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PruBSN AnugerahPlus

Specially prepared for:

Nur Anis Farhah Binti Ahmad Afandi


Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (''PruBSN'') is a takaful operator registered under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and is
regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

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Quotation for Nur Anis Farhah Binti Ahmad Afandi
PruBSN AnugerahPlus


(Read this Product Disclosure Sheet before you decide to take out
PruBSN AnugerahPlus. Be sure to also read the general terms PruBSN AnugerahPlus
and conditions.) 19/01/2023

1. What is this product about?

This is a regular contribution term takaful plan that provides takaful cover for 37 years. It pays a lump sum death benefit if the Covered Person dies
during the term of the certificate. This benefit also covers TPD during the term of the certificate up to age 70.

2. What are the accounts applicable?

We will set up the following accounts for you:

Individual Special Account (ISA) - The account where your Protection Contribution is allocated. We will also pay the distributable surplus and
your portion of the investment profit from the ISA into this account.
Investment Unit Account (IUA) - The account where the amount from the Investment Contribution and single contribution top-up will be used
to purchase units in any of our Takafulink Funds for investment purpose.

3. What are the Shariah concept applicable?

Ta`awun - means an arrangement to help one another on the basis of mutual assistance. Takaful is premised on the concept of Ta`awun as
defined under the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 which states that takaful is an arrangement based on mutual assistance under which
takaful participants agree to contribute to a common fund providing for mutual financial benefits payable to the takaful participants or their
beneficiaries on the occurrence of pre-agreed events. In light of the foregoing, the contributions that are placed and pooled together into a
common fund i.e. Tabarru` fund (a fund that is collectively owned by the participants) is Tabarru`at (charitable) in nature.
Wakalah bi al-ujrah - An arrangement appointing PruBSN to manage the overall services provided under your takaful certificate. In return for
the service, we are entitled to Wakalah Charges. In addition to the Wakalah Charges, PruBSN is also entitled to performance fee on the
distributable surplus from the Tabarru` fund.
Mudarabah - An arrangement allowing us to invest your funds from ISA where any profit from such investments will be shared between you
and PruBSN according to a fixed profit sharing ratio. The principal as well as the investment returns are not guaranteed.
Sadaqah - denotes a voluntary offering to benefit another. This donation or charity arrangement is applicable for the Ihsan rider where a defined
portion of your contribution will be channeled into PruBSN Jariyah Fund to fund the Microtakaful plan contribution of the recipient who is the
poor and the hardcore poor.
Hibah - a gift without any consideration. Under this plan, PruBSN will provide EduAchieve Bonus as Hibah payable from the shareholder's
fund. The Hibah is subject to fulfilment of the conditions as stated in the certificate document.

4. What are the covers / benefits provided?

This certificate covers:

Death - Basic Sum Covered of RM10,000 or the amount in the ISA, whichever is higher; and
Total and Permanent Disability - Sum at Risk, which is the difference between the Basic Sum Covered and the ISA amount.

The table below summarises the benefits that you have selected. Please refer to the relevant Appendices for more information about the benefits of
the basic plan and riders.

Basic Benefits
Death Benefit Basic Sum Covered of RM10,000 or the amount in the ISA, whichever is higher
Total and Permanent Disability Benefit Sum at Risk will be paid. This coverage is up to certificate expiry date or the
certificate anniversary date of the Covered Person's age 70 next birthday, whichever is
(Payment of this benefit will reduce the Basic Sum Covered)
Accidental Benefit
Accidental Protector Plus RM20,000
Accidental Medical Protector RM2,000 until the certificate anniversary date of the Covered Person's age 70 next
birthday or expiry of the certificate, whichever is earlier.
Medical Benefit
Medic Protector Plan 200 with Step up Contibution
Medic Protector option: SmartSaver300

Length of the plan: 37 years or until death of the Covered Person (if death earlier).


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Quotation for Nur Anis Farhah Binti Ahmad Afandi
PruBSN AnugerahPlus

5. How much contribution do I have to pay?

The Total Contribution that you have to pay and the certificate terms may vary depending on the underwriting requirements of PruBSN.
The estimated Total Contribution that you have to pay: RM116.00 Monthly for the first year with the following breakdown.

Individual Special Account (ISA) RM111.00

Wakalah Certificate Charge RM5.00
Total Contribution RM116.00 Monthly

Please refer Product Illustration table for the estimated contribution for each year.
Contribution paid until age 70 next birthday.
It is important that any receipt that you receive should be kept as proof of payment of contributions.
For IUA contributions, if any, we will allocate a portion of the contribution to purchase units in the investment-linked fund(s) that you have
chosen. Any unallocated amount will be used to pay Wakalah charges, which include commissions to agents and other expenses incurred by
PruBSN. You are advised to refer to the allocation rates given in the Product Illustration.

6. What are the deduction and charges I have to pay?

Type Amount
Total Wakalah Charge 6.95% of contribution or RM6,361.20 out of RM91,584.00
The Total Wakalah Charge includes Wakalah Certificate Charge and Upfront Wakalah Charge for all certificate years. Please refer to Product
Illustration for more information on Wakalah Certificate Charge and Upfront Wakalah Charge.
The Tabarru` are deducted monthly from ISA value. The Tabarru` deduction will increase as the Covered Person grows older. Details of the
Tabarru` deduction for the certificate are provided in the Product Illustration.
Other charges are as follows:
(These charges are applicable for IUA only)
Takafulink Dana Bon 0.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Urus 1.30% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Plus 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Income 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Dinasti 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Asset Management Wakalah Charge
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Global 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Dinamik 1.25% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Aktif 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Asia 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Note: Asset Management Charge will be deducted on a daily basis and is reflected in the unit price.
First 4 switches in a certificate year No charge.
Fund Switching Wakalah Charge* Subsequent switch within the same 1% of the amount switched, subject to maximum of RM50
certificate year per switch.
Single Contribution Top-up
RM25 for every top-up.
Wakalah Charge*
Partial Withdrawal Wakalah
RM25 for every request.
1. *These charges are currently waived until electronic transactions are made available. Thereafter, manual requests for additional fund
switching, contribution top-up and partial withdrawal will be subjected to the charges mentioned.
2. Charges are not guaranteed and may be revised by giving you a 90-day written notice before any changes are made.


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Quotation for Nur Anis Farhah Binti Ahmad Afandi
PruBSN AnugerahPlus

7. What are some of the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?

Importance of disclosure - you must disclose all relevant facts such as medical condition and state the Covered Person's age correctly when
answering any question asked by us. If the certificate is intended wholly for personal purposes, you must take reasonable care to disclose any
facts that you know to be relevant to us and not to mislead us. Your duty of disclosure continues until the takaful certificate is issued.
Free-look period - you may cancel your certificate within 15 days after the certificate has been delivered to you. We will refund to you the
amount left in your ISA, the value of your IUA units (if any) that have been allocated at unit price at the next valuation date, your Ihsan
Contribution and any Wakalah Certificate Charge, Tabarru` deduction, and up front Wakalah Charge that have been deducted less any medical
charge incurred by PruBSN.
Cash value - the total value of the amount in your ISA and the value of units in your IUA (if any). This depends on the performance of the ISA
fund and the IUA investment-linked funds selected (if any).
Certificate lapse - the certificate will lapse when the amount in ISA and units in IUA (if any) are insufficient to pay for the Tabarru` and other
charges after the No-Lapse Provision is revoked/expires.
Grace Period - you have a one-month grace period from each contribution due date to pay the contribution for this certificate. The certificate
will remain in force during the grace period. You may refer to certificate document for the definition of contribution due date.
Nomination - you are advised to name a nominee(s) for the takaful certificate to ensure a smooth settlement of claims. You should also ensure
that the nominee(s) is aware of the certificate that you have taken.
No-Lapse Provision - the certificate will not lapse even when your ISA Cash Value of the certificate falls to zero within the first 72 months of
the certificate. The No-Lapse Provision will be revoked if your contribution is not up to date. Subsequently, the certificate shall lapse if there is
insufficient amount to pay for the Tabarru` deduction and charges.
Claims - Please refer to the certificate document to understand the claims procedure.
Waiting period - the eligibility for the benefits under the certificate will only start after the waiting periods below from the effective date of the

Benefit Conditions Waiting

Covered specified illnesses 120 days
All other covered illnesses 30 days
Hajj / Umrah Immunization benefit 365 days
Medical Benefit
Additional Annual Limit for Cancer, Heart Attack & Kidney Failure and Treatment Allowance for 120 days
Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Kidney Dialysis or Post Heart Attack Follow Up
Hospitalisation due to accidents Immediately
All covered conditions Immediately

SmartSaver300 / Full Coverage for medical benefits.

