Elvenfaeriecs 2011 Joshuafree
Elvenfaeriecs 2011 Joshuafree
Elvenfaeriecs 2011 Joshuafree
By Joshua Free
Releasing the various “Mardukite Reports” (also known
as the Mardukite Necronomicon cycle) requires inten-
sive research and experimentation conducted by the
“umbrella” under which the Mardukite Chamberlains
have functioned.
attempted in “Arcanum” down to the most reachable
level. This was easy enough – to start at the beginning,
the very well-spring source that had prompted this from
the beginning – the Anunnaki. Our intent was then to
culminate the most complete reference of this for our
Year 1 participants, resulting in, after many editions and
printings, an entire “Necronomicon – The Anunnaki
their Truth – that it could not longer have application for
us. Such is clearly not the case, nor did things end
entirely with the lore and sagas of the Sumerians and
Babylonians and other desert dwellers in a forgotten
world – no indeed.
ronomicon: Establishing Your Relationship with the
Anunnaki Gods.”) that was begun in 2009 with the
release of the “Necronomicon Liber N” (a commemor-
ative realization of our privately released “Lapis
Editions,” the very first Year 1 Mardukite installment).
In addition to containing the millionth rewrite of the
“Book of Elven-Faerie,” the current tome also draws
upon the wisdom of “Arcanum” and the underground
“Merlyn Stone” works, as well as the relevant correct-
ions toward understanding the mysteries (as uncovered
by the Chamberlains over the last two years) that would
have been unable to appear in previously available
works – and which also did not have our Necronomicon
Anunnaki Bible to use as groundwork.
Druidry has always been my emphasis, although I have
never restricted myself to a purely “Celtic paradigm” or
“Irish framework” from which to base my “Druidic
ly the legacy of the Elves and Faerie that I had long
sought to put down into writing (and much of it, for the
most part, is forbidden to do so – parts I am not
concerned about for the human language as perceived
by the physical mind is not capable of unsealing these
intellectual taboos that I guard).
that). But while there is an increase in fantasy-oriented
products and new age fairy artwork, there have been
few solid avenues for seekers to explore this topic more
fully. There are many internet forums and websites
filled with unsolved inquiries into the heart of the Elven
Ways, and though some other books might “dabble”
into aspects considered “Elven” or even the infamous
“Celtic Faerie Tradition”, they have a tendency to fall
short of expressing the total scope of the legacy and
mysteries – particularly in how the races of “Elves-
Ffayrie” affected human development (and how human
development has affected the earthbound “Elves” and
This current volume was not intended as a fantasy role-
playing supplement or companion to fantasy literature –
but by no doubt will serve to show the connectivity of
that which is already around you, no matter what type
and degree of exposure you might have had with any of
the concepts contained within this tome.
~ Joshua Free
Summer Solstice, 2010
generation” (referred to on Mesopotamian tablets as the
“Adamu”), but are instead the “ninth race” (the term
given to me is “race” but might refer to the “gener-
ation”) and described as seemingly hybridized earth-
born “half-gods.”
reaching full maturity with the passing of only 12 solar
years. They were of such a nature that they were
innately aware of the need to live for and with each
other. Though the sexual gender is not mentioned, an
aspect often obscure in matters of Elven-Ffayrie,
“aliens” or any other inter-dimensional beings, we can
be sure that they had the ability to reproduce. Thus, the
planet was officially inhabited. The vegetation and
animals were here already, active and operating on
their own ‘genetic programs.’
type is not truly a genetic indicator by itself as there are
other cues like eye color, hair color (and type) as well as
skeletal structure, all of which can be used anthropolo-
gically to distinguish race. According to the previously
given example, the descendents of Andon and Fonta are
charged with the possession of the true or original
melanin of the people of Earth. The Andonites resem-
bled closely to what we consider Inuit Indians or
“Eskimos,” who are of “Elvish” decent as well and have
also preserved a distinct genetics throughout history. In
fact, the original people of Earth survived by being
“arboreal,” meaning that they lived in the forest and
used the trees for safety and scouting. The Andonites
came to inhabit much of “Aeurope” and were forced
into an existence primarily focused on surviving the end
of the last Ice Age.
ern day Hyperborean Inuit Indians and Scandinavians
would seem to have mastered arctic living (provided
that the affects of other humans do not destroy the
ecosystem of said arctic). With the focus shifting from
keeping alive (or preservation) into expansion, more
primitive and combative generations (races and fact-
ions) emerged. These were not descendents from the
Elven experiment, such as the Badonan and Neander-
thal, and did not survive.
green eyes and fair or orange skin. The last “Blue Race”
of the “Faerie” to reside in the Hyperborean Germanic
and Norse regions carried a set of even older, but more
commonly found traits of today: blonde hair, blue eyes
and fair or “albinic” complexion. The oldest and most
widely distributed races of “Elves” were distributed out
of Mesopotamia into other Realms and “gypsy-clans”
found in the Black Forests of Europe, the Etruscan
Kingdom and also to the reaches of Albigensians and
Merovingians of France. These are recorded as “dark
headed” on the ancient tablets.
We cannot fault the biblical Moses too deeply, for he
was roaming an endless desert charged with leading an
up and coming nation of people – he had to start the
story somewhere and it all had to be simplistic enough
to be remembered among the masses. This legacy
provided the fuel for the psyche necessary in driving the
people forward through their plight. This is called
cultural religion, and it is a concept that was born
among the city-states that each would be graced with a
“temple” to a different Anunnaki figure claiming to be
“god”. There is still some debate among Anunnakian
scholars as to which of these figures specifically was
responsible for presenting himself as “Lord God
Yahweh”, or if you prefer, the “Jehovah” of the Old
Testament, a being found to be wholly different that the
“distant loving all-father” that Jesus alludes to as God.
Given the Semitic and dynastic descent of Jesus, his
heavenly father would have been both literally and
figuratively, Anu.
lifespan to a possible 120 years. Returning to my own
transliteration of the Sylva D'Terrestai:
Cain was not the son of Adam. Cano, the ‘Serpent in the
Garden’ was responsible for the Degradation of Eden
and thus the jealousy between half-brothers (as Adam
would clearly have had favoritism towards his own
blood son.) After being tainted with the energy of lust,
Eve laid with Adam and they shared the “apple” and
realized that now they were both impure and tainted for
the rest of their days. Cain went on to the Nodites and
quarter-breeds and Eves other children carried on the
pure blood of Adam.
the life of a farmer-shepherd. The names “KA.IN” and
“ABAEL” do appear in the Mesopotamian Mythos as
sibling offspring. Ninurta (an emissary of the Anunaki)
instructs KA.IN in architecture while Marduk (another
Anunnaki) is charged to teach ABAEL in shepherd-ing.
In this version, KA.IN also kills ABAEL and is exiled,
requiring the Blessed Dynasty to be carried by further
off-spring of Adapa and Titi.
common biblical scriptures – and then we arrive at a
special case: ENKI.ME, whose name means “By Enki,
Understanding.” This is the biblical “Enoch” who has
inspired many mystics and occultists alike.
reed baskets on rivers in ancient times if you notice)
abandoned. But Enki was still able to maintain his
position and “starry goddess” spouse among the Anun-
naki. Though Enki broke the procreation taboo, it was
actually Marduk who was the first Anunnaki to take an
Earthling as a spouse. Marduk justified his actions by
explaining that his chosen mate, Sarpanit, was not
simply of Earthling blood, but a daughter of Enkime,
descendant of Adapa, and ultimately the son of Enki.
to the dialogue between Enoch and Methuselah where
the natures of the “Sons of God” are indeed revealed to
be of a “star” origin and furthermore that the “Deluge”
was announced to “Noah” by a “mighty Watcher” mea-
ning a chief Anunnaki figure. From the same scrolls, the
“Ages of the World” portion describes the manner in
which Azazel (Samas) and other angels go “into” the
Daughers of Men.
described in the contemporary version as Noah, though
details can be found on far older tablets and even the
“Epic of Gilgamesh” that predates the documentation of
Semitic scriptures by thousands of years. The dating of
the flood in relation to biblical scripture and other such
details is somewhat skewered and therefore remains
beyond the scope of this current work.
Many of the stereotypes associated with the “Elven
Courts” and “Druid Councils” began with the ancient
Sumerian Dragon Priesthood known as the Ubaid
dedicated to the Anunnaki. As masses of these people
were able to expand their civilization and knowledge
beyond the domain of Mesopotamia, they became
known as the Scythian and Dravidian folk that spread to
the Turkey region, India and Western Europe. In a
region referred to in lore as the Gangetic, the Aryans
and Dravidians discovered one another and merged to
form a race later called the Tuatha De ‘Dannan (D’Anu,
or Anu.) This race, still considered the Andites (Child-
ren of Andon) moved their priesthood all along the
Danube and Rhine Rivers, bringing their culture from
the Mediterranean across mainland Europe to the
British Isles. Along their travels they met the ‘blue folk’
who had continued to develop separately from the Eden
project. These folk had developed the “La Tene” culture
that we now call Celtic. This culture was not at first
restricted to the Isles, and completely dominated Aeur-
ope until the persecution by the Milesians and Romans.
The “Danubian Race” inhabited Western Europe during
the Stone Age and continued the traditions of the
Anunnaki Ancient Ones as “Druidism.”
ly, the Great Flood coupled with thousands of years of
discord over the region has mainly left it in waste and
ruin. But why not? We have already been warned that
the Sons of Man and the Sons of the Stars shall ever be
in discord.
that affects its livelihood, it will have to change. The
“genetic intervention” paradigm, at the very least, helps
in answering some of the unresolved issues of Human
ancestry, since it is clear that all the species were being
manipulated and controlled in some form, by some
experience are programmed by the social culture to
which we belong or are raised. Without looking beyond
an existing boundary, achievements cannot be made.
war ensued between the two Faerie races. For the
purpose of the Tuatha D’Anu we must, of course, turn
to Celtic sources for literary verification. Unfortunately,
the medieval and modern writers have a habit of
confusing members of the Tuatha D’Anu with the
adversaries of theirs, the Fir-Bog. Why unschooled
practitioners would call on warriors of both sides in
their magickal work simultaneously is beyond me. This
happens quite often in “New Age” interpretations of
ancient mysteries, as is also evident in the arcane
Anunaki pantheon. More confusing still is the incorp-
oration of the pre-Fir-Bolg Cthonic Fomorian mythos.
[The cryptic manuscripts we turn to when analyzing the
Celtic Faerie Tradition include: “The Book of Invas-
ions,” “The Book of Leinster,” “The Book of Dun
Cow,” as well as the Oghamist’s “Book of Ballymote”
(or “Scholar’s Primer”) and the Fferyllt-Barddas of the
they called them “Picts” or “Pict-Sidhe,” which is
where one of the more famous pop-cultural titles devel-
oped. Why would the Romans refer to a group of Elven-
Ffayrie as “Pixies” which, by the way, does not mean
small? The roots “Pict-” and “Pix-“ relate to “pictures”
and “pixels,” which is to call them the “Painted People”
making a reference to their tribal use of tattooing. Their
use of body-art was considered sacred and was not
taken as lightly as it is by humans.
lly bind the physically perceived time-space together.
