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Strategy As A System of Expedients LRP 1988

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Long Range Planning, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 107 to 120, 1988 0024-6301/88 $3.00 + .

OO 107
Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press plc

Strategy as a System of Expedients

Hans Hinterhuber and Wolfgang Popp

The dictum Strategy is a system of expedients’ was framed by The teachings of strategy, according to Moltke, do
the Prussian general, von Moltke, and it is the essential not greatly surpass the most elementary consider-
expression of the German school which combines creative
ations of sound common sense; it is hardly possible
vision with quantitative evaluation of competitive strategies. ln
this article, the authors show how this principle stillguides the
to claim them as a science. Their value lies almost
process of quantifying and evaluating strategic alternatives in completely in their concrete application.
many European companies. They deal with the general validity
of Moltke’s teachings, based on individual and creative action Indeed, a good strategy combines (see Figure 1):
within an agreed strategic framework. A PC-based model for
evaluating ‘expedients ad hoc’ is presented. holistic with incremental thinking; holistic thinking
means comparing a company’s or SBU’s perfor-
mance to that of the competitors; incremental
thinking to one’s own performance in the past;

rational and irrational elements; the central idea of

an Italian entrepreneur was to buy used, but
One of the most significant insights into the essence
efficient EDP hardware world-wide and sell it to
of strategy is that of the Prussian general Helmut
specific customers in EEC countries; the strategic
von Moltke (180&l 891)) a man of great culture and
decision to install an information network
through and through a man of action. His ideas
covering potential sellers as well as the specific
were always bent on action, not on theory as such;
needs of potential buyers is the product of
they are still alive not only in German industry, but
rational and irrational elements;
in many European companies. Even Jack F. Welch,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of General qualitative and quantitative considerations; most
Electric, strongly believes in the validity of Moltke’s strategic decisions are very superficially formu-
definition of strategy: ‘Strategy is the evolvement of lated and even more superficially implemented;
the originally central idea according to continually many subjective evaluations have to be made
changing circumstances’.’ In business, the central before the strategic decision is executed; the
idea is to be number one or number two or, at least, strategic decision process may ‘focus on financial
to be a leading competitor in every market segment figures, but this is merely a screen behind which
in which a company operates. Applying the lie many considerations which are more critical
teachings of Moltke systematically to SBU manage- and cannot be expressed in figures’.2
ment can give a company superior competitive
performance. This is based on two main premises. The fragmentation of entrepreneurial activity
First, thinking and acting strategically means having resulting from the use of quantitative models may
and evolving a business idea which gives an SBU change permanently the task of top management.
sustainable competitive advantages. Second, a good
competitive strategy is communicated to and shared
by the management on the basis of quantitative
evaluations and qualitative judgment. Strategy, in

fact, is nothing else than the application of good Small Improvements
common sense to corporate and SBU management. 12,*;-3,
Guidelines :ative
This article is based on a presentation to the Seventh Annual Strategic Irrational
Management Society Conference, held in Boston in October 1987. Quantum Leaps
Hans Hinterhuber is Professor and Head of the Department of Holistic
Management, University of Innsbruck, Austria and Associate Profes-
sor of Business Policy at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy.
Wolfgang Popp is Associate Professor of Strategic Planning, Univer-
sityof Innsbruck, Austria, and Director, Procudemus Management AG, Figure 1. The challenge for CEOs: combining
Basel, Switzerland. strategy and operations
108 Long Range Planning Vol. 21 August 1988