Medic Protector
SmartSaver300 - If SmartSaver300 is selected, you will have to pay the first RM300 of the total costs incurred of an eligible
benefit for any one disability except for Hospital Daily Room & Board, Day Surgery, Outpatient Cancer Treatment, Outpatient
Kidney Dialysis Treatment, Emergency Treatment for Accidental Injury, Treatment Allowance
, Hajj / Umrah Immunization Benefit and Government Hospital Benefit. The remaining eligible balance will be paid by PruBSN,
subject to limits in each plan and terms and conditions as stated in the certificate documents. However, you will enjoy the
contribution / Tabarru` savings by selecting SmartSaver300 in which the savings may be used for investment or other different

Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the certificate document for the terms and conditions under this certificate.


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Quotation for Nur Anis Farhah Binti Ahmad Afandi
PruBSN AnugerahPlus

8. What are the major exclusions under this certificate?

Suicide - if death was due to suicide within one year from the effective date of certificate or the date of certificate revival, whichever is later,
takaful benefit is not payable, whilst the remaining value in the ISA and IUA (if any) is payable.
Total and Permanent Disability benefit is not payable if the disability is directly or indirectly caused by:
(a) attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane; or
(b) committing or attempting to commit a criminal offence by the Covered Person; or
(c) drugs or stimulators abuse, or their complications; or
(d) war or aggressive acts, including invasions, acts of foreign countries, enemy's acts (whether with or without war declaration), civil wars,
insurrections, revolutions, riots, interference by military authorities or usurpation; or
(e) engaging in professional sports, scuba diving, racing of any kind, aerial flights other than as a crew member of or as a fare-paying
passenger on a licensed passenger-carrying commercial aircraft operating on a regular scheduled route or any dangerous activities or
sports (including bungee jumping, hang-gliding, ballooning, parachuting and sky-diving), unless we agree in a special endorsement; or
(f) any pre-existing conditions that were not disclosed to us in relation to the Covered Person's health status; or
(g) any congenital disorder, birth trauma and its residual complications, for a certificate or Annex approved while the Covered Person is still
in the womb.

Note: The above exclusions are for basic plan only. Exclusions for rider(s), if attached to your certificate, please refer to the Appendix under
Product Illustration.
This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the certificate document for the full list of exclusions of the basic plan and on other benefits under this

9. Can I cancel my certificate?

Participating in a family takaful plan is a long-term financial commitment. If you do not pay your contributions within the period we allow, your
protection may cease.
You may cancel your certificate by giving written notice and returning the original certificate document to PruBSN. The cash amount that we will pay
you when you cancel the certificate before it ends will be much lesser than the total amount of contribution that you have paid.

10. What do I need to do if there are changes to my contact details?

It is important that you inform us of any change in your contact details to ensure that all correspondences reach you in a timely manner.

11. Where can I get further information?

If you have any enquiries or require additional information about family takaful, please contact your servicing agent or our customer service at:
Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad 200601020898 (740651-H)
Level 13, Menara Prudential,
Persiaran TRX Barat,
55188 Tun Razak Exchange,
Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-2775 7188
You may also log on to our website at

12. Other similar types of plan available

Please ask your agent of PruBSN for other similar types of plans available.

The information provided in this disclosure sheet is valid as at or until 19/01/2023.


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Quotation for Nur Anis Farhah Binti Ahmad Afandi
PruBSN AnugerahPlus

Details Person to be Covered

: Nur Anis Farhah Binti
Ahmad Afandi
Gender : Female
Smoker : Non-Smoker
Occupation : Class 1
Age : 33 next birthday
Date of birth : 11/02/1990

Type of Product : Regular Contribution Family Takaful

Monthly Total Contribution : RM 116.00
Total Annual Contribution : RM 1,392.00
Payment Mode : Debit/Credit Card

Product Description:

PruBSN AnugerahPlus plan is a regular contribution family takaful plan.

This certificate participates in investment profit sharing.
You should read this Product Illustration together with the fund fact sheet(s) of the investment fund(s) which you have chosen. The fund
fact sheet(s) contains all the important information that you will need to know regarding the investment fund(s).
You should ask the agent/broker/financial adviser to explain to you about the Tabarru` charges and its effect on your future takaful
Since you have selected Medic Protector, we would like to highlight that we may review the Tabarru` rates to reflect the medical cost
inflation and portfolio experience which may result in changes to your contribution. The contribution and Tabarru` rates are not guaranteed.
We may revise the rates by giving 30 calendar days' written notice to you. Any change in contributions and/or Tabarru` will take effect on
the next certificate anniversary. If you have chosen Medic Protector with Step-up Contribution, the change in contributions and/or Tabarru`
may fall within the 3 certificate years' intervals.

Accounts Plan Term (Years) Sum Covered (RM) Contribution (RM)
Individual Special Account (ISA): PruBSN AnugerahPlus (Basic) 37 10,000 6.00
Accidental Protector Plus 37 20,000 5.00
Accidental Medical Protector 37 2,000 6.00
Plan 200 Contribution option: Step up
Medic Protector 37 94.00
Protection Contribution 111.00
Wakalah Certificate Charge 5.00
Total Monthly Contribution 116.00
Important Note: Your Medic Protector contribution is structured to vary every 3 certificate years.


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Quotation for Nur Anis Farhah Binti Ahmad Afandi
PruBSN AnugerahPlus

This is a summary of what this product offers and how much it costs you to participate in this product. It also displays the option that you should consider
before participating in this product.

Nur Anis Farhah Binti Ahmad

Name of Takaful Operator : Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad Client's Name :
Product Name : PruBSN AnugerahPlus Gender : Female
Type of Product : Regular Contribution Family Takaful Smoker : Non-Smoker
Age : 33 next birthday

PruBSN AnugerahPlus Term Family Takaful1

Contribution payment
RM 91,584 -
How much will you need to pay
Coverage period
37 Years -
How long will you be covered
Total direct commission2
RM 2,545 Amount paid to Intermediaries from your -
Guaranteed Benefits
PruBSN AnugerahPlus
Amount promised to be paid Term Family Takaful1

RM 10,000 If you die or suffer TPD3 -

- Cash every year -

- At maturity -

Non-Guaranteed Benefits
PruBSN AnugerahPlus
The following amount may or may not be paid Term Family Takaful1

- Total cash received -

Scenario X : RM 10,306.00
At maturity -
Scenario Y : RM 16,430.00

Your Annualised Return4

PruBSN AnugerahPlus Term Family Takaful1
[Net gain/loss] if held to maturity

- Guaranteed benefits only -

Scenario X : -31.63% p.a. Total benefits (inclusive of

Scenario Y : -21.33% p.a. non-guaranteed payments)


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PruBSN AnugerahPlus

1 PruBSN does not offer Term Family Takaful plan under agency channel.
Cost directly attributed to the distribution channel for the marketing of this certificate, i.e. payments to the agent/ financial adviser. This cost is paid
from the charges that are imposed on your certificate for services that the agent/financial adviser will provide to you for the duration of your
certificate. This is the commission payable to the agent/financial adviser comprising of basic commission and bonuses, for the marketing of this plan.
This amount shall be payable upon death or in the event of TPD before certificate maturity date or before age 70 next birthday, whichever is earlier.
Annualised return (net gain/loss) is the estimated average investment return on the survival/savings benefits that you will receive over the period of
the certificate until its maturity with respect to the contribution that you paid (exclude Ihsan Contribution , if any). However, the actual
annualised return of your certificate can only be determined when your certificate matures.
If you are looking for takaful certificate with savings element, you may wish to compare the return of this certificate with the effective returns of
other investment alternatives.