The “Gifts of Faerie” simply allow for a better “visual
hands-on” understanding of the symbolism of these
forces in Nature allowing for the development of
“Elemental Magick.” Even the “Ceremonialists” and
modern Wizards of the O.T.O, Golden Dawn and the
like, have been unable to break away from the core and
fundamental Elementalist paradigm for their ritualized
magickal expressions. Though their ‘higher’ ceremonial
and celestial practices are not the same as you might
find among the naturalist shaman, the same corres-
pondence charts of magick are as useful to them as to
any Elf, Druid or Elemental Wizard.
stone was set at Tara, the ‘Seat of the Kings’ (literally
“Dragons”) where it would scream out whenever a true
king set foot on it. Irish Druid history tells us that the
only kings in Ireland during Celtic times were those
who were made so on the ‘Stone of Fal,’ also called the
‘Stone of Scone.’ The true nature of the Element of
Stone is Earth, and to the direction of North, Wizards
have attributed it.
ur Pendragon and Robin Hood. It is imbued with the
ability to deal fatal blows with each strike, representing
the surety of will, and the cutting, flaming, searing edge
of willpower being properly directed. The sword or
blade is always a symbol of Fire, dedicated to the
Southern direction.
them, or even their cousin-fey the Danes, Scandinavian
Vikings and Norse Wizards. The true Elven folk, having
the long lifespan, are not quick in their desire to throw
that privilege away, nor is a scar or severe wound
considered a battle trophy to them, as they would have
to carry it with them perhaps hundreds of years. The
pacifist ideal of the Tuatha D’Anu did not keep them
from winning the battle with the Fir-Bolg, who were,
again, a distant Elven-Ffayrie relation. However, the
Danubians had never come to Ireland seeking a fight in
the first place. We are led to believe that they were
running from something themselves, had no doubt
already seen countless battles and abandoned their ships
on their arrival to Ireland as if to say, “Here is our new
home. We’re sick of running.” But from the point of
view of the existing population, this was a malignant act
of invasion and battle was an inevitable necessity. Their
pacifism did, however, keep them from winning or
fighting against the Milesians, the ‘Sons of Mil,’ or
mortal humans.
was reached where the Elven-Ffayrie would simply
leave peacefully. Many of them remained, loving the
land of Eriu so much that they somehow transitioned
into an ‘Underworld,’ beneath the conscious surface of
the Milesian’s awareness, and “invisible.” They be-
came known as the “Daoine Sidhe,” thought to inhabit
burial mounds. Returning to the Book of Elven-Faerie:
where large convocations (gatherings) took place ann-
an eco-feminine interpretation of Druidry emerging in
to the early 1900s) or completely against the Pheryllt,
Barddas and the Elven-Ffayrie Tradition. The only
recent exception I have seen in Mainstream Druidry was
when Druid John Matthews released a new edition of
Rev. Robert Kirk’s masterpiece “The Secret Lives of
Elves and Faeries.”
Kings and Elven-Ffayrie Wizards and Priestesses. Cult-
ural religion was again needed to motivate and unite the
masses, this time in Keltia, which was quite vast and
consisted of many diverse tribes and clans. For this
reason, the classical writers speak of Druidism as the
“Religion of the Celtic people.” The observing and
interested humans adopted many of the Elven-Ffayrie
traditions as a ‘religious way of life’. By today's
standards the Druid Way might be more correctly
viewed as a “spiritual way of life with a quantum-
magickal paradigm for which to view the world.”
Everyone seems to have an opinion about how Mistle-
toe grows, the range of it in ancient times, on what trees
it can grow on, or not at all. It actually does grow on
Oaks, but not very often. Mistletoe became associated
with ‘Alban Arthuann,’ the Winter Solstice, or Yule by
the Druids. The names of the Mistletoe in Gaelic
languages translate to mean ‘all-heal’ and ‘high branch.’
The sacred herb was considered the active ingredient in
all herbal medicine and magick and thus it was incorp-
orated in nearly all of their homeopathic tinctures and
ritual incense blends as a “mystically activating” ingre-
Gaelic-Welsh was the official language or national
language of the Elven-Ffayrie of the British Isles often
written in Greek letters. There were, however, other
characters not used for common purposes called the
“Ogham Forest Alphabet.” Today this system is con-
sidered primarily a divination tool in the “New Age,”
but can more appropriately be used for ‘High Forest
Magick’ and communion-communication with the
woodlands. The Ogham alphabet was used in the
construction of coded wood and stone signs spread all
throughout Keltia readable only by the Elven Drwyds
and members of the secret society. It is now a more
commonly known system, along with the Nordic Runes.
While it was forbidden to write many of the sacred
teachings down, lore was maintained at hundreds of
‘sylvan libraries’ formed from leaves and bark of trees
to make the characters and letters. The Romans
destroyed many of these and St. Patrick is said to have
personally burned or overseen the destruction of more
than 200 of them. Such became cardinal enemies
against the preservation of the Elven Way.
Until the Dark Ages, the Dragon Kings were the noble
class of Europe. Kingship or “Enlil-ship on Earth” was
originally granted based on “royal blood” and “genetic
integrity” as overseen by the dragon-priests, the “true”
wizards of what is now considered “mythological
history.” In addition to Anunnaki lore other derived
biblical figures carry this line including Abraham and
Moses and eventually the Davidic House of Judah, Old
Testament lineage. Other dynasties were maintained in
Egypt and elsewhere in Europe with the emergence of
the Tuatha D’Anu. Parts of the original tradition have
seeped into many surviving systems of Hebrew
mysticism, the Edaphic Tradition and the preserved
secrets and histories of the “Holy Land” held by secret
Judeo-Christian lore forsakes the Anunnaki system for
the vision of monotheism held where Enki is the “wra-
thful God” of the Old Testament who worked with his
“angels” (or names eventually passed on to Marduk
when he attempts succession for “Enlil-ship”) on Earth
to perform remarkable feats.
Merovingians were descended from the knights of
Solomon’s Temple and later maintained their tradition
and genetic memory through the orders of Freemasons,
Cathars and Templar Knights, all of which (until recent-
ly) required a family lineage of membership to be
considered for admission/initiation. [The modern Dra-
gon Society apparently observes this tradition more
strictly.] The Merovingians were the “Knights of the
Temple” protecting the mysteries of Rome until they
were “dispatched” in 751 and replaced by the Caroling-
ians who had no affiliation with the Elves and Dragon
Kings. [Nicholas de Vere says all of this may have had
initial stages of execution as early as 664 AD.]
buildings or even physical words. Consequently, the
Dragon Kings were replaced by those crowned by the
not made public. During the Dark Ages a new version
of the Bible emerged eliminating all references to the
Elven-Ffayrie Histories, mysticism, reincarnation, some
of the work of Jesus and several full ‘books.’ By this
time, the Elven-Ffayrie Dragon folk were construed as
“demons” and “devils” to the New Church.
Knowing full well the truth, God asked her if she had
presented all of them. She replied by saying, “Yes,” and
those Elven-Ffayrie who had been hidden from God
were cursed by being hidden from the eyes of Men. An
even more disturbing genesis is found concerning the
Nordic Elven-Ffayrie. In this version, the Elven-Ffayrie
beings emerge or were born from the maggots who fed
on the corpse of the Norse Wizard and Giant, ‘Ymir.’
Other legends of the Dark Ages depicted the Elven-
Ffayrie as fallen angels. Concerning the ‘pixies,’ the
Church explained that they were the souls of the child-
ren who died before being baptized into Catholicism.
History-keeping is dangerous business. Entire tradit-
ions, races and people have been pushed out of
existence because of biases and errors in record
keeping. Once written things are rewritten, re-recorded,
then changed again. With each new discovery one must
alter what was previously accepted as fact, or be a
victim to ignorance. A nation will take over another and
then rewrite their history. This was the case when the
Romans finally conquered the Celts and annihilated
Elvish Druidism, forcing most survivors “under-
ground.” This is an interesting use of terminology
indeed, because instead of seeing the Elven-Ffayrie
Drwyds as moving to a land physically beneath the
surface world, they instead go underground or remove
themselves from public sight.
“Alferic” or Elven, if their intention is to maintain an
Elven-Ffayrie Tradition that is at all authentic.
During the time before the wretched Dark Ages, all the
kings and priests were Elven-Ffayrie. We can perhaps
assume that the 5th century King Arthur is probably the
last of the famously great Pagan Celtic Kings prior to
the control of the Empire. The leaders during the Dark
Ages that thrust civilization into ignorance were not the
great mystical seers and sages of the age prior which
became known as “pagan” or “heathen.” During the
Dark Ages, the Church was not the beacon of light it
once was (or could be) and mainly ruled in an age of
darkness. All of the magick of the prior world was
marked “evil,” except that which was used by Moses
and Jesus and those who could seemingly do “miracles”
by God’s hand alone. Indeed, the Dark Ages begins
when Rome starts deciding the coronation of kings and
replaces the Elven-Ffayrie, dispatching them much like
the Jedi are ambushed and annihilated in “Star Wars:
Episode III.” Only a select number of them survived
and were forced “under-ground.” At the beginning of
the Elven Holocaust, political changes occur, further
books are removed from the bible and it becomes a
crime to even be of Elven-Ffayrie blood.
ble “stereotypical” fantasy appearances in their truer
physical genetic form on the Earth Planet. While the
phenomenon is global, it is the affect of Mesopotamia
on the rising European civilizations that we are most
interested in. These races are all “humanoid” derived
from a parenting race, inter-dimensional extraterrestrial
alien sky gods of ancient times, the Anunnaki (those
who come to Earth from the heavens/stars) or “Anu-
nagi” (star-dragons). The noble Elves are actually “tall,”
not dwarfed and the Anunnaki may have had scaled
skin, but they weren’t little green men or “winged-
serpents.” The Anunnaki are tall (in fact, “Nephilim” is
often mistranslated by biblical scholars to mean “giant”)
with angular (narrow) features, pale skin, and a more
oblong skull than ape-men of the period. Even the
Mayan “Popol Vuh,” the Book of the Dawn of the
Gods, reveals that modern man was actually the fifth
attempt (generation) by the “Sky Gods” to fashion the
Angelic lore, and the “battle” between them, originates
here, specifically derived from the genetic memory of
the ancient “War in Heaven” and extended to the
dispute between Enki and Enlil (the “Bull of Heaven”).
Enki becomes “Lord of the Earth,” eventually exiled
here from “Nibiru” by the Anunnaki because he falls in
love with a member of the race he created. This means
that Orthodox Christianity honestly considers Enki to be
Lucifer or Satan, but then he is also the Yahweh of the
Old Testament, so… But Enki is the only one of the
Chief Anunnaki that originally had any empathy for
humanity – followed by his son, Marduk. And yet his
draconic image has been demonized. And even Enlil
once spoke of Marduk as an “evil serpent” that the
world needs to be rid of.
from Realm of the Ring Lords and Genesis of the Grail
Kings (and other later titles). The material in question is
really derived from the work of the current Sovereign of
the Dragon Court, Nicholas de Vere.
original “Danubian” influence of the Tuatha D’Anu
stretched all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia as
we have seen. Further confirmation can be found by
evidence that the annual convocation of all Arch Druids
(“Arch Dragons”), Elves and dragons was held at the
“Drunemeton” in Galatia, modern-day Turkey, a pecul-
iar place for a western European center if indeed it be
only restricted to western Europe. The real significance
of this easily confirmed fact is commonly overlooked.
The semantic connection between “Druid” and “oak” is
practically cliché, but it is less known that scholars
show a relationship between “drui” or “draoi” with
“serpent” and “dragon.” This is why the Arch-Drui and
Ban-Draoi are called the “Grand Dragons,” “Imperial
Dragons” or even “Pen-Dragons” of Keltia. We are told
that St. Patrick drove the last of the “serpent-dragons”
from Ireland and once removed from society, dragons
later came to be associated with the caves they hid in.
particularly concerning the descent of rulers, kings,
monarchs, pharaohs and any other claims to “Enlil-
ship” on this planet. The Mesopotamian originating
“chosen people” of “Yahweh” remained such by exer-
cising separatism in their marriage (sexual) practices,
instinctively preserving their genetic memory. In fact,
the Babylonian Elamites (ancient Jews) acquired
knowledge (via legend) that their race was unique as
explained by their creator (Yahweh).
figure of each of their own traditions. This disturbed the
later heirs of the Church who saw the Elven-Ffayrie as a
threat to the ‘Seat of Rome’ and the Vatican’s new
power to select kings and rulers contrary to the wishes
of the Drwyds and the Elven lineage. The ‘Sons of Man’
feared the ‘Sons of God’ would rebel and thus the ‘New
Church’ was formed independent of them, with only a
shred of the original Gnostic vision remaining. The
focus of the Church now: to take control of Aeurope
and eradicated “paganism.”
The ‘Anti-Witchcraft and Magick Act’ is what finally
drove the last of the Elven-Ffayrie underground under
penalty of death. To be of the Elven-Ffayrie ancestry
was now to be, by heritage, a “witch,” and the true
witchcraft was indeed always passed down through
family traditions and genetics. This only changed as a
result of “New Age” publications being brought to the
mainstream over the last few decades that could teach in
a single book what others had spent a lifetime gathering
and dying for. In 751 AD the Church-State was
empowered to commission death sentences to anyone
who claimed to be, or could be proved to be, a “witch.”
Those who survived become the more familiar ‘folk
country witches’ of the Medieval Ages. Very simply,
magick was outlawed, and with it a series of traditions
and lore and important sciences. Without this
knowledge, the civilization in Aeurope was thrust into a
dark era indeed, dark with ignorance, suppression and
rypha, the Book of Enoch and the Gospel of Thomas, to
name a few. Only the initiates of the Inner Vatican
Circle once knew of this lore.
ple could maintain the “folk-witch” traditions in secret.