The General Validity of Moltke’s We can limit the former if we are ready and
determined for the initiative, we can break it,
Teachings however, through nothing other than the means of
In life never do as others do; either do nothing-just go to tactics.’ Before this happens, generally much earlier,
school-or do something nobody else does. our decisions have to be modified and ‘expedients’
Recommendation of a grandmother to her grandson are necessary. As a consequence of these ‘what if?’
considerations and actions one decision follows the
Moltke’s teachings about strategy are timeless, other, and what remains eventually is the ‘guiding
because they do not represent a system or an abstract idea’ of the entrepreneur or decision-maker, who
theory. Strategy can never be schematic. ‘Strategy’, must be clear in what he really wants; and even this
says Moltke, ‘is not a system from which general ‘guiding idea’ cannot be executed in its original
principles, and rules based upon them, can be concept, but has to be evolved ‘according to
derived.’ Moltke’s statement corresponds to the continually changing circumstances’.
modern theory of specificity of every firm, accord-
ing to which the strategy has to emphasize the A good strategy, in fact, combines two conflicting
unique, specific, and unrepeatable character which requirements?
distinguishes every company.
fi orienting towards a common goal a series of
decisions, to be taken by different people, at
‘Strategy is a system of expedients. More than different times, and in different places, and
science, it is the transfer of knowledge to practical
life, the evolvement of the original guiding idea * giving these people the maximum possible
according to continually changing circumstances, freedom of action for taking into account, in the
the art of action under the pressure of the most decisions within their responsibility, the new
difficult conditions.’ For Moltke, strategy is the art events which have not been foreseen and for
of the possible. As military consultant to the Sultan, evolving the ‘guilding idea according to conti-
he writes in 1838 from Constantinople: ‘I know that nually changing circumstances’.
one tends to see the centre of things where one
personally stands, and I therefore like to submit my A good strategy formulation, therefore, has to
view to evaluation (especially since the higher overcome two main difficulties:
strategic questions in theory are so simple that even a XY evaluation of the content of future decisions, and
civilian will judge them correctly if one leads him to
the point from which the matter has to be decided) .’ ti definition of the freedom of action to be given to
SBU managers.
Later in his life Moltke cancelled the sentence in
Adapting to unforeseeable circumstances requires
parentheses, but it corresponds completely to his
not passivity, but active behaviour: also the entre-
conviction: ‘Strategy is the application of sound
preneur and SBU manager has to do his task in
common sense to the conduct of the war; its
different ways, or, as Napoleon stated it, he must
teachings do not greatly surpass the most elemen-
tfaire SOYZ thPme en deuxfacons’. In order to reach an
tary first principles of sound common sense. It is
objective with certainty, in fact, one has always to
hardly possible to claim them as a science. Their
pursue different alternatives. If the competitors
value lies almost completely in their concrete
know the objective we are aiming at, they are in the
application. One has to interpret with correct
best position to prevent us reaching it. Like a tree,
judgment the situation which presents itself differ-
every strategic plan must have ramifications if it is to
ently in every moment and then do the most simple
bear fruit. It must be conceived so as to contain
and natural thing with determination and circums-
‘expedients’, in order that the one or the other
pection. In this way, war becomes an art, of a kind,
alternative (= expedient ad hoc) leads to success. As
however, for which many sciences are at service.’
Sherman noted, this provision for more than one
possibility puts the competitors on the horns of a
Moltke uses the concept of system, when he defines dilemma.4
strategy as a ‘system of expedients’; however he
denies its proper meaning, for expedients are Every strategy has to take into account that the
nothing other than the antithesis of systematic competitive forces-established and new competi-
action. In this aspect of the character of strategy lies tors, substitute products, behaviour of buyers,
the limit of its teachability. In fact, how can suppliers, workers and their organizations, and State
something be taught which cannot be incorporated intervention-can render it obsolete immediately
in a system, which requires discretion and margins after its development; the only way to counteract
for action and adaptation to unforeseeable circum- this is to follow a strategy that can be adapted, with
stances? In every situation, what counts is correct acceptab!e costs, to the ‘continually changing
judgment, based on long-term perspectives. circumstances’. In order to preserve the strategy’s
flexibility and to maintain the initiative, one has to
When strategy is put into action, ‘the independent follow a line from which different alternative
will of the adversary opposes our will very soon. objectives may be pursued. ‘The right way to take a
Strategy as a System of Expedients 109

