoples, they may reveal can and do coordinate as needed to drive off threats. They
themselves to the outside world. are unpredictable, rely heavily on magic, and know the for-
ests better than even the most experienced forester. They are
Foresters also deeply antagonistic toward humans, a cultural behavior
The foresters are meant to serve on the side of law and formed in response to the evils committed by the Wolf.
order, enforcing the duke’s law in the wilderness the way the
constable does in the town. Over the past two years, how-
ever, Warden Balewick has made a series of subtle changes
that is slowly transforming them into his own personal
army: a small army, yes, but a force that puts his commands
before all others.
And the problem grows more troubling every day. By
replacing foresters that question his commands and ap-
pointing additional foresters unassociated with a town or
settlement, the Warden has increased their numbers. Most




RIFFON MUNCHED ON BUTTERED BLACK BREAD “Who are you people? I mean, I’m grateful, but why are you
while Dove conferred with their hosts. The Thatchers helping me?”
were red-cheeked, middle-aged folk who made their “What’s your father’s name?” said Dove.
home in a small village a few miles west of where Dove and “Robin Potter.” Griffon saw that both the Thatchers and
Griffon had hidden their rowboat. Dove were watching him. “The Potters raised me after my
“The word from the castle is the Warden’s men returned parents died. I never took their name.”
from the Trysting Isle fewer than when they left,” said Mrs. “Your real father, son. What was his name?”
Thatcher. She poured milk into a pair of wooden mugs and Griffon shrugged. “A family of tinkers found me at the edge
offered it to her guests. Her husband cracked eggs into a skillet of a plague village. There was a prayer pinned to my clothes.
popping with sausages. Nothing else.”
“What about Lil?” said Dove. The others exchanged glances.
Mrs. Thatcher shrugged. “She’ll be all right. We still have a “You were born in a plague village,” said Mrs. Thatcher.
few other friends in the castle.” Griffon nodded.
Griffon swallowed the last of his bread before speaking. “I remember those days,” she said. “It wasn’t unknown for

ABOVE | Attack of the White Wyrms, by Russell Marks

dying mothers to leave their children near the road, hoping “Coffin Village,” said Dove. He hopped into the wagon. Grif-
someone would raise them away from the sickness.” fon balked at following, but Dove pulled him up.
Mr. Thatcher whistled as he filled a bag with fresh bread, “Coffin Village?” Griffon gulped.
hard cheese, and pots of preserves while keeping one eye on the “You said you like meeting new people.”
frying pan.
Dove kept his gaze leveled on Griffon. Dunbury Castle is far more than just a place to stop for
“The Potters’ children stayed home to learn the trade,” said supplies, collect bounties, and gather a bit of information.
Dove. “But you scarpered off to Tristanford to study letters.” In this chapter, we’ll provide the information that will
“I couldn’t rely on the Potters’ generosity all my life,” said allow you to leverage Dunbury Castle to its fullest extent.
Griffon. “Besides, I wanted to see more of the people of Agthor.” Whether you just need some ways to better motivate the
“As a tax collector?” said Mrs. Thatcher. “You don’t make player characters or you want to run a complete military
friends that way.” adventure, you’ll find what you need here.
“You might be surprised,” said Griffon. “Besides, who else
meets more people? Last year I traveled from New Erinor to
Daily Routine
Castle Port, visiting every village in between. This season I was Dunbury Castle never truly sleeps, although residents are
looking forward to seeing Thornwall.” most active during the sunlit hours. Sentries stand watch
Again, the three studied his face. Mr. Thatcher filled a plate throughout the day and night. Master Foley often haunts

with eggs and sausage and set it on the table. His wife poured the keep in the small hours, reading by candlelight or
herself a cup of tea and shrugged. simply walking the battlements as a result of his frequent
All turned at the sound of a runner approaching the cottage. insomnia. The bakers boast (or complain) that they are the
Iwan, the Thatchers’ younger son, threw open the door, panting. first to rise, since they begin work at the witching hour to
“Riders on the Bridge Road.” ensure everyone has fresh bread for breakfast. The kitchen
Dove slapped a fried egg between two slices of bread and staff begin their labors soon after, and Sergeant Hodge
began wolfing it down. makes a point of being washed, shaved, and dressed before
“How long before they’re here?” said Mrs. Thatcher. he orders a corporal to sound the bell outside the barracks.
Iwan frowned. “Maybe half an hour,” he said. “If they don’t A simple chart of the castle routine follows, but many
hurry.” non-routine events take place during or between these mile-
“Thanks for breakfast.” Dove rose from the table. Mr. stones. Civilian residents attend to daily chores, sometimes
Thatcher handed him the bag he’d prepared along with a couple personal, more often in service of the castle. Likewise, sol-

of blankets. diers not on the patrol roster are often assigned to mainte-
“You stay safe, Dovey.” Mrs. Thatcher planted a big wet kiss nance, repair, or crafting jobs. Often a day is dominated by a
on his cheek. single large undertaking, like repairing a scaffold or gather-
Waggling his eyebrows, Dove winked at Griffon. “Told you ing stones along the river for a masonry project within the
they all fancy me.” castle. Other chores occur weekly or monthly, like cutting
“Where are we going?” said Griffon. and fletching arrows, oiling and sharpening weapons, or
“Back to the boat, for starters,” said Dove. “We’ve more repairing armor and saddles.
friends downriver.” The gamemaster is encouraged to add chores based on
They stepped outside and blinked in the morning sun. The the adventurers’ interests. If one is a carpenter, it just so
nearest neighbors went about their chores, pretending not to no- happens that Master Foley needs work done on the dove-
tice the two strangers. Even the halfling brothers who dropped cotes. If a character is a talented painter, Lieutenant Vance
off bales of river reeds beside the Thatchers’ home merely tipped wants a new fresco in the Place of Arms. Should one de-
their straw hats before climbing back into their cart. Griffon serve a comeuppance, one of the garderobes needs unclog-
wondered whether all the villagers were friends of Dove’s. Per- ging and repair. Gamemasters who wish to mix amusing
haps they were simply used to minding their own business. punishment with helpful revelations might allow such work
“Wait a minute, boys.” Dove called out to the halflings and to lead to the discovery of the secret passages. Whether
pointed at the river. Griffon saw three galleys gliding swiftly characters reveal the passage to their superiors might lead
downriver. “We can’t go back to the boat.” to another amusing or thrilling development. The game-
One of the halflings jerked a thumb over his shoulder, indi- master may decide to award a point of Goodwill to charac-
cating the bed of the wagon. “Where to, boss?” ters who volunteer to help and do so with good cheer.
castle routine Enlisted Soldiers
Most of the enlisted soldiers of Dunbury Castle were
Time Usual event
inspired as much by financial necessity as by a fervor to
Midnight Change of watch
defend the duchy. A few noble and even fanatical exceptions
3:00 Bakers begin work
exist, but by and large the ranks are filled with pragmatists.
4:00 Change of watch
That said, loyalty toward Captain Brazewhite is strong,
5:00 Cooks begin work
and while the attitude toward discipline at Dunbury is
6:00 Sergeant Hodge orders the reveille bell
notoriously lax, the average soldier respects and obeys their
6:30 Breakfast in the barracks; residents of the keep officers.
breakfast at various times over the next hour
Apart from meals, lodgings, clothing, arms, and armor,
7:00 Assembly for the day’s briefing, usually by Sergeant
Hodge, occasionally by Lieutenant Vance, on rare
rank and file soldiers receive payment of 82 sp per month.
occasion by the captain herself Soldiers must report for duty six days out of seven on a ro-
8:00 Change of watch; gates open; most patrols have left tating schedule. Depending on capability and seniority, each
9:00 Official opening of the Little Market individual might spend as many as five of those seven days
Young students assemble for lessons from Mother assigned to guard duty or labor at the castle itself. As one
Belenne gains more experience on patrol and distinguishes oneself

10:00 Sergeant Hodge or a corporal leads archery drills in combat or on diplomatic missions, one spends more time
Noon Change of watch away from the castle.
13:00 Lunch served in the barracks Each year at the Feast of Grethken, Lieutenant Vance
14:00 Master Foley instructs youth and adult students distributes bonus pay. Unless marked for disciplinary pun-
16:00 Change of watch ishment, every soldier receives a bonus of 20 sp. Those who
18:00 First shift for supper have distinguished themselves with acts of valor, courage,
19:00 Second supper service loyalty, or sacrifice have been known to receive bonuses of
20:00 Change of watch over 200 sp, although not in recent years. The continued
22 tightening of the purse strings by New Erinor has limited
the bonuses to no more than 50 sp, most often bestowed on
Daily Briefing the families of soldiers who perished in the line of duty.
During the day’s briefing, soldiers learn whether they have
castle or field duty. The later usually consists of patrols out enlisting for duty

to fixed destinations and back the same day, but it can also Any person may petition to enlist in the Agthorian Army,
include scouting more remote regions like the western hills and very few are rejected. There are three primary re-
or the northern forests. Occasionally, valuable shipments quirements new recruits must meet. The first is they must
sent by road or river require escort, and the most serious possess the soundness of body to carry out the duties of a
duty is to meet the paywagon from Tristanford and escort it soldier. In game terms, this means the character must have
back to Dunbury Castle. This caravan was robbed two years scores of 8 or better in both Strength and Constitution.
ago, and the culprits have still not been apprehended. There Exceptions to this rule are made when the recruit has skills
is no special reward associated with this duty, but soldiers or abilities of such value that their limitations in other areas
have a personal stake in ensuring their pay arrives and treat may be overlooked. One of the most common examples are
the job seriously. fairies, whose ability to fly makes them especially useful to
the army despite their natural weakness.
Castle Roles The second requirement is that the person must not be a
criminal. The commission of any crime, no matter how long
What a character can do while at the castle, where they
ago, is grounds for rejection. It is up to the officer inter-
can go, and the extent of their personal responsibilities are
viewing the recruit to decide if the person’s crime warrants
dependent on their role. Most characters will have one of
rejection or may be overlooked. The reality is that most
three roles while visiting or residing at the castle: enlisted
crimes are overlooked. More often, a person with a criminal
soldier, freelancer, or civilian.
past is simply assigned to an unpleasant or dangerous post
that other soldiers would prefer to avoid.
The final requirement is that you must be a citizen of may still benefit from freelancer status, so long as they are
Agthor. This is proved by producing an appropriate doc- not a citizen of a country with which Agthor is at war.
ument from the noble to which you and your family owe Freelancers receive no pay. They may lodge in the bar-
fealty. Note that the noble themselves seldom provide this racks without charge, but they must pay a nominal fee (3
document. More often it is prepared by a representative of sp per day) for meals provided by the castle kitchens. They
the noble, such as a mayor, warden, bailiff, or person of sim- are, of course, welcome to make their own meals with food
ilar importance. In practical terms, someone that knows you they purchase themselves, or they may dine at the Three
and has an official title just needs to provide an attestation Hounds as many past freelancers have done.
in writing that you are a citizen. Freelancers are exempt from labor duties, but those who
If a person meets all three of these requirements, they are assigned to accompany a patrol receive their meals with-
are accepted into the army. Typically, their service begins out charge that day. Those who survive combat during such
immediately, but it is not unusual to give a new recruit a patrols usually receive an encouraging talk from Sergeant
day or two to get their affairs in order. One final note: the Hodge on the virtues of military life, but there is no remu-
interviewing officer may reject any recruit at their discre- neration for combat apart from posted bounties.
tion. Meeting the above requirements does not guarantee Perhaps the most important benefit of freelancer status
acceptance, but not meeting them almost ensures rejection. is early access to the bounty notices. The day before notices
are posted outside the castle, they are presented as part

terms of service of Sergeant Hodge’s morning briefing. Those who have
Once a person enlists, they are expected to serve for a established a good rapport with Lieutenant Vance or one of
period of no less than two years. Unless a soldier is formally the ensigns may even learn rumors of an upcoming bounty
dismissed before that period expires, they must remain in a day or two earlier, before artists and scribes have drawn
the army and carry out their duties as ordered until that the posters.
time is passed. At the end of the two-year term, they may Freelancers are not eligible for annual bonuses and may
re-enlist for another two-year term, continuing to do so as in fact earn the resentment of the soldiers if they flaunt
long as they continue to meet the requirements of service. the money and other rewards they receive for collecting
It is not unusual for a term of service to be extended with 23
bounties. If those freelancers have saved the lives of soldiers
or without the soldier’s consent. This most often occurs and local citizens while pursuing their rewards, however,
during times of war, although officers have wide authority such resentment is limited and more often replaced with
when it comes to extending a soldier’s term. Individuals that admiration and even hero worship.

try to leave before receiving a formal dismissal are charged Freelancers have no set duties. Rather, they are expected
with desertion, a capital offense. to serve as needed and when needed. Those who regularly
make themselves available for duty when called will retain
Freelancers their freelancer status. Those who refuse offered duties or
After making a name for themselves elsewhere (presumably
are difficult to find when there is work to get done will find
in Thornwall), adventurers might be ready for their next
their freelancer status quickly revoked.
challenge, but enlisting in the army might not be their cup
of tea. These individuals, however, may still establish a Civilian Guests
formal working relationship with the army. Anyone visiting the castle who is not an enlisted soldier or a
If the adventurers have a good reputation or a recom- contracted freelancer is considered a civilian guest. Civilian
mendation from a source known to Captain Brazewhite, guests may never enter the castle armed. They also have
she may offer them special assignments. Most often, these strict limits on where they may go inside the castle. The
assignments will involve accompanying her soldiers as most common place to see civilian guests is in the Outer
mercenaries, although she prefers the more romantic term Bailey during the hours of the Little Market. Civilians are
“freelancers.” This status includes fewer benefits and fewer allowed unrestricted access to the outdoor portions of the
obligations compared with the status of soldiers, but allows Outer Bailey from an hour before the Little Market opens
the adventurer greater freedoms. until an hour after it closes.
Requirements are far less strict for individuals wishing to To access any part of the Middle Bailey, the interiors of
become a freelancer. They are not obliged to swear fealty to the Outer Bailey’s buildings, and the outdoor portions of
the duke, but they must not be known to serve enemies of the Outer Bailey outside the hours of the Little Market,
the kingdom. Those who are openly loyal to other nations
civilian guests must be accompanied by an enlisted sol-
dier. Their escort must remain with them at all times, and
Enlisted Life
wandering without one’s escort is treated the same as if the In this section we take a closer look at what it means to
person entered the castle without permission. serve as an enlisted soldier in the Agthorian Army.
Civilian guest access to the Inner Bailey is only granted
by the express permission of Captain Brazewhite, Lieu- Ranks
tenant Vance, or Sergeant Hodge. Even when this per- Every enlisted soldier has a rank. Their rank determines the
mission is obtained, the guest must still remain with their chain of command, their pay, and a variety of other aspects
escort at all times. of their lives.
There are exceptions. Captain Brazewhite or Lieutenant • Private Soldier Private soldiers are usually addressed
Vance may approve a special pass for a civilian guest that as “soldier” in Dunbury Castle, although larger armies
allows them more access and access without escort. This often use “private.” In Agthor, the term refers to volun-
is not a physical pass but rather it is recorded in the castle teer soldiers or conscripts, although there has been no
logs and communicated to the guards on duty. Most special conscription at Dunbury for decades.
passes are granted for no more than a day, but this is not • Corporal A corporal is the lowest level of officer.
a hard and fast rule. Mak, for example, has been granted a Corporals typically command a squad of four soldiers.
pass with no expiration. This is the first rank at which a soldier earns the right

The consequences for trespassing inside the castle range to give commands.
from a stern warning to execution. Punishments are at • Sergeant Officially, a sergeant commands two or more
the discretion of the commanding officer. Common sense squads in the field, each led by a corporal. In prac-
should rule when selecting an appropriate punishment for tice, the sergeants at Dunbury Castle are more often
a trespassing character. If the character is a friend of the specialists in training, smithing, or another essential
castle and is clearly not causing any real harm, they’ll receive process.
a slap on the wrist and be sent on their way. If a character is • Ensign An ensign is a junior officer who often com-
discovered sabotaging the defenses or otherwise endanger- mands two or more squads in the field. Traditionally,
ing the castle and its inhabitants (no matter how good their these officers were the standard-bearers for full armies.
intentions), the punishment may range from imprisonment At Dunbury Castle, the ensigns report to Lieutenant
in the dungeon to hanging. Vance. While they are above sergeants in the chain of
Officially, visiting nobles are considered civilian guests. command, they treat those specialists with a certain

They are, however, afforded far greater freedoms than other respect, seldom disagreeing with their advice.
civilian guests. Normally, the requirement for an escort is • Lieutenant The lieutenant is the “left hand” of the
waived for visiting nobles, and they may carry their armor commander, and is expected to take charge of half of
and weapons while inside the walls. Requests by nobles for any large force led by the captain. In practice, Lieu-
access to the Inner Bailey are seldom refused. tenant Vance also deals with the highest-level adminis-
trative duties of the castle. She also acts as a gatekeeper
to the captain, shielding her commander from issues
she deems beneath the commanding officer’s notice.
• Captain Captain is the highest-ranking officer sta-
tioned at Dunbury Castle. Ultimately responsible for
the safety of all Agthorian citizens within the scir, the
Captain judges criminal cases, settles civil disputes, and
occasionally tasks one of her ensigns with investigation
of crimes and other unusual events. She also leads the
castle defenders in any large-scale military engagements.

ABOVE | Freelancer’s Medallion, by Russell Marks

Regulations and Discipline details to soldiers guilty of drunkenness, excessive gambling,
The common opinion outside of Vaun is that discipline and minor quarrels. Those found guilty of serious affray
at Dunbury Castle is too lax. This is not entirely wrong, (assault resulting in broken bones or substantial bleeding)
but it’s not exactly right either. The reality is that Captain can expect to spend a day or even weeks in the dungeon.
Brazewhite commands the respect of her troops and doesn’t Rapists and murderers can expect severe punishment, even
need to resort to draconian measures to keep the soldiers in hanging at the Crossroads. In the more serious cases, the
line. In addition, her troops are stretched dangerously thin, offender is first stripped of rank so that no one at the castle
money is tight, and new threats are appearing daily. In the is responsible for executing a fellow soldier.
face of these challenges, she is more interested in results It’s worth noting that lax attitude toward discipline does
than anything else. As long as a soldier conducts themselves not mean lowered effectiveness. When it’s time to go into
honorably, doesn’t behave in a way that reflects poorly on action, the soldiers operate with military efficiency and
the rest of the soldiers at the castle, and gets the job done, impressive efficacy. In their duties, they conduct themselves
failing to precisely follow orders isn’t something she’s going with honor, and they are respected by the common people
to punish. they serve. This effectiveness, even with the perceived lack
That is not to say the castle is entirely without discipline. of discipline, is part of what earns Dunbury Castle the ire
Sergeant Hodge sometimes assigns the less desirable castle of soldiers and commanders at other posts.


The trickiest part of running a military adventure is the ing duty for not having polished buttons. By taking a
problem of “following orders.” Enlisted soldiers must follow light touch when it comes to when and how orders
the orders of their commanding officers under most circum- are given, they become less of a burden and more of 25
stances. Unfortunately, this seldom works well in a roleplay- simple guidance toward the next part of the adventure.
ing game. Whether the orders come from a higher-ranking • Dunbury Irregulars: One last thing you can try is to
NPC or another character, many players chafe at the loss of reactivate the old Dunbury Irregulars. The Irregulars

independence. were a squad of soldiers Captain Brazewhite could call
If you run into the same problem with your players, the on to perform special missions. Maybe a job requires
following are some ways you can run a military campaign an unusual set of skills most soldiers don’t have, needs
while letting the players retain their independence: to happen quietly and outside the normal chain of
command, or involves a problem strange enough that
• Field Autonomy: When a squad of soldiers from Dunbury your average soldier isn’t mentally equipped to take it
Castle is sent into the field, they have broad autonomy on. The Irregulars were, effectively, an enlisted adven-
in choosing how they carry out their orders. Captain turing party answerable only to Captain Brazewhite
Brazewhite might order the squad to “eliminate the goblin and Lieutenant Vance.
menace near Thornwall” for example, but she won’t tell Sadly, the original Irregulars were lost during a
them how to do the job. Even if one of the characters is a Deepland rescue expedition a few years back. If the
corporal, the expectation at Dunbury Castle is that squads characters prove their capability and loyalty, have the
will work together to solve problems, not that the corpo- Captain reactivate the Irregulars and assign the player
ral will tell them what to do. characters to the squad. They’ll have to deal with some
• Lax Attitude Toward Discipline: As noted elsewhere, the sideways looks from the rank-and-file troops, who
officers at Dunbury Castle focus more on results and less always saw the Irregulars as “loose cannons,” but the
on doing everything by-the-book. As long as a soldier party will have exceptional autonomy over what mis-
is effective, their commanding officers aren’t going to sions they take and how they carry them out.
sweat the small stuff. No one is getting garderobe clean-
Castle Duty • Kitchen Kitchen duty is one of the more desired
For the first month of a soldier’s service, castle duty is un- non-combatant duties, as it is relatively easy, the kitch-
avoidable. Only after one has satisfactorily performed all of en staff are friendly and mostly charming, and those
the menial and laborious tasks of the stronghold does one who perform it can help themselves, along with the
earn the privilege of the more prestigious and dangerous regular kitchen staff, to extra helpings of the day’s fare.
field duty. You may expand on the castle duty options to of- • Garderobe Garderobe duty is universally despised
fer characters who have special interests or skills an oppor- and considered a punishment, but everyone is assigned
tunity to shine, but the basic list includes the following de- to it at least once a season. Those who are in Hodge’s
tails: Roll 1d10 twice. The first role represents the soldier’s black books end up “scouring the chutes” on a regular
morning detail, and the second represents their afternoon basis.
detail. It’s possible to get assigned the same detail twice in a • Map Room Map Room detail puts a soldier at Master
row. Of course, you may have the character’s commanding Foley’s beck and call for the day. Usually this is a plum
officer pick a duty for them as well if a particular task seems job, as the Master has little time for the average soldier
appropriate based on the character’s recent conduct. and is content to allow idlers to browse the maps and
books. Should someone prove interesting, however, or
castle duty ask an intriguing question, the master can bend their
ear for the entire day. The only danger is in organizing

1d10 + 1d10 Castle Duty

the map room while Foley is absent on some other
1 Building detail
task. He knows where everything is, as long as no one
2 Children
puts it in any sort of order.
3 Garden and grounds • Roads Road maintenance is another unpopular detail,
4 Kitchen usually assigned to two squads. In high summer, it
5 Garderobe is particularly unpleasant to grade the road leading
6 Map room up from Dunbury Village, not to mention collecting
7 Roads the animal droppings and the occasional dead bird or
8 Stable and livestock squirrel found on the pebbles.
9 Teaching and training • Stable & Livestock Stable and livestock duty consists
10 Well of various chores involving the horses and other live-
stock in the castle, including but not limited to feeding

• Building Detail Building detail usually involves repairs the animals, helping groom and shoe horses, mucking
to the wooden and stone structures within the castle. It out the pig pen, or—most disgusting of all—fetching
can range from re-applying mortar to crumbling cren- eggs from the chicken coops. Only the worst offenders
ellations to replacing a door knob or white-washing the catch livestock duty on the equinox days in which the
chicken coops or pig pen. chicken coops must be scrubbed clean.
• Children Minding the children is a duty often con- • Teaching & Training Teaching and training are duties
sidered a punishment, but it can also fall to a soldier assigned only to those soldiers who demonstrate a
who demonstrates uncommon compassion or exhibits special aptitude for Intelligence-based skills. They
a high Wisdom. Most soldiers shirk this duty, allowing are assigned to assist Master Foley in instructing the
the children to run rampant until one gets hurt and children and a few adults who wish to learn. Alterna-
the soldier ends up with latrine duty instead. A few tively, characters who demonstrate exceptional weapon
establish a rapport with the youngsters, teaching them prowess may be assigned to lead drills in archery and
or even acting as mentors. melee combat. It is also possible for a poor-performing
• Garden & Grounds Garden and grounds duty means soldier to be assigned this duty as a student rather than
weeding, raking, scooping animal dung, and generally as a teacher. Most soldiers support those who require
making the grounds more sanitary and attractive. It remedial assistance, but a few bullies will taunt the
can also mean helping harvest the vegetables and herbs “children.”
grown inside the castle. But usually, it also includes • Well Well duty is simply a matter of raising water from
hearing and sharing the local gossip from the non-com- the well and distributing it to the keep, the kitchen, the
batant residents. barracks, and the non-combatants’ houses. It is not too
onerous at first, but it soon becomes a test of stamina. east,” and any other location that gives you an opportunity
If your players like to throw the dice you might call for to direct the adventurers toward mystery and peril.
a few Constitution checks with successes indicating
admiring glances and compliments, failures leading to escort duty
jests and opportunities for physical comedy. Escort detail has a greater chance for planned attacks,
since whatever the adventurers are guarding has value. The
Field Duty paywagon from Tristanford, for example, never makes it all
The work most people think of when imagining the the way to the castle without passing two or more bands
military life is field duty. Most assignments fall short of would-be robbers. Usually, the sight of Dunbury Castle
of outright battle, but combat is always a danger—and soldiers is enough to dissuade them. When the adventurers
opportunity. Whether the gamemaster relies on planned or are part of the escort, however, perhaps one of those bands
random encounters, the following three main categories of feels a bit more courageous.
field duty present adventurers with opportunities to meet search and capture (or destroy)
the NPCs of the duchy and perhaps to fight some of its The Dunbury soldiers do not only wait for criminals and
villains. monsters to attack. Once word of danger reaches Captain
patrol duty Brazewhite, she and Lieutenant Vance make an action plan.

Patrol duty is often boring except for the company of one’s For great threats, one or both might lead the mission, but
fellow soldiers and the occasional encounter with a local for what they consider petty criminals, they might have
citizen. Naturally, the boring patrols are the stuff of swift Sergeant Hodge assign one or two squads to seek out and
out-of-character descriptions between more exciting events. apprehend the miscreants. In the case of endrori, the order
When the adventurers are on patrol, it’s best to have an is to kill on sight, unless command has reason to believe
encounter, prepared or random, awaiting them. Omens are the monsters hold important information. In any case, the
a particularly good first encounter for patrols, as are local killing of bandits and other outlaws is seen as unfortu-
NPCs with gossip of local threats. nate but not a punishable offense, unless a soldier displays
Patrol destinations include, but are not limited to, cruelty or callous disregard for life. Practically speaking, the 27
any named location in Chapter 4: The Scir of Dunbury. castle has only so much space to hold prisoners, but if too
Destinations can also include general locations such as “the many surrender, temporary accommodations can be made
southern reaches of the Spiderwood,” “six farmsteads to the before a prison caravan takes the offenders to dungeons in


ABOVE | The Crossroads, by Russell Marks

Advancement and Mentorship
Field promotions are uncommon, especially since Captain
Brazewhite took command of Dunbury Castle. Everyone at
the castle is comfortably settled into their roles. The arrival
of adventurers changes that. Those who choose military
careers may distinguish themselves through combat, di-
plomacy, exploration, and even in quiet acts of mercy and
kindness, assuming the actions are reported to Brazewhite
and Vance. Once a character stands out as exceptional
among the troops, the commanders may groom and test
that character with special instruction, challenging mis-
sions, promotion, and gifts.

The first time the adventurers accomplish an exceptional
goal such as defeating a well-known monster or a band of
outlaws, Sergeant Hodge suggests, and Lieutenant Vance

approves, a promotion from private to corporal for one

member of the party. For this first promotion, she selects
the character whose deeds appeared most critical to success.
As for the others, she commends them but withholds pro-
motion for the time being.
On the second and successive heroic occasions, one or
more of the other adventurers receive the same promotion.
Depending on the size of the adventuring group and your
28 capacity to deal with multiple NPCs conducting potentially
different simultaneous field assignments, you might either
keep the characters in a single squad of higher-rank charac-
ters or appoint each adventurer as the leader of a squad of

NPC soldiers.
Adventurers who both perform heroic acts and demon-
strate leadership ability (through roleplaying or a suitably
high Charisma) may be the first to advance to ensign. This
rank allows a character to command multiple squads or to
serve Lieutenant Vance and Captain Brazewhite directly.
Alternatively, a spellcaster or otherwise knowledgeable
character could be assigned to assist Master Foley or Moth-
er Belenne. Such service does not disqualify a character
from field duty but adds another avenue of roleplaying as
the senior NPC shares information and duties with the
adventurer. Eventually, these NPCs can become mentor
figures to the player characters.

taking command
The ultimate goal of mentorship is to provide a successor.
Brazewhite is increasingly concerned about the rumors of
Warden Balewick’s sinister plots in the capital. Many loyal
followers of the duke have encouraged her to take a more
prominent and political role in the selection of the duchy’s
next ruler, some even hinting that she herself should accept

ABOVE | Captain Orllant Slays the Witherwyn, by Russell Marks

their nomination. While she has grown used to serving the
duchy in a role whose effect she can more easily measure, DUNBURY CASTLE BOUNTIES
she is also frustrated with New Erinor’s failure to fund the
Per the Declaration of Talimane, there are regular boun-
duchy’s defense. One day she may take on a new role, but
ties on endrori of all types. Bounty hunters can collect
only after she has found a suitable successor.
their bounty by turning in a pair of ears at a military
She would designate Lieutenant Vance as her succes-
station or other designated location. Dunbury Castle
sor, but she knows the lieutenant would refuse to be left is the only official place to turn in bounties north of
behind. Vance will follow Brazewhite wherever she goes. Tristanford. At your discretion, evidence of destroying
Instead, Brazewhite looks to the characters, regardless other types of evil creatures may also earn a bounty for
of class, for signs one of them has the wisdom, courage, a character.
and personality to lead. At key moments in the campaign, Because of dwindling financial backing from New
determine when it is appropriate for Brazewhite to signal Erinor (due in no small part to the Warden’s diversion
her choice of successor with three gifts given on separate of defense funds to bribes meant to garner political
occasions: first her whisk, then her warhorse Storm, and support), Captain Brazewhite has been forced to reduce
finally—when she is ready to step down and leave for New the rewards for bounties. The result has been that some
of the most talented bounty hunters turn in their ears
Erinor—her fabled sword, the Light of Vengeance. This
to Tristanford or even New Erinor, rather than Dunbury
last gift should be granted only after the characters have

Castle. That doesn’t mean hunters don’t check in for
overcome the most dangerous foes of the region, a symbol
the latest postings; they simply realize only the special
of Brazewhite’s trust that they can command the castle in
bounties pay well locally.
her absence.
The commanders of Dunbury Castle are not the only endrori bounty
ones who may adopt a character as a potential successor. Goblin 4 sp
Mother Belenne knows her current acolyte is too young and
Orc 6 sp
inexperienced to take over the chapel should she pass away.
Troll 10 sp
Should a cleric or paladin distinguish themselves at the
Skaah 6 sp 29
castle, Belenne may ask for that soldier to be assigned to the
Ixit 5 cp
chapel at least a few times a week.
Peck 5 sp
Master Foley’s “apprentice” will surely leave him soon,
Wraethdari 100 gp
tired of his thoughtless treatment. Should this happen, an

Ogre 8 sp
arcane spellcaster of high Intelligence and Wisdom who
demonstrates a curious mind and a willingness to perform
hard labor has a good chance to succeed Stalk. An affection
for the master’s doves is also essential. Certain endrori war chiefs develop a reputation that
Sergeant Hodge favors archers, but he also recommends demands a swift and decisive response. Captain Braze-
white holds a special reserve coffer for higher bounties
outstanding rogues, rangers, and barbarians for a new role,
on these exceptionally dangerous foes. The reward can
the Master of Scouts.
run anywhere from 100 sp to 1000 sp, or even more for
Rudmilla would welcome another hand at the smithy.
a powerful wraethdari commander.
Perhaps Brazewhite or her successor may promote a new
Because the challenge rating on these foes ranges
sergeant over her, allowing Rudmilla to concentrate on widely, you should pick one that poses a reasonable
learning and perfecting her clan’s armor and weapon sche- danger to the player characters rather than rolling
matics while a new leader expands the smithing operation randomly. Also, these work best as goals the players
to better arm and fortify the castle. themselves choose to follow. Rather than surprise them
You may consider other specialist roles, and the players with an ambush, let them visit the sites of the bounty’s
may suggest their own ideas. Positions to consider include attacks to gather clues and witness statements, then
alchemist, carpenter, cobbler, mason, smith, and herbalist. track the offender down and deliver justice.





like a cemetery. The source of its name was obvious:
rotting and unfinished coffins lay everywhere. There
were also mounds of garbage around the village with swarms of
flies buzzing around them. Griffon noticed the refuse was piled
As they approached an intact cottage, an undetectable wind
blew open the front door. An eerie moaning rose from within.
“Save it, Ellma ,” said Dove. “He’s sussed you out.”
“No fair, Dovey. Why did you spoil my fun?” A specter
emerged from the gloomy interior, her face painted greenish
away from the houses but clearly visible from the road. gray with bloody trails running from her mouth and eyes. She
Most of the buildings slumped like battlefield corpses. Only a threw off the dusty ethereal tatters to reveal a snug leather
few retained their thatched roofs, which Griffon noted were in jacket and trousers.
uncommonly good repair for a supposedly abandoned village. “I didn’t tell him,” said Dove, accepting a kiss from the ghoul.
“It’s all appearances,” he said. “Someone’s made this place He wiggled an eyebrow at Griffon. “Griff, say hello to Ellma.”
look haunted to scare people away.” The woman inspected Griffon. “He’s too young.”
“I guess a city education wasn’t wasted on you,” said Dove. “Doesn’t matter,” said Dove. “Balewick won’t take the
“Come meet the ghosts.” chance.”

ABOVE | Claiming the Bounty, by Russell Marks

“What chance?” said Griffon. “You still haven’t explained Griffon looked from Ellma to Fenros to Dove. All three
why the Warden wants me dead.” stared back at him, watching for his reaction.
“Something tells me you already know the answer,” said Griffon lifted the mug and tasted the mead. Light and
Dove. semi-sweet, it tasted of clover and pears. He drank some more,
“Aw, give the kid a break,” said Ellma. She touched a lock of tipping back his head until the cup was empty. He set the cup
Griffon’s hair and tucked it behind his ear. “He’s cute.” down on the table and pushed it toward Fenros.
Griffon pulled away. “I’m not a cute! I mean, I’m not a kid. “I’ll have another.”
I want answers!”
“Did you hear that, Ell? He wants answers. Let’s see what Welcome to Dunbury Castle
we got downstairs.” Dunbury Castle rests upon a massive stone foundation
Dove located a concealed handle in the floor and lifted a trap jutting into the River Kouros, forcing a detour from the wa-
door. Warm light and the smell of mead poured up from the terway’s gentle serpentine path through the rolling hills of
cellar. Ellma descended first. Griffon followed, eyes darting left the valley. With a small fishing village at its foot, the ground
and right. Dove came last, closing the door behind him. floor of the castle rests over 100 feet above the shoreline.
The basement was larger than Griffon expected. Fresh The castle holds a secret known to only a handful of
timbers supported the ceiling, suggesting a recent expansion of smugglers: dangerous submerged passages lead in and out

old construction. Ghosts in the dust showed where barrels and of the lower levels of the castle. The true secret, however,
crates had recently lined the walls. forgotten by all but a few distant dwarven exiles, is that the
A drothmal with a pockmarked face sat beside a table, his legs presumed foundation of the current stronghold is in fact
too long to fit comfortably beneath it. Well, his leg that is. Just a dwarven stonehold, now home to the undead remnants
below his left knee, a carved wooden peg took over where the of the endrori who last assaulted it and the last of its brave
flesh and bone had been lost. A long-handled axe leaned against defenders.
the wall behind him. Even seated, the drothmal was clearly too
tall to stand upright without striking his head against the ceiling. Using Dunbury Castle
He didn’t stand, though. He watched Griffon as he took a long
Although the castle itself is a roleplaying site rather than an 31
drink from his mead cup before returning it to the table.
adventure site, the entries are presented in the same fashion
“What do you think, Fenros?” Dove said.
as room descriptions in a dungeon. This provides you a few
The drothmal narrowed his eyes, giving his face an even
different ways to use the material found in this chapter.
more feline aspect. He shrugged. “Could be. I never saw the

“I was thinking he’s a bit young.”
First Person Approach
If you want to place your players right inside the walls of
“I’m standing right here,” said Griffon. “You could just ask
the castle, you can run it like a classic roleplaying game ad-
venture. The location entries allow the characters to start at
“How old are you?” said Dove.
any of the entrances and then make their way through the
Griffon opened his mouth and shut it again. “That’s none of
fortress, discovering it room by room. They may choose to
your business.”
explore it all at once, or explore different parts of the castle
Ellma and Dove laughed, but Fenros stared at him as if
at different times, based on their needs.
trying to see beyond Griffon’s face into his mind.
Using this approach creates an immersive experience that
“He’s funny, too,” said Dove. “Give him a cup of mead.”
will make Dunbury Castle more than just a collection of
Ellma fetched three wooden cups from a box. Fenros raised
equipment lists and NPCs. This approach isn’t for every
an improbably large jug from the floor and rolled it over his
group. It is heavily weighted toward roleplaying, and barring
shoulder in a practiced gesture to fill their cups.
any unfortunate accidents, there will be little to no combat
“I don’t want a drink,” said Griffon. “I want—”
during the initial exploration of the castle. If you plan to
“Answers, yeah,” said Dove. He drained his cup and passed
have the party use the castle as their base of operations for
it back to Fenros for a refill. “Just hold onto your drink. You’re
a campaign, however, this is the recommended method for
going to want it after you hear what we have to tell you—as-
introducing the site.
suming you don’t already know.”
“The Warden wants you dead because he thinks you may be
the Duke’s bastard,” said Ellma.
Third Person Approach Castle Statistics
Where the first person approach has the characters inter-
At some point a character is going to try to dig through,
acting with the castle, the third person approach has the
knock over, or burn down something in the castle. It is
players interacting with the castle. For instance, when the
inevitable. In addition, even if it isn’t a full siege, someone or
players want their characters to talk to someone in the cas-
something, possibly even the heroes, are going to attack the
tle, you just jump to the appropriate location. Perhaps you
castle. To that end, we’ve provided basic game information
roleplay a little bit of the conversation, but you might just
about the prominent defensive features of the castle.
hand-wave the details, mark the character sheets, and move
This information includes a description of the feature
on to the next phase of the adventure.
and the associated combat rules. Some descriptions also
This approach is less immersive, but it still presents the
include rules for the feature’s durability using the standard
castle as a real place within the context of the adventure.
Fifth Edition rules for damaging large objects, as well as the
For players that prefer combat to roleplay, this is a great
rules for buildings found in the World of Aetaltis: Game-
way to keep the castle alive in their minds without boring
master’s Guide.
them with too much immersion and mundane, day-to-day
Note that the rules here are not intended for use as a
siege warfare mechanic, but rather as a tool for determining

Meta-Game Resource
In this approach, the castle is simply a collection of data
that you, as the GM, use as a source of information. The
descriptions include adventure hooks, NPCs, equipment
lists, and a variety of other elements that will save you the
trouble of writing these on your own.
This approach is excellent if you already have a
castle of your own that you’ve designed and you
32 don’t want to come up with every room and
NPC. It’s also a great approach if you
want an easy way to handle gearing up
or introducing new goals between

adventures, but you’re not really

interested in making that a big
part of your game.
the outcome of interactions between an individual character floors
and some element of the castle’s defenses. Unless otherwise noted in the description, ground level
Dunbury Castle includes the following defensive features: castle floors are stone and upper-level floors are wood.
allure merlons
This stone walkway allows defenders to see attacking forces The solid walls between the gaps, or crenels, on the bat-
while enjoying the benefit of half cover anytime they are tlements give defenders three-quarters cover from attacks
walking the allure and three-quarters cover if they take a originating outside the castle. In terms of hit points and
defensive position. In places where the allure passes through armor class, treat merlons as 3-foot-thick stone walls.
towers, arrow slits in the outer wall always lend defenders
three-quarters cover. Defenders targeting opponents out- moats
side the wall gain advantage to ranged attacks. These dry ditches count as difficult terrain and grant castle
defenders on the walls or in the towers advantage when
baileys making ranged attacks on targets within them.
Also known as a ward, each separate zone of a fortress
allows defenders to retreat and mount a new defense deeper oriels
in the fortress. These protruding bay windows allow inhabitants a view

of and a line of attack to those standing directly beside
barbicans the curtain wall. Attackers may only target the defender
These fortified entrances include a drawbridge, a portcul- from directly below and the defender enjoys three-quarters
lis, and heavy doors that can be barred. Treat the raised cover.
drawbridge as a wood wall, the closed portcullis as a barred
wall, and the closed and barred gates as a reinforced wood postern gate
wall. This heavily fortified gate, hidden from casual view, allows
castle defenders to emerge for escape, scouting, or coun-
bastion towers terattacks. When the gate is closed and barred, treat it as a
Bastion towers located along the curtain walls allow archers reinforced wood wall.
atop them to attack with advantage on targets below while
enjoying the benefit of three-quarters cover against incom- roofs
ing attacks. Unless noted otherwise in the individual description, treat

all the roofs of Dunbury Castle as slate tiled.
The low wall surrounding the allure features battlements taluses
that allow defenders to make ranged attacks while enjoying The sloping bases of the curtain wall and bastions cause
three-quarters cover. attackers to suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls while on
the slope. Attackers also have disadvantage on Dexterity
crenellation checks to climb the wall, affix a grappling hook, or secure
Crenels are the periodic open spaces between the merlons siege ladders in these locations.
of a battlement.
curtain wall Outward facing windows on defensive structures are open
The basic defensive feature of a castle is its surrounding with interior shutters. Larger exterior windows may also
walls, both those that form the outer perimeter and those be barred at the gamemaster’s discretion. Inward facing
separating the baileys. Exterior perimeter walls have the windows and the windows of non-defensive structures and
game attributes of a ten-foot-thick stone wall. rooms will vary based on the building’s or room’s quality.
Every door in the castle is expected to withstand invaders.
They are constructed from oak and have metal bands. All
may be optionally barred from within and have the attri-
butes of a strong wooden door.

Castle Location Descriptions or use them as the basis for creating your own descrip-
The location descriptions are where you’ll find detailed in-
• Details Topics, features, and events of particular
formation about the castle. Each location entry is organized
importance are labeled and described in the following
as described below. If a particular piece of information
text. Characters may or may not discover this informa-
doesn’t apply to a location, that text is omitted from the
tion, but the gamemaster may safely share it with the
location entry.
players if they feel it is appropriate. The characters may
Room Number and Name The map reference number and need to take some action to obtain this information,
the name of the location. such as a successful ability check.
• Goods and Services If the characters can buy equip-
Summary A brief summary of the location and its game
ment or obtain services at this location, this section
describes what is available and at what prices.
Building Information Information about the quality, con- • Treasure A listing of notable treasures at this location.
dition, and (if appropriate) building levels, as per the rules Mundane items are seldomly listed and are left up to
for buildings found in the World of Aetaltis: Gamemaster’s

the gamemaster to determine.


Room Description C1 Approach

• Description Read Aloud Text A description of the Along a switchback approach to the castle, graffiti provides
location you can read aloud to the players or use as the rumors, clues, and adventure seeds.
basis for creating your own descriptions. If the read
aloud label indicates an encounter, NPCs or other Exterior
creatures found in this location are also described in
the read aloud text. A gravel-strewn switchback road zig-zags up the cliff
36 toward the castle. At its base in the village, it is wide
• NPCs A list of the NPCs the characters are likely
enough to allow two carts to pass each other, but it nar-
to encounter at the location. Each entry includes the
rows as it rises. The outer edge declines more and more
NPC’s gender, lineage, class, level, and age.
steeply as it nears the top of the promontory until, near
·· If no level is listed, use the appropriate NPC

the apex, travelers walk a narrow path with a solid wall

template from the World of Aetaltis: Gamemaster’s
of stone to one side and a sheer drop on the other. Here
and there on the cliff wall, residents and visitors have
·· If the character’s name is in bold, you can find de-
chalked messages onto the stone. They range from pious
tailed information about the character in Chapter 5:
quotes out of religious texts to lewd jokes, the latter of
People of Dunbury.
which are mostly, but not entirely, scrubbed away.
·· The listed NPCs are not the only NPCs found at
this location. They are simply the NPCs characters
The road to Dunbury Castle rises from the base of the
are likely to encounter there. By the same reason-
promontory at Dunbury Village and climbs the cliff in a
ing, if this line is absent, it does not mean no one is
zig-zagging switchback before reaching the main gate.
ever found there. It simply means characters won’t
reliably run into specific NPCs at this location. graffiti
• Creatures A list of creatures and monsters typically Characters who study the graffiti might discover something
found at this location. If there is a creature name in interesting depending on the result of a Wisdom (Percep-
parentheses following the name, use the statistics for a tion) or Intelligence (Investigation) check.
standard Fifth Edition or World of Aetaltis creature of
that type.
• Additional Read Aloud Text An entry may include
additional read aloud descriptions of important details
or encounters. You can read these aloud to the players
graffiti clues C2 Outer Drawbridge
DC Result At the main gate, the heroes get a hint of the castle’s formidable
5 “Long live Captain Brazewhite!” appears next to a poor defenses and face vigilant guards who are on the lookout for
but earnest sketch of a woman wielding a whip and a
blazing longsword while leaping over the heads of a
front line of orc invaders. Brazewhite has recently or-
dered it removed, but the sergeants keep “forgetting” to Quality Modest Condition Average
assign someone the duty.
10 “Forget the dog kennel. Come to the Unicorn for a good Exterior
time.” This one is recent, but it will be erased in a day or
two, only for a similar advertisement to appear a few Beneath the drawbridge, a dry moat descends twenty feet
days later. The culprit is Dalbert (2b) if the handwriting
and spelling are poor, Jarvis (2b) if they are good.
below the level of the road, the bottom covered in sharp,
15 “River Rats Nest” with an arrow pointing down. This
loose stones. On the towers to the left and right of the
cryptic note refers to the secret passages through which main gate stand prominent relief sculptures of a dragon
a few notorious smugglers enter and leave the castle as and griffon, respectively representing Lord Malinar
they wish. Drakewyn and his friend Duke Gryphon Vaun.
20 A series of arcane symbols was once painted here,

although someone has since tried to obliterate them.
A successful Intelligence (Arcana) check suggests that
NPCs 3 soldiers
these decades-old inscriptions were from an endrori
wizard who hoped to undermine the castle’s foundation The heavy drawbridge remains lowered except during its
with a mighty (but since forgotten) spell. weekly maintenance check, and whenever the castle is alert
to invaders. Otherwise, the defenders depend on the stout
portcullis and door of the main gate for protection. During
Gamemasters should feel free to add more examples of the day, a lone soldier stands atop one of the towers,
graffiti and to respond to graffiti left by characters. Defacing while two more are stationed just beyond the drawbridge
the castle walls isn’t strictly illegal, but depending on the (in good weather) or just beneath the gate (during rain). 37
subject matter it can affect the reaction of key NPCs, from The soldiers wave in those they recognize and challenge
rank-and-file soldiers to officers and even Captain Braze- strangers to state their business in the castle. They search
white herself. the vehicles and large containers brought by strangers, and
Here are some additional ideas for the types of messages armed individuals are not allowed inside without special

characters might find on the wall: permission.
• Th ieves or smugglers may leave each other a correspon- On market days, there is a 5 cp fee to enter the outer bai-
dence in code, either on the castle walls or on the cliff s ley. See the Little Market (C8) for more information about
nearer the waterline. A successful DC 20 Intelligence market days at the castle. For detailed information about
(Investigation) check can crack these codes after viewing the rights and restrictions of different types of visitors, see
enough (at least half a dozen) examples and spending at Castle Roles in Chapter 2: Military Life.
least a day working out the code.
• Perhaps late on moonless nights, bold goblins sneak up to
leave a pictograph to prove their courage; perhaps some
mornings, the body of failed sneaks can be found at the
base of the cliffs, an archer’s arrow through their heart.
• Other harmless but still entertaining possibilities in-
clude yearning lovers writing their initials and those of
a loved one inside a heart, or rivals insulting each other
with veiled terms.

ABOVE | The Infiltration Failed, by Russell Marks

C3 Outer Gate cauldrons
The cauldrons are meant for boiling oil, but cost-cutting
Passing through the outer gate, visitors get an up-close look measures over the past few years have forced the quar-
at the danger invaders face if they try to breach the castle termaster to redirect the oil to other purposes. Until the
defenses. castle’s coffers are full, water must suffice.
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3 boxes and barrels
All that remains of the gate’s defensive gear are four large
Interior boxes, each containing 100 arrows, fuel enough for eight
fires under the cauldrons, six barrels of water (enough to fill
The short passage between the drawbridge and the the cauldrons three times each), and one barrel of quick-
inner gate is paved in river-smoothed stones and freshly lime.
patched mortar. To either side, arrow slits indicate ar-
chers’ posts beyond either wall. Overhead, long oval slots defending the gate
suggest death from above is an equal possibility. When the lime is poured through the murder holes, it fills
the space below with a choking cloud of the caustic mineral.

