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Lights and shadows in Evolutionary Deep Learning: Taxonomy, critical

methodological analysis, cases of study, learned lessons,
recommendations and challenges

Aritz D. Martinez, Javier Del Ser, Esther Villar-Rodriguez,

Eneko Osaba, Javier Poyatos, Siham Tabik, Daniel Molina,
Francisco Herrera

PII: S1566-2535(20)30383-3
Reference: INFFUS 1312

To appear in: Information Fusion

Received date : 12 August 2020

Revised date : 30 September 2020
Accepted date : 11 October 2020

Please cite this article as: A.D. Martinez, J. Del Ser, E. Villar-Rodriguez et al., Lights and shadows
in Evolutionary Deep Learning: Taxonomy, critical methodological analysis, cases of study,
learned lessons, recommendations and challenges, Information Fusion (2020), doi:

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© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Journal Pre-proof

• We thoroughly examine the fusion between Deep Learning and bio-

inspired optimization
• Definitions and a taxonomy of Deep Learning optimization problems are
• We perform a critical methodological analysis of contributions made so

• Learned lessons and recommendations are drawn from our analysis and
two study cases
• Challenges and research directions are given in this fusion of


Journal Pre-proof

Lights and Shadows in Evolutionary Deep Learning: Taxonomy, Critical

Methodological Analysis, Cases of Study, Learned Lessons,
Recommendations and Challenges

Aritz D. Martineza , Javier Del Sera,b,∗, Esther Villar-Rodrigueza , Eneko Osabaa , Javier Poyatosc ,
Siham Tabikc , Daniel Molinac , Francisco Herrerac

a TECNALIA, Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA), 48160 Derio, Spain
b Universityof the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), 48013 Bilbao, Spain
c DaSCI Andalusian Institute of Data Science and Computational Intelligence, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain

Much has been said about the fusion of bio-inspired optimization algorithms and Deep Learning
models for several purposes: from the discovery of network topologies and hyperparametric configurations
with improved performance for a given task, to the optimization of the model’s parameters as a replacement
for gradient-based solvers. Indeed, the literature is rich in proposals showcasing the application of
assorted nature-inspired approaches for these tasks. In this work we comprehensively review and critically

examine contributions made so far based on three axes, each addressing a fundamental question in this
research avenue: a) optimization and taxonomy (Why?), including a historical perspective, definitions
of optimization problems in Deep Learning, and a taxonomy associated with an in-depth analysis of the
literature, b) critical methodological analysis (How?), which together with two case studies, allows us to
address learned lessons and recommendations for good practices following the analysis of the literature,
and c) challenges and new directions of research (What can be done, and what for?). In summary, three
axes – optimization and taxonomy, critical analysis, and challenges – which outline a complete vision of a
merger of two technologies drawing up an exciting future for this area of fusion research.
Keywords: Deep Learning, Neuroevolution, Evolutionary Computation, Swarm Intelligence.

1. Introduction

Nowadays there is overall consensus on the capital importance gained by Deep Learning in the Artificial
Intelligence field [1]. Initial results of Deep Learning date back to the late 80’s, stepping on a history of
preceding achievements in neural computation [2]. However, it was not until years later when advances in
high-performance computing, new achievements in neural network training [3], and the availability of
massive datasets paved the way for the renowned success of this family of learning models. Nowadays,
plenty of application areas have harnessed the superior modeling capabilities of Deep Learning models,
from natural language processing [4], speech and audio processing [5, 6], social network analysis [7]
or autonomous driving [8], to mention a few. As a result, Deep Learning models such as Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNN, [9]), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN, [10]) or Generative Adversarial Networks

(GAN, [11]) prevail in many tasks, including image classification, time series forecasting or visual object

∗ Corresponding author. TECNALIA, Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA), P. Tecnologico, Ed. 700. 48170 Derio

(Bizkaia), Spain. E-mail: (Javier Del Ser).

Preprint submitted to Information Fusion September 29, 2020

Journal Pre-proof

There are several properties of Deep Learning models that make them outperform traditional shallow
learning methods. Among them, Deep Learning models can automatically learn hierarchical features from
raw data, so that features organized in higher levels of the hierarchy are composed by a combination of
simpler lower-level features. As a result of this capability, features with minimal human effort and domain
knowledge can be learned and fused together for a manifold of tasks, such as classification, regression or
representation learning [12]. Furthermore, Deep Learning models comprise a large number of parameters
to represent such hierarchical features, which are adjusted (trained) as per the task under consideration.

In addition, Deep Learning approaches can model highly non-linear mappings between their inputs and
outputs [13, 14]. Finally, decisions issued by these black-box models can be explained to non-expert users,
making these black-box models of practical use in domains where explainability is a must [15].
In the Artificial Intelligence field we can find many evidences of the potential of the fusion of different
technologies to tackle complex tasks. Deep Learning is not an exception to this statement: the fact that

the architectural design, hyper-parameter tuning and training of Deep Learning can be formulated as
optimization problems has motivated a long story between these models and the field of bio-inspired
optimization, particularly Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence methods. The number
of layers, their dimension and type of neurons, intermediate processing elements and other structural
parameters can span a large solution space demanding search heuristics for their efficient exploration.
Similarly, hyper-parameter tuning in Deep Learning models can be approached via heuristic wrappers,
whereas their training process is essentially the minimization of a task-dependent loss function with respect
to all the trainable parameters.
The purpose of this manuscript is to perform a thorough assessment of the potential of meta-heuristic
algorithms for Deep Learning, with a proper understanding of the current state-of-the-art of this research
area. It is supported by an exhaustive critical examination of the recent literature falling in this intersection,
and a profound reflection, informed with empirical results, on the lights and shadows of this research area.
The contributions of this study can be summarized as follows:
• We perform a brief hindsight on the historical confluence of both research areas so as to frame the
importance of our study.
• We mathematically define concepts and notions on optimization problems related to Deep Learning that
help the reader follow the rest of the overview.
• We present a taxonomy that allows categorizing every proposal reported so far according to three criteria:
a) the Deep Learning model under consideration; b) the optimization goal for which the bio-inspired
algorithm is devised, distinguishing among architectural design, hyper-parameter configuration and
model training; and c) the search mechanism followed by the bio-inspired solver(s) in use, either
Evolutionary Computation, Swarm Intelligence or hybrid methods.

• Based on this taxonomy, we perform a detailed examination of the literature belonging to each category,
pausing at milestones that supposed a genuine advance in the field, as well as identifying poor practices
and misconceptions that should be avoided for the benefit of the community.
• We design and discuss on two experiments focused on two cases of study aimed at eliciting empirical
evidence on the performance of bio-inspired optimization algorithms when applied to the topological
design, hyper-parameter tuning and training of Deep Learning models.
• We provide a series of lessons and methodological recommendations learned from the literature analysis

and the experiments, which should establish the minimum requirements to be met by future studies on
the fusion of bio-inspired optimization and Deep Learning.
• A prospect is made towards the future of this research area by identifying several challenges that remain
insufficiently addressed to date, and by suggesting research directions that could bring effective solutions
to such challenges.

Journal Pre-proof

In summary, we comprehensively review and critically examine contributions made in this research
avenue based on three axes: a) optimization and taxonomy, which comprises a historical perspective
on this fusion of technologies, a clear definition of the optimization problems in Deep Learning, and a
taxonomy associated to an in-depth analysis of the literature; b) critical analysis, informed by two case
studies, which altogether elicit a number of lessons learned and recommendations for good practices, and
c) challenges that motivate new directions of research for the near future. These three axes aim to provide
a clear response to four important questions related to Evolutionary Deep Learning1 , which are represented

in Figure 1:
• Why are bio-inspired algorithms of interest for the optimization of Deep Learning models?
• How should research studies falling in the intersection between bio-inspired optimization and Deep
Learning be made?

• What can be done in future investigations on this topic?
• What should future research efforts be conducted for?

- Deep Learning
Optimization Problems
- Taxonomy

What and
what for? Evolutionary
- Challenges and Deep Learning
research directions

- Critical analysis
- Use cases
- Learned lessons and

Figure 1: Diagram depicting the three axes and four fundamental questions on Evolutionary Deep Learning tackled in the overview,
along with the specific aspects that contributes to each question.

The structure of the manuscript conforms to the above three axes: first, Section 2 briefly overviews
the historical connection between Deep Learning and bio-inspired optimization. Next, Section 3 defines
mathematically the optimization problems associated to Deep Learning models. Section 4 presents
our taxonomy and an analysis of the literature falling on each of its categories. Section 5 exposes
methodological caveats resulting from our critical literature study. Sections 6 and 7 present the two
designed cases of study, and discuss the results obtained therefrom. Section 8 enumerates learned lessons
and prescribes good practices to be followed by prospective studies. Section 9 outlines several challenges
and research directions that should drive future research efforts of the interested audience. Finally, Section
10 points out the final outline and conclusions of the overview. Additionally, Appendix A revisits several

Deep Learning models, whereas Appendix B introduces the reader to the field of bio-inspired optimization,
placing emphasis on Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence.

1 Throughout the survey we embrace the term Evolutionary Deep Learning to refer to the use of bio-inspired algorithms for solving

optimization problems related to Deep Learning, no matter if they belong to Evolutionary Computation or to Swarm Intelligence.

Journal Pre-proof

2. Historical Tour on Evolutionary Neural Networks and Evolutionary Deep Learning

Despite its relative youth, the current momentum of the synergy between Deep Learning and bio-
inspired optimization is founded on a set of historical milestones that suggested the scientific community to
combine these two branches of Artificial Intelligence. We herein revisit briefly this profitable background
that led into the literature mainstream that motivates the current study. Figure 2 summarizes graphically
such milestones, arranging them in a timeline along with the number of related publications reported in the
last few years (data retrieved from the Scopus database, with the search terms indicated in the caption of

the figure).
Although timid attempts at Neuroevolution (NE) with bio-inspired solvers had been reported in the
late 90s [16], it was not until 2002 when Stanley and Miikkulainen settled a major breakthrough in the
research community with their seminal work “Evolving neural networks through augmenting topologies”
[17]. The NEAT approach proposed in this work allowed connection and layer types of an artificial

neural network architecture (ANN) to be optimized by means of a meta-heuristic algorithm towards a
progressively better precision of the evolved ANN model for a given task. NEAT embraces the main
workflow of population-based meta-heuristics, particularly genetic algorithms: a population of encoded
candidates is generated representing several network architectures, from which new candidate architectures
are produced and evaluated on a given task (in the original work, a Reinforcement Learning task). After all
candidates in the population have been evaluated, mutation and crossover operators are applied, generating
a new population by means of combining network architectures, generating new layers or varying their
hyper-parameters. This iterative search process is stopped when a stopping criterion set beforehand is met.

falling in local optima in expense of precision.

As just stated, this algorithm was mainly proposed to solve reinforcement learning tasks, keeping in mind
the profit of applying meta-heuristics to such environments, such as getting interesting behaviours and not

# of publications
(source: Scopus) 400



Early attempts NeuroEvolution Evolutionary Deep Learning
1989 1994 1997 2002 2004 2008 2009 2010 2012 2014 2017 2018 2019 2020 Q3 2020

9] 7] ] 9] 18] 19] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 0] s
NE [1 [87 [25 22 32 33] 39 19 [21 [24 [25 [29 31 [50 [33 34 [37 [52 55 19 39 [4 he

][7 [ [ ][2 E [2 ][2 0][2 [2 N ol N F ep [ al. er R [ F al. al. [ r [1 T [ AA ac


6 T N T T o

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A N N A A [4 f A [93 [10 AN CN Ev -CN DN De et. miz SE LEA et. t. ake EA oA pp
s NE of R oSy rNE rNE

G o D P e
ep vo os pti EN h iu pM epN Ev l A 67]

St . C p e pe C NN o. o BM QL of Ev G E n u D i s L e v e [ 8]
Hy -Hy f Ev f D f D vo
. C i A w ee No ing [19 1]
Ev .o o o E om ar (S) D CoD
Ea E S o . . l d D - n
ar ns [2
Ev o o
Ev Ev Ba (S
) as
) K er Le ctio vo.
(S ed n E
at Fu al
d er on tori
Fe vat ifac
ti lt
Ac Mu

Figure 2: Timeline with main milestones in the history of Evolutionary Machine Learning, and a bar diagram showing the number of
publications reported in this research area during the period 2013-June 2020. Data retrieved from Scopus by submitting the query

Shortly after its first publication, NEAT’s unprecedented results spurred a flurry of new extensions and
variants, not only in terms of new tasks and applications, but also in what refers to its core algorithmic

Journal Pre-proof

components. Regarding the latter, the acknowledged importance of using good network encoding strategies
soon became a major research goal in this literature strand, given the huge search space spawned by the
evolution of architecture and weights of ANNs. In its original version, NEAT encoded candidates using
a Direct encoding strategy, i.e. networks’ hidden units, connections and parameters (phenotype) were
directly represented as an array representing each point of the network (genotype). However, in 2009
Stanley et al. proposed the so-called Hypercube-based NEAT, or HyperNEAT [18], which relies on a
generative encoding strategy to evolve large-scale neural networks using geometric regularities of the

task domain and compositional pattern producing networks (namely, an ANN variant comprising multiple
potentially heterogeneous activation functions that can be evolved via genetic algorithms). Besides the
optimization of the activation function of each neuron in the network, HyperNEAT also proposed to utilize
an indirect encoding to represent the networks to be evolved, inheriting other concepts from preceding
NEAT versions such as speciation and historical marking, which were also adopted and extended in

ES-HyperNEAT [19]. Years later a new NEAT approach was developed for CNNs, which was coined as
CoDeepNeat [20]. Following the NEAT design principles, CoDeepNeat was proved to excel at evolving
layers, parameters, topology and hyper-parameters of CNNs. To this end, it uses an indirect encoding
approach so that the network information can be encoded as rules or processes for creating individuals,
ultimately yielding a reduced representation of the search space that can be explored more efficiently by
the bio-inspired algorithm in use.
Since its first appearance, NE approaches (with NEAT at their forefront) have been applied to multitude
of tasks and problems. A major fraction of them relate to reinforcement learning, such as car controllers
[41] or first-person agents control [42]. Interestingly, years after these applications were reported, the
community shifted its research focus towards bio-inspired algorithms as an efficient replacement to train
Deep Reinforcement Learning methods [27], showing up competitive results. Bio-inspired optimization
was also applied to other Deep Learning tasks at the time, particularly for CNNs [43], and showcased in a
diversity of applications including the classification of epileptic EEGs [44], time series forecasting [45] or
scheduling deicing tasks in airports [46].
As a result of these findings, a growing literature corpus started to explore the potential of neuro-
evolution strategies for the topology and structural hyper-parameter optimization of different Deep Learning
models, including AE, DBM and GANs. Naturally, the research community soon flowed into a further use
of bio-inspired algorithms: the optimization of the trainable parameters of Deep Learning models [47].
An early approach was explored in [48], where a genetic algorithm is used for architecture optimization,
and differential evolution for weight optimization. The main scientific interest of this work and those
published thereafter is to assess whether meta-heuristics can avoid the convergence limitations of gradient
descent methods when facing strongly non-convex search spaces as those characterizing the problem of
training complex Deep Learning architectures. Nonetheless, most agreed on the dilated computation time

and enormous computational resources needed by meta-heuristic solvers, which outweigh in practice
the eventual convergence gains reported in experimental studies. As a result, gradient back-propagation
approaches have dominated as the Deep Learning training solvers of choice over the years. Recently, this
tendency is again emerging, stimulated by advances in highly parallel computing paradigms (including
GPU and distributed asynchronous computation), prospecting new ways to train Deep Learning models
with bio-inspired algorithms appearing frequently as promising alternatives.
Although it is still an incipient research field, some huge companies like Google, Facebook or Uber have
glimpsed the power of this hybridization, and have started investing massively in software frameworks
towards optimizing their Deep Learning models with meta-heuristics. The research community has

also joined this momentum by open-sourcing software packages for this same purpose. EvoDeep [31],
AutoKeras [56] or Google Cloud AutoML are noteworthy platforms used for autonomously optimizing
Deep Learning models, which we collect in Table 1 together with other alternatives from the literature.
The complexity of these problems, given by the cardinality of their search spaces and/or the large
number of variables to be optimized, has stimulated an ever-growing corpus of literature that lasts to

Journal Pre-proof

Table 1: Software frameworks to evolve Deep Learning models using meta-heuristics and other search strategies.

Deep Learning
Reference Name Year Optimization domains Optimization algorithm ming
Topology, structural hyper-parameters,
[21] EvoCNN 2017 CNN Genetic algorithm Python
weight initialization
DBN (and multiple Optimization of hyperparameters and
[22] ATM 2017 Bayesian Optimization Python
Shallow methods) model selection

[23] MetaQNN 2017 CNN Topology, structural hyper-parameters Reinforcement Learning Python, Caffe
[24] DEvol 2017 CNN Topology, structural hyper-parameters Genetic Algorithm Python, Keras
[25] CGP-CNN 2017 CNN Topology, structural hyper-parameters Cartesian Genetic Programming
Architectures that
Topology, structural hyper-parameters,
can be represented as Python,
[26] AdaNet 2017 training hyper-parameters, trainable AdaNet Algorithm

a directed acyclic TensorFlow
AI Labs NE 2017- Python,
[27, 28] CNN Trainable parameters (weights and biases) Genetic Algorithm + Novelty Search
Algorithms 2018 TensorFlow
CNN (+ shallow Topology, structural hyper-parameters, Random-forest-based Bayesian Python,
[29] Auto-Pytorch 2018
learning) training hyper-parameters optimization Pytorch
Particle Swarm Optimization, Global-best
[30] DNF 2018 CNN Trainable parameters (weights and biases) Harmony Search and Differential
Topology, structural hyper-parameters, Evolutionary Algorithm with specific Python, Keras,
[31] EvoDeep 2018 CNN
training hyper-parameters mutation and crossover operators Tensorflow






Provides an interface
implementable in
multiple architectures


Hyperparameter optimization

Topology, structural hyper-parameters,

training hyper-parameters
Policy gradient-based subgraph selection

9 Methods (From random and grid search

to NAS)

Genetic Algorithm and Dynamic

Structured Grammatical Evolution



Google Cloud Topology, structural hyper-parameters, Transfer learning + neural architecture

[35] 2019 CNN, RNN Proprietary
AutoML training hyper-parameters search (NAS)
[36] AutoKeras 2019 CNN, RNN Topology Hyperband, Random, Greedy Python, Keras
Topology, structural hyper-parameters, Python,
[37] LEAF 2019 CNN, RNN CoDeepNEAT
training hyper-parameters Pytorch
CNN, LSTM, RNN, Python,
[38] Ludwig 2019 Structural and training hyper-parameters Tree of Parzen Estimators
Fully-Connected TensorFlow
Keras- Topology, structural hyper-parameters,
[39] 2020 CNN, RNN CoDeepNEAT Python, Keras
CoDeepNEAT training hyper-parameters
Genetic Algorithm, Evolution Strategy,
[40] EvoAAA 2020 AE Topology R
Differential Evolution

date. New terms such as Neural Architecture Search (NAS) have been forged to collectively refer to all
techniques aimed at automating the design of neural networks. For this end, Evolutionary Computation
and Swarm Intelligence meta-heuristics have been identified among the most interesting search strategies
to be developed in years to come, along with reinforcement learning, Monte Carlo Tree Search and other
assorted methods [57]. Advances in the use of these meta-heuristics for problems related to Deep Learning
have been reviewed in a number of surveys on this topic, listed in Table 2. However, our critical inspection
of the achievements in this area reported over the years reveals poor methodological practices, unsolved

technical caveats and research challenges that deserve a detailed analysis of where we currently stand in
this effervescent area.

