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Election Integrity Letter To RNC 1.25.23

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January 25, 2023

Ronna McDaniel, Chair

Republican National Committee
Joe Gruters, Chair
Ashley MacLeay, Co-Chair
RNC Election Integrity Task Force
310 First Street SE
Washington, DC 20003

Dear RNC Officials:

We, the undersigned citizen leaders in the Election Integrity Network (“EIN”), are writing
to express our recommendations regarding the RNC’s plans for its Election Integrity program.
We offer the input and suggestions below for two reasons: 1) To maximize our mutual
effectiveness in enhancing election integrity throughout the states and nation, and 2) To
facilitate nonpartisan citizen-group engagement in the election process as election workers and

EIN is composed of state election integrity coalitions, local election integrity task forces
and local, state and national working groups and organizations dedicated to election integrity.
None of us are writing as partisans. However, state laws require that election workers and
often poll challengers and observers be designated, appointed, or authorized by one of the two
major political parties. We have reached out to Democratic Party officials for their assistance in
working to improve election integrity.1

Preventing cheating in our nation’s elections is a priority to voters. Rasmussen reports

84% of likely U.S. voters believe the issue of election integrity to be important, and 61% say it is
very important. Gallup reports, “a wider partisan divide than Gallup has ever recorded on this

EIN has worked with the RNC Election Integrity Unit since its inception in August 2021.
In testament to the inclusive attitude and outstanding leadership of Director Josh Findlay, as
well as his staff and several outstanding state EI Directors, significant bridges were built in the
runup to the 2022 election.

Today, grassroots organizations have a higher degree of willingness to work with a

political party to become part of the election system. These educated and motivated
volunteers stand ready to give of their time, talents, and treasure to the election integrity

1Our suggestions for the Democratic Party regarding election integrity are being sent in a separate letter
to Democratic Party leadership.
Three Recommendations

Below are three key recommendations for the RNC for continuing to build the all-
important election integrity infrastructure.

1. Election Integrity is not a seasonal or political campaign activity. The Election Integrity Unit
should be reconstituted and designated as its own RNC Department of Election Integrity.

When the EI Unit was first announced, we understood from Chairman McDaniel’s public
statements that this was to be a “year-round election integrity effort.” Finally, at long last, the
RNC was committing ongoing resources and efforts to fortifying the election systems in each

We were distressed, to say the least, to learn that all the state EI Directors and the
entire field staff were to be terminated, effective December 15, 2022. Among the heads to roll
were outstanding leaders, including Matthew Siefert in Michigan, Thomas Lane in Virginia,
Andrea Raffle in Pennsylvania, and Johnny Mosely in Georgia. A fifth stellar state EI Director
was Ryan Retza in Wisconsin. Once he knew the RNC was terminating his employment, he took
another job with the Wisconsin state legislature. The loss of Retza’s institutional memory about
Wisconsin in this election cycle serves as an example of why EI staff must be full time and year-
round—not treated as seasonal campaign workers.

When EIN leaders expressed our concerns, Chairman McDaniel stated that the action
was taken without her knowledge or consent and she immediately (albeit temporarily)
reinstated four of the most outstanding EI State directors, and we appreciate her swift,
corrective actions.

Going forward, the RNC’s Election Integrity staff must be exempt from the layoffs to
which RNC political staff are subject after every election.

In addition, we recommend the RNC operate its Election Integrity Unit as a separate and
distinct department within the RNC, on the same level as other departments such as Political
and Legal. EI should not be constrained or have its focus and responsiveness diluted by
operating as a unit within the RNC Political Department.

While it is true that there are political and legal aspects of election integrity, neither of
those departments should control the work of the Election Integrity staff. For legal and

2 Officials said that a "year-round election integrity operation" will be created. They said that will include
"hiring in-state election integrity directors, monitoring state and county-level election processes to ensure laws are
being followed, training thousands of poll watchers to observe all steps in the elections process and continuing to
engage in lawsuits that protect and promote election integrity."
compliance reasons and in order to operate efficiently and effectively, nonprofit allies should
deal with a department focused solely on election systems.

This situation should never happen again. One of the RNC’s core principles should
become that election integrity is not a seasonal activity, and losing the institutional memory
every two years is no way to fight the Left’s substantial investment and continued, decades-
long thrust to undermine our election systems across the country for their purposes.