This is the castle’s main gate. Everyone entering or exit- All creatures between the portcullises must make a DC 15
ing the castle by legal means passes through this portal. Constitution check, taking 16 (3d10) poison damage on a
It features an outer portcullis, an inner portcullis, a heavy failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
door with double bars, and a combination of murder holes A cauldron of boiling water poured through the holes
and arrow slits in between. In an attack, the defenders forces all within the gateway to make a DC 15 Dexterity
often leave the outer portcullis open, closing it only to trap check, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
attackers in the killing hall. Those who do not surrender much damage on a successful one.
may suffer attacks from both the archers behind the arrow

slits and from boiling oil poured through the murder holes C3 b Archer Gallery
Even frequent visitors to the castle seldom dally in this Another point from which defenders may attack invaders
entrance. While it has not been used for defense in many trying to pass through the main gate.
years, something about the constant gaze of the murder Quality Modest Condition Average

holes and arrow slits makes every visitor unwilling to

linger. Interior
C3 a Murder House The row of arrow slits in this narrow chamber give a
clear shot at anyone coming toward the gate.
This small chamber allows defenders to attack anyone passing
through the gate.
This narrow chamber offers just enough room for six
Quality Modest Condition Average soldiers to take turns firing through the arrow slits into the
outer gate. In times of heightened alert, Lieutenant Vance
Interior may order the galleries supplied with additional arrows.
Otherwise, soldiers know to fetch them from the Armory
The iron-reinforced floor of this room contains dozens of Tower (C30) or the Murder House (C3a).
fist-sized oval holes. Four copper cauldrons rest on grates Defenders within the galleries enjoy three-quarters cover
atop long-disused coal beds, and four long boxes and sev- from attacks originating inside the main gate.
en tar-sealed barrels—one marked with a green “X”—
line the walls, leaving precious little room for defenders to C4 Outer Bailey
stand on a narrow walkway.
A place where characters and commoners alike can mingle
Soldiers are only assigned to the murder house if the castle and trade in the little market, all under the watchful eye of the
is under attack. castle’s soldiery.
Exterior ballista
The Manticore tower is distinguished by the presence
Beneath the gaze of the first five towers of Dunbury Castle of the castle’s lone working ballista. Defenders using the
lies a wide yard dominated by the two-story barracks. ballista can attack targets from just outside the main gate
Just outside the main entrance to the barracks stands a to 800 feet down the castle road. When choosing targets,
sun dial, the hours denoted by sigils of Lensae and the defenders prioritize siege weapons, vehicles, large foes, and
Enaros. A covered well stands on one side of the barracks, mounted figures. One guard is always stationed atop the
the smelly entrance to a latrine tower on the other. An Manticore tower, although usually two or three must work
archery range stands beside a long wall, while an irreg- together to operate the ballista.
ular gathering of tables and awnings designates the little The upper level of the tower contains six waterproofed
market across the yard. hide bags protecting a total of 30 massive bolts for use in
the ballista. More ballista ammunition resides in the Ar-
Surrounded by five towers, this is the first of the three de- mory Tower (C30).
fensive zones of Dunbury Castle and home to the garrison’s
barracks (C10). During daylight hours, the outer bailey hosts Ballista
the little market (C8). Most of the interaction between castle Large object

residents and villagers occurs here.
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 40
C5 Low Towers Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Five towers allow defenders to keep watch on activity both inside
Bolt Ranged Weapon Attack +6 to hit, range 200/800 ft., one target.
and outside the castle.
Hit 22 (4d10) piercing damage.
Quality Modest (Comfortable) Condition Average Levels 3
The ballista is a siege weapon used by both attackers and defend-
ers in siege warfare. Ballista used for defense are semi-permanently
Exterior mounted on towers or along the tops of walls, while those used by
attackers may be mounted on wheels for easy transport.
The five low towers that encircle the outer bailey provide
The ballista is essentially a giant crossbow with a 6-foot lathe.
a clear view of both the surrounding countryside and all
It fires 5-foot-long wooden bolts with iron heads. The shafts are

activity inside the bailey. Upon the outer faces of the two
around 2 inches in diameter. The feathering is typically achieved
flanking the gate are magnificent bas-relief sculptures.
using metal, wood, or horn.
The one on the right depicts a rampant dragon, its scales
A team of three with proficiency in siege weapons can fire every
painted gold and red. Its counterpart is a rearing griffon
third round (1 round to draw, 1 round to load, and 1 round to fire).
clutching a bundle of arrows in one talon, a bow in the
For every person fewer than three, add an additional round to the
other. The other towers boast no decoration, but upon one
time needed to prepare the weapon to fire. Non-proficient oper-
stands a massive ballista sheltered by merlons.
ators require double the time (2 rounds to draw, 2 rounds to load,
2 rounds to fire). Mixed teams (proficient and non-proficient op-
NPCs 1 soldier stationed atop each tower
erators working together) are treated as non-proficient operators,
Collectively these bastions are known as the Low Towers although the work is less taxing thanks to the extra hands.
because they do not reach the heights of those in the middle If a critical failure is rolled on the attack, the weapon fails cata-
or inner baileys. The towers flanking the main gate (com- strophically. Either the arms snap, the rope snaps, or the weapon
fortable quality) are called the Dragon and Griffon towers, rear fires. When this happens, each operator must make a DC 15
after their decorations. The others lack ornament (modest Dexterity saving throw. Operators take 11 (2d10) damage on a
quality) but are known as the Unicorn, Hydra, and Manti- failed save or no damage on a successful save. The ballista is now
core towers. No one remembers the origin of those names, broken and may not be used until it is repaired, a task that can take
although Master Foley suspects a previous commander of hours if not days.
the tower intended to add further ornamentation but never
got around to it, perhaps for lack of funds.
A ballista bolt packs a powerful punch. Targets struck by When the archery range is in use, the dominant sound in the
the attack not only take damage but should treat it as a shove outer bailey is that of the disgusted Sergeant Hodge berating
and must make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. On a the soldiers for their inattention and low accuracy. Most of
success, there is no additional effect. On a failure, the target is the new recruits are poor archers, but the sergeant is dou-
shoved 5 feet directly away from the direction of the attack. bly hard on veterans, even those who have a keen eye and a
Ballista bolts have the potential to strike more than one steady hand.
target in a single attack and to pin opponents to barriers. While the archery targets are usually for the exclusive use
If the bolt does enough damage to reduce the target to 0 of castle soldiers, if a visiting character asks to have a go on
hp, and there are other people in the same space as the the range and scores a series of excellent hits, Sergeant Hodge
target, check the attack roll to see if it would hit the next may take notice or be informed if he is not present. Depend-
possible target in the space. If so, that target takes damage ing on the character’s behavior, Hodge may try to recruit
equal to whatever remained from the initial attack roll after the excellent archer. Barring that, he may offer the character
applying damage to the first target. If the bolt shoves the a small fee (2 sp) to instruct the troops in an impromptu
target, when checking to see if others are hit begin with lesson.
new targets in the initial target’s starting space. If there are
monthly archery contest

no additional targets, continue the process in the space the

target is shoved into. Continue until all damage has been Once a month, Hodge opens the range to all comers, and
allocated or there are no additional targets. local teens and children are encouraged to participate. The
If there are points of damage remaining in the attack after armory includes several child-sized bows and short arrows
striking the initial target, and there is a barrier of some kind for this purpose, and both castle and village residents bring
immediately behind the target or immediately behind the their children to socialize, even if they do not compete. For
target after they are shoved, check to see if the attack roll his part, Hodge hopes children and visitors alike may be
would hit the barrier. If the attack is successful and causes inspired to join the High Lord’s Army, despite the low pay
any damage to the barrier using the standard Fifth Edition and dangerous work.
rules for damaging objects, the bolt is embedded in the Adults are also permitted to show off their skills—or lack
40 thereof. The usual targets are replaced by white canvas painted
barrier, pinning the target to it. A successful Strength check
is required to extract the bolt from the barrier, with a DC with the traditional concentric circles of archery contests. Con-
equal to 10 + the amount of damage done to the barrier. testant order is determined by drawing lots; the gamemaster
may have players roll for position, but always have an NPC go

first each round to allow a character the opportunity for an ar-

C6 Archery Range row-splitter shot. Each contestant takes one shot in turn for six
An opportunity for characters to meet Sergeant Hodge and rounds, after which the arrows are removed from the targets
impress the castle’s inhabitants with their archery skills. and each contestant’s three best are tallied for a final score.
Sergeant Hodge immediately disqualifies any character
Quality Modest Condition Average
obviously using magic, including enchanted weapons, to im-
prove accuracy. If magic is suspected but not obvious, Hodge
Exterior sends for Master Foley to decide the truth (with a Wisdom
(Perception) check to sense the magic or through the use of
Four stacks of hay bales form a safe foundation for
the detect magic spell).
targets painted on cowhide in four distinct silhouettes,
further coded by color for the killing (head and heart)
archery targets
and maiming (thighs and shoulders) spots. The first is
the outline of an enormous troll. The second depicts a Attack Roll Target Score
halfling river rat running with a bottle of spirits in one <8 Clean Miss 0 (and see below)
hand. The third shows a ferocious orc. The fourth is a 10 Outer Circle (white) 1
comical illustration of three capering goblins clutching 13 Middle Circle (blue) 2
jugs of apple vinegar. 16 Inner Circle (white) 4
20 Bullseye 8
NPCs Sergeant Danton Hodge (male human veteran, age 25 Arrowsplitter Target score x2
44), 4 recruits, 2 soldiers, 2 veterans
THE GREEN ARROWS Likewise, other regional NPCs visiting the castle may
choose to participate for reasons of their own. If the charac-
Soldiers who win Sergeant Hodge’s competition also ters have established a rivalry with other archers, the castle
enjoy a month of “honor duty.” Usually this entails competition provides a non-lethal opportunity to determine
serving as the ceremonial commander on one of the the better archer.
castle’s more popular patrols. Among these are the A clean miss causes general laughter from the audience
road to Thornwall, which usually includes a stop at the if the archer is a teen or adult. Soldiers or boastful outsid-
Green Briar Tavern, or to check in on farmers known for ers can expect mockery for a day or two as well. Children
giving soldiers delicious meals. If the person won the receive encouragement instead.
competition through skill rather than luck, a win may Any character firing at a target that already has an arrow
also mean being dispatched on dangerous missions in it may attempt a “Robin Hood shot,” splitting the first
in which a sharp-eyed archer can mean the difference arrow with the new one. Obviously, this is most dramatic
between success and death. only if the previous shot is a bullseye. To succeed, the archer
About one-quarter of the castle soldiers have won must call out their attempt to the gamemaster (although
the green arrows at some point. All of them keep at shouting a haughty, “Watch this!” to the crowd is not out of
least one of them (others have been lost in battle), order) and hit AC 25 or achieve a critical success on their

often tucked through the sword belt. This informal attack. Otherwise, the shot is scored at one level lower than
clique of champions nod to each other as they pass, what they would have normally hit with the roll.
and some local vendors offer them an unspoken dis-
count or even free drinks and food from time to time. C7 Kennels
Characters who become archery champions will
Home to the castle’s hounds and their cantankerous caretaker,
enjoy a similar effect, at first just the wordless nods of
where characters may have the opportunity to purchase a fine
acknowledgement and the occasional drink or snack
deerhound pup.
sent to their table from an admirer. Later, champions
may find themselves targets of derision or challenge Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1.5 41
from scoundrels at the tavern.
It is also possible that word of their deeds reaches Exterior
the ears of endrori raiders, who call out the famous
This small stone-and-timber building looks like a large

archer by name before battle begins. Those outlaws
who also fancy themselves skilled archers may offer shed or small barn. The smell reveals it’s a kennel,
a one-on-one duel of arrows—“Let’s see how well though a well-maintained one. Beside the main door, a
you can hit a living target with that green arrow.”—al- little table stands beneath an awning. On it lies an awl,
though those who begin to lose will invariably call on a knife, a mallet, a cup full of round copper studs, and
their followers to attack the enemy. many strips of tanned leather.

NPCs Kerrig Ovarkett (male dwarf thug, age 137), 22

deerhounds (hunting dog), Pretty Paul (war dog)

The winner takes home a tooled deer-hide quiver crafted Previously located in the inner bailey, the kennels were re-
by Vorner Vanderkett (C8d), as well as ten green-feathered built in the outer bailey seven years ago, making this stone-
arrows fletched by Sergeant Hodge personally. and-timber construction one of the newest in the castle. The
Archers compete in three age categories: child (under official reason for the relocation was to put the dogs closer
11), youth (11–17), and adult. The average child scores 4 to the soldiers, making them more familiar with those they
points, a youth 6, and a soldier 8. Sergeant Hodge, Lieu- served in the field. The unofficial but more important reason
tenant Vance, and Captain Brazewhite customarily abstain was that the Master of Hounds, Warrant Officer Kerrig
from competition, but should the characters challenge the Ovarkett, scowled at the chapel all day, making Mother
honor of Dunbury Castle, one or more of them may rise Belenne uncomfortable enough to support his petition to
to the occasion. Should this happen, roll the elite NPCs’ move the kennels—and incidentally allowing her space to
attacks rather than using an average score. expand the herb garden, which she had long wanted to do.
kerrig ovarkett C8 Little Market
More than most dwarves, Kerrig despises the worship of
the Enaros and goes so far as to spit every time someone A place to meet the locals and purchase supplies, as well as a
mentions an enaros’s name. Since the kennel’s move, Kerrig tool for the gamemaster to offer unusual items for sale through
spends the days scowling at the fey in the little market while traveling merchants.
he personally crafts collars and leashes for “his” hounds. He
Quality Modest Condition Average
doesn’t believe the rumor that the barbers (C8a) are spies,
but like many dwarves, he finds fey in general shallow and Read the following if the characters arrive on a market day.
useless. Also, Kerrig is never content without an object of
scorn nearby. Exterior and Encounter
Despite his disdain for religion and all things fey, Kerrig
enjoys the company of other dwarves, halflings, and hu- The center of the outer bailey is awash with tents, aw-
mans. Orogs and drothmals make him nervous, but those nings, heavily laden wagons, and temporary shop stalls.
who show affection for his hounds can win him over. Kerrig Tables are filled with goods from across Agthor, and the
sleeps in the barracks, in a bunk beside the nearest window. aisles between them are filled with throngs of people. The

He leaves this window open in fair weather to better hear shouts of hawkers fill the air. It’s as if a miniature town
any commotion from the hounds. has sprung up in the castle overnight.

kennels NPCs (During Market Hours) 10-20 soldiers, 100

The kennels have room to house up to 40 deerhounds (hunt- townspeople of various types (farmers, craftspersons,
ing dog). The current population is 22 hounds and Pretty laborers, merchants)
Paul, an enormous old mastiff (war dog) with a chronic
disease that mottles his pewter-and-black coat with patches The castle market takes place every morning except Rest-
of pink, flaking skin. In the past, Captain Brazewhite has day. The number of people in attendance varies greatly
persuaded Mother Belenne to heal his illness, but the cleric depending on the day. On a slow day there might be no
42 balks at regularly casting divine magic on an animal. more than a handful of local farmers selling produce. On
a busy day the entire outer bailey is filled with stalls, carts,
pretty paul and tents, as well as a throng of shoppers.
Pretty Paul seldomly leaves the castle grounds but is treated It is left to the gamemaster to determine how busy the

to snacks by all the residents, hence going a bit soft and fat. market is on any given day based on the needs of the story.
He used to follow Elaris Brazewhite into combat, but she If the gamemaster wants the players to face a challenge
has commanded that he be pampered and allowed to enjoy when it comes to acquiring equipment and supplies, the
his retirement. Nevertheless, if a fight breaks out near Pretty only people that show up are an old farmer with a cart full
Paul, he is quick to come to the aid of any castle resident he of turnips and a shepherd selling wool. Alternatively, if the
recognizes, even as his first loyalty remains to the captain. gamemaster wants to make something unusual available,
hounds the market is a hive of activity including a handful of travel-
Up to 16 of the hounds accompany mounted patrols, while ing merchants from distant lands.
six, including pregnant mothers and whelps, remain in or
around the kennels. Once or twice a year, Kerrig sells the Goods and Services
pick of the litter for a handsome price to nobles looking to Items typically for sale include fresh fish and produce,
expand their own kennels. Hounds from Dunbury Cas- which soldiers buy to supplement their nourishing but
tle have a fair but rising reputation among hunters in the unspectacular meals, as well as all manner of trinkets,
region. Player characters who express an interest in adopting clothing, discounted furs, and the popular illustrated
a pup must permanently increase Kerrig’s attitude toward books that halfling printers have recently begun distrib-
them to friendly. Those who succeed can buy the pick of the uting—anything to part soldiers from their salaries. Fruit
next litter for 100 sp, or any of the other deerhound pups for and small bottles of liquor—the sale of which Sergeant
50 sp. Note that these are the prices for untrained puppies. Hodge strictly monitors for proper rationing—are the
Checks to train the pick of the litter are made at advantage. most popular items. Whenever a tinker or other traveling
Several other castle dogs roam the grounds but sleep merchant comes to Dunbury Village, they are certain to
somewhere other than the kennels. visit the castle as well. Outsiders must pay a tax of 5 cp for
entrance, but the tax is waived for locals and a few favored Encounter: Morning
visitors who have in the past bribed the guards with gifts
or strong drink. An elf woman cleans the handtools with a cloth still
The market features several regular vendors, but each day steaming from boiling water. Her long brown hair is a
there is a chance that one or more traveling merchants join marvel of intricate braids and trinkets of bone, shell, and
them for the next 1d6 days. carved leather. Nearby, a pair of fairies—one with hair
and clothes predominantly brown, the other predomi-
C8 a The Wizards Three nantly green—cautiously return the lid to the cauldron.
An innocuous looking barber shop serves as a cover for spies
If the characters arrive in the middle of a day or the game-
from a nearby fey court.
master wishes to show off “the treatment,” read instead the
Quality Comfortable Condition Average following.

Exterior Encounter: Midday

Under a colorful awning hung with tiny cloth butterflies, As a human soldier lies comfortably on a chaise longue, a

faeries, and dragonflies, a pair of comfortable chaise steaming cloth on his face, an elf woman with marvelous
longue rest to either side of a tidy cabinet and table. Be- braided hair full of trinkets trims his hair with a pair of
side harmless-looking brushes, combs, and jars, various scissors. A pair of fairies—one brown of hair and cloth-
sinister-looking tools rest atop the table. Nearby stands ing, the other green—massage his bare feet while singing
a little forge, several buckets of water, and a few ceramic a soothing song with Feyen lyrics.
pans. Just outside the shelter, a little fire crackles away
beneath a copper cauldron. Moraine and her fairy companions, Brown Nutmeg and
Green Bramble, are the regular barbers for both the village
NPCs Moraine (female elf druid 5, age 143) Brown Nut- and castle of Dunbury. All three speak Feyen and Common 43
meg (female fairy spy, age 170), Green Bramble (female fluently. Nutmeg and Bramble are both proficient in Perfor-
fairy spy, age 212) mance (+5), and Moraine has a Charisma of 14. Villagers
can request the trio visit their homes to provide services
Wizards not of the arcane variety but of personal groom- after hours, but during the day they are found at the castle

ing, this elf and her fairy companions are the most popular with the other vendors.
barbers in the region. If the characters first see the place at Bards and other musically inclined characters who un-
night, the tools are locked inside the cabinet (AC 15, hp 18, derstand Feyen may ask about the song lyrics. Feel free to
Unlock DC 20) and a tarpaulin covers the furniture. devise your own, borrow some from traditional Earth folk
If the characters arrive early in the morning, or if the music, or simply describe them as a variety of songs ranging
gamemaster decides there’s no waiting, read the following: from mournful remembrances of a departed lover to jaunty
tunes about chasing a mischievous fox through the woods.
Nutmeg and Bramble love to learn new songs, and they’re
glad to trade the ones they know in return. Neither plays
a musical instrument, but they have an initial temporary
attitude of friendly to those who do, especially those who
accompany their singing.
All three barbers are on good terms with most castle resi-
dents, although a few soldiers harbor suspicions that one or
more of them act as spies for the fey court. In fact, enough
of the officers have expressed such concerns to Lieutenant
Vance that she has passed them along to Captain Braze-
white, who has given a general order to keep an eye on the
three. She was wise to do so, because the soldiers’ suspicions
are correct.

ABOVE | Welcome to the Wizards Three, by Russell Marks

Unfortunately for castle security, no one has yet caught recipient gains advantage on any one Charisma-based skill
Moraine, Nutmeg, or Bramble in an act of espionage. All check and cannot gain the benefit of the treatment again
three listen to gossip, and each of the fairies finds a way to for ten days.
listen in on activities at the Three Hounds and the Uni-
corn—openly as a guest at the former, usually perched on a barber services
window at the latter. None of them, however, is seen leaving Service Cost
the village or passing messages to strangers. Shave (face) 2 cp
The cautious Moraine casts animal messenger on a flying Shave (legs or back) 4 cp
creature once a month. The affected creature delivers a 25- Shave (other) 6 cp
word message to an emissary waiting on Dunbury Hill. If Hair or beard cut 3 cp
there comes a time when 25 words will not suffice, Moraine Fancy cut/braid 6 cp
might dare to send one of the fairies instead, but until that Manicure or pedicure 2 cp
need arises, they maintain appearances to the best of their Teeth cleaning 4–10 cp (depending on time since the
ability. last cleaning, tusk rings, and so on)
Until this spy cell is disrupted, Dreswyn (25d) and the Tattoo 1–20 sp (or even higher depending on

fey court have a good working knowledge of current events size/detail)

in the castle, at least so far as the rank-and-file soldiers “The treatment” 3 sp

understand it. If the Warden’s agents or castle soldiers

come into direct conflict with the fey, however, Dreswyn C8 b Fruits and Flowers
may command Moraine to probe deeper into the officers’
meetings. It is possible player characters could be the ones Characters meet three well-known members of the community
to notice Nutmeg or Bramble sneaking into the captain’s and may discover a rare magical flower.
quarters or spying on officers’ meetings. Quality Modest Condition Average
Moraine and friends have a semi-permanent station in
their stall, with a stone oven (used for melting silver and Read the following text only the first time the characters
gold), two comfortable reclining chairs for clients, and an arrive. Upon later visits, the girls and their brother are in-
awning to protect against the sun and rain. teracting with customers, sheltering from the rain, arrang-
Moraine, Nutmeg, and Bramble live in a cottage in Dun- ing flowers, or—in Skellan’s case—causing a commotion
bury Village (2). somewhere just within earshot.

Goods and Services Exterior and Encounter

Barber services include not only hair cutting and styling
but also teeth-cleaning, manicures and pedicures, shaving, Two blond teenage girls sit fanning themselves beneath
plucking, piercing, and even tattoos. Moraine is an expert a tattered awning surrounded by baskets of flowers and
tattoo artist, and the fairies are known for their talent at fruit. Behind them, a tow-headed boy of perhaps 10
braiding long hair and cleaning teeth, a task for which years aims a slingshot at an unsuspecting cat who is
their tiny hands prove an excellent advantage. Moraine can poised at a hole near the base of the battlements.
provide fillings or false teeth of silver or gold, depending
on the client’s budget. NPCs Sarie Potter (female human teen, age 14), Labecca
The trio offer “the treatment,” a process including teeth Potter (female human child, age 12), Skellan Potter (male
cleaning, hair styling, manicure/pedicure, and general human child, age 9)
“sprucing up” that takes a full two hours, during which
the fairies massage the client’s neck, shoulders, and feet,
labecca, sarie, and skellan
Labecca and Sarie sell fruit and flowers from late spring to
singing in harmony while Moraine performs wonders
autumn, their offerings changing from fresh to preserved
with hair. While the fairies take over for manicure and
depending on the season. They are meant to mind their
pedicure, Moraine crafts the client a delightful reed charm
younger brother, Skellan, but let him run wild until some-
in an elven practice vaguely analogous to origami. The
one complains, whereupon they make a point of watching
treatment costs a substantial 3 sp, but at a point of the
him until it becomes tiresome—a period seldom lasting
character’s choosing during the following 12 hours, the
more than an hour.
Labecca likes to pull faces at the soldiers, who return the NPCs Beldin Sternkett (male dwarf craftsperson, age 45),
gesture when their commanders aren’t watching. Everyone Keema Loorna Rainhollow (female halfling bandit captain,
loves her and calls her “Brat.” Sarie has begun to find teen- age 36)
age boys attractive but expresses her interest with withering
glances and disparaging remarks; it may be some time before beldin
she finds love. Skellan is a little brute who torments cats. He Beldin the Tinsmith lives in Dunbury Village and does
once threw a stone at a hound, but Kerrig, the castle’s Master most of his business here in the castle, although he visits
of Hounds, gave him such a hiding that Skellan will never Thornwall monthly. He sells a variety of useful items like
dare do that again. Unless a mentor figure takes charge, he’s funnels, flasks, pitchers, and pans. With the use of a small
destined to become a river rat or die in a tavern brawl. anvil and his trusty toolbox, he is also available for simple
The children live with their fathers (2f ). repairs. He’ll work on site, but any large or complex job
requires him to complete the task in his home workshop,
Goods and Services returning the item the following day.
Fruit and flowers are available seasonally; in winter months, Beldin displays his finished wares on one table and uses
the girls sell only dried flower arrangements and dried apple a smaller, stouter table for his current two or three projects.
and pear slices at the same prices as fresh. Along with his stool and anvil, he keeps a dozen common

Purple lilies are a rare bloom sometimes found along the tinsmithing tools hanging from pegs on the wall behind
banks of the Kouros River. Legend holds that the gift of him. A locked door (AC 15, hp 18, Unlock DC 18) leads to
one is a sure way to win the recipient’s affections. Among a storage space he shares with Keema.
the fey, they are said to hold magical powers. A few times a month, Master Foley enlists Beldin in man-
ufacturing a replacement part for one of his second-hand
fruits and flowers gearworked devices. On rare occasions, Foley or Lieutenant
Vance ask him to assist Rudmilla in creating parts to repair
Item Cost
the long-disused siege engines. Beldin despairs of these
Wildflower bouquet 1 cp
requests, because they inevitably irritate Rudmilla and
Cultivated flower 5 cp
disappoint Foley and Vance. The meager pay simply isn’t 45
worth the headache. Still, he dares not refuse lest he lose
Flower arrangement 1–3 sp
the privilege of selling in the Little Market.
Purple lily 2 sp (10% chance available)

Wild berries 1 cp/handful
Melon 2 sp Keema Loorna Rainhollow of Dunbury used to travel the
Apples 2 sp/lb. Dalelands with her former spouse, a skilled merchant. Once
a talented acrobat, Keema served as the team’s security and
honed her formidable defensive skills in fending off many
C8 c Tinsmith and Trinkets robbery attempts, every one of which she foiled. After an
Two vendors share this stall, a merchant who deals in jewelry acrimonious separation, Keema struck out on her own,
and trinkets (some magical), and a tinsmith first introduced in eating to forget.
The Heroes of Thornwall location book. Keema wears a pair of custom-designed stilt-shoes. She
says it is to keep her tables at the right height for the pre-
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1 dominantly human customers. Secretly, she also believes the
extra height has a slimming effect on her round figure. She
Exterior and Encounter suffers from moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder and
is forever checking to ensure all of her goods are arranged
Two vendors work under a shared tent divided by a just so. Should someone successfully steal from her table,
triangular shack with doors on either of its two visible Keema is sure to notice within 1d6 rounds.
sides. To the right is a dwarven man perched on a stool, Despite her girth, Keema retains the natural nimbleness
intently hammering rivets into the seam of a tin widget common among halflings. As a bonus action she can throw
whose purpose is not immediately obvious. On the left, a off the stilts and display her considerable fighting prowess.
corpulent halfling on stilt-shoes paces among tables laden Her weapon of choice is the stout baton (club) she keeps
with trinkets and jewelry, pausing here and there to close at hand. If a customer fails an opposed Dexterity
make tiny adjustments to the display.
(Sleight of Hand) check while trying to steal from her, she keema’s special stock
strikes the offender’s hand with the baton, causing only 1
Item Value
hp damage on a successful attack. “That’s the warning,” she
Amethyst (wealthy cut) 20 sp
advises. “Everybody’s entitled to one.” If the thief fails to
Opal (wealthy cut) 50 sp
return the item at once, Keema cries out for help, kicks off
Polished peridot (wealthy cut) 100 sp
her stilt-shoes, and attacks in earnest.
Spinel (wealthy cut) 200 sp

Goods and Services One wealthy art object 750 sp

1d4 wealthy art objects 250 sp each
Beldin offers a variety of everyday items for sale, all items he
crafted himself.
To determine the nature of the art objects, select 1d4
beldin’s tin goods items from the Comfortable Art Objects table in the World
of Aetaltis: Gamemaster’s Guide. Each week, Keema uses a
Item Cost Weight
portion of her profits to acquire new items. Roll randomly
Flask 3 sp 1/4 lb.
or else choose items you feel would entice the characters to
Funnel 1 sp 1 1/2 lb.
make a purchase. Also, the gamemaster is free to add trinkets

Mess kit 6 sp 1 lb.

to Keema’s list of goods for sale, pricing them as appropriate
Kettle 5 sp 2 lb.
for the amount of money the characters have accumulated.
Pan 2 sp 2 lb.
Under a secret compartment in the box (DC 20 to spot
Pitcher 3 sp 2 lb.
during a thorough examination), Keema keeps her “extra spe-
Repairs 10%-30% of original
cial collection.” She never shows these items upon first meet-
ing customers, but to those who have spent at least 500 sp on
Keema is happy to buy trinkets, jewelry, and art objects previous purchases, she has the following items for sale.
of up to 500 sp at 50% of their full value. Those who have keema’s extra-special stock
done her substantial favors can increase that price to 60%
46 Item Value
Eyes of Minute Seeing 2700 sp
In the Little Market, she displays inexpensive rings,
Mummified hand 1000 sp
necklaces, earrings, combs, brooches, gelenleaf snuff boxes,
Necklace of Adaptation 1700 sp
medals (sold by destitute soldiers and nobles), and all

manner of pretty trinkets. Her stock is always changing, Preserved eye in a jar 1200 sp

and if a potential customer requests a specific but inex- Ring of Swimming 3200 sp

pensive item, Keema has a good chance of finding it in

1d4 weeks. The prices of her trinkets range from 1 cp for Characters might reasonably hope the hand and eye are
a simple feather pendant to 10 sp for a silver ring set with fabled magical artifacts. In fact, they are merely overpriced
a semi-precious stone. She always has about half a dozen curios—unless the gamemaster wishes to use one as the
cut geodes from the nearby quarry for prices ranging from seed for a high-level quest for the genuine articles. Cruel
2–12 sp. In addition, she displays 1d6 recent acquisitions, gamemasters may hold out hope that foolish characters
the nature of which may be determined by rolling on the maim themselves, but merciful gamemasters might have one
Modest Art Objects table in the World of Aetaltis: Game- or two wise NPCs, like Master Foley, chide the characters
master’s Guide. for their gullibility before the worst happens.
For discerning (read: wealthy) customers who express
an interest in more expensive jewelry, Keema fetches a
wooden case of the “special stock” from the locked closet
she shares with Beldin. The box itself is also locked (AC
15, hp 22, Unlock DC 28), and she keeps both keys on a
chain around her neck. Inside the lockbox are the follow-
ing treasures:
customer orders footwear, the cobbler takes down all the
C8 d Leather and Lace details—type of leather, fasteners, length, waterproofing or
The shop run by skilled artisans whom characters may employ not, what type of soles—and then asks to see the custom-
when seeking both mundane clothing and clothes specialized for er’s bare feet. He doesn’t touch or measure them, just looks
their unique needs. at them from the top, the side, and the bottom, and then
grunts in affirmative. If asked whether he’s got the mea-
Quality Comfortable Condition Average Levels 1
surements, Beremy answers for him. “Of course he does,
and you make no mistake; that dwarf may not know the
Exterior and Encounter difference between a soup spoon and an oyster fork, but he
knows feet. My uncle Abbet had a similar knack for em-
A halfling with a mouthful of pins somehow maintains
broidery. He could take one look at your handkerchief and
a constant stream of criticism while pinning a half-com-
tell you the age, height, and handedness of the person who
pleted gown. Meanwhile, a muscular, shirtless dwarf
made it. Why, once there was a murder in New Erinor, and
with an oddly carved beard fits a boot around a form
the city guard hadn’t a clue except for one bloodstained
and occasionally opens his mouth to speak before closing
handkerchief, and—would you believe it?—one of them
it again against the torrent of the halfling’s words.
knew of Abbet’s talent and had a herald summon him to

At first glance, this stall seems to belong to both the
the crime scene. The very scene! Pool of blood and every-
halfling tailor and the dwarven cobbler. There is no ob-
thing. Well, before you could say ‘a stitch in time,’ they had
vious division of their tools or goods. Rows of new boots
him examining…”
stand between neatly folded shirts and tunics, and belts
Gamemasters are encouraged to perform breathing exer-
hang among gowns and tabards. A trio of cats—one
cises and to imbibe extra caffeine before extemporizing one
tabby, one tortoiseshell, and one solid gray—nap atop
of Beremy’s verbal rampages.
the tables in padded leather nests.
Beremy and Vorner live in a small cottage in Dunbury
Village (2) (the cats follow them home each night, then
NPCs Beremy Fenton Luster of Hiddleton (male halfling
back to the Little Market in the morning), but they do all
craftsperson, age 62), Vorner Vanderkett (male dwarven 47
their work here. Most evenings, the couple enjoy a glass of
craftsperson, age 87)
wine at the Three Hounds. Once Beremy starts talking,
beremy and vorner Vorner slips out for a few pints at the Unicorn before re-
Beremy Fenton Luster knows what’s wrong with every- turning for the end of his story. After twelve years, Beremy

thing—the fit of your armor, the way you hold your soup has yet to notice.
spoon, the state of the duchy, and most thoroughly and
frequently, what the cobbler just said—or, more accurately, Goods and Services
what he’d thought about saying before Beremy corrected The items listed in the Leather and Lace table represent the
him in advance. Vorner Vanderkett possesses two great items the pair can make. Although they may have a few ran-
virtues: a masterful eye for boot sizes and the patience of a dom items available for immediate purchase, their normal
martyr. practice is to make items to order.
Beremy is a perfectionist in all things, but none more so You’ll find in the list leather versions of items regularly
than in selecting the ideal clothes for any person. Almost made of wood or metal. These are more expensive but
always, he corrects a customer’s first order, explaining as lighter. Naturally, leather is not as durable as those other
to a child that the color doesn’t match the eyes or that the materials, as the gamemaster will keep in mind when rescu-
more fashionable cut of that cape does nothing for the ers slice off the leather manacles of a captive.
profile. The extraordinary thing is that he’s almost always Wealthy and higher quality boots are stylish, often dyed
correct, and both the castle residents and frequent visitors or tooled, but Beremy also makes long boots with pouches
to the Little Market have learned not to tell him what they (visible or hidden) and knife-sheaths sewn in. He also offers
want but instead to ask him what they need. The result is belts, pants, and boots with hidden compartments for coins,
always an improvement in the customer’s sartorial impact, in case one is robbed on the highway.
as he puts it.
Vorner is naturally quiet, more prone to listening than
to talking, even outside of Beremy’s company. When a
leather and lace C8 f Easy Street Imports
Item Cost Weight
A merchant that carries unusual imported goods, and a connec-
Backpack, canvas 20 sp 5 lb.
tion to the duchy’s political intrigue.
Bedroll 24 sp 7 lb.
Belt 2 sp 7 oz. Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1
Belt pouch, leather 3 sp 8 oz.
Blanket 22 sp 7 lb. Exterior and Encounter
Boots, low 10 sp 1 lb.
Boots, high 15 sp 1 1/2 lb. Under an awning decorated with the flags of many
Boots, hide 22 sp 2 lb. kingdoms and countries, not all of which you recognize
Breeches, cloth 15 sp 1 lb. immediately, an unusually tall and thin man sits among
Breeches, leather 20 sp 1 1/2 lb. tables displaying wine, tinned food, colorful spices, cloth,
Bucket, leather 3 sp 2 lb. yarn, needles, decorative cups and boxes, and other goods
Cape 30 sp 2 lb.
imported from distant lands. The tall man smiles and
nods, waiting for questions rather than offering a sales

Case, crossbow bolt 5 sp 12 oz.

Case, map or scroll 5 sp 12 oz.
pitch. When someone pauses before one of his tables, he
rises with the aid of an exquisite ivory-handled cane and
Chest, leathern (small) 8 sp 13 lb.
offers a startlingly broad smile that emphasizes the point
Cloak 50 sp 2 1/2 lb.
of his pale-yellow chin-beard.
Cloak, fur-lined 200 sp 8 lb.
Coat, fabric 50 sp 2 1/2 lb.
NPCs Ephraim “Easy” Street (male human spy, age 37)
Coat, leather 30 sp 4 lb.
Coat, fur 350 sp 10 lb. ephraim
Gloves 2 sp 2 oz. Ephraim “Easy” Street is a genuine purveyor of imported
48 Gown 30 sp 2 lb. goods, but he has set up his stall in Dunbury Castle these
Hat, fabric 10 sp 4 oz. past three years to listen for seditious talk (that is, any
Hat, leather 14 sp 8 oz. political talk that displeases Warden Balewick). Because he
Hat, fur 22 sp 12 oz. secretly reports to Warden Balewick, “sedition” means polit-
ical leanings toward any candidate but Balewick as the new

Leather armor 60 sp 8 lb.

Manacles, leather 8 sp 1 lb. ruler of Vaun, as well as support for the late Duke’s more
Money belt 3 sp 8 oz. egalitarian policies. Street expects to see his patron installed
Quiver 1 sp 1 lb. not as the next duke but as the first king of Agthor, and
Robes 30 sp 2 1/2 lb. he expects the king to be generous with his loyal followers,
Saddle, riding 70 sp 20 lb. even those who pose as lowly merchants in out-of-the-way
Saddle bags 20 sp 10 lb. castles.
Scarf 1 sp 8 oz. Ephraim lives alone in a small cottage in Dunbury Village
Shirt or tunic 6 sp 1 1/2 lb. (2). He sends a weekly letter to his “mother” in New Erinor,
Skirt 15 sp 1 lb.
but on the back in invisible ink is his report to Warden
Slippers, cloth 2 sp 6 oz.
Shoes 3 sp 10 oz.
Tent 400 sp 150 lb.
Goods and Services
As with Keema’s offerings, the gamemaster should feel free
Waterskin 3 sp 5 lb. (full)
to expand on Ephraim’s stock on a weekly basis, using the
Whip 10 sp 3 lb.
trinkets and equipment charts from the World of Aetaltis
Adjustments and repairs 10-50% of
original cost
and Fifth Edition core books.
In addition to textiles and knick-knacks, Ephraim offers
a wide variety of preserved food items ranging from grape
wine, jars of olives, olive oil, confections sealed in wax pa-
per, and most notoriously, tinned meat and fish. The latter
make for excellent high-protein rations, but there is a risk Chance of Vendor
due to the relatively new process of soldered tin contain- 1–7 No visiting vendor
ers, an invention of a New Erinoran dwarven partner of 8–15 Roll d20 once on the Visiting Vendors table
Ephraim’s. 16–19 Roll d20 twice on the Visiting Vendors table
Even if opened soon after purchase, there’s a 10% chance
20 Roll d20 two times and d20+d6 once on the Visit-
that any tinned meat or fish is tainted. The chance increases ing Vendors table
by 10% for each month after purchase, until it inevitably
goes rotten. The sniff test and a DC 10 Wisdom check is Visiting Vendors
enough to determine it would be foolish to eat the spoiled 1 Farmer (livestock)
food. The victim must make a successful DC 12 Constitu- 2 Farmer (produce)
tion saving throw or suffer the poisoned condition for 2d4 3 Fishmonger
hours. Success indicates discomfort as well as noisome and 4 Potter
noxious emanations for that time, but no other debilitating 5 Hunter
effect. 6 Trapper
7 Trader (fur)
easy street imports
8 Trader (ale and lager)

Item Cost Weight
9 Trader (exotic animal)
Box, decorative (Callios) 20 sp 1 lb.
10 Trader (spirits)
Cloth, red linen (Port Vale) 22 sp/sq. yard 8 oz.
11 Trader (wine)
Confection (Dalelands) 1 sp —
12 Performer (acrobat)
Cup, decorative (Malador) 1 sp 9 oz.
13 Performer (acting troupe)
Needles, sewing 2 cp —
14 Performer (fortune-teller)
Olives, jar (New Erinor) 15 sp 1 lb.
15 Performer (jester)
Olive oil (New Erinor) 10 sp 8 oz.
16 Performer (juggler)
Tinned Fish (Port Vale) 3 sp 6 oz.
17 Performer (minstrel) 49
Tinned Meat (Free Kingdoms) 2 sp 6 oz.
18 Performer (puppet show)
Thread, spool 2 cp —
19 Bowyer/Fletcher
Walking Stick (Dalelands) 1 sp 2 lb.
20 Artist
Wine, modest (Agthor) 2 sp 2 lb.

21 Bounty hunter
Wine, wealthy (Callios) 8 sp 2 lb.
22 Fortune-teller (real)
Yarn, skein (Dalelands) 1 sp 1 lb.
23 Bookseller
24 Mercenaries
25 Wizard
C8 g Itinerant Vendors 26 Freelance adventurer
An area where the gamemaster can drop in whatever vendors
they need to support the story.

In addition to the regular vendors, there are a variety of

traveling merchants, crafters, and performers that will visit
Dunbury Castle. Most bring their own wagon or don-
key-borne stall. Some, like jugglers and fur traders, may
carry their entire stock in a single backpack.
When two vendors of the same type arrive, both are
permitted entry. Rivalries regularly arise; sometimes heated,
sometimes friendly. Characters who employ a little persua-
sion (via roleplaying or ability checks, as the gamemaster
prefers) may incite a price war. Only the greatest successes
should reduce prices below a 20% discount, and never
below 50%.

ABOVE | Mungo the Magnificent, by Russell Marks

C9 Shrine of Zevas barrels
The roof barrels collect rainwater. Each individually, or
A small shrine dedicated to Zevas, the patron enaros of all at once, can be tipped by pull-ropes inside the attic in
merchants, where visitors to the little market stop to ask for his the event flaming projectiles set the roof afire. Half are
blessing. designed to tip toward one side of the roof, and the other
half toward the opposite side. Unless sabotaged, the simple
Exterior fire-extinguisher works as intended, although re-filling
the reservoirs takes 10 person-hours of labor or a month’s
Cut into the wall of the tower at chest height is a small re- accumulation of rain or snow (on average). The system
cess. It is about two feet to a side and roughly eight inches has not been required for a real fire in decades, although
deep. The edges of the recess are carved to resemble Sergeant Hodge oversees a practical drill twice each sum-
pillars and the top is carved into the shape of a triangu- mer—the exact date depending on the temperature and the
lar tympanum. The surface of the tympanum is painted general morale. “The splash” is a festive event during which
with images of merchants in a market. Mounted on the soldiers and other castle residents crowd each other for a
back wall of the shrine is an oversized representation of place under the roof edges for a cool shower. On occasion,

a coin, around ten inches in diameter. A scattering of someone “wins” the surprise of a drowned rat or pigeon and
copper coins glitter on the floor of the recess. is considered blessed with luck for the rest of the season,
but the real prize for everyone else is the “winner’s” scream
This little shrine is dedicated to Zevas, the patron Enaros
of horror.
of merchants. It houses an oversized coin made from brass.
The coin glitters in the light, polished by the many people roof
who have stopped to touch it and pray on their way past. A Roof access is easy through ladders in the upper-floor
dozen copper coins lie at the base of the giant coin. If any of bunk room. Those climbing the exterior find it a relatively
the characters take coins from the shrine, have them make easy task requiring a successful DC 10 Strength (Athlet-
their next check to bargain with a merchant at disadvantage. ics) check. Those stepping onto the roof or the archer’s
If they leave a coin, give them advantage on their next check walk for the first time may be surprised to hear loud
to bargain on prices. The advantage only applies to the first creaks; this effect is by design, a security measure similar to
time they leave a coin, but the disadvantage occurs every the nightingale floors of Japanese castles in our own world.
time they take coins from the shrine. All Stealth skill checks made on the roof or surrounding

walk have disadvantage on the roll. A former sergeant

C10 Barracks had the trap installed to discourage rooftop trysts among
the soldiers. Naturally, it was only a matter of time before
The barracks that house the majority of Dunbury’s soldiers,
soldiers wishing to slip away for a private hour learned that
and an opportunity to discover a mysterious well.
ascending the roof on the river side and remaining between
Quality Modest Condition Immaculate Levels 2 the ladder and the roof ’s peak does not trigger the creaking
Exterior sundial
The sundial in front of the barracks is as accurate as they
The red-brown stone of the barracks’ first story contrasts
come, its hours marked with simple numerals, but of course
with the blue-gray granite of the castle walls and towers.
it’s useless on overcast days. Master Foley of the keep has a
Fortified at the corners and with four chimneys, its upper
monthly ritual of observing the sundial for an hour while
floor consists of wattle-and-daub walls reinforced by
timing the movement of its shadow with his cherished
timber beams. Large windows with blue shutters look out
gearworked clock. Most of the soldiers consider this habit a
over the yard. A row of small open barrels runs along the
harmless eccentricity, but they are careful to chuckle behind
peaked roof bordered by a walkway offering archers an ad-
their hands, wary of the Master’s temper.
vantageous perch but no clear view beyond the castle walls.
A well-worn path leads from the front entrance well
between a covered well and a carved stone sundial, which The barracks well provides fresh water from an under-
stand sentinel about 30 feet from the barracks. ground spring independent of the river. The gasping
sounds that sometimes emanate from the depths are the bailey. Many of the soldiers consider it a mark of honor to
result of a draining gap between the well and the spring make up a new one and hear it repeated back by an unwit-
that feeds it—but the effect has inspired several tales, usu- ting person to whom they did not personally relay it. Often,
ally told from parents to naughty children, about a ghost in the last few soldiers still awake after a night of drinking try
the well. to outdo each other with their version of a shaggy dog story
While there is no supernatural cause for the unexpected about the well. Although there is no supernatural cause to
sounds, the well does hide a secret, one that might have the noises, should the gamemaster desire, one of the stories
inspired at least one of the ghost stories about it. About may even be true.
ten feet below the waterline, deeper than any mason has New recruits and visitors who join in the fun can win the
climbed in recent decades, a narrow gap in the stones expos- admiration of the soldiers. A good story well-roleplayed or
es a drowned passage leading to a network of long-forgotten a successful DC 12 Charisma (Performance) check wins
smuggler’s tunnels beneath the castle. laughter and approbation. A Charisma (Performance) check
result of 20 or above creates a rumor that stays in circula-
rumors about the well tion for years to come, even after everyone has forgotten its
Every resident of the castle believes a different story about origin.
the spooky sounds emanating from the well in the outer

well rumors
C10 a Mess Hall
The mess hall provides insight into the lives of the soldiers and
1d6 or choose Rumor
a place where well-liked characters who fall during battle may
1 “Oh, ‘round about thirty years ago, the captain
was a fine young man with a wife who tended find themselves commemorated.
the library. One day the soldiers brought back
the captain’s body after he was slain by an orc Quality Modest Condition Average
war chieftain. His wife wept all day, wailing so
loud no one could bear to listen. When at last
she fell silent, everyone in the castle heard
a splash. They fished her out of the well the 51
next day, but on every dark moon her ghost Surrounded by stools and chairs, a dozen small tables fill
remembers her grief and wails again. If you this spacious hall. A few comfortable-looking benches line
listen closely to the well at midnight, you can the walls, flanked here and there by little side tables. Two
hear her still.”
long tables, much scarred by graffiti dating back decades,

2 “I hear it was the old sergeant himself who
found a raw recruit about to empty his bladder
dominate one side of this large hall. The graffiti—mostly
into the well. Outraged, the sergeant gave him names and dates—extends up the timbers and to the
a good shove, and that was the end of him. If ceiling. Nail holes in some of the support beams suggest
you listen closely on a quiet night, you can still walls once divided the space into two separate rooms.
hear the sound of piss splashing into the well.”
3 “It’s the voice of the elf queen reverberating
through the living earth, mourning the death
Once a much smaller area, the mess hall has been expanded
of her people during the Age of Darkness.” by removing bunks and moving them to the Haunted Tower
4 “There’s no ghost, but the well itself is a spirit. If (C31). In their place stands more furniture to supplement
you whisper a prayer to Phensral and state your the original mess tables and benches. The soldiers have
fondest wish, it’ll come true. Well, maybe not constructed smaller, more comfortable furniture and now
right away, but one day…”
treat the area as something of a lounge. As long as gambling,
5 “That’s no ghost. Master Foley’s farts carry all
the way down through the dungeons and up
drinking, and fighting are kept to a minimum, the officers
into every open hole in the castle. Pray you’re permit these comforts as a boost to morale. On one wall
never in the latrine tower when he lets one hang four dart boards, each accompanied by a slate board
loose!” (This whimsical story holds more truth
with a hunk of chalk hanging from a string. Beneath them
than its deviser ever imagined, since there is a
network of passages beneath the castle.) hang small shelves of darts with different colored fletching.
6 “That well was specially trained by Sergeant Any examination of the room automatically reveals half
Hodge to gobble up naughty children who a dozen decks of playing cards, a similar number of board
peer into it after dark. Anyway, that’s what games, and enough dice to trip a galloping horse. While
we tell the naughty children. Nobody wants
another drowning.”
Sergeant Hodge and others joke that the hall is a mess, the
soldiers generally keep it tidy. The exceptions are festival
C10 c Officers’ Quarters
days and nights after a triumph against bandits or maraud- Home to Dunbury’s officers and an opportunity to add person-
ers, when the soldiers pool their money to buy a rundlet of ality to these individuals.
ale, wine, or mead, or on extra special occasions, a bottle or
Quality Modest Condition Average
two of Forgewater.

graffiti Interior
The soldiers have a self-enforced, unwritten rule that the
new tables are not to be marred by graffiti because they are This small bedchamber features the typical bunk-and-
not “the original planks,” where soldiers write their names trunk of private soldiers. In addition, a wash basin and
and year of recruitment. One of the other soldiers adds the pitcher rest on a bedside table. A wooden chair sits before
year of death for fallen comrades. Although to date only a tidy desk on which rests a fat candle in a simple brass
soldiers’ names appear on the tables, the soldiers may honor holder. Beside it lie writing materials and a few personal
a well-liked character who falls in battle by adding their knick-knacks. Tacked to the wall are a few inexpensive
name and year of death to the rolls. Once, other graffiti was decorations. A narrow, shuttered window allows the

permitted, ranging from the sweet to the crude, but as the residents access to fresh air.
table surface filled with names, the beams, ceiling, and walls
became home to non-roster carvings. Reserved for corporals, ensigns, and sergeants who do not
already have separate accommodations in the castle or village,
these rooms include a few personal touches—usually an illus-
C10 b Kitchen tration pinned to the wall or a souvenir weapon hung on pegs.
A small kitchen used by soldiers that miss meals in the mess.

Quality Modest Condition Average BRINGING DUNBURY TO LIFE


No plan survives contact with the enemy. Likewise,

A pot-bellied stove squats under a crooked tin chimney
no NPC remains standard after interacting with the
that slants over to join the stone hearth in one corner. A

single counter stands against the wall, on which hang a
Should any soldier fight side-by-side with the
modest set of cooking implements: spatulas, knives, pots,
characters, jot down a note about the interaction. Was
and pans. To one side of the counter, two small water
there a rivalry? Did the NPC score a critical hit? Did a
casks rest on a lower table. On the other side stands a
character save the NPC from certain doom? Expand-
narrow barrel with a lid and handle on top. A nearby
ing on that interaction through dialogue and action
cabinet holds sets of bowls, plates, and other dishes—
is a natural way to develop the NPC’s personality, but
enough to serve a family, but surely not enough to feed
you can also express personality through an NPC’s
the entire barracks. Two round tables ringed with stools
fill out the room. The ceiling and upper walls have been
For example, if a young corporal shows signs of
darkened by years of smoke.
courage on the field, perhaps a character searching
her desk might find an unfinished letter to her father
While the kitchen staff prepare most meals and deliver
expressing fear of facing the enemy—a fear she clearly
them to the mess hall, this modest kitchen allows soldiers
overcame. Alternatively, if a soldier has been ineffec-
to re-heat missed meals or warm beverages during late
tive in combat, maybe searching his trunk turns up an
watches. Occasionally a soldier cooks a special meal, al-
old medal granted to his uncle by the late duke. The
though doing so usually involves fending off moochers.
soldier can only hope to live up to his uncle’s glory.
It takes only one detail, preferably an object the
characters can see and feel, to make “male human
guard, age 24” become a living, breathing character.
Characters searching under the bed find a chamber Middle Bailey
pot, usually unsoiled. The officers have no servants and The Middle Bailey is the largest of the castle’s three baileys
have learned it’s more bother to keep the pot emptied and and is home to the castle’s domestic and industrial build-
cleaned than it is to make the trip to the latrines. ings. The stables and kennels are found here, as well as
The trunk in Corporal Higgs’s quarters includes a false spaces to house cattle, pigs, chickens, and other farm ani-
bottom—discovered on a successful DC 15 Wisdom mals needed to keep the soldiers fed. The large open space
(Perception) check—containing a leather bag holding 315 in the center of the bailey includes a miniature village of
sp. He claims this is simply his savings, but in truth it is the cottages complete with small farm plots where the families
remaining sum of his bribes. of officers and other important castle residents reside. One
also finds the kitchen, smithy, bakehouse, and stockpiles
C10 d Bunkhouse here.
A bunkhouse for the soldiers adorned with personal effects that
allow you to highlight the soldiers’ individual personalities. C11 Drawbridge
Quality Modest Condition Average A secondary and undermaintained defensive structure with
the potential to create a difficult challenge for players trying to

Interior defend against an attack.

Quality Modest Condition Rundown

The high ceiling in this room once made space for triple
bunks, a few of which form walls between three sections Unlike the outer drawbridge, this one sees little regu-
of single bunks. A handful of the bunks are pushed lar maintenance. Lieutenant Vance orders it raised and
together to form longer beds with double blankets and inspected each spring and again in the autumn, but no one
sheets sewn together. At the foot of each bed lies a foot- has yet detected or addressed the literal weak links in the
locker, uniform in shape and materials, but each labeled chains that could cause it to fail at a critical moment. Until
with a name and often several other decorations. a skilled smith (or a wizard with mending cantrips) repairs 53
the four deficient links, there is a 10% chance each time
At night, a pair of boots rests atop the locker of each sleeper, the bridge is raised that one chain snaps and the resulting
and outer clothes hang from a peg in the bedpost. A des- imbalance brings the entire bridge down into the moat
ignated sentinel sits watch in two-hour shifts in the center separating the Outer and Middle Baileys.

“room,” usually on the eastern side.
Although the barracks can house as many as 300 troops C12 Middle Gate
in triple bunks, the current 100-soldier contingent has con-
solidated the beds upstairs, which is warmer in winter and More of Dunbury’s long unused and undermaintained defen-
better ventilated in summer. The long ones are for drothmal sive infrastructure.
soldiers. The soldiers of smaller lineages use medium-sized Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3
beds but have lots of leg room. The remaining triple bunks
are hung with blankets to create walls muffling the sound Since the recent financial shortfalls from New Erinor, this
of snoring. Most of the snorers are assigned bunks in the gate is commonly left unguarded. Monthly drills include
western third of the bunkhouse, which many of the soldiers exercises in retreats through this gate—omitting the raising
refer to as “the clamor.” of the bridge—but unless the castle is on high alert (per-
On the walls between the bunks hang a few personal haps because of an escaped prisoner or a disturbance in the
items like musical instruments which are too large or del- keep), passage through this gate goes unnoticed.
icate to leave in a footlocker. The unspoken code of honor
among soldiers prevents anyone from borrowing such
things without permission. New recruits who disobey this
rule find themselves summarily surrounded and reminded
of the code with a little rough justice never exceeding 2 hit
points of damage.
C13 Castle Gardens C14 Pigsty
The castle garden provides a source of food for the castle inhab- The characters meet Steven, one of the castle’s most notorious
itants and helps reinforce for players that the castle is more than residents.
just a fortress.
Quality Poor Condition Average Levels 1
Adjust the following description based on the time of year
when the characters first see the castle farms. In winter, the Read the following when characters first visit the pigsty.
ground lies fallow, while shortly after the final autumn har-
vest, pumpkins carved to resemble monsters leer up from the
Exterior and Encounter
furrows before they are claimed for pies, stews, and soups.
An enormous sow lies in the mud, a wriggling pile of
piglets nursing while half a dozen adult pigs root around
for vegetable peels and other spillage from their morning
Five plots of tilled earth dominate the Middle Bailey, slop. A black rooster with flamboyant red tailfeathers
their borders designated by stakes and coarse string. Near struts along the upper rails of the encircling fence.

their center, a small raised-bed herb garden surrounds

Creatures Lady Grace (pig), Steven (rooster)
a sundial with the hours designated by playful symbols,
from a crowing rooster in the morning to a flying eagle While dogs are permitted in all outdoor areas of Dunbury
at noon to a crescent moon rising over the horizon in the Castle, none venture close to the pigsty. The big sow named
evening. Lady Grace is a prodigious producer of young, but ever
since an incident in her youth she fears dogs and begins
NPCs 5 laborers, 8 children, 1 soldier squealing in dismay if any bark nearby.
Creatures Ratcatcher (hunting dog) Fortunately for the good lady, she has a noble protector in
the form of Steven, a rooster who has appointed himself her
54 The castle depends on outside farms for its grain and most personal protector and scourge of all canines who dare upset
produce, but the residents maintain several plots for fresh her. Should the player characters bring a dog (or perhaps
herbs and vegetables, including onions, carrots, radishes, transform into one) within 30 feet of the sty, Steven stands
cabbage, beets, and potatoes. Spouses and children of erect and watches the intruder. At the first sound of barking

soldiers are primarily responsible for tending these plots, or if the trespasser comes too close for his liking, Steven
but Sergeant Hodge assigns one soldier per day to aid the charges the offender in a territorial display but stops short of
effort. The task is seen as easy duty and a minor reward, attacking. Subsequent barking or aggression toward any of
although it is sometimes the cause of friction, as a few of the pigs causes Steven to attack. Use the Fifth Edition stats
the soldiers are flirtatious with the spouses. for a raven to represent Steven, omitting the Mimicry ability.
One of Warrant Officer Kerrig’s retired bloodhounds Anyone harming Steven earns the ire of all the castle
(hunting dog) prowls the gardens, sniffing out vegeta- residents, especially those who work in the Middle Bailey.
ble-eating vermin with such success that her previous name Anyone who kills the rooster is soon considered bad luck
has been forgotten. She is now known as “Ratcatcher.” by the rank-and-file soldiers, perhaps even cursed.
Voles, rats, and gophers seldom survive long once they’ve
made their way into the castle.

ABOVE | Lady Grace and Steven, by Russell Marks

C15 Chicken Coops C17 Officers’ Cottages
The castle’s chicken coops, an important source of food for the The officers’ cottages provide another reminder for the charac-
residents. ters that the castle is home to more than just soldiers.

Quality Poor Condition Average Levels 1 Exterior

Exterior Six small, cozy-looking cottages stand between the gar-
dens. If not for the surrounding walls of the bastion, they
From a two-story shack comes the unmistakable odor of look as though they might have been plucked out of any
chickens. Feathers, talon-tracks, and bird droppings con- small village in Agthor. A tiny wagon here, a colorful
firm the clue, as does the constant clucking. ball there, and the chalk lines of a skipping game on the
stone pathways reveal the presence of children.
Creatures 53 chickens, 5 roosters

The multi-level chicken coops are home to over fifty chick- The homes in the Middle Bailey offer little more room
ens whose eggs provide a staple of the castle’s diet. Five than the barracks, but the families assigned to them enjoy

roosters lord over their flock, although Steven spends much a modicum of privacy. A handful of children work and play
of the day acting as Lady Grace’s bodyguard. among the castle gardens when they haven’t been corralled
Cleaning the chicken coops is one of the least desirable for lessons from Mistress Tickle or Master Foley. In mild
chores in the Middle Bailey, and it is usually assigned to a weather, the families dine outdoors, and on holidays, they
teenager or a misbehaving soldier as punishment. string colorful lanterns along the borders of the gardens.
Each cottage has its own chimney and hearth, but a
communal wash tub, woodshed, outdoor oven, and other
C16 Cow Shed shared amenities suggest there is little more than a bed or
The castle’s cow shed and an important source of food for the two inside each house.
residents. 55

Quality Poor Condition Average Levels 1 C17 a Stokes Cottage

This cottage is the source of one of Dunbury’s best known
Exterior exports, a drink called Castle Whiskey.