Journal Pre-proof

Table 2: Recent overviews on evolutionary Deep Learning and related topics.

Sur- # reviewed Coverage (DNN Empirical

Period Taxonomy Lessons learned and challenges
vey works models/tasks) study
Relevance of data quality. Evolutionary techniques good
1987- Yes (optimization domain of the neural CNN, RNN, RL,
[49] ∼ 20 No at exploration and exploitation but no single method for
2016 network∗ ) DBN
all optimization tasks.
High computational resources are required. Special
[50] ∼ 50 No (temporal analysis) CNN, RL No emphasis on ensembles, transfer learning, multiobjective
and modular evolutionary approaches.

Yes (NN-based or GP-based and Lack of mathematical foundations, computational costs,
[51] ∼ 20 optimization problem: architecture, CNN No scalability, poor generalization ability of the evolved
training, multi-objective) model, lack of interpretability
2011- Yes (Evolutionary/Swarm Intelligence and CNN, DBN, RNN, Lack of rigurosity by the community. Costs of
[52] ∼ 90 No
2019 Deep Learning model) AE implementation, run time and overfitting.
2012- Yes (meta-heuristic and Deep Learning Time, more efforts on enhancing convergence speed and
[53] ∼ 20 CNN, DBM, DBN No
2019 Architecture) complexity (meta optimization)

Yes(Data preparation, Feature engineering, NAS applied to more fields. Reproducibility of the
[54] ∼ 30 Model generation and Model evaluation). CNN, GAN, LSTM No experiments, Interpretability and Robustness as main
Completely centered on NAS approaches objectives. Seek of a Complete AutoML Pipeline.
EC based NAS vs Random Search based. Effectiveness of
Yes (NAS encoding strategy, classification
1994- CNN, DBN, RNN, crossover and mutation over just mutating. Acceleration
[55] ∼ 130 criteria, operators and selection strategy No
2020 AE in evaluation as a challenge. A common platform for the
that speed up the evolution)
comparison needs to be built in the future.
1994- Yes (Deep Learning model/task and
Ours 215 DBN, RNN, GAN, Yes See Sections 8, 9 and 10
2020 optimization problem)
Note: The column “# reviewed works” only takes into account the number of papers related to the optimization of Deep Learning problems. Any
other non-related reference has been filtered out and not considered in the reported quantities.

∗: weights, architecture + weights, input layer, node, learning algorithm, combination of domains.

3. Deep Learning: Fundamentals and Optimization Problems

Before delving into the rest of this work, it is first convenient to settle the mathematical formulation of
the optimization problems that lie at the core of this review. In this way, we establish what we understand
by the different criteria in which the subsequent literature study is organized.
A Deep Learning model can be seen as a black-box optimizer where some parameters can be manually
selected so that the model behaves in a different way. In fact, almost all parameters that can be tuned in a
Deep Learning model can be treated as a task to be optimized. Therefore, depending on the parameters to
be solved, we can differentiate different optimization problems. This being said, a Deep Learning model
can be conceived mathematically as a composition of N different functions (layers) that maps its input
Tn ,θn
xn ∈ X n to an output yn = fn (xn ; Wn ; Tn , θn ) ≡ fn,W n
(xn ), where:

• Tn ∈ T denotes the type of layer, with T denoting the set of possible layer types (e.g. convolutional,
• θn is the vector of structural hyper-parameters of the layer. The specific parameters in this vector
depend on the type Tn of the layer (e.g. θn will specify the sizes of the convolutional filters only if
Tn = convolutional).
• Wn denotes the trainable parameters (weights/filter coefficients and biases) of layer n, whose type
and cardinality depend on Tn and θn . For instance, if xn represents RGB images (3 channels),
Tn = convolutional and θn establishes that layer n comprises five 3 × 3 convolutional filters, Wn

will comprise 3 × 3 × 5 × 3 weights and 5 biases, yielding a total of |Wn | = 140 trainable parameters.
It is important to highlight, at this point, that the values of the trainable parameters Wn must be learned by
the model to efficiently perform a given task.
For the sake of simplicity in subsequent derivations, we will assume that we deal with a supervised
m Mtr
learning task in which we assume a training dataset Dtr = {(xm 1 , yN )}m=1 , with yN ∈ Y denoting

Journal Pre-proof

the supervised output of input x1 ∈ X 1 , and Mtr representing the number of training instances. The
trainable parameters of a Deep Learning model are learned from Dtr by means of a training algorithm
{Wn }N n=1 = ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }n=1 ; ϑ), where we refer to ϑ as the set of training hyper-parameters of

the training algorithm. In general, the training algorithm is driven by the minimization of a task-dependent
loss function L(byNm m
, yN ) that provides a measure of error between the supervision yN m
of input xm1 ∈D
and the corresponding output of the Deep Learning model:
. TN ,θN TN −1 ,θN −1 T1 ,θ1

y = F (xm N N N m
1 ; {Wn }n=1 ; {Tn }n=1 , {θn }n=1 ) = fN,WN ◦ fN −1,WN −1 ◦ . . . ◦ f1,W1 (x1 ), (1)

where ◦ denotes composition of functions, i.e. f ◦ g(x) = f (g(x)). Such a measure of loss computed
for every training instance can be averaged to yield a numerical estimation of the performance of the DL
model when approximating the supervised instances in Dtr :

1 X
L(F ; Dtr ) = L(F (xm N N N m
1 ; {Wn }n=1 ; {Tn }n=1 , {θn }n=1 ), yN ). (2)
Mtr m=1

With this notation in mind, we define the following optimization problems that underlie the construction
of Deep Learning models:
Problem 1. (Topological Optimization) Given a learning task defined on a training dataset Dtr , the
topological optimization of a DL model refers to the search for the topology of the DL model that best

and their types {Tn }N re-

solves the task at hand, wherein topology involves the discovery of the optimal number of layers N
n=1 . This problem assumes fixed values for {θn }n=1 (e.g. standard values), and

relies on a training algorithm ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }n=1 ; ϑ) to optimize the trainable parameters {Wn }.

min L(F ; Dtr ), (3)

N,{Tn }N

where the dependence of the aggregate loss function with respect to N and {Tn }N
n=1 comes through (2),
and {Wn }Nn=1 are optimized by means of ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }n=1 ; ϑ).

Topology optimization is rarely conceived in isolation with respect to the rest of variables that define a
DL model. Instead, topology is often optimized along with the values of their structural hyper-parameters.
However, we define this second problem separately so as to allow for a fine-grained literature analysis:

Problem 2. (Structural Hyper-parameter Optimization) Given a learning task defined on a training

dataset Dtr , and a fixed topology of the DL model (N and {Tn }N n=1 ), the optimization of the structural

hyper-parameters of the DL model aims to find the best value of θn (structural hyper-parameters) for each
of their compounding layers. Mathematically:

min L(F ; Dtr ), (4)

{θn }N

where the dependence of the aggregate loss function with respect to variables {θn }N
n=1 comes through (2),
and {Wn }N n=1 are optimized by means of ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }n=1 ; ϑ).

Finally, the third optimization problem that can be formulated is the training process itself, which

aims at finding the values of the parameters {Wn }N n=1 that minimizes the loss in (2). This is indeed the
purpose of ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }N n=1 ; ϑ). However, we note at this point that two different formulations
of this problem can be made depending on whether variables to be optimized include the set of training
hyper-parameters ϑ:

Journal Pre-proof

Problem 3. (Training Hyper-parameter Optimization) Given a learning task defined on a training dataset
Dtr , a fixed topology of the DL model (N and {Tn }N
n=1 ), fixed values of their structural hyper-parameters
θn , and a training algorithm ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }Nn=1 ; ϑ), the training hyper-parameter optimization
problem of a DL model aims to find the best value of ϑ (training hyper-parameters) as:

min L(F ; Dtr ), (5)


where the dependence of the aggregate loss function with respect to ϑ comes through the application of

n=1 ; ϑ) to solve for {Wn }n=1 as per (2).
ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }N N

Problem 4. (Trainable Parameter Optimization) Given a learning task defined on a training dataset Dtr , a
fixed topology of the DL model (N and {Tn }N
n=1 ), and fixed values of their structural hyper-parameters θn ,
the trainable parameter optimization problem of a DL model seeks the best value of {Wn }N n=1 (trainable

parameters) as:
min L(F ; Dtr ), (6)
{Wn }N

for which an optimization (training) algorithm ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }N

n=1 ; ϑ) is utilized.

Dtr Problem 1 N, {Tn }N

.. T1 T2 T3 T4 TN
{(xm m Mtr
1 , yN }m=1

Problem 2
re- xm
... y

{θn }N
n=1 ×??? ×???
? ? ?
? T1 T2 T4

Problem 3
? ht-1 outt
ϑ ALG(; ϑ) min 1
P m bm
L(yN , yN )
ht m
? int ?
{Wn }N

Problem 4 n=1

Figure 3: Optimization problems in Deep Learning for a generic model comprising, among others, a convolutional layer, a
max-pooling layer and a recurrent layer.

A visual summary of the above problems is sketched in Figure 3. The above 4 optimization problems
can represent the majority of contributions so far elaborating on new algorithms to address them efficiently.
However, several practical remarks must be made on these definitions:
• First of all, it is important to highlight that other measures are often used in the objectives of these

problems to replace the aggregate loss L(F ; Dtr ), particularly in Problems 1, 2 and 3. This is the case of
cross-validated task-dependent performance metrics (e.g. accuracy or F1 for classification problems), or
even the same measures computed over a validation holdout so as to reduce the computational burden of
repeatedly evaluating different solution candidates. In Problem 4, however, differentiable loss functions
like the ones typically used by gradient-based back-propagation algorithms are often used disregarding
the training algorithm adopted.

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• Since the evaluation of the aggregate loss function in Expression (2) depends on all optimization
variables considered in Problems 1 (topology), 2 (structural hyper-parameters) and 3 (training hyper-
parameters), it is often the case that studies in the literature consider several problems jointly (e.g. joint
topology and structural hyper-parameter optimization). However, as stated previously we find it very
convenient to explicitly differentiate among all problems to set clear the optimization domain in which
each contributes to the general understanding of the field.
• Given the scope of our study it is relevant to emphasize that the goal of the reviewed literature strand

is to devise an algorithm that, when solving for the variables of each of the above problems, produces
lower loss values than other solvers with respect to the dataset and task at hand. However, the design
target (the sought optimization algorithm) varies depending on the problem under consideration:

– In Problems 1, 2 and 3, the design target is an optimization algorithm that solves for N, {Tn }N

(Problem 1), {θn }N n=1 (Problem 2) and ϑ (Problem 3). This algorithm under target operates as a wrap-
per of the overall model, working in parallel to the training algorithm ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }N n=1 ; ϑ).
As the latter falls out from the target of the design process, the training algorithm in use is often set to
a naive gradient back-propagation solver (e.g. stochastic gradient descent, Adam and the like).
– In Problem 4, the design target is the optimization algorithm ALG(Dtr , {Tn , θn }N n=1 ; ϑ) itself
solving for the trainable parameters {Wn }N
n=1 , hence there is only one single optimization algorithm.

4. Taxonomy and Literature Review

In light of the past history between bio-inspired optimization and Deep Learning, a need arises for
properly organizing contributions so far in a taxonomy that covers which problems are addressed, which
Deep Learning models are involved, and which bio-inspired algorithms are in use. In this section we
perform this analysis, centering the discussion around a taxonomy that sorts the literature according to the
three aforementioned criteria.
The main purpose of this taxonomy (Subsection 4.1) and the literature analysis made over each of its
categories (Subsections 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4) is to highlight those areas where the community has so far placed
most research efforts. This literature analysis settles a firm stepping stone towards a critical discussion of
poor methodological practices and points of improvement observed in related contributions to date: the
shadows in which this field is held nowadays. Such a discussion will be held in Section 5.

4.1. Taxonomy
As has been stated in Section 3, we distinguish among four main optimization tasks: topological

optimization (Problem 1), structural hyper-parameter optimization (Problem 2), training hyper-parameter
optimization (Problem 3) and trainable parameter optimization (Problem 4). Our taxonomy gathers
Problems 2 and 3 under the general hyper-parameter tuning category, discriminating between them in a
lower level of the taxonomy.
The main reason for this special arrangement of the taxonomy is to highlight that as per the reviewed
literature (>160 references), there is little explicit distinction between structural hyper-parameter and
training hyper-parameter in related contributions. Our thorough examination of this corpus has discrim-
inated interesting research opportunities in the extrapolation of studies and frameworks, from training
to structural hyper-parameter tuning and vice versa. When it comes to Problem 4, a distinction is made

between i) bio-inspired algorithms that do not incorporate any problem-specific knowledge in their de-
sign; and ii) bio-inspired solvers that are hybridized with local search solvers or combined with gradient
back-propagation techniques.
Figure 4 depicts graphically the taxonomy considered for the literature analysis. In the first level we
consider the type of optimization problem under consideration (topology, hyper-parameter and trainable

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Deep Learning

Topology Optimization Hyper-parameter Tuning Model Training

(Problem 1) (Problems 2 and 3) (Problem 4)
Topology Topology + Structural Training Hybrid Naive
hyper-parameters hyper-parameters hyper-parameters algorithms algorithms
[58, 59, 60, 61] • EC: • EC: • EC: • EC: • EC:

[62, 63, 64, 65] [21, 34, 37, 25] [103, 196, 197] [196, 213] [43, 220, 221] [43, 106, 112]
[66, 67, 68, 69] [103, 104, 105] [198, 199, 200] [222, 223, 224] [220, 221, 241]
[70, 71, 72, 73] [106, 107, 108] [201, 202] • SI: [127, 225, 226] [242, 243, 244]
• SI: [109, 110, 111] • SI: [214, 215, 216] • SI: • SI:
[74, 75] [112, 113, 114] [203, 204] • Hybrid: [227, 228, 229] [227, 228, 229]
• Hybrid: [115, 116, 117] [217] [242]
[76] [118, 119, 120] RNN RNN
[121, 122, 123] • EC: DBN • EC: RNN
RNN [124, 125, 126] [205] • EC: [230] • EC:
[127, 128, 129]

• EC: [130, 131, 132] • SI: [210, 183, 211] • SI: [106, 112, 167]
[77, 78, 79] [133, 134, 135] [206, 207, 208] [218] [231] [245, 246, 247]
[80, 81, 82] [136, 137, 138] • SI: [248, 249, 250]
[83] [139, 140, 141] AE [188, 189, 212] AE [251, 79, 80]
• SI: [142, 143, 144] • EC: • EC: • SI:
[84, 85, 86] [145, 146, 147] [209] GAN [232, 233] [252, 253, 231]
• Hybrid: [148, 149, 150] • EC: • Hybrid:
[87] [151, 152, 153] DBN [219] DBM [254]
[154, 155, 156] • EC: • EC:
AE • SI: [183, 210, 211] [234] AE
• EC: [157, 158, 159] • SI: • EC:
[88, 89, 90] [160, 161, 162] [189, 212] DBN [245, 255]
[91] [163] • SI:
[235, 93] DBN
DBM • Hybrid: • SI:
[164] GAN [256]
• EC:
• EC:
• SI:
• EC:
[94, 95, 96]
• EC:
[112, 165, 166]
[167, 106, 168]
[169, 144, 148]
• SI:
[171, 166]
re- [236]
• EC:
[97, 232, 237]
[238, 239, 240]
• EC:
[257, 258, 259]
• EC:
[42, 27, 260, 98]
[100, 99, 261]
AE [262, 263, 264]
RL [102]
• EC: • EC:
[42, 97, 98, 99] [40, 172, 173]
[100, 101, 102] [174, 175, 176]
• SI:
• EC:
[178, 179]
• SI:
[180, 181, 182]
• EC:

[183, 184, 185]

[186, 187]
• SI:
[188, 189, 190]
[191, 192, 193]
• EC:
[194, 195]

Figure 4: Taxonomy of the reviewed literature on Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence algorithms applied to the
optimization of Deep Learning models. The taxonomy is structured by the domain of the Deep Learning model under focus (topology,
hyper-parameters and trainable parameters), further discriminated by the specific Deep Learning model under consideration and the
type of bio-inspired algorithm in use (EC: Evolutionary Computation; SI: Swarm Intelligence; Hybrid: a mixture of both).

parameter optimization), followed by contributions sorted as per the Deep Learning model (Appendix A)
and kind of bio-inspired solver (Appendix B) under choice. In what follows we analyze in depth on the
contributions classified within each of these categories.

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4.2. Topology optimization

It is widely acknowledged that the topology or architecture of Deep Learning models have a direct
impact on their performance. For this reason researchers have traditionally striven to develop automated
methods for generating topologically small yet well-performing network architectures. In this context,
the set of algorithms gathered under the Neuroevolution (NE) label aim at progressively augmenting
the complexity of neural network topologies to attain increasingly better generalization properties while
keeping its complexity to its minimum required. Originally applied to ANN models, different NE variants

have been applied in the last few years to optimize Deep Learning models, not only in terms of their
topology, but also jointly with their structural and training hyper-parameters (e.g. kernel size, activation
function, dropout and learning rate). In some few cases, trainable parameters have also been considered in
the set of variables to be optimized via NE [43]. Furthermore, since they resort to evolutionary algorithms
at its core, NE approaches have stimulated over the years a manifold of other bio-inspired approaches, in

a way to assess whether the same optimization problem can be tackled more effectively with alternative
search strategies and operators.
All in all, in terms of topological optimization CNNs are arguably the most targeted Deep Learning
models to date. CNNs’ topology optimization is faced by scientific community in two ways; layer by
layer or by blocks. In layer-wise optimization, hyper-parameters are fixed and networks are fully evolved
using bio-inspired solvers, such as GA [60] and customized versions of Evolutionary Algorithms [58].
In this last work, the so-called AmoebaNet-A model settled a state-of-the-art landmark score on the
ImageNet dataset (83.9% accuracy), including comparisons to other search strategies (random search and
reinforcement learning). Another approach proposed in [75] resorts to Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
– a popular Swarm Intelligence solver – to optimize a block formed by dense layers. Once optimized, this
block is stacked along with convolutional and pooling layers configured with fixed hyper-parameters, and
ultimately used to address an image classification task. This work exemplifies a research trend focused on
optimizing the topology of certain parts of the entire Deep Learning architecture, in an attempt at reducing
the cardinality of the search space and speeding up the search process, at the cost of being much less
exploratory in terms of network configurations than other counterparts. There is another important matter
to be taken in account when performing topological optimization: the encoding of solutions, which impacts
directly on the dimensionality of the search space. Actually, initial improvements of NE approaches were
achieved thanks to novel network encoding strategies, which allowed for an easier exploration and less
computational cost than preceding alternatives.
Another strand of literature has elaborated on more complex problem formulations by jointly addressing
the optimization of the topology of the network along with its hyper-parameters. Again, CNNs have
become central in related studies. An illustrative work is the one in [21], where an Evolutionary Algorithm
is used with different mutation operators operating on topological variables, structural and training

hyper-parameters such as the filter size, the convolution stride, learning rate or the insertion/removal of
convolutional layers, among others. Studies in this field tend to be similar to each other in terms of the
complexity of the optimization problem under consideration. Thus, new proposals are usually made by
customizing the operators (mutator, selector) of optimization algorithms or by developing custom encoding
strategies, as in [157] where a PSO variant is introduced based on an IPv4 based codification scheme with
varying length.
Despite the predominance of CNNs in topological optimization, RNNs (and in particular, LSTM
networks) have also been a subject of study in this research area, In [77] a Differential Evolution (DE)
solver is proposed for achieving this purpose and efficiently undertaking a wind forecasting regression task.

