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Int Endodontic J - 2006 - Nair - On The Causes of Persistent Apical Periodontitis A Review

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On the causes of persistent apical periodontitis:

a review

P. N. R. Nair
Institute of Oral Biology, Section of Oral Structures and Development, Centre of Dental and Oral Medicine, University of Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract apical periodontitis persisting after root canal treatment

have not been well characterized. During the 1990s, a
Nair PNR. On the causes of persistent apical periodontitis: a
series of investigations have shown that there are six
review. International Endodontic Journal, 39, 249–281, 2006.
biological factors that lead to asymptomatic radiolu-
Apical periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disorder cencies persisting after root canal treatment. These are:
of periradicular tissues caused by aetiological agents of (i) intraradicular infection persisting in the complex
endodontic origin. Persistent apical periodontitis occurs apical root canal system; (ii) extraradicular infection,
when root canal treatment of apical periodontitis has generally in the form of periapical actinomycosis; (iii)
not adequately eliminated intraradicular infection. extruded root canal filling or other exogenous materials
Problems that lead to persistent apical periodontitis that cause a foreign body reaction; (iv) accumulation of
include: inadequate aseptic control, poor access cavity endogenous cholesterol crystals that irritate periapical
design, missed canals, inadequate instrumentation, tissues; (v) true cystic lesions, and (vi) scar tissue
debridement and leaking temporary or permanent healing of the lesion. This article provides a compre-
restorations. Even when the most stringent procedures hensive overview of the causative factors of
are followed, apical periodontitis may still persist as non-resolving periapical lesions that are seen as
asymptomatic radiolucencies, because of the complex- asymptomatic radiolucencies post-treatment.
ity of the root canal system formed by the main and
Keywords: aetiology, endodontic failures, persistent
accessory canals, their ramifications and anastomoses
apical radiolucency, non-healing apical periodontitis,
where residual infection can persist. Further, there are
refractory periapical lesions, persistent apical periodon-
extraradicular factors – located within the inflamed
periapical tissue – that can interfere with post-treat-
ment healing of apical periodontitis. The causes of Received 27 September 2005; accepted 24 November 2005

infection within the root canal system of the affected

tooth (Kakehashi et al. 1965, Sundqvist 1976). The
infected and necrotic pulp offers a selective habitat for
Apical periodontitis is an inflammatory disorder of the organisms (Fabricius et al. 1982b). The microbes
periradicular tissues caused by persistent microbial grow in sessile biofilms, aggregates, coaggregates, and
also as planktonic cells suspended in the fluid phase of
the canal (Nair 1987). A biofilm (Costerton et al. 2003)
Correspondence: Dr P. N. R. Nair, Institute of Oral Biology, is a community of microorganisms embedded in an
Section of Oral Structures and Development (OSD), Centre of
Dental & Oral Medicine, University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse
exopolysaccharide matrix that adheres onto a moist
11, CH-8028 Zurich, Switzerland (Tel.: +41 44 634 31 42; surface whereas planktonic organisms are free-floating
fax: +41 44 312 32 81; e-mail: single microbial cells in an aqueous environment.

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Persistent apical periodontitis Nair

Microorganisms protected in biofilms are greater than of lesions may persist radiographically, because of the
one thousand times more resistant to biocides as the anatomical complexity of the root canal system (Hess
same organisms in planktonic form (Wilson 1996, 1921, Perrini & Castagnola 1998) with regions that
Costerton & Stewart 2000). cannot be debrided and obturated with existing
There is consensus that apical periodontitis persisting instruments, materials and techniques (Nair et al.
after root canal treatment presents a more complex 2005). In addition, there are factors located beyond
aetiological and therapeutic situation than apical the root canal system, within the inflamed periapical
periodontitis affecting teeth that have not undergone tissue, that can interfere with post-treatment healing
endodontic treatment. The aetiological spectrum and of the lesion (Nair & Schroeder 1984, Sjögren et al.
treatment options of persistent apical periodontitis are 1988, Figdor et al. 1992, Nair et al. 1999, Nair
broader than those of teeth that have not undergone 2003a,b).
previous root canal treatment. Further, the process of
decision-making regarding the management of persist-
Microbial causes
ent apical periodontitis is more complex and less
uniform among clinicians than in the management of
Intraradicular infection
apical periodontitis affecting non-treated teeth (Fried-
man 2003). For optimum clinical management of the Microscopical examination of periapical tissues
disease a clear understanding of the aetiology and removed by surgery has long been a method to detect
pathogenesis of the disease is essential. Therefore, the potential causative agents of persistent apical perio-
purpose of this communication is to provide a compre- dontitis. Early investigations (Seltzer et al. 1967, And-
hensive overview of the causes and maintenance of reasen & Rud 1972, Block et al. 1976, Langeland et al.
persistent apical periodontitis that is radiographically 1977, Lin et al. 1991) of apical biopsies had several
visualized as periapical radiolucencies which are often limitations such as the use of unsuitable specimens,
asymptomatic. inappropriate methodology and criteria of analysis.
Intraradicular microorganisms being the essential Therefore, these studies did not yield relevant informa-
aetiological agents of apical periodontitis (Kakehashi tion about the reasons for apical periodontitis persisting
et al. 1965, Sundqvist 1976), the treatment of the as asymptomatic radiolucencies even after proper root
disease consists of eradicating the root canal microbes canal treatment.
or substantially reducing the microbial load and In one histological analysis (Seltzer et al. 1967) of
preventing re-infection by root canal filling (Nair et al. persistent apical periodontitis, there was not even a
2005). When the treatment is done properly, healing mention of residual microbial infection of the root canal
of the periapical lesion usually occurs with hard tissue system as a potential cause of the lesions remaining
regeneration, that is characterized by reduction of the unhealed. A histobacteriological study (Andreasen &
radiolucency on follow-up radiographs (Strindberg Rud 1972) using step-serial sectioning and special
1956, Grahnén & Hansson 1961, Seltzer et al. bacterial stains, found bacteria in the root canals of
1963, Storms 1969, Molven 1976, Kerekes & 14% of the 66 specimens examined. Two other studies
Tronstad 1979, Molven & Halse 1988, Sjögren et al. (Block et al. 1976, Langeland et al. 1977) analysed
1990, 1997, Sundqvist et al. 1998). Nevertheless, a 230 and 35 periapical surgical specimens, respectively,
complete healing of calcified tissues or reduction of the by routine paraffin histology. Although bacteria were
apical radiolucency does not occur in all root canal- found in 10% and 15% of the respective biopsies, only
treated teeth. Such cases of non-resolving periapical in a single specimen in each study was intraradicular
radiolucencies are also referred to as endodontic infection detected. In the remaining biopsies in which
failures. Periapical radiolucencies persist when treat- bacteria were found, the data also included those
ment procedures have not reached a satisfactory specimens in which bacteria were found as ‘contami-
standard for the control and elimination of infection. nants on the surface of the tissue’. In yet another study
Inadequate aseptic control, poor access cavity design, (Lin et al. 1991) ‘bacteria and or debris’ was found in
missed canals, insufficient instrumentation, and leak- the root canals of 63% of the 86 endodontic surgical
ing temporary or permanent restorations are common specimens, although it is obvious that ‘bacteria and
problems that may lead to persistent apical periodon- debris’ cannot be equated as potential causative agents.
titis (Sundqvist & Figdor 1998). Even when the most The low reported incidence of intraradicular infections
careful clinical procedures are followed, a proportion in these studies is primarily due to a methodological