As the book, The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado by Schrager and Witwer
documents, the Left and its billionaire donors are committed to changing election systems in
order to manipulate the outcomes. The RNC needs to become cognizant of this fact. It must
understand ongoing and imminent threats to election integrity.

We urge that the EI Unit be reconstituted and redesignated as the Election Integrity
Department of the RNC.

2. The RNC Election Integrity Task Force established in 2021 addressed and made
recommendations in multiple areas regarding America’s election systems—and all of those
areas should be part of the Election Integrity Department’s Programs.

The Election Integrity Task Force (“the Task Force”) worked diligently and produced an
excellent blueprint for reclaiming America’s election systems. However, the EI Unit during
2021-2022 was allowed to focus on only one component of election integrity: the recruitment,
training, and deployment of election workers and observers.

That limited recruitment was vitally important and a function that the RNC largely
ignored in state/local parties for decades, due in no small part to the Consent Decree. However,
laws of every state require a role for the political parties in terms of election officials and
electoral board positions, election workers, and citizen challengers, and observers.

Never until this past 18 months has the RNC taken any significant action to understand,
much less engage in, ensuring that Republicans fill the statutory roles allotted to the GOP under
state law.

These statutory roles are not campaign or political activities. They are fundamental to
ensuring honest and fair elections. The Republican Party’s recent retooling to fulfill the
statutory roles and ensure that GOP designees were placed in positions as authorized under
state law required gargantuan efforts in state after state.

Here again, Director Findlay and team excelled, recruiting and enlisting the participation
of more than 80,000 workers and observers. EIN and its state coalition organizations worked
hard to assist the GOP in recruiting and training volunteers to fill election roles across the
In some cases, as in Flint, Michigan, the effort to ensure political parity required
litigation to force compliance. The state GOP and grassroots EIN coalitions initiated litigation to
great effect.

Having said that, it is important to note that fulfilling this legal requirement for citizen
checks and balances was but one aspect of the Task Force’s recommendations. These
recommendations covered multiple aspects of the election process, from voting systems and
technology, to legislation, litigation, and more.

All of the areas that the Task Force addressed are important. Yet, none of the areas
(other than the election worker/poll observer and litigation efforts) became part of the EI
Unit’s work in the 2021-2022 cycle.

The Election Integrity Department should encompass and be tasked with fulfilling the
entirety of the Task Force’s recommendations.

3. The 80,000 volunteer election workers and poll watchers/observers must be channeled
into year-round, ongoing state efforts such as those lead by EIN to create a permanent
election integrity infrastructure in every state.

Director Findlay managed to execute impressive and transformative change at the RNC
within the EI Unit, constituted this past election cycle. He built the EI program from scratch and
navigated multiple, competing pressures from grassroots and party structures. In concert with
state and local parties and grassroots efforts among scores of national and state election
integrity and conservative groups, Findlay’s team recruited, trained, and deployed more than
80,000 individuals as part of the election 2021-2022 apparatus.

It is now vital to engage those 80,000-plus volunteers and others joining daily to work to
secure the integrity of our elections. We urge the EI Department within the RNC to encourage
the participation in the Election Integrity Network with its State Election Integrity Coalitions and
their local task forces, with the several National Working Groups on the topics referenced in
the Task Force Report.

These committed citizens are dedicated to helping ensure that laws are followed and
upheld in every state. They comprise the cornerstone on which the next phase of election
integrity engagement will be built. Failing to engage these resources now would be a
monumental mistake with long-term, perhaps irreversible consequences.

The Election Integrity Network, built in multiple states over the past two years, can put
these individuals to work so they are prepared to reengage as election workers and observers
at election time. But much more is necessary to accomplish than simply serving at election

That is why each area addressed by the RNC Task Force is so important.
The growing EIN is prepared to put these volunteers to work in the herculean tasks that
require their efforts. Please let us help engage these volunteers to keep them involved between
the elections and in various voter segments. Failure to do so would be a travesty to the two-
party system, to election integrity, and to the fiber of the republic.

In conclusion, we have all learned a great deal since 2021-2022 and our initial round of
election integrity work. But let us face facts. We are just getting started. We are years behind
our opponents. More—much more—is necessary to right the ship of state.