It is relevant to observe that when both architecture and hyper-parameters are evolved for RNNs, certain
hyper-parameters are recurrently considered in related studies, such as learning rate, dropping frequency
factor [171] or batch size [166, 165]. In general terms, the aforementioned DE appears to be the most
applied meta-heuristics in LSTM. A few exceptions can be found, such as [171] (Bat Algorithm), [84]
(Ant Colony Optimization) and [166], where a comparison is made between DE, PSO and SA, concluding

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that DE reaches better performance levels. Hybrid approaches have been also explored for the optimization
of RNNs, as in [87] where the architecture (i.e. connection pattern) is optimized by means of a hybrid
PSO-GA solver. An interesting point arises when inspecting in detail this set of studies: the creation of
custom objective functions to allocate different (usually conflicting) optimization goals. The work in [77]
is an example of how a customized objective function can yield topologically optimized network designs
that achieve a balance between performance and model complexity, being the latter of particular interest
for the deployment of the model in resource-constrained embedded devices.

Other Deep Learning models have grasped a remarkable attention in topological optimization. AEs
have been optimized topologically, often along with structural hyper-parameters in those cases where
convolutional layers are involved. In their original formulation, AEs are composed by stacked dense layers
(encoder) producing a low-dimensional representation of the input, which is reconstructed by another set
of stacked dense layers (decoder). A contribution from 2015 [89] presented a way to generate promising

AE architectures by mutating candidates by using a customized Evolutionary Algorithm, whose mutation
operator is based on the reconstruction error achieved by the decoder. Also in this vein, a mini-batch
variant training method was proposed (evo-batches) aimed at reducing the computational cost when a large
number of candidate networks have to be evaluated in large datasets. Decoder and encoder topologies
of studies related to AEs are often assumed to be symmetrical [89]. However, in [88] a more flexible
architecture was proposed, where the decoder is evolved along with the encoder and does not have to mimic
its architecture. In this reference several operations were applied to topological variables, such as layer
addition (random number of neurons), layer removal, application of Gaussian perturbation to the number
of neurons, or layer swapping. To wrap up the activity noted in AEs, we highlight the work in [177] and
[172], where PSO and GA are respectively used to evolve topology and structural hyper-parameters of
AEs comprising convolutional layers.
We proceed forward with our analysis by pausing at DBMs, whose architecture can be very similar to
DBNs in terms of the structural hyper-parameters involved in the optimization process. Given this similarity
and the relative scarcity of studies related to these models, we analyze them jointly in what follows. The
majority of works related to the topological optimization of DBMs and DBNs pay special attention to
the process of optimizing both architecture and some hyper-parameters. Moreover, most of them rely on
Swarm intelligence algorithms, such as PSO or ACO. An exception can be found in [188] where Artificial
Bee Colony (ABC) is used to optimize DBNs’ structure, learning rate, momentum and weight decay.
The results are compared to those yielded by other bio-inspired solvers: Firefly Algorithm (FA), CS and
Harmony Search (HS). FA for 2- and 3-layered DBN, and ACO for single-layer DBN, resulted to yield
the best performing network architectures for the image reconstruction task under consideration. The
rest of contributions consider a combination of all or some of learning rate, momentum or weight decay
hyper-parameters, focusing the application of the optimized model to different practical problems such as

traffic flow prediction [189] or the detection of turbine failures [191]. The work in [181] introduces a novel
way to optimize structure and hyper-parameters of DBMs, and compares the performance of DBMs for
image classification when optimized with different flavors of the PSO solver, random search and several
HS variants. They concluded that bio-inspired techniques are suitable to optimize DBMs, beating Random
Search in all considered datasets. Nevertheless, network topologies optimized via PSO and HS solvers
scored similar performance levels. This last observation connects directly with one of the points remarked
in our critical analysis of Section 5.
In terms of algorithmic variants, some hyper-heuristic techniques like [183] proposed an approach
to optimise DBNs’ structural hyper-parameters, i.e. number of hidden units, along with non-structural

hyper-parameters like learning rate, and some hyper-parameters related to the heuristic algorithm (number
of epochs or iterations). Hyper-heuristics have also been used to optimize CNNs, [213] presents a method
to select the best heuristics, where batch size, number of epochs, neurons on the fully connected layer,
dropout and learning rates, rho and epsilon factors are evolved.
There are also a few works dealing with the topological optimization of GANs. In [194], a meta-

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heuristic approach to evolve GANs’ discriminator and generator is introduced. Specifically, a GA is used
to evolve the architecture, activation functions of each layer and initialization mode in both generator and
discriminator. Furthermore, an optimization of the loss function is done, taking them from a bunch of
well-known formulations. Besides, training hyper-parameters are also mentioned in this work as potentially
evolvable variables (yet not optimized in practice), such as the gradient-based solver used to learn the
trainable parameters, the batch size and the number of epochs. Shortly thereafter, Costa et al. [95] proposed
an approach to optimize the architecture and parameters of both the generator and discriminator modules

of a GAN. The approach was based on DeepNEAT and adapted to the context of GAN optimization.
Linear, convolutional and transpose convolutional layers were directly mapped to a phenotype – an array
of genes – representing the final network. In all layers the activation function was evolved, and in the case
of convolutional and transpose convolutional layers, the output channels were also considered.
Finally, in the field of RL, the tendency observed in our literature analysis is to use NE approaches

to optimize both topology and trainable parameter (weights) of the neural network mapping the output
of the environments to the actions to be taken by the agent. Commonly, NEAT is used for this purpose
[100, 98, 97, 99], which becomes in charge of optimizing the neural network involved in Deep RL
approaches. A real-time adaptation of NEAT was used in [42] to evolve agents for the NERO videogame,
placing an emphasis on the need for efficient workarounds to alleviate the complexity of neuro-evolution
On a summarizing note, the literature on bio-inspired algorithms applied to architecture optimization
has a long history departing from NE, which was originally applied to evolve ANN architectures. Since
then, many other meta-heuristics have been applied to optimize architecture and hyper-parameters of Deep
Learning models. Given that networks can have variable-length topologies, a good solution encoding
strategy is essential to lessen computational costs and the time of execution without hindering the repre-
sentability of all network configurations. Remarkably, modern bio-inspired solvers such as FA, BA and CS
have been lately used with competitive results with respect to classical solvers (EA, PSO and ACO).

4.3. Hyper-parameter optimization

Arguably, one of the optimization tasks where bio-inspired methods have been traditionally applied
within the Machine Learning field is hyper-parameter tuning. It is well-known that hyper-parameter tuning
usually yields better performance levels than off-the-shelf model configuration. When shifting the focus
towards the hyper-parametric optimization of Deep Learning models, two major fields are spotted. On the
one hand, literature focused on optimizing parameters related to the training algorithms, such as learning
rate, batch size or momentum. On the other hand, architectural hyper-parameters, which are layer-type-
dependent, e.g. filter size, number of kernels, activation functions or stride size in CNNs. Actually, given
the high number of structural hyper-parameters of convolutional layers, CNNs have protruded as one of the

most explored Deep Learning models for hyper-parameter optimization, in many cases jointly with training
hyper-parameters such as the learning rate, momentum or weight decay of gradient solvers. Although
there are some contributions focused exclusively on the optimization of structural hyper-parameters, the
mainstream is to jointly address the optimization of topology and hyper-parameters, as the literature on
topological optimization examined in the previous subsection has clearly revealed.
Let us start from 2016, when [214] proposed a set of bio-inspired meta-heuristics (BA, FA and PSO)
to optimize the aforementioned hyper-parameters in a CNN used for Parkinson disease identification from
image data. Likewise, [196] proposed a DE-based approach to optimize filter sizes, number of neurons
in the fully-connected network end, weight initialization policy and dropout rate for sentiment analysis.

Comparisons were made to GA and PSO, achieving better results in terms of accuracy and computational
efficiency. The optimization of dropout probability is other common approach that some authors have
tackled using different solvers, including CS, BA, FA and PSO [215] or hybrid GA and Tabu Search
algorithms [217]. In this latter work random search and Bayesian optimization were proven to perform

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worse than the proposed hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm over the considered image classification datasets.
Batch size and learning rate were also regarded as optimization variables.
Moving on to RNNs, very few papers are focused only on hyper-parameter optimization, conforming to
the general trend observed in the analyzed literature. Dropout optimization is tackled for LSTM networks
in [206] and [207], where ACO is used for engines vibration prediction. The connections between neurons
are activated/deactivated to accomplish the task, which is very similar to the approach carried out in [208].
However, the aspect to be highlighted in this last reference is that a PSO is utilized to optimize the output

connections of an Echo State Network (ESN), a randomization-based RNN model belonging to the family
of Reservoir Computing models. We will later revolve on the possibilities that we have found in the
extrapolation of advances in bio-inspired optimization for Deep Learning models to other less studied

4.4. Trainable parameter optimization
In recent years the advent and progressive maturity of new parallel and distributed computing paradigms
have reignited the interest of the scientific community in applying bio-inspired optimization algorithms
to train Deep Learning models. Although each model type is different in terms of topology, they share
some disadvantages resulting from the adoption of gradient back-propagation training methods, such as
gradient vanishing/exploding and proneness to get stuck in local optima. Evidently, the complexity of the
problem grows up as the number of parameters involved in the optimization process increase, yielding
largely non-convex search landscapes. These acknowledged issues have been extensively studied by the
community by proposing different workarounds. Nonetheless, an increasing trend towards the use of
bio-inspired solvers for this purpose can be noticed in recent literature, as their search operators do not
rely on gradient back-propagation anyhow, and therefore avoid its drawbacks effectively. Based on this
rationale, we now delve into how the community has adapted different bio-inspired solvers for training
Deep Learning models.
A first examination of the literature exposes two main tendencies followed by the community, which
are reflected in the second level of the corresponding taxonomy branch of Figure 4:
• Approaches that combine bio-inspired solvers with traditional training algorithms, which aim to over-
come the disadvantages we have just introduced. Almost the entirety of studies adopting this hybrid
design strategy are focused on CNNs, implementing the aforementioned combination in many different
ways. A straightforward way to overcome falling in local optima is to evolve an initial set of values for
the trainable parameters (weights, bias) that sets the gradient back-propagation solver on a promising
path towards the global minimum of the loss function. In [228] this approach is adopted for training
a CNN using the ABC algorithm. Other works [220] combine GA and SGD: GA evolves new candi-

dates through its search operators, but the fitness function is evaluated after some training epochs of
stochastic gradient back-propagation (SGD). Similarly, in [229] PSO is used to evolve the trainable
parameters of the last layer of a CNN, while the parameters of the rest of the layers are learned via SGD.
Comparisons with the CNN trained exclusively with SGD rendered an enhanced convergence speed
and final accuracy on image classification tasks. Last but not least, in [231] the CS algorithm is used
to train RNNs following two strategies: one trained using only this solver, and the other combining
CS and gradient back-propagation. A benchmark comparison to networks trained with conventional
gradient back-propagation and different variants of the ABC algorithm discovered that all models
trained using bio-inspired optimization techniques performed better than the RNN trained with gradient

• Approaches in which training is performed completely using bio-inspired optimization methods. Most
references embracing this second strategy deal with RNNs and CNNs, and differ from each other mostly
in the search algorithm being considered. All in all, a common approach is to evolve the trainable
parameters of the model (via the search operators of the bio-inspired solver at hand), and evaluate it in

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terms of loss value or any other performance estimator linked to the task at hand. In this line, in [241]
and [243] two SA-based solvers are proposed and assessed for optimizing the parameters of a CNN,
achieving better performance scores and better convergence speed than the same model trained via
gradient back-propagation. LSTM network training has also been tackled by using different bio-inspired
optimization techniques. A good exponent is the work in [246], where HS, Gray Wolf Optimizer (GWO),
Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) and Ant Lion Optimization (ALO) were compared to each other when
used to learn the trainable parameters of different LSTM model configurations. We emphasize that

despite the diversity of methods considered in this work, no comparisons to traditional training solvers
were reported, uncovering one of the critical points discussed in Section 5.
Before proceeding with this critical analysis, we briefly comment on Deep RL models. Bio-inspired
algorithms have been lately postulated as efficient alternatives to solve several optimization problems
underlying these models. A first approach is to train parts of the architecture via evolutionary algorithms,

and the rest using SGD. This is indeed what the study in [232] proposes: a Covariance Matrix Adaptation
Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) is used to evolve weights for the behavior-generating network, while
the rest of the Deep RL architecture (a convolutional AE) is trained by using a gradient based method.
This work continued the research line started years before in [261], where CMA-ES was used to train
simpler RL networks. All in all, Evolutionary Algorithms have largely demonstrated to be efficient solvers
to train Deep RL models, as shown in renowned studies such as [27] (GA with Novelty Search) and
[263] (DE and Novelty Search). Recent works [262] have also explored the capabilities of multi-task
optimization evolving multiple related RL tasks at the same time, taking advantage of the transfer of
genetic information between tasks. In other works, NEAT is used to optimize the trainable parameters
and the topology of a Deep RL model [100, 98]. On the other hand, in [237, 238] an hybrid EA algorithm
is proposed, where a population of networks is trained and periodically evolved, exploiting Lamarckian
transfer capabilities. This same procedure is used in [239] as a way to inject information about the gradient
in the population of individuals maintained by the Evolutionary Algorithm during the search. Other
hybridization techniques consist of the use of different networks in the same architecture, where some of
them are trained via SGD, and others evolved with evolutionary operators. This is the case of [240], where
the parameters of an RNN used for determining the actions of an agent are evolved using Cooperative
Synapse Neuroevolution (CoSyNE), an evolutionary algorithm that enforces subpopulations at the level of
a single trainable parameter. This work built upon the findings in [260] and extrapolated them to complex
Deep RL models, showcasing how evolutionary algorithms can evolve small networks capable of reaching
competitive performance levels.

5. Critical Methodological Analysis


The above corpus of reviewed literature sheds evidence on the vibrant activity of the intersection
between bio-inspired optimization and Deep Learning. So far the community has reported interesting
findings in what refers to hyper-parameter optimization, topological search and small/medium-sized
network training. Notwithstanding this noted activity, our critical analysis of these contributions has
disclosed a number of poor practices and methodological shortages that should be underlined to set them
down in black and white. We now discuss briefly about these issues, settling the necessary rationale for the
experimental part of this survey:
• The lack of benchmark datasets/tasks to validate new advances (Subsection 5.1).

• The unrealistic scales of the Deep Learning models optimized via bio-inspired methods (Subsection
• The need for good methodological practices when comparing among different solvers used for Deep
Learning optimization (Subsection 5.3).

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• The limited utility of software implementations (Subsection 5.4).

• The existence of metaphor-based publication series (Subsection 5.5).

5.1. Lack of benchmark datasets/tasks

A major problem observed in the literature is the heterogeneity of datasets used to validate new
algorithmic approximations for the optimization problems under analysis. Even when the task is clearly
defined (e.g. image classification or time series forecasting), the possibility to compare the results obtained

by different studies becomes unfeasible since the considered datasets are not the same.
For the community to gain verifiable evidence about the claimed gains of upcoming proposals,
consensus should be reached about the datasets/tasks that should be utilized for comparison purposes in
the future. Unfortunately, the diversity of datasets/tasks over which some of the new contributions are
assessed seem to go in the opposite direction, calling into question whether the reported performance

improvements can be extrapolated to other learning problems.

5.2. Unrealistic complexity of Deep Learning models

Besides the heterogeneity of datasets/tasks discussed above, it is often the case that the Deep Learning
models under consideration do not meet the complexity levels of the state of the art for the task under
consideration. This is particularly concerning in works related to model training (Problem 4), where the
cardinality of the search space faced by the meta-heuristic solver is in the order of several thousands
to millions of optimization variables (trainable parameters). For instance, a recent work on image
classification using the well-known MNIST dataset has recently established a new record in accuracy
(0.1% test error rate) with a model comprising 57.02 millions of trainable parameters [265]. However,
most of the reviewed literature on training via bio-inspired solvers rarely considers Deep Learning models
that surpass a few thousands of trainable parameters.
This issue again calls for a major reflection on whether research advances are missing the real challenge
underneath the use of bio-inspired algorithms in such large search spaces (scalability, exploitation of the
correlation among decision variables), to instead focus on minor aspects of doubtful scientific contribution.
5.3. Comparison methodology
Even if addressing and effectively solving the preceding two issues, several methodological aspects
still remain often overseen when comparing among different solvers for a given task/dataset/optimization
problem scenario:
• Baseline schemes: our literature analysis revealed that a fraction of contributions discussed on extensive

experiments with several new meta-heuristic algorithms for a given optimization problem, without
including in the benchmark standard solvers utilized in the past for the same problem. This, again,
is particularly worrying in regards to Problem 4 (model training): comparisons should compulsorily
include gradient back-propagation based solvers widely used for the same purpose (e.g. SGD, Adam).
Overlooking the analysis of whether bio-inspired algorithms perform competitively with respect to
established solvers for the same purpose is counterproductive for the potentiality of this research area.
• Solver’s complexity: in regards to the previous point, a major consensus should be reached on the
dimensions over which comparisons among solvers should be made for conclusions to be fair and of

practical value. It is particularly concerning that no computational complexity assessment has been
made in almost all studies reported to date. Instead, the focus is placed on the predictive performance
gains yielded by the newly developed solver with respect to its counterparts in the benchmark. Unless
properly quantified, considered and eventually alleviated by virtue of new research directions, the
huge computation cost of evolutionary Deep Learning can be an obstacle for benchmarks to lead to
conclusions of practical relevance. Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence algorithms rely

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on search space sampling and model evaluation, both of which are not efficient strategies for large-scale
• Objective function(s): we noticed that relevant divergences emerge in how the optimization algorithms
proposed over the years are guided when attempting to solve a given optimization problem. For instance,
a common practice is to reserve a validation data subset over which a measure of performance related
to the task at hand is computed (e.g. accuracy in image classification). This measure is used as the
objective function guiding the search of the proposed optimization algorithm. However, depending on

whether this validation subset is kept fixed or shuffled, a partition bias might affect the generalization
capabilities of the evolved network, specially when dealing with small datasets.
On a similar reasoning, when dealing with imbalanced datasets the standard definition of accuracy is
known to be not adequate to quantify the performance of the model in the minority class, and could

exacerbate further the aforementioned problems. In what refers to Problem 4 (trainable parameter
optimization), this issue becomes even more serious because derivatives of the loss function are not
needed any longer, hence widening the portfolio of possible objective functions. To date, there is
no clear answer whether differentiable loss functions should be selected at the objective function of
bio-inspired optimization algorithms used for model training, or, instead, alternative task-dependent
objectives should be formulated.
• Parameter tuning of solvers: additional issues arise in how different solvers are compared to each other
for a given optimization problem. To begin with, it is often the case that no evidence is provided about

the optimality of the parameters controlling the behavior of the search algorithm itself. In the research
community working in bio-inspired optimization, it is largely accepted that a good parameter tuning is
crucial for ensuring fair comparisons among algorithms [266]. Since the objective function evaluation
of candidates in problems related to Deep Learning is usually costly in terms of computational effort,
the parameters of the bio-inspired algorithm are often set equal to values retrieved from past works, or
conforming to common practice. This unfairly biases the discussion, usually leaving unclear whether
the reported performance gaps are incidental. We acknowledge that the research record noted around
the usage of hyper-heuristics [183, 213] avoids to an extent this comparison bias, but the problem still
prevails in most works proposing new bio-inspired methods.