Six cows stare out from their narrow shelter, mournfully Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1.5
gazing upon the freedom enjoyed by those outside the shed.
A pair of milking stools and several tin pails hang from Exterior
pegs on the building’s interior wall.
Several sealed kegs sitting outside this home smell strongly
Creatures 6 cows, Hobbes (dog) of malt ale, and a little farther away stands a well-main-
tained copper apparatus for the distilling of spirits.
The residents keep a small barn for six milk cows. A portion Several crates are stacked nearby, firmly nailed shut and
of their yield is reserved for the children in the officers’ cottag- marked with a sign scribed in distinctly feminine writing
es, but the rest goes to the cook. A floppy-eared dog named that reads: “No tasting—This includes you, Danton!”
Hobbes claims the cow shed as his home and watches over
the residents, though he is no match for Steven the rooster. NPCs Ensign Maddy Stokes (female human officer, age
Fortunately for Hobbes, they seldom have territorial disputes. 32), Rob Stokes (male human craftsperson, age 35), Otred
(male human child, age 12), Elspeth (female human child,
age 6), Oak (male human child, age 4)

While his wife Maddy commands patrol units, Rob Stokes

minds their children, Elspeth (6) and Oak (4), with the
help of Maddy’s son from a previous union, Otred (12).
In addition to childcare, tending the garden, and cooking unknowing castle residents ask to borrow them, Ellen
famously delicious meals, Rob also brews fairly good beer instead shows up with the tools and does the job herself,
and distills some of it into a whisky. He has moved the still talking nonstop about the good and bad ways to approach
to within sight range of his bedroom window to discourage the task. While she is exceptionally strong (Strength 16),
theft. Since Maddy caught, thrashed, and shamed a thirsty Ellen has no skill at combat. One glance at her physique,
private last winter, there have been no recent attempts. however, persuades most not to cross her—although her
Maddy reserves a few bottles to give as gifts to her superiors neighbor, Maddy Stokes (C17a), goes nose-to-nose with
and those under her command who volunteer for particu- her when they argue about where the border between their
larly difficult assignments or who distinguish themselves yards lies.
on duty. Rob sells the rest to traveling merchants, who Ellen and Danton have three grown children. One lives
fetch a pretty penny for it in New Erinor, where the “Castle on a farm to the southwest, and the other two live in New
Whisky” is developing a good reputation. Players who find Erinor. They once had another son who perished along
themselves in possession of a bottle may be able to sell it for with his spouse, leaving an orphan child, Barkley. Ellen and
upwards of 15 sp in the city. Danton have adopted their grandson, and he now lives with
The “Danton” in the scrawled warning refers to Sergeant them. Whenever Danton hears of bandit or endrori activity

Hodge by his first name, although so few of the castle near his daughter’s farm, he insists on accompanying the
residents know it that the name’s origin here is a mystery to patrol that responds.
most. For those who know the name, mainly Hodge, this
is a not-so-subtle warning from Maddy Stokes that she Treasure
is willing to complain to the lieutenant if there is another Ellen’s tool collection functions as Blacksmith’s Tools, Car-
“incident.” penter’s Tools, and Mason’s Tools. The exceptional quality
of the tools provides advantage on appropriate ability
C17 b Hodge Family checks. They might fetch as much as 200 sp from the right
buyer, although any local purchaser would immediately
This cottage is home to a versatile craftsperson that can fix recognize them as Ellen’s and refuse to purchase them.
56 almost anything.

Quality Modest Condition Immaculate Levels 1.5 C17 c Weaver Family

The weavers are a decent local source for woven goods.

Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1.5

An oddly colorful chimney makes this cottage stand out
from its fellows. Virtually every stone in its construction If first seen during a sunny day, read the following descrip-
appears to come from a different source, and a few seem tion of the Weaver cottage:
to have been dyed or otherwise colored to create a distinc-
tive motley effect. Exterior and Encounter

NPCs Sergeant Danton Hodge (male human soldier, age On a paved porch before this humble cottage stands
43), Ellen Hodge (female human craftsperson, age 44), a small loom. The woman operating it frowns as if
Barkley (male human child, age 6) concentrating on the task but remaining dissatisfied with
the result. Anyone can see her work is not of the highest
The Hodge cottage is the best-maintained house in the quality, but she is trying her best.
Middle Bailey, and its chimney—built out of colorful
stones scavenged from many locations throughout the NPCs Corporal Branton Weaver (male human officer,
duchy—is a focal point. While outsiders might credit this age 29), Marissa Weaver (female human laborer, age 28),
condition to Sergeant Hodge, it is the work of his tall Cynthia (female human child, age 4), Ethel (female human
and muscular wife, Ellen. Her prized treasure is a box of child, age 2)
wealthy quality tools which she refuses to lend. Despite
Marissa Weaver is known for her craft, for which she
their warm friendship, this includes Rudmilla, the black-
employs an enormous loom that she must fold away each
smith (C18), who now knows better than to ask. When
day before retiring with her husband, Corporal Branton
Weaver, who inherited the loom from his father. In the Exterior
mornings, Marissa minds her two young children, Ethel
and Cynthia; in the afternoons, the Widow Kirby (C17f ) An unassuming cottage stands among the vegetable plots.
minds the children while Marissa weaves. Much of her Its one notable feature is a cluster of nails—and addi-
work is of ordinary or even poor quality, but the officers tional nail holes—in the center of the front door.
make a point of buying blankets from her both out of
affection for the family and as a mark of pride that the NPCs Thaddeus Reed (male human soldier, age 29), Orig-
work was done “in house.” Marissa is happy to sell blankets, illia Reed (female human soldier, age 29), Tibbalt (male
ponchos, and other simple works of weaving for fair prices. human child, age 9), Luwa (female human child, age 7)
Should any characters prove instrumental in saving or
helping Branton Weaver, she insists on offering a blanket Originally from a clan of thatchers across the river, Thad-
as a gift. deus and Origillia Reed now take turns serving as castle
soldiers. On alternate months, each joins a patrol while
the other tends the gardens and looks after their children,
C17 d Tickle Family Tibbalt and Luwa. Origillia has a reputation for a short
A cottage scaled for halflings and home to the woman who temper and vicious treatment of bandits, while Thaddeus

provides an education for most of the castle’s children. has a weakness for gambling that the other soldiers often
exploit. When one of his debts goes unpaid for more than a
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1.5
few days, someone nails a curt reminder on the front door.
Should the characters spend much time in the castle, have
Exterior them notice at least one such posting.

While no smaller than the other cottages, the low win-

dows on this home suggest a family of shorter people, as C17 fThe Widow Kirby
does the small rocking chair beside the front doorstep. and Orphans
The orphan home, giving the characters an opportunity to do 57
NPCs Corporal Rufus Tickle (male halfling soldier, age some good for the castle that doesn’t require combat.
51), Emily Tickle (female halfling laborer, age 57), Amos
(male halfling child, 10), Alison (female halfling child, 10), Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 2.5
Sheelagh (female halfling child, age 6)

Corporal Rufus Tickle and his wife Emily share this cottage
with their twins, Amos and Alison, and their younger child Obviously expanded since its original construction, this
Sheelagh. Rufus commands the regular patrol to Thorn- house is taller than the others with a crooked second sto-
wall, but Emily frets when he is assigned farther afield, ry built up past the original stone frame to create several
occasionally scolding Lieutenant Vance about the assign- more rooms.
ments, to the chagrin of her husband and the amusement of
any other soldiers who hear. NPCs Maggie Kirby (female human laborer, age 62),
When not quarreling with the lieutenant, Emily teaches Daena Eversong (female halfling child, age 12), Fillion
the castle children reading, writing, and basic homemaking Eversong (male halfling child, age 10), Jeremy Urso (male
skills—which in practice means she enforces the chores. human child, age 8), Zanna (female elf child, age 8)
Those who disappoint her find themselves mucking out the
milk barn or cleaning the chicken coops (children age 10 or Maggie Kirby has adopted the orphans of soldiers who gave
older) or weeding the gardens (the younger ones). their lives in service to the duchy. Her late husband died at
the hands of goblins, endrori for whom she holds an espe-
C17 e Reed Family cial hatred. The children in her care include Daena Ever-
song and Fillion Eversong, whose parents perished during
Home to a married pair of soldiers, one of whom is notorious a flood of the Kouros River; Jeremy Urso, whose mother
for his gambling problem. never returned from a scouting mission to the Spiderwood;
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1.5 and Zanna, who was found beside her dying mother after
an endrori attack on an eastern farmstead.
any interest or proficiency in the noble work of smithing.
C18 Smithy Rudmilla considers it her sacred duty to master as many of
The castle smithy, where characters can purchase high-quality the lost secrets of the Sturrenkett clan as possible and pass
metal goods and possibly learn the legend of dragon scale mail them down to an heir.
and dragon slayer weapons. Unfortunately for the latter goal, she’s more attracted
to young human men than she is to her fellow dwarves.
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1
The taller they are, the more she fancies them, but she isn’t
serious about a lasting relationship. She tells herself she is
Exterior young enough to dally as she pleases, leaving the “business”
of extending the family line for later. An interesting conflict
A squat forge stands at the center of this open-walled
could arise if both a human and a dwarf suitor profess their
smithy. On the far side, a stone shed shelters a pile of
affections for the smith. She would surely be more excited
coal. Three anvil stations surround the forge, each with a
about the former, but the latter could make a successful
nearby table covered with tools, pails, trays, and works in
proposal if he demonstrated a passion for smithing.
progress. Every anvil is a different shape with a different
Apart from her flirtations and the prospect of a future
style of horn. Quenching barrels stand by the anvils.

partnership, Rudmilla dreams only of rediscovering her

Horseshoes hang from stout hooks on several of the
clan’s lost secrets to manufacturing dragon scale mail and
pillars that support the tin roof. Various hammers and
dragon slayer weapons. Those who bring her scales, hides,
tongs hang from others. Rarely can one spot more than a
skulls, teeth, and other artifacts of a slain dragon will earn
few inches of vertical space that aren’t dedicated to hanging
her friendship and benefit from her skills.
a tool or finished ironwork.
Rudmilla’s shame is that she’s never managed to smith
the parts needed to repair the inoperable mangonels. She
The first time the characters visit the smithy in the daytime,
blames Master Foley’s designs, while he grumbles that her
except on Restday, they find Rudmilla and Seamus hard at
smithing must be to blame. The truth is that they don’t
work well together, but Foley’s designs are generally sound;
he simply doesn’t explain them well, and Rudmilla’s special-
Encounter ty is armor, not mechanisms.
A sweaty dwarf woman beats a length of iron into a wagon seamus coalman

spring at the largest of the three anvils. She grimaces at Rudmilla’s current object of desire is her strapping young
every blow of the hammer, revealing a gap between her assistant, Seamus Coalman. A former coal miner, Seamus
upper incisors. Strands of russet brown hair stick to her is an eager and apt student of smithing. After a few too
cheeks, remaining fixed when she tries to blow them away many commands to take off his shirt and shovel coal into
while continuing her work. the forge when the weather was cold and the forge was hot
At another anvil, a shirtless young human man strikes enough, he has begun to catch on to Rudmilla’s ulterior
out nails in an endless series of two rhythmic blows fol- motive. He does not return her affections but doesn’t want
lowed by a pronounced hiss as the glowing nail falls into a to risk alienating her, either. He wants to learn smithing
pail of water. His youthful face contrasts with a muscular and recognizes she is a true master of the art. He’ll also
torso, blackened here and there with coal dust. As he gladly aid any character who seems romantically interested
works, you notice the dwarf woman sneaking a glance at in Rudmilla, as long as he can do so without offending her.
his glistening body. Seamus has mastered the basics of blacksmithing, and he
is responsible for most of the simple work like cutting nails
NPCs Rudmilla Sturrenkett (female dwarf craftsperson, age and forming basic horseshoes. He’s even become good at
42), Seamus Coalman (male human craftsperson, age 22) adjusting those shoes to fit the horses, although Rudmilla
still occasionally corrects his work. While Seamus is the
rudmilla “three hands” sturrenkett
one to whom locals go for plow blades and other relatively
The chief of the smithy is Rudmilla Sturrenkett, the last in a
simple equipment, he longs to become a master weapon-
long line of famous dwarven smiths who have since perished
smith. He’s no coward and will fight in defense of the castle,
in defense of their enclaves. She still has living kin, but all are
but he has no desire to become an adventurer.
distant cousins residing in far off lands, and none has shown
Goods and Services NPCs Corporal Erin Blake (female human officer, 25)
To outsiders, Rudmilla offers any metal-based armor or
weapons for 10% above the prices listed in the World of Creatures Abomonae (warhorse), Gale (warhorse), Ze-
Aetaltis: Player’s Guide. Enlisted soldiers and freelancers bulon (warhorse), 12 riding horses, 4 ponies, 4 mules, 2
can make the same purchases for 10% below those prices, donkeys
although she manufactures and repairs soldiers’ assigned Home to the horses used on long-range patrols, as well
weapons at no charge. as to donkeys and mules used as pack animals, the stables
Rudmilla knows the trick of silvering weapons and is are one of the most scrupulously tended buildings in the
happy to do so at the standard price of 100 sp for a single Middle Bailey. A rotating roster of soldiers tend to the
weapon or ten pieces of ammunition. animals under the supervision of Corporal Erin Blake, who
In addition to weapons and armor, Rudmilla can man- bunks in a tiny shack adjacent to the building so that she
ufacture the following equipment items at 10% above can be alert to any disturbance. When she ventures away
(outsiders) or below (enlisted soldiers and freelancers) the on other duties, she makes sure to assign someone to take
listed prices. charge—but there are few she trusts with what she consid-
ers a sacred responsibility.
smithy goods

If needed, the stables can comfortably house up to 36
Item Cost Weight
animals, although doubling stall occupancy can raise that
Ball bearings
number to 66. With 32 person-hours of labor, another 18
Bell, small 8 sp —
stalls currently used for vehicle, feed, and harness storage
Caltrops (bag of 20) 3 sp 2 lb.
could be reclaimed. Currently, 12 riding horses, four ponies,
Chain (10 feet) 5 sp 10 lb.
two frequently pregnant donkeys, and four mules take shel-
Crowbar 7 sp 3 lb.
ter in the stables. The dozen horses and all four ponies see
Grappling hook 20 sp 4 lb.
daily duty on long-range patrols.
Hammer, small 3 sp 2 lb.
Hammer, sledge 5 sp 12 lb. warhorses 59
Hunting trap 8 sp 25 lb. Three warhorses abide here. One, nicknamed Abomonae by
Manacles 1 sp 6 lb. the soldiers, is a feisty and unfriendly beast found running
Pick, miner’s 4 sp 10 lb. free north of the castle by a group of soldiers on patrol. There
is a standing offer from Corporal Blake to sell the horse for

Piton 6 sp 1/4 lb.
Pot, iron 2 sp 5 lb. 500 sp to anyone who can tame it. It can be tamed with three
Ram, portable 4 sp 35 lb. consecutive successful DC 20 Charisma (Animal Handling)
Shovel, metal 3 sp 4 lb. checks made within the same seven-day period. Failed checks
result in 2d6 hit points of damage to the trainer.
The other two warhorses are the personal steeds of Cap-
C19 Stables tain Brazewhite and Lieutenant Vance and are not for sale
at any price.
The stables for the castle’s horses, mules, and other mounts, Lieutenant Vance’s 8-year-old warhorse, Zebulon, is the
as well as a place where characters can purchase mounts and tallest stallion in the duchy. His distinctive red coat with
supplies. black mane and legs makes him one of the most recogniz-
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1.5 able, as well. While Zeb fights as well as any warhorse, his
height offers his rider a high vantage from which to view a
Exterior and Encounter battle. Vance often allows her soldiers to attack first, ready-
ing an action to fire her crossbow at any opponents who try
The unmistakable smell of horses reaches you before you to flank one of her soldiers before charging into combat. In
can make out the occupants. A few horses, donkeys, and situations where Zebulon is not an asset, she dismounts
mules occupy stalls to either side of a corridor strewn and unleashes hell with her greatsword.
with fresh straw. A lone soldier organizes a row of reins Captain Brazewhite’s 14-year-old warhorse, Gale, is an
and harnesses along one wall. At the far end of the sta- exceptional specimen; dark grey with markings that suggest
bles, a pair of closed doors suggest storage rooms. lightning bolts along his forehead and through his other-
wise black mane. For the past twelve years, Gale has been DISCOVER DUNBURY
under the effects of an awaken spell cast by an archdruid.
Because the spell was cast as part of a high ritual on a GALE’S AWAKENING
midsummer night among the standing stones of Dunbury
It is up to the gamemaster to decide why the archdruid
Hill, the spell is permanent. Everyone at the castle knows awakened Gale.
that Gale is unusually intelligent, but few have heard him One possibility is that during a midsummer ritual,
speak. A bit whimsical and vengeful, Gale speaks only when the druid foresaw great change coming to the region
alone with Brazewhite or when in the company of a solitary and understood that Captain Brazewhite was a key
soldier he deems to be shirking duties or whom Gale has factor in ensuring that change was good for the land
witnessed behaving poorly to others, especially the other and animals. The archdruid wished to provide her with
animals in the Middle Bailey. an exceptional steed who was also a friend to the fey
Blake assigns a trusted rider to give Gale daily exercise, court, the forest, and the beasts.
but he goes out on patrol only when the captain does. A Another option is that the archdruid foresaw Cap-
character who makes a favorable impression on Blake or the tain Brazewhite would be custodian of Gale for only a
short time before passing him along to another, who
captain may receive the honor of “putting him through his
was truly the chosen one.

paces.” One who demonstrates less admirable behavior may

Still another option is the archdruid sent Gale to spy
hear an admonishing voice when passing through the sta-
on Captain Brazewhite, and the horse is periodically
bles, even when there are no other speaking creatures nearby. visited by a sparrow summoned by the druid’s animal
messenger spell to report on events in the castle.
Goods and Services
Corporal Blake is willing to sell up to four of the ordi-
nary riding horses, two of the mules, and the troublesome
warhorse; she could use the money, as she has her sights on milla or Ellen) before becoming roadworthy. The rest of the
a couple of studs she hopes will invest a new generation of equipment is in good supply, but assume Blake runs out of
riding horses with speed and stamina. She’s also more than any one item after selling ten of them.
willing to sell the surplus saddles, bridles, and other equip-
ment currently going to no good use in the storage stalls.
Until the castle’s budget returns to the levels it enjoyed
C20 Latrine Tower
during Duke Creesis’s life, Blake realizes she must make do A necessary room in any castle and a potential vulnerability in

with what remains, even if that means resecuring necessary the castle defenses.
gear once there are more horses available. Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3
Blake’s asking price for mounts begins high but can be
reduced by 10% for each of up to three successful opposed Interior
Charisma (Persuasion) rolls. The first failed roll indicates
that Blake will accept no lower price for the next ten days, A pair of graying tables, each with a wash basin, stand
when she might change her mind. outside the swinging doors of this noisome tower. There’s
no mistaking it for anything but a latrine.
stable goods
Item Cost Inside the latrine, divided by a simple wall, are two rows of
Riding horse 175 sp open seats over buckets. While there is no official division
Warhorse Special by sex, typically the male soldiers go to the left, where there
Mule 140 sp is also a urinal trough that spills down the outside the castle
and into the moat, the female soldiers to the right.
Unless Captain Brazewhite forbids it (perhaps because The arrow slits and open entrance provide a fair amount
of bad behavior by the adventurers), Blake is also willing of ventilation, but the accumulated stink remains. The
to sell any of the items listed under Saddles and Supplies task of emptying the buckets is yet another of the castle’s
in Chapter 8: Equipment of the World of Aetaltis: Player’s undesirable duties, often delegated to one of the non-soldier
Guide at the prices listed there. There are also two wagons teenagers as a punishment for bad behavior.
that only need 5 sp worth of repairs (perhaps from Rud- The drains from the urinal trough have proved trouble-
some in past. When birds were found nesting in the drains fowl, and fish; Heather Vane, who often irritates “Sarge” by
years ago, the commander ordered grates installed outside experimenting with her own vegetable recipes—but who is
the aperture. A vulnerability persists, however, as a fairy or also almost always forgiven when they prove delicious; and
similarly tiny creature, perhaps under the effects of a reduce Clorwyn, who excels at decorative pie crusts. Despite their
spell could enter the castle this way. A cruel or crass GM specialties, each cook contributes to all the kitchen chores
might insist that such an intruder roll 1d20 and declare on by turns. On special occasions, or when the castle hosts
a result of 1 that someone is using the trough during the more than a few visitors, members of the officers’ families
attempted infiltration. Note that a fairy or similarly sized and a few soldiers help with food preparation.
creature could simply fly over the wall, but a sentry might Each of these cooks holds a key to the pantry, but only
spot such bold intruders. Tranahk carries the key to the wine cellar. Lieutenant Vance
has a copy of the wine cellar key in case Tranahk should
C21 Kitchen Tower lose hers.

The tower where the meals for the rank-and-file troops are
prepared each day.
C22 Bakehouse Tower
The castle bakery and a source of willing accomplices for mon-
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3 (2)

ey-making schemes the characters come up with.

Interior Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3

Two large hearths flank this airy kitchen that still smells Interior
deliciously of woodsmoke and several recently prepared
meals. Two separate banks of basins stand between a Significantly warmer than the other castle chambers, this
scarred wooden table, apparently dedicated to chopping high-ceilinged tower smells of many varieties of bread. To
and slicing, as the long row of various cooking knives one side, a stairway spirals to an upper floor.
hanging from the wall behind them suggests. Two long, Across the ground-floor, a bank of iron doors covers 61
sturdy tables hold the center, with copper pots and pans the face of a great oven. A wheeled stairway resides at
suspended above them by iron hooks. Shelves of mixing one end, its tracks on the flour-dusted floor suggesting it
bowls and platters line the walls, with cabinets full of sees frequent use. Along the other walls stand low, sturdy
drawers beneath them. tables, some white with flour, others littered with forms,

Two short stairways lead five feet down to closed doors. pans, and baker’s peels. Another section of the wall hous-
es shelves full of ingredients ranging from sacks of rye,
NPCs Sergeant Tranahk Frostfang, retired (female droth- oats, and wheat flour to labeled jars of salt, various seeds,
mal soldier, age 41), Gorman Tumbler (male dwarf crafts- dried fruits, and other delectable additions to bread.
person, age 112), Heather Vane (female human craftsper- Beside the cabinet leans a stepladder, ready for shorter
son, age 33), Clorwyn (female elf craftsperson, age 58) folk to reach the top shelves.

Retired Sergeant Tranahk Frostfang rules the kitchens, NPCs Willem Twiller (male halfling craftsperson, age 88),
although she performs less of the cooking since the injury 6 female halfling laborers, 2 male halfling laborers, Zarno
that took three fingers off of her sword hand and ended her (male cheebat scoundrel, age 41), Naffigan (male cheebat
field career. Her advanced age is also a factor, but it’s wise to scoundrel, age 34)
never mention this to her.
She monitors stores and wastage with military precision Largely independent of the kitchen staff, the castle bakers
and enforces kitchen discipline in a fashion difficult to provide the bulk of the residents’ daily food as well as hard
distinguish from military drills. The one task she reserves tack and other long-lasting cakes for field rations.
for herself is preparing sauces for those in the keep, feeling The bakers’ workday begins a few hours before dawn,
that none of her staff has yet mastered the art. She watches mixing and preparing dough that they bake into several va-
carefully even as her subordinates attempt to duplicate her rieties of loaves and buns before breakfast. They continue to
efforts for sauces destined for the barracks. work throughout the morning and early afternoon, ensuring
Her staff include Gorman Tumbler, who excels at meat, fresh goods for every meal.
twiller family
The bakehouse staff are predominantly halflings, most of
them members of the Twiller family, including a widower,
his six daughters, and two sons-in-law. The patriarch is
Willem Twiller, a rotund and energetic taskmaster who
wastes little time on praise or chastisement but who finds
a way to check on every baker’s work before it is delivered
to the keep, barracks, or the cottages. He is prone to “dad
jokes” about his married daughters putting a bun in the
oven so they’ll have more helping hands before he grows too
old to lift the heavier mixing bowls. His eldest two daugh-
ters are off to a good start, and their brood live in Dunbury
Village (2g), minded by two of their parents or aunts on a
rotating schedule.

zarno and naffigan


The outsiders among the staff are a pair of inept scoundrels

called Zarno and Naffigan (both with a Wisdom score of
8). Their shorter names are for the convenience of their
co-bakers, for their full names are Zarnopiskillis and Naf-
figantry. Only their ex-wife, Grissaldiminyi, married first
to Zarno and later to Naffigan, uses their unabbreviated
appellations and only when they are in trouble. Grissa, as
they call her, now lives in New Erinor with her successful
and obedient third husband. Zarno and Naffigan often talk
wistfully of their separate romances with Grissa, yet there
is nothing either of them fears more than the sound of her
voice, or someone else’s mention of her name. The surest
way to incite a panic in either of these rapscallions is to

suggest Grissa is coming to Dunbury Castle with a list of

the chores they never completed.
let them try to persuade the characters to become involved
Zarno and Naffigan’s efforts to persuade Twiller to
with smugglers or other outlaws in the interest of making a
produce excess goods and sell at a profit to the Three
profit. The more outlandish the scheme, the more they are
Hounds Inn (2a) have met with limited success. Twiller
certain of its success.
likes the idea of extra money but fears Lieutenant Vance
Notably, both Zarno and Naffigan are competent bakers.
will claim the profits for the castle, since all the flour and
They simply aren’t satisfied with the standard of living it
other ingredients are purchased with castle funds. A clever
character might persuade him with a DC 12 Charisma
(Persuasion) roll that proposing a joint profit agreement bakery schedule
with the lieutenant is the best way to proceed. The other The bakers all live in Dunbury Village (2), although one
obstacle is that the cheebats expect a piece of the action for always stays on night duty to keep the ovens hot and to be
suggesting the idea, and Twiller is disinclined to acquiesce present in case of fire. Their workday begins at 3:00 am,
to their demand. with a shift rotation keeping the bakery occupied until
Zarno and Naffigan are opportunists, not cutthroats. shortly before sundown. Seldom are all the halflings present
Their schemes simply exceed their competence. While they at once, as Twiller sends one or two home at mealtimes to
will never hesitate to betray Twiller or another castle resi- help with the children, unless Tranahk requests help in the
dent to earn a little wealth, they have no interest in becom- kitchen during festivals or when more than a few visitors
ing traitors or accessories to murder. Play them as comic stay at the castle.
relief if your characters need a few laughs. Alternatively,

ABOVE | Grissa Drops By for a Visit, by Russell Marks

C23 Granary Tower fabric. Apart from arms and armor, virtually anything a
small community might need resides here.
A castle storehouse, but also an out-of-the-way location perfect
A stone stairway spirals up along the outer wall,
for clandestine meetings.
ending in a trap door to the roof. Near the base of the
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3 stairs, a large rectangular slate offers a diagram of the
shelves with a key written in tiny script, often erased and
Interior updated, at the bottom.

Inside this great tower, vast storage bins hold months’ NPCs Corporal Leslie Higgs (male human officer, age 35)
worth of grain. Sealed crates and barrels nestle between
During fair weather days, the door to the stock house
the bins. Tacked to their tops are labels like “sugar,” “bar-
stands open. Corporal Higgs is usually the one on duty, but
ley,” “sesame seeds,” and other dry goods. A slate bolted
twice a day a private takes charge while the corporal stretch-
to the wall shows a tally of goods entered or removed
es his legs or visits the latrine.
from inventory. The accounts cover only the past few
Sergeant Hodge might send a soldier here to fetch items
weeks, suggesting that someone must copy the tally into a
from a list. A common example might include: “2 horse

permanent record.
blankets, 1 hooded lantern, 3 flasks of oil, 6 torches , water-
proof boots (bring 3 large pairs to try on), and one of the
Someone from the bakery or kitchen visits this storage area
good wooden buckets, if there are any left.”
every morning and again around mid-day. In the evening,
it is known as a trysting spot for amorous residents of the
The chalk tally is kept by the bakers, cooks, and soldiers
delivering goods to storage. Every week, one of the ensigns REQUISITIONING GEAR
copies the current figures into a log for Lieutenant Vance.
Allow characters who are enlisted soldiers to req-
At the end of each month, she personally checks the slate 63
uisition up to 20 sp worth of gear without special
against her log before erasing the chalk marks to begin permission each month. Freelancers can requisition
again. up to 10 sp worth of gear per month in the same
fashion. Any value greater than that requires a written
Stock House Tower

C24 requisition signed by Sergeant Hodge or Lieutenant
Vance. Fortunately, either officer is likely to sign off on
Where soldiers and characters go to collect requisitioned equip- any reasonable request. Characters who have proven
ment and supplies when on the Castle’s business. themselves in the field on multiple occasions will find
the amount they can requisition without permission
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3
increases with every triumph. The monthly requisition
allowance should never exceed 100 sp.
Interior and Encounter Keep in mind there is an expectation that the char-
acters will return the gear when they are finished with
Just inside the entrance, a pock-faced man with limp it. It is also expected that the gear will be returned in
blond hair sits with his feet up on a desk. A large, worn as good or better condition than when it left. If the
ledger sits open beside his boots. The briefest glance at gear is lost, damaged, or otherwise destroyed during
its pages tells you it is an inventory of goods received and use, the character may be expected to replace it de-
released, each line signed by the requisitioning soldier. pending on the circumstances.
Two tall ladders, one longer than the other, allow There is no set limit to what Corporal Higgs has
access to two tiers of shelves, each with a scaffold allowing available. The point is not to create a bookkeeping
one to walk the entire circumference of the tower. On the mini-game for the gamemaster, but to give the char-
acters access to whatever gear they need to keep the
ground floor lie large crates, full sacks, and casks. The
adventure moving. The adventure should never grind
middle level houses boxes and barrels between ranks of
to a halt for want of a length of rope, a few pitons, or
shelves. The highest level is reserved for shelves of jars,
another mundane item.
tins, waxed-paper parcels, and burlap-wrapped bolts of
corporal leslie higgs
Corporal Leslie Higgs serves as quartermaster. He holds
the keys to the stock house tower and to the locked desk
drawer (AC 5, hp 10, Unlock DC 15) in which he stores
the true ledger (and in a false bottom, the record of stolen With funds as tight as they are, Higgs’s pilfering of
goods). Both Sergeant Hodge and Lieutenant Vance hold castle equipment is a problem that needs solving. A
copies of the keys, but Higgs is the one responsible for character who discovers Higgs’s unofficial ledger and
opening the tower each morning after breakfast and locking presents it to Hodge or Vance are quietly commend-
it shortly before supper. A private is assigned to stand guard ed and ordered to remain silent. If you wish, Hodge
during two half-hour breaks during the day, but only Higgs may ask the characters to assist him in gathering
or his superiors are authorized to sign off on requisitions of additional evidence. The goal is to catch Higgs
greater than 20 sp value. red-handed by having him accept a blatant bribe
Higgs is a friendly fellow, hungry for the latest news or in return for equipment. If the characters decline,
gossip. He’s also not above a bribe. Characters offering him over the following days, Hodge sends a few trusted
a cash incentive of 10% of the sp value of items can take up soldiers to offer Higgs a bribe to catch the corporal in

to 100 sp worth of inventory off the books. Higgs is cau- the act.
tious enough never to exceed that amount in a single month When the crime is revealed, Higgs is stripped of his
because he enjoys his position and the financial benefits rank, publicly punished, and dishonorably discharged
it brings. Intimidating or persuasive characters may, on a from the castle guard. He blames the soldiers who
successful DC 15 Charisma check, encourage him to double most recently offered him bribes, perhaps including
that amount, but not two months in a row. the characters. While he wants revenge, he knows
he is no match for more experienced characters. He
unofficial ledger soon turns to drink and crime, and the characters may
Beneath a very poor false bottom in the locked desk drawer encounter him again as they intercept smugglers or
(requiring only a successful DC 5 Wisdom (Perception) bandits during the course of their duties.
check to discover), Higgs keeps a smaller ledger listing the
unofficial requisitions from the stock house, but no names. GOAL
Most of the entries are struck through with a single line; Locate Higgs’s second ledger and present it to Hodge
these indicate the stock he has since restored with falsified or Vance, and then keep quiet about it until he is

requisitions. The past month or so includes items that can caught. Optionally, also help in the effort to catch
be confirmed missing from stock on a new inventory. While Higgs red-handed.
disparities remain, comparing this second ledger with a
physical inventory supports the accusation that Higgs is REWARD
stealing. 1 Goodwill, 1 additional Goodwill if the characters
Because of common errors and Higgs’s pilfering, the in- assist in catching Higgs red-handed
ventory is not always correct. Any time a character is sent to
fetch items from the stock house, there is a 5% chance one
of the items is out of stock despite appearing in the ledger.
Hodge’s reaction is to bawl out the soldier who delivers the
news, but he soon cools off, realizing the problem is both C25 Root Cellar
ongoing and endemic. Should the same character return One of the storage spaces for the castle’s food supplies.
a third time with such bad news, however, Hodge is likely
to assign the character to cleaning the chicken coop or the Quality Modest Condition Average
Shallow Cellars
The shallow cellars are designed for the storage of a variety Though lined with flagstones, this cellar still smells of
of food items. They are generally cool, dark, and seldom earth. Crates of carrots, potatoes, turnips, beets, parsnips,
visited except to add or remove items from the stores. and other root vegetables nest in deep shelves built into
the walls. Barrels and rundlets are neatly stacked against Deep Cellars
another wall. Between them, pottery jars of nuts, dried A full level beneath the Shallow Cellars is yet another
fruit, preserves, pickles, and salted meat or fish fill a group of cellars. Known as the Deep Cellars, they are
graying shelf. Chalk marks on the barrels and crates list smaller than those above and are accessed by dangerously
upcoming dates. steep stone staircases or ramps. The descent is steep enough
that goods stored in the Deep Cellars are typically raised or
The cool, dry cellar beneath the kitchen is the repository for lowered by winch.
most vegetable, nut, and fruit staples used throughout the
winter and well into the following year. C28 Wine Cellar
One of the storage spaces for the castle’s food supplies.
C26 Pantry
Quality Modest Condition Average
One of the storage spaces for the castle’s food supplies.

Quality Modest Condition Immaculate Interior


An iron wine rack dominates two walls of this stone
cellar. Less than half full of bottled wine, the collection
Four ranks of shelves give this wood-paneled cellar the is dominated by local vintages but includes a few rows of
air of a library, but the shelves are filled with sacks of imported wines. Along the third wall stand three tuns,
flour, oats, and rice along with innumerable pottery jars one of them tapped. A small pail below the spigot smells
and jugs of everything from honey to salt. Every shelf is of sweet red wine.
spotlessly clean and tidy. A shallow flagstone ramp leads
down to a door with a grand lock in its center. The casked wine is a common vintage served daily. The
rack holds 10 bottles of fine local wine worth 20 sp each, 60
The central passage through the innermost shelves is wide bottles of Councilor’s Gelenwine worth 13 sp each, and 5 65
enough to roll a tun of wine. The ramp leads down to the rundlets of Merchant’s Gelenwine worth 85 sp each. Hidden
wine cellar, which is secured by a lock (AC 19, hp 10, Unlock at the back of one of the shelves is a twelve-year-old bottle of
DC 15). Tranahk and Vance hold the keys. Beyond the locked Castlekeep’s Reserve, a gift to the captain from Duncan Cas-

door, the ramp continues to curl down to the wine cellar. tlekeep in Thornwall worth 80 sp. Note that Tranahk does
not keep a written record of wine, but she has a near-perfect
C27 Buttery memory for her inventory. Any missing stock will result in
a quiet word from the chief cook to Lieutenant Vance, who
One of the storage spaces for the castle’s food supplies. will order Sergeant Hodge to begin a reticent investigation.
Quality Modest Condition Average
C29 Beer Cellar
Interior One of the storage spaces for the castle’s food supplies.

Two barrel-style butter churns stand on the sawdust-cov- Quality Modest Condition Average
ered floor of this cool stone cellar. Milk pails hang from
a wall, and a water barrel resides in a corner beneath a Interior
hanging lantern. Shelves built into the wall are packed
with ice and sawdust surrounding sealed cannisters of Two walls of this cellar are lined with rundlets, each
milk, cream, and butter. Another set of stairs leads down branded with the sign of the Riverbanks Cooperage and
to a deeper chamber. stamped with the name of a local brewer. Many are la-
beled “ale,” but the a few are marked “cider,” and a couple
One or two castle residents or soldiers are assigned each day are marked as “barley wine.”
to the buttery, where milk becomes cream, butter, and some-
times cheese—the latter made in the kitchen but brought The ale is a perfectly good local brew served daily. The dry
back here to age. The stairs lead down to the beer cellar. mead is a delicacy served on festival and holy days. The bar-
ley wine is surprisingly strong, as an unfortunate celebration One guard entrusted with the armory key is always stationed
the previous year proved when Kerrig and Sergeant Hodge here, with a change of shifts every four hours. In times of
got into a drinking contest that left both men incapacitated heightened security—say, if there has been a murder inside the
for several days. Captain Brazewhite has since ordered the castle walls, a spate of thefts, or an escape attempt from the
barley wine not to be served outside of particularly special dungeon—Lieutenant Vance orders a doubling of the guard.
occasions. Any visitor to the armory must present orders from Sergeant
Each of the 32 rundlets of ale is worth 42 sp. The 12 run- Hodge or a superior officer before withdrawing weapons or
dlets of hard cider are worth 54 sp each. The six remaining ammunition. Upon inspection of the orders, the guard opens
rundlets of the rare barley wine, treasured by local connois- the door (AC 16, hp 25, Unlock DC 25) with a key on a long
seurs of malt, can be sold for 60 sp each. neck chain and enters to see what items are withdrawn, con-
firming the requisition by updating the slate inventory.
Inner Bailey
This highest and innermost section of the castle is home to Interior: Ground Floor
three towers, the chapel, an herb garden, and the keep itself.
The latter structure serves as a command center, residence for The ground floor of the tower is ringed with weapon racks,

officers and honored guests, prison for common (dungeon) including many spears, bows, swords, and a smaller num-
and noble (tower) captives, and last bastion for survivors of ber of less common weapons. Additional racks hold dozens
an assault. While not officially off limits, the Inner Bailey of round shields, unfinished chain shirts (requiring only a
experiences less traffic than the outer baileys, with most vis- half hour’s fitting with a smith), and helms. An inventory
itors coming to attend services at the chapel or reporting to appears on a slate board mounted on the wall beside the
the commanding officers. Officially, those command officers entrance.
include Captain Brazewhite, Lieutenant Vance, Master Foley,
and Mother Belenne. In practice, only the captain and lieu- A ramp with a two-foot stone barrier on the interior side
tenant manage the affairs of the castle regularly, consulting spirals up to the second floor. Several flat areas diverge into
the others for specialized knowledge and advice as needed. short, steep inclines built into the outer wall. Arrow slits in
Two soldiers stand guard at the gate to the Inner Bailey. the upper floor let in the available light. The steep detours in
They seldom challenge castle residents, although they do the ramp are designed to let porters halt “runaway” casks.
keep out unaccompanied children and dogs. The children
have figured out how to create a diversion, however, and Interior: Upper Floor

often sneak in on a dare to touch the door of the Haunted

Tower (C31) or to bother Mother Belenne, who sometimes On the upper floor, ranks of shelves contain bundles of
spoils them with a treat, or Master Foley, who threatens to arrows, pins of oil, huge ballista bolts, and nets full of
turn them into salamanders, which he says is his favorite irregular stones.
delicacy. For more information about who is allowed access
to the Inner Bailey, see Chapter 2: Military Life. The bags of stones are meant as scatter-shot for the currently
inactive mangonels (C47). Captain Brazewhite holds out
C30 Armory Tower hope that Master Foley and Chief Rudmilla Sturrenkett will
eventually repair the siege engine.
This is the castle’s armory and contains the weapons and armor
used to outfit those who are defending the castle.
C31 Haunted Tower
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3 A tower with a dark history poses a challenge for the characters
as well as an opportunity to cleanse a long-corrupted site.
Exterior and Encounter
Quality Modest Condition Rundown Levels 3 (1)
A lone guard stands beside a reinforced door at the base
of this tower. A pair of rampant griffons on ornamental Exterior
shields face each other across the ornate lintel.
Unlike the other castle towers, which appear in good repair,
NPCs 1 soldier this one is slumped and weary. Mortar has crumbled
away here and there, like a rash on an old beggar’s cheek. eroding to leave gaps that successive commanders have yet to
Guards who patrol the battlements hurry as they cross order repaired.
the roof, visibly relieved when they reach the other side. A Curious characters may wish to discern the erased mes-
board nailed to the ground-floor entrance reads: “STAY sage on the door. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investi-
OUT.” Painted on the door beneath the board is the mes- gation) check deduces that it once read: “We devil-dog dare
sage, “That includes you, Otred. –Your Mother.” Below you, Otred!” If characters question the castle children, they
that, a faint message in chalk has been mostly erased. may learn that the darers are Daena and Fillion Eversong
(C17f ), who along with virtually all the other castle chil-
No officer has ordered soldiers to enter the haunted tower dren—and a few of the more immature adults—frequently
since a former captain of Dunbury Castle hanged himself try to goad their peers into intruding the haunted tower,
and his two beloved hunting dogs from the rafters of the especially on dark autumn nights when the wind howls
uppermost chamber. Since then, the stone structure has through the crenellations. Despite their provocations, no
aged at an unusual rate, its stones shifting, sometimes even one has dared to enter the tower for decades.


THE TRAGEDY OF CAPTAIN KARNAVON wildlife of the presence of hunters, then harried Karnavon
Rhys Karnavon, second son of an Agthorian noble house, and his hounds with entangle spells.
simultaneously pursued his passion for hunting and Karnavon mistook her mockery as flirtation. His pas-
advanced his military career by the simple expedient sions inflamed, the hunter swore he would capture her.
of befriending Duke Gryphon Vaun. The charming Rhys She responded by sending a great stag to impale Kar-
made himself indispensable with keen advice on stalking navon’s servants upon its antlers. Karnavon’s lust wrestled
prey and generous gifts of well-bred hounds. Soon the with his wrath, and he redoubled his efforts.
duke would not ride out without Karnavon by his side. In The dryad proved elusive until Karnavon ordered 67
time, he rewarded his friend by granting command over hunting traps set throughout her territory. He expected
Dunbury Castle. to catch her alive, but he did not reckon with the other
Once his position and livelihood were assured, Kar- dangers of the forest. Wounded by a poisoned arrow

navon left the day-to-day affairs of the castle to his ad- and fleeing from a goblin warband, Faeldwyn stepped
jutant and indulged himself completely in the hunt. His on a trap concealed in a meadow. Too far from a tree to
trophies decorate the great hall and the captain’s office escape, the dryad uttered a final curse on the hunter
and personal chambers, as well as the homes of nobles who had captured her as the endrori filled her lithe body
throughout the kingdom. “There’s our family’s Karnavon,” with arrows. The night hag Hragatha Rattleskull (13) had
a landowner might say while showing off the head of an always desired the charming dryad, and from across the
exceptional specimen of boar or stag. forest she heard the fey’s dying curse and made it reality.
Karnavon became notorious even among the fey, al- After the discovery of Faeldwyn’s body, Karnavon lost
though they tolerated his hunts because he left respect- his taste for the hunt. Retreating to Dunbury Castle, he
ful offerings for the wild sprites, elves, and other sentient tried to distract himself with work. The best he could
residents of Grimvold Forest and the Spiderwood. And muster was a sullen fatalism as his nights were consumed
while he was known for taking trophies, he donated the by the vilest nightmares, courtesy of Hragatha. The hag
meat and hides of his kills to less fortunate families along visited his favorite hunting dogs as well, causing them
the forest’s edge. All agreed he was a kind, if not particu- to wail in terror every night. They snarled at the sight of
larly dutiful, commander of the castle. Yet that all came to their former master and snapped at all other dogs and
an end when he first spied the dryad Faeldwyn. soldiers. The terror continued for 32 nights. On the 33rd,
At first, she taunted the hunting party with use of her Karnavon dragged his howling dogs from the kennel and
druidcraft, laughing as she escaped pursuit with her into the tower. First one was silenced, then the other.
Tree Stride ability. She charmed pursuing hounds and When a junior officer dared to look inside, she found all
sent them far away from their prey. She warned the local three hanging from the upper story’s rafters.
Adding to the tower’s sinister reputation are continued
manifestations of the ghosts that reside within. Cobwebs HAUNTING: CHILLING AURA
choke the stairways and the ground floor. From the corners Sense DC 20 Analyze DC 10 Suppress DC 12
of their eyes, intruders spot fat spiders with fey faces Trigger Presence Onset 2 rounds
mouthing silent screams upon their abdomens running Duration Continuous Reset Immediate
along the webs. When one tries to focus on the spider, it
vanishes or turns out to be the husk of a moth trapped in
The haunting triggers as soon as anyone enters this room. Two
the webs. Mournful howling emanates from the upper floor
rounds later, the temperature in the room drops by twenty degrees.
on the anniversary of Karnavon’s death.
This is immediately noticeable by everyone present. Not only will
Cats never willingly come within 30 feet of the haunted
they feel the chill, but when they exhale the characters will be able to
tower, and those who are forced inside become wild, hissing
see their breath. The chill has no other game effects.
and scratching at any who prevent them from fleeing. Dogs
also are reluctant to approach, but sometimes when one of DESCRIPTION
the castle hounds is near death, it drags itself to the tower The presence of Karnavon’s ghost in the tower has led to a relatively
door to die after one last, long, mournful howl. harmless haunting in this room. The haunting brings to life the cold

horror felt by Karnavon in the face of his curse by filling the room

Haunted Tower
C31 a with a deep, otherworldly cold. See the encounter description for

Ground Floor the second floor (C31c) for ways to end the haunting permanently.

The characters get their first hint that the tower is truly haunted.
Haunted Tower
C31 b
Interior Cellar
The roots and wreckage in this cellar have responded to Kar-
The gaps between the four, stout pillars spaced evenly in navon’s guilt, and now reflect elements of the dryad’s tragic death
the center of the room are filled with thick curtains of in the form of a potentially dangerous haunting.
68 cobwebs. A stone stairway spirals up along the inside of
the tower, disappearing into the darkness above. Several Quality Modest Condition Ruins
compartments built into the walls house a mix of items,
including rusted garden implements, what appear to be Interior

the disassembled frames of beds, and a variety of other

long-disused furnishings and equipment. The flagstone Gnarled woody fingers thrust up between the flagstones to
floor is covered in a thick, undisturbed layer of dust, even leave a jumble of earth and rocks on the once-finished floor.
where a square trap door in the floor appears to provide Elsewhere, misshapen roots have hardened into shapes
access to a cellar. resembling a stag’s antlers, and along the glistening walls,
tumescent knobs of vegetation have swollen into shapes
Characters examining the dusty floor can, on a successful resembling the organs of fresh-gutted prey. Weird, spiky
DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check, barely make out a few fungal growths jut like barbed arrows from between the
sets of tracks. All of them go from the door to one of the stones in the wall.
storage compartments, then straight back again. The most On three rows of warped shelves ringing the wall, stacks
recent are from a few months ago, when Sergeant Hodge of bed slats have withered as if eroded by water or wind.
ordered a private to fetch a replacement bedframe for the What remain are thin, gray, twisted sticks evoking a hag’s
barracks. None of the tracks leads up the stairs or to the finger or the branch of a leafless tree, their ends as sharp
trap door to the cellar. Those searching the cobwebs find a as stakes. The once paved floor now appears churned, as
few dry insect husks caught here and there. No spiders are though trodden after heavy rain and suddenly dried again.
currently resident in the tower, as the eerie place repels even
their common prey. No one has dared to enter the cellar for more than a decade.
All the rooms of the tower are haunted and make use of All signs of its past purpose are gone, wiped out by the haunt-
the optional Fifth Edition haunting rules described in the ing’s twisting effect on the room. The appearance is so unnatu-
World of Aetaltis: Gamemaster’s Guide. ral that any character can recognize that magic is at work here
without making a check.

Sense DC 18 Analyze DC 12 Suppress DC 15 The presence of Karnavon’s ghost in the tower has led to a

Trigger Presence Onset 2 rounds dangerous haunting in this room. Karnavon’s guilt forces the

Duration Continuous Reset 24 hours victims of the haunting to relive the tragedy of the dryad’s death
caused by Karnavon’s selfish actions.
The haunting begins with the cracked flagstones transforming
The effect is triggered when anyone enters this room. Unless the
into jagged jaws that entrap the legs of everyone standing in the
room is vacated, the haunting’s effects manifest on the third round.
room. At the same moment, a ghostly image of the terrified dryad
These effects occur over the course of three rounds, with one effect
appears in the center of the room, her foot clamped in the vicious
taking place each round.
teeth of a steel trap.
First Effect: Ghostly Bear Traps Next, the dryad screams in agony as ghostly arrows fly through
Make one attack against every character in the room standing on the the air and strike her. At the same moment, barbed roots shoot
floor. A successful attack inflicts damage and restrains the target. The from the walls at every character in the room.
target remains restrained until the haunting ends or the character Finally, as the dryad’s ghostly form slumps to the floor, the
escapes by making a successful DC 15 Strength check. sharpened slats on the shelves rattle and shake, forming a rack of

Flagstone Bear Traps Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., antlers for a ghostly stag that leaps from the wall and attacks the
one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) piercing damage. nearest character. The moment after it strikes the stag lets out a
bone-chilling scream and disappears, leaving the sharpened slats
Second Effect: Root Arrows
scattered around the floor.
Make 1d3 attacks against each character in the room. As soon as an
After the first effect manifests, if all the characters flee the room
arrow hits or misses its target, it reverts to the shape of a normal root.
or after the stag attack, the haunting ends and will not occur again
Root Arrows Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 60 ft., one for 24 hours. See the encounter description for the second floor
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. (C31c) for ways to end the haunting permanently.
Third Effect: Charging Stag
A ghostly stag with antlers made from the sharpened slats on the 69
shelves attacks the character nearest to the north wall.

Ghostly Stag Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one

target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.


ABOVE | The Dryad’s Revenge, by Russell Marks

C31 cHaunted Tower Encounter: Night Only
Anyone stepping into the room between sunset and dawn
Second Floor causes the ghosts to manifest. Read the following descrip-
By day, this room is relatively harmless, but by night, trespass- tion to the players as soon as one of them enters the room
ers will face the ghosts of Karnavon and his hounds. (or at an appropriately dramatic moment) during this time:

Quality Modest Condition Ruins Suddenly, you feel a chill in the air. Three spectral figures
materialize in the air in the center of the room, hanging
Interior by their necks from nooses attached to the central beam.
The two to either side are those of dogs, one an older
The wooden floor creaks under the slightest weight.
bloodhound and the other a lithe deerhound. The central
Even the timbers supporting the roof groan without any
figure is that of a man with a long mustache wearing a
discernable prompt. The air is stale, but motes of dust
dress military uniform.
swirl in slow spirals. The spiral stone stairway continues
As soon as they appear, all three figures begin a
up the wall to a landing where a ladder reaches up to a
macabre dance, swinging and thrashing at the ends of the

closed trap door.

ropes. The dogs scream out with choked howls and the
Rolled mattresses and other stored items fill compart-
man scratches helplessly at the rope about his neck. His
ments lining the walls. The center of the room has been
wild eyes dart back and forth as he gasps for breath. At
left bare, but three ropes hang from the center beam.
last, you hear a cracking noise, and all three fall still.
Their cut ends dangle eight feet above the floor.
NPCs Rhys Karnavon (ghost), Seeker (hell hound), Stalk-
Soldiers of the castle found Rhys Karnavon and his favorite
er (hell hound)
hounds hanged from the beam. They were so horrified by
the sight that no one thought to remove the ropes after the The ghosts are all aggressive, insane, and quite deadly.
nooses were cut and the bodies removed. Since then, fear of Karnavon is a ghost and should be played according to the
70 the place has prevented recent cohorts from even entering. standard rules for ghosts. For the two dogs, use the attri-
The fear is well-warranted since every night the ghosts of butes for hell hounds, except replace the fire a hell hound
Karnavon and his dogs return to this room. They are absent normally breathes with a greenish vapor that causes necrot-
during daylight hours, not even appearing on the Essential ic damage instead of fire damage, give them immunity to

Plane, but they are present from sundown to sunrise. necrotic damage, and remove their immunity to fire.
When no one is in the room, all three ghosts are visible
daytime haunting on the Essential Plane, appearing as if hanging silently from
Entering the room during the day triggers a harmless
the central beam. The ghosts cannot leave the room, and
if all living beings leave, the ghosts disappear back to the
Essential Plane.