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Nair Persistent apical periodontitis

inadequacy as microorganisms easily go undetected 1921, Perrini & Castagnola 1998) and the ecological
when the investigations are based on random paraffin organization of the flora into protected sessile biofilms
sections alone. This has been convincingly demonstra- (Costerton & Stewart 2000, Costerton et al. 2003)
ted (Nair 1987, Nair et al. 1990a). Consequently, composed of microbial cells embedded in a hydrated
historic studies on post-treatment apical periodontitis exopolysaccharide-complex in micro-colonies (Nair
did not consider residual intraradicular infection as an 1987), it is very unlikely that an absolutely microor-
aetiological causative factor. ganism-free canal-system can be achieved by any of the
In order to identify the aetiological agents of asymp- contemporary root canal preparation, cleaning and root
tomatic persistent apical periodontitis by microscopy, the filling procedures. Then, the question arises as to why a
cases must be selected from teeth that have had the best large number of apical lesions heal after non-surgical
possible root canal treatment and the radiographic root canal treatment. Some periapical lesions heal even
lesions remain asymptomatic until surgical intervention. when infection persists in the canals at the time of root
The specimens must be anatomically intact block- filling (Sjögren et al. 1997). Although this may imply
biopsies that include the apical portion of the roots and that the organisms may not survive post-treatment, it is
the inflamed soft tissue of the lesions. Such specimens more likely that the microbes may be present in
should undergo meticulous investigation by serial or quantities and virulence that may be sub-critical to
step-serial sections that are analysed using correlative sustain the inflammation of the periapex (Nair et al.
light and transmission electron microscopy. A study that 2005). In some cases such residual microbes can delay or
met these criteria and also included microbial monitor- prevent periapical healing as was the case with six of the
ing before and during treatment (Nair et al. 1990a) nine biopsies studied and reported (Nair et al. 1990a).
revealed intraradicular microorganisms in six of the nine On the basis of cell wall ultrastructure only Gram-
block biopsies (Fig. 1). The finding showed that the positive bacteria were found (Nair et al. 1990a)
majority of root canal-treated teeth with asymptomatic (Fig. 2), an observation fully in agreement with the
apical periodontitis harboured persistent infection in the results of purely microbiological investigations of root
apical portion of the complex root canal system. How- canals of previously root filled teeth with persisting
ever, the proportion of cases with persistent apical periapical lesions. Of the six specimens that contained
periodontitis having intraradicular infection is likely to intraradicular infections, four had one or more mor-
be much higher in routine endodontic practice than the phologically distinct types of bacteria and two revealed
two-thirds of the nine cases reported (Nair et al. 1990a) yeasts (Fig. 3). The presence of intracanal fungi in root-
for several reasons. At the light microscopic level it was treated teeth with apical periodontitis was also con-
possible to detect bacteria in only one of the six cases firmed by microbiological techniques (Waltimo et al.
(Nair et al. 1990a). Microorganisms were found as a 1997, Peciuliene et al. 2001). These findings clearly
biofilm located within the small canals of apical ramifi- associate intraradicular fungi as a potential non-bacter-
cations (Fig. 1) in the root canal or in the space between ial, microbial cause of persistent apical lesions. Intra-
the root fillings and canal wall. This demonstrates the radicular infection can also remain within the
inadequacy of conventional paraffin techniques to detect innermost portions of infected dentinal tubules to serve
infections in apical biopsies. as a reservoir for endodontic reinfection that might
The microbial status of apical root canal systems interfere with periapical healing (Shovelton 1964,
immediately after non-surgical root canal treatment was Valderhaug 1974, Nagaoka et al. 1995, Peters et al.
unknown. However, in a recent study (Nair et al. 2005), 1995, Love et al. 1997, Love & Jenkinson 2002).
14 of the 16 root filled mandibular molars contained
residual infection in mesial roots when the treatment Microbial flora of root canal-treated teeth
was completed in one-visit and includes instrumenta- The endodontic microbiology of treated teeth is less
tion, irrigation with NaOCl and filling. The infectious understood than that of untreated infected necrotic
agents were mostly located in the uninstrumented dental pulps. This has been suggested to be a conse-
recesses of the main canals, isthmuses communicating quence of searching for non-microbial causes of a
them and accessory canals. The microbes in such purely technical nature for lesions persistent after root
untouched locations existed primarily as biofilms that canal treatments (Sundqvist & Figdor 1998). Only a
were not removed by instrumentation and irrigation small number of species has been found in the root
with NaOCl. In view of the great anatomical complexity canals of teeth that have undergone proper endodontic
of the root canal system, particularly of molars (Hess treatment that, on follow-up, revealed persisting,

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Persistent apical periodontitis Nair

Figure 1 Light microscopic view of axial semithin sections through the surgically removed apical portion of the root with a
persistent apical periodontitis. Note the adhesive biofilm (BF) in the root canal. Consecutive sections (a, b) reveal the emerging
widened profile of an accessory canal (AC) that is clogged with the biofilm. The AC and the biofilm are magnified in (c) and (d)
respectively. Magnifications: (a) ·75, (b) ·70, (c) ·110, (d) ·300. Adapted from Nair et al. (1990a).

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Nair Persistent apical periodontitis

Figure 2 Transmission electron microscopic view of the biofilm (BA upper inset) illustrated in Fig. 1. Morphologically the bacterial
population appears to be composed of only Gram-positive, filamentous organisms (arrowhead in lower inset). Note the distinctive
Gram-positive cell wall. The upper inset is a light microscopic view of the biofilm (BA). Magnifications: ·3400; insets: upper ·135,
lower ·21 300. From Nair et al. (1990a). Printed with permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

asymptomatic periapical radiolucencies. The bacteria ococcus and Propionibacterium (previously Arachnia)
found in these cases are predominantly Gram-positive are frequently isolated and characterized from such
cocci, rods and filaments. By culture-based techniques, root canals (Möller 1966, Sundqvist & Reuterving
species belonging to the genera Actinomyces, Enter- 1980, Happonen 1986, Sjögren et al. 1988,

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Persistent apical periodontitis Nair

Figure 3 Fungi as a potential cause of non-healed apical periodontitis. (a) Low-power view of an axial section of a root-filled (RF)
tooth with a persistent apical periodontitis (GR). The rectangular demarcated areas in (a) and (d) are magnified in (d) and (b),
respectively. Note the two microbial clusters (arrowheads in b) further magnified in (c). The oval inset in (d) is a transmission
electron microscopic view of the organisms. Note the electron-lucent cell wall (CW), nuclei (N) and budding forms (BU). Original
magnifications: (a) ·35, (b) ·130, (c) ·330, (d) ·60, oval inset ·3400. Adapted from Nair et al. (1990a). Printed with permission
from Lippincott Williams & Wilkinsª.