decision’, says Moltke, ‘is to anticipate the actions of Keep an Eye on your Main
the adversary which are most disadvantageous for
us.’ Objectives
Keep your intention before your eyes at every step you
To be practical, any strategic plan must take account make.
of the power of competitors, buyers, suppliers, Sufl Wisdom
institutions and State intervention to frustrate it.
Therefore, any strategic plan is a ‘system of It may not look very scientific or inspiring when
expedients’ that can easily be adapted to fit new Moltke defines strategy as a ‘system of expedients’
circumstances. or the ‘application of sound common sense to the
conduct of war’. However, those who know the
history of war or industry, will appreciate the
Strategy Cannot be Taught validity of Moltke’s teachings.
Strategy is a very simple art and completely a matter of
execution. ‘No plan of operations reaches with any certainty
Napoleon further than the first encounter with the enemy.
Only the dilettante believes he sees, in the course of a
‘War-like every art-‘, writes Moltke, ‘cannot be campaign, the consequent execution of a previously
learned in rationalistic, but only in empirical ways. conceived original idea fixed in all details and
In war like in art there are no general laws, talent followed through to the end. Certainly, the general
cannot be replaced by rule in either. For strategy, will keep his grand objectives continously in mind,
therefore, general principles, rules derived from uninfluenced by changing situations, but the ways
them, and systems based upon them cannot possibly by which he hopes to reach them can never be
have practical value. Ifthe rules for war remain valid determined far ahead with certainty. In the course of
under all conditions, they will be reduced to axioms the whole campaign he is forced to take a series of
like those in mathematics, where identical plus decisions on the basis of situations which are not
identical yields identical; if they are to mean more, foreseeable. Therefore, all subsequent acts ofwar are
then every new proportion represents a new not premeditated executions, but spontaneous acts
exception. Strategy is not like the abstract sciences. directed by military judgment. What matters is the
They have certain fixed truths on which one can ability to size up unique situations, covered in the
build further, from which one can conclude further. fog of uncertainty, to judge the facts correctly, guess
The square of the hypotenuse is always equal to the the unknown, take a decision quickly, and execute it
sum of the squares of the other two sides, this with vigour and determination.’ Later Moltke
remains always true, whether the right triangle is writes: ‘Generally there will be few situations where
large or small, whether its point is turned toward tactical success does not fit in the strategic plan. The
east or west.’ Reading Moltke’s teachings about military success will always be thankfully accepted
strategy, one remembers Goethe’s Futlst: ‘Dear and exploited.’
friend, theory is all grey, and the golden tree of life is
green’. Moltke, in fact, was a man of great culture, Moltke shows clearly that every strategic plan has to
able to recite by heart lengthy passages from Faust take into account what cannot be planned. Due to
and to write not only about strategy in a language the multitude of factors to be considered, he believes
which is equal to that of Goethe, but also about the that only the beginning of a campaign can be
political, social and cultural situation in the Otto- planned.
man Empire in a style still readable today.
For him, therefore, the basic task of the general is to
His letters to his wife have been translated into many prepare for the military conflict in a comprehensive
languages, and sentences from them are quoted in way; the teachings of the past and also ‘the rules set
every German schoolbook. forth by the greatest generals’ have limited value.

In conclusion, the teachings of Moltke do not The same situation characterizes business. Since
regiment or schematize strategy; their aim is to every strategic plan has to deal with unplannable
promote and initiate autonomous decisions to be factors, the selection of the location of a plant, its
taken by different people, in different places and at layout, and the fixed investments in R & D,
different times, along previously agreed-upon machinery and distribution condition the flexibility
general lines of action. ‘Strategy as a system of and adaptability of the firm in order to prevent
expedients’ does not mean perpetual improvization threats and/or to take advantage of unforeseen
or muddling through. It simply states that in such opportunities. ‘Into the calculation with a known
unpredictable spheres as war and business it is and an unknown factor-your own and your
impossible to reach one’s goal by a straight line laid adversary’s will--enter third factors which are
down in advance, but only by a ‘system of completely excluded from every forecast, weather,
expedients’, found on the spur of the moment and illness, railway accidents, misinterpretations and
communicated in time to those responsible for delusion, in short all effects which can be called
implementation. hazard, bad luck or acts of God, which man neither
110 Long Range Planning Vol. 21 August 1988

creates nor controls.’ In war, as in business, all is * identifying external trends and issues upon
uncertain, nothing is without risk, and one can which sustainable competitive advantages may
hardly achieve great results in other ways. In fact, in be built; and
war and in business great results cannot be achieved
* evaluating competitive strategies in terms of
without great risks.
their quantifiable and qualitative consequences,