Sense DC 20 Analyze DC 10 Suppress DC 10 combat

Trigger Presence Onset Immediate The scene described in the read aloud text above is a free at-
Duration Continuous Reset Immediate tack by the ghost with its Horrifying Visage ability that oc-
curs before combat begins. Once the saving throws against
the attack are resolved, roll for initiative and resolve combat
The haunting triggers the moment anyone enters the room. The
as normal. This free attack only occurs the first time the
central beam creaks, and the ropes sway as if supporting the
characters enter the room each evening. If they leave and re-
weight of a man and two dogs.
turn on the same night, the ghosts merely appear and attack
DESCRIPTION as described below.
During daylight hours, neither Karnavon or his hounds appear, Once the opening attack is resolved, the three ghosts
but as soon as someone enters this room, there are hints of “revive” and tear loose from their nooses. They leap to the
their presence. See the encounter description below for ways to floor and attack. Karnavon begins by using his Possession
permanently end the haunting. ability. If the attempt fails or if he is forced out of his victim,
he attempts to use the power again each time it recharges.
When it is unavailable, he uses his Horrifying Visage and HIDEBANE
Withering Touch alternately.
Sense DC 12 Analyze DC 12 Slot Hand Attunement Yes
The spirits of Karnavon’s loyal hounds, Seeker and
Rarity Uncommon Price 2,000 sp Weight 1 lb.
Stalker, manifest in unoccupied spaces within 5 feet of their
master. They attack the last person that caused damage to DESCRIPTION
Karnavon, otherwise they jointly attack the nearest target. This bone-handled dagger once belonged to Captain Rhys
During the battle Karnavon will not converse with the Karnavon, commander of Dunbury Castle. It was given to him by
characters. Rather, he shouts and raves, spitting out things Duke Cressis Vaun as a birthday gift. The weapon operates as a
like “Leave me to my eternal torment!” or “I do not deserve common +1 dagger, although it has a secondary enchantment.
to rest! My crimes are too great!” or “This curse is not The blade is exceptional when it comes to cleaning and dressing
enough. Droth, give me greater trials!” a kill. It moves as if with a mind of its own, and the magic reduces
by half the time it takes to do such work. In addition, any ability
defeating the ghosts checks to harvest valuable parts or reagents from a carcass are
Defeating the manifested form of the ghosts in combat is made at advantage.
only a temporary solution. On the next Faceless Moon,
they return to haunt the tower once more. During the
C31 d Haunted Tower Roof

period of their absence, however, the tower hauntings
temporarily stop. The blessedly not-at-all-haunted roof of the castle’s haunted
ending the haunting
The simplest means of ending the haunting permanently is Interior
for a good-aligned fey character to stand before Karnavon’s
ghost and forgive him for his crime against the dryad. Like most of the other castle towers, this one forms part
Karnavon immediately falls to his knees, looking up at the of the battlements patrolled by sentinels. Unlike those
fey in disbelief. “I don’t deserve forgiveness,” he says as his others, this one is covered in chalked and painted sigils
spectral image and those of the dogs vanish forever. that appear intended to ward off evil. There is a trap 71
Alternatively, if after defeating the ghosts in combat the door in the roof held shut by a heavy length of chain with
characters exhume the remains of Karnavon and perform a sold looking lock.
the last rites on them before the next Faceless Moon, the
ghost is freed to continue its journey to Numos. sigils

Of course, the gamemaster should allow any fun, cre- Any character examining the sigils can make a DC 10 Intel-
ative solution to work. Perhaps the characters hunt down ligence (Religion) check. Success reveals that most of these
Hragatha Rattleskull and demand she remove the curse. symbols are meaningless. A few, however, appear similar to
Or maybe only Captain Brazewhite’s sword wielded by a signs used in spells like protection from evil and good. The
fey character can send the ghosts to their ultimate rest. Any sigils here, however, are made without the proper compo-
solution that rewards creative thinking and builds on events nents or expertise and thus have no power.
or achievements the characters have already experienced is a Similarly, a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check confirms
great way to resolve the haunting. that none of these symbols has any arcane power, though
Simply tearing down the tower without first employing they may have been inspired by a non-practitioner’s wit-
one of the solutions described above, however, will not end nessing of a genuine caster’s spell.
the haunting. On the next Faceless Moon, the ghosts of
Karnavon and his hounds simply move to another of the
trap door
The metal banded trap door leads down to the tower’s
castle’s towers.
second floor (C31c). The lock and chain are a formidable
deterrent to entry (AC 18 hp 20 Unlock DC 20).
Dropped in a darkened crack where the wooden floor meets
the stone wall is Karnavon’s magic dagger, Hidebane. It was
overlooked by the horrified soldiers tasked with removing
the body of the captain and his hounds.
venturous worshipers of the Enaros. Outsiders are welcome
C32 Chapel of Lensae to participate in chapel services for a modest donation of
A small chapel where characters can make sacrifices to the 10 cp, but the acolytes encourage those of greater means to
Enaros. donate more generously.

Quality Comfortable Condition Average Levels 1 (1) windows

Spectacular stained-glass windows are the chapel’s key fea-
Exterior ture. They glorify ten of the twelve Enaros. The shattered
window that once honored Modren has been boarded-up
Beneath a blue-green dome, a near-circular temple for the past three years, its restoration awaiting sufficient
features a grand entry with six wide stairs in the front. funds (nearly 400 sp for glass, painting and installation),
High upon the walls are twelve stained-glass windows, which are not forthcoming from New Erinor. Mother
one of them boarded shut. Belenne tries to save enough money from offerings, but
To the east, a short extension connects the chapel to a inevitably she transfers such monies to the general coffers
modest refectory. To the west stands a smaller but regal to buoy the under-funded castle. Surprisingly, there is a
entryway featuring an iron gate and a short flight of stained-glass window for Endroren, although the image of

steps leading downward. punishment and pain hardly glorifies the fallen enaros.

NPCs Mother Belenne, Jerome Wulf (male human aco- shrine of alantra
lyte, age 23), Herthem Grange (male human acolyte, age The stone shrine of the great mother features engravings of
37) landscapes from towering mountains to deep river valleys
and rolling plains. Wooden planters set into the sides are
The castle chapel features a design common to shrines, home to leafy green plants from the castle gardens. Upon
temples, and chapels that cater to the worship of all the En- the surface of the shrine rest a clay bowl, a wooden cup, and
aros rather than one. Circles of benches in the center of the a stone mortar and pestle.
72 room face outward toward twelve shrines, each dedicated Mother Belenne uses these implements in preparing heal-
to one of the Enaros—including an unusual shrine to the ing balms and medicines. She also casts her healing magics
fallen Endroren. The presiding priest typically moves from before this shrine; doing so grants the spells no greater
shrine to shrine while delivering sermons, sometimes only effect, but it demonstrates her reverence to the Enaros.
two or three depending on the topics of the day’s service.

The top of the shrine is often home to acorns and other

For certain high rituals, the priest remains in the center of nuts, which devoted halflings leave as offerings. Belenne
the room, hidden from view to focus the worshipers’ atten- leaves them for a day but gathers them each night as snacks
tion on the representations of the divine rather than on a for her acolytes and to keep the shrine tidy.
mortal figure.
Opposite the chapel entrance stands an inconspicuous shrine of aelos
door leading to the rectory, where Mother Belenne enjoys Upon a black lacquered table stands a figurine of combined
her own garderobe, a small bedchamber, a combined office pale and black wood. It depicts a tall elven woman with
and receiving room, and a storage room where one of her raven hair and glittering stones for her eyes. Behind her, a
acolytes, Jerome, sleeps on a modest cot. Her other acolyte, silver crescent moon rises above a curved horizon. At her
Herthem, lives with his family in Dunbury Village (2). feet lie three distinctive arrows, a bundle of goblin bones,
and a crystal orb.
ceiling In the stained-glass window, images of distant caves,
The chapel’s domed ceiling features splendid frescoes de- torchlit dungeons, and other perilous places glimmer with
picting Numos, Lensae, and abstract representations of the the promise of treasure and lost knowledge.
unfathomable Endros and Aros. Many find that gazing up- The Keeper of Mysteries is the patron of archers and
ward and meditating upon the ineffable shapes and whirling spirit guides, representatives of whom have left her offer-
flourishes of the chapel ceiling induces a near-hallucinogen- ings. The arrows are from Sergeant Hodge, who retrieved
ic state that ceases the instant the priest brings the service them from three of his best shots: one from the skull of an
to an end. For this reason, the Dunbury Chapel of Lensae ogre he slew on patrol, another from the heart of a great
has become a site of pilgrimage to the more esoteric and ad- stag, and the third from the wrist of a bandit chief who was
about to stab Lieutenant Vance in the back. None of these The raised knee of Droth’s statue is brighter than the rest
arrows has magical properties, but every soldier in the castle of the figure. Soldiers tend to say a prayer and touch his
knows their legends. knee before leaving for battle.
No one is certain who left the bones, although rumors
suggest Master Foley may be responsible. Others suggest shrine of elendra
a visiting pilgrim, secretly one of Aelos’s avatars in human The shrine of the muse is carved of wood, resembling a tree
guise, offered them to Aelos. A successful DC 17 Wisdom stump populated by frogs and salamanders that dance while
(Perception) check by an individual with the Essence Sense the much larger figure of an uncommonly beautiful short
ability or a detect magic spell reveals a faint aura of magic atlan woman—or a tall dwarf woman, perhaps—plucks a
lingering on the bones, which are in fact an arcane focus. lute and sings.
The bundle weighs two pounds and is worth 20 sp. Carved fairies fly and sprites climb through sculpted
The crystal orb appeared mysteriously one night around blossoming boughs above the shrine, accompanied by fire-
three months ago. It is in fact an offering from a mage of the flies and will-o’-wisps.
fey court, who, despite the elves’ animosity toward Agtho- The shrine of Elendra is the site of local wedding rituals,
rian expansion in the region, came here to show respect after which it is covered in flower petals for several days.
to Aelos. It also facilitates the mage’s efforts to spy on the Purple blossoms are the most propitious offerings; knowing

castle residents. The device magically records the sounds this, the local vendors put a premium on such flowers.
inside the chapel. The elf intended to collect the orb later or shrine of endroren
at least collect its observations, but for reasons unknown he A deep alcove untouched by the light serves as the shrine to
never returned. Endroren. Even a glance at this obscure recess causes one to
feel a chill. No table stands here, nor do any offerings lie on
Sense DC 15 Analyze DC 15 Slot None Attunement Yes The window above the alcove depicts a scene of the other
Rarity Common Price 350 sp Weight 1 lb. enaros grappling with Endroren while confining him to
a prison in the Deeplands. At their feet, exiled dwarves 73
shake their fists at all the enaros as they leave their ancestral
This smooth, polished orb is 5 inches in diameter and carved from
semi-translucent black crystal. Suspended in the crystal are countless
No one prays at the shrine of the Lord of Darkness, and
flecks of silver that give the impression of a starry night sky.
Belenne rarely stops before it during worship. It exists as

When the orb’s owner touches it and speaks the command word,
a reminder of the danger posed by Endroren, even impris-
it will begin capturing any words spoken within 30 feet of it. When
oned as he is in the heart of the world. It is also a reminder
the owner touches it a second time, again speaking the command
of the lure of power offered by darkness, the importance of
word, the orb stops collecting voices and instead creates illusory
resisting its temptations, and the cost of failing to do so.
voices that repeat everything it captured. There is no limit to how
During high rituals, Mother Belenne conducts a sermon
much it can capture, but each capture may only be played back
at this altar, addressing the dangers of seeking power at the
once, and the voices manifest in the order they were captured.
expense of one’s moral code.
When it reaches the end of what it captures or if the device’s owner
stops the voices, everything it captured is lost. shrine of grethken
An enormous carving of a tree-man features half a dozen
shrine of droth
shelf-pools that form a trickling waterfall from a constantly
Upon an iron table kneels a bronze figure of the Lord of
replenished basin among the boughs that form a sort of
Trial in the form of a drothmal warrior leaning heavily on
crown. Trailing vines form the Green Father’s hair and
the enaros’s famous sword, Galodrian, cast of a red-tinged
beard. Polished river stones in his eyes indicate the season:
iron alloy. Droth’s posture suggests both eternal weariness
blue-white in winter, green in spring, yellow for summer,
and endless resolve in the face of the never-ending battles
and orange for autumn.
of life.
The stained-glass windows above the shrine depict
The stained-glass window above the shrine depicts
distant forest-covered mountains and a vivid blue sky. Some
several scenes of battle, including the fey resistance against
trick of the glass—or perhaps a magical effect—hints at
the Wolf, battles against endrori hordes, and the Battle of
gentle movement among the clouds.
On the rare occasion that Dunbury Castle receives shrine of larayil
scythaa visitors, they leave offerings of food and crafted Suspended from the ceiling, a statue of a winged woman
items at this shrine. Mother Belenne leaves them for a day soars above the floor but just beneath the stained-glass
before distributing them to her acolytes and, when they are window depicting billowing sails among the swollen waves of
plentiful, to others in the castle. a restless sea. By some cunning sculptor’s trick, the wings re-
Belenne also changes the eyes of Grethken in four an- semble those of a butterfly from the left, those of an albatross
nual rituals marking the turn of the seasons. Each pair of from the right. Somehow, the air in this nook of the chapel
semi-precious stones is worth 10 sp, but their religious value smells of seawater.
is much greater. Any thief caught with them would expect Master Foley is a regular visitor to this shrine. He leaves
punishment much greater than for any other petty theft. offerings of pigeon feathers and his own drawings of birds,
The cascading basins in the shrine of Grethken are where butterflies, and faeries to gain the Enaros’s blessing for the
Belenne creates holy water for use among the ranging safe passage and return of his birds. After a few days, Mother
patrols. A divine feature of the shrine is that the ritual to Belenne collects these drawings, which she considers proof
create holy water does not require the material component that Master Foley’s gruff demeanor hides a gentle heart, and
of 25 sp of silver, but this feature functions only for the keeps them for herself.

duly appointed cleric of the chapel, and only once each

week. Belenne is happy to create holy water for visitors for a shrine of modren
donation of 20 sp per flask. Beneath a boarded-up window, a stylized anvil and forge
hang suspended from the ceiling with six chains. Gold-plated
FONT OF THE WILDS ornamentation suggests fire beneath the forge, while glowing
orange crystals “burn” with molten heat. A plain hammer,
Sense DC 15 Analyze DC 15 Slot None Attunement Yes
completely out of style with the rest of the shrine, lies upon
Rarity Uncommon Price 5250 sp Weight 655 lb. Grace Grethken
the anvil.
DESCRIPTION The hollow anvil and forge look far heavier than they truly
The Font of the Wilds is an exquisitely carved statue of Grethken. are. The gold plating, if scraped off the bronze sculpture
74 Worked into the carving are six small pools set at varying heights. through an effort of 10 person-hours, is worth 30 sp. The
Water magically flows from the statue, and as the water burbles crystals are virtually worthless in themselves, but they are
musically along it cascades from pool to pool. A host of plants and enchanted with several continual flame spells.
animals are worked into the statue, representing the rich variety of The hammer is the source of some tension in the castle. It

wildlife in the northern reaches of Agthor. is the object that smashed the stained-glass window, and it
A secondary power of the item is that once each week, a is from Rudmilla’s Smithy (C18). Mother Belenne believes
cleric attuned to the statue may fill a flask of holy water without Rudmilla is the vandal responsible for the damage, but rather
expending the 25 sp worth of powdered silver. It is expected that than confront her directly she placed the hammer on the
this power will be used only as necessary. Clerics that abuse the shrine in hopes that other celebrants at the shrine would
power or use it to line their own pockets will almost certainly lose 1 notice the connection and speak to the smith. Belenne re-
or more points of Grace with Grethken. mains hopeful that a guilty conscience will prompt Rudmilla
to confess and apologize, even if the cost of replacing the
window is beyond her ability.
The truth is that Kerrig (C7) is responsible, but he has no
memory of the stormy night in which he gave in to a drunken
rage, snatched the unattended hammer from the smithy, and
cursed the enaros as he hurled it through Modren’s window.
As he staggered his way back to the barracks, the drunken
Master of Hounds was struck by lightning—whether by the
will of Modren or by some fantastic coincidence, only the
gamemaster can decide. With his hair and beard singed and hide bind the disparate fragments together in a figure that
all memory of his foolish behavior obliterated, he remains suggests a beast that never was—and one that haunts the
ignorant of his crime. nightmares of those who were already afraid of traveling in
Those seeking Modren’s favor occasionally leave offerings the wilderness.
of small items they have themselves crafted. Neither Kerrig Within the stained-glass of the window appears a dark-
nor Rudmilla ever step foot inside the chapel, so neither skinned woman clad in animal hides yet surrounded by
has had occasion to see the hammer. Gossip that the smith wildcats, wolves, grey cats, elk, and many other creatures of
or some other dwarf is responsible for the damage persists, northern Agthor. Their postures suggest they are watching
although no one has yet summoned the courage to ask the the woman, not as potential prey, but as if they are awaiting
suspects directly about the fateful night. her command.
Visitors often leave a token of propitiation at the altar
shrine of phensral before embarking on a hunt. Usually these take the forms
The shrine of the Sea Father appears as an enormous scal- of a claw or a patch of fur or hide from a previous kill, but
lop shell carved of sandstone and tinted in colors suggestive sometimes they are fresh cuts of meat from a recent hunt.
of a sunrise or sunset, with deep orange at the edges fading When the offering is meat, it is generally expected Mother
to brilliant cream in the center. Belenne and the acolytes will enjoy the offering as their next

The stained-glass window above the shrine depicts a supper.
laughing man clothed in blue-green seaweed, frolicking in
the waves among avatars of the other enaros. The posture shrine of zevas
and expressions of his paramours suggests that they find The shrine to the Lord of Webs is a cleverly construct-
him more amusing than desirable. ed maze of moveable sections with one gap that allows a
Supplicants to the god of the waves occasionally leave supplicant to shift a segment and thus change the path
offerings of fresh fish—from the river, of course, not the of the maze. The design suggests there is a solution, but
sea—which all understand go to feed Mother Belenne and whether that is to create a path from one corner to the next
her acolytes. Occasionally, some leave polished river stones or to reveal some hidden message among the avenues is not
as offerings. immediately clear. 75
In the stained-glass window above the shrine, gold coins
shrine of toletren fall across a spiderweb that, upon closer inspection, more
This carved wooden shrine resembles an open book, com- resembles the branches of moonlit trees or—on closer
plete with writing in a number of exotic languages. The gilt

inspection still—a network of streets in a city designed by
edges of the pages appear to be paint rather than metal. a madman. The subtle shifts in color as light passes behind
In the stained-glass window, a hooded figure clutching the glass suggest different interpretations from hour to
an hourglass stands at the nexus of many converging rows hour.
of bookshelves, each filled with scrolls, tomes, sheaves of The illusory effects of the shrine and its window are
unbound manuscripts, as well as monstrous skulls, jars of entirely the result of artistry and craftsmanship rather than
eyes, wands, orbs, crystal pyramids, and many other arcane magic. Many a frustrated wizard has attempted to sense
objects. magic in the construction, certain they just haven’t looked
Those who understand the various languages inscribed in close enough.
the Lord of Knowledge’s book can piece together fragments Mother Belenne confides in those with whom she has
of the story of the Ritual of Limitation and the passage a friendly relationship that she believes there is a solution
of Endroren’s patronage of wizards to Toletren after the to the puzzle shrine, but she has no idea what may happen
former’s imprisonment. Master Foley and visiting wizards once someone finds the correct arrangement. It doesn’t
occasionally leave offerings of valuable spell components matter, she says during sermons, because the message of
upon this altar. Zevas is that mortal minds can never comprehend the
shrine of vale whole of the universe, and often they imbue incomplete
This shrine is a strange and beautiful sculpture of bones evidence with incorrect meaning. The lesson is to accept the
and antlers from at least a dozen different beasts. Promi- limitations of one’s knowledge without giving up the pur-
nent among them are a magnificent set of stag’s antlers, as suit of further information that might change one’s current
well as the claws and skull of an owlbear. Strips of cured understanding.

OPPOSITE | Offerings at the Temple, by Russell Marks

C32 a Garderobe entire room is perfectly organized, with everything put
away, closed up, and tidy.
Quality Modest Condition Average
One of the desks looks to be a writing desk and has a
The garderobe is a small privy whose waste falls through a small, perfectly piled stack of blank paper, a stoppered
small chute to stain the river-side of the castle wall. Unlike ink well, and a pair of freshly cleaned pens set in a per-
the latrine tower, this one is a relatively private and com- fect line parallel to the edge of the desk. The other desk
fortable closet with room for a small table with a washbasin has a pigeon-holed shelf atop it for storing and sorting
and water pitcher. All is kept tidy by acolyte Jerome Wulf, letters and receipts. About half the holes are filled with
whose reward for such labors is that he too is allowed to use each piece of paper protruding out from the edge by the
the chamber. exact same amount. The cabinet is only about four feet
tall made from polished wood with very little ornamenta-
C32 b Bedchamber tion. There is a large lock set into the left door.

The personal chamber of Mother Belenne. Mother Belenne’s office includes two desks, one for writ-
ing letters and another filled with pigeon-holes containing

Quality Modest Condition Immaculate

incoming letters and receipts. A lockable cabinet (AC 15, hp
15, Unlock DC 20) stands between the desks. In the cabi-
Interior net, Belenne keeps the chapel ledger, a personal diary, two
bottles of good red wine, one decanter of exquisite brandy
This bedchamber features a small hearth, a narrow win-
with three crystal goblets, two dozen books, scrolls, and
dow with a fortified shutter, a canopied bed, a writing
folios containing tales and scriptures of the Enaros, and—in
desk, and vibrant tapestries depicting sunset over the
a locked fortified compartment (AC 18, hp 20, Unlock DC
Donarzheis Mountains on three walls.
25)—the cash and other valuables collected as offerings to
the chapel.
76 The room was selected because it is large enough for
Belenne to maneuver comfortably with her wheelchair. chapel ledger
Usually, she has no need of help, although Jerome is respon- The chapel ledger is a beautiful leather-bound volume filled
sible for keeping her supplied with firewood and lighting the with Belenne’s tidy handwriting accounting for expenses
hearth on cold nights. When arthritis creeps into her joints,

and incoming donations, as well as a record of money

however, she calls upon Jerome for help moving from the transferred from the chapel fund to the castle’s general
chair to bed or back again. Thus, he is especially attentive fund, a sum that has increased by the season these past five
to her needs just before bedtime and shortly before she years. Belenne tries not to resent the fact that her chapel is
typically wakes. supporting the castle at large, but she is becoming increas-
ingly anxious to repair the shattered stained-glass window
Treasure above Modren’s shrine. She keeps the ledger locked in the
The three tapestries are true works of art. They weight 30 cabinet.
lb. each, and if sold as a set they might fetch 300 sp.
C32 c Office Belenne’s personal diary, also stored in the locked cabinet, is
a lively and often hilarious account of the foibles and virtues
Mother Belenne’s personal office, where snooping characters of other castle residents. Should it survive her, it might one
may gain insight into the lives of the castle’s residents. day be published to great popular success in the Dalelands,
Quality Modest Condition Immaculate but she will never allow it to be shared while she lives.
Someone who manages to pick both the cabinet’s outer
Interior lock and the lock on the book itself (Unlock DC 15, or sim-
ply slice open the binding) can learn about the more candid
Two desks and a large cabinet fill the walls of this cham- aspects of the castle residents’ histories and personalities.
ber, leaving barely enough room in the center for Mother Notably, Belenne confides her suspicions that Rudmilla the
Belenne’s wheelchair to maneuver between them. The smith is the perpetrator of the vandalized chapel window,
along with her hope that leaving the hammer on the shrine
will encourage others to reproach her and evoke some sense
C32 e Crypts
of guilt and contrition. For further insights into the castle The honored dead of Dunbury Castle lie buried below the
residents, the gamemaster may freely extrapolate from chapel, along with some of their valuable personal effects.
Chapter 5: People of Dunbury.
Quality Comfortable Condition Average
Treasure The entrance to the crypts is just outside the chapel,
The locked cabinet contains the following valuables: although the crypts themselves are located just beneath the
• 2 bottles of good red wine (10 sp each) chapel floor.
• 1 decanter of exquisite brandy (40 sp)
• 3 small crystal goblets (5 sp each) Interior
• 24 books, scrolls, and folios of scriptures and tales of
the Enaros (2000 sp for the collection) Twelve steps down from the entrance, a small landing
• Collected offerings (450 sp) features an alcove to either side and a carved oak door
with a great iron lock. In the right alcove stands a font of
C32 d Storage holy water. In the left stands a small table on which rest

two incense burners and a small box of incense blocks.
The chapel’s storage room and Jerome’s bedchamber. Behind them stand four fat, half-melted candles.
Quality Modest Condition Average
The door can be opened by one of the keys carried by
Interior Mother Belenne or Jerome (AC 18, hp 25, Unlock DC 25).
Lieutenant Vance also keeps a spare copy in her desk drawer.
A row of stacked crates sitting on their sides forms a holy water font
makeshift shelf against one wall. Despite the obviously The seldomly used holy water font is typically empty unless
ramshackle nature of the shelves, they appear sturdy. Belenne has reason to believe a dignitary is visiting the 77
Inside the compartments are woven baskets containing crypt, in which case she has Jerome fill the basin and light
neatly folded vestments as well as smaller boxes of can- the candles on the table. The original purpose of the in-
dles, incense, and various ritual vessels and implements. cense, apart from ritual, was to mask the odor of decay. So

In one corner of the crowded little room lies a simple few corpses have been interred in the crypt that the incense
sleeping pallet. Beside it, an inverted crate serves as a is hardly necessary.
nightstand. Upon it rests a tin cup and water flask.
beyond the door
Jerome uses this room as his bedchamber, although he never Beyond the door, a second flight of six steps leads to a
lingers long. He is the first to rise each day. After washing twelve-sided chamber supported by four rectangular pillars.
his face, he wakes Mother Belenne and helps her wash and Crypts stand against three of the walls. Upon another wall
dress before lifting her into her wheelchair. For the rest of is a marble plaque with a long list of engraved names and
the day, he is never far from her side, unless she dispatches locations.
him with an important message for one of the officers. Originally created as a resting place for officers slain in
the line of duty, the crypts of Dunbury Castle are home to
Treasure only two former commanders. The names of other former
The room contains the following items of value: captains, masters, priests, and a few exemplary lieutenants
• 3 blocks of incense (1 sp each) are memorialized on the plaque. Beside their names are
• Acolyte’s vestments (25 sp) inscribed the locations of their graves, usually an ancestral
• 3 wax candles (2 sp each) estate, a monastery cemetery, or a home village.
• Censer, incense burner, and other ritual items (15 sp) The crypts are all horizontal sarcophagi on plinths. The
first two are cemented shut. Prying open their lids requires
a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check with the
appropriate tools.
herra farrokett’s crypt dunsel’s crypt
Upon the lid of the first crypt is a carving of a battleaxe Upon the lid of the third crypt is carved the supine image
with a word in Dwarven inscribed on each of its two blades. of a man with an absurdly large nose and cheek whiskers.
Engraved on a stone scroll beside it is the name, “Captain Clad in plate mail, he lies with folded hands over the haft
Farrokett.” of a war club. The legend on a carved scroll across his legs
Those who can read dwarven writing can identify the identifies him as one “Commander Dunsel.”
words on the axe as “Valor” and “Duty.” A successful DC 15 Perception check reveals that one of
The first commander of Dunbury Castle was a dwarf the carved man’s eyes are slightly open and peering side-
veteran of countless battles against the endrori. Herra ways, as if to check whether someone has noticed his ruse
Farrokett forged a unified company of humans, dwarves, of feigned death. Dunsel’s crypt conceals a secret passage
halflings, cheebats, and a few orogs to defend the region. A with an escape route leading to Dunbury Village. An iron
DC 10 Intelligence (History) check reminds a viewer that lever hidden in the edge of the lid releases a latch and allows
she was also the first to forge a tenuous alliance with the the lid to be raised on its long edge, revealing a rusty iron
fey in the area, who sent a small contingent of scouts and ladder leading down into a tunnel.
archers to aid them. Never used during a siege, this escape passage’s existence

Inside the crypt lie the bones of Herra Farrokett, wearing is known only to Captain Brazewhite, Lieutenant Vance,
a suit of blue-tinted scale mail. Her +2 battleaxe lies upon Mother Belenne, and Sergeant Hodge. There has been
her chest, its dull gray blade untouched by rust. discussion of whether to entrust Master Foley with the
For characters wondering why a dwarf would agree to secret, but Mother Belenne persuaded the captain that he
burial in the crypt of a chapel of the Enaros, the reason is would only use it for mischief. Brazewhite has withheld the
simple. The chapel is a later addition, built atop the crypt knowledge for so long that she now feels embarrassed to
years after Farrokett’s death. tell Foley about the passage, even though she feels he can be
trusted with the secret. Should the castle come under siege
rhys karnavon’s crypt during her tenure, she will not hesitate to tell him about it.
Along the side of this crypt is a panoramic carving of a
hunter commanding a mismatched pair of hounds to catch empty vaults
the stag he has just shot. Atop the crypt is a life-like carving There is room here for another seven crypts around the
of a mustached human wearing full armor, his sword upon walls, plus an eighth in the most honored position at the
his breast, and his hands crossed gently over the pommel. center of the room. If Captain Brazewhite falls in battle,

The second crypt houses the mortal remains of Captain she will surely be enshrined in one of the remaining spaces
Rhys Karnavon and his beloved hounds. Those who violate around the walls. No one else in the castle today would be
this crypt find only moldering clothes around the bones of given such an honor.
the captain, the bones of his hounds at his feet. Enough of It’s also possible for a character to receive this honor.
Karnavon’s remains survive to successfully repeat the last Characters who perform an exceptional act of bravery and
rites if the characters seek to end the haunting of the tower heroism on a scale that benefits the entire Duchy or saves
where he died (C31). the castle may be offered a position in the crypt when they
die. Alternatively, if a character or their surviving com-
panions donate more than 1000 sp to the chapel, Mother
Belenne may offer them a place in the crypt. Unless the
character is also heroic and deserving of honor, the soldiery
won’t appreciate this, but they won’t do more than grumble.
C33 Herb Garden with red-and-gold banner of Duke Vaun. Atop each shoulder
Sundial of the lower portion, you see angular structures standing
on the fortified rooftops. One of these bears the unmis-
The castle’s herb garden serves as a corner of solitude in the takable outline of a catapult covered in tarpaulins. The
otherwise bustling castle. other is some sort of wire enclosure surrounding what
appears to be a miniature row of fairy-sized houses.
Exterior A heavy portcullis and a pair of massive, iron-bound
doors stand open in the center of the ground floor,
A copper trellis forms two perimeters around a central flanked by the red-and-gold ducal banner and the blue-
sundial cast in copper. Between brightly painted herb and-white royal banner. The upper floor and tower are
planters, life-like statues of cats perch among the many marked by narrow windows, but the lower is a forbid-
crossbeams of the trellis. Atop the structure, realistic ding solid encasement of blue-gray stone, unbroken by so
castings of owls stare out with painted yellow eyes. much as an arrow slit.

The hours on this sundial are marked with the symbols

of the Enaros rather than numerals. Each spring, Jerome,
C34 Place of Arms

sometimes with the assistance of a castle soldier, polishes the An important defensive position in wartime and a large
trellis and sundial to a gleaming finish while Mother Belenne multi-purpose interior space during peacetime.
reads to him or shares stories of old times. More than any
Quality Comfortable Condition Average
festival or holiday, it is the annual occasion each of them most
treasures, as they have bonded as a sort of family of two.
The cat and owl castings deter many but not all pests
from nibbling at the herbs.
Behind the portcullis stretches a long, wide court of
Most of the herb planters are low enough for Belenne to
flagstones beneath a massive arched ceiling supported
take cuttings while seated in her wheelchair; Jerome harvests 79
by heavy pillars. The entire chamber is overlooked by a
the rest. In addition to common herbs like anise, basil, car-
second floor balcony that wraps around three sides of the
away, and coriander, these plots also nurture healing herbs
room. Dozens of shields and ornamental weapons cover
like chamomile, echinacea, feverfew, goldenseal, and valerian.
the walls, interspersed with impressive hunting trophies.
At the gamemaster’s discretion, Belenne’s herb garden may

Placed prominently among the decorations, three marble
also contain rare, magical herbs useful in future quests.
slabs list the names of past officers and soldiers of Dun-
bury Castle. Judging by their positions, you can surmise
the designers left space for many more slabs to be added
The keep is the heart of the castle’s defenses. If every
in centuries to come.
other wall, tower, gate, and bailey falls, the keep is the final
To the rear of the room, movable wooden walls in the
bastion of hope for the castle’s defenders. It also serves as
corners cordon off two storage spaces. Directly across
the headquarters for the castle’s military mission: to ensure
from the entrance is a short hallway that leads to a pair
the defense of Vaun and serve Agthor as a bulwark against
of double doors. There is also a door on each of the walls
attack from the north.
to the sides.
Exterior The Place of Arms serves multiple purposes. Originally it
was intended as the site on which the soldiers mustered for
At the highest point of the towering promontory overlook-
inspection and orders, as well as the principal location for
ing the Kouros River stands the great keep. The mighty
a last defense, should the rest of the castle fall to invaders.
stone bastion looms over the rest of the castle and affords
It still serves that purpose whenever Captain Brazewhite
unmatched views of the river and surrounding country-
wishes to address the troops, but it is also where Master
side. Roughly triangular in shape, it occupies the farthest
Foley instructs the castle children (and more than a few
corner of the castle, its back third a tower that rises even
soldiers) in reading, writing, history, geography, and—for
higher than the front portion of the structure.
special students—basic engineering and mechanical design.
Above the crenellations of the high tower flies the

OPPOSITE | Rhys Karnavon’s Crypt, by Russell Marks

He conducts classes for two hours each morning just before
noon every day but Restday. and Village, Tristanford, battles with endrori in the
On festival days during winter or during inclement weather, Donarzheis mountains, and woodland hunting scenes.
the castle residents gather here rather than outdoors. During
long periods of rain, Sergeant Hodge has been known to This room seldom sees service these days and the doors are
relocate the archery targets here, posting a guard on each door nearly always shut. When characters first enter, the benches
to ensure no one walks unwittingly into the field of fire. are likely laid top-down on the tables and the chandeliers are
devoid of candles. The floor is dusty, and even the tapestries
lighting smell a bit musty. The air is thick and still, suggesting little
The room is lit by three narrow second-story windows evenly activity occurs here.
spaced above the entryway. In addition, there are metal torch Should a royal visit occur, however, the place transforms.
sconces interspersed along the walls, and four large braziers Both soldiers and other residents of the castle wash the
hanging by chains from the ceiling. The sconces and braziers floors and walls, beat and re-hang the tapestries, fill the
are seldomly used these days. Normally they are only lit for chandeliers with fresh candles, and polish the tables, chairs,
special events or to impress important visitors. and benches. Generous stacks of wood are placed to either
side of the great hearth, where cauldrons and a spit are hung

storage spaces for soups, stews, and roasts prepared in the kitchen but
One of the storage spaces contains stacks of chairs, a num-
finished here, so all can enjoy the aromas.
ber of benches, and a pair of long tables. The other contains
banners, tents, and decorations for festivals or the arrival trunks
of noble visitors. In one chamber is a large chest containing Inside the trunks are serving dishes, plates, bowls, tankards,
eight bugles, eight trumpets, four drums of various sizes goblets, and utensils to supply over 100 diners. The regular
(with sticks and mallets), and a once-splendid gong with seating can comfortably accommodate 90, but there is room
three neat holes shot through its surface. Former com- for more furniture to be brought in should an extraordinary
manders of the tower were more inclined toward pomp and occasion require it.
80 ceremony, but with so much work to do and so few hands to
do it, Captain Brazewhite put an end to the custom. C36 Map Room
The castle’s map room is filled with wonders from around the
C35 Great Hall region, books, scrolls, and of course, maps.

A largely unused space that can be transformed into a regal din-

ing room, grand audience chamber, or festive dance hall when Quality Comfortable Condition Average
the occasion demands it.
Quality Wealthy Condition Average
The centerpiece of this room is a circular table surround-
Interior ed by mismatched chairs and stools. One of them is a
beautifully carved wheelchair fitted with compartments
An enormous hearth dominates one side of this spacious on either arm. Upon the table lies a large parchment map
chamber. A platform before it supports a long dining table stitched together from smaller maps, as if the whole had
carved with images of hunters and dogs stalking all manner been accumulated over a period of months or years, ex-
of prey through a dense wood. The seat of honor is obvious panded as the explorers ranged farther. Scattered around
by its height and grandeur, a lesser but still impressive chair the map are various measuring tools and grease pencils,
beside it. Six more flank them, three to either side. the latter of which must account for the many corrections
Six longer tables run perpendicular to the place of and annotations on the map.
honor, these with benches rather than chairs. Above each Surrounding the central table are many other side-
table hangs an iron chandelier. Against the walls stand boards and bookshelves, as well as a soot-stained hearth
serving tables, some holding leather trunks. In the corners with an ample supply of firewood. Every horizontal
nearest the entry are two small doors. surface is littered with books, scrolls, coffers, cannisters,
Hanging from iron rods are a number of thick tapes- open boxes, skulls of various creatures, plaster casts of
tries depicting images of New Erinor, Dunbury Castle footprints and pawprints, and a dizzying assortment of
Foley without offending his pride requires a successful DC
knick-knacks and curios. Here and there, a dusty stuffed 10 Charisma check—or the gamemaster may rule that good
fox or owl perches atop a shelf. roleplaying does the trick automatically. If told discreetly of
Virtually every foot of wall space below six feet hosts a the solution, Master Foley is grateful for the assistance. If told
map, drawing, painting, or tapestry. Most of the illustra- before witnesses, he accepts the suggestion but grumbles that
tions depict landscapes of the region, from the majestic he rather enjoyed re-setting the clock each day.
Donarzheis mountains to the deepest reaches of the
Spiderwood. The largest is a tapestry depicting a map- wheelchair
like panorama of the Kouros River from its headwaters The wheelchair is one Master Foley constructed for Mother
to the north all the way south to New Erinor. The artist Belenne, but she swiftly rejected as “excessive and clumsy.”
had a sense of whimsy, inserting comical illustrations of For a time, he insisted on constantly using it to prove her
the various residents of Agthor all along the riverbank. wrong, but in time he discovered he liked it quite a bit, and
Fishers bat away pesky fairies harrying them from above, the chair has since become his favorite seat. It seldom leaves
while sinister hags reach up from below the water to steal this room, except when he is in a whimsical mood and joins
their catch. Racoonfolk steal apples while orchard tenders Mother Belenne in the herb garden, where he invariably
fend off a rampaging owlbear. High above them all, an challenges her to a race.

enormous green dragon scatters an aerie of griffons, one of Foley does not require a wheelchair, but he finds this one
whom passes a scroll, beak to beak, to a messenger pigeon. enormously comfortable and likes the convenience of being
able to move about without standing. The compartments in
NPCs Master Archibald Foley, Apprentice Korella Stalk the arms are filled with pieces of his latest project, often a
gearworked device but sometimes an arcane or alchemical ex-
This room is Master Foley’s personal domain. The compara- periment. The one constant is a handle-less mug of tea, usually
tive untidiness of this room is a result of his refusal to allow cold and long forgotten, permanently stained brown inside.
anyone to organize or even clean up. The one concession he
makes is to clear the central table once a week, lest he draw
the ire of Lieutenant Vance, who grows impatient whenev-
C37 Command Office 81
er she can’t find something on the map they are discussing An office shared by both the captain and the lieutenant.
during a meeting.
Quality Comfortable Condition Average
The map room is a splendid place for the gamemaster to

plant clues directing the characters to areas relevant to their
recent interests. For instance, if the characters have decided
to investigate the Accursed Mill (17), allow them to discover
This spacious office features a wall of modestly populated
a scout’s sketched map of the area. Likewise, once the char-
bookshelves, another covered with a vivid tapestry fea-
acters learn of the local hags, allow them to find their names
turing a map of Agthor, and a third displaying portraits
among reports from local villages who have been plagued by
of the king, the late duke, and a previous commander of
the coven or their lesser sisters.
Dunbury Castle.
A wrought-iron spiral staircase in the corner leads up to
Two large desks stand on either side of the room facing
the Master’s Chamber (C43).
each other, and four padded chairs forming an oval
gearworked clock around an owlbear carpet sit between them. Behind the
Master Foley keeps his treasured gearworked clock in a larger desk rests a well-worn padded chair. The slightly
prominent position on the mantle above the hearth. What smaller desk has only a three-legged stool.
he hasn’t realized is that heat from the fireplace has expand- On one side of the large desk lie stacks of reports and
ed the gears and pinions, and thus causes the clock to run letters divided by color-coded ribbons. In the center is a
slow. While Foley enjoys the ritual of re-setting the clock, large writing blot, an inkstone, blotter, lamp, several sticks
any character who considers the problem may make a DC of sealing wax, and a tray of quills. On the other side
15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, with success indicating lies a tidy box of sealed letters and one or two tiny scrolls
the realization that the main spring must be replaced, and doubtless intended for a carrier pigeon.
the clock must be put somewhere with a more consistent The smaller desk is almost entirely clear except for a
and lower temperature. Relaying this knowledge to Master thick leather blotter.
Captain Brazewhite and Lieutenant Vance share this office DC 20) hides a bottle of dwarven spirits and a small coffer
as well as a tendency toward tidiness. Vance deals with most containing the castle’s petty cash amounting to 14 gp, 120
of the day-to-day business of the castle, passing along only sp, and 80 cp, all neatly arranged in rows.
those matters that require the captain’s approval or consid-
eration. tapestry
The tapestry conceals a walk-in vault. If the characters
larger desk move the tapestry or look behind it, read the following:
This Captain Brazewhite’s desk. The captain spends much
of her time reading and composing messages to nobles, Interior: Behind the Tapestry
military officers, and other political contacts and allies in
both Tristanford and New Erinor. Much of her correspon- Behind the tapestry stands an iron door in an iron frame.
dence emphasizes the need for greater funding of Dunbury Beneath a handle polished by use, a sturdy steel lock
Castle, the continued threat of endrori marauders, and secures the door.
her growing suspicions that factions within the foresters
Opening the vault door (AC 20, hp 30, Unlock DC 25)
are actively undermining her efforts to keep the duchy
requires the use of a key Captain Brazewhite wears around
safe and stable. This correspondence she keeps in the

her neck; Lieutenant Vance has a copy, which she also keeps
locked first lower drawer (AC 15, hp 10, Unlock DC 10),
close. Master Foley once also kept a copy, but he lost it years
scrupulously organized in leather folders. In the unlocked
ago. The location of that key and the story of its loss is left
second lower drawer are the monthly summaries of castle
to the GM, who may add it to the treasure in a location
business, including expenses, field reports, casualties, new
within the Scir of Dunbury, include it as a scoundrel’s quest
recruits, disciplinary actions, maintenance issues, and
at the Unicorn (2b), or use it in some other manner tailored
every issue important enough to reach the commander’s
to the characters’ desires.
In the upper drawers (AC 15, hp 10, Unlock DC 20),
Brazewhite keeps her personal and secret correspondence. C38 Vault
82 The personal letters in the upper drawer are from friends The vault where the castle treasury is secured as well as power-
and family in New Erinor. The contents are mostly mun- ful spell scrolls used in the event of a siege.
dane but warm exchanges about daily life in the capital,
but a few hint at a desire for Elaris to return to the capital Quality Comfortable Condition Average

and become involved in politics. One, from a nosy aunt,

directly asks whether Elaris remains in Dunbury only Interior
because of her “friendship” with Janny Vance. Aunt Alinor
suggests they return to New Erinor together and make Two rows of iron shelves line north, east, and west
it official. Janny could teach Elaris a thing or two about walls of this small chamber. Upon the shelves rest racks
fashion and charming the nobility at social affairs, after all. of scrolls, rows of uniformly bound books with years
The most interesting item in the top drawer is a copper and names on their spines, several small coffers, and
stylus and a bottle of “invisible ink,” which appears perfect- an assortment of other items. Beneath the shelves rest
ly ordinary until about a minute has passed, whereupon iron-reinforced oak-sided chests.
it fades away. Warming the page beside a fire causes the
writing to reappear permanently. Brazewhite uses this ink One of the racks contain the “war scrolls,” reserved for the
to communicate her most pointed concerns about Warden use of Master Foley and other defending arcane casters in
Balewick and his increasingly disruptive foresters. All her case of siege. Each scroll contains a single spell, including:
messages to this effect are in the hands of loyal allies in fireball (×3), sleet storm, stinking cloud (×2), confusion (×2),
New Erinor. Those she has received in return, she burns hallucinatory terrain, ice storm, wall of fire, cloudkill, cone of
after reading. cold, passwall, wall of stone (×2).
Only one divine scroll reliquen resides in the vault. Offi-
lieutenant’s desk cially reserved for use only by the commander of Dunbury
Lieutenant Vance has the smaller desk, its drawers equally Castle, this raise dead scroll is old, brittle, and browning at
well organized but much more full of the minutia of daily the edges. It also suffered a slight tear that has made Moth-
life in the castle. Her lower drawer (AC 15, hp 10, Unlock er Belenne fear it is no longer functional. Fortunately, its
they’ve acquired a fairly eclectic collection of treasures and
magic items. Some were gifts of no practical value to a de-
tachment of soldiers, others are items recovered after taking
down gangs of bandits, and still others are oddities soldiers
stumbled upon during their patrols.
The following are examples of the types of useful items
Brazewhite might have stashed away in the vault:
• Bag of holding
• Feather token (Swan boat)

• Lute (Quality Wealthy)
• Orb of Aelos
• Pouch of rare spell components
magic remains intact. In addition to the command officers, • +1 Sword (Corruption 1)
Sergeant Hodge is aware of the scroll’s presence in the
vault. No one will fetch it for use on a character—except
perhaps Brazewhite herself. She may make an exception
C39 Garderobe
for a character who has risen in the ranks and demonstrat- These unassuming garderobes contain secret doors that lead to
ed selfless valor in the defense of Dunbury Castle or the hidden passages.
people of Dunburyscir. She will also unhesitatingly order 83
Quality Modest Condition Average
it used on any of the command officers or Sergeant Hodge,
assuming Mother Belenne or another divine caster is avail- Both garderobes are identical except for the position of
able to use it. their basin.

On the lowest shelf lie orderly stacks of past years’
inventories, scouting and personnel reports, and all other Interior
basic records for the castle. In addition, the journals of all
previous captains of the castle line an upper shelf; the gam- Behind a latched door lies a small, clean closet containing
emaster may wish to use some of these as the background a commode and a basin with running water. Above a
for further adventures in the region. Stacks of scrolls and spotless white throne, a barred window stands open, its
single sheets of parchment appear to be official reports shutters secured on either side to let in the fresh river air.
from throughout the history of Dunbury Castle. Across the little room, a porcelain basin stands upon a
The castle treasury includes three coffers containing neat stout copper pipe and beneath a slender one controlled
rows of gold and silver coins amounting to a total of 200 gp with a simple valve. Behind the basin, a painted wooden
and 8000 sp. This may seem like a fair amount of wealth, wall depicts a battle in which Malinar Drakewyn fights
but salaries alone amount to nearly 4000 sp/month. This shoulder-to-shoulder beside Gryphon Vaun against a
doesn’t even take into account feeding the soldiers, main- brutal-looking warlord.
tenance, and supplies. At best, this will cover the castle’s
expenses for two months, but more likely it will last no While rudimentary in design, the toilet and basin represent
more than a month to a month and a half. the height of local plumbing design. The basin is fed by
The gamemaster should also place items in the vault a filtered water tun on the keep roof, and the toilet shaft
as needed to serve as rewards for exceptional valor, spe- descends straight down the outer wall to a filthy outlet just
cial bounties for important kills and captures, and heroic above the usual water level of the Kouros river. Several rusty
accomplishments. With so many soldiers, nobles, scholars, grates along the way prevent any creature larger than tiny
and adventurers passing through the castle over the years, from crawling up the toilet shaft.

ABOVE | Battle Among the Peaks, by Russell Marks

basin secret door
Characters examining the basin may make a DC 18 Intel- DUST TRAP
ligence (Investigation) check to notice that it is possible to Type Mechanical Detect DC 15 Disable Special
lift both the basin and the wall to which it is connecting. Trigger Touch Disarm Special Reset None
Lifting it only a few inches allows a character to open the
secret door, hinged on one side. Doing so leaves a trail of
The special soot on the floor of this passage sticks to the bottoms
moisture and perhaps a few scratches on the floor. Since the
of the feet of anyone that steps on it. When the intruder exits the
floor has been painted black, however, characters notice the
secret passage, they leave a trail of black footprints that remain
marks only on a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
prominent for 500 feet, fading gradually until the trail vanishes
after 1,000 feet of movement. Noticing the trail of black footprints
is automatic for those who make a point of looking behind them—
C40 Secret Passages as well as for those who come across their trail later. Removing the
Disused secret passages that allow eavesdropping on conversa- prints requires more than mere brushing; it takes a wet mop or the
tions in the map room and office. use of a prestidigitation cantrip or similar magic.

Quality Modest Condition Average
A thin, fine layer of specially prepared soot covers the floor of the
passage. Although they haven’t had cause to use the passage
Interior where this trap is set, the captain or other castle residents would
simply remove their shoes before entering the passage and then
Behind the secret door lies a narrow passage supported
put them back on when they exit. The black painted floor in the
every eight feet or so by timbers. It splits into two sepa-
garderobes would hide their footprints as they step out of the
rate paths, one leading north, the other south.
passage to put their boots on. Disarming the trap requires either
aggressive cleaning with water and a mop, repeated applications
Secret doors in the garderobes lead to two narrow hallways
of spells such as prestidigitation, or the special counter soot Master
84 built inside the thick castle walls. Small characters can navi-
Foley keeps in his quarters, at which point a broom will sweep it
gate the halls freely. Medium characters can traverse them by
squeezing; large characters cannot fit.
This network of secret passages fell into obscurity after

the sudden death of Captain Overland, whose Master of

Lore suffered from dementia and whose lieutenant was so Type Mechanical Detect DC 18 Disable DC 13
focused on a recent promotion to a position in the capital Trigger Trip wire Disarm DC 13 Reset DC 10
city that he failed to pass along the knowledge to a succes- EFFECTS
sor. Two years ago, however, Captain Brazewhite investigat- Tripping on the wire breaks a ceramic figurine in the room outside
ed a peculiar sound during high winds and discovered the the passage.
passage behind her office walls.
Rather than board up the spying passages, she quietly
A string at ankle-height runs through the wall near the peephole.
informed both Master Foley and Lieutenant Vance of their
Triggering it pulls a fragile ceramic figurine off a side table,
existence. Although they haven’t used the passages yet,
shattering it. If present at the time, Captain Brazewhite, Lieutenant
characters that behave suspiciously might be left alone in
Vance, and Master Foley all know the significance of the “alarm”
one of the rooms to allow the castle defenders to deter-
and behave as if one of them accidentally dropped the item while
mine whether they can be trusted. Brazewhite also had
signaling for the other to gather guards and intercept spies at
Foley install a pair of countermeasures in each tunnel to
the garderobe. Anyone spying through the peephole during this
alert her if anyone else finds the passage and to identify the
time can make a Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by the Charisma
(Deception) check of the room’s occupants.
C41 Captain’s Quarters Before a fireplace with a large supply of wood stacked
The personal quarters of Dunbury Castle’s stoic captain. neatly nearby, a claw-foot bathtub big enough to accom-
modate a squad of soldiers stands across from the bed.
Quality Modest Condition Immaculate Nearby stand two wardrobes, one much larger than
the other. Between them on the wall hangs a full-length
Interior mirror, its iron frame worked into images of dragons
menaced by a pair of women on horseback.
A tidy bunk stands against one wall, a trunk at its foot.
A plain desk without drawers stands beneath the win- This is Vance’s personal space where she indulges in the less
dow, a simple chair before it. A wooden bathtub has been militant side of her personality. Except for the contents of
pushed into the corner, leaving the rest of the room empty the smaller wardrobe, Vance tries to keep this comfortable
and spacious but for a single target dummy with a sword, chamber separate from her duties. She never brings castle
shield, and helmet. Shallow scars upon its wooden body paperwork here, and if someone visits to discuss military
and scratches on its weapon and armor suggest someone matters, she insists they take the conversation to the office.
has put it to regular use. There is a small fireplace in the
vanity and large wardrobe

corner of the room.
The vanity table and larger wardrobe reflect her off-duty
Captain Brazewhite practices disarming the dummy with preference for fashion and elegance. The larger wardrobe
her whisk only here, in the privacy of her room. Secretly she is locked (AC 15 hp 15 Unlock DC 15) and Vance either
would love to master the move, but she seldom attempts it in carries the key with her or hides it beneath the mattress.
combat, considering it flashy and dangerous. Inside are her dresses, shoes, and other accessories. Her
Those listening at the captain’s door when she is alone jewelry is hidden at the bottom back of the wardrobe
might, on a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check, requiring a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
hear the snap and slap of the whisk on the dummy as to find.
Brazewhite tries to transform her lucky move into a reliable 85
part of her combat routine.
small wardrobe
The smaller wardrobe provides a home for her armor and
Unless she is sleeping, bathing, or practicing, Brazewhite
seldom spends time in her chamber. When she feels the

need for company and a glass of wine, she visits Lieutenant
Vance in her room. Everything Brazewhite owns, which
Vance has a number of items of value in her chamber:
amounts to her armor, weapons, clothing, and personal
hygiene items fit neatly into the trunk. • 4 bottles of fine wine (20 sp each)
• Pewter pitcher and 2 goblets (8 sp total)
• Perfumes and makeup (10 sp total)
C42 Lieutenant’s Chambers • 3 wealthy outfits with complete accessories (70 sp
The personal chambers of Dunbury Castle’s second in com- each)
mand accurately represents the two sides of her character. • Silver necklace (120 sp)
• Silver earrings (40 sp)
Quality Comfortable Condition Immaculate
• Silver bracelet (60 sp)
A canopied bed dominates one side of this room, a basin
and ewer resting on a table nearby. Beside it stands a
table arrayed with jars and phials, brushes and combs
laid before them in perfect ranks. Upon a low platform,
two stuffed chairs face a window overlooking the river.
Between them, a pewter carafe and two goblets rest on a
small table.
Anyone who bestows the gift of a gearworked device on
C43 Master’s Chambers Master Foley earns his fervent appreciation. He will not
The personal chambers of the castle’s resident scholar and tinkerer. charge that character for lessons for at least a year (and
longer, if the GM deems it appropriate).
Quality Modest Condition Average
Goods and Services
Interior Using his library, Master Foley can help characters learn
new languages or Intelligence-based skill specializations. He
Stacks of books fill every available chair, half the bed, and
charges a modest 5 cp per week for a weekly one-hour les-
considerable floor space in this cluttered bedchamber. One
son, but he is quick to dismiss insolent or obviously stupid
volume lies open upon the bed, a diagram of clock gears
students. Much as he likes a little extra pocket money, he
on one page.
can’t abide an imbecile or a wisecracker.
A desk and table pushed together form an uninterrupted
platform of disorder. Most of the contents appear to be
related to gearworking or mechanical devices. Some of them
The only items of real value are Master Foley’s spellbook and
are toys, but others are half-disassembled weapons, like a

his disorganized library of academic books. The spellbook

hand-held crossbow. Among the mess are long-abandoned
isn’t hidden or locked away, but due to the disorganized state
tea mugs, some of them spotted with mold.
of this room and the sheer number of books stacked around,
The floor is covered in overlapping carpets, dusty and
finding it requires a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
stained with unidentifiable spills. A long-dead plant
check. It contains all the spells listed for Master Foley’s entry
slumps in one corner. Only the hearth seems well main-
in Chapter 5: People of Dunbury.
tained, its ash can and a stack of firewood the only tidy
The mundane titles are of value to the right buyer, but
spots in the shambles.
unless the characters are willing to take the books to a city
Heavy curtains hang over a window you can only
with a large library or college, it’s doubtful they could get
assume overlooks the river.
more than 10% of a book’s value when selling them.
Most of the books in Foley’s chamber are histories and scien- • 2 books on unique subjects (800 sp each)
tific studies, few of them remarkable. The master has marked • 8 books on rare subjects (400 sp each)
many pages with slips of paper, ribbons, or even dried leaves. • 15 books on uncommon subjects (200 sp each)

The open book on his bed is lavishly illustrated with basic • 37 books on common subjects (120 sp each)
gearworked components. • 130 folios on a variety of subjects (2 sp each)
Ironically, Master Foley does have a sense of humor, but
he scorns bad puns, crass jokes, and any jibe directed at him, C44 Duke’s Chambers
his doves, or his chambers. Should anyone make a partic- The long disused official chambers occupied by the duke during
ularly elegant pun or a jape directed at someone else in his visits to the castle.
presence, especially the increasingly exasperated Korella
Stalk (C36), he pretends indifference, but anyone watching Quality Aristocratic Condition Immaculate
for his reaction may detect a half-hidden smile of approval
(no Insight check required). Interior
Foley’s own sense of humor is usually directed dispar-
agingly toward Korella or more playfully toward Mother A large fireplace with a mantle carved with images of
Belenne. He makes a point of performing maintenance on griffons dominates the room. Upon the mantle stand a
her wheelchair once a month as well as his own. He has no pair of stuffed foxes, one of them red, the other white with
need of the wheelchair but uses it to test innovations that he startling blue glass eyes. Upon the wall above them hangs
later employs to make Belenne’s chair roll more smoothly or the griffon banner of the Duchy of Vaun. On the floor
to fit it with brakes and other safety features. Over time, he before the hearth lies a bearskin rug.
has grown to enjoy the test chair, which he uses often in his The bed is stripped to the mattress, but its four tall
chamber and in the map room, even “taking it out for a spin” posts support a canopy frame. To either side stands an
down the path to the village. He occasionally challenges empty side table. At the foot of the bed sits a couch cov-
Belenne to a race, but she always declines. ered with a dusty sheet.
A lead-framed glass window faces west. Beside it
stands a dusty desk and chair. A box lies on the desktop.
The room before you is sparsely furnished. There are
three simple wooden beds, the bedding for which is
This room is seldomly used and thus not maintained regu-
presumably in the large linen trunk that sits in the corner
larly. Should the castle learn of a visit from a new duke (or
near the door. There is also a table with three chairs
even the High Lord himself ), the first orders of business
stacked neatly on top of it, a fair-sized wardrobe, and a
are to fetch the canopy and bedclothes from storage, beat
table with an empty pitcher and basin. A small fireplace
the rug and banner, polish every surface, and appoint the
is located in the far corner of the room.
chamber with every comfort, from candles to fresh water for
wash basins.
These two rooms are identical. In the event of an expectant
box visitor to the castle, they are cleaned and prepared for the
Inside the box on the desk lie an inkpot, a paper parcel guests. This includes making the beds, bringing up a stock
containing three quills, a small blotter, and a sheaf of fine of firewood, filling the water basin, and supplying the room
paper wrapped in silk. with candles. Although there are no windows, the room
does have a clever ventilation system built into the wall that

C45 a Guest Chambers allows fresh air into the room, although most occupants
leave the door open, otherwise the windowless room quickly
Three guest chambers reserved for important visitors to the becomes stuffy.
keep or the duke’s companions.