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Nair Persistent apical periodontitis

Fukushima et al. 1990, Molander et al. 1998, isolated fungus from root filled teeth with apical perio-
Sundqvist et al. 1998, Hancock et al. 2001, Pinheiro dontitis (Molander et al. 1998, Sundqvist et al. 1998).
et al. 2003). The presence of Enterococcus faecalis in
cases of persistent apical periodontitis is of particular
Extraradicular infection
interest because it is rarely found in infected but
untreated root canals (Sundqvist & Figdor 1998). Actinomycosis
Enterococcus faecalis is the most consistently reported Actinomycosis is a chronic, granulomatous, infectious
organism from such former cases, with a prevalence disease in humans and animals caused by the genera
ranging from 22% to 77% of cases analysed (Möller Actinomyces and Propionibacterium (McGhee et al.
1966, Molander et al. 1998, Sundqvist et al. 1998, 1982). The aetiological agent of bovine actinomycosis,
Peciuliene et al. 2000, Hancock et al. 2001, Pinheiro Actinomyces bovis, was the first species to be identified
et al. 2003, Siqueira & Rôças 2004, Fouad et al. 2005). (Harz 1879). The disease in cattle, known as ‘lumpy
The organism is resistant to most of the intracanal jaw’ or ‘big head disease’, is characterized by extensive
medicaments, and can tolerate (Byström et al. 1985) a bone rarefaction, swelling of the jaw, suppuration and
pH up to 11.5, which may be one reason why this fistulation. The causative agents were described as non-
organism survives antimicrobial treatment with cal- acid fast, non-motile, Gram-positive organisms reveal-
cium hydroxide dressings. This resistance occurs prob- ing characteristic branching filaments that end in clubs
ably by virtue of its ability to regulate internal pH with or hyphae. Because of the morphological appearance
an efficient proton pump (Evans et al. 2002). Entero- these organisms were considered fungi and the taxon-
coccus faecalis can survive prolonged starvation (Figdor omy of Actinomyces remained controversial for more
et al. 2003). It can grow as monoinfection in treated than a century. The intertwining filamentous colonies
canals in the absence of synergistic support from other are often called ‘sulphur granules’ because of their
bacteria (Fabricius et al. 1982a). Therefore, E. faecalis is appearance as yellow specks in exudates. On careful
regarded as being a very recalcitrant microbe among crushing, the tiny clumps of branching microorgan-
the potential aetiological agents of persistent apical isms with radiating filaments in pus, give a ‘starburst
periodontitis. However, the presence of E. faecalis in appearance’ which prompted Harz (1879) to coin the
cases of persistent apical periodontitis is not a universal name Actinomyces or ‘ray fungus’. Four years later
observation. This is because one microbial culture Actinomyces israelii was isolated from humans in pure
(Cheung & Ho 2001) and a molecular based (Rolph culture, characterized and its pathogenicity in animals
et al. 2001) study, in which the presence of E. faecalis in demonstrated (Wolff & Israel 1891). Many researchers,
such cases was investigated, failed to detect the nevertheless, considered the human and bovine isolates
organism. Further, the prevalence of E. faecalis was as identical. However, A. bovis and A. israelii are now
found to be 22% and 77%, respectively, of cases classified as two distinct bacterial species and in natural
analysed by two molecular techniques (Siqueira & infections the former is restricted to animals and the
Rôças 2004, Fouad et al. 2005). In this context the latter to humans.
long reported correlation between the prevalence of Human actinomycosis is clinically divided into
enterococci in root canals of primary and retreatment cervicofacial, thoracic and abdominal forms. About
cases and that in other oral sites, such as gingival sulcus 60% of the cases occur in the cervicofacial region, 20%
and tonsils, of the same patients, is worth noting in the abdomen and 15% in the thorax (Kapsimalis &
(Engström 1964). The enterococci may be opportunistic Garrington 1968, Oppenheimer et al. 1978). The most
organisms that populate exposed root filled canals from common species isolated from humans is A. israelii
elsewhere in the mouth (Fouad et al. 2005). Therefore, (Wolff & Israel 1891), which is followed by Propioni-
in spite of the current focus of attention, it still remains bacterium propionicum (Buchanan & Pine 1962),
to be shown, in controlled studies, that E. faecalis is the Actinomyces naeslundii (Thompson & Lovestedt 1951),
pathogen of significance in most cases of non-healing Actinomyces viscosus (Howell et al. 1965) and Actino-
apical lesions after endodontic treatment (Nair 2004). myces odontolyticus (Batty 1958) in descending order.
Microbiological (Möller 1966, Waltimo et al. 1997) Periapical actinomycosis (Fig. 4) is a cervicofacial
and correlative electron microscopic (Nair et al. 1990a) form of actinomycosis. The endodontic infections are
studies have shown the presence of yeasts (Fig. 3) generally a sequel to caries. Actinomyces israelii is a
in canals of root filled teeth with unresolved apical commensal of the oral cavity and can be isolated from
periodontitis. Candida albicans is the most frequently tonsils, dental plaque, periodontal pockets and carious

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Persistent apical periodontitis Nair

Figure 4 An actinomyces-infected periapical pocket cyst affecting a human maxillary first premolar (radiographic inset). The cyst
is lined with ciliated columnar (CEP) and stratified squamous (SEP) epithelia. The rectangular block in (a) is magnified in (c). The
typical ‘ray-fungus’ type of actnomycotic colony (AC in b) is a magnification of the one demarcated in (c). Note the two black
arrow-headed, distinct actinomycotic colonies within the lumen (LU). Original magnifications: (a) ·20, (b) ·60, (c) ·210. From
P.N.R. Nair et al. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontics 94: 485–93, 2002.
lesions (Sundqvist & Reuterving 1980). Most of the 1966, Samanta et al. 1975, Weir & Buck 1982, Martin
publications on periapical actinomycosis are case & Harrison 1984, Nair & Schroeder 1984, Sakellariou
reports and have been reviewed (Browne & O’Riordan 1996). Although periapical actinomycosis is considered

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Nair Persistent apical periodontitis