Magick was also carried by another faction, an elitist
group that maintains a better known chain of secret
societies that coexist with mortal society and play an
significantly important role on global events and affairs,
while at the same time existing almost independently
and “above” that same society. The “secret society”
(Elven Council) of the Dark Ages did not exist with the
same societal role as in the Age of Faerie, nor do all
people see it as very significant today. The lineage has
also fallen along the way and continues to be removed
from the original Elven-Ffayrie race. It has endured its
own evolution and so its members remain today,
reconstructionists. “Distant descendants” with “mystical
inclinations” who were not actively a part of pureblood
lineages that ruled these secret societies for thousands
of years. These folk have and continue to be granted
membership “on-commitment.” This occurs (or has
occurred in the past) when an organization’s member-
ship is on the decline. Just as the Danubian Drwyds
broadened their restrictions when they were in danger of
losing their tradition and culture, so have organizations
Elven Histories that after its “star origins,” the magickal
tradition mainly emerged from the Mediterranean/ Mes-
opotamian region forming a delta of Sumerian, Greek
and Egyptian traditions sharing the umbrella title:
“Hermetics.” This original “Hermetic Tradition,” is
what many modern occultists are capable of tracing
their varying “secret traditions” back to. It in fact was a
result of the archetype for the magickal systems and
mystic-cultural traditions that began in Mesopotamia.
As a result of the knowledge migrating across Europe,
different factions began to emerge in different times and
under different regional nationalities, each preserving
the stream in their own way and by their own cultural
semantics and vocabulary.
ism and was no longer being upheld in Rome.
Regardie. Crowley was a protestant mystic. He left with
the teachings of the Golden Dawn to lead his own Mas-
onic organization, “OTO,” the “Ordo Templi Orientis”
(and “AA”). The mystical and magickal forces these
organizations were dealing with were (and continue to
be) Anunaki in origin, which is evident from our prior
publications concerning the “Necronomicon.”
The solitary folk and family traditions did not have the
same ties to the more organized revivals throughout the
Dark Ages and after. In addition, it has only been for
the last hundred years that the folk-hereditary magickal
practitioners have had access to neodruidry, and the GD
Ceremonialism of Medieval and Renaissance sorcery.
This fueled the emergence of “Wicca” in the modern
“New Age.” For the first time in over a thousand years,
a mystical Nature-oriented religion could exist in the
public eye. This new Keltoi-Norse eclectic Faerie
Tradition was published openly and maintains organ-
izations with open membership and access to all
information and lore. It is particularly useful for those
who do not already have some kind of access to the
magickal tradition by blood lineage and heredity for
themselves (independent of an instructor.) This could be
interpreted as somewhat dangerous. While this “New
Age” becomes increasingly refined, more hereditary
traditions and knowledge are brought to the public eye,
like that of the Elven-Ffayrie tradition. Other systems
will often borrow heavily from the Celtic and Norse
mythologies to fill-in-the-blanks or construct a solid
pantheon of deities in which to worship!?! A range of
topics in Druidry, Enochian Magick, the Kabbalah and
the Grimoires of Medieval Ceremonial Magick are
suggested study as a part of the curriculum for any
Wiccan or New-Ager and the information is no longer
hard to come by.
Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Daniken allude to space-
Elves practice green magick primarily, though other
abilities and interests can develop. A ruling house of
Dragon Kings first had possession of the “Sacred Book
of Magick of Abramelin the Mage” before it ever saw
public distribution.
According to traditional Elven-Ffayrie lore, “change-
lings” are replacements of humans, often newborns,
who in exchange for their stolen child, an elf-child will
be left in its stead. While this idea has been passed
down for centuries, it is not actually a traditional
practice of the Elven-Ffayrie, and to say it is from their
low reproduction rate is not, in my opinion, a reason to
further this ungrounded belief. Although Humans have
been granted temporary access to the Other-world from
time to time, these seers would probably not say they
were “stolen,” and no sickly fey was left in their place.
It may be that either the “Changeling Theory” is used at
times when in relation to the practices of “transitioning”
or “transignation” or the belief may have stemmed from
the demonization of the fey folk during the Dark Ages.
There is lore from all over the globe that gives evidence
for encounters between mortals and “Elves” or “star
action with Humans is not at all common and sexual
unions between them are even less common. The only
time something close to “fairy theft” appears in our lore
is in the case of “transignation,” when some may not be
willing or even aware of themselves being used as a
around puberty. Either of these abilities, ‘transition’ or
‘transignation’ requires great feats of magick on the part
of the Otherworld being. The effect is either permanent,
for the purpose of a fixed mission, or for a seven-year
term (another source says thirteen years).
trary, the regular movement of the Court is mainly for
traditional purposes (e.g. “it’s always been that way”)
and partly to feel “normal” as part of an underling
“compulsion,” for lack of finer terminology. While it is
not necessarily the case for the solitary creatures of
Elven-Ffayrie, the Danubian Sidhe relocate to a new
dwelling space at the beginning of each Quarter. These
times of movement were marked by ceremonial observ-
ations, the ‘Four Albans,’ which is to say the equinoxes
and the solstices of the year. It may be that the
continuation of the ceremonial observances by the
agricultural folk was, for the purposes of the Elven-
Ffayrie, nomadic triggers to indicate movement, like the
migratory cues for birds.
burial sites of Elven-Ffayrie ancestors of the surface
world. The Tuatha D’Anu and royal bloodlines of the
fey would preserve their ancestors in “tombs.” Pyram-
ids are almost like artificial mountains that the
Egyptians used to bury people near and in a place that is
not known to really have them (and the chambers are
like caves). Residing in these tombs unnecessarily gave
rise to an “undead” quality to their tradition that is
carried out by a more “Gothic” stream of this mystic
“Middle Earth,” “M.E.,” “Mid-branch,” and “Middle-
world” all imply the third-dimensional plane. Each
“point” in Middle Earth (space) has a center, called
“midhe” in which the ethereal “Recursive Spiral” of
space/time ascends and descends, coiling into upper and
lower frequencies/dimensions, ultimately connecting
and unifying all things (but at a different perceptional
level from the vantage point of physical beings.) Make
no mistake to think of the spiral-like Multi-verse in
terms of absolute “upper” and “lower” worlds. We use
this terminology as only an abstract differentiation to
describe the effect or relationship we perceive as one
plane or level of existence with another, but they are all
connected as one.
tion between the Middle World and the Otherworld, the
idea of Faerieland being some “Subterranean” or “Un-
derground” realm is not clearly displayed in any of
Kirk’s experiences (or the lore of others) except for
portals and entrances. This generalization merely shows
that they exist, again, beneath the surface of perceptions
– as if simply behind a door or gate that we are unable
to simply peer through in day-to-day life.
Elvish Wizards believe that the best time to see the fey
beings from the surface world perspective is spring-time
and also between Beltane and Midsummer, the months
of May and June. The best time, according to folklore,
is the “Midsummer Faery-Rade.” It occurs six weeks
after the setting of the Pleiades at Beltane. These con-
ditions are second best at Samhain (or Halloween) when
the Pleiades rise. But Samhain is not one of the “Four
Albans,” which has led some to speculate which of the
eight “Aldaran” or “Festivals” actually trigger Faerie
movement. Students of the modern Mardukite Anunnaki
Necronomicon cycle are no stranger to the specific
times of year that particular “Gates” seem to be more
accessible to beings on “this side.”
transported – being that everything is connected, our
consciousness is already connected to everything that is.
An old pattern of thought that experiences only a limit-
ed spectrum of sensory perception must be dismissed.
There are frequencies both above and below everything
that Humans are capable of sensing and while these
may be perceived as separate levels, it is only the
individual and subject consciousness that sees this way
– for there is only one reality. If you don’t know how to
look for something and use the wrong microscope, you
will yield poor results. Even a microscope requires the
limited experience of an observer to become a useful
tool at all.
er EM currents may have guided navigation (like birds)
or even assisted the power source of the “flight vessels.”
with the field of a physical space, which combine to
create the “net” vibration.
“steal” Human food. This is not to be misinterpreted as
an act of malevolence. Again, it is a “game.” It is said
that they eat the essence of foods and not the foods
themselves and are often depicted as thin, and ethereal
in nature. Thus, they will absorb only what is necessary
from foodstuff. There are reports from farmers in Celtic
Countries (Keltia) concerning the inside of their stalks
being carefully eaten leaving the outside intact and
whole. Modern folk might just think it to be the result
of some pests, but often it does not appear eaten, rotted,
infested or otherwise touched.
les. They will also leave ‘milk and sweat-bread cookies’
out to invite them into their home. Often the energy
currents of these Otherworld beings can be extended to
the Wizard or anyone calling on them (or another
ancestral energy current) without a “physical appar-
who maintain food and drug addictions in the physical
world will have great difficulty in satisfying these
cravings in a spiritual dimension. We are cautioned that
the addictions conditioned on the spirit can actually
remain after one’s lifetime but may not be able to be
satisfied. While truly ethereal beings have no need to
eat physical substances, the Elven-Faerie are not indig-
enous to the Astral World and once ate regularly as we
ental nature.
The Elven Histories study made prior has focused on
the varying lineages occurring on the surface world
concerning the “royal bloodline” of the Sidhe or High
Elves and Drwyds. There is another sect of Elven-
Ffayrie who are forest-oriented, called the “Wood
Elves.” They are the spirits who are frequently con-
tacted in “green magick” or Earth-oriented magickal
history, these metals have only been associated with
destructive ends. All Elves hold some kind of feelings
against humans who do not uphold the Faerie-Code or
the Sylva Forest Code, particularly those human
responsibilities of ecological planetary protection and
stewardship that are inherited with global domination.
The forests and natural places are both the home and
children to Elementals, and are deserving of respect.
The beings themselves are specifically found in the
remote and virgin (untouched) woodlands (and even
seemingly desolate wastelands) where the physical and
subconscous threshold veil between the surface world
and the Elven Otherworld is the thinnest and most
mention of these things to entice you, for the story of
Rev. Robert Kirk truly should begin, well, at the
Robert Kirk was born in the year 1644, the seventh son
of an Episcopalian minister. Kirk later became a minis-
ter himself, in his home parish of Aberfoyle (Perthshire,
Scotland.) While a devout Christian, Kirk was actually
interested and influenced by Faerie-lore his entire life,
though he was unable to accept “magick.” He did,
however, see the importance in preserving the magickal
and ancient Gaelic-Welsh language, and oversaw a
Gaelic translation of the Holy Bible, personally translat-
ing the Psalms and Proverbs. Kirk’s missionary work
was like the Bardic Culdee of the past who preserved
the Celtic and Drwyd symbolism in the Book of Kells,
an “illuminated” manuscript of the Four Gospels in the
Gaelic language.
metaphysical matters, and it comes as no surprise that
his ‘pagan’ interests were a concern to his father.
comes to learn and experience concerning the Elven-
Ffayrie. The only real contradiction emerges in the
minds of Fundamentalist Christians who see these
beings as demons and devils. Kirk even goes as far as to
say that he feels that it is his mission to clarify the
misconceptions concerning the fey among his Christian
anent transition would still leave his physical body dead
in the Middle World. He is allowed one night to set his
affairs in order in the ‘Lands Above’ in good faith, of
which he leaves his journals behind for his son, then
returns for his sentence.
ces overrun by electromagnetic transmission through
power lines and satellite dishes which can cause mystic-
interference. While urban parks are nice for walks,
picnics, or maybe even studying or working with a
specific tree current, most of these have been planned,
planted and arranged, and are not left to grow wild.
They are usually host to too much Human foot traffic to
be good places to meditate or connect with Nature and
those spirits that inhabit it. Some National Parks and
National Forests are prime locales for this work.