You may only receive the guaranteed amount upon death.

A benefit is considered as guaranteed as in the event that the Tabarru` Fund is unable to meet the participants' claim, there is an arrangement made
by the takaful operator to address deficiency in the Tabarru` Fund such as Qard or outright transfer.

Please refer to the relevant Appendices for more information on the benefits of the basic plan and riders (if attached).


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PruBSN AnugerahPlus


This table shows the amount of contribution you will be paying each year and the yearly cash flow on your certificate until the end of the certificate

End of Contribution Paid Survival Benefits (RM)

Certificate Each Year Guaranteed Cash Non-Guaranteed Cash Payments Each Year
Year/Age (RM) Payments Each Year Scenario X Scenario Y
1 / 34 1,392 0 0 0
2 / 35 1,392 0 0 0
3 / 36 1,392 0 0 0
4 / 37 1,512 0 0 0
5 / 38 1,512 0 0 0
6 / 39 1,512 0 0 0
7 / 40 1,524 0 0 0
8 / 41 1,524 0 0 0
9 / 42 1,524 0 0 0
10 / 43 1,548 0 0 0
11 / 44 1,548 0 0 0
12 / 45 1,548 0 0 0
13 / 46 1,560 0 0 0
14 / 47 1,560 0 0 0
15 / 48 1,560 0 0 0
16 / 49 1,572 0 0 0
17 / 50 1,572 0 0 0
18 / 51 1,572 0 0 0
19 / 52 1,740 0 0 0
20 / 53 1,740 0 0 0
23 / 56 2,520 0 0 0
26 / 59 2,952 0 0 0
29 / 62 3,504 0 0 0
32 / 65 4,104 0 0 0
35 / 68 4,824 0 0 0
37 / 701 5,328 0 0 0
Cash Payment at the end of the Certificate period (at maturity1) 0 0 0

1 The Cash Payment at maturity is the Cash Payment amount at the end of final Certificate Year. In addition, the Cash Value of ISA and IUA (if any)
shall be payable at maturity and is not included in the Cash Payment stated in the above table. Please refer to the Appendices for more information on the
Cash Value.
You may only receive the guaranteed amount periodically.

Please refer to the notes in the next page for the assumptions used in the illustration table.


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PruBSN AnugerahPlus

How do the benefits compare against the total contributions paid to date?

Total Wakalah Charge (RM) Surrender Value (RM) Death Benefits (RM)
Total Contribution Total Direct Non-Guaranteed
End of Paid To Date (RM) Management [excluding guaranteed
Commission To
Certificate [refers to cumulative Expenses benefits amount
Date Non-Guaranteed
Year contribution to be [refers to cumulative and any survival
[refers to cumulative Guaranteed Guaranteed
Year/ Age paid from certificate expenses to be benefits kept with
commission to be
inception] paid from takaful operator]
paid from certificate
certificate inception]
inception] Scenario X Scenario Y Scenario X Scenario Y
1 / 34 1,392 173 726 0 0 0 10,000 0 0
2 / 35 2,784 457 1,176 0 0 0 10,000 0 0
3 / 36 4,176 674 1,472 0 0 0 10,000 0 0
4 / 37 5,688 918 1,721 0 252 254 10,000 0 0
5 / 38 7,200 1,101 1,851 0 712 726 10,000 0 0
6 / 39 8,712 1,284 1,980 0 1,162 1,197 10,000 0 0
7 / 40 10,236 1,468 1,990 0 1,685 1,753 10,000 0 0
8 / 41 11,760 1,652 1,999 0 2,110 2,223 10,000 0 0
9 / 42 13,284 1,837 2,009 0 2,466 2,634 10,000 0 0
10 / 43 14,832 2,022 2,019 0 2,778 3,010 10,000 0 0
11 / 44 16,380 2,086 2,029 0 3,145 3,450 10,000 0 0
12 / 45 17,928 2,149 2,039 0 3,462 3,851 10,000 0 0
13 / 46 19,488 2,212 2,049 0 3,743 4,226 10,000 0 0
14 / 47 21,048 2,275 2,058 0 3,975 4,561 10,000 0 0
15 / 48 22,608 2,339 2,068 0 4,156 4,854 10,000 0 0
16 / 49 24,180 2,402 2,078 0 4,298 5,116 10,000 0 0
17 / 50 25,752 2,465 2,088 0 4,343 5,287 10,000 0 0
18 / 51 27,324 2,528 2,098 0 4,285 5,360 10,000 0 0
19 / 52 29,064 2,592 2,110 0 4,289 5,501 10,000 0 0
20 / 53 30,804 2,656 2,121 0 4,187 5,541 10,000 0 0
23 / 56 37,584 2,851 2,166 0 4,712 6,534 10,000 0 0
26 / 59 46,008 3,050 2,224 0 5,692 8,118 10,000 0 0


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PruBSN AnugerahPlus

How do the benefits compare against the total contributions paid to date?

Total Wakalah Charge (RM) Surrender Value (RM) Death Benefits (RM)
Total Contribution Total Direct Non-Guaranteed
End of Paid To Date (RM) Management [excluding guaranteed
Commission To
Certificate [refers to cumulative Expenses benefits amount
Date Non-Guaranteed
Year contribution to be [refers to cumulative and any survival
[refers to cumulative Guaranteed Guaranteed
Year/ Age paid from certificate expenses to be benefits kept with
commission to be
inception] paid from takaful operator]
paid from certificate
certificate inception]
inception] Scenario X Scenario Y Scenario X Scenario Y
29 / 62 55,968 3,253 2,293 0 6,778 9,984 10,000 0 0
32 / 65 67,680 3,460 2,375 0 8,035 12,210 10,000 0 2,210
35 / 68 81,432 3,672 2,472 0 9,452 14,747 10,000 0 4,747
37 / 70 91,584 3,816 2,545 0 10,306 16,430 10,000 306 6,430


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PruBSN AnugerahPlus

You may only receive the guaranteed amount upon death.

If you cancel the certificate before the maturity period, the amount that you will receive will be much lesser than the total amount of contribution that you have paid.

The Contribution Paid included all the amount that you pay excluding Ihsan Contribution, if any.

The Total Surrender Value payable is the sum of Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Surrender Value illustrated; The Total Death Benefit Payable is the sum of Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Death Benefit

The Illustration of Guaranteed Death Benefits consists of basic death benefit. Upon death, the higher of the Basic Sum Covered or amount in ISA,plus values of unit in IUA (if any) will be payable.

The Illustration of Non-Guaranteed benefits consist of the Cash Value of ISA and/or IUA, where applicable, which have been prepared on two hypothetical investment scenarios.
a. Scenario X = Assumes the accounts (ISA and IUA) earns 2% every year
b. Scenario Y = Assumes the accounts (ISA and IUA) earns 5% every year

The two rates are used purely for illustrative purposes to show the variability of non-guaranteed benefits under the different investment scenarios and are NOT GUARANTEED. They do not represent upper and
lower limits on the investment performances of the participant's investment fund, and are not the returns earned on the actual contributions paid for the family takaful product.

The investment return rates earned i.e. performance of ISA in the previous five years are as follows:-
Yr 2017 : 5.23% Yr 2018 : 5.13% Yr 2019 : 7.39% Yr 2020 : 6.18% Yr 2021 :-0.50%

For the investment return rates earned i.e. performance of IUA in the previous years, please refer to the fund fact sheet(s) of the investment fund(s) which you have chosen. The fund fact sheet(s) contains all the
important information that you will need to know regarding the investment funds.

The past investment performances of IUA are not an indication of its future performance. This is strictly the investment performances of IUA, and not the returns earned on the contributions. The actual returns
earned on contributions at maturity/surrender will be lower due to cost of takaful and expenses.

Total Wakalah Charge is the amount received by the intermediary and takaful operator for the marketing of this certificate and services that the intermediary and takaful operator will provide to you for the
duration of your certificate.