to be rare (Nair & Schroeder 1984), it may not be so aetiological factor of persistent apical periodontitis
infrequent (Monteleone 1963, Hylton et al. 1970, following root canal treatment. Actinomyces have been
Sakellariou 1996). The data on the frequency of shown to posses a hydrophobic cell surface property,
periapical actinomycosis among apical periodontitis Gram-positive cell wall surrounded by a fuzzy outer
lesions are scarce. A microbiological control study coat through which fimbriae-like structures protrude
revealed actinomycotic involvement in two of the 79 (Figdor & Davies 1997). These may help the cells to
endodontically treated cases (Byström et al. 1987). A aggregate into cohesive colonies (Figdor et al. 1992).
histological analysis showed the presence of The properties that enable these bacteria to establish in
characteristic actinomycotic colonies (Fig. 5) in two the periapical tissues are not fully understood, but
of the 45 investigated lesions (Nair & Schroeder 1984). appear to involve the ability to build cohesive colonies
An identification and aetiological association of the that enables them to escape host defence systems
species involved can be established only through (Figdor et al. 1992). Propionibacterium propionicum is
laboratory culturing (Sundqvist & Reuterving 1980) known to be pathogenic and associated with actino-
of the organisms, molecular techniques and by experi- mycotic infections. But the mechanism of pathogenicity
mental induction of the lesion in susceptible animals of the organism has not yet been explained.
(Figdor et al. 1992). However, the strict growth
requirements of A. israelii make isolation in pure Other extraradicular microbes
culture difficult. A histopathological diagnosis has Apical periodontitis has long been considered to be a
generally been reached on the basis of demonstration dynamic defence enclosure against unrestrained inva-
of typical colonies (Nair & Schroeder 1984) and by sion of microorganisms into periradicular tissues (Kron-
specific immunohistochemical staining of such colonies feld 1939, Nair 1997). It is, therefore, conceivable that
(Sundqvist & Reuterving 1980, Happonen et al. 1985). microorganisms generally invade extraradicular tissues
Today, an unequivocal identification of the organism during expanding and exacerbating phases of the
can be achieved by molecular methods. The charac- disease process. Based on classical histology (Harndt
teristic light microscopic feature of an actinomycotic 1926) there has been a consensus of opinion that ‘solid
colony is the presence of an intensely dark staining, granuloma’ may not harbour infectious agents within
Gram and PAS positive, core with radiating peripheral the inflamed periapical tissue, but microorganisms are
filaments (Fig. 5) that gives the typical ‘star burst’ or consistently present in the periapical tissue of cases with
‘ray fungus’ appearance. Ultrastructurally (Nair & clinical signs of exacerbation, abscesses and draining
Schroeder 1984, Figdor et al. 1992), the centre of the sinuses. This has been substantiated by more modern
colony consists of a very dense aggregation of branch- correlative light and transmission electron microscopic
ing filamentous organisms held together by an extra- investigations (Nair 1987).
cellular matrix (Fig. 5). Several layers of PMN usually However, in the late 1980s, there was a resurgence
surround an actinomycotic colony. of the concept of extraradicular microbes in apical
Because of the ability of the actinomycotic organisms periodontitis (Tronstad et al. 1987, 1990, Iwu et al.
to establish extraradicularly, they can perpetuate the 1990, Wayman et al. 1992) with the controversial
inflammation at the periapex even after proper root suggestion that extraradicular infections are the cause
canal treatment. Therefore, periapical actinomycosis is of many failed endodontic treatments; such cases
important in endodontics (Sundqvist & Reuterving would not be amenable to a non-surgical approach
1980, Nair & Schroeder 1984, Happonen et al. 1985, but would require apical surgery and/or systemic
Happonen 1986, Sjögren et al. 1988, Nair et al. 1999). medications. Several species of bacteria have been
Actinomyces israelii and P. proprionicum are consistently reported to be present at extraradicular locations of
isolated and characterized from the periapical tissue of lesions described as ‘asymptomatic periapical inflam-
teeth, which did not respond to proper non-surgical matory lesions… refractory to endodontic treatment’
endodontic treatment (Happonen 1986, Sjögren et al. (Tronstad et al. 1987). However, five of the eight
1988). A strain of A. israelii, isolated from a case of patients had ‘long-standing fistulae to the vestibule…’
failed endodontic treatment and grown in pure culture, (Tronstad et al. 1987), a clear sign of abscessed apical
was inoculated into subcutaneously implanted tissue periodontitis draining by fistulation. Obviously the
cages in experimental animals. Typical actinomycotic microbial samples were obtained from periapical
colonies were formed within the experimental host abscesses that always contain microbes and not from
tissue. This would implicate A. israelii as a potential asymptomatic periapical lesions persisting after proper

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Persistent apical periodontitis Nair

Figure 5 Periapical actinomycosis. Note the presence of an actinomycotic colony (AC) in the body of a human apical periodontitis
lesion (GR) revealing typical ‘starburst’ appearance (inset in a). The transmission electron microscopic montage (b) shows the
peripheral area of the colony with filamentous organisms surrounded by few layers of neutrophilic granulocytes (NG). D, dentine;
ER, erythrocytes. Original magnifications: (a) ·70; inset ·250; (b) ·2200. Adapted from Nair & Schroeder (1984). Printed with
permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkinsª.

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Nair Persistent apical periodontitis

endodontic treatment. Other publications also show with pieces of infected root dentine that may be
serious deficiencies. In one (Iwu et al. 1990), the 16 displaced into the periapex during root canal instru-
periapical specimens studied were collected ‘during mentation (Holland et al. 1980, Yusuf 1982) or having
normal periapical curettage, apicectomy or [during been cut off from the rest of the root by massive apical
the procedure of] retrograde filling’. Of the 58 specimens resorption (Valderhaug 1974, Laux et al. 2000) and
that were investigated in another (Wayman et al. (iv) infected periapical cysts (Fig. 4), particularly in
1992), ‘29 communicated with the oral cavity through periapical pocket cysts with cavities open to the root
vertical root fractures or fistulas’. Further, the speci- canal (Nair 1987, Nair et al. 1996, 1999). These
mens were obtained during routine surgery and were situations are quite compatible (Nair 1997, Berg-
‘submitted by seven practitioners’. An appropriate enholtz & Spångberg 2004) with the long-standing
methodology is essential and in these studies (Tronstad and still valid concept that solid granuloma generally
et al. 1987, Iwu et al. 1990, Wayman et al. 1992) do not harbour microorganisms. Therefore, the main
unsuitable cases were selected for investigation or the target of treatment of persistent apical periodontitis
sampling was not performed with the utmost stringency should be the microorganisms located within the
needed to avoid bacterial contamination (Möller 1966). complex apical root canal system.
Microbial contamination of periapical samples is
generally believed to occur from the oral cavity and Extraradicular viruses
other extraneous sources. Even if such ‘extraneous A series of publications appeared recently (Sabeti et al.
contaminations’ are avoided, contamination of periap- 2003a,b,c, Sabeti & Slots 2004) that report the
ical tissue samples with microbes from the infected root presence of certain viruses in inflamed periapical tissues
canal remains a problem. This is because microorgan- with the suggestion of an ‘etio-pathogenic relationship’
isms generally live at the apical foramen (Fig. 6) of to apical periodontitis. The findings were reviewed in
teeth with persistent apical periodontitis (Nair et al. another publication even before some of the original
1990a, 1999) and also of those that have not works appeared in print (Slots et al. 2003). It is almost
undergone root canal treatment (Nair 1987). Here impossible to provide controls for such claims because
microbes can be easily dislodged during surgery and the reported viruses are present in almost all humans in
the sampling procedures. Tissue samples contaminated latent form from previous primary infections. The
with intraradicular microbes may be reported positive possibility that the periapical inflammatory process
for the presence of an extraradicular infection. This is activates the viruses, existing in latent form, cannot be
probably the reason behind the repeated reporting of excluded.
bacteria in the periapical tissue of asymptomatic
persistent apical lesions by microbial culture (Abou-
Non-microbial causes
Rass & Bogen 1997, Sunde et al. 2002) and molecular
techniques (Gatti et al. 2000, Sunde et al. 2000) in
Cystic apical periodontitis
spite of using strict aseptic sampling procedures.
Although there is an understandable enthusiasm The question as to whether or not periapical cysts heal
with molecular techniques, they seem less suitable to after non-surgical root canal treatment has been long-
solve the problem of extraradicular infection. Apart standing. Oral surgeons are of opinion that cysts do not
from the unavoidable contamination of the samples heal and should be removed by surgery. Many endo-
with intraradicular microbes, the DNA-based molecular dontists, on the other hand, hold the view that majority
genetic analysis: (1) does not differentiate between of cysts heal after endodontic treatment. This conflict of
viable and non-viable organisms, (2) does not distin- opinion is probably an outcome of the reported high
guish between microbes and their structural elements incidence of cysts among apical periodontitis and the
in phagocytes from extracellular microorganisms in reported high ‘success rate’ of root canal treatments.
periapical tissues and (3) exaggerates the findings by There have been several studies on the prevalence of
PCR amplification. radicular cysts among human apical periodontitis
In summary, extraradicular infections do occur in: (i) (Table 1). The recorded incidence of cysts among apical
exacerbating apical periodontitis lesions (Nair 1987), periodontitis lesions varies from 6% to 55%. Apical
(ii) periapical actinomycosis (Sundqvist & Reuterving periodontitis cannot be differentially diagnosed into
1980, Nair & Schroeder 1984, Happonen et al. 1985, cystic and non-cystic lesions based on radiographs
Happonen 1986, Sjögren et al. 1988), (iii) association alone (Priebe et al. 1954, Baumann & Rossman 1956,

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Figure 6 Well-entrenched biofilm at the apical foramen of a tooth affected with apical periodontitis (GR). The apical delta in (a) is
magnified in (b). The canal ramifications on the left and right in (b) are magnified in (c) and (d), respectively. Note the strategic
location of the bacterial clusters (BA) at the apical foramina. The bacterial mass appears to be held back by a wall of neutrophilic
granulocytes (NG). Obviously, any surgical and/or microbial sampling procedures of the periapical tissue would contaminate the
sample with the intraradicular flora. EP, epithelium. Original magnifications: (a) ·20, (b) ·65, (c, d) ·350. (From P.N.R. Nair,
Pathology of the periapex. In: Cohen S, Burns RC, eds. Pathways of the Pulp. St Louis, MO, USA, 2002; Reprinted with permission
from Mosbyª.

