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Spotlight Issue 2 - 2016

For owners and operators of heat generating plants in the UK and Ireland

SAACKE Boiler-house log book

SAACKE service contract customers will receive their next SAACKE
Boiler-house log book in November ready for 2017. We would welcome any
Bernie’s hot tips feedback regarding this benefit. If you are not a service contract customer
and would like to order a log book, or you would like to order additional
copies, please get in touch with us.
SCanView goes from strength to

SCanView, SAACKE’s combined burner

management and combustion control
What’s inside this issue
system, has now achieved over 500 units
in the field. With its unique Safety Test SAACKE & SSE Enterprise partnership
System and maintenance aids, it is a The turnkey solution for Micro-CHP systems
market leader in the UK and Ireland. As
well as enhancing the safety of the
burner and plant, it enables better 2016 Energy & combustion conferences
performance and greater control. Speak Essential industry guidelines and legislation updates
to our Service team to find out more.


Already complies with future Chinese emissions limits

SAACKE UK team snippets

Congratulations – at work and outside of work!

SAACKE Combustion Services Ltd.

Telephone: +44 (0) 23 92 333900

SAACKE & SSE Enterprise partnership

The turnkey solution for Micro-CHP systems

We are pleased to announce an exclusive partnership between Direct use of gas turbine flue gas for
SSE Enterprise, part of one of the leading energy suppliers combustion – with over 90% overall
in the UK and Ireland, and SAACKE Combustion Services efficiency at the turbine
Limited, the leader in innovative solutions for combustion and
heat generation, to bring substantial savings to local markets by The idea of using excess heat from generating electricity that
using SAACKE’s proven micro gas turbine CHP system utilising would otherwise be lost, for raising process steam or hot water,
gas turbine flue gas burner technology. is not new. It could better be described as a logical step, because
the hot flue gases of a block heat and power plant or gas turbine
You can generate your own electricity, feed-in the surplus to the contain great quantities of valuable energy.
National Grid AND use 100% of the turbine exhaust gases as
combustion air in a unique burner firing on a conventional new While the hot flue gas of a traditional combined heat and power
or existing boiler/furnace, thereby maximising overall plant plant (CHP) is directed immediately through a heat
efficiency. SSE bring their design and turnkey project exchanger or waste heat boiler, in the solution now available
management expertise to bear together with project funding and from SAACKE the gas turbine exhaust gases supply a DDZG-GT
attractive payback options. series gas turbine flue gas burner as combustion air.


Electrical Power Generation
(Grid Energy Supplier)
72 – 65% heat losses
5 MWh NATURAL GAS 1.4 - 1.75 MWh Electrical Power
5 MWh NATURAL GAS 3.5 - 4.15 MWh Steam/Hot water Efficiency
30 - 17% heat losses
Energy user

Typical CHP Gas engine

10% heat losses Typical
3.8 MWh Electrical Power
CHP Plant
5.2 MWh Waste Heat 2.9 - 4.7 MWh Steam/Hot water
23 - 10% heat losses
Waste heat boiler
Energy user

SAACKE Micro Gas Turbine

CHP System
Micro Gas Turbine 5% Heat losses
0.6 MWh Electrical Power Typical
1.82 MWh NATURAL GAS 1.12 MWh Waste heat SAACKE CHP
Plant 91-96%
8.5 - 8.9 MWh Steam/Hot water
9 - 4% heat losses
8.18 MWh NATURAL GAS Energy user
Steam/HW generator with

In this way SAACKE not only opens the way to new Direct use of gas turbine flue gas for
high-temperature processes for CHP plants, but also makes combustion – with over 96% efficiency
production more flexible and profitable overall. The system can
achieve overall efficiencies of over 90%, and is not only very With the “micro CHP” principle, SAACKE introduces a highly
economical, but also environmentally friendly. cost effective method for generating electricity for conventional
heat generators.
Conventional CHP plants have most commonly been
implemented in the low and medium load range with block heat Initial systems have been based on a Capstone micro gas
and power plants, and are very maintenance-intensive. turbine. These proven electricity generators were originally
developed for use by the US army. They combine turbine,
However, SAACKE is now offering an alternative: an extremely generator and line synchronisation in one compact sound-
low-maintenance combination of micro gas turbine with proven proofed housing. They are typically operated with natural gas,
SAACKE burners known as “micro CHPs”. A gas turbine but are also able to use biogas, fuel oil or biogenic oils.
generates from 50 to 200 kW of electrical current, with its flue
gas used to supply a SAACKE gas turbine flue gas burner, which Because all movable parts of the electricity generator run on a
fires in the downstream heat generator. single (air-cushioned) shaft, the maintenance intervals of the
micro gas turbine are extremely long, with a total service life of
Depending on the layout and configuration of the heat up to 80,000 hours for the turbine.
generator, a CHP plant of this type produces heat, steam or hot
water with conventional heat generators – and also produces
valuable electrical energy.