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PruBSN AnugerahPlus

Appendix : Summary Illustration

The summary illustration is intended to show the movements of possible cash flows for the investment and the impact of charges on Cash Values based on illustration below. It assumes that payments are paid on time before
the end of the grace period.
Table 1 - Summary Illustration for Individual Special Account (ISA)
When 0 is shown in the ISA for the first 6 certificate years in the table below, this indicates that the Cash Value under ISA may be insufficient to cover total Tabarru` deduction and charges. However, your certificate
will not lapse because No-Lapse Provision is in effect. No-Lapse Provision will be revoked if your contribution is not up to date. Subsequently, the certificate shall lapse if there are insufficient amount to cover for the
Tabarru` deduction and charges. Any unpaid Tabarru` deduction during the period when No-Lapse Provision is in effect are regarded as amount due to us, which shall be deducted from cash value under the
Non-Guaranteed Return (RM)
Individual Special Account (ISA)
End of
Scenario X Scenario Y
Certificate Age ISA ISA Up Front
Contribution Wakalah Charge1 Total Tabarru` Total Tabarru`
Investment Profit Cash Value Investment Profit Cash Value
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
1 34 1,332 839 671 0 0 671 0 0
2 35 1,332 674 688 0 0 688 0 0
3 36 1,332 453 711 0 0 711 0 0
4 37 1,452 433 729 2 252 729 4 254
5 38 1,452 253 746 7 712 746 18 726
6 39 1,452 253 762 13 1,162 762 34 1,197
7 40 1,464 134 826 19 1,685 826 52 1,753
8 41 1,464 134 930 25 2,110 930 70 2,223
9 42 1,464 134 1,004 30 2,466 1,004 85 2,634
10 43 1,488 136 1,075 35 2,778 1,075 98 3,010
11 44 1,488 13 1,147 39 3,145 1,147 113 3,450
12 45 1,488 13 1,201 44 3,462 1,201 127 3,851
13 46 1,500 13 1,253 48 3,743 1,253 141 4,226
14 47 1,500 13 1,306 51 3,975 1,305 153 4,561
15 48 1,500 13 1,359 54 4,156 1,358 164 4,854
16 49 1,512 13 1,412 56 4,298 1,410 173 5,116
17 50 1,512 13 1,511 57 4,343 1,508 181 5,287
18 51 1,512 13 1,614 57 4,285 1,610 185 5,360
19 52 1,680 15 1,718 56 4,289 1,713 189 5,501
20 53 1,680 15 1,822 56 4,187 1,817 192 5,541
23 56 2,460 23 2,195 60 4,712 2,184 219 6,534
26 59 2,892 27 2,597 73 5,692 2,577 273 8,118
1 This represents a charge to your contribution and is used to meet the direct commission and PruBSN's expenses.


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Table 1 - Summary Illustration for Individual Special Account (ISA) (Continued)

Non-Guaranteed Return (RM)
Individual Special Account (ISA)
End of
Scenario X Scenario Y
Certificate Age ISA ISA Up Front
Contribution Wakalah Charge1 Total Tabarru` Total Tabarru`
Investment Profit Cash Value Investment Profit Cash Value
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
29 62 3,444 32 3,127 87 6,778 3,093 336 9,984
32 65 4,044 38 3,686 103 8,035 3,652 411 12,210
35 68 4,764 46 4,339 121 9,452 4,325 497 14,747
37 70 5,268 51 4,783 132 10,306 4,781 554 16,430
1 This represents a charge to your contribution and is used to meet the direct commission and our expenses.


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Table 2 - Summary Illustration for Investment Unit Account (IUA)

Non-Guaranteed Return (RM)
Investment Unit Account (IUA)
End of Scenario X Scenario Y
Certificate Age IUA IUA Up Front Projected Investment Return Projected Investment Return
Year IUA Allocated Contribution
Contribution Wakalah Charge2 Asset Management Asset Management
IUA Cash Value IUA Cash Value
Wakalah Charge Wakalah Charge
(i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o)
1 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 This represents a charge to your contribution and is used to meet the direct commission and PruBSN's expenses.


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Table 2 - Summary Illustration for Investment Unit Account (IUA) (Continued)

Non-Guaranteed Return (RM)
Investment Unit Account (IUA)
End of Scenario X Scenario Y
Certificate Age IUA IUA Up Front Projected Investment Return Projected Investment Return
Year IUA Allocated Contribution
Contribution Wakalah Charge2 Asset Management Asset Management
IUA Cash Value IUA Cash Value
Wakalah Charge Wakalah Charge
(i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o)
29 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 This represents a charge to your contribution and is used to meet the direct commission and our expenses.


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Table 3 - Breakdown of Tabarru` Deductions

Accidental Accidental
Basic Basic
Medic Protector Protector Medical
End of Tabarru` Tabarru` Plus Protector
Certificate Deduction Deduction
Deduction Tabarru` Tabarru`
Year (Scenario X) (Scenario Y)
(RM) Deduction Deduction
(RM) (RM)
(RM) (RM)
1 13 13 589 32 37
2 13 13 606 32 37
3 13 13 629 32 37
4 13 13 647 32 37
5 13 13 664 32 37
6 12 12 681 32 37
7 12 12 745 32 37
8 11 11 851 32 37
9 11 10 925 32 37
10 10 10 997 32 37
11 11 10 1,068 32 37
12 11 11 1,121 32 37
13 12 11 1,173 32 37
14 13 12 1,224 32 37
15 15 13 1,276 32 37
16 16 14 1,328 32 37
17 18 15 1,424 32 37
18 20 16 1,525 32 37
19 23 18 1,627 32 37
20 26 20 1,728 32 37
23 34 23 2,092 32 37
26 40 19 2,489 32 37
29 38 4 3,020 32 37
32 34 0 3,583 32 37
35 14 0 4,256 32 37
37 1 0 4,713 32 37


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Appendix: Important Notes

PruBSN AnugerahPlus is a Shariah-compliant product. Please refer to the certificate document for more details on the product.
PruBSN believes it is important that you fully appreciate all the benefits under your certificate, and that you also understand how the cost of takaful
protection, distribution, administration, investment and other costs affect these benefits.
You should satisfy yourself that the plan serves your needs and that you can afford the contribution. You should ensure that the allocation of your
takaful contribution towards protection and investment meets your financial circumstances. If you need clarification, please contact us or your
Participating in a regular contribution family certificate is a long-term commitment. It is not advisable to hold this certificate for a short period of
time in view of the high initial costs.
In the event of non-payment of contribution, the certificate will remain in force as long as there is sufficient balance in your ISA to deduct all
Tabarru` deduction under the certificate. If the amount in ISA is insufficient, the value of units in IUA will be deducted and credited into ISA.
Your certificate will terminate once the ISA have been depleted and all benefits under the certificate will cease.
Age refers to age next birthday.
The numbers illustrated in Product Illustration are rounded to the nearest Ringgit/percent.
The projected investment returns used above are for illustrative purposes and not meant to show possible returns of your chosen investment fund(s).
They are not guaranteed and not based on past performance. The Projected Investment Rate of Return used as follows:

The Investment Profit of Scenario X and Y have been used for Individual Special Account (ISA) to represent the range of possible returns are
as follows:

Projected Investment Profit for Allocation of Investment Profit

Individual Special Account Gross Participant PruBSN
(ISA) 80% 20%
Scenario X 2.00%
Scenario Y 5.00%
The investment returns of Scenario X and Scenario Y have been used respectively to represent the range of possible returns on the following

Projected Investment Rate of Return for InvestmentUnit Account (IUA)

Investment Funds Scenario X Scenario Y
All Years First 20 years After 20 years
Takafulink Dana Urus 2.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Takafulink Dana Bon 2.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Plus 2.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Income 2.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Dinasti 2.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Global 2.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Takafulink Dana Dinamik 2.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Takafulink Dana Aktif 2.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Takafulink Dana Asia 2.0% 5.0% 5.0%
Please refer to the fund fact sheet(s) for the past actual annual investment returns for the fund(s) chosen.

Actual returns of the fund will fluctuate (i.e. rise or fall) each year based on the performance of the assets the fund invests in. The actual returns may
even be below the projected rates or negative.