Wais 1958, Linenberg et al. 1964, Bhaskar 1966, leads to the incorrect categorization of epithelialized
Lalonde 1970, Mortensen et al. 1970). A correct lesions as radicular cysts. This was clearly shown in a
histopathological diagnosis of periapical cysts is poss- study using meticulous serial sectioning (Nair et al.
ible only through serial sectioning or step-serial 1996) in which an overall 52% of the lesions
sectioning of the lesions removed in toto. The vast (n ¼ 256) were found to be epithelialized but
discrepancy in the reported incidence of periapical cysts only 15% were actually periapical cysts. In routine
is probably due to the difference in the interpretation of histopathological diagnosis, the structure of a radicular
the sections. Histopathological diagnosis based on cyst in relation to the root canal of the affected tooth
random or limited number of serial sections, usually has not been taken into account. As apical biopsies

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Table 1 The incidence of radicular cysts among apical peri- The therapeutic significance of the structural differ-
odontitis lesions ence between apical true cysts and pocket cysts should
Total also be considered. The aim of root canal treatment is
Cysts Granuloma Others lesions the elimination of infection from the root canal and the
Reference (%) (%) (%) (n) prevention of reinfection by root filling. Periapical
Sommer et al. (1966) 6 84 10 170 pocket cysts, particularly the smaller ones, may heal
Block et al. (1976) 6 94 – 230 after root canal therapy (Simon 1980). A true cyst is
Sonnabend & Oh (1966) 7 93 – 237
self-sustaining as the lesion is no longer dependent on
Winstock (1980) 8 83 9 9804
Linenberg et al. (1964) 9 80 11 110
the presence or absence of root canal infection (Simon
Wais (1958) 14 84 2 50 1980, Nair et al. 1996). Therefore, the true cysts,
Patterson et al. (1964) 14 84 2 501 particularly the large ones, are less likely to be resolved
Nair et al. (1996) 15 50 35 256 by non-surgical root canal treatment. This has been
Simon (1980) 17 77 6 35
reported in a long-term radiographic follow-up (Fig. 9)
Stockdale & 17 77 6 1108
Chandler (1988)
of a case and subsequent histological analysis of the
Lin et al. (1991) 19 – 81 150 surgical block-biopsy (Nair et al. 1993). It can be
Nobuhara & 22 59 19 150 argued that the prevalence of cysts in persistent apical
Del Rio (1993) periodontitis should be substantially higher than that
Baumann & 26 74 – 121
in primary apical periodontitis. However, this remains
Rossman (1956)
Mortensen et al. (1970) 41 59 – 396
to be clarified by research based on a statistically
Bhaskar (1966) 42 48 10 2308 reliable number of specimens. Limited investigations
Spatafore et al. (1990) 42 52 6 1659 (Nair et al. 1990a, 1993, 1999) on 16 histologically
Lalonde & Luebke (1968) 44 45 11 800 reliable block biopsies of persistent apical periodontitis
Seltzer et al. (1967) 51 45 4 87
revealed two cystic specimens (13%), which is higher
Priebe et al. (1954) 55 45 – 101
than the 9% of true cysts observed in a large study
(Nair et al. 1996) on mostly primary apical periodon-
obtained by curettage do not include root-tips of the titis lesions. The two distinct histological categories of
diseased teeth, structural reference to the root canals of periapical cysts and the low prevalence of cystic lesions
the affected teeth is not possible. Histopathological among apical periodontitis would question the ration-
diagnostic laboratories and publications based on ale of disproportionate application of apical surgery
retrospective reviewing of such histopathological re- based on unfounded radiographic diagnosis of apical
ports sustain the notion that nearly half of all apical lesions as cysts, and the widely held belief that majority
periodontitis are cysts. of cysts heal after non-surgical root canal treatment.
An endodontic ‘success rate’ of 85–90% has been Nevertheless, clinicians must recognize the fact that the
recorded by investigators (Staub 1963, Kerekes & cysts can sustain apical periodontitis post-treatment,
Tronstad 1979, Sjögren et al. 1990). However, the and consider the option of apical surgery, particularly
histological status of an apical radiolucent lesion at the when previous attempts at non-surgical retreatment
time of treatment is unknown to the clinician who is have not resulted in healing (Nair 2003b).
also unaware of the differential diagnosis of the
‘successful’ and ‘failed’ cases. Nevertheless, purely
Cholesterol crystals
based on deductive logic, the great majority of cystic
lesions should heal in order to account for the ‘high Although the presence of cholesterol crystals in apical
success rate’ after endodontic treatment and the periodontitis lesions has long been observed to be a
reported ‘high histopathological incidence’ of radicular common histopathological feature, its aetiological sig-
cysts. As orthograde root canal treatment removes nificance to failed root canal treatments has not yet
much of the infectious material from the root canal and been fully appreciated (Nair 1999). Cholesterol (Taylor
prevents reinfection by filling, a periapical pocket cyst 1988) is a steroid lipid that is present in abundance in
(Fig. 7) may heal after such treatment (Simon 1980, all ‘membrane-rich’ animal cells. Excess blood level of
Nair et al. 1993, 1996). But a true cyst (Fig. 8) is cholesterol is suspected to play a role in atherosclerosis
self-sustaining (Nair et al. 1993) by virtue of its tissue as a result of its deposition in the vascular walls (Yeagle
dynamics and independence of the presence or absence 1988, 1991). Deposition of cholesterol crystals in
of irritants in the root canal (Simon 1980). tissues and organs can cause ailments such as otitis

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Persistent apical periodontitis Nair

Figure 7 Structure of an apical pocket cyst. (a, b) Axial sections passing peripheral to the root canal give the false impression of a
cystic lumen (LU) completely enclosed in epithelium. Sequential section (c) passing through the axial plane of the root canal clearly
reveals the continuity of the cystic lumen (LU) with the root canal (RC in d). The apical foramen and the cystic lumen (LU) of the
section (c) are magnified in (d). Note the pouch-like lumen (LU) of the pocket cyst, with the epithelium (EP) forming a collar at the
root apex. D, Dentin (a–c ·15; d ·50). From Nair (2003a).

media and the ‘pearly tumour’ of the cranium (Ander- 1966, Browne 1971, Trott et al. 1973, Nair et al.
son 1996). Accumulation of cholesterol crystals occurs 1993) with clinical significance in endodontics (Nair
in apical periodontitis lesions (Shear 1963, Bhaskar et al. 1993, Nair 1998). In histopathological sections,