SAACKE & SSE Enterprise – turnkey Micro-CHP

systems continued
Products from the proven SAACKE DDZG-GT series are used
as burners. They develop firing rates between 2 and 20 MW
(depending on the size of the turbine) and fire directly into the
downstream heat generator.

In principle these robust lance burners work with practically all

liquid and gaseous fuels and are even suitable for thermal
utilisation of auxiliary fuels and by-products. The proven
combination of turbine and burner guarantees the lowest
emission values, and also reliably exceeds the requirements
across the entire range of EU regulations.

SSE Enterprise brings extensive experience in turnkey project

delivery from HV through to full mechanical and electrical
engineering services, management and maintenance of critical
energy services.

From feasibility study, through funding/finance options via direct

or third party lending to implementation of a full O & M regime
over an agreed contract period, customers can be assured of the
Start-up takes only a few seconds. Then, depending on the size, best available support in addition to the best available
between 50 and 200 kW of line-synchronous electrical power technology for their plant going forward.
is available. The turbine features infinitely variable operation
over a very wide control range with both heat and current guided

The current that is generated can be fed back into the electrical
network or used solely internally. Firing systems featuring high
operating hours and continuous heat consumption are naturally
suited to CHP solutions, however, the turbine and burner can
optionally be operated independently of each other.

Energy, Efficiency, Emissions, Expertise


Energy & combustion conferences

For further information on turnkey Micro-CHP systems and the
SAACKE and SSE Enterprise partnership, you are invited to
attend our regional conferences.

You will also learn about the latest guidelines and legislation
covering the essential aspects of operating a boiler plant.

We are partway through the 2016 programme but there are still
places available at the following venues:

Thursday 15th September

Cork: Radisson BLU Hotel

Tuesday 4th October

Perth: Murrayshall House Hotel
“Attended to ensure I’m up to date with
what’s happening in the industry.”
Thursday 6th October
Bradford: Cedar Court Hotel
For more details and to apply for tickets,
“Good day - always come away with
further knowledge.” You can also contact Susie Bell via or on
+44 (0) 23 92 333831

Free places are offered to holders of SAACKE Service Contracts

(number dependent on level of contract/membership). Otherwise
cost per delegate is £85/€110 (including VAT).
Customer comments

“Just keep sending John to us and

there’ll be no complaints. He’s one of
the best and most helpful people we already complies with future
deal with.”
Chinese emission limits
“SAACKE always provide us with
a first class service and respond as
quickly as possible to our Nitrogen oxide emissions < 30 mg/m³ based on 3.0% dry
O2 certified by the German TÜV
“SAACKE is a very good
organisation. We always get a From 2017, particularly strict emission guidelines will apply in selected urban
response to enquiries without having areas in China, such as Beijing.
to chase.”
New heat generation plants and power stations will then be subject to a NOx
“Have always found SAACKE limit value of a maximum of 30 mg/m³ based on 3.0% dry O2, while the
technicians to be very helpful and regulation enters into force in five years for existing plants.
willing to advise on/solve any
problems that arise throughout the The optimised SAACKE LONOX UCC (Ultra Clean Combustion) system, based
whole year on any boiler/burner at on burner technology that has proven its worth over decades, already complies
our sites.” with the future guideline values in all areas – without expensive additives or
secondary measures.
“Staff always pleasant and willing.
Great to work with – never an issue. This was verified by the German TÜV (Technical Inspection Authority) in
Exceptional service to our company January 2016, based on measurements at a test facility at the SAACKE
which is greatly appreciated.” research and development location in Bremen.

“As always first class service from The new statutory regulations are the Chinese government’s response to rising
SAACKE.” air pollution and smog formation, especially in urban areas. These are the
result of released nitrogen oxides, which are unwanted by-products of
combustion processes that use high temperatures in many sectors of industry or
“I would like to take this are also released by motor vehicles in traffic.
opportunity to thank you personally
for all your help over the last few
days with regard to the boiler at the “We want to use our technology to contribute to a
DVLA. I totally understand your better climate and better living circumstances for
team were under contractual
pressures and had some major the inhabitants”
installations to complete. They
however managed to make the time
to help us out during this very says Dr Norbert Schopf, Director, Business Development at SAACKE. “The
difficult situation. Can you please guidelines for new plants may only enter into force from 2017, but they also
pass on my thanks to your engineer affect power stations that supply heat. The goal is to be able to commission the
Chris Ball. He was absolutely first SAACKE Low NOx burners at the start of the 2016/2017 heating period.”
fantastic and worked tirelessly to
resolve the issue we had. My engineer Plants that are already in operation can also be fitted with the technology, so
spent a lot of time with him that they can continue to be used.
yesterday and was blown away by
Chris’s knowledge and skills. I Cost-effective and efficient compliance with limit
cannot stress how grateful we are for values
all your help.”
The reduction of nitrogen oxides in industrial processes is generally achieved by
Denise Laing - Contract Manager, cooling the flame temperature in the burner, such as by installing cooling fins
CBRE or water injection.

