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Reflection Paper On Different Theories

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Ronabel Digan



Behaviorism: Pavlov, Thorndike, and Skinner

All behaviors are learned by conditioning, and conditioning takes place through interaction with the
environment, according to the behaviorist theory of learning. Behaviorists contend that environmental
cues influence our behavior. Because he saw the dogs gagging in reaction to a tone, Pavlov came to
the conclusion that learning was happening. All actions are the result of the stimulus-response
relationship. According to Thorndike, behavioral responses that were closely followed by a positive
outcome were more likely to develop into patterns and repeat themselves in response to the same
stimuli. According to Skinner's theory, a stimulus is first presented to a person, which causes a
reaction, and the response is then reinforced. This is what influences how we behave.

Behaviorism as explained by Pavlov, Thorndike, and Skinner is conditioned based upon the emotions
of the actor which can be a person or an animal. It is quite significant in the field of teaching because
as a future instructor, it is vital to condition and enforce a learning environment that will help the
students to be engaged in the learning process.

What I have learned from this lecture is that there can be many possible ways to condition the
students or influence them to do positive things towards their study and learning styles. In this
lecture, I have realized the importance of proper conditioning towards the students. It is important to
note that people are unique and we have different ways of responding to stimuli, thus, it is just right
to consider differences before deciding on a conditioning technique.

In the future, in order for me to enforce positive behaviors from my students, I should know how to
properly input stimuli so that they will have a positive response. For example, instead of forcing them
to study for an examination, I will give incentives to the students who will get a passing score. Or
instead of scolding them and embarrassing them in front of their classmates, I will form a tight bond
with them so that they will know that I am their ally and not an enemy. As a student myself, I know
how hard it is to trust our teachers since there are times I feel like being controlled and unfavored.
But I can always do something by giving fair treatment to my students in the future.
Ronabel Digan



Neo Behaviorism: Tolman and Bandura

According to Tolman and Bandura, neobehaviorism is seen as a link between behaviorism and
cognitive theory. Learning is a cognitive process that involves the formation of beliefs and the
acquisition of knowledge about the environment, and the subsequent disclosure of that knowledge
through deliberate, goal-directed action.

Albert Bandura's social learning theory focuses on learning in social contexts that presuppose that
people learn from each other, including concepts such as observational learning, imitation, and
modeling. According to Tolman's purposive behaviorism, behavior meant performance, the
accomplishment of a changed relationship between the organism and its environment, was
pragmatic and functional, involved motivation, and reflected purpose.

While I was preparing for the report of this lecture, I learned that neo behaviorism is different from
behaviorism in terms of the driving force toward a behavior. While behaviorism focuses on emotion
and behavior, neo behaviorism is about cognition and behavior. The concept of behaviorism and
cognitive theory are both significant in the field of teaching. In Tolman's perspective, he believes that
the goal of the person affects his/her behavior. While in Bandura's beliefs, it is stated that as people
interact with their environment, they learn something through mimicking, modeling, and observing.
These concepts are significant in understanding the different ways student interaction affects their

As a future educator, I have to be careful in influencing my students. First, in the concept of Tolman, I
will use it to help my students assign goals they want to achieve. If students have goals, it will serve
as their guiding principles and motivation that will be manifested in their actions and behavior.
Moreover, they say that the youth copies what they see from their parents, so it is always wise to be
mindful of my own behavior because my future students can really model my actions. In Bandura's
concept, I think it is always right to expose my students to models that can influence them with
positivity. There can be many ways to influence the students and indeed exposure and first hand
experience towards the model is efficient. It is also applicable to my life as a student because I used
to copy the behavior and talking manner of my teachers in highschool simply because I find them
nice and effective in learning. I think students unconsciously mimic and model their teachers so it is
of utmost significance to act accordingly.
Ronabel Digan



Cognitive Processes: Constructivism, Knowledge Construction or Concept Learning

Learning cognitive skills enables students to expand on prior understanding and concepts. Students
learn to relate new ideas to what they already know and apply them in different ways. Students can
approach their activities and assignments with enthusiasm and confidence if they have a greater
comprehension of the subjects and stronger learning techniques. In this lecture, I have learned a few
things about student learning processes.

Constructivism is the theory that learners construct knowledge rather than simply passively
assimilate information. As people experience the world and reflect on those experiences, they
construct their own representations, integrating new information into their existing knowledge or
schema. Furthermore, learning is an active process in which learners use sensory input and
construct meaning from it. People learn to learn as they learn. An important act of meaning
construction is mental. Learning is a social activity which means that we learn through interactions
and through continuing explorations of the world.

Students construct or build knowledge based on many platforms. It is not a one way process, it is a
complex one wherein people also learn how to learn while they are amidst learning something. On
this note, it is important to note that people have different learning styles. We differ in knowledge and
concept learning, however, regardless of these differences, we share the same goal of wanting to
learn something at the end of the experience or lesson. This report is also important in the field of
teaching. As a future educator, I realized that knowledge construction is an active process that
occurs through individual or societal engagement. This means that trainers should use participatory
methods to provide learners with opportunities to be socially and personally involved in the meaning-
making process.

In the future, I can prepare many types of activities that will engage my students with more
opportunities to learn. Teaching should not be limited, there are many ways to teach students and
we should utilize many possible ways to help them learn and form study habits. For instance, aside
from long discussions, I can assign the students to experience learning through giving them
research tasks, reporting, outlining or writing synthesis. Students should be able to realize their
learning style, and as a future educator, I will help them realize their potentials and give them comfort
so that they can continue learning without feeling anxious.

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