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Figure 8 Structure of an apical true cyst. (a) Photomicrograph of an axial section passing through the apical foramen (AF). The
lower half of the lesion and the epithelium (EP in b) are magnified in (b) and (c), respectively. Note the cystic lumen (LU) with
cholesterol clefts (CC) completely enclosed in epithelium (EP), with no communication to the root canal. (a, ·15; b, ·30; c, ·180).
From Nair (2003a). Reprinted with permission from Elsevierª.

such deposits of cholesterol appear as narrow elongated they occupied as clefts (Fig. 10). The incidence of
clefts because the crystals dissolve in fat solvents used cholesterol clefts in apical periodontitis varies from 18%
for the tissue processing and leave behind the spaces to 44% of such lesions (Shear 1963, Browne 1971,

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Figure 9 Longitudinal radiographs (a–d) of a periapically affected central maxillary incisor of a 37-year-old woman for a period of
4 years and 9 months. Note the large radiolucent asymptomatic lesion before (a), 44 months after root-filling (b), and immediately
after periapical surgery (c). The periapical area shows distinct bone healing (d) after 1 year postoperatively. Histopathological
examination of the surgical specimen by modern tissue processing and step-serial sectioning technique confirmed that the lesion
was a true radicular cyst that also contained cholesterol clefts. Selected radiographs from Nair et al. (1993).

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Figure 10 Cholesterol crystals and cystic condition of apical periodontitis as potential causes persistent apical periodontitis.
Overview of a histological section (upper inset) of an asymptomatic apical radiolucent (Fig. 9) lesion that persisted after non-
surgical root canal treatment. Note the vast number of cholesterol clefts (CC) surrounded by giant cells (GC) of which a selected one
with several nuclei (arrowheads) is magnified in the lower inset. D ¼ dentine, CT ¼ connective tissue, NT ¼ necrotic tissue.
Original magnifications: ·68; upper inset ·11; lower inset ·412. From Nair (1999). Printed with permission from Australian
Endodontic Journal.

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Trott et al. 1973). The crystals are believed to be the lesion indefinitely’ (Nair et al. 1993). The evidence
formed from cholesterol released by: (i) disintegrating from the general literature reviewed (Nair 1999) is
erythrocytes of stagnant blood vessels within the lesion clearly in support of that assumption. Therefore,
(Browne 1971), (ii) lymphocytes, plasma cells and accumulation of cholesterol crystals in apical perio-
macrophages which die in great numbers and dontitis lesions can prevent healing of periapical tissues
disintegrate in chronic periapical lesions, and (iii) the after non-surgical root canal treatment, as such
circulating plasma lipids (Shear 1963). All these retreatment cannot remove the tissue irritating choles-
sources may contribute to the concentration and terol crystals that exist outside the root canal system.
crystallization of cholesterol in periapical area. Never-
theless, locally dying inflammatory cells may be the
Foreign bodies
major source of cholesterol as a result of its release from
disintegrating membranes of such cells in long-stand- Foreign materials trapped in periapical tissue during
ing lesions (Seltzer 1988, Nair et al. 1993). and after endodontic treatment (Nair et al. 1990b,
Cholesterol crystals are intensely sclerogenic (Abdul- Koppang et al. 1992) can perpetuate apical periodon-
la et al. 1967, Bayliss 1976). They induce granuloma- titis persisting after root canal treatment. Materials
tous lesions in dogs (Christianson 1939), mice (Spain used in non-surgical root canal treatment (Nair et al.
et al. 1959, Adams et al. 1963, Abdulla et al. 1967, 1990b, Koppang et al. 1992) and certain food particles
Adams & Morgan 1967, Bayliss 1976) and rabbits (Simon et al. 1982) can reach the periapex, induce a
(Hirsch 1938, Spain et al. 1959, Spain & Aristizabal foreign body reaction that appears radiolucent and
1962). In an experimental study that specifically remain asymptomatic for several years (Nair et al.
investigated the potential association of cholesterol 1990b).
crystals and non-resolving apical periodontitis lesions
(Nair et al. 1998), pure cholesterol crystals were placed
in Teflon cages that were implanted subcutaneous in
guinea-pigs. The cage contents were retrieved after 2, 4 The most frequently used root canal filling material is
and 32 weeks of implantation and processed for light gutta-percha in the form of cones. The widely held view
and electron microscopy. The cages revealed (Fig. 11) that it is biocompatible and well tolerated by human
delicate soft connective tissue that grew in through tissues is inconsistent with the clinical observation that
perforations on the cage wall. The crystals were densely extruded gutta-percha is associated with delayed heal-
surrounded by numerous macrophages and multinu- ing of the periapex (Strindberg 1956, Seltzer et al. 1963,
cleate giant cells forming a well circumscribed area of Kerekes & Tronstad 1979, Nair et al. 1990b, Sjögren
tissue reaction. The cells, however, were unable to et al. 1990). Large pieces of gutta-percha are well
eliminate the crystals during an observation period of encapsulated in collagenous capsules (Fig. 12), but fine
8 months. The accumulation of macrophages and particles of gutta-percha induce an intense, localized
giant cells around cholesterol crystals suggests that tissue response (Fig. 13), characterized by the presence
the crystals induced a typical foreign-body reaction of macrophages and giant cells (Sjögren et al. 1995).
(Coleman et al. 1974, Nair et al. 1990b, Sjögren et al. The congregation of macrophages around the fine
1995). particles of gutta-percha is important for the clinically
The macrophages and giant cells that surround observed impairment in the healing of apical periodon-
cholesterol crystals are not only unable to degrade the titis when teeth are root filled with excess material.
crystalline cholesterol but are major sources of apical Gutta-percha cones contaminated with tissue irritating
inflammatory and bone resorptive mediators. Bone materials can induce a foreign body reaction at the
resorbing activity of cholesterol-exposed macrophages periapex. In an investigation on nine asymptomatic
due to enhanced expression of IL-1a has been experi- apical periodontitis lesions that were removed as
mentally shown (Sjögren et al. 2002). Accumulation of surgical block biopsies and analysed by correlative light
cholesterol crystals in apical periodontitis lesions and electron microscopy, one biopsy revealed the
(Fig. 10) can adversely affect post-treatment healing involvement of contaminated gutta-percha (Nair et al.
of the periapical tissues as has been shown in a long- 1990b). The radiolucency grew in size but remained
term longitudinal follow-up of a case in which it was asymptomatic for a decade of post-treatment follow-up
concluded that ‘the presence of vast numbers of (Fig. 14). The lesion was characterized by the presence
cholesterol crystals … would be sufficient to sustain of vast numbers of multinucleate giant cells with

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Nair Persistent apical periodontitis

Figure 11 Photomicrograph (a) of guinea-pig tissue reaction to aggregates of cholesterol crystals after an observation period of
32 weeks. The rectangular demarcated areas in (a), (b) and (c) are magnified in (b), (c) and (d), respectively. Note that rhomboid
clefts left by cholesterol crystals (CC) surrounded by giant cells (GC) and numerous mononuclear cells (arrowheads in d).
AT ¼ adipose tissue, CT ¼ connective tissue. Original magnifications: (a) ·10, (b) ·21, (c) ·82 and (d) ·220. From Nair (1999).
Printed with permission from Australian Endodontic Journal.

