Commission Guide - LAWS
Commission Guide - LAWS
Commission Guide - LAWS
Commission guide
First Committee of the General Assembly
How to use this guide.................................................................................2
Committee introduction..............................................................................3
Introduction of the chairs............................................................................2
Introducing the Topic..................................................................................3
Important Definitions..................................................................................3
a. Drones.............................................................................................3
b. Self-Firing Weapon System.................................................................4
c. Arms control.....................................................................................4
d. Disarmament....................................................................................4
e. Distinction between drones and autonomous systems.............................5
Guiding Questions for your position paper5
QARMAs (Questions a Resolution Must Answer)5
Useful Sources6
Final words6
Introduction of the chairs
Lucas de Lugt
Hello everyone, I am Lucas and I will be your
chair during this conference. I am 17 years old,
and I am in bilingual VWO 6. I, just like our
other chairs, have participated in a few other
MUN's such as HSPMUN, ASMUN, and OLMUN. I
really enjoyed these experiences and hope you
guys will too. It is my first time chairing, but I
have had some practice, and I look forward to
leading your debate. I am excited for the 2023
conference of ASMUN and hope you will enjoy
it as much as I will! See you in a two weeks!
Femke Steghuis
Hi, my name is Femke Steghuis and I am 17
years old. I enjoy reading books and dancing.
I have participated in a few MUNs, like
ASMUN, OLMUN and HSPMUN, but it is my first
time organizing and chairing one. I have
enjoyed these MUNs, they have been a great
experience for me. I like that I can finally be
the one who organizes this event. I hope that
we will be able to have great discussions and
negotiations, but most of all I hope that we will
all have a great time!
Important Definitions:
a. Drones:
A drone is an unmanned aircraft. Drones are more formally known as
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems. Essentially,
a drone is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled or fly
using software-controlled flight plans in its embedded systems, that work
in conjunction with onboard sensors and global positioning system
c. Arms control:
Arms control is a term for international restrictions upon the
development, production, stockpiling, proliferation and usage of small
arms, conventional weapons, and weapons of mass destruction. Arms
control is typically exercised through the use of diplomacy which
seeks to impose such limitations upon consenting participants through
international treaties and agreements, although it may also comprise
efforts by a nation or group of nations to enforce limitations upon a
non-consenting country.
d. Disarmament:
Disarmament is the traditional term for the elimination, as well as the
limitation or reduction (through negotiation of an international agreement),
of the means by which nations wage war. The term arms control was
coined in the 1950s to denote an international agreement to limit the
arms race, in particular the nuclear arms race between the United States
and the Soviet Union, following recognition that general and complete
nuclear disarmament would not be readily achieved. Arms control
originally was meant to denote internationally agreed rules limiting the
arms competition rather than reversing it; it had a connotation distinct
from the reduction or elimination of armaments (i.e. disarmament).
Indeed, the term “arms control” was not popular with a number of
supporters of disarmament. Subsequently, however, the meaning of the
term has become significantly broadened, and is now commonly used
to denote international agreements which are intended to:
freeze, limit or abolish specific categories of weapons
prevent certain military activities
regulate the deployment of forces
reduce the risk of an accidental war etc.
Final words
We are looking forward seeing you at ASMUN 2023 and we hope to have
some interesting debates and good resolutions. The committee guide
should help you to familiarize yourself with the topic and get motivated
to learn more about provisions for ensuring safe access into, operation in,
and return from outer space.
If you have any questions regarding your preparation for the committee
and the conference itself, please feel free to contact us