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Appendix : Product Illustration Definition

Total Contribution
This is the amount that you (the participant) pay for this certificate for the particular certificate year. The Total Contribution amount consists of
Wakalah Certificate Charge, ISA Contribution, IUA Contribution (if any) and Ihsan Contribution (if any).
Your Total Contribution payable will vary in the future years since you have selected Medic Protector with Step-up Contribution. The contribution
for Medic Protector is structured to vary every 3 certificate years
Take note that not all of the amount paid will be invested into the investment fund(s) you selected. See explanation on Unallocated and Allocated
Contribution below.
Please note that contributions are not guaranteed and may be revised by PruBSN by giving 90 days written notice to the participants. However, any
contribution revision for medical, cancer and critical illness benefit (if attachable), 30 days written notice will be given to the participants.

Protection Contribution
A proportion of contribution from the basic plan and riders (if attached) after deducting Upfront Wakalah Charge will be placed into the Individual
Special Account (ISA) according to the allocation rate.
This contribution will be used for takaful protection coverage.

Investment Contribution
The contribution from Takaful Saver rider (if attached), after deducting Upfront Wakalah Charge will be placed into the Investment Unit Account
(IUA) according to the allocation rate and invest in the selected investment fund(s).
It does not provide any takaful protection coverage to you.

Ihsan Contribution
Ihsan is a regular contribution rider solely for donation based on Sadaqah concept. Sadaqah comes from the word sidq (sincerity) and it denotes a
voluntary charity. 100% of Ihsan Contribution will be used for PruBSN Microtakaful Jariyah. PruBSN Microtakaful Jariyah provides takaful
coverage to deserving hardcore poor and poor families.
It does not provide any takaful protection coverage to you.

Wakalah Certificate Charge

Wakalah Certificate Charge is a portion of your Contribution Paid that is used to cover for certificate servicing expenses.
Wakalah Certificate Charge of RM5.00 is levied Monthly.

Basic Sum Covered (Guaranteed Death Benefit)

This is the minimum amount to be received upon death and Total and Permanent Disability. This benefit is only applicable as long as the certificate
is in force.
The Total and Permanent Disability coverage is applicable up to the certificate maturity date or the certificate anniversary date of the Covered
Person's age 70 next birthday, whichever is earlier.
Basic Sum Covered is guaranteed as in the event of deficiency in Tabarru` Fund, PruBSN shall rectify the Sum at Risk deficit through an interest
free loan (Qard).

Non-Guaranteed Surrender Value

This is the projected value of the amount in ISA and units in IUA (if any) at any particular point in time that you may receive if you surrender the
certificate and is net of tax and all applicable charges.
If the certificate is terminated early, you may get less than the amount of contributions paid.

Unallocated Contribution (Upfront Wakalah Charge)

The Unallocated Contribution charge is an Upfront Wakalah Charge on the contribution paid and is used to meet PruBSN's expenses and direct
commission including commissions and bonuses payable to the agent / financial adviser.
The agent / financial adviser may also be entitled to bonuses for the duration of your certificate provided that the agent / financial adviser meets the
qualifying criteria set by PruBSN.
The Unallocated Contribution and rates for this family takaful certificate are as follows (as RM and % of contribution):-

Certificate Year 1 2 3 4 5
ISA Contribution (RM) 1,332.00 1,332.00 1,332.00 1,452.00 1,452.00
% 62.99 50.60 34.01 29.82 17.42
Unallocated Contribution
RM 839.00 674.00 453.00 433.00 253.00
IUA Contribution (RM) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unallocated Contribution
RM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Certificate Year 6 7 8 9 10 11 & above

ISA Contribution (RM) 1,452.00 1,464.00 1,464.00 1,464.00 1,488.00 1,488.00
% 17.42 9.15 9.15 9.15 9.14 0.87
Unallocated Contribution
RM 253.00 134.00 134.00 134.00 136.00 13.00
IUA Contribution (RM) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unallocated Contribution
RM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


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Allocated Contribution
This is the amount that will be used to invest in ISA and to purchase units in your chosen IUA investment fund(s).
The Allocated Contribution and rates for this certificate are as follows (in RM and % of contribution):-

Certificate Year 1 2 3 4 5
ISA Contribution (RM) 1,332.00 1,332.00 1,332.00 1,452.00 1,452.00
% 37.01 49.40 65.99 70.18 82.58
Allocated Contribution
RM 493.00 658.00 879.00 1,019.00 1,199.00
IUA Contribution (RM) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Allocated Contribution
RM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Certificate Year 6 7 8 9 10 11 & above

ISA Contribution (RM) 1,452.00 1,464.00 1,464.00 1,464.00 1,488.00 1,488.00
% 82.58 90.85 90.85 90.85 90.86 99.13
Allocated Contribution
RM 1,199.00 1,330.00 1,330.00 1,330.00 1,352.00 1,475.00
IUA Contribution (RM) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Allocated Contribution
RM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Tabarru`
The Tabarru` will be deducted from your ISA. If No Lapse Provision is not in effect and if there are insufficient amount left in ISA, units from IUA
(if any) will be cancelled to pay for the Tabarru` deduction.
The illustrated Tabarru` deduction are based on current levels. The Tabarru` deduction are not guaranteed and may be varied by giving 90 days'
written notice to participant (except variation of Tabarru` deduction for medical, cancer and critical illness benefits where 30 days' written notice
will be provided).
Tabarru` are deducted monthly from the amount in your ISA to pay for your takaful coverage. The Tabarru` deduction for takaful coverage varies
by age next birthday, gender, smoking status, occupation class, medical rating and the Sum at Risk for basic plan's Tabarru` and the sum covered
for riders' Tabarru`. The Tabarru` deduction will increase as the Covered Person grows older.
The Sum at Risk is the amount by which the Basic Sum Covered exceeds your ISA value. If ISA value is more than Basic Sum Covered, then the
Sum at Risk shall be zero and no Tabarru` or the basic plan will be charged.

ISA Investment Profit

We will share any investment profit from the ISA based on Mudarabah principles. You will receive 80% of the profit and the balance 20% will be
given to us. Your profit will be placed back into the ISA.
The investment profits illustrated here are for illustration purposes only and are NOT GUARANTEED. The actual return may be below the
projected rates or negative. The actual investment profit that would be declared may be more or less, depending on the operating and investment
results experienced by us.

ISA Cash Value

The ISA Cash Value illustrates the benefits payable based on the investment strategy for this type of plan, PruBSN current practices and assessment
of future experience in Scenario X and Scenario Y investment profit scenarios.
The accumulated value may fall below the total contributions in the ISA, depending on the actual performance of the fund.
Past actual performance is not a guide to future performance, which may be different.
The risk of investment is borne solely by you and the benefits may be less than your Total Contributions Paid.

IUA Cash Value (if any)

This is the projected value of the IUA at any particular point of time. If the certificate is terminated early, you may get less than the amount of
contributions paid.
The risk of investment is borne solely by you and the benefits may be less than your Total Contributions Paid.

Asset Management Wakalah Charge

This refers to the annual management fee (% of investment fund) to be deducted to cover the cost of managing the IUA investment fund(s). It will
be deducted on a daily basis based on your account value as follows:
Takafulink Dana Bon 0.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Urus 1.30% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Plus 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Income 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Dinasti 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Global 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Dinamik 1.25% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Aktif 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
Takafulink Dana Asia 1.50% per annum of the fund assets
(These charges are applicable for IUA only)


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Appendix: Death & Total and Permanent Disability Benefit

PruBSN AnugerahPlus
Plan Description & Benefits
PruBSN AnugerahPlus is a regular contribution of Ordinary Family Takaful with Investment. In the event of death during the certificate term, either
the Basic Sum Covered or amount in the Individual Special Account (ISA), whichever is higher, plus values of unit in IUA (if any) will be payable.
In the event of Covered Person's Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) before certificate anniversary of age 70 next birthday, the Sum at Risk shall
be payable.
Upon certificate termination due to surrender, the remaining amount in ISA (if any) and values of unit in IUA (if any) will be payable. All benefits
will cease after the termination.