The RNC’s efforts to restore and protect election integrity are laudable, vital, and in
their infancy. Significant issues remain for the RNC to address, from the need to clean bloated
and corrupted voter rolls, to ensuring that election technology is transparent and unbiased.

Changes are needed in state laws.

Litigation should be initiated now to enforce existing laws.

The RNC needs to participate in all the critical facets of election integrity as envisioned
by the Task Force.

EIN is already engaged in each of these areas. Please join and support our efforts.

The commitment by the Left and its billionaire donors to change election systems, so
the outcomes can be manipulated by leftwing, partisan operatives must be met with equal
determination and effective actions from patriotic conservatives. Only then can we restore
integrity to our elections.

All Americans deserve to have legitimate confidence that elections are fair and honest.
All groups—voters, candidates, and political parties alike—deserve to know that election
outcomes are reliable and true.

Creating an independent department for election integrity will enhance the trust of the
American people in election integrity as a priority of the GOP and serve a vital role in restoring
the most fundamental and necessary element of our free republic: fair elections.

We urge the RNC to restructure and expand its election integrity efforts internally, and
to work with the EIN to fully engage an army of volunteers as we build on what we have
learned and engage in the full spectrum of what is necessary to reclaim our elections in

Lynn Taylor
Chair, Virginia Fair Elections

Dr. Clara Belle Wheeler

Executive Committee, Virginia Fair Elections

Nancy Smith
Executive Committee, Virginia Fair Elections

Wendy Nissan
Director, Florida Fair Election Coalition

Elizabeth Butler
Co-director Florida Fair Elections Coalition

James K. Womack
President, North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT)

Jesse Burger
Software Engineer, North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT)

Carol Davis
Chairman, Illinois Conservative Union
Coordinator for the Illinois Fair Elections Coalition

Suzanne Rickman
Illinois Fair Elections Coalition

Julie Adams
Director, Georgia Election Integrity Coalition

Marci McCarthy
Chairman, The DeKalb County Republican Party (Georgia)

Karen Carlisle
Chair, The Restore Election Integrity Committee of South Georgia

Pamela Reardon
Cobb County Georgia

Robyn Sachs
Chair, Maryland Voter Integrity Group

Patrice Johnson, Chair

Michigan Fair Elections
Pure Integrity Michigan Elections
Louis Avallone
Michigan Fair Elections
Pure Integrity Michigan Elections

Ron Armstrong
President, Stand Up Michigan

Patrick Colbeck
Former Michigan State Senator
MI Grassroots Alliance

Rosemary Tanner
Leader Jackson County, Michigan Election Integrity Coalition

Sandy Juno
Wisconsin Election Integrity Network

Kim Crockett
2022 Republican Candidate for Minnesota Secretary of State
Voter rights advocate and Attorney

Laurie Groves
Ohio EIN
Perry Co Patriots Alliance, Leader

Eileen Watts
Ohio EIN
Jeanne Majerus
Ohio Election Integrity Network - Cabinet Member
Lake County Liberty Coalition

Frank Limpus
Founder, Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity

Kathleen Harms
Tennessee Election Integrity Coalition

Aundrea Gomez
Tennessee Election Integrity Coalition

Sharon Spigel
Tennessee Election Integrity Coalition

Richard E. Dramm
President, Conservative Club of Tellico
Kelli O’Connor
Empowered Sevier (Sevier county, Tennessee)

Jim Tokarski
Founder, "Freedom Alliance Project" of Rochester Hills

Cleta Mitchell
Founder, Election Integrity Network

Marshall Yates
Executive Director, Election Integrity Network

Kerri Toloczko
National Networks Director, Election Integrity Network

Ned Jones
Deputy Director, Election Integrity Network

Wade Miller
Executive Director, Citizens for Renewing America

Sara Vieira
Director, Rhode Island Free Elections and Education

Angela Cooke
Rhode Island Free Elections and Education

Magan Brillon
Rhode Island Free Elections and Education

Joe Brillon
Rhode Island Free Elections and Education

Margaret Shelps
South Carolina, Aiken County GOP Election Integrity Group

Maija C Hahn
Founder and President, United for Healthcare Workers
Jennifer Biddinger
SUM Jackson Co Precinct Del

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