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Sleeping Wyrm

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"The Sleeping Wyrm"

Artur Kurasiński

Quick notes
"The Sleeping Wyrm" is a short inspiration for adventure which we made for our Patrons.

Support The Creator on Patreon

This adventure was created by a network of talented artists.
Be sure to support all of us on Patreon

Concept & story: Artur Kurasiński
Writer & Designer: Janek Sielicki
Cover Illustrator:
Maps: Spellarena

I would like to thank my wonderful colleagues and friends for so many years of playing together:
Marcin Sawicki, Filip Haka, Michał Bukowski, Kamil Sawicki, Henryk Michalewski, Tomasz
Bykowski and Artur Nurzyński. Thank you guys!
The Sleeping Wyrm

his adventure seed is designed as a short side trek story and it works best with the Spellarena map of a
frozen lake. It is system-agnostic and can be used within different fantasy settings, from heroic adventures
such as Forgotten Realms, 7th Sea, or darker worlds e.g. Hyperborea (Conan 2d20) or Warhammer. It
should also work well with the Witcher RPG. With some reskinning, the spine of the story can be adapted
for modern fantasy games, such as Shadowrun or Dresden.

A recent earthquake revealed a frozen lake in the mountains, with a dead dragon locked in the ice.
Where there is a dragon, there must be a hoard! Now intrepid adventurers flock into the area, searching for the
wyrm’s lair and the riches within. Below you’ll find information about several such groups, their leaders, and their
As their goals often conflict, the party has to decide whom to support and how to play them against each other. The
party may be a separate goal (for example, searching for a powerful magical item supposedly located in the dragon’s
hoard) or they might work for one of the other groups.
Each group set up on a different islet or the banks of the lake, wary of each other but superficially polite and civil.

The Explorers
Dragon Cultists
Depending on your setting, they might hide among other
groups, quietly working to resurrect the dragon, or
openly worship the monster. They might be harmless
lunatics or a sinister conspiracy who will use the others’
gold fever to their advantage.
Sir Adelaine
A knight sent by the land’s ruler to recover the treasure
for the throne. The ruler has been warring with a
neighbor and the gold might fuel another campaign.
However, Adelaine is tired of the war and believes that
maybe the treasure should stay where it is, buried and
Dwarven Clan
Centuries ago the Amell dwarves lost their ancestral
home. According to some legends, a huge white dragon
Iceshear destroyed it and then left, never to be seen
again. Now, the dwarves, led by Kovik Taglitini, claim
that Iceshear died due to the wounds sustained during
the assault on their home and died in the lake.
Therefore, the treasure is rightfully theirs and will help
rebuild the clan.
Titus Vesser, Wizard
A famous writer, explorer, and expert on all things
arrives with a host of students and workers. He isn’t
interested in the treasure, but the dragon’s body. He The adventure has several possible endings, for
believes that cold must have preserved the organs, example:
which he can utilize for his Art (or sell).r-warriors who once the lair has been found, all parties fight over the
keep the beacon lit and protect it. treasure
the treasure is there, but it’s not what everyone
Druids expects
Birdsong and his fellow druids believe that the lake is a another dragon arrives and tries to free its frozen
sacred place, where ley lines come together. Disturbing companion
the location’s delicate balance will bring another the cultists resurrect the dragon
earthquake – one that shall destroy the entire region! all the digging causes another earthquake
Whether it’s true or just a story to get rid of the all of the above!
competition is another thing…
Bank representatives
Extremely well-funded expedition, awash with modern
technology, workers and mercenaries, led by gnome
inventor Meier. He and his bank believe that dragon
treasures hoards are myth and originally, they meant
deposits of precious metals or gems, not literal “piles of
shiny baubles”. Some of his mercenaries might believe
otherwise, though.

Thank you for reading this
adventure seed!
We hope that it has provided you with excitement and allowed you to have a nice
This adventure was created by Spellarena with the support of our patrons.
Spellarena is a collective of DMs, game designers and artists passionate about
RPGs who enjoy creating all kinds of content for fantasy settings.
We play and love RPGs as much as you do. On our Patreon you can find all
the battlemaps and tokens we make for tabletop gaming with the focus on
virtual tabletop content (like Roll20).
You can use our maps and tokens with any system you want (such as
Dungeons & Dragons 5e) and easily fit them into any campaign you might need
them for.
Patrons have access to higher resolution files, non-watermarked and with
optional backgrounds, and can influence item creation and balance before the
maps are seen anywhere else online through the community Discord server.
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