Concerning foot traffic in general, you should walk
slowly, quietly and deliberately when on a vision quest
or passing through wild forests. If your energy is such
that you are scarring away all the wildlife with fast
movement, ruckus or chatter, than you will be most
likely doing the same to the “nature spirits.” They really
do have a dislike for human noise, so stop and sit often,
perhaps against a tree. Be patient. You may wish to
practice breathing exercises that will calm your
vibrations and put you in tune with the frequency of the
forest. Calm your body and still your mind. Activate
your “light body” and “light shield” if you are proficient
at this skill.
ther secret knock sequence is 1-2-3 or /-//-///. If an
initiate has not been given the “key” by personal
apprenticeship to the Elven-Ffayrie folk, then there is
only trial and error. Do not, however, be a menace as
this will only work against your efforts. After three pa-
ssive attempts, your other option is to set up a “Circle
of Power” to help meditate and calm your mind, and if
you desire, practice rites of “opening the thresholds” by
calling Elemental powers or currents of energy by
ritualistic applications. The fey folk are usually attracted
to Elemental Magick because it specifically asks for
their aid and uses energy streams they are akin.
Earth and soil, is going to attract the attention of “nature
spirits” and make the chance of encounter greater. It
boggles me how members of an industrialized society
who have little connection with the Green World, will
wonder why “God never talks to them.” I usually ask
them what all they expect to hear from the Universe
over the roar of their engine and the annoying blast of
radio announcements. It is a consciousness shift back to
a focus on Nature and the Earth Ways that one can hope
to have such a transcendental experience.
most likely to attract the Sylvanus Folk, if that is your
desire. The fey folk are attracted to small shiny objects,
mirrors and trinkets, and are also partial to the colors
green, red, blue and yellow. Natural folk acoustic music
is also sure to entice them. Remember that the Elven-
Ffayrie are traditionally interested in celebrations of life
and love, so you must invite them to a bright shinning
place that is fun and whimsical and not somberly
ceremonial or negative in any way.
practitioners know of the connection between the races
and the “very real” folk who are known as the Tuatha
D’Anu, who emigrated from Mesopotamia as a group of
very specific dynastic families.
Magickal feats are accomplished by activating the
mind’s subconscious powers through the use of symbol-
ism and imagery to aid in focusing and directing energy.
Through the “ritual movements,” “breathing exercis-
es,” “ceremonial dance,” (and any other intentional
actions) the entire mind and body becomes actively
involved in bringing about a desired result, whatever
that may be. All intentional acts are magickal because
they move energy and cause change or an affect in
accordance with one’s will, intention and desire. Finally,
music and the vocalization of incantations, intentions
and affirmations are ways of intellectually commanding
energy and are often incorporated in magick.
depending on your semantic beliefs.
Element of Sun: red & orange magick, alchemy, art,
courage, healing, love, passion, strength, success
and attraction.
Element of Vapor & Cloud – Sea: twilight, southwest,
astral magick, Otherworld work and
ment at a time allows the Apprentice Wizard to gain
experience and “authority” with a particular element
prior to calling upon its powers in a ceremonial setting.
However, if an affinity to a particular element emerges
be warned that you will begin to assimilate attributes of
that elemental type. For example, a Wizard who works
with the Air Element most of the time will begin to
develop a more ‘flighty,’ ‘spacey’ and ‘imaginative’
personality. A ‘Fire Wizard’ might develop an increased
sense of ‘courage’ and ‘passion,’ but also ‘irritability’ if
sics. The ‘Magick Sphere’ or ‘Nemeton’ is a sacred
place of power. It is suggested that, if you can, this
magick should be brought to the wilderness and forests.
Find a clearing, or if possible, a “grove of trees.” There
you may even call on Earth and Stone as you erect your
own “stone circle” or “henge of stones.” The size of
your “kirc” or “sacred circle” will vary with the location
used and the number of participants expected to be
present at a given time. Understand that when you bring
this magick to the same place repeatedly, especially
when you are permitted to leave your stone circle or
physical embodiment of the circle erected, the wood-
lands will become reminiscent of the ancient archetypal
“Enchanted Forest’ as it becomes charged over time.
Sacred space is important for practical magickal work.
The wizard must be free of physical restraints during an
operation. Creating distinguished and sacred space
allows the subconscious mind to catch up with the
salient belief that “something magickal is about to
happen” (see also casting a circle). Druids and Elves
followed the energetic vibrations or currents (ley lines)
of Nature to certain “power spots” and distinguished
natural terrain that is seemingly magickal or “enchant-
ed.” Wizards of green magick continue to do this today,
seeking out places of personal and overt power to work
their magick from the wilderness. Research the vibra-
tions and energetic currents of the trees and find the
natural representations that reflect the current stream
(ray) your desire best. Consider other astrophysical
alignment possibilities to celestial bodies and events,
the Moon and/or Sun at particular times during the
seasonal cycle (e.g. the solstices and equinoxes).
matically cause the aura to draw its energy in, rather
than building it up or projecting it outwardly.
and the Children of Light, the Ancient
and Shinning Ones.
burner (adding some more if necessary) and go to the
east, moving again around the entire boundary of the
circle, slowly and deliberately. Your actions should
express that you are walking or testing the boundaries
of the “ends of the Universe,” as represented within the
“Magick Sphere.”
with all life in the Universe. I am a ‘Child
of Starlight.’
that you wish to connect with or channel, as if you are
already channeling or receiving this current. Speak the
Earth Key:
Go to the east and trace the ‘Air Sign of Portal’ with the
wand, seeing it yellow (or purple.) With the threshold
veil lifted, envision the emergence of a Sylphen fey
coming to your circle from the Otherworld as you
intone the Air Key:
ers, on this side of the Sacred Circle are
you invited now.
I call thee spirits and powers of the moon,
sea, water and grail. Shield and protect
this ‘Magick Sphere. King and Queen of
the Merfolk of the wave, on this side of the
Sacred Circle are you invited now.
what is happening and hold the images clearly in your
mind. Finally intone:
doorways alone, you don't want to leave these things
“open.” If you began or oriented your Nemeton to the
north and Earth Element, then you will want to finish
there, so begin in the west. If you started in the east,
begin your extinguishing in the north, always working
backwards, counterclockwise or ‘tuathal,’ for the pur-
poses of opening the circle at the end of a rite. Use the
following formal incantations in the order most appro-
priate to your needs.
wind, air and wand. May the energies of
the Air Element return to your place of
dwelling until you are again called.
but is never broken. Awen (Ah-oo-een).
You will need your item(s) handy. To make these inst-
ructions simpler, let us say that if this rite is not being
used for an “Elemental tool,” then the item should be of
such a nature that it is not being used for a single-use
spell. For example, you might charge a runic pendant to
attract love energy into your life, but Elven Wizardry is
not used to gain the specific love of so-and-so, such as
you might find in a targeting love-spell. True Elvish
Magick is timeless and not restricted to a specific event
or person (usually) and therefore the construction of
general talismans that attract love would be a better use
of the rite.
misuse what is discovered in our grimoire of rites and
secret spells. By this oath between us I will offer the
clue needed to make this work.] You will need to feel
and see your thought-form, goal or Elemental current
clearly outside of yourself. Breathe this energy or
aetheric matter in and feel it completely wash through
your body as you absorb it through your every pore.
Feel it run through your circulatory system. Assimilate
this energy (so it had better be positive) and focus it on
your arms and hands, projecting it from within and
releasing or pushing it into the item.
the burning herbs that waft through the
air. In doing so I do consecrate it by the
ancient names and seals of the Air and
Fire Element.
ularly have exposure to. As a general idea, metal will
hold a charge longer than wood, and any solid will hold
energy longer than a liquid.
“Magick Sphere” into the Otherworld acting as a bea-
con to your call. Then say:
Circles of Power for the sole intention of calling the
Elven-Ffayrie can be consecrated or conjured different-
ly. Elemental callings can be modified to meet the needs
of contacting the Sylvanus Folk, who maintain their
own Elemental hierarchy. The following are the sugg-
estions listed in the original Elven-Faerie Grimoire:
magickal name] come to you in admiration
and respect. I seek contact and initiation
to your Otherworld, in grace and good-
ness. I shall not disturb, trespass or break
the solemn vows between us. I seek to be
your companion and will adhere to the
boundaries of that friendship. By the grace
of the All-Source, please come forth and
make thyself known.
to see how they respond to each other. In a spell to
encourage a friend to initiate a romantic interest, seven
acorns are placed on a small square of white cloth and
tied up with a red cord or ribbon to form an “amulet
bag.” After sleeping with it under your pillow for three
consecutive nights, bury it beneath a rose bush and call
out for the person to come to you. The indigenous
shamanic cultures also used acorns as a food, either in
nut form or crushed to make “oak flour.” This powdered
substance could be made into an antiseptic.
the midsection, it reveals the image of the pentagram. It
is also significant to the harvest time, the festivals of
Lughnassadh and the autumn equinox. In ancient times
the harvest was traditionally begun with a toast of cider.
At Yule, the apple-wine “wassail” was used ceremon-
ially for tree blessing. Perhaps one of the best-known
folk references to the apple comes from the Judeo-
Christian version of the “Garden of Eden” cycle, where
it represents the “Tree of Life” or World Tree; though it
seems doubtful crab-apples would have been the
favored “god-food.” The fruit is also found in natural
healing remedies for anemia and in the Ayurvedic
Healing tradition as preventative medicine. They are
good sources of both Vitamins A and E and can be used
for purifying the body of toxins and lowering blood
With this strike may you grow stronger.
block. See the auric energy that is projected from this
being as blocked or shielded, as if encased in a bubble,
then say:
See the astral form dissolve into the aether with your
gies via the appropriate channels.
waters be upon me in the work that I do
towards [n.] Wise Salmon of the Western
Sea, I call upon thy True Knowledge and
the wisdom of the Water Element. Offer
your blessing toward me and extend your
protective/healing power towards [n.]
Bless the target with saltwater and burning incense. A
'smudge-stick’ of sage might also be used. Bless the
‘bowl of water’ and sprinkle it on the person and around
the person, or in each room of the house and around the
outside of the property. With the saltwater, say at each
Once the area has been deemed “Sacred Space,” go to
the central workspace (you do not need an “altar”) and
stand or kneel, facing north, saying:
Stand and move to the north and light the ‘green can-
dle,’ saying:
Move to the south and speak the following as you light
the ‘red candle’ there:
thing of your personal choosing. In metaphysics you
always anoint with oil from the feet to the head (up-
ward) and bless or wash from head to foot (downward).
Blessed be the flame that burns within my
heart that I may know the True Love of
the Universe and also so I may recognize
the path by what I feel deep and true.
May the Spirits of Nature and the Universe beyond,
see and bless this symbol of my dedication.
that you bring to the Gates of this sphere
most sacred and secret?
GUARDIAN: Answer Initiate. Do you
come here of your own free will, free
from the pressures of peers or others and
free of ulterior motives?
Otherworld, and it is our will that you
should fall and perish on the blade I hold
before you in sentence for such blasphemy.
By bringing fear in your heart to our
world you will undoubtedly attract evil.
How do you enter our world, Initiate?
fore returning the center again. In ancient times, such
would have been conducted in a cave or underground
labyrinth. This text is simply one version, portions of
the Chaldean Oracles have been used for others. The
Magician Sponsor guides them first to the south and the
Guardian of the Grove reads from the center of the
The Formless Fire gave birth to Air, and
the gaseous Air gave way to water. The
sea would yield finally to the land, Elem-
ent of Earth, a powerful and stable found-
ation on which the less tangible manifest-
ations could reside. This Earth is the
planetary spirit of G’ea and she has had
‘keepers’ and ‘guardians’ existing in all
times and places to maintain the balance
of the Elemental World and thwart all that
would cause disharmony.
ceremonially installed into the mysteries of the Elven
Tradition for the purposes of group study and practice.
to use it; and in that will, the wisdom to temper the
use of knowledge; and in temperance comes mercy;
and thru mercy, love; and in love we find the Source
of All Being and Creation.
gy for strengthening the will.
tended for ritualized spellcraft and active magickal
Southern Wizard: Guardian of the South, spirit of the
Flame and realm of Fire, we thank thee for thy
attendance this day/eve as you witness and remem-
ber the ceremony we practice in memory of the rites
of our ancestors. May you return again when hence
we call. Hail and Farewell. Go in peace.
Faerie Queen: As we have come in peace, so do we
leave in peace. We are the ‘Children of the Stars,’
beings of light, life and love. In departing, we project
and radiate peaceful energy and positive power
throughout the Universe, dispersing the energies
gathered here.
(Gnostic). John the Baptists was also an Essene, evident
by his use of the baptismal rite of the Essenes, which
was not observed by any other sect but the Essenes (for
that region and era). The Church took ownership of this
ceremony as well.
January 31-February 1: Imbolc, Brighid’s Day, Calen
Geaef, Oimelc, St. Blaise’s Day, Candlemas, St.