Quality Wealthy Condition Immaculate C46 Dovecote/Rookery

These structures house the messenger doves used to send strate-
Interior gic information between military outposts.

A comfortable-looking bed stands with its head against Quality Modest Condition Average 87
the wall. At its foot sits a leather chest. A simple side
table contains a basin and an empty pitcher. Across from Exterior
the bed, a tapestry hangs on an iron rod attached to the

stone wall. A bronze brazier stands in the corner be- Two domed brick structures stand upon the keep roof.
tween the bed and a narrow window. Under the window Their ridged, concentric design suggests giant beehives,
sits a small table and a single wooden chair. but dozens of tiny holes provide shelter for doves. Many
of the birds groom themselves on the little perches before
These three rooms are essentially identical except for the their doorways. Others coo and rustle inside their homes.
subject of their tapestries. Under the bed sits a chamber pot. A wooden bin with a well-fitted lid stands at the base
As with the duke’s chambers, when an occupant is expected of the dovecote. A carved scoop hangs from a rope on
in these rooms, they are cleaned, outfitted, and carefully one side. The scattering of seed husks on the roof floor
prepared to meet the demanding standards of noble visitors. suggests the bin contains birdseed.
Most often they house emissaries from New Erinor.
Creatures 39 doves (raven)
The subject of the tapestry in each room lends the room its The second floor roof is home to the messenger doves
name. The rooms are known to occupants of the keep as Master Foley employs in his correspondence with officials
“the river room,” “the ocean room,” and “the mountain room.” in New Erinor as well as contacts throughout Agthor and
beyond. He hand-trains these birds with the help of his ap-
C45 b Servants’ Chambers prentice, Korella Stalk, who is occasionally responsible for
delivering them to their distant posts and returning with a
Two chambers intended for the personal aides, ladies in wait- native-born bird. Each dove can find its way unerringly to
ing, or other important servants of the castle’s noble guests. its home nest, but not in the opposite direction. Thus, every
Quality Comfortable Condition Average time Master Foley sends a message, either a servant at the
other end must return the dove (which is common in major the central room remains available to serve its intended pur-
posts like New Erinor), or Stalk must go to fetch it back pose. Master Foley has commandeered the others to store
again (as with less-populated posts in Agthor and those supplies for his doves and materials for his experiments in
beyond). Thus, Stalk becomes exasperated when Master gearworked devices and siege engines.
Foley sends messages for what she deems personal or trivial
reasons. Once in in a great while, Master Foley will send a Left Cell: Interior
bird with a merchant caravan or adventuring party if they
are heading the right direction, but he is extremely hesitant Several mismatched shelves line the straight walls of this
to do so, fearing that the person will fail to care for the bird wedge-shaped room. The air smells decidedly of bird-
properly. seed and suet. Small crates and cannisters fill one set of
shelves, while opposite them are a neat array of wicker
C47 Siege Equipment birdcages, each with a paper tag indicating a destination
like “Tristanford,” “New Erinor,” or “Castle Port.” More
This portion of the roof is given over to housing the castle’s two boxes and barrels stand against the walls, leaving only
inoperable mangonels. a narrow passage to the barred window on the curving

outer wall.
Everything in this room has something to do with the doves,
Dirty tarpaulins weighted with stones cover a pair of whether it be food, water, wicker for their dovecote, or cages
large constructions on the sturdy roof of the keep, one with which to return the birds to their distant homes—or to
to either side of the central tower. Even to an inexpert the native birds’ destinations.
eye, it is clear some sort of siege weapons lay beneath the Characters examining the tags may notice familiar loca-
coverings. A door has been stitched into the side of each tions like the Four Uncles Sawmill or Cider Village. One
tarp, like a tent flap. It appears the weapons see little use tag has no words but only a simple sketch of what looks like
but someone still examines them from time to time. a treehouse; the cage itself is of unique design, more deli-
cate and decorative than the others. This is the cage for the
Two powerful mangonels once allowed soldiers to attack
dove born in a secret elven village, deep in the Spiderwood.
targets as far away as the opposite bank of the Kouros River.
An envoy from the village brought it to Master Foley a few
Unfortunately, both fell into disrepair years ago, and several
years ago, offering it as a means of contacting their people

key parts have gone missing—no one knows whether by

should the need arise. Thus far, the need has not arisen.
sabotage or poor maintenance. Master Foley believes he has
reverse-engineered the missing parts, but Chief Smith Rud- Right Cell: Interior
milla’s attempts to re-create them have met with failure.
Foley’s schematics are almost correct, but his work needs This cell has become a storage room lined with simple,
refinement. Rudmilla’s efforts are also close but not entirely unfinished shelves. Most of the contents are bundled,
successful; she needs a more flexible alloy for the springs, but they appear to consist of linens, candles, basins,
and for that she needs ore from the long-abandoned Red tapestries, trunks, spare furniture, and assorted other
Nails mine. items intended for bedchambers, meeting halls, and other
rooms in the keep.
C48 The High Cells
Three cells once reserved for important prisoners are used for Nothing of special value resides in this room, but if an
storage today. incidental quest should send a soldier in search of a “missing”
piece of furniture or equipment, there’s a good chance it can
Quality Modest Condition Average be found here.

These three prison cells were once reserved for noble or Center Cell: Interior
otherwise important prisoners, often kept in comfort while
awaiting a response to news of the arrest from officials in Shaped like a wedge of pie, this room expands from its
New Erinor or—in the case of certain bandit chiefs—ran- reinforced entrance toward a far wall with two barred
som or an exchange of prisoners from their followers. Only
During the day, a lone guard is stationed here in four-hour
windows. A thick layer of whitewash covers the walls shifts. It’s a desirable duty for all who do not suffer from
and ceiling, mostly yellowed from sun and smoke. On acrophobia. On days with poor visibility, as during rain, Ser-
either straight wall, paler rectangles show where pictures geant Hodge spares the soldiers this post. If there is reason
and tapestries once hung. A wrought-iron bedframe sits to suspect approaching danger, however, he sends a trusted
between the two windows, a mattress rolled up at its foot. soldier up periodically.
A simple table with a basin and pitcher stands to one
C51 Dungeons
A search of the room turns up nothing more exciting than Nine dungeon cells, two of which contain secret doors that
a clean chamber pot and a nest of harmless spiders in one provide access to a secret escape route.
corner near the ceiling. Captain Brazewhite has yet to arrest
a noble, and should the occasion arise, she can have the room Interior
furnished from one of the storerooms.
The windows of these cells are reinforced with solid iron At the base of a narrow stairway, the corridor turns. Five
bars coated in a rust-inhibiting lacquer, so they have stood barred cells line one side, four the other. Torch brackets

the test of time. Even a fairy couldn’t wriggle through the mounted on the wall beside the stairs above a three-
openings. All three cells offer a spectacular view of the legged stool, a second halfway down the hall, and a third
surrounding countryside, especially breathtaking on clear at the far end allow torches to light the area. From the
summer sunsets. base of the first bracket hangs a big iron ring and a single
key. Beneath the far bracket stands a water barrel with a
C49 The Tower Cell dipper resting on its lid.
Stale straw covers the flagstone floor of each cell, and a
A long disused cell intended for important prisoners. stained bucket rests in the far corner.
Quality Modest Condition Average
When the dungeon cells are unoccupied, which is often, no 89
guard is stationed here, nor are the torches lit. The single key
fits each of the cell doors (AC 15 hp 25, Unlock DC 20).
This room takes up the entire top floor of the tower. A When prisoners are in the cells, a lone guard stands

bed lies naked but for a rolled feather mattress. Beside it watch, often with one of the castle hounds for company.
stands an empty table. A writing desk and chair stand After a regrettable incident in which a guard fell asleep and
lonely against the wall, which is covered in pale rectan- a captive ranger persuaded the hound to bring him the key
gles where paintings once hung. ring, only the most disciplined of the dogs is permitted this
As with the cells below, this one has not been used in many Two of the cells contain secret passages in the flagstones.
years. Its additional furnishings languish in storage. Difficult to detect from this side, they can be discovered on
a successful DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) check. From be-
low, they are immediately obvious, and the smugglers who
C50 Eagle’s Nest discovered them even affixed handles on the bottom sides
The highest vantage point in Dunbury Castle providing a stra- for easier opening. Below the secret passages, a near-verti-
tegically invaluable view of the surrounding countryside. cal passage leads down to a hidden escape route through a
secret underground river channel.
Quality Modest Condition Average
No one in the castle is aware of the secret passage. If
the passage is ever brought to their attention, it would be
Exterior quickly bricked up and the floor entrances sealed.

The highest point in Dunbury Castle commands a

stunning view of the surrounding lands. A wooden chair,
weathered to a dull gray, rests near the western crenella-




N THE THREE DAYS SINCE LEAVING THE HAUNTED They forged through a lightly wooded region that divided
village, they’d twice sheltered with sympathetic dwarven the dwarves’ farm from a pear orchard whose fruit wasn’t ripe
farmers before moving on. Otherwise, they’d avoided enough for stealing, but whose shaded lanes provided cover from
contact, staying off the roads and depending on Ellma to steal the main road. Fenros led the way, parting the brush with his
a wedge of cheese and some freshly baked bread left out to cool axe as if it were light as a walking stick.
on a windowsill. When she returned with the food, Fenros tore “I thought all the river rats were halflings,” said Griffon.
the loaf into four pieces, kept one for himself, and went ahead to “Just the famous ones,” said Dove. “That cheese heist made
scout the path, his enormous axe over one shoulder. their name. Anyway, we don’t take more than someone can
“So now we’re thieves,” said Griffon. With a sigh, he spare.”
munched on the oven-warm bread. “I don’t think I want to be a thief,” said Griffon. “Or a
“Pirates,” said Ellma. “River rats!” pirate.”

ABOVE | Ogre in the Forest, by Russell Marks

“You miss collecting taxes?” said Ellma. A faint thud came from the direction where Fenros was
“I’ll miss traveling and meeting people.” scouting. A deep growl rose and was silenced after two more
“Traveling and meeting people is most of what we do,” said impacts.
Ellma. Ellma pulled Griffon to the ground. Dove dropped beside
“Only some of those people want to kill you,” said Griffon. them an instant later.
“Some of them want to kill me. Maybe it’d be better if I just “Dovey?” whispered Ellma.
turned myself in—” “They saw me. Go! Look after the kid. I’ll catch up.”
“Sorry, kid,” said Dove. “Don’t matter what you say. The Ellma took Griffon’s hand and pulled. Half-crouched, they
Warden is close to becoming the next duke. He’s not taking any ran away from the orchard, deeper into the woods.
chances someone turns up with a claim to be the heir of Duke “We can’t leave him—” Griffon began to protest.
Creesis.” “He knows what he’s doing,” said Ellma.
“But I’m not—” A rush of footsteps followed them. Griffon paused just long
“Yeah, yeah,” said Dove. “We heard you the first eight times. enough to look back and spy three hooded figures. One pulled
Problem is, we’re not the ones that need convincing, and the back his cowl and turned to survey the woods. Griffon recog-
Warden’s men don’t care what you say. Their orders are to see nized the man who had nearly caught them on the Trysting
you don’t talk to someone who does.” Isle.

“I’m not making any claim. Why did they pick me?” Ellma pulled at his arm. “Come!”
Ellma and Dove laughed.
“If it makes you feel better,” said Ellma, “you aren’t the only Using the Scir of Dunbury
one they’re hunting.” The Scir of Dunbury is the backdrop for a rich, exciting
“How many bastard heirs could there be?” Aetaltis campaign. It offers countless adventure seeds to
Dove shrugged. “Maybe none. But Balewick won’t take that drive and inspire both the gamemaster and the adventurers,
chance. Just one—even a fake one—could ruin his hopes.” but it also provides a collection of set pieces to serve as the
“The only choices I see here are to become an outlaw or to let joinery to hold an extended campaign together. The Scir is
the Warden’s men kill me. So I hope you have some other plan the foundation for a living breathing world for the charac- 91
for me.” ters to inhabit and a platform for the heroic tale forged by
Dove turned to face him. The man was almost fully bearded the players and the gamemaster.
again after less than a week. “Kid, we got no plans to sell you, if This chapter contains a variety of sites located in the
that’s what you’re thinking. If you want, we’ll smuggle you back countryside around Dunbury Castle. These range from


into Castle Port or New Erinor or wherever you fancy. From towns and villages to ancient ruins to important landmarks.
there, you can find passage on a boat to anywhere you please, Whether the gamemaster uses these as waypoints along
but don’t dawdle. It’s not just the foresters Balewick has looking the road to adventure or bases an entire story around a site,
for you. There’s talk of foreign assassins, too.” they serve to bring the world to life in the minds of the
“You’re trying to frighten me.” players.
“If you’re as clever as I thought, you’d have already been
scared.” Map of the Region
Griffon sighed. The sound of birdsong had subsided, and he
On the following page you’ll find a map of the countryside
could no longer see Fenros leading the way ahead of them. For a
surrounding Dunbury Castle. It is up to the gamemaster
moment, Dove, Ellma, and he seemed all alone in the world.
to determine how many or few of the sites marked on this
“None of this explains why you’re helping me.”
map are revealed to the players. Keep in mind that good
“The old duke loved the people,” said Dove. “And they loved
maps are rare in Aetaltis, so even if the gamemaster decides
him back.”
the characters are aware of a location described here, they
“Some more than others,” Ellma sniggered.
likely know little more than “The town lies about a day’s
“Quiet, you.” Dove gave her ear a playful pinch. She pretend-
march north on the eastern bank of the Kouros River.”
ed it hurt. “Anyway, since Creesis died, things haven’t been so
good for Dunbury. You know it’s hard to pay taxes when orc
raiders have carried off half your harvest or razed your farm.
And nobody dares set foot in the forest alone since the Warden
allowed logging camps along—”

Lay of the Land Those same fogs, however, offer cover for river smugglers
and pirates, collectively known as “river rats.” Many ordinary
The Scir of Dunbury, known colloquially as Dunburyscir, is citizens consider these fogs romantic, while a few—espe-
part of the Duchy of Vaun, a realm located in the far north- cially the eldest and the storytellers—claim the fogs herald
east corner of Agthor. It sits in the southern foothills of

a visit from the Faceless Man, an emissary of Endroren.

the Donarzheis mountains, and is a land of towering hills, Tales of dark cults, vengeful fey, savage endrori, and infa-
deep valleys, craggy peaks, and dense forests. The southern mous monsters abound on the most shrouded of nights.
portions of the duchy include some open spaces suitable for In this book, we focus on places located in Dunburyscir,
farming, but even these areas are pockmarked with rocky the northernmost scir in the Duchy of Vaun. It is also the
outcroppings, spans of heavy forest, and more than a few largest scir in Vaun, although considering the majority of
bogs. the land is untamed wilderness, the size is more a product
The Kouros River valley bisects the duchy, with most of where the cartographers drew the borders on their maps
farming settlements to the southeast, mining and quarry- than anything else. The actual amount of explored and
ing operations to the west, and logging to the northwest. civilized land in the scir is a fraction of its overall size.
Fishing villages line the river, most of them with inns to ac- The heart of Dunburyscir is Dunbury Castle, the vener-
commodate the loggers who escort timber from the forests able fortress that gives the scir its name. Sitting on a rocky
to Tristanford or even all the way to New Erinor. promontory at a sharp bend in the Kouros River, the castle
Visitors to the region admire its beauty, from the gen- is the defender of Agthor’s northeastern border. At its base
tle serpentine curves of the rivers to the sunsets over the sits the riverside community of Dunbury Village and scat-
Donarzheis. One of the most memorable aspects of the tered around the scir are a handful of other towns, villages,
duchy are the frequent river fogs, common on cool evenings and outposts.
after warm afternoons. Especially in autumn, these fogs Most commerce in the scir intersects at Dunbury Village,
join with mists rolling off the western hills to create vistas although the modest fishing community has yet to experi-
captured by painters that find the subject irresistible to ence substantial growth, despite the presence of the castle.
southern connoisseurs of art. Apart from a small tax station, the village offers travelers
little more than a good inn and a bad tavern. The presence adventure seeds
of soldiers, however, is a comfort to those seeking refuge Dabbling in Darkness The Faceless Man has recruited an-
from endrori raiders, highway robbers, and river rats—not other follower, having taught a farmer’s rebellious teen how
to mention the monsters that terrorize travelers and resi- to tap into Endroren’s power. The teen has already acquired
dents alike. a point of corruption by toying with the unholy powers, but
Just north of Dunbury Castle, the Coldstone River they are still redeemable. It is at this time the adventurers
merges with the great Kouros, whose headwaters are found arrive, possibly seeking shelter for the night. Either by sens-
far to the north in the Donarzheis range. While outside the ing the corruption or discovering some hint of dark doings,
scir’s borders, a rumored infestation of goblins near those the characters learn the teen’s dark secret and must decide
headwaters is the source of the most dire threat facing the how best to overcome this sensitive problem.
region. Castle patrols seldom range so far north, for those
that have done so in recent years have not returned. Foresters’ Caches
The people of Dunburyscir are generally friendly to hu- When the characters reach one of these sites, the character
mans, dwarves, halflings, and cheebats. Most are tolerant or with the highest Wisdom (Perception) score spots some-
welcoming to elves, fairies, sprites, newardin, and scythaa, thing. Typically, about twelve feet off the ground, in the
but few feel comfortable among drothmals or orogs. Still, crotch between two tree branches, they’ll spot a small plat-

members of all those peoples find homes in villages or form holding a deerskin bundle tied closed with coarse string.
homesteads throughout the region, especially in the relative The ducal foresters leave emergency supply caches
melting pot of Dunbury Village. throughout the woods, their locations are a close secret
among their ranks. Each contains one of the following
Common Locations bundles, which are refreshed or replaced once every two or
Although this chapter details a number of important sites, three months by passing foresters.
the region near the castle is dotted with a host of small
farms, ranches, villages, camps, quarries, and mines. forester’s cache contents
Roll 1d6 Result 93
Farms and Ranches 1 Healer’s kit, leather flask containing half a gallon of
Farms are usually home to only one or two families, and fresh water, rations (6 days)
they are almost all human, dwarven, and halfling residents. 2 Arrows (20), blanket, signal whistle, carved wooden
Farmers typically grow two or three different grain crops totem


along with a wide variety of vegetables. They also raise live- 3 Candles (6), mess kit, tinderbox, rations (3 days)
stock, which may include cattle, sheep, goats, and chickens. 4 Bedroll, traveler’s clothes, healer’s kit, jug of mead
Ranchers usually focus on a single type of livestock,
primarily sheep, but a few ranches raise cattle and horses. 5 Hempen rope, whetstone, rations (4 days)

Even ranchers keep vegetable gardens and often have rabbit 6 Potion of healing, two-person tent, rations (2 days)

hutches and chicken coops. No farm or ranch is complete

without a brood of dogs, often shepherds, and most also adventure seeds
provide a home to cats to keep the rodent population in Totem Keeper The carved wooden totem found in the
check. cache depicts a comical orc warrior. Its presence is an in-
Farmhouses to the east are more likely to be constructed joke among the foresters, a sort of hot-potato. Whichever
of wattle and daub, while those near the Kouros River and forester opens the cache that contains it must carry it until
farther west are often built from stone or at least have stone preparing or restoring another cache, whereupon its “curse”
foundations. Timber constructions are most common in the can be safely passed along. The totem is nonmagical and
deep forests. not actually cursed; however, any non-forester caught with
The average farmer or rancher is wary of strangers, but the totem earns the ire of the real foresters for looting their
they are welcoming of soldiers from Castle Dunbury. The stores. Lone foresters may try to steal the totem back with-
latter can usually depend on locals for a hot meal, first aid, out a fight, while gangs of foresters might attack those they
and a night’s lodgings in the hayloft. Soldiers may also re- consider thieves. Clever characters who learn the meaning
ceive bargain prices on produce or livestock and may expect of the totem might try to pass themselves off as foresters.
a 10% reduction in standard prices.
Ice Cutter Camps Logging Camps
From spring to autumn, laborers cut blocks of ice from the Dotting the edges of Dunburyscir’s forests are numerous
glacial caves of the high Donarzheis mountains and convey logging camps. In the typical camp, a circle of tents and
them on sledges to the river. From there, they are delivered shacks populate a clearing marked with sawn tree stumps.
by barge to the castle and villages throughout the region. Sad-eyed oxen low in a nearby paddock, and a muddy
When occupied, the camps house 4d4 laborers and a boss, skid road leads toward the river. These camps vary in size,
along with teams of horses or oxen for hauling sledges. although most house around 4d6 workers. The workers are
The ice camps are abandoned in winter, with sledges, a mix of woodcutters, teamsters, and bosses.
ice-cutting tools, and basic supplies (lamps, tents, dried Logging camps are temporary sites and they frequently
rations, and so on) concealed beneath dusty tarpaulins. Ad- move deeper into the forest over time from a starting posi-
venturers searching for a good shelter during the winter and tion near the river. The more mindful logging bosses make
autumn months may be pleasantly surprised to find one of sure not to denude the banks, but many don’t care or are
these camps awaiting them, especially at those moments ignorant about the effects of erosion on the river and thus

when they are stumbling about in a blizzard looking for on the wildlife.
safety. Fey settled in the area are more concerned and more
cognizant of the effect of clear-cutting. Some have warned
adventure seeds the loggers to relocate or reduce their cutting, seldom to any
Break the Siege Late one autumn, the heroes arrive at one response. Thus, the war between the fey and the primarily
of the camps to discover it surrounded by a band of orcs. human loggers has gradually escalated. Most of the skir-
The orcs are trying to gain access to the central building mishes in this conflict are works of sabotage, but once in
inside of which are two wounded adventurers. The two a while a logger is found dead in the woods with an elven
adventurers, a wizard and a cleric, are the last surviving arrow through their heart.
members of their adventuring party, and they had been The need to move as an area is cleared means much of a
fleeing the orcs for days before arriving here and deciding to lumber camp consists of canvas tents. There may be a few
make their last stand. If the adventurers can defeat the orcs structures of more solid construction, but even these are
and save the two wounded defenders, they have the chance designed to be easily torn down and rebuilt elsewhere.
to gain two useful allies.
adventure seeds
Thing in the Ice The ice cutters at one of the camps discov- Protection A logging camp north of the Coldstone is faced

er something frozen in the ancient glacial ice. It’s the body with a difficult problem when two foresters start demand-
of a creature unlike anything they’ve seen, and they suspect ing payment for their protection. After all, the foresters
it’s been there at least since the Age of Magic and possibly explain, it’d be a shame if they stopped patrolling this area
longer. The cutters send for adventurers, hoping they can and some endrori found their way into the camp. These are
solve the mystery of what the thing is so they can get back two of Warden Balewick’s recent recruits, brought up from
to their work. Of course, when the heroes arrive, they soon Tristanford. Breaking up a protection racket is a relative-
discover the thing isn’t as dead as they’d been led to believe. ly easy task for competent adventurers, but the foresters’
status as duly appointed representatives of the Warden
complicates the situation.

Sabotage A pair of sprite brothers, angry at the wood-

cutters’ deforestation of the local timberland, are creeping
invisibly into the camp each night and sabotaging the
woodcutters’ gear. Axe heads are loosened, saw teeth bent,
and the oxen are set loose to roam around the camp. It is
up to the adventurers to find a non-violent resolution to
the quarrel if possible. They’ll have to deal with stubborn
woodcutters whose livelihood is dependent on the timber
and frustrated fey who just want to protect their home.

ABOVE | Donarzheis Highlands, by Russell Marks



The adventurers arrive at a logging camp to discover it fact, the killer is Two-Scars, a deathwalker armed with a
has suffered a recent tragedy. Within the campsite are longbow.
two bodies under tarpaulins. Each suffered a single fatal Two-Scars’s camp consists of little more than a filthy
arrow wound to the heart or throat. The camp boss, dire wolf pelt, a sensible stone-ringed fire, and a simple
Jess Hawkins (female human boss, age 39), knows that canvas lean-to if there has been precipitation.
her guards have no chance of tracking down the killers, Two-Scars takes his name from a pair of prominent fa-
whom she believes to be elven scouts. cial injuries inflicted by an exceptional but now deceased
She offers the characters collectively 25 sp now with elven ranger. He delights in killing both at range and up
the promise of another 50 sp after the next payroll close. One of his favorite tactics is to murder a few log-
delivery (in 2d12 days) for the killing of those responsi- gers soon after assassinating a few elven scouts. During
ble. If faced with characters who insist on capture, she the inevitable violence that erupts between the elves and
reluctantly agrees to their terms on the condition that the Agthorian loggers, Two-Scars loves to observe the
the offenders are delivered to Dunbury Castle. conflict, picking off members of the side that seems to be

Characters who wish to examine the bodies find that winning. His goal is to cause the deaths of all involved,
the arrows have already been removed. If asked for the stepping in at the end to finish off the last survivors per-
arrows, any of the camp bosses can lead characters to the sonally. He has succeeded in this gambit several times in
refuse pit in which they were thrown. On a successful DC the past few years, but the elves have begun to suspect
10 Intelligence (Investigation) check, a character recog- his provocations.
nizes the arrows are not of elven make; any fey character Characters who attempt to persuade Two-Scars to
has advantage on this check. Those who succeed by 10 surrender face certain disappointment, but those who
or more identify the design as endrori. Furthermore, make a successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) check
the long arrows were probably fired by a creature much gain his promise to leave the loggers in peace. Of course, 95
larger than a goblin, perhaps an orc. a deathwalker’s promise is worth nothing, and after 2d6
Characters searching for tracks within the first 24 hours days, his depredations resume.
of arriving at the camp discover a trail on a successful


DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. If they examine the
tracks with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check, Reveal the true killer and stop Two-Scars.
they determine they are those of a large (medium-sized)
figure wearing leather boots. A score of 20 or higher on
the check identifies the prints as those of a drothmal. In 1 Goodwill, 75 sp

Mines and Quarries camps may have 50-100 old pits surrounding them.
There are a handful of mines operating in the region. These The camps are usually permanent or semi-permanent
are all shallow pit mines, following veins of ore or stone that with accommodations for 10-50 laborers. Barracks provide
run near the surface. The threat of cutting into a Deepland communal sleeping quarters and a mess hall serves meals
hall is enough to deter any miner from digging too deeply and doubles as a meeting place. Depending on the size of the
or excavating a tunnel mine. The quarries are the same in camp, one may find a variety of support structures, including
terms of their organization and operation, except they are blacksmith shops, leatherworks, and even small farm plots.
constructed on sources of desirable stone. Most northern mines ship the ore raw for processing in
Mines and quarries consist of a central camp surround- the south, although especially well-funded (and guarded)
ed by pits. The pits range from a few feet across to twenty operations may handle ore processing on site. Quarries ship
yards in diameter. The largest pits are no more than twenty stone in unfinished, standard-sized slabs—around 3 ft. long
feet deep. Over time, dozens of pits are excavated, and older by 2 ft. wide by 6 in. thick.
adventure seeds ests nearby. Whether they want to help build the wall, track
False Alarm When the adventurers arrive, the entire popu- down the thief, or deal with the goblins, the characters have
lation of the camp is gathered at one of the larger pits. The a chance to prove what sort of heroes they are.
characters soon discover that the diggers broke through
Witch After getting lost in a cave near the village, a young
into a hollow space and saw bones in the shadows below.
woman’s natural magical talent is revealed during her har-
There is a profound fear they’ve struck a Deepland hall,
rowing ordeal. All she has managed is a simple light cantrip,
which would mean they’d have to shut down the opera-
but her fellow villagers are certain she became corrupted by
tion, putting everyone out of work. The camp boss asks
the evil of the Deeplands. When the adventurers arrive, the
the adventurers to explore the cavity to see how bad the
young woman is tied up in the barn awaiting judgment by
situation is. The space turns out to be nothing more than a
her neighbors. They are leaning perilously close to burning
simple underground shelter with no Deepland connections,
her, and it’s up to the adventurers to save the young wom-
and the bones are those of the unfortunate dwarves who
an—ideally without harming the other, terrified villagers
hid there during the Age of Darkness. A scroll found amid
Notable Locations

the debris, however, contains a map to the Deepland hall

entrance from which the dwarves fled.
The following are details for notable locations in the region.
Landslide All the disruption of the ground around the Each is marked on the map with a number corresponding
camp combined with the heavy rains that are pounding the to the numbered entries below. When appropriate, entries
area have resulted in a deadly landslide. The slide of mud, include Building and Location rules attributes. Complete
rocks, and other debris swept through the camp just hours rules for these attributes are found in the World of Aetaltis:
before the adventurers arrive, and the miners are work- Gamemaster’s Guide.
ing desperately to free a group of fellow workers trapped
beneath the mud. It’s a race against time to get the trapped
diggers out before they run out of air. To make matters
1 Dunbury Castle
worse, the vibrations of the slide have attracted the atten- The mighty castle that defends the region and is the focal point
96 of most adventurers in the Scir of Dunbury.
tion of a pod of reavers.
High atop a rocky bluff at a sharp bend in the Kouros
Villages River, Dunbury Castle dominates the landscape and dwarfs
Villages are clusters of 4d4 families. Those found on the the village at its foot. A single, unpaved road curls up a

plains favor farming. Those found on the rivers favor fishing, steep hill before ending at the barbican. The thirteen castle
but also grow gardens and raise livestock. Larger communi- towers are a famous landmark celebrated in tapestries,
ties may also support a small tavern. Most homesteads are paintings, and frescoes throughout the northern realms.
largely independent, but the villagers share wells, meadows The highest tower, upon the keep itself, commands the
for grazing, collective land for growing grain, and often barns most celebrated view in the north.
for livestock and storage. Virtually every village includes an See Chapter 3: Dunbury Castle for a full description of
alarm bell and has a runner or rider designated to alert the the castle and its inhabitants.
nearest neighboring community in case of disaster.
Village residents are about 40% human, 15% dwarven,
15% halfling, 10% cheebat, and the remainder mostly fey.
2 Village of Dunbury
Newardin, drothmal, orog, and scythaa are extremely rare The village sitting below Dunbury Castle serves as a source of
in the region. Most individuals of these lineages are travel- information, supplies, and a safe place to rest between adven-
ers, merchants, or adventurers. tures.

adventure seeds Quality Modest Condition Average Population 500

Thief A small village on the plains west of the Kouros
Initially founded to support the construction of the castle,
regrets their tradition of hospitality after a drifter they
the village of Dunbury persists primarily to monitor river
welcomed into their homes robs them and disappears into
traffic and collect taxes. It has also spawned a pair of rival
the night. Tragically, he stole the cache of silver they’d been
public houses and hosts the common market for local
saving to build a timber wall, protection they desperately
farms. Residents net fish to sell to the castle, and one enter-
need with the recent sightings of goblins lurking in the for-
prising resident rents boats and gear for leisure fishing, one Exterior
of the more popular pastimes for soldiers on leave.
Notable locations in the village are described below (2a- A gray rectangular building squats on the rotting pier.
2k). These are all found within location 2 on the map. Haphazard patches cover the roof, and several of the
windows have been boarded shut. A large unicorn’s skull
2a The Three Hounds Inn is mounted above what must be the entrance door. The
A modest inn where adventurers can get a room for the night, a place stinks of stale beer and moldering sawdust.
home cooked meal, and a mug of ale.
From dusk until dawn, this tiny tavern roars with rowdy
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 2 voices punctuated by bursts of laughter, song, and occasional
fury. It’s a shabby fire-hazard of a building, but it’s a beloved
NPCs Basil Spicer (male halfling merchant, age 44), Mama hangout for many of the village’s less respectable residents.
(female orog laborer, age 20) Once a shack for fishing equipment and boats, the Uni-
corn was taken over by a throuple of tough river rats. Locals
Official or wealthy visitors to Dunbury Castle can expect previously called it “The Rat Hole,” “The Sinking Tavern,”
lodging within the fortress, but others can purchase lodging “The Hag’s Tooth,” or more vulgar nicknames, but the own-

at the only inn in the village, one with a carved sign depict- ers mounted a unicorn’s skull above the door in an effort to
ing a trio of hunting hounds mid-leap. The prices for meals, change the name.
drinks, and services match those shown in the equipment The tavern opens at dusk and closes either when the last
section of the World of Aetaltis: Player’s Guide. customer staggers away or at dawn, whichever comes first.
The proprietor is Basil Spicer, who tends bar and waits
tables. His business partner, who serves as both cook and unicorn skull
bouncer, is an orog named Mama who has Strength 20 and Any examination of the skull reveals it is a horse’s skull
wields an enormous club (1d8 + 5 damage) fashioned from with a horn crudely attached with a metal screw. A success-
an old oar wrapped tight with hardened rope. Ordinarily ful DC 10 Wisdom (Nature) check identifies the horn as
Mama is shy and sweet, easily embarrassed by flattery or the tip of a narwhal’s tusk. The skull would be worth 20 sp
kind gestures. Most of the visitors to the Three Hounds to the right collector, but it would have to be sold outside of
make a point of complimenting the cooking and thanking the village or castle. A few months ago, a couple of drunk-
Mama before leaving, which always causes the big cook to en teens carried it off but were soon caught and beaten by


blush. But should Basil call for help, or if violence breaks Jarvis and Dalbert.
out, she is quick to wade in and dispense thumps. When
possible, she stops short of killing offenders. Interior
Spicer punishes any disruptive behavior with a term of
banishment from the establishment ranging from a single Inside, the tavern smells much worse than outside, with
night (for minor offenses) to weeks, months, or even years equal parts body odor and stale vomit dominant. Mis-
of exile. To many locals, such a punishment is considered matched stools and half-barrels surround half a dozen
the worst possible fate. scavenged tables. One has what looks like a shark-bite
Anyone who disparages the food or Mama is banned taken out of one side. Graffiti covers almost every sur-
until she accepts a public apology from the offender. She face, except for the bar. It was once a thing of beauty, but
considers apologies only once per evening, and a successful its pitted surface and occasional bulge suggests it spent
DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check indicates she melts some time submerged in water.
down into blubbering tears, hugs the offenders for 1 hp of Upon the bar rest a kilderkin, a rundlet, and a firkin,
bludgeoning damage, and forgives them. all branded with the name of the Riverbanks Cooperage
and chalked with the words “dog piss 2c,” “lager 4c,” and
2b The Unicorn “ale 5c.” Nearby stands a jar of pickled eggs marked “1c”
and a box of fried pig’s ears labeled “3c.”
A dive tavern that caters to the more unsavory residents of the
village as well as disreputable travelers who are passing through NPCs Dalbert Fisk (male human bandit, age 36), Jarvis
the area. Pallister (male human scout, age 32), and Myra Bracken
Quality Poor Condition Rundown Levels 2 (female human spy, age 34)

The following are a handful of the Unicorn’s more inter- he becomes involved in something truly dangerous.
esting regulars and some related story seeds. Most of his trade is in small-scale stolen items rather
than in boatloads of smuggled goods. If a stranger
CORLISS “HAUNTED” MILLER offers to sell him something, he begins negotiations
The Miller’s Son is how everyone at the Unicorn refers to with an offer of 20% of its value, claiming it’s his firm
Corliss Miller (male human laborer, age 29). Most of them price. Good roleplaying or successful Charisma (Per-
don’t know his name, but they take his coins and keep him suasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) checks can bring
amply supplied with ale and spirits. He drinks to forget the that price up to 50%.
horrors he escaped at the Accursed Mill (17), but he never
willingly divulges his part in the atrocities that befell the
place six years ago. Vorna Vanderkett (female dwarf laborer, age 64)
One sure way to get Corliss excited is to suggest a visit the leatherworker is an honest citizen with a great

to the ruins. He grows loud and frantic, warning others to tolerance for dishonest ones. She enjoys a few pints
stay away. “You’ll die,” he shouts, then lowers his voice to at the Unicorn most evenings, absorbing the latest
a conspiratorial whisper and adds, “or worse, you’ll open gossip but generally keeping it to herself. Should she

the way.” If pressed, he refuses to say more and consoles overhear plans for a heinous crime like murder, she

himself with a night of extra-heavy drinking. would likely report it to Sergeant Hodge at the castle.
Adventurers that talk about acts of violence in Vorna’s
If bothered more than once on this subject the same
presence are likely to receive a visit from Hodge the
night, he lapses into a nearly catatonic fugue state. A
next day.
few days later, the characters will learn that his body was
pulled from the river several miles downstream—or per- “PROFESSOR” BEL
haps they find it themselves if they are in the area.
Belfinmayorgishay (male newardin scholar, age 32),
Characters who can compel a response or detect
known locally as “Bel” or “the Professor” is an informa-
98 Corliss’s thoughts learn only scattered fragments of the
tion broker who prefers to trade what he knows for
doomed night described in the entry for the Accursed Mill
fresh information, but isn’t above accepting a cash of-
(17), since the past six years of alcohol abuse and escalat-
fer when the situation calls for it. Bel offers translation
ing madness have scrambled Corliss’s memories. The gam-
services and consultations on history, arcana, religion,

emaster is encouraged to describe tantalizing scenes from and nature, charging 1 sp per hour (or fraction there-
the mill’s fall, offering just enough information to entice of ) for sharing simple, harmless answers. He charges
adventurers to explore the place without divulging the up to 4 sp per hour for more esoteric, dangerous, or
full background. Let them discover that for themselves. otherwise valuable information (such as the location
of a dragon’s lair or the name of one of the Warden’s
agents in Dunbury Castle). What Bel knows or doesn’t
Friskingilliwik “Uncle Frisky” Chandler (male cheebat know is up to the GM’s discretion, and Bel never
spy, age 37) is the best-known fence in the area. He is charges for what he does not know.
so well-known, in fact, that everyone in the castle is
aware of his activities and keeps an eye on him in case

Inside the tavern stand six mismatched tables with make- The ale labeled “dog piss” is usually a bad batch from
shift stools made of barrels, salvaged boats, crates, and other Enid Tanner (2h), but, like the others, it is a rotating cask.
discarded materials. The bar itself was once a beautiful If asked the provenance of the beer, the current bartender
piece of furniture, but after resting at the bottom of the river shrugs unless bribed at least 5 cp or won over by a success-
for the better part of a summer before being salvaged, its ful DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Their customers
once-polished surface has lost any hope of luster. In addition seldomly care about the taste of the beer, and they don’t
to two casks of ale and one of lager, the tenders keep 1d4 bother doing favors for their suppliers unless there’s some-
bottles of Mule Kick spirits (2 cp for a shot, 3 sp for a bottle, thing in it for them.
but the bottle must be returned) behind the bar at any time.
patrons Myra continues to operate as a spy, lately for agents of
While a few law-abiding villagers and respectable castle Warden Oswald Balewick—although she only suspects and
residents visit the Unicorn, most of the clientele are sketchy cannot prove the identity of her benefactor. In exchange
at best. River rats and other outlaws abound, and it’s a rare for a monthly stipend, she passes along any information
night on which one can’t find someone whose face appears overheard from soldiers or other interesting patrons. Any
on a wanted poster lurking in a dark corner of the place. customers who seem likely to know valuable information
Others have even more sinister or sorrowful origins. receive their drinks bolstered by a shot or two of potent
Not every patron of the Unicorn is a miscreant or a Maladoran spirits labeled “The Hag’s Tooth,” which the
criminal. On any night, a few castle soldiers might visit. So trio keep a bottle of behind the bar for just such a purpose.
might local fishers and farmers who find the Three Hounds Otherwise, the drinks are weak, low-quality, and 10% less
too crowded or expensive. Most teenagers visit at least once, expensive than those at the Three Hounds. Beer, wine, and
so they can say they’ve been to the Unicorn. A number of spirits are all the Unicorn sells.
“usual suspects” are almost always at the Unicorn for at least Characters who are known criminals or who prove their
an hour or two each night. bona fides may persuade Myra to introduce them to smug-
glers or bandits in the area. She has a weakness for charm-
creaking floor ing men, but both Dalbert and Jarvis are the jealous types.

The Unicorn’s floor creaks and sags under the weight If an interloper seems to become too friendly with Myra,
anyone over 250 lbs. For this reason, drothmal, orogs, “the boys” might arrange to meet that person alone at night
and other large characters are shouted out as soon as they on a road outside the village.
appear at the threshold. Several previous holes in the floor
have been patched with mismatched lumber scavenged THE HAG’S TOOTH
from old fishing boats and torn-down buildings. Any big
Type Ingested Identify DC 15 Save DC 15 Constitution on
characters foolish enough to ignore the warnings must
make a Dexterity saving throw at the end of each turn spent
Onset 10 minutes Effect Special Duration 3 hours Cure Time
inside the Unicorn. Success indicates a feeling that the floor
is about to give way, and the character may move five feet
away to avoid adding another hole. Failure indicates the When a character imbibes a shot of the Hag’s Tooth, a potent
character puts a foot through the floor, taking no damage dwarven spirit reinforced with a secret cocktail of “herbs and
but angering the proprietors and regulars. Failure by 5 medicinals,” the character must make a DC 15 Constitution save.


points or more indicates the character has fallen completely On a success, they shrug off the special effects of the beverage,
through the floor, taking only 1d4 slashing damage from although they still experience the effects of drinking a potent
splinters before landing in the river below. Myra Bracken alcoholic drink and cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.
demands compensation for any such damage, starting with On a failed save, the powerful drink goes straight to the
the outrageous claim that repairs will cost 20 sp. In truth, character’s head. For the duration of the effect, the character is pre-
she will have her partners mend the damage with scavenged disposed toward telling the truth. If a character is asked a direct
lumber, but any payment of 5 sp or more soothes her anger. question during this period that they wish to refuse to answer or
Anything less, and she declares the offender banned from lie about, they must succeed at a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw to
the Unicorn—a rare occasion. resist answering. On a failed save, they blurt out the truth before
they realize what they are doing. Repeat the save for each question
the proprietors asked concerning information they wish to hide.
The Unicorn’s proprietors include Dalbert Fisk, Jarvis Additional shots of the Hag’s Tooth have no additional effects
Pallister, and Myra Bracken, all of whom are publicly outside of the normal ones a person experiences drinking too
retired from criminal affairs but secretly eager to take a cut much of a powerful alcoholic beverage.
of any shady deal one might propose. Back when they were
still “in the business,” Dalbert and Jarvis spent their share
of time in the castle dungeon, but Myra has never been
arrested. Each takes a turn tending bar while the other
two drink, gamble, pick the occasional pocket, and act as
bouncers when necessary.
From dawn to dusk, two soldiers from Castle Dunbury
2c Docks stand guard beside this tiny building, which provides
The waterfront area of the village where boats traveling the shelter during especially hot or rainy days. Inside are three
Kouros River moor, and where adventurers are likely to arrive chairs and one small desk, where the tax assessor works
if they travel by boat. from just after sunrise until an hour before sunset. The
current assessor is Fawn Greenmantle. Her dreams of
Quality Modest Condition Average
writing plays in New Erinor gave way to reality when she
was forced to return home to look after her father, who is
Exterior disabled with crippling arthritis. She performs her duty
as assessor diligently, but is not above a small bribe if the
These tidy piers show signs of regular use and upkeep.
smuggled goods seem harmless and worth less than 100 sp.
Cleats and mooring poles line the edges, and at the end
Those who sneak up on her unexpectedly may catch her
are a pair of substantial bumpers for larger craft. Here
writing a few lines of dialogue in her well-worn journal or
and there someone has left a net or buoys carefully set out
on the backs of old wanted posters. Those with proficiency

of the way. Defiant gulls perch on some of the posts.

in the Performance skill can tell at a glance that she has a
knack for snappy banter. She immediately hides her writings
NPCs 2 soldiers, 5-10 sailors, 5-10 laborers
upon realizing she is discovered. It’s not wrong to spend her
There are three docks in Dunbury Village. At night, a idle time this way, but she’s embarrassed to show her unfin-
dozen or so fishing skiffs are moored to the two well-main- ished work to anyone who has not won her confidence.
tained docks. Most are built to accommodate only two
passengers, their nets, and catch, but a few larger craft can
glass floats
The glass floats are dissimilar to the fishing buoys used
carry up to eight medium-sized creatures. During the day,
locally. They belong not to Fawn but to the station itself, as
most are out on the water.
a mark of the tax assessor’s authority. Both Fawn and Lieu-
The third dock is home to four small galleys requiring a
tenant Vance, to whom she reports, would take it amiss if
100 crew of 2–8 rowers with room for up to 8 additional pas-
anyone should break or steal the trinket, which is otherwise
sengers. The castle soldiers use the vessels to scout the river
worth 15 sp to a collector of curios.
as far north as the rapids and as far south as commanded by
Captain Brazewhite. On rare occasions, the captain orders guards
soldiers to make deliveries or to escort VIPs all the way to

The castle guards (soldiers) enjoy the day shift at the guard
New Erinor. station, since it allows them to socialize with the villagers
and those carrying cargo of fur, timber, ore, and other goods
2d Tax Station and from upriver. A single guard stands watch on the night shift,
Guard Post which is often assigned as punishment for shirkers. There’s
a 25% chance on any given night that the guard on duty has
Whether arriving by land or river, this is the place where the paid a villager to take over the watch while the soldier visits
adventurers will likely have their first encounter with the local the Three Hounds or the Unicorn. If trouble arises, there’s
soldiery. an equal chance that the panicked villager runs immediately
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1 to the guard or flees for home instead.

Barely larger than an outhouse, this simple shack has
the conspicuous luxury of glass windows on three sides.
Visible through the heavy glass is a wall-mounted cabinet
beside a desk and chair. Upon the desk rests a lantern
and a small pyramid of glass floats wrapped in netting.

NPCs Fawn Greenmantle (female human artist, age 32),

2 soldiers

ABOVE | Wharf Rat, by Russell Marks

2e Bailiff’s House SIDEQUEST
Home of the village’s honorable and capable leader.
Quality Comfortable Condition Average Levels 2
Characters who frequent the Unicorn or visit the bailiff
may learn about the bailiff’s missing son and decide to
Exterior investigate. The easiest way to track down the truth of
his fate is to ask around in the tavern. This requires the
Among the village bungalows and cottages, one residence
character to earn the trust of the other patrons.
stands above the others: a two-story house of comfortable
If a character has visited the tavern at least six times,
quality, although not quite grand enough to call a manor.
and if on those visits they’ve presented themselves as
Its first floor is composed of stone from at least three
scoundrels, the locals begin to consider them “regu-
different sources, lending it a colorful aspect. The upper
lars.” At that point, if they ask discreet questions about
floor features glass windows reinforced by lead striping
the disappearance, they eventually hear of a notorious
arranged in abstract geometries. Instead of full balconies,
smuggler named Guto “One Eye, Left,” who is rumored
a cat-sized walk encircles the house in a spiral leading
to have killed the son of the village bailiff.
from the ground to a peaked roof featuring several small

Guto (male human bandit chief, age 49) is a veteran
smuggler with a horribly maimed right eye that he
refuses to cover with a patch. He visits the Unicorn at
NPCs Hazel Yardley (female human fighter 2, age 58),
least once a month along with a few of his henchmen
Tulliver (male human skilled laborer, age 33), Keili (female
(human bandits). Characters may try to frighten or
human skilled laborer, age 30), Aileen (female human child,
beat a confession out of Guto, but there is an easier
age 9), Alannah (female human child, age 7), Breena (fe-
way to get to the truth.
male human laborer, age 24), Melony (female human child,
After three drinks, Guto grows overly talkative. If
age 3), Erlo (male human child, age 18 months), Enith
treated to more and flattered, he begins to boast of
Berry (female halfling commoner, age 84) 101
having cut Guthrie’s throat. Apparently, the bailiff’s
In fair weather, a multitude of cats sun themselves on the son threatened to turn him in to his mother after the
landings or the walk, a few contrary specimens preferring to smuggler refused to pay him a bribe. If challenged
perch on the warm tops of the chimneys or in the narrow on this assertion, Guto shows off Guthrie’s wedding


windowsills. Even in winter, cat prints dot the literal cat- ring—a golden band inscribed “All our days together
walk and the roof, the only one in the village not spoiled by — Breena.”
bird droppings. Hazel considers this ring ample proof of her son’s
The village’s bailiff, Hazel Yardley, resides in this home murder. If informed of Guto’s boast and told of the
along with two of her adult children and their families. In ring, she reports the matter to Lieutenant Vance, not
a small shrine to one side of the foyer stands a memorial trusting herself to catch the villain alive. She would
to her late husband, Abbot, once a celebrated lieutenant of prefer to see him hanged at the crossroads, but more
Dunbury Castle. His portrait depicts a handsome, stout than that, she wishes to know the fate of her son and
man of 40 years. offer some form of closure to his widow.
Hazel and her secretary, Enith Berry, deal with the mod-
est legal and financial needs of the village. They oversee the
collection of taxes for river traffic, encourage community Determine who killed Guthrie and present proof to
support for villagers in distress, and settle petty disputes the bailiff.
between residents within 10 miles of the village, forwarding
serious complaints to Lieutenant Vance at the castle. They
also have the authority to assemble a village militia but 2 Goodwill, Bailiff attitude increases to Friendly, 50 sp
seldom do so; usually a visit from Constable Walken and a
conversation over tea or cider is all it takes to persuade an
offender to report to the castle to face justice.
Hazel’s elder son, Tulliver, captains a river barge that deliv- Orrin perpetually squints and always wears a cap, a habit
ers cargo to and from New Erinor. His wife, Keili, and their he adopted in his teens to conceal a prematurely baldpate.
daughters, Aileen and Alannah, keep house for Hazel and He has gained a reputation for a green thumb and a keen
pay visits to the lonely elderly residents of Dunbury Village, head for figures and sums. Theobald is a handsome fellow
cooking, cleaning, and keeping them company. with a full head of hair, graying on the sides, and a lined face
Hazel’s recently widowed daughter-in-law, Breena also tanned by days spent in the sun. He has a reputation as a
lives in the house, along with her two young children, Melony poor potter but a doting father and helpful neighbor.
and Erlo. Her late husband, Guthrie, never returned from a While the couple are well-known for their flowers, since
river voyage for reasons as-yet undiscovered; in truth, he was selling flowers for profit is uncommon outside of cities, their
murdered by smugglers whom he tried to intimidate with real income comes from their pear cider. The cider is popular
his mother’s station. His death has made Breena bitter and throughout the scir—so much so, they even send several
spiteful, and she has been considering leaving her children casks to nobles in New Erinor each season.
and running away from the family she has begun to resent. Orrin and Theobald met eight years ago at the Three
Should an attractive prospect offer to “take her away from all Hound’s Inn. Orrin wanted a new start, Theobald had been

this,” she will jump at the chance. Some nights, after putting lonely since his wife died in childbirth, and they both loved
the children to bed, she visits the Unicorn in the faint hope of horticulture and the simple life. What began as a business
meeting such a savior. Considering the tavern’s clientele, the partnership became a romance. They married, and Orrin has
likelihood is that things will only get worse for her. become a second father to Theobald’s children.
All their neighbors speak highly of the couple and their
Treasure daughters, although Skellan has a reputation as a brat.
Inside a strongbox (AC 19, hp 18, Damage Threshold 10, Un- People smile indulgently if the topic of Theo’s (mediocre)
lock DC 25) in Hazel’s office lies the village treasury of 1,200 pottery arises; everyone has at least one piece he has given
sp. Upon the shrine to her late husband lies his greatsword, as a gift. Everyone praises Orrin’s willingness to help with
which Hazel wields in combat while wearing his distinctive their ledgers. He has a knack for accounts, and some wonder
full plate, which Rudmilla at the castle adjusted to fit her. that the captain hasn’t enlisted him at the castle. Lieutenant
Vance once suggested exactly that, but Orrin demurred.
2f Potter Orchards outhouse
The home and farm of a happy local family with an old secret Inside the outhouse, the odor of the cesspit is disguised by

that may lead to new adventures for the heroes. fresh flowers (in spring and summer), potpourri (autumn),
or recently burned incense (winter). A chalked slate on the
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 1.5
side wall lists the household names—”Orrin, Theo, Becca,
Sarie, Skellan”—followed by a grid marked mostly with
Exterior checks, except for several frowny-faces along Skellan’s row.

