Standard Surface
Core Layer
Standard Surface
Typical properties
Property Thickness Units Value Test Method Test Conditions
μm MD TD
Tensile strength 12-30 N/mm² 260 260 ISO 527-1 and Test speed 100 %/min.;
36 260 280 ISO 527-3 23 °C, 50 % r.h.
50-75 185 270 Sample type 2
Elongation at 12-23 % 120 120 ISO 527-1 and Test speed 100 %/min.;
break 30-36 140 125 ISO 527-3 23 °C, 50 % r.h.
50-75 200 120 Sample type 2
Young´s Modulus 12-23 N/mm² 4500 5000 ISO 527-1 and Test speed 1 %/min.;
30-36 4500 5000 ISO 527-3 23 °C, 50 % r.h.
50-75 4000 5500 Sample type 2
F5-value (stress to 12-75 N/mm² 110 105 ISO 527-1 and Test speed 100 %/min.;
obtain 5% elon- ISO 527-3 23 °C, 50 % r.h.
gation) Sample type 2
Shrinkage 12-23 % 1.5 0.2 DIN 40634 150°C, 15 min.
30-75 1.0 0.1
Transparency 12-75 % 90 ASTM-D 1003-61 -
method A
Haze 12-23 % 2 ASTM-D 1003-61 Enlarged measurement
30-36 2.7 method A angle
50-75 3.5
Coefficient of 12-75 - 0.4 DIN53375 or -
friction (static) ASTM-D 1894
Surface tension 12-75 mN/m 43 DIN 53364 Test inks
Kasteler Str. 45 • 65203 Wiesbaden/Deutschland • Tel.: +49 611 96203 • Fax.: +49 611 9629357
Property Thickness Units Value Test Method Test Conditions
μm MD TD
Density 12-75 g/cm3 1.4 ASTM-D 1505-68 23°C
method C
Conductivity of 12-75 µS/cm 2.0 DIN 40634 or 1kHZ
aqueous extract VDE 0345
Water 12-75 % 0.5 ASTM-D 570 4 days in water at 23°C
Permittivity 12-75 - 3.3 DIN 40634 or 23°C, 50 Hz
3.3 VDE 0345 23°C, 1 kHz
3.2 23°C, 1 MHz
2.9 23°C, 240 MHz
2.9 23°C, 9300 MHz
3.6 150°C, 50 Hz
Break down 12 kV 4.5 DIN 40634 or 23°C, 50 Hz,
voltage 19 6.5 VDE 0345 in air
23 7.5
30 9.0
36 10.0
50 12.0
75 16.0
Dielectric dissipa- 12-75 - 0.0020 DIN 40634 or 23°C, 50 Hz
tion factor (tanδ) 0.0052 VDE 0345 23°C, 1 kHz
0.0210 23°C, 1 MHz
0.0060 23°C, 240 MHz
0.0060 23°C, 9300 MHz
0.0048 150°C, 50 Hz
Volume 12-75 Ω x cm > 1017 DIN 40634 or 23°C, DC
resistivity > 1011 VDE 0345 150°C, DC
Surface 12-75 Ω > 5 x 1014 DIN 53482 or 23°C, 25% r.h.
resistivity > 5 x 1014 VDE 0303/part 3 23°C, 50% r.h
> 1011 150°C, 75% r.h.
Air 12 cm3/m2 x d x bar 60 DIN 53380 23°C, 0% r.h.
Oxygen 12 cm3/m2 x d x bar 110 DIN 53380 23°C, 50% r.h.
Water vapour 12 g/m2 x d 16 DIN 53122 23°C, 85% r.h.
Nitrogen 12 cm /m2 x d x bar
35 DIN 53380 23°C, 0% r.h.
Carbon dioxide 12 cm3/m2 x d x bar 500 DIN 53380 23°C, 0% r.h.
Kasteler Str. 45 • 65203 Wiesbaden/Deutschland • Tel.: +49 611 96203 • Fax.: +49 611 9629357
Delivery program Hostaphan® RNK
Thickness Yield Roll length Roll- Roll length Roll-
diameter diameter
μm g/m2 m2/kg m mm m mm
12 17 60 24 000 650 48 000 900
15 21 48 11 200 490 33 600 830
19 27 38 9 200 500 18 400 700
23 32 31 9 600 550 19 200 800
30 42 24 9 360 630 15 600 800
36 50 20 8 000 635 12 000 770
50 70 14 6 400 670 9 600 810
75 110 9.6 4 000 650 6 000 790
Hostaphan® RNK is suitable for a wide range of applications for packaging and industrial uses.
Hostaphan® RNK is also available with corona treatment (12-23 μm only) or chemically treated for impro-
ved adhesion of evaporated metal layers, printing inks or coatings (12-75 μm).
Please refer to the data sheets of Hostaphan® RNK C, RNK 2600, RNK 260C, RNK 2CSR and RNK 2DEF.
This Hostaphan® film is permitted for food contact according to the current version of EC Directive
1935/2004 and 10/2011 as well as FDA regulation 21 CFR 177.1630 under the conditions set out in our
current Declaration of Compliance. Before using this Hostaphan® film in a food contact article, please
request this Declaration of Compliance.
This data sheet reflects our state of knowledge at the time this was prepared. The purpose is to provide
an overview of the characteristics of our products and their potential uses. It neither guarantees specific
properties nor the suitability of products in specific applications. The user must observe industrial pro-
Edition 07/16
perty rights, such as patents or trademarks. The quality of our products is covered by the terms of the
General Conditions of Sale of MITSUBISHI POLYESTER FILM GmbH.
Kasteler Str. 45 • 65203 Wiesbaden/Deutschland • Tel.: +49 611 96203 • Fax.: +49 611 9629357