There are no short-cuts or patent solutions for

in order to reduce the uncertainty of the strategic
strategy. What matters in the planning of strategy is
decisions to be taken.
to keep open as many possibilities as possible and to
pursue one’s objective with determination. The
competitive situation may evolve in a different way
than expected, and it is important to take advantage The Basic Elements of the Strategic
of this in a timely and correct manner and to leave
competitors uncertain about one’s own objectives.
What matters is to interpret with correct judgment the
situation which changes at every moment and then to take
the simplest and most natural action with determination and
The Increasing Complexity of all Moltke
Human Institutions and Acceleration
Quantitative evaluations of strategic alternatives
of Change-Two Constant Factors represent a prerequisite for maintaining the freedom
in our Time of action of SBU and corporate management.
Indeed, the struggle for freedom of action is the
Simple action, consistently executed, will best lead to the essence of strategy, or, as Moltke put it, ‘The best
goal. way to take a decision is to identify the action of the
enemy most dangerous to us’. Preserving freedom
of action and anticipating the most probable actions
In our time two constant factors can be observed
and reactions of the competitors by means of
beyond a shadow of a doubt: the increasing
quantitative evaluations are the basic elements of the
complexity of all human institutions and the
strategic game. In fact, in any problem where
acceleration of change. Anyone who reflects upon
opposing forces exist and cannot be controlled,
his own life and work experience can make this
management must foresee and provide for alterna-
tive courses of action.

Therefore, managing a company strategically

The aim of a PC-based model for evaluating
becomes increasingly difficult:
strategic alternatives is to increase:
s;rthe tasks to be performed become more differen-
the rationality of each strategic decision;
tiated as the internal structure of a company gets
more complex; the coherence of the multiplicity of strategic
decisions and controls to be executed in the
a the conditioning imposed upon the company
from outside tends to increase in variety and
intensity; and the adaptability of the plan to fit the circum-
stances encountered; and
a technological progress, market changes, evolu-
tion of social structures, behaviour of existing the possibility of operating along lines which
and new competitors as well as of labour unions, offer alternative courses of action.
and State intervention create sudden and irrever-
sible changes in the conditions under which
SBUs are run.
The Structure and Components of a
The company risk increases. On the one hand, the
future appears more and more uncertain; on the PC-based Model for Evaluating
other, a company wishing to grow or only to Strategic Alternatives
survive has to orient its strategic decisions toward a
time limit that moves further and further into the Strategy leads the troops into the gunfire, tactics lead them
in the gunfire.

The only way a company can adapt to a future that

The increased efficiency of PCs offers even small-
in any case remains unknowable is to minimize the
and medium-sized companies the opportunity to
time reqired for:
use decision models for strategic planning purposes;
fi knowing the present state of the company as a they enable small- and medium-sized companies to
whole, its SBUs and functional areas; operate on an information level similar to that of
Strategy as a System of Expedients 111

larger competitors. The methodology of planning the company. The annual depreciation rates come
and evaluation is illustrated in Figure 2. The from the first component and are introduced
structure of the model is shown in Figure 3. It has automatically; the operating costs, excluding finan-
three interdependent components: cial costs, have to be identified in the functional areas
for the given strategic alternative and decision
(a) capital investment projects,
horizon and entered in the model. The model
(b) cost structure of the functional areas, and distinguishes between fixed and variable costs.
(c) results (cashflow, profit, ROI).
The third component is based on sales and price
The first component represents a statement of the forecasts and compares costs and revenues, taking
investment projects necessary for the execution of a into account the opportunity cost of capital. The
strategic alternative; it is an investment programme model yields two kinds of results:
resulting from the combined efforts of production, fi profit, ROI, and cashflow per year, and
marketing, R & D, supply and logistics, and sup-
ports a given strategic alternative. The model a an ex-ante profit and loss statement
foresees different depreciation rates for the different
items to be amortized. for the strategic alternative and/or SBU to be
evaluated. The time horizon considered in the
The second component analyses the cost structure of model extends to 10 years. Further extensions are
the functional areas and the overall cost structure of possible.

Specialization -


Sales Quantities

Key Figures

Choice -
Strategy ...

Figure 2. The methodology of quantitative planning and evaluation of strategies

112 Long Range Planning Vol. 21 August 1988

Long-term Overall Planning

Replacement Investment
Modernization Investment

Expansion Investment

I I Finance + Administration

I I Data Input: I
.“.. ..”



: Data Output:

,, :,::.,. .: :. .: :...: :. .: :.

.’ . : :.. :x:: I::: :: .: .: ‘. ,. . ...: .......... . . . . . :,..: :: :; ::::)::::)::.:):::
j:,:;:y .. .__&.,:
~:~:::::.:il;:..;~.~,:::‘I:i: _,_,_ (.. ...:...:;.. .....‘.‘.‘.“.‘.‘.‘.‘.”
............. ,...,.

