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Detailed Lesson Plan Angelo

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School Northern Samar Colleges Grade level 9th

Date and Time September 27, 2022 / 5:00 pm- 6:00 pm Learning Area Arts
Teacher Angelo E. Romero Quarter 1st
I. Objective
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
 Determine the distinct characteristics of arts and the artist during Neoclassical Period.
 Collaborate and participate about the Neoclassical Period
 Reflect on and derive the mood idea or message emanating from selected artworks of
the neo-classical

The learner:

1. Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior

knowledge and skills
Content Standard
2. The arts as integral to the development of organizations, spiritual
belief, historical events, scientific discoveries, natural disasters/
occurrences, and other external phenomena
The learner:
1. perform/participate competently in a presentation of a creative
impression (verbal/nonverbal) from the Neoclassic and Romantic
Performance Standard periods

2. recognize the difference and uniqueness of the art styles of the

different periods (techniques, process, elements, and principles of
The learner:
1. analyze art elements and principles in the production of work
following a specific art style from the Neoclassic and Romantic

2. Identify distinct characteristics of arts during the Neoclassic and

Romantic periods A9EL-IIIa-2
competencies/ Code
3. Identify representative artists from the Neoclassic and Romantic

4. Reflect on and derive the mood, idea, or message from selected


5. Determine the use or function of artworks by evaluating their

utilization and combination of art elements and principles
6. Use artworks to derive the traditions/history of the Neoclassic and

7. Compare the characteristics of artworks produced in the

II. Subject Matter
Content topic: Arts of the Neo-Classical Period


Music and Arts Grade 9, pages 224-227



 3 pcs. Cartolina
 Permanent marker
 Puzzle pieces (Pictures)
 Learners Manual

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Student Activity
A. Preliminary Activity

I. Prayer
(The teacher will ask a volunteer to lead the

II. Greetings
“Good Morning Sir!”
“Good morning class!”

III. Classroom Management

I would like to request that everyone should

participate during our activities, and if you are
willing to participate to our discussion just please
raise your hand, no talking while I am having a
discussion, if you have clarifications please let me
finish first. Yes, Sir!
Okay? Does everyone understand?

IV. Checking of Attendance

(Please say present if your name called)

B. Review

Last time we discussed about what?

“Sir, The Renaissance and Baroque
“Yes, the Renaissance and Baroque Period.”

We discovered the different period, again

Renaissance art is characterized by a naturalistic
and realistic portrayal of the human form and
landscape, while Baroque period is characterized
by exuberant details and grandeur.
Renaissance and Baroque periods originated in
and spread throughout Europe. Both styles are
known to portray realism, but the Baroque style
tends to be highly detailed and elaborate.

“Okay, let us move on to our new topic for today”

C. Motivation

(Blind artist)

The teacher will ask for at least 2 students to

volunteer. The teacher will give a word for the
student to draw in the board while blindfolded
while the rest of the class will guess the picture.
(Ex. Horse, lion, crown)

Does everyone ready? For the game? Yes, Sir!

Okay let’s start!

IV. Lesson Proper

The teacher will group the students into 3 and will
be given 1 questionnaire each. Each group will be
given a cartolina and a marker

Questions: Neo Classical Period

1. What is Neoclassicism? 
2. What are the characteristics of Neo- 
classical Art? 
3. Characteristics of the artists and their
famous works.

(I will just give you 10 mins to do this activity)


“Okay class our topic for today is all about?” “Neoclassical Period”

“Very good”

“In the middle of the 18 th century. Neoclassicism

was born out of rejection of the Rococo and the
late Baroque Styles. Romanticism began in the
same era but its approach had to do with the
modern or new than the traditional.”

“We will discussed Romanticism after we have

finished the Neoclassical Period.”

“Let us now hear the answer of each group.”

“Each group must read and explain about what

they understand about the given question. Each
group must have at least 1 or 2 representatives to
present their work.

“Okay, lets first have group 1.”

This is the work of group 1
“Group 1 what is Neoclassicism? “Neoclassicism began during the year of
1780- 1840”
“The word Neoclassic came from the
Greek word “NEOS” means NEW and
latin in CLAUSSIUS which have the
similar meaning of “first class” it also
applies to literature theater and music and

“Also known age of enlightenment”

“Very good Group 1, lets have give them a round
of the applause.”
“Let’s now hear the answer of group 2.”
“The characteristics of Neoclassical Art as
“Group 2, what are the characteristics of follows:
Neoclassical Art?” - It portrays the Roman history
- It has compassion
- Use diagonals to show peak of
emotion or movement
- Has a local color
- Have a overall lighting
- Has classic geo-structure

“Thank you Group 2, lets give them a round of “clap, clap, clap”

“Lets now hear the answer of the last group.”