• Assessing the impact of randomness on the results: another methodological aspect that has not been
properly considered in most related literature is the fact that several sources of randomness can collide
into an optimization problem. For instance, in Problems 1, 2 and 3 not only the search algorithm
comprises a number of stochastic operators, but the training algorithm in use can also induce randomness
in the obtained results. For instance, the values of trainable parameters optimized by the SGD solver

depends on the composition of the mini-batches over which gradient estimates are computed. Such
mini-batches comprise a number of examples from the training set, which is usually shuffled between
successive epochs. This source of randomness could justify training the optimized network several
times (runs) and aggregating the results for a more reliable fitness computation. Otherwise, this should
be conceived as an additional factor motivating a proper statistical assessment of the significance of
performance gaps between different optimization algorithms, adding to the randomness induced by their
search operators.
Surprisingly, only a few exceptions have embraced the usage of statistical tests for this purpose, leaving

most of the experiments reported in this field dubious and inconclusive. Furthermore, experiments with
several datasets, tasks and optimization algorithms should embrace the methodological practices for
multiple comparisons deeply rooted on the scientific community, such as critical distance plots [267] or
Bayesian tests [268].
• Reproducibility of results: although this is a claim that emerges in almost any field of research, the need

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for reproducibility becomes particularly pressing in this area. Reasons go far beyond the verification
of the contribution reported in emerging studies: the community can expedite the achievement of
novel advances in the field if the software and experimental results of preceding works are shared
within the community. The current status in this matter is not that concerning, as many open-source
software frameworks exist with the functionalities required to develop new approaches and experiments.
Unfortunately, many contributions published lately still do not provide any access to the software
implementing their proposals. When given, it is also frequent to see that the source code is made ad-hoc

for the problem at hand, thereby dilating the time needed for building new proposals on top of existing

5.4. Software implementations of limited practical utility

Nowadays, Deep Learning architectures scoring competitively in tasks defined over real-world datasets

are usually composed by millions of trainable parameters. When addressing Problem 4 (trainable parameter
optimization), the huge search space faced by the optimization algorithm under consideration requires
intelligent means to exploit the relationships existing among the optimization variables. Actually, gradient
based solvers adopt this strategy by the back-propagation of the gradients throughout all layers compound-
ing the Deep Learning model, which gives rise to an implicit mechanism to exploit the correlations between
the optimization variables. In this context, there is an entire research area dedicated to the large-scale
global optimization, plenty of algorithmic proposals where synergies among optimization variables are
exploited by assorted means. Nonetheless, many works still revolve on the naive application of standard
bio-inspired solvers, neglecting such interactions between variables.
Further along this line, we note that the vibrant activity of the area is not in accordance with the ultimate
goal for which bio-inspired algorithms are being proposed for training Deep Learning models. As told by
the currently available implementations in the literature, the computational cost of population-based meta-
heuristics is enormous, and yields far longer training times than off-the-shelf gradient back-propagation
approaches. Even if the software implementation of algorithmic proposals reported to date may have been
restricted to experimental settings, a complexity analysis should have been performed to accounting for
both their benefits and drawbacks, so that the community can delimit realistic boundaries for the practical
utility of these advances.

5.5. Metaphor-based publication series

Last but not least, we emphasize on the claims of recent studies about the justification of new meta-
heuristic algorithms just by the biological metaphor in which it is allegedly inspired [269]. In our literature
review we identified several publication series in which the same optimization problem were tackled by
different bio-inspired solvers within a short time period. By no means these contributions provide any

scientific value for the general knowledge of the field, even if publication workflows run at different speeds.
Disregarding the reasons for these practices, results with optimization algorithms inspired by different
biological behaviors and phenomena should not be shattered over different short-elapsed publications.
They can provide much more valuable insights when presented and discussed together.

6. Case of study I: Architecture and Hyper-parameter Optimization of Deep Learning Models with
Bio-inspired Algorithms

In this first case of study we focus on the topology and structural hyper-parameter optimization of Deep
Learning models, which has been an open challenge in the last few years. In particular, this experimental
study focuses on finding the best CNN architecture along with their structural hyper-parameters for solving
image classification tasks. We focus the case of study on two recent frameworks:

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• EvoDeep, proposed in [31] as an evolutionary algorithm specially designed to optimize both hyper-
parameters and architecture of a Deep Learning model, selecting the type and size of layers compounding
the evolved architecture.
• AutoKeras [36], which is another modern AutoML systems built on top of the renowned Keras Python
library, that is able to automatically generate highly-optimized neural network.

Taking into account the recent activity noted in this area, we herein compare and discuss on the

performance of these two consolidated frameworks for topology and hyper-parameter optimization of
Deep Learning models. The comparison is made using three important measures: accuracy, time and
model complexity.
To this end, in what follows we describe EvoDeep (Subsection 6.1) and AutoKeras (Subsection 6.2),
present the designed experimental setup (Subsection 6.3). The obtained results are discussed in Subsection

6.4, analyzing them in terms of accuracy, computation time and model complexity.

6.1. EvoDeep: Evolutionary Computation for Deep Neural Network topology and hyper-parameter tuning
EvoDeep is a framework based on an evolutionary algorithm that follows a (λ + µ) strategy, where
λ indicates the number of new individuals produced at each generation, and µ represents the number of
individuals selected for the next generation. Each individual of the population is a network architecture
with its respective hyper-parameters. The fitness for each individual is the accuracy of the neural network
when solving a classification problem. At every generation, the recombination and mutation operators are
applied to generate a new individual for the next generation.
EvoDeep finds increasingly better neural network architectures for CNN using elementary convolutional
and fully connected layers. Specifically, EvoDeep evolves a network by using only the original data and an
set of permitted layers (i.e. Convolution2D, Flatten, MaxPooling2D, Reshape, Dense and
Dropout as per Keras notation). The number of layers represents the depth of the evolved network, and
its search range is set to [3, 20] with a step size of 1 layer. Moreover, the training hyper-parameters can be
also specified in its configuration. These parameters are as follows:
• Optimizer, chosen among Adam, SGD, Rmsprop, Adagrad, Adamax or Nadam.
• Number of epochs: an integer value in the range [2, 20], with a step size of 2 epochs.

• Batch size: this value has a range of [100, 5000] with a step size of 100 examples.
Another characteristic of EvoDeep is the fact that it requires the data in a specific manner. A two-
dimensional matrix is the input for the algorithm. The number of row matches the number of examples

of the database and the number of columns is the size of the images. With size of the image we mean
the product of width, height and channels (three channels for RGB and one for grayscale images).
Unfortunately, EvoDeep is more oriented towards optimizing grayscale rather than RGB images.
EvoDeep allows the user to specify the parameters of its evolutionary strategy. Table 3 shows the
parameters and values used in this case of study.

Table 3: Parameter configuration set for the EvoDeep framework.

Parameter λ µ cxpb, pc mutpb, pm newpb ngen, ngen


Number of newly Number of selected Probability of adding

Crossover Mutation
Description produced individuals individuals for the a new layer to the Number of generations
probability probability
per generation next population network
Value 10 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 20

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6.2. AutoKeras: an AutoML reference

AutoKeras is a software that also allows to finding the best neural network architecture for a given data
set and task [36], offering several search engines for this purpose. In our study, the version of AutoKeras
used is 1.0.2, which features the following search methods:
• Random: it performs a random search of the models in relation to their depth and layer type.

• Greedy: it groups the parameters into several categories. For each category, the tuner uses a greedy

strategy to generate new values for the hyper-parameters and to generate new values for one of the
categories of hyper-parameters. It uses the best trial so far for the rest of hyper-parameter values.
• Hyperband: departing from a given model, this bandit-based algorithm searches the best hyper-parameter
values for this model by running several random configurations for a scheduled number of iterations,

using earlier results to retain good candidate configurations that are evaluated for longer runs.

• Bayesian optimization: the search space is explored using morphing. This optimization method is based
on the three basis of Bayesian optimization: update, generation and observation.
• Task-specific: AutoKeras tries with a task-specific tuner of the model, and evaluates the most commonly
used models for the task at hand, which in our case is image recognition. This is the default configuration.
AutoKeras has two trial blocks: Vanilla and ResNet. The best model is taken from one of these two.

6.3. Experimental setup

In our study we have chosen 4 diverse and representative data sets according to their complexity: Horses
or Humans (HORSEHUMAN [270]); the vangogh2photo dataset from the so-called cycle gan
repository (VANGOGH [271]), MNIST [272] and CIFAR-10 [273]. On the one hand, Horses or Humans
and Van Gogh or Photo have two classes, but Van Gogh or Photo is unbalanced (only 400 images
belonging to the minority class). On the other hand CIFAR-10 and MNIST are more complex databases
in terms of number of examples and classes: both databases have 10 different classes. Moreover, in
our experiment we have considered both color (RGB) and grayscale versions of these datasets so as to
assess the influence of the color space in the complexity and performance of the models evolved by the
compared frameworks. Other contributions in the literature have considered datasets of larger scales, such
as CIFAR-100 [61, 117, 119, 274, 132, 127] or ImageNet [58, 153] (the latter transferring knowledge from
models learned from CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 beforehand). Nevertheless, the datasets and experiments
designed in this first case of study are illustrative enough of the potential and caveats that evolutionary
Deep Learning still undergo when applied to the optimization of topology and hyper-parameters.

Table 4: Utilized datasets in Case of Study I.

# # Instances
Dataset Shape Characteristics
classes (train/test)
HORSEHUMAN 300 × 300 × 3 2 1,027 / 256 Balanced dataset, binary classification, RGB
HORSEHUMAN-G 300 × 300 × 1 2 1,027 / 256 Balanced dataset, binary classification, grayscale
VANGOGH 256 × 256 × 3 2 6,687 / 1,151 Imbalanced dataset, binary classification, RGB
VANGOGH-G 256 × 256 × 1 2 6,687 / 1,151 Imbalanced dataset, binary classification, grayscale
CIFAR-10 32 × 32 × 3 10 50,000 / 10,000 Balanced dataset, multi-class classification, RGB

CIFAR-10-G 32 × 32 × 1 10 50,000 / 10,000 Balanced dataset, multi-class classification, grayscale

MNIST 28 × 28 × 1 10 60,000 / 10,000 Balanced dataset, multi-class classification, grayscale

In order to account for the statistical behavior of the frameworks under comparison, we have carried
out 5 independent runs of AutoKeras, EvoDeep and random models, from which we have chosen the best

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model in terms of its accuracy in validation. Random models are obtained using EvoDeep without the
evolutionary process. The number of tested individuals is the number of evaluations that EvoDeep would
make should the search be done via its evolutionary strategy. The training phase has been done by splitting
the training set as follows: 80% for training and 20% for validation. After that, the model is trained again
with the whole training set, and evaluated on the test set.

6.4. Results and discussion

Table 5 shows the obtained accuracy scores for models evolved with EvoDeep, AutoKeras and random
search over the color and grayscale datasets under consideration. The best results for each dataset are
highlighted in bold. On the one hand, it is straightforward to observe that EvoDeep outperforms random
models over both train and test datasets. However, AutoKeras still offers a better performance than
EvoDeep. AutoKeras features the best test results in each dataset. To sum up, the results of EvoDeep are

close to AutoKeras, which it is one of the best AutoML tools in this area. In Vangogh or Photo and MNIST
the difference between them is less than 1% in test and 2% in Horses or Humans. Therefore, EvoDeep
shows a great performance on these databases.
When shifting the scope towards the results obtained for the grayscale databases, similar conclusions
can be drawn. In relation to the HORSEHUMAN dataset, the results issued by EvoDeep are similar to
the previous ones in terms of accuracy over test, whereas AutoKeras improves its performance by 3%.
The results for CIFAR-10-G are worse when compared to the color ones. The exception in this trend is
VANGOGH-G, due to the bad results obtained by the random models and EvoDeep. The accuracy in test
decreases approximately 17% in EvoDeep and 27% in random models. By contrast, the results obtained
for this dataset by AutoKeras are similar to the ones obtained for its colored counterpart.

Table 5: Results in terms of accuracy for color datasets and algorithms (in %).


datasets Train Test Train Test Train Test
Random 89.19 89.06 98.10 92.96 73.06 53.63
EvoDeep 97.07 89.40 100.00 98.87 99.99 60.55
AutoKeras 100.00 91.40 100.00 99.48 95.28 73.26
datasets Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test
Random 94.06 89.84 94.02 65.24 73.44 49.35 99.87 98.40

EvoDeep 100.00 89.84 96.66 81.58 85.52 56.79 100.00 98.69

AutoKeras 100.00 94.53 100.00 99.30 94.42 71.67 99.99 99.40

After the comparison of EvoDeep, AutoKeras and random models in terms of accuracy, we now
examine in Table 6 the execution time of the previous results, in minutes. A first inspection of the results
in this table reveals that AutoKeras has the best performance with lower times than EvoDeep. We note
that EvoDeep stops if no improvement is made over 5 consecutive generations. This is what occurs in
MNIST: EvoDeep needs more computation time than AutoKeras and random models, but its accuracy

results lie in between. This fact makes EvoDeep a reliable software because, even though it needs more
computation time, the quality of the models in terms of predictive accuracy are close to those of AutoKeras
in most cases. When it comes to grayscale datasets, in general the computation time is lower than the
time taken by the experiments with color datasets. Runtimes of AutoKeras are almost the same except for
HORSEHUMAN-G, in which the time is approximately 2.6 times faster than that of HORSEHUMAN.

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EvoDeep and random models require less computation time in all the cases when compared to the colored
ones. For example, VANGOGH-G is around 2.25 times faster than the previous experiments.

Table 6: Results in terms of time (minutes) for all datasets and frameworks.


Random 5.5 11 92

EvoDeep 22.0 50 322
AutoKeras 13.5 14 110
Random 3.08 7.14 43.44 46

EvoDeep 13.17 22.25 295.99 230
AutoKeras 5.19 13.98 109.98 262

We now proceed in our analysis with Table 7, where we compare random, EvoDeep and AutoKeras
in terms of the complexity of the models produced over the search (in terms of the number of layers
and the number of trainable parameters of the best model). As proven by the results included in this
table, random model produces very similar network architectures across the colored datasets: they all
comprise 5 layers with varying size (between 103 and 2 · 106 trainable parameters). EvoDeep has better
results than AutoKeras in terms of number of layers for 3 datasets, and in terms of the number of trainable
parameters for 2 datasets (HORSEHUMAN and MNIST). The best model for HORSEHUMAN is achieved
by EvoDeep, comprising a simple neural architecture with 3 layers and approximately 1.9 · 106 parameters.
AutoKeras’ model for the VANGOGH dataset has 9 layers and fewer trainable parameters in comparison
to the models produced by the other frameworks. EvoDeep produces a model with only 5 layers for
CIFAR-10, but AutoKeras’ model has less parameters. Finally, for the MNIST dataset, EvoDeep discovers
a better model than AutoKeras in terms of model complexity: fewer layers and parameters. To sump up, in
terms of model complexity EvoDeep can be declared to perform better than AutoKeras, at least in some of
the considered colored datasets.
Table 7: Results in terms of model complexity for all datasets and algorithms.


datasets Layers Parameters Layers Parameters Layers Parameters

Random 5 179,922 5 1,158,402 5 2,270,100

EvoDeep 3 1,895,012 9 18,756,012 5 10,821,230
AutoKeras 194 23,566,856 10 31,944 10 144,849
datasets Layers Parameters Layers Parameters Layers Parameters Layers Parameters
Random 4 853,322 3 318,372 5 239,650 5 211,245
EvoDeep 7 129,182 6 783,352 12 1,883,220 8 5,409,980
AutoKeras 194 23,560,580 10 31,364 10 144,269 194 23,579,021

When analyzing the complexity of models discovered for the grayscale datasets, the results in Table
7 unveil a huge improvement in the number of parameters in random models and EvoDeep. Results by
AutoKeras remain very similar to those for the colored datasets, with minimal differences in terms of the
number of parameters. If we observe the number of layers, random models have almost the same number

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of layers as for the colored ones. However, more remarkable changes are noticed for EvoDeep. The models
discovered for the HORSEHUMAN-G dataset has more layers, but significantly less parameters. The
same statement can be said for CIFAR-10-G. The results for the VANGOGH-G dataset are the exception:
the best model has fewer layers and fewer parameters. These observations support the aforementioned
claims on the complexity of models produced by AutoKeras with respect to EvoDeep and Random.
The previous experiments have shown some differences between the color and the grayscale databases.
In fact, when focusing the analysis on the best model found by EvoDeep across all datasets, remarkable

differences arise between the test accuracy and the complexity of such models corresponding to color and
grayscale datasets. As summarized in Table 8, accuracy results are similar in both cases. The accuracy
achieved by the best EvoDeep model over CIFAR-10 in higher than that of its grayscale version (CIFAR-
10-G). The case with the largest difference in terms of accuracy is VANGOGH, which has a 17% gap. In
terms of complexity, the best model of each grayscale database has fewer neurons than the corresponding

colored dataset. In HORSEHUMAN-G, the model has approximately 14.69 times fewer neurons than
that of HORSEHUMAN. For VANGOGH and CIFAR-10, this ratio gets close to 24 times and 5.75 times,

Table 8: Results in terms of accuracy and complexity for the best model encountered by EvoDeep for both color and grayscale


Test accuracy (%) 89.45 89.94 98.87 81.58 60.55 56.79 98.69
# of neurons 1,895 129 18,756 783 10,821 1,883 5,409
We summarize now the main conclusions drawn from this discussion, leaving a further elaboration on
the general lessons learned in regards to topology and hyper-parameter optimization for Section 8:
• EvoDeep has similar results to AutoKeras in the color databases HORSEHUMAN, VANGOGH and
CIFAR-10. Nevertheless, the computation time that EvoDeep requires is much higher than the one taken
AutoKeras during its search. If we consider the grayscale datasets, the difference between AutoKeras
and EvoDeep increases. In particular, accuracy gaps over the VANGOGH dataset is particularly large:
81.58% in VANGOGH-G and 98.87% in VANGOGH. In terms of accuracy, EvoDeep performs better
with the colored databases.