::::::::::::: :, g: F:;
iii:~~~‘~ f :~shflow . . . :.::A..:.,..,.....:
.. :. .. ...
.... ,.,.,.,.
...... . .. ,. :: :.::,
: ..“. j . . . . . .,.,...,.
;.;.;.:.: ..,.:.:...:y.:).:~
;.::.:.,: .:.::,:: :;:j::::::::

. .. .. . ..

Figure 3. The system of computer-aided quantitative strategy evaluation

In 1987 overall sales amounted to 950 million Swiss

Application of the Model
francs; for 1988, 990 million Swiss francs is
The value of strategy lies exclusively in its concrete expected. Airmoco’s own capital amounts to
application. 181 million Swiss francs; its ROS is 1.4 per cent.
Airmoco’s basic lines of growth reflect the lines of
growth of turbocompressors and diesel engines;
The application of the model is illustrated with
diversification into related fields of activity was
respect to a real situation, where only names and
motivated by the creation of new profit potentials,
figures have been disguised. Airmoco AG is a Swiss-
the opportunity of creating challenging new jobs
based corporation operating in over 20 countries. It
for dynamic and competent managers, the fact that
has about 4000 employees, the corporation is
foreign competitors have taken initiative in the
structured in six SBUs:
above markets, and the possibility of compensating
turbocompressors and compressors, variations of the demand for different products.

engines for the aeronautical industry,

Starting in 1979, the activities in the SBUs:
propeller turbines for military fan trainers,
I? engines for the aeronautical industry,
marine diesel engines,
fi propeller turbines for miltary fan trainers, and
electrical power units for stand-by operations,
B technical services,
technical services. have been intensified. Their markets, in fact, are
Strategy as a System of Expedients 113

The market shares, however, of the three SBUs are

very small; their turnover ranges between 25 mil-
lion and 35 million Swiss francs (approximately
3.5 per cent of corporate sales). Therefore they are
far from being able to replace one of the major
SBUs. Over 90 per cent of Airmoco’s sales are in
fact generated by turbocompressors and compres-
sors, large stand-by diesel driven generating units,
and heavy marine diesel engines.

Their market structures are very rigid and make it

convenient for Airmoco to adopt a defensive
strategy, based on technological know-how and
international experience, availability of skilled
employees with wages and benefits below the level
of the main competitors, and up-to-date production
structures. Airmoco’s problems relate to the three
SBUs with small market shares: How much of
Airmoco’s financial and personnel resources should
be allocated to them, assuming that in future they
will be expected to be capable of contributing
substantially to the company’s overall profit?
Further, how does one anticipate the most probable
strategies and reactions of competitors?

The process of evaluating strategic alternatives will

be illustrated with respect to the SBU ‘engines for
the aeronautical industry’, for which three strategic
alternatives have to be evaluated (see Figure 4):

(4 adopt an offensive strategy (‘growth through

specialization’) ;

(Wcontinue as before (‘growth through standard-

ization’) ; and

(4 consolidation (‘keep all options open’).

The market is presently entering the maturity phase;

the SBU holds a small share and offers a variety of
related products. The SBUs ROS is 3.3 per cent,
which is much higher than that of the corporation;
the SBU, however, is confronted with many

* insufficient product specialization,

A technical service and distribution network not in

line with those of the main competitors,

* high production costs, due to the complexity of

the operations, and

A technological know-how threatened by process

innovation to be introduced by the number one

very attractive and are subject to great technological Figure 5 shows in perspective the results of the
change, thus presenting great opportunities for a quantitative evaluation. The offensive strategy,
company that was becoming a prisoner of past aiming at being number three in the market by
success. 1989, appears tobe the best alternative. Table 1 is a
114 Long Range Planning Vol. 21 August 1988

Business Unit:
Engines for the
Aeronautical Industry


Growth Through
leading Specialization

Consideration of
Lompanyl SBU as Nucleus for
Iivision Open (Divestiture
nterests Product Line I (Capacities, Costs)

Expand Market Share Expand Market Share

;oal of
lusiness Unit

Increase and
nAeans Intensify Resources
Applied (Invest)