Valentine’s Day and Groundhog’s Day.
Arbor and Elessar. Join me powers of Leaf, Earth,
Tree and Stone, in this celebration of my ancestors. I
come to the Sacred Grove this estevar [evening] to be
reunited and guided by their asha [spirit].
SOUTH: I stand on a threshold between time to
witness the death of one year and the rebirth of
another. As Keepers of the Earth, Guardians of the
Elven-Ffayrie Cor Anar [Wheel of the Sun/Year]. I
charge the Duath [darkness] to give way to alb [light]
at the Solstice of Midwinter, the turning point of the
Sacred Earth Year.
SOUTH: As the ancestral asha [spirit] departs, we
wish peace and love for their return to the ancestral
plane. I ask only that you leave me with your
hereditary guidance that it may be a light to
illuminate Kaloren [the ‘Right Way’ or path].
elf” who can be attracted through the offering of milk
and sweat-breads (cookies). Consider the use of red,
green and white candles to illuminate your night work.
You might set them on a “Yule Log.” Being the longest
night of the year, you will conjure your Nemeton for the
purposes of seasonal observations at night. The days
grow longer after this night and thus the Sun is depicted
as being reborn.
comes from death and change, or that nothing truly
dies, only changes.
est of seasonal mysteries and cycles of change.
Aldaron [the forest], energy currents of Lasse and
Gael [leaf and stone]. Hear the call of the Ekahal
[Elvish Wizard] as I rouse you from hibernation.
Rejoice! Rejoice! The Sun King is reborn!
zoned-out watching television. Fire gazing, in general,
has been known to produce calming states. The inner
mind becomes open and the reception of visions and
prophetic inklings can result. When you focus your
conscious mind on a stimulus like flame, running water,
a glistening pool, a polished stone, the stars (etc.,) you
allow the inner mind to become active. These possess
natural energy currents that do not “override” our senses
(like when you driving, listening to the radio, working,
etc.) It is best to sleep after this ceremony as the subtle
energies of Imbolc are best received at night through
subconscious dreaming.
the Cor Anar [Wheel of the Solar Year] and the
strengthening of Glora Anar [the Sun]. Bless now this
Tuile Alta [Springtime Light] lend your powers to this
ing a web of enchantment that spreads across the
land. May the spirits of Tuile F’yonn [the season of
light] bless the land with love and abundance.
Currents of Ear Pehlora [the Water Element] send
forth thy spring rain to nurture the life as it strives
to mature.
equinox is a reference to the equality of the day and
night durations.
and encourage its growth.
forth and bless this new life with your lustral waters,
moisture and nourishing rain.
SOUTH: Spirits of Laer Reudh Arva [summertime
flame], now is the time to emerge and shine brightly.
Southern currents open the Evala Duir [hidden door]
of thy mysteries. Join me in celebration of summer-
time anticipation.
tice climax as you grow in strength each day.
NORTH: I call upon the Spirit of the Forest in the
twilight of the great Elven-Ffayrie Rade between the
worlds, before the dawn of Laer Reudh, the ‘Red
Season’ of summer and maturity. Come forth Alar-
don, Herne, Kernunnos, the Green Man, they who
come when I call on the strength and energy of the
Earth Element or the Enchanted Forest. Merge your
energies with this Sacred Grove.
EAST: Glora-Anar. Mighty Sun Father, share your
energy with me now in your time of greatness. I am a
keeper of the eastern ward, Guardian of the direct-
ion of your genesis.
reme light bearer in the Enchanted Forests.
NORTH: May the love and energy called here for the
Alban Heruin Alardon [festival of the Summer Sols-
tice] to be shared in peace by all spirits present for
this occasion.
NORTH: I call thee Northern Spirits of Lasse, Cloch,
Ar-bor and Elessar. Join me powers of Leaf, Earth,
Tree and Stone, in this observation of the turning of
the Cor Anar [Wheel of the Solar Year]. Bless now
this harvest time. Darkness appears in the north as
the ‘Wheel’ spins.
celebrate the wedding feast of Lugh where all
friendly spirits are invited.
Return to the central workplace and replace the bread
with the wine, taking it up and asking for benediction.
death. Spirits of La’Aer [the Air Element], Giet
Romen Gaeth, powers of the Eastern Wind, ex-
change in the energies of the ‘Magick Sphere’ before
and a ‘satchet’ or ‘pouch’ of Mistletoe herb to be cere-
monially charged.
You, who answer the calls for fluidity of Sea and
powers of Water, come forth and celebrate the
ancient mysteries with me.
NORTH: The harvest has been taken in and plans
are being made. I guard a season of inner explor-
ation as the Earth [Gaea] and Sun [Glora Anar]
hibernate in winter [Hrive D’yonn].
NORTH: May this sacred herb, the Mistletoe, be
consec-rated to the future use of Sylvan Druidecht
[Elven Forest Magick] and henceforth activate all
herbal remedies and potions I prepare for the next
year. May the amulet bag itself be charged as a
symbol to guard away misfortune.
bered.” They can speak only to the quieted conscious-
ness of an Elven Wizard. The Dryad of the tree is like
the spiritual program inhabiting the system that allows
its growth. This tree-like consciousness growth can be
seen in the “Dendryte” neural formations in the brain.
The spirits within the trees, which have many names in
the Elven Tradition, become a part of any wood taken
from it for magickal purposes. In fact, all the objects or
tools of the Elven Forest Tradition are crafted from tree
parts. The manner in which the wood is taken and used
is what separates the Elves from the mortals who think
nothing of frivolously tearing at trees. Essentially the
Elvish Wizard will ask permission of the spirits of a
tree, plant or animal, before taking any part of its
lifeforce, such as is seen in the practices of the archaic
shamans and true herbalists. One reason for this “perm-
ission seeking” is that it establishes in your psyche that
there is a being present and some kind of relationship
between you exists.
Dead-wood (dre[d]gwood)
Green-wood (wickwood)
Live-wood (wizardwood)
The wood that you find littered all throughout the forest
floor is “dead-wood.” For whatever reason, it has been
broken away from the trees (and it always does) and
mixes with the leaves and decaying foliage to from the
soil after its decomposition. It is the best for kindling
fire but be sure not to clear it completely away from the
forest floor, as it is a necessary part of the ecosystem.
While it can be used for amulets, talismans and various
things, it is not generally recommended for permanent
magickal tools. [While I admit that my own staff at
present was collected from the forest floor, as well as
many magick wands I have used, true lifelong Elven
ritual or ceremonial power symbols are best acquired
from a live source once you are an experienced Wizard.]
ion to leave an offering for the spirits of a tree or
“nature spirits” in exchange for their sacrifice, then do
so. Always follow your intuition concerning practices of
Forest Magick.
do you see? What is that? Energy streams and strings
are indeed all around us. They project from all living
things and can be altered via emotion and will. Even the
physical placement of non-living objects (as seen in the
study of “feng shui”) seems to have an affect on the
currents around us.
pain of anyone else or even the Earth itself. Equally so,
it is actually in our best interests to help in relieving the
suffering of that which is outside of us right now so that
it does not creep into us later. We are all connected in
the Universe, and what one or two people feel in one
place, is not at all restricted to affect only them alone.
be able to use this shift in consciousness as a means to
better recognize the “subtle energies,” streams and
strings that seem invisible to the uninitiated. This
technique for “astral preparation” is the same method
used for energy, light-work and Tree Magick. Some
things on the Surface World are better understood and
manipulated from the dimensional paradigm of that
which envelopes the Middle World.
awareness throughout your entire body, moving it from
your toes, feet, ankles, legs and knees upward into your
thighs, pelvic region, solar plexus, stomach, chest and
shoulders, then finally into your arms, neck, head and
reaching its destination in forming a halo-crown about
the top of your head. By this method, the Wizard
becomes a “Pillar of Light.” Feel the light extending
from your body and strengthening your auric shield.
[The Western Magickal Tradition observes a similar
version of this rite, called the “Middle Pillar.”]
ion in the mind. The symbolism can possibly trigger
certain subconscious reflexes to spark astral encounters.
Guess what? You can do this with any Grimm’s Faery
Tale once you enter the Light Body. Although valid to a
degree, these “guided” methods tend to be the least
useful techniques for our present purposes. Astral Trav-
el certainly taps into that imaginative side of us that is
best seen in children. But we are all “Children of
Light,” and so by connecting with that part of ourselves
that is closest to the light, we become free again like
children and able to partake in the bliss of being at one
with the All. To visit your Astral Grove, first become
proficient in entering the Light Body.
Field. Simply envision the portal firmly, seeing it stand-
ing before you in your mind’s eye. Take time to note all
of its details. Make it real. Using the power of will, you
can move your astral form through the portal, and you
will still believe yourself to be in a physical body with
the same ability to sense and perceive, assuming the
launch or transition was effective.
The following rites can be used individually or in
succession as applicable.
By the grace and permission of the Forces
of Nature and the Spirits of the Universe,
I now break ground in peace, love and
compassion. I open this circle now to
undertake this work, but the circle is never
of love to nurture newly planted life.
to the Sacred Grove and the mysteries of
the Everlasting Forest. I am a Guardian
of the Earth Mother, keeper and protector
of her ancient ways.
Sound/Letter: I (“ee”)
Polarity: Female, dark, passive, lunar.
Quartile Element: Water (some aspects of Earth)
Elvish Element: The Sea
Physical Manifestation: The Mineral Kingdom
Threshold Time Period: Dusk, sunset, autumn.
Elessar (Elf-Stone): Silver (hematite)
Light Bands (Rays): Indigo, violet and blue.
Sound/Letter: O (“oh”)
Polarity: Masculine, light, active, solar.
Quartile Element: Fire and Air
Elvish Element: The Sky
Physical Manifestation: The Animal & Human
Threshold Time Period: Dawn, sunrise, spring
and summer.
Elessar (Elf-Stone): Gold (tiger’s eye)
Light Bands (Rays): Yellow, orange and red.
Sound/Letter: A (“ah”)
Polarity: Neutral, crystalline, reflective, akasha.
Quartile Element: Earth (also Akasha or
Elvish Element: The Land
Physical Manifestation: The Plant & Tree
Threshold Time Period: Twilight, midnight,
Elessar (Elf-Stone): Black or Green (obsidian)
Light Band (Ray): Green
Chakra/Light-Centre: Heart or Merkaba (4th Chakra)
Gemstones: Quartz, quicksilver, silver, sapphire, and
trual periods for a woman. The Moon might affect
cyclic psychological and behavioral rhythms of a life
form. For example, different people generally have
“higher” or “lower” energy at different times of day,
week, month and year. These patterns are unique to
each individual and discovered only though self-
reflection. The Blue Ray is called for peace and
protection, which is why it is used in the casting of a
Circle of Power. The disruption of the Blue Ray (2nd
Chakra) causes depression and anxiety (the polar
opposites of peace and security) and so use of this ray
may aid in restoring that personal balance.
the Green Ray because it grows its branches like the
snowflake, the “Sign of Awen” or the “Elf-rune.” The
current can be used as indicated above in addition to
healing and centering (grounding.)
Practical Magick, like Bardic Elementalism, is often a
seeker’s first step into reprogramming the mind to
believe in its own abilities through “ritual.” Using
ceremonialism, the novice mind gets used to the idea
that it can make things happen consciously, by thinking
“magickally.” All intentional actions (performed delib-
erately) are considered “magick.” All events that occur
in accordance with one’s will are equally magickal.
These are not the statements or beliefs of someone who
lives as if they are a victim, and not an active
participant, of reality. Having the longest wave, the Red
Ray manipulates the most intense of emotions: passion,
love and anger.
qualities usually based on whether the effects appear
“constructive” or “destructive” to our spiritual evolu-
tion, emotional well-being, psychological state and
physical health. Nothing is usually what it seems on the
surface alone. Wisdom in healing a physical ailment is
achieved when one looks beyond only the physical
symptoms and finds an underlying sickness equally
contributing. Without getting to the problem by the root,
it will continually grow back. If you only treat what you
can see on the surface, you will have a reoccurring
Divine Radiance. The fourth level of your spiritual
existence consists of both a silver and a gold encase-
ment that seals the auric energy in. The fifth level is the
Light Body itself, the outer aura and Light Shield. It is
the part of us that people see when they say they can see
auras. Your energy and emotional state will influence
the nature and strength of your auric Light Shield and
vice versa. It is possible to neutralize negative or
destructive aspects of an emotion (color) by changing
the Light Shield to an opposing color. For exa-mple,
you might counter “red” anger with “blue” peace.