Total and Permanent Disability
In the event of TPD before the certificate anniversary date of the Covered Person's age 70 next birthday, a lump sum amount up to RM1 million is
payable under all certificates with us on any one life. Any excess to that amount will be payable on the anniversary of the disability subject to proof
of continued disability. However, if death of the Covered Person occurs before the anniversary of the disability, the balance shall be payable
TPD is defined according to the definition below:
- while below the age of 16 years, the Covered Person suffers an accident, illness or sickness and as a direct result of such accident or illness or
sickness, the Covered Person:
(a) requires constant care and attention; and
(b) is confined to his home under medical supervision or in a hospital or similar institution.
- while aged 16 years but below the age of 61 years, the Covered Person becomes permanently and completely unable to engage in any occupation
and is permanently and completely unable to perform any work for remuneration or profit.
- while aged 61 years but below the age of 70 years, the Covered Person receives confirmation by a consultant physician of the loss of independent
existence and resulting in a permanent inability to perform at least 3 of the following Activities of Daily Living either with or without the use of
mechanical equipment, special devices or other aids and adaptations in use for disabled persons.
The Activities of Daily Living are:
(a) Transfer
(b) Dressing
(c) Mobility
(d) Bathing/Washing
(e) Eating
(f) Continence
- the following disabilities will also be regarded as satisfying the definition of TPD:
(a) totally and irrecoverably loses sight in both eyes; or
(b) totally and irrecoverably loses by severance one limb each at or above his wrist and ankle, or two limbs at or above his wrist or ankle; or
(c) totally and irrecoverably loses sight in one eye and totally and irrecoverably loses by severance one limb at or above the wrist or ankle
In all cases, such disability must be permanent and must have lasted for a period of at least 6 consecutive months.
For the purpose of this benefit, the word "permanent" shall mean beyond the hope of recovery with current medical knowledge and technology.
If death is due to suicide of Covered Person within the first year from the effective date of the certificate or date of certificate revival, whichever is
later, we shall pay the remaining amount in ISA (if any) and units in IUA (if any) at the valuation date after the date of notification.
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
No benefit is payable if the disability is directly or indirectly caused by:
a) attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane; or
b) committing or attempting to commit a criminal offence by the Covered Person; or
c) drugs or stimulators abuse, or their complications; or
d) war or aggressive acts, including invasions, acts of foreign countries, enemy's acts (whether with or without war declaration), civil wars,
insurrections, revolutions, riots, interference by military authorities or usurpation; or
e) engaging in professional sports, scuba diving, racing of any kind, aerial flights other than as a crew member of or as a fare-paying passenger on
a licensed passenger-carrying commercial aircraft operating on a regular scheduled route or any dangerous activities or sports (including
bungee jumping, hang-gliding, ballooning, parachuting and sky-diving), unless we agree in a special endorsement; or
f) any pre-existing conditions that were not disclosed to us in relation to the Covered Person's health status; or
g) any congenital disorder, birth trauma and its residual complications, for a certificate or Annex approved while the Covered Person is still in the
This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the certificate document for the full list of exclusions and exclusions on other benefits under this


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Other Certificate Conditions

Non-guaranteed Tabarru`: The Tabarru` rates for death and TPD is not guaranteed. We may revise the Tabarru` rates at certificate anniversary by
giving 90 days written notice.


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Appendix: Accidental Benefit

Accidental Protector Plus, Accidental Medical Protector
Plan Description
Accidental Protector Plus pays the rider sum covered on death or TPD due to accident, or a percentage of the rider sum covered on disablement due to
accident before certificate anniversary of age 70 next birthday. In addition, the rider also pays Compassionate Benefit upon death.
Accidental Medical Protector reimburses the actual expenses incurred for medical treatment, hospital confinement or nursing services due to accident
before certificate anniversary of age 70 next birthday up to the rider sum covered within 104 weeks from the date of accident. It also reimburses the actual
expenses for traditional and complementary treatment, up to RM1,500, incurred within 90 days from the date of accident. In addition, it also pays
overseas companion allowance and prosthesis/wheelchair allowance.

Benefit Amount / % of Rider Sum Covered

i) Compassionate Allowance
a) Non-accidental death RM2,000
b) Accidental death RM4,000
c) Accidental death in overseas RM6,000
ii) Accidental Death, TPD & Disablement Benefit (b) Up to 100%
iii) Double Indemnity
2 times the amount under (ii) will be payable for accidents occurring:
a) while the Covered Person was traveling in any mechanically propelled public conveyance; or
b) while the Covered Person was in an elevator car (excluding elevator in mines and construction Up to 200%
sites); or
c) in consequence of the burning of the theatre, hotel or other public building in which the Covered
Person shall be at the commencement of the fire.
iv)Reimbursement of Medical Expenses
Reimburse actual expenses incurred due to accident for medical treatment, hospital confinement or Up to RM 2,000 Per accident
nursing services up to the sum covered
a)Traditional & Complementary Treatment
Up to RM300 Per accident
(subject to a maximum of RM1,500 per lifetime)
v) Overseas Companion Benefit
Reimburse :
a)Return economy airfare ticket incurred for one of the immediate family member to visit the Covered Up to RM 1,000
Person who is hospitalised overseas due to accident for at least 10 days.
b)One-way economy airfare for the Covered Person to return to Malaysia immediately following such
hospitalization due to accident.
vi) Prosthesis/ Wheelchair Allowance
Reimburse reasonable costs of purchasing wheelchair and/or artificial limb(s) in the event that the Up to RM 1,000
bodily injury due to accident, resulting in the Covered Person depending on artificial limb(s) and/or
wheelchair permanently.
(b)Accidental Death & Disablement Benefit Table % of Rider Sum Covered
Death of Covered Person 100%
Total and Permanent Disability 100%
Total, Permanent and Irreversible:-
Loss of two limbs 100%
Loss of both hands or of all fingers and both thumbs 100%
Loss of all sight in both eyes 100%
Loss of hand at or above wrist 100%
Loss of leg at or above ankle 100%
Loss of all sight in one eye 100%
Loss of all sight in one eye except perception of light 50%
Loss of lens of one eye 50%
Loss of speech 50%
Loss of four fingers and thumb 70%
Loss of four fingers 40%
Loss of thumb - both phalanges 30%
- one phalanx 15%
Loss of finger - three phalanges 10%
- two phalanges 7.5%
- one phalanx 5%
Loss of metacarpals - first or second (additional) 3%
- third, fourth or fifth (additional) 2%
Loss of all toes on one foot 15%
Loss of great toe - both phalanges 5%
- one phalanx 2%
Loss of other toe, each 2%
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Fractured leg or patella with established non-union 10%
Shortening of leg by at least 2.5 cm 7.5%
Loss of hearing - Both ears 75%
- One ear 15%
Loss of whole ear - Both ears 6%
- One ear 3%


Accident benefits are not payable as a consequence of:

a) war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped
power, taking part in riot, strike or civil commotion;
b) breaking or trying to break any law or to resist arrest;
c) attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane;
d) pregnancy, current and previous pregnancies (and related complications), child birth (including surgical delivery and any surgical or non surgical
procedure of the female reproductive system during surgical delivery), miscarriage, abortion and prenatal or postnatal care and surgical, mechanical
or chemical contraceptive methods of birth control, treatment pertaining to infertility as well as erectile dysfunction, and tests or treatment related to
impotence or sterilization;
e) engaging in or taking part in professional sports, scuba diving, racing of any kind,aerial flights other than as a crew member of or as a fare-paying
passenger on a licensed passenger- carrying commercial aircraft operating on a regular scheduled route or any hazardous activities or sports
(including bungee jumping, hang-gliding, ballooning, parachuting and sky-diving), unless agreed to by special endorsement;
f) taking narcotic or drug unless taken as prescribed by a qualified registered medical practitioner;
g) any form of illness or disease due to non-accidental causes;
h) alcohol and drugs intoxication;
i) any insect bite including mosquito bites and worm infestation.
This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the certificate document for the full list of exclusions and exclusions on other benefits under this certificate.

Other Certificate Conditions

i) Change in Occupation, Avocation & Sports: You must inform us if there is any change of occupation, avocation or sporting activity of the Covered
Person because it may affect the contributions, terms, conditions and benefits of the products.
ii) Non-guaranteed Tabarru`: We may revise the Tabarru` rates at certificate anniversary by giving 90 days written notice.