‘ime Span

4ction Progran nme

Develop New,
Low-noise, Energy-
I&D saving Recipro-
cating Engines

Control ir

Figure 4. The strategies in brief

detailed presentation of the economic consequences results, thus allowing a critical judgment of all
of the offensive strategy; Tables 2,3 and 4 show the who are involved in its execution, and
cost structure in absolute and relative values. (2) that the clarification of the implications of a
Figures 5-12 visualize major implications of the strategic decision enables those who have con-
offensive strategy. tributed to its formulation to use their freedom
of action for its execution in a way which is
The analysis of the quantitative evaluation and its coherent with the adopted strategic decision.
implications for the functional areas could be
extended; the case seems, however, sufficient to
justify two general observations: The Role of Good Luck
(1) that a strategic decision can (and has to) be based The fame of a general is decided most of all by his success.
on a quantitative forecast of the achievable How much ofit is his real merit is extraordinarily diffkult to
Table 2. Balance sheet in thousands of Swiss francs


Assets 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fixed assets 6727 6011 10,773 20,068 19,967 26,675 22,320 18,099 14,610
Level 1939 2693 7197 6701 6205 5910 5615 5320 5025
Change 1000 5000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Depreciation 246 496 496 496 295 295 295 295
Level 4788 3318 3576 13,367 13,762 20,765 16,705 12,779 9585
Change 0 1875 12,516 3338 11,064 0 0 0
Depreciation 1470 1617 2725 2943 4061 4061 3926 3194
Current assets
Inventories 5700 5700 6840 7581 9120 10,830 11,970 13,110 14,250
Receivables 3876 3876 4651 5155 6202 7364 8140 8915 9690
Accumulated loss 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Liquid funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total assets 16,303 15,587 22,264 32,804 35,289 44,870 42,429 40,124 38,550
Equity capital 5217 4792 5051 3673 8073 13,762 19,391 23,618 33,465
Borrowed capital 11,086 10,795.00 17,214.OO 29,131 .oo 27,216.OO 31 ,108.OO 23.038.00 16,506.OO 5085.00
116 Long Range Planning Vol. 21 August 1988

Table 3. Total departmental cost in thousands of Swiss francs


Department 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sales quantity 1000 1000 1200 1330 1600 1900 2100 2300 2500
Research and development
fixed 871 888 934 952 968 994 1022 915 945
variable 570 578 707 794 961 1150 1280 1452 1633
total 1441 1467 1640 1746 1929 2144 2302 2367 2578
fixed 2040 2057 2074 2092 2116 2432 2466 2502 2540
variable 14,039 14,040 17,006 16,953 19,875 22,975 24,618 27,770 31,091
total 16,079 16,097 19,080 19,045 21,992 25,407 27,084 30,273 33,631
fixed 5651 5882 6186 8170 8398 10,218 10,418 10,626 10,111
variable 1805 1851 2281 2333 2764 3383 3855 4202 4742
total 7456 7733 8467 10,502 11,162 13,601 14,273 14,828 14,853
Marketing and sales
fixed 2266 2473 2581 3811 4035 4063 4697 4837 4981
variable 245 248 302 338 409 489 545 613 685
total 2511 2721 2883 4149 4443 4552 5242 5450 5666
fixed 1513 1543 1575 1926 2140 2204 2270 2339 2410
variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
total 1513 1543 1575 1926 2140 2204 2270 2339 2410
fixed 12,341 12,844 13,349 16,951 17,656 19,911 20,873 21,219 20,987
variable 16,659 16,717 20,295 20,417 24,010 27,997 30,297 34,036 38,151
total 29,000 29,561 33,645 37,367 41,666 47,908 51,170 55,255 59,139

Table 4. Total departmental cost in per cent


Department 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sales quantity 1000 1000 1200 1330 1600 1900 2100 2300 2500
Research and development
fixed 3.00 3.01 2.77 2.55 2.32 2.07 2.00 1.66 1.60
variable 1.97 1.96 2.10 2.12 2.31 2.40 2.50 2.63 2.76
total 4.97 4.96 4.87 4.67 4.63 4.48 4.50 4.28 4.36
fixed 7.03 6.96 6.16 5.60 5.08 5.08 4.82 4.53 4.29
variable 48.41 47.49 50.55 45.37 47-70 47.96 48.11 50.26 52,57
total 55.44 54.45 56.71 50.97 52.78 53.03 52.93 54.79 56.87
fixed 19.49 19.90 18.39 21.86 20.15 21.33 20.36 19.23 17.10
variable 6.22 6.26 6.78 6.24 6.63 7.06 7.53 7.60 8.02
total 25.71 26.16 25.17 28.10 26.79 28.39 27.89 26.83 25.12
Marketing and sales
fixed 7.81 8.36 7.67 IO.20 9.68 8.48 9.18 8.75 8.42
variable 0.84 0.84 0.90 0.90 0.98 1.02 1.06 1 .ll 1 .I6
total 8.66 9.20 8.57 11.10 10.66 9.50 10.24 9.86 9.58
fixed 5.22 5.22 4.68 5.15 5.14 4.60 4.44 4.23 4.08
variable 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
total 5.22 5.22 4.68 5.15 5.14 4.60 4.44 4.23 4.08
fixed 42.56 43.45 39.68 45.36 42.38 41.56 40.79 38.40 35.49
variable 57.44 56.55 60.32 54.64 57.62 58.44 59.21 61.60 64.51
total 100~00 100~00 100~00 100~00 100~00 100~00 100~00 100~00 100~00
Strategy as a System of Expedients 117