• If we take a closer look at the results in terms of accuracy and model complexity, EvoDeep needs less
computation time in the grayscale datasets. Furthermore, this statement also holds in terms of model
complexity. Although there are some models that comprise more layers when dealing with grayscale

datasets, the number of total trainable parameters for all the models is much lower. All these facts
contribute to a better overall performance of EvoDeep with grayscale databases.
To summarize, although AutoKeras has better performance in terms of accuracy in all datasets,
EvoDeep gives competitive results and requires less computation time for simple datasets (in our case,
MNIST). For several datasets, EvoDeep produces models with fewer parameters, while AutoKeras yield
very complex models that may be unsuitable for application scenarios with stringent memory restrictions.
In other datasets, the simplicity of the layers supported by EvoDeep enforces a higher number of neurons
(and parameters) than AutoKeras for the same performance level.

The empirical results reported in this first case of study underscore the potential of Evolutionary
Algorithms for the topological and hyper-parameter optimization of CNN networks, suggesting several
possible improvements to frameworks appearing in the literature in forthcoming years. First, frameworks
should incorporate sophisticated layers at their core, so that they become eligible for the evolutionary
algorithm in use and ultimately lead to a reduced overall complexity of the optimized models. The overly

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complex models encountered by EvoDeep in some of the considered image classification datasets is
a clear evidence that, for the sake of fair comparisons, all frameworks should ensure that the search
spaces explored by their optimization engines are comparable to each other as well. Another possible
improvement is to formulate topological and hyper-parameter optimization as a multi-objective problem,
embracing as conflicting objectives the accuracy of the model, and a measure of its complexity (layers,
parameters, computation time, etc). We believe that such an output could allow the community to examine
the behavior of new frameworks and solvers in regards to the performance and complexity of their produced

solutions, making their output more flexible to implement the discovered models by taking into account
both objectives. We will later revolve on these research directions on Sections 8 and 9.

7. Case of Study II: Training Deep Learning Models with Bio-inspired Algorithms

This second case of study aims to shed light on the performance of bio-inspired optimization algorithms
when applied to model training (trainable parameter optimization as per our nomenclature in this survey).
The ultimate goal is to check whether bio-inspired algorithms can be a competitive alternative to gradient-
based methods when undertaking image classification tasks over well-known datasets, ensuring that Deep
Learning architectures of realistic complexity are in use. To this end, we design an experimental setup to
provide an informed response to the following research questions (RQ):
• RQ1: Should bio-inspired solvers exploit the layered structure of Deep Learning models during the

• RQ2: Do bio-inspired solvers perform competitively with respect to gradient-based solver for trainable
parameter optimization, in terms of predictive accuracy and computational efficiency?
In the remainder of this second case of study, Subsection 7.1 introduces the evolutionary algorithm
selected for the experiments, underscoring several changes made to its original definition to make it
better suited to the optimization of trainable parameters. Subsection 7.2 provides further details on the
experimental setup, including the Deep Learning models and datasets under consideration. Subsections
7.3 and 7.4 discuss in depth on the results obtained from the experiments, with a focus on RQ1 and RQ2,

7.1. SHADE-ILS: A reference evolutionary algorithm for large-scale global optimization

Given the large number of variables to be optimized, we select SHADE with Iterative Local Search
(SHADE-ILS) as the evolutionary algorithm selected for our experiments. SHADE-ILS is a renowned
large-scale global optimization algorithm that has won recent international competitions in the field

[275]. In particular, SHADE-ILS resorts to the global exploration capability of an adaptive variant of
the Differential Evolution algorithm (SHADE), which is helped by two local search methods – namely,
a limited-memory version of the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) algorithm, and multiple
trajectory search – that improve the candidate solutions encountered during the search. At every iteration,
SHADE applies evolutionary operators on a population of individuals, followed by the application of one
of the local search methods to the best individual of the population. The selection of which local search to
apply is driven by the best expected relative improvement of each of the considered local search operator,
which is given by the results produced by each local search alternative during recent generations. Moreover,

SHADE-ILS incorporates a restart mechanism to avoid stagnation. These key algorithmic aspects and the
excellent results scored in benchmarks and competitions make SHADE-ILS one of the baseline algorithms
for large-scale global optimization problems, just like the one addressed in this second case of study.
Several changes have been done to the original SHADE-ILS algorithm to make it better suited to
the optimization of the trainable parameters of a Deep Learning model. The objective function to be
minimized over the search is the same than that used by gradient back-propagation approaches for the same

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model, namely, binary cross-entropy for binary classification and categorical cross-entropy for multi-class
classification. Both are measured for all examples belonging to the training set. Secondly, we take into
account the layer-wise structure of Deep Learning models by devising several scheduling strategies. Each
strategy establishes the criteria, order and number of generations for which the optimization variables
(trainable parameters) belonging to each layer are evolved via the global search operators and local search
techniques of SHADE-ILS. The design of the above strategies is motivated by RQ1, where the focus is
placed on whether the layered structure of Deep Learning models should be exploited anyhow by the

bio-inspired solver.
L layers

Input Output Input Output Input Output

… … …

1st 2nd 3rd Lth Lth L-1th L-2th 1st
(all parameters) Neval

Until max epochs

Until max epochs Until max epochs

(a) (b) (c)

Input Output Input Output

… …

1st 2nd


Lth Lth L-1th



Until max epochs
Until max epochs

(d) (e)

Figure 5: Diagram showing the different scheduling strategies proposed for optimizing Deep Learning models with the SHADE-ILS

Specifically, the strategies considered in the simulations discussed later are as follows (see Figure 5 for
a visual explanation):
• FULL-SHADE-ILS: all trainable parameters are optimized jointly, without considering the layered
structure of the model to be trained. This is actually the strategy followed by most contributions to the

literature dealing with the application of bio-inspired optimization techniques for Deep Learning models.
As we will later show, this strategy only works for network architectures of relatively limited size.
• DOWN-SHADE-ILS: trainable parameters are optimized starting from those belonging to the first layer
of the network. Such parameters are evolved via SHADE-ILS for a certain number of generations,
keeping the values of the remaining parameters fixed to their Glorot-based initialized values. The
optimization schedule is repeated in order from the first to the last layer of the network for a maximum
number of epochs.
• UP-SHADE-ILS: this schedule is similar to the previous DOWN-SHADE-ILS strategy, but departing

from the last layer of the network, and proceeding upwards until the first layer of the network.
• A-DOWN-SHADE-ILS: an automated variant in which after a first iteration of the DOWN-SHADE-ILS
optimization strategy, a relative improvement ratio of the network predictive accuracy is computed for
every layer optimization step. This ratio is used to select which layer to optimize in subsequent epochs,

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so that layers whose optimization yielded larger improvements in the last epoch are more likely to be
selected for optimization.
• A-UP-SHADE-ILS: this last strategy is similar to A-DOWN-SHADE-ILS, the difference being that the
first layer-wise application of SHADE-ILS is done from the last to the first layer of the network (namely,
under the DOWN-SHADE-ILS strategy). Once this initial stage is completed, SHADE-ILS proceeds
analogously to the previous strategy, automatically selecting the layer with most potential margin of

When addressing RQ2, it is important to stress on the complexity of ensuring a fair comparison between
gradient back-propagation solvers and bio-inspired optimization algorithms. The main reason is their
essentially different search behavior. On one hand, gradient back-propagation approaches maintain a single
solution to the problem, which is enhanced over epochs by exploit the mathematical relationships between

the optimization variables (trainable parameters) through the tailored computation of their gradients.
However, the search operator of gradient back-propagation techniques is simple, yet effective (gradients
are personalized for every single variable) and efficient (gradient computations are highly parallelizable).
By contrast, most bio-inspired algorithms rely on a population of individuals, which are evolved jointly by
means of a series of search operators, so that the best individuals survive between generations. In summary,
comparisons between both approaches should be fair not only in terms of accuracy performance, but also
in terms of computational complexity.
For ensuring fairness in these terms, a straightforward decision is to define how epoch and generation
relate to each other. First of all, it is clear that both concepts indicate when a full update of the network’s
parameters is complete: in gradient back-propagation, an epoch implies the application of a number of
gradient updates to the whole network parameters. The number of updates depends on the size of the
training set and the chosen batch size. Given that an epoch is defined as the optimization of all parameters
composing the model, in SHADE-ILS we will establish than an epoch corresponds to the optimization of
all layers of the network under any of the strategies described previously. If we assume Neval evaluations
of the network per layer and L layers, an epoch for SHADE-ILS will comprise L · Neval total evaluations
of the network per epoch. Each evaluation of the network involves predicting the entire Ntrain -sized
training set and computing the loss function. As a result, in general the number of evaluated training
instances per epoch differs between SHADE-ILS (Ntrain · Neval · L) and gradient back-propagation
(Ntrain ). Nevertheless, we proceed forward with the experiments disregarding this issue, and analyze
whether SHADE-ILS, even if endowed with more computational budget per epoch, can beat the accuracy
of networks optimized via Adam, one of the most renowned gradient back-propagation solvers.

7.2. Experimental setup


The above two questions are tackled by considering 6 datasets for image classification: Hand gesture
recognition (HANDS, [276]), Blood Cells classification dataset (BCCD, [277]), MNIST [272], Fashion
MNIST (F-MNIST) [278], GTSRB [279] and CIFAR-10 [273]. Details of these datasets are given in Table
9. Given the amount of computational resources required to complete the experiments, we consider a subset
of the examples for each dataset. For the same reason and except for the WBC dataset, images have been
converted to grayscale to reduce the number of channels of the input image. Even with these simplified
datasets, experiments held within this second experimental study shed light on where evolutionary Deep
Learning currently stands when it comes to the optimization of trainable parameters.

For each of these datasets a fixed Deep Learning architecture is considered, featuring a realistic level
of complexity (given by its number of trainable parameters), and rendering a good prediction performance
when trained via gradient back-propagation. The layer type and structural hyper-parameters of every layer
compounding such models are also specified in the table. Thus, the aim of this section is not to evolve very
precise, state-of-the-art networks, but to assess the limitations faced by Evolutionary Algorithms when

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Table 9: Datasets and models utilized for the second case of study. C2DN,x×y denotes a convolutional layer with N filtersJof n
rows and m cols; DN represents a fully-connected (dense) layer with N output neurons;  is a 2 × 2 max pooling layer; is a
2 × 2 average pooling layer; and Dropp is a dropout layer with rate p. Layers enclosed within (·)L are concatenated L times.

# # Instances # trainable
Dataset Shape Network topology and structural hyper-parameters
classes (Ntrain /Ntest ) parameters
HANDS 30 × 40 × 1 10 10,000 / 10,000 3,854 C2D8,4×4 −  − (C2D16,2×2 − )2 − D20 − D10
BCCD 30 × 40 × 3 2 17,000 / 5,416 9,065 C2D30,3×3 −  − (C2D16,3×3 − )2 − D16 − Drop0.7 − D1
MNIST 28 × 28 × 1 10 10,000 / 5,000 19,063 C2D28,3×3 −  − C2D14,3×3
J −  − C2D7,2×2 −  − D128J− Drop0.2 − D80 − Drop0.3 − D10
F-MNIST 28 × 28 × 1 10 10,000 / 5,000 36,188 C2D64,4×4 −JDrop0.25 − J 16,4×4 − Drop0.25 − −Drop0.15 − D70 − D10

GTSRB 32 × 32 × 1 43 20,000 / 10,000 83,999 C2D6,3×3 − −C2D16,3×3 − −D120 − D84 − D43
CIFAR-10-G 32 × 32 × 1 10 10,000 / 5,000 1,658,570 C2D32,3×3 − Drop0.1 − C2D64,5×5 − Drop0.2 − D128 − Drop0.3 − D10

used for training these deep neural networks. Table 10 summarizes the training hyper-parameters utilized
for all image classification tasks under study.

Table 10: Training hyper-parameters used in our experiments.

Dataset Batch size Learning rate Population size Neval Initializer Epochs
HANDS 128 0.01 10 200 Glorot 20
BCCD 64 0.02 10 200 Glorot 20
MNIST 512 0.01 10 200 Glorot 20
F-MNIST 512 0.01 10 200 Glorot 20
GTSRB 64 0.02 10 200 Glorot 22
CIFAR-10-G 256
re- 0.01 10 200

7.3. Addressing RQ1: On the importance of the layered neural structure in the design of SHADE-ILS
Glorot 30

Once the experimental setup has been described, we start our discussion by addressing RQ1, namely, a
quantitative analysis of the impact and viability of exploiting the layered structure of Deep Learning models
by SHADE-ILS, similarly to what gradient-based solvers do when back-propagating the gradients. To this
end, we evaluate the aforementioned scheduling strategies devised for SHADE-ILS over the datasets and
Deep Learning models under consideration, and compare its performance to that of a naive application of
SHADE-ILS that does not take into account any structure of the problem.
Table 11 summarizes the results obtained in regards to RQ1. Specifically, the average loss and
accuracy measured over train and test subsets are reported for every dataset and SHADE-ILS schedule.
Values are averaged over 5 independent runs of every (dataset,schedule) combination. In addition, results
corresponding to the Adam gradient-based solver are also included as a reference. The best results among

those yielded by SHADE-ILS are highlighted in bold.

Several interesting observations can be made after inspecting the above table. To begin with, we see
that for relatively small-sized Deep Learning models (i.e. those for the HANDS and BCCD datasets),
FULL-SHADE-ILS suffices for obtaining good scores, even superior than those rendered by its scheduled
SHADE-ILS counterparts. This goes in line with our examination of the related literature, in which many
contributions deal with model training using naive bio-inspired solvers, without taking into account the
structure of the network. The above results confirm that when the number of network parameters is low, a
powerful optimization algorithm can effectively (albeit not efficiently) find optimal values for the task at

However, when increasing the complexity of the network, the trend changes, and the exploitation of
the layered structure of the Deep Learning model becomes essential to maintain a good performance. This
is specially remarkable in the GTSRB and CIFAR-10-G datasets, in which the accuracy values of FULL-
SHADE-ILS degrade severely with respect to those attained by A-DOWN-SHADE-ILS. For networks
of moderate size (MNIST, F-MNIST), accuracy differences between the scheduled and non-scheduled

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Table 11: Average accuracy/loss (over 5 independent runs) corresponding to different schedules of the SHADE-ILS algorithm over
the datasets under consideration. Results corresponding to the Adam gradient-based solver are also included as a reference.


Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test Train Test
Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc Acc
Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss Loss

0.9983 0.9932 0.9708 0.9553 0.7038 0.6910 0.7150 0.7072 0.6492 0.6470 0.5253 0.5189
0.0082 0.0296 0.1082 0.1589 2.6608 2.6894 0.8194 0.8705 3.5419 3.5750 1.3179 1.3533
0.9611 0.9815 0.8558 0.8489 0.7499 0.7400 0.7527 0.7439 0.7852 0.7768 0.8212 0.8087
0.1314 0.0566 0.3321 0.3399 0.5306 0.5377 0.5227 0.5322 0.4861 0.4962 0.4149 0.4301

0.9480 0.9534 0.9524 0.9342 0.9747 0.9504 0.9748 0.9490 0.9719 0.9452 0.9772 0.9508
0.1672 0.1534 0.1590 0.2326 0.0851 0.1685 0.0856 0.1798 0.0938 0.1828 0.0764 0.1627
0.9636 0.9672 0.9265 0.9196 0.9489 0.9384 0.9422 0.9311 0.9561 0.9447 0.9435 0.9336
0.1190 0.1100 0.2539 0.2940 0.1773 0.2157 0.2077 0.2407 0.1576 0.1966 0.2012 0.2317
0.7437 0.7046 0.2329 0.2355 0.3636 0.3473 0.3596 0.3504 0.3956 0.3868 0.3204 0.3133
0.6957 0.7807 3.0994 3.1196 2.4532 2.4931 2.4304 2.4672 2.2916 2.3323 2.6405 2.6622
0.8347 0.6542 0.2628 0.2602 0.3696 0.3612 0.3708 0.3642 0.3806 0.3790 0.3765 0.3681
0.4519 1.2418 2.0952 2.1087 1.7878 1.8023 1.7737 1.7867 1.7483 1.7619 1.7612 1.7787

versions of SHADE-ILS become neglibigle. Nevertheless, in terms of loss metric values the difference
results to be larger, showing evidence that SHADE-ILS performs better in terms of optimized loss when
endowed with the automated schedule mechanism.
When comparing the accuracy and loss values measured over train and test, a quick glimpse at the table
confirms that in general, the trained models do not overfit excessively. We pause briefly at the case of the
MNIST dataset, arguably one of the most utilized databases in this field. If we compare the average loss
values achieved by the Adam optimizer (0.1672 over train, 0.1534 over test) to those of A-UP-SHADE-ILS
(0.0764 over train, 0.1627 in test), one can state that A-UP-SHADE-ILS achieves lower loss values than
Adam, thereby concluding that this scheduled SHADE-ILS variant is a better optimization algorithm for
model training than Adam. However, we must bear in mind that the final goal of predictive modeling is to
provide models that generalize nicely, namely, models that perform as expected when predicting unseen
data instances. When placing our attention in the losses measured over the test set, networks evolved by
A-UP-SHADE-ILS for the MNIST dataset seems to overfit, thereby providing lower accuracy scores than

expected. A similar conclusion can be drawn in other datasets (e.g. F-MNIST), yet at a lower extent than
MNIST. This leads to an interesting insight on the influence of overfitting that we will elaborate in depth
in Section 8.
We conclude the discussion on this first set of results by emphasizing on the low scores obtained by
all SHADE-ILS variants when the complexity of the network is very high (models corresponding to the
GTSRB and CIFAR-10-G datasets). In these cases the large gaps to the accuracy and loss scores of the
network optimized by the Adam solver indicate without doubts that this meta-heuristic algorithm is of
no practical use for this level of complexity. Given that SHADE-ILS is specially tailored to deal with
high-dimensional optimization problems, it is fair to conclude that Evolutionary Computation and Swarm

Intelligence methods are still far from being a realistic replacement for gradient-based solver. Instead, these
empirical findings should drive the interest of the community towards hybridizing bio-inspired algorithms
with gradient-based information and/or solvers. We will later revolve on this postulated research line.