An idyllic cottage rests on a low hill surrounded by large shed

well-tended orchards and garden plots bound by wattle The larger shed contains a mash tub, six fermenting rundlets,
fences with rabbit-sized patches dotting the perimeter. An 12 empty rundlets, and 18 empty pins (all casks from the
outhouse and two sheds, one with a nearby kiln, stand a Riverbanks Cooperage). The shed also contains assorted
short distance away from the home. bungs, a bung mallet, two large cauldrons, a mixing paddle,
two wire mesh sieves, and miscellaneous other tools and
NPCs Theobald Potter (male human farmer, age 48), equipment for brewing and bottling cider. The shed smells
Orrin Flowers (male human farmer, age 39), Sarie Potter pleasantly of pears.
(female human teen, age 14), Labecca Potter (female human
child, age 12), Skellan Potter (male human child, age 9) small shed
The smaller shed is home to a potter’s wheel, a comfortable
With the help of his three children, the widowed Theobald stool, a shallow box of pottery tools, a rundlet filled with
Potter and his new husband Orrin Flowers tend two small water, 40 pounds of raw clay, nine-quart jars filled with glaze
orchards, a fruit garden, and a famous plot of flowerbeds. and pigments of various colors, and 28 finished flower pots
The children—Labecca, Sarie, and Skellan—sell the fruit of average quality. The shed smells strongly of clay.
and flowers at the castle’s little market (C8b).
orrin’s secret premeditated murder again, but he is prone to rash impuls-
The reason Orrin avoids all government entanglements is es—including violence—when his freedom or the lives of
that he has a dark secret. Orrin is wanted under his birth his family are threatened.
name of Reginald Sterling for murder and theft in New If at any time Orrin has reason to believe his true iden-
Erinor, where he once served as secretary to the late min- tity has been uncovered, he persuades Theobald and the
ister of the exchequer. Orrin is guilty of the crimes, but he children to flee with him. That day, he buys a wagon and
wishes to leave his criminal past behind. He feels remorse two horses from a nearby ranch. That night, he digs up the
for the murder, which he committed in a moment of panic, coffer buried in the orchard, and they flee.
but he lacks the courage to face justice. He will not commit



Orrin Flowers (2f ) is secretly a wanted thief and murderer. two while concealing his crimes from Theobald and the
The adventurers discover this when they see a wanted children, so much the better.

poster with Orrin’s face on it. If Orrin is arrested and turned over to Captain Braze-
One way this can happen is when a bounty hunter, who white, his captors can collect the promised bounty of
heard rumors Reginald was hiding out near Dunbury Cas- 2,000 sp (although it takes three weeks to arrive from
tle, visits the Unicorn. Whether the adventurers encounter New Erinor).
the bounty hunter directly or simply hear the story from If the gamemaster wishes to expand the sidequest
the Unicorn’s patrons afterward, they discover there is a into a full adventure, when an authority from the capital
2000 sp reward for the apprehension of Reginald Sterling. arrives to collect him, she seems genuinely surprised he
The bounty hunter has a copy of a wanted poster bearing has been brought to justice. She explains that within a
Reginald’s likeness and may be persuaded to show it to few days of Orrin’s crime, the case was purposefully bur- 103
the adventurers. ied and forgotten. It turns out that Orrin is in possession
There is also a forgotten copy of the poster still in the vil- of documents that provide evidence of a scheme by the
lage. This copy made its way to Dunbury a few years back, late exchequer and a cabal of nobles to pocket a fortune


and when it arrived at the guard post (2d), a soldier put it in stolen Agthorian taxes. The nobles buried the crime
in a drawer where it was swiftly forgotten. Recently, Fawn in the hope that Orrin would just disappear and never
Greenmantle started using the backs of the old wanted return, although they didn’t know he had the incrimi-
posters to write drafts of her plays. If an adventurer makes nating documents. It’s possible that Orrin can trade the
friends with Fawn, she asks them to read one of her plays documents for his freedom.
and tell her what they think of it. The play she gives them is
written on the back of Reginald’s wanted poster.
If the adventurers know Orrin well, they recognize Discover Orrin’s secret and decide whether to turn him in
him at once. If they haven’t met Orrin or only met him in to the authorities or let him walk.
passing, the next time they encounter him, a successful
passive DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check allows the
character to make the connection. If the adventurers turn him in: 2000 sp reward, Orrin’s
If accused of being Reginald, Orrin denies the charge. attitude toward the adventurers is permanently changed
If confronted with his wanted poster, however, he falters. to violent, and the attitude of the rest of Orrin’s family is
If denounced in front of Theobald or his children, he begs permanently changed to hostile.
to speak with his accusers in private. He offers up his bur- If the adventurers decide to keep his secret: 1 Goodwill
ied treasure (2f ) if the characters will simply “forget” that and the attitude of Orrin and his family toward the ad-
they found him. If arrested anyway, he goes peacefully venturers is permanently changed to friendly.
unless presented with a golden opportunity to escape. If the adventurers keep his secret but only if he pays
His priorities are first to safeguard his family and second them off: No reward beyond the treasure from the
to escape punishment. If he can accomplish the first orchard.
Treasure behind the house. Occasionally a clever one escapes to
Beneath the floorboards of the bedroom Orrin and Theo- munch on the cabbages, carrots, peas, and other vegetables
bald share lies a small coffer (AC 15, HP 15, Unlock DC in the garden.
12) containing 800 sp and letters with which he could
blackmail several of New Erinor’s most prominent law Interior
enforcement officials for crimes ranging from bribery to Inside, the Twiller House is clearly built for the comfort
embezzlement. The existence of these letters is one of the of halflings. Human-sized or larger visitors must stoop to
reasons Orrin has not faced a more aggressive manhunt. avoid hitting their heads on the archways. Many bedrooms
In the pear orchard, buried ten feet north of a tree on surround a central dining hall, and one corner of the third
which Orrin carved the face of an owl into the bark, lies a story is dedicated to a solar with large glass windows. Two
larger coffer (AC 15, HP 23, Unlock DC 15) containing bedrooms are reserved for guests or hoped-for additions to
107 gp, 289 sp, and five pieces of jewelry worth 500 sp each. the family. Grandpa Twiller makes no attempt to conceal
Orrin hasn’t touched the chest since burying it four years his hope that all his daughters will marry and have children
before he dies. While his eldest two have made a good start

of fulfilling his wish, he won’t be satisfied until he must
build another house for the rest of the family. To that end,
2g Twiller House any respectable and/or dashing halfling bachelors who visit
A bustling household filled with a horde of halflings who are a town may find themselves invited to supper. Those who
vibrant and visible presence in the village. manage to charm one of the unmarried Twiller girls may
find themselves invited to stay in one of the guest rooms in
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3
hopes that a flirtation may bloom into a courtship.
The ground floor is a furnished basement, complete with
Exterior a large pantry and wine cellar. One side is dedicated to a
shrine to Alantra, quite different in character from the altar
The sunken ground floor of this house features large
in the castle chapel.. This one depicts the enaros as a wom-
104 windows, and the second floor begins a mere two feet
an with blended elven and halfling features who sits among
above the landing, a third only seven feet above that
many rabbits in a burgeoning vegetable garden.
one. Unlike the neighboring houses and cottages, its
The rest of the lower floor is a comfortable “tumbling
roof is gently curved rather than peaked, giving the
room,” thick with carpets and devoid of sharp edges. Here

impression of gentle hills rather than sharp mountains.

is where the family most often resides, letting the children
Flower beds rest beneath every window, and the wood-
play with their favorite rabbits or teaching them lessons
en exterior is not only freshly painted but also decorat-
from the family’s treasured illustrated books, printed by a
ed with images of vines and blossoms, with the face of
cousin in Gelendor.
a cherubic halfling child appearing instead of a flower
The Twiller children have been raised to show affection,
here and there.
and the villagers universally adore the tiny darlings, whose
big eyes alone have proven a perfect defense against com-
NPCs Grandpa Willem Twiller (male halfling laborer, age
plaints of noise or running in the streets. Any characters
110), Twiller Clan (6 halfling laborers, 5 halfling teens, 8
who show one of the Twiller grandchildren the slightest
halfling children)
kindness is a likely target for what their grandfather has
From dawn until afternoon, the Twiller house is home to termed a “hug swarm.” The children especially love to climb
the Barleywine and Shandy children, as well as two adults over tall, friendly characters—and incidentally search their
who supervise them, usually their parents with perhaps pockets for gifts with a +5 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
one of their aunts. The rest of the Twiller clan adults work check. The kids are genuinely expecting candy or trinkets
in the bakery in shifts starting from shortly after midnight as gifts most of the time, and they’ll tearfully apologize and
until near sundown. When not working in the bakery, the surrender other items when caught.
adults can be found at the castle, elsewhere in the village, or The youngest, Burnaby and Sallee, believe that the rab-
occasionally at home helping with chores, such as slaugh- bits behind the house are all pets. Orson, a little older, is on
tering stew rabbits out of sight of the younger children. the precipice of understanding the reality but hasn’t quite
Dozens of the critters live in relatively comfortable hutches accepted the truth yet. When a rabbit goes missing before
the night’s supper, their parents explain that the absent but still suffused with the stench. These are all branded
hare has run off to visit family. Any Twiller House resi- with the letter “P.”
dent or neighbor who overhears a character talking about At any time, Alfred has a dozen hides and a similar
slaughtering and eating rabbits is quickly shushed. One number of pelts in process. He sells the resulting leather
who purposefully harms a rabbit in front of these children and fur to merchants at the docks, but he’s always willing to
is thereafter considered a monster by all who learn of the sell directly to locals and friendly visitors. He’s also always
event. in the market for freshly skinned pelts and hides, even the
more exotic sort, like griffon or owlbear hides, although he
2h Tanner Place offers only 20% of the price of finished work.
Enid and Alfred’s three boys, Morton, Presley, and Burke,
Barely in sight of the village, Alfred Tanner performs his noi-
help their parents tan and tool hides and furs. Burke lingers
some work downstream from his neighbors.
a little longer than he should when delivering beer to the
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 2 tavern. It is only a matter of time before Myra turns him
toward petty crime and begins grooming him as a spy.
Exterior Alternatively, characters who visit the Tanners and witness
Burke’s excellent skills at carving and tooling leather might

You can smell the stench of urine long before you reach encourage him to enlist as a soldier or apprentice himself in
the tannery. Simple frames hold skins and furs left out Tristanford.
to cure beside a workhouse. A good thirty yards away
stands a large cottage with no windows facing the tan- 2i Bracken’s House
ning area. A cluster of barrels abuts both the cottage and
Ramshackle home belonging to the throuple of seedy individuals
the tanning shop.
that own and operate the Unicorn.

NPCs Alfred Tanner (male human craftsperson, age 38), Quality Poor Condition Rundown Levels 2
Enid Tanner (female human craftsperson, age 41), Burke 105
(male human craftsperson, age 18), Presley (male human Exterior and Encounter
teen, age 15), Morton (male human teen, age 13)
This house is clearly the worst property in the village. Its
Alfred Tanner performs his noisome work downstream
roof is missing several wooden shingles, the rest display-


from his neighbors, barely in sight of the village. To his
ing various degrees of rot. Patches of mold stain the outer
astonishment and everlasting joy, he courted and married
walls, and the odor emanating from inside suggests the
Enid, a woman who had lost her sense of smell after a
interior is worse.
childhood illness. She found his affable personality and
In the center of a grassless circle that overlaps the
steady income enticing enough to live apart from her
path, an enormous mastiff sits chained to an iron post. It
neighbors, who still complain of the smell when the wind
growls, stands, and barks at any approach. Hundreds of
turns toward the village. While the Tanners themselves are
dog turds dot his miserable territory.
pleasant people and good neighbors, the villagers treat them
as slightly less-than-equal. Creatures 1 guard dog
Enid is a talented brewer who sells her beer and mead
to Myra Bracken (2b). Unfortunately, every fifth or sixth Myra, Dalbert, and Jarvis share this cottage with a vicious,
batch is contaminated by the stench of the tannery because nameless guard dog, the latter of whom spends his days
of an inopportune change in the wind. While the customers chained to a post by the front door, with slack enough to
grumble about the bad batches, Myra Bracken doesn’t care. terrorize passers-by who do not step off the path. While the
It amuses her that the customers are too afraid to complain mastiff is hostile to everyone except his masters, whom he
to her, saving their ire for the Tanner family. fears, he is a ripe prospect for rescue and rehabilitation.
The casks near the house are for beer, and all are brand- Spells like animal friendship provide an easy start, but
ed with the letter “T.” Those near the workshop are either roleplaying can also win over the dog. Characters who treat
filled with animal urine, which Alfred buys from local the dog with kindness can, over a course of weeks, change
farmers for the purpose of tanning, or else they are empty his attitude to indifferent. Initial interactions should be cau-
tious, like a friendly greeting from a distance or tossing food the shadow well
within the dog’s reach. Characters who show themselves In addition to rumors that smugglers and other criminals
to the dog on a regular basis allow the frightened beast to make camp on the island, locals are wary of visiting at night
become accustomed to them. for fear of falling into a deep, stone-lined shaft cut into the
The Bracken family will, of course, object to anyone’s center of the island. Soldiers have posted warning signs
claiming of their guardian. They are, at heart, cowards, around the danger zone, but someone—or something—
so if presented with an obviously superior force, they continues to tear them down and throw them into the
back down in the short term. In the long term, they seek seemingly bottomless pit.
revenge. Now and then, adventurers with more courage than
sense have launched spelunking expeditions to determine
Interior the depth and contents of the abyss. Some climbed back
The interior of the house is, improbably, more squalid than out after descending only a few hundred feet, unwilling to
the yard. The residents spend little time here and have go deeper after hearing strange sounds from below. Others
become accustomed to the filth and stench, at least for long

never returned, leaving their ropes and spikes to rot and

enough to sleep and return to the Unicorn for business. rust.
The common folk claim the shaft is the remains of an
2J Trysting Isle ancient dwarven mine, although the location makes that
A small island just north of the castle, popular for clandestine theory implausible to the learned. Others fear the hole leads
meetings but also home to a trio of dangerous will-o’-wisps and directly into the lower levels of the Deeplands and that one
a mysterious pit. day a horde of endrori will emerge to ravage the scir. The
truth, including who built the shaft and why water doesn’t
Creatures 3 will-o’-wisps seep in through the walls, remains a mystery.

The far side of this island, away from the eyes of castle will-o’-wisps
sentinels, is where lovers often go for the encounters that A trio of will-o’-wisps haunt the island. They appear on the
gave this tiny island its name. The nearer side is popular darkest and most mist-shrouded of nights, emerging from
for less clandestine meetings, including those who come to the fog to lure unwary visitors to their doom. More often
pick blackberries from the bountiful bushes throughout the than not they achieve this by having their victims stumble
island. into the Shadow Well.

ABOVE | Will-o’-Wisps, by Russell Marks

coin to offer as reward. They can, of course, be a source of
2k Residences information pertaining to local threats. Their knowledge of
The typical Dunbury Village residence is a thatched roof other rumors tends to focus on the business of their nearest
cottage (Quality Modest, Condition Average), although a neighbors.
few of the wealthier residents have wood-framed, two-story cottage, fishing
houses with peaked roofs and wood or even tile shingles These small cottages are home to single families or lon-
(Quality Comfortable, Condition Average). Only a few ers. A skiff or dinghy typically rests on its side against the
feature glass windows, but all include at least one chimney, house, and nets and bobbers hang from exterior walls. Most
some two. Dogs are common pets and guardians, but only smell faintly of fish. Some of these houses have a guard
a few are kept chained. Cats roam freely but tend to prefer dog to scare off the stray cats who present a constant threat
the castle, where a loose affiliation of felines has formed in to the daily catch. Fishers are notorious tale tellers, but
solidarity against the castle’s hounds—or, if you believe the they are also an excellent source for local rumors. They are
tales, in response to a ghostly summons from the haunted especially well-informed about recent smuggling and pirate
tower. activity.
The gamemaster should feel free to locate any unaccount-
ed-for residents of the area in a house here in the village.
3 Woodbend

Likewise, if the adventurers are looking for a home outside
the castle, one might become available after an old, child- A fair-sized village fallen on hard times that can serve as
less widower dies. One might make a mini-adventure out a place for adventurers to rest while also offering a site the
of an estate auction conducted by Hazel Yardley. Allowing gamemaster can expand and grow as the heroes bring greater
the characters a chance to out-bid a snobby Tristanford security to the scir.
merchant looking for a summer home can create wonderful
Quality Modest Condition Rundown Population 210
roleplaying opportunities. Furthermore, sifting through the
deceased’s belongings might turn up a clue to further adven-
tures within the scir.
Exterior and Encounter 107
Most of the village residences fall into one of two catego-
A fair-sized village sits on a slight rise beside the Cold-
ries, farming cottages or fishing cottages.
stone River. Docks and warehouses line both banks of the
cottage, farming river, and a magnificent stone and timber bridge, out of


Most of these wood-frame houses have a stone base place this far north, connects the two sides. At the south-
rising two or three feet from the foundation. Nearby lies a ern end of town is a sprawling complex of fine buildings.
vegetable garden, a little farther off a field for grain. Many A sign in front of the central building identifies it as the
include a chicken coop, one or two working mules or oxen, Goodfellows Inn.
and 2–8 livestock such as goats or sheep, and occasionally a As you near the town, you notice all is not well in this
cow. About half are home to dogs, who noisily guard their little community. Most of the buildings are rundown and
territory, and cats, who roam freely and keep the mouse in need of repairs and more than a few appear deserted.
population down.
Most of these houses are home to one or two families, Woodbend is a relatively large village located on the banks
usually one or two adult couples, their children, and their of the Coldstone River, about a day’s journey northwest of
parents and sometimes a grandparent or two. All the adults Dunbury Castle. It began life as a small lumber camp, but
and children older than toddlers work together in planting, when the Drogenkett’s broke ground on their quarry to
tending, and harvesting the crops, as well as in maintaining supply stone to the builders of Dunbury Castle, the town
the buildings, sewing their own clothing, cooking their own took on a second role as a small riverport. Later still, when
meals, and generally being self-sufficient. They depend on Duke Creesis Vaun made Thornwall his favored summer
their neighbors for mutual protection, trade, and compan- retreat, Woodbend became an important stopover point for
ionship. nobles, merchants, and other visitors going to and from the
Farmers are generally friendly to non-threatening out- mountain town.
siders but have little to offer except perhaps a meal and The village is still a decently-sized community, but it’s
permission to sleep in the animal shed. They have little a shadow of its former self. Lumbering continues, and the
people send a good amount of lumber downriver, but as mason’s walk
more lumber camps sprung up in the area, the competi- The Mason’s Walk is an impressive stone and timber
tion reduced Woodbend’s importance as a supplier. The bridge that connects the docks on the western bank of the
quarry continues to produce fine stone, but the demand is Coldstone to those on the east. It’s notable in that it is high
a fraction of what it was during the period of the castle’s enough for all but the largest boats to sail beneath. It was
construction. raised through a joint effort of the Drogenkett stonemasons
Today, villagers make a living as best as they can, farming, and the carpenters of Woodbend.
hunting, and picking up a variety of odd jobs to make ends Although the bridge was not strictly necessary, since the
meet. Coldwater isn’t especially wide here and it’s easy enough to
take a boat across, the effort served to create a sense of com-
goodfellows inn
munity between the people of Woodbend and their neigh-
This sprawling two-story inn is completely unnecessary
bors working the quarry. It also had the practical benefit of
for a town the size of Woodbend. The original proprietor
making it that much easier for the masons to travel to town
thought he’d make his fortune serving the nobles travel-

on their off hours to spend their hard-earned coin.

ing to Thornwall. Unfortunately, his timing was off. He
It’s a beautiful bridge with graceful lines, a stunning
built his inn just two years before the Duke made his final
example of the wonders one can achieve when properly
trip. When the nobles stopped coming, the gold stopped
pairing artistry and engineering. Sadly, it is starting to
flowing, and he found himself destitute within a couple of
show its age and could use some repairs. There are worries
the runoff from a hard winter in the mountains or a large
Today, only the inn’s main building is still used as an
spring storm that raises the water levels could knock out
inn and tavern. Although the building is clearly older and
one of the primary supports.
in need of repairs, its past opulence is evident. Elaborate
woodcarvings, imported tile floors, and a bar topped with
Calliosan marble are still enough to impress most visitors. 4 Cider Village
Only four of the original private rooms are still rented. Of Surrounded by apple orchards, this tiny village draws visitors
108 the suites, only two remain in use. One is converted into a twice each year for its spring and autumn festivals. It’s also an
common room, while the other serves as the current propri- important source of vinegar, which is used as a preservative by
etor’s home. people throughout the scir.
The other buildings, including the barracks where trav-

elers’ servants and guards were housed, the large stable, and Quality Modest Condition Average Population 40
the banquet hall, were all sold off over the years. Today the
banquet hall is Woodbend’s town hall, the stable is owned Exterior and Encounter
by a caravan company, and the barracks are spottily occu-
pied apartments. Three dirt roads converge among a cluster of cottag-
es, barns, gardens, and outbuildings. Apple orchards
the docks surround the little community, where young halfling
Woodbend’s riverfront is lined with docks and a handful of children play while their elder siblings and parents tend
small warehouses. Most of these are, or at least they were to the trees and other chores. A pair of unusual-looking
in better times, used by merchants and travelers. The docks dogs watch over a group of wayward children. Their
near the mills also handle the shipments of milled lumber oddly long ears rise as they catch sight or scent of you,
heading downriver to Dunbury Castle, Tristanford, or even and one yips a warning, but they don’t appear aggressive.
New Erinor. The lingering smell of cider and vinegar emanates from
A second set of docks, the western docks, lay on the op- a couple of the larger buildings.
posite side of the river. These are used almost exclusively for
shipping stone from the quarry. The majority of these have NPCs Magpie (female sprite craftsperson, age 180), Blos-
fallen out of use since the completion of the castle years ago, som and Bough (hunting dogs)
but two remain in operation. There are suspicions, however,
that a few of the docks and warehouses to the south are The aptly named Cider Village sits around 20 miles south-
used by river rats for their illegal activities. west of Dunbury Castle. Most of its residents are halflings,
but a few human families have joined them, as have a pair
of elven brothers and an ancient sprite who serves as the few other discriminating families of wealth insist on using
village’s leader. wine-based vinegar imported from southern regions, but
When describing the village, make sure to adjust the de- apple vinegar is a distinctive element in much of northeast-
scription of the surrounding orchards based on the season. ern Agthor’s cuisine.
The trees are bare in winter, full of white-pink blossoms
in spring, fruiting boughs in summer, and ripe red fruit in the forestfolk
autumn—until harvest lays the branches bare once more. The residents of Cider Village observe a ritual in the late
autumn in which Magpie and several other adults make
magpie a wide circuit of the village, leaving jugs of vinegar—not
The village elder is a sprite known simply as Magpie, who cider—as offerings for “the forestfolk.” Most assume they
loves to emphasize her name with occasional visits to The are referring to wild fey, but in truth the vinegar is a gift to a
Three Wizards (C8a) at Castle Dunbury. During the visit tribe of raccoon-kin beastfolk that live in the nearby forest.
she buys “the treatment” from the trio of barbers, who The vinegar offering is part of an agreement Magpie secret-
dye and style her hair to resemble the black-and-white ly made with the tribe that keeps their presence a secret but
plumage of the bird for which she was named. Upon her ensures they don’t steal apples from the orchard.
return, Magpie always gives the trinket she receives from
the barbers to one of the local children, making her “castle Raccoon-Kin Beastfolk

days” something of an occasion to them. Magpie adjudicates Small humanoid (beastfolk), chaotic neutral
the occasional dispute between villagers and oversees the
Armor Class 12
negotiations and sale of the village bounty.
Hit Points 3 (1d6)
blossom and bough Speed 25 ft., climb 25 ft.
Officially, Blossom and Bough belong to Magpie, but it’s dif- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ficult to claim anyone owns these oddly intelligent creatures 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
(Intelligence 12). It is clear, however, that Magpie loves them
dearly. Their fur is sleek and has a greenish tinge to it, and Skills Stealth +6
their alert, pointed ears are just a bit longer than normal. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11
They spend their days galloping about with the village’s Languages Beast Tongue
younger children while simultaneously keeping them out of Challenge 0 (10 XP)
trouble. They are cautious of any non-fey visitors and fiercely


protective of the village’s residents, especially the children and Multiattack Racoon-kin may make one attack with its bite or two
Magpie. attacks with its claws. If attacking with claws, the second attack is
made at disadvantage.
In spring, the locals mount a three-day apple blossom fes- Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5

tival featuring games, crafts, songs, dancing, and all manner (1d4+2) piercing damage.
of preserved foods—notably the apple cider brewed the Claws Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
previous year. The festival begins on the 28th day of Zevas Second claw attack has disadvantage. Hit: 3 (1d2+2) slashing
and wraps up on the 2nd day of Modren. damage.
In autumn, the village holds a harvest festival, a five-
day event that culminates with the Feast of Grethken on Like all beastfolk, raccoon-kin beastfolk are products of the cata-

the 27th and 28th of Grethken. During this celebration, clysm. The first of their kind were a hybrid of raccoons and individu-

wagonloads of apples are sent out to other communities, als of Alliance and Aetaltan lineages. They are small (less than 3 feet

including Dunbury Castle and Tristanford. The harvest tall), agile, and clever. They appear as anthropomorphic raccoons,

festival also marks the start of cider brewing, the aromas of and they are more mischievous than dangerous.

which cause some visitors to linger.

apple cider vinegar

Cider Village is the source of most of the region’s vinegar,
an ingredient essential in preserving fruits and vegetables
throughout the winter. The nobles of Tristanford and a
adventure seeds During harvest season, 2–4 young men join the widows
Endrori on the March Magpie’s long-running efforts to in their work. All are young, strong, and good-looking. All
appease the forestfolk pays off when the raccoon-kin bring four women flirt outrageously with the help as well as with
advance warning of an endrori warband on the march. The any attractive male visitors.
villagers and adventurers have time to prepare a defense While their hirelings do most of the heavy lifting, the
against the approaching enemy. women are not idle owners. They conduct all the financial
business, maintain the machinery, and even help with the
Lifting the Curse The reason that Blossom and Bough labor. The operation is a source of pride in the local com-
are so intelligent is that they aren’t dogs. They’re actually munity.
two of Magpie’s children who were cursed after foolishly
threatening an elder druid. Rumor has it the druid is in the ulrika miller
area again, and Magpie enlists the heroes to negotiate with Ulrika Miller learned the business of milling from her in-
the druid to lift the curse and return her children to their laws before moving to Dunbury Village when her husband
original sprite forms. joined the castle guard. After disaster struck her relatives’

mill (17), she saw an opportunity to fill a void in the local

5 Merry Widows Mill economy. She provided the know-how and the bulk of the
capital necessary to start a new mill. Ulrika is a tall, muscu-
An entertaining group of local millers, one of whom is secretly a lar woman (Strength 16) with a prominent gap in her front
serial killer. teeth. She wears coveralls during the workday, changing
into a blue dress most evenings.
Quality Modest Condition Average Levels 3
vesta freeda entwhistle of netherdale
Exterior Vesta Freeda Entwhistle of Netherdale lost her husband to
illness soon after arriving in Dunbury Village. Her mechan-
A cheerful splashing combines with the rhythmic creak ical aptitude persuaded her friend, Ulrika, to invest in a
110 of a waterwheel powering a riverside mill. The air is water-driven mill rather than the wind- or animal-powered
heavy with the scent of freshly ground grains. Nearby mills with which Ulrika was more familiar. The gambit paid
stands a large thatched roof cottage. Between them, a off, leaving more money for hirelings without a need to in-
sheltered platform supports sacks of grain and flour. The vest in beasts. Vesta is diminutive, even for a halfling, with a
flour sacks are all stamped with the image of four smiling

heart-shaped face and golden curls. She often wears a straw

women: a human, a halfling, a dwarf, and an elf. hat with ragged edges.

NPCs Ulrika Miller (female human craftsperson, age 38), sturga roundstone bisselkett
Vesta Freeda Entwhistle of Netherdale (female halfling Sturga Roundstone Bisselkett once roamed the western
craftsperson, age 44), Sturga Roundstone Bisselkett (female hills with her forester husband. When he fell to the claws of
dwarf fighter 1, age 51), Gwyneth Siona (female elf rogue a rampaging owlbear, she lost her taste for wilderness life.
5, age 87), 2-4 strapping young male human or dwarven After a chance meeting with Vesta at the Three Hounds
laborers (harvest season only) Tavern, they formed a friendship that eventually included
an invitation to join the other widows at the mill. Along
The Merry Widows Mill lies around 20 miles east of with Gwyneth, Sturga provides the mill’s security. Sturga
Dunbury Village along the banks of Copper Creek. The has an enormous smile and exceptionally large white teeth.
mill got its start when a pair of widowed sisters invited two She usually wears a rough linen shirt, leather trousers, and
other widows to work and live with them. Two are “castle boots.
widows,” that is widows of soldiers, and the other two are
“forest widows,” widows of foresters. While they joke about gwyneth siona
competition between the two factions, the rivalry is real, if Gwyneth Siona is not technically a widow, although her
usually below the surface. What they all have in common human lover, a forester-turned-bandit, died at the hands of
is a delight in hiring strapping young men to work for one a castle patrol. She blames the soldiers at Dunbury Castle
season before replacing them with fresh prospects the next. and relishes any chance to lure a lone soldier away from
Thus, they are known locally as “the Merry Widows.” the mill, where she strangles her victim and pushes the


When the body of another soldier washes ashore about • All four were on leave or had strayed from their patrols.
seven miles south of the Merry Widows Mill, the adventur- Sergeant Hodge points to the latter fact as evidence
ers are asked to solve the crime. If they are independent that poor discipline can result in death.
adventurers roaming the scir, a local resident shares the
Adventurers can learn other clues either through role-
news that a body has been discovered; assuming the
playing conversations with local residents or with a series
characters have already made a name for themselves, the
of successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
villager asks the heroes to help. Alternatively, characters
stationed as freelancers or soldiers at Dunbury Castle • The first victim was an elf. Around his neck was a dis-
receive the news from Sergeant Hodge in their morning tinctive blue stain along the ligature line.
briefing, and he orders them to investigate starting with • A former laborer at the mill remembers that one of
the tiny village where the body was found. Siona’s earrings was torn out last season.
The widows profess to have no knowledge of the • An appropriate background, character backstory, or

murders, but Sturga reacts with discomfort if questioned. successful Intelligence (Investigation) check suggests
If presented with the circumstantial evidence described the killer strangled the victim from behind.
below, she allows the adventurers to search Gwyneth • For five days after the latest murder, Siona had a bruise
Siona’s room. Even if the characters don’t think to search on her cheek.
her room, if they share the results of their investigation
with Sturga, she may peek inside the trunk herself. Gwyn- Should adventurers directly accuse her of the murders,
eth may discover her snooping and kill her friend before Gwyneth denies them. If shown the souvenirs kept in her
fleeing into the northern forest. trunk, however, Gwyneth attempts to flee. Sturga may try
Interrogating the locals provides the following infor- to stop her escape if she is present.
• This is the fourth soldier to drown in the past four years. Find the killer and bring them to justice.
A body has been found along the Kouros River each


autumn. REWARD
• All victims have been male soldiers; one elf and three Goodwill, an official commendation from Captain Braze-
humans. Characters inquiring about their appearance white in the form of a small oak leaf shaped medal
learn that the elf and one of the humans were handsome
fellows, but the other two humans were decidedly not.

body into the river. She has done this three times already, which she has kept as souvenirs. These specialized scarves
the bodies washing up far from the mill with no evidence have the following attributes when wielded by Gwyneth:
pointing toward Gwyneth. The other widows have not yet Siona’s Garrote Melee Weapon Attack +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
discovered her vendetta, but Vesta has begun to suspect Medium or Small creature against which Siona has advantage on
something is amiss with the elf. the attack roll. Hit 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and the target
Gwyneth has long, pale blond hair and three piercings is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the target
in each ear, each with a dangling silver earring. She always can’t breathe, and Siona has advantage on checks to maintain the
wears a sheer blue neck scarf made of spider silk; she has grapple.
six more just like it, which she uses as garottes. Wrapped
in four of them are the badges of Dunbury Castle soldiers,
6 “Four Uncles” Sawmill SIDEQUEST
A dwarven clan runs this well-known sawmill where the heroes
have an opportunity to play peacekeeper to end a long-running
feud. The tensions between the wild fey and the dwarves
continue to rise. If the adventurers find themselves
Quality Comfortable Condition Average Population 55 in a position to negotiate a peace between the fey
and the uncles, the gamemaster should consider the
Exterior following needs and desires of each side:

A cacophony of creaking wood and rushing water greets • The uncles want their people and machinery left in
your ears. The source of the sound becomes evident peace.
as you weave around a dozen or so cozy stone-crafted • The uncles want compensation for their worker’s
homes and come to a large stone sawmill at the edge of injuries. They will be satisfied with 200 sp or an

the Kouros River. Two waterwheels squeak and groan as equivalent trade in goods or services.
they work under the power of the river’s steady current. • The fey consider their raids to be harmless pranks,
but they acknowledge responsibility for the sabo-
NPCs Tothel Ogenkett (male dwarf merchant, age 70), tage that injured the worker.
Hogart (male dwarf craftsperson, age 62), Duval (male • If pressed, the fey cannot legitimately claim the
dwarf craftsperson, age 60), Drell (male dwarf craftsperson, Ogenketts have despoiled the forest. In fact, the
age 58) Ogenketts have been fairly responsible residents,
planting trees, clearing deadwood around their
The Ogenkett clan runs this waterwheel-operated sawmill
community, and hunting for purpose rather than
beside the River Kouros. Their extended family includes
sport. The reality is the fey just enjoy the challenge
in-laws, nephews, nieces, and cousins, but the operation is
and excitement of the conflict.
112 managed by four brothers, one of whom is missing.
• The one concession the fey demand is a cessation
ogenkett brothers of the noise of the waterwheels and saws. This is

As the eldest of the four brothers, Tothel Ogenkett is the a face-saving claim more than anything else, but

clan patriarch who oversees the operation and negotiates it is one the dwarves can address. Hogart, excited

terms with buyers throughout the scir. The second brother, by the technical challenge, sets to work finding

Hogart, is the most mechanically minded, and he supervises a way to decrease the sound. Within six months,

all machinery operations. Duval, the third brother, man- he is successful—sooner, if a talented adventurer

ages the work schedule, disciplines any shirkers, and often can assist by any means the gamemaster deems

personally delivers orders by river barge or wagon. The appropriate.

fourth brother, Drell, is the black sheep of the family, more

interested in crafting trinkets and playing music than in
performing labor. Get the two sides to agree to cease hostilities.

Duval and Drell are also expert woodcarvers responsi- REWARD

ble for the images of their ancestors on the mill walls and
1 Goodwill
whose work is in demand throughout the scir by those who
can afford it. Unfortunately, Drell ducks out on his work so
often that Duval cannot keep up with the demand, and they
no longer take orders until Duval himself can catch up on Exasperated mothers and fathers often end arguments with
the late work. their children by saying, “Go ask your uncles!”
While they are known as “the four uncles” because of While everyone in the dwarven community respects and
their many nieces and nephews, all but Drell are married, likes the uncles (even the occasionally authoritarian Tothel),
and Tothel and Hogart have children of their own. The Drell is the universal favorite because of his charming per-
nickname originated from the brothers’ reputation for sonality (Charisma 17), his musical talent, and his habit of
doting on all younger members of their extended family. distributing gifts of silver trinkets for no special reason.
the sawmill lying atop them. A lone outhouse stands to the edge of
The sawmill itself is an important contributor to the scir’s woods, its faded blue paint peeling. A small, circular win-
economy. In addition to providing lumber for construction dow appears high on each of the four walls, one of them
throughout the scir, the sawmill sends large quantities of stopped shut by a wren’s nest.
sawdust to the castle and other settlements where ice hous-
es and ice cellars are maintained. They hire extra guards for The halflings from Cider Village (4) originally intended to
such deliveries since a tribe of goblins recently discovered base their business here, but after establishing only a couple
the potentially explosive nature of barrels of sawdust and of foundations and a few temporary buildings, the noise
makes a special point of “hunting” them each season, attack- from the nearby sawmill (6) persuaded them to relocate
ing with flaming arrows. farther downriver. All that is left are a couple of well-con-
In previous years, Captain Brazewhite assigned cas- structed foundations, a half-dug well (which will strike
tle soldiers to guard these deliveries, but with resources fresh water with another 4d6 hours of excavation), and
stretched too thin, the uncles must now hire their own an outhouse that still occasionally sees use when someone
guards. Adventurers looking for work can hire on to such from the sawmill or cooperage (8) goes for a long walk.
a mission. The pay is meager (3 sp/delivery day), but it Note that finishing the well may carry its own risks, as
offers a chance to interact with Duval and sawmill employ- suggested in the Wraethdari Reborn adventure seed.

ees—and perhaps to increase their fame by driving off a
goblin attack with plenty of grateful witnesses to spread the outhouse
the word. Carved on the interior walls of the outhouse are a series of
aphorisms ranging from the crude to the poetic. The gam-
fey tensions emaster is encouraged to invent examples that fit the tone
The dwarven lumbering operations have not endeared them of the campaign. Otherwise, the outhouse is in surprisingly
to the wild fey. On moonless nights, young and daring elves, good order, as visitors tend to sweep it clean of leaves and
sprites, and fairies conduct raids on the mill. Never directly cobwebs with an old but serviceable broom that stands in
attacking a person, they limit their assaults to theft and one corner. 113
vandalism in a form of counting coup against the despoilers
of the forest. Last year, one bold fey sabotaged a circular star-crossed lovers
saw, resulting in the loss of several fingers when a laborer On the rear exterior of the outhouse are a series of messag-
failed to notice the damage before engaging the gears. The es from a pair of lovers, the dwarf Garren Ogenkett from


dwarves are especially unfriendly to elves, sprites, and fairies the sawmill (6), and the halfling Lera Leona Riverbanks
now, and the traps and watches they set during moonless from the cooperage (8). The two, knowing their families
nights have deterred, but not eliminated, raids. Now the fey disapproved of their union, ran away together over ten years
raid the lumber mill only once every few months, and never ago. The sawyers are still offended by mention of the scan-
on the new moon. dal, but most of the halflings consider the affair romantic
The wild fey in question are a loose tribe of 15-20 Feylar- and don’t understand why the dwarves are so grumpy about
iyans who live roughly in the surrounding woods. They are it. While the matter soured relations between the two
not affiliated with any fey court. settlements for a few years afterward, all is cordial between
them now. Still, the dwarves keep an eye on each other
7 Lonely Outhouse when socializing with the halflings, whom they consider
lascivious seducers.
An old outhouse and the ruins of an unfinished halfling settle- The lovers’ messages range from a heart containing the
ment hide a dark power lurking just beneath the surface. initials “G.O. + L.L.R.” to fragments of doggerel like, “No
more the saw’s rasp, only hands clasp / Begone the iron
Exterior bands, only those upon our hands,” and much worse. If
you have a poetaster among the adventurers, encourage the
While overgrown with weeds and spotted with lichen, fiend to invent the rest.
two stone foundations lie in what was probably once a
clearing before new growth reclaimed it for the young
forest. Between them stands a four-foot diameter ring of
stones, likewise overgrown, but with a circular stone plug
adventure seeds NPCs Rosco Padrig Bellamy Riverbanks (male halfling
Missing in Action Lera’s father is ill and isn’t expected to wizard 4, age 59), Harold (male human laborer, age 22),
recover. The family asks the adventurers to seek out the Hubert (male human laborer, age 25)
couple so Lera can return to say goodbye. The last person to
A little over 20 miles northeast of Dunbury Castle, near the
have seen them was Dalbert Fisk at The Unicorn (2b) who
banks of the Kouros River, is the small settlement known as
ran into them a couple of years back. He tells the heroes
the Riverbanks Cooperage. It is a pleasant little compound
that Garren finally became a bard, and Lera’s nimble fingers
where the majority of the barrels, boxes, and similar con-
made her an expert rogue. The two joined an adventuring
tainers used throughout the scir are manufactured.
company, but they disappeared into a Deepland hall a few
During the day, the worktables are busy with crafters
months ago and haven’t been heard from since.
constructing barrels of all sizes and, occasionally, other
Wraethdari Reborn During the Age of Darkness the wra- items. At night, a pair of guards patrols the village, smoking
ethdari commander of a Dark Horde fell in battle on this pipes and chatting with any insomniacs who join them. A
site. Its minions buried it here in a stone sarcophagus and trio of playful mutts follow them, hoping for the occasional

sealed it with dark magic. What they didn’t realize was that snack, which apparently, they receive more often than they
the wraethdari was not quite dead, and it has been waiting should; all three appear quite well fed and pose little physi-
for someone to release it back into the world. The sar- cal threat to intruders.
cophagus lies just ten feet lower than where the halflings A large family of halflings form the core of this small but
stopped digging their well, and when a pair of ambitious bustling village, which is dedicated primarily to manufac-
dwarves decide to build a lumber camp here, they acciden- turing barrels but is also known for its excellent cartwheels
tally crack the stone prison open while trying to complete and halfling-sized wagons. Everyone in the community is a
the well. vegetarian, so they keep no livestock but tend several nearby
fields of grain and vegetables. As mentioned, they keep sev-
8 Riverbanks Cooperage eral small dogs—effective barkers, but more adorable than
fierce—and the settlement is also home to a family of cats
114 One of many local settlements that serve to support the scir and who keep the buildings mouse-free.
contribute to its economy. The leader of the cooperage is Rosco Padrig Bellamy
Riverbanks, a hedge-trained wizard with a wand of light-
Quality Modest Condition Average Population 29
ning bolts, which he typically uses only as a flourish to heat

the iron brand used to mark the heads of the barrels. His
Exterior and Encounter white-blond hair often stands straight up, a common result
of his inexpert use of magic and a tendency to get too close
Half a dozen cottages ring a pair of large buildings, one
to the target of his lightning bolt spells.
of them much taller than the other. Several sturdy tables
The rest of the coopers are halfling laborers along with
stand around the shorter building, each surrounded by
two brawny young human laborers, Harold and Hubert,
industrious halflings taking turns with wood-forms,
who take care of most of the heavy lifting. Beyond the fields
clamps, and pots of glue. Mallets, awls, saws, planes,
and paddocks, screened by a stand of trees, lies a small
hammers, brushes, and other woodworking tools hang
apiary built into the uprooted base of a fallen tree. The
from a wheeled “wall” between two of the tables. A pair
halflings harvest the honey to brew some of the finest mead
of strapping human youths carry stacks of white oak
in the scir, which they reserve for trade with brewers of beer
planks and iron hoops to the coopers. Near a sheltered
and vintners of wine.
fire pit, cauldrons, smelling of tar, line a low stone shelf,
When adventurers first visit the cooperage, all is well.
and three different-sized anvils stand ready.
The residents pause work and invite the characters to join
Fields of barley, wheat, oats, and Gelenleaf sprawl
them in a delicious vegetarian repast. Everyone is genuinely
nearby, with teeming vegetable gardens nearer the hous-
friendly, interested in the adventurers’ stories, and hopeful
es. A family of ponies frisk about in a paddock, watched
that by making friends with the heroes they’ll earn a little
by a pair of placid draft horses. Dogs chase laughing hal-
extra protection in a scir that has become more dangerous
fling children between the houses while cats gaze down
in recent years. At some point, the young human men,
from the thatched roofs, biding their time.
Hubert and Harold, pull a small cart of food scraps to a


What the people of Riverbanks Cooperage can’t possibly saving throw. If the tragedy of his death would be more
know is that during powerful thunderstorms, a Lesser Ley poignant, he dies begging the adventurers to avenge him.
Line (2) energizes near the village. The line runs close to the A trail of stinking slime littered with bits of potato and
ground, and coincidentally, the compost heap is right in carrot leads through the barley field. It is a trail anyone can
the line’s path. follow. Before reaching the monster, all the heroes can hear
On the night of a particularly powerful storm, a massive the screams of the survivors who flee from it. Harold and
bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes the Hubert are guiding two halfling mothers and their four
heap. This combination of arcane energy and mundane children away from the carnage, hoping to hide them near
electricity gives pseudo life to the heap, giving birth to a the apiary. Unless the adventurers intervene immediately,
shambling mound. The barely sentient creature, whose they won’t make it.
essence form was deeply influenced by the destructive
power of lightning, rises and sets out on a deadly rampage.
Destroy the shambling mound and save as many of the

When the characters arrive at the Cooperage, likely
the next morning, they are greeted by a terrible scene. people as possible.
Wounded and even a few dead halflings litter the lanes,
and cottage doors are ripped off their hinges. Rosco lies in
a battered heap, a wisp of smoke rising from the tip of his The characters earn the people’s undying gratitude, per-
wand of lightning bolts, and a scent of ozone lingers in a manently shifting the attitude of the people in Riverbanks
blue cloud over his body. He meant only to defend his peo- Cooperage to friendly. The heroes will always have a warm
ple, but ignorant of the effect of lighting on a shambling welcome, all the food and mead they can consume, and a
mound, he only healed it of the meager damage the other comfortable place to sleep.
coopers had caused. Now the beast shambles on hunting Whether he survives or not, the heroes are also offered 115
the survivors, blackened spears and scorched pitchforks Rosco’s wand of lightning bolts as thanks for their coura-
protruding from its moist body. geous actions.
If the characters grew fond of Rosco on an earlier visit


and you wish to reward their prompt magical or medical
assistance, he is dying but has not yet failed his third death

compost heap at the far end of one of the local fields.

the tongue of a dead dog. Nearby, the skeletal remains
On a second or future visit, consider creating a very
of mining carts stand rusted in place since their last use
different encounter with the Attack of the Bog Beast side-
several hundred years ago. One of them is filled with
windblown soil and now serves as an accidental bed for
9 Red Nails Copper Mine
A long abandoned underground mine that is now home to a NPCs Brightburn (young common copper dragon)
young common copper dragon.
This dwarven mine was abandoned long before the At-
lan Alliance lay claim to this territory. It is one of the few
Exterior attempts made at digging a traditional underground mine
in the region since the end of the Age of Darkness. Partial-
Graying timbers that support the entrance to an old mine
ly hidden by the shrubs and trees that have reclaimed the
sag under the weight of a rocky hill. A pair of iron rails,
region, the entrance still remains, as do the upper chambers
disintegrating into rust, loll out of the cavern mouth like
that now serve as the lair of a young copper dragon.
Characters examining the area detect large tracks leading Whatever friendship develops between the adventurers
into the abandoned mine on a successful DC 10 Wisdom and the dragon, the GM should keep in mind that Bright-
(Perception) check. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) burn is loath to face enemy dragons again. It will take a su-
check identifies the tracks as those of a young common per-heroic effort to convince Brightburn to aid or intervene
copper dragon with a wounded gait. if other dragons are involved.

Brightburn Treasure
Brightburn is a cowardly young copper dragon that lairs in In a cool dry cavern on one of the higher levels of the mine,
the upper levels of the mine. She recently lost a forelimb Brightburn keeps a mound of coins and chests of other
(reducing her claw damage to 1d6+4) in a battle with a treasures. They include:
young common green dragon named Viridia that lairs in
the area of the Goblin Grotto, escaping only after she used • 2,400 sp in old dwarven coins (all stamped with the
her slowing breath ability to outfly the green. In years past, profile of a long forgotten dwarven king)
Brightburn hunted endrori in the surrounding hills and • 40 gp in old dwarven coins

gathered their treasures for her hoard. Since the clash with • 22 pp in old dwarven coins
Viridia, however, she limits her hunting to the hills and • A well-preserved painted wooden throne worth 200 sp
mountains near home. • A framed portrait of a dwarf noble worth 150 sp
If encountered in the wild and targeted with a spell or • Llynfellyn’s Lute
struck for 10 hit points or more damage, Brightburn re-
treats. If pursuers can fly as fast as she, she uses her slowing
breath to delay them but does not otherwise counterattack Sense DC 15 Analyze DC 20 Attunement Yes
unless prevented from escaping. Rarity Rare Price 2000 sp Weight 2 lb.
Should adventurers enter her lair, the dragon responds DESCRIPTION
peacefully unless they threaten her life or behave as though According to the legend of its creation, this wondrous instrument
they intend to steal her meager treasure hoard. Although was owned by a great dragon called Llynfellyn. Llynfellyn adored
116 Brightburn is not her true name, she introduces herself as the music of the lute, and she had this instrument specially made
such. She keeps her true name a closely guarded secret. If by the finest elven luthier in all the land. Llynfellyn would take on
the adventurers engage her in conversation, she inquires as elven form for the sole purpose of playing this glorious instrument.
to their names and any “legends” told of their deeds. Over the centuries, Llynfellyn’s own magic seeped into the

Those who treat her with respect gain a potential ally instrument, transforming it into the enchanted item it is today.
with the benefit that she may come to their aid in a time Only characters with the essence sense ability who are attuned
of need. At the gamemaster’s discretion, if the adventurers to the instrument are able to play it properly, regardless of their
find themselves operating in Brightburn’s territory and in skill. Any person without essence sense can’t get the tuning
a situation where they are in over their heads, Brightburn quite right and automatically fail any Performance check made
swoops in to aid the heroes. As long as these rescues are not while using this instrument. Those with the essence sense ability
overused, they are an excellent way to reward players for and who are attuned to the instrument have advantage on
their good deeds and reinforce future heroic behavior. The Performance checks made while playing the lute.
better the adventurers’ relationship with Brightburn, the The instrument also allows the attuned performer to activate
more likely she is to intervene on their behalf. a magical effect once per day as part of a successful DC 15
Like all dragons, Brightburn loves coins and jewels, Performance check. The instrument can create one of the following
but the most effective way to win Brightburn’s continued spell effects each time this power is invoked: charm person,
friendship is with songs, riddles, and stories. Bards in heroism, hideous laughter, sleep, or enthrall. The saving throw DC
particular have advantage on all Performance and Persua- to resist these powers is the result of the Performance check. After
sion checks made to win her friendship. Any character who use, the power returns 24 hours after the last invocation.
makes more than two visits to Brightburn’s lair bringing
fascinating tales and new songs may, with successful Cha- adventure seeds
risma checks or the gamemaster’s approval of roleplaying Moving Day If Viridia still lives, she sends warbands of en-
success, win the gift of Brightburn’s most treasured instru- drori out to find and kill Brightburn. Brightburn, knowing
ment, Llynfellyn’s Lute. she would not survive another direct confrontation with
the green, decides she must find a new lair. She turns to the
adventurers to help her locate a suitable location and help Within the grotto, adventurers can find flooded caves,
her safely transport her hoard to her new home. mushroom groves, a weird shrine, and pens for captives.
The uttermost depth includes a collapsed passage the
Safe Passage An elderly bard arrives in Dunbury Village goblins have been excavating for decades. Once they restore
seeking Brightburn in the hopes of exchanging tales with the direct path to the Deeplands (there are many indirect
the dragon. Unfortunately, the increasing number of en- routes into the grotto), their numbers will swell, and the
drori and other monsters in the hills make such a journey possibility of an endrori horde sweeping south from this
impossible for the lone aging storyteller. The bard turns to watery lair becomes all too possible.
the heroes seeking their guardianship on their visit to meet The grotto and its denizens will be explored fully in a
with the dragon. future Dunbury Castle adventure book.

10 The Forgotten Gate 12 Feylariyan Grove

Corruption from the Deeplands threatens to spread to the An enchanted grove where the wild elves meet that may
surrounding countryside unless adventurers reseal a nearly serve as a temporary refuge for adventurers pursued by their
forgotten Deepland gate. enemies.

This is the location of the ruined Hunters’ Tower that
serves as the backdrop for the World of Aetaltis adventure Exterior
The Forgotten Gate.
The trees in this corner of the forest look uncommonly
beautiful, their branches arching like the limbs of danc-
11 Goblin Grotto ers. Yet they do not seem groomed by mortal arborists;
An endrori infested cave network that poses the greatest threat their grace appears utterly natural. Precious little under-
northern Agthor has faced in more than a century. growth impedes your path between the trunks.

Dunbury Castle veterans pass down stories of the goblin NPCs 1d4 fairy scouts, 1d4 sprite scouts 117
grotto, a network of caves said to lie at the head of the
Kouros River. None still live who have actually visited those This glade is a meeting place for the wild Feylariyans that
fabled caverns, but Captain Brazewhite has started sending live in the region. On the night of a full moon, adventur-
scouts upriver—cautious not to venture too far from the ers may stumble across the wild fey holding court here to


water—to determine whether new tribes of endrori have discuss local matters or simply to sing and cavort. The local
emerged from its shadowy depth. It seems unlikely, since Feylariyans, especially fairies and other diminutive fey, also
the endrori fortress that stood there was razed and the use it as a hiding place in times of danger.
tunnels sealed nearly a century ago. In recent years, how-
ever, several scouts have vanished near the ruins without a hiding magic
trace. Brazewhite is concerned about the implications, but The glade is enchanted to remain hidden from non-fey.
officials in Tristanford, worried more about the disruption Any non-fey passing through the region must succeed at
of commerce than fanciful worries about endrori, insist she a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or else they are unable to
devote her dwindling resources to patrolling the southern find or see the glade. They simply turn aside and miss it
roads and waterways. each time they pass through. The magic is quite power-
The truth is that the goblins have returned. They view ful, and a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check
the grotto as their ancestral home and dream of restor- (passive or active) by a character with essence sense will
ing its dark glory, but they as yet fear the deadly human detect the power of the illusion, even if they are unable to
forces eager to eradicate their kind. Until their shamans overcome it.
decree the time propitious, they leave the “Great Mouth” Fey characters are not affected in this way, and if they
sealed while using smaller hidden passages for hunting and willingly take a non-fey by the hand, they can lead them
scouting expeditions. Otherwise, they lie low, grow their to the glade. As long as the guest remains in the glade, the
numbers, and limit their predation to subterranean wild- character is unaffected by the hiding magic. As soon as they
life, wild fey who encroach on their territory, and the fauna leave the glade, however, the magic takes hold once again
of the northern wilds. unless they remain in contact with a fey.
Characters who have treated the forest with respect— Creatures Mona Mucklebones (sea hag), Eudora Doll-Rip-
picking deadfall rather than cutting branches for firewood, per (green hag), Hragatha Rattleskull (night hag), 23 twig
committing no unnecessary harm against local animals, and blights, 13 needle blights, 6 vine blights
acting in similarly benevolent ways—may rest for up to a
day in the glade. While there, they are safe from outside The unlocked door and windows were stolen from houses
attack or detection by enemies. terrorized by the hags and their minions. Anyone who
examines the stream notices what appear to be oddly round
defenders of the glade pale stones beneath the tree, whereas the rest of the stream
If a character remains in the glade for more than 24 hours, has a muddy bottom. These are not stones, but the accumu-
a Feylariyan fairy arrives and asks the characters to leave. lated skulls of the hags’ victims, stored here as trophies. The
If the characters refuse, a warband of Feylariyans (1d4 elf oldest are many decades old, and there are several hundred
foresters, 1d4 fairy hedge wizards, and 1d4 sprite sneaks) in total.
arrives to drive the characters out by force. The small skulls in the fence are the remains of other
If a character enters the glade who is not an enemy of the victims, many of them children stolen from their cradles.

forest but who has treated it with indifference—hunting Anyone examining the skulls can also identify a number of
and trapping animals, chopping down trees, or otherwise goblin, orc, and other endrori skulls in both the fence and
harming the forest and its denizens—a fairy appears the stream. Despite drawing their power from Endroren,
immediately and demands the party leave. If they refuse, a the hags are equal opportunity murderers.
warband arrives to drive them away. The surrounding trees, shrubs, and vines conceal the
Anyone that has acted as an enemy of the forest—setting presence of the coven’s servants and guardians: 23 twig
fires indiscriminately, killing for sport, or otherwise behav- blights, 13 needle blights, and 6 vine blights. The former
ing in a hostile manner—who enters the glade is attacked are scattered in a ring around the tree, none farther than 40
by a Feylariyan warband the moment they set foot inside its feet away. They avoid characters carrying open flame. The
boundaries. The warband tries to kill the intruders, but if needle and vine blights lie hidden within the tangled fence,
outnumbered or overpowered, the warband is satisfied with waiting to attack unwary characters between the fence and
118 simply driving the enemy away. tree by surprise. They focus their attacks on those wielding
fire first in an effort to douse the flames. Once all sources of
13 The Sisters’ Tree flame are extinguished, or at least dropped, the twig blights
join the fray.