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Appendix: Medical Benefit

Medic Protector
Plan Description
Medic Protector is a medical plan which provides the following benefits according to the plan selected in the event of hospitalisation or any other
covered benefits due to illness or injury before plan expiry.
Total Contribution payable for this plan will vary in the future years since the contribution for Medic Protector is structured to vary every 3 annex years.
Table of Benefits
Medic Protector Plan 200
If You are Hospitalised
Hospital Daily Room and Board (120 days per year) RM200 per day
Intensive Care Unit (maximum 120 days per year)
As charged
Surgical Procedure and Treatment
Subject to Deductible
In Hospital and Related Services
If You Need Outpatient Treatment
Day Surgery As charged
Pre-Hospitalisation & Post-Hospitalisation Treatment As charged
(within 120 days before and after hospitalisation) Subject to Deductible
If You are Coping with Life-changing Events
Outpatient Cancer Treatment
RM1,000,000 per lifetime
Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment
Additional Annual Limit upon diagnosed with Cancer, Heart Attack or Kidney Failure RM200,000
RM100 per day
Treatment Allowance - Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Kidney
(Max RM1,000 per year,
Dialysis or Post Heart Attack Follow-up Care
RM10,000 per lifetime)
If You are in an Emergency
Emergency Treatment for Accidental Injury RM1,500 per year
LIFETIME LIMIT No Lifetime Limit
Additional Benefit
Hajj / Umrah Immunisation Benefit (every 3 years) RM300
Government Hospital Benefit RM100 per day

a) Hospital Daily Room and Board

Reimburse reasonable and customary room and board or high dependency unit charges (subject to daily limit of the chosen room and board amount for
Medic Protector) made by a hospital during a hospital confinement, for up to the maximum number of days stated in the Table of Benefits above. If the
actual daily room and board charge is less than the chosen daily room and board amount of Medic Protector, any remaining amount of room and board
will NOT be paid to the participant.
b) Intensive Care Unit
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges made by a hospital for confinement in intensive care unit or cardiac care unit, for up to the maximum
number of days stated in the Table of Benefits above.

c) In-hospital and Related Services

Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for the following medically necessary in-hospital and related services:
- Surgical Benefit
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for any medically necessary surgical procedure performed at a hospital. These include
pre-surgical and post-surgical care.
- Hospital Supplies and Services
Prescribed drugs and medicine for in-hospital use.
Dressings, splints, plaster casts and Covered Person's needs as an in-patient.
Diagnostic and/or investigation tests such as electrocardiogram, scans, laboratory tests, etc.
Food, beverages and lodging charged by the hospital for an adult accompanying a Covered Person child aged 15 or below.
Ambulance service to/from a hospital.
Intravenous infusions, administration of blood and by-products of blood.
Other ancillary medical services and supplies, excluding private in-hospital nursing care.
- Operating Theatre
For the use of operating room and equipment incidental to the medically necessary surgical procedure.
- Anaesthetist Fees
For medically necessary administration of anaesthesia by anaesthetist.
- In-Hospital Specialist's Visit
For medically necessary Specialist's visit, up to maximum 2 visits per day.


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d) Pre-Hospitalisation Treatment
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for medically necessary treatment, consultation, investigation and/or diagnostic tests performed
within 120 days prior to hospital admission date, for a medical condition for which hospitalisation was required.
e) Post-Hospitalisation Treatment
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for medically necessary follow-up treatment performed within 120 days after hospital
discharge, for the medical condition for which hospitalisation was required. This shall include the medicines prescribed during follow up treatment but
shall not exceed the supply needed for 120 days.
h) Home Nursing Care
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for continued nursing care by a registered nurse in a home (on recommendation of the attending
doctor) must be at least 4 hours a day and within 90 days immediately after discharge from the hospital for continued treatment of the medical
condition. The total amount payable for this benefit shall not be more than the maximum number of days stated in the Table of Benefits.
i) Day Surgery
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for medically necessary surgical procedure performed in a day-surgery unit of a hospital where
the Covered Person both arrives and returns home on the day of procedure.
j) Day Care Procedure
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for medically necessary Day Care Procedure carried out by a Specialist.
k) Outpatient Cancer Treatment
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for medically necessary out-patient treatment of cancer performed at a registered cancer
treatment centre or a hospital. The maximum amount payable for both Outpatient Cancer Treatment and Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment
combined for the lifetime shall not be more than the amount shown in the Table of Benefits.
l) Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for medically necessary out-patient kidney dialysis treatment performed at a registered dialysis
centre or a hospital. The maximum amount payable for both Outpatient Cancer Treatment and Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment combined for the
lifetime shall not be more than the amount shown in the Table of Benefits.
m) Additional Annual Limit for Cancer, Heart Attack or Kidney Failure
In the event that the Covered Person is diagnosed with Cancer, Heart Attack or Kidney Failure, the Covered Person's Annual Limit will be increased
based on the amount stated in the Table of Benefits. This additional annual limit will apply on top of the Annual Limit stated in the Table of Benefits
for each year until the certificate / annex is terminated. This increase can only happen ONCE for the first diagnosis of Cancer, Heart attack or Kidney
Failure, whichever is earlier.
n) Treatment Allowance for Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Kidney Dialysis or Post Heart Attack Follow Up
A daily cash allowance as shown in the Table of Benefits on a reimbursement basis for each day of the Covered Person's treatment or consultation
follow-up carried out at a legally registered treatment centre. The total daily cash allowance that we will pay is subject to the limits for Treatment
Allowance stated in the Table of Benefits, cumulative to its lifetime limit.
q) Emergency Treatment for Accidental Injury
Reimburse reasonable and customary charges incurred for emergency out-patient treatment of an accidental injury up to maximum amount stated in the
Table of Benefits, at any registered clinic or hospital within 48 hours and its follow-up treatment, for up to 30 days from the actual date of accident.
r) Hajj / Umrah Immunisation Benefit
Reimburse the cost of immunisation up to the limit as stated in the table for every 3 years, which is for the purpose of preparing for Hajj / Umrah.
Unutilised amount for this benefit shall not be carried forward to the next period. The Waiting Period for this benefit is 365 days. In order to be eligible
for Hajj / Umrah Immunisation Benefit, your certificate must be in force and your contribution payment is up to date as at the application date of
claiming this benefit.
s) Government Hospital Benefit
A daily cash allowance as stated in the Table of Benefits for each 1 day of the hospitalisation at a Malaysian Government hospital.


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PruBSN AnugerahPlus
Medical benefits are not payable as a consequence of:
(a) Pre-existing conditions.
(b) Specified Illnesses during the first 120 days of cover (please refer to the certificate documents for the list of the Specified Illnesses).
(c) Any medical or physical conditions arising within 30 days from the date of coverage or date of reinstatement, except for accidental injuries.
(d) Any insect bites including mosquito bites and worm infestation within 30 days from the date of coverage or date of reinstatement
(e) Cosmetic surgery, circumcision, eye examination, glasses, lens, Lasik and the use of prosthetic and medical devices.
(f) Dental condition including treatment or oral surgery to natural teeth except as necessitated by accidental injuries.
(g) Experimental surgery or elective procedures except as a result of accidental injury, surgery or illness.
(h) Bed rest, illegal drugs, intoxication, sterilisation, AIDS, HIV and all sexually transmitted diseases.
(i) Any treatment or surgery operation for congenital abnormalities or deformities including hereditary conditions.
(j) Treatments or procedures relating to pregnancy or childbirth and its complications, prenatal or postnatal care and, miscarriage, abortion, any
contraceptive methods of birth control, treatments pertaining to infertility or erectile dysfunction and impotence (with exception to the benefits as
provided under the Maternity Complications, if applicable).
(k) Routine medical examinations, hospitalisation solely for investigatory purposes/diagnostic imaging not coincidental to treatment of covered
disability or any treatments, medicines or examinations deemed not medically necessary or preventive in nature and treatments specifically for
weight reduction or gain example sleeve gastrectomy.
(l) Suicide, attempted suicide or self-inflicted bodily injury while sane or insane.
(m) Any injury or illness caused by any act of war, any violation or attempted violation of the law or to resist arrest, direct participation in riot, strike
and civil commotion.
(n) Ionising radiation or radioactive contamination from any nuclear fuel or waste from nuclear fission or any nuclear materials.
(o) Expenses incurred by donor or Covered Person for donation of any body organ and all costs of organ acquisition and its complications.
(p) Investigation and treatment of sleep and snoring disorders, treatment of abnormal perspiration, therapy of hormone replacement, stem cells,
hyperbaric oxygen therapy, chiropodist consultation and treatment, chiropractic services, aromatherapy and any form of alternative therapies.
(q) Care or treatment for which payment is not required or to the extent which is payable by other Takaful operators or indemnity covered under the
Workman's Compensation Insurance Contract.
(r) Psychiatric, mental or nervous disorders and those due to senile disorders.
(s) Expenses of non-medical services including but not limited to television, telephone, broadband, electricity bill, radio or admission kit.
(t) Sickness or injury arising from any kind of racing, hazardous sports, aerial flights except as a crew member or a fare-paying passenger, or on a
licensed passenger-carrying commercial aircraft operating on a regular scheduled route.
(u) Any expenses incurred for sex changes.
(v) Any care or treatments that do not lead to a recovery, conservation of the Covered Person's condition or restoration of the Covered Person's
previous state of health; or
(w) Any charges which are not considered as Reasonable and Customary Charges and Medically Necessary.
Note: This is not a full list. Please refer to the certificate document for the exclusions under this certificate.
Other Certificate Conditions