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tL -C
aJ .o 40-

4 6 8 0 i 8

Years Years

%A = 16.4%
@I3 = 9.0%
dC = 2.8%

Figure 5. Quantitative comparison of alternatives


-.- Cashf low Tren
j 40

-10 I I I 1 I I
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989’ 1990’1991 1992 I J
Figure 7. Sales in millions of Swiss francs (price-
Figure 6. Profit and cashflow in millions of Swiss

ascertain. Even the best man can do nothing against the identify critical issues in time, on whose efficient
irresistible force of situations, and it frequently supports the control the success of the SBU depends,
mediocre. Over the long run, though, only the best
generally have good luck. take into account the actions and reactions of
Moltke main competitors,

The success of a company is determined not only by set priorities for marketing, production, R & D,
its strategic planning system, but mainly by the financial and personnel policy, and
quality of the strategic thinking and action of its
SBU and corporate managers. Quantitative evalu- concentrate the dialogue between corporate and
ations, however, can help to: SBU management on those issues where the
118 Long Range Planning Vol. 21 August 1988

30 80-
1 Key: Key:

I n- Percentage Return
on Sales
Return on Total
n Total Cost

q Financial Expense


Figure 8. Percentage return on sales and return on Figure 11. Total cost, cost of sales and financial
total investment (figures in per cent) expense in millions of Swiss francs

threats are greatest; maintaining the freedom of

action is most important.

No organizational progress and no refinement of

planning instruments objectify those evaluations
which every manager has to make with respect to a
future which in any case remains unknowable. The
entrepreneurial function consists of:

(i) the ability to make forecasts that come close to

the course ,of events which actually will take
place, and
(ii) the creativity, initiative and professionalism to
exploit this ability and to take advantage of it.

Perhaps quantitative evaluations of strategic alterna-

tives can make this two-fold task easier.

Figure 9. Capital structure (figures in per cent)

The Fragmentation of
Entrepreneurial Activity Resulting
from the Use of Quantitative Models
Obedience is the principle, but the man stands above the

Using quantitative models, management is less

forced to make instinctively global evaluations and
is induced to take advantage of evaluations made by
60 others; therefore, the uncertainty of the decision-
makers will be reduced, and the number of persons
making subjective evaluations increased.

Entrepreneurial activity, therefore, is fragmented in

parallel with the use of quantitative models; in fact,
more persons contribute, with subjective judg-
ments, to produce the information required for a
strategic decision. The task of top management will
1984 1986 1988 1990 1992
not be made easier; top management has to judge
whether the process of strategy formulation has
Figure 10. Coverage of fixed assets (figures in per taken place correctly. Top management has to
cent) understand and to discipline the strategic decision-
Strategy as a System of Expedients 119

Research and Development





Figure 12. Cost shares of departments in first and eighth years (figures in per cent)