Unknown to the outside world, a coven of hags lurks in this

Once a mighty magical oak tended by the fey, this cor-
region of the scir, preying on unsuspecting victims and working
rupted husk of a dead tree now serves as the meeting place
to further Endroren’s dark plans.
for a coven of hags. In the daytime, the hags are absent,
and the blights attack any intruders who attempt to gain
Exterior entrance.
On any given night, 0–3 hags might be in residence,
The forest floor is soft under foot here, the air fetid and
brewing potions, pickling the faces of their victims, or
humid. Clouds of stinging insects hover over lumps
tormenting the people or animals they have captured to
on the wet ground. A gurgling stream snakes its way
sacrifice to Endroren. Unless one of the hags has been
through the mire.
slain elsewhere, all are present on the nights of the Faceless
The husk of a great oak straddles the waterway. From
Moon (the night of the new moon which occurs on the 1st
the tree’s dead branches hang twig dolls among the skulls
of each month) to carry out the traditions of their coven. It
and scalps of various humanoids. An irregular fence en-
is then that they perform their darkest rituals.
circles the tree, large mildew covered bones supporting its
Mona Mucklebones (sea hag), Eudora Doll-Ripper
haphazard reed walls. Thick vines run through the fence
(green hag), and Hragatha Rattleskull (night hag) have
with thorns the length of daggers jutting through the eye
come together in this place to form a coven. Should one or
sockets of several small humanoid skulls that adorn its
two of them be slain, a surviving “sister hag” will put out a
call for new sisters on the night of the next Faceless Moon.
A dull orange glow flickers in a pair of rough oval
Within a year and a day, new hags will come to replace
windows above a crooked doorway set in the trunk of the
those that fell. The surviving hag or hags, having received a
old tree.
vision of the individual or individuals who struck the killing experiences, the hag casts one of its original eyes into the
blow on their predecessors, swear revenge and hunt down cauldron. Doing so consumes the eye, but causes the mists
the perpetrators. to clear and an image of what the spider sees appears in the
magical liquid for ten minutes.
inside the tree Despite the loss of his ears, Portman can still hear, albeit
The hollowed-out interior of the tree is one large room, poorly, but if rescued or questioned he responds in a very
roughly triangular. Each hag has claimed one corner for her loud voice. He has 4 levels of exhaustion and suffers from
personal space. They work together in the middle, where extreme paranoia. If made aware of the presence of fellow
three cauldrons surround a space beneath the open tree captives, he demands the adventurers slay them because
trunk. Chains dangle from crossbeams in the tree’s interior they are not captives but hags in disguise. Of course, despite
to three sets of manacles. Beside them hang three filthy his paranoia, Portman is at least partially correct about this
nooses. situation if Eudora was caught alone. If Hragatha alone is
In Mona’s corner hang two suspended cages over a pair of present when the adventurers arrive, she fights them to the
unlit braziers. Bunches of drying herbs hang from the wall, death, fearless and proud.
and beneath them a clutter of disgusting ingredients—in- If more than one sister is present when the adventurers
cluding a jar of eyes from giant spiders—covers a moldy arrive, they present a far more formidable threat with their
wooden table. In one of the cages languishes a once-beau-

shared coven spells. Rather than roll randomly to determine
tiful woman (female elf scout, age 80), her face ripped to how many hags are in the tree, the gamemaster should
shreds by Mona’s jealous claws. The Feylariyan wild elf, choose a number based on the characters’ relative power
Esyllwayn, has been unconscious for days and has suffered level and what option makes the most interesting story. If
5 levels of exhaustion. If healed and delivered to safety, the adventurers find the location while they are still rela-
she shares the story of her rescuers among her people. If tively inexperienced, having them rescue a captive or two is
Mona is caught alone in the tree when adventurers arrive, a good way to earn the ire of the coven for a later encounter.
she polymorphs herself into a black cat and observes their On the other hand, a moderately powerful group might
behavior. If they appear foolish or weak, she may attack take out one or two hags while leaving a third to reconsti-
them. If they seem dangerous, she looks for an opportunity 119
tute the coven before pursuing revenge.
to escape, returning for revenge with her sisters.
In Eudora’s corner is a pair of thorny wicker cages. The
one to the left is the “wicked embrace,” a torture device lined


with spikes that inflicts 1 hit point of damage each hour,
one level of exhaustion each 8-hour period, and prevents
rest or natural healing for those confined within. The cage
to the right is the “merciful embrace,” in which the hag keeps
captives whose ears and eyes have not yet been harvested.
If caught alone inside the tree when adventurers arrive, she
uses her Illusory Appearance ability to look like an attrac-
tive youth and steps into the merciful embrace.
Hragatha’s corner includes a compartmentalized tray
holding preserved giant spider eyes, a short cage holding
Portman, an earless, eyeless captive (male human common-
er, age 25), and a stack of three cages, each containing an
angry giant spider.
The preserved spider eyes are the catalyst for Hragatha’s
scrying cauldron. The tray has 32 compartments, 18 of
which currently hold groups of 1d6 spider eyes. Hragatha
harvests them from giant spiders captured in the Spider-
wood (16a), magically transplants a pair of human eyes and
ears onto the arachnids, and releases them into the scir to
act as her spies. To view and hear what a particular spider

ABOVE | The Green Hag, by Russell Marks

hragatha’s cauldron 14 The Crossroads
Mona’s and Eudora’s cauldrons are left empty when the
hags are absent, but Hragatha’s always bubbles, giving off an A symbol of local authority and a reminder to would-be crimi-
eerie purple-gray mist. Characters who toss spider eyes into nals of the penalty for their crimes.
the pot and watch the vapors resolve may see one of the
following images: Exterior
Roll 2d6 Vision To the side of the road stands a scaffold of graying wood.
2 Through the narrow castle window, Captain Braze- Four severed ropes dangle from the gibbet, the nooses
white practices striking a sword out of the “hand” of a apparently buried with their victims. Nearby stands a
practice dummy. weed-choked graveyard of decaying wooden markers.
3 Through the shuttered window of a cottage, a moth- Each is carved not with a name but a crime: “Murderer,”
er puts her infant child into a cradle.
“Dark Sorcerer,” and “Traitor,” among others.
4 On a lonely road, three figures lead a pack mule.

5 In the forest, an unsuspecting doe nibbles on a fern About midway along the road that runs between Thorn-
as the perspective approaches from above.
wall and Dunbury Castle stands the infamous crossroads
6 In a web between dark boughs, a pair of giant spiders
sink their fangs into a wriggling cocoon.
gallows, where those sentenced to die are hanged and left as
an example. Upon completion of the hanging, the executing
7 A party of goblins bears a slaughtered boar through
the forest toward a thorny labyrinth (the entrance to authority (the Mayor of Thornwall or Captain Brazewhite)
the Goblin Grotto). assigns a pair of guards to stand watch over the gallows for
8 A pair of lumberjacks saw a tree. three days and nights. Afterward, the guards cut down the
9 A human, halfling, and cheebat pole a barge down corpse and bury it in the small but growing graveyard nearby.
the Kouros River with a cargo of barrels and crates “Deathwatch,” as the duty is known, is considered un-
secured under canvas.
pleasant work, but a small minority of the soldiers relish it.
10 A griffon rises from her nest, revealing three eggs
The reason can be found by any character making a success-
120 inside. She sees the viewer and flies toward it. The
image vanishes in a bloody blur. ful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check while searching the
11 Viewed from above, a pair of elves holding longbows area. Hidden in the hollow bole of a nearby tree is a stash of
at the ready scout the forest. The image slowly with- three bottles of dwarven Forgewater worth a total of 27 sp.
draws, as if the viewer is hiding from them. Whenever the stock becomes precariously low, the soldiers

12 Three human men dressed as foresters sit beside of Dunbury Castle take up a collection for the “gallows
a campfire and discuss plans to rob travelers while
fund” to restore it to an even half dozen.
disguised as smugglers.

15 Dunbury Hill
Characters who make a successful DC 12 Wisdom
A nearby hill swirling with stories of ghosts, forbidden druidic
(Perception) check may notice a key landmark in any of
rites, and even the remains of a firstborn giant.
these visions for later investigation or griffon egg-stealing.
The gamemaster may of course add different images to the
cauldron. Logically, most of the scrying should reveal boring
scenes of spiders hunting or nesting, but for dramatic
West of the Kouros River, one round hill rises higher than
purposes it’s more fun if the characters always experience a
the rest. Woods cover the sides of the prominence, but its
vision that might lead to adventure or else create a sense of
top remains clear except for a ring of lichen-covered stones.
Unfortunately, these cauldrons operate using dark magic.
The most prominent landmark visible from the castle,
Any character that makes use of them, knowingly or not,
Dunbury Hill is a site of folklore, rumor, and visits by
risks corruption. Each time a character throws an eye or
forces both sinister and blessed. Popular legend claims that
eyes into the cauldron, they must make a DC 12 Wisdom
the nearly round hill is the top of a firstborn giant’s head,
saving throw. On a success they sense that they’ve narrowly
although those who have actually seen giants point out even
avoided becoming a victim of the dark magic. On a failure,
the largest one’s skull would be no larger than one of the
they gain one point of corruption.
standing stones. Many believe the tales of buried chieftains
and their treasures, but few dare to search for them, because
WHO’S ON DUNBURY HILL? everyone also believes the tales of visiting ghosts, hags, and the
Faceless Man himself. Among those who brave the site after
Daylight visits to Dunbury Hill seldom meet with dark are druids and their followers, who sing and dance among
unusual encounters, although wildlife is common the fireflies at midsummer.
enough. Adventurers might encounter a family of Patrols from Dunbury Castle usually ride around the hill
rabbits with newborn bunnies in the spring. Perhaps rather than climb to the top. When they do go to the top,
a pair of griffons and their offspring land to rest it’s only when ordered and generally only in broad daylight.
before continuing their flight. On very rare occasions, Most of the soldiers have adopted the habit of saluting the hill
one might meet youth from surrounding communi- both upon arrival and departure, a sign of respect they hope
ties visiting on a dare, but they are invariably gone will prevent retribution from whatever dire entities may be in
before dusk. residence.
Should the adventurers visit Dunbury Hill at night, A few local braggarts claim to have visited the hill on nights
the gamemaster may decide to roll for or select one of the full or new moon, their stories either fanciful or terrifying.
of the following suggestions or devise a new encoun- Some claim to have fallen asleep and awoken in the fey lands,
ter to frighten or awe the characters. where they spent years of idle pleasure before waking in the

same spot, with no time having passed. Others claim to have
witnessed other marvelous and terrible sights, including a uni-
1. A clutch of 2d4 will-o’-wisps lurk among the stones. corn, a beauteous elven lady, and revenants of the ancient dead.
2. A lone youth (any lineage) lies unconscious on the
hill, having fainted after hearing an owl hoot.
3. A lone unicorn basks in the moonlight; the
16 Grimvold Forest
creature may bestow its healing touch on good
A dark and foreboding forest filled with truly ancient trees, strange
characters or attack evil ones.
creatures, and violently territorial wild fey.
4. A group of 3d4 sprites and fairies dance and leave
The Grimvold Forest consists of all the wooded land east of 121
offerings of gathered food.
the Kouros River and north of the point where the Coldwater
5. The lady Dreswyn appears, gazing across the river
River feeds into the Kouros. During his lifetime, Duke Creesis
at the castle as if watching for someone.
forbade logging and settlement in the Grimvold for the purely
6. A disreputable local, high on spice, stumbles
practical reason that the forest held too many dangers. As a


about the hill under the delusion that they are in
result, for decades only the wild fey dared travel the dark paths
the fey lands.
under the dense canopies in this region, where the oaks and ma-
NIGHTS OF THE NEW MOON ples gradually give way to enormous trees for which the other
inhabitants of Agthor have no names.
1. One or more of the hags (13) of Dunbury Scir arrive
Since Duke Creesis’s death, Warden Oswald Balewick has,
to perform a blood sacrifice.
with the help of his political allies, gradually reduced such
2. A group of 4d4 cultists led by a cult fanatic perform
restrictions. In the past two years, several logging camps have
an abominable ritual.
appeared on the east side of the Kouros River, as have a few
3. A group of endrori (goblins or orcs) leave offerings
“forward camps” administered by the Warden’s most loyal and
of their victims’ heads to please Endroren.
corrupt henchmen among the foresters.
4. Korella Stalk (see Chapter 5: People of Dunbury)
performs an animal sacrifice to Endroren before wild fey
sneaking back to the castle before dawn. Feylariyan elves, sprites, fairies, and a host of other fey are
5. The Faceless Man (17) appears, apparently await- known to make their homes high in the boughs of the Grim-
ing the arrival of a potential convert. vold’s trees. These wild fey are violently territorial. Unless
6. A low musical humming emanates from some- accompanied by an elf or other fey companion, characters who
where deep inside the hill. enter the forest are likely to be attacked by one of the forest’s
fey inhabitants. That chance becomes a certainty if one tres-
passes, even by accident, beneath the treehouse homes of the
wood’s eponymous residents.
16 a The Spiderwood 17 The Accursed Mill
One portion of the forest remains too daunting for even the A dark and dangerous presence lurks in the old mill at the
greediest loggers: the prosaically named Spiderwood. heart of this abandoned settlement.

Exterior Exterior
After traveling through this region for a time, you notice Alone among the blackened ruins stands an aged smock
something strange about the trees. The branches grow in windmill surrounded by a rickety stage. The wind has
thick groups. After a time, you begin to realize those clus- torn out its sails, leaving only skeletal frames and shreds
ters consist of eight branches all projecting from a swollen of mildewed canvas behind. A few spots of curling paint
“abdomen” that protrudes from the trunk. This bizarre remain near the joints and borders, the rest of its surface
formation is repeated everywhere, regardless of the faded to a ghastly gray.
species of the tree. Willows are the most obvious, their

long branches draping down like legs. Even the firs seem Creatures 11 ghouls, 1 ghast
divided into eight segments, their needles coarse and dark
A once vibrant farming community lies abandoned, and at
as arachnid hairs. On deciduous trunks, knots appear
its center stands the decaying ruins of a large windmill. In
in eights. A blanched wispy moss hangs like spiderwebs
the community’s heyday, the mill processed much of the
from the boughs.
region’s grain and a dozen farms surrounded the place. No
You sense movement from the corner of your eye, but
longer. Abandoned after a horrific summer night six years
by the time you look directly at the source, it has van-
ago, today most of this village has fallen to fire and decay.
ished behind the swollen bole of an oak.
The old mill, scarred by fire and partially collapsed, is
During the Age of Darkness, corrupted magic twisted the the centerpiece of this ruined village. On stormy nights, the
trees in this region into the unnatural shapes seen today. vanes creak and drafts moan when the wind cuts through
122 the many holes in the wreck. The ghostly sound is just one
The entirety of the Spiderwood suffers from a Minor
Corruption (1). The dark nature of the place now attracts of the reasons none of the area’s farmers dares pass by the
spiders of all types. Blankets of thick webs add to the forest abandoned place near sundown. Traveling peddlers also
canopy here, leaving the entire forest in an uncanny green- give the ruins a wide berth, and not even a tax collector has

tinged gloom. ridden out to see whether new homesteads have appeared
Here and there, discarded web husks the size of mas- nearby. All agree the land is cursed.
tiffs and even ponies hang suspended among the branches In this case, their suspicions are correct. The land is in
or fallen behind tree trunks or partially buried beneath fact cursed and suffers from Lesser Corruption (2). The
autumn leaves and other detritus. Adventurers are likely windmill itself has become a mausoleum for 11 ghouls, and
to encounter spider swarms, giant wolf spiders, and giant their ghast leader.
spiders, all of which are unnaturally aggressive. Rumors vile beasts
persist, however, that even worse arachnids await those Cattle and goats still graze the fields around the mill, yet
careless enough to become lost in this dire wildwood. no one dares claim them. Their horns have grown long
adventure seeds and gnarled, unlike those of any natural animal, and their
Architect of the Great Web Something has risen from patchy hides have taken on a grayish cast. Those born since
the thick, loamy floor of the Spiderwood. According to the destruction of the farms have disturbingly human faces,
witnesses, the thing is a gruesome spider as large as a house, and when they low or bleat, they seem to speak words in
and it is hunting near the edges of the woods. Wild fey that an inhuman language. Those who understand endrori hear
venture too close are dragged into the gloom, never to be familiar words and on a successful DC 18 Intelligence
seen again. What the adventurers can’t know is that this vile check may discern a few words and phrases among the
creature is the very abomonae that created the Spiderwood, gibberish. Successful listeners can just make out fragments
risen from a centuries long sleep beneath the twisted roots. like “gathering strength,” “all shall be transfigured,” and “once
It is still weak from its slumber, but given time, this terrify- more mount the Obsidian Throne.”
ing minion of Endroren will regain its ancient power.
The animals are docile and tolerate physical examination, inside the mill
and their attributes are the same as a normal animal of the Those who investigate the ruined mill will discover the
same type. If milked, they produce an oily, gray discharge fate of Leticia and her followers. They may also discover
that no sensible creature would dare drink. Those who Leticia’s ceremonial book and knife (treat it as a dagger of
insist on a taste must make a DC 18 Constitution saving venom) beneath an obvious compartment in the mill’s floor.
throw. On a success, drinkers suffer nausea and involun- The book details a ritual for calling the Harbinger, one of
tarily expel the ghastly milk. On a failure, drinkers gain the Endroren’s abomonae that resembles a huge, diseased amal-
poisoned condition for 2d4 hours. gamation of beasts and humans. In the book’s illuminations,
The accursed beasts never wander farther than a few the Harbinger’s body is like that of a flayed moose, but the
miles from their former home. They continue to reproduce, twisted torsos of six humans emerge like branches from
but something culls their numbers regularly, so there are its thick neck, their fleshless arms forming two separate
never more than a few dozen. Any efforts to lead them away antler-like structures. Between them is a long, vertical maw
from the windmill cause them to lower their heads and with teeth like dead branches.
balk. If dragged more than a mile from the mill, the animals In the cellar below the mill lie eleven ghouls, the remains
make torturous screams for a few moments before falling of the cultists who died the night their ritual went awry.
over dead. Among them is Leticia Miller, a ghast, who still commands

the others as their high priestess. She bids them to fast lest
a dark history
they eradicate the remaining livestock, whom the ghouls
The previous residents, their families, and all their hirelings
suckle at night. During the day, the monsters twitch in
were slain in a single night six years ago. Rumors of the
restless sleep in their shelter from the sun. They delight in
cause range from endrori raiders to freak lightning strikes
discovering the occasional tramp or other fool who camps
setting the buildings ablaze, sparing only the mill. The truth
too close to the mill. The sight of several such intruders
is far more sinister.
would cause them to salivate in long pink ribbons, gibbering
On a moonless night twenty years ago, Leticia Miller,
in anticipation of the carnage.
a woman who had far too often suffered the blessings of
Droth, met the Faceless Man. He offered her the power 123
to take hold of her fate, and she accepted, becoming his
willing disciple and gaining the powers of a dark cleric of THE FACELESS MAN
Endroren. Aware that many would not appreciate her new-


The ominous figure known as the Faceless Man is
found patron, she cultivated allies with seductive questions
spoken of only in whispers. He appears as a cloaked
beginning with the words, “What if…?”
and hooded traveler and is only ever encountered
“What if you need not work so hard to eke out a meager
alone and at night. He takes his name from the
living?” she would say. “What if you did not grovel when a
fact that if one pulls back his hood, he has no face,
noble from Tristanford rode past? What if the crops were
simply a smooth surface of gray flesh, as if someone
always plentiful, the beasts always fertile, the market always
had wiped his features away with the palm of their
In the years that followed, she won over most of her
It is believed he is a servant of Endroren, perhaps
family and friends. Her nephew Corliss was a prominent
one of his fallen avatars, who appears and tempts
holdout, panicking the night she first revealed her powers
the weak and vulnerable with promises of power. He
during an animal sacrifice to Endroren. What was intended
shows them the paths to becoming a cleric of En-
to be the young man’s indoctrination became a disaster, as
droren, and unlocks the connection between the Dark
he broke the ritual circle, unwittingly freeing a corrupted
Lord and the chosen individual. Those who accept the
spirit Leticia had bound for the ceremony. It turned on the
gift gain the power to cast dark divine spells. They also
villagers with the vengeance of the damned, and so it was
begin the slow, destructive spiral down the path of
that the village’s end was written.
the Fallen.
Corliss fled, too horrified to go to the authorities. These
days he lives in Dunbury Village, a drunkard who does odd
jobs for a few coins and permission to sleep in someone’s
adventure seeds machinery
Retrieve the Book Gamemasters may reveal the story of The dwarves, led by Vida Drogenkett, rely on simple hand-
this evil place through Corliss during one of his drunk- or oxen-driven heavy machinery to do much of their work.
en rants. He reveals that Leticia Miller owned a book of This includes rock crushers to produce gravel as well as a
magic that still lies somewhere in the ruins. Adventurers noisy and frequently inoperative battery of stone-cutting
will know that such a book must be destroyed. To create a rotary saws. All of the machinery is powered by a sullen
race-against-time adventure, allow Korella Stalk to learn of troop of oxen and one fantastically strong and friendly
Corliss’s tale at the same time and seek to retrieve the ritual giant boar known as Buckingham.
book and knife herself. Should she successfully retrieve the During the day, up to eight oxen drive turnstiles that
book she will attempt to call the Harbinger atop Dunbury power a stone crusher, water pumps, and an array of stone
Hill on the next New Moon. The initial effort will fail, but saws, although no one machine operates for more than an
she may gain several levels as a cleric of Endroren and find hour or two at a time. The camp has enough oxen to oper-
herself in command of a small army of ghouls. ate two machines at once, but the dwarves typically do not

take advantage of this. When these machines are in action,

18 Drogenkett Quarry the noise is terrific. The stone crusher can be heard up to a
mile away, the screeching stone saws even farther.
After years of good luck, a team of dwarves grow complacent,
digging their quarry ever deeper without a thought to what buckingham
might lie below. Buckingham, the giant boar, becomes anxious if he sees
one of the turnstiles working and he is not part of the
Quality Modest Condition Average Population 21
team driving it. For that reason, he is always included
unless Vida has need of him elsewhere. Despite his gentle
Exterior and Encounter nature, Buckingham allows only Vida to ride him into
battle, which she does if the quarry comes under attack.
Beneath a cool gray cliff lies a deep pit. A spiral path
Anyone else attempting to climb aboard the boar, with
124 leads down to the edge of a small pool whose dark waters
or without his special saddle, must succeed at a DC 20
suggest great depth. Creaks and chugs like someone
Dexterity check each round to remain mounted as Buck-
working a large handpump come from a cube-shaped
ingham begins bucking wildly. After six rounds of bucking,
shack near the shore.
a rider who remains seated can attempt a DC 20 Wisdom

On the ridge surrounding the pit, several smaller

(Animal Handling) check to tame Buckingham enough
buildings stand around a long barracks. Among these,
that he permits the newcomer to ride him. This effect lasts
some outhouses, an ox paddock, and what looks to be a
only a day. Only Vida finds the boar’s name hilarious, and
mess hall are the easiest to identify. The others appear to
she watches newcomers closely to see who gets the joke.
be storage or work sheds. A path dividing the living and
She tends to like those who get the jest better than those
work quarters curves down the hillside and toward the
who don’t.
main road.
NPCs Vida Drogenkett (female dwarven fighter 4, age 56), The workers are predominantly dwarves, including Vida’s
Buckingham (giant boar) siblings, nieces, and nephews. In addition to the 15 dwarves
working at the site, there are three halflings, and two chee-
This quarry is the origin point for much of the blue-gray
bats who assist with maneuvering into tight crevices to cut
granite used in Dunbury Castle and its village, as well as
starting lines on large blocks.
exports down the Kouros River to large projects in Tristan-
ford. It is one of the only large single pit quarries in the
region. The dwarven proprietors are also skilled hydraulic
Goods and Services
The Drogenketts and their staff are mostly good natured,
engineers, and their machinery keeps all but the lowest lev-
although noticeably distrustful of humans thanks to some
els dry in the constant war against rain, seepage, and spring
business dealings that went sour a few years back. They
are unsurprisingly hostile toward bandits, bullies, and the
like. Because they are accustomed to dealing only with
their usual customers or their factors, they may require a
building of goodwill before agreeing to sell stone to new The low flatlands in the south of Dunburyscir provide
customers. In addition, the quarry is famous for producing barley and wheat for a dizzying variety of beers. Virtually
geodes, and they’re always will to sell these to travelers every household has its own brew, but even the best of
who come this far out of their way for the crystals. On any these is produced in such small batches that their fame
particular visit they have 4d4 good specimens available at seldom travels beyond their homestead or village. There are
any time, each at a price of 2d6 sp depending on quality. exceptions, and a few villages in the area make a business of
Vida makes a good deal for anyone who has brought beer brewing. Among the most famous of these is the village of
or spirits to trade. Occasionally a geode emerges that is Barleywine Ramble.
of high enough quality that it could be used to create an The Ramble a modest hillside estate surrounded by bar-
essence stone. ley, oat, and wheat fields, consists of a large family of hal-
flings supported by several farmsteads of human families. A
adventure seeds lone drothmal called Stormshield acts as night watcher and
Down the Drain Vida and her workers have grown com- heavy lifter, not to mention a powerful defender of his “little
placent. They’ve never hit a Deepland Hall in all the years friends,” as he refers to anyone under seven feet tall. The
of the quarry’s operation, and they’re convinced they never largest of the human lads finds this especially funny and
will. As such, they’ve dug far deeper than anyone normally treats the protective drothmal as an elder brother.
would this high in the Donarzheis Mountains. One day, a

The Ramble is known throughout the scir for its beauti-
huge block of stone tumbles down the side of the quarry, ful walkways that curve over and past hills, around ponds,
falls into the water, and strikes the bottom with tremendous and beside streams leading to the Kouros River. The path
force. The water in the pit begins to swirl, and two days lat- connecting to the nearest road is well-maintained and paved
er it is drained completely. An exploration of the pit at that in gravel. It leads to the large cellar under the brewery,
time reveals that the dwarves’ luck has run out. There is a where casks of every size are kept until ready for shipment.
tremendous crack where the stone struck, and peering into A nearby carriage house provides shelter and security for
the darkness the laborers spot a worked tunnel. Without four large wagons, and the nearest farm includes a stable for
question, they’ve inadvertently opened a new entrance to two dozen strong and well-trained draft horses.
the Deeplands. 125
The young farm hands also maintain the “dreamwalk”
path. They tend the numerous patches of flowers, care for
19 Barleywine Ramble the handful of birdbaths, and paint and repair the benches
A peaceful village where adventurers get a taste of the beauty placed in locations with particularly fine views or a river


and peace that attracted Creesis Vaun which is threatened breeze. It is a romantic place often visited by poets, painters,
today by the rising numbers of endrori. and young lovers who have heard tales of its beauty. It is
only a matter of time before the residents build an inn to
Quality Comfortable Condition Immaculate accommodate the many visitors who currently impose on
Population 47 the hospitality of the brewers.
The halflings, most of them members of the Grindelwell
Exterior family, are led by the venerable patriarch Osgood Wilford
Grindelwell of the Ramble, who adopted the “cask name”
Three poplar-crowned hilltops are capped with clusters of “Barleywine” decades ago. Indeed, their most famous prod-
halfling-sized houses and a huge central barn. A paved uct is a potent barley wine sold in fancy bottles. They also
lane leads from a large round double door at the base of produce several varieties of wheat and barley ales, as well as
that central hill. Walking paths wind around the sur- an oatmeal stout, all of them popular throughout the scir.
rounding hills and down toward the river, where willows They sell the ale and stout by the cask, in sizes as small as
steep their tresses in the current. Nearby farmsteads a pin to as large as a hogshead—the latter for shipment to
stand amid grain fields, and a few paddocks and barns Tristanford taverns.
make homes for livestock. Captain Brazewhite has an unofficial agreement with the
Grindelwell family where a castle patrol passes by the estate
NPCs Osgood Wilford Grindelwell of the Ramble (male every few days to warn off raiders tempted to steal their
halfling craftsperson, age 112), Stormshield (male drothmal beer. In return, the brewers offer a substantial discount to
barbarian 3, age 22) the castle quartermaster.
Goods and Services 20 Coffin Village
The Barleywine brewery constantly produces their five core
varieties of beer, but gamemasters—especially those fond A seemingly abandoned village with rumors of hauntings
of beer or perhaps who brew their own—should feel free that is in fact the cover for a burgeoning resistance movement
to add rotating seasonal beers with names reflected in their against Warden Balewick’s power grab.
local or homemade beers. Quality Modest Condition Ruins (Average) Population 38
barleywine brews
Label Price per Pint1
Highsummer Wheat Ale 4 cp A weed-strewn lane leads through a small collection of
Riverside Dark Ale 5 cp thatched roof cottages. Shutters hang loose like droop-
Ramble Bitter 6 cp ing eyelids, while doors stand open or lie broken on the
Oatcake Stout 6 cp ground. The place looks abandoned, but the more unusual

Dreamwalker Barleywine 13 sp/bottle aspect of the village is the surprising number of weath-
er-beaten coffins. A few lay on a wagon, but others stand
1. Unless otherwise noted, pricing is for a draw off the keg and does not include the
cost of bottles, barrels, or other containers. up against walls or lie on their sides in neglected gardens.
One coffin rests prominently in the middle of the
adventure seeds buildings. Upon it sits a gray human skull, a red candle
Raising the Wall After a series of shocking attacks by melted on its crown. Painted on the coffin lid beside it are
goblins, the Grindelwells agree to something previously un- the words, “Damned be ye who move my bones.”
thinkable; building a wall around the village. To ensure the
wall meets their needs both in terms of strength and aes- Everyone in the region has heard of the Coffin Village, and
thetics, they seek the services of a famed halfling engineer all know it as a haunted place. Rumor says that the villagers
from Tristanford. Unfortunately, she will only come north were stricken by a sudden plague. So many lost their lives in
126 if the Grindelwells send a compliment of skilled warriors the first weeks alone, that every able-bodied person helped
to guard her on the journey. To this end, they turn to the build coffins for the dead and dying. Yet something drove
adventurers to bring the engineer safely north. away the remaining villagers, causing them to abandon their

ABOVE | Welcome to Coffin Village, by Russell Marks

Some say it was the spirits of those who had died yet nels (as well as the happy and healthy lost child being cared
had not been buried promptly. Others say it was an endrori for by the villagers). Now they must decide whether to
warband who slaughtered the survivors and carried off their keep Coffin Village’s secret or to turn the rebels over to the
bodies for meat. Still others, usually after a fourth pint of authorities at Dunbury Castle. Adventurers who prove they
ale or slug of spirits, whisper that the culprits were wild fey are worthy of trust will receive the friendship of the rebels
assassins sent to gain revenge for the depredations of The and may even find themselves recruited into this burgeon-
Wolf so long ago. ing resistance movement.

the secret of coffin village

The truth about Coffin Village is an open secret among
21 Haunted Village
many collaborators in the region, a truth never shared A burned village that is home to a haunted doll that may
with authority figures or strangers. Around the time many plague curious adventurers who foolishly take it with them.
younger villagers left to seek their fortunes in Tristanford
Quality Modest Condition Ruins Population 0
or at Dunbury Castle, several of the remaining residents
did succumb to illness. The survivors, loyal to the old duke,
joined forces with the region’s smugglers and bandits in an
effort to resist the efforts of Warden Balewick to take con-

Blackened foundations and a few ashy timbers are all
trol. They left the coffins, skull, warning rhyme, and other
that remain of what was once a modest hamlet. A few
trappings of a haunting to frighten off the curious. In truth,
bones jut out of the rain-blended ashes: the ribcage of a
they have turned their cellars into a safe house for fugitives
dog, the hip bone of a human or elf, and a few scattered
from the Warden and stolen goods. To the outside world,
finger or toe bones.
the town appears a ruin, but the parts actually in use are
completely livable (Condition Average).
The orcs who razed this community took everything of
Four of the houses conceal trap doors leading to cellars.
value and left no trace of the residents’ identities, at least
All are trapped with strings that ring a bell in each of the
none that the next thunderstorm didn’t eradicate. The evil 127
other cellars to warn of intruders (Detect DC 15, Disable
committed here has left the ruins with Ambient Corruption
DC 10). Timber-supported tunnels connect the cellars
(1). Those with essence sense may detect this as soon as
to each other, and four individual escape routes lead to
they arrive, and the evil aura may have a negative impact on
concealed doors (Detect DC 17). One is hidden beneath a
spells and magic items as described in the World of Aetal-


nearby tree stump, a second under “stone” made of plastered
tis: Gamemaster’s Guide.
canvas, and the last two doors are simple trap doors covered
Adventurers who search the place find only an oddly
in leaves and grass.
unburned rag doll sitting in the outline of what might once
On any particular visit, there’s a 25% chance the hide-
have been a bed. No tracks lead to or from the doll, yet it
outs contain goods stolen from river barges or merchant
appears to have been left there only recently. It is a sim-
wagons, usually food, drink, wool, or other items useful to
ple toy with button eyes, yarn hair, and a flowered dress.
the poor. When the stolen property is present, so are 2d3
Stitched across its backside is the word Daisy.
outlaws (chaotic good bandits) who act as guards. If there
are no stolen goods to guard, there’s only a 25% chance 1d4 doshana and daisy
bandits are present, meeting to exchange information or Anyone disturbing the doll between dusk and dawn invokes
to lie low after a theft or prison break. If faced with strong the ghost of Doshana, an eight-year-old human girl who
intruders, the bandits scatter and flee. perished during the raid. The ghost immediately attempts
If arrested and returned to Dunbury Castle, any of these to possess a character within ten feet of the doll, preferably
steal-from-the-rich outlaws is likely to have escaped within a female human. If successful, she scolds the others pres-
three days. If treated well by their captors, the outlaws ent for failing to protect the villagers. “You call yourselves
might return the favor, should the tables be turned later. heroes?!” the possessed person screams along with other
childish admonitions before releasing the victim.
adventure seeds Anyone carrying the doll away from the village suffers the
Meet the Resistance While searching for a missing child,
ghost’s curse as described in the doll’s description below.
the adventurers follow the trail to Coffin Village. After
some investigation, they discover the secret network of tun-
Discarding or destroying the doll (even while dispelled) has no
lasting effect. The doll reappears the next time the character begins
Sense DC 17 Analyze DC 15 Slot NA Attunement No
a long rest, either nestled in a backpack or suddenly appearing as a
Rarity Unique Price NA Weight 1 lb. Corruption 1
pillow when the adventurer lies down. The only way to be rid of the
DESCRIPTION doll without destroying it or appeasing the ghost is to return it to the
Daisy is a cursed item bound to the ghost of an eight-year-old place in the village where it was found.
human girl named Doshana who burned alive hiding under her
bed when orcs destroyed her home village. Anyone that carries 22 Monastery of Adversity
Daisy beyond the boundaries of the ruined village where it is found
In a difficult to reach mountain location sits a small monastery
becomes the focus of the item’s curse.
dedicated to Droth, the Enaros of Adversity, where adventurers
The first night after removing the doll, when the character finds
may find both training and shelter.
themself alone and preparing for sleep, Doshana’s ghost appears
to the character. The ghost materializes and says, “Tell me a story.” Quality Modest Condition Average Population 20
Only the cursed character can see or hear Doshana. Those with

essence sense may sense her presence (DC 15) and those with Exterior
essence sight may actually see the ghost’s essence form, but only
the cursed character can hear her. From a great distance, one might mistake this stone struc-
If the character does anything other than tell her a story, she ture for part of the rocky cliffs of the Donarzheis Moun-
remains there, staring woefully at the character, and repeating the tains. Indeed, the foundation is built upon solid bedrock,
phrase, “Tell me a story,” until sunrise. If the character fails to tell her and the walls are of the same material as the surrounding
a story, they are unable to gain the benefits of a long rest that night stone. The construction seems intentionally designed for
or at any time during daylight hours the following day. camouflage, until one sees the ornate carvings on the great
If the character tells her a story, the type of story they tell entrance doors. Reinforced with iron bands, the carved
determines the outcome. Those who tell a story in which someone wood displays an image of Droth in combat with Endroren.
is rescued or overcomes adversity by themself may make a DC 10 Behind these central images, hundreds of tiny figures repre-
Charisma (Performance) check. On a success, Doshana says, “That’s sent a battle between the forces of the enari and the endrori.
just what I needed to hear. I can sleep now.” She vanishes, never to
be seen again and Daisy becomes a normal doll with no corruption. During the day, the main gates stand open. Acolytes and
On a failure, or if the character tells any other type of story, monks go out to gather wood and water. In spring and sum-

Doshana attacks once with her withering touch action, then with mer, they also tend crops in terraced gardens nearby. Weekly,
her Horrifying Visage. “I hope you have nightmares!” she screams a pair of hunters will also head out into the hills and return
before vanishing from both the Physical and Essential Planes. with a deer or other wild game. Occasionally, a group of six
Indeed, the character suffers horrible nightmares and cannot gain go out to hunt boar. Unless the monks are threatened, they
the benefit of a long rest for 24 hours. Doshana returns the next respond politely to those who approach them. Those who
night, once more asking for a story. express a wish to visit the monastery are cautioned that the
Passive or active examination of the doll using essence sense abbot is not permitting new acolytes, but anyone traveling
may detect that it is magical (DC 17) but even with the use of spells, so far from the river is permitted to remain for one night,
the precise nature of the magic is impossible to discern. Successful sharing the monks’ food.
checks to dispel the magic (DC 17) only block the haunting effects
for 24 hours after which time they resume. Interior
Destroying the ghost ends the curse and turns the doll back into
a normal doll, but the characters will need to destroy the ghost The interior of the monastery is arrayed in two concen-
quickly since it disappears after taking its first action as described tric squares with a central courtyard. Wooden practice
above. Each night when the ghost reappears, it returns at full hit dummies mutely guard the training grounds. A kitchen
points. Also, destroying the soul of the child is an inherently evil act, and dining hall stand to the west, small sleeping cells to the
and whoever strikes the killing blow must make a DC 17 Wisdom east. To the north is a reception room flanked by the abbot’s
saving throw vs Corruption or suffer one point of corruption. If the quarters on one side and a guarded armory on the other.
ghost is destroyed, the doll loses its magical properties, but unlike
resolving the curse, the doll remains a corrupted item. NPCs Abbot Omnok (male drothmal monk 10, age 42)
The monks are led by Abbot Omnok, a clanless drothmal
who now sees the brothers and sisters of the monastery as
23 Leegen’s Hold
his clan. His history and relationship with his former clan A poor farming community on the edge of disaster but about to
are left to the gamemaster to develop or ignore. His role see their fortunes change for the better--if they can survive the
in the region is to provide a home and training for those challenges that come with their newfound wealth.
who do not shy from adversity. The teaching he offers is a
Quality Poor Condition Average Population 30
version of the Drothmalen Code. It is a course of learning
not for the faint of heart, meant to strengthen the mind and
body through repeated adversity.
The current residents of the monastery include six
A handful of rundown cottages and faded farm buildings
drothmal and another halfdozen humans, along with two
cluster together like scared rabbits beside a rocky creek
dwarves, two cheebat, two halflings, one elf, and one sprite.
in the shadows of the Donarzheis Mountains. The
Most are 1st level monks, but two of the drothmal are 5th
relatively open land surrounding the buildings is covered
level monks, and one of the humans is a 4th level monk;
by plowed fields and pastures, but none of these seem
these three elder monks take charge of the training and
particularly productive.
distribution of chores. A few recent recruits still have the

statistics of laborers, but Omnok will soon harden them.
The tiny village of Leegen’s Hold is just scraping by. The
The armory contains two dozen spears and bows, along
farmers produce barely enough to feed the people, the
with 200 arrows. It also includes up to six weapons of any
sheep keep falling victim to predators, and a number of
type the gamemaster deems appropriate—the favored
the younger residents abandoned the village to go live in
weapon of any adventurer monk must surely be among
Thornwall. The remaining residents are poor, exhausted,
them. Only the elder students are permitted to open the ar-
and, thanks to their trials, generally ornery.
mory. It is not locked, but a junior acolyte stands on guard
at all times. adventure seeds
While the ethos of the Monastery of Adversity is lawful Dwarf King’s Gold While washing their clothes in the 129
neutral, about half of the monks tend toward good. There nearby creek, the people of Leegen’s Hold make a startling
may be one or two bad apples as roleplaying opportunities, discovery. Gold! The villagers start panning the river and
and the gamemaster may reveal these upon repeat visits. discover they can extract a decent amount of gold from the
Should the adventurers aid the monks, perhaps in a nearby icy mountain waters. For the first time since the village’s


random encounter or by visiting soon after defeating one of founding, it looks like Leegen’s Hold has a chance to sur-
the endrori warbands in the area, they may earn the abbot’s vive. When a group of local bandits hear about the village’s
favor. newfound wealth, however, they decide to help themselves
to a share of the profit. Even worse, the source of the gold
adventure seeds is a vein that runs through a forgotten dwarven mine high
Blessings of Droth When one or more of the characters
in the mountains to the northwest, a mine that connects
needs to atone for past deeds, perhaps due to acquired
directly to an unwarded Deepland hall.
corruption or a dark transgression, they are sent to Omnok
to guide them in their meditations. He leads the characters
through a series of increasingly difficult trials meant to 24 Bottleman’s Ferry
cleanse their spirit, strengthen their body, and clear their An important river crossing the adventurers are likely to fre-
mind. quent during their travels, and an opportunity to befriend the
ferry’s owner.
Omnok’s Last Stand Omnok recognizes that the end of his
life is near. He wishes to die gloriously in battle against the Quality Comfortable Condition Average Population 3-5
endrori, not lying in his bed. Having chosen his successor,
perhaps one of the heroes if appropriate, he asks the adven- Exterior and Encounter
turers to join him in a difficult assault on a known endrori
stronghold so that he might engage the endrori leader in The road curves down to the river’s edge where solidly
single battle. built docks extend into the river from each bank. There
is a boat moored at each dock and a third is in the pro-
cess of crossing the river. A small stone building, large traveling to or from the farmlands on the east side of the
enough for a few people to sit inside, stands beside each Kouros. His prices are fair, just 2 cp per foot or hoof, and
dock. Signs on their walls read Bottleman’s Ferry and 5 cp per wagon wheel, and his boats are always safe. Each
provide a list of prices. On a scenic bluff overlooking one has an assigned guard in addition to a skilled pilot.
the river on the west bank is a large one-story house All the ferries run during the day, but only a single ferry
built from fieldstone. Flower beds and gardens sur- runs after sunset.
round it, and rocking chairs on the wide porch provide
a perfect view of the ferry crossing below. adventure seeds
Kidnapped! A band of river rats hear a rumor that Alvin
NPCs Alvin Bottleman of Winterdown (male halfling has thousands in silver and gold hidden somewhere in
craftsperson, age 57) the hills overlooking the river. Late one night, they sneak
up to his home and kidnap him, hauling him back to
About 25 years back, a young halfling bottlemaker named their lair. There they interrogate him, demanding he
Alvin Bottleman came north from Tristanford to prove reveal the location of his treasure if he wants to live. The

he didn’t need his wealthy family to make his name in the next morning, when Alvin’s staff arrive for work, they
world. Having learned the family craft of glassblowing, he discover his ransacked home. They send word to Dun-
planned to travel to Dunbury Village, set up a bottlemak- bury Castle for help, but it could be a day or more before
ing shop, and establish himself as the premier bottlemaker anyone responds. If Alvin is going to survive, he needs
of the far north. He imagined himself selling bottles to help now!
every brewer and vintner in the northlands and building a
bottlemaking empire of his very own.
Sadly, that is not what fate had in store for him. It
25 Thornwall
turned out the northlands weren’t nearly as civilized as A good-sized town in the mountains northwest of Dunbury
he’d been led to believe, and no one really needed many castle, where the late Duke Creesis Vaun’s summer hunting
bottles. At best, he could sell enough to keep his belly lodge is located.
full, but his dreams of a bottlemaking empire were shat- Quality Modest Condition Average Population 3500
Fed up and miserable, he sold all his equipment to a Thornwall is an unusually large town for its remote
glassmaker in Thornwall and used the money to buy location, thanks to serving for years as the place where

a small boat. He might have to return to Tristanford a Duke Creesis Vaun spent his summer. It features a fine
failure, but he didn’t have to walk the whole way. On his tavern, a large temple, and numerous merchants. It’s role
way south, he stopped for lunch at an old dock he found in the setting is to serve as an initial base of operations
extending from the eastern bank into the Kouros. While for adventurers just starting their campaign. We touch on
he was docked there, a man with a wagonload of flour a few minor features here, but a detailed description of
approached and asked if he was the new ferryman. Alvin Thornwall and its surroundings are found in The Heroes
said no. As it turned out, the old ferryman had died in an of Thornwall, a companion book to this one.
accident a week earlier. The man with the wagon offered
Alvin a silver if he’d take his load of flour to meet another 25 a Drell’s Cottage
wagon on the far side of the river.
Alvin accepted, and in that moment Bottleman’s Ferry The isolated home of Drell (male human hunter, age 37)
was born. Seeing his opportunity not to return home a hunter well-known to the residents of Thornwall and
worse off than he’d left, Alvin set up shop in the old ferry- those living in the surrounding countryside. His personal-
man’s hut and went into business. He only planned to stay ity is rough, but he’s extremely skillful at his trade. He also
until he’d recovered his losses, but he managed that within knows the wild hills and forests around Thornwall better
a year, and 25 years on he’s a wealthy man. than almost anyone else.
Alvin lives happily alone in a fine stone cottage on a
hill overlooking the river. He runs three ferryboats and
his service is the primary means of crossing for anyone
25 b Temple of Modren 25 d The Hidden
This once forgotten Deepland complex was an important Elloriyan Court
temple to Modren, Enaros of the Forge, before the fall of In a heavily wooded, high mountain valley is a secret Ello-
the Deeplands to Endroren’s Dark Hordes. It is completely riyan court ruled by an elven woman named Elloridan Dre-
unknown to the people of the region, but it is rediscovered swyn. Unknown to either the people of Vaun or Dreswyn’s
when an orc spellcaster named An’Gras uses dark magic to court, for years Elloridan Dreswyn and Duke Cressis Vaun
violently break the seal that protects it. carried on a secret love affair, arranging illicit rendezvous
in the forests outside of Thornwall under the guise of the
25 c Thimble Peak duke’s annual hunting trips. The duke carried the secret of
Dreswyn and her court with him to the grave, and to this
In life, Duke Creesis Vaun forbade hunting, trapping, or day Dreswyn and her subjects are unknown to the people
logging in any of the forests west and north of Thornwall of the scir.
on a north south line running through this peak. He never
explained his reasons, but the secret purpose was to protect
the hidden fey court located in the high mountain valley to
the west.

ABOVE | Sunset in Thornwall, by Patrick Bettag






tugged at his arm. Griffon could move as quickly
as she, but he couldn’t shake the feeling there was
something more dangerous than foresters nearby. Something
Ellma came back and took his arm again, but this time he
was the one to pull her. Without a word, he put his hand on
her shoulder and knelt on the ground. She knelt beside him.
Her little round teeth looked like pearls in the moonlight as she
grimaced a wordless question.
Far above them, a bird cried. It might have been the hunting Griffon searched the sky until he spotted it. An enormous
keen of a hawk, but for the note of almost human panic in the bird flew high above them. Not a bird, he realized. It was far
sound. larger than the greatest eagle he had ever seen. Rather than the
All the hairs on Griffon’s arms and the nape of his neck stood distinctive feathered tail of a bird of prey, feline haunches and a
up, straight and sharp as sewing pins. twitching tail trailed the wings.

ABOVE | The Faceless Man is Pleased, by Russell Marks

“Good omen,” whispered Ellma. Her grimace became a
winsome smile as she pointed at Griffon’s chest as if to say, “It’s
A Reason to Fight
you.” Most players come to the game table to tell a story about
He shook his head and pointed again. heroes. Overcoming adversity to defeat the forces of evil
Two other flyers swooped toward the griffon. These were no makes for exciting encounters, but if there is nothing at
birds. A glance was all it took to identify their draconic traits. stake, it’s just bloodsport. To tell a story of heroism, the
Judging by their size, Griffon could tell they were children, not hero needs something more.
even proper dragons. Wyrmlings. This “something more” often takes the form of the
The griffon veered away to avoid a collision with its attacker, NPCs with which the characters interact. The richer and
but the dive was a ploy to force retreat. From the other side, more fully realized your NPCs, the more meaningful they
the second wyrmling swept in. From its open mouth poured a become to the characters. It’s hard to get too worked up if
miasma darker than the clouds. Town Guard #32 dies at the hands of goblins. It’s anoth-
The griffon banked, avoiding all but the edge of the vapor. er thing entirely when Reinald, the guard the characters
Drawing its wings close to its body, it rolled to one side. Open- shared a drink with at the tavern two nights earlier, dies
ing its wings with a snap audible even to those on the ground, it trying to save his beloved dog from a pair of slavering
changed course, surprising the poison-spewing dragon. goblins.
Leonine claws raked the little dragon’s flank, sending a vis- For most of the NPCs in this book, we provide a little

ible trail of blood across the clouds. The wyrmling’s agonized information in the area descriptions, but not much more.
bugling sounded even more pitiable than the griffon’s cry for It’ll be up to the gamemaster, and in large part the players,
help. to decide which of the supporting cast should get a more
The griffon banked again, diving with terrific speed. Within detailed story in characters’ encounters.
seconds it had put its two would-be killers far behind. There are, however, a number of NPCs that loom large
Ellma squeezed Griffon’s arm. “See? Very good omen.” throughout the book. In this chapter, we provide additional
Griffon tried smiling back at her, but something still troubled background, details, and personality traits for these more
him. He couldn’t shake the feeling of a greater danger, some- important NPCs from Dunbury Castle and the surround-
ing countryside. We also provide Fifth Edition compatible 133
thing much worse than a pair of wyrmlings.
The griffon’s shriek sent a thrill of terror through his veins. It stat blocks to help the gamemaster to make use of them
continued for a second or two before Griffon could find its posi- within the context of the rules.
tion. There, almost white in the moonlight, a far larger dragon

clutched the griffon in its massive rear talons and tore away its Common Folk
wings with its foreclaws. Feathers and blood rained down as the The NPCs are presented here in the way one might expect
wyrmlings trumpeted the arrival of their parent. Before they to encounter them on a typical night at the tavern or
could reach their prey, the older dragon bit through the griffon’s outfitted as they might be while engaged in their primary
neck, ending its cries, its struggle, and its life. occupation. They aren’t carrying every piece of equipment
Griffon crouched paralyzed with terror. Gradually the they own, and they definitely aren’t carrying more than a
numbness gave way to the realization that Ellma’s grip had cut bit of spending money. Some own martial weapons and
off the circulation in his arm. He stroked her hand. When that armor, but unless soldiering is their primary occupation,
failed to loosen her grip, he gently pulled at her fingers until she it is a rare occasion that calls for their hauling gear out of
snapped out of her own rictus of fear and horror. storage.
They remained low to the ground, holding each other and None of these characters are adventurers. Even the
gradually remembering how to breathe. As the feeling returned characters who are members of the military are just normal
to Griffon’s bloodless hand, he patted Ellma on the shoulder to folks. Many are extremely capable and most are quite
signal it was time to go. brave, but only a few are equipped psychologically to face
He didn’t need to voice his thought. the things an adventurer faces. They will fight for their
That was not a good omen. home, but they won’t go looking to battle the forces of
Warden Oswald Balewick his audience and has a knack for “speaking the language”
of whomever he addresses. He truly believes he can make
Of course, I don’t want you to do anything illegal. I sim- Agthor a great kingdom from which he can launch a unify-
ply want you to apply a modicum of pressure to ensure ing invasion of the Free Kingdoms, overcome the Eastern
that he properly understands our expectations. Marches, and unite the entire region into a single dynasty.
Balewick never engages in combat or physical labor. He
Oswald Balewick, a 58-year-old human of noble birth, is
has servants for that.
the Warden of Vaun. Wardens are charged with managing
the duchy’s forests and woodlands. They ensure proper use
of the land and see that the duke’s laws are enforced. Their
will is carried out by the foresters. Normally, a warden visits Warden Oswald Balewick
each forester once or twice per year. Since the death of the Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
duke, however, Warden Balewick has been in New Erinor,
vying for the ducal seat. While not usually present at Dun- Armor Class 10

bury Castle, Warden Oswald Balewick has a powerful and Hit Points 9 (2d8)

oppressive effect on the fortress and its inhabitants. Speed 30 ft.