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Figure 12 Guinea-pig tissue reaction to gutta-percha (GP) by 1 month after subcutaneous implantation (a). Large pieces of gutta-
percha are well encapsulated by collagen fibres that run parallel to the surface of the gutta-percha particle. The interface of the
gutta-percha particle and the host tissue (arrow) is magnified in stages in (b) and (c). The gap between the implant and the
collagen capsule is artefactual. Note the non-inflamed, healthy soft delicate connective tissue. Original magnifications: (a) ·42, (b)
·80, (c) ·200. From Nair (2003b).

birefringent inclusion bodies (Fig. 15). In transmission and submucous introduction of leguminous seeds
electron microscope the birefringent bodies were highly (Knoblich 1969, Talacko & Radden 1988b). Periapical
electron dense (Fig. 16). An X-ray microanalysis of the pulse granuloma are associated with teeth damaged by
inclusion bodies using scanning transmission electron caries and with the antecedence of endodontic treat-
microscope (STEM) revealed the presence of magnesium ment (Simon et al. 1982, Talacko & Radden 1988a).
and silicon (Fig. 17). These elements are presumably Pulse granuloma are characterized by the presence of
the remnants of a talc-contaminated gutta-percha that intensely iodine and PAS positive hyaline rings or
protruded into the periapex and had been resorbed bodies surrounded by giant cells and inflammatory cells
during the follow-up period. (Mincer et al. 1979, Simon et al. 1982, Talacko &
Radden 1988a,b). Leguminous seeds are the most
frequently involved vegetable food material in such
Other plant materials
granulomatous lesions. This indicates that certain
Vegetable food particles, particularly leguminous seeds components in pulses such as antigenic proteins and
(pulses), and materials of plant origin that are used in mitogenic phytohaemagglutinins may be involved in
endodontics can get lodged in the periapical tissue the pathological tissue response (Knoblich 1969). The
before and/or during the treatment procedures and pulse granuloma are clinically significant because
prevent healing of the lesion. Oral pulse granuloma is a particles of vegetable food materials can reach the
distinct histopathological entity (King 1978). The periapical tissue via root canals of teeth exposed to the
lesions are also referred to as the giant cell hyaline oral cavity by trauma, carious damage or by endodon-
angiopathy (Dunlap & Barker 1977, King 1978), tic procedures (Simon et al. 1982).
vegetable granuloma (Harrison & Martin 1986) and Apical periodontitis developing against particles of
food-induced granuloma (Brown & Theaker 1987). predominantly cellulose-containing materials that are
Pulse granuloma has been reported in lungs (Head used in endodontic practice (White 1968, Koppang
1956), stomach walls and peritoneal cavities (Sherman et al. 1987, 1989, Sedgley & Messer 1993) has been
& Moran 1954). Experimental lesions have been denoted as cellulose granuloma. The cellulose in plant
induced in animals by intratracheal, intraperitonial materials is a granuloma-inducing agent (Knoblich

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Nair Persistent apical periodontitis

Figure 13 Disintegrated gutta-percha as potential cause of persistent apical periodontitis. As clusters of fine particles (a) they
induce intense circumscribed tissue reaction (TR) around. Note that the fine particles of gutta-percha (*in c, GP in d) are
surrounded by numerous mononuclear cells (MNC). Original magnifications: (a) ·20, (b) ·80, (c) ·200, (d) ·750. From Nair

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Figure 14 Two longitudinal radiographs (inset and a) of a root filled and periapically affected left central maxillary incisor of a
54-year-old man. The first radiograph (inset) taken immediately after root filling in 1977 shows a small excess filling that
protrudes into the periapex (arrowhead in inset). Note the excess filling has disappeared in the radiograph taken 10 years later
(arrowhead in a) and shortly before surgery was performed. The apical block-biopsy removed by surgery does not show any excess
filling as is evident from the macrophotograph of the decalcified and axially subdivided piece of the biopsy (b). RF, root filling, D,
dentine, GR, granuloma. Original magnification (b) ·10. From Nair et al. (1990b). Printed with permission from Lippincott
Williams & Wilkinsª.

1969). Endodontic paper points (Fig. 18) are utilized for can protrude through the apical foramen (Fig. 18) and
microbial sampling and drying of root canals. Sterile allow a biofilm to grow around it. This will sustain and
and medicated cotton wool has been used as an apical even intensify the apical periodontitis after root canal
seal. Particles of these materials can dislodge or get treatment eventually leading to a failure of treatment.
pushed into the periapical tissue (White 1968) so as to
induce a foreign body reaction at the periapex. The
Other foreign materials
resultant clinical situation may be a ‘prolonged,
extremely troublesome and disconcerted course of They include amalgam, endodontic sealants and cal-
events’ (White 1968). Presence of cellulose fibres in cium salts derived from periapically extruded Ca(OH)2.
periapical biopsies with a history of previous endodon- In a histological and X-ray microanalytical investigation
tic treatment has been reported (Koppang et al. 1987, of 29 apical biopsies 31% of the specimens were found to
1989, Sedgley & Messer 1993). The endodontic paper contain materials compatible with amalgam and endo-
points and cotton wool consists of cellulose that cannot dontic sealer components (Koppang et al. 1992).
be degraded by human body cells. They remain in
tissues for long periods of time (Sedgley & Messer 1993)
Scar tissue healing
and induce a foreign body reaction around them. The
particles, in polarized light, are birefringent due to the There is evidence (Penick 1961, Bhaskar 1966, Seltzer
regular structural arrangement of the molecules within et al. 1967, Nair et al. 1999) that unresolved periapical
cellulose (Koppang et al. 1989). Infected paper points radiolucencies may occasionally be due to healing of

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Figure 15 Talc-contaminated gutta-percha as a potential cause of non-healing apical periodontitis. Note the apical periodontitis
(AP) characterized by foreign-body giant cell reaction to gutta-percha cones contaminated with talc (a). The same field when
viewed in polarized lights (b). Note the birefringent bodies distributed throughout the lesion (b). The apical foramen is magnified in
(c) and the dark arrow-headed cells in (c) are further enlarged in (d). Note the birefringence (BB) emerging from slit-like inclusion
bodies in multinucleated (N) giant cells. B, bone; D, dentine. Magnifications: (a, b) ·25; (c) ·66; (d) ·370. From P.N.R. Nair,
Pathology of apical periodontitis. In: Ørstavik D, Pitt Ford TR, eds. Essential Endodontology. Oxford, 1998.

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Figure 16 Low magnification transmission electron micrograph showing the profiles of several giant cells within the apical
periodontitis shown in Figs. 14 & 15. Note the presence of many slit-like inclusion bodies (BB1 to BB6), which contain a highly
electron-dense material. This material may remain intact within the inclusion body, may be pushed away from its original site
(BB2) or may appear disintegrated (BB3 and BB4) by the tissue processing. Note the lines of artefacts AL, which are created by
portions of the electron dense material having been carried away by the knife-edge, leaving tracts behind. Original magnification
·1880. From Nair et al. (1990b). Printed with permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkinsª.

the lesion by scar tissue (Fig. 19) that may be misdi- 1980, 1993, Nyman et al. 1982, Schroeder 1986). A
agnosed as a radiographic sign of failed endodontic periapical scar probably develops because precursors of
treatment. Little is known about the tissue dynamics of soft connective tissue colonize both the root tip and
periapical healing after non-surgical root canal treat- periapical tissue; this may occur before the appropriate
ment and periapical surgery. However, certain deduc- cells, which have the potential to restore various
tions can be made from the data available on normal structural components of the apical periodontium are
healing and guided regeneration of the marginal able to do so (Nair et al. 1999).
periodontium. Various tissue cells participate in the
healing process. The pattern of healing depends on
several factors, two of which are decisive. They are the
regeneration potential and the speed with which the This review of the literature leads to the conclusion that
tissue cells bordering the defect react (Karring et al. there are six biological factors that contribute to the

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Figure 17 High magnification transmission electron micrograph (c) of the intact birefringent body labelled BB1 in Fig. 3. Note the
distinct delimiting membrane around the birefringent body (BB). Energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis of the electron dense
material done in scanning-transmission electron microscope (STEM: done at the point where the two hairlines perpendicular to
each other cross in the left inset) revealed the presence of silicon (Si), magnesium (Mg) and lead (Pb) in (a) whereas another site in
the neighbouring cytoplasm of the same giant cell (right inset) does not show the presence of Si and Mg (b). Lead and uranium (U)
are used for section contrasting and emission in copper (Cu) is from the section-supporting grid made of copper. Original
magnification ·11 000; insets ·3300. From Nair et al. (1990b). Printed with permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkinsª.

