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Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Salaried Employees Union (Mmpseu), Petitioner, V. Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corporation, Respondent.

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MITSUBISHI MOTORS PHILIPPINES SALARIED Martin asked for reimbursement from MMPC.

EMPLOYEES UNION MMPC denied the claims contending that double
(MMPSEU), Petitioner, v. MITSUBISHI MOTORS insurance would result if the said employees would
PHILIPPINES CORPORATION, Respondent. receive from the company the full amount of
hospitalization expenses despite having already received
payment of portions thereof from other health insurance
FACTS: providers.

The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) of the

parties, in this case, provides that the company Union:
shoulder the hospitalization expenses of the MMPSEU alleged that there is nothing in the CBA which
dependents of covered employees subject to prohibits an employee from obtaining other insurance or
certain limitations and restrictions.  Accordingly, declares that medical expenses can be reimbursed only
covered employees pay part of the hospitalization upon presentation of original official receipts.  It stressed
insurance premium through monthly salary that the hospitalization benefits should be computed
deduction while the company, upon hospitalization based on the formula indicated in the CBA without
of the covered employees’ dependents, shall pay deducting the benefits derived from other insurance
the hospitalization expenses incurred for the providers.  Besides, if reduction is permitted, MMPC
same.  The conflict arose when a portion of the would be unjustly benefitted from the monthly premium
hospitalization expenses of the covered employees’ contributed by the employees through salary deduction. 
dependents were paid/shouldered by the dependent’s MMPSEU added that its members had legitimate claims
own health insurance.  under the CBA and that any doubt as to any of its
On separate occasions, three members of MMPSEU, provisions should be resolved in favor of its members. 
namely, Ernesto Calida (Calida), Hermie Juan Oabel Moreover, any ambiguity should be resolved in favor of
(Oabel) and Jocelyn Martin (Martin), filed claims for labor.21 chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

reimbursement of hospitalization expenses of their

dependents. Under the CBA, member-employees are entitled to full
reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by their
dependents regardless of any amounts paid by the
The members of the union claim that under the CBA, latter’s health insurance provider.  Otherwise, non-
they are entitled to hospital benefits which should not be recovery will constitute unjust enrichment on the part of
reduced by the amounts paid by MEDICard(dependent’s MMPC.  It avers that recovery from both the CBA and
own health insurance) and by Prosper, Calida, Oabel and other insurance companies is allowed under their CBA
and not prohibited by law nor by jurisprudence. cralaw lawlibrary
intended to make MMPC liable only for expenses actually
incurred by an employee’s qualified dependent.  In
particular, the provision stipulates that payment should
MMPC: be made directly to the hospital and that the claim
should be supported by actual hospital and doctor’s bills. 
MMPC argued that the reimbursement of the entire These mean that the employees shall only be paid
amounts being claimed by the covered employees, amounts not covered by other health insurance and is
including those already paid by other insurance more in keeping with the principle of indemnity in
companies, would constitute double indemnity or double insurance contracts. 
insurance, which is circumscribed under the Insurance
Code.  Moreover, a contract of insurance is a contract of
indemnity and the employees cannot be allowed to profit ISSUE: Whether or not the MMPSEU members may claim the full
from their dependents’ loss.22
amount of the hospital bills of their dependents even if a portion
was already covered by other insurance companies

Voluntary Arbitrator rendered a Decision27 finding MMPC RULING:

liable to pay or reimburse the amount of hospitalization
expenses already paid by other health insurance The conditions set forth in the CBA provision
companies.  The Voluntary Arbitrator held that the indicate an intention to limit MMPC’s liability
employees may demand simultaneous payment from only to actual expenses incurred by the employees’
both the CBA and their dependents’ separate health dependents, that is, excluding the amounts paid
insurance without resulting to double insurance, since by dependents’ other health insurance providers.
separate premiums were paid for each contract.  He also
noted that the CBA does not prohibit reimbursement in The condition that payment should be direct to the
case there are other health insurers. hospital and doctor implies that MMPC is only liable
to pay medical expenses actually shouldered by the
CA: employees’ dependents.  It follows that MMPC’s
liability is limited, that is, it does not include the amounts
the CA found merit in MMPC’s Petition.  It ruled that paid by other health insurance providers.  This condition
despite the lack of a provision which bars recovery in is obviously intended to thwart not only fraudulent claims
case of payment by other insurers, the wordings of the but also double claims for the same loss of the
subject provision of the CBA showed that the parties dependents of covered employees.
It is well to note at this point that the CBA constitutes a
contract between the parties and as such, it should be
strictly construed for the purpose of limiting the amount
of the employer’s liability.46  The terms of the subject
provision are clear and provide no room for any other
interpretation.  As there is no ambiguity, the terms must
be taken in their plain, ordinary and popular sense.47 
Consequently, MMPSEU cannot rely on the rule that a
contract of insurance is to be liberally construed in favor
of the insured.  Neither can it rely on the theory that any
doubt must be resolved in favor of labor.

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