Group 3: Characteristics of Neoclassical
“What are the characteristics of Neoclassical artist
artist and their famous works
and their famous works?
- He is the French painter in the
Neoclassical Style.
- His subject is more on history

His famous artworks are:

1. Death Marat
2. Napoleon Crossing the alps
3. Oath of the Horatti


INGRES (1780-1869)
- A pupil of J. David and influenced
by the Italian Renaissance paters
like Raphael and Nicholas. Etc.
- His paintings were usually nudes,
portraits and mythological themes.
“Well done, Group 4, please give them a round of

“clap, clap, clap”

“Again class, group 1 told us that neo-
classicism began during year 1780-1840”
“The word Neoclassic came from the
What is neoclassicism?
Greek word “NEOS” means NEW and
latin in CLAUSSIUS which have the
similar meaning of “first class” it also
applies to literature theater and music and
“Also known age of enlightenment”

“Very good, because Neoclassicism century

movement developed in Europe as a reaction to
the excesses. The movement sought to return to
the classical beauty and magnificence of the
Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.”
“It always portrays the history of roman, as
one of the characteristics stated by group 2,
because that time roman has a great influenced
for them to do an art.”
“Very good question class.”
“Neo-classical period fashion is famous line of that
time they liked to trend the classic trend outfits.
Because in the world of fashion knows, anything
old can be made new again.
“Just like what we’re doing right now, every year
passed by the fashioned that our ancestors
created are now coming back but in a modern way
of styles.”
“Fashions come back around, which is why today
everyone is dressing like we're still in the 1980s.
People do this in fashion, and they do it in art, as
well. For example, back in the late 18th century,
the artistic styles of ancient Greece and Rome
became very popular once again. But, just like with
fashion, artists don't simply copy previous styles,
they reimagine them and make them relevant for
their societies. We call the revitalization of ancient
Greek and Roman style
the Neoclassical movement in art. Ancient
Greece and Rome are considered the Classical “Sir, “Neo-classical period fashion is
civilizations” famous line of that time they liked to trend
the classic trend outfits”

“Aside of the characteristics that neoclassical

influenced them, what could be some trends
during that time that may varies each period of
“Very Good”

“Also group 3 mentioned the two famous artist in

that era, Jacques-Louis David, Jean- Auguste
Dominique Ingres”

“Did you know that Jacques-Louis David was as

political an artist as ever lived. He was a leader of
the French Revolution, a prominent member of
the radical Jacobin party, and a close friend of
leader (and infamous tyrant) Maximilien
Robespierre. He organized over-the-top
propaganda festivals for France's new republic.”

“And also, Ingres' first historical paintings were

done in the troubadour style, echoing the idealized
amosphere of the Middle Ages. In Napoleon I on
His Imperial Throne, derivatives of medieval and “Sir, “Ingres was steeped in
Byzantine prototypes are seen; rigidity, flatness the academic tradition, which centered on
and lack of modeling.” study from the nude and classical art. He
became the defender of a rigid classicism
which contrasted with the Romanticism
“Class, If David is a political artist and a French of Delacroix. Ingres saw himself as a
revolution, what could be Ingre’s during that time? history painter, the highest goal of
academic art.

‘“Very well said”

“Let’s Proceed”

(Jigsaw Puzzle)

“The representatives of each groups will again

choose their next activity.”

“There are 4 different artworks that are cut as a

jigsaw puzzle. The group who has chosen the
artwork must assemble the puzzle to find out what
kind of art work they had. After they finished the
puzzle, they will name the artist and the title of the
artwork. They will also need to express what they
feel about the work.”

Death of Marat
“the painting portrays a revolutionary
martyr, Jean- Paul Marat, which was
murdered during the French revolution.”

Napoleon Crossing the Alps

“the painting portrays a brave soldier
named Napoleon riding on a horse”

https:// kgs/

Napoleon on the Imperial throne

“the painting depicts Napoleon as King of

The Apotheosis of Homer

“The painting depicts of Homer receiving

all the brilliant men of Rome, Greece and
Contemporary times.”

V. Evaluation
Let’s have a quiz
(Please get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the
following questions.

1. Comes from Greek word NEOS which also
means “First Class”
2. Give at least two characteristics of the Neo-
classical Art
4. A pupil of David whose artworks are mostly
nudes, portraits and mythological themes.
5. An influential French painter known in

1. Neoclassical/ Neoclassicism
2-3. it portrays the roman history
- It has composition
- Uses diagonals to show peak of emotion or
- Has a local color
- Have a overall lighting
- Has classic geo-structure
4.Jean- Auguste-Dominique Ingres
5.Jacques Louis David


Advance reading about the next topic – Neo

classical sculptures

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