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7.4. Addressing RQ2: comparing bio-inspired optimization algorithms to gradient-based solvers

Experiments discussed in the previous subsection have concentrated on the performance comparison
between different layer-wise optimization schedules of the SHADE-ILS solver. In our analysis of the
results shown in Table 11 we also highlighted the large gap between the gradient-based Adam solver and
the best performing SHADE-ILS schedule, specially for Deep Learning models of moderate-to-high levels
of complexity. Although this remark provides a partial answer to RQ2, in this second part of the study we
delve into the convergence of the training process when undertaken via SHADE-ILS and Adam, aiming to

discern the reasons for these identified performance gaps.
2.4 1.0 2.4 1.0

0.9 0.9
2.0 2.0
0.8 0.8

1.5 MNIST, A-UP-SHADE-ILS, train loss 0.7 1.5 MNIST, A-UP-SHADE-ILS, test loss 0.7


MNIST, Adam, train loss MNIST, Adam, test loss

0.6 0.6
MNIST, A-UP-SHADE-ILS, train accuracy MNIST, A-UP-SHADE-ILS, test accuracy
1.0 1.0 MNIST, Adam, test accuracy
MNIST, Adam, train accuracy 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.3 0.3

0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2

1 5 10 15 20 1 5 10 15 20
Epochs Epochs
(a) (b)
2.4 1.0 2.4 1.0

0.9 0.9
2.0 2.0
0.8 0.8

1.5 F-MNIST,

A-UP-SHADE-ILS, train loss 0.7 1.5 F-MNIST, A-UP-SHADE-ILS, test loss 0.7

F-MNIST, Adam, train loss F-MNIST, Adam, test loss


0.6 0.6
F-MNIST, A-UP-SHADE-ILS, train accuracy F-MNIST, A-UP-SHADE-ILS, test accuracy
1.0 1.0 F-MNIST, Adam, test accuracy
F-MNIST, Adam, train accuracy 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4
0.5 0.5
0.3 0.3

0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2

1 5 10 15 20 1 5 10 15 20
Epochs Epochs
(c) (d)
Figure 6: Accuracy and loss Convergence plots of Adam and A-UP-SHADE-ILS corresponding to (a) MNIST, measured over train
set; (b) MNIST, measured over test set; (a) F-MNIST, measured over train set; (a) F-MNIST, measured over test set.

This being said, we focus on the results corresponding to MNIST and F-MNIST, which are illustrative
of the conclusions that can be drawn from the overall set of performed experiments. The dual plots
in Figures 6.a to 6.d depict the loss/accuracy convergence plots measured over train and test subsets
corresponding to Adam and the scheduled A-UP-SHADE-ILS variant of the SHADE-ILS algorithm.

Plotted lines depict the average loss/accuracy over epochs computed over 5 experiments, whereas the
shaded overlay areas denote their standard deviation. Net loss values are indicated in the left axis of every
plot, whereas accuracy score values are indicated in the right axis.
Our discussion departs from Figures 6.a and 6.b, corresponding to the convergence plots over the
MNIST dataset over train and test subsets, respectively. It is straightforward to observe that when measured
over the train dataset (Figure 6.a, both loss and accuracy scores of the A-UP-SHADE-ILS approach are
better than those rendered by Adam over all epochs. This fact is conclusive in regards to the comparable or
superior performance of SHADE-ILS when optimizing the trainable parameters of relatively small-sized
networks. However, when shifting the focus on the test set (which reflects the generalization capability

the evolved Deep Learning models), the curves plotted in Figure 6 reveal that A-UP-SHADE-ILS yields
trainable parameter values that are slightly overfitted, thus generalizing worse than the model optimized
via the Adam solver. This observation suggests that the apparently worse performance of Adam as an
optimization algorithm is actually an advantage (a sort of implicitly regularization mechanism) that yields
models of better generalization properties.

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When increasing the complexity of the network to be evolved, Figures 6.c and 6.d illustrate a rather
different behavior of the convergence plots. At this point we recall that the model selected to deal with the
F-MNIST image classification problem has 36,188 trainable parameters, almost twice the complexity of
the model designed for the MNIST dataset (19,063 trainable parameters). The convergence curves in these
plots show that although the accuracy and loss values of the networks evolved with both solvers get close
to each other after all epochs are completed, A-UP-SHADE-ILS perform steadily worse than Adam over
all intermediate epochs. In light of the results for the rest of datasets with models of larger complexity

(Table 11), the case of the F-MNIST dataset must be understood as an inflection point, beyond which
SHADE-ILS fails to perform competitively with respect to gradient-based methods. Furthermore, this
worse performance occurs even if SHADE-ILS is allowed to execute more network evaluations per epoch.
These experiments and our conclusions drawn therefrom reinforce even further our belief that for
the time being, current bio-inspired optimization algorithms do not constitute a feasible replacement for

gradient-based solvers. In the next section we collect and summarize the lessons learned through our
literature analysis and experiments, and prescribe several good practices and recommendations that should
be followed to achieve significant advances in evolutionary Deep Learning.

8. Learned Lessons, Good Practices and Recommendations

As it follows from our experiments and the performed literature analysis, lights and shadows still
remain in the application of Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence algorithms to the diverse
optimization problems arising from Deep Learning.
We now summarize the lessons learned throughout this study, classifying them depending on the
optimization domain in which each lesson is most recurrently noted:
• General lessons and recommended practices that hold for all Deep Learning optimization problems
(Subsection 8.1).
• Lessons and recommendations suited for studies related to topology optimization (Subsection 8.2).
• Lessons and good practices related to structural and training hyper-parameter optimization (Subsection

• Lessons and recommendations for the optimization of trainable parameters (Subsection 8.4).

8.1. General lessons

The first lesson we summarize at this point is in close accordance with the general need for more

methodological principles in meta-heuristic research across all the application scenarios where these
solvers are applied nowadays. Unfortunately, the optimization problems tackled in this study are not
an exception to this claim. The guidelines and procedures to be followed to reach solid and conclusive
studies in the use of meta-heuristics are known to the community, specially in regards to the identification
of the novel aspects of newly emerging algorithms and the proper design of comparison benchmarks.
In this latter research stage, the assessment of the statistical significance is a must when dealing with
problems related to Deep Learning topology and/or hyper-parameter optimization. Since several sources
of uncertainty may coexist in the same problem statement (e.g. the operators of the search algorithm,
the initialization of weights, and the stochasticity of the gradient-based training algorithm), reporting on

the statistical significance via hypothesis testing should be considered a necessary step. Despite not an
exclusive recommendation of the research area under study, leaving all code and results available in public
software repositories for the research community is of utmost necessity, due to the dilated computation
times usually required to run experiments with Deep Learning models.

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Another general lessons that stems from our study is that the goal in Evolutionary Deep Learning is to
yield models of improved generalization properties, namely, to find models that perform better when fed
with unseen data. To an extent, in our literature review we noted that many contributions in the recent past
dismisses this target goal and conclude that the solver at hand performs better since it achieves a more
optimal objective value than gradient-based methods. Statements alike should be avoided in prospective
studies, as there is no practical value in a model that generalizes worse in the wild, e.g. when predicting
new data instances.

Another missing point in past contributions is a quantitative evaluation of the complexity of the solver,
not only a mere indication of the quality of its produced output. We have shown in the cases of study that
important complexity gaps exist between the solvers under study. Neglecting to inspect this important
aspect of optimization solvers yields biased conclusions about the practical value of new proposals.
Convergence plots like the ones depicted in the case of study II can provide a hint about the relationship

between performance (accuracy) and complexity (number of epochs) of the solvers being compared. Along
these plots, a clear definition of an epoch should be provided, so as to establish a reference and ensure
fair complexity comparisons. Furthermore, for topological and structural hyper-parameter optimization
the complexity of population-based meta-heuristic solvers is significantly higher than other schemes from
the literature, specially gradient-based NAS search strategies such as DARTS [280], or RL-based NAS
approaches [32]. Specifically, experiments with evolutionary NAS approaches such as those in [58, 70]
require 3,150 GPU-days to complete their optimization task on the CIFAR-10 dataset, whereas DARTS
only needs 4 GPU-days for the same purpose.
Definitely, more efforts are needed to validate whether bio-inspired meta-heuristics can reach the
levels of computational efficiency of these alternative solvers or, at least, attain solutions of higher quality
that make their computational overhead worthwhile. In this line, recent advances in the development of
performance predictors of Deep Learning architectures [281, 282, 283, 284] can be an efficient workaround
to the heavy computational requirements of model evaluation when population-based meta-heuristics are
used for topological and/or hyper-parametric Deep Learning optimization.
Furthermore, other optimization objectives beyond predictive performance should also be considered
in the future, such as the complexity of the optimized model in topology and/or structural hyper-parameter
optimization. There are many reasons for considering such objectives in addition to predictive performance,
ranging from an easier deployment of the optimized models in constrained computation hardware (e.g.
cell phones) or a potentially more interpretable network structure [15]. However, most studies seem to
focus just on the predictive performance of the optimized model, leaving unanswered relevant matters for
model deployment such as the tradeoff between model’s performance and complexity.
Finally, we advocate for a global consensus on the dimensions of realistic benchmark dataset and
models. A Deep Learning model is not just a layered structure of perceptrons, but rather a hierarchical

composite of neural layers of different nature. It is their capability to extract increasingly specialized
features from large-dimensional data what should bestow the label Deep Learning. Unfortunately, we have
observed many works where Deep Learning refers to a neural network with very few trainable parameters
and fed with already handcrafted features. The same can be said about the datasets used for validation,
which in many studies lack the complexity that could argue the adoption of Deep Learning models. The
community should agree on the minimum characteristics (task difficulty, diversity of datasets, model
complexity) of experimental setups devised for reaching meaningful results and valuable conclusions.

8.2. Topology optimization


We now focus on the lessons learned from the literature that has so far tackled the optimization of the
topology of Deep Learning models. First of all, in the first case of study we highlighted that the EvoDeep
framework featured a diversity of layer types lower than that of AutoKeras, which restricts the search
domain of the evolutionary algorithm that runs at its core. This fact can imprint a subtle yet impacting
bias in prospective comparisons between new topology optimization frameworks. Such comparisons

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should ensure that the counterparts in the benchmark should utilize the same number and diversity of
layer types when optimizing Deep Learning models for a given task. Otherwise, there is no certainty
whether gaps found among the compared frameworks are due to the differences between their optimization
algorithms or to the fact that some of them are in unfair disadvantage. Similar recommendations can be
issued in regards to the formulation of the objective to be optimized, which should be set the same among
frameworks. In what refers to the optimization algorithm, we have shown that bio-inspired solvers (in
particular, evolutionary algorithms) are still far from the performance offered by other ad-hoc methods.

Actually, the default optimization approach for the AutoKeras framework is a parameter-wise greedy
strategy, and no Evolutionary Computation nor Swarm Intelligence methods are considered whatsoever.
This observation implicitly suggests that bio-inspired solvers are still far from performing competitively,
as our results in the first case of study have clearly shown. However, it is known that in other application
domains, greedy search methods usually fall into local optima unless proper algorithmic countermeasures

are included along the search. This opens up an opportunity to hybridize such greedy methods with global
search heuristics or, alternatively, to design ad-hoc search algorithms that incorporate any of the ingredients
featured by such greedy methods.
Another aspect in which much research effort has been invested is in the design of variable-size
encoding strategies for the representation of evolved network architectures. This has been a subject
of intense research for years since the advent of the first neuro-evolution frameworks, in particular the
adaptation of compositional pattern producing networks made by Hyper-NEAT to represent and evolve
neural networks. Despite the numerous works on neural representation strategies published thereafter to
date, in many cases the selected encoding approach does not account for the validity of the sequence of
neural layers it represents. To this end, EvoDeep resorts to finite state machines to model all possible
transitions between layers, followed by a two-part encoding to represent global (training) hyper-parameters
and layers’ types and structural hyper-parameters, respectively. Another intelligent strategy is to search for
optimal neural topology and structural hyper-parameter values over a continuous domain, allowing for
the application of simple gradient-based solvers [285, 280]. All in all, it is our belief that a key aspect for
an efficient heuristic search is to tightly couple the solution encoding strategy to the design of the search
Finally, we dedicate some words of reflection about the level of granularity at which topology optimiza-
tion should be performed. While in some recent works Deep Learning models are optimized at the level
of the computation graph, namely, without assuming any particular type of neural layer. This extreme is
interesting should the goal be to trascend conventional layer types and seek more diverse neural structures.
At the other end of the scale, other contributions have capitalized on the mixture of pretrained modules,
aiming to enhance the structure of the Deep Learning model while leveraging, at the same time, high-level
knowledge acquired in other related tasks. To the best of our knowledge, there is no clear consensus on

whether high-level or low-level topological optimization strategies are more promising for Deep Learning
topology optimization.

8.3. Structural/training hyper-parameter optimization

When it comes to the optimization of the hyper-parameters of the Deep Learning model, a first
recommendation to elicit is to clearly specify the hyper-parameters to be optimized, as well as their search
ranges. Echoing the aforementioned need for fairness in comparison benchmarks, and following our
conclusions drawn from the Case of Study I (Section 6), it is crucial to guarantee that the compared solvers
explore search spaces of equal complexity so as to remove any bias due to differences in this matter. A

good practice for this purpose is to include a table listing each parameter with its corresponding search
range, so that fairness can be guaranteed and reproducibility eased for the interested audience.
Another recommendation in hyper-parameter optimization is to estimate the impact of different
hyper-parameter values in terms of the predictive accuracy and overall complexity of the optimized
model. By reporting on the correspondence between different hyper-parameters values and the overall

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performance and complexity of the model, the community can discern potentially good search ranges for
such hyper-parameters, thereby reducing the time needed to perform new hyper-parametric optimization
Finally, our taxonomy of the existing literature shown in Figure 4 revealed that the number of works
simultaneously tackling structural and hyper-parameter optimization surpassed those dealing only with
structural or training hyper-parameter optimization in isolation. This fact calls into question whether the
results obtained so far for the latter cases are conclusive. The selected topology for the Deep Learning

model affects directly the search space of a structural hyper-parameter optimization problem defined over
it, so it remains uncertain whether the conclusions drawn for the particular network topology under choice
can be extrapolated to any other network topology. This is why we suggest increasing the number of
experiments with different network topologies and datasets when performing hyper-parameter optimization.
Otherwise, the claims delivered by prospective studies can be in doubt due to the lack of enough empirical


8.4. Trainable parameter optimization

To end with, the optimization of the trainable parameters of Deep Learning models is arguably the one
grasping most interest from the community in recent times. Several learned lessons and recommendations
can be issued in this regard.
First of all, the research community should come to an agreement and understand that currently, we
are far from fully replacing gradient-based solvers with bio-inspired optimization algorithms. The results
discussed in the Case of Study II (Section 7) buttress this statement with solid findings: one of the most
renowned and competitive algorithms for large-scale global optimization (SHADE-ILS) has not been
able to perform better than the gradient-based Adam solver. Besides, when increasing the complexity
of the Deep Learning model, the performance of SHADE-ILS degrades severely even if granted more
computational budget (number of loss evaluations) than its gradient-based counterpart. In summary, for the
time being bio-inspired optimization algorithms cannot rival the computational efficiency and the quality
of solutions produced by gradient-based methods.
The main reason for this conclusion can arguably be found in the structure of the Deep Learning
model, which establishes relationships among the trainable parameters of consecutive layers that should
be exploited by the optimization algorithm. This is actually what gradient back-propagation realizes in
a clever yet computationally efficient fashion, even though creating other known issues (e.g. gradient
vanishing). In our experiments we noticed that when adapting the search behavior of SHADE-ILS to
the layered structure of the network, simple layer-wise schedules of this algorithm yields remarkable
performance boosts, specially for networks of relatively small size. This suggests that more sophisticated
hybridization strategies should be further investigated to embed problem-specific knowledge (namely, the

structure of Deep Learning models or gradient information) within the search procedure of bio-inspired
Notwithstanding this noted performance gap, gradient-based solvers restrict the spectrum of loss
functions to those for which derivatives can be computed. Furthermore, However, bio-inspired algorithms
do not impose any requirement on the objective function to be optimized, nor do they require it to be
differentiable. This latter fact could tilt the scale towards the use of bio-inspired algorithms in singular
learning tasks that require a tailored definition of the objective function, as in cases with severe class
imbalance or multilabel classification, or in network architectures with non-differentiable learning modules
(namely, those through which gradients cannot be backpropagated).

When it comes to computational efficiency, the higher complexity of population-based meta-heuristics

when compared to that of gradient-based solvers should stimulate more parallel and distributed implemen-
tations of Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence methods. There are modern programming
languages and frameworks that can be utilized to accelerate bio-inspired search algorithms, even if still

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lagging behind the typical runtimes of gradient-based techniques. Recent works aim indeed at this di-
rection, reviewing implementations available so far and prescribing recommendations and guidelines
for the implementation of meta-heuristics in GPU [286, 287] and asynchronous distributed computing
architectures [288]. Experiments with large datasets and realistic Deep Learning models should capitalize
on already available software packages that ease the seamless deployment of meta-heuristics in massively
parallel computing hardware, such as jMetalPy [289] (Apache Spark and Dask) and libCudaOptimize [290]
(CUDA for GPU). Interestingly, Tensorflow (the computation engine that underlies well-known software

libraries for Deep Learning models) also provides a naive implementation of Differential Evolution as one
of its functionalities [291]. Parallel, federated or distributed computation frameworks for Deep Learning
models are also spreading fast [67, 68, 292]. Definitely new studies should leverage the availability of
these tools to undertake experiments at realistic complexity scales.
We end with our learned lessons on trainable parameter optimization by emphasizing several good

methodological practices that should be followed in prospective studies. First, the accuracy achieved
by the optimized models over the test set should be informed jointly with the usual objective function
statistics reported in experiments with bio-inspired meta-heuristics. This is particularly relevant in trainable
parameter optimization to assess whether performance gaps identified between solvers do not come along
with a penalty in the generalization of the evolved model. Furthermore, conventional gradient-based
solvers should be always included in the benchmark, even if their lower complexity makes the comparison
unfair in such terms. Finally, we recommend the use of convergence plots such as the ones depicted in
Figures 6.a to 6.d as a visual tool to examine the relative differences between algorithms over epochs. This
information can be very valuable for the deployment of the solver(s) in real hardware, as well as for the
detection of overfitting issues like the one identified in our experiments.

9. Challenges and Research Directions

Our exhaustive literature review and performed experiments have unveiled several promising facts
and unsolved caveats of Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence algorithms when used for
addressing optimization problems related to Deep Learning. Nonetheless, many proposals have been
contributed to date for assorted learning tasks, not only supervised and unsupervised learning, but also other
paradigms relying on Deep Learning models (e.g. deep reinforcement learning). Despite this noted activity,
several research niches still remain uncharted or insufficiently addressed in this fusion of technologies.
In this section we summarize several challenges and research directions that should be under the target
of future efforts conducted in this area. Such challenges are schematically depicted in Figure 7, and
contribute to the last two questions targeted by this overview: what can be done in future investigations on
the confluence between bio-inspired optimization and Deep Learning, and what should future research

efforts be conducted for?