making process in a way that enables them to share management must evolve the conviction to be able
the subjective evaluations which others have made. to formulate strategies and policies, and to set tasks
whose execution in any case goes in the desired
If one takes into account these new characteristics of direction, although sometimes not achieving
the strategic decision-making process, the task of exactly what was intended. Personally, however,
top management will become more difficult and not central management must always feel able, if
easier; top management’s task, however, has com- necessary through direct intervention, to establish
pletely changed. the necessary equilibrium, to compensate for fail-
ures which have been made, and to revise, if the
In addition, the economy with which the model competitive situation has made the strategic plan
elaborates information has the effect of producing obsolete or opened new opportunities.
volumes of information much greater and different
from that required for strategic decision-making. Considering strategy ‘a system of expedients’ ad hoc
Top management must be able to eliminate the means individualizing entrepreneurial behaviour in
fallacious and superfluous information produced by line with the ‘evolvement of an original guiding
the model. idea according to continually changing circum-
stances’ and increasing therefore the innovative
capabilities of the company.
From Moltke’s concept of strategy, based on
First ponder, then risk.
individual and creative action within an agreed-
upon strategic framework, a direct line can be traced
to the modern concept of the strategically managed
The use of a quantitative model for evaluating
corporation as a ‘confederation of entrepreneurs’.5
strategic alternatives may be considered per se an
Jack Welch expresses this new concept this way:
element of progress; it makes it possible to identify
‘Strategy follows people, the right person leads to
and quantify the most relevant relationships which
the right strategy’.6 Ensuring the development of
exist in the area affected by a strategic decision. The
managerial excellence and selecting the right entre-
whole structure of the company and its SBUs may
preneurs capable of combining creative vision with
be better understood in its evolution, and manage-
quantitative evaluations are in fact the most impor-
ment becomes more rigorous, orderly and respon-
tant responsibilities of top management.
sible. What matters, however, is to evolve an
original guiding idea according to continually
In sum, several important implicafions for senior
changing circumstances, and to give the company
management have begun to emerge from the concept
the utmost capacity to adapt to new events and to
of strategy as a ‘system of expedients’:
the new conception of the future which manage-
ment evolves in relation to these events. fi Effective strategies tend to be the evolvement of a
business idea according to continually changing
The strategic management of a company, in circumstances. The business idea of an Italian
conclusion, is a unique combination between central entrepreneur is to buy and sell, on a Europe-wide
authority and controlled decentralization, between basis, ‘used’ large computers; in order to main-
creative vision and quantitative evaluation of its tain his leadership position against new competi-
implications. From this combination central tors he has to use ‘expedients ad hoc’, when the
120 Long Range Planning Vol. 21 August 1988

new competitive situation makes it impossible to effective, proactive and purposeful way in the
execute his plans or opens new opportunities. interest of the company.

Strategy is not an action plan; a ‘system of A strategy must be communicated not only on a
expedients’ gives not only freedom of action to rational basis, from mind to mind, but also has to
those responsible for implementing a strategy, take into consideration the emotions of all
but puts the competitors ‘on the horns of a involved, i.e. it must appeal also to the heart of
dilemma’, so increasing the probability of success the people responsible for its application.
of the strategy. The more automated and mechanical the pro-
The logic behind the concept of strategy as a duction systems become, the less schematic the
‘system of expedients’ is so powerful that it may strategies must be.
serve as a driving force for individualizing the In many small and large companies, these lessons
management of SBUs and functional areas; the are beginning to sink in.
efficiency of a firm, indeed, depends upon the
extent to which those responsible for SBUs and
functional areas use their freedom of action in the
interest of agreed-upon strategies.

Ensuring the development of managerial excel-

lence and selecting the right ‘entrepreneurs’
capable of thinking and acting according to the (1) Jack F. Welch, Growing fast in a slow-growth economy. Paper
presented before Financial Community Representatives in New
strategies of the firm will become the most York, 12 August (1981).
important responsibilities of top management.
(2) W. E. Halal, The New Capitalism, p. 258, John Wiley, New York
Such unity of strategic wisdom and behaviour
can only be achieved through effective training (3) P. Saraceno, La produzione industriale. p. 178, Venice (1978).
on all levels of responsibility. Every manager (4) See 8. H. Liddell Hart, Strategy, p. 159, New York (1979).
must know the strategic intentions of his super-
(5) W. E. Halal, The New Capitalism, p. 139, John Wiley, New York
ior, if he is supposed to act autonomously and to (1986).
take initiatives in a direction which is in line with
(6) Quoted from S. D. Friedman and T. P. LeVino, Strategic appraisal
SBU strategies. and development at General Electric Company, In C. Fombrum, N.
Tichy and M. A. Devanna (Eds), Strategic Human Resource
If the strategically managed corporation is to be a Management, p. 198, John Wiley, New York (1984).
confederation of entrepreneurs, top manage-
P/ease note: all Moltke’s quotations are from his collected works:
ment must not issue orders, but formulate
Moltkes Militci;rische Werke, herausgegeben vom Gro6en General-
directives or guidelines which orient SBU and stabe, 13 vols, Berlin (1892-l 912). and have been translated by the
functional area managers towards acting in an authors.

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