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Persistent apical periodontitis Nair

Figure 18 A massive paper-point granuloma affecting a root-canal-treated human tooth (a). The demarcated area in (b) is
magnified in (c) and that in the same is further magnified in (d). Note the tip of the paper point (FB) projecting into the apical
periodontitis lesion and the bacterial plaque (BP) adhering to the surface of the paper point. RT, root tip; EP, epithelium; PC, plant
cell. Original magnifications: (a) ·20, (b) ·40, (c) ·60, (d) ·150. From P.N.R. Nair, Pathology of apical periodontitis. In: Ørstavik
D, Pitt Ford TR, eds: Essential Endodontology. Oxford, 1998.

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Nair Persistent apical periodontitis

Figure 19 Periapical scar (SC) of a root canal (RC)-treated tooth after 5-year follow-up and surgery. The rectangular demarcated
areas in (b–d) are magnified in (c–e), respectively. The scar tissue reveals bundles of collagen fibres (CO), blood vessels (BV) and
erythrocytes due to haemorrhage. Infiltrating inflammatory cells are notably absent. Original magnifications: (a) ·14, (b) ·35, (c)
·90, (d) ·340, (e) ·560. Adapted from Nair et al. (1999). Reprinted with permission from Elsevierª.

persistence of periapical radiolucency after root canal lesions, and (vi) scar tissue healing of the periapex. It
treatment. These are: (i) intraradicular infection per- must be emphasized that of all these factors, residual
sisting in the complex apical root canal system; (ii) microbes in the apical portion of the root canal system
extraradicular infection, generally in the form of is the major cause of apical periodontitis persisting post-
periapical actinomycosis; (iii) extruded root canal filling treatment in both poorly and properly treated cases.
or other exogenous materials that cause a foreign body Extraradicular actinomycosis, true cysts, foreign-body
reaction; (iv) accumulation of endogenous cholesterol reaction and scar tissue healing are of rare occurrence.
crystals that irritate periapical tissues; (v) true cystic However, the presence of a suspected causative agent

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Persistent apical periodontitis Nair

does not imply an aetiological relationship of the agent (Costerton & Stewart 2000, Costerton et al. 2003)
to the development and/or maintenance of the disease. composed of microbial cells embedded in a hydrated
It is also necessary to differentiate between a mere exopolysaccharide-complex in micro-colonies (Nair
presence and the ability of the agent to induce the 1987, Nair et al. 2005) make it unlikely that a sterile
disease or similar pathological changes in susceptible canal-system can be achieved by contemporary tech-
experimental animals. This is particularly important in nology in endodontics (Nair et al. 2005). As the
infectious diseases in which the microbes have to be primacy of residual intracanal infection in persistent
present within the body milieu. In apical periodontitis apical periodontitis has been recognized (Nair et al.
and periodontal diseases, the microbes are stationed in 1990a), the main target of treatment should be the
the necrotic pulp or periodontal pocket, which are microorganisms residing within the complex root canal
outside the body milieu. Viable and metabolically active system.
microbes present at those locations would release However, the tissue dynamics of apical periodontitis
antigenic molecules that irritate periodontal tissues persisting from foreign body reaction and cystic condi-
both at the apical and marginal sites to cause inflam- tion are not dependent on the presence or absence of
mation, irrespective of them living there with or infectious agents/irritants in the root canal. The host
without virulence and tissue invasiveness. Neverthe- defence cells that accumulate in sites of foreign body
less, among the viruses (Sabeti et al. 2003a,b,c, Sabeti reaction and reside in cystic lesions are not only unable
& Slots 2004) and various species of other microorgan- to resolve the pathology, but are also major sources of
isms that have been reported to be associated with inflammatory and bone resorptive cytokines and other
persistent apical periodontitis (Molander et al. 1998, mediators. There is clinical and histological evidence
Sundqvist et al. 1998, Peciuliene et al. 2000, Hancock that the presence of tissue-irritating foreign materials at
et al. 2001, Pinheiro et al. 2003, Siqueira & Rôças the periapex, such as extruded root-filling materials,
2004, Fouad et al. 2005) a positive experimental endodontic paper-points, particles of foods and accu-
follow-up has been completed only with Actinomyces mulation of endogenous cholesterol crystals, adversely
israelii (Figdor et al. 1992). The periapical disease- affect post-treatment healing of the periapical tissues.
producing ability of other reported infectious agents, The overall prevalence of foreign body reaction at the
either singly or in combination, has yet to be demon- periapex and cystic lesions among persistent apical
strated. Among the probable non-microbial agents that periodontitis is currently unknown, but the occurrence
have been identified in association with persisting of such cases may be very rare. Nevertheless, initiation
apical periodontitis, a positive tissue irritating ability of a foreign body reaction in periapical tissues by
has been experimentally demonstrated for fine partic- exogenous materials, endogenous cholesterol and cys-
ulate gutta-percha (Sjögren et al. 1995) and cholesterol tic transformation of the lesion delay or prevent post-
crystals (Nair et al. 1998). treatment healing. In well-treated teeth with adequate
While intraradicular infection is the essential cause of root fillings, a non-surgical retreatment is unlikely to
apical periodontitis affecting teeth that have not resolve the problem, as it does not remove the offending
undergone root canal treatment and probably the objects, substances and pathology that exist beyond the
major cause of persistent apical periodontitis, the cher- root canal (Koppang et al. 1989, 1992, Nair et al.
ished goal of endodontic treatment has been to elim- 1990a,b, 1993, 1999). Currently, a clinical differential
inate infectious agents or to substantially reduce the diagnosis for the existence of these extraradicular
microbial load from the root canal and to prevent causative agents of persistent apical periodontitis is
re-infection by root filling (Nair 2004, Nair et al. not possible. Further, the great majority of persistent
2005). Periapical healing of some teeth occurs even apical periodontitis are caused by residual infection in
when microbes are present in the canals at the time of the complex apical root canal system (Hess 1921,
filling (Sjögren et al. 1997). Microbes may be present in Perrini & Castagnola 1998). It is not guaranteed that
quantities and virulence that may be sub-critical to an orthograde root canal retreatment of an otherwise
sustain the inflammation of the periapex, or that they well-treated tooth can eradicate the residual intraradi-
remain in a location where they cannot communicate cular infection. Therefore, with cases of asymptomatic,
with the periapical tissues (Nair et al. 2005). The great persistent, periapical radiolucencies, clinicians should
anatomical complexity of the root canal system (Hess consider the necessity of removing the extraradicular
1921, Perrini & Castagnola 1998) and the organiza- factors through apical surgery (Kim 2002), in order to
tion of the microbes into protected adhesive biofilms improve the long-term outcome of treatment. Apical

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