9.1. Large-scale optimization for model training

The design of bio-inspired algorithms capable of efficiently tackling large-scale optimization problems
seems to be one of the critical points that require further developments to train Deep Learning models of
realistic complexity levels. This is the reason for the selection of SHADE-ILS as the search algorithm
in the second case of study. Indeed, SHADE-ILS remains nowadays as one of the most competitive
proposals for large-scale global optimization, and is regularly considered as a baseline for competitions

and benchmarks.
However, as in other research areas related to meta-heuristics, many advances in large-scale global
optimization are regularly contributed to the community, featuring sophisticated ways to infer and exploit
the correlation between variables during the search process (interaction learning). Improving this feature
in large-scale solvers is often the main target of new proposals, either in an implicit fashion (as in

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08 – Reuse learned knowledge

- Towards Modular Learning: evolving
composites of pretrained modules

07 – Include implementation- 01 – Large-scale global optimization

related objectives - Embrace the new advances in this field
- Deployment aspects (complexity, 7 1 for problems related to Deep Learning
explainability, data privacy, prediction

latency…) must be considered 8

06 – Explore alternative
optimization domains Challenges 02 –Evolutionary Multitasking
2 - Automating the exchange of
- Dropout, pruning, activation 6 of Evolutionary
knowledge among Deep Learning
functions … there are more

, ? Deep Learning optimization problems
variables that can be optimized

05 – Exploit problem-specific 03 – Optimization of new
knowledge during the search 5 3 Deep Learning architectures
- Hybrid and memetic algorithms - Reservoir Computing, Spiking
Neural Networks and beyond

04 – Multimodal optimization

re-for Deep Learning ensembles

- Find diverse Deep Learning models

Figure 7: Challenges and research directions envisioned for Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence for the optimization
of Deep Learning models.

Estimation of Distribution Algorithms, and Bayesian Optimization) or explicitly via grouping, statistical
correlation-based methods, decomposition or other assorted means [293].
Unfortunately, our analysis has revealed that most works related to trainable parameter optimization
have resorted to off-the-shelf variants of bio-inspired solvers. Consequently, no consideration is made about
the interactions between variables (weights, biases) that are known to occur due to the neural connections
throughout the multiple neural layers. This motivates a closer look to be taken at new advances in large-
scale global optimization, for both single- and multi-objective optimization problems [294]. Given the
upsurge of Deep Learning problems in which more than one objective is established [59, 62, 61, 295, 296],

the use of multi-objective solvers for large-scale optimization seems to be a natural choice.

9.2. Evolutionary multitasking

An interesting research area has revolved lately around the design of evolutionary multitasking
algorithms capable of simultaneously addressing several optimization problems within a unique search
process that exploits the complementarities and synergies existing among such problems [297]. The
challenge in this area is to develop intelligent optimization methods that not only promote the exchange of
knowledge among candidate solutions corresponding to related problems, but also prevents the convergence
of the search from being affected by counterproductive knowledge transfers among unrelated tasks.

When framed within the current study, the adoption of large-scale evolutionary multitasking to optimize
simultaneously different Deep Learning models can boost even further the possibilities foreseen for the
intersection between Transfer Learning and bio-inspired optimization. For instance, the transfer of
pretrained modules between tasks can be conceived as a crossover strategy between networks partially
evolved for undertaking different tasks. Similarly, the exchange of the parameters values between Deep

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Learning models can be also automated via evolutionary multitasking towards evolving behavioral policies
for different reinforcement learning tasks [262]. Evolutionary multitasking has been also used to achieve
modular network topologies [298]. The relative youth and promising results shown by evolutionary
multitasking techniques are a sign of objective evidence that optimization problems related to Deep
Learning should be explored via these techniques, e.g. by leveraging the straightforward exchange of
knowledge among networks allowed by their hierarchically layered structure. Furthermore, developments
in multi-objective evolutionary multi-tasking [299, 300, 301] open up further opportunities towards

considering other objectives beyond accuracy of relevance for Deep Learning, such as the complexity of
evolved topologies.

9.3. Optimization of new Deep Learning architectures

Most of the reviewed literature on bio-inspired algorithms for Deep Learning has focused on traditional

forms of neural computation, including convolutional filters and recurrent units. However, this major
activity has set apart the optimization of other neural network flavors, for which Deep (multi-layered)
versions have been proposed over the years. Such alternative deep architectures have fewer optimization
variables, hence favoring the use of naive bio-inspired solvers for the different problems that can be
formulated on them.
One of such neural families is Reservoir Computing, which comprises a number of recurrent neural
networks where only the parameters of the output layer (the readout layer) are learned. The parameters of
the rest of recurrent neurons (the reservoir) are randomly initialized subject to some stability constraints,
and kept fixed while the readout layer is trained [302]. Some works have been reported in the last couple
of years dealing with the optimization of Reservoir Computing models, such as the composition of the
reservoir, connectivity and hierarchical structure of Echo State Networks via Genetic Algorithms [303], or
the structural hyper-parameter optimization of Liquid State Machines [304, 305] and Echo State Networks
[306] using an adapted version of the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) solver.
The relatively recent advent of Deep versions of Reservoir Computing models [307] unfolds an interesting
research playground over which to propose new bio-inspired solvers for topology and hyper-parameter
Despite more scarcely, optimization problems related other families of neural computation models
have also been approached via Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence. The most remarkable
case is the family of Spiking Neural Networks, in which topology and structural hyper-parameters have
been addressed by means of different bio-inspired solvers [308, 309]. Training of synapses in spiking
neural architectures has been also tackled in [310, 311]. We fully concur with the prospects outlined in
the recent overview on training methods for Spiking Neural Networks [312]: efficient large-scale training
methods should be investigated for new variants of these models, such as spiking deep belief networks and

spiking convolutional neural networks.

9.4. Multimodal optimization for Deep Learning ensembles

Another interesting research path stems from the adoption of niching methods used in bio-inspired
algorithms for multi-modal problems for the construction of Deep Learning ensembles (also referred to
as committees. Indeed, the evolved population of candidate networks can be employed to retain near-
optimal yet diverse Deep Learning model configurations. Such a diversity can emerge from different
evolved topologies and/or values of their (hyper-)parameters. Such retained network configurations can be

assembled into a committee, allowing for a robust fusion of their issued decisions.
Work in this direction has been published recently in [313], where a niching mechanism is used to
penalize individuals that are more similar to others in the population are penalized. Network configurations
remaining in the population after the search are then combined together via majority voting, showing a
significant improvement in performance with respect to the use of a single evolved Deep Learning model.
Multi-modal optimization methods can also be combined with diversity induction techniques (e.g. Novelty

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Search [314]) to promote an efficient exploration and discovery of multiple global optima over strongly
multi-modal search spaces, just like the ones known to characterize Deep Learning optimization problems.

9.5. Exploitation of problem-specific knowledge during the search

In light of our experiments, we believe that the research community working on bio-inspired optimiza-
tion should go memetic and exploit the rich structural properties of neural networks when designing new
algorithmic approaches for any of the problems related to Deep Learning. A diversity of strategies can

be followed for this purpose, from simplest layer-wise search schedules as the ones proposed in Case of
Study I, to more sophisticated means like iterating between meta-heuristic and gradient-based search, or
the use of similarity measures between neural layers [315] for controlling the behavior of search operators
in topology and/or structural hyper-parameter optimization.
By blending together the global search capabilities of bio-inspired meta-heuristics and the problem-

specific knowledge embedded in e.g. back-propagated gradients, a major performance improvement
can be obtained over the optimization domains (structure, hyper-parameters, trainable parameters) under
consideration, effectively overcoming known issues of gradient back-propagation approaches, such as
exploding/vanishing gradients that lead to slow convergence. This is actually the approach followed in
[30], yet validated with small network sizes. Another problem-specific aspect hybridized with bio-inspired
algorithms can be found in [28]. In this work, the need for inducing curiosity in reinforcement learning
models (specially in environments with sparse rewards) is realized by not driving the search of the learning
agent with the reward objective, but rather with a measure of the behavioral novelty of the resulting policy.
Other examples of hybrid methods are [316, 317, 225, 223].
This can be conceived as another example of the importance of considering the particularities of the
learning problem in the design of bio-inspired algorithms. We firmly advocate for more proposals along
this direction when addressing optimization problems in Deep Learning.

9.6. Exploration of alternative optimization domains

The taxonomy around which our literature analysis has been organized considers three possible
optimization domains on which a problem related to Deep Learning can be formulated: 1) topological
variables, namely, the number and type of layers that compose the model; 2) hyper-parameters, which
establish the details of the layers (structural hyper-parameters) and the optimization algorithm chosen
for training the model (training hyper-parameters); and 3) trainable parameters (weights and biases).
This threefold categorization collectively reflects most contributions reported to date in this research
area. However, there are more optimization domains related to Deep Learning that can be tackled with
bio-inspired solvers. One of them is pruning, e.g. the selective removal of connections among neurons
for different purposes, from regularization against overfitting to a lower computational burden of gradient

back-propagation solvers. Different pruning strategies can be developed to select which connections to
drop at every layer of the Deep Learning model, which have been reviewed in recent comprehensive
surveys on this topic [318, 319]. To the best of our knowledge, the use of Evolutionary Computation and
Swarm Intelligence for neural pruning has been only done at the level of optimizing the dropout policy of
the network [69]. When turning the focus on more fine-grained pruning strategies, large-scale optimization
algorithms can be used to determine the subset of neural connections that must be discarded to achieve
a good trade-off between generalization performance and network compactness. Recent findings in the
application of genetic algorithms to convolutional channel selection [320] should be followed by further

studies evaluating the scales at which network pruning with meta-heuristics can be realized. Besides
pruning, other forms of network compression can surely benefit from the application of meta-heuristic
algorithms, such as parameter quantization and sharing between layers or structures [321].
Other optimization domains for which Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence methods
can be applied include the tailored design of activation functions [198], or the fusion of decisions issued

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within Deep Learning ensembles [108]. Definitely, these problems and other ones still to be proposed lay
a magnificent panorama for bio-inspired optimization.

9.7. Inclusion of multiple implementation-related objectives

When evolving Deep Learning models, objectives and constraints related to the application scenario
on which they are to be deployed should be considered in the optimization problem. For instance,
many software libraries and embedded electronic chips can be found nowadays in the market for the

implementation and execution of neural network models in constrained computing devices, such as Internet
of Things (IoT) sensors [322]. Likewise, real-world applications such as autonomous vehicular driving,
remote precision surgery or wearable sensors restrict severely which Deep Learning models can be rolled
out in their equipment. This suggests that a closer look should be taken at the complexity of evolved Deep
Learning models during the optimization of their topology and hyper-parameters, among other domains.

A similar elaboration can be also made in regards to the progressive maturity of new paradigms such
as Federated Learning [323] and Edge Computing [324]. In these paradigms not only local models lack
the amount of computational resources needed to run complex Deep Learning models, but also additional
objectives are imposed. Efficient (incremental) training algorithms, energy consumed by the model [325],
data privacy preservation [326, 327], robustness against adversarial attacks [328], or the explainability
and accountability of decisions [15] are some illustrative examples of the eventual confluence of multiple
implementation-related objectives in Deep Learning optimization. However, these factors are rarely taken
into account in current approaches for evolving Deep Learning models. Most of them rely just on accuracy
or any other measure of predictive performance.
This being said, Deep Learning models should be evolved by considering together several objectives
and constraints as the ones exemplified above. To this end, we foresee that bio-inspired algorithms for
multi-objective optimization [329] can play a differential role in the future of Deep Learning. This branch
of bio-inspired optimization, along with techniques devised to handle constraints during the search [330],
can catalyze the practical deployment of Deep Learning models by addressing the improvement of the
model’s generalization performance together with implementation-related objectives and constraints.
9.8. Reuse of learned knowledge: towards modular learning
The reutilization of pretrained modules between models corresponding to related learning tasks is
at the core of Transfer Learning [331], whose most straightforward strategy is to reuse parts of a model
developed for a task as the starting point for a model devised for another task. Such parts are often
conceived as structural fragments of the network, particularly those capturing high-level features from the
input to the Deep Learning model. Features corresponding to those parts are more easily reusable among
tasks due to their high-level nature. In image classification, for instance, features learned by the first layers

of the network are borders and broad shapes that could be of help for many different tasks. Therefore, it
is intuitive to think that the output of such layers can be of help in other tasks for which annotated data
instances are scarce.
The availability of Deep Learning models trained on different datasets and the effectiveness of just
transferring layers between models corresponding to different tasks suggest a very interesting research
path: expanding further the search space of topology and structural hyper-parameter search to also consider
pretrained modules. The inclusion of such modules in the alphabet of possible layers could yield a major
boost of Deep Learning models, specially for those cases with few labeled data. Furthermore, the flexibility

of bio-inspired algorithms when designing the encoding strategy that represents networks during the search
could allow achieving finer levels of granularity in the knowledge imported from such pretrained modules,
to the scales of convolutional filters or recurrent units. A higher level of reuse can be achieved in the
future with the consideration of meta-learning, namely, Several studies [300, 301, 302, 303] combine
meta-learning and NAS to solve this problem.

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There is a great opportunity to bring together transfer learning and topology/structural hyper-parameter
optimization around the same goal: to evolve and discover Deep Learning models of superior performance.

10. Conclusions and Outlook

This paper has presented a comprehensive and critical review on the use of Evolutionary Computation
and Swarm Intelligence approaches to the topological, hyper-parametric and/or trainable parameter

optimization of Deep Learning models. As we have previously indicated, the paper is focused on three axes:
a) definition of optimization problems in Deep Learning and taxonomy; b) a critical methodological analysis
of the related literature and two cases of study, allowing to prescribe learned lessons and recommendations
for good practices; and c) an enumeration of challenges and new directions of research. We highlight
the aforementioned two cases of study, providing factual results on the performance of bio-inspired

optimization algorithms when applied to the architectural design, hyper-parameter tuning and training of
Deep Learning models.
Our elaborations made throughout these three axes have yielded informed conclusions and insights
about the four fundamental questions posed in the introduction, which round up the critical review of
the field targeted in this overview. We synthesize below our responses to such questions, in the form of
reflections stemming from the aforementioned axes:

1. Why are bio-inspired algorithms of interest for the optimization of Deep Learning models?
The increased scales and diversity of neural layers of modern Deep Learning approaches have lately
reactivated the global interest in Deep Learning optimization with bio-inspired algorithms, as a means
to automate efficiently the processes of designing their topology, tuning their hyper-parameters and
learning their parameters. Such processes can be formulated as complex optimization problems,
motivating the adoption of bio-inspired algorithms for solving them efficiently. Furthermore, the
renowned global search capability of Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence methods
makes them a suitable choice to deal with complex search spaces as those characterizing Deep Learning
problems. Finally, the flexibility of bio-inspired solvers to be hybridized with problem-specific search
methods is another reason supporting the hypothesis that Deep Learning optimization can largely
benefit from them.
In conclusion, we observe solid grounds for this synergistic fusion of technologies, which has so
far stimulated the community to tackle optimization problems in Deep Learning using bio-inspired
algorithms. However, we recognize that this fusion has not yet achieved results that are truly a
step forward in terms of quality and objective achievement. This is still a lost race of bio-inspired

optimization algorithms with respect to gradient-based solvers, which remain as the horse at the head
of the race.

2. How should research studies falling in the intersection between bio-inspired optimization and Deep
Learning be made?
Our discussion on the results obtained in our cases of study suggest that bio-inspired algorithms can be
used for topological and/or hyper-parameter optimization, yet performing worse than other methods
when comparisons are fair in terms of search space and complexity. Furthermore, our experiments
have also revealed that even competitive bio-inspired solvers for large-scale global optimization are

outperformed by conventional gradient-based solvers for trainable parameter optimization. These

results, along with several issues detected in the literature (most notably, the unrealistic scales of the
evolved model and the dataset/task under consideration), support our claims that there is a large space
for improvement in this research area.

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On a prescriptive note, we have identified several learned lessons and recommendations that trace how
research should be done to reach solid conclusions and sound achievements. We highlight below the
most relevant ones:
• Good methodological practices when designing experiments and benchmarks between different
solvers, including realistic datasets and models, fairness in terms of computational complexity,
assessment of the significance between performance gaps and reported performance scores over test
instances, among others.

• A closer attention at encoding strategies for topology optimization that account for the validity of the
composition of layers that they represent.
• A clear definition of the variable search ranges in structural and training hyper-parameter optimization,
so that differences emerging between solvers can be attributed exclusively to their search efficiency.

• The exploitation of problem-specific knowledge in trainable parameter optimization: the interactions
between trainable parameters imposed by the hierarchical structure of neural connections should be
exploited further by bio-inspired solvers for them to step out from the shadows of their application to
the training of Deep Learning models.

3. What can be done in future investigations on this topic?

In this regard we have underscored the need for overcoming the computational inefficiency observed in
current bio-inspired optimization algorithms with respect to gradient-based solvers. It is known that

these latter solvers have also their own drawbacks: they require differentiable loss formulations, they
are sensitive to vanishing and exploding gradients and they are prone to local optima in non-convex
search spaces. There are well-founded reasons why bio-inspired solvers can be a firm alternative
to gradient-based methods, but more efficient designs and/or better performing implementations of
bio-inspired approaches should be under active investigation in the future for them to become a practical
choice for Deep Learning model training.
We have also stressed on other subareas in Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence of
utmost interest for their application to Deep Learning optimization. Large-scale global optimization for
training Deep Learning models of realistic complexity, or multi-modal optimization for the automated
construction of Deep Learning ensembles, are just a few examples of the myriad of research niches
in bio-inspired optimization that have not been explored yet. Evolutionary multitasking is another
interesting direction to follow when approaching several Deep Learning optimization problems at the
same time, mostly when such problems are related to each other and share a significant degree of
overlap in their solutions (as occurs in transfer learning). Finally, optimization problems formulated

on alternative Deep Learning models seem to have received less attention to date, and unleash further
opportunities for bio-inspired optimization.
An additional research direction in this fusion of technologies has been identified in the existence of
other variables and domains in which optimization problems can be formulated. Ensemble construction,
network pruning or selective dropout strategies can also be described as optimization problems, favoring
the adoption of bio-inspired optimization algorithms for their efficient solving.

4. What should future research efforts be conducted for?


There is a strong incentive for which Deep Learning optimization should be approached via bio-
inspired algorithms in the future: the consideration of additional objectives and constraints linked to the
application scenario on which the model is to be deployed. Aspects such as the available computational
resources, the need for periodically updating the model, or the time taken by the model for issuing a
prediction should be considered during the design of the model for it to be of practical value.

