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Philosophy Death

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Human Person and Death (Part 1) DEATH IS NON-RELATIONAL

This means that when we die, we die ALONE. We have

LEGAL DEFINITION OF DEATH no choice but to face it on our own.

Section 2 paragraph (j) Organ Donation Act of 1911 or DEATH IS NOT TO BE OUTSTRIPPED
Republic Act 7170 Death cannot be taken away from a person. Even the
person himself cannot remove the possibility of death in
DEATH his life. One cannot make himself live forever.
The irreversible cessation circulatory and respiratory
functions of the irreversible cessation of all functions of DEATH IS MOTTO BE OUTSTRIPPED
the entire brain, including the brain stem. Even though we see in fiction movies the ident
immortality, death, in real life is a definite reality which
A person shall be medically and legally dead if either: nothing can be done to be outstripped.
1) In the opinion of the attending physician,
based on the acceptable standards of medical
practice, there is an absence respiratory Human Person and Death (Part 2)
functions of natural and cardiac and, attempts
at resuscitation would not be successful in DEATH AND AUTHENTICITY
restoring those functions.
2) In the opinion of the consulting physician, AUTHENTICITY
concurred in by the attending physician, that on Is an idea mostly used in existentialism which means
the basis of acceptable standards of medical having true and meaningful existence.
practice, there is an irreversible cessation of all
brain functions, and considering the absence of SOREN KIERKEGAARD
such functions, further attempts at We have to avoid the crowd the majority of the society
resuscitation or continued supportive. which we think that should be the pattern of our lives.
3) Maintenance would not be successful in
restoring such natural functions. In this case, FEAR
death shall be deemed to have occurred at the
time when these conditions first appeared. CHALLENGE OF AUTHENTICITY
One of the important messages of death. As we accept
PHENOMENOLOGICAL NOTION OF DEATH death, we realize the value of having a true life an
authentic life.
We, humans, are existing in time, thus, as being thrown DEATH AS AN ETHICAL ISSUE
in the world, we have beginning and since we are finite
beings, we also have end - death. SUICIDE
An alarmingly increasing phenomenon in the is slowly
Birth and death are two things we cannot remove from becoming one of the regular incidents we see in the
our existence. Whether we like it or not, WE WILL DIE. news. Suicide is considered a generally morally
impermissible act.
Death is impending, meaning to say, it can happen any Definition of Suicide
time. We do not know exactly when. That is why, we Intentional termination of one's life.
should try to live the best life that we can for we never
know the day of our end. ARGUMENTS WHY SUICIDE IS WRONG

DEATH IS ONE'S PROPERTY First, theological arguments.

The death of the person belongs to him. Nobody can • These arguments are God-centered arguments.
experience his death except himself. • St. Augustine = he claimed that suicide is
prohibited according to the Sixth
Vatican Declares:
"It is necessary to state firmly once more that nothing
Second, arguments from natural law. and no one in any way permit the killing of an innocent
• This argument states that everything naturally human being, whether a fetus or an embryo, an infant
loves Itself. As human beings we are not born or an adult, an old person, or one suffering from an
with an inclination to terminate our lives, but an incurable disease, or a person who is dying.
inclination to preserve it. Our natural Furthermore, no one is permitted to ask for this act of
disposition is SELF-PRESERVATION. killing, either for himself or herself or for another
person entrusted to his or her care, nor can he or she
Third, argument maybe classified as socio-political. consent to it. Either explicitly or implicitly; nor can any
• This argument hinges on the idea that as part of authority legitimately recommend or permit such
a family, community and a state, suicide inflicts action.”
harm to other persons especially, if we still
have obligations to other persons. Third set arguments classified psychological
Vatican declares:
"Intentionally causing one's own death, or suicide is This argument explains that if euthanasia is permitted
therefore equally wrong as murder; such an action on we dying person may feel pressured to opt for
the part of the person is to be considered as a rejection euthanasia because the patient may feel guilty in
of God's sovereignty and loving plan. Furthermore, considering himself a burden to his family and to the
suicide is often a refusal of love for self, the denial of a medical personnel taking care of him.
natural instinct to live, a flight from the duties of justice
and charity owed to one's neighbor, to various ABORTION
communities, or to the whole of society..” An act which intends to bring about the death of a
fetus for the sake of the woman who carries it. The
EUTHANASIA main argument against abortion is based on the right to
- The practice of killing someone who is very sick life.
or very badly injured to prevent further
suffering There are different ways of defending the life of
- From the Greek Word EUTHANATOS, which unborn- from an appeal to a divine author of life to an
means EASY DEATH. appeal to the most basic human right to live.


“The right to life is no less to be respected in the small
First set of argument maybe classified as medical-legal infant just born than in the mature person.”
Contradicts the role of physicians. To initiate the
termination of life will be against any physicians
fundamental moral and professional commitment,
which is to take care of patients and to protect their

If Euthanasia is allowed, then it will be seen as a

cheaper and easier alternative than taking care of the
dying for a prolonged time.

Second argument is the theological argument.

Which basically claims that euthanasia is administered
killing, and God does not allow killing.

Permitting euthanasia devalues God’s gift of life

together with the dignity of human life.

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