Meditate on the nature of the multiplicity and oneness
of the perceived levels of the “spiritual self,” and see
your auric energy strong.
that an entire lifespan can be dedicated to its ways. A
perfect example is how the Ovydd Ogham system (and
correspondences) were designed to be almost unlimited
in application. To ‘Commune with Nature,’ your mas-
tery over the initial visualization and willpower will be
tested. The following prerequisites must be met before
any further work is performed.
spread your palms wide on the surface of the
· Retain contact with your left hand, completing the
circuit with your right by using some catalyst for
the energy like sticks, stones or the ground.
ner, in this case the tree. Mortals have a habit of not
using the Pillars and Rays (often unknowingly) in their
sexual activity and thus cause damage to their Chakra
system and Light Bodies.]
ual and harmonic relationship, and not restraint of these
forces by ‘cattle prod commands.’ There are several
tools that will help you in your efforts.
this ancient tool set is responsible for the children’s
game “pick-up-sticks,” which is what an objective
observer might see when they are cast, interpreted and
retrieved. They are held in one hand about a foot away
from the ground, and then dropped. Using the rune and
Ogham symbols as reference, the Wizard interprets any
omens found or “read.” When used in con-junction with
tree communication, simple acts of divination can
become powerful workings of Elven High Forest Ma-
wishes to begin a mystical and spiritual relationship
with you. Drop the stones at the base of the tree and see
how they fall. If the gold one is closest to the indicator,
the answer is “yes,” and the answer is “no” if the silver
stone is closer. The “Elf Stones” operate on the same
principle (or current of magick) that “foot dowsing” and
“muscle testing/inclinations” work. These methods are
all great for Forest Magick, but are dependent on the
sensitivity and awareness of the practitioner and are not
as blatant interpretable as “tarot cards.”
this wood, meaning wands used as protective talismans
or amulets to keep away certain energies, are highly
effective. Of course, to obtain one by Wizardwood you
would have to touch the tree with a blade, which is
taboo except by the most adept of Elvish Wizards. Ask
the spirits of the tree to enter the ward and to aid in
safeguarding against will, magick and enchantment of
others toward you, your family, and/or the owner of the
Sacred Animal/Bird: Unicorn/Hen (‘querc’)
Gemstones: Rose Quartz and the Silver Elf-
Ffayrie Herb(s): Wild Strawberry and Rosebush
Traditional Uses: Dietary (fruit) major food of
the Elves, drinking (cider,) woodcarving,
and the “Silver Branch” (or “bough”)
Apple Wand.
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Love, beauty,
the union of mind and spirit between
lovers, eternal life (perpetual youth),
abundance, fertility and healing.
Another reason for the tree being sacred is that when the
fruit is cut in half, you can see the image of the
pentagram, the five-rayed star. Quert is sacred to the
harvest, the festivals of Lughnassadh and the Autumn
Equinox. A toast of cider is always conducted in the
honor of the Apple Tree Spirits at the beginning of
harvest as a means of blessing and consecrating the
harvest efforts. All of the hybrids now common
throughout the world emerged from the original Crab
Apple tree. The fruit itself helps those with asthma or
chronic pneumonia sufferers.
Traditional Uses: Spears, maypoles, pool cues,
paddles, oars, hockey sticks, wands,
dream pillow herbs, sea/water magick and
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Triumph,
completion, overview, protection,
overcoming mental strife, and the ‘World
Tree’ that links the inner and outer worlds.
The leaves can be used to remove toxins from the
system in the form of a laxative, and/or in the treating of
snakebites. The sap can aid in relieving kidney stones
and bladder infections. When the leaves are unavailable,
the bark is often used with similar results.
The Aspen Tree is aligned to the use of intuition and the
uncovering or revelation of secret or hidden knowledge.
Long have Wizards sought this tree for its oracular
properties. From the meditative state of the Body of
Light, the winds through the leaves and makes both a
sound and flickering sight that is conducive to scrying
and receiving visions and prophecies. Slightly more
robust, the Poplar and Cottonwood Trees carry the same
energy currents. The Cottonwood, particularly, is more
highly aligned to the masculine/solar polarity, and is
known as the “Giant Aspen.”
ence at the very center of our being is not tangible, and
is not destroyed when the physical body or vehicle
perishes. It instead extends its own light outward to
make a vehicle to carry it through the spirit world. If
more lessons must be learned, the Light Body or
spiritual self will find another catalyst or vehicle in
which to access the knowledge, sometimes called
reincarnation. This continues until physical Ascension
takes place, and the being or spirit is so full of light that
physical incarnations are no longer necessary, except for
the purposes of teaching others if that self-actualized
individual personality so wills it. The Aspen Tree does
not have many medicinal uses, save one: Nature’s
Aspirin. The bark is powdered and admin-istered
(perhaps in capsules) to relieve fevers and mild tension
Crane or Bluebird
Gemstones: Fire Opal, Blue Topaz, Azurite and
each Elf-Stone individually.
Ffayrie Herb(s): Morning Glory
Traditional Uses: Writing tablets, book covers,
woodcraft, tree communication.
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Archaic
knowledge, writing, communication, the
Summer Solstice (Alban Heruin), runes,
victory, and letting go of old patterns.
cover books of old often used Beech wood. Phagos may
also be a useful current to aid in working with ancestral
spirits. The Beech Tree also produces an edible nut
called a “mast.” Excellent cooking oil can be derived
from it.
broom,’ and not physical flight. Old folk magick
ceremonies will often begin with the sweeping out of
the area as a means of neutralizing the energy of the
magickal workspace or Nemeton. The flying aspect of
the witchcraft tradition emerged from the use of the
mushrooms that grew in the Birch shade and provoked
“spirit flight” when ingested. Such methods of “astral
travel” would lead seekers into the Otherworld via
hallucinogens. [These practices of “shadow magick” are
used by the Elven-Ffayrie, but because of the current
legal restrictions on mushrooms, there is a moral
dilemma in describing or advocating their use.]
ing the Beech as the Silver Pillar (next to the Ash/Yew
and Oak) in the Forest Magickal Tradition. Medicin-
ally, the oil from the bark can be used to make a skin
lotion, which helps a variety of skin conditions. The
buds of the Birch flowers are used to help stomach
pains and ulcers. Chewing on twigs will help in keeping
the teeth clean, and a tincture of the leaves and/or bark
will help relieve mouth soars. The teas and tinctures
have a purifying quality that causes frequent urination
when ingested. The oil in the bark can be used to repel
insects. Apparently, modern scientists have discovered
that a chemical in Birch known as “methyl,” makes this
all possible.
Traditional Uses: ‘Thunder and Lightning Staff’
or ‘Dark Staff’ (a.k.a. ‘shillelagh,’) cudgel
weapons and warding against evil and
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Cleansing,
control, operating by force, confusion,
restraint, resentment, sudden change or
renewal, strife and protection.
dle these struggles in life. In Olde English, to “suffer” is
to “experience.”
Archetypes & Deities: The Sacred Grove,
Brighid and Arianrhod.
Quadratic Element/Colour: Air/Blue and Green
or Pale Yellow.
Polarity: Masculine (solar)
Sacred Animal/Bird: Ewe/Goldfinch
Gemstones: Yellow Chrysopraise and the Gold
Ffayrie Herb(s): Juniper
Traditional Uses: Incense of purification, space
and home blessings, calling and
summoning spirits.
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Height of
psychic awareness and spiritual abilities
and knowledge of all times and places.
Circle of Power, especially for purposes of spirit
summoning, ancestral work, or any Babylonian-Sumer-
ian rites. It is called the “Tree of Light,” making it
sacred to the Imbolc Alardan and also Alban Arthuan/
Yule, mainly because it is an evergreen.
ry wood is naturally charged to amplify the will, and
makes a good wand for alchemy or transformation
magick. The current can be used for workings to further
an existing war or end and prevent them. The Cherry
Tree is symbolic of sexual passion and the power and
intensity of the orgasm. It is sacred to Beltane and
Midsummer or Alban Heruin. Oadha is not a Ogham
Tree and yet it seems incomplete not to consider it.
completion, change and crossroads.
be removed as livewood (even to Wizards.) Those who
use the wood for furniture and miscellany are haunted
by the spirits of the wood, and come upon misfortune.
[The destruction of an ancient Elder and Thorn Elven-
Ffayrie forest to make room for a DeLorean plant in
Ireland resulted in the disappearance of the company
altogether.] Trees thought to be of a “dark nature” or
“unlucky” actually tend to do the best at ridding a space
of negative energy or clearing away illness. A tincture
of Elder Flow’r will purify the bloodstream if ingested.
The leaves can be used to form a solution that can be
used externally for dressing bruises and swellings and
makes a harmless pesticide. The berries are rich in
Vitamin C and are used to make a delicious wine. They
can be boiled down to make a shampoo that will have a
darkening effect on the hair.
Other Trees Sharing the Current: Redwood
Sacred Animal/Bird: Cow, Stag or Deer/Lapwing
Gemstones: Moss Agate and all three Elf-Stones
combined or by current.
Ffayrie Herb(s): Cowslip
Traditional Uses: Forest Magick, regeneration
magick, Earth-wands, torches and
firewood for sacred fires.
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: The Elves,
ancient knowledge, primal power, high
views or objectivity, penetration, strength
and the eternal Earth-memory.
views,” that is their ability to see clearly and judge
fairly. Because of its nature to grow new trees from old
sprouts thought to be dead, the Fir-Pine is a symbol of
endurance, eternal life, and of course, regeneration.
While we might scientifically divide this curr-ent into
hundreds of subspecies and hybrids, all of them
represent the ‘Middle Pillar’ and carry the energy of the
Green Ray in its purest form. The ease of commun-
ication and use of these trees in Sylvan Magick have led
me to suggest that an apprentice work with this forest
current before the others like Birch and Beech. The
Ailim current is useful for growth and fertility spells for
both the “Green World” and personal needs, as well as
rituals and ceremonies pertaining to marriage and
relationships. The Fir Tree is a source of charcoal, tar
and turpentine.
Sacred Animal/Bird: Rabbits and Bees/Scrat
Gemstones: Periodot and the Gold Elf-Stone.
Ffayrie Herb(s): Heather
Traditional Uses: Honey, food for animals,
fertility magick and purification.
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Wisdom,
spiritual fulfillment, optimism, projection
(like rays) and protection.
raction. Its metaphysical color is orange (as opposed to
yellow) but it retains the alignment to Fire. Finally,
another version of Linden is Basswood.
Huatha is a Ffayrie tree with an geis (taboo) on its wood
removal during anytime except that which is prescribed
above. Staves, wards and wands of Hawthorn have
powerful protective properties, particularly against
magick and spells of others. This wood is used to make
the Whitewand, just as the Blackthorne wood is used to
make the Darkstaff. Remember to take the wood only in
May as it is clearly sacred to the Beltane threshold, and
even then with ceremony, preferably by an Adept
(Master) Forest Wizard. Without doing so, the wood
will bring misfortune to the bearer as a result of
disturbing these spirits.
when tied together or carried in a bag, represent a
powerful protective amulet. The branches, usually ones
found that are “forked,” make good ‘dowsing rods,’
tools of muscular energy-testing for finding water or
tracking “ley lines.”
Gemstones: The Three Elf-Stones.
Ffayrie Herb(s): Heather and Honeysuckle.
Traditional Uses: Healing, attracting rain and
perfume (Heather)
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Healing,
clarity, reviving, All-Heal and passion.
There are two types of Heather: red and white. The Red
Heather attracts passion and is a symbol of sexual
energy and lust. The White Heather wards against
passion and sex and symbolizes purity and chastity. The
Red Heather is sacred to, and picked, at Midsummer or
Alban Huruin, while the White Heather is aligned to the
Spring Equinox or Alban Eiler. As you may have
guessed, Heather is one of those Ogham currents that
really is not a tree. In some translations of the Oghamic
system, this runic character is actually represented by
the Mistletoe, which Elven and Drwyd lore would
suggest is the most sacred of all herbs. Both Heather
and the Mistletoe share similar attributes.
letoe the folklore name “All Heal.”
green, may have been the first “Christmas Tree,”
although all evergreens are sacred to winter and the
festivals celebrated during that season. The red Holly
berries hang like ornaments and at a glance, the red and
green symbolism is easily recognizable. The three
sacred herbs of Yule match the three Ogham herbs:
Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe, although Holly is actually a
at varying times of year. In addition, a good detoxifying
tea can be made from Holly leaves.
the wand. A spiral (sometimes fashioned of metal) is
sometimes wrapped around the length of a wand, or for
the true herbalist, this would be the Ivy itself. The spiral
represents creation and so incorporating it with magick-
al tools gives them an “active” quality. It is sacred to the
Autumn Equinox or Alban Elved.
ful one. Maple does not make an appearance in the Cad
Goddeu. The ancient Druids of Britain and Ireland,
where the Ogham allegedly originated, may not have
even encountered Shorin. [The present author grew up
in Minnesota where the Maple Tree is as rampant as the
Cottonwood and Aspen are to Colorado where this is
being written.] You may use this energy current to
connect with a species of similar attributes that you do
not have access to. Shorin is sacred to the Autumn
Equinox or Alban Elved, also called “Mabon” in some
Celtic Traditions.
Gemstones: Yellow Topaz, Amber (petrified tree
sap), gold and the Gold Elf- Stone.
Ffayrie Herb(s): Acorn (‘uri’ or ‘uru’) and
Traditional Uses: Protection for homes and
doors, Elven-Druid magick, fertility
magick and timber, especially for doors,
bats, sticks and clubs. The ‘gall’ can be
used as a powerful talisman called the
“Adder’s Egg,” “Druid’s Egg,” or
“Druid’s Gem.”
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Strength,
leadership, material gain, longevity
(endurance), the doorway to mysteries,
ineffable/absolute truth and solid
Deep within the forest stands the tall and gnarled Oak
Tree branching out wide drawing you nearer and nearer
to the mysteries of the dark (secret) grove. Their lies the
‘great door’ leading to the inner mysteries of true mag-
ick. True magick is that which brings us ‘Absolute
Truth’ and contributes to the evolution of our
Ascension. It is the Oak alone that represents the final
degree or level of study in the Elvish School of Drwyd
Wizardry, the path to self-realization and absolute
awareness. While it is the final and most notable lesson
of the Oghamancer in their advancement to the
Drywydd degree, it is actually listed as seventh in the
Ogham alphabet. [As a student of the Elven-Ffayrie
tradition, you realize that seven is a very significant
number for completion (or the whole,) as prior studies
have explained.]
to fiery energy and lightning makes the Golden Wand of
Oak the most commonly sought after tool for Nature-
oriented magick. The wood is also used for the handles
of ceremonial blades. Another tree that shares the
current of the Oak, though more passively, is the
Hickory Tree or “axara.” Its energy attributes are
similar to the Oak, but on a more mundane or tangible
aspect of the energy current concerning the acquisition
of material gain, good fortune and abundance.
action, application and harmony.
the entrance of your home, property and/or Sacred
Grove. The Air of Moon correspondence makes it a
prime choice for the ‘witches wand.’
Sacred Animal/Bird: Scorpion and Lizard/
Titmouse (‘mintan’)
Gemstones: Aquamarine and appropriate Elf-
Ffayrie Herb(s): Neckweede and Blackberry/
Traditional Uses: Grapes, wine, meditation and
revealing truths.
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Inner-
development, self-realization and
Huntress, Diana of the Forest and
Quadratic Element/Colour: Water/Bright,
Opalescent or Fine (‘sodath’)
Polarity: Feminine (lunar)
Month: February
Sacred Animal/Bird: Hare and Cat/Owl and
Hawk (‘seg’)
Gemstones: Opal, Pearl and the Silver Elf-Stone.
Ffayrie Herb(s): Moonwort
Traditional Uses: Lunar magick, feminine
magick, fertility magick, banishing
depression, baskets and wicker-work.
Divinatory & Energy Expressions: Beauty,
enchantment, rhythms, cycles, secrets and
an indication that emotional healing is
dreams and the priestess tradition of “drawing down the
moon.” Saille is a healing Ogham, mostly on an
emotional level. By linking to the Willow [in the way
you did when you first leaned your back against a tree
and felt its aura] you can open the channels necessary to
sort, retain or release the emotional pains and past
energy you carry. The Willow Tree is metaphorically the
“Grandmother of the Forest,” the one you can tell
anything to because she has already been there herself.
The Yew Tree typically stands at the end of the Ogham
journey, no matter which of the two alphabets are used
to catalogue it. Ioho is the sign of completion, in a
manner much deeper than that felt with the Elder Tree
current. It is not so much an ending as the gateway to
the Otherworld, or that is to say the absolute promise
that there is life after death. Yew shares the frequency of
a select few other Ogham Trees in (re)generating new
trees from the layrs.
Sylva D’ Cad Goddeu: The Battle of the
Trees Treatise
[Goddeu Brig (c. 400 BC)]
(Elvish Version, translated 1999 AD)
6. Holly emerged from the woodlands and made a
sound and strong stand, armed with thorny spear points
that could certainly harm a man. The drumbeat of the
mighty Oak made heaven and earth ring as he is
Guardian of the Door or so every Druid sings.
7. The Gorse held his own in battle and the Ivy was in
his prime, the Hazel served as arbiter at this enchanted
time. Relentless and savage was the Fir and cruel was
the Ash Wood, they could not be discouraged, try and
stop them, no one could.
8. The high and noble Birch Tree was one of the last to
be seen, not as a sign of cowardice, but of high esteem.
There were healers to aid warriors and the injured folk,
but the long-enduring Poplar Tree in battle often broke.
singe. There was the blessed wild Apple Tree laughing
in his pride, as he hid and watched from Faerie Mounds
by the rock side.
Deea Canayen Istari Elandra: The Elvish
Wizards’ Sacred Year
(Cor Anar: The Wheel of the Sun)
Lothron: Thrimidge (May)
1st – Beltane: The Fires of Bel
The Wizards’ English-to-Elvish
Quick Reference for Magickal Rites
A: N
AIR: Fin, Gaeth, La’aer, Vilya
AN: En
ARMY: Alvar
APRIL: Astron, Verese, Virith
AUTUMN: D’yonn, Reudh
BOOK: Parma
BOW: Luva
BREEZE: Hwesta
BRIGHT: Alta, Kaloren
BROTHER: Desh-Herain, Keroth
BROWNIES: Bwbachod, Bwca
CHAKRAS: Elaith Tor
CHARM: Diceta
CLOAK: Evala, Saeth
COWALKER: Coimimeadh
DARKNESS: Avathar, Duath, D’yonn, Lumbule,
DAY: Aune, Calan
DECEMBER: Ringare, Rithon
DIVERT: Devir, Nishtai
DRAGON: Draig, Drakr, Elaynor, Telaynor
DRUIDIC: Alferic
EARTH: Cloch, Kemen, Salan, Talamh
EAST: Aiet, Romen
ECLIPSE: Sukatanar
ELF KING: Auberon, Aubrey, Avery, Oberon
ELFLAND: Alfheim, Aelfheim, Elfheim, Elphame
ELF POWER: Alfi, Elfrida
ELF-STAR: Elen, Undomiel
ELF STONE: Elessar
ELF-WISE: Alfred
ELVEN: Alferic, Aulfen, Anunaki, Delphine, Elandra,
ELVEN STEED: Coomlean, Roch
ENCHANTMENT: Druieachd, Onlay
FAERIE HILL: Sidth Bhruach
FATHER: Desh-ketai
FESTIVAL: Alardan, Eisteddfodd, Hal
FFAYRIE: Abrahor, Erlina, Fey, Nissa, Noldo, Shea
FIRE: Aldan, Arva, Nwyvre, Sier, Tiene, Yeata
FOREST: see woodlands
GLASS: Kh’dek
GLYPH: Certa
HOLY: Ainya, Aire, Felonia, Seelie
HUMANS: Firimir, Janda’hai
ICE: Kh’dek
INCANTATION: Bricht, Obaidh
INSPIRATION: Eridu, Tenine
IRON: Anga
JANUARY: Narwaine, Narvinye
JULY: Afterlithe, Cerveth, Cermie
JUNE: Forelithe, Narie, Norui
LEADERSHIP: O’forfamir
LEAF: Lasse
LIFEPATH: Kimen, Yahae
LIGHT: A’lahn, Alb, Alta, -enya, Kaloren,
LORE: Nole
LOVE: Kyela
MAGICK: Druieachd
MARCH: Rethe, Sulime
MAY: Lotesse, Lothron, Thrimidge
MIST: Hisie, Hithe
MOON: Elor’el, Isil, Kanith
MONDAY: Isilya
MORTALS: Firimir, Janda’hai
MOTHER: Desh-mieve
NIGHT: Estevar, Sukanar
NORTH: Formen, Tuath
NOVEMBER: Newmath, Yestare
OCTOBER: Haibaeth, Narquelie, Winterfilthe
PEACE: Easa’ahae
PLANE: Arda, Arth
SALT: Salan
SEA: Ear, Muir
SIDHE: Abroren, Noldo
SISTER: Desh-iriai, Kieran
SKY: Gwai
SOUTH: Dan, Deas, Harad, Hyarmen
SOURCE OF ALL: Ea, Eru, Iri’a
SPEAR: Alger
SPELL: Bricht, Decitia, Druieachd, Orth
STAR: El, Ela, Elen, Eloya
STONE: Cloch
STONE CIRCLE: Cir, Circ, Cor, Kirc, Kirk
STORM: Romin
SUMMER: Laer, Laire, Navrin, Reudh
SUN: Anar, Anor, Grain, Glora
SUNDAY: Anarya
TREE: Alder, Arbor, Orne, Tor
TREE SPIRIT: Aldaron, Ninastre, Saelr’r
TUATHA D’ANU: Abroren, Erusen
TWILIGHT: Kusanar, Undome
UNSEELIE: Avathar, Devir, Ish’maen, Sheltieth
WEST: Andune, Annun, Iar, Numen
WIND: Gaeth
WINTER: D’yonn, Hrive
WIZARD: Drui, Ekahal, Ekashai, Istar, Istari (pl.)
WOODLANDS: Abrahor, Daevaun, Milana, Taur,
Taure, Torrest
WORLD TREE: Torlornos, Yggdrasil
Words of Light:
A Comprehensive Elvish Dictionary
CRANNCHUR: (G) The divinatory art of casting sticks,
esp. Ogham.
DAETENIN: (A) Dark or unseelie, esp. dragons.
DAEVAUN: (A) Woodlands or forest.
DAN: (SH) South
DEEA CANAYEN: (F) Calendar
DESH-IRIAL: (T) Sister [proper]
DESH-KETAI: (T) Father [proper]
DESH-MIEVE: (T) Mother [proper]
DESH-MIRIAI: (T) Guardian of the Home
DESH-NERAIN: (T) Brother [proper]
DESHTAI: (A) To be honorable in following one’s
DES’TAI: (TU) To be honorable in following one’s
DEVIR: (A) To divert from the right path or follow the
wrong destiny.
DICETIA: (G) A charm or spell.
-DOR: (Q) Suffix indicating a world or plane.
DORAI: (TU) Loyalty and duty felt towards loved-
DRAKYR: (A) Dragon
DRAVIDIANS: The Tuatha D’Anu and later Sidhe.
DRYS: (GR) An Oak Tree, spirit of the tree or wren
DUATH: (S) Darkness
DUILE: (G) The Faerie Elements or Spirit of the
EA: (Q) also I’ria, the Source of All Being and
EAR: (Q) Sea
EASA’AHAE: (L) Peace
EDAPHIC: (SY) A lifestyle of tending the soil/Earth,
esp. Sylvanus Tradition.
EKAHAL: (SH) Elf Wizard
EKAHUA: (SH) A female spiritual advisor or Ffayrie
EKAHUEI: (SH) A male spirtual advisor or Elf Wizard.
EL: (A) Prefix or root indicating Elf or star.
ELA: (SH) Stars
ELAITH: (A) The spirit of a being or Star-Essence.
ELAITH TOR: (A) Tower of Spirit or the auric-chakra
system of a being.
ELAN: (A) An Elf, literally Child of the Stars.
ELANDRA: (A) Elven
ELAYNOR: (A) also elynor and elinor, literally Star
ELEN: (TU) Elf-Star or Elf-Friend.
ELENARI: (TU) Elf-Friend or Saturday.
ELENYA: (Q) Saturnday or Saturday.
ELESSAR: (Q) Elf Stone
ELF-DAY: Tuesday
ELF LEAF: Rosemary
ELFRIDA: (G) Elf Power
ELFSHOT: In reference to when a mortal is struck by
an Elf Arrow.