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Furthermore, new paradigms such as Edge Computing, explainable Artificial Intelligence and Federated
Learning have underpinned the need for taking into account other objectives beyond the accuracy
of the model. Aspects such as data privacy preservation, the explainability of decisions issued by
the model, the non-stationary nature of data at the edge, or the complexity of the learning algorithm
can be formulated as additional objectives for the design of the model, impacting on its topology,
hyper-parameter values and other optimization variables.
These arguments, combined with the flexibility of bio-inspired algorithms to deal with multiple

conflicting objectives, can be a primary what for? driver for adopting them to evolve Deep Learning
models in practical settings. Specific scenarios and contexts that require ad-hoc designs to be evaluated
with multiple objectives can and should also open the door to evolutionary Deep Learning models
towards meeting imposed goals in terms of efficiency, performance and other application-related

All in all, we hope that the material and insights given in this work serve as a reference material
for readers willing to arrive at this research area with a clear and thorough understanding of its recent
past, current status, and potential in years to come. There are promising evidences that Evolutionary
Computation and Swarm Intelligence can tackle optimization problems related to Deep Learning, but we
firmly believe that they are not close to maturity, nor do they justify yet the replacement of other solvers
used for the same purposes. Nevertheless, this is the role of research itself: to build upon the shadows of
knowledge and bring light through scientific achievements. This survey has just lit a candle to illuminate
this path through the field of Evolutionary Deep Learning.

Aritz D. Martinez, Esther Villar-Rodriguez, Eneko Osaba and Javier Del Ser acknowledge the funding
support received from the Basque Government through the EMAITEK and ELKARTEK programs (3KIA
project, KK-2020/00049). Javier Del Ser also acknowledges funding support from the Consolidated
Research Group MATHMODE (IT1294-19) granted by the Department of Education of the Basque Gov-
ernment. Siham Tabik, Daniel Molina and Francisco Herrera would like to thank the Spanish Government
for its funding support (SMART-DaSCI project, TIN2017-89517-P), as well as the BBVA Foundation
through its Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Cientı́fica 2018 call (DeepSCOP project).

Appendix A. Deep Learning Models

The spectrum of Deep Learning models is certainly huge nowadays, with new learning variants for

different tasks proposed continuously by the community. In what follows we provide a brief introduction
of the DL models in which Evolutionary Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence methods have been mostly
used for addressing the problems introduced in Section 3.

Deep Boltzman Machines and Deep Belief Nets

Deep Boltzman Machines (DBMs) and Deep Belief Nets (DBNs) are considered as generative proba-
bilistic models comprised by a stacked hierarchy of Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) layers. Unlike
classical Boltzmann Machines, RBMs have no intra-layer connection between nodes, and comprise two

layers of fully-connected neurons (visible and hidden), in charge of learning the probability distribution of
a set of binary-valued inputs. DBMs are constructed as a series of RBMs stacked on top of each other,
whereas DBNs are hybrid models whose interactions are composed of indirect connections at the top
layers (RBM) and downward directed belief nets between the lower ones.
The learning process of DBM and DBN is conducted by a greedy layer-by-layer pre-training approach,
followed by a discriminative fine-tuning process performed by a back-propagation algorithm according

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Bias a h3 h3
w3 w3
h1 h2 h ... hn 2 2
h h
w1,1 wn,m w2 w2
1 1
v1 v...1 vm h h
w1 w1
Bias b v v

(a) (b) (c)

Figure A.1: Architectures of (a) a Restricted Boltzmann Machine; (b) a Deep Boltzman Machine; and (c) a Deep Belief Net.

to labelled data provided in the training set (supervised learning). This procedure modifies the learned

layerwise parameters to ensure the appropriate learning of the labels/desired outputs.
Both DBMs and DBNs have restricted structural topologies. Therefore, the optimization tasks that
have been central for these models relate to the proper selection of structural (number of hidden units)
and training hyper-parameters (training epochs and learning rate, among others). Efficiently tuning these
hyper-parameters has been a subject of intense scientific research over the history of these models, as we
show in our literature study.


Autoencoders (AEs) are composed by two different typically mirror frameworks, named encoder and
decoder, and are deemed as the inspiration behind G models. Briefly explained, the principal goal of AEs
is to learn an encoded representation of their input data. In order to achieve that, the reconstruction error
between the input data and the generated output is minimized by making the encoder create condensed
low-dimensional data abstractions such that, when decoded, the original input is reconstructed with high
fidelity. This process assist the model to learn critical and latent features present in the data. Thus, AEs are
composed by four core parts:
• Encoder: in charge of projecting high-dimensional data down to a subspace of encoded representation.
• Bottleneck: the most compressed representation of the input data.
• Decoder: the model learns the process for the reconstruction of the data.

• Reconstruction Loss: responsible for assessing the adequacy of the solutions offered by the decoder,
measuring how close the output is regarding the input data.


Encoder Decoder

Ideally they are identical Reconstructed

Input Data

Figure A.2: Architecture of a basic autoencoder

It is remarkable that a wide variety of AEs can be found along the literature, such as Convolutional,
Variational or Denoising AEs, among many other approaches. Having each of them their specific char-
acteristics and optimizable hyper-parameters. In all of them, the main structural hyper-parameter is

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the size of the bottleneck, also known as latent space size. Nevertheless, the fact that they have two
separated networks to optimize, makes AEs attractive for topology optimization (Problem 1). Although the
topological architectures of encoder and decoder parts are mirrored, they can be optimized on their own,
as well as their connection patters. In terms of training, the AE is trained using gradient back-propagation.
As such, a fully or partially substitution of the algorithm can be performed (Problems 3 and 4 defined in
Section 3).

Convolutional Neural Networks
Commonly employed to to deal with pattern extraction from images and videos, Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs) imitate the behavior of the visual cortex when processing images ([332, 333]) by laying
out, in their simplest architectures, a hierarchical set of convolutional and pooling layers. Convolutional
layers allow for an spatial analysis of their input data by applying a sliding dot product between the input

tensor and a set of filters (also referred to as kernels), which transforms the input tensor into a feature map.
Pooling layers perform a spatial downscaling on its input tensor, making the model less sensitive to small
variations and achieving better generalization properties of the overall model.
Convolution Pooling Convolution Pooling Fully connected Output


Figure A.3: Architecture of a Convolutional Neural Network.

CNNs unleash a rich background for optimization due to the variety of layers composing their
architecture. Indeed, there are multiple structural hyper-parameters related to those layers, such as kernel
size, padding size or number of filters in convolutional layers, or pool size and stride number in pooling
layers, among others. CNNs are also suitable for topological optimization tasks, with the selection of
layer types or the optimization of connection patterns among layers as the ones mostly addressed in the
literature. The number of neurons/filters to allocate at each layer is considered as structural hyper-parameter
optimization. Finally, the training optimization task related to CNNs is to substitute the conventionally
used gradient back-propagation based solver by a meta-heuristic algorithm.

Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) allow to learn from the relationship between items in sequence
data, and are therefore typically used in speech and handwriting recognition, time series forecasting,
natural language processing and video processing. RNNs are constructed as rolled neural networks with
an internal state called memory, which allows processing inputs of variable length, as well as previous
predictions to be used as inputs for subsequent predictions steps over the input sequence. Designed as
blocks of memory cells, they internally comprise a repeated neural network comprising two core elements:
a hidden state and gates. Information flows through the cells, with gates regulating which portion of the
input information should be thrown away or kept (forget gate), retained in the cell’s memory (input gate),

and revealed to the cell’s output (output gate).

This is indeed the working mechanism underneath two of the most renowned RNN variants to date:
Long Short-Term Memory units (LSTMs) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs). These two RNN models
emerged as a workaround to the vanishing gradient problem faced by traditional RNNs. The most
remarkable difference between simple RNNs and LSTMs/GRUs is that the latter incorporate a mechanism

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ht-1 x +
ot Ct-1 x + Ct
tanh x x
x σ σ tanh

σ σ tanh σ
RNN ht-1 GRU

xt xt xt

Figure A.4: RNN, LSTM and GRU architectures

able to keep information along the units (temporally), letting the output at t − 1 influence on the result at

instant t. On the other hand, the main difference between GRUs and LSTMs is that LSTMs provides more
flexibility in the control of the information flowing through the cell, by virtue of its internal cell state. On
the contrary, GRU cells provide less control as they couple forget and input gates, but as a result have less
parameters to be trained. Therefore, GRUs can be seen as a simplified version of LSTM cells.
The performance of recurrent neural networks is closely related to the number of units taking part
in the recursive connection. Because of their restricted architecture, the main task for this networks is
the optimization of the number of hidden units (topology optimization, problem 1 in Section 3). As
noted in the literature analysis, dropout and recurrent dropout rates are also often optimized in recurrent
architectures (structural hyper-parameter optimization, problem 2).

Generative Adversarial Networks re-

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANS) were introduced by Goodfellow et al. in [11]. They are
essentially two neural networks trying to beat each other, consequently progressing as per their opposite
respective goals: a discriminator network, whose main objective is the classification of the input data and
the evaluation of its authenticity; and a generator network, in charge of producing realistic synthetic data.
The generator network attempts at “fooling” the discriminator network by generating new data instances
increasingly closer to the genuine ones, whereas the discriminator aims at detecting whether the output
of the discriminator is real or fake, progressively becoming more competent in this detection task. A
schematic diagram of a typical GAN is depicted in Figure A.5.a.
Real data

Agent Environment

Real Policy π ϑ(s,a)
Data Fake
Generator reward

Noise Vector New Observation

(a) (b)

Figure A.5: General architecture of (a) a Generative Adversarial Network; and (b) a Deep Reinforcement Learning model.

Like CNNs, GAN architectures present a vast variety of optimization problems. Nevertheless, all of
them are very similar to those of CNNs and RNNs described previously in this section. Depending on the
nature of the data under consideration, both discriminator and generator may include convolutional and/or
recurrent layers, thereby exposing the same need for optimizing the topology, hyper-parameters and/or
trainable parameters of CNNs and RNNs.

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Deep Reinforcement Learning

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is considered as an special case due to the amount of contributions
in the field. It is not considered a model architecture, but rather a different learning paradigm in which the
output of the Deep Learning model defines how an agent should interact with an environment. In general
terms, the modules involved in a DRL approach are:
• Environment, namely, a scenario/asset/system modeled in a way that a human can interact with them

through several variables. Upon the application of certain actions, the environment feeds the agent with
observations, and evaluates the actions taken by the agent returning a value of reward.
• Agent, which embodies a policy that maps observations to actions. In the specific formulation of Deep
Reinforcement Learning, the policy itself is intrinsically encoded in the parameters of a Deep Learning
model, which is designed to take the action that maximizes the reward given a specific observation from

the environment.
The general architecture of this kind of approaches is illustrated in Figure A.5.b. Within the field of
DRL many type of approaches are covered, from MLP to RNN, Dueling or Multiagent environments,
which have been demonstrated to get good results when they are combined with meta-heuristic algorithms
[42, 27, 41]. Besides the discussed architectural and topological hyper-parameters that depend on the
model that is adopted in the DQL approach (e.g. CNN, RNN or LSTM), the environment information is
also susceptible to be manipulated to decrease the complexity, or to try to make the learning procedure
computationally affordable.
Appendix B. Bio-inspired Optimization: Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence

The need for search algorithms capable of efficiently dealing with the optimization problems arising
from Deep Learning has stimulated an upsurge of literature proposing different solvers for this purpose. We
now provide a brief overview of the optimization research area, with a focus on meta-heuristic algorithms
that are inspired by biological sources of inspiration. For a more detailed overview of developments and
prospects in this research area we refer to recent comprehensive reviews in [269, 334].
As shown in the taxonomy of Figure B.1, optimization methods can be first grouped in three categories:
exact methods, heuristics and meta-heuristics. Exact methods are those that always solve an optimization
problem to optimality, either by exploring the entire space of solutions or by taking advantage of specific
characteristics of the problem at hand (e.g. linearity, convexity). On the other hand, a heuristic search
algorithm addresses a given optimization problem by resorting to knowledge related to the domain where
the problem is formulated. By exploiting this domain-specific information in its search algorithm, a

heuristic explores the space of feasible solutions efficiently, intensifying the search around the most
promising areas as per the objective(s) under consideration. Finally, the third category corresponds to
meta-heuristics, which lie at the core of this study.
Briefly explained, a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm solves a problem using only general in-
formation and knowledge common to a wide variety of problems with similar characteristics [335].
Meta-heuristic algorithms explore the solution space by progressively learning how candidate solutions
should be modified towards optimality, with the aim of reaching increasingly promising results disregarding
the characteristics of the problem being tackled. Given their self-learning nature and their abstraction from

the problem itself, meta-heuristic approaches are well-suited to deal with real-world problems featuring
complex search spaces and even non-analytically defined objectives/constraints. This is in fact the reason
why meta-heuristics have taken a prominent role when addressing the optimization problems underneath
Deep Learning.
Deeper into the taxonomy of Figure B.1, meta-heuristics can be further divided into different groups
depending on several criteria. To begin with, we can distinguish between 1) single-point (also referred

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Exact methods Heuristics Meta-heuristics

Inspiration? Structure? Behavior?

Evolutionary Swarm Hybrid Single-point Differential vector Solution

Computation Intelligence methods (trajectory) movement creation

Genetic Movement Foraging Tabu Search, Single Multi- Multi-agent Differential Differential Differential
population population Creation by Creation by
Algorithm, Simulated vector as a vector as a vector as a combination stigmergy
Differential Ant Colony Annealing, function of the function of function of a
Evolution, Particle Swarm Iterated Local Genetic Imperialist Ant Colony
Optimization, Optimization entire representative group of
Evolution Search, Algorithm, Competitive Optimization, population solutions solutions Genetic Ant Colony
Artificial Bee Variable Differential Algorithm, Particle Algorithm,
Strategies, Optimization,
Coral Reefs Colony Neighborhood Evolution, Parallel Swarm Evolution
Firefly Bee System,
Optimization Search Evolution Genetic Optimization, Particle Cu�lefish Strategies, Intelligent
Strategies Algorithm, Artificial Bee Algorithm, Swarm Algorithm, Cuckoo
Gravitational Water Drops
Distributed Colon Optimization, Monarch Search
Evolutionary Search Differential Bu�erfly
Algorithm Algorithm Evolution


Figure B.1: Taxonomy of optimization algorithms, with a focus on meta-heuristic optimization algorithms as per the different criteria
under which they can be classified. Some examples of algorithms are also given. For a further insight into nature and bio-inspired
optimization approaches we encourage the reader to the extensive review in [334].

to as trajectory-based) meta-heuristic methods, which rely on the progressive improvement of a single

solution to the problem by exploring its neighborhood under a set of movement operators (as in e.g. Tabu
Search, TS [336] or Simulated Annealing, SA [337]; and 2) population-based techniques, which maintain
a set of possible solutions of the problem that interact with each other towards producing new solutions
of increased quality (e.g. Genetic Algorithm, GA [338, 339], Ant Colony Optimization, ACO [340] or
Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO [341]). This last category can be broken down in 2.1) multi-population
techniques, where the population is divided into different that evolve separately, exchanging information
periodically (for instance, the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm [342]); 2.2) multi-agent methods, whose
population is composed by multiple diverse agents with different roles that interact with each other towards
optimality (e.g. Artificial Bee Colony, ABC [343]); and 2.3) single-population approaches, such as the
aforementioned GA. At the same time, meta-heuristics can also be divided as per its search behavior,
yielding A) differential vector movement based methods, which rely on the computation of a differential
vector to move from a reference solution towards a new candidate; and B) solution creation based methods,
which generate new solutions to explore the search space instead of moving existing ones. Other criteria
can be adopted for organizing the enormous corpus of literature related to optimization meta-heuristics,
such as the support of the optimization variables of problems that can be tackled by the meta-heuristic at
hand (discrete/continuous/mixed), the scope of the search (global/local), or the stochastic/deterministic

nature of their search operators, among others.

Among these criteria, the inspiration underneath the search algorithm itself has sprung a vast area
of research widely known as bio-inspired optimization [344]. Over the last decades, a manifold of
behavioral patterns observed in biological systems have been emulated to yield intelligent algorithms
capable of mimicking the learning and adaptation capabilities of such biological systems to address
complex computational problems. Therefore, a bio-inspired meta-heuristic algorithm can be categorized
as such if its main search strategy gets partially or fully inspired by biological phenomena, such as the
evolution of species, the echolocation of bats or the foraging behavior of ant colonies. A plethora of
inspiring metaphors can be found nowadays in contributions dealing with new bio-inspired optimization

algorithms, not without an ongoing controversy on the value of the metaphor itself for the novelty and
scientific soundness of the reported methods [269].
Leaving such disputes aside, a research trend that has so far endured over the years is the hybridization
of bio-inspired algorithms with problem-specific local search methods. The main reason behind this
practice is to exploit the advantages of bio-inspired solvers, and to overcome their disadvantages when

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dealing with problems for which ad-hoc heuristics can be developed and inserted into the overall search
process. Arguably, Memetic Algorithms [345] capitalize on this principle, with many application domains
having so far harnessed this synergy between global and local search algorithms [346]. As highlighted
in the prospective part of this survey, the incorporation of domain-based knowledge in the design of
bio-inspired optimization algorithms can play a central role in the future when it comes to the intersection
between Deep Learning and bio-inspired optimization.


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Journal Pre-proof

Manuscript Number: INFFUS-D-20-00441  

Title: “Lights and Shadows in Evolutionary Deep Learning: Taxonomy, Critical Methodological
Analysis, Cases of Study, Learned Lessons, Recommendations and Challenges”

Aritz D. Martinez: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Software, Writing - Original

Draft. Javier Del Ser: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Validation, Supervision,
Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Funding acquisition. Esther Villar-Rodriguez:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - Original Draft. Eneko Osaba: Methodology, Investigation,
Writing - Original Draft. Javier Poyatos: Methodology, Software, Writing - Original Draft. Siham

Tabik: Methodology, Validation, Supervision, Writing - Review & Editing. Daniel Molina:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Writing - Review & Editing. Francisco Herrera:
Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing - Review & Editing, Funding acquisition.

Journal Pre-proof

Cover Letter and Conflict of Interest

Information Fusion

Dear Editor,

Please find attached our revised manuscript entitled “Lights and Shadows
in Evolutionary Deep Learning: Taxonomy, Critical Methodological
Analysis, Cases of Study, Learned Lessons, Recommendations and
Challenges”, by Aritz D. Martinez, Javier Del Ser, Esther Villar-Rodriguez,

Eneko Osaba, Javier Poyatos, Siham Tabik, Daniel Molina, and Francisco
Herrera, submitted in second review round for its consideration and eventual
publication in the Information Fusion journal.

This manuscript is the authors' original work and has not been published nor
has it been submitted simultaneously elsewhere. All authors have checked
the manuscript and have agreed to the submission.

In addition, the authors confirm that there is no conflict of interest in the

realization and submission of this work.
We remain at your disposal for any matter related to this submission.

Kind regards,

Javier Del Ser

(on behalf of the rest of authors)

Javier Del Ser, PhD, SMIEEE
Research Professor, TECNALIA

Adjunct Professor, UPV/EHU

E //
P // +34 664 113 013
A // P. Tecnologico, Ed. 700 48170 Zamudio, Bizkaia
W //

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