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Good morning everyone I’m Thyrone Zara your precentor for today. Our presentation is all
about cell.

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For todays topic we will discuss the postulates of the cell theory .

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First lets define some terms regarding our topic.
Postulate -A statement that is agreed by everyone to be correct, accepted as true , often the
basic truth of a much larger theory or law. Also, a basic principle to serve as a premise or
starting point for further reasoning and arguments.

When we say postulate we suggest something, such as an idea, a self-evident which can
generally accepted, built upon the knowledge that satisfies the reader or listener in terms of
veracity.( facts).

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What Is Cell?
in our elementary days we define Cells as the basic unit of life. But for biology cell are the
structural, functional, and biological units of all living beings.

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Of course the result of the postulates is the theory
Cell theory - is a universally accepted scientific and historical theory based on three principles
or postulates. That All living things are made of at least one cell. Cells are the basic unit of life.
All cells come from preexisting cells.
The cell theory is true for all living things, irrespective of size or complexity. Cells hold and
provide information for all living things. Learning about the cell theory is very essential and for
us to fully understand this, we first need to know how those people came up with the concept
and who are those people contributed in this theory.

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I t is important to acknowledge the scientist who is credited with the discovery of the cell. We
first discuss its history , the discovery of the cell was made possible when a father and son
duo , a Dutch spectacle maker named Hans and Zacharias Janssen. Sometime in 1590’s they
developed the first compound microscope. They created it by putting two lenses together and
looking through, then realizing it magnified what they were viewing. It’s has capable of
magnifying images approximately three times when fully closed and up to ten times when
extended to the maximum. Cell Theory was first discovered after they developed the
microscope which became an important tool for the scientist in order for them to visualize and
define what they are trying to hypothesized that contribute to modern science today.

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in 1665 Robert Hooke an English physicist was the first person to coin the term “cell .“ He used
a custom-built compound microscope to look at a tiny slice of dry cork that had been cut and
when he saw that there were box-like figures inside it he described cork as a honeycomb of
chambers or “cells”, and the term stayed. This was the beginning of cellular biology

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1673 Anton Van Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch microbiologist often called the “father of
microbiology.” the first person to see living cells under a microscope . He make his own
unique microscope with 300x magnification. Under these microscopes, Leeuwenhoek found
motile objects, he states that motility is a quality of life therefore these were living organism.
Over time, he described many specific forms of microorganisms, named these "animalcules,"
In modern biology animalcules are called protozoa or most common term is bacteria.

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1833 Robert Brown a Scottish botanist who discovered cell nucleus. He was studying the
process of fertilization in orchids under the microscope and while studying this he observed an
opaque area which he called as the nucleus.

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In 1838, a German botanist, Matthias Jakob Schleiden. He studied microscopic plant
structures. In his studies, he observed that the different parts of the plant organism are
composed of cells or derivatives of cells. Specifically, he observed that “the lower plants all
consist of one cell, while the higher ones are composed of (many) individual cells.”

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Theodor Schwann was a German zoologist, discovered the enzyme pepsin and glial cells in
nerves – these are now known as Schwann cells. He also identified the role that
microorganisms play in alcohol fermentation. His classification of different cells is the
foundation of modern histology. Pursuing this line of research on animal tissues, Schwann not
only verified the existence of cells, but he traced the development of many adult tissues from
early embryo stages. He examined notochordal tissue and cartilage from toad larvae, as well
as tissues from pig embryos, establishing that animal tissues are composed of cells, each of
which has a nucleus.
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1855 Rudolf Virchow, a German pathologist known as "the father of modern pathology. first
explained that cells divide and new cells are formed from pre-existing cells and famously
wrote “omnis cellula-e cellula.” (all cells come from cells).

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1857 Albert Von Kolliker was a Swiss anatomist, was among the first to notice the
arrangement of granules in the sarcoplasm of striated muscle. These granules were later called
sarcosomes ,come to be known as the mitochondria-the power houses of the cell. He made
the first separation of mitochondria from cell structure, by teasing these granules from insect
muscle, in which they are very profuse, found them to swell in water, and showed them to
possess a membrane."

Credit for developing cell theory is usually given to two scientists: Theodor Schwann and
Matthias Jakob Schleiden. But it is largely attributed to Robert Hooke, who first discover the
cell and began the scientific study of cells, known as cell biology. Hooke was a proponent of
the theory of “spontaneous generation” in which life simply arises when certain conditions are
met. The discovery of the fundamental living nature of cells, was achieved by Antonie van
Leeuwenhoek, with his discovery of "animalcules, red blood cells and sperm cells put an end
to the previous theory of spontaneous generation. Biologists believed that there was a
fundamental unit to life, but were unsure what this was. This conclusion was not made until
Henri Dutrochet proposed that new cells are generated from the inside of old cells. Although
this statement forms a part of the cell theory, the mechanism proposed by the scientists with
regards to cell regeneration, were incorrect. In 1804, Karl Rudolphi and J. H. F. Link were the
first to prove that cells had independent cell walls. Before, it had been thought that cells
shared walls and the fluid passed between them this way. In the year 1832 by the name of
Barthelemy Dumortier observed and explained the process of binary fission, and further went
on to reject the previous popular notions that cells arise from within old cells or that they are
spontaneously generated.
The cell theory, as we know it today was formulated In the years 1838, Matthias Schleiden
studied plant cells and postulated that every living thing is made up of cells or the product of
cells. The following year, in 1839, Theodor Schwann put forth his proposal with regards to
animal cells, postulating that every element in animals is made up of cells or their products.
From these conclusions about plants and animals, two of the three tenets of cell theory were
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells
2. The cell is the most basic unit of life
In 1855, Rudolf Virchow added the third tenet to cell theory.
3. All cells arise only from pre-existing cells
While Rudolf Virchow contributed to the theory, he is not as credited for his attributions
toward it. And that is how the cell theory was formulated.

upon knowing how certain person came up with the discovery of cell and the formulation of
cell theory .Lets further discuss them with the help of our next presenter Miss Zhanelle Linatoc

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To better understand each aspect of the cell theory, it is vital to take a closer look at what each
postulate entails. Here, we discuss each postulate of the cell theory as it has been stated:
“All living organisms are made up of one or more cells”.
*Living things or organisms that are made up of one cell are called unicellular or single-celled
organisms. bacteria and protozoans like amoeba are examples of single-celled organisms.
*Living things or organisms that are made up of more than one cells are termed as multi-
cellular or multi-celled organisms. Almost all animal and plant cells are multi-cellular
organisms. The human body is made up of billions of multi-cellular cells.

“The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life”.

All biological processes that occur within the body for it to sustain itself cannot occur without
the presence of cells.
*They form the basic unit of life that not only provide structure to living cells but are also
necessary for all their vital functions that are needed to sustain life. For example, in human
beings, the cells that make up the skeletal system are called osteocytes.
*Together they form the hardened structure called bone that provides structure, as well as
function of the body. Cells are the building blocks of every system in living things – starting
from the cellular level to tissues, organs and organ systems.
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“Cells arise from pre-existing cells”.
Every cell is generated from another cell that existed before it. This postulate of the cell theory
refers to the process of cell division whereby one cell divides to produce more than one cells.
This is the basis of cellular reproduction which can be either asexual or sexual depending on
the living organism that the process is occurring in.
*Cell division processes can be of different types, like budding or fission seen in yeast cells, or
Mitosis and meiosis, that is observed in both plant and animal cells.
*Generally, during the process of cell division, a single cell divides into two or more cells,
distributing its genetic content among its progeny. Thus the newly formed cells are usually
identical to the parent cell.
This postulate was in opposition to the notion that cells arise spontaneously.
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Further, more postulates are added to the cell theory which form a part of the modern cell
“the activity of an organism depends on the total activity of independent cells,”
*All the activities of the cell depend mainly on the activities of the subcellular structures that
lie within the cell. These subcellular structures comprise of the plasma membrane, organelles
and if present, the nucleus.

“Energy flow occurs within cells”.

The energy referred to in this postulate is chemical energy produced from thousands of
biochemical reactions that take place inside the cell.
From the breakdown of glucose to the production of ATP(adenosine triphosphate) by the
powerhouse of the cell, the mitochondria, all biochemical reactions produce a great deal of
energy within each cell that flows from one part of the cell, one organelle to another through
chemical messengers and molecules.

“Hereditary information or DNA is passed on from one cell to another”.

As stated earlier, all cells divide either asexually by mitosis, fission or budding, or sexually by
meiosis. Either process results in the parent cell passing on its genetic content or DNA to the
offspring or progeny.
*Chromosomes that contain the genetic material is passed on from parent to daughter cell. In
unicellular organisms as well, such as bacteria, the DNA material is divided into its progeny
simply by splitting of the cell into two, a process known as cytokinesis.
*This results in the progeny cells being identical genetically to the parent cells. However in
higher organisms such as some animals and humans, the environment and a process known as
recombination are key players in determining the genetic makeup of every individual being.

“All cells have the same basic composition”.

All cells, whether unicellular or multicellular, prokaryotic or eukaryotic, simple or complex,
irrespective of size have the same basic composition.
*Almost every cell is surrounded by a cell wall and filled with a fluid-like substance known as
cytoplasm or cytosol, in which many different structures called organelles are present that
each has their own defined function.
*All cells contain a nucleus or a region that holds the genetic content (DNA) of the organism,
and all have biochemical processes and catalysts that enable it to sustain itself.

The above-mentioned postulates along with the aspects of the modern theory constitute the
cell theory as we know it. The theory was once universally accepted, but now some biologists
consider non-cellular entities such as viruses a living organisms, and thus disagree with the
first tenet. As of 2021: "expert opinion remains divided roughly a third each between yes, no
and don’t know". As there is no universally accepted definition of life, discussion will continue.

That would be the sum of our report. Thank you for actively listening to us .

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