ELGAR: (G) Noble Elf, High Elf, or Danubian Sidhe.
ELIA: (A) The spirit or soul of a being.
ELM: Tree of Elves
ELOR’EL: (A) Moon
ELOYA: (A) Star-Heart
ELPHAME: Elfland, literally Protected-by-Elves.
ELVEN HISTORIANS: see remembrancers.
ELVEN HOLOCAUST: The Dark Ages, a period from
751 AD-1736 AD.
ELVIN: (G) Elf-born or Elf-Friend.
ELVIRA: (G) Elf-Friend
ELWIN: (G) Elf-Friend
ENDOR: (Q) The Middle Earth world of Humans or
Physical Plane.
ENNOR: (SY) Derived from endor, meaning world of
-ENYA: (Q) Suffix meaning day or light.
ERA: (T) The Earth, land or Middleworld.
ERLINA: (G) An Elf, Sylph or Ffayrie.
ERU: (Q) The Source of All Being and Creation.
ERUSEN: (Q) Children of the Stars or Tuatha D’Anu.
ESHE: (SH) Elf-Friend
ESTEVAR: (A) Tonight, this night, evening or
EVALA: (SH) Cloak
FAERIELIGHT: A folklore name for the Jack-O’-
FAERIE RING: A naturally occurring circle or ring of
high grass or mushrooms.
FANA: (IT) Goddess of the Woodlands
FANA: (Q) An invisible veil, esp. veil between worlds
and dimensions.
FAUNI: (IT) Female equivalent of silvani.
FAUNUS: (IT) God of the Woodlands
FAY: (FR) Ffayrie
FEAS: (SE) Love towards a material object, e.g. “I love
FELONIA: (A) Sacred
FELN: (SE) Love towards magick and the Elven Way.
FER-DAN: (G) Bardic Druids who were scouts,
messengers and news collectors.
FER-LAOI: (G) Bardic Druids who serves as
metaphysical poets and musicians.
FEW: (G) An Ogham runic character
FEWS: (G) Ogham runic characters, plural.
FFERYLLT: (G) see Pheryllt.
FIDTH: (G) An Ogham runic character.
FIN: (SH) Air Element
FIRIMAR: (Q) Mortal humans
FOISON: (SY) A game where Otherworld beings will
steal the food of Humans.
FOLLETTI: (IT) Female woodland spirits, a lineage
from the Etruscan Kingdom.
FUTHARK: (SC) The Norse Elven Runic alphabet.
F’YONN: (SY) Rebirth season, spring, literally the
Light Season.
GAEL: (A) Stone or gem.
GAETH: (G) Wind, esp. the energy current of the Wind
GALADHAD: (Q) Trees, plural.
GALDROSTAFFYR: (SC) Using the Norse Runes in
the manner of Ogham Magick.
GE’A: (A) also Gaea and Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth.
GEIRT COIMITHETH: (G) see just-halver.
GEIS: (G) A mystical restriction or prohibition with
costly consequences if ignored.
GILLACHT: (G) Puberty
GLAM DIAN: (G) The most severe Druidic curse, like
GLAMOUR: A mystical enchantment where the
physical nature/reality is altered.
GLAMOURY: An Irish-Celtic tradition reviving the
Elvish Otherworld Tradition.
GNOMA: (GR) The genetic family of the Gnomes,
Kobold and Dwarves.
GNOME: Guardians of the Earth, Keepers of the Soil,
esp. rocks and gems.
GRAIN: (G) Sun
GREENWORLD: The physical world region that is
synchronous with Elemental Realms.
GWAI: (AL) Sky
GWAITH: (Q) Shadow
HAL: (SH) Festival day
HERMETIC MAGICK: An underground Greco-
Egyptian mystical tradition.
HISSIE: (Q) Mist
HITH: (S) Mist
HOLED STONE: also Holey Stone, the Druidic Birth
Stone or tool of the Earth Element.
HRIVE: (Q) Winter
HWESTA: (Q) Breeze
HYARMEN: (Q) South
IMBAS: (G) Divine inspiration or gnosis, literally Fire-
I’RIA: (T) The Source of All Being and Creation
ISH’MAEN: (F) Unseelie Wizard [unfriendly slur]
ISILYA: (Q) Moonday or Monday.
ISTAR: (Q) Wizard, pl. istari.
JANDA’HAI: (D) Mortal Humans, literally Round-
JUST-HALVER: also Geirt Coimitheth, a spirit feeding
on the essence of what one eats.
KALEANAE: (L) Watcher, esp. of the Universe or a
KALOREN: (A) The bright path or right way.
KANITH: (A) Lunar energies
KEMEN: (Q) Earth Element
KEROTH: (TU) Brother
KH’DEK: (Q) Ice or glass, esp. when used as a magick
tool or catalyst.
KIERAN: (TU) Sister
KIRK: (G) from Scottish Circ, meaning a sacred
sanctuary, esp. a stone circle.
KOBOLD: also kobolda gnoma, the blacksmiths of the
KUSANAR: (T) Twilight
KYELA: (SY) Love
LA’AER: (A) Air Element
LAER: (S) Summer
LAIRE: (Q) Summer
LANDS ABOVE: The physical world or world of
LANDS BENEATH: The Underworld or Otherworld of
the Elven-Ffayrie and Sidhe.
LASSE: (Q) Leaf, pl. Lassi.
LEOLLYN: (G) The Sun Father, esp. Llew and Lugh of
Celtic Mythology.
LES: (G) An herbal medicine bag or ‘juju pouch’
carried by Shamans.
LIA FAIL: (G) Stone of Fate brought to Tara in Ireland
from the Otherworld.
LINCHETTO: (IT) Night Elves, a lineage from the
Etruscan Kingdom.
LIVEWOOD: see Wizardwood.
LOR: (A) To shine or shine bright, esp. in relation to
LUMBULE: (Q) Darkness
LUVA: (W) Elvish bow
MACDACHT: (G) Prepubescent childhood
METON CYCLE: also Great Year, any period of 19
MIDDLE EARTH: The physical world of Humans.
MILANA: (T) Forest
MIR: (SY) Jewel
MYHIDR: (AL) A lover who is a Life-Mate but not
necessarily a Soul-Mate.
NAN: (SY) Valley
NARIE: (Q) June
NARQUELIE: (Q) October
NARWA: (SY) To remember, like an awakening.
NARWAIN: (S) January
NARVINYE: (Q) January
NEL: (G) Cloud
NIA: (A) Master
NIEVE: (T) A lover who is not a Life-Mate.
NINASTRE: (T) Master of the Woods, esp. Kernunnos
or Dagda.
NINUI: (S) February
NISHTAI: (A) Not to walk or follow one’s destiny.
NISSA: (SC) A Sylph or Sylve, esp. female.
NOLDO: (Q) High Elf or Danubian Sidhe.
NOLE: (Q) Lore, folklore or knowledge.
NORUI: (S) June
O’FORFAMAR: (SY) Leadership
ONLAY: (G) A charm or spell fixed on a home or
specific area.
OR’MN: (A) The Surface World, Middle Earth or world
of Humans.
ORNE: (Q) Tree
ORTH: (G) A charm or spell.
OSTARA: (G) also Ostre, Ostera and Easter, Alban
Eiler, the Spring Equinox.
PARMA: (Q) Book
PEHLORA: (A) Water
PERIZADA: (G) Ffayrie-born or Fey-touched.
PHERYLLT: (G) also Fferyllt, a race of pre-Druidic
Dragon priest-kings in Keltia.
PIXIE: (G) Usually defined as female winged sprytes,
actually is the Scottish Pict-Sidhe.
RAELL: (A) Refuse or trash, esp. energy or habits one
wishes to be rid of.
QUENDI: (G) The first-born Elves of Aeurope.
QUENYA: (G) The original language of the Quendi,
depeicted as (Q.)
RADE: Times of mass transition of the Seelie Court.
RE’AITAI: (G) Star, esp. the energy current of the
SkyFire Element.
RECOGNITION: The innate ability for sensitive Elven-
Ffayrie to recognize other ones.
REMEMBRANCERS: Elvish historians and
RETHE: (G) March
ROCH: (A) Elvensteed or horse.
ROMEN: (Q) East
SAETH: (SY) Cloak, esp. of invisibility.
SAELR’IR: (A) Spirit of the Forest
SALAMANDER: also draco salambe, Elemental Fire-
SALAMBE: (GR) The genetic family of Salamanders
and Fire-Drakes.
SALAN: (G) Salt, esp. the energy current of the Earth
SEAN-SGEAL: (G) A folktale or faery-tale.
SEELIE COURT: The Blessed Court, esp. positive
Elven-Ffayrie spirits and Sidhe.
SELEK’TAR: (F) A spiritual advisor, usually female.
SENACHIES: (G) Bardic Druids who used the Ogham,
esp. historical musicians.
SENDACHT: (G) Old age
SHADOWLAND: also Summerland, realm of the
ancestral spirits of the past.
SHAMROCK: also Trefoil and Trifolium, the four-
leaved clover.
SHEA: (G) Fey-touched and/or genius/brilliant.
SHELTIETH: (T) Unseelie, unblessed or dark in
SHOL: (SY) Elven Breath, like the Dragon’s Breath,
esp. healing energy.
SIDHE: (G) pronounced shee, the High Elves of the
Seelie Court, esp. Danubians.
SIDTH-BHRUACH: Silverwand or Ffayriewand, esp
made from the Apple Tree.
SIER: (A) Fire Element
SILPHE: (GR) The genetic family of Sylphs and
Sylves, esp. the Sylvanus Folk.
SILVANI: (IT) also Sylvani, a masculine spirit of the
woods, esp. an Elf.
SIMULACRA: An imitation or substitute, esp. Human
shells in which Elf spirits reside.
SLATAN DRUIEACHD: (G) A Druid’s staff.
SLAUGHMAITH: (G) The Good People, esp. the Sidth
or Sidhe.
SOLMATH: (G) February
STEMLINE: The straight or middle line used to align
Ogham notches.
STONE OF SCONE: Lia Fail or Stone of Destiny.
SYLVA: A treatise on trees or Elvish Forest Magick.
SYNDARIN: also Sinddarin, a Sylvan Language of the
Wood Elves, depicted by (S.)
SULIME: (Q) March
TAGHAIRM: (G) Necromancy or the art of summoning
(talking to) the dead.
TAURE: (SY) also taur, Forest.
TERRESTAI: Everlasting Forest, perhaps a reference to
the Universe.
TIR-NAN-OG: (G) A mystic island of perpetual youth
or perhaps the Otherworld.
THUILE: (SY) Spring
TOR: (A) Tower, lookout tree or tree hideout.
TORLO: (A) Intense strength, brilliance or brilliant
TORLORNOS: (A) World Tree or Tree of Life.
TOROTH: (A) Strength of the Oak Tree or immovable
TRANSIGNATION: An Elemental projects their
spirit/consciousness into a mortal body.
TRANSITION: The movement between world and
TREE OF LIFE: also Yggdrasil, the metaphoric World
TREFOIL: also Trifolium, the Shamrock or four-leaved
TROSAD: (G) A ceremonial or ritualistic court for
TUAITHBEL: (G) Counterclockwise
TUATHAL: (G) Counterclockwise
TUILE: (Q) Spring
UBAID: An ancient Sumerian Anunaki priest-king
dynastic lineage.
UIAL: (SY) Spring
UNDOME: (Q) Twilight
UNDOMIEL: (Q) Elven-star, esp. a seven-rayed star.
UNICORN: A Creature of Faerie representing
innocence, love and beauty.
URIME: (Q) August
URUI: (S) August
VARDA: The Queen of Stars, also Anu and Eru,
literally Star Mother.
VASTA: (SY) Awaken
VIRESSE: (Q) April
VIRITH: (S) April
WIZARDWOOD: also livewood, that which is removed
from the tree by a Elf Wizard.
YEATA: (S) Fire Element
YGGDRASIL: (SC) The World Tree, usually the Ash
Y TYLWYTH TEG: (G) Name of race residing in
Celtic Caerllen or Ffayrie-mounds.
ZEISATU: (SY) Consciousness or thoughtforms.
ZHA: (T) The future or what is to come next.
ZIGGURAT: Pyramid-styled buildings used as temples
by the ancient Anunnaki.
ZORVAIN: (SY) Mystically charged, esp. with an
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