SmartSaver300 / Full Coverage: Medic Protector

SmartSaver300 is an optional deductible to the plan selected. The participant will have to pay the first RM300 of the total costs incurred for
Any One Disability for the items stated in the Table of Benefits. The remaining balance will be paid by us, subject to the limits of plan
selected as stated in the Table of Benefits.

Any One Disability is throughout the disability period that arises from the same cause, includes any and all complications from it except if
the Covered Person completely recovers and remains free from further treatment (including drugs, medicines, special diet, injection or
advice for the condition) of the disability for at least 90 days following the latest date of discharge. Any subsequent disability from the same
cause shall be considered as though it was a new disability.

The remaining eligible balance will be paid by PruBSN up to the annual limit of the plan, subject to the terms and conditions as stated in the
certificate documents.

The following items are not applicable for the first RM300 deductible, but are subject to the benefit limits stated in the selected plan.
1. Hospital Daily Room and Board
2. Day Surgery
3. Treatment Allowance for Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Kidney Dialysis or Post Heart Attack Follow Up
4. Outpatient Cancer Treatment
5. Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment
6. Emergency Treatment for Accidental Injury
7. Government Hospital Benefit
8. Hajj / Umrah Immunisation Benefit


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PruBSN AnugerahPlus

i) Waiting Period: Coverage begins immediately on acceptance of proposal for hospitalisation caused by accidents, however the coverage only
- 120 days after the effective date of the rider for Specified Illnesses,
- 30 days after the effective date of the rider or the date it is revived for any other causes, and
- 120 days after the effective date of the rider or the date it is revived for Additional Annual Limit for Cancer, Heart Attack & Kidney Failure,
and Treatment Allowance for Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Kidney Dialysis or Post Heart Attack Follow Up.
- 365 days after the effective date of the rider for Hajj / Umrah Immunisation benefit.
ii) Reasonable and Customary Charges: We shall reimburse the charges for medical care and services for the medically necessary treatment of a
disability that do not exceed the general level of charges made by other medical care and service providers for the treatment in that locality.
iii) Overseas Treatment: If the Covered Person chooses to have or if the Covered Person has been referred to be treated outside Malaysia, the
benefits for the treatment are limited to the reasonable and customary medically necessary charges for equivalent local treatment in Malaysia and
subject to 90 days residence limit.
iv) Change in Occupation, Avocation & Sports: You must inform us if there is any change of occupation, avocation or sporting activity of the
Covered Person because it may affect the contributions, terms, conditions and benefits of the product.
v) Non-guaranteed Tabarru`: We may revise the Tabarru` rates at certificate anniversary by giving 30 days' notice.
vi) Other terms and conditions: The coverage will cease on expiry date and we shall strictly not be liable for any expenses that take place after the
expiry date.


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PruBSN AnugerahPlus

Appendix: Other Certificate Benefits, Options and Other Charges


Investment Profit
We will share any investment profit from the ISA based on Mudarabah principles. You will receive 80% of the profit and the balance 20% will be
given to us. Your profit will be placed back into the ISA. Any investment profit in the Tabarru` Fund will be distributed as part of the distributable
surplus (if any).
Surplus Sharing
You will receive 50% of distributable surplus (if any), inclusive of investment profit, arising from your Tabarru` and such amount will be credited
into your ISA. PruBSN will take 50% of the distributable surplus (if any) as a performance fee for managing the Tabarru` Fund. The exact amount
of distributable surplus will be determined by PruBSN and is subject to approval by both our Shariah Committee and Board of Directors. However,
the surplus is not included in the Product Illustration.

At maturity, the remaining amount in ISA (if any) and values of unit in IUA (if any) will be payable. The value of the units will be based on the
unit price at the next valuation date following the maturity date.
Upon certificate termination due to surrender, the remaining amount in ISA (if any) and values of unit in IUA (if any) will be payable. The value of
the units will be based on the unit price at the next valuation date following the notification of surrender. You will be able to withdraw the
notification of surrender before the closing valuation time. All benefits will cease after the termination.
Non-payment of Contribution:
If you do not pay the contribution the certificate may lapse, unless there are sufficient amount in the ISA and values of units in IUA (if any) under
the certificate to pay the Tabarru` deduction and other charges. During non-payment of contribution, the certificate will no longer be guaranteed to
be in force for the first 72 months of the certificate.
Lapse and Revival:
The certificate will lapse if there is insufficient amount in the ISA and values of units in IUA (if any) to pay the Tabarru` deduction for the basic
plan and rider(s), if attached. If your certificate lapse, you may apply to revive it subject to the terms and conditions set by us as stated in the
certificate documents.
Fund switching:
If you find that the fund you have chosen is no longer appropriate, you have the flexibility to switch fund at any time. Fund Switching Wakalah
Charge is set at 1% of the switched amount subject to a maximum of RM50 per switch. Four free switches are allowed every certificate year. Fund
Switching Wakalah Charge will be waived until electronic transaction is available. Thereafter, manual request for additional switches will be
subjected to the charge mentioned above. Units can be switched between Takafulink funds at any time.
IUA Contribution Re-direction:
You may revise your choice of Takafulink fund (in multiple of 5%) for your regular IUA Contribution.
Single Contribution Top-ups:
Top-ups can be made at any time. The minimum amount required for top-ups is RM50. Each single contribution top-up incurs a top-up Wakalah
charge of RM25. This charge will be waived until electronic transaction is available. Thereafter, manual request for top-up will be subjected to the
charge mentioned.
Partial Withdrawals:
Partial withdrawal is allowed for IUA. The minimum withdrawal amount is RM500 per transaction. Complete withdrawal is allowed but strongly
Option to Vary Sum Covered:
You may increase the sum covered with minimum RM10,000 per increment, subject to underwriting. You may also reduce your sum covered
subject to a minimum sum covered of RM10,000.
Option to Vary Takaful Saver & Ihsan Contribution:
You also may vary the contribution of Takaful Saver and Ihsan (if any) subject to our requirement.

Other Charges
The charges below are taken out of your IUA.

Fund Switching Wakalah Charge is set at 1% of the switched amount subject to a maximum of RM50 per switch. Four free switches are allowed
every year. Switching charge will be waived until electronic transactions are made available. Thereafter, manual requests for additional switches
will be subjected to the charge mentioned.
Single Contribution Top-up Wakalah Charge:Each single contribution top-up incurs a top-up charge of RM25. This charge will be waived until
electronic transactions are made available. Thereafter, manual requests for top ups will be subjected to the charges mentioned.
Partial Withdrawal Wakalah Charge: Each partial withdrawal incurs a partial withdrawal charge of RM25. This charge will be waived until
electronic transactions are made available. Thereafter, manual requests for partial withdrawals will be subjected to the charges mentioned.

Note: PruBSN may review all the charges mentioned above, if necessary, by giving 3 months' notice.


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