Since the death of Duke Creesis, Balewick has devoted STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
his unlikely charm, low cunning, and criminal leverage to 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
gain support among the nobles of New Erinor. His goal is
Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5
not only to be named the next Duke of Vaun, but to use the
Senses passive Perception 12
dukedom as his springboard to even greater power, eventu-
Languages Common (L), Agthorian (L),
ally transforming Agthor into a more traditional kingdom
Common (Warrener) (L)
with himself as the absolute monarch.
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Of course, this goal must remain secret until he has
seduced, blackmailed, and otherwise extracted the support Goodwill As a boon, the Warden will have a single crime
134 of the fractious nobles of New Erinor. In the meantime, overlooked, no matter how heinous, as long as the crime
Balewick neglects his duties as Warden and employs his benefited the Warden.
most loyal and unscrupulous foresters in tasks ranging from
masquerading as bandits to murdering those rumored to be
Rapier Melee Weapon Attack:

heirs to the late duke.

+3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Balewick exaggerates the threat posed by the Free King-
one target. Hit: 5
doms and the Kingdoms of the Eastern Marches, and he
(1d8 + 1) piercing
plays upon the xenophobic fears of Agthor’s least admirable
human population. Barely tolerant of dwarves, Balewick
blames the fey and other non-human races for everything
from poor crops to robberies, murders, and raids on farm-
steads. The actual perpetrators are his most corrupt foresters.
Father to three sons and two daughters, each more
corrupt and incompetent to the last, Balewick has maneu-
vered his offspring into military, church, and government
positions from which they can aid his ambitions. He will
not hesitate to sacrifice any one of them should their own
corruption come to light.
Balewick stands six-feet, two-inches tall. He conceals his
balding pate under an embroidered skull cap, allowing the
curly sides and back of his hair to suggest he still boasts
a full head of golden hair. He keeps his face clean-shaven
since his beard turned gray. He has put on weight since the
duke’s death, since fear that someone will reveal his machi-
nations causes him to overeat. He adjusts his speech to suit
Capta1n Elaris Brazewhite Brazewhite never uses the whisk for discipline, but seeing
it reminds the veterans of her forces of an occasion on
I don’t care if you have to arm the stableboys. which she disarmed an orc war chief with it before forc-
Find a squad and get over to that village. ing him to sound a retreat at sword’s point. She seldom
Those people need help now. attempts such an action for fear of failing before witnesses,
but what she has never realized is that the magic weapon
Elaris Brazewhite, a 42-year-old human military veteran,
significantly increases her chances of success when used to
has commanded Dunbury Castle for the past nine years.
disarm. If asked about the weapon, she explains that it was
At first, her diligence and head for military tactics made
a gift from an old friend. Ordinarily she says no more, but
a noticeable improvement on the lives of the surrounding
should a character eventually become close friends with the
farmsteads and villages. Since the duke’s death, however,
captain, she explains that her “old friend” was an elf with
dwindling support from Tristanford and increasing bandit
whom she shared adventures in the Spiderwood when they
and endrori raids have made her efforts a losing battle. It
were both young.
pains her each time she must refuse a call for assistance
from Thornwall or another town. She simply doesn’t have
enough soldiers to patrol the entire region as she would like.
Money is not the only problem. Since Warden Oswald
Captain Elaris Brazewhite

Balewick has risen to power, Brazewhite finds many of her
Medium humanoid (human), neutral good
reasonable requests refused by an increasingly incompe-
tent and corrupt bureaucracy. In truth, Balewick and his Armor Class 17 (splint)
allies intentionally confound her efforts so that the people Hit Points 58 (9d8+18)
of Vaun will find themselves increasingly desperate for a Speed 30 ft.
unifying savior—himself, of course.
Brazewhite stands five-feet ten-inches tall. She is lean
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
with muscle and wears her dark hair in a rakish bob. She
does nothing to hide her many visible scars and boasts that Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3 135
none of them are on her back. She never wears jewelry or Senses passive Perception 13
other ornament, and when she is not in formal uniform, she Languages Common (L), Agthorian (L), Feyen
dresses as plainly as any private in the castle. On rare occa- Challenge 3 (700 XP)

sion, she drinks with the soldiers. If persuaded to have
Goodwill As a boon, Brazewhite may authorize a
more than one pint, she becomes
one-time 400 sp equipment requisition.
bawdy and prone to telling old
stories about the border wars. ACTIONS
Captain Brazewhite wields Multiattack Brazewhite makes two longsword
an ancient dwarven blade attacks. If she has her fly whisk Brazewhite’s
called the Light of Vengeance Glory drawn, she may also make an attack
that she claimed from a fallen with the whisk.
bandit leader. Where the ban- Light of Vengeance Melee Weapon
dit acquired such a weapon is a Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar-
mystery. get. Hit: 7 (1d8+5) radiant damage.
Brazewhite also carries a white-
Brazewhite’s Glory Melee Weapon At-
gold-colored hair whisk, which she normal-
tack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
ly uses as a fly-whisk. She calls it Glory and says the
Hit: Special (See item below).
whisk is made of the tail of a beautiful palomino horse
and that the handle is bone covered in leather. She has
looked beneath the leather grip, however, and knows it is
formed of a unicorn’s horn. She suspects the same
creature’s tail forms the whisk itself but does not
advertise that suspicion for fear that someone will
try to steal it.
Lieutenant Janny Vance
For the glory of Agthor!
Sense DC 11 Analyze DC 16 Slot Hand Attunement Yes
Rarity Rare Price 12,000 sp Weight 1 lb. The third child of a noble human family whose influence
DESCRIPTION in Tristanford has waned since the duke’s death, 36-year-
This item appears to be an ornate (aristocratic quality) longsword old Janny Vance requested a post at Dunbury after a
hilt of dwarven make that is missing its blade. While grasping the chance encounter allowed her to witness Captain Braze-
hilt, Brazewhite can use a bonus action to cause a blade of pure white’s victory over a notorious bandit chief. Ever since,
radiance to spring into existence, or make the blade disappear. Janny has been hopelessly devoted to Elaris, and there is
While the blade exists, this magic longsword has the finesse widespread speculation that their relationship is more
property. than professional. The truth of that relationship is left to
Brazewhite gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made the gamemaster, who may wish to complicate matters if a
with this weapon, which deals radiant damage instead of slashing player character becomes enamored of either the captain or
the lieutenant.

damage. When she hits an undead or endrori with it, that target
takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage. Note that no one other than Captain Brazewhite and,
The sword’s luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot radius much less often, Sergeant Hodge, call Vance by her given
and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light is sunlight, and it name. If asked, she says her first name is “Lieutenant.”
affects endrori accordingly. While the blade persists, she may use Lieutenant Vance stands six-feet, two-inches tall and has
an action to expand or reduce its radius of bright and dim light by exceptionally broad shoulders and prominent biceps. She
5 feet each, to a maximum of 30 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet is seldom seen outside of her ancestral armor and military
each. tunic, but on occasion she dons a blue or green gown and
dazzles the troops at a ball or festival. The bravest among
BRAZEWHITE’S GLORY them joke that Vance must have a twin sister she keeps in
her closet with the dresses. She keeps one side of her head
Sense DC 17 Analyze DC 13 Slot Hand Attunement Yes
136 shaved short and sculpted with shapes suggesting flames,
Rarity Uncommon Price 5000 sp Weight 1 lb.
but the rest of her hair is so long that she can hide the
DESCRIPTION flourish when she chooses (as when she dons her gowns).
This item appears as a finely made (wealthy quality) fly whisk. The She visits the barbers (C8a) for “the treatment” twice a

hair appears at first glance to be white-gold horsehair, but in fact it month, and she will be devastated should she ever learn that
is unicorn tail. The handle of the whisk is a unicorn horn wrapped in Moraine is a spy, for she has confided many of her personal
a strip of white dragon hide. feelings in her barber.
When used in combat, it is treated as a martial weapon. On a Lieutenant Vance commands great respect among the
successful hit, it does not cause damage but rather the hairs twist soldiers, who obey her orders without question. She often
uncannily around the enemy’s weapon, and the enemy must make leads sorties personally, directing combat from the vantage
a DC 15 Wisdom save against the magic of the whisk. On a success, of her warhorse, Zebulon, who tends to nip at anyone other
the hairs slide free, there is no effect, and the whisk may not be than soldiers in uniform. While Vance tends to direct the
used against that enemy again for 24 hours. fight from horseback, firing her heavy crossbow at attackers
On a failed save, the weapon is pulled from the enemy’s hand who threaten to surround her troops, she does not hesitate
and sent flying 5 feet to the left or right. to dismount and cut a swathe through the foe with her
vicious greatsword, which she has named Evelyn after an
unrequited love.
Lieutenant Vance
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good

Armor Class 18 (plate)

Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2

Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common (L), Agthorian (L)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Goodwill As a boon, Lieutenant Vance will arrange for the

characters to receive their choice of assignment, patrol, or
mission one time when duties are handed out.

Multiattack Vance makes two melee attacks.

Greatsword Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Heavy Crossbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 100/400 ft.,

one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage. 137
Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest) For 1 minute, Vance can utter a special command or warning whenever a
nonhostile creature that she can see within 30 feet of her makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its
roll provided it can hear and understand Vance. A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if

Vance is incapacitated.

Parry Vance adds 2 to her AC against one melee attack that would hit her. To do so, she must see the attacker and be wielding a
melee weapon.

Mother Belenne
No need to fuss so. Lie still, let me do my work,
12-year-old Otred Stokes, she also cures wounds and oth-
and you’ll be fine. How about a story to take
erwise fortifies the residents of Dunbury Castle with divine
your mind off things?
Presiding over the castle’s chapel is a 43-year-old former Before invoking the power of the Enaros, however,
military veteran who turned to religious studies after a Belenne usually administers natural healing with her
battle injury cost the human woman the use of her legs. medicine skill. To that end, she tends an herb garden that
Mother Belenne conducts religious ceremonies every morn- provides both cures and flavorful additions to the culinary
ing and evening, with grander rituals on holy days. Assisted dishes of her good friend Tranahk, whom she visits each
by her young acolytes, the teen orphan Jerome Wulf and day for tea and gossip.
Belenne’s wheelchair allows her to visit any ground-floor Brazewhite, she ceased her teasing. After Foley fell into an
area in the castle, and on occasion she asks a couple of obvious sulk, however, she resumed her jibes and his mood
soldiers to conduct her to the village on a wagon, where she rose considerably.
suns herself and fishes on the village docks. She is a poor While she is not pitiless, Belenne reserves her divine
fisher but a champion storyteller, always returning with magic for residents of the castle and village. Visitors
a slightly different tale of the one that got away. who wish to benefit from her spellcasting are
While not officially an officer, Belenne is expected to donate to the “window fund,”
treated with great respect by all non-dwarf which she hopes will one day allow her
castle residents. She, along to replace the very expensive broken
with Master Foley, is always stained-glass image of Modren. In
invited to advise Captain practice, those funds almost always go
Brazewhite on castle affairs. instead to the castle’s general coffers,
She often playfully corrects since the stronghold suffers more bud-
Foley, whom she alone address- get tightening with every passing season.

es as “my dear Archibald,” on While Belenne is an effective combatant

minor points of history and with her spells, when facing non-mon-
geography. A few years earlier, strous opponents, she always employs her
at the suggestion of Captain wand of paralysis.

Mother Belenne
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good
Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Spellcasting Mother Belenne is a 5th-level spellcaster.
Speed 25 ft. (wheelchair) Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hit with spell attacks). She has the following cleric spells

10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) prepared.

Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy

Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +4
Senses passive Perception 13 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, sanctuary
Languages Common (L), Agthorian (L), Enooric (L) 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, spirit guardians
Special Equipment Steel holy symbol of Lensae, wand of
Goodwill As a boon, Mother Belenne is willing to administer
healing of standard injuries to the entire party at no cost
Divine Eminence As a bonus action, Mother Belenne can or give them shelter in the temple living chambers for one
expend a spell slot to cause her melee weapon attacks to night.
magically deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target
on a hit. This benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If she ex-
Mace Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
pends a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage
Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
Chief Smith Rudmilla
“Three-Hands” Sturrenkett
Can you hear it? The steel sings when you strike it right.
Yes, this will be a fine blade indeed. Rudmilla Sturrenkett
While officially a sergeant, 62-year-old Rudmilla disdains Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral good

military ranks and insists on being addressed as “Chief.” The Armor Class 12 (leather)
dwarven woman maintains a gruff demeanor with soldiers Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
and others who come to her for work, but she has a soft spot Speed 25 ft.
for charismatic younger men who stand much taller than her
own height of four-foot three-inches. The current object of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

her affections is her apprentice, Seamus Coalman, who sees 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

her as more of a motherly figure, much to her annoyance. Skills Perception +3

Rudmilla appreciates sensible haggling (accepting count- Senses passive Perception 13
er offers of no more than 20% lower than her asking price), Languages Common (L), Agthorian (L),
but she grows angry if potential buyers of her arms and Dwarven (Maladoran)

armor suggest there is something wrong with her wares. If Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Seamus is nearby, he offers offenders non-verbal warnings
(typically the finger-swipe across the throat) that they’re Goodwill As a boon, Rudmilla will take 20% off the price of a

annoying the Chief, but he obeys any instructions to “get single special-order item that she can make herself.

them out of my forge!” ACTIONS

The smith wears her thick red hair short and often Light Hammer Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
indulges in flame, lightning, or abstract iconography if she’s reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)
in the mood to tolerate the elf and her fairies’ eccentric bludgeoning damage.
stylings now and then. She is somewhat vain about her 139
appearance, pausing frequently throughout the day to wash
smut from the forge off her freckled face.
Rudmilla’s “Three-Hands” nickname came from praise

she received from her own master smith, who felt she ac-
complished so much at the anvil because she must have had
an invisible third hand to hold tools. The swiftness with
which she smacks those she suspects of insulting her or her
work is another reason the name
persists. Her hands are already
back to work so swiftly that
victims wonder where that
“third hand” came from.
As the last smith of the
Sturrenkett line, Rud-
milla considers it her right
and duty to reclaim any lost
smithing knowledge the adven-
turers can recover. While she has
precious little of her own wealth,
having saved a meager 300 sp over
the years, she is willing to sweeten any
deal by offering to craft weapons and
Seamus Coalman Sergeant Danton Hodge
I’m happy to help, I mean, assuming it’s That’s your best shot? We might as well
all right with the Chief. throw you at the enemy.

With a baby face that makes him appear five or six years Sergeant Hodge is principally responsible for supplying the
younger, Seamus Coalman has been an apprentice smith castle soldiers with quarters, rations, clothing, and other
since the age of 10. Unfortunately, his first master was an essential supplies. The 44-year-old human veteran is best
inept drunkard who exploited his labor without teaching known, however, for his insistence on daily archery practice
him the finer points of the craft. When the old sot finally and his eternal disapproval of any who shirk the duty or
succumbed to the drink, Seamus sought work as a jour- who fail to demonstrate consistent facility with this essen-
neyman, but no one would accept him. At last, Rudmilla tial skill of defense.
“Three-Hands” took a fancy to him and accepted him as an Outside of archery drills, Hodge is a personable fellow,
apprentice four years ago. In that time, he has had to relearn happy to swap stories and a pint, especially with foresters
much of what he’d previously been taught incorrectly. He and others who roam the northern woods. While he shares

has also come to recognize that Rudmilla’s interest in him the captain’s misgivings about the Warden’s recent approval
is not purely professional, but so far he has maintained a of incursions into wild fey territory, Hodge is also endlessly
friendly relationship while reciprocating her feelings only as fascinated by all things fey. Those who give him a gift of any
a grateful apprentice. fey-made clothing, ornament, or weaponry are sure to have
Seamus dedicates himself to learning his craft, but a a friend for years to come, as long as they don’t shirk their
flirtatious character might catch his eye, possibly creating archery practice.
tension between the player character and Rudmilla. Anyone Sergeant Hodge lives in a cottage in the inner bailey
to whom Seamus shows more than casual friendship may with his wife, Ellen, and their grandson, Barkley. Their son,
find Rudmilla’s prices at the smithy rise 20–50% overnight. Quinn, perished with his own wife during an orc raid on
their farm east of the river. Only Barkley survived the attack.

Seamus Coalman
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic good Sergeant Danton Hodge

Medium humanoid (human), lawful good

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Armor Class 17 (splint)
Speed 30 ft. Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Persuasion +2
Senses passive Perception 12 Skills Athletics +3, Persuasion +2
Languages Common, Agthorian Senses passive Perception 12
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Languages Common (L), Agthorian (L), Feyen
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Goodwill As a boon, Seamus will make a single mundane
metal worked item for the character at no cost. Goodwill As a boon, Hodge will overlook the one-time loss or
destruction of a requisition of gear valued at 100 sp or less.
Light Hammer Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, ACTIONS
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) Multiattack Hodge makes two ranged attacks.
bludgeoning damage. Longbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Master Archibald Foley
Rot and bother! Where did I put that cog?
I swear it was right here.

Notable for wearing three or four unmatched and bird drop-

ping-stained robes at once, as well as for his voluminous white
muttonchop whiskers, the master of doves also serves as the
castle librarian, map-keeper, and counselor to the captain. The
54-year-old human mage’s reputation for comical flatulence
is largely unearned except for one regrettable yet indelible
incident in which he bowed too low to a visiting noblewoman
and released a resounding fart. For long seconds, it seemed as
though everyone in attendance would ignore the sound, but
then the pigeon resting on Master Foley’s shoulder keeled
over, dead—probably from causes unrelated to the gas, but
a legend was born. Only the foolish or very drunk refer to him

openly by the nickname the event earned him: “Master Farty.”
The quickest way to earn his ire, is to disparage his doves, Archibald Foley
and the best way to befriend him is with gifts of or conver- Medium humanoid (human), lawful good
sations involving gearworking. His secret passion is casting
Armor Class 12
destructive spells on those foolish enough to attack Castle
Hit Points 40 (9d8)
Dunbury, a pleasure he has not enjoyed in years. Despite his
Speed 30 ft.
considerable powers as a mage, Master Foley seldom casts
spells if other means will serve. Once the violence begins, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
however, Master Foley becomes all but incapable of speech for 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 141
the spasms of giggles that overtake him as he unleashes fire
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4
and lightning.
Skills Arcana +6, History +6
Foley loves his doves collectively, not individually. He re-
Senses passive Perception 11

fuses to name them, assigning them numbers instead. Each is
Essence Points 57 (7/hour)
trained to fly between Castle Dunbury and one of several oth-
Languages Common (L), Agthorian (L), Feyen (L), Endrori (L)
er locations, notably Tristanford and New Erinor. Other birds
Challenge 6 (2300 XP)
have been trained to return to the castle’s dovecote from any
location, and these are the ones certain patrols take with them Spellcasting Foley is a 9th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
while on long or important scouting missions. When a bird ability is Intelligence (spellcasting checks +7, spell save DC
becomes too old to be trusted with a communication route, 15). He has learned the following wizard spells.
Foley clips its wings and pampers it, carrying up to two on Cantrips (0 EP): fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation
his shoulders throughout the day and feeding them seed and
1st level (2 EP): burning hands, detect magic, mage armor,
corn by hand. As a result, Foley’s robes are typically streaked
magic missile, shield
with bird droppings by mid-day, and his apprentice is beyond
weary of the daily wash. 2nd level (4 EP): flaming sphere, gust of wind, scorching ray, web
Foley’s other great love, beside his birds, is mechanical devic- 3rd level (5 EP): fireball, lightning bolt, sleet storm
es ranging from toys to siege engines. His constant efforts to
4th level (6 EP): ice storm, wall of fire
redesign the malfunctioning ballistae and mangonels has met
with limited success. In his free time, he loves to disassemble 5th level (7 EP): cloudkill, cone of cold
and reassemble an old dwarven mechanical clock he acquired. Goodwill As a boon, Foley may be willing to teach a charac-
The master never uses vulgar language except the curse, ter one of his spells.
“Rot!” or “rotting,” which he often combines in peculiar de-
scriptive phrases to criticize malfunctioning equipment—“It’s
Dagger Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
nothing but a heap of rot and wobble!”—or himself—“I’ve
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
become a shambling mass of rot and waddle.”
Apprentice Korella Stalk And there she met the Faceless Man.
He promised her power without demanding menial labor
I dutifully serve my master. in return. All she had to do was pledge herself to Endroren
What more do you need to know? and make regular sacrifices to him on Dunbury Hill, and
the magic would be hers. He would place no other demands
The sixth child of a family of itinerant farmers, the
on how she used her power. She’d be free to do as she saw
29-year-old human Korella Stalk takes after her
fit. Thus did Korella Stalk become a dark cleric of En-
mean-spirited parents who found themselves dismissed
from work after nearly every season. Deviously clever and
She returned to Dunbury Castle with the powers of a
decidedly ambitious, she left her family after stealing what
fledgling cleric of the darkness domain. In the time since,
she presumed was a valuable book from their last employer.
she has offered multiple sacrifices to Endroren atop Dun-
Upon her arrival in Tristanford, she was fortunate enough
bury Hill, and her abilities have grown. Thus far she has
to encounter a kindly wizard who agreed to train her as an
offered only slain animals and stolen items, but it is only a
matter of time before she kills a person.
Soon it became clear that Korella, despite a natural intel-

One cost to Korella is that since she was fated to make

ligence, was basically unteachable. Contrary by nature, she
regular sacrifices on Dunbury Hill, she remains bound to
questioned her teacher and alienated the other apprentices
the castle or at least the scir. That is fine, she has decided,
so often that the wizard eventually sent her to help her
since in time her growing abilities will allow her to avenge
old friend Archibald Foley. In truth, the wizard’s intention
herself on Master Foley and others who had slighted her.
was primarily to enact petty revenge on her old colleague,
In the meantime, Korella is biding her time, continuing
with whom she had an acrimonious romantic split in their
to act the part of a failed apprentice unable to cast even the
simplest arcane spell. Foley puts up with her and makes a
When Korella discovered her main duties as Master
half-hearted attempt at the façade of training her because
Foley’s apprentice were to tidy his chambers, wash his fre-
he does appreciate the help with chores, despite Korella’s
quently filthy clothes, and tend to his doves, Korella became
unpleasant demeanor.
142 even more irascible. She grew bored reading books, con-
Korella’s Charisma score represents her force of personal-
stantly interrupted the mage when he instructed her verbal-
ity rather than a charming demeanor. If she ever met some-
ly, and loudly complained whenever he gave her chores she
one who treated her with respect, she might act differently.
considered beneath her—which became more frequent as
Her usual method of interacting with people is intimida-

she and Foley grew to detest each other.

tion. Failing that, she makes snide remarks and does as she
On a night of the Faceless Moon in the autumn of last
must to maintain her position in the castle.
year, Korella reached her breaking point. She left the castle,
She might take a special interest in characters who suffer
intending to join the crew of a river boat to Tristanford.
from corruption or have access to dark secrets. Those who
Unfortunately, all the sailors had taken shelter from an
flatter and defer to her will gain her affections, but she
approaching storm. Now angry, wet, and without transpor-
becomes wrathful when defied or criticized, or when it be-
tation, Korella stamped through Dunbury Village as the
comes apparent that she is being manipulated. Her displea-
first peals of thunder shook the valley.
sure may take the form of sarcasm for a time, but eventually
In a lightning strike, she saw a dark figure standing atop
it will erupt in violence.
Dunbury Hill. It beckoned to her.
Stealing a fishing skiff, Korella rowed across the Kouros,
heedless of the storm-tossed waters. Something about the
invitation she saw tempted her in a way no other offer of
reward ever had. As the driving rain chilled her bones, she
considered whether it was even possible to have seen a
human-sized figure from such a great distance.
But something drove her forward. Her ambition, her
anger, her refusal to bow to the dominance of elders, kept
her going. She slogged through the rain and mud to climb
the top of Dunbury Hill.
Korella Stalk
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)

Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Wis +6

Skills Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Persuasion +5, Reli-
gion +4
Senses passive Perception 13
Corruption 4

Languages Common (L), Agthorian (L), Endrori (L)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Special Equipment Obsidian holy symbol of Endroren

Divine Eminence As a bonus action, Korella can expend a

spell slot to cause her melee weapon attacks to magically
deal an extra 10 (3d6) necrotic damage to a target on a hit. FACELESS MAN’S BLADE
This benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If she expends a
Sense DC 15 Analyze DC 17 Slot Hand Attunement Yes 143
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases
Rarity Very Rare Price 10000 sp Weight 1 lb. Corruption 1
by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
Spellcasting Korella is a 5th-level spellcaster. Her spellcast-
This blade is made from a steel so completely black it

ing ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell
appears to absorb light. The hilt is a piece of pale bone.
attacks). She has the following cleric spells prepared.
A hit with this weapon causes 1d4 slashing damage plus
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, resistance, thaumaturgy an additional 1d4 necrotic damage. On a roll of 20, instead
Korella causes an additional 4d4 necrotic damage and
1st level (4 slots): bane, destroy water, detect good, protection
regains that amount as temporary hit points. Korella must,
from good
however, visit the crest of Dunbury Hill and offer the same
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, enhance ability, spiri-
number of hit points as a sacrifice to the Faceless Man before
tual weapon
the following midnight—hers or someone else’s. If the hit
3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, bestow curse occurs after sundown, she has until the following midnight.

Goodwill As a boon, Korella is willing to steal a spell compo- Failure to do so causes her the loss of twice as many hit

nent from Foley for the player worth up to 100 sp. points as were gained.
While attuned to the weapon, she always knows the
direction and approximate distance (within 20 feet) of the
Faceless Man’s Blade Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
blade’s location.
ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage.


Over the past 13 months, Korella has shifted from chaotic might ask to meet this sinister figure, resulting in a
neutral to chaotic evil. She has not yet taken a sentient life, harrowing encounter on Dunbury Hill.
but that may soon change.
Adventurers may interact with Korella in many ways.
Some similarly twisted souls may even think of her as a Truly heroic characters might believe there is a chance to
suitable friend, but the cleric is paranoid. Flattery and gifts, save Korella Stalk from herself. If you as the gamemaster
especially gifts of service, may appear to win her over in feel that would make for a satisfying quest, go for it! But
the short term. Fearful of the sort of betrayal she intends to don’t make it easy.
offer Master Foley, Korella inevitably turns on any potential Agthorian justice does not always demand death
friend, even a sincere one. for crimes such as murder, but multiple murders and

Perhaps the “safest” interaction with Korella is one of worship of Endroren are unquestionably capital offenses.
respectful rival. If a person presents themself as a relative Designing a series of opportunities for an adventurer to
equal rather than a superior or a lackey, Korella might begin turn Korella away from committing these most egregious
to think that person has something to offer. She enjoys a crimes can make for exciting roleplaying opportunities,
certain amount of competition, if she is the one to prevail. especially for lawful good characters. Helping her purify
If she believes a person has dark secrets to share with her, her corrupt soul is an even bigger challenge.
greed may overcome caution Rather than having the characters discover Korella
Gamemasters may customize the following adventure with a victim she has already slain, consider having them
seeds for their campaign: find her with a drugged or enchanted victim. Good use
of Charisma (Persuasion) checks—or simply granting
• Several castle residents have complained of missing success for good arguments, moral or self-serving—can
144 personal items. Should the characters investigate, they make for an exciting scene.
find a stolen item in Korella’s chamber. She hotly denies Any argument that appeals to Korella’s pride is more
having stolen it, insisting that someone—perhaps Master likely to succeed. If a character suggests Korella has
Foley—is trying to make her look like a thief. an opportunity to prove herself as being better than

• One of the castle children cries over a missing cat. Anoth- anyone realized, or if she can make Master Foley eat his
er resident noticed Korella feeding the animal milk and words, she is more receptive. Grant characters using such
morels of fish over the past few weeks. Korella denies any arguments advantage on ability checks, or if you prefer,
knowledge of the cat’s whereabouts, but those searching decide they succeed automatically.
Dunbury Hill find its corpse—with wounds consistent Korella cares little for romantic overtures, but she
with a small, sharp blade. responds well to sincere offers of friendship. Those who
• A castle resident has vanished. Witnesses last saw the take her side against her oppressors or who fight at her
missing person walking alone out of Dunbury Village in the side against monsters are more likely to sway her from a
evening (to rendezvous with Korella). Korella has captured self-destructive course.
and bound the victim somewhere across the river, intend- In any event, guiding Korella away from evil should
ing to make her first human (or dwarf, elf, or other sentient remain entirely a roleplaying challenge, even if you use
species) sacrifice on the upcoming Faceless Moon. ability checks to determine incremental success or magic
• If somehow the characters have not investigated and to help cleanse her corruption. Are the characters willing
stopped Korella after she takes a sentient life, a month after to conceal Korella’s crimes if she renounces the Faceless
that first murder she captures another victim—this time a Man? Do they demand she accept responsibility for her
named character more important to the adventurers. actions? Modify the situations based on the characters’
• If a non-wizard persuades or charms Korella into sharing personalities and alignments, and gauge whether success
secret knowledge, she lets slip that her powers come or failure is more emotionally satisfying for the group.
from “the Faceless One.” A brave or foolish character
You need sumpin’ smashed?
Rescued by a castle patrol after a near-fatal encounter with Large humanoid (orog), neutral good
an endrori warband, Mak has bonded with the soldiers
and other residents. Unfortunately, a serious head wound Armor Class 12 (leather)
further reduced the 26-year-old orog’s already limited intel- Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
ligence, but he more than makes up for this with strength. Speed 30 ft.
Mak’s preferred weapon is a length of heavy chain attached STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
to the misshapen remains of a once ball-shaped riverboat
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 5 (-2) 8 (-1) 9 (-1)
anchor. Partially obscured by dents and scars, the anchor
still bears the characters “… entid ….” More than a few of Skills Deception +4, Insight +3, Perception +4, Persuasion +6
Mak’s foes have gone to their graves with that fragment Senses passive Perception 9
imprinted on their flesh, and one or two survivors of an Languages Common
encounter with the great Mak have the letters indented into Challenge 2 (450 XP)
their armor as a sort of bitter boast: “I survived Mak the
Reckless At the start of his turn, Mak can gain advantage on

all melee weapon attack rolls during that turn, but attack rolls
Mak seldom ventures beyond the castle, where he is
against him have advantage until the start of his next turn.
considered one of the “secret weapons” of the stronghold’s
defense. When he does, however, it is always with a foot Goodwill As a boon, Mak will smash something of the charac-

patrol—because he is frightened of horses and can’t ride ter’s choosing.

one anyway—and it is usually when the soldiers expect to ACTIONS

find endrori raiders, whom Mak hates with a fury. Because The Chain Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
of his low intelligence and his hesitation to commit violence target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage (heavy, two-
without clear cause, the soldiers have taken to calling out, handed). 145
“Mak, the chain!” when his assistance is required. Those
words might strike fear into any endrori, if any who heard
them had survived to share the tale.

A well-meaning but foolish adventurer once attempted
to arrange a “date” between Mak and Mama from the Three
although a precious few are altruistic souls who steal from
Hounds Inn. Both orogs were too shy to speak with each
the Warden’s agents and share the wealth with common
other, and when the self-appointed matchmaker pushed
folk. Any of them could provide the seed to a much-ex-
the issue too far, Mama dislocated his jaw with a “playful”
panded scenario of investigation, confrontation, and
slap. He has not been seen at Dunbury Castle or Village
the cheese pirates
Outlaws and Endrori This band of halfling and cheebat bandits target river
Unfortunately for the defenders of Dunbury Castle, a wide cargo, avoiding well-guarded or difficult-to-fence goods
variety of gangs, warbands, and other troublemakers stalk like cash or lumber. Their method marries infiltrating river
the hills, roads, and rivers of Dunburyscir. They range in crews by having two or three members sign on as guards or
threat from annoying to deadly, and each has its own set of sailors, then sending a stealthy skiff out to carry away the
goals and agendas. We’ve sorted these collections of miscre- stolen goods along with the shipboard accomplices.
ants into two groups: outlaws and endrori. They prefer to think of themselves as “River Pirates,” and
they hate the “Cheese Pirates” moniker that has stuck—al-
Outlaws though they prefer it to “River Rats,” which they consider
Smugglers, bandits, and robbers are notoriously common insulting because of their relatively small stature. The
along the length of the Kouros River and the backroads pirates’ most infamous success was in absconding with over
of Dunburyscir. Some are bloodthirsty, others are greedy, half a load of cheese destined for New Erinor without the
sailors noticing the theft. They sold the goods for weeks
by posing as traveling peddlers, but the amusing nature of Ratcher wears a sprite-style mask, complete with antlers,
their theft made them obvious targets for the guards. They to suggest he is a sprite. So far, the ruse has succeeded, but
do their best to avoid stealing food these days. any character with a passive Perception score of 15 or better
recognizes the trick at once if they meet the two.
the competition
To complicate matters for player characters seeking rewards river rats
for killing endrori, a rival bounty hunter has come to Dun- The term “river rats” has two connotations. The first and
bury Village. most common use is to describe the bands of river pirates
Dyarget (female drothmal veteran) is the last survivor that stalk the Kouros River. Most are temporary alliances
of her war clan, which fell in battle with orcs. Left for dead, of predominantly human bandits, often led by a bandit
Dyarget gradually recovered her strength and searched chieftain. They target homes, barns, and places of business
for the orcs that had slain her people. Over the years, she within a mile or two of the river, and then escape on their
picked them off one and two at a time, each kill making her boats. They are also known to waylay travelers on nearby
bolder in her ambushes. At times, Dyarget has joined forces roads. The most skillful intercept boats and barges on the
with adventurers to wipe out entire endrori warbands, river at night, cutting cargo free and paddling away before

although she holds a special hatred for orcs and favors their defenders can mount a counterattack. Most are neutral or
bounties over others. chaotic neutral, but a few evil bands have earned a reputa-
While it is possible, even likely, that Dyarget has already tion as cutthroats, leaving few witnesses to their crimes.
gained her revenge by exterminating the orcs who killed The term is also more broadly used to refer to any
her war clan, she continues to hunt endrori as a sort of low-class or impoverished itinerants living on the river
penance to assuage her survivor’s guilt. Even occasional al- in rundown houseboats, whether or not they are actually
liances in pursuit of bounties have done little to soothe her criminals.
loneliness, so adventurers who share her values and treat
her with respect may, with patience and consistent effort, the scarlet masks
win enough of her respect and affection that she begins to Known for their intricate red masks tooled out of the
146 consider them her new war clan. If so, Dyarget is prepared finest leather, these highway robbers target wealthy
to conduct a day-long ceremony that involves burning her merchants and nobles. During the act, they speak in an
wolf-pelt cloak, reciting the accomplishments of her dead almost comical parody of lower-class patois. In truth, these
clan members, adopting a new clan name (from suggestions criminals are dilettantes, young men and women of noble

made by her new friends), and then drinking and feasting houses who target rivals and others who have earned their
under the open sky while taking turns recounting personal scorn.
triumphs with her new clan. Apart from their feigned accents, the clues to their true
identities include the fact that their activities always take
the masked heroes place while the nobles are visiting country friends in their
Sylvera Honor (female human bandit captain) and Ratch- manor homes as well as the identities of their victims. To
er Finagle (male halfling priest) are the pseudonyms of a expand the adventure to an urban investigation, leave a few
pair of thrill-seeking do-gooders. For the past few years clues referencing unavenged insults, lost social status, and
they have targeted bandits, burglars, traveling charlatans, romantic rivalries that pitted the masks against their prey.
river rats, and the corrupt foresters. Sometimes, they even The Masks themselves are six human nobles equipped
leave purses of recovered coin for the villagers persecuted with crossbows in addition to their rapiers. They have
by these villains. Unfortunately, the foresters have begun enlisted a human knight (wearing a breastplate for AC
imitating their garb and behaviors to tarnish their rep- 15) in case things get out of hand, but they should prove
utations. Worse, the Masked Heroes themselves target- no match for the adventurers. The danger in apprehending
ed a former ensign of Dunbury Castle who was acting these criminals is that their deaths or imprisonment are
undercover to lure them into a trap. They left the ensign certain cause for vendetta from their families and friends in
terrified, bound and suspended from a tree near Dunbury Tristanford or even New Erinor.
Hill, and now most residents of Dunburyscir see them as
Sylvera wears a green leaf-shaped mask and a pair of false
ears intended to make witnesses misidentify her as an elf.
Endrori greater than half the number of adventurers, it has advantage on
saving throws to resist fear and intimidation.
While many endrori and endrori warbands threaten the
scir of Dunbury, and more arrive from the Deeplands every Sunlight Sensitivity Goblins have disadvantage on attack rolls and
year, a few have made names for themselves. Most of the lo- ability checks when they or their targets are in sunlight.
cals can share one or two “facts” about each group, although Nimble Escape The goblin may take the Disengage action or Hide
the power of rumor has warped some of that information. action as a bonus action.
Usually, the information on wanted posters is more accurate
than rumors, but sometimes a survivor who had a close
Multiattack Goblins may make one attack with their bite or two
scrape with one of these groups can provide a detail useful
attacks with their claws. If attacking with claws, the second attack is
in tracking or defeating the marauders.
made at disadvantage.
burning claw goblins Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5
While much of the goblin population remains near their (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
grotto lair (11) as ordered by their leader, one defiant war
Claws Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
chief prowls the Grimvold Forest (16) and ranges miles
Second claw attack has disadvantage. Hit: 3 (1d2 + 2) slashing
beyond to strike unsuspecting targets. An enormous goblin
called Festruwon leads a band of 23 goblins kept in line

by five goblin bosses, all five of which are especially vicious Scimitar +1 Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
goblins loyal to Festruwon. A bodyguard of six armed and Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
armored goblins (a common goblin boss but with AC 15
from chain shirts and armed with crude scimitars) never the clubbers
strays far from their chief, until she unleashes them the Clubber Jugach (male ogre berserker, age 36) has gathered
moment an enemy begins to gain the upper hand on her a motley band of 18 orog brawlers (armed with greatclubs)
lesser minions. who keep a family of six giant boars as guardians, play-
When they have plenty of food, Festruwon’s band wan- mates, and eventually supper. Most are survivors of clans
ders the Grimvold in defiance of the wild fey there, but scattered by rival endrori or Agthorian soldiers, or in one
avoiding the Spiderwood (16a) whenever possible. Unlike case by the (now-cautious) young common copper dragon
the grotto goblins, the Burning Claw will emerge from the Brightburn (9). The clan is notorious for their habit of
woods to attack logging camps, river craft, and even the eating their victims.

nearest farms. Their morale is high thanks to the freedom “Clubber” earned his nickname for the method by which
they’re given to succumb to their baser desires, and they he slaughters both foes and the boars no longer considered
lack discipline beyond fear of the lash. After suffering ten useful as anything but food. He uses the same method to
casualties, they are sure to flee from combat. dispense the ultimate discipline to those who question
his authority. To honor their leader, the other orogs have
Festruwon universally adopted greatclubs as their weapons of choice.
Small humanoid (goblin), chaotic evil Most of Jugach’s followers are survivors of the weaker clans
he has defeated. The mighty berserker wears the skull of a
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
dire bear he falsely claims to have strangled to death with
Hit Points 7 (2d6 + 27)
his bare hands.
Speed 30 ft.
If observed from hiding, the orogs may seem playful,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA almost peaceful if not actively raiding. They compete in
12 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) crude sporting activities involving hurling boulders and tree
trunks—the latter reminiscent of caber tossing. They even
Skills Intimidate +3, Stealth +6
play with their enormous pigs as if they were pets, until the
Senses passive Perception 10
orogs have a hankering for roast pork.
Languages Common, Endrori
Unknown to his minions, as of nine years ago Jugach
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
surrendered to darkness and is now one of the Fallen.
Safety in Numbers Aetaltan goblins benefit greatly from the prox- During an Agthorian assault on the lair of a dark cult,
imity of their allies. If the goblin has a number of conscious allies Jugach faced off against their guardian ogre. The two roared
curses, each accusing the other of being a traitor to their Chokrin Barbed-Chin
kin. As the ogre gained the upper hand, Jugach felt the cold Medium humanoid (dwarf), chaotic evil
thrill of darkness course through his veins. The whispers
of Endroren penetrated his psyche. Moments after beating Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)
down the ogre, he realized he had become what he once Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
hated—and he embraced the change. Jugach turned on his Speed 25 ft.
former allies and slaughtered them all with the help of his STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
former foe. If his orog followers ever learn his dark secret, 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)
they would likely turn on him in an instant.
Before his transformation, Jugach left a simple-minded Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +4

daughter behind in Dunbury Village. “Mama” (2a), as she Senses passive Perception 13

is known for her maternal behavior, remembers her father Languages Common, Dwarven (Deep), Endrori

only as he was before succumbing to the dark call. Should Corruption 5

she ever face him again, her reaction will be one of horror Challenge 2 (450 XP)

followed by a desire to slay the monster he has become to

Dark Eminence As a bonus action, Chokrin can expend a spell slot
put his once noble soul to rest.
to cause his melee weapon attacks to magically deal an extra 10
the crimson cloud (3d6) necrotic damage to a target on a hit. This benefit lasts until
A cruel dark dwarven cleric leading an ixit swarm haunts the end of the turn. If the priest expends a spell slot of 2nd level or
the caves and canyons of the high mountains north of higher, the extra damage increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
the Crossroads (14). How this strange dwarf, known Command the Swarm As a bonus action, Chokrin can give his ixit
as Chokrin Barbed-Chin (male dwarf priest, age 127) swarm a command, and unless the command directly contradicts
achieved the unusual feat of effectively taming an ixit swam the swarm’s nature, it will obey. If a command does go against
is a mystery. The corrupted dwarf is distinguished not only the nature of the swarm, Chokrin must make an opposed Wisdom
by his magic but also by his pointed black beard, which check against the swarm to overcome its resistance.
148 Chokrin claims is a sign of Endroren’s favor. Often mistak-
Spellcasting Chokrin is a 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting abil-
en for a swarm of bats in the distance, the swarm’s terrible
ity is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). He has
chorus strikes terror into their victims, who usually flee for
the following cleric spells prepared:
their lives, leaving their animals behind.

Chokrin and the swarm typically remain hidden in the Cantrips (at will): chill touch, resistance, thaumaturgy
highlands, but on moonless nights he may lead the Crimson 1st level (4 slots): bane, inflict wounds, protection from good
Cloud on raids of local farms, despoiling crops, maiming
2nd level (3 slots): blindness, hold person
or slaying animals, and killing people too slow to escape. In
opposition to the swarm’s desires, Chokrin likes to allow a 3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, bestow curse
few survivors to escape and spread word of his atrocities. ACTIONS
Unfortunately, his minions usually succumb to bloodlust Mace Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4
and slaughter those who flee before he can stop them. (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
When he can restrain them, he sends a trusted scout to
follow the survivors and targets their destination a few days red badger clan
later, once the residents have had a few days to dread the A sadistic family of peck prey on small groups and lone
arrival of the ixit cloud. travelers in the woods west of the Kouros and north of the
Adventurers questioning survivors of a Crimson Cloud Coldstone River. They’re careful, however, to avoid large
attack may learn of this pattern of allowing a lone survivor groups of armed opponents. Their leader is called Red
to flee to the next community, which is then the next one Badger (female peck herbalist), whose once beautiful horns
targeted by the ixit. were sawed off by a logger who briefly captured her. Once
her 8 brethren rescued her, they took their time returning
the favor, and the logger’s screams lasted from dusk till
dawn. Unsatisfied, Badger swore revenge on all who dared
to enter her forest. She demanded a demonstration of
loyalty from her followers, who sawed off their own horns
as well. Ever since, Badger and family have been an unholy Heskree’s followers have surrendered their names to the
terror throughout the forest. Faceless One and are now known only as Brother One,
Red Badger’s band targets groups of 10 or fewer, always Brother Two, Sister Three, and so on. Heskree is wise
relying on stealth, surprise, and superior numbers to ensure enough to avoid attacking the fortified quarries and mines,
not only victory but the ability to capture and torture but she lays ambushes for those traveling to and from those
victims. They hate and fear fey especially, and their pre- locations. Having established a pattern of harassment
ferred targets are non-fey hunters and logging scouts. They against these targets, she now ranges farther from her sev-
are loath to venture more than an hour’s distance from the eral “safe caves” to attack merchants as far away as the river,
forest edge, but to that limit they will pursue fleeing prey if supply and pay caravans, and even castle patrols.
the odds seem to be in their favor. Mother Heskree’s winged troops wait in high positions,
usually hills or high bluffs, before swooping down from
the sky terrors behind their foes. She commands her followers to cap-
Mother Heskree (female skaah priestess) leads a band ture rather than slay as many as possible, especially those
of 13 skaah zealots (2 female skaah acolytes and 11 male wearing religious vestments or holy symbols. She wishes to
and female skaah) in targeted strikes against the dwarves sacrifice the captives to her Dark Lord.
and humans who depend on the mountains for supplies of
stone, ore, and ice. The entire cult wears ragged vestments

that include cowls and mesh masks concealing their reptil-
ian faces.


World of Aetaltis: kickstarter backers

A n enormous “Thank You!” to the absolutely amazing people who made all of this
possible. It is only as a result of your support, patience, and encouragement that we
were able to bring this project to life. You are the true Champions of Aetaltis.

The Heroes of Agthor

Aaron Markworth, Chris “Baelian” Anderson, Eric Brace, Scott Banzhaf, Stuart Miller


Alexander Neumann, AMC, Andrew Alsberge, Austin “Gandelf” Fogel & Owen “Xon” Fogel, Bernard Tassin, Bianca Alvarez, Bill Heron,
Bruno André Giraudon, Callendra Maughon, Campbell Cochrane, Charles Lester, Charles May, Charles Town, Chris Morgan,
Chris Turlington, Christian Cooper, Christian “Sir Robert” Tassin, Christopher Dunnbier, Courtney Kim, Danny Santiago, David Jack,
David Maskell, Dennis Milliman, Doug “Dhomal“ Raas, Dustin Letts, Dwa, Dylan Jackson, Eric Willman, Esko Halttunen, Fenric Cayne,
Frank Van Camp, George Gates, Glenn Auvenshine, Greg Brunell, Hamilton “Verdestrom“ Spivey, Helen Kourous, Ido Moses,
Izbaja Slysmile, Jacob Polen, James Rydquist, Jan Oetjen, Jason Leber, Jason Shuey, Javier A. Verdin, Jeff Robinson, Jeff Scifert,
Jeffery Mace, Jen, Jennifer McPhail, Jeremy Yoder, John H. Bookwalter Jr., John L. Lewis, John Sturkie, Joseph Cowburn,
Julian “DysOkami” Makin, Justin Hornung, Kenneth Riehle, KT Pappas, Kyle “Weems“ Steven, Layton Funk, Loki63,
Luc “Eagle Eye” Tassin, Luke Chmilenko, Luke Fabis, M. Ray Gilmore, Matthew Rhyzley, Matthew Ritchey, Matthew Valerius,
Matthew Wasiak, Maxwell Alexander Drake, McKendry Herrmann, Michael Duvall, Michael Leai, Molly Reed, Nick Bardelson,
Olivier Darles, Paige “Kithree” Tassin, Peter D. Adkison, Philip W. Rogers Jr., Randy Smith, Richard Sandstrom, Richard Smith,
Richard W. Sorden, Ronald H. Miller, Scott C. Giesbrecht, Seán Byrne, Shane “Asharon“ Sylvia, ST Jacobson, T.C. Knutson, Tebinium,
Tim Smith, Timothy Mushel, Tom Clews, Travis McConkey, Ty Larson, Tyler Devin Potter, Zachary Morris


A. J. Wolf, Aaron A. Leon, Aaron Teixeira, Alan Mateo, Àlex “Xelax“, Amanda Wheeler, Amir Assasnik, André van Driel, Andrew Lotton,
Andy Tri Nguyen, Angus Abranson, Anthony Campla, Anthony W., Arielessar, Ashatar, Auston Habershaw, Bear Weiter, Ben Richardson,
Brandon “Guplu” Margicin, Brandon McIntosh, Brian Fortunato, Brian S. Wilkins, Bruce R. Cordell, >Bryce Austin<, Calle, Castreek,
Chad Wierzbinski, Christine Balne, Christopher Harlan, Crafts + Minis, Craig Wallace Cormier, Cristian Vitali, Curran Farnsworth,
Dan “Shadoghast” Weiss, Daniel Fernández García, Danny George, Dave Luxton, David G Herrington, David MacGregor, David Moreland,
Dawn Henke, Derek Imlah, Devyn Burley, Dominic, Don Pierce, Don Roberts, Donald J. Bingle, Donald S. Crankshaw, Doug Nelson,
Douglas Meserve, Dr. Guy Martelle, Eric Armstrong, Eric S., Eric Schumann, Ethan Prince, Evan Dankers, F.R. McNeil, Gouzlim,
Heath Robinson, Henrik Augustsson, Iwan Optekamp, J. Evans Payne, Jack Neller, James Reich, Jamie Gross and Chad Gross, Jamie Willman,
Jason Hennigan, Jason Heredia, Jason Parker, Jean Rabe, Jeff Lee, Jeff Wheeler, Jena Sanders, Jimbo Jones, Joe “Corum Bloodmoon“ Serafin,
Joel Mattson, Joel Norden, John C. Boyless, John G. Snyder, Jon Christoffer Henningsen, Jonathan Ondriezek, Jonne Kuokkanen,
Joseph Catrone, Joseph Crase, Joseph S. Perry, Josh O’Quin, Joshua Gopal-Boyd, Joshua Korneta, Juergen Barters, Julian Tysoe,
Justin Slabaugh, Kate Marsh, Ken Swails, Kyle, Larry Correia, Lauren “Osco“ McLemore, Lee Perry, Leron Culbreath, LJ Heydorn,
Luke & Marty Babbi, María Martín López, Mark Asteris, Markus Plate, Martin Greening, Matt Vartabedian, Matthew Chrysler, Matthew Eberle,
Matthew Johnson, Matthew Minor, Matthieu Rider, Michael Hansen, Michael Merchant Jr., Michael T. Bradley, Mike D., Mike Lyons,
Murray Oates, N. S. Mangion, Nate Taylor, Nicholas Harvey, NizorBelg, Orolan Stormbringer, Parker J. Dixon-Word, Patrick P., Paul Scherer,
Paul y cod asyn Jarman, Phillip Bush, PJ Maucer, Redfuji6, Rhyer, Rilvas Foxfire, robdog, Robert Farnsworth, Robert L. Flowers Jr., Rumor,
Sam Bainton, Samuel Ayala, Sarah Fraser, Scott Hillier, Selena Pappas, Shane Harsch (Legendsmiths), Sheldon Smith, Skylar Simmons,
Stephanie Glock, Steve “ElQuesoGrande“ Drew, Steve “Vesten“ Wineman, Steven S. Long, Ted Houseman, Ted Leaman, Thomas Brooks,
Tim “is there a limit to how long these names can be“ McPherson, Tim Rudolph, Timothy S. Arthur, Tom Mackie, Tom Miskey,
Tommi Heikkinen, Tor-Bjørn Hylland, Val Steklac, vincent furstenberger, Will M. Tabbert, しん

A.K. Davis, Aaron Jack Barrett, Aaron Smithies, Adam Dray, Alex Benoit, Alex Torres, Alison Fleming, Andrew Mauney, Barry Carmichael,
Benjamin Koch, BevRob dav, Blaire Seminatore, C. Fischer, Calvin Hill, CC Snyder, Charles Myers, Chris A. Challacombe, Chris Franklin,
Chris Halverson, Chris Michael Jahn, Christine Lamb, Christopher “Kaj“ Vaughn, Clint Doyle, Cody Swatek, Colin “Mephit James“ Wilson,
Connor Nyman, Cory Finch, CRAIG EARL, Cyprien Delpuech, Damian Storm, Dan Stufflebeam, Daniel, Dave Robison, David B. Semmes,
David Kempken, David Steinberg, David Stephenson, David Wohlreich, DBB, Didan Bay, Dom Ellis, Dominique Suchaire, Drew A. Calderone,
Emma & Simon Gelgoot, Eric Lohmeier, Eric Wood, Erik Talvola, Filipe Passos Coelho, Finn, Frazer Gault, Frédéric ROUX, Gavilondo Nicolas,
George Benjamin Rawls III, Gigi Marelli, Heather S, Howard Andrew Jones, Ian B., Imredave, Ingolf Schäfer, J. Coupland, J. Michael Lanaghan,
Ja Powers, Jake Minor, Jake Riffe, James S. Austin, Jamie Ibson, Jason B. Smith, Jed Brooks Smith, Jeremy Kear, Jesse McCaughey,
John Chambers, John ‘johnkzin’ Rudd, John Owens, John Paul, Jon Leitheusser, Jon Terry, Jonathan Campbell, Jonathan Smith,
Jordi Rabionet Hernandez, Joshua Garcia, Joshua Hampton, Kaeleigh Post, Karl Kreutzer, Karl Schmidt, Kassie M., Ken Loupe, Kergonan,
Kevin D. Merrill, King Fire Beard, Lars König, Larson Steffek, Leah Powers, Leslie Porter, Liam McGowan, Lisa Van Dillon, Liu Bei, Lyle Lurran,
Marcus Shepherd, Markus “Ghost-Raven“ Pfeiffer, Mary Zawacki, Mason Matzker, Mateo Aristizabal, Matt Brown, Matt Rock, Matt Wood,
Matteo Signorini, Matthew @ProudNerdery, Matthew Nelson, Mattwill, Maxwell Stevenson, Mel Odom, Michael A., Michael Beck,
Michael Carson, Nick Ackermann, Nick W., Nick-Nack, Nickolas Szilagyi, Nicla, Nicolas Desjardins, Nilmandir, Oliver von Spreckelsen,
Patrick “Noffham“ Seymour, Paul Sheppard, Peter Engebos, Peter Petrovich, Phil Sweet, Philip C. Hewitt II, PucciniTnr, Rajan Khanna,
Ralosvek, Ray Chapel, RELDM, Richard J. Rivera, Rob Towell, Robert K. Stewart, Robert McNeal, ROBERT sha, Roger Haxton, Ronan Plessis,
Rory B., Rufus de Rham, Russell Ventimeglia, Ryan Kent, S. Garrigan-Gill, Sablons Paul, Scott J. Dahlgren, Sean V. Owen, Sebastian Müller,
Seth McCracken, Skanah, Stephanie Lorée, Steve Duffy, Steven Lord, Stewart Gallacher, Sven Corneli, TarybleTexan, The Immortal One,
The Rangdo of Arg, Theodore Jay Miller, Tim Baker, Tim Czarnecki, Tim Voves, Travis C. Atkinson, Vance “Gilead“ Kunze, Vidir,
William R. Lubelski, wintersmith057, Y. K. Lee, Zabernat, Zack Wharton, Zak Griffiths


Dr. Tyler Brunette, Eric Jackson, Grah O’Rion Leavitt, Gregory Wilson, Gulnaar Kaur, Leo Robertson, Seth Lindberg, Guy Edward Larke,
“filkertom“ Tom Smith, C.A. Suleiman, Elizabeth Vaughan, Sam Parsons, Nimbral, Marc Cardwell, Dylan, Daniel Fairweather, ron beck,
Michela Graziani
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