NOx reduction measures of many SAACKE competitors often lead to a high

amount of excess O2 or a high level of CO. Significant reductions in the
released nitrogen oxide can often only be achieved using expensive, catalytic
(SCR) or non-catalytic (SNCR) processes.

However, all of these options increase fuel consumption, material costs and the use of necessary additives at the operator’s expense.

By contrast, the SAACKE LONOX UCC system is based on an internally developed technology, whose core elements are a swirled
and particularly stable spherical flame as well as a specially-engineered flame control. “This function has proven itself in practice
over many years and has undergone constant optimisation”, explains Dr Norbert Schopf.

The SAACKE burner fires all gaseous fuels cost-effectively and efficiently in compliance with the limit values of 30 mg/m³ NOx
based on 3.0% dry O2 – with a low flue gas recirculation rate of < 30%. Specifically, measurements by the TÜV Nord, under low,
partial and full load, resulted in NOx values (averaged over half an hour) of < 19 mg/m³ at an output of 1 MW, < 28 mg/m³ at
4 MW and < 24 mg/m³ at 8 MW. The CO value is below 100 mg/m³.

The SAACKE LONOX UCC system does not require any external measures for NOx or CO, and has a capacity range of 8 to 64 MW,
making it suitable for plants with shell boilers or water-tube boilers with capacity ranges between 10 and 80 tons per hour.
The burner solution is also ideal for extremely short furnaces due to the special flame geometry.

The SAACKE LONOX UCC system can be customised to customer requirements and the local infrastructure. Besides the test plant
at the research and development location in Bremen, a 32 MW demonstration plant is also in planning at SAACKE’s Chinese site
in Qingdao.

If you are reading this newsletter but don’t receive your own personal copy and would like to be sent one directly, please
contact Susie Bell via or on 023 92 333831

Adam Hartin
(Aftersales Engineer, Havant)
UK team snippets
20th March. They both finished in 2
Lee Cornwell hours, crossing the finish line together
(Spares Co-Ordinator, Havant) and raised a fantastic £1167.75 for
Parkinson’s UK, a charity that has
who have both recently celebrated 10 supported David’s father and House of
years with SAACKE UK Companies. Bread, a Stafford based charity that
assists the homeless locally.

This was a real challenge for both

Good luck David and Dee as neither of them had
done any exercise in the last 10 years
post children. According to David,
Paul Drury the plan is to do a full marathon next
David Turner (Service Technician,
(Service Technician, Midlands) year – although apparently Dee is not
Midlands) and his wife Dee ran the
overly keen at the moment!
Stafford Half Marathon on Sunday
who retired on 1st August 2016 after
16 years with SAACKE UK.

Jo-Ann Luke Jim

Luke Brooks from Walkden High

School spent a week on work
experience in the Northern office in
June assisting Jo-Ann Szysz (Regional Laurita, Darren, Roger, Barbara, Mark
Office Administrator) and Jim Nee
(Regional Service Manager). Barbara Diplock (Service Barbara and her husband Roger did it
Administrator, Havant) and her in 3 hours and 35 minutes. Mark and
Luke had a great time learning new family including her son, Mark his brother Darren together with
skills. He enjoyed finding out about Diplock (Stores/Spares Technician, girlfriend Laurita all finished in 3
burners and was amazed at all the Havant) took part in The Rowans hours and 22 minutes, so all quite
different parts. He said that he would Hospice Moonlit Memories Walk on close together.
like to come back to learn more so it Saturday 18th June.
must have been a good week! Portsmouth Cathedral stayed open
The local charity supports people with during the event for the walkers to
cancer and other life-limiting light candles and remember loved
SAACKE Combustion Services Ltd. illnesses. They selected to walk the full ones. Apart from a spell of tiredness
Langstone Technology Park, 12 miles and gathered at 11pm ready at the 10 mile point (and dreams of a
Langstone Road, to go. Following some dreadful soft, warm bed!), Barbara enjoyed the
Havant, weather, the night was warm with challenge. The tea and bacon rolls on
Hampshire, hardly any breeze which made it Southsea Common at 2.35am were
PO9 1SA. perfect for walking. very welcome!

Telephone: +44